Beantown Podcast - OSCARS SPECIAL - 02232019_Quinn David Furness presents the Beantown Podcast ft. Ryan Ligon

Episode Date: February 23, 2019

Quinn sits down with co-host of the Car Ride Convos Podcast and co-creator of ReekEntertainment Ryan Ligon for a second straight year to go through all 24 Oscars category and cast our votes. Who will Best Picture? Tune in to find out #FriendsofthePodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to the bean town podcast for February 23rd Saturday 2019 what's going on Quinn Davids furnace here hosts and creator of the bean town podcast now featured on beantown this is the bean town podcast the people's podcast one of Baltimore City's top 500 podcasts what's's going on? How are you? What's happening? Coming to you, somewhat live from 817 St. Paul Street. It's our Oscars special. The Oscars are tomorrow night ABC. I've been doing this for a couple of years now where I get into the Oscars, watch all the best pictures, and then last two years are so really ramped up and just trying to see as many movies as possible.
Starting point is 00:00:50 But we're really excited to be doing this before we get to our guests here. Listen discretion is advised when you're listening to the Bean Tom podcast. Number one, we'll occasionally use some objective, viable language. And number two, this podcast is objectionally terrible. So as we did last year, we are going to be joined by a special guest and a dear friend of the podcast for Oscars Predictions. He is movie extraordinaire, the man, the myth, the legend,
Starting point is 00:01:22 the co-host of the Car Ride Convuss podcast and the co-creator of wreak entertainment go find him on youtube it's the one with more subscribers now Ryan Lig and what's going on welcome to the podcast what's up Quinn David Ternis thanks for having me back on the show this is my third appearance I believe on the show and I'm really getting the vibes like you know how John Mulaney is always on Seth Meyers all the time. I think I'm the John Mulaney of your show, I think. So you're going to have to wrestle with my brother Jack for that title, but I forgot.
Starting point is 00:01:56 So I'm more like, I guess I'm the Nick Krohl then. I'm the Nick Krohl. Maybe like a Fred Armason. The guy who's always there. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Ryan, who are you wearing tonight? I am a kid you not. I am wearing a butt light shirt that says,
Starting point is 00:02:14 dilly, dilly on it, unironically. So yeah, this is rock bottom. Did you go to Talladega last year to get that? Or where did you acquire such a shirt? You know, I'm not even that cool. I'm not even that cool. I think I bought it in old Navy and I was like, you know what? This will always be funny And here we are Listeners are laughing. I'm sure right now laughing loving
Starting point is 00:02:44 Exactly Laughing, I'm sure right now. Laughing, loving. Exactly. Okay, well, so last year we did our Oscars nomination, especially year one, I promised on previous podcasts, I was gonna go back, listen to it to see how we did. Life happens, didn't end up getting there, so I'm just gonna assume we both basically aced all 24 categories and it's looking like we're to do the same thing again this year. So you all know how this works. We don't take shortcuts on the Bean Tom podcast. We are going to go through every single one of these GD categories. And Ryan and I are both going to make picks. I
Starting point is 00:03:20 promise we are we're not going to dilly dally on these categories that No one really knows anything about nor Ryan and I are educated about and that's not to diminish from these These movies that's just kind of how life goes so we are gonna go ahead We did a little bit of different order last year So we're gonna try something new this year. Instead of just kind of going through all the random ones first and then getting to the heavy hitters, we're going to kind of mix it up. We're still going to save acting and best picture for last so you can jump towards the end if you'd really like to hear our predictions for those.
Starting point is 00:03:58 But we are going to get started with some big categories here. We're going to start with writing original screenplay. So this is original screenplay. The five nominees are the favorite first reformed green book, Roma and vice. And these are all five movies that are very well regarded, received pretty good reviews across the board. The first reformed is really the only one in here
Starting point is 00:04:28 that's not really kind of an Oscar darling. This year didn't get very many nominations, which is a shame, because first reformed was on my list of favorite movies this year in Ethan Hawke, not getting a nomination for first reform is an absolute travesty of justice. But Ryan when we're talking about original screenplay what's standing out to you. So I mean I'm definitely with you. I really want to pick first reformed. I really
Starting point is 00:04:56 enjoyed the movie. I'm not even an Ethan Ock fan. I kind of think that guy blows the majority of the time and he was great in that movie. But I honestly think that the favorite is gonna win because like you said it is quite a quite a darling so and I can't I don't think it's gonna win very much that night so I think they're gonna they're gonna send this one home with with an award. I'm with you so I was doing a little bit of research before this and just you know trying to get an idea of, okay, what films do I think are gonna do very well?
Starting point is 00:05:28 What films might get snubbed and might only grab one? And the favorite was kind of one of those that I, I don't know, just the way it, it's feeling to me right now, kind of feels like it might only pick up one or two. Even though it's nominated, I think for ten, which is tied with Roma for the most. I'm pretty split here between the favorite and green book, but what's gonna tip the scales for me is green book has got so much negative press, it press, excuse me, surrounding sort of not only the story but just the creation of it. And I think that could both well for the favorite in this category.
Starting point is 00:06:04 So I'm with you, I'm gonna go with the favorite, like a lot of what we're about to do. I don't really feel confident or great about that, but I do think it's going to be either the favorite or green book, and my gut's telling me to go with the favorite right now. Let's go ahead and go where you would expect us to go next. So the other writing category is for adapted screenplay. This is another tough one. We're dealing with ballad of Buster Scruggs. Can you ever forgive me? The star is born, black clansman, and if Beale Street could talk. So Beale Street, another movie that I don't want to say it was snubbed because it did get multiple nominations, but Bill Street
Starting point is 00:06:46 not getting nominated for Best Picture, especially when they have 10 nominations available and they only used 8 to not use one on Bill Street. To me, it's a little strange, I guess is what I'll say, but writing adapted screenplay right on how you feel in here. This one Again, I feel like we're in the same train of thought and I actually I've seen all these except for Can you ever forgive me? I don't know where you can even see that movie at all? I have no I think I saw trailer for it Maybe because that's the one with um oh
Starting point is 00:07:20 I don't remember her name, but she's in I'm sorry Melissa McCarthy. Yes, exactly. Yes, her. But, man, I saw this movie. I really like it. And I don't think it's going to get a lot of other awards. But Black Clansman, I think, is going to win.
Starting point is 00:07:39 And I think it's either that or if Beel Street can talk. It's got to be one of those two. Gotta be. We are so far in the exact same train of thought. I would like to see Beale Street get this because I don't think it's gonna do much else. But I agree. I think Black Clansman was a really interesting story. It was very well written.
Starting point is 00:08:02 It's just a great film in general. I'm going to also go with Black clansmen here. I'm really kind of under the table rooting for Beale Street though. I'll root for anything James Baldwin, wise. He's a fantastic American author. Unfortunately, I feel like a lot of his stuff, particularly in like the high school system is never going to get read because so much of it deals with gay culture, racism, homophobia in like the 60s and 70s. And it feels like at least in my experience most American literature classes are focusing on like, you know, 18th century, 19th century, and then occasionally getting into some early 20th century books. But James Baldwin is, I don't know, to me like super relevant to a lot of what high schoolers
Starting point is 00:08:51 experience, especially if you're a student of color or an LGBTQ student. So I don't know, any exposure that his stuff can get. I'm always a fan of. Have you ever read any James Baldwin books, Ryan? No, listen up, like Like listen off his greatest hits. So he's got he's got this one. The fire next time go tell it on the mountain. I read this one. I read one this summer called Giovanni's Room, which I think is a good starter for James Baldwin one,
Starting point is 00:09:21 because it's pretty easy to digest and it deals with a lot of the the primary themes that he deals with, but it's pretty easy to digest and it deals with a lot of the The primary themes that he deals with but it's also pretty short I think it's only about 130 pages so you can move through it. I think I read it in a day But but James Baldwin is just great his his worst center around Harlem in like the 1960s and 70s, so right around the Civil Rights Movement. But a lot of the stuff, if you saw Beale Street, a lot of what he deals with there is similar to sort of the larger themes that he touches on in his books, but he was also a gay, black writer.
Starting point is 00:09:59 So a lot of those themes are coming on as well. Hang on a sec, we're getting a FaceTime call which we got a decline. Wow, this is live air. You gotta love it. So yeah, I mean, if you're ever, I don't know, obviously free time, spare time is tough to come by for anyone, but just something like Giovanni's room
Starting point is 00:10:18 is a good kind of starter, but some of his best are usually considered to be the fire next time, which is a collection of essays, I believe I'll tell it on the mountain. So he's a he's a really good guy to You know read one of his works and if you like it then the rest of his works are similar to To that so I'm gonna get the chance. He's one of my favorites. Yeah, I'll have to all to do that. I have an ever expanding reading list. I like Like throwing all sorts of stuff in there. So he'll definitely he'll definitely make it Yeah, he has my highest recommendation. So
Starting point is 00:10:53 Okay, let's get into some categories if you thought that we didn't feel very confident in Those two categories you're gonna love about the next ten or so So we're gonna get started with visual effects, which is a category I don't remember specifically. I'm pretty confident that I did not get this one right last year. Our five nominees are Avengers Infinity War, First Man, Solo a Star Wars story, Christopher Robin and ready player one For the sake of time. I don't really have any
Starting point is 00:11:30 Discussion here, man. I could talk about all five of these movies, but I don't I don't really have much to go off of here Ryan What are you feeling? I would just assume just the Avengers Infinity War. I mean I I like you, I could probably talk about these that have like three or four of these movies totally sucked, but yeah. Yeah, it's, I don't know, Brady Player One just like is a tough thing to adapt in general.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Christopher Robin, pretty standard Disney, although I do like you and McGregor. Solo, I have mixed feelings on. I don't think I hate it quite as much as other people. That's because I am reserving most of my hate for the last Jedi. But yeah, I don't know. I don't think this is a dark horse, but I'm going to kind of go back to what we were talking about with First Street reformed earlier a movie that kind of got
Starting point is 00:12:27 snubbed and don't think it's gonna do much elsewhere. I'm gonna go ahead and take first man here the Damien Chazelle movie Definitely did not reach it's kind of lofty Oscars aspirations that it set out with but I'll take first man for visual effects I think that's half because I want it to win but also half Just might me being like anti Comic book movies and not comic book movies, but just like the MCU. I can't keep track of all the stuff I don't know. I'm sure Avengers Infinity War was great. I never saw it. So I don't really have any thoughts about it. I'm with you, man. I am with you. These are tough categories and they're gonna go on for like the next six, so
Starting point is 00:13:13 Yeah, so this is interesting. So we got our sound categories coming up here. There's two there sound mixing their sound editing And I remember distinctly this time last year having a conversation with you about these categories and wasn't sure where they were similar where they're different if I should pick the same movie for these two if I should pick different ones. I definitely went with the different ones and I got it for one bit, missed it for the other one. So Duncurrent last year won both of these awards. And honestly, I'm kind of just feeling like I'm gonna trust that this year and I'm gonna pick the same movie for both of these. And so I'm going to take, and I guess we'll read
Starting point is 00:13:57 through the nominees, but they are, let's see, not exactly the same. Okay, so they're close. But sound mixing is Black Panther, first man, a star is born, bohemian rhapsody and Roma. And sound editing is black panther. First man, bohemian rhapsody, Roma. And then the one difference is that sound editing has a quiet place, which might, be its only nomination. And sound mixing has Roma.
Starting point is 00:14:26 So I'm not the sound expert. Don't ask me how these two categories are different. Clearly they're not that different. I'm taking Bohemian Rhapsody for both of these. Nice. Very nice. Because of the fact that, again, like we talked about last year, I know nothing about these categories, and I've heard it explain. I think I made it and tried to explain them last year, and I remember listening back,
Starting point is 00:14:54 and I was like, I think I just explained them both in opposite terms, and so I think I confused a lot of people, but I'm just gonna throw it out there and just say Black Panther for sound mixing and a quiet place for sound editing. Okay, you're pulling a Quinn You're going in the two different directions here. I appreciate you. Yeah Okay, we are about to reach sort of the bottom of the barrel here in regards to of the bottom of the barrel here in regards to what movies we're discussing. Because I can confidently say in the next two categories, I've seen one of the 10 films. So let's move through these. We're going to start with short film live action.
Starting point is 00:15:40 I don't know anything about these movies other than that. The people I've talked to who have seen the live action shorts have just said that they're really depressing. So our five nominees are Detainment, Margarit, Skin, Mother, and I'm gonna butcher this French maybe, Fauve, F-A-U-V-E, it looks like Fauve, but with a different letter. I don't know, I was reading online before this, trying to get any semblance of an idea.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I'll take Margarit. It's a gut thing, what are you feeling? I'm gonna have to pick detainment. I have not seen any of these films in this category, and, you know, it's my own fault. Are there any theaters by you that are playing the shorts right now? They actually don't. I mean, there's some last year, there is a theater in Cambridge that played all of the live action shorts, but they did not play any
Starting point is 00:16:48 of the animated shorts or the doc shorts. And I think it's because the animated, I can't speak for the documentary shorts, the animated shorts as far as I know are very accessible. Yep, I've heard that. So yeah, I mean, I think you can find them at Jury of them on Vimeo and YouTube, but again, I've only seen one of the animated ones, so that hasn't made it any better. So. Yeah, I was thinking about going to, so my local kind of art slash indie theater does show
Starting point is 00:17:26 the shorts, both animated and live action. And I was thinking about going to see the animated ones last weekend because it lined up with my schedule better. And then I was reading online about how they're available. So I was like, let me not spend my $12, which is terrible. But let me not spend my $12, which is terrible. But let me not spend my $12 to go see them. And then turns out a week has passed and I haven't seen any of the animated shorts.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Well, other than the one that's Pixar, which we're about to talk about now. So short film, live action, Ryan's taking detainment, I am taking Margarit. Our confidence levels are at an all time high. It's like going to ask a girl to high school prom or something. Totally.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Film animated. Animal behavior. Late afternoon. Weekends. One small step or bow. And bow is the Disney, it's Disney. It's not picked. Oh, it's it's both Disney Pixar. That's how they get you. I have seen that one It's like the the weird kind of creepy making a dumpling and he grows up and then he gets I don't want to spoil it But I'll take bow Simply because it's the one I saw and that's that's terrible way to pick, but I got to trust my gut Yeah, I'm saying with you. Do you want to see so it's the one I'll pick? Okay I'm saying with you, the only one I've seen, so it's the one I'll pick. Okay, let's get into production design here. A category that I feel like I want to be better
Starting point is 00:18:53 in terms of my knowledge of, and I'm just not. So let's just talk about it here. Black Panther, first man, Roma, the the favorite or Mary Poppins returns. I probably should have tried to do some research on this, but boy, I know what production design is. I get it, but in terms of differentiating these films, I don't actually feel that amazing. Mary Poppins returns, I have not seen, I have some of the other four. I'm gonna go ahead, I'll take Black Panther for production design.
Starting point is 00:19:34 I don't know if that's the favorite or if that's a dark horse, no pun intended, but I will take Black Panther here. I am torn between the favorite and Mary Poppins Returns and I want to pick the favorite but at the same time that kind of deviates from my previous pick where I'm like oh this is going to be the only one that
Starting point is 00:19:57 the favorite wins tonight. So I guess I'll just just stick with the train of thought. I'm going to go with Mary Poppins returns. Did you get to see it? Uh, yeah. Was it good? You know, I would be for real. Like, it was nice, like it was a nice movie, but I didn't grow up watching Mary Poppins.
Starting point is 00:20:23 Like, I grew up the only thing that we had access to is Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. So I wasn't one of those cool kids that watched Mary Poppins. So it was not an nostalgia trip for me at all. But I thought Emily Blunt did really good and I thought her, you know, she was nice and of course they had the little Hamilton flair going on stuff like that it was not it was fine it was good um yeah i just that the nostalgia is just not there for me so that's hard for me to speak to it completely and with confidence did they give dick vandega cameo
Starting point is 00:20:59 yeah i think they did um i wasn't paying much attention and uh he was because i've seen him in something else. There's something else that I saw him in, and I was like, oh, he's still alive. Because I think he was on top of a table or something. He was like dancing. I don't know. I can't remember what exactly that was, but I'm pretty sure he's in this movie. I would hope so. I haven't looked into that for myself,
Starting point is 00:21:24 but considering that I was one of his more iconic roles. I'm a terrible person to ask about that sort of thing because I was someone who I was talking with my wife about you know, Sorsche Ronin that uh, yeah, you gotta say it in Irish accent, Saksha Ronin. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I was saying that was talking about her and I was like, oh, yeah, yeah. So, I was saying, I was talking about her, and I was like, oh yeah, you know, she started in Harry Potter. She's that Luna love good character. And, yeah, yeah, not the same girl, not the same girl at all. So, I'm terrible with faces.
Starting point is 00:21:58 So, if it's not an overt thing, I'm not the person to ask. But I think he's an improvement, I'm pretty sure. It's similar, but I think he's an impretchure. It's similar but different. Yes. Exactly. It could have been any, it could have been like Craig Ferguson or something. And I'm like, oh, that's Dick Van Dyke. Very similar, just like 40 years of age difference.
Starting point is 00:22:19 But with you. Exactly. I think this next category, at least for me as a no-brainer music original song all the stars from black panther The place where lost things go from Mary Poppins returns when a cowboy trades his wings for spurs from buster Scroggs out fight from RBG or Shallow from a star is born. It's a no-brainer. It's gonna be shallow Totally agree complete cultural phenomenon right now with that song. In the movie, it's based around, isn't a terrible movie. Like it's a, it's a solid movie to watch. I mean in my opinion,
Starting point is 00:22:55 you know, very predictable and very Yeah, it was exactly what I thought it was gonna be, but that song is really good. So. Well, it's the fourth time they've made it. So, you know, if you were around for one of the first three, then you kind of get a sense of where it's going. Yeah, exactly. Did you ever see Crazy Heart? No, but I always, is that? No, it's not directed by Crazy Heart.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Is that guy though? The work? Um, Mickey, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh? Jeff Bridges. Okay, yeah, no, I know what you're talking about. I get, I don't know why, but I'm imagining the wrestler right now. I don't know why. The wrestler crazy heart. I get a mixed up all the time. Yeah, I've never seen either, but I'm getting the mixed up currently right now. They're both really good, but I like crazy heart.
Starting point is 00:24:03 It's not similar in that they have the same storylines as they're just like both music movies but crazy hearts really good. Jeff Bridges won Best Actor for this was probably about 10 years ago. It's got really good music to it. Jeff Bridges and maybe Jill and Hall and Colin Farrell. What? Just kind of a, I don't know, I watched you on a plane like four years ago, first time I saw it, but solid feeling. Here we're just looking for a film that's like, gonna be a good use of your two hours
Starting point is 00:24:35 and crazy hard to a good choice. Thanks. Let's go ahead and get to make up and hair styling. So we've got border, vice, and Mary Queen of Scots, three nominees in this category for Make Up and Hair Selling. I feel like the Academy tends to reward the movies that really go all out. And I guess you could say that about Mary Queen of Scots,
Starting point is 00:25:02 but I'm feeling more vice here simply because of, you know, all those characters that they portray are, you know, still people who are alive today. I think the Academy likes that. And I also don't know anything about border. I don't know what it's about. So I'm going to take vice for makeup and hair styling. I'm going to you did owe your choice as well and I actually Gorder I'm gonna have to look into that. Oh, so obviously it looks like some sort of northern European possibly German Guy Goron
Starting point is 00:25:37 Lundstrom was involved with it. So maybe it might be like a German film or some sort of European film. Yeah, Swedish. Oh, Swedish. Okay, there you go. So, you know, close. Also, we missed the original score. We missed that category. We skipped over it. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:25:56 Unless yours is in a different order, it may have been a different order. It might be. Hang on. We're searching. Well, let's go ahead. We'll talk about that right now, because that is actually one that I'm interested in discussing. So when we're talking about Best Original Score, and you are right, I definitely skipped it. Thank you for grabbing that, or else we'd be tying up Best Actor, and I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:26:19 what happened to the score? So Music Original Score. This one is very interesting. We have Black Panther, we have if Beale Street could talk, we have Mary Poppins returns, Black Clansman, and Isle of Dogs. So the first thing I want to say about this is, and I really would have to watch it again before I'm able to substantiate this opinion, but When I was watching black clansmen and I only saw it for the first time about a month ago
Starting point is 00:26:51 This score to me was actually something that stood out is something I really didn't like which is Yeah, I don't know like if it was like the weird electric guitar or what was going on But I was like dude this isn't I don't know what type was the weird electric guitar or what was going on, but I was like, dude, this isn't... I don't know what type of score I'd be expecting, but I just felt like it wasn't working for me. It detracted from the film, for me, at least. I completely agree, and that was something that I, Chris and I watched the other day, and I was like, what did you think about that score? And she phrased
Starting point is 00:27:27 it perfectly. She's like, I thought it was completely inappropriate. Like, it starts out with this sweeping shot over the, you know, Colorado mountains and stuff. And there's this weird drumbeat that's just like really rocky and kind of like it's bizarre like it makes it It's very it's very weird. I can't even describe it like watch that movie and just like that that squirrel blow you away How like off beat and weird it is Yeah, maybe the academy knows something that we don't but I I just really didn't get it I don't usually scores are usually something that we don't, but I just really didn't get it. I don't usually, scores are usually something that, you know, as much as I love music,
Starting point is 00:28:10 and I'm a background in music, they're not usually something I notice unless it's like a composer that I am actively interested in or looking forward to going into the movie. Usually it's just like blends into the background, whatever, it's fine,
Starting point is 00:28:25 but Black Clansman was just, it left a really bad taste in my mouth from a score perspective. So the opposite of that, for me, is Bill Street. So Nicholas Bertel is a younger guy who hasn't done a lot, but he did the score for Moonlight, which is Barry Jenkins' other film. And I absolutely love that score. And I think it's fantastic. I wonder I love this one so much, because that other one is really good. Yeah, it's pretty simple, but it fits perfectly in that, I don't know, his music that he's created,
Starting point is 00:29:01 both B.O. String and Moonlight, they would be absolutely, in my opinion, not even close to what they turned into without those scores. And so from what I've been reading online, it doesn't sound like Beale Street is the favorite here, but I just got to go with what I want to see when here, and I got to take Beale Street, because I love that score too. Nice. Well, here are my thoughts kind of condensed into a very small,
Starting point is 00:29:31 very small little sound bite here. Black Panther score is bad. It's really bad. Black clansmen, we've covered that. It's strangely abrasive. I don't understand why it was used in the way it is. If Beal Street could talk, I really liked. I love dogs. I did, this is the only movie I didn't see in this category. I didn't see that, which is surprising because
Starting point is 00:29:58 it's a Wes Anderson movie, but I just never, as well those movies that kind of came out in the late summer I believe and I just kind of forgot about. And then Mary Poppins returns. It's great, it's nice, it's happy, but I can't imagine it winning in a world where we're detaining children at the border and separating them from their parents. So I'm going to have to go with it, feel straight and duck. Okay, very good. Yeah, it feels like a toss to the team,
Starting point is 00:30:27 but it is interesting that, you know, I, so I saw a Black Panther a long enough ago that I don't have the same reaction, but I would watch it again and pay close attention to that. But yeah, Black Clansman, you and I both on the same wavelength there. That was, I don't know, I don't get it straight up, but oh well. Let's see, foreign language film. So this is, this is an interesting one that seemed or seems on its face value surface level, like an easy one to pick, but there, I was reading a couple things earlier today that might negate that. So for a language film we have five here, we have Capernum,
Starting point is 00:31:10 Never Look Away, Shoplifters, which I've heard is amazing. Cold War and Roma. I'm a little under-prepared in this category. I've only seen Roma and Cold War. Roma, we will talk about in a couple minutes here, I promise. Cold War, for those of you listening who I assume most you probably haven't seen. Cold War is a Polish film, like a love story that takes place across like about 15 years, but it's really solid, and it's a really beautifully shot film as well, and that's why it's dominated for cinematography. I was reading online that they might sneak Cold War in here because Roma is such a strong content for best picture, but I'm not gonna play around here. I'm just gonna take Roma for best foreign language film.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Nice. Well, I've seen Roma, I've seen Cold War, I haven't seen any of the other ones, so when I watch those, I just, with foreign language, I couldn't help but like watch the two contenders, you know? Yeah. And I think what's really weird about the Oscars is whoever wins this category between the two it's gonna be really telling how the night is gonna go like if you're in Vegas that night I guarantee you odds are gonna swing really far one way or another if Roma are cold war wins it's gonna be really telling about you know how things
Starting point is 00:32:39 are gonna go that night but we'll come back to Roma later whenever we start talking best picture. But I'm going to have to I like to cold work better. Yeah, it was beautiful. They're both really good films both pretty slow pace. So if you're looking to turn something online and be like completely 100% invested in something and have your attention captivated for two hours and those aren't the movies for you, but hopefully for those you listen out there and you do get the opportunity if you haven't seen either of these films yet. And that's not to negate the other three and I've heard really good things about shoplifters
Starting point is 00:33:21 and never look away, I think it's nominated for cinematography, something like that, Caleb Deschino. And I don't know anything about Capernum, but these foreign language films are really strong. You just have to improve your 2019 social media attention span a little bit, because you're going to be reading subtitles the whole time unless you speak these languages. So exactly. Yeah. We're going to be reading subtitles the whole time unless you speak these languages.
Starting point is 00:33:45 So exactly. Yeah, we're going to do a couple more here and then we're going to take an ad break and then we're going to get into some of these heavy hitters. So another one kind of like production design where I wish I was just more educated or informed, but we have film editing here. just more educated or informed, but we have film editing here. And the five pictures we have are Black Clansman, the favorite vice, Bohemian Rhapsody, and Green Book. Editing is a thing where, again, I know what it is, I don't feel like I'm a great judge of it unless it's the type of movie where it's like really, they do something really blatant with it
Starting point is 00:34:28 So for instance a movie like the like green book or the favorite I Would I would have to have somebody who really knows films come on here to like tell me why those movies are nominated because they're really good movies But the editing to me just seemed like very standard. I don't know. So I'll go with my gut here because I don't think this movie's going to get a ton else. Although I've already picked it for one thing so far.
Starting point is 00:34:55 I'll take Vice on film editing. Nice. Very cool, very cool. I'm gonna have to pick Black Clansmen and it's kind of hypocritical that I am picking Black Clansmen because I pretty much just trashed the score of that film in the previous category and the editing just like the score is really abrasive in odd and there's some decisions made in the third act of the editing that are I can really only say bizarre because they just happen in the third act and happen nowhere else throughout the movie and I'm no genius I don't know what's
Starting point is 00:35:38 going on but maybe Spike Lee is trying to say something so So I'm gonna have to pick it. Maybe there's some sort of weird commentary on something that I don't know about. For whatever reason, he chose what he chose and he did it. And I think it wasn't awful compared to the score. So I'm gonna go with it. It was daring. It was different. Yeah, I appreciate what you said about maybe Spike Lee is trying to say something and maybe the same thing about the score.
Starting point is 00:36:10 But yeah, it's, I mean, these are directors who this is what their whole life is based around. So it certainly would not be surprising if some of them are trying to not necessarily sneak things in but just do things their own way without really explaining what it means to them. But I don't know, even for, and I consider myself a cut above just like the casual movie watcher, but I don't have a professional training in film analysis or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:36:39 So I don't know, maybe you're like, to clarify that, like I don't want people to be like, oh, is he talking about like, you know what, the end root cuts in the Charlottesville stuff or like the other visual things? No, no, no. Like I understand what he's trying to say there. Like I'm not very surface level. There's some, for some weird reason, it happens with, um, he does this weird stutter edit
Starting point is 00:37:02 to, in the third act, that I can't explain why it starts there and it only happens three times. I think it happens twice whenever someone's hanging up the phone. Like it'll go from the close-up shot and he's putting down the phone, the phone is in the thing, and it's a wider shot and then the guy's still putting down the phone. It's this weird thing that happens and I don't know why it's there. So, I didn't want to get called out for being some persons.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Like, you didn't understand what he was saying about how like racism is bad. No, I understand that. I totally get it. It's the other weird stuff that's a little bit more above my pay grade. I have no idea what's going on, you know? Yeah, I'm with you. I think you should do a 60-minute YouTube video analysis of the
Starting point is 00:37:50 film editing and black clansman. Just to have something together. Yeah, definitely. We have two documentary categories here and then we're going to take a break. So, documentary short subject. I'm going to go ahead and put myself out on a limb here and say despite what you've heard so far. This category is the one where I feel least informed because these aren't even titles where I'm like, oh yeah, I read something about that. I don't know anything about these. So we have Black sheep, Life Bo, period end of sentence, end game, and a night at the garden. And I don't even remember like reading an article that made a pick here.
Starting point is 00:38:33 So I can't even be like trying to pretend I know something when I've actually just been reading. I'll take Black sheep because who doesn't like race and racism. I don't know, that's all I got. I agree, I have no idea. You know what, and actually I'm looking at one of these titles and it says one of them's on Netflix and it came out in May, it's called In Game. Oh, In Game, it's about people choosing to end their lives early I think in like the
Starting point is 00:39:06 United States and other places I should have seen that because I tried to I have seen none of these at all so I'm just gonna I'm gonna pick one in the dark here and say period end of sentence I have no idea. I have very good choice. Women's reproductive health documentary short so. Nice. I have no idea. I assume it. Women's reproductive health documentary short. So nice. I have no idea. I assume it's not, but I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:30 Let's see here, documentary feature. Something that is more, I don't want to say more interesting, but something that I feel a little bit better prepared to talk about. So we have five nominees here. We have Free Solo, Minding the Gap RBG, Hill County this morning this evening, and of fathers and sons, and inextricably missing is,
Starting point is 00:39:53 can you be my neighbor, the Fred Rammel's documentary. I haven't read a single thing online that like explains it in a way that makes sense to me why this isn't included. Do you have any insight? Dude, well okay, so that movie and Peter Jackson did a movie where he restored a bunch of World War One footage and I tried to see like and I talked to one person I was like why did those
Starting point is 00:40:22 two movies not get nominated in someone's like oh well uh... the peter jackson movie isn't a documentary and i i watch a trailer and it's a document like it is quite literally and it was it came out in it had a uh... small release in maybe didn't maybe didn't in i know you have to register for the Oscars
Starting point is 00:40:44 maybe didn't maybe didn't register i have no idea why but those are two heavy hitters that are just not here i don't want to i don't want to hate on roost too much but rbg is not that great of a movie i know that there's a
Starting point is 00:41:04 movie about her coming out with um why don't I say her name is Valerie Jones or is it not Valerie Jones? Someone's playing her and she's the girl from um uh it's the it's the other movie with Eddie Redmayne and he plays Stephen Hawking. Oh Josh Hartman. I'm sorry Josh Hartman. Yeah, Josh Hartman definitely Josh Hartman No, it's the it's the the female that that plays across from him anyways. She's playing a Inadaption of Ruth Bader Ginsburg story and I heard it's story and I heard it's awesome. Like I heard it's awesome so I'm sure, you know, that'll all pan out. But I watched this documentary and I was like, man, I was like, how did, how did my, man Mr. Rogers, whatever happened to him?
Starting point is 00:41:56 Yeah, I'm not sure. I don't get it. I'm not, I'm not really sure. That being said, we do have some kind of heavy hitters here to play with. So I do want to briefly, and I don't want to spend a ton of time, it's already 42 minutes in, but I do think we owe it to ourselves to mention mining the gap here. I am going to hope that you've seen it. Oh, of course. So for those of you who don't know, mining the gap is not explicitly about the city of Rockford, Illinois, but Rockford, Illinois is the backdrop.
Starting point is 00:42:32 And I will say not mixed feelings, but just in terms of like, I feel good, but I feel bad about it. Just like a wave of emotions watching our hometown depicted in that way. A really powerful film. If you just watch the trailer, you might think it's just about like skateboarding and that might not be appealing to you, but skateboarding again is just kind of like rock for it, just kind of the backdrop, kind of the medium. It's really about things a lot deeper than that.
Starting point is 00:43:06 And for both of us being from Rockford, we get it more than just your average watcher, but really want anybody out there listening to this. Please watch, minding the gap. It's not just about Rockford. It's about kind of rust belt, Midwest cities, and some of the humanitarian issues that we're facing today loved it. Absolutely fantastic.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah, I can't, I mean, I can't speak. It's just, it's one of the best things to have or come out of Rockford because of the fact that there's just this current wave in rockford that's that's very like almost like industrialized hipster that's just kind of you know painting over things and putting on a happy face and be like look at rockford now we've changed and I think that mining the gap is one of the most honest Windows into what it is growing up in Rufford who you're surrounded by What it's like in the exact emotions?
Starting point is 00:44:19 You can feel while being there like I I would go as far to say as as If you were to watch this movie and you have you're not even from the Midwest, you'd know exactly what it's like to be there, which is just, I don't know. It's a really, it's a special movie. I can't speak any higher than I already do. I am so biased. And being Lew and I went to the same film school. I didn't know him personally, but I'm sure we brush shoulders at some point because we were both, you know, renting the same equipment and then the same classes and stuff like that. But yeah, totally awesome. They was able to put together such a special movie and he's got two more documentaries on the way, which is fantastic. I mean, the more work for him, the better, you know? Yeah. Yeah, that was a really good, really hard to watch. And really hard to even talk about right now. But yeah, if you get the, if you get the chances on Hulu, everyone needs to watch that movie. In terms of picks, I don't know, from what I've been reading lately, it seems like Free Solo is kind of picking up some momentum. I haven't seen it, which is a shame.
Starting point is 00:45:31 I don't think minding the gap is really getting that kind of national level attention. A lot of the people I read seem to be saying, yes, this is the one that really really should win but nobody really seems to be giving it a fair shake. So I'm going to take free solo although if mining the gap one that would just be the greatest thing ever. Yeah I've seen free solo mining the gap and RBG and you know I've already talked about didn't like RBG too much. Free solo is really good but who wants to get into national geographic and Oscar are you kidding here right now? Like I get talk about didn't like rbg too much uh... free solo is really good who wants to get it's national geographic and ask her are you kidding here now like i get it the dude free climbed over the side of a huge clip that's that's great right that's
Starting point is 00:46:15 that's awesome i want i'm picking minding the gap and i want minding the gap with i don't think they will i think i'll probably shed at least one tier if it happens. I mean that would be that would be wild. I mean just to have like a RBC film kid get invited to the Oscars is yeah. Shocking and pretty awesome just on its surface level. All right well we've we've gone about halfway probably a little over which is good because we're 45 minutes in and I always start thinking we're gonna go quicker and then we never do.
Starting point is 00:46:52 But I think we've had good discussion so far. So let's do some advertising and then we're gonna jump right back in, not gonna waste any time. Are you tired of selling your house for less than a quarter of what it's worth all because you couldn't find a reliable home inspector in time While Oregon listeners there's good news Home pride inspection services and bend Oregon is central organs hottest new home inspection provider With inspection services including things like heating and cooling
Starting point is 00:47:19 Roofing plumbing and so much more home Pride Oregon is both contractor certified and home inspection certified so you know you're getting the good stuff. If you're tired of big real estate stranglehold on the home inspection market and you want a safe certified home inspector you can trust call Steve at 541-207-1101 or visit home pride That's 541-207-1101 or visit Homepriedorgan. Expaction perfection. Want to give a shout out to the Samson Q2U series pulling some double duty here tonight
Starting point is 00:48:02 on our Oscars special. I don't forget when God speaks, He uses a Samson. And I also want to thank TV Guide, thanks to my spirit Delta airline sky mile points. We have our first copy of the TV Guide. As a reminder, I don't have a TV, but if I did, I would know what's on. So looking forward to that copy with Dan Conner, played by John Goodman on the cover, and
Starting point is 00:48:32 it just says he's back when the Conner is returned to ABC at some point in the near future. So we are doing our 2019 Oscars Prediction Spectacular as we were last year joined by special guest co-host of the Carried Convo's podcast and creator of Reak Entertainment. Ryan Liggan out there in Quincy Mass what's going on Ryan thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me on I think we're doing a solid job so far. You have any categories you want to go back to and change your picks or you feel good with what you've done so far. Man, I'm feeling good, I'm feeling confident, and I'm just ready to roll. Alright, that makes one of us very good. Here we go, very interesting category and
Starting point is 00:49:21 something. Well, there's the front runner, but there's still some discussion to be had directing. Best director, we have Spike Lee for Black Clansman who somehow, and I didn't know this until, you know, two months ago and they came out with the nominations, but somehow this is Spike's first nomination, which is crazy. The favorite, you're was Lantthmost, a director who I was introduced to in a film class in college. If you think the favorite is kind of weird, don't go watch dog tooth or the lobster because those movies are gonna give you nightmares. Adam
Starting point is 00:49:58 McKay, vice, of course, what Adam McKay's-brothers and then the big short, very similar like production to Vice. Pablo Opski, the surprise of the year getting nominated for Cold War, which is great. Because Cold War is a fantastic movie, we've talked about it already. Any more exposure it can get, that's great to me. And then the front runner, Alfonso Cuarón directing Roma. You might know him from gravity. He's the front runner. I would like to see Spike get it. Although this isn't my favorite Spike Lee film across the board.
Starting point is 00:50:40 It would be nice to see him get it. I think Yoros Lantimos is a true dark horse. I don't think he's see him get it. I think Yorgos Lantzmost is a true dark horse. I don't think he's going to get it, but I wouldn't mind that because as crazy as he is, he's a very creative guy, kind of like Guillermo del Toro in terms of just like, some of his stuff is out there and some of it I'm with, some of it I'm not. But I think Alfonso Cuaro is is going to win the directing category this year. I'm going to I'm going to I'm going to do that as well. I think that they had good rule of thumb with the Oscars is that your best director category is typically has a strong relationship with
Starting point is 00:51:21 best picture. So Rome is's gonna be my pick here uh... still at this moment actually to be completely transparent i'm not exactly sure who will be picking is uh... best picture but i think this is gonna really affect my decision i like that it's live air yeah i think i read and don't quote me on this but i think pop up all the task, however you say it, Pablo Pawel Kovsky, excuse me, I think he's only the second director in history to be nominated
Starting point is 00:51:52 for Best Director without his movie being nominated for Best Picture so that's just kind of a neat little thing. Wow. Yeah and it's as much as I liked Cold War, I obviously would have loved to see something like Paul Schrader get nominated for Fursary Form, or even Debra Granick get nominated for Leave No Trace, but I don't think any one of those could win because this seems to be Alfonso Cuarón's year.
Starting point is 00:52:21 Yeah, you just reminded me. I watched Leave No Trace this year. I like that movie. I don't know. I'm surprised there's not a single category. I mean, obviously there are always snubs looking at you, eighth grade, and obviously leave No Trace. But I watched that on a plane, and I really liked that movie.
Starting point is 00:52:39 It's so good. I've seen it a couple times. I'm a big Ben Foster fan, and I find that most of my acquaintances don't even know who he is. But Ben Foster was really good in what was the Western movie? What was that called? Heller Highwater.
Starting point is 00:52:59 Yes. He was really good in that. And just the acting in general, Thompson McKenzie was really good in that. And just the acting in general, Thomson McKenzie was so good. And it's interesting to me that Winters bone was, so Debra Granix first movie, and this is her second movie, but Winters bone came out like eight years ago, something like that.
Starting point is 00:53:16 And it reached a decent amount of just overall attention and obviously Oscar stuff. Leave no trace was just such a small thing, but such a powerful story that it's really ashamed to me that it didn't get any attention. Really sad. If you're looking for the uplifting story of the year, do not watch Leave No Trace. But it's also really interesting to me because it takes place in Oregon and just being more familiar with that place myself and I read the book actually
Starting point is 00:53:50 after I watched the movie this past spring I went online and bought the book it's a pretty simple thing it's like most adaptations similar but different to the movie but yeah the I did the same guy who right winners bone did he, did he write that, that one too? That's a great question. I'm not sure and I will look this up right now. I'm not sure who wrote, leave no trace. I know the author, the author of the book, Peter Rook is a professor at Reed College in Portland.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Oh, no. I don't think he wrote the other guy. The other guy lives in Missouri. He lives in some weird back, backwards part of Missouri. Well, that would make sense considering Winner's bone. Yeah, exactly. But they both have Dale Dickeykey who is just like the creepiest looking actress in Hollywood, but Hollywood season, but she plays her role perfectly. So she was
Starting point is 00:54:53 good in Leave No Trace as well, limited screen time. Let's do costume design here, one that I feel pretty confident in. So we got Ballad of Buster Scruggs, the favorite Mary Queen of Scots, Black Panther, and Mary Poppins Returns. These were all solid, although I haven't seen Mary Poppins Returns, but I'm gonna take the favorite. It was just so elaborate, so extravagant. It seems like something that's going to win.
Starting point is 00:55:25 I don't know. That statement doesn't really make sense. But I'm taking the favorite here. No, I'm with you there, except I'm actually going to pick an upset here for my own reasons. But I think the favorite's funny because it's comically elaborate. I mean, obviously, it's a very funny movie,
Starting point is 00:55:42 so it makes sense and stuff. But I thought it was just completely enjoyable. comically elaborate, I mean obviously it's a very funny movie so it makes sense and stuff but I thought it was just just completely enjoyable, but I'm actually gonna pick Black Panther and I'm sure I'll I'll bite my words later. This is not endorsement of the film But I think it has to walk away with something You know it can't that's that's got to be right. I don't know. We'll see. That's got to be. I like your strategy here. It's got to be like something. Yeah, I mean, don't you, don't you gotta, don't you gotta give someone a participation trophy
Starting point is 00:56:16 somewhere in here? I mean, gotta be, right? I mean, they were, the Oscars were ballsy enough to nominate Black Panther for best picture. I mean, he got to give them something. I don't know. We could spend an hour and 20 minute long podcasts at why Black Panther is in the best picture category. And there's a couple others in there that I just think are completely bizarre. But maybe we'll come back around to that. I don't're completely bizarre uh... but they will come back around that i don't know
Starting point is 00:56:46 where i'm definitely we're definitely gonna come back around that yet black panthers got a win got to win something because you don't you have to as the as the academy you have to double down and just be like they are here for a reason because they're not going to win best pictures there I'm sure there's some guy who just put like a thousand dollars on that in Vegas and if it does happen, he's going to be able to buy the biggest skyscraper in Cincinnati. But it is what it is.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Fair enough. The Cincinnati have skyscrapers. I don't think so. Yeah, I, never been to Cincinnati. Maybe someday. It's not that big of a city, but I'm surprised they haven't sent you to Cincinnati. Well, you know, as part of my work territory, I have Kentucky. And there are actually, Cincinnati does have suburbs on the Kentucky side, but I've never gone. Because it's, you know, it's like a two to three hour drive from Lexington and Louisville. So it's just far enough away where I'm like,
Starting point is 00:57:55 uh, I don't want to go all the way up there because then once you're there, it's like, there's nothing else really going on. The Ohio River Valley is pretty, but in terms of like actual people yeah there aren't very many people there so I mean who wants to even be there anyway the best thing there is the bangles and they're pretty much only good for eight-nate seasons so they the Marvin Lewis finally quit or you know I think I think the word is he was let go I don't think I don't even think there was a because last year it was oh I think I'm gonna step down and he didn't and I think this year they were like you're fired Yeah, they were about five to ten years too late, but
Starting point is 00:58:34 At least they finally did Yeah, kind of reminds me of the couple and Minding the gap who just they keep staying together and you're just like what what's the deal here? But yeah, building connections. That's what the Oscars show is all about. That's what this is all about, man. This is what this is all about. This is what it's all about. Well, we are getting dangerously close, it's getting hot in here to some of the biggest categories of the night. We've got two more, two big ones before we get to the the very large fish that we have to fry. So let's start with cinematography. We have Cold War, we have Never Look Away, the Caleb Deschanel movie,
Starting point is 00:59:20 famous dad to Zoe and the other one. We have a star is born, we have the favorite and we have Roma. And I got to go with my gut here. I liked this cinematography so much. I'm taking Roma here. Nice. I agree and I am I'm I am with you on the Roma pick but to know I was weirded out at how good, how much I really like the cinematography of a star is born. And also, I'd like to throw a little bit of a shout out here for Caleb Deschanel who was a cinematographer on one of my favorite movies of all time, The Last Temptation of Christ. Now that's the throwback.
Starting point is 01:00:12 Willem DeFoe. Yeah, Willem DeFoe. Great YouTube video where he breaks down his career just came out last week. Very fascinating. I think it's like three minutes long. Really good. I watched it. I loved it. Yeah. It's fantastic.
Starting point is 01:00:27 So you're taking the stars, born? No, I'm taking Roma. Sorry. I went on a tangent, but I'm with you on the whole Roma thing. It was it was very good. And actually, I maybe he does this normally, but Alfonso Cureon did his own cinematography. That's kind of neat. It's very neat. Yeah, I don't know much about directors doing their own cinematography, but yeah, that's pretty cool. I agree with that.
Starting point is 01:00:53 I'm sure it happens from time to time. Yeah, so. You haven't seen Never Look Away, have you? I have not. I've seen so my art theater shows a trailer for it every time I go and it looks solid I think it's a World War 2 movie but yeah haven't gotten the chance to see it yet. I just I had never heard of Caleb Deschanel until it got nominated and then I read about him and realized
Starting point is 01:01:22 it's a family thing. Yeah interesting. Okay one to go here and then I read about him and realized it's a family thing. So, interesting. Okay, one to go here and then we're getting down to what our final six categories were doing our best with time here. So animated feature film, we have the Incredibles 2, Isle of Dogs, we have, what is this called? Mirror Eye, is that what it's called? It's like not getting regular titles, it's strange. We have Ralph Breaks, the internet, Ralph 2, and then we have Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse.
Starting point is 01:01:55 So, I've seen Incredibles 2, I've seen Isle of Dogs, I've seen Spider-Man, I haven't seen the other 2. Everybody seems to be saying it's going to be Spider-Man, and I liked it, so I'm just going to trust them, and I'll say Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse. Yeah, I've only seen, because I'm an absolute wee, but I've seen Mira, I was really good. And I have not seen Ralph Breaks the internet,
Starting point is 01:02:22 and I've said before, I've not seen High-Lup Dogs, and I have not seen Ralph Breaks the internet and I've said before I've not seen a high-level dog and I have not seen Incredibles 2. But I have seen Spider-Man and the Spider-Verse and I am not a superhero. I'm not a superhero, yeah, of course I'm not a superhero. But I'm not, you know, one of those superhero fanboys. And I honestly believe that this is the best movie I've seen all year. That's how I praise. That's what I was about to say. and i honestly believe that this is the best movie i've seen all year that's i praise that's what i was about to say i was a high praise you can get from a nun
Starting point is 01:02:50 comic books sort of i mean i don't know you have to have me at the frame rate different it's like three frames per hour and a half and it's like it's awesome i don't know why i like that aesthetic so much but it just it worked for me.
Starting point is 01:03:06 It did well. I think it's not perfect. There are some mistakes in the movie, but there's mistakes in every single movie. But it's such a compelling story, and I have not walked out of a movie feeling so great in a very long time. So such a great feeling. All right, that's a, that's a social on animated feature spider. I know the spider verse. Okay, we are down to acting and direct.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Oh, we already did directing, didn't we? We're down to acting and we're down to best picture. So let's go ahead, let's jump in. I think, so I don't know how you're feeling or about to find out, but there's four acting categories. Usually I feel like at minimum two of them seem like they're wrapped up. I know last year it was three
Starting point is 01:04:00 because it was what Sam Rockwell was pretty much of runaway. Gary Oldman was a runaway and Alison Janney was a runaway. This year I feel like one is maybe locked up and the other ones I have no idea. So let's start let's start there with actress in a supporting role. We have Amy Adams in vice playing Mrs. Cheney we have Regina King in Vice playing Mrs. Cheney. We have Regina King in if Beale Street could talk. We have Rachel, I don't know how to say it, is it Vice? Vice?
Starting point is 01:04:33 I'm gonna say racial vice. Vice or vice, not short from the favorite. We also have Emma Stone from the favorite. And we have Marina Day-Tavira from Roma, apologies for butchering the pronunciation. It seems like everything I've read is leaning towards Regina King. I've seen all five of these movies and I went into Bill Street knowing that there was all this hype starting up performance and I thought she was really good.
Starting point is 01:05:02 I didn't feel like she was the best supporting actress that I've seen all year, but in this category specifically, and who the other nominees are. As much as I do have a fanboy crush on Rachel Weiss or Weiss, she's not winning the Oscar for this, I think it's going to be Regina King. Yeah, I agree with Regina King and I'm going to pick Regina King as well. And honestly, I actually feel like I feel like all four of these categories are wrapped completely, but
Starting point is 01:05:41 they're not runaways like last year. That's why, I mean, the confidence is not there, but I feel like there's one pick that I think they might pick that I will disown the Academy forever if they pick one of them, but I pretty sure, pretty sure they're gonna go this route and it is a wrap, but it's just not. just not I mean last year just you remind me of that those people were those those nominees were leaps and bounds ahead of any other nominee so this year's not like that but it's pretty close I think I think it's a good wrap. All right
Starting point is 01:06:23 very good I am interested to see what you have to say about this one. So we're gonna do best supporting actor. We have Mahershal Ali in Green Book, who just won two years ago from Moonlight. We have Sam Elliott finally getting an Oscar nomination for a star of born. We have Adam Driver and Black Clandsman. We have Richard E. Grant for Canier for Give Me.
Starting point is 01:06:46 And then God help me. We have Sam Rockwell in Vice. This is really tough for me to take this stance because I loved it so much when Sam Rockwell won an Oscar last year because up to that point, I felt like he had been such an overlooked actor. And then this year, the pendulum has swung 180 degrees. I still love Sam Rockwell, but for him to get a nomination for Vice to me is just ridiculous, particularly considering Timothy Shalamet doesn't get a nomination for beautiful boy. I wouldn't mind seeing Sam Elliott or Richardy Grant winning for this, but it feels like Mahershal Ali's, it's his to lose at this point. So you're going with Mahershala?
Starting point is 01:07:40 That's right. Yeah, I'm going Mahershala as well. My notes on Sam Rockwell, which I think is kind of funny, is I feel like Adam McKay was like, hey man, you want to do, you want to do George W. Bush. And he's like, oh yeah, you know, I could probably fix like how you want me to be like a, you know, a very valiant good. He's like, no, no, just be hilarious the entire time. And I mean, it comes off.
Starting point is 01:08:09 I agree with you. I don't think it's that great. But I was laughing like nonstop. Like it was really weird. It was a weird performance. Yeah, I don't know. It's fine. I don't dislike vies.
Starting point is 01:08:24 I don't dislike anything about the movie just for this to be considered one of the five Best of the year to me is just come on. That's yeah, I'll also throw in I mean I'll follow up with the second because it does sound kind of brash, but Adam driver as well and Sam Elliott like the Sam Elliott nomination really bothers me because of the fact that there are 30 other movies out there that Sam Elliott deserves a nomination for and yet they do this thing where the Academy knows they mess up and they bring someone in. I mean people are raving about his performance in the stars, in the stars born. He has like seven and a half, not even,
Starting point is 01:09:09 seven and a half minutes of screen time. Not even. So, I mean, it's just like a weird, I feel bad, there's a lot of other movies out there that he deserves it for. And Adam Driver is just kind of like a man for me. And there's just a lot of people like you said, Timothy Shalamay, who's left off the list. And I can't speak to Richard E. Grant, so I'm not going to be a rehearsal, I think. That's who I'm picking, but this
Starting point is 01:09:40 category is weird. Yeah, I kind of, I'm with you actually completely what you're saying. Picking up on Adam Driver. I really like Adam Driver. Kind of like Sam Rockwell's an actor who flies under the radar a little bit. But you know, for all the attention he does get for Star Wars, he's actually a really good actor in a film like Patterson or something. He was never going to get a best actor nomination for that, but I don't know. I think at some point, if he continues down this career path, he's going to get an Oscar at some point. It just Black Klansman is not the role, and I'm not even sure he should have nominated for it. Yeah I feel like I actually feel like his the story of his character is so much more compelling than his performance. I think that's just
Starting point is 01:10:35 the problem is it overshadows you know what he did on screen so yeah. One thing I want to note here before we get into our best actor and best actress. This isn't something that really got much attention, but I wish it would have gotten a little bit more just so that this actor's name could have gotten out there. Brian Tyree Henry, I don't know if you know the actor by name or not, but in Beale Street, holy crap, that one scene is so good in Lumiaway. Yes, Brian Terry Henry is, he's an actor who I can't trace back his roots very far, but he was in the original Broadway show of the Book of Mormon, okay?
Starting point is 01:11:27 And he's gone on now to, he's in Atlanta full-time. Is that the show that that's the show he's in full-time now, which I just watched the Teddy Perkins episode of that tonight, which was hilarious and crazy. But that dude, he is going places. As long as he keeps on picking these really great roles and stuff, he's fantastic, super talented, and again, add him to the Timothy Shalamies of the world right now, not on this list for some weird reason. Yeah, he was really good. Watching Beale Street, you get your price of admission just for that once you alone. It was so good. It reminded me of the um, I finally went back after, was it last
Starting point is 01:12:18 year? It was the Timothy Shalamese and um, what's that guy's name moving? Army Hammer? Yeah Army Hammer movie. Call me by name. Yes. I went back and rewatched that scene with, forgive me, I don't know the actor's name for that. Michael Stullberg?
Starting point is 01:12:41 Yeah. Just a fantastic, just that was was that Tyree Henry scene was this year's scene from last year. You know what I mean just like incredible. Yeah, I'm glad you made that parallel. I completely agree that that speech at the end is ridiculous in the whole scene in their apartment talking about everything but prison and stuff is, yeah. Things that will stick with you for a while. Let's do this. I think I have a pretty good idea
Starting point is 01:13:22 of how this is gonna go. Actress in a leading role we've got, again, apologies for the pronunciation. Yolica Apaviccio from Roma, Olivia Coleman from the favorite. Melissa McCarthy, can you over-for-give me? Glenn Close in the wife and Lady Gaga, a star is born. So I got to be honest, haven't seen the wife, but everyone's saying that it's gonna be this, so I'm gonna trust that and I'll take Glenn Close. Yeah, I mean, how do you not pick Glenn Close? I'm picking her as well. I kind of wish, um, I really like Yolizia, Epricio, Epricio. I can't, I'm terrible with like the, you know, uh, south of the border accents here, I didn't take Spanish growing up, but I really thought for our first time nominee,
Starting point is 01:14:08 she was really good. She was really good, and I'd like to see it, but it's not gonna happen. The press is just too big for going close. I mean, and she's just so talented and ridiculous, but, you know. Well, she didn't get it for 101 Dalmatians so she's finally getting it now yeah exactly they got up they got to make up for lost time yeah I got it all right so we're down to two
Starting point is 01:14:33 categories and they're both pretty interesting if you ask me so let's do actor and a leading role we're getting into the nitty-gritty now we've got Christian Bale and Vice Willem DeFoe and Ad Attorney is Gate. He's been nominated for Oscars before. This is his first best actor. Vigo Mortensen and Green Book, Bradley Cooper and a star is born and then Rami as it Malik, Rami Malik, in Bohemian Rhapsody, seems like a two man race between Christian Bale and Rami Malik, excuse me, in Bohemian Rhapsody, I'm going back and forth because Bohemian Rhapsody to me, the movie itself, didn't love it, was the actor amazing in his portrayal of Freddie Mercury, did he nail it? Absolutely. There's nothing he could have done better with that role. On the other hand, I don't love Christian Bale as a person
Starting point is 01:15:40 and vice was as much as I was like, is entertaining just like overall, eh, whatever. I thought not only, you know, it's one thing to put on the weight and wear the makeup and all that stuff. His actual facial tics and expressions, all that stuff. Fantastic. And not easy to imitate. Dick Cheney, nor kind of just like the power, the anger, all that stuff going on that you can't convey through words because he's such a never really changes
Starting point is 01:16:15 his tone of voice type of guy. So if I'm trusting my gut, and I think I have to at this point, I'm going to go with Rami Malik, but I kinda wanna see Christian Bale win this because I really think he was amazing. Yeah, I'm picking Christian Bale for this definitely. I have Willem Dafoe as the Dark Horse, and pretty much every prediction I've read is this is the Rami Malek runaway which I'm glad you liked it but it's just that movie like
Starting point is 01:16:55 you said the movie production itself you know isn't all there and it's just kind of like this cliche band flick you you know? And that just left such a sour taste in my mouth. It was really, really hard for me to like, to like, Ramy's performance. And I guess I've been like very critical of him as like an actor for like the longest time because the fact that I just feel like, I don't even know what it is
Starting point is 01:17:23 because his, what he chooses is so varied, but I just want him to do something else and you know that's I don't know it's I'm super conflicted with him because I'm like his biggest fan yet his like biggest predict and to see the predictions be like oh yeah there's like a ninety three percent chance that Ramy Malik's going to win I'm like what the hell are you talking about? But a lot of people are compelled and I'm glad people enjoyed it. I just I don't know and it has nothing to do with Brian Singer. Brian Singer is dead to me. So I'm not even I'm
Starting point is 01:17:58 not even worried about that. But you know. Well there's another podcast we can spend an hour talking about, but Seriously? Yeah, I echo everything you said and I want to see Christian Bale when this I just If I'm just trying to get as many ready as possible at this point, I'm gonna Go ahead and say try me Malik Okay, we have arrived approximately 78 minutes into the bean-tum podcast to our final category here and one that is about as wide open as any of these categories we've talked about tonight, which is not typically the case. I've sort of got my divisions, my tears in my head,
Starting point is 01:18:43 so I'm interested to hear what you have to say. We'll discuss a little bit, then we'll make our final picks, and then we'll sign off so we can go to bed. Best picture. We have seven nominees, which I believe we've had eight in the past couple of years. So this is a little different. We have Black Panther.
Starting point is 01:19:03 We have Black Klansman. We have Bohemian Rhapsody. We have Black Panther, we have Black Clansman, we have Bohemian Rhapsody, we have the favorite Green Book, Roma, Star is Born, and Vice. So I'll talk through it a little bit, I'll let Ryan talk through a little bit, then I do want to just quickly mention any movies that you really wish you would have seen nominated for best picture this year and then we'll make our picks. I'm with you. You mentioned earlier. There's no way in hell that black panther wins. I agree like getting its nomination was more or less the victory that it wanted or that we deserved however you want to put it.
Starting point is 01:19:46 Bohemian Rhapsy in a similar sense. I've read a few things lately that I said, oh maybe it's the dark horse. This movie, if it wins, I'm gonna storm out and throw something. A star is born, I also really don't, early on, it was kinda like, good, now star's Born's gonna be the frontrunner. I don't think it's got a shot, but watch me eat my words.
Starting point is 01:20:10 The favorite I thought was in really good shape, kind of leading up to it, and then when it came out, but it really hasn't done much in the last month or two, it's just kind of been there, and it's a good film, but I really don't think it's going to win. And vice kind of similarly, it got all this hype leading up to it, came out on Christmas and everyone's raiding about Christian bail and all that stuff but I think as the actual overall body of a film, I don't see it really being a contender at the top level here. So that brings me down to three movies, Black Clansmen, Green Book, and Roma. Black
Starting point is 01:20:53 Clansmen and Green Book are really interesting because they deal with somewhat similar topics, just race relations in general but they deal with them in a completely different way and they have polar opposite takeaways at the end of these films. This is just my gut feeling but I don't feel like either one is a best picture winner. Black clansmen there are just enough things wrong with it that they don't quite think it's going to make it and then green book. And I've been seeing some people in the last couple of days saying that green book might be the favorite now, but it's gotten it's fair share of negative press and I think warranted negative press that I don't think it's going to make it. So that leads me with Roma and I'm kind
Starting point is 01:21:46 of with what you said earlier in that. I didn't quite have my mind made up still going back through it. I was trying to just talk myself into it. I don't know. That's that's kind of where I'm at right now. Where where you where you fall in Ryan Well, let me start in the ladder and down here with with vice I Love Adam McKay's movies everything from You know anchor man to vice to But I forget what I always want to call it It's called like I always want is it money ball? No, it's not called money ball. You're talking about the big short? Yeah, yeah, yeah, the big short. There's like five,
Starting point is 01:22:30 there's like five movies that are like exactly like about the same exact thing and I always get them confused. But Adam McKay will always make movies that I really enjoy and thus being movies that will never win best picture because that's just how it is things that i like don't win best picture that's just that's just typically that's just it's okay that's what happens when you're a uh basic white man is the shit that you like is just not that special um but a star is born i'm on board with your thoughts exactly. It really didn't do it for me. I'm glad that Bradley Cooper got, you know, the press that he did because I think that I do see a lot of talent there. But the movie was just painfully, I mean, it was relatable, but at the same time predictable. If that's a good observation, I'm not sure.
Starting point is 01:23:30 Green book is weird for me, man. Like, I don't know. I don't be too brash, but it's like, I think it's like, it's not meaning to be, but it is like some weird, you know, round about, round about racist stuff going on in this movie. Like there's some like weird like driving Miss Daisy vibes I get from this movie that are very bizarre and untimely for the current time we live in. And just this bizarre character arc with Vigo Mortensen, where he's like this racist dude, and by the end of it, he's just like magically not racist anymore. And he had nominated for performance. And you know, performance doesn't necessarily mean writing.
Starting point is 01:24:29 But the writing is so weird. And I just cannot help but think that this is a glaring example of how disconnected the Academy is from. And I'm not saying they got to be super timely or anything like that. But it's just, oh, it's such a weird booby and i don't get it the favorite i think it's painfully cliché uh... but it's also very funny though but they're not going to pick it because it is the cliché
Starting point is 01:24:59 not period piece you know even though it is it does subverted a bit, you know, it's very funny movie. Black Panther and Bohemian Rhapsody, I think, are horribly hilarious picks to put in the Academy, and I don't know how they got here. I mean, I understand kind of why Black Panther got there. Bohemian Rhapsody. I wonder who paid who to get nominated because it doesn't make any sense at all. In Black Clansman, I really like, but just don't see, you know, making it as our best
Starting point is 01:25:41 boy in the Oscar picks this year. I'm gonna have to go with Roma, first foreign language film to be nominated for best picture, first foreign language film to win in Oscar. Yeah, I'm with ya. I think it'll also be a nice timely political punch to have the movie from South of the border when best picture. Oh yeah I guess I didn't even think about that. That makes sense. That's
Starting point is 01:26:11 some good rationale behind it. I did not put those together at all. I mean I could say the the same thing about black clansmen to an extent. So something's going to be or black panther. Something's going to be political at some level at some point but are there any movies and sure there are but what movies that didn't get nominated for best picture would you have like to see in that field this year? You know unless you remind me of anything I actually can't think of a single one that is omitted at all. I guess I could maybe say like I know it's nominated for animated best picture, but hey,
Starting point is 01:26:56 why don't we throw Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse, into best picture category? I don't think there's any rules against an animated movie making it. Because I mean, like if you think about it, it could be an aisle of dogs being nominated. I don't know if there's any specific rules against that. I mean, throw it in there. It's the best movie I've seen this year and I think it competes really well with the rest of them as long as we throw some of these out here because they're not very good. And probably, I would go as far a birthday as this is one of the weakest Best picture categories. I've ever seen in my lifetime. Yep. I'm with you I was
Starting point is 01:27:35 Shot and I'm still a little surprise A month and a half or whatever later that Beale Street isn't nominated for best picture It seems like everything was there for it. It was completely talked about in that circle. It was Barry Jenkins, follow up to Moonlight. Yeah, I'm really surprised and also a little upset that Beale Street wasn't nominated for Best Picture. Also, a little surprise that first man didn't get it.
Starting point is 01:28:07 I feel like the only reason it wasn't sort of included in this conversation was just because it didn't do as well as at the box office. But I still thought it was a really good movie and I'm surprised it wasn't nominated for Best Picture. Obviously I would have liked to see, you know, eighth grade or first reformed, getting nominated for Best Picture. I know those were longer shots, but you know to have somebody like eighth grade not get any nominations is rough. So yeah, there were there were definitely a couple other best pictures that I would have liked to see one because you can nominate it up to 10 but two like you said is Bohemian Rhapsody really one of the best eight movies of the year. No, and it's not close. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:06 Beale Street definitely I'll agree with that. That's, I don't know, I have such an affinity for moonlight. Like I really love that movie. And Beale Street, I was seeing the trailer. I was kind of perplexed. I was like, I really hope this guy is not, you know, this is not going to be some huge, you know, sophomore slump, you know. And it turned out to be great.
Starting point is 01:29:29 It was a great movie. So it's not here. And the unfortunate thing, like you said, there can be up to 10. And it's not here. And also on top of that, there's someone here that don't deserve it. So it's kind of disheartening a little bit. This here I will say because and there's all been all sorts of Oscar controversies this year. This year has been a mess for the Oscars and I don't know like I don't know what they're gonna do next year. I'm
Starting point is 01:29:59 not saying it's not gonna happen. I'm just saying like there's definitely change, change needs to happen hardcore. Yeah, seer is rough. It's just heartening. Well, the good news is they've got a host if they want it. They're working on the Oscars monologue. Myself, wrote it, filming it, producing it, editing it, wrote it, filming it, producing it, editing it, we're gonna be dropping that on Sunday. But that should be pretty good. Ryan, I wanna thank you for giving me 90 minutes of a weeknight here. Do you have any parting thoughts
Starting point is 01:30:38 whether it's about movies or just any projects if you're not coming up anything in general? You know, I actually, I'm, I'm because I'm such a regular on this show, I actually have nothing to plug and I have no final thoughts at all. I would plug the channel, but you know, things are kind of in flux currently. You know where to find us, uh, we're out there and content might be popping up here soon, but still got a lot of work that stands in between us and that happening. So yeah, I really like hanging out on the
Starting point is 01:31:11 bean town podcast, my favorite podcast. Can't wait to do this next year. Hopefully, hopefully the field will be much stronger because this year was a little rough. Yep, I hope so too. Well, Ryan'll keep you on the line for one second here. Thanks everyone for checking out our Oscars special. Don't forget to check out newly launched as well as the Beantown blog. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can email us as Beantown,
Starting point is 01:31:43 B-E-A-N-T-U, and, and we will get back to you within 48 to 72 business hours. For all of us here at the Beantom podcast for Ryan Ligan of Card Convo's podcast and reek entertainment, thank you so much for joining us. Don't forget the Oscars, this Sunday, 8 p.m. Eastern, we'll be releasing our Oscars monologues shortly before that So check out our YouTube channel
Starting point is 01:32:09 Facebook Twitter the website all that to see that All right It has been a lot and we are going to hit the hey So thanks everyone for tuning in and we will check in on you next week for tuning in and we will check in on you next week.

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