Anything Better? - We're Running Up The Score

Episode Date: February 11, 2023

Is there Anything Better than Bill & Paul talking about coaching kids, lunatics, and game changers. Thuma:  Go to to receive a twenty-five dollar credit towards your purchase... of The Bed plus free shipping in the continental U.S.  Rocket Money:  Cancel unwanted subscriptions – and manage your expenses the easy way – by going to Factor:  Head to and use code better50 to get 50% off your first box

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up everybody and welcome back to the anything better podcast show my name is paul bursey that's bill burr our producer andrew themless and guess what everybody you guys listening to episode number 74 that's i got nothing for 74 that's the reaction 74 deserves i don't know who's got 74 oh wait wait wait bob lilly for the dallas cowboys i was gonna say it's got to be a lineman defensive lineman bob lilly kicking his helmet after the fucking Colts kicked the winning field goal in Super Bowl IV. Dude, if you know that, if you know that, is that true? Andrew, check that.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Is that true? Because that's like some wild shit to remember. I mean, I'm old, Paul. Wait a minute. Charles Haley was 94, I believe, right? Yeah. Okay. Charles Haley.
Starting point is 00:01:11 74 is a tricky one. Let's be honest, dude. The 70s are the worst. Is it safe to say the 70s are the worst of the numbers? No, because we got Lyle Alzado coming. We got Mean Joe Green next week. What are you, fucking nuts? No, Mean Joe Green. Are you What are you, fucking nuts? Are you crazy?
Starting point is 00:01:27 Are you smoking something over there? I'm sure there's a Hall of Fame Pittsburgh Steeler with 74. Okay. All right. But in the grand scheme of things. Hey, Andrew, you looking it up? For Bob Lilly throwing his helmet? No, Bob Lilly. What was his number?
Starting point is 00:01:44 He kicked his helmet? No, Bob Lilly. What was his number? He kicked his helmet. Oh, let's see. 74. Bam! Oh, my. See? You see, you. I got to watch you.
Starting point is 00:01:59 I got to watch you. Fucking Bill coming out of the woodwork with these names and numbers um yeah i don't know man i know luca donich is 77 i'm not good in the 70s i can't wait for the 80s though oh the 80s oh the 80s you got you got rice you got moss the list goes on but um it's good to be back doing the show with you you look good good. You look good. You got Drew Pearson. You got Billy Joe Dupree. Oh, forget it. You got Steve Largent.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You got Art Monk. I mean, you got, it's. You got Mark Duper. You got Mark Clayton. The Marx Brothers. You go on forever in the 80s, Paul. You got Chris Carter. I mean, you got everything.
Starting point is 00:02:40 You got Chris Collinsworth. You got Chris Collinsworth. Michael Irvin, did you say? I didn't say Michael Irvin. Michael Irvin, 80. Yeah, I mean, the 80s are the best of sport numbers, I think. Or I guess football. Well, the 30s, I'd say for running backs,
Starting point is 00:02:58 there's certain, you know, there's flashy things there, Paul. You know what's weird is college goes single digits, which is weird. Like usually they add on when they get to the pros, but like a lot of, unless that kid you guys got on the Patriots number seven, is it seven or nine? That kid stayed with, I think with his college number, that kid's an animal. It's like nine or eight or something.
Starting point is 00:03:19 That kid's an animal. But anyway, I got to tell you something. We start off the show on on a positive note so you guys know that i decided to be the assistant coach of my fifth grade daughter's basketball team because i can't be the head coach because of my schedule and uh so i'm the assistant coach and dude we are seven or eight and one. We're in first place. It's and, and now we can't be caught.
Starting point is 00:03:51 So like we did it and like running in the practices. Now that we run the practices, the girls know that they're in first place. So now it gives me and my buddy who coaches a little more guys, guys, we know what we're doing. We look, it's like line up, line up. Listen, you're doing laps. If like now all of a sudden we know what we're doing. It's like, line up. Listen, you're doing laps.
Starting point is 00:04:07 It's like now all of a sudden we know what the fuck. It is so funny. Oh, shit. Are you nodding at the camera? I know what the fuck I'm doing. I go, guys, guys, you don't pay attention. And we do the drill and you don't pay attention. Guess what?
Starting point is 00:04:21 You're running laps. They start looking at each other. It's so funny. And then I look at him like, right? Right? He's like, yeah, what coach said. Dude, it is coaching. But here's what sucks about coaching your daughter.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I think it would be different than a son. My daughter will look at me in a drill and she'll just go like, like, and I go, no, no, no. You wouldn't do that. If it wasn't me, you wouldn't do that. So like, she'll, she'll just look like, dad, I'm like, what? I know the drill. And I'm just like, and I got to call her over and she'll just be like, whatever. No, no, no. That's tough. I would think the car ride home. If you had a tough game or a practice,
Starting point is 00:05:01 I would think that that would be difficult as the coach. It's hard enough as a parent, I would think. My daughter's starting soccer. Nice. We'll see how that goes. Dude, my son has been wailing, wailing on the drums. Really? I got to show you some video, dude. I'm telling you, man He gets it Wow, that's awesome The thing, what I love about him, dude, is he's just all in Like, he's standing there, the snare drum and the floor tom Are up to his head, and he's got his hands like that And he's
Starting point is 00:05:36 Slamming down on the Foot pedal to get the bass drum sound And then he goes up, and he's like He gets like the whole dude at one point he accidentally did something he went like yeah yeah he went like and i was just like what the fuck and then it just became kid drumming for like half a second i was like oh dude that's pretty nuts yeah oh dude that would be oh how happy would you if the kid just starts wailing it out i gotta start playing guitar again because i want to jam with them so i'm like all right i gotta like this kid looks like my drum kit might be his when he when he
Starting point is 00:06:15 grows into it you know which i you know i'm cool with that dude the funniest thing your son did because we send each other videos sometimes dude the funniest thing your son did because we send each other videos sometimes dude the funniest thing your son did was that one time you he didn't want to give up the phone and you and i just and he was holding it like dude it was one of the most honest he's just holding it he looked and he knew that a threat to the phone was coming and he booked it he looked yeah hey buddy let me get that phone he just looks looks up and he goes. Then he kind of stared and then just started running away. Wait a minute.
Starting point is 00:06:50 You're fascinating. I need to. Hey, the great ones create space, Paul. Hey, last night I went to the Lakers. I took my wife to the Lakers versus the Milwaukee Bucks. How was that? I mean, dude, it was an NBA game, dude. I mean, look, I'm going to tell you right now. I think just as far as the athleticism in the NBA right now,
Starting point is 00:07:14 I don't think it's ever been better. I mean, just some of the level of shooting, the level of, like, just stuff that they're doing is incredible. But I got to tell you, dude, the fuckingj needs to take a break man fuck we're brooklyn dude it's ridiculous dude the whole fucking game the whole game yes and then these lunatics behind us i don't they were from somewhere in europe and they were screaming we were behind the buck's bench bench. And this guy, every time out, would be like yelling at him in Greek. He'd be like,
Starting point is 00:07:50 Giannis! Who's that? Giannis! And he never even glanced at him. The fourth quarter, dude, his hope was still that high yeah it is
Starting point is 00:08:06 he was spitting he started spitting on my wife i had to be like dude you're fucking yo you're spitting and he acted like he didn't hear me i was like buddy oh he's spitting on my wife and then he had to be there he does that then he immediately goes his buddy yelled out the funniest thing in the whole game somebody on the lakers hit something and this guy just yells out. He goes, Deutschland! Dude, they probably flew from Greece to be there. I mean, they act like they've never been outside the house.
Starting point is 00:08:41 It's like a fucking inside dog all of a sudden got out into a field. They were lunatics. I had my earplugsplugs in dude so they weren't bugging me when they started bugging my wife though that's what i you know then i'm sitting there you know you know you handle that situation paul the deep inhale hold it and then another soft one and then you let it out and you just you squeeze the water bottle and then you don't get sued no No, dude, a guy bumped into Stacey when she was five months pregnant. I told you this. She was five months pregnant with Lucas.
Starting point is 00:09:10 I never forget. It was the day Obama was inaugurated and we went to see them play the Suns and we're sitting there and a t-shirt came and it hits my hand and the guy bumps into my wife and it comes out of my hand, dude. And I was just, and like, he leaned over, and he tapped Stacy like on the shin, like, I'm sorry, but he wouldn't tell me because he had that manly shit,
Starting point is 00:09:33 and we kind of just looked at, dude, I was, yeah, man, I'll be honest with you, dude. I'm not big on going to sporting events anymore. I'm kind of over it. I think you get to an age, and you just sort of age out of it. Like, look, I'm not going to tell people how to be at the fucking game, whatever. So I'm just telling you, dude, the DJ plays the whole fucking game. Paul, I was sitting like fourth row. I couldn't even hear the sneakers squeaking.
Starting point is 00:09:59 No, I couldn't hear the ball. I couldn't hear the shit talk. I was excited. You know, somebody hooked me up with those tickets. I'm like, fuck, man, I'm right down here. I was excited for my wife that she could hear, you know, because, you know, they get mad and shit. You hear, motherfucker, you hear all this cool shit.
Starting point is 00:10:13 You're like, that's the only sport you can really get that close. Even with hockey, there's glass. But basketball, they're right fucking there. And this goddamn fucking DJ, the whole fucking game. They should, like should take that. I'm fine with all the safe space, half circle under the fucking. You want to dunk on nobody and then scream like you're in 300? I don't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:10:34 But I'd like to hear it. Yeah. Dude, I got plugs in like I'm seeing Judas Priest. Madison Square Garden, I got to give it to them. to i'm not saying because i'm a nicks fan they have a dj they do it like three times a game and they say ladies and gentlemen give it up for our dj they put a spotlight on it he does his thing everybody cheers and it's back to the game when me and you went to that brooklyn nets game against the bucks i believe dude it was it was where brooklyn at is brooklyn in the house yeah brooklyn the
Starting point is 00:11:07 whole game it was loud you know what's funny though you gotta sit courtside you gotta sit courtside at an la game because you just see these old guys that just stayed at the party too long where you just look at him going like that fucking guy, that I definitely did blow with NBA players in the eighties. And he's still here. And you just see him do no chick, not married. And they got like, still have long hair and it's like fucking white.
Starting point is 00:11:37 It's just like, it's, you know, I don't even know. Like, it's just stayed at the party too long. It's like, this guy definitely passed out
Starting point is 00:11:45 at the playboy mansion grotto at some point and you just seem to like legends like these old these old playboys but i gotta tell you dude it made me happy that i got married and had kids some of these guys there was a guy down there dude i swear to god he looked like he was wearing the santa suit dan akroyd had on and fucking trading places. You know, he's eating a sandwich and the beard was getting into it and he was spinning around this, this what was supposed to be real jewelry. I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Cause at one point he'd like put it on his hat. And I was joking with the, I'm like, Hey, you think that guy wants to get noticed? Was it just you and her? Yeah. But it's, it's kind of like a fun thing to go there
Starting point is 00:12:27 you know i feel like if you're in hollywood you want to see people like that that want to be famous or like being famous so it's it's the same way like uh you know i went to a knicks game one time i got good seats and across the way fat i saw fat joe that's like a nice new york experience right yeah yeah yeah um you know like woody allen would be there or some shit you know uh you know with his fucking 10 year old with his adopted wife um that's the new york experience right and each each thing has its experience or whatever and uh i don't think there's any better game to sit that close um because you could because you could really hear him it's like fucking nuts dude like i remember back in the day comedy central had like courtside
Starting point is 00:13:18 seats and one time uh it was a it was a snowstorm that, of course, they built up like it was going to be the mother of all snowstorms. And I had the courtside seats and I told Patrice and he lived out in Jersey. And she says, I know it's going to snow, man. I don't want to fucking drive on that shit. And it dude, it snowed like fucking like like maybe an eighth of an inch. And I ended up going with Ben bailey we sat right in the front row fucking uh uh what's his face do the right thing guy was down there the rock spike lee the rock and we sat there it was the knicks versus the lakers the knicks somehow won so kobe was pissed and i saw him turn to the record man what the fuck man just
Starting point is 00:14:06 and like clear his day wow like i watched somebody bump into somebody on the sidewalk and i was sitting right there and it's just like those fucking djs man it's just like you're kind of killing the uh the vibe like i had like one fun moment during the game as a as a fan like they brought some kid out dude to fucking shoot a half court shot dude and it looked like he was fucking trying to throw somebody out at home plate it had no arc it was like a straight line and it even missed the back board and they go all right he's getting another chance and i was just like no don't do that to him again don't do it to him again come on the man has feelings right and i was getting some laughs and then i looked to the guy next to me i go dude he looked like he was
Starting point is 00:14:51 throwing somebody out at the plate and the guy goes yeah except it went into the dugout and we laughed and my wife laughed and i looked at her i said that's what it used to be like because she got mad at me in the first half because i was looking down at these fucking assholes they're all on their phone you know sitting behind these two kids dude this is all i saw the whole game was just it and they had like their fucking cameras up like dude i swear to god this kid's filmed more of the game than the than the actual network and i'm just sitting there laughing going to me i'm like he not going to watch any of this. It's all shit
Starting point is 00:15:27 video. What's funny was LeBron didn't play because he broke the scoring record the night before. They said it was an ankle. He went out and celebrated. You got to respect that. That's some old school shit. He got a little banged up.
Starting point is 00:15:45 We got to see that ceremony and stuff. It was really old school shit. He got a little banged up. But, you know, we got to see that ceremony and stuff. It was really cool, man, but it was... You know, I don't know. My only thing at this point is they would just, like, fuck off with the DJ because it was a really good game. And I was sitting
Starting point is 00:16:00 there saying to Nia, I was going like, this is why you don't gamble. Because the Lakers were winning for, like, three quarters and I was thinking man if i was a gambling man i would have buried buried milwaukee going like oh my god lebron's not gonna be there yeah giannis giannis did have fucking uh i think he had 38 might have had 40 he had at least 38 last I checked. Dude, the still shot, there's a still shot of LeBron hitting the shot to beat Kareem's record. And when you see everybody, it's literally thousands of people like this. It almost looked photoshopped and faked, but it wasn't. Every single person behind the backboard was like this.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It was like, and then you just see one older guy. There was one older guy there was one older guy and they actually put a circle around him and he's like yeah he's actually enjoying the moment and they put a circle around him he was like probably in his 50s or 60s and he's watching it and everybody else was like this and it's it sucked to see that yeah it's a weird thing but i mean i don't know if i was young that's what I would have done. If I came up with those things, I would have done the same thing. But like you kind of wish that they would have once a year. They had an old school game.
Starting point is 00:17:13 Old school night. Right. And everybody's phones. You can't use your phone. And there's no fucking DJ. And then the crowd actually has to bring a vibe. That's kind of what I really. And then the crowd actually has to bring a vibe.
Starting point is 00:17:24 That's kind of what I really, I admit, like, dude, there used to be so many fucking just class clowns making everybody laugh in this and the shit that people would yell out. The guy that would get the chance going, there was always a fucking guy. And then there was the guy that thought he could get the chance going and he
Starting point is 00:17:43 couldn't, it had no charisma and you had to like, look away. It was like, it was, there was the guy that thought he could get the chance going, and he couldn't. It had no charisma, and you had to look away. It was like two events going on. There's a difference, though. Dude, there's some white kid on the Lakers, man, crossed over the Greek freak there, number 15. That kid can play. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:18:04 I don't even watch. I don't watch too much of the lakers but um it's thuma everybody it is thuma introducing the bed by thuma handcrafted from eco-friendly high quality uh upcycled wood the bed has a modern minimalist design that helps elevate any space it's super supportive for your mattress breathable and made to naturally minimize noise you know when you fuck it i'm sorry uh when your wife yeah your wife doesn't have to hold the headboard i'm sorry noise and create the space the bed is put together using time kids will never know you're in there fucking. This is the bed for you.
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Starting point is 00:25:14 Bada boom. Then you go on the bed that you assembled with no tools. You do that. I mean, everything's – everybody's happy. You burn the meal right off, Paul. You burn the meal. Everybody's happy. Burn the meal right off, Paul.
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Starting point is 00:25:53 time and experience it. And then it brings out people, dude, I got to be honest with you. And another parent told me, so mothers are worse. Dude, I learned all about this, like, community sports etiquette in the stands shit. And, like, dude, mothers are worse than fathers, dude. Mothers start to say shit. Mothers? They start saying shit passive aggressive. Like, they'll do it different. Like, a father will go, like, come on, ref.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Come on, dude. Like that. But a mother will say something like, has he taken him out yet? Like shit that's like passive aggressive. And dude, I noticed something on the side. Passive aggressive, yeah. Like a woman or a Canadian. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Oh, I said that in Toronto. I go, you guys are nice. And then I go, but it's kind of fake bullshit nice. And they all started clapping. Yeah, those are some passive aggressive motherfuckers up there that's why their sport's so violent they say what they're really thinking on the ice but dude so i noticed something bill uh our team wins our team wins and they were like they they're fucking they always like you know are they running up the score
Starting point is 00:27:02 so anyway the other team scored and i noticed the bleachers all started going hard and i looked and i i looked over and i go dude they they fucking want us like everybody wants us to lose so i see a father of a girl that's on our team at an arcade and we go to the bar while the girls play our case and i had a tequila and he had a soda we start talking and i go yo dude i go did you notice that when they scored he goes oh dude he goes he goes we're the evil empire he goes dude he goes i heard a mother behind us talking all kinds of shit they want us to win and i just looked at him and i go i fucking love it i go i'll run the score they want you to lose they want you i'm sorry they want us to lose yeah
Starting point is 00:27:45 so when whenever the other team does something good there's like this eruption and like because dude we just don't lose and like you know we're very like we're fun though dude like our girls come off i run out high five on the other guys like get you know it gets intense dude but i love that we're the evil empire and that they want us to lose. I love it because I'll fucking run up to score. I'll fucking run the score up. I don't give a fuck, dude. Dude, I love that you're fucking, this is your first season. You're already an empire.
Starting point is 00:28:16 It's seven and one. We're the evil empire. Oh, Paul, you would be fun as a head coach. Oh yeah. I have fun with it. You'll do it. You're a pregame sponsor. I'll tell you right now, not only are we going to as a head coach. Oh, yeah. I have fun with it. You'll do it, dude. You're a pregame sponsor. Tell you right now, not only are we going to win, we're running up the score.
Starting point is 00:28:31 You do your little – Running up the score. I look at the board. No, dude, it's really fun. Where's our punter? Where's our punter? Yeah, yeah. Go to fucking – go to SeaWorld.
Starting point is 00:28:43 We're not going to need you on Sunday. Dude, Lucas had five threes and 25 points in a game, there yeah yeah you go to fucking go to sea world we're not gonna need you on sunday dude lucas had five threes and 25 points in a game and i had to watch how crazy i was going like i was just like it i did you just want like after like the fourth three i was just like yeah like you know like because i can't be like yeah like every time it's just like my son is better than yours. Oh, dude. Feels good. This is filling a void in my life that I wasn't able to with my own accomplishments.
Starting point is 00:29:17 It would be funny if you just said everything you were saying. I didn't even get on the team. I got cut. My parents were divorced. This makes it worth all the shit I take as a husband. I was in therapy in elementary school. My father did his best. I need this more than he does. That's awesome, dude. I'm really happy for the both of you. Oh, shit. I need this more than he does.
Starting point is 00:29:46 That's awesome, dude. I'm really happy for the both of you, man. Oh, shit. That's killer, man. No, it is funny, though, how, like, it is funny how, like, you know. Because then there are parents whose, like, kid shoots an air ball, and it's just quiet. And then there's, like, one parent.
Starting point is 00:30:02 All right, come on, guys. It just guys it just misses everything oh dude it's brutal oh you know what's hilarious who's that guy he didn't play last night he's one of that top players on the bucks tall guy dark-skinned dude always has that scowl on his face um um oh it's not uh uh middleton it wasn't middleton who's somebody i'll get i'll look up his name he didn't play last night and i was saying yeah i go look at him like i'm i'm upset he's not playing he's one of the they're better players and i was just like he always has that look on his face i was joking i go he probably had that look on his face when when he was a baby what is this who the fuck is calling me uh sorry sorry sorry remind me would you know his name uh if i saw his face i would know so i was like joking i go he probably had that look on his face when he's a baby his mom's like you want to bob on he just just snatches the shit so i saw him actually smile one of his teammates one of his teammates
Starting point is 00:31:08 shot a fucking airball dude a bad one from like the side it caught nothing and he looked down like that and then i just saw him he looked up in the stands i probably had a friend at the game and he just started fucking laughing wow he's laughing it was fucking great dude that's one of those cool things like you don't you're not gonna see that on tv dude he was laughing as i mean they were up by eight so it's not like he was being a bad teammate he was just he just put he fucking they did it and he kind of went like that and then he looked up back over somebody and then he just started fucking laughing it's like watching your friend bomb it's like watching your comedian friend bomb the guy like three times he just kept fucking laughing and uh i was like oh that's so cool did you guys uh did she did your wife enjoy the
Starting point is 00:31:56 the actual game or no no she had a great and i would definitely do it again and i uh you know it's funny i just realized we didn't even take a picture I didn't have my phone out at all dude there was this guy in my fucking row little fella with like dude I swear to god enough diamonds to save like fucking an entire town you mean like legit little like legit little fella little guy he was just a little guy And he was sitting there with his legs crossed. And he was just on his phone. Like for a major portion of the game. And it's just like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:35 What are you doing? I'm like, oh, these guys. They're all on their fucking phones. And Leah looked at me. She just goes, are you enjoying anything about this game? And I was just like, what the fuck? I go, it's like I would be if I could hear something. So then was just like what the fuck i go it's like i would be if i could hear something so then i was like all right fuck it i'm not gonna be that guy it's
Starting point is 00:32:50 your first time here or whatever and then finally you know what was funny was towards the end when that guy starts going yeah it's like spitting over him i go now do you kind of see i mean that guy would but in in defense of the kids that guy was always there and i was probably that guy we've all been that guy he was excited he was from another country he's at a fucking lakers game that's a big deal but um they made up a lot of it by yelling deutschland i thought that that was fucking that's really funny that's really fucking fun you don't hear that a lot i love you know what when european people like even when the japanese uh really started to come out to see matsui when
Starting point is 00:33:32 he first got there and they all were just fucking i mean dude you want to talk about it was epic dude when he showed up to the plate they would all stand up the flag would go up they start yelling shit and it was so great it was so fucking great you know because there's not like remember that old guy we saw who would stand up and he would go like this during the during the foul shot and then when the guy would make the foul shot he would go yeah like my jinx didn't work that time that was awesome like guys like that don't annoy you know what's the funniest was when was when those guys were really getting out of control it got to the point where everybody around us was like what the fuck and i see this bouncer right you know the guy like the game's going
Starting point is 00:34:13 on behind him he's just sort of watching the crowd and he sort of turned to the side like this and he's and he just goes i see him he starts you know looking at the guy and then he finally just goes and then he fucking walked i fuck was laughing my ass off he came walking he's like buddy buddy you gotta calm down you gotta calm down people are trying to enjoy the game he was a lunatic dude he was somehow leaning on my wife's to my wife's seat and they're like above us okay he was. Yeah. He got a little excited. Whatever. He got a little excited. He was a little drunk. But it was sort of the movie theater experience where you're like, oh, great.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Nobody sat behind me. And then right before the movie starts. Dude, I'm slowly. Bruce Willis! That's a nightmare to me. Dude, I'll be honest with you. The older I get, dude, I'm turning into. Even my wife said it.
Starting point is 00:35:03 She's like, you are a fucking homebody dude I get to the airport go to the hotel come home I want to be home with the kids dude I don't like going to sporting events ever I want to be home I wish I could get movie theater movies to my fucking house I'm you know what it is too is Paul with a flat screen TV and a fucking couch and all of the fucking shit to pull the. The shit that you have at your fingertips now, like the level of booze, just let's let's look at that. Right. Nobody knew what half of this shit was designer clothes or any of that fucking we all drank like this shit beer. That was almost like water back in the day and you had a little square fucking tv that you watched on so going to the game was
Starting point is 00:35:50 unbelievable now you have like this fucking that's right like clearer than real life movie screen you can hit pause go back no one can shut you off you can get absolutely blitzed dude there was was there takeout back in the day I don't even know if there was pizza there was pizza like one place delivered pizza you get pizza delivery
Starting point is 00:36:17 Chinese food too I think those were the only two but now you can order like a full steak dinner Italian meal it comes right to you you're like a king fucking steak dinner, Italian meal. It comes right to you like a king. When you were at home, you were a king. Yeah. Now, what's his name? Giannis had a bit like that where he goes, I don't have to take my shoes.
Starting point is 00:36:35 Like he did this grub hub. You get you just open. Dude, I got a 75 inch TV flat screen and this couch. Where am I going? Am I going to watch a UFC with a bunch of fucking do you want to know it's a nightmare i tried to catch a ufc pay-per-view after a set so i ran across the street this is when this is when right before pandemic when uh danger fields was and i go dude i want to catch this mcgregor fight or whatever and i go oh go there they don't even charge
Starting point is 00:37:01 anything so i run across and i go oh all, all right, dude, it was like this. I grabbed a beer. I'm holding a beer. And this guy was like, McGregor, come on. He started pushing. Dude, it was like started like almost like a mosh pit. And I'm going like, what the fuck am I doing here, man? If you're in your 20s, you wouldn't question it.
Starting point is 00:37:21 It would be fun because you'd be young. You get older. It's like, hey, man, I just paid my health insurance here. Dude, do you know the level of what that is? Now when people are like, yo, dude, we're going to go to a club. My buddy works the door, so we're going to get right in. And you're just going. You go and you wait 15 minutes to get one drink.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And you get excited. My new that is you going, hey, dude, you and Themis, we're going to go play nine holes. I'm like, I tell, I get my shirt out the night before. I'm fucking, dude, I tell Stacey I'm playing golf tomorrow, you know, and I'm like, I'm going to get, maybe get a little sandwich, a little English muffin and a coffee. We're going to play nine, maybe 18.
Starting point is 00:38:03 And I am fucking, I'll be home for dinner i mean that's it i've become an old man and i love oh so how's your every laker game i ever go to i do run into an older fan that was at the forum back in the day okay you were back there i go all right i gotta hear your stories what was what were the showtime lakers like and everybody has just these great fucking stories and um yeah that was like uh yeah those you know those guys that had like the the fucking program rolled up screaming you could have like dude we missed it man the 70s no you couldn't smoke in the 80s and the 90s through the 70s and 60s you could fucking smoke a stick in the stands. You could smoke a stick in the stands? Paul, I told you this a million
Starting point is 00:38:48 times. I watched this fucking highlight of like the 73 World Series was like the Mets versus the A's or something. It was definitely the Mets. It was the World Series and it used to come on during the afternoon because they just played. They didn't play. I don't know
Starting point is 00:39:03 why, but it wasn't a big ratings thing. I have no idea. But it was on in the afternoon, and they cut to the crowd, and there was a guy in a dress shirt, like a white dress shirt with cut-off sleeves, and he was with a little fedora like Tom Landry, and he was smoking a stick in box seats at Shea Stadium, watching the World Series. And it's just like, wow, man, does that guy – there's a few things.
Starting point is 00:39:34 Let's go way back. For as much as we're romanticizing our youth, here's another thing. Do you know back in the day when you used to fly, I always tell this story. I feel like I'm repeating all my stories. I'm getting old here. When you used to fly first class on Pan Am and you landed at JFK, the Pan Am building is whatever. The MetLife building was the Pan Am building. They owned that building.
Starting point is 00:39:58 So you would land first class. You walk downstairs onto the tarmac into a helicopter. you walk downstairs onto the tarmac into a helicopter they then with your bags flew you up to the top of the pan am building you landed there was a nightclub up there handed you a fucking drink your bags are ready to go when you wanted to you got a little buzz going you talked to some ladies or whatever whatever the fuck you did and then you went downstairs to your car waiting for you. They drove you to the fucking hotel. I mean, it was unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:40:28 What ended up happening was they had somebody crashed a helicopter and part of the debris killed somebody on the ground. And that was the end of that. Oh, dude, that story was incredible until that. It was probably LTE, loss of tail rotor effectiveness and he probably started spinning and then you know um how's your golf game coming you playing i played uh with a buddy of mine uh not this past monday the monday before and i played like shit. Yeah. I played like shit. But I mean, I haven't taken a lesson yet or whatever, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:41:09 I was meeting somebody, so I drove like two hours out there and then had to drive two hours back. Oh, wow. Yeah, my buddy, you know, so it was kind of, I already suck. I don't need, I found out driving two hours before I play, I suck even more. Listen to me,
Starting point is 00:41:29 Paul. I saw I'm making excuses. I got to take, I got to take that one myself. I fucking, I was picking my head up the whole day. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:41:37 listen, man, I know we had to do a, this is going to be a short one this week because we did our Superbowl picks and our Superbowl picks are in. So you could check that out on the anything better nfl edition uh that's available please like and subscribe the show rate and review the show um and uh yeah we get more subs on the uh youtube real quick before we go paul yeah where do you put lebron j James because I saw uh I saw uh uh what the fuck's his name Paul Pierce and somebody
Starting point is 00:42:11 else they were talking like LeBron with the all-time scoring that they're saying he you know dealing with the pressure as an 18 year old remember all that the whole fucking ad campaign you know when I was a kid, like, you know, Moses Malone, Daryl Dawkins, they came in after high school,
Starting point is 00:42:29 but it just wasn't that level of like ESPN 24 seven, all this shit, all the fucking pressure he handled. You can't win in Cleveland. Oh, you went to fucking Miami. You piled on and he goes back to Cleveland and wins there, beating the fucking warriors.
Starting point is 00:42:45 And then he's the all-time points, you know, scored the most points all time. Looks like he'll be the first guy to ever score 40,000 points. Where do you, Paul, put him? He's in your top one. Well, it's funny you said that. I'm actually glad you brought that up because all of my son's friends and my son's age, which is 13, they're all LeBron GOAT, LeBron GOAT,
Starting point is 00:43:10 and then you talk to them about Jordan and in their mind because they're all about now. So I started to think about it. I have him in the top five but maybe five because he's nowhere close to the defender Michael Jordan was, and he didn't have to deal with what Michael Jordan had to deal with. You also have to take a little points away from him, in my opinion, of how he won some of them by going to Wade in his prime,
Starting point is 00:43:35 doing that super team shit, which Jordan didn't do. Jordan, 10-time all-defense NBA. I mean, he's one of the best defenders of all time. That's the thing about Michael Jordan. He's one of the best defenders of all time that nobody really talks about his defense as NBA. I mean, he's one of the best defenders of all time. That's the thing about Michael Jordan. He's one of the best defenders of all time that nobody really talks about his defense as much. Kareem, Magic Johnson. So I think he's there. If you want to say he's in the Mount Rushmore, I'll give you that. I think he's around the four or five. Yeah, he's definitely Mount Rushmore. There's too many, you know, something to say somebody
Starting point is 00:44:02 definitively is the best of all time. I think that's just a personal choice. As far as like when I was growing up. I always looked at it like if you change the game. Yeah. Like before Dr. J came along, no one was doing that shit. And then everyone was doing that shit because they were emulating him. And then Jordan came along and did shit that i never saw anybody do to this day i never saw anybody that big of a change and if i had to say right now as far as because that for
Starting point is 00:44:35 me is a big thing as far as like if you're one of the greats of all times is if you change the game and i have to say steph curry yeah he's the greatest fucking shooter he does like carl he changed the game in a game yeah and the thing that what he showed everybody was the possibilities i mean he does shit like that you would think only a robot could do like they programmed it to sit in that spot and 100 where he is deadly from the fact that he can go 10 15 feet it seems behind the arc and nothing but net some of his pre-game warm-ups that that guy does it's insane like i i but and i think he's gonna kind of get punished because of his size like when they when they kind of go like because he's i i don't know how tall he is but he's not the biggest strongest guy like
Starting point is 00:45:31 lebron's like the first guy i ever saw like that is literally an nfl tight end a giant tight end playing uh basketball so um i definitely think lebron is uh five all time. And then I just think it comes down to your personal preference. But I don't know. How do you shoehorn? I don't even think there's a top five anymore because the game has just gone on too long. I think the new top five should be like a top 12. And I would put Steph Curry in there. I agree with everything you just said.
Starting point is 00:46:05 And I also think, though, that I do think that Jordan made people around him better. And I look at greatness as making the people around you better. I think Scottie Pippen wouldn't have been. I think he's great, but I think Jordan made him tougher and helped him realize what it takes to win. I don't really see LeBron doing that. I actually see LeBron. What about when he was in Cleveland and he put that team on his back and he beat the fucking warriors man like i don't know like that that should have erased all of that criticism like okay he did the pylon thing in miami but then he went back to
Starting point is 00:46:35 cleveland and and uh he beat an unbelievable team in uh defending nba champions That's undeniable. Yeah. Look, he needed, if Kyrie Irving and him would have stayed together and that would have been a new Jordan Pippen thing and they built it and stayed, I think so. Again, I put him in the top five.
Starting point is 00:46:59 I just don't think that he was the teammate or the player that Jordan was. I'll even say this in a big game in a very big game that you need to win I might take Kobe over him in one game to win as far as killer instinct I might that was my knock on Kobe I'm trying to think like his big playoff it's hard to criticize him him because of the tragic way he went. But I mean, as far as just like as a sports fan, like what big shot did he hit in the playoffs?
Starting point is 00:47:31 That comes to mind. I know he hit one against the Rockets, but I have to look at it. I have to look at it. Should you have to look at it? How come nobody talks about Magic Johnson? Bulls win. Bulls win. Bulls win.
Starting point is 00:47:44 You can immediately picture the Jordan. Yeah. But how come nobody talks about magic johnson bulls win bulls but you can immediately picture oh yeah but how come nobody talks about dude when you bring up magic someone's like matt someone's like magic magic is in i'm like yeah wait a minute you know something i i would put kobe in front of in front of lebron though i would too this like i would say as far as uh wanting to win and the will yes that and i'll also say as far as greatest of all time i never saw a guy behind the arc with two guys hanging on him and his back to the net i've never seen a guy hit that shot more consistently it was like it was like a free throw for him. No, dude, he was, yeah, he became that perimeter shooter.
Starting point is 00:48:29 I agree with you. Top five is now top 10. You can't even do it. Dude, Steph Curry. Steph Curry's 6'2", 6'3". The guy can shoot from half court like a foul shot. It's fucking nuts. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Yeah, it is. And what was the thing, though, because he's doing that, there's something, like, I don't know if people, like, some people understand, like, if I'm explaining this right. It's like, like, once somebody does something, and then it's like, oh, human beings can do that? Yes. Then you have, like, this belief belief and then you just keep doing it because you saw it done it's so much harder when it's it's like no you can't do that to then go fucking do it and um i see that with like uh you know kids playing on instruments and stuff like that like the blazing speed that they can play at now because,
Starting point is 00:49:26 I mean, there's all this information on the internet, but because there's a guy literally going, look, you can fucking do this. This can be done. Oh, last thing before we go,
Starting point is 00:49:37 because I know we got to go. The slap fighting thing that Dana White thing is doing, dude, it's going to kill somebody, dude. I said that I said I'm going to love the first guy that ducks says I'm not doing this. We should win, dude. That guy from Romania's head. He had a fucking like bleed in his fucking head was out to here, dude. And they got a
Starting point is 00:49:56 guy spotting for when you collapse. And it's dude, it's going to fucking kill somebody. The guy's head was like bleeding. He's going like this. he was going ow and he was like the champ fucking the dumbest thing and dude animals in the wild don't do dumb shit like that it's actually fucking the dumbest shit i've ever seen i mean it's 100 cte there's no there's just no like i want to say like like what is the champion like how long can you be champion in that sport? Because it's not like you can slip the punch. You just have to stand there. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:31 Like, how long would Mayweather's run have been if he had to just like, I'm going to hit you, then I'm going to stand here and let you wind up and hit me. But people will do it, Paul. The Power TV. I have to go, though. I'm sorry. Yes. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Guys, that's the show. Thank you guys so much. Like and subscribe. Anything better? Check out the Verzi Effect, the Monday Morning Podcast. We'll be here next week. Hey, next week, I want your top 10. Give me your top 10 for next week.
Starting point is 00:50:56 Okay. All right. We'll do that. I keep killing the momentum here if you're wrapping it up. Sorry. All right. No, no, no. Imagine we just did the top 10 running backs.
Starting point is 00:51:04 All right, guys. That's it. We'll talk to you guys next week. See ya. Thank you. Bye.

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