Beantown Podcast - Quinn's Dream (01302021 Beantown Podcast)

Episode Date: January 30, 2021

Grab your whiskey or your hookah because I had a really weird dream and now you're going to hear about it #Beantown #BeantownPodcast #Quinn...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's going on? It's Quinn David Furnace. Welcome to my show. Quinn Dave Furnace presents the bean town podcast for Saturday, January 30th, 2021. What's going on? How are you? This is my show. My name is Quinn and the producer creator, Best Boy, Keygrip, Supreme Chancellor of this entire program. And we are coming to you live through the audio. We are coming to you live through YouTube. Welcome to everyone who is tuning in.
Starting point is 00:00:41 This is the Bean Town podcast. This is our fourth year of the show. And it is one of the top 500 podcasts on the north side of Chicago. So you know when you tune in to bean town, you're getting quality content. We have a very wild show for you today. And I want to say before anything else, you might want to grab an edible or a glass of whiskey or some power ate or something because it's going to be a funky time. We've never done anything like this on the show before and that's coming up very soon because I'm not going to waste your time.
Starting point is 00:01:25 It's a Saturday. We've got stuff to do. There's a snow storm come in in like half an hour. I don't know. It's 3, 10 pm central standard time. So that's come in. We just had a snow storm. It's crazy out here.
Starting point is 00:01:43 But I want to mention because I forgot and I apologize to the fans. Last week, we forgot to do our real housewives assault like City recap. And wouldn't you know it? This past week, this past Wednesday nights, the penultimate episode of season one of the real housewives of Salt Lake City. Blindsided me. They said, next week on the season finale, and I'm like, whoa, no one prepared me for that Apologize last week we forgot about it Before I get into that I'll mention listener discretion is advised when you're listening to being Tom podcast number one
Starting point is 00:02:14 We'll occasionally use some adult language number two Number one and a half we will talk about Jen Shaw and she is just Kids don't need to hear about that number two and Sean, she is just kids don't need to hear about that. Number two, this podcast is objectively terrible. Basically two weeks ago, on the real housewives of Salt Lake City, and I didn't even look at a recap before, for either episode, before I started talking right now,
Starting point is 00:02:39 and I hadn't even thought about it, but I didn't wanna forget about it again. Whitney wanted to plan a girls trip to Vegas and of course Mary Cosby who had such a prominent role in the first one to three episodes of season one. I'm a broken record here. I tell you every episode, she gets 30 seconds of screen time, they cut to her house
Starting point is 00:03:04 and she has a Five-second conversation with her cousin slash housekeeper That's all you need to know about Mary Cosby the rest of the ladies Heather Whitney Gencha Meredith and Lisa Barlow They go to Vegas a fun little getaway What's supposed to be a fun little get away. And Whitney has this big surprise planned for everyone. And it's like we're gonna go race cars and Heather's like super excited to do it. They go to Las Vegas Motor Speedway. But
Starting point is 00:03:36 Gen Chah, who has some serious issues, which the show is not long enough. It's a 30 to 60 minute program. We can't get into all of it. But basically, Jun Sha pulls Heather back and she's like, you can't go racing. I have a big surprise for you and Heather didn't know about it. So it's a big like random surprise. So it's just kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:03:58 Anyways, so Whitney and Meredith and Lisa go to the track. They're driving these fancy cars. Whitney apologizes to Lisa and Meredith and Lisa go to the track. They're driving these fancy cars. Whitney apologizes to Lisa and Meredith for Coach Shaw's birthday party, which wasn't even really Whitney's fault. It was just, it was just executed very poorly and she was super drunk. Anyway, so now Whitney and Meredith and Lisa,
Starting point is 00:04:22 they're all good, they're all racing cars and I could go into it There's a whole lot more going on. All you need to know is Lisa's really slow Back at the hotel in Las Vegas this weird like shopping thing going on Gen shot apparently right now feels like Heather's her only friend, which is I Don't know kind of strange. I never really noticed the like friendship dynamic between the two of them, whatever. But I don't even, Gen-Shaw is just toxic. There's gonna be something,
Starting point is 00:04:52 some shit going down no matter what. I, this was two weeks ago already. Can't remember, she starts yelling at Heather. Yada, yada, yada. The other ladies come back from the race track and basically the start of this episode, Yada yada yada the other ladies come back from the race track and Basically the start of this episode Vegas is like a two-part thing
Starting point is 00:05:16 They're really excited to go to the strip club and then they say that and then they never go to the strip club So it's just kind of weird. They go downstairs to the casino or wherever for dinner and first it's just Gencha and Meredith and Lisa. And of course, Gencha freaks out again when she finds out that Meredith and Lisa have that has shit out with Whitney and they're good to go.
Starting point is 00:05:41 They're on good, solid ground. Gencha is not happy about this, even though three weeks ago, Whitney and Meredith, or Whitney and Heather and Gencha went to those weird like bath tubs in the mountains. And Whitney apologized to Gencha and Gencha. I was like, yeah, we're good. After she was splashing water at the producers
Starting point is 00:06:04 and the cameraman, et cetera. So Whitney's under the impression that she's good with Gencha. Apparently not. Gencha starts freaking out at Lisa and Meredith. Meredith walks away because she's not going to engage. Lisa's doing her best to like have her back, whatever Whitney and Heather, their cousins remember, they come down and all of a sudden, and they come down and Gencha is just like the Tasmanian devil.
Starting point is 00:06:31 She's going nuts. She like bumps into slash they referred to as she hit. Heather, which it wasn't really, it was like a bump, but which is a bad move for Gencha because Whitney or Heather is like her only friend. We only one who'll stick up for her. Anyway, so this whole thing just blows up. Vegas has been a disaster because of Jen Shaw.
Starting point is 00:06:56 And Lisa FaceTime's Mary, because he got to get Mary five seconds of screen time. And Mary's like, yeah, I told you show. I told you so, Shaw, show, whatever. About Jen Shaw. So they're like, set piece, the final thing of this episode. Apparently the four ladies, Whitney, Heather, Meredith, and Lisa were all under the impression
Starting point is 00:07:22 that Jen Shaw, after her blow up, this this specific one I know there's about two per episode And we still haven't gotten to the second one for this episode Has she they're under the impression that she flew home so The three ladies it's Whitney Meredith and Lisa They go to this hypnotist and Heather's coming to but she's just running behind. Heather goes to Gen Chas room, even though she doesn't expect Gen Chas to be there, she thinks her
Starting point is 00:07:54 shopping hall, whatever from the night before is going to be there. She gets there and asks where to go. Funny is part of the episode. They letter into Gen Chow's hotel room Gen Chow is there But that's not the funny part. She has her whole posse there There's got to be If anyone else is watching the episode you can let me know whether you think I'm higher low I would say six people in the room with her There's you know because she has like her three assistants Gen Jen Shah, there's Stu, Stu Chains, right? And like two other assistants that we never meet.
Starting point is 00:08:30 And then a hairstylist, a wardrobe person, her bodyguard, I think this was the first episode. We learned that Jen Shah has a bodyguard. Okay, just very weird. So there's like eight people in this hotel room all of a sudden and Heather's like, oh, where were we going to this hypnotist? Are you going to come and Gencha was like, yeah, sure, that's going to be trouble. So now the five ladies are at this hypnotist who is like, kind of, excuse me, they did some
Starting point is 00:09:02 really good editing with the hypnotist and like some of her lines it was actually very comical. But it starts off as like this relaxation, meditation, hypnotism thing, which is what you would think it was going to be. Speaking of relaxation and hypnotism, HIPTAN is the Tizuzin H-Y-P-N-O, that's a Pokemon. T-I-N-I-Z-A-T-I-O-N, hypnotization. Hypnotization, something like that. And all of a sudden, it turns into this GAB session where it's basically like couples therapy,
Starting point is 00:09:40 but there's five people instead of two. And of course, it's all about Gen-Shaw. And I can't even remember all the fine details. The best part was the very last thing they did though. And it's this, like, trust exercise. And so the hypnotist, and he's got the five ladies in there, six included the hypnotist. And she's like, raise your hand if, and everyone's participating, raise your hand if you trust this person, this person, so they go down the line, they do all five. For, I think the first three are like Whitney,
Starting point is 00:10:13 Lisa and Meredith, and no one, and everyone raises their hand. Or it's the opposite, raise your hand if you don't trust that person, so no one raises their hand, then they get to Gen-Shah, and as we would all expect, everyone raises their hand except for Gen Sha, obviously. And then the shocker, because they've really been playing up this like, or trying to play up this Gen Sha and Heather being like her only friend left. The hypnotist's last ask, raise your hand if you don't trust Heather. And of course, Heather is like the MVP of the show.
Starting point is 00:10:48 She's like clearly the most stable, normal one. It's just like not childish, very emotionally intelligent. Jen Shaw raises her hand. When Whitney's been the one, or Heather's been the one who's like had her back, literally earlier in the episode, Heather was like, let's not rush. Let's not pass too much judgment on Jen Shaw. Like she has some redeeming qualities. Yadda, yadda, yadda, whatever. But she's the only one saying stuff like that. And Lisa's like, I don't think I want to be her friend anymore.
Starting point is 00:11:21 Whatever. So Jen Shaw raises her hand. She's the only one that doesn't trust Heather, and it's just like girl, bad move. Anyways, they finally leave Vegas, and that's the end of the episode. And I mentioned you might want, you know, a glass of whiskey or an edible or something. I have a glass myself. It's a very tall, healthy pour, because what I'm about to get into is just some funky stuff, man. The glass of whiskey wasn't supposed to be for listening to the real house was recap, but it works for that too. I wanna mention, this is good whiskey, by the way.
Starting point is 00:12:01 Jay Henry, I think we talked about in the show before, my friend John Paul Pindowski brought it over a couple of weeks ago from Dane, Wisconsin, which I don't know where that is, but presumably it's in Dane County, which is the first county north of the border, I think, right? First or second county around Madison, whatever. Paul Ryan Land. I wanna mention this before I get too deep into my whiskey or my power raid. You know, I've got, I'm double fisting whiskey
Starting point is 00:12:33 and for those who aren't on the YouTube stream, power raid, fruit punch, zero sugar, sports strength because sometimes I wanna party and sometimes I wanna be hydrated. So it's good to kind of alternate. But the reason, oh, what I was going to say is if you have any questions, comments, concerns at any point, you can always email us,, and that's beantown,
Starting point is 00:13:04 And I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, again, it's bean town, be and podcasts at And I want to give a shout out to our sponsors, because I don't know where the rest of this episode is going to go. We're not going to take like an ad break or anything like that. Home Pride organ, you need a house inspected and central organ, Steve's your guy cuts by Q. You're looking at it. The Samson Q2U series. It's beautiful in year four. And then today and tomorrow your last two days to go and get your everlasting bath pillow, everlasting comfort bath pillow. Use code Q.QueenD for 20% off. Sales end tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:13:45 I had a dream. Tuesday night, Wednesday night, doesn't matter. And this dream felt like I was in it for hours. And it was a double dream. In multiple senses of the word double first, in that I had the dream, I woke up about 5am, 6am, I went back to bed and I continued having the dream. That is some wild stuff. The other sense, and I don't know if this is true or not, or if my mind is playing tricks on me, but it felt like a sequel to a dream I had when I was,
Starting point is 00:14:44 Yeo Young Chap. It felt like a sequel to a dream I had when I was, yay, a young chap. Nari, is that a word? N-A-R-R-Y. If I was in the UK, Nari, a young chap. So it was like a sequel to a dream that I had had before. And the centerpiece of this dream, and I'm just telling it to you like it is, is this nine story, nine story mind you.
Starting point is 00:15:15 It's like the tallest building in Vermont. Nine story house in Loveves Park, Illinois which is To tie it into earlier things in the episode halfway between Rockford and Dane County, Wisconsin It's a nine story house, but it looks like a normal house From the outside kind of like a like a Pokemon house from the outside. Kinda like a Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Think about like, the, what's the first thing that ain't Pokemon like gold and silver, Brussels sprout tower, something like that. You fight all those sages, they have bell sprouts. Weird. It looks normal from the outside, but this house has nine stories. The first dream I had,
Starting point is 00:16:15 or the first time this memory occurred to me, 15, 16 years ago, at least in my head, that's what it was. We were there for a Bible study, a family Bible study, which was a popular thing to do as kids, as a family growing up. You go to a sort of a different person's house every week. Different people volunteer to host the Bible studies, the adults all get together in a
Starting point is 00:17:01 large room with multiple seating options. And I don't know, because that was number present in that portion, but presumably discussed biblical scriptures and passages. And the kids will all play in a designated kid play area. With a variety of entertainment options, depending on who was hosting. For example, you go to the Perkins basement.
Starting point is 00:17:28 You've got Pokemon or a super no, super smash brothers melee on the GameCube. Hell of a game. Or, you know, whoever is hosting, can tie as micro-its, Reynolds, there's, you know, it's like an hour long Bible study jam session. And then after studying the scriptures, all the families get together for some sort of dessert.
Starting point is 00:18:11 One time there was lobster at the Perkins house, and I like lobster. And you know, there's gabin, there's chatting. And it just lost the YouTube stream. It's coming back. Apologies for that. Just saying there's gabbling and chatting. G A B B I N G space A N D space C H A T T I N G. Gabbling and chatting. Anyways, that's what Bible studies says. family Bible study was all about growing up. And one time, host family unknown, indeterminate, like you're trying to find the derivative of 17, I don't know, I don 17 to 18 years old. Mostly 17. There was a jeopardy question.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Two, three nights goes. Colleagues championship. And they're like, what's the derivative of 2x squared or something? I don't know. What is it? 4x? Someone can get on that power rule. So we come back to the present day and in my dream, I have returned to this nine story house and there's a there's a lot of action going on. The house is for sale, but also there has been a murder and it's currently under investigation. I don't know who is murdered and I certainly don't know who did the murder ring. Not important. It's focused on this house. I'm there with Rachel.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Trustee, as yet girlfriend of the podcast, Anniversary's in. Three weeks. Come with me on all my adventures. And of course, it's a nine story house, right? So you have to explore every single story. Now, I'll say this, each story, rather than being a floor with a lot of different rooms, is just, it's kind of like a regular house
Starting point is 00:20:42 for one or two stories, one or two floors. And then every floor above that, all the way to the top, is just one roof. And you're looking at it not from your normal perspective out of your own eyes as you're sort of walking around. But you're watching it from above, almost as if you were the ghost of Craig T. Nelson's grandfather watching from the heavens above. And this is not the last time that ghosts are gonna come into play. I'll tell you that much.
Starting point is 00:21:28 And apologies if the YouTube stream keeps cutting out. It says my connection is unstable and I don't know what to do about that. So you go up the levels, the floors of this house and you'll quickly learn that although the house is for sale, it's still being inhabited. And the identities of these inhabitants is where things get funky. They are all like orphaned They are all like orphaned children existing in it. Some of them are just straight up bedrooms, some of them are more kind of fun rooms.
Starting point is 00:22:37 One room in particular comes to mind. Has two ping pong tables, tennis tables, however you want to classify. I don't tell you how to live your life. And so you get all sorts of great games going. And it's very important to mention that on the third floor of this house, in this part doesn't really make any sense, unlike the rest of the dream, you'll just have to stretch your imagination. The third floor of this house has a secret passageway
Starting point is 00:23:11 under the couch. In fact, not even so much under the couch, the couch is just part of this section of the room that you physically have to grab the ground and pull back. Like you're pulling out a fold-out couch, but just imagine doing that with the entire room. You sort of pull out an entire third of this room.
Starting point is 00:23:38 And it uncovers or exposes, if you will will a secret passageway to the basement. Now, I know what you're thinking. Quinn Howe is there a secret passageway from the third floor directly down to the basement? I don't have an answer for you. Sometimes life isn't clean and simple with everything put together very nicely, especially when you're dreaming. A dream, a sequel, and it's a double dream that you have twice in one night. Okay, I don't have any answers for you there. I don said do not go into the basement. Now I don't know if this was maybe one of the orphans was accepting me, okay, because
Starting point is 00:24:56 immediately when I'm thinking now in my dream state, mind you, which may or may not be my own dream I may be someone stuck into my APT at 3 a.m. and accepted me I don't know but you know rather than kill and Murphy's daddy issues and Tom Hardy and Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon Levit and Ken Watanabe and Tom Berenger and Leonardo DiCaprio and Joseph Gordon Levit and that Egyptian guy driving the van, all I had were troubled orphans. Almost as if inception is raining outside, and a series of unfortunate events did a glee style mashup. Mr. Schuster, the invalid, Jane Lynch, that one cheerleader that died, that one football player that died, the other football player that died, Kurt, none of that. Don't go into the basement. I was told. So I continue to climb a metaphorical climb, if you will.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Well, actually not. Metaphorical is probably not the right word. Just not like climbing a brick wall or a chin-link fence, but rather just walking up the stairs like a normal person. You go higher and higher throughout this nine-story house. And of course, as you get, you go higher and higher, you start start thinking what's gonna happen when I reach the top. What is waiting for me on the ninth floor of this house? So eventually you get there and it's very different whereas the first eight stories of this house you'll just walk up stairs and enter through a doorway or a corridor like a normal person would or a normal house would.
Starting point is 00:27:36 You rather, it's like you're going up into an attic. There's a trap door of sorts above your head to an attic. There's a trap door of sorts above your head and you have to push it open. And you can tell that there's something going on. You're here a slight rocking and you hear the television is on. And a slowly, pure, P-E-E-R, like, pureless price, paid for the Buffalo bills. Lee Evans, guys were a good tandem back in the early 2000s. I poke my head above the floorboards through this trap door of sorts. And it's really weird. There are two rocking chairs, one in each corner on the other end of the room far away from me. other end of the room far away from me. And I have no explanation for this because
Starting point is 00:28:56 there are often times our dreams are composed or comprised of things that we've recently seen or talked about or thought about. In our daily lives, for example, I had a dream earlier this week also was big week for dreams that I was unchopped, but not like normal chopped. It was like a combination of chopped and the British bake off. So it was like chopped rules, but there were 12 people getting chopped one at a time which is high stakes and not to get too far into another dream here but it is worth mentioning that I woke up from that chopped dream when I was in the second round so I made it through the first round and one of my basket ingredients was fritos you know those little corn chips
Starting point is 00:29:47 and I swear to god I watched a chopped episode yesterday and corn chips were one of the basket ingredients. I don't have any explanation for that. But back to this dream, I'm on the ninth floor of this house that's for sale. And I think the reason I was there is because this house was listed at like a really low price, loves park real estate, you understand how that is. And I've been thinking about real estate kind of lately and whether I should buy a place, keep renting. I'm not actively
Starting point is 00:30:27 looking to buy or anything like that. This is something that I think about because I'm a very dollars and cents bottom line black and white kind of person at the end of the day. So I'm all about Home ownership is not particularly a large goal or a part of my short term plans or vision. But I am all about saving Uncle Sam's green bags. In the corner there are two rocking chairs. And off to the side, I can't see what's on the screen with there's a television. And the television is Pat Robertson, who I think is still alive, right? That guy's been 80 for the last three decades. And that's not just my dream talking. That's how I actually feel. I don't know if it was 700 Club or if he was making an appearance on my Huckabee's
Starting point is 00:31:34 syndicated television program or the Jim Baker show. It doesn't matter. That Robertson is talking. But here's the very strange thing where I was talking about how your dreams are typically comprised of things that you've recently been exposed to or thinking about or watching or talking about or watching or whatever. Because the two, no, one of the two people is a person that I haven't thought about, talked about, looked at, whatever for. I feel like years, I don't know. Maybe that's not the case. The other one I did just see a couple weekends ago or last week I don't recall which we watched a film that has a guest appearance by this person. That person is Mark Knopfler. Okay classic rock fans will know. The strange thing however he's sitting in this rocking chair. Lent back as in the present blue perfect form of lean.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And he's wearing this 10 gallon hat, almost like he's going to country thunder to him lakes with sconce or something, I don't know. It doesn't matter, okay, let's try to stay focused. But the other figure in the rocking chair, I don't know, I don't know what it means, I don't know if this is part of the inception, my great grandfather Walter Hodgents. I don't know why, I don't have an explanation. It doesn't make sense. They're watching Pat Robertson.
Starting point is 00:33:34 They're rocking in their rocking chairs. And it's very dark. There's this one little candle on the floor, the middle of this room this ninth floor which is more or less an attic because all there is it's just wooden floorboards two rocking chairs the television set I'm not talking like flat screen I'm talking like the things you roll into the classroom to watch 9-11 footage. I don't know if that's too dark, I apologize. It's just where my mind went.
Starting point is 00:34:12 And a little candle in the middle, slowly giving off light. And all I do is I just peer above the floorboards, poke my head, I'm standing on a ladder, my great grandfather and Mark Knopfler, and his 10 gallon hat just rocking back and forth and back and forth. So I slowly start to come back down and it all just fades to black. I don't remember coming down. I don't know if I ever got past the eighth floor again. I don't know what happened to the orphans. I don't think I made an offer on the house. Oh, in case anyone doesn't know, my great-grandfather's been dead
Starting point is 00:35:27 for 20 years. So, some sort of apparition, APPA, RIT, ION, of some sort. And it all just starts to float in fade away. Like that song float on my modest mouse. Is that that one? I don't know. I don't know. Modest mouse very well. So that's basically what I did this week. Just some wild stuff, man. I don't have an explanation. I don't know what it means. If I wasn't scepted, it's really disappointing because there was no Tom Beringer or at least
Starting point is 00:36:34 Kill and Murphy, I mean, I know that guy is not very talkative, but at least have a conversation. Leo, I don't really care about but killing I would love to So that was my dream I Don't know if all I don't know if we'll make it a three-peat Maybe talking about this maybe putting this out there into the cosmos, it'll come back to me someday, maybe in another 15 years, I'll have yet another dream about it 20 years, maybe be old and gray by then. I don't know. I really don't know. Let's let that ruminate for a little bit. And I don't know because I didn't do a sound check.
Starting point is 00:37:52 We've had some dream, some royalty-free dream type music going on in the background for the last 20 minutes or so, 30 minutes. Except so it kind of got away from me. We're just going to lean into that. I'm going to stop talking and you can turn it off because you're not going to. It's not like there's not going to be a Marvel post credits or made credit scene. I don't really do that. I didn't plan that for a head. But I'm going to finish my whiskey and just sit with the ambience.
Starting point is 00:38:25 And you can turn it off if you like. I'm not going to go for too long, just listen to the ambience, but just add a little bit of maybe you want to do your own real housewives of Las Vegas, hypnotized hypnotization. You can do that, or you can shut it off, or you can use it to fall asleep asleep whatever you want It's your your time. I will mention That pledge drive month starts in two days
Starting point is 00:38:57 It's unlikely that I have to go fund me set up on Monday exactly because I don't think we need a full month And I wanted to just make sure we're prepared for that. We're going to do the plus drive in three weeks, the telephon. Next week will be a whatever episode. Week after that, it will be an early episode because I'll be away for that weekend for my anniversary and Valentine's day. And then the weekend after that, we'll do the pleasure of telephon. I think the 20th is the day we're looking at.
Starting point is 00:39:26 So we're gonna lead into the ambience and thanks for listening, okay? Check in on you next time. 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Starting point is 00:40:08 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% and 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5% 1.5%
Starting point is 00:41:00 1.5% 1.0% I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:41:58 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:42:14 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc
Starting point is 00:42:30 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc you you you ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍ʻ‍‍‍ʻ‍‍ʻ‍‍‍ʻ‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍� 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1%, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1 %, 1%, 1 %, 1 %, 1%, 1, 1%, 1%, 1 %, 1, 1%, 1, 1, 1%, 1, 1, 1%, 1%, 1個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 個 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc
Starting point is 00:44:46 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc
Starting point is 00:45:02 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc 1 tbc I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:45:18 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. 1.5% I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom.
Starting point is 00:46:14 I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the bathroom. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room.
Starting point is 00:46:30 I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to go to the next room. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:47:06 I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing.
Starting point is 00:47:22 I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. I'm going to do a little bit of the same thing. Thank you. you

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