Aware & Aggravated - 5. Everyone is Racist

Episode Date: December 5, 2021

My take on cancel culture and a lil story about why I don't practice witchcraft anymore lols. It gets deep. Watch the Podcast on YouTube! a 1-on-1 call with me 👇🏻 the podcast with a donation : @theleoskepiPodcast Instagram: @awareandaggravated TikTok accounts: @LeoSkepi@NotLeoForLegalReasons My app Positive Focus:Apple: 

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I know, I know, the title's a little out there. Give me a fucking second to explain. Okay? Cause everybody is racist and fat phobic and transphobic and what the fuck else is there? What other phobics is there? Cause everybody is all of it. Skinny phobic. White phobic. Motherfucking.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Anti-smoking cigarettes. What's that called? SIGARAT phobic bitch. People will call you anything in the fucking book now. They just throw the word FOBIC on the end of it and think it's an insult. I have seen a lot of comments on social media, especially my shit. Like people constantly calling me every kind of FOBIC there is.
Starting point is 00:00:39 And I just keep asking myself, what the fuck is the point? Like people just seem to comment observations. Not that I am phobic of any of these things. I'm just talking my shit. And what I mean by observations is people will like see something posted and if it is not 100% advocating for it, then they call you phobic of it. God forbid you have a preference. God forbid you don't like something. Oh my fucking god, you're phobic! They will literally flip the situation and only see what they want to see. They think they fucking know something and they don't.
Starting point is 00:01:16 And after time they don't even make sense with the allegations that they make. They just see something, think they know something and want to talk about it. They've been taught that their opinion matters. Glad that their parents loved them and made them feel valuable, but sometimes you should have shut the fuck up. When I post like my diet tips, people are like, oh my god, you're fat phobic. The fat phobia in this is like real loud. It's not actually fat phobia. Like I don't give a fuck if you're fat. Go be fat if you wanna be fat. I don't like being fat and I share tips to help people not be fat that don't wanna be fat.
Starting point is 00:01:52 That doesn't mean I'm fat phobic. Am I being mean to people just because they're fat? No. But I just kept seeing people all the time. Like everybody is always commenting some kind of like label against people. Like you're fat phobic, you're racist, you kind of, like, label against people. Like, your fat phobic, your racist, your this, your that. Like, what the fuck is the point in commenting that?
Starting point is 00:02:12 Even if I was fat phobic, what the fuck does that matter? You know what I mean? Like, y'all are commenting shit like it does something. Like, even if I was fat phobic and you commented, you're fat phobic. Okay? And? Hey, do you get what I mean. Like this fucking shit just made no sense to me. But it just clicked for me in my head.
Starting point is 00:02:33 So I had a jump, I had to like, I ran in here to come film a fucking podcast about it real quick. The people that comment this shit are in an extreme fucking place of not feeling worth the fuck or Like have no value or have no control over their life because this behavior is not normal like to go around and just Call people shit That ain't normal behavior and I'm just gonna let you know that that's fucking weird Okay, if you're one of these blue haired bitches, you're fucking weird, dude
Starting point is 00:03:06 But I realize this is all a tactic. So it's a tactic for these people Where they go on someone's page and they'll comment you're racist and the person that they comment that shit at Will make some kind of video back to them or they'll make some kind of like comment or they'll try and explain theirself and prove that they're not fat phobic or racist or whatever someone's fucking yelling at them about. That right there gives that person control. When you cannot control your reactions to things like if I was not able to control my reaction when someone called me racist, if I had to get on there every fucking time and make a video I'm not racist look these are all the reasons why I'm not racist like if I was not able to control my response
Starting point is 00:03:54 I would be controlled by these people. These people get control over weak motherfuckers that feel the need to constantly explain and prove theirself. So them commenting all their little observations is their attempt at gaining control over something. That's why I said that they don't have control over their life. They got their own fucking issues, but it made me realize it's not personal. Like, these people just commenting shit just to comment it. It's a power play.
Starting point is 00:04:21 They want to see if they can have control over you to see if you're going gonna react or respond to them You know, because I just I genuinely did not get it like why are y'all just pointing shit out? And then why are you seeing something like people be commenting that my Dining tips are eating this order behavior and And even if they are, who gives a fuck? Who gives a fuck, you know? Like I fall prey to it sometimes
Starting point is 00:04:50 cause I'm like, you know, they're fucking stupid, shut up. But now I understand, it's just a little power play for them to get a sense of control or to get attention. Like they want you to interact with them. They want you to acknowledge them. And I'm my stubborn ass, now that I'm aware of this, that's the last thing I'm gonna do. I'm gonna post more triggering shit for you, bitch. Eat it up.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Eat it the fuck up, choke. I'll never intentionally try to trigger people. I might talk my shit on here, but I'll never like make things just to intentionally trigger people, but I did have a big realization around this just now. Like it's fresh happening just now as I'm sitting down to film this. I was like, I have to come like share this because this is like a big thing. And I know other people are frustrated about it too. Like why are people always just making observations?
Starting point is 00:05:39 So that's just what I've realized about it. And one more thing, when you use a word that's as big as like racist, that is something people do not want to fucking be labeled as that will get you canceled in 2.5 seconds. So what these little cancel culture fucking freaks have done is create a platform and like they give people followings that they can take away and they instill the fear in these influencers that if you say anything remotely wrong we will cancel you.
Starting point is 00:06:13 So that's their way of controlling the influencer. Like they get a sense of control because they're powerless to their triggers and if someone says something that triggers them in order for them to get a sense of control back, they need to make a power play. And that's their fucking power play. Is to cancel you.
Starting point is 00:06:31 I do not agree with cancel culture. And I think it's really fucking stupid. Like people ruin other people's lives for no reason. Like they take it too far. Like the context of certain videos and certain things that have gotten leaked. Like y'all give no fucking mercy and you don't understand, like you don't try to be empathetic and understand where the person was coming from. And why they said what they said or why they did what they did. Some people are actually just like pieces of fucking shit and I get
Starting point is 00:07:01 that. Like I don't want to say names Charles James Like if someone's in the place where they have a following and they abuse it and they abuse the power that they have Absolutely cancel them take it to fuck from them. That's not cool But these little cancel culture people like they Cut no slack. They have no mercy, they have no nothing. Once you're marked of like, for their destruction, you're fucked. Like they're gonna fucking fuck with your life anyway,
Starting point is 00:07:32 they can, they'll get you fired from wherever you work. They'll make sure you can ever get hired somewhere else. They'll slam or you're so fucking bad online that you will have like a record, like a trace that if you try to go get hired somewhere, you'll have literally so much shit online when the boss goes to Google you, that they won't want to hire you. Like you're a fucking liability to the company because you've been slandered so bad online. You know, like people literally ruin other people's lives just because they say something that they don't approve of.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Like shut the fuck up, shut up, understand when the punishment is too far. Like I'm very big on being fair and being not ethical. I don't have a fuck about being ethical. But I'm big on being fair. Bitch and I for an eye, okay? That's it. But you need to know when to stop. It's like when you're watching the fighting videos of people getting jumped. Like the person's knocked out and they continue kicking them in the head. Alright, enough. Okay, you know what I mean? Like they're already knocked out, don't touch them. They got knocked the fuck out. There's their punishment. Don't continue to brutally beat them because then you're a fucking piece of shit. You know? But anyway, my point with the whole like cancel
Starting point is 00:08:43 culture people is they be taken it too fucking far and they think that they're justified in it because they're taking someone down. Like, you don't know the full story. Okay, I, this is making me want to get into my whole like why I don't do witchcraft anymore and why I don't do like hexas and curses. Like I used to be so for it and I was doing them, but I had an experience where I realized, I don't know everything. So like with these cancel culture people, like they feel justified based off of what they know
Starting point is 00:09:20 to attack somebody and to like dish out a consequence. When in reality you don't fucking know everything. You don't know what happened. Therefore you are not fit to play God. Okay? I don't believe in the whole like religious God and shit. Like I'm not referencing that, but I'm just saying you can't like play God. You don't get to play Punisher.
Starting point is 00:09:43 You don't get to do that because you don't know everything. You lack the mental capacity to understand each side of the situation, unbiased. You can't even begin to understand that you people are so fucking close-minded, all you want to do is attack. You are not in a place to understand. Therefore, you don't know everything. Therefore, you are not justified, and therefore, you are not fucking qualified to dish out a punishment. Now I need to call myself out on that. I will always take accountability for what I do or say and I will own that shit. If you want an explanation I'll give it to you. If I feel like an apology is necessary
Starting point is 00:10:20 I'll say it. But bitch I don't apologize. I don't believe in apologies. Like, I don't believe in forgiveness. I don't believe in apologies. They're fucking pointless. They're worthless. Like, what the fuck am I gonna say sorry for? Like, I did what I did. I said what I said. I said what I said and I did what I did based off of what I knew at the time. Based off of the situation I was in. Saying sorry doesn't fix it. Saying sorry doesn't do shit. So I'm not gonna fucking say that. You're gonna watch my actions,
Starting point is 00:10:49 how I make up for it, and how I rectify the situation, or how I try to mend the damage I've caused. I don't need a fucking apology. You could show up the words I'm sorry up your ass. They've never meant anything to me. But that's just my opinion on that. I don't know how I just got off onto that tangent, but I need to get back to the witchcraft thing.
Starting point is 00:11:06 So, there was a person in my life that was causing fucking havoc for me in a way that you cannot imagine. I'm still kind of dealing with it, but it's like some shit out of a movie. Like you can't even fucking make it up for a movie it's so twisted but this person was doing like certain things to me and I was like what the fuck like I stopped believing in karma because I'm like I don't deserve none of this shit I ain't done nothing in life bad enough to deserve this I know my heart I know my intentions now where the fuck karma eat my dick because that ain't real like I don't deserve any of this shit that I'm going through. It was that bad, I turned my back on the whole concept of karma. But this person was attacking my life
Starting point is 00:11:55 and I could not stop it. I didn't understand why. I turned my back on law of attraction because I'm like, how am I a match to this? You know? Like, I'm like, what the fuck have I done? How am I vibrationally a match to this shit? Like, every single belief I held or every, anything I thought I believed in, I had to question it. This whole situation rocked the fuck out of me. Now I can look back and I'm like, grateful for what it did because I am who I am now. I have the resilience and I'm a strong motherfucker mentally now, not just physically, like I have the body unlocked. But now mentally you can't touch me.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So this person was doing some real fucked up shit to me. And the whole time I was like, yo, this is not fair. Like bitch, you're gonna fuck with me and I'm gonna fuck with you. So I allegedly started doing hexes and curses. Like it was my fucking hobby, bitch. Like I was getting graveyard dirt from like witches, graves, and New Orleans.
Starting point is 00:12:57 I was doing all kind of shit. Like I was doing like anything I could to stop this, you know? And I'm literally sitting here with my gun next to me because I have another fucking crack head trying to like fuck with my family. So now anywhere I go in my house, I take my gun, even when I be shitting. But I'm very good on physical safety.
Starting point is 00:13:19 That's not my issue. I can handle a motherfucker coming to my face and sart in some shit. Like bitch, you wanna have a shootout? Let's do it. You wanna fight, let's fight. I'm good on the physical protection side. But when it comes to someone attacking me in a way that is not physical, I could not handle
Starting point is 00:13:36 it before and that's what this person was doing. I could not protect myself. And that was something that I was not used to. Like nothing was physical. Therefore, I couldn't protect myself. I had no mental armor of how to protect myself mentally from like having a fucking breakdown. Had a bunch of those.
Starting point is 00:13:55 But the only way I felt like I could fuck with this person back was allegedly to do haxes and curses. And I'm like, bitch, energetically and spiritually, I'm about to fuck your shit up What's scary is like I don't know if they worked or not? I Think better like I don't know like I don't know if Anything ever happened. I don't think
Starting point is 00:14:18 But I was real motherfucking mad like there was this one spell allegedly that I Allegedly did where like you piss in a jar and you like do all you play coffin nails and you do all kind of other shit and you put like cayenne pepper and there's like a bunch of other things you do and you write some shit allegedly on a piece of paper and you and you put it in there and like every time you walk by it you shake it and you just get more and more pissed off for like a week and like every time you pass the jar you're supposed to shake it and you just get more and more pissed off for like a week. And like every time you pass the jar, you're supposed to shake it and spit in it.
Starting point is 00:14:47 So the shit got real fucking gross. And I was literally doing anything I could. I was like talking to real life witches. I was researching shit. Everyone kept saying like watch what you put out because it's gonna come back to you. And I was like bitch, shut the fuck up, that ain't real. Okay, dishing it out ain't shit going back
Starting point is 00:15:04 to this person that is hacking me. So I'm gonna do it. Like karma ain't real. Okay, dishing it out ain't shit going back to this person that's attacking me. So I'm gonna do it. Like karma ain't real, so here I go, you know? I've got some mentality I had on it. Because I thought I knew everything. My whole point behind this is I thought I was justified in attacking this person back, allegedly, with spells and curses and shit
Starting point is 00:15:26 But then later on I Realized that this person attacking me in a weird fucked up way Was helping me and actually serving me So I realized how I actually was a match to this person attacking my life. And basically what it was is I was in a place where I was struggling with feeling valuable and like I was worth the fuck as even a human being. Like I thought I was great. I thought I was like a good person. I thought I had all these good traits about me and I was so frustrated because
Starting point is 00:16:09 nothing was reflecting that like I was treated like shit by most people in my life. People just didn't seem to see or recognize my value and this situation with this person attacking my life was validation that all of the things that I thought about myself were true. So every time this person attacked my life subconsciously, I was validated because you can't live without me. Like, look at you. You're freaking the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:16:40 You literally have to destroy me because you can't live without me. Like, it was subconscious validation that I actually am valuable. I am as great as I think I am. So this person attacking my life served me. And I was not aware of this at the time. I could not figure it out. I tried to understand how I was a match to this attack and I couldn't, like, fathom it.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Like, I wasn't getting the answer. I couldn't figure it out. And then one day I started realizing a lot of shit and I was like, oh my god. Like this entire time, I know it was bad and it was a really shitty situation with the person and what they did, but what they were doing was validating me. It was serving me. I was a match to it because it was validation. And as soon as I realized that, I got this like impending sense of doom because I was dishing out spiritual and energetic consequences, like it was a fucking field day.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Like I thought I was justified in all the shit that I was doing. Like even though something was on the surface hurting me and attacking my life, it was serving me emotionally and in a weird twisted fucked up way. So I felt bad because I had a new appreciation for what had gone on and it made me feel a lot better about what I was going through. Like, at the point when I wasn't valuing myself, this was the only thing that made me feel valuable.
Starting point is 00:18:13 So it was there for me. Like, this whole situation was there for me in a time when I needed it the most. Like, if this person wasn't attacking my life, I would have self-destructed as fuck, like I'm sure, because there was no validation of anything good about me. Like I was, I felt like it was a gaslight, like I thought I was a good person, I thought I was funny, I thought I was smart, I thought like someone actually could love me.
Starting point is 00:18:42 And everything reflecting was the opposite of that. But this one situation was the only thing in the back of my mind that was weirdly validating all that. So when I needed it, it came in a fucked up way and I dished out consequences against this thing that was actually serving me when I thought it was destroying me. So as soon as I realized all this, I like started bugging the fuck out because I felt so bad. And I was like, I need to call back all of the negative things. I allegedly sent out vibrationally and energetically at this Person so I did like a spell where I called back and
Starting point is 00:19:30 Neutralized any energy I had sent out that was negative so I cleansed it all like I was like I don't even know if this whole energy shit and this witchcraft shit is true But just in case it is I'm gonna pull it all back. I'm gonna neutralize it, I think it's real, but I felt so much relief after that and I felt like a weird like rekindle of like what is it called like I just felt better about it because I had a newfound appreciation for it and I had called back all of the negative things that I sent. And then after it, I sent out vibrations of like gratitude and like a thank you to this
Starting point is 00:20:14 person, even though they were attacking my life and still were at the time that I realized this, I wanted to send out a thank you because even though it was something bad, it did help me. And I was appreciative for that one part of it. Now the rest of it can fucking kick rocks, like I could do without that shit. But I am appreciative for the part that did help me. So I sent out like an energy of gratitude toward this individual and Allegedly, all this is a legit all this is a hocus-pocus a lie story and I'm saying this just to get myself off the hook legally I don't know what the fuck could happen, but I'm not disclosing anything that is descriptive and this is all alleged. This is all a story. So now legally I'm safe. Fuck you
Starting point is 00:21:07 this is all a story. So now, legally, I'm safe. Fuck you. But yeah, so my point was like these people that are constantly canceling motherfuckers, you think you know everything. You think you're justified in what you're doing when you're not. You don't actually fucking understand the full situation. Therefore, your opinion, you can shove it in your ass. Like, I don't know how else to explain this topic or subject because just like with the person attacking my life, I thought I knew it all. I thought I was justified in like doing negative things toward them allegedly, but I wasn't.
Starting point is 00:21:41 Even though something was negative and bad, it was still helping me so Me attacking that like I'm the fucking asshole, you know Like I thought I was justified this whole time and I'm just as much of a fucking dick as the other guy You know it's not justified or equal like I thought it was and this entire experience made me question my entire View on justification. Like if you need to justify something you're doing, don't do it. And also it made me realize with these fucking weirdos commenting observations on TikTok, if you don't learn how to control your reaction to things, you will be controlled. That's kind of the same
Starting point is 00:22:22 lesson I learned with the person attacking my life. Like I'm powerless to what other people decide to do. Everyone is like you are powerless. You can't control what other people do. You can't control what they say. You can't control what they do. But you can control how you react to it. You cannot control the way that it makes you feel because if it triggers you and you get upset you can't control that You cannot control your emotions. I don't give a fly and fuck who tells you you can you can't but You 100% can control the way that you react to your emotions Are you gonna let them run you? Are you gonna get upset about something and let that trigger you to seek take certain actions?
Starting point is 00:23:03 Or are you gonna sit the fuck down and be logical. Are you just gonna be run by your emotions because that's a powerless way to live? Or are you gonna understand how to get a hold of your emotions, allow them to come up when they come up, and to stay fucking put when you're in a serious emotional state, like if you're really fucking pissed off or you're extremely sad, you need to learn how to not take action if you're really fucking pissed off or you're extremely
Starting point is 00:23:25 sad, you need to learn how to not take action when you're in that place. You need to just sit in it. Don't fucking act because you're not thinking clearly. Your judgment is not where it should be. You are not level headed and you will most likely regret whatever action or decision you make in the headspacer end when you're extremely emotional. So like I said, you can live powerless to your emotions or you can learn how to fucking control yourself. And that is emotional maturity and people are not taught that.
Starting point is 00:23:57 I really want to become like some kind of teacher and go to schools, like middle schools and high schools and teach people emotional intelligence like fuck that dare program like drugs are bad like no bitch they're fun okay you need to watch out you need to be careful but what's more important is teaching people how to deal with their emotions and teaching emotional maturity and control because you know what you're not gonna go take a handful of fucking drugs if you know how to control your emotions. You're not going to get pissed off or get really sad
Starting point is 00:24:32 and go do something detrimental. You're not going to use those drugs because you know not to act when you're in that emotional state, babe. And that's something I definitely want to do when I'm older. I'm too young to be doing that shit now. Like I'm 23, get real.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Who's going to listen to me? I'm just going to sit here on my little podcast. But that's something I would really young to be doing that shit now, like I'm 23, get real. Who's gonna listen to me? I'm just gonna sit here on my little podcast. But that's something I would really like to do is, like in the future, go around to schools and do like a big presentation or even teach a class, like go and be a teacher at a school and not even for the money, but just like help the next generation coming up. Like that's what needs to be fucking taught in school is how to deal with your God damn emotions.
Starting point is 00:25:11 That's it, literally that. That is what is important and relationships. Like you need to be educated on relationships. Like I'm not even just talking like dating. Like every relationship in your life, a friendship, a family, like your relationship in your life a friendship a family Like your parents your sister your brother like a romantic relationship friendship like your boss your manager You have a relationship with them your coworkers. You need to learn how to manage
Starting point is 00:25:40 Relationships and that's how my thing should be taught. What am I even going on about? I'm not sure why I just rambled so long about that fucking part. I want needs to be taught in schools That's just me becoming aware and being aggravated over here If you like this episode leave this podcast a five star rating and share it with your friends share with your Instagram if you posted to your story All post you and you'll be on my story So we can do a little sharsie back and forth. That's all I got for this episode. Hope you guys enjoyed it.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I hope you took something from it and thank you for listening to me rant. Love you.

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