Castle Super Beast - CSB 091: It's Not Domestic It's Digiornos

Episode Date: October 27, 2020

Download for Mobile | Podcast Preview | Full Timestamps Guilty Gear Lore, Among Us, SOMA, The Signifier, SFxT and the legacy of Stadia Man, the main character of Twitter. You can watch us record th...e podcast live on Outro: Guilty Gear Xrd Sign - Six Black Heavens Guns Go to and use promo code SUPERBEAST to get 20% off when you set up auto-ship!   Twitch deletes 'thousands' of videos in mass DMCA crackdown by copyright holders Tom Holland - It’s nice to meet you, I’m Nate. #uncharted Smash Ultimate Version 9.0.1 - Steve's dick is gone Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon & the Blade of Light coming to Switch on December 4 As if you needed more convincing about Ghostrunner, it's getting free next-gen upgrades Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition delayed for the foreseeable future Darkest Dungeon 2 is using Epic for Early Access in 2021, but 1.0 will hit 'other' PC stores Sucker Punch job listing requests a writer with 'knowledge of feudal Japanese history'  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Aluminium Hey, there's a guy called woolly gaming on twitch what I So I was literally I saw somebody mentioned like a video or something you had streamed the other day I'm like all good. I'll go check out your schedule and I typed in woolly into twitch and sure enough woolly gaming is live Awesome, and I'm like what oh Weird awesome great cool. Yeah, he doesn't even look like you at all. Yeah, I mean look man There's there's people out there, you know I mean I feel almost bad for whoever decided to sit on the
Starting point is 00:01:12 The at woolly on Twitter because that's another person that like probably just gets a bunch of shit That's not remotely even directed at them, but like they it's like if you're gonna stick the fight out Then you choose to stick the fight out I can't control how much is gonna get sent your way, but I do feel that there was more than one time throughout these years where I've gotten messages from Developers and people and stuff just being like hey someone's pretending to be you. I just want to Check in and go like see is everything cool or someone I've never spoken to is like hey
Starting point is 00:01:50 There's people that like say they're you But shit doesn't match up. So what's up? You know, yeah, that's weird. I've never I've never encountered the copycat and There was that time I don't know if we ever we talked about that bizarre email from the other Patrick Bois vang Yes, yes, there's definitely that was that was the most I don't know how that got to us. I was I was Go ahead There's like 13 different knockoff Pat stairs at channels on Twitch most of which don't even bother to copy the logo which
Starting point is 00:02:33 Like there's one that copies the logo Mm-hmm all the other ones don't even bother to copy the branding and I'm like wow you guys aren't even trying yeah That's that's the thought right it's like if you're doing if you're going for parent confusion marketing, right then That's that's one thing where you're you're gonna try to copy everything you see and fake everybody into thinking it's something It's not but if you're actually going for a no, I'm doing my own thing just using this name It's like what are you hoping to accomplish here? This is so weird. I I mean I've I was playing Tony Hawk one plus two and I saw the and then the and like then of the new songs
Starting point is 00:03:15 There's a lot of the great new songs like I mentioned and one of the new songs that pops up is from a group called Super best friends club and I was like oh boy. Oh boy like good luck with with that. That's good. Yeah You know that's that's Google just kind of napalms things and a way that you you can if you've got four words in your name The the first three are probably gonna give you a hard time guys then Luckily, the algorithm is there to determine which one you're really talking about and there's been
Starting point is 00:03:53 more than one just like sort of like straight-up usage of Friday night fisticuffs and in different ways places and things that's yeah I think there are like literally ten different video series named Friday night fisticuffs. So like I Can definitely say that at the time I Started there wasn't but it's a bit odd in the sense that it's there's homage and then there's just like no We're just taking the name. It's like there are zero for Saturday night scrub lords or Saturday night scrub lords Yeah, but it's just like like you can you can homage with a similar name But like why literally just take the thing and then have everyone is this the thing? What is this?
Starting point is 00:04:38 What are you doing as as somebody who speaks as a personality with a definitive lack of what I'm gonna say intentional creativity It's hard to come up with names It's hard Like yeah, but the Pat stairs that name I came up with by going giant bomb quick look and it's substituting the names Well, but but you took the step of changing a word This is all on this is the minimum I would suggest is like take the thing and
Starting point is 00:05:13 Change a war like literally change your homework Before handing it in don't just hand it in with someone else's name on top of the page Is there is there a fucking other podcast called castle super best? I mean someone I wouldn't be surprised well now there is but it's just another is a joke one Yeah, you know, it's just a it's just a weird thing like I I don't I don't know where the The thought process is supposed to go but anyway, that's yeah, what can you say sure? Mm-hmm? Good luck to that person good? Good luck rip off channels that have so here's the other thing that I genuinely don't understand
Starting point is 00:05:54 You know when you see like a copycat channel or something right mm-hmm, and you see that they've like Stolen like five videos mm-hmm, and then gave up yes Because there's too many to keep doing this with it's like hey look if you want to sit there by your computer and do this twice a day Every single day of your life in the hopes that you can somehow like scrape You know some views together for whatever you're doing here. Good luck, man It's not this is this is you're you're putting in like real work to get scraps You might as well just at this point real work towards Real work. Yeah
Starting point is 00:06:39 No, people are people are mysterious and confusing and then again will you none of us are putting in real work Something that we should talk about later in the news. Oh boy Um That could be well hey look I'll tell you what I did put in some real work. In fact this week I feel very productive. Oh, yeah, I feel like I got a lot of things done this week, and I'm feeling good about being potentially good oh Potentially good. I like that Tell me about your potentially good week well in terms of productivity. I mean yeah step one is
Starting point is 00:07:20 I fucking got those windows all sealed up for the winter Oh, yeah, good. Yeah me and punch mom got our Material together. We see it. We did the little stuffing in between all the cracks and spaces And then we put that's weird. I've never had to do that Yeah, well, it's the kind of thing where it depends on what kind of windows you have and whether or not they're like Modern recent and like really airtight. Yeah, but if you've got a place where Um, you've got some windows that are a bit dated Then you got to do some work, you know
Starting point is 00:07:53 Um, generally haven't done it up until now because it's just like whatever let the draft come in and we'll just deal with it, but like After waking up with some sniffles and like Catching a draft while sleeping and shit like that. I'm like, eh, let's just deal with this We live in an era in which waking up with sniffles Is a coin flip of terror So fuck that
Starting point is 00:08:20 Fuck waking up with the snuffles. Also, it just generally lowers your immune system. You know what I mean? Like if you're constantly waking up like that, so um Yeah, I don't know. So I we we just I said, let me just go for it this year and like Um, see if we can get rid of some of the the draft and Yeah, did the whole ceiling and then put the plastic over the windows and have it completely Sealed off and it was nice. It's it's nice. It's a um It's a it's a comfortable
Starting point is 00:08:49 thing now the heat actually stays in the the cold no longer comes in and um Yeah, you just kind of feel like you got some some house stuff done You know, would it be accurate to say that you have actually Legitimately no joke Updated your real windows before updating your windows. There you go Literally That's exactly what happened
Starting point is 00:09:17 So, yeah, got him Yeah, it's uh, it's nice. It's nice um And then of course the second thing I did was I put out my guilty gear lore video which I had been working on for a very long time so, um Thank you to everybody who's had lots of good feedback and things to say about that um Very happy that people enjoyed the uh the music selection and that it hit the same
Starting point is 00:09:44 um We some of the same I can tell you enjoyed the music selection. Yes. In fact, uh I can tell I like obviously There was a some some mixing issues And uh, you know, I actually had a fixed version of that that um I had to that I couldn't blah I had a fixed version of that that was mixed better that at the last second I had to upload a previous version for technical problems. So don't worry about that. But anyway, um
Starting point is 00:10:13 That's what's up and Uh, nowadays when I'm like, hey, I got shit to do. I got things to work on or whatever rest assured I'm going back to to write and script out more guilty gear lore That's basically the deal I I I loaded it up and I saw I saw that I'd come out like oh, that's what you've been working on I see that it's a half hour video and it's Before guilty gear like it's correct literally the
Starting point is 00:10:42 Uh opening page instruction manual Right. I think we story. I believe we get to the first game's beginning the intro of the first game drops at 25 minutes in and All I can think of is that like man and you haven't even touched the nightmare that is the dozens of mutually exclusive stories That you somehow have to figure out which ones count and which ones didn't so, you know, I'm putting the work in
Starting point is 00:11:18 Don't don't don't you worry about it. But is the ending where eddy dies when he tries to eat Sharon cannon? Yes I don't think that But it gets obliterated, but it's a little bit. There's there's there's things to it He there there is a clear like and there's an attempt And uh, Sharon is clearly something else and anyway, um There's a whole bunch of places and things that things can go in and there's a lot of weird pseudo cannon events That's the problem events happen and ideas occur and there are things that that are pseudo cannons. So like Discussions that could only happen when cliff or Kai are facing justice
Starting point is 00:12:02 Still sort of do happen because they come to the same revelations slash the outcomes occur Even though it's soul who faces off justice, right? Yeah, so like You know what the the weird answer to how do fighting games simultaneous arcade modes work is you kind of pick and choose Which details you want to matter going forward? Hey one when you're done with guilty gear Can you can you spend the time doing a lore back the background dive on a virtual fighter? Is sega gonna sponsor me? No, well then maybe not
Starting point is 00:12:41 I just I just want to hear about someone's attempt to even find out like anything About that game's story Dural is a girl She's a girl in three. She's kage's mom. Yeah Yeah in In four it's a random lady and they try and do it to venessa and then she breaks out in five And listen her skin is suspiciously wider. Listen, uh people who have seen
Starting point is 00:13:13 Like like punch mom and reggie and men and everybody have seen me like kind of deteriorating with work on some days And uh-huh like being crushed under the sheer like Ridiculousness of how much digging needs to be done and how much needs to be uh sorted through and um There's very few things that i'm willing to suffer through
Starting point is 00:13:41 To get it all in and guilty gear is one of those things Um, I can't say every franchise gets that same treatment from the that where i'm willing to do this much for it. I Let me ask you a question. This is my last question. I'm gonna ask about this today Like three and a half months ago We were talking about strive And you said something about guilty gear two counting and I started to like swear and curse And you said hey pat you want to talk about the fucking backyard?
Starting point is 00:14:17 Mm-hmm, and I told you to go fuck yourself and I think we moved on from that segment Was that before or after you already knew you were gonna do this that was absolutely after I had already started Fucking yeah, because why else would you why else would you bother to mention the backyard? In fact a human being in fact, uh some eagle-eyed And eagle-eared listeners or I should say bat-eared listeners Uh have pointed out that uh over the last couple months. I've sprinkled little tidbits of guilty gear Lore into discussions Just because it was on my mind and it's the first place my brain went because it's all I'm fucking doing every day
Starting point is 00:15:01 So I've dropped little bits and pieces of it over the last couple of months like since before the summer I've been dropping little things here and there Just because it's on my mind and like yeah, you might have been able to Put it together, you know Well Now that the first video is done you get to take one day of break and right into the next one Yeah, that day of break is already gone. I'm I'm already yeah, you know so and um
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, it's it's uh, but I mean at the end of the day though. It's it's very Like you have it. It's it's off of my chest. You know what I mean? Like it's out there in the world. So um at the very least I'm excited that like I don't have to fucking Sweat that part of it anymore um And yeah, I can talk about it. So And now you have a framework now. I have a framework actually do this shit exactly exactly and uh, you know, um
Starting point is 00:16:02 I just I have a a a template I can I can work off of and I can I can just kind of go back in put my head down by myself to the grindstone and uh Yeah, and get get the next one out there. So um You know, I saw some folks going like oh man What about the characters that I like that I care about that I have that I guess they have no Roll in the story and it's like no no no no no no this whole first part had nothing to do
Starting point is 00:16:30 with dizzy or Uh, you know dizzy isn't even born for the entirety in that entire store in that part Yeah, you have to like get to that, you know and all these people don't show up old guys Well a little more than that, but you know gear age is weird. It's like dogs Like dog ears. Yeah And it's and it's and your officer. It's fine. She's 18 and dog ears. Is that what kai said? Oh, no way. He is the cop Kai is kai is the cop
Starting point is 00:17:02 Gear kai is the cop. Yes gear ears are different same thing for sin You know things work a little bit differently um and and for human beings it almost works in opposite because May is super old, but uh She just happens to still be you know young and cute, but She's she's She's quite quite older than she looks
Starting point is 00:17:25 And that's all there is to it That's all there is to it, huh? Yeah But what about video games woolly? Well, anyway, um, we Do have in fact a week of video games too alongside tell me about one video game And then maybe tell me about a different one. Okay. Um, I'll tell you about uh man like this this Ah the the the the the the density of the week now
Starting point is 00:17:56 I think Makes sense for some people in terms of just like as soon as I jump off stream time to like get a get a snack And then sit down and get right working on these other things because I threw out Uh the vtuber project at the exact same time are similar within You know a window of of whatever like a week apart or so so Yeah, just over overwhelming Uh amounts of shit going on means very little going on in terms of my own personal gaming time, but
Starting point is 00:18:28 What I did do on the channel was start call of duty infinite warfare Why infinite warfare that's the one with the space Fucking knew it and that's it I fucking knew it. I knew that was the reason because I was I saw that happen And I was like, oh, it's I saw it. Well, actually what I saw was somebody in my chat going woolly's playing call of duty I'm like, okay. That makes sense after the halo thing, right? It's like, yeah, put put your ankle. You did the half life You did the halo you got you put your you're you're putting your ankle and up to knee
Starting point is 00:19:08 I suppose into all these first person shooty shooty guns, right? Call of duty makes sense and I just made the assumption Up along the lines of while he did the halo is that I would have clicked on your schedule and seen Uh Or clicked on your stream and seen call of duty for modern warfare one sure and I saw infinite warfare instead Yeah, and then my brain said oh because of space. Yes
Starting point is 00:19:42 Correct And and that's pretty much that's And so yeah, and so far in it call of duty infinite warfare is my third favorite titanfall game Uh-huh, so really more than yeah, I don't like titanfall one all that much, but that's because I didn't have that campaign Yeah, no, it's it's my third favorite titanfall game Um, this is how uh, this is how we do and uh, there was you weren't the only one wondering because to today Uh, and and to Dayton every single day since there's been some confusion as to like wait. Why not? Uh advanced warfare or whatever and I'm like, hey, I said space not spacey
Starting point is 00:20:26 You know and Uh in Hey, anyway, more importantly, that's wow the other ones All came and went and they did their thing and that's nice, but I don't really care I don't It's not It's not what i'm looking for. I'm looking for the space stuff and i'm looking for the crazy
Starting point is 00:20:52 Uh dog fighting and the ridiculous asteroid Shet jump space battles with grappling hooks and sniping um in orbit and boy Does that not disappoint because I've never seen
Starting point is 00:21:12 like there's like there's a whole thing to Zero gravity like sniping and jetting and grappling that is unlike any other thing Any other game I've seen with that and it's incredible and I feel really like It's it's it's definitely sad that like, um This is still one of the most hated most disliked videos on youtube of all time is the reveal trailer for this game Because it's so not call of duty compared to what people expected and wanted and what which makes you go Oh, that's the one I want a hundred percent one a hundred percent
Starting point is 00:21:51 Thousand percent, you know, but it's still one of the most disliked things ever and it turns out like Um, you know, we heard from people that were saying that like, yeah I was usually playing every cod game with my my crew and my crew literally skipped over this one because they just went Fuck it. We don't want that And so I never knew about how crazy this campaign was or how fucking good it got because it uh You know it was something that the friends all overlooked and shit and I'm like, yeah That's a bummer man, but at the same time like I don't know like I get it if you're here for
Starting point is 00:22:27 You know what call of duty usually delivers Then this is the waiter bringing you a completely different thing. I don't know that that whole thing was so baffling because How do I put this like that series had like almost defined itself by Uh, what do you call it? Uh setting jumps, right? So we got the world war two and we got the we got the world war two And then we got the world war two and then we got the world war two and then we get the world war two And I think we had modern warfare and then we had the world war two Uh, and then after that it became oh, it's modern warfare a bunch and then it was like kind of the future
Starting point is 00:23:12 Advanced warfare the 70s. Yeah, right And so it's like it kind of like I saw that and it was and ghost was like ghost is the worst one Ghost is just like Kind of the apocalyptic future and it sucks, but dog. Um But yeah, and so I figured that people would be more open to just the setting changes Uh, you would hope but it turns out that's not the case um It's a little bit like the sports franchises we were describing last week where
Starting point is 00:23:47 For the most part the audience seems to be content with playing the hits and uh You know just make sure that there's enough fresh stuff happening in multiplayer and you got yourself, uh If I can a cod you got yourself a big seller. It's got its zombies mode It's got you know all the all the features and bells and whistles. Um Mm-hmm And and yeah, I as a result no one was asking for space. So when they got space they were like, I didn't want dog fighting. I didn't want Double jumps. I didn't want future energy guns. I wanted it's also
Starting point is 00:24:26 It's also one of those things where it's hard to tell because uh as you're a person that does not play the cod blobs Graw multi players. Yeah Uh, there are games in which people just turn on those Because of a section that you will never ever see like, um god, what was the one I think it was It was an advanced warfare. It was the one after it that I played I think it was black ops 3 or whatever that the multiplayer was just like a spamming shit vest. I'm like, wow, this is God damn awful. Holy fuck
Starting point is 00:25:03 All I can say is as an outsider um Playing this game and getting this triple a s triple i experience, uh It's fucking incredible so far and you got yourself a little like a bt equivalent. You got ethan on your team. He's uh He's the robot with the soul of a southern farmer and uh You've got
Starting point is 00:25:29 You know some of some really fun to control Tight ass dog fighting like The thing in me right there was dog fighting in that. Oh, there's amazing dog fighting man Like the thing in me that loves x-wing versus tie fighter And a bunch of wing commander back in the day Like absolutely like that part of my brain lit up because like it has really it's like the the ship you're controlling It can really tightly turn it can
Starting point is 00:26:05 Swerve past like Obstacles and like you're chasing down ace pilots. You've got a couple different Um things you can use and you can change your weapons out and and back at your base and fire missiles And you can do that thing which is like the movie thing Where you are locking onto a target. Yes, you're locking onto a target and then you're swerving and tracking it behind it And then you shoot your missiles and then you hit it and then you zoom past the explosion You know the movie thing is it as good at that as ace combat is Uh ace combat is dedicated to that so yeah
Starting point is 00:26:45 The answer is no because that's literally 85 of the ace. It's it's the entire franchise But but here's the thing though, right? What's different and what's worth noting is that? Um ace combat gives you a bunch of different vehicles with different feels to them, right? This gives you one thing that feels really good and steers really well so Like everything in ace combat does not corner and steer as tightly as what you're flying in In in this you know that in infinite warfare because real planes can't do that But space planes can you know space planes
Starting point is 00:27:27 So they had to do all sorts of stupid shit. Yeah, so they're in space Like in the sense that you're you're trying to get a set a realistic feel for You know pitch and yaw and all that stuff Space planes in infinite warfare don't have to abide by those rules and they don't but in the end you just end up with a really wacky fun thing where you can Like you've got you've got to release chaff to like, you know Deflect their missiles coming at you But like if you have enough of a distance and someone's like tailing you
Starting point is 00:27:59 Like instead of even going for the loop-de-loop or the or the the full Uh, uh, star fox one like sideways 180 You can just rotate on the spot as you're moving as you're thrusting in a direction and just start shooting back at it like Okay, it's kind of wild how you can pull that off and still not lose too much momentum, you know um Anyway, it's it's it's it's very very fun. And uh, i'm enjoying it There was captain price in that one. I don't think so, but I I don't remember anyone with that name
Starting point is 00:28:35 There's a reyes. Sounds like a Fake call of duty game to me. We've got a reyes. So that's that's there um Yes, you can break physics in ac. You just have to practice to do that shit. All right. Yeah fine. No, that's you know Again, I'm talking I'm talking out of my ass here. I'm someone that doesn't have too much experience either way But the point remains is that I don't know. Well, I can give my best assessment of of the question. I was asked I'm gonna say that um In uh
Starting point is 00:29:05 A couple of levels so far as well. Well, first of all, there's a map where you select missions And then there's side missions and main missions I don't know if call of duty is usually do that, but I've been told that they don't Black ops too did something something like that. Okay um So that's pretty interesting. You're looking at the solar system and deciding which planets to go to to to fight your battles against A weird space john snow
Starting point is 00:29:32 And um One of the ways that like uh, some of those missions play out is like, yeah So you pull up and you have to do a stealth mission Uh in asteroid debris at a base located with near uh near the debris So you have to stealth your way Through these asteroids hiding behind them and then grappling hooking To your your your target and then you space snipe Which of course launches your body
Starting point is 00:30:03 In the opposite direction and they get sniped out in space and then You can grapple onto somebody and then do a qte on them and push off and then you have regular fps controls But left and right on the d-pad Rotate you entirely so that your orientation can change So if you find yourself upside down You can take a shot and then float And then hold left or right on the d-pad and then change your orientation
Starting point is 00:30:35 Right to go right back up or to match wherever you're being targeted. Oh Somebody in the chat mentioned it. I didn't remember that battlefield one was the game that came out alongside um Infinite warfare. What a what a clear distinction Between those two rival franchises And I can I'm definitely also seeing More than enough people have let me know that like you know what all in all it was all right But it wasn't that impressive slash it was okay
Starting point is 00:31:07 You know or it was like a low for the franchise in general at all It's all uphill from there and I I understand if that's how you're feeling about it But you have to also realize that for me personally I'm picking the subject matter that I care the most about so i'm going to care more about these weird space things grappling hooks boosting and And dog fighting and the non things that the other call of duties don't Don't necessarily have don't know what you care about because you haven't played every call of duty. That's true That's super true Like like I mentioned captain price and you were like I don't think there's a guy with that name and it hit me in my brain
Starting point is 00:31:43 Oh god, he doesn't even know who I'm fucking talking about but I know I do know what I do like And you know captain price is the shit woolly and the things that they got that big mustache. I believe you What i'm trying to say is like i'm being told no you don't you shouldn't you won't like like there's other things You will like more and other things and i'm like maybe but i'm telling you right now that The space sniping i'm describing the dog fighting i'm describing the robots i'm describing and the overall sci-fi nature of this plot Are the things that i'm loving the most about it and That makes me happy and that's the reason why i'm playing it And I would definitely out of curiosity poke my head in at some point to see what was going on without those things
Starting point is 00:32:31 But those things being there puts it higher on my list of interests. So don't overestimate necessarily like what This might be for me versus what it might be for you were different people, you know That's all I got. Um, yeah, you can shoot a uav out of the sky and modern warfare 2 is multiplayer, man I fucking took out a that shit was crazy I took out a space dreadknot in orbit while like fucking Serves like swerving around it And then like the space sniping mission i described
Starting point is 00:33:07 You then land and then you go inside the ship and then you take out some more dudes and then you pull into uh uh uh The the the space plane and then go into that dog fighting section, right on foot as well Sorry, uh, I was just gonna say on foot as well because I keep talking about those things. Um There's like some really there's some really cool shit that I enjoyed where it's like, okay, you have your your tactical Option where it's like, okay, you've got your grenade button and this you know future grenades. You've got the uh The the whatever trackers and all that shit But then you have the the the the thing that's like yo shield
Starting point is 00:33:44 You can do you can pull up an energy shield and walk with it and ride heart dudes You know while shooting from behind that and I'm like, that's pretty rad. Um And uh, you can also do hacking So you can like check out uh, uh, like a group of enemies hack one take over take it over shoot everybody and then you know, uh, uh Detonate that person and things like that. So yeah, I was in the end. I was just like that was pretty fun. That was pretty cool, man there's something that Because I I've I haven't played all of the call of duty games. I've played a good good ass amount of them
Starting point is 00:34:26 and um, I'm having what I saw happen to other people Uh more succinctly here than I did when you were playing through halo And I'm trying to figure out a way to define this emotion for you because When you when you describe hey, man, I'm playing call of duty. I'm I want to I want to see I mean you didn't say this But I assume you want to see what the what the what the fuss is about about this franchise that you've never touched, right? And that was obviously the case with halo um There's this weird feeling
Starting point is 00:35:04 Where you you're always talking about the campaign Where at some point my brain goes yeah, yeah, whatever What about the real game yeah, okay the multiplayer sure well guess what and and all I can all I can put it into uh into a like an analogy is Where somebody's like hey man, what's your favorite guilty gear character and then you show them your lore video? And it's like
Starting point is 00:35:44 I meant I meant what character you do you want do you like to play? Yeah, like you it's like a different planet I hear you and by that, uh You know that you see the the important thing to remember here is that I'm let's playing these games on the youtube channel So these are lps that we're going through Uh, every one of these first person shooters. I've played has been an lp of the story mode not
Starting point is 00:36:16 Multiplay oh, obviously. No, I'm just talking about in terms of discussion Yeah, well, I'm gonna talk about what I'm doing what I'm playing which is the lp You know what I mean like that's at the end of the day That's that's the subject matter that I have the information on which is what I'm going to talk about Um, I can't talk about that which I don't know what I did say is uh I believe that there's no actual zero gravity maps or gameplay modes in multiplayer Uh, I I think that would be crazy that would be nuts and I kind of would love to see it
Starting point is 00:36:52 That's that's that was my first thought about multiplayer is that's that's called lawbreakers I would like to see what that get what you know that game put that into the multiplayer because uh, uh It's a bit of a like it's an opportunity you have in this one game And then you're not going to have it after this. This is the only time you can have some fun with it. So why not? Do you remember? Like five years ago or six years ago They're kept being like back when game trailers still existed this this sentiment kept coming up over and over Which was can we just goddamn?
Starting point is 00:37:34 Buy the single player and multiplayer call of duty Experiences as separate games I do remember that active activation kept going lol. No Um and the reason for that is like now like it was always apparent but now talking to you It's even doubler more apparent in terms of like I Could go either way and did so on several games I knew like 10 people
Starting point is 00:38:07 Maybe 20 or 30 people actually now I think of it that would play Every call of duty as it came out And the first thing that they did from cod4 onwards is there's an option in the menu That you can have the game boot into the multiplayer options So that you don't even have to see the campaign button anymore. Okay And vice versa. I knew a couple people Who picked it up played through the campaign and then immediately sold it Because all they wanted to do is play the campaign right that
Starting point is 00:38:44 Fuckin franchise has like a hundred percent two audiences Like completely different audiences. It's like sonic Yeah, I mean, you know again This is I'm playing the game for let's play purposes Uh, it would be very different if I had a bunch of friends that were like, oh, yeah I'll come we're gonna jump on and play this and well, let's go through this whole multiplayer suite and like
Starting point is 00:39:13 Uh, uh, experience this side of the game and and and and stuff like that and I start putting in that sort of time but like My entire reasons for picking up from the jump are Not that, you know, so yeah, they're like again It's it's there's a bit of a different factor here from the standard like Grab it with your friends go play online play multiplayer get into that for a while And then eventually drop off or whatever the case is, you know
Starting point is 00:39:39 That's where you heard that guy with the crying baby in the background. Yeah. Yeah, and who was like na-na. It's fine um That's where that guy lives You know, and I mean this is self-evident when I'm like playing it and streaming it and like doing it as you know for like on the channel and stuff like that Uh, when I'm talking about it as hey, would you do this week? Then it's easy to kind of forget the context that I'm playing it in but the context is everything It's it's very important to the discussion
Starting point is 00:40:11 You know come to think of it So that whole Argument over the multiplayer versus the single player Became even goofier when the zombies mode became really popular. Mm-hmm And people wanted that one by itself also I mean I booted it up for a second. Did they they put a lot of work into that too, right? They did and it's it became clear that like you're never going to get them separate But the solution that Activision hit on was
Starting point is 00:40:44 Well, we'll try and include The all the modes so maybe you'll like two of them Two for three isn't bad Right I mean looking and then they made warzone, which is just like, you know, fortnight. Yeah Looking looking at at what you know at that main menu and just seeing like oh, yeah, man three big old modes there I was just kind of just like yeah, okay. Well, I know which one I'm here for um, certainly and uh
Starting point is 00:41:14 Yeah, it if you were here for another one and that's what you're kind of paying attention to and that disappoints you then like it's Super clear and obvious why you know this kind of Was the the least well received right or I don't know if it's least well received But it was one of the least well received Call of duties, but anyway to more to the point is just in the campaign So far so good very Very much fun with the wall run
Starting point is 00:41:46 Very much fun with the abilities and the tech and all the the fancy new futuristic stuff and uh Yeah, I just again, I'm just reminded of how close it was released to titanfall 2 and how dumb that was um You know why that did just absolutely shouldn't have been the case considering That's not a a regular shooter and that these things these two things are are so close to each other with this um And I'm pretty sure like If we go back, I don't know we like feel so bad for titanfall
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yeah, if we go back to like The reveals of these these various call of duties over the years I'm pretty sure that like when we first saw the trailer for this one With the double jumps and the crazy spaceship that I actually was like, oh, whoa, what is that? Holy fuck like I I remember it was like it's call of duty and you're like I remember from the jump uh, uh when we saw that I was like wait, they're doing what? What's all this titanfall stuff? I'm seeing and that was already something that like stood out in my brain as a point of curiosity
Starting point is 00:42:54 So, uh, I'm coming back around to that cure that question mark and uh so far so good Does this mean after modern wait infinite war infinite warfare? You'll be getting to kill zone because that's all space war clearly That's the next place to go if not as somebody who's playing every kill zone game don't play any kill zone games That's that's my advice to you. Yeah No, I wasn't necessarily planning on on it. Thanks Cheers
Starting point is 00:43:35 But yeah, that's the cod you cod you um And wait cod cod i w That is awkward to pronounce it is a little bit weird to it's not even like caudal, you know, yeah, it's not cod blobs I'll tell you what no and uh And you know listen if you're out there and you're already Writing the the message to be like hey man after this this is this is the cod you should really get it just stop Don't send it
Starting point is 00:44:09 Oh, well, I mean don't send it. I don't need to know what the cod is guys. Don't worry. You don't need to send it You don't need to send it because we're doing it right now So it's modern warfare one modern warfare two and the first black ops All right. Well, I promise you that's the list. Well, I promise you i'm going other places So this is a temporary stop off in space For space and then i'm going other places But cheers I saved you from that message. I saved you. I already got five of them like it's
Starting point is 00:44:47 Like it's you didn't save me from shit I'm saying it because if they've already been coming in all week Is saved you people have been stepping up to the plate to be like let me be your call of duty Uh fucking sherpa, you know, and i'm like i'm really good. I don't actually want one Dude because this is not that is you're interpreting my curious peak in the doorway As a decision to commit to a length of games that I promise you I will not be doing So so just pipe that excitement down your sherpa To the most mass market annual franchise that exists. Yeah, like really
Starting point is 00:45:30 Really? Because it's a thing that they know, you know, if you really want if you really want to fucking play call duty You got to go back and play metal of honor allied assault Because that's really the first call of duty game I mean, you know, it's it's it's you know, we know what this is. We've been over this. I know this thing I know it really well. I've played it for a long time. He doesn't And I think if I can get him to know it and like it the way I do then that'd be cool That's the end of the thought and and and god bless, but it really um, it's not a declaration of
Starting point is 00:46:08 Of of entry into the cod franchises. It's not so To be fair though when you did all those halos you did set a precedent. Yeah, I did for halo Because I because it was halo. Oh No You oh come on. Yeah But no, this is the I mean if you really want to keep that halo train running you got to do destiny one next Yeah, exactly. I I bought and played destiny one for a bit. I already I already you super did
Starting point is 00:46:39 I had to delete it from my ex bone to make space the other day Yeah, remember being baffled that you even had it. I totally played a bunch of destiny one and then I was like, I'm good You know, I had my fill um But yeah, that's all that's all, you know, this is this is a pit stop um I also Speaking of pit stops took a pit stop back in the past and booted up cross Tekken
Starting point is 00:47:10 Oh, so you went back to the past to play shitty games that suck ass is what you would say The fun thing about cross Tekken is that um, it has actually had a A new life because the Like discord community has gotten together to try and start playing it and whatnot and and and uh, they've patched All these problems themselves where remember games for windows live Remember that thing. Ah, so that thing died which meant you could no longer fucking play online in the game You couldn't log in anymore. It literally made you unable to load your profile
Starting point is 00:47:48 uh, so they they they they you know Hacked it to fix that so that you could and at some point and then also If you couldn't log log log into your profile, you couldn't access all these dlc characters Which are already in the game So you had to fucking hack that as well and you could get that going yadda yadda yadda all this bullshit, dude. Um But I still had it I still had it from last time And the the thing about it is that the 2013 version the final update to it was the one that people kind of
Starting point is 00:48:21 Left off on In a state where they're like this is the best the game has been at and people who love it Like the state like 2013. They like the final The one where people already committed to bad decisions state. Don't worry. This is the least worst bad decision yet You know, uh, I I I described that like some people that were that our current fans, you know, kind of showed up in the the The stream for that to talk about it a bit and as I explained I'm like, hey look man Like this game just it's not what I was looking for and I went into some of the problems that It had that I'm not a fan of and a lot of the decisions that just worked terrible at the time
Starting point is 00:49:03 um like God bless they They exited the game Giving it one final thing that made it better than the way it launched and the way it lived It died in its best state Is the is what I can say about it. It died in its best state and uh It still is just full of things that I find really
Starting point is 00:49:29 just like Not at all what I wanted from that crossover, but um, it's But going going back to it. It's it's kind of amazing to like To remember What that campaign was like at the time I want to say campaign I mean like the marketing of it the features and the amount of stuff that they thought People wanted in their fighting games that people could not want less of So
Starting point is 00:50:02 I think I tell this story every time It's street fighter cross Tekken comes up because it's the only thing I ever want to talk about street fighter cross Tekken And I'm about to talk about it again with a slight twist street fighter cross Tekken Is the moment That I began to understand What I had already heard from people at capcom That
Starting point is 00:50:28 Lots and lots of people at capcom Allegedly Fucking hate yoshinori ono. Hmm like Fucking hate his ass And that he screws up everybody's job And that he busts up marketing shit And then all that crap And this was the first time
Starting point is 00:50:54 That I was able to take that alleged hatred and understand it in a microcosm because Street fighter cross Tekken got announced at I want to say comic con It was it was a comic or sdcc or something like yeah, I think right and it was uh ono showed up with this fucking Like really early bill early ass trailer And showed up, um I don't think there was even a trailer. I think it was literally just like
Starting point is 00:51:27 Here's Ryu and Chunli and there's kaziya nina In the robot in the robot stage. Yeah. Yeah, and it looked really really really rough right and then later At e3 We saw the game's actual reveal trailer Which had cause it had the namco logo come up And then kaziya was talking to a robot and he was saying oh man. Ah jinn
Starting point is 00:51:57 Jinn you bitch I found that guy you were looking for and it cuts down to Ryu and he's standing on Ryu's head And then the music kicks in with the capcom logo comes up and I instantly understood That a pop-off was stolen from you Oro literally could not wait to show it off Even though there was a team of people
Starting point is 00:52:25 Building a expensive cg trailer Specifically for a one second realization moment The pet of oh as I said or okay. Oh no of like. Oh my god. They're gonna do it, right? And when he showed that shit off at sdcc Those people must have like wanted to kill themselves the the pop-off was stolen and squandered Yeah, that would have been a moment for sure For sure and he had to have known that and not only that but like it just what he showed was so early that It was like a what the fuck moment, but it wouldn't have a bad first impression
Starting point is 00:53:06 It wasn't the impression that you would have gotten off of that initial drop. No for sure He just stepped all over it But I want to be the guy who announces it correct to the fans. Yes gotta be me and like If if you ever wonder about why everybody seems to hear that ono's a shitbag Think of this moment where because I want to be the one to announce the thing. Yeah I'm gonna tank an entire division's work for a quarter Yeah, um, you know, you have to wonder if if that uh habit Uh showed itself in other places in other games at other times
Starting point is 00:53:53 You might have to wonder if there are other games that have went through that that story Where there are other games that were horribly damaged ruined or possibly even canceled Because of that attitude you have to really wonder. Yeah Yeah Yeah, um, well what ended up happening. That's all I can see when I see cross-tech in of course, literally I I see that moment and I see Allegedly a bunch of other moments Well, what uh, what what ended up what we ended up with you know was 30 60 90
Starting point is 00:54:34 Uh, it was gems It was, uh Pandora mode Oh, man, which I mean some of the funniest moments of the night, dude Or some last second pandoras like fuck everything. I'm about to die sacrifice your partner for time on the clock You know And uh, and it's so fucking baffling and weird that there's one moment where Reggie activates pandora and then someone else we're fighting activates it right afterwards
Starting point is 00:55:09 And then the timer hits zero and reggie has more life, but because he activated pandora first he loses You're just like that shit was so It was it just yeah, no it was It was incredible and like the attempt At at at micro mini buys in the form of like selling these gems that no one wants at all um And then of course the absolute infamous on disc dlc situation where
Starting point is 00:55:42 It's all already there the data's there You're downloading an unlock key for 12 characters or or god. There was an interview I forget who it was, but it was a with a capcom a former capcom usa staffer Who we talked about it when the interview came out But I need to bring it up again where they saw that on disc dlc thing And then they told the people Motherfuckers you can't do this people are going to find this in two seconds They're going to be so pissed off
Starting point is 00:56:13 And the answer that came back from capcom japan was How are they going to find out who would who would like rip up a console game? That's illegal Like that was the actual real Response how would they ever possibly find out who know how could anyone find out that's against the law Well, listen, um We went back down memory lane for that and uh, you know You got to look at it with honest eyes. You got to look at the game through honest And I think we did I think we did and uh, you know
Starting point is 00:56:54 Went back to the characters that uh I remember I played steven ogre And uh, just yeah, like just looked back at what this was all those backgrounds that were just so busy and nuts like they were all these Overdone backgrounds. It's the only it's the only of all of those games that I would have actually considered playing Matches in training mode because the the fucking backgrounds are out of control I'm looking like like there's the one where you're in the hovercraft and then there's a mammoth with pandora markings chasing you and another hovercraft in front of it and like
Starting point is 00:57:32 Uh, uh, uh, you're just like and it's like just this whole racing thing and you're like this could have been If you just got rid of every one of those things and made us fight in the ice Outside that we're rolling on that would have been fine You know, but like we're just overdoing it with all these ideas and I mean I I legitimately think the best thing that I can say about street fighter cross tekan Is that when I picked up casia and I did an earthwind godfist and it went straight through somebody's fireball and fucked their ass up I thought about I thought about tekan cross street fighter and I was like, oh, they'll be fine
Starting point is 00:58:11 Mm-hmm when they put a fireball character in a tekan game, they'll be fine. Well, and so when akuma got announced I was like, oh, that's fine. Yeah That one second of oh, oh, okay. Yeah, I know that'll be that was the best thing I got out of street fighter cross tekan I mean, and you know, there's still lasers and aliza and Uh, uh, uh, you know all kinds of other True over fire breath. Yeah I mean, there's there's a bunch of projectiles in the game now, but like um, they figured it out the the
Starting point is 00:58:45 uh, geese as well the uh, yeah, the the state though of like a lot of those characters um Where I like god, I remember Just like the amount of like just in gameplay stuff. There's just like infinite jab loops with kami and weird floating Juggles with jinn that resulted in touches of death because he would tag out while he was doing a spinning launcher on you and like
Starting point is 00:59:14 Just so much busted shit that You know, it's just it's it's a it's a it's frozen in time And again, I believe that stuff got patched out towards the the end of it. I went back I was playing steve and I was playing auger. I was doing my bread and butters Reggie was doing his thing and like we just had fun with what we had, you know, which is like memories of a time, man but I'll just the the most important thing that we recall in at least the montreal community was uh, you know, the best player here for a while and and and you know the champion
Starting point is 00:59:47 In general montreal chi rithy our boy henry uh day One week one when it was at the meetup Like everyone's giving it some time triggering it out pressing the buttons trying the teams out He plays it for about an hour And just goes all right. I'm done and yeah, I'm out. We're like wait. What's what's up, dude? What's going on? He's like Shit's whack, dude. He's like we're like really like just after your first sit down. He's like absolutely trash
Starting point is 01:00:20 You know and like he felt it immediately and I was like wow like He fucking just in in the bones. He you know, and I was like, okay like That's where it is. That's the state of affairs. You know, but uh, yeah, so that's coming up on getting to fighting games Uh, I'll look back at at street fighter cross tec en with honest eyes um, if you want a Like one or two minute Breakdown of everything you need to know with just how bad cross tec en was at its worst I just found and tweeted out
Starting point is 01:00:58 A video called eva lee evolution 2k 12 street fighter cross tec en grand finals In which it's relento and I forget who the fuck it is versus uh raven and bad box art mega man Oh, it's relento and that and the little cat coro And it is just like did you know that relento can just jab you to death and you can't escape and that uh That fucking raven has a good Combo that you can just do and then switch to bad box art mega man
Starting point is 01:01:29 And then just fly into the air and clip out of the stage to time it out Lame it out. That's a that's a that's a great Oh, but if you get coro in coro can do fucking e w g f style uppercuts On you in the corner infinitely and even though it stops doing damage You can't fucking move you're stuck Lame it out like god damn lame it out like it's cross tec en that's that's you know That that phrase has weight it has collateral Uh, yeah, so that's that's coming up on getting to fighting games. That's a good time
Starting point is 01:02:05 um I want to say uh Yeah, we had those two and then uh, yeah, I think uh We kind of finished off the night Um yesterday, uh, I got an invite from Um, a friend at true underdog gaming who does a Mortal Kombat content shoutouts to his channel He's got lots of mk stuff and other fighting game stuff in general um
Starting point is 01:02:34 Invited me to to jump in on a game of Among us with the the other mk Uh content creators out there Uh, so I believe it was uh being hosted by perfect legend So we jumped on played some among us. I got to see what was going on and how this game works And I got I got a feel for it and I can definitely see how um This is a game that like
Starting point is 01:03:03 you have a wild advantage if you have memorized the maps and And and door adjacent situations and vent situations because uh Like yeah, simply getting The locations of where everybody is and knowing the maps means you can already put things together as of like round one I have a different strategy. Okay If you can yell louder than everyone else
Starting point is 01:03:39 They will throw you out of the airlock at the start of every game. This is true um If you don't have what I was describing you can go for the pure mind game Strategy now too much silence is too sus Too loud is too sus You got to find the real happy medium of that of cooperation I that game had a very bizarre effect where the longer you play it the worse it gets Because people's habits become too clear
Starting point is 01:04:13 No, people start meta like you you describe memorizing the map. Mm-hmm People people start to met a game it super hard. Mm-hmm and the the fucking The the mystery starts to fall away, but also over a long enough period of time Um, you either start to understand every single one of your friends direct tells or Everything is sus now Talking sus sure not talking sus Not talking enough sus found the body
Starting point is 01:04:57 That's a self report. That's sus. Okay, but you see the thing about what you're saying though is that is uh That is specific to the group you are playing with Right, this is gonna change drastically with a different group and a different flavor That's sus I feel like um the group I was playing with uh, there was a bunch of people that I didn't really know But was able to figure out very shortly that like hey someone Often takes the lead as soon as a meeting is called Right. Yeah, as soon as a meeting is called someone takes the lead and goes all right. What'd you see? What's going on?
Starting point is 01:05:40 But it it it it it it out. So that is what? It's sus. It's sus, but it's not if that's what was happening from the jump What sus is when a meeting gets called and then that person suddenly does not take the lead Does not have anything to say and is no longer down anyone's throat Right when behavior becomes inconsistent You can kind of see something going on Right and so Sure enough in these moments when someone is like
Starting point is 01:06:12 Going from taking from full-on aggression to passive I hope no one pays too much attention to me and it's like we've been paying so much attention to you up until now How the fuck is this is going to fly and it's like it turns totally that Like yeah, if you notice this that that person is mad sus The problem is is that if you catch on but you're already dead you can't talk And mother fuckers just have to you know Like you have to hope that the rest of the team can figure it all out But their capabilities are out of your hands too. So it is what it is
Starting point is 01:06:49 um It was very fun. It was fun. I Uh, I would suggest that if you can grab a group of five to ten five to eight people To give a project winter shot because I genuinely prefer a project winter mainly because Among us is really simple and really fast to get into but it eventually just evolves into yelling at everyone that they're a liar whereas Uh project winter does have like more Video game to it. Okay
Starting point is 01:07:19 I think also if you uh If you are interested in these games, there is unfortunate spaceman. I heard that came out. I don't know seems bad though. Okay Uh Yeah Unfortunate spaceman the weird bad one I I do believe that like, you know the the the the simplicity of like How little there is to grasp with among us as part of its key to being as popular as it is right now um
Starting point is 01:07:49 But uh Yeah, I Played uh played a first game with a group Uh, we won that second game. I ever played. I was I was the imposter and totally fucking crushed it And and and won my first imposter game and I'm like, okay I have a very good idea of what's up right now. You know, I I You know what?
Starting point is 01:08:16 I might I might have a more decent and not just uh might have a harsher eye on among us Than the others because there is something to do with the seeding Of among us like imposter things I played maybe a hundred games of among us. I got to be the imposter twice. Whoa Okay, I play I did a stream of it with that clamps and butter buns and plague and all sorts of people I did not we played for three hours. I did not get to be imposter once on my own goddamn stream Wow, that sucks. It sucked Uh
Starting point is 01:08:53 Okay Yeah, no, uh I got it G is sus I I'm trying I I'm trying to remember if I got it twice I think I got it twice over the course of one hour of playing which was maybe like You know six or seven games Um And it was a full room so
Starting point is 01:09:17 Hmm Uh But hey, you know, that's if anything, that's a good stat. You can just keep telling people. Hey, look a man. I'm always team I'm always crew. Yeah, so you're you're good. I was always the first person ejected because I was so finger pointy Even when I was right. Oh well I will say the one thing that I do miss from uh spacemen and uh winter in among us that
Starting point is 01:09:44 Like the game structure just doesn't support it Is that spacemen and among us have the situation of Uh, I think that guy is the monster slash imposter slash trader I'm gonna shoot them And everyone else is like Oh, that means you're the imposter slash monster slash trader and then they kill them But they were right Right because you can't have like you can't like there's no actual combat in among us
Starting point is 01:10:16 Yeah Yeah, well because I mean if the if the imposter Uh gets like two people in a room can They always will they always win? In in imposter gets to like like hold on like you're just hold on because what like among us, sorry
Starting point is 01:10:39 The other game you're describing you said it has more game things going on But is there a combat outside of the discussion? Yeah, right. So there's combat. So there's winning and losing gun and you shoot right? So so you can win and lose outside of the concept of just ejecting people out the airlock Yeah this right I had a game in project winter in which uh Like one of the things that happens you'll get teleported to the ass into the map and then everybody has to get back to the the campfire and uh, sometimes people just don't come back
Starting point is 01:11:11 And you never find out what happened to them until the end of the game So the whole and Yeah, so like that's a very different game because the whole point of among us is that You're discussing to try and catch the person and that and being caught in that discussion in and of itself Is reason for the game to be over Uh, not that you have to find them and then defeat them Yeah, that's what that's what i'm saying among us What eventually
Starting point is 01:11:44 Boils down to just yelling at all your friends that they're liars. Whereas winter and uh, Spaceman have like video game in it. Okay Yeah, it's I see this two different goals ultimately, you know, but um Interesting this dog is so fucking fat Um, but yeah, that's uh, that's that that was fun And uh, I guess I mean, so I I I intentionally just kind of like it was I was relaxing, you know and and taking a little A break while
Starting point is 01:12:22 Playing it. So I wasn't running a stream at the time um, but I do intend to so, uh I want to say yeah next saturday, which I believe is in fact the 31st I'm gonna be getting the the the quarantine group together and we're gonna do some among us and we're gonna do some Uh phantasmophobia, I believe is the name. Oh man That's not the name of the game for you
Starting point is 01:12:54 And so I have never said this game's title correctly On the first attempt ever It's phasmophobia Whoa So almost everyone I know including you Thinks of the ancient adventure game phantasmogoria And and just starts to fill in some blank. Yeah Absolutely thought of phantasmogoria
Starting point is 01:13:23 Phasmophobia Okay phobia phasma See Oh, that's hard It is brain doesn't like it Brain hates it All right. Well, um It's the fear of ghosts
Starting point is 01:13:44 Yes, so anyway the the crew um Alongside a punch mom and and um Little v in jail. We're gonna all play some of those games on halloween night. So that's coming up on the schedule Please look forward to it Um And uh Yeah, I think that's pretty much. Oh, that's fine enough to leave it there
Starting point is 01:14:12 Though if you haven't um Check out woolly versus uh, you can see a lot of new stuff going on. We're currently playing through call of duty infinite warfare currently playing through, uh mario galaxy 2 as well as 13 sentinels And uh, you know weekly fighting games. We got guilty gear lore episode one is already out We've got um a bunch of random vtuber shitposts um That are a thing and um
Starting point is 01:14:41 It's a weird ass channel But you know, it's kind of like at this point It's it's becoming what is known as an old school. Let's play channel Just in that it's what what's the old school part the formatting of the way the channel releases It's it's content not the actual content itself. All right Uh I I saw someone refer to it that way and I was like, huh Yeah, I guess
Starting point is 01:15:07 That kind of is the deal now since times have changed quite a bit um but You know, we're still doing it. We got the episodes coming out and uh, yeah more stuff to announce this week as uh, as I mentioned the the halloween things going down and then uh You'll be seeing more other unusual content I mean, we'll talk about it. I'm sure in a little bit but um
Starting point is 01:15:35 On the twitch, which is again also you got slash willy versus. You also got willy versus on twitch uh personally With all the dmca stuff going on my Biggest risk was a lot of the the music that gets used So at the moment my past broadcasts have been cleared out Don't want to get into any um
Starting point is 01:16:01 Any issues there so we're taking a uh Most of that risk and eliminating it and then when it comes to the clips that'll be sorted out uh afterwards More individually cleared but for now as a mass general action I I mentioned it on twitter, but i'll just mention it here so that everybody's aware um The highlights do still exist Uh, and of course you can always go to the channel watch the anime, which is actually overall
Starting point is 01:16:29 Uh, great way to support but um for the twitch right now the past broadcasts that are automatically logged Are going to get cleared out so that we don't take any any any risks because twitch apparently Uh, just doesn't want to Or will not develop a method of telling people What the content problem is I understand that this was coming for a long time I just don't understand why they Did not develop a method To support pointing out the infraction content and allow people to treat it really funny because it's it's insane that youtube has an upper hand on this
Starting point is 01:17:08 What's crazy is that uh telling you what the infringing content is is a legal requirement of the dmca interesting twitch is actually straight up breaking the law towards us In terms of not telling us what the specific dmca violations are it feels almost like they had to roll out the the punishments, but they did not yet have the Notification solution worked Into the system. Yeah, so this this has been coming for ages Uh, and for some reason
Starting point is 01:17:41 they have decided to Wait until the absolute dead ass last minute when they were actually being threatened with lawsuits Um to do anything And uh the do anything was tell us all to get fucked Uh, and then roll in their audible magic subscription, which is a Basically a content id system Into clips and vods To try and preemptively get your dmca
Starting point is 01:18:11 Things killed before a fucking ria robot does it as such Over at pat stairs at my my fucking what do you call it my vod archive highlight things Are currently sub only however, you can watch them all on the youtube channel. They're all there Uh, and I recently uh took the dramatic step of deleting every clip off my channel Uh After speaking with max about it for quite a time And then taking a look at it myself and been like
Starting point is 01:18:48 Oh, I can't sort through these jesus christ It's like a hundred thousand fucking clips here Um On the plus side. I was able to and did Download the top 540 clips. I just looked for any clip with views over a thousand. I didn't I didn't I didn't ask for top 540, but that's what I got Uh, which I they're sitting on my hard drive Uh
Starting point is 01:19:16 Which I will probably throw together in some kind of super cut. Hmm at some point. Mm-hmm Yeah, I had I had I had I had some similar plans, but I'm going to Attempt to avoid the purge. Oh, I have to go right now Okay, that dog needs to go to the bathroom. All right, so I have to go the rb. Excuse me We all okay? Uh apologies to everyone particularly the live viewers for that delay Uh, but that answers the question that I get almost every day of why do you keep the leash on him?
Starting point is 01:19:50 Because when the dog needs to go He can either go outside or eventually he'll go inside And as my significant other lovely compatriot peach saliva is currently near bedridden with back issues I'm on dog duty for the time being well as Jurassic Park said when you got to go you got to go Yeah That being said I got to say I am proud of myself for being able to look at the dog and being like That dog's gonna piss And then you take the dog out and the dog pisses all over the street and you're like, yeah
Starting point is 01:20:27 You pee on that street Uh Yeah, it would be nice if Um twitch managed to figure out how to fucking tell people what they need to delete Right now I'm seeing people go through their things and max has done the the purge Um, I've seen he got rid of almost half a million clips. Mm-hmm. I saw did he do his vods as well Um, I'm not sure. I don't think so. He didn't mention it. Um
Starting point is 01:21:03 And like yeah the highlight thing I was planning to do something with that as well personally the um There's an esports channel that like had to clear out like fuck tons of stuff They had like just people kind of preemptively doing these things and like I'm reminded of like some of the the panic deleting That was happening back when we were first had hearing about the um youtube for kids Uh uh fiasco and it feels as if every time a major change happens in this domain There's a widespread panic because it's unclear what the communication is And we're watching an industry get regulated as we go Mm-hmm where they're literally inventing and figuring out the regulations
Starting point is 01:21:46 Of this thing while we're already doing it So a bunch of the trains that are already rolling down the track have to figure out you know like what is and isn't okay and how to handle these things and It seems like when enough people tend to Be upset at and clearly loud enough about the problems It takes a while for them to do things to fix it, but they eventually do um
Starting point is 01:22:14 But but like as far as like this is concerned like The fear of getting struck once and then the messaging of the letter I don't like that like I want to say slasher was posting like some people's letters They got they saw where the text was literally like you got struck. You don't know why And sorry, but if you get struck again, you might lose your channel Check out our workshop about copyright. It's like bitch. I know how copyright law works better than some lawyers at this fucking like just uh You know you got shot. You don't know how or why or who shot you Don't get shot again. All right
Starting point is 01:22:50 So somebody asked in the chat, which is a great question Why delete clips and the answer to that is a little weird So the dmca, which is an american law, which pisses me off that we have to deal with it at all um But the dmca says you get three strikes and then the service that you're running with has the necessity to kill your channel of whatever Uh, so everybody's afraid of three strikes. It was the same thing on youtube the same thing as twitch so The problem is that twitch has clips
Starting point is 01:23:22 Twitch has used something called audible magic and what that does is that if you ever go watch a vaude of like a microsoft press conference You'll notice that a ton of that fucking thing is muted And that is good enough to get around a dmca claim because twitch muted it for you And said well, no, there's no copyright at anything, right? And that's been a pretty good solution so far The problem is the clips don't use audible magic and each clip constitutes
Starting point is 01:23:53 a different infraction So if I was say watching sony unveil the ps5 and had a big pop-off and uh In the background they were playing a beatle song And that pop-off got clipped a bunch of times I could wake up to dozens of strikes in the morning with an auto deleted channel That's why clip people are deleting clips
Starting point is 01:24:28 Because clips are too easy to make and so there's a billion of them They're way too many to sort through. I was looking through the amount of clips I had it would literally take me like an entire year of doing nothing, but just to sort through the clips. I already have um And uh, it's also why making clips for the time being until I can confirm That the solution has been reached or see how this shakes out like you can't make clips on my channel unless you're a subscriber Because I just need to dramatically cut down on the amount of clips being made And also also when I went through that list of top clips, I'm like I'm seeing a lot of familiar names in here
Starting point is 01:25:11 Of people making these clips. I'm seeing a lot of consistent Shit posters in chat who are clipping the best clips Well, uh, ideally I'm gonna take all that shit off in like two weeks or whatever, but fucking who knows. Yeah um I might end up going through similar motions at the moment. I'm going to uh Try a couple other things first Because you know again, it sucks. You don't want to have to have to delete shit
Starting point is 01:25:40 Uh, I would like to avoid that if possible But if it seems like it can't be done Then I might just follow suit on which on on that and do the same thing over on willy versus because You know, um, yeah, like you said it like it only takes three and uh If there are hundreds of thousands of clips we're dealing with Many of them are of the same moment The same moment clip three times is three infractions. Yeah Great
Starting point is 01:26:12 Uh, but what a shit show But that's what we're currently doing dealing with. Anyway, but that's me though I have to say though before we move on I I really do appreciate I put up a bunch of tweets that was like, hey, I have to do this because I could lose my job at any time And the overall response from everybody was like Oh, yeah, totally dude. You do whatever Fuck I appreciate that. Yeah. Well, because everyone's going through it right now
Starting point is 01:26:43 And they're quite it's it's clearly the platform that's causing everyone to try different solutions You know what? I mean, there's no there's no like set thing because different channels at different scales have different Levels of problem. You know, um, yeah, so yeah, everyone's being pretty pretty cool about that What a bunch of butt All right. Well moving on to my Part of the part of the week. I had a I had a big week of video games Uh one I've discovered again
Starting point is 01:27:21 That uh that obnoxious habit that some people have Which is when they think something's really funny or really like something a lot They just start to absorb it with their words Mm-hmm And I keep catching myself giving Weird inflections to shit because I watched so much tim rogers over the past week I'm calling things action monsters. Mm-hmm And
Starting point is 01:27:50 I I have said the word contending a couple times Good. This is good. This is good God Tim's so crazy. Mm-hmm Like I The the the last of us review That has like a 15 minute portion of which he just details the junk that sits in a fucking Uh plastic bin behind his couch And why these are the only video game things that he kept
Starting point is 01:28:23 I'm like This is like 40 minutes into this last of us review. Are you gonna get to it? And then he finishes that off and it jumps into like a review of out of this world instead It's like, okay. All right. I did. I what am I what am I thinking here? I I did see just I did see that uh, uh, thanks to the conversation Uh, uh Ludwig was uh Let's turn down to tim who in turn was like, oh shit And then they had a little a little twitter moment and it was like, hey, there it is
Starting point is 01:28:59 And then me and plague and page jumped in there be like us too We're we're cool And it didn't work Uh That let's mosey video series is really good I I somehow missed I he he worked at kataku during the period that I was like, man fuck otaku I'm never going to that website again. Yeah, he's which continues to this day He he shot some videos over there. I remember. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 01:29:33 And uh, I missed literally all of them. So that's cool Um But what did I do for myself for video games? Uh, I I don't know. Well, do you have this problem where You get to monday and the prior monday seems so far away that you actually have to go look at your own channel To see what you played that week. I literally look at my schedule before I sit down here I have my schedule open in a tab and I'm looking at it. I have to look at the schedule 100 percent It's weird, right? It's very weird. Um, I can't tell I can't tell if I played doom two weeks ago or this week and the answer is I played it this week
Starting point is 01:30:12 Well, here's the honest to do maternal dlc like and I think you I think you have this as well is like the podcast serves as a regulator Yeah, and it has a for every week in terms of like a block of time has passed You know, yeah, it's it's it's my it's my only point of time And you use and when you that that exists you come back around to it going like, oh, what the fuck was that? Okay, all right. What was right, right, right? Okay, and then you piece the week together
Starting point is 01:30:46 Every monday because this is a this serves as a constant that is like yeah a divider Especially with me because I change my schedule all the time like that schedules a suggestion So like I can't look at that to determine When things happened so doom eternal curse of the ancient gods part one a title that drives me crazy Because the youtube upload is literally called pat stairs a doom eternal curse of the ancient gods part one part one. Yeah um
Starting point is 01:31:18 That came out And well, I'm gonna assume you're gonna hit that at some point either in your spare time or on your channel. Absolutely I have Three things that you can do You can What what difficulty did you play the game on a doom eternal? The was it Not the one does it hurt me plenty?
Starting point is 01:31:46 Uh I forget I think it was either normal or one above that. I think it was okay It was it wasn't the hardest definitely not because I started I started to play through on the hardest and started going through that Just to get myself better, but it was either it was either normal or the one above it Okay, people are saying that you played on normal and it was hurt me plenty which makes sense normal. Yeah, all right So my advice to you when you play doom eternal curse of the ancient gods part one you can do one of three things Practice beforehand Turn the difficulty down one or suffer
Starting point is 01:32:25 Those are your three options Uh the the DLC for doom eternal is so weird because Okay, you've played a million games. Well, you'll understand this so when you get a dlc the dlc always says hey man
Starting point is 01:32:48 You didn't play this game. You play you beat this six months ago, right or three months ago or whatever, right? and Okay, so what we're gonna do is we're gonna start the dlc at about the difficulty of the middle level right and then The ceiling is higher. We're gonna we're gonna We're gonna ramp it up to just a bit harder Then the final level in the final level of the dlc, right?
Starting point is 01:33:17 So it's like it's like the same curve, but faster and it peaks like one one note higher because you're doing what you've done uh The uh doom eternal dlc um Is literally Pretending to just be no no the game was actually longer Okay, so it starts where you left off the difficulty curve The remember the difficulty curve that went up all the way to the icon of sin sure
Starting point is 01:33:50 What would the next level of that be is the first level how of this dlc how many marauders? In the first level too Yeah, okay. All right. All right. There's one in the there's a regular one in the third room Okay of of the dlc um it is I I've got I I want to go back and look at my stream I want to say that like the fourth or fifth encounter took me like 45 minutes to an hour. Okay
Starting point is 01:34:25 Like it is It is very very obviously immediately Harder than the final level Because it because the final level is no longer the final level anymore. Right, right, right, right um And that that just it just got it just goes So like holy shit
Starting point is 01:34:49 Um the music's still great. It's made by the I forget his name. Sorry. Sorry, dude But it's made by the the dusk composer, which feels really appropriate. Um There's a new type of upgrade called support runes, which is really good Um And it's three levels long, but the levels in the dlc are even longer than the ones in the base game Andrew Hullschult So yeah, the levels in in the dlc are even longer than the base game levels So there's the only three but it's like four
Starting point is 01:35:25 Which is a good chunk Uh, and it's insanely hard. It's insanely insanely insanely hard. When's the last time you touched like it's prior to this The day I beat it on stream Which was Launch like eight like six days after the game came out. Okay, so the rust is set Now if you came up with and or figured out Your solutions for every enemy type The thing that should make this doable is remembering your patterns and applying them. Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no
Starting point is 01:36:01 It assumes You know every enemy type. Yeah, and exactly how to kill all. Yeah. Yeah, so so, you know, like as we discuss each each type You're like, okay, like apply that Now what else can we remix the situation with right? Okay, well, I can tell you uh, there's two big things one your crucible was broken in the final encounter. So that no longer exists Which means no when an arch file Something shows up. You now actually have to you have to fight arch files. Oh man There was a there was a there was a
Starting point is 01:36:40 One of the in the second level one of the trials like one of the boss battle encounters Had two arch files and a doom hunter as well as the regular like slate of shield guys She the shield popping guys imps ghosts like just So the answer how they make it harder step one is more heavies Like a larger percentage of the overall enemies on the field are Night or above
Starting point is 01:37:12 It becomes clear that when you yeah, if you if you don't have your delete button anymore Then you have to fight it you A thousand percent must be using their weaknesses Yeah, and then they add spirits which is a new enemy type That uh inhabits an enemy and makes them move shoot and do twice as much damage Like they're twice as fast. They're they shoot twice as much and they do twice as much damage. So it's another uh and caster Yeah, well it'll take an arachnotron and it'll inhabit them and that'll be like a blue glowy arachnotron. Okay. Okay. Okay, right And the arachnotron will then be twice as fast
Starting point is 01:37:55 Do twice as much more damage and shoot twice as fast And its weaknesses will no longer work At all And when you kill the enemy You have to use the microwave beam on the plasma gun to kill the spirit within about five seconds Or else it'll have at the next heaviest enemy in the stage So the fight the fight that got me the worst in the final level was
Starting point is 01:38:29 fucking It spawns in three arachnotrons and one gets hit with a spirit And i'm like i literally have to run from this spirit arachnotron Which will kill me in a second and kill the other two Because if i kill the spirit one and then try and buzz it down they'll ice me in a second Oh, wow. Okay. Okay Yeah, ghostbusters and i guess straight up. So it's it's it's pretty it's pretty great It's not as good as the as the base game. Does it this is it's it's dlc. Okay. Does it touch?
Starting point is 01:39:07 uh The boy the guy you meet and his son icon of sin and the traitor. No damn. Okay. No, all right um So it's not as good for two reasons one. It's way bugger Like i i got to look through the world a couple times i got caught in a respawn loop Uh, i i keep getting stuck on the environment like it is it is a way bugger game um And the second thing is that
Starting point is 01:39:43 They have flooded the environment with so many enemies And so many like auxiliary mechanics like low vision or turret style enemies That most of my deaths were i'm trying to get away and i there's so much shit around me That i double jump and then double dash to go away and i'm hitting something And i get stuck because i tried to back dash Because i couldn't see that there were tall enemies on all sides And then i'm stuck and i'm dead at any point where you knee deep in the goop Yes, fuck the goop. The second level is a swamp
Starting point is 01:40:24 Which deals Constantly in low visibility low ability environment, but you're you're in the fucking the the purple shit mmm That's only once usually it's just like i can't see anything in this goddamn fight I will take Low visibility I will take and just and and whatever the fuck else But get rid of that stupid goop where it's anti fun that that goop was the actual work anti fun
Starting point is 01:40:51 So it's like if like look just make it lava just make it hurt me. Yeah stop If if the if the base game was like a nine this would be like a eight uh, but it it is I don't know how i feel about the difficulty because it's so tough now that like i'm doing one level a night And my streams are shorter because by the end of them. I'm like visibly exhausted and like dripping with sweat Because And and a lot of the deaths feel actually unfair They they feel like i literally got clipped on a goddamn tree that in the base game
Starting point is 01:41:26 I would have like, you know slid past or nudged past Like sometimes when you're like cycling back when you're like, uh Whatever like moving away from a threat or something like that like you're getting caught on things Yeah, like you'll you'll you know, you'll jump and then you'll go to dash away But there's so many big heavies that you went to dash away, but oh there was an incubus behind you Sorry, there's an incubus behind you or oh, there was a there was a cyber demon to your left that you couldn't see But they you know like the the levels seem Too small for the amount of gigantic enemies. They're throwing at you. Mm-hmm. And what are you playing it on?
Starting point is 01:42:05 I Me see no, I mean what difficulty? Oh ultra violence. Okay Uh, I I of the three options I gave to you earlier I chose suffer. Okay Because I started playing it and I was like an hour in and had not gotten past four rooms And my chat was like you need to turn that shit down and i'm like, no, I don't You need to you need to shut up. I'm gonna do this because I'm a big man
Starting point is 01:42:37 Okay Uh Yeah, so this is part one Of the doom eternal What's it? What's the dlc specifically called? Curse of the ancient gods part one. Okay Boy Wait, why is it not called curse of the ancient gods anymore now it's called just the ancient gods
Starting point is 01:43:09 Okay, well there you go shorter sweeter fixes your problem to the point Done and done Eh doom eternal the ancient gods part one sure Uh, but it's But based on that then I don't think we have a statement on how long this is supposed to last Oh, yeah, I have no idea Like I mean
Starting point is 01:43:34 It's it's it's it's weird. It's it's there's more levels Like that's the dlc doom eternal more levels I Played doom that's great I played the hltb says about five and a half hours That's not true Yeah, yeah, I don't believe that at all. Um, I also played two other narrative focus games one good and one bad
Starting point is 01:44:12 So I was very excited For amnesia rebirth Uh because uh the original amnesia was really great And then a machine for pigs was like one of the worst sequels ever. I'd put it up with a machine for pigs is the dmc2 of horror games That's a really that's them's fighting words there. Okay. It sure is I don't think I'll find anyone that disagrees because that game sucks ass um And then they did soma
Starting point is 01:44:47 Which kicks ass Soma's great. Soma's one of my favorite games. I love soma So I was like wow cool. We got the original devs and the the soma people they're back They're gonna make another amnesia and oh my god Why is it so boring? It's boring that feels like the ultimate difficulty um In balancing a good horror game because I'm someone that doesn't really know what good horror games are but
Starting point is 01:45:21 I would imagine that in trying to go away from anything to hack and I'd Hack need I believe is the way Um, you would you would then possibly skirt up against something that makes you yawn Where you're not scared anymore. You're just bored with the pacing That feels like a pretty so rough thing and I can even I can even break it down too. Like the original amnesia had like, uh You know I mean, I don't even know how to explain it. It was a you couldn't fight enemies. They're scary. You look at them Bah, ooh spooky. You're trapped in a castle, etc. Right?
Starting point is 01:45:58 You would occasionally find notes that you would read you occasionally see little flashbacks What have you then soma came out and soma went way harder on the narrative aspects of it So in soma you're walking around and you're getting a lot of audio logs Uh, you're reading a lot more Uh, you uh There's no flashlight in soma. Sorry. There's no like consumable light source in soma, etc And then you get to amnesia rebirth and you're like you guys took
Starting point is 01:46:29 complaints that people had about soma and complaints that people had about the original And seemed to have made a game out of only the parts that sucked of the prior two games So people complained that soma like took like had way too much story segments and not enough gameplay This one has even more story elements and not gameplay Except the story isn't nearly as interesting because it's not about the nightmare of the techno future. It's Yeah, there's monsters again. Oof Um
Starting point is 01:47:03 Do you remember that they put out that soma dlc that turned off all the enemies and made them not like you? No, I don't know anything about the soma franchise. I okay soma at one point put out a Like a guided experience mode where the enemies would just wander around and be freaky, but they wouldn't attack you anymore So it was you could just play it like a narrative game. Okay uh fucking What do you call it uh amnesia rebirth? I played that game for four and a half five hours um
Starting point is 01:47:33 There's almost no enemies in that game to hide from Like the the the classic I'm gonna use air quotes amnesia gameplay of you need to solve a puzzle in this dark space But there's a monster roaming about that you have to avoid I did that like twice So what is it replaced with? Wandering around and uh
Starting point is 01:48:05 Atmosphere getting flashbacks about the the journey you made before before you had amnesia and uh reading documents And it's and but it's like The the type of story they're telling which is uh about you know katulu s pregnancy while cool Is not nearly as interesting to me about the nightmare that is transhumanism and The part that really got me and
Starting point is 01:48:35 This is a really bizarre comparison point is eventually you get to what was in my playtime by far the coolest level in the game in which you go through portal and end up in Ancient alternate universe Eldritch advanced civilization kind of thing Okay, you know lots of triangles in green and darkness and weird technology and shit you can't understand sure And you do a puzzle there and you read some notes and the notes is talking about this weird bullshit technology They made that has weird side effects And the puzzle and it's pretty good and the the the setting is really cool
Starting point is 01:49:11 And it's the only level in the game. You don't need to use your light sources in And i'm like wow, what a great level That's literally a soma level It looks like soma it has the same gameplay elements of soma of puzzle slash Exploration there's no monsters in it All the stuff i read in it was interesting and the light source mechanic is gone And i'm like wow, that's great And then as soon as i left it i'm like oh great back to
Starting point is 01:49:44 Scrounging for matches that you light that last for two seconds before going out Scrounging for oil for your lantern that lasts for 10 seconds before going out and it It it reignited in me a distaste That after doing the shitstorm for i well, how many are there? How many shitstorms are there like nine? At least like i genuinely don't know at least five There are a lot um But after playing what must have been like 200 different horror games
Starting point is 01:50:18 including a ton of them that uh didn't Ever get recorded like games that were played and were like no this thing sucks I discovered That i don't know if This is my personal distaste or if everybody else jumped on this bandwagon I can't Fucking stand limited light mechanics Oh batteries running out batteries
Starting point is 01:50:47 Batteries in your flashlight Oil in your lantern matches in your pocket. Yeah. I I think back To almost every single game that had those mechanics I would complain about it the whole time And there was no correlation Between that mechanic and quality. There are a bunch of good games that had it. There are a bunch of trash games that had it So and there were similarly a bunch of great games that we played that just gave you a regular ass flashlight okay, so i've
Starting point is 01:51:25 I have a full Impression here, and I don't I feel I don't know how accurate this is but the Again outside are looking in feeling on horror games and survival horror games and such has been that At some point some game that was probably largely influential figured out that What horror movies do is they make a main character feel kind of helpless as the monster is scary and unstoppable So they realized that taking options away from the player that you typically have in other third-person action games or first-person action games Is what would increase the atmosphere? And then it would you and then it became a race to take away as much as from the player as possible
Starting point is 01:52:11 Woolly would you care to guess what mainstream giant success horror game? Kicked off that trend silent hill No, it was amnesia in 2012 Amnesia was the big popular particularly with burgeoning streaming and youtube Horror game that said hey, you can't fight the monsters and your light sources are limited Which kicked off a decade of just hey your batteries and your flashlight ran out great do anything Silent hill has a not powerful main character, but your flashlight always fucking works
Starting point is 01:52:48 But not being not being able to fight Having to run instead And and it's it's weird because a lot of the complaints i'm about to make in about one second are complaints that also apply to the original amnesia but that was then and this is now kind of thing And Rebirth does it worse whereas okay I only have three matches and they only last like 10 seconds and i'm out of lantern oil right
Starting point is 01:53:15 So what i'm going to try and do is light a match and light as many light sources around me as I can So that I can see things Well, let's assume the player sucks a million shits and it sucks and can't do that and fails and waste all their matches It doesn't find any well the game still has to Be completable right? so what happens is is that In total darkness you gain limited night vision like you would in a dark room
Starting point is 01:53:45 and The very first problem that I had with rebirth Is that within the first second of turning the match on i'm like the darkness night vision filter or graphic thing Is legitimately way more visible than any of the light sources i am carrying okay Like it it is easier to navigate in pitch black Than it is with the ostensible good light sources However, if you're in the darkness your character gets scared and here's where the game really fell apart from me
Starting point is 01:54:20 so In the original amnesia you would see like a lot of bugs crawling around and maybe even on your camera And you would hear like creepy noises In this one you hear like this weird grinding noise, which I think is supposed to be bugs But it just it just sounds like grinding and it's really annoying and if you Get too scared your character will panic And they will start jump scaring
Starting point is 01:54:48 Like jpegs of spooky images like zooming at the camera And And then if you get scared even more Your character will panic and run away out of your control to the beginning of the area And it sucks Like I found myself getting startled a couple times But I I ended up becoming not scared at all Because enemies when they beat you down they just make you run back to the beginning
Starting point is 01:55:20 And like if I if I'm getting too crazy like like all I'm waiting for jpegs to attack my vision cone And it's like it it Throwing the jpegs at your camera couldn't have taken me out of the experience more You look at something primitive like the original Silent Hill And like it's really primitive But there's no like once you're in the game. You know what I'm talking about you're in once you've established yourself in the game universe Things have to bring you out and you'll inhabit the character and you'll feel you know
Starting point is 01:56:01 Throwing jpegs at my character just Like instantly rips me out and go oh, I'm gonna lose control of my character. I'm playing a horror game So is there any genre like That has The thing that I that I'm gonna say horror games probably has which is like You can tell within an hour If this just sucks or not because yeah horror games are trying to establish an atmosphere And if it fails to do so in the first 60 minutes, what reason do you have to think it's gonna do it in the next?
Starting point is 01:56:35 you know Yeah, much less hours. The other thing is that the first hour of Like rebirth is is like unfortunately the game gets better the more you go on so people that are saying that the game's actually good Probably beat it and I bet it ends strong but the first like hour is Absolutely miserable and it is filled with your character gets lost and confused and they don't know where they are And you found you find their base camp that they forgot about
Starting point is 01:57:04 And as you walk up to almost every object for an hour You get blasted into a flashback that lasts multiple minutes And the game like in in in fucking soma you would like walk up to things and like click on them and you would hear audio logs Here you just get ripped into these flashbacks And like I want to say like 20 30 minutes of that first hour is literally just like and then we set up camp and oh But this guy was hurt and like I'm not scared I'm not even anxious
Starting point is 01:57:38 I'm bored I'm bored One of the biggest complaints people had about soma Was that it wasn't actually all that scary and I think soma as a horror game is a miserable failure soma as a interactive story Is incredible because the story in soma is incredible. So I wasn't bored So that I was going to say that like if your intention
Starting point is 01:58:09 Is not to be scary, but just to be interesting and like a well told story In the form of a walk in walk and spook or a walk and talk and walk walking simulator walk and spook whatever Like I can accept or imagine that a game can be like hey look scaring you is More of a side effect of the of the the tone and subject matter than it is an actual like goal Every x minutes, you know The other and yeah Also, I'll say like finally that
Starting point is 01:58:47 uh soma So we got three we got three games to talk about we're not talking about machine for pigs. It was made by a different developer you got amnesia soma and uh and rebirth right Let's talk about enemies because we're talking about spooky shit. All right. Let's talk about monsters, right? Hold on 2012 and then What were the other years and then they uh And then a chinese room, which is the dr s or devs made a machine for pigs while they were working on soma
Starting point is 01:59:15 and then they put out This uh rebirth So those are the three games amnesia soma rebirth It like the the number one spookifying thing is not just your environment But it's also your enemies right or even your entities if you want to call it that In amnesia rebirth you're dealing with uh horribly misshapen kind of human-looking people that have like really deformed body shapes and structures
Starting point is 01:59:45 And like there's that guy with the mouth that comes down to like his chest that you've probably seen on a million thumbnails And the game encourages you not to look too directly at them So it actually worked out really well the the enemies I felt were sufficiently spooky and whatnot and also Uh, you see one of those guys early and then the second enemy you see in amnesia is Uninvisible monster that will kill you instantly that is stomping around a flooded area So all you can see is its footsteps It was pretty effective. You have to like distract it with items In soma, there's no
Starting point is 02:00:22 Base enemies. They're all like giant stalker monsters Uh, and there's only like seven in the game and you've got like this weird bipedal mass of televisions And like a weird naked man with like a barricade head as your first two enemies that are like Proper freaky looking I actually love the enemy designs and all of Soma, I don't think many of them are all that scary, but they're cool looking right I only saw I only saw one enemy in the entirety of rebirth And I heard about another
Starting point is 02:00:59 The first enemy I saw was a ghoul and it was a green Evil looking man and early on you actually see him crawl into a grate and you see he's naked and his butt cheeks flap about and you're like, oh, that's a naked green man With like a like a like a angry zombie face Okay Okay, and then the other is literally a beam of light
Starting point is 02:01:30 That acts as a vision cone And it says don't get near that one So I didn't I didn't see it and it just it feels weak as shit I mean look in terms of in in in just on paper A weird naked guy is probably Closer to the top of the list of things that I don't want to have to fucking deal with When you're putting down a bunch of monsters on paper, but um fair enough But I suppose it depends on execution
Starting point is 02:02:06 Like I can I can get a lot of people to do that I can grab a I can grab a fucking screenshot if you give me he's just like a zombie man With like sharp teeth. Sure. Sure. Like that's it Uh, if you go to soma You get like the first enemy is like a bipedal gooey tv monster that Is fucking weird looking and all the enemies in that game are fucking weird looking
Starting point is 02:02:35 Like there's oh, yeah, I found I found a screenshot of this guy. Here we go The screenshot of all the monsters in soma. There you go. Here. Go take a look at that. Um Oh, yeah, okay, and And I'm just it's just so it feels like a regression It just it just feels like naked man bug head weird Um Creepy tech transformer thing
Starting point is 02:03:06 Yeah scissor lady sure It's just it just feels like everything I didn't like about how about this You ever get the feeling that all the stuff that the developers liked was none of the stuff that you liked Yeah, yeah, yeah, and then the sequel comes out and they're like, oh, we're trying to We're trying to get away from From that stuff because that we thought that stuff was too video gamey or not serious
Starting point is 02:03:36 And you're like that's literally what I enjoyed about your thing. That's why I played the game. Yeah. Yeah, that's yeah, that sucks Um, I'm seeing a lot of people in the chat agree. There's a like, uh, One of the good ones is probably wolfenstein You remember how wolfenstein one it was like a like a dude. It was very much like the new doom It was just action shooter. Oh the um the the new blood Uh, yeah, the new blood right and then wolfenstein 2 came out and they're like, we really want to focus on the story And so like half the game is cutscenes Like I don't care
Starting point is 02:04:11 I don't give a shit How fancy your your bj blasphets cutscenes are Do the do the do the nazi killing Do the big shoot now there's a really There's a really good, uh, youtuber that never makes videos called mr. B tongue You've mentioned in which he described who he describes at one point in a bioware, uh tear it out video I think it's about dragon age in which he describes how at one point in his life when he was a young man He genuinely believed that he would buy play and like every single final fantasy game
Starting point is 02:04:48 And then final fantasy games started to become Nothing like the games that he liked Hmm and little things like oh, they don't have airships Or they all look like Japanese boy bands now Or the the the the stories are becoming anime garbage Because the developers were like this is this is the stuff. This is what people really want welcome to being a Gundam fan Yeah, anyway, I think I think Gundam might be my favorite example of everyone ever missing the point
Starting point is 02:05:26 War is terrible becomes wow cool robot hot boys cool robots This is that's what it's about Whereas Whereas like Gundam is really about we shouldn't kill children, but can we kill guilty children? Or evil children that's what Gundam's really about But yeah, yeah, rebirth was a total bummer Which is why I was so happy that uh raw fury sent me over a code for the signifier
Starting point is 02:05:58 Which is Not a horror game. It is a interactive I get it's it's bordering on mystery, but it's it's it's mainly walking simulator Right with a little bit of puzzle solving walking spook No Walk and think Okay So the signifier is a black mirror episode a specific black mirror episode
Starting point is 02:06:23 Turned into a full length game. Okay, and it is the episode in which uh your your everyone's got memory implants and uh Memory is retrievable and it's being recorded And you play as a guy who grabs people's memory boxes and digs around in their heads To find out who killed them in the in the particular point of this game story This sounds a bit like when what was it? Oh when you were describing over a din Almost yeah to a degree the difference here
Starting point is 02:07:00 Is the signifier has a really fascinating sci-fi outlook on this and the way that they treat this technology Is the most interesting way because they're treating it like The shit is brand new And it barely works And they are brute forcing a bunch of Of solutions to technology that they don't fully understand interesting so You load up somebody and so to to really preface
Starting point is 02:07:35 like just how like Obsessively the game takes its own fiction the first part of my stream Was listening to and watching the nine power point presentations the main character And his co-worker give each other to explain the new features they built into the system over the weekend such as so uh, you know, you know the ai Upscaling shit where people take pre-render backgrounds and the ai upscale it. It's based off of that
Starting point is 02:08:10 technology So they go we have all this junk data So we can't figure out how to display happiness in the app So what we did is I self selected hundreds of different images that could be conceivable the happy And then fed them into the app. So now the idea of happiness may show up as a dog in the simulation Okay, and one of the one of the first things that happens is you you load into this person's memory And a picture of a dog on a on a pedestal starts following your character around And you look at it and you go what the fuck does that mean?
Starting point is 02:08:49 Okay, what data is being interpreted as the as a photo of a dog chasing you? Okay, um But more than that is that you load in and you have two filters You have the objective filter and the subjective filter the objective filter is attempting to just read like data Objective data where items were what items took place in what sequence etc And it looks like a youtube video that has shat itself because it's not buffering properly The game has the weirdest Effect on its own graphics. I don't know how to even describe it
Starting point is 02:09:29 You will look into a room and the room looks normal until you walk in and discover The only reason the room looked normal is that you looked at it from the hallway from a certain perspective Because all the items and textures are actually just facing one direction. Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay And they're actually nonsense ever all ever all the edges are dog-eared all the colors are off Everything's kind of weird and blurry. You should pull up a video for yourself to to see what the fuck I'm talking about But that is but that is the objective memory and that is a What you're seeing is is reliable in terms of what objects there are So then you load into the subjective filter and the subjective filter is one way more distorted
Starting point is 02:10:11 But also allows data from subjective non empirical things such as emotions to affect the objective data Which means you are now looking at the same environment, but instead of dad and mom dancing in the foyer it is now a Sun with a giant spoon orbiting the sun And when you go into the bedroom your dad is like nine feet tall and clipping through the wall
Starting point is 02:10:43 And your character looks at it and starts talking to their ai and goes Are the sizing parameters of this room fucked or what? And they go no, that's the data and they go well, there must be some subjective data that is altering The size of the dad in this subjective memory And you are jumping between subjective and objective states in order to Get little pieces of data In order to figure out what is occurring in what you see interesting So in one of the game's first puzzles you're like looking through this person this girl's house
Starting point is 02:11:19 from her memory So that you can figure out that this wildly distorted vision in the objective memory is actually dad ordering a pizza Because you get the the mental image of a pizza Which is this horribly distorted pizza head shape that if you rotate it You can see that it's a man's head with a pizza jammed into it But it's near the phone and in the objective layer you can see that the dad is talking on the phone So the ai is trying to It's converted desperately
Starting point is 02:11:55 Trying to brute force meaning out of garbage data. Oh, that's super interesting and it is it is just so Fascinating. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's proper creepy and that that is that's creepy in a in a in a unique way And black mirror is probably the right word for that You get back to your your guy's apartment and I went over to his computer and oh, he's got like a like a little audio clip from like a podcast Right, he's got like a oh, he's got like a two minute blurb of some interview with some ceo The thing's like 15 minutes long. It's like a full interview Hmm. I I can't think of a single game that is more in love with explaining how its own
Starting point is 02:12:38 Nonsense technology works and as a result You kind of really get in there. Well, it sounds like the appeal sounds like the whole point It's so cool Now maybe this is just because I love transhumanist techno futures and I kept talking about soma before but like This game doesn't have to be scary What it has to be is interesting and it's really Really interesting sounds like it. Yes
Starting point is 02:13:05 It's really really really interesting Looking at screenshots here. It's so cool and I'm seeing Like a bunch of normal looking houses and rooms And then every once in a while, there's a not so normal looking Room that looks like a bad youtube video like like a Or like like a fucking Yeah, like, you know, um Have you ever seen those images of like
Starting point is 02:13:34 AI has generated this picture and it's not anything But it's full of things that make you think you're looking at objects Do you know what I'm talking about? Yeah, right? It's like it's a picture of nothing But it's a bunch of shapes that your brain interprets as things And like you just stare at it and it's just like what the fuck is that right like I'm seeing I'm seeing some of that I bet I bet the genesis for this game Came from when people were using that AI algorithm upscaling technology
Starting point is 02:14:06 And saw that one failed series of experiments where the robot kept making everything into nightmare pictures of dogs Do you remember that? I remember the deep dream stuff where they had a bunch of eyeballs on things And they started putting a bunch of like flowers on things and then there was the dog version. Yeah And there was like why is the computer turning every single object? It looks at into a dog, right? Okay What what data did we feed this thing by accident? Uh games cool games super cool way more interesting than what you were describing about soma like More interesting just on just on paper just on paper. Yeah, absolutely um
Starting point is 02:14:48 It's super cool Um And that's that's signifier. So I'm glad that I got to play a somewhat is that vr ostensibly similar Sounds like something that would benefit from vr. It is well, maybe it is but I didn't play in vr. Okay. I don't think it is um, and last but not least I do want to put an f of 14 thing in here, but it's a social element only So I talked last week with that bodger thing. I did everything in bodger. I got all the gear I beat all the bosses. I hit the max rank
Starting point is 02:15:19 And I got I did everything except for one thing Which is starting to drive me absolutely crazy. So this is a 72 person instance, right? And you're running around doing what are essentially public events. We're in 14 right now, right? Yeah, we're in 14. Okay, and there are three public events that if you complete them without getting hit by any mechanics And we were just talking about signifier Signifier. Yes, you qualify for a duel And it is a duel with boss encounters These things are absurdly difficult and it creates a little arena and usually everybody in the instance
Starting point is 02:15:59 Goes to watch right And goes, oh cool. Somebody's gonna fight Gabriel, which is like this robot. Um This has been legitimately The most frustrated I have ever been in a game this year as You do the you do the the public event and you look and see okay 18 people qualified for the duel 18 people completed it without getting hit cool
Starting point is 02:16:30 So then everybody queues up for the duel and only one of those 18 people gets in it's never you ever And then you go and watch them duel and then the duel starts and you immediately see they don't know how to beat it And die within literally five seconds And then that sequence of events will not pop again for 90 minutes Um, okay question, uh when You are used to playing a
Starting point is 02:17:04 Something that comes out and people fail at it and you're like, what the fuck are you doing? Is there not a window of time in which like that makes sense and or is acceptable because of how new the thing is? Yes, that window is literally the first day By the second day explanations of how to beat every one of those duels and this is really important the items You need to bring in with you or you will be guaranteed to fail We're up and widely distributed everywhere So if you go into the Gabriel fight for example without an item called lost manowal you will die
Starting point is 02:17:50 There's no way around it. There's a mechanic that requires it and you will lose So every time you go and here's the worst part when you're standing outside You can see what items they brought in with them and you can look at it and go this motherfucker Q'd up and he doesn't have lost manowal He's going to lose Okay, sure enough They're going to lose and so and so as of day two then Like you have to have that information to go in and the only way to get that information is by having people tell you
Starting point is 02:18:24 Yes right, okay, you're not necessarily so people will people will shout it out or The the the fights are difficult enough that even if you go in with the knowledge of everything You're still likely to lose because they're quite tough. Okay. Well just based on that alone you're going to run into this problem of having match-ups with People who don't know what they're doing forever because the nature of a game where you decide I'm going to pop back in for this new content. I haven't played in a while
Starting point is 02:18:55 And then decide right let me just take my ass to the place for the new where the new stuff is and experience it Is a is a total normal course of logical step a bcd efg 100% Except here's the thing willy in order to qualify For them at all you need to complete the preceding encounter perfectly You can't complete the preceding encounters perfectly Unless you've done them a bunch of times
Starting point is 02:19:26 If you've done them a bunch of times You're not just popping in to see the new content. You've been doing it for a while k K also That's not the park that frustrates me. Yes, it is frustrating to see To see for you to go I could have beat it But I'm I never get the chance and this guy sucks any loss and this guy sucks any loss and this guy sucks any loss
Starting point is 02:19:52 That's frustrating, but I get it You got the chance you queued up. Hey, I'm gonna give my go right What happens When people queue up get the duel Realize they can't do it And let the timer run out and then no duel happens at all That's the frustration
Starting point is 02:20:17 It's literally I'm giving away one ice cream I run forward knocking other children out of my way. Give me that ice cream Looking at it and going wait a second. I'm lactose intolerant right and throwing it on the ground right Um People who queue up for things they intentionally don't
Starting point is 02:20:44 do So that others can't Are scum They are scum If you're a group of 40 people and 35 people play perfectly and five do nothing Can those five be carried to a perfect victory? No, it's uh the perfect is don't get hit by any mechanics And they're just nightmare a we shit shows that you have to move all over the place to have learned
Starting point is 02:21:14 Okay People who like And you know what some of that some of that is on the designers Because if no one queues in why the fuck doesn't it just go back to rolling for another person to come into the fucking thing Why not just go back and go okay? Well that person never showed up. Who's next who else wants to do it? I don't know but it sucks. I mean, yeah If your goal is to scare everyone away from ever trying this game so that you whittle it down to a small group of elites You are succeeding
Starting point is 02:21:53 You're succeeding in anti selling this Welly when I taught when I complain about things about ff 14. These are coming from the place of somebody who plays this game For I don't even know how long I think it's like 360 days total Right, you bitch about the stuff you love. Oh, yeah I have I've I've waxed poetic about it for dozens of streams and hours on this podcast To which no one listens to me at all But as soon as I start to talk shit about it Everybody goes oh man, you're really making this game sound like crap. Oh, yeah
Starting point is 02:22:26 If you could hear the way people talk about the games they're entering at tournament like on the fucking floor while they're Traveling across the country to go play the thing and they're just shitting all over these little details of it You'd be like what the fuck? Why are you playing like who are you selling on this? Why are you playing it because everything aside from the stuff that i'm complaining about is great Yeah, and yeah, and like you know the the you're you're into You're into it and you're close enough to it that what you're talking about is is Coming from that place of familiarity Absolutely, I mean no offense to you wolves, but I've taught. I know I have talked glowingly about final fantasy 14
Starting point is 02:23:07 Many times on this podcast many times to ears that I wouldn't say were deafened so much as muffled To what I was talking about due to a lack of interest That doesn't sink in other than opat really likes this what sinks in way better is highly specific Pistov complaints That's way easier to grab a hold of it's because because and don't get like Highly specific good and or bad are easier to latch on to Then general good or general bad because it's a specific
Starting point is 02:23:43 Like scenario that you're painting that leads to either a really frustrated response or a really high pop-off You know so in both cases it's it's the specificity I could literally talk about Shit, I hate about 14 for an entire podcast uninterrupted Easy Because I have put so much time into this that I see every possible Crack and mistake one of the old ones was like
Starting point is 02:24:16 One of the oldest complaint that's gone now they fixed this But it was like you could you could run around with your chocobo and your chocobo would help you fight things, right? But if you had your chocobo out you couldn't queue for dungeons So like oh, I'm gonna queue for dungeon and maybe it'll take 20 minutes I'll go do side quests. I'll take my chocobo out and it would knock you out of the fucking touch cute Now the other like that was crazy stupid outrage The other thing to keep in mind is when you've talked positively about this stuff Like you've talked either in a way where it's like, yeah, this this plot stuff was really great. Can't talk about it because spoilers
Starting point is 02:24:51 Can't talk about it and beyond that like then the like there's never been any moments of like I got this specific weapon or this specific ability and this specific thing is really really cool for these reasons And when I got it, this is why I liked it because I used it in this way or something like that Like you've you know, you've never had that sort of like inverted version of Like here's why I hate this feature for here's why I love this feature um Something told positively or negatively in that level of specificity again would do a lot more to like Remember what what what is being described? Well also?
Starting point is 02:25:29 I mean stuff some stuff that I could rant about is like is I am very aware is actually the most boring thing in the world To the casual listener slash non-player like, you know, what's really excited me this week I ran that dungeon castrum so many times because I really like the coats that I can get out of it Okay, the coat that I got out of there for my tank is really nice It's a really nice coat I dyed it red It looks nice with my character's hat. Okay
Starting point is 02:26:06 Right, you know, yeah Um But you know in in in in in either case I I am listening and and you know like Piecing together what that experience might be like and and how fun and or frustrating that thing Uh might be so, you know all the um A woolly brain off resting bitch face, etc Uh people aside like they don't actually they're not inside my head. They don't actually you know, so you can't Don't don't know only I am yes, sure sure
Starting point is 02:26:48 Rent-free and what I see is somebody making a valiant attempt to listen to something He clearly doesn't care about and I appreciate it I mean, I'm still interested in the Generalities of how this genre works woolly Well, yes, it's the easiest thing in the world. Thank you You look at my ff 14 stuff the same way almost everyone else looks at fighting games. Yes, sure Sure, it's it's just but push and pull here But I I there is a level of like poking it with a stick curiosity that I have
Starting point is 02:27:29 I'm trying to find a way I'm trying to find a way to word that Mm-hmm That's why I try and talk about the social aspects more which so here's the thing Because it's so much more broadly applicable to talk about the social aspects of an mmo because people understand hanging out with people The worst thing about mmo's is the other people in them Like 99 times out of 100 the thing that I'm actually complaining about is I hate other people And I wish that the to s was so specific that Like I'll I'll get super pissed off. Hey, did you did you did you queue?
Starting point is 02:28:07 Did you min and queue up for a dungeon with no jobstone? Because you thought it would be funny your account should be suspended Go to hell, right? Did you queue up for a duel you had no intention of completing they should ban your character And someone should come to your house and hit you Plague says that's how people feel about teppen and reboot as well Well, if it's if that's play if that's teppen fighting games and reboot I suppose I'll talk with nothing about passion then. I'll just stay on the surface with everything
Starting point is 02:28:45 Wait robots as well, um Oh people like robots. Yeah, so Whatever whatever it might be people like just get along the surface Never get too excited um What is uh Oh, well, was there anything else specifically? No, man, that's it Okay
Starting point is 02:29:09 If you want to check out more my crap, you can go to slash pat stairs at we're doing doom ghostrunner Which ghostrunner is coming out this week? Ghost you might want to check that out. Well, yeah, that's That's actually um docket item right here fucking. Yeah, okay. Yeah We got doom ghostrunner disc room So that's the the one with the discs and also I got watch dogs legion No disc room. I got watch dogs legion for free with my video card So I guess I might as well stream it right dude. I know somebody who worked on that who doesn't want their name in the credits
Starting point is 02:29:45 sick What? Straight up just like Trying to figure out if they can get their name out of the fucking credits dude Now is that because the game is trash or is it because they hate the company they work for? Yes All right, I can't wait I'm I I bet ubisoft will love my coverage as they go look guys. This is the kind of game that sexual abusers can make There is a big
Starting point is 02:30:23 just Whoo, not not fun not fun energy Let's let's see. Let's see the absolute height of game design under constant threat of bad touch That's what ubisoft watch dogs legion is Should have just called it umbra Yeah, all right Well, anyway, we're more more like watch your back because there's a legion of Dogs who are gross or I'm trying really hard. It's not working. It's not happening
Starting point is 02:31:08 And where's that gonna be do you remember do you remember that's over slash pat stairs it Hey, well, do you know of a comedian named John Legeux? I do know John Legeux show me your genitals show me your genitalia I've seen him live when he came to montreal. You see him live. That's awesome. He's from here. Um, well, he did it Do you remember? Also, he uh wrote, um The fucking the cake song for a portal Oh, that's his song. Yeah
Starting point is 02:31:40 I don't think that's true, but still alive Yeah, I believe He's I'm pretty sure that's super wrong. Let me confirm I'm pretty sure you're thinking of jonathan cool. Ah fuck No, you're right. Yes. That's the wrong person All right. Anyway, so John Legeux Had a bit a while ago, but before I get to that. Well, do you remember idon pierces iconic cap? Yes, or ubisoft tried to portray that fucking black baseball cap as iconic right
Starting point is 02:32:24 Now do you remember the john legeux a bit of pedophile glasses and rapist beard? I don't Okay You can go check it out on his on his uh youtube channel. It's like it's a it's an ad to buy on on like a home shopping network Try out pedophile glasses now comes with a free rapist beard. Okay And all I can think of is that those Those should be the iconic unlockable items and watch dogs legions. Okay Not idon pierces. I got my family killed because I'm a moron baseball cap I'm just hearing started as a baby itty bitty baby now look at me. Yeah now look at me
Starting point is 02:33:17 You know ubisoft I really got to hand it to you for managing to become So much more obviously evil than ea and activision in a rapid rapid period of time months Months I feel I feel like it was like literally the day that everyone was like by the way Everyone at ubisoft is in a position of power as a sex criminal Seems like the the day that came out was like I think I think I think it was one summer Is the way to is is about the the the measurement of time on that
Starting point is 02:33:54 Now Let's all be very real for a second There is an invisible timer going off on all of our phones Until ea and activision also joined the I think everybody in a management position or above May in fact allegedly be a sex criminal That clock is ticking down. I mean the larger the company the more people there the More likely that chance occurs. Yes Yeah
Starting point is 02:34:30 For sure Aren't brands awesome Don't you just love brands I love when brands I love brands talk to each other on twitter I did like when Wendy's told burger king that their mom was a hoe That that is my favorite brand interaction Did you like when because when microsoft Said who was was it mcdonald's?
Starting point is 02:35:02 Uh, I don't even fucking I can't like There was some sort of just banal Fucking interger interaction between the two Whereas I uh, whatever I'm already I'm already fucking done with it. I'm gonna send you an image And I want you to just tell me if you remember it Of a brand attempting to be relatable. This is an ancient image
Starting point is 02:35:32 Yep, yep Yep So I just sent willy a very old online mcdonald's ad Mm-hmm Made by the boomerist Which was this dude eyeing a double cheeseburger going Double cheeseburgers I'd hit it
Starting point is 02:35:54 I'm a dollar menu guy Yeah, I also That's the era I remember that fucking era mid aughts where They also no it was even earlier than that that they started putting together their commercials which uh had A announcer voice announcer girl going the mickey d's dollar menu and like immediately that that terminology that people I knew at the time referred to mcdonald's as
Starting point is 02:36:28 Died on the wire just in mid-air fucking to the ground burn and and and fucking roast and die People people called it mickey d's and then they called it mickey d's in a commercial and that was it. It was over Do you uh, do you ever watch um, uh internet historian? No, no, but I know of okay. He does good videos. Did you ever did you ever personally see The biggest brand relationship Relatability botch ever As reported on which was the di Giorno debacle No, what was that?
Starting point is 02:37:10 so this was a couple years ago and di Giorno's Saw a trending hashtag And the trending hashtag was hashtag why I stayed And di Giorno said di Giorno's his media man said, ah, I'll know what I'll do And said because they had pizza hashtag why I stayed Now they saw they must have seen the hashtag trending on the right side of twitter, you know But they failed to click on it
Starting point is 02:37:40 because the why I stayed hashtag was Exclusively dedicated to victims of domestic abuse Describing why they did not in fact leave their abusers immediately Such as I was afraid for my children or I was afraid they would track me down and murder me Okay, and along comes di Giorno with Because they had pizza Hey
Starting point is 02:38:07 That lasted like five minutes And was replaced with multiple days of the di Giorno account Just apologizing to every tweet they received In a in a groveling display Just saw an opportunity took it That's what we do over like
Starting point is 02:38:41 Yep, god Yep It ain't domestic. It's di Giorno's Let's go Yeah, so that that must have been Again when you're hiring some savvy youth To do this job you you have to actually click on the hashtag and see what's being discussed folks Uh
Starting point is 02:39:16 Just think about it. All right. It's not too bad to those of yeah to our listeners Who uh, you know have social media jobs. Just click on the hashtag Well, anyway, um, let's click on it just once Yeah, brands are the worst now for a word from our sponsors And with that I actually have to run because I have to pee so I'll be right back. Excuse. Oh, okay. All right. We'll do that All right, uh Quick word from our sponsors This week castle super peace is brought to you by kitty poo club
Starting point is 02:40:00 Kitty poo club kitty poo club You deal with kitty really on a regular basis. I do not I you know what cat shit is awful and I hate it If there was not such a thing as litter, I don't know if I would be able to have a cat So fucking thank god for cat litter. Yeah if you are uh proud cat person that has Uh, uh
Starting point is 02:40:29 Here we go. What is it? It's if you if you have your cat and you Uh, uh, uh, don't love having the litter box in your house kitty poo club takes care of the more unpleasant parts of cat ownership So you can get back to the fun stuff Right, which is pretty much everything other than them shitting in a box The fluffy times the good times the memories the pictures the the you know all of it Just not them knocking your shit off your goddamn furniture. Absolutely popping out of nowhere surprising you
Starting point is 02:41:03 Cuddling up Rocking your shit, but hey, just not the poo part Um, no, I don't It's not great, but yeah kitty poo club is an all-in-one litter box solution designed to be convenient Every month kitty poo club delivers an affordable high quality recyclable litter box that's pre-filled with the litter of your choice Uh, they're leak proof boxes. They're eco friendly They got a fun design for every season and when the month is up you recycle the box Uh, and kitty poo club will automatically deliver a new one to you. No changing the used litter. No more cleaning the box
Starting point is 02:41:39 You can customize toss it just this that's it ready to go Uh, customize your order based on how many cats you have and what type of litter they prefer And uh, kitty poo poo club has a no risk guarantee so you can easily customize or cancel anytime You know, I did not I was not aware that cats had a preference for different kinds of litter Yes, they do cats have a preference for everything It's very frustrating
Starting point is 02:42:08 My um very frustrating. I had a I had a brief foray with uh kitten That was taken care of and we just kind of had um, you know a type of litter But uh, yeah, I guess the things get more specific as as they age And they are they won't go if it has a certain amount really it's oh my it's just it's There's listen cats are assholes. This is known
Starting point is 02:42:39 But it's really obvious just how much of a cat is an asshole When they have to take a shit It's most of their body Is it because they say cats are mostly asshole because they feel all that shame When they have to go do it and they want no, it's because they have this weird genetic Need to bury their shit And then run away from it shame. Yes. It's because of the shame they feel No, no, it's like high powered
Starting point is 02:43:08 Okay It's very intense Well, all of that can be taken care of um And right now kitty poo club is offering you 20 off your first order when you set up Auto ship by going to kitty poo club dot com and entering promo code super beast So, uh, just go to kitty poo club dot com and enter promo code super beast to get 20 off when you set up auto ship That's k itty. P o o c l u b
Starting point is 02:43:40 Dot com and don't forget to enter promo code super beast a check out so they know we sent you Thank you kitty poo club. Thanks kitty That's hey this That's the name. It's fun. It's that's what it is. It's yeah to the point. It's direct. I like it. Thank you Uh so First off the list. Yes, we already kind of touched on it, but obviously twitch dmca's
Starting point is 02:44:12 Biggest story probably as uh, don't like it thousands of videos being wiped mass dmca crackdown and uh, you know, not much else to say about it except for like Please tell us exactly where the infractions are and we will take care of no I think most people are Are reasonable and most streamers that have lots of stream footage We'll have no problem getting rid of the the ones where there's a problem or an infraction As long as you allow them to do so if it it seems highly irresponsible For them to just keep it blind because it's easier and it passes the buck off, you know
Starting point is 02:44:55 If if twitch is gonna fucking do this and just be like no the buck does not stop here just Right over there officer go I think there might be people we can kick that buck down to Maybe the buck could not get further away Um, yeah fix that shit Um Nice to meet you. I'm Nate. Nate Uncharted Says tom Holland Tom Holland looks like a baby pretending to be a hollywood actor. Yeah
Starting point is 02:45:33 And and you know god bless. He's great I think the era of Nathan Phileon Filling this role has just come and gone. We've waited so long. Yeah, that was like 15 years ago We've like the time the time has come and gone and and and it's and it sucks because everyone has clearly felt in their bones that that is the proper way to cast it And then there was that little short. I believe that was done But um, the idea of of of the the the movie actually happening with him is clearly now well beyond The realm of possibility just because the ages don't make sense anymore Um, but it still would have been you know the the right way to play it
Starting point is 02:46:18 But here we got baby baby, Nate Um Showed a picture of himself on twitter wearing the outfit and and stuff and he's all dirty and ready to Do the among thieves and ready to half tuck his shirt ready to shoot 8 000 people um, but Then did you see the follow-up from the other cast members of this movie? Um, I saw wallberg mark wallberg takes his candid shot in character, which makes me think I'm like
Starting point is 02:46:53 Did that did the movie people tell them to like tweet out their costumes to as a means of probably You know because it's it's one thing if main for main character that you see mark wallberg Doing his version of it where he's just staring at the camera and he's got a fucking Mustache Hey, you're just like wallberg plus mustache like really That's That's the best you got you got five minutes to put a mustache on I I can't think of a single actor
Starting point is 02:47:26 Of reasonable state that I would think would be a worse sully Sully has such an obviously classic hollywood old man voice Yeah, I don't know kid. Uh, and it's like that's not mark wallberg's just kind of like Muscular whiny What I don't have to call his voice. Oh, is that why? Yeah, man. Okay. I thought it was because he blinded an asian man Oh that that that happened Apparently because he assaulted the fuck out of some dude
Starting point is 02:48:09 Okay Because there's other people you could cast you know Funky bunch Huh, hey marky mark God, I bet he really regrets that let's never stop saying it which one Which story oh, okay Yeah, did you know that the funky bunch loves crimes? Um, really a wick a wiki section on mark wallberg hate crimes. Uh, yes. Yes, there is in which there is
Starting point is 02:48:49 in which Uh, uh, his legal issues are discussed where, um He's had racially charged incidents Mm-hmm was uh in 1986 It was a 15 year old wallberg and three friends were charged for chasing three black children and pelting them with rocks While yelling kill the not going to finish this quote On this podcast. No, thank you until an ambulance driver intervened. Mm-hmm
Starting point is 02:49:21 The next day you're asked another group of mostly black children at the beach Gathering other white dudes to join in racially abusing and throwing rocks at them Attacked two vietnamese men while high on pcp. Yep 1988 Nice um Blinded 45 days in prison for his two-year sentence blinded the dude after punching him in the eye and uh What did he send he had a couple of things to say
Starting point is 02:49:53 about about The individual that he blinded as well He referred to the shape of his eye So, you know, oh, yes lots of Yep fractured the job of his neighbor in an attack in 1992 Uh, you know Now on the one hand should we really but hey, there's robot there's robot cause outside There's robot cause
Starting point is 02:50:21 On the one hand should we really judge people so strongly for actions taken decades ago Yeah, hey man, he's Yeah He's 15s old enough to know better not to cause hate crimes. He's just from boston. He's a mass hole What are you gonna do? It's just this it was the style at the time All right, he's a mass hole. It's not his fault Now that's true. It was the style at the time, but I don't think that's ever worked for anybody Well, anyway, there's your sully. Yeah
Starting point is 02:51:07 Um There's gonna be a part where Nathan lets a guy go and sully's like I would have killed him and then Nathan's gonna look like I know sully I know you would have killed him and then mark wallberg is gonna look directly at the camera And go it's because he was black And then it will cut to credits Uncharted Just and of all the
Starting point is 02:51:53 The youngest most awkward holland ever just trying to move himself out of frame Trying to crawl against the side of the frame to get away from marky mark Yeah Play uncharted theme All right. Well, hey, listen, um You know let him do his thing. Hey, uh, nintendo edited smash immediately after releasing minecraft Oh, is it because steve looked like he was holding his dick. It's because steve was holding his dick Uh, that's funny. So they updated it. They said they put some some patch notes in or what they fucking edited out steve's dick
Starting point is 02:52:40 Within seconds. So When I saw that I legitimately thought that that was the intention It feels insanely deliberate Like it's a ridiculous oversight the framing of it if you win with holding a sword in Minecraft the win animation has steve holding the sword But the hand and sword hilt are out of frame. So it just looks like his giant dong Is bouncing up and down on the victory screen
Starting point is 02:53:18 It's not very minecraft it feels yeah, that's incredibly minecraft, but it feels like Like it was intentional, but it got it got by You know Like whoever was above that like whoever animated it was like, yeah Yeah, it's dick and then their boss didn't notice So yeah, everyone noticed Seconds later nintendo on red alert uh
Starting point is 02:53:53 That shit came out immediately and for a patch to come out that quickly too um For it like if you're a third party game you go through all kinds of hoops To fix problems like that and and you go through a submission process and it takes a while But like this is absolutely smash the button red alert Now now now now now get it out now penis and smash Smashes for good boys and girls when it happens within 48 hours. Absolutely um
Starting point is 02:54:23 So there's that they also announced That they're for the first time localizing uh fire emblem fucking one shadow dragon and blade of light For a limited time idiots. Yeah coming to switch on my birthday Hey, this sucks Limited time stuff isn't fun. What are you talking about? I thought it was the best. Don't you enjoy artificial scarcity of digital products? No, oh
Starting point is 02:54:54 Because we thought you would because we thought you'd like to feel like you have to hustle and bustle And and create a sense of urgency One of the things that was the most frustrating is that when not mario limited edition thing with the galaxy and the Sunshine all that crap got announced is that when I was like this is some limited time bullshit I got some people going well the way I interpreted it was that The bundle is limited time and then they'll sell them digitally afterwards separately and I'm like you're an idiot There is no way that is what that means and I'm glad fire emblem can show up to show
Starting point is 02:55:35 You're an idiot They mean limited time Fuck you for right now. You have four months to purchase this game December January February March and then it's gone so It it really is just like and again you want like that's a that's a quarter right like But you've just got like this weird thing that they're fully committing to Now that we're seeing it like multiple times for multiple things that people would probably continue to care about
Starting point is 02:56:05 well after march of next year is just a weird fucking artificial scarcity thing, you know, um It just all it does is make people feel as if they have to artificially hustle Over something that there's no reason for it Anyway, um Also marth has no pants So yay 1990
Starting point is 02:56:31 That was that true First version of marth. He just had the blue shirt and the light sticking out And the cave really yep. He only got the pants later It's just doesn't wear pants. Yeah Like all all sort heroes from from that era You just got that little tunic thing you toss over like uh, you know pit and and link All those all those characters from the from the time there were no pants
Starting point is 02:57:01 No, wow, he's not wearing any pants. Yeah, no pants none whatsoever. He's just rock weird. He's free ball in it I have to say though. I'm pretty happy with uh, uh, how safe my search is after I typed in marth no pants I saw a funny tweet where someone drew him like ripping them off like uh, nba game time You know like with the buttons just right back to the old school Uh, yeah So That's what they're doing. Um, we mentioned it But ghost runner is in fact coming out
Starting point is 02:57:37 um this week And the demo was for a limited time, but if you haven't seen ghost runner, it's fucking wall running cyberpunk ninja Mirror's edge just rad goodness um Everything gotta be a techno assassin jumping on walls and going fast. It's it's all my aesthetics. It's fucking everything I love and uh boy it looks great and uh, what's nice about it in addition to the fact that
Starting point is 02:58:06 It is dropping This week Is that if you buy it Current gen you automatically get an upgrade to next gen for free Oh sick, are they gonna make my pc version the next gen pc version? Uh, if you buy it on uh x bone, you will get an automatic update to the series s or x version um And that's a part of microsoft's smart delivery program apparently
Starting point is 02:58:38 This playstation doesn't have that but they will just allow people to download The enhanced ps5 version if they see your ps4 version Smart delivery thing seems like a really fancy name for like a really basic feature I mean smart delivery will ensure you always have the bet is like it's you just I own it. Yeah, okay If there's continue to own it But like if they've if there's a specifically separate skew that's made for the next gen version Then you're gonna get both um as opposed to Like running an upscaled version of the of last gen's, you know
Starting point is 02:59:22 Yeah, uh cross buy sure, you know, that's that's But not not pretty much, but it's not but it's not fully cross by it's platform uh platform specifics cross by Hey, did you see that the the god of war people are saying that on the ps5 you can run god of war in like 60 fps I didn't see that Yeah Can you go above that
Starting point is 02:59:48 I seriously doubt it The game's probably got v-sync on okay, so it's the limitations of whatever they made at the time. Yeah, like if come on Bloodborne please Please god bloodborne 4k, dude Just anything to get rid of that game's terrible frame rate potentially And at the watch it and at the very least Well at and at the very least you're gonna get the whatever the update like yeah, whatever the improvement is
Starting point is 03:00:25 Uh, and then there's that story about the modder who already has his improved version Who said hey, I'm going to release this depending I'm gonna release this but we're waiting to see what What sony does about running it, you know, and then there was that like fake article where it was like modder says threatening sony. Yeah, modder threatened sony says he's gonna hold a Bloodborne improved version at ransom. I literally didn't say that But thanks though
Starting point is 03:00:56 um Anyway, yes, we will we shall see indeed um Yeah, it's it's not not a huge news week. So, um, we're not We and we did cover a lot of it through our basic conversation. There's only a couple other things um Darkest dungeon 2 Is happening and they I thought we were going to a a a fucking
Starting point is 03:01:21 mountain I we could be going many places. Who knows they got some time to figure it out Because they're going to be doing like the same um It's going to be going through the the a similar development process to last time which is uh Early access for a while and then 1.0, right? this time around, uh
Starting point is 03:01:45 The epic store has loomed its evil head and Now we're getting Them involved with Darkest dungeon, which is Not great. I don't like that, but fortunately it seems like um
Starting point is 03:02:02 Red hook is gonna kind of take the money Keep it in early access on the epic game store and then release 1.0 on all platforms Very hate easy Which is if your game is gonna get stuck with epic I don't I don't fault you on that. I get it. Yeah, it's a it's a nice way to be like Okay, but when it really comes out exactly on steam exactly like we've seen and discussed it at this point It's become very clear that like the deal is one that many developers cannot refuse
Starting point is 03:02:36 So they're taking it. They're doing the epic store thing But this is just for early access and then a 1.0 drops and it's going to be the full thing and hades thankfully is enjoying a huge success Now that it's off of epic, um Everywhere people are talking about it. It's it's out there people love it Hey, hades is doing great. Hades is doing great. Maybe it's because hades is really good. Um And yeah, very good high quality video game everyone everyone, you know, you could have like been on it before But like I was worried that a little of that like you only get one launch
Starting point is 03:03:13 uh I was worried that that would like hurt it, but it's apparently so that's always been the the the general wisdom But with the epic store Apparently you get zoomers consider the steam launch to be the real one. Yes. Yeah Just like embarrassing like legitimately embarrassing what like people are making i'm seeing tweets of people like going like hey guys Should I get hades and things like that and asking all the questions as if it hasn't been out playable somewhere else forever
Starting point is 03:03:48 Because like it might as well have not been you know Apparently metro exodus when it came out on steam sold as if it was a brand new game. Hmm Like amazing Like to the average pc playing consumer the epic game store might as well actually not exist and you know like at the uh At that when that kind of happens you're you're in a situation where if you care a lot And you really just want to get your hands on it no matter what then you have a way to do that And if you're fine just waiting for it to be done then you can and play it in the place of your preference. So like Win-win for the studio, you know people aren't um
Starting point is 03:04:33 Aren't ignoring it as a result of it being uh on on epic prior. So uh, yeah, that's what they're doing with darkest dungeon 2 And uh, I can't fucking wait I very much like the art style they're going with which is let's make 3d models and Desperately desperately try and make them look exactly like the 2d from the old game And they've got I love that art style and they've got uh They got the narrator, you know, they got the um the ancestor In there just doing fucking magic with that with his voice And yeah, that's that was that was required. I mean I this is one of those games where like that's the carry, right?
Starting point is 03:05:12 Like there's a couple there's some games where the the voice of the game is is the carry and in this case It's absolutely the ancestor Wayne jr. Yeah, yeah, that's it beautiful I'm an old man and your day sucks That's the guy 2d over 3d any day you're not wrong People are getting close though. People are starting to get better. I saw getting there. I saw a um super shitty quality
Starting point is 03:05:47 like cell phone capture Footage of uh, there's a tom and jerry movie like a live action tom and jerry that uses um cg Uses 3d tom and jerry to do their thing and They really are moving in a way. That's like
Starting point is 03:06:07 They're emulating the old school stuff as much as possible and it's like It is actually quite impressive the level of like Tweening work that's going into 3d tom and jerry like I need to see a closer A better look at it because it was really shit quality off off camera trailer, but uh from that footage It was like okay You're going out of your way to like
Starting point is 03:06:36 Really make it seem like it's not not even 3d a lot of the time You know there a place I could watch this 3d tom and jerry Um, I don't know it was I scrolled by a random tweet and then Looked at it and then kept scrolling Um, let me see Tom and jerry official teaser from Warner Brothers tom and jerry movie 2021 um Definitely not this cg thing that I'm looking at right here. This thing looks fucking terrible
Starting point is 03:07:12 Uh, it's just them screaming horribly. I don't think it is no All right, I've looked too long. Yeah, I've already given up. Yeah, there's there's there's a uh, uh When I when I when I google it and I look at the images I'm seeing a bunch of like super shiny tom and 3d jerry that look awful um, and That is not at all What I saw but what I get what I saw was off camera. So Oh, it was off off
Starting point is 03:07:43 Not off camera not direct capture Anyway, um Can't really tell until we can see it directly Um Got distracted there I was going into yeah, no, and then they'll just the one other thing Uh, I saw this one more thing was a sucker punch listed a new Uh writing job position opened up And they're specifically looking for people with knowledge of feudal japanese history
Starting point is 03:08:17 Okay I I all right, I wonder what they are that All right I don't think anybody would be upset if they told more stories Uh in that era with the work they've already put in I don't think it has to be I don't think it's a cool part in japan it has to be The direct sequel
Starting point is 03:08:54 I don't think you have to do that, but they can definitely tell more stories mm-hmm And they've got a fucking rad system there, but you'd want to of course like You know expand upon it and do things and add to it because um As incredible as Tsushima is by the end of Tsushima You've got the formula down like any ass creed game. You you you know what I mean? Yeah, you know what to do It'd be a fucking cool ghost of Tsushima game. Mm-hmm Be like ghost of wake island
Starting point is 03:09:27 Ghost of wake island That's right And and what's wake island? I'm not even going to engage in this conversation This is this is already deeper into the conversation that I want to be Wake island is a is an island that was fought over in world war two by the japanese and the marines. Okay It's a battlefield map. Okay So that's uh, it's a world it's a world war two thing sounds like things popped off way later than the feudal era
Starting point is 03:10:08 Yeah Sounds like you'd have to wait a while for That to happen to go where you want it to be. Yeah, no, this would be like ghost of no punaga or whatever Of said ghosts of Sengoku or whatever the fuck you want to call it Sure, all right, um Anyway
Starting point is 03:10:36 Hey, would you agree with the assessment that uh, every day There is one main character on twitter And you I would say this yes and that your goal should be to not become that main character at all times I don't necessarily agree with Uh, the second statement
Starting point is 03:11:00 Because occasionally Very occasionally it can be positive But it is a good general rule Most of the time everyone is People are if most of the time if everyone's paying attention to you It's probably not because you did something everyone loves Yeah, that's that's probably that's usually true. Right. That's usually true. Okay um
Starting point is 03:11:25 What if You released a take So incredibly dumb That It caused your console To trend for the first time ever Only to lead people To your nuclear take
Starting point is 03:11:51 Yes, mm-hmm. That would be embarrassing That'd be very bad Well stadiums, why do you ask? Lend me your ears Ah, yes Because um, in fact In fact, I believe the profile has been updated to remove all references to stadia Not all of them
Starting point is 03:12:17 Hmm Not all of them You want me to grab this one stadiums assemble by all means if you you can you can You can all right. So mr. Alex Hutchinson is the is the one character Alex of the day One mr. Alex Hutchinson Who uh previously worked on Journey to the savage planet far cry for Apparently, I believe he was the creative director of Assassin's Creed 3 worked on spore and sims 2 his current
Starting point is 03:12:55 Profile on twitter States that he is the creative director at s g and e Montreal studio, which is stadia games and entertainment Thus smartly taking the word stadia out of his twitter profile montreal division It used to say creative director At stadia which implied that he was the creative director of the console Which uh did not
Starting point is 03:13:24 Help the situation um For backstory In the past this was the gentleman who had a high up position at ubisoft And was asked hey when's assassin's creed gonna go somewhere cool Like egypt or japan he replied with Those are too boring for video games
Starting point is 03:13:52 Cool cool cool really wanna We want to you know do something cool Like assassin's creed 3 which was in the american revolutionary war. Oh by the way When talking about assassin's creed 3 He was that dev way Back who described that japanese games and stories are all gibberish and the reason That people say that they like japanese game stories despite them all being gibberish and terrible is because of a form of condescending Uh pro japanese form of racism in the game industry and games made by non-japanese studios
Starting point is 03:14:34 Don't get fairly treated because of racism. So what you're saying is there's an established history of hot takes Yes Also was worked very a lot on assassin's creed 3 the worst assassin's creed game The worst one how dare you all right, how you just gonna talk shit about rat on how get on Moving on to october 22nd 2020 in the wake of the
Starting point is 03:15:10 dmca violation Take down nightmare that twitch was going through and is still going through that you and i talked about That is making us stressed about our current profession One alex hutchinson states Streamers worried about getting their content polled because they used music they didn't pay for Should be more worried by the fact that they're streaming games. They didn't pay for as well It's all gone as soon as publishers decide to enforce it The real truth is that streamers should be paying the developers and publishers of the games they stream
Starting point is 03:15:41 They should be buying a license like any real business and paying for the content they use So one Boy, what an unsympathetic take too many people worried about their livelihoods two I don't know about you woolly But I actually pay for almost every single stream game that I play On the only exceptions that I don't is when the company in question Literally gives it to me for free to stream. This is correct
Starting point is 03:16:18 Three he is implying that despite purchasing the game They should also be purchasing single-use broadcast licenses Of which is only applicable to the music industry and it's a shit-ass ripoff there too Hey common man, can we get some more money towards these these conglomerates and corporations? What are we doing here guys? Can we get more money towards these corporations? I feel like I feel like There's too much money being held by the rest of you and you're not paying these companies enough as it is You should be grateful
Starting point is 03:16:57 My favorite aspect of the story is the details That immediately start to emerge for example When God bless one jacksepticeye comes in and says I find this extremely ironic considering you have fan art of me A streamer on your banner When I played savage planet To which the artist of that fan art Then uh, no one rare magpie comes on and says wow
Starting point is 03:17:29 Anyway guys the art he uses as his banner is by me No, he didn't ask my permission or give credit to the art In fact, he cropped out the watermark though, which is very appreciative of him Which uh remains his banner seeing as he hasn't been interacting with twitter for the last four days Um, so literally, uh, literally you are using someone else's shit as you talk your shit So I can't find it right now because uh his tweets are a nightmare shit show Uh, but there was also another Where he described that streaming games is really only uh
Starting point is 03:18:08 Where's I'm trying to find it streaming games is only of benefit to the streamer And never has any benefit to the actual game publisher And this is where it comes to you look at it and go. Oh, this is an old timey video game man Despite the fact that he doesn't look all that old at all who goes Uh streaming and renting games and all that shit is stealing sales Now this is easily understood as the man who Uh helped make assassins creed 3 a game in which Uh a video I helped make
Starting point is 03:18:43 Turned people away from that terrible game Because it's bad. Um, so I guess that video was technically responsible for costing themselves hard cut to thousands of people talking in that moment about games they've bought through watching streams or watching let's plays of of said games and People directly attributing their interest in a thing to seeing it being played online in a stream or lp form among us Currently crushing it dominating due to everything said exact method of of sharing
Starting point is 03:19:26 A game with people so now you then you then go what what kind of like what the fuck Where does this take come from and then you see the the thing you described which is Uh creative director at stadia and then stadia starts trending on twitter Uh-oh because before we move on wools. I need to point out You you talk about among us and fazmophobia is going through the same thing right now as well Uh, and you could obviously talk about games such as metal wolf chaos Or maybe the yakuza series undertale in which
Starting point is 03:20:08 No, but i'm i'm using those two specifically. Okay games in which I know I have had direct confirmation from developers. Yes my work Literally caused those games to come out or become popular in their regions. Yes But let's ignore that Let's instead have fun With on the 23rd the day after mr. Hutchinson's Uh statements I received the following message on twitter from the raw fury pr man
Starting point is 03:20:46 Quote Hey, I just wanted to share a tidbit from the signifier crew. They sent me this Quote pat stream was the most beautiful thing He watched all of the logs heard all the podcasts and the conversations started in the chat from then onward We're beautiful then he cut it at go at which is a location and I thought and it was amazing I hope more streamers did that to support new narrative games and quote How's about that I thought that I
Starting point is 03:21:23 Was stealing From the signifier devs even though they sent me the game for free, you know The other day when I played ultra kill Uh, did you know that hekita himself jumped in the chat and started screaming stop playing it? Take it down Stop That's and hekita is yelling as we're playing through the game Screaming at the top of his lungs trying to get us to stop playing. Did you know?
Starting point is 03:21:54 Were you aware? I didn't know that it's kind of crazy. Yes How we just ignored him the whole time I mean I had a similar experience with dusk, but it was actually just the dev team going stop playing it with the control Listen man, so this fucking Incredibly specific feeling Suddenly makes infinite sense When you look at it and go oh It's the guy whose job it is to to to push
Starting point is 03:22:28 The whole we are streaming the game to you and you don't own anything you pay for And this entire nature of A world where you you literally own a thing and I the and in its idea Concept and then when we decide to delist this game you no longer own anything but your metadata and stadia as a whole Being like 100 percent built around this concept Makes about around lack of ownership of anything makes perfect sense What does it the craziest the thing is like What I don't even know what he means by streaming games. They didn't pay for
Starting point is 03:23:09 So does he think people are like stealing them from their quarantined game stops? Is like I mean are we better off in a world of paying for games? We don't own Is that yes, because this is literally what you're doing on stadia. You're buying a game you don't own It should be the other way around says alex Now here's my favorite part So remember how I said it was creative director at sg and e montreal studio and it says in giant giant Things all opinions are my own. Yeah, which wasn't there before. Well Those weren't there before
Starting point is 03:23:51 They were added when google stadia came out and made an official response that was basically That dude did don't listen. We don't eat. No. I don't know who that guy Uh-huh. Yeah Yeah, don't listen to him Uh, what I guess yet to tweet since by the way. Yes, exactly um, what I find particularly confusing of course is At the same time that it makes perfect sense that this is the platform that this guy is working for that Is sharing these ideas
Starting point is 03:24:26 Do you remember the reveal of stadia where they were pushing all the features? And do you remember the features that were all built around the idea of jumping into a game That's being streamed at the moment. You see it streamed And as somebody in my chat that night pointed out you mean all the features that Still don't exist. Yes The thing where they said here chat click this link and now you can jump in and play a game with me That they were talking about in their feature list, of course, which doesn't exist. Yes, but They were literally pushing this whole watching and playing together thing as a part of what stadia would be about
Starting point is 03:25:08 What the fuck is this dude talking about? Now it also felt really good one Uh, I think it's actually been confirmed that mathematically he is in fact the most ratioed man ever in twitter history He made four he made four like raw tweets that day and they were all ratioed by like Factors of tens of thousands, but I mean the top the top of the thread Uh, uh has like Literally double digit retweets And and quadra digit replies. So so twitter does this incredible thing that I really love now
Starting point is 03:25:45 It's one of the only features I really love about twitter Or when you click on a tweet you get to see how many are real retweets and how many are quote retweets Um, and you get to see that the original hot shit ass tag has 600 ish retweets and nearly 18 Oh over 18,000 quote retweets. There you go. Um, which was an entire day of literally every single person on my timeline Being like, yo, this is stupid Including such people such as like Dave Samansky the creator of dusk now, um, and just every dev every single dev I follow now. Now here's what's like. This is stupid
Starting point is 03:26:25 um All these devs and the entire when it comes down to the letter of the law these Get like game companies could decide to pursue Every single instance of every single person that ever displays their games on twitch or on youtube ever As an infraction and they can decide to go aggressive and flag it as much as they want We see some companies we constantly do this went through that a couple years ago Yeah, well, we see a bunch of this happening
Starting point is 03:26:58 Every time uh atlas puts out a game and they fucking put out a warning about what you can and can't stream and we also see, uh This shit with like a lot of namco bandai games where a bunch of the games footage and sound will often be already archived um in the flag content system So you remember when nintendo was all crazy about that shit and then they made the nintendo creator program And then that horribly failed and then nintendo just gave up. Yeah Um, they can choose to do this. It is a ridiculous war to fight
Starting point is 03:27:34 Make no mistake. It's an insane and it's a benefit to literally no one It's a costly war that does infinite more hurt than it does Help to them, but they do have the ability to do it No developer reminds me of This reminds me Of ubi soft. Isn't that crazy coincidence? Going so hard on anti piracy on the pc That they ruined multiple versions of their games and they sold almost nothing
Starting point is 03:28:08 Do you remember that where ubi soft had that insanely horrible like always online drem The one where you play you bite on steam, but you have to boot you play Yeah, and then if you drop online for even literally one second It boots you out of the game and and doesn't save your game and all that crap Yeah, I when I I wanted to play the 2d assassins creed games and I ran into that wall. Yeah, I remember And uh when they were interviewed about it, they're like we can confirm It's cutting down on piracy and they're like was it increasing sales? And they said we can confirm it has cut down on piracy
Starting point is 03:28:41 And it came out with like steam db that those versions of those games just sold like goddamn shit And then they gave up Like um anyone who's crazy that guy worked at that company during that period Uh isn't that wild it's it's lovely how the smallest studios and indie games are Clearly like paying enough attention to the situation and understand that hey You know what helps being in the stream talking to the people who like your game And helping them show it off to other people like it's it's it's the most basic Understanding of like if someone sees something they like they might want to go get it too. It's just that simple
Starting point is 03:29:29 um and like Anyway, this dude whatever he you know became as far He became the main character of twitter for a day and like Somehow managed to damage the stadia brand more than it already was fucking groveling on the ground
Starting point is 03:29:51 Wow It's sort of wild. I feel bad for stadia Because of this linked association that was not there prior Now the last thing that I would like to say about alex hutchinson and I find that this is incredibly important He is the creative director at stadia's montreal studio and currently lives in montreal probably however He is from australia So that's not our bad That's on the australians. Okay
Starting point is 03:30:30 I was is there are you going anywhere else with that that is where it went. Okay Okay, you're not implying some sort of latent implicit criminality No, just just literally Says montreal studio and I was like, ah, damn it. And then I saw australia. I'm like, phew All right. All right Well, um, yeah, that's a good time. That's a good time Hey, um, I don't know if you You catch this but every once in a while. I feel like, you know, maybe
Starting point is 03:31:12 Once every two years, maybe even more frequently than that There'll be these weird little glitches where it's like, oh shit guys go Hey, did you notice that the the game stop website has some wild bug where you can order a bunch of games and get like a million percent off Or some weird discount doesn't work or there's some weird bug or whatever Uh, apparently that happened again And it's like, you know how it is. It's like, oh shit. Something's wrong. Let's go fix it I'm starting to think that stuff is on is intentional Oh, yeah, I'm starting to think that these bugs
Starting point is 03:31:45 That send everyone over to game stop to suddenly buy a bunch of games and use this exploit Is actually an intended thing which they then fix and then you just end up buying some game stop things Yeah, hey, look, oh look, we got hey, hey, jimmy I figured out how to increase traffic to the to the site by about a billion times. Really? How do you do it? I'm breaking the law I'm creating a giant fake false advertising accidental. Oops Right social media fucking explodes with it. Everybody goes. Yo, you can go buy things for 99 off. It's broken. What the fuck You know and and then uh, suddenly an influx of traffic to a business that should be but it's somehow not dead
Starting point is 03:32:32 Um Oh, man, I found out more from alec currently the hide and seek champion 2020 I I oh man fees the may that is I just I just so this So, uh, do you follow gene park the Washington post guy? Yeah gene park's cool, right? so Jean's tweet throughout his making fun of him danced in the box
Starting point is 03:32:59 Uh From the subtle racism and then he followed up saying that he was like he was also the ubisoft guy who said that Women are too hard to animate. Mm-hmm That was his last tweet Because alex hutchinson's last tweet is feel free to disagree with me But the guy that said women were hard to animate was an entirely different person alex amoncio Can you kill this and apologize? which
Starting point is 03:33:25 gene did Delete it and apologize which was then followed immediately afterwards by people finding the polygon article In which alex was interviewed for far cry 4 in which he said the exact same thing Quote It's really depressing because we almost we were inches away from having you be able to select a girl or guys Your co-op buddy when you invite someone in and it was purely a workload issue because we don't have a female reading for the character We don't have all the animations And so it was this weird issue where you'd have a female model walked and talked and jumped like a dude, etc
Starting point is 03:34:01 So like hey, can you apologize? I never said that followed by oh, no wait. You said like 99 percent the same thing And then he disappeared from twitter. Can you follow me back to the yesteryear of um July 21st of this year for a second where pc gamer put out an article Uh headline new reports claims Assassin's creed developers were pressured into minimizing female protagonists Oh, yeah Can we just take a second to
Starting point is 03:34:37 Yeah, just keep that in mind or how about the fact that remember how I said the the guy said that uh, egypt and uh Egypt and uh, japan were boring When he left the assassin's creed team Origins was the next game to start development which I'm going to theorycraft in my mind Is that as a position of power he was actually directly responsible
Starting point is 03:35:06 For not letting assassin's creed go to cool locations The thing that we've wanted from the first game And been hoping for Also, egypt is boring might be the funniest statement ever because egypt I think is like tied with china as like geographic location with the longest history of history also the assassin's creed franchise
Starting point is 03:35:42 Was sort of a spiritual successor to I don't know maybe prince of persia. Maybe Whatever Anyway, the fact that this take just keeps on delivering the further you dig into it is kind of a thing of wonder Um, it's it's incredible God bless and I feel I kind of feel bad for him because it's it's in this place where he hasn't tweeted Since that day and the instant he tweets anything. He will have a shit zillion eyeballs on him Examining him for dumbness Anyways, anyways gonna hop online and stream some fall guys. Who's up for it?
Starting point is 03:36:24 No one No one bro Hey, how did that game get popular again? Streaming. Oh, yeah, and it was free on playstation plus. So no one paid for it actually. Okay So it's it's both you just get a steal from spa guys like that bro. I am gonna yes I would just never go back to social media. I mean I would never go back No, that's not true. I would go back. I couldn't wait to go back
Starting point is 03:37:05 But I have a different personality than these people. Yeah Yeah, you'll have to see it. All right. Um Let's let's uh, let's quickly take some emails and get a move on here. All right. Let's uh, email it up If you got one you want to send an email send it to castle super beast mail at Hey, let's castle super beast mail at I got uh I got I got this I got this little ava tamagotchi. It's uh It's a little a little baby angel that I have to take care of and change its lcl
Starting point is 03:37:43 And it's weird dude and I have to feed it s2 engines and kaji watermelons to keep it happy That's fucked and It's born as soon as the second impact goes off And then your goal is to make it happy so that it eventually gets coaxed out of its at field and Creates the third impact, but only if you feed it and clean it and take care of it with love every day You should smash that thing with a hammer. No, no, no right now. I'm currently Raising iru. Well, it's the the one that's trying to take over um
Starting point is 03:38:18 the uh, the the magi engine And um You know ritz goes mom and all that shit So it's favorite angel go now Uh Ramiel Diamond yep, that's the right that's the right one That's that's that's where we're at. Mm-hmm ramiel is the best angel
Starting point is 03:38:42 um Although I mean Kauru really but yeah, shut up. You know That's that's stupid. What are you talking about? What are you talking about? That's a person? Yeah, okay fine fine Like easily favorite character in the entire franchise Yeah, like fucking with a bullet Here cut like in this in a franchise of of a whole lot of damage here comes perfection. Oh, no Oh, man. Oh, no indeed. No one's worthy
Starting point is 03:39:24 Hey, um, we got one coming in over here from Uh Who is this from daniel daniel says Hey guys, uh, dear alpha flight rejects Daniel here and recently one of my favorite manga has been on an unexpected hiatus There's usually monthly updates, but not a peep from august to september This manga is vinland saga
Starting point is 03:39:52 Probably something woolly's been recommended en masse as a solo replacement for vagabond. It has I've definitely heard a lot And I've seen some really cool shit with those vikings Um, I wouldn't go so far as to say that it dived. I never dived into vagabond But due to hearing your lament over it never coming to pass. So anyway, I would say it's a philomenal breakdown of viking life And it's really really good after two months Uh of silence bam new chapter and for one brief moment I feel elation followed by horror as I see this title and what we see here is a list of chapters
Starting point is 03:40:27 and Uh, we see volume 25 chapter 1 sailing west chapter 175 sailing west chapter 176.5 assassins creed valhalla My heart drops as I prepare for some schlock to come Having the main character or whatever the viking ac is show up in a flashback of some description And dunks on Thorfinn the main character and lo and behold, that's exactly what happens panel of an assassins blade
Starting point is 03:41:01 Panel of main character all bloodied and busted up He's gone, but look he gave you he gave you a bloody nose And uh, who was that guy anyway? Shit. Let's call it quits then Thanks, Ubisoft. I hate it That is legitimately like the worst oh my god, dude, Daniel. I am so sorry. That is insane Fucking guest chapters ruining your manga, dude Oh, no, um Do you remember when m&m kicked the ever-loving shit out of the punisher that happened that happened?
Starting point is 03:41:42 mm-hmm but like A But a celebrity guest starring Is not as time sensitive as a specific games launch window guest starring Like boy, have you dated your manga in time by putting this fucking assassins creed valhalla reference
Starting point is 03:42:09 Into vindland saga got a lot of money from that It must be it like ridiculous. In fact, the end of the chapter should have shown you the the the contract Show the cash bucks and let everyone go. All right. All right fine You know You got it is legitimately so awful. You're literally ruining the entire run with this moment And it's a point five chapter. So perhaps people can just look at it and go. Eh throw it over there But wow Wow, I feel so bad for vindland saga fans with that that sucks
Starting point is 03:42:50 Just put it in a different place in your brain and ignore it Um That's terrible Oh, we got one coming in from momo says hey, willy and pat first i'm emailing got done watching back a mono gatory And there's an argument for how you should watch it because release order is different from the novel Chronological order jumps between seasons. So my question is have you ever felt the need to solve a puzzle before you started enjoying something? Um, is that the one where he fucks his sister? I don't know But I can't tell yet. It is an a valid argument when
Starting point is 03:43:25 Different adaptations have different orders to how the story is told Uh, I can at the very least say that like Um, I remember cloud atlas was a weird one because the cloud atlas book Starts at a specific time frame and goes further and further and further into the future and then starts rewinding outwards like a mandala And um this the movie just thematically links things by the same emotional note Um, I think you kind of are at the whims of whatever the release order is for the format you're watching I like It depends but in every instance
Starting point is 03:44:08 You're probably you're probably best off going with The version that they released it in for that format Uh, but boy that sucks if you have to um Actually change it up to understand it Yeah I have nothing to say about this because that's a really confusing problem That's okay It's like if you were to get into fates you got to play that visual novel because all the adaptations are out of order
Starting point is 03:44:42 Okay, but what if history class starts teaching fate characters so that kids will remember? I mean, I mean if you really want to get into it history class already teaches about fate characters Hmm Brent says uh dear castle super beast 3d all stars you okay? Yeah, I'm good. All right Recently bought a 4k television for the first time Haven't been able to sit down and use it yet. My wife says it's amazing What's the best thing I could watch on it to really experience the upgrade to the world of 4k? um when I got my 4k tv I got I watched the um
Starting point is 03:45:39 The discovery the the planet earth equivalent so planet earth is super old now But there's been a lot of stuff that's come out in that vein since I forgot what the name of the actual series is But uh on netflix the netflix 4k um Edition had like a whole section of stuff that was you know best for testing and like yeah I'd say the planet earth equivalent these days is probably Like the coolest thing you could watch to really see how fucking crisp it gets I would say if I mean I'm gonna assume that you're a person who plays video games. You're listening to this uh
Starting point is 03:46:12 Blue planet blue planet podcast Uh, you could you probably hook up a video game machine to that and think about what the shiniest 4k game Is that you got you can do that Uh run from the point. Oh wow atlas isn't gonna fucking localize persona 5 scramble What? Literally just give up Koei tecmo reports latest financial results and persona 5 scramble western Is no longer mentioned. Are you fucking kidding me, dude?
Starting point is 03:46:44 Yeah Direct canonical sequel. I bet it's cuz q sold badly q2 Because who gives a shit about that game she's why do you hate buddy? You know what this is. You know what this is. Why? Hey, hey woolly. What is the what is the word's magical star sign mean to you? I don't fucking know man Means I don't want mother three. That's what it means
Starting point is 03:47:13 Holy shit remember that no I don't Nintendo never localized fucking uh Mother three because fucking magical star sign didn't sell hot cakes. So they went. Oh, I guess people don't want uh Don't want rpgs Well, I guess it's on the fucking fanslations then Cool awesome The team's already fucking getting ready People are putting their shit together
Starting point is 03:47:47 Not this shit again reluctantly a team has to form now To do the work that the fucking company won't do Uh, I sent I sent Oh, I sent atlas an email multiple weeks ago through an intermediate that I know they read her emails And they never got back to me And it sucks Is there even is there even a way to translate and mod this? No
Starting point is 03:48:17 There's there's currently a subtitle to play through on youtube That I'm going to assume will be killed by a copyright strikes soon. Oh you fucking just Why are you so awful at this? Oh, there's a switch emulator. Oh cool. That was fast. Why are you so awful at being a company? I just who the fuck was responsible for getting persona for golden on steam Someone who probably got fucking fired the next day like I don't It's so nuts, man The most restrictive shit ever and you won't give people things they want to like
Starting point is 03:49:01 All right, anyway, all right, um Um You know, I was trying to literally figure out how to figure how to go Uh, how to see the the royal specific content So that I can like because I was very excited to see what this was going to be It's really deeply intertwined. Yeah Yeah, that's what I heard So I wanted to go find out what was changed in royal and then fucking play this
Starting point is 03:49:29 I was really looking forward to playing this Even though it's mooso What the fuck man? Well That's been our week That's the podcast glad we could end it out on great news Yeah, hooray everyone everyone enjoy your weeks, please You really had to fucking drop it at the end didn't you? Holy shit. I just saw it
Starting point is 03:49:58 What's going on twitter people are retweeting it. What do you want from me? I didn't like I saw it. What was I supposed to sit on it? I Say all right I I I This is
Starting point is 03:52:28 Oh When this time down Oh I Oh

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