100% Eat - Arby’s Diablo Dare Sandwiches

Episode Date: January 18, 2022

In this episode, Michael Jones and Jordan Cwierz eat and review Arby’s Diablo Dare Sandwiches so you know if they're worth eating. They also talk about the classic term QSR, taking the Diablo Dare, ...shake choices, and Our Heroes coming to Chicago. Face Jam LIVE in Chicago. Tickets on sale now: bit.ly/tickets-chicago Sponsored by Hello Fresh (http://hellofresh.com/facejam16 + code facejam16), Upstart (http://upstart.com/facejam), and Honey (http://joinhoney.com/facejam). Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a Rooster Teeth production. Welcome to Face Jam, the show where we do try every new fast food crew. Ashen, to let you know if you need it, you probably do. I'm your host, still kicking Michael Jones alongside my co-host, Jordan Sweers. Jordan, how are you? Today, I'm fine and very thankful for it. I feel great. You're at a safe distance?
Starting point is 00:00:36 I'm at a safe distance and, you know, I sound good. I feel good. Right. Are you talking about you or me? My teeth don't hurt which i'm especially grateful for all of a sudden my teeth only hurt at night my teeth only hurt when i'm trying to sleep oh aka the best time for your teeth to hurt looking it up to see if it was a sinus infection it was like hey if the top of your teeth hurt when you have uh like block sinuses uh that could be a cause of sinus infection.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Or you might need to go to the dentist. Yeah. I wonder which one it is. So you made two appointments just in case. Yeah, just in case. Yeah, you never know. You know when you go to the dentist and you're like, yeah, the back of my top teeth hurt at night. The back of my top teeth?
Starting point is 00:01:22 Is that a night cavity? Is that what that's called? Do I need a night cavity? Is that what that's called? Do I need a night feeling? I currently have COVID and a sinus infection and it's not fun, man. It sucks. I didn't realize I had the sinus infection until I'm getting over the COVID and I was like, why do I still feel bad?
Starting point is 00:01:39 Oh, my teeth hurt. Great. My teeth hurt. Anyway, I'm taking my medicine. The Arby's Diablo Dare sandwiches. Not one, but two. We've got two Arby's sandwiches. Eric, I'm going to be honest. I was kind of shocked you said both.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I thought for sure it would just be one of them. What do you mean? We do this all the time. Yeah, but we always do it with burgers and chicken. The fact that it was brisket and chicken. Brisket's burger enough for this? Yeah, I argue it's all the more reason to do it because they're so different. I just thought Eric, in his inferior ways, would say,
Starting point is 00:02:17 No, brisket's different enough. We don't need two sandwiches. Brisket's different. Why would I say it's different enough? Brisket's different. Why bog it down with chicken? We always do chicken. Just do the brisket. Make the brisket's different. Why would I say it's different enough? Why bog it down with chicken? We always do chicken. Just do the brisket. Make the brisket the star.
Starting point is 00:02:29 We have both. We typically get both. That's what you definitely said. We do these. We do both of them. We've never done brisket before, so how is it typical at all? I think what I'm sensing is that Michael is just really disappointed he didn't get the opportunity to lambast. Oh, don't worry.
Starting point is 00:02:45 He's making up for it. Oh, there's never, there'll never be a path for me not to do it. That's true. We'll find a path. If I think I'm taking a right, if I think I'm taking a right and it turns out to be a left,
Starting point is 00:02:58 it's not a problem. There's going to be another fork in the road to get back there and really hammer it. Thanks, man. But anyway, hey, no problem, dude. I'm always thinking about you. We went to Arby's. This is our first two-peat, I think, right?
Starting point is 00:03:12 No. Also, did you call it a two-peat? Yeah. Repeat? Michael could be right, but all the restaurants we've done twice, we have now done three times, so this is
Starting point is 00:03:25 our only two pete so what you're saying is that we've only done one twice and it would be our yeah the two pete yeah the keep saying two pete yeah two pete we've done it twice what do you think the pete and two pete comes wait don't do that don't do that. Don't do what? Now you're just using your soundboard. Are you referencing an edit that we don't know happened yet? An edit? Oh my God. After the fact, like when you say the restaurant whose name is not spoken on the podcast and we edited it out.
Starting point is 00:03:56 Look at his fucking face. Look at his face. You look like... I'm losing my mind. You look like Marv from Home Alone. You do. You look like a look like Marv from Home Alone You do, you look like a wet bandit I've gotten to the point where I'm still sick But I'm over like, oh my god
Starting point is 00:04:12 I can't move sick, and now I'm just I don't feel good, but I'm also Stir crazy from being in my house for Three weeks. What happened? I don't know, dude The world, some sick Some sick Go ahead and censor that. Anyway, so now the fire is coming back in me.
Starting point is 00:04:31 I'm just looking to lash out. At least you got your sense of taste. No, I never lost the taste. Funny enough, I mean, I'm assuming, you know, they don't tell you brands when you get COVID, but Omicron is quite different. A different flavor? Doesn't have any of the flair of the taste lost and any of that shit. Oddly enough, very similar to a sinus infection.
Starting point is 00:04:56 So you might think you have one or the other, but you may have both. It depends on if your teeth are hurting right now while you're listening to this. How much are your teeth hurting? Oh, dude, it's throbbing. Absolutely throbbing. It's fine now, but it'll come back. Can you feel your heartbeat on the top back of your teeth? No, I can feel it on the spot on my nose,
Starting point is 00:05:18 like in between my eyes and my nose. Oh, your sinuses. Well, this is where two of your sinuses are, yeah. Your sinuses. Well, no, trust me. your sinuses are. Yeah. Your sinuses. Well, no, trust me. I looked it up.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I web MD. There's there. Your sinuses really are like in your cheeks. And then there's the two like in your head. Yeah. But then there's like the, the little ones like on attached to your nose that aren't like sinus sacks, but they're part of them.
Starting point is 00:05:40 It's those, it's this one. Ah, it's the, it's the one on my left nose. I looked it up. It's usually just one side. Oh, um the one on my left nose i looked it up it's usually just one side oh um well that's easy they'll take care of that quick well what's great is i just i just have to like massage it all night which does give me relief until i stop massaging it then it hurts
Starting point is 00:05:56 again but now it's killing me well now it's killing me all day because i bruised it i think from massaging it too much now it hurts from me pushing so hard on the bridge of my nose. You rubbed it for so long you caused yourself pain so now there's no relief. The pain now is nothing to what's awaiting me tonight. I'm terrified. I'm terrified. I didn't go to bed until 6am this morning.
Starting point is 00:06:18 Oh my god! It was so bad. Anyway, fucking Arby's, I don't know. I can't believe Arby's would do that. The last thing I had when I had my health was Burger King. What a waste. What a shame. And now you're coming back.
Starting point is 00:06:37 You're roaring back with Arby's. Roaring back with the two bottom rungs in a row. How do you climb a ladder from two bottom rungs? Yep. Started at the bottom. Now we're here. At the bottom, we're here. Today, we're reviewing Arby's.
Starting point is 00:06:55 You said this already. Thank God he doesn't... I know, I'm just circling back. I felt like it was... He's resetting. I don't know if your brain's fucked up now because of all this illness. Well, it's from the teeth pain. There is a lot of goo in my brain.
Starting point is 00:07:08 If you leave a sinus infection long enough, it can infect your brain. I was reading about that. If it gets bad enough. I think maybe it's in his brain. I think it just went into, I think we watched it. There was a moment there. Jordan threw me off. He doesn't get a rating and we don't want to hear what he has to say anyway,
Starting point is 00:07:25 but Nick couldn't even get the food. It's true. It's like too new. What the fuck? How new is it? Is it like brand new, Eric? Yesterday. So it came out on,
Starting point is 00:07:34 this is the 11th, the day that we're recording this. Damn, dude. The 10th is the day it came out, and it was not on their website at all yesterday. It was today. I had a plan. I went way earlier to go get the food because I had to make sure it was there because if
Starting point is 00:07:49 it wasn't there, then we couldn't do the show. Luckily, I went great. Oh, I'm sure we would have done the show. Trust me. Oh, no, no, no. We would have had to pivot and do the other thing, which is limited there now, which is the Arby's fish and cheddar sandwich and the mint chocolate shake. That is the thing that is limited right now at Arby's.
Starting point is 00:08:07 100%. Do they do that around this time of year every year? Apparently. Apparently. You know what? No, what? The last time I think we did an Arby's episode, Michael was very sick.
Starting point is 00:08:19 From the Arby's? Oh, my God. I don't remember. The last time we did the Arby's was when we did it in the big broadcast space and I was angry about it. I only remember that because it was that
Starting point is 00:08:32 plus fish. Yes. And it's impossible to forget. Imagine going to Arby's for fish. Like who does that? Yeah. You remember how excited Cole was to eat it? Yeah, I do. To this day. He's still talking about it.
Starting point is 00:08:48 But yeah, so I went to Arby's and it was forever. It took forever to get through the line. Really? And from what I can tell. Hustling there at the Round Rock Arby's? Oh, it was quite busy but I don't know. Sometimes you can tell if a fiasco is going on.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Sometimes you can't, right? Like maybe there's a fiasco in the kitchen and you can't know. Sometimes you can tell if a fiasco is going on. Sometimes you can't write like maybe there's a fiasco in the kitchen and you can't tell this just seemed like I got fiasco vibes, right? I was like people running around in the parking lot with no shirt on or something. You go, something's going on. You know,
Starting point is 00:09:16 Arby's fiasco is just anything, dude. You go to fast food places, you see shit. You know what I mean? Right. Like a lady in the parking lot yelling about a monkey. Yeah,
Starting point is 00:09:24 right. There were no telltale signs of a fiasco taking place so i can only assume it was um just like normal lunch hours right and uh it took me i would say about 20 to 25 minutes to get to the speaker whoa with only i don't know six seven cars in front of me wow uh and then it took another maybe 10 or so minutes to get to the window like a water burger at like midnight and then it was it absolutely was that and then maybe another five or ten minutes to get my food i would say not exaggerating it probably took me about 40 minutes to get wow two things. I ordered the two sandwiches and then, um,
Starting point is 00:10:06 I also got a chicken nugget meal for one of my children and that's it. And it took 40 minutes. Oh crap. Wow. Did you get a special shake? I, well, well,
Starting point is 00:10:16 I'll tell you, I did, but, um, I pulled, I had the, the menu up online, like on my phone to see what the fuck I was ordering.
Starting point is 00:10:24 Cause I got to the sign and I was like, Oh great. It's not anywhere. They're not even going to fucking have it. But instead of, instead of asking, I was just like, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:10:31 I'm just going to order it. Right. If they, if they tell me no, then whatever. So I ordered it. And then the guy just, he seemed agreeable to the words I was saying.
Starting point is 00:10:39 So I was like, I guess, I guess they have it. I guess they have it. So then I got to wait for 10 or 15 minutes. In suspense. I got up to the window. And so I got the soda that I got.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I got one meal. And then I just got like the extra sandwich. And so it's supposed to come with the sandwich, the fries, the drink and a milkshake because it's so hot. Yeah. You need a milkshake to cool down. And so I had gotten a disgusting mint chocolate shake for my child because they wanted it. So I pulled up to the window and he gave me the soda and the mint shake and that was it. And I was like, does the, I was like, doesn't the whatever fucking dare drug program meal
Starting point is 00:11:21 come with, I was like, does that come with the shake? And he goes, oh, do you want it? And I was like, uh, yeah. And he goes, oh, okay, it's optional. But he didn't give you the option? I was like, one. I was like, one? What? Why is it optional? Just give it to me. Two,
Starting point is 00:11:39 you didn't mention it. And there's no fucking pictures of it. And I was just like, what the fuck scam they trying to pull here? I don't even know how Eric knew about it if I hadn't like if Eric hadn't said that like maybe it comes with a shake I wouldn't have been prepared for when the lady handed me two vanilla shakes I would have been so
Starting point is 00:11:55 confused because there was no mention of it he said it but again the only reason I was sure is because it is on the website today and so I just went to like the Arby's website and there's a picture of it. See, I thought they would just give you a shake instead of a drink. But clearly there was pictured a drink and a shake. And I was like, oh, it's extra.
Starting point is 00:12:13 And then this guy's going, well, that's optional. I don't. But he didn't give you the option. No option was given. But I got it. I got it. Yeah, you got it. It's like tiny though.
Starting point is 00:12:23 It only took you 40 minutes. I got it. Yeah. You got it. It's like tiny though. It's tiny. It only took you 40 minutes. It took forever. Um, but it was worth it. When I went, I looked all over the board and everything where you order. I looked everywhere and then pulled it up on my phone to be like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:12:42 I guess I was going to show the speaker box. Like this is a real thing sir sir my eyes are not located in the speaker they got eagle eyes i just kept looking and looking and looking and going uh okay um she's like can you take your order and i said yeah can i do you or is do you have um the hot the science infection chicken and she just went yeah and i looked at the speaker box and there's a fucking sign right on the speaker box of both things and i went oh it's right in front of me give me gotcha both it was like what the fuck i needed to find those as quickly as possible when i went and i did uh because i forgot what the fuck they were
Starting point is 00:13:21 called and i didn't want to be like do you got the devil sandwiches or what? Dude, I pulled up the message. I'll be honest. Nick said something about it yesterday. I mentioned like, cause we were going to do this earlier in the day and it got pushed to later.
Starting point is 00:13:34 And I was just like, I'm kind of glad we're doing it a little bit later. So we don't have to eat this first thing in the morning. And Nick mentioned something about Diablo. And I went, the fuck is he talking about? I don't even know what he's talking about. And then,
Starting point is 00:13:44 and then today I went, Oh, that's what the sandwich is called. Got it. That's what he meant. So like, dude, I went back. I found what Eric posted. I went to the website. I had six documentations in front of me before I went there because I was just like, look, I'm going to feed them the info and I didn't ask shit.
Starting point is 00:13:59 I went, no, give me this. And they went, okay. I was authoritative. It's a thing that just came out like it kind of like landed in our laps because there's a couple other things that we could have eaten from other restaurants but this just came out and it it's so kind of ridiculous we've already gotten so many people sending it to us yeah oh i so too many in fact yes if you send it to me i have to block and unblock you. And I hope you understand that. I've been very clear about that.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I don't need suggestions. I know what I'm doing. You don't need them, but you want them. No, I don't want them. Don't send them to me. Right. He doesn't need them and he's going to block you. But, you know, you, you, if you do it, you're special.
Starting point is 00:14:39 He's going to block and unblock you. So you do it and it's okay. He won't block you. You can re, you can refollow. Don't send me anything else. But if you do it enough and he catches on then he's gonna block you oh 100 if he looks and says haven't i blocked and unblocked this guy then you might block yeah somehow not learning what you're doing here it seems pretty clear i've been pretty black and white about the whole thing um as long as you send it to him and say, I'm special. Don't block me.
Starting point is 00:15:05 That's exactly what. Also, the other thing is you got to understand when Eric tells you not to send him anything or not to do anything. Feel free for you, the one person, not everyone, the one individual listening and go, not me. Right. Right, right, right. I must be talking to everyone else.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Eric's talking to everyone else, not me. I get it. I'm in on it. The guy who said you should eat somewhere. Everyone else. Eric's talking to everyone else. Not me. I get it. I'm in on it. Not me. The guy who said you should eat somewhere. I'm going to send it to him, but when I do it, it'll be funny. I can't believe Eric really roasted everybody else. Can't believe he called out the whole audience besides me like that. He's really going after all those idiots. How embarrassing for everyone else.
Starting point is 00:15:44 me like that he's really going after all those idiots for everyone else you guys must feel so dumb that me and eric both think that you're stupid um so we had a lot of people sending us this one and um i blocked and unblocked all of them and um it it is it's a weird thing where I think Arby's is trying to be cool, but isn't quite sure what that means. You guys got your sandwiches in boxes, yeah? And did it have TikTok stickers on the top? No, it did, but I kind of just ignored that. No, mine were wrapped. Really? So on the top of it did but i kind of just ignored that hold no mine were in mine were wrapped really so on the top of these boxes i'll send you guys i can actually hold it up for you now there's a
Starting point is 00:16:30 little qr code too there is a qr code it's a virus it is for the diablo challenge i'm gonna take it you scan a code and then you scan the code, you eat on camera and you try not to sip the shake. Okay. I did it without even trying. I didn't record it. The optional shake. The shake that you don't know that you get or they might not give you.
Starting point is 00:16:56 Prepare to do our challenge on your TikTok channel. Or they won't give you straws for it because I got two shakes and zero straws. Oh, that's funny. I got a straw that I got one sip and then I went, it must be broken. Because I was driving home going,
Starting point is 00:17:12 this air is sure to stay safe. And I just went, the straw must be cracked. Let me keep trying. Nope, still nothing. Maybe it works now. I don't know. Does it work? It sounds Maybe it works now. I don't know. Does it work?
Starting point is 00:17:28 It sounds like it's working. Got a little bit. Oh, yeah. Sounds good, buddy. Got a little bit. It sounds like it's empty. This is 90% full. It's like filled to the top.
Starting point is 00:17:39 That's how good that straw is. There's so much in there. I think it's also how good the shake is. Yeah, really. It's weird how the shake, it's a vanilla shake. You don't have an option. They just give you a vanilla shake, a very tiny vanilla shake. Also, the guy said, what flavor do you want?
Starting point is 00:17:55 What? Yeah. I forgot about that. This guy doesn't know any of the rules. Because I had the same reaction. He went, oh, you want the shake? It's optional. I went, yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:02 And he went, oh, cool. Okay. What flavor do you want? And I thought, isn't it vanilla? So I just got vanilla because that's what was the promotion. But this place is going willy nilly. You got a crazy Arby's, bro. I think I know why it took you 40 minutes to get your food.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Yeah. People would pull up to the thing. They ordered like an Arby's melt. And he's like, you want cheese? Cheese is optional. Or they ordered like something from like another restaurant. He's like, all right, yeah, I'll get that for you. You want McDonald's?
Starting point is 00:18:29 We get McDonald's. We can do it. Yeah, I fit this figured out. I'll hook you up. But so what I was saying is I feel like Arby's is trying to be like, hey, man, do our cool challenge. But I don't know that they know what that means or what it is because this is eat our sandwich. But film yourself eating the sandwich. I don't really. That's not like a dance that's just eating a sandwich and also i feel like the crossover for people who eat at arby's and use tiktok is not oh that's about a zero right yeah i
Starting point is 00:18:59 because we talked about that before like when we went to Arby's before, it felt like the demographic there, maybe the demographic for this podcast, not really a demographic for Tik TOK. You know what I mean? So, but probably demographic for Arby's. Yeah. What?
Starting point is 00:19:15 This podcast. Oh yes. Yes. That's what I'm saying. This. Yeah. If our jammers are a demographic for anything, it's probably Arby's.
Starting point is 00:19:22 It's Arby's. And, and that's, that's a real, and also apparently Burger King. Yeah. What the fuck? It's not Arby's. It's Arby's and that's a real bummer. And also apparently Burger King. Yeah, what the fuck, guys? It's not the demographic. They're just the Burger Kingers shout the
Starting point is 00:19:31 loudest because, again, the Burger King fans, much like the franchise itself, just scream to be noticed as McDonald's and McDonald's fans just exist at the top. fans just exist at the top. They just exist at the top.
Starting point is 00:19:47 And they go, hey, you must have bad Burger King in Texas. It's great here. Yeah, I bet that's what it is. I bet it's not you've been fooled and indoctrinated. It's because Texas has bad Burger King. It's the same guy who thinks Eric is talking to everyone but him. Boy, Jordan, you fucking nailed it.
Starting point is 00:20:04 Boy, weirdo it every other burger king sucks but mine uh it it really when we get people coming out of the word work to defend burger king and the thing they say is it's not like mcdonald's is that good i don't even know what to say to that we're judging fast food places and the one that you like happens to fucking suck. That's it. I mean, I'm not Michael. I'm not going to say that McDonald's is the best restaurant in the world. I feel the same way. I didn't say that either. That has nothing to do with how Burger King
Starting point is 00:20:33 sucks. Just because I go there constantly doesn't mean I say it's the best in the world. I know what it is, but Burger King sucks. We all know that. Burger King sucks. We can all put our differences aside as four Buck Kings and say yep, and there he is.
Starting point is 00:20:49 The execution has come out. Did he just do a very casual execution? It was casual. He did. Oh, I do want to point out the thing that brought us to this conversation is that Nick was not able to get the food. He still got food from Arby's. Still took a picture in his car with the food
Starting point is 00:21:06 took it home to his wife and has been trying to trick her into going to another arby's so she can really get the food for him how is how are you gonna trick her oh he gave her a bite of something that she liked and and she's like oh that oh those are pretty good and he went yeah you should go to a different Arby's now and get some and also get me this sandwich. He's real smooth. He's been trying to pull a fast one.
Starting point is 00:21:35 As I sat in the drive-thru for 40 minutes and you were like, yeah, take a picture of the food when you get it. I went, I'm not doing that. I saw Nick's picture come in without the food, and he's like, I'll do it! And I just went, I don't give a fuck. Fuck Arby's. Fuck you. Oh, man. Anyway, that was...
Starting point is 00:21:51 Something happened. I don't know. We should get on to the fact. Oh, the haiku. Yeah, we just wet our whistle. And now it's time for our haiku. We soaked our whistle, I think, actually. It's fucking dripping, pal. Yeah, it's a drenched whistle. Arby's. They achieved the meats, but at the expense of taste,
Starting point is 00:22:09 the monkey's paw curls. So that was their wish? They wanted the meats, but at what cost? I wish we had the meats. And also, is Nick the monkey? I don't even know, dude. It was like this, but then it curls into a gun.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Oh, no. Don't curl his trigger finger. Uh-oh. No, he's defenseless. It was a good haiku, Jordan. Thank you very much. It was very good haiku, Jordan. Thank you very much. It was very good. Yep.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Let's get on to the Arby's two Pete facts. Our previous Arby's episode was released January 21st, 2020. Almost two years ago. Where we ate the fish and cheddar sandwich and mint chocolate shake. It received an average score of 28. That's how you can tell it was two years ago. That would get like a five. Dude,
Starting point is 00:23:06 I read that and went 28. Insane. That was probably the lowest, lowest score at the time. It was. I think we were like, we killed it. Dude,
Starting point is 00:23:16 places would love to get a 28 at this point. I think after the episode, we talked about if we were too harsh on it and the score. And now, because the average was a 28. Two years later, not harsh enough. That should be a two.
Starting point is 00:23:31 Now we review Arby's. Someone in Arby's is listening going, man, I hope they actually ate it. And I hope Jordan doesn't have a vendetta. I hope someone doesn't want to make us pay. Yeah, I hope everyone's in a good mood today.
Starting point is 00:23:45 28, yeah! Way higher than we would give it now. And also, I was going to say, you said it's available now, and we would have gotten it again. I was like, well, it would just be a 28 again. No way. No way would it have been a 28. No, there's no way. Michael gave it a 34, I think.
Starting point is 00:24:05 Crazy. No way would it have been a 20. No, there's no way. Michael gave it a 34, I think. I think I also probably just like, I gave it points that I couldn't really, like I hate fish, right? And so I was just like, I'll rate it one, zero. And so I had to like give it a handicap beyond myself, which is I think the only reason i gave it that score right because it's like i could rate it a five but i'd hate it no matter what it tasted like so i i guess maybe based on cole going give me give me give me give me 30 i don't know is there cheese on that fish tip it down my throat i I wouldn't have that sympathy for it now. No.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Touted as the, quote, spiciest QSR, quick service restaurant, sandwich on the market. These Diablo dares come with a free snack, vanilla, quote, extinguish shake, end quote. This is a better promotion than when they had their quote, buy one, get one dick melt free at that one location a few years ago, which we went to. Yeah, we got our dicks melted. Yeah, we got absolutely melted. We're smooth like Ken dolls. But I'll say the shake is optional. You have to ask
Starting point is 00:25:18 for it and it can be any flavor. Don't forget to say, can I have that or does it come with this and also specify what flavor for a straw too do they think quick service restaurant is fancier than fast food yes i think so what does that mean we're just we're gonna we're gonna flip the script we're not fast food or the spiciest qsr on the promo material stuff it was touted as yeah this qsr sandwich is so hot we've never done anything like that and it's like what the fuck is key i've never seen this is that like teraflops
Starting point is 00:25:51 this is our rating but we're the only one that uses this because we made it up yep that's exactly what it is weird In February 2013 at an Arby's in Waynesville, North Carolina a 38 inch curly fry was found and holds the world record for largest curly fry was found and holds the world record for largest curly fry. Ladies, I've seen bigger kind of like smirking. Lenny face.
Starting point is 00:26:33 Emoji. It's not really an emoji. It's like what's that like? An emoticon. What's that called? Like AS ASC. ASM whatever. ASCI? No. ASCI. It's like ASCI. It's like that butS-C-I-I. It's like that, but like...
Starting point is 00:26:46 It's the Lenny face. Oh, that's it. That's the end. Yeah, okay. I didn't know what it was called, but it's like this though, right? It's like... Would you agree? Would you agree?
Starting point is 00:26:59 Whoa! That song came out when I was driving back from the restaurant restaurant by the way I still got it we can't escape at the live show we have to play that song it's like my
Starting point is 00:27:17 45 50 year old uncle at Thanksgiving and it's like the one joke that makes my nieces and nephews laugh and that's Eric. Every now and then I go I just go, whoa! I don't know why I just love it! It tickles me.
Starting point is 00:27:32 It's so perfect. It's so dead on. It's very, very funny to me. And somehow I just ignore my sinuses. It's because it doesn't come from up here. It comes from my diaphragm. It comes down and goes up. Whereas my normal sexy, sultry Michael, it's all up here.
Starting point is 00:27:54 All right. What do we got? One more? One more turd fact. Two. No, two. Oh, my God. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Great. Last one's a doozy. But before that, the penultimate two-peat fact there are no arby's locations in the entire state of rhode island and it also is illegal to ride a horse on the highway in order to test its speed we at face jam say it's time for a change so ride your horse as fast as it will go to a new Arby's. I guess out of state, though? Yeah, you'd have to get it out of there.
Starting point is 00:28:30 At least it's Rhode Island, so 20-minute drive any direction. Wouldn't take you very long. Especially if you've already tested how fast your horse will go. Do you need someone else on a horse? How's that? Well, I mean, how do you know how fast you're going when you're riding the horse? Someone else has to measure it. You just look, I guess.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Oh, I look like I'm going about this fast? Yeah. I gotta be going 24, 25. It's a horse. It's not like he's going 80. Are people riding horses like that big of a problem in Rhode Island that they needed to ban this? Apparently. I mean, you wouldn't know, Jordan, because it's not allowed.
Starting point is 00:29:04 Yeah. So it's not a problem at all, actually. There's also laws where you can't smoke a pipe on Sundays or something. I try to get my horse up to about a third of speed as Jeff could throw. That's true. You're right there. That's like 20 miles an hour, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:17 Well, I was thinking about 35. I'm going to look up how fast is a normal horse. I was going to look up how fast can Jeff throw. I could tell you both. And then I was going to look up how fast is a normal horse. I was going to look up how fast can Jeff throw. I could tell you both. And then I was going to look up how fast is a good horse. Okay. A normal horse, 25 to 30 miles an hour. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Which is 40 to 48 kilometers per hour if you're in the UK. No one cares. Canada. Anywhere else in the world. Jeff can throw 48? Yeah. On a sick day. 48? Well, he's always on a sick day. 48?
Starting point is 00:29:48 Well, he's always on a sick day. He's never well. Yeah, I don't think he's been... For as long as I've known Jeff, I don't know that he's ever been well. What about when he takes the cuffs off? What cuffs does he have? When he takes off the weighted training bands. Is that his tattoos?
Starting point is 00:30:04 What are the weighted cuffs? Oh, he hasn't taken them off yet. He doesn't know. Eric doesn't know yet. Eric, you're going to look like a dainty. When he does, stand back. He was really impressed when Gavin threw 43. He went, oh, that's pretty fast.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Half as fast as 80. Great. Yep. Wow. Who are all these people you're talking about? Did you look up how fast a good horse goes? No. And while you do that, the last fact, did you look up how fast a good horse goes? No. Um,
Starting point is 00:30:26 and while you do that, the last fact, Tom Arnold was the voice of the oven mitt. There's an oven mitt. That's it. Why didn't Nick go? Huh? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:33 Yeah. The oven mitt. Yeah. Arby's had like an oven mitt thing, which is not to be confused with hamburger. That's all I can picture for some reason, which is also a hand. That's a,
Starting point is 00:30:42 that's just like a hand though. Right? Not an oven mitt. That's like a glove. It's different. And there's H a hand. That's that's just like a hand, though, right? Not an oven mitt. That's like a glove. It's different. There's H. John Benjamin, who's the it's funny because I don't remember the oven mitt, but I do remember Tom Arnold being some sort of fast food voice. So it must have been Arby's unless you did more than one.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Oh, God. Do you look up Tom Arnold? Is it just a picture of tom arnold if this isn't the most early 2000s thing i've ever seen oh it's really like bad cg but like we learned how to do it so we're doing it and he's making the fucking like dreamworks face he's always got like one eye yeah my cat he's making break in. Hold on. He's making that ASMR face
Starting point is 00:31:26 or whatever of like the emote thing that I put earlier. Mm-hmm. Yeah. That's what he's doing. I found out an Appaloosa goes 30 to 40 miles an hour.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. I'm on the one that's 40. You're on the 40 mile an hour horse? Yeah. Again, that's a little slower than how fast Jeff throws a baseball. Well,
Starting point is 00:31:41 on a sick day. Again, on a sick day. The only days that he has. And those are the facts. We learned about Arby's. What's interesting is like, you can tell how little anyone cares.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I like that it's like a 38-inch curly fry was found and holds the world's record. Yeah. That just means no one's ever tried. Yeah, no. That's how little anyone cares. Yeah, everyone just went, what is it? Who cares?
Starting point is 00:32:05 World's records are usually someone going, I'm going to do this thing. Huh, I guess that's a world record. Anyway, back to making fries at Arby's. Is it specifically the world record for finding a long curly fry? I'm the man who found it. How can no one top that easily? I think they can. I think no one cares.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I think that's the the point there is it's You care so little who the fuck's going. I'm gonna go for four. I think we should do it I'm gonna make the 40 inch curly fry We have to get a 40 inch potato also, what does it even mean cuz it's like how do you measure it? Curly anymore point I'm coming Curled up like Also, what does it even mean? Because it's like, how do you measure it? Do you uncurl it? Because it's not curly anymore. At what point? I'm confused. What does that even mean? Are you measuring it curled up? What does radius mean?
Starting point is 00:32:51 What's a diameter? Hang on. Hang on. Now you're just asking questions. What does radius mean? Yeah. What's the diameter of it? And then we don't have to uncurl it, right?
Starting point is 00:33:02 Is that how that works? We'll do it on Pi Day. Uh-huh. That's right. More like Friday. And then we don't have to uncurl it right is that how that works yeah, hi day Well like Friday Whoa Here comes Jordan. I love it. I didn't say anything, but I yeah you had my mouth open. I saw it open I'm yeah, I figured you were just really exciting as a sinus infection Actually the number of times I've been going oh I was taking control.
Starting point is 00:33:24 The number of times I've been going... Oh, I can hear your teeth move. Are you doing a lot of plugging your nose to clear your ears out? No, my ears haven't been a problem. It's all here. It's all in the front. It's all like eyeball and under. Yeah, it feels like there's a
Starting point is 00:33:40 nail going in the back of my left eye a lot. Cool and fun. So, there's that. But did the back of my left eye a lot. Cool. Cool and fun. So there's that. But did Arby's help you? It didn't hurt. Didn't hurt me. I'll say that. We'll see.
Starting point is 00:33:54 Yeah, give it time. I ate it and went, not the worst thing I've experienced this week. So it's a pretty good day for Arby's. I'm going to say like, they're benefiting from my state right now. so it's a pretty good day for Arby's. I'm going to say like, they, they're benefiting from my state right now. I assume this would be worse than the sinus infection I'm experiencing.
Starting point is 00:34:11 However, you know how they say hunger is the best sauce. Well, in this case, being sick is the best. If I have to take, Oh, I also,
Starting point is 00:34:20 I've been trying to sleep sitting up cause it's worse if you lie down. So, so it gets me sitting up, sitting upright at 5. I am screaming into the night been trying to sleep sitting up cause it's worse if you lie down. So, so it gets me sitting up, sitting upright at 5am screaming into the night, trying to sleep or eating this sandwich. I think I'd take the sandwich. Okay. Arby's can quote that and put it on the menu next to the food that they're not advertising with the optional shake.
Starting point is 00:34:38 They don't tell you about it's vanilla, but you can get any flavor you want. Look above the speaker. My speaker was clean. Damn wild. Arby's Diablo. My speaker was clean. Damn. Wild. Arby's Diablo Dare Sandwiches. Better than a sinus infection. I think that that's... I got two thumbs up from Nick. Put my name on it. I'll
Starting point is 00:34:53 agree to that. I'll test that. It would have been great if it cleared your sinus infection because it's so spicy. I was hoping that it would. We were trying to cure you all. I was hoping it was going to be so hot. Fellas, we haven't gotten to the review yet. Oh, that's right. That's true. That was close. Hey, are you't gotten to the review yet. Oh, that's right. That's true. That was close. Hey, are you guys excited to go to Chicago?
Starting point is 00:35:10 No, not at all. What? Oh. Do you want me to lie? Yeah. Whoa. Can't wait. I definitely believe you. What do you want from me?
Starting point is 00:35:17 Are you shocked? I want you to be excited to go to Chicago. It's going to be fun. No, what you want me to do is go to Chicago, and I am doing that. So be happy with that. You didn't say anything about having to be excited about it. I didn't say I wasn't going to go. I was just asking if you Chicago, and I am doing that. So be happy with that. You didn't say anything about him having to be excited about it. I didn't say I wasn't going to go. Well, I mean, I was just asking if you were, but I think it's going to be fun.
Starting point is 00:35:29 What's that going to change anything at all? I'm going. Being excited? Yeah, don't worry about how I feel. Mind your own business, all right? You know what? You know what? You're right.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Mind your own. Hey, man, you excited? Hey, mind your own hey man you excited hey mind your fucking business look if i said no and i'm not going then i then you know then i'd say hey you might have uh you know something to do with this but that's not what i said so back off you know what i mean i would say okay it's affecting you you might have a say in this but don't worry about my mental state okay you worry pack your own bags don't worry about it mental state. Okay? Pack your own bags. Don't worry about it. You sound like a Chicago guy.
Starting point is 00:36:07 Hey. He's already there. You're already doing it. See? Mentally, you're already in Chicago. No, no, no. When I get there, it's Chicago. Oh, Chicago.
Starting point is 00:36:15 The windy apple. Chicago. I don't know. Whatever. I'll be excited the second I'm there. And I'll hate it until that point. That's true. Not looking forward to the process of getting there. But being there will be great.
Starting point is 00:36:32 Yeah. I'm old enough where I hate everything that I have to do. Right. And then. Because I hate having to do it. But once I'm doing it, it's fine. The road trip was great when we did it. That was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:36:43 It was exhausting. It was a lot of fun. I loathed it for three months before we did it i was just like fucking kill me we gotta do stupid road trips piece of shit we did it and i was like this is great it's a great way to segue if you are second guessing buying tickets to our live show in chicago because you know you don't really feel like going out to a place and driving there. And maybe you will. But you'll love it once you're there.
Starting point is 00:37:07 Once you're there, it'll be great. So just think about that. It's going to be great when you actually get out of your fucking house and you come down to Talia Hall. Leave your goddamn bedroom. Come down and see Face Jam, idiot. Even if you hate it and you think you don't want to go, buy a ticket anyway. Buy a ticket. Maybe you'll be happy once it starts.
Starting point is 00:37:24 Have the ticket. Look at the ticket. Have the ticket. Look at a ticket. Maybe you'll be happy once it starts. Have the ticket. Look at the ticket. Have the ticket. Look at the ticket. Go. I'm going to hate this. And then go and have a good time. Or buy the ticket.
Starting point is 00:37:31 Look at the ticket. Go. I'm going to hate this. I'm not going to go. But still keep that ticket. Right. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Just in case. Don't refund it. No. You can go to rtxevent.com. You can get a ticket there. I'm excited. I don't know what we're eating in Chicago yet. I mean, I have an idea, but I need to get with you guys and make sure that we're all
Starting point is 00:37:49 on the same page about what we're actually going to eat. And then I assume lambast in front of a bunch of people. They go, oh, what's a Chicago accent? What are you doing? Dumb bears. Nailed it. Thank you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:02 I figured that's probably the long and short of what's going to happen well don't give it all away now now they already know they don't enjoy it and they're not going to come Nick can you help me out just delete all of that good at it Nick and we're back
Starting point is 00:38:18 I don't even want to keep saying Nick he's not even doing it son of a bitch his plan's working I don't even know why I keep saying Nick. He's not even doing it. It's Kelly. Son of a bitch. His plan's working. He just sits here and he just assumes credit. He eats the food. He didn't even eat the food.
Starting point is 00:38:35 And he doesn't edit the show. This is what happens when he can't get the food. He just is like, boy. He ate different food. He's not reviewing it. He's not editing it. And he's trying to trick his wife into getting him the food the same day that's the best part is he's trying to trick his wife i think
Starting point is 00:38:50 that's my favorite part yeah yeah oh jordan what the hell what the hell yeah what did we eat let's see let's see i can only imagine this god this is this all is too long i hope they mentioned tiktok and i get to say Extinguishake. Diablo brisket sandwich. Smoked brisket with ghost pepper jack cheese. Fiery seasoning. Fire roasted jalapenos, pickles, lettuce, mayonnaise, and a Diablo barbecue sauce on a toasted red chipotle bun. Served with a free snack-sized vanilla shake to help you cool down.
Starting point is 00:39:24 Trust us, you'll need it. Damn. Yeah. We got Tiny Tacos Red Bun. You should get it. Those buns were very red. Yeah. Nick wouldn't know,
Starting point is 00:39:33 but they were very red. Diablo Chicken Sandwich. Crispy chicken. Yeah, tell me how it is. Very different. With ghost pepper cheese, fiery seasoning, fire-roasted jalapenos,
Starting point is 00:39:44 pickles, lettuce, mayonnaise, and a Diablo barbecue sauce on a toasted red Chipotle bun. Serve it with a free snack-sized vanilla shake to help you cool down. Trust us, you'll need it. I love when they do that. Damn. There you have it. Copy guy couldn't be bothered. What's the thing?
Starting point is 00:40:10 Smoked brisket. Cool. Crispy chicken. Fuck you. Yeah. I mean, I guess you could invest in describing the one thing that's different on the sandwich.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And he went, no, I'm not doing that. Hey, I have, whoa, that's a suggestion for me. I have a suggestion for you. Fuck off. Hey, mind your own business. How about that? a suggestion for me. I have a suggestion for you. Fuck off. Hey, mind your own business. How about that?
Starting point is 00:40:25 I'll buy whatever I want. None of your business. You want me to write about the chicken? That's none of your business. Mind your own business. Gary, we both work for Arby's. Ah, fuck you. Are you excited about the new crispy chicken Diablo dare sandwich?
Starting point is 00:40:47 Hey, hey, back off. Mind your own business. It doesn't matter what I'm excited about. All right, let's see what the first question says. Oh, 20 questions over here. I'm excited. Am I going to trial your honor? Oh, Mr. Law questions over here. I'm excited. Am I going to trial your honor? Oh, Mr. Lawyer over here.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I played the fifth. Getting a little too Brooklyn. You got to do Dan Aykroyd and Tommy Boy. Oh, that's right. We got to go back to Chicago. I'm not doing, I'm not attempting. Chicago. Okay, that's just, that's the accent I have to fake that I used to have.
Starting point is 00:41:24 It's not good. He's just slipping back into it when he asks if it's 20 questions. I'm fake that I used to have. It's not good. He's just slipping back into it when he asks if it's 20 questions. I'm doing a bad impression of myself. All right, press material. Quote, we Diablo dare you to try this new sandwich, said Patrick Schwing, chief marketing officer of Arby's. Saw that coming. Would have been disappointed if you didn't do it. This is not a sandwich for the faint of heart everyone in qsr says that they have a spicy option but our research tells us that consumers
Starting point is 00:41:56 are disappointed by fast food claims of spicy he does have a point there i'm we we have been those consumers that That's true. Looking, looking at those tiny tacos. Classically what I go to QSR, I go to QSRs and they do not give as a consumer. I want spicier. Good thing.
Starting point is 00:42:16 What kind of research did they do? Listen to this podcast. Absolutely. That's what they're hoping for the 28 again. Uh, disappointed by food. Uh, fast food claims of spicy. We took that as a challenge by making sure all different types of spicy, the hot, the numbing, and the lingering, are combined to make the Diablo dare a true test of how much heat you can handle.
Starting point is 00:42:40 Arby's is setting a new standard of spice. When we say it, we mean it. Man, this guy, I feel like... It's aggressive. Yeah, he's just like, this sandwich is going to fuck you up. Then he spit at the person he was interviewing. He said, get the fuck out of my office. No more questions.
Starting point is 00:42:57 20 questions. We're done here. Then the person was escorted from the building. They take him to the back and beat for asking what this was take them into the basement the guy wanted to ask what the fuck qsr means but didn't have the chance everyone in the qsr game saying it but we're doing the only like restaurant or like company using this term and it's like ingrained in the culture everyone's saying it i'll be honest we've never heard it before yeah who who has and we have a podcast about fast i know like quick dining or whatever at like disney like that's a type of like at disneyland that's a
Starting point is 00:43:40 type of restaurant you can go to versus like a sit down. But I've never heard QSR as the acronym. I mean, you know what it is. The second you see it, but it's interesting. You go, I guess, I guess fast food is like,
Starting point is 00:43:50 no, we're classier than that. No, you're not. That's what you are. No, you're definitely not. Wendy's should be using this term.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Why are you changing the name? It doesn't, everyone's got to do it or it doesn't make sense. Okay. You can't be the only one. Arby's keeps looking by Arby's keeps looking behind them going, come on, guys. Let's do it. And then no one else.
Starting point is 00:44:11 QSR. And everyone's just like, we're right behind you. They're chanting QSR. So I looked up. I just searched QSR. There's a QSR magazine, which is a quick service and fast casual restaurant magazine. Can you subscribe us to that magazine the five times week the five times weekly e-newsletter it's like the daily variety of fast food restaurants yep uh qsr is
Starting point is 00:44:35 apparently a a term an industry used often and you know you gotta be in the industry yeah you gotta be in that's probably it's probably i guess that's what it is. And it's just like. Layman's wouldn't know it, I guess. Yeah, it's like, why? But just don't use it. Just let it be an industry term. It's just weird to use. Well, it makes them seem a little bit smarter, though. Like in the press material, someone goes, oh.
Starting point is 00:44:54 This Patrick Schwing guy, he knows what he's talking about. Schwing. Yeah. Well, that's Arby's. Was it spicier than most restaurants claim to be? Are you asking me or are you? Yeah. Was that rhetorical?
Starting point is 00:45:08 It sounded like you were teeing yourself up. The next part is review the food. Does anyone want to tackle that question? But you go first though. That's why I was confused. All right. Okay. Michael, you ask me and then I'll answer.
Starting point is 00:45:20 But Jordan, let me ask you. Was it whatever you just said? Spicy. Is it spicier? Hey, mind your own business. You want to know if I liked it? Then the other fast food. Get out of my face.
Starting point is 00:45:34 Then the other QSRs have claimed. Jordan, compare this to other QSR spice. On your level of disappointment, where does it lie on spiciness well there's no like red tiny taco i can tell you that yeah like so nothing will be that bad yeah what i gotta say i was a little nervous when i saw how red those buns were and i was like oh no it's tiny tacos all over again yeah yeah it's like they had some sort of rash they needed to go see the dentist or doctor for. Right, both. My ass is so
Starting point is 00:46:11 red. My cheeks and my buns are so red I have to go to the dentist. Am I teething? No, your other cheeks. The fuck? Open wide. your other cheeks the fuck open wide i'm by uh so the question the question at hand is it hot it was spicy you guys it was actually spicy was it too spicy for you it was not too spicy for me i i didn't eat because we got both of them i didn't eat all of it but um
Starting point is 00:46:46 i wasn't dying eating it but i was like this has got a kick like to mr schwing's point it's the spiciest qsr food item me as a consumer has ever ingested and so i gotta hand it to them on that front jordan i think i have to agree with you. Whoa, look at us. For the number of fast food, and this again, this is talking about like generic QSR. Don't tell me what's spicier. I don't care. Send it to Eric. Tell him what's spicier.
Starting point is 00:47:17 I know you're already thinking about it. Of everything, as I bit into it, I was like, of everything we've reviewed, this is probably the spiciest thing we've ever eaten. Yes. Michael texted me. I texted you because I went, oh, this is pretty spicy. I don't know if Jordan will be able to handle this because he's a self-proclaimed spice mouse. It's true.
Starting point is 00:47:36 And so honestly, I thought you might have, I thought you might have problems with this one. This one seemed higher than mouse territory to me. I thought you would have, you would struggle a bit. I think if I was eating a whole, a whole one of these, it would be. Maybe that's it. You backed off. Yeah, I would have to slow down.
Starting point is 00:47:52 I'll say it was mostly. My nose was running. It was the sauce, not the chicken or the food itself. The sauce was fucking spicy. And they lathered it on. They lathered it on for sure. It was the kind of spice I can handle too. It wasn't like the one.
Starting point is 00:48:07 It wasn't like too spicy. It was just spicy enough. And it wasn't that powdery spice that goes straight to the back of your throat and makes you cough. Yeah, it didn't linger forever too. You could get rid of it. If you took a break, if you had some of the optional shake or some of the curly fries, it would dissipate. And then you could go back in. I don't know that I required the optional shake.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I couldn't drink it anyway. I had a broken straw. I've heard. If I had known about the TikTok challenge, I could have passed it. You'd be rolling in talk bucks right now.
Starting point is 00:48:44 We had done this before like the spicy nuggets from Burger King that was the birth of Spice Mouse, Spice Rat, this would be, this would have me being like this is for Spice Rats only. I can't handle this.
Starting point is 00:49:00 We've eaten a lot of spicy foods. I would certainly not recommend this to someone who doesn't like spice. Like it's, if you're like, I could do a little bit, this is going to be too hot for you. I agree with that. If you're feeling, if you're feeling brave, you might be able to handle it.
Starting point is 00:49:13 I mean, it's not like the worst thing in the world, but I'm just saying if you, if you're flat out, like I don't eat spicy food, this is going to be way too hot for you. Like there's a lot of spicy food that I would be like, yeah, it's fine. You can eat it. Even if you don't like spicy food, it's not that spicy. It's fine. The spicy chicken sandwich from any restaurant you can eat.
Starting point is 00:49:34 You can't eat this. I would not recommend this. It's quite spicy if you are not prepared for it. And look at Nick. He's rubbing his hands together. He can't wait to make his wife go get him the sandwich. Because he's not getting it. And look at Nick. He's rubbing his hands together. He can't wait to make his wife go get him. He can't wait because he's not getting it. He can't wait to
Starting point is 00:49:49 eat too much and feel regret. Oh no. Why did I eat all of both of them? Why did I get two? The fact of it being Arby's, right? Not just the chicken and the spice, but also if you go the brisket route, I can really see this one tearing up your tummy and your bowels
Starting point is 00:50:06 on the way out. I've got a hot stomach. I have a hot stomach right now. There could be some hot squirts. You're already dealing with the low quality food of Arby's. Yes. And then you're just adding how many different types of spice did it list? This could be a recipe
Starting point is 00:50:22 for disaster. This could be a real spice blend coming out. It's a lot. Not to mention it could be a recipe for disaster. This could be a real spice blend coming out. It's a lot. Not to mention, it could be a different color because of that red button. So don't be alarmed if it's like a little purple. You've got blackness coming out of you. Like it's just squirting. It's like an evil, like a darkness.
Starting point is 00:50:38 If it looks like a symbiote, you might be in trouble. Yeah. If it comes out and it's hot, that's fine. But if you hear it hissing or slithering, you might be in trouble yeah if it comes out and it's hot that's fine but if you hear it hissing or slithering you might be in trouble if it starts saying we and you're just like oh no if it sounds like a slow leak like from an oxygen tank you could be in trouble could be a spirit or something demonic be careful so jordan what do you think um on the whole the they were actually pretty good you know spice levels were impressive. I got to hand it to them there.
Starting point is 00:51:08 The crispy chicken one was pretty good. I liked how crispy it was. I couldn't really tell which one was more spicy one way or the other. That's one thing I was trying to suss out. The brisket was fine. I would say go for the chicken one like you can't go wrong with that one yeah um also looked surprisingly appetizing like very good presentation uh had like the the chicken patty and then the the melted pepper jack on top of it and then like
Starting point is 00:51:39 the spices uh the little pepper spices they put on it look really good and um i i didn't hate it it's not a 28 mostly because it's not it's not fish so that helped a lot uh it's not fish and cheese yeah um i'm gonna give it a i'm gonna give it a 65 wow okay cool yeah nick is nick just fucking flipped he threw his hands up like a touchdown was just scored. He's so excited. He's clapping like UT scored. Dude. Michael, what do you think? I pretty much agree with Jordan.
Starting point is 00:52:14 It was actually a pretty well put together sandwich. I would say the only thing is like one, and this was probably just like the person who made it, not particularly the sandwich itself, because it was more so the chicken one than the brisket one for whatever reason it was just a fucking mess like they put too much sauce on it like my hands were dripping with sauce which I think is kind of unnecessary
Starting point is 00:52:32 but whatever I had a napkin handy but it's good it was good I would definitely say the chicken as well and now especially for us, right? Because we're in Austin, Texas. There's brisket out the ass here.
Starting point is 00:52:50 This is some real mid to low quality brisket. This is QSR brisket. Well, exactly. Which isn't really a slight against Arby's brisket. Because if you're not in Austin, Texas, where the fuck are you going to get brisket? Where are you getting brisket in New Jersey? Nowhere. You're going to Arby's, right? So for here, it was pretty low quality brisket, but I do have to take that with a grain of salt going. We have like the best brisket on the planet here. And so I'm very acclimated to that. Um, the, uh, the, the sauce on the brisket
Starting point is 00:53:20 one was actually a nice balance cause it was, it was spicy, but also sweet. Yeah. There's like a lot of sweetness to that. It was actually a nice little because it was it was spicy but also sweet yeah there's like a lot of sweetness to that there's actually a nice little contrast of flavors going on there and i was like dang arby's i tempered myself going into their brisket knowing i was like there's no way this is going to be like boston like texas brisket and i and i went it's okay it's fine okay um but i can't really hold that too much against them because that's just kind of specifically, uh, unique to us. Uh, but the sandwich was good. Uh, the chicken, it was really good.
Starting point is 00:53:52 It was a good sandwich. And if you, if you're looking for a spicy sandwich, it definitely delivers, right? If you're talking about fast food spice, this is like as hot as you're going to get, right? If you're not talking like a real restaurant, like going to an Indian restaurant or something where you want to melt your skull off, this is about as spicy as it gets if you're talking QSR standards.
Starting point is 00:54:14 Classic QSR stuff. Any spicier than this and you've got to sign a waiver. Also not rating at all, but the curly fries, delicious. I think their curly fries are so good there. They're excellent. It's probably the best thing at Arby's. Did you get one of those 38 inches? No, but I made my own.
Starting point is 00:54:30 I tied them together, but I don't think that counts for the record. You know, a little bit fucked up that they don't advertise it, and you have to ask about the optional shake. But for their big thing being spice, spice, spice, they actually did deliver, I'm going to say good job. I'm going to give them an 80. Wow. But for their big thing being spice, spice, spice, they actually did deliver.
Starting point is 00:54:46 I'm going to say good job. I'm going to give them an 80. Wow. It was good. I sit here thinking like it's Arby's. Slam them. But I just can't. It was, they delivered.
Starting point is 00:54:58 It was a good spicy sandwich. I definitely knocked points off because I didn't like the brisket one as much. I think mine would have been up close to that if we just had the chicken. But, you know, somebody insisted we get both. Well, here's the thing, and that makes sense. I would have given it a 70, and then you gave it a 65, and I went, oh, I got to go higher. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:55:16 It's all priced in. Right, I was expecting you to come in around a 50-55, and so I thought a 70. When you went 65, I went, oh, it's even better than I thought. And so I bumped it up to 80. 72.5 is the average. Honestly, it's pretty good. I definitely think that
Starting point is 00:55:33 if you're around in Arby's and you want to try something that's really like spicier than you would get at any other, like we were saying, QSR restaurant. Everybody's saying it. We're classically saying QSR. You don't have to say restaurant at the end of QSR. That's right. It's like ATM machine.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I definitely think the chicken is worth your time. The brisket is fine if you want to try it. The chicken is more dynamic. If you're in a place that you can't get brisket, it's probably better than we're giving it credit. I think the chicken is more dynamic if you're in a place that you can't get brisket yeah it's probably better than we're giving it credit but i i just i think the chicken is like superior we're coastal elites living in austin so you know what i mean it's true i i take my franklin barbecue with my
Starting point is 00:56:18 avocado toast bitch that's pretty good uh while i listen to npr see i was making a joke. You weren't. Yeah, that's true. I've been in your car. When you're not listening to the first song from Crash Bandicoot 1, you're listening to NPR. It's just those two. Those two things on loop.
Starting point is 00:56:41 Back and forth. Did you guys get serpsides? I didn't get shit. My Serp side was a 40-minute wait. I mean, I don't like the... Well, okay, review your 40-minute wait. I didn't like it. Oh, okay. 10.
Starting point is 00:56:53 It's probably full. This is probably awful by now because it's all wet on the clear lid. It's mac and cheese. See, you know what? After I ordered, I was driving up because I was so laser-focused on just getting this because it wasn't on the clear lid. It's mac and cheese. See, you know what? After I ordered, I was driving off because I was so laser focused on just getting this
Starting point is 00:57:08 because it wasn't on the menu. I went, oh, they have mac and cheese? I didn't see it until after I had ordered. And I'm sure... You guys realize that we've had this before, right? No, not at all. I'm sure it's not good. I'm sure it's fine.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Is this what we had two years ago? Is this the white cheddar mac and cheese, Jordan? I don't fucking know. Yeah. The white cheddar mac and cheese that we got when we ate the fish sandwich? Unlikely. this the white cheddar mac and cheese, Jordan? I don't fucking know. Yeah. The white cheddar mac and cheese that we got when we ate the fish sandwich? Unlikely.
Starting point is 00:57:28 Did we rate the mac and cheese? Probably not. I mean, honestly, to me, we rated Arby's. Were we doing syrup sides yet, though? No, no, we got it because it was just another thing that we got
Starting point is 00:57:39 because you guys, I think we were there and you all yelled at me that we had to get the mac and cheese. Because you always get mac and cheese. And we're getting two thumbs up from Nick. You see mac and me that we had to get the mac and cheese. Because you always get mac and cheese. And we're getting two thumbs up from Nick. You see mac and cheese, dude.
Starting point is 00:57:47 You always get mac and cheese. There you go. You see mac and cheese. That was my thought process. I saw mac and cheese. I said, okay, I get mac and cheese. And what do you think of it? It's a 28.
Starting point is 00:57:56 There you go. Wow. That's 28 and a 10. 28 for the mac and cheese, 10 for the 40-minute wait in the drive-thru. What was the average score of the restaurant again for this one 72.5 i was gonna say that like similar to how like a uh a 28 in early 2020 is like a a modern day you know 15 12 yeah i mean look how close we were. We're on the same page. A 2022 72.5 is like a 2020 90. It really is.
Starting point is 00:58:31 There's like a scale for the years now. Two years ago, we would have said this is the best thing we've ever eaten. Yeah. Jordan would have given it a 95 just because he can't unequivocally give it a 100 because he doesn't know if it's a 100 or not. He'll say, I'll give it a 95 and on my deathbed, if I've never eaten anything better, I will retroactively
Starting point is 00:58:54 give it a 100, but I cannot make that claim until the end of my life. That's what he would have said. Oh my god. Well, if you want to send us some snacks, you can. Send us snacks at Face Jam. Care of Eric Boudour, 1901 East 51st Street some snacks, you can send us snacks at Face Jam. Care of Eric Boudour, 1901 East 51st Street, Austin, Texas, 78723. And like we were talking about earlier, Face Jam is coming to you live in Chicago at Talia Hall on Friday, February 11th.
Starting point is 00:59:16 We're all excited. Yeah, we're all. Don't ask if we're excited. Mind your fucking business. It's February 11th at 8 p.m. Tickets are on sale now at rtxevent.com. You can use the link in the description. Get a ticket now.
Starting point is 00:59:28 They are almost sold out. We are getting close to selling out this event. Did you get our tickets? Yeah, I got our tickets. You said you were getting them. Yeah, I got them. Yeah, you guys are good. We'll announce what we're eating for ticket holders before the show.
Starting point is 00:59:40 When we know, we'll let you know. Proof of vaccination is required for this venue if you do not have that do not come i don't want to hear it i do not care uh you just go to store.roosterteeth.com for all your face jam needs uh you got a bunch of different merch out there especially the 100% eat ash shirt you can go get that michael's mouth is wide open trying to help his teeth, I assume. Both. Yeah, dude. Teeth, everything. Relieves the pain and shows he's shocked. I'm shocked. Good stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:11 And I think that's it from all of our stuff. Jordan, any final thoughts? You know what I was gonna say? What's that, Michael? What I I feel like doesn't get enough traction. I don't think enough people know about our post show. Because I think it's just like I was thinking about it today
Starting point is 01:00:29 going, I think it's really good and I don't understand why I don't see more people talking about it. I'm not sure I know what you're talking about, Michael. I'm talking about the post show, One Last Bite. There's funny shit on there. If you're the people that go, I like the ads, they have jokes in the ads. You are missing out if you're the people that go i like the ads they have jokes in the ads
Starting point is 01:00:45 you are missing out if you're not listening to one last bite it's all the best parts of the ad well there was that whole thing with with like the monkey and the flamingos and like who had stronger legs because we were like well the well the monkeys are stronger but the flamingos are longer but they're thin i don't know It's just something I wanted to point out. If you can't find it, make sure you tweet it, Eric, asking if it's gone up yet. Don't tweet at me. One last bite.
Starting point is 01:01:13 Am I crazy or have they not posted one last bite yet? All right. That's enough. I don't do anything beyond this, okay? You're lucky I'm even here. Don't ask me how it went. You know what? It's too personal. I'm also looking forward to all the love we're gonna get for the post show now like every comments and posts are gonna come out the
Starting point is 01:01:33 wazoo being like hey not good they don't get enough credit for this and then you know they're gonna talk about a i don't i'll be honest a well-loved and hilarious moment i don't get enough credit for everything. And I feel like all around we could get a little bit more credit. Yeah. I agree. Nick's giving a thumbs up. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:51 I agree. Or Nick's going to give him the old. No, don't threaten them. It's not a threat. It's a promise. Oh, shit. Rate and subscribe and tell a friend about the show where we eat food and rate the food. Thank you for listening.
Starting point is 01:02:05 See you in Chicago. Sometimes, sometimes the food's good. Yeah. Like today. That was a, that was a 20, 20, 90. That's also the name of my workout routine. The 20, 20, 90. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:02:16 I don't care. Okay. Okay. Goodbye. I don't care. I don't care.

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