Castle Super Beast - SBFC 198: Preggo Shino Kai, The Rebel King Hedgehog

Episode Date: May 23, 2017

Matt battled a Flamingo, Pat falls down the MOBA hole, & Woolie yells about Attack on Titan. You can watch us record the podcast live on

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good morning. How's it going everybody? Hey everybody. Pretty good. Hey that was a hot live live hot. Is this a different hot than normal? Yes it is. I can I can see it. I can fucking see it. How is it different hot? It's OBS hot. Oh shit. I guess it is. Finally in the future. Something like that. The free by going into the yeah by going into the simpler going into Gerber baby past. Yeah. Oh my god. So nothing fancy all we do is have a podcast work the basics over here and we we have like nothing fancy talking to microphones here you guys. Are you plugged in? I'm plugged into something. All right. That's what he said. So yeah. I mean whatever it's fine. We'll see if this works. I don't know that's the headphone jack. You should plug your headphones into it. I did see what happens. I heard a little no nothing. No sorry. I just got to turn it a little bit. Yeah. There it is. You're good. You're good. You're good.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Or something. I'll get it one day. All right. We always need new cables. 197 podcast. Why is every single cable a piece of shit. Well I think light bulbs are designed to fail after a while. I think it's a conspiracy to make you buy more. Yeah. Every single micro USB cable we have ever used in our personal or professional lives has failed us way too quickly. Okay. I think micro USBs are different in that I think micro USBs are actually a flawed product. Yeah. Like cables designed to fail are one thing and charging you a lot for HDMI cables. Micro USB you're saying is like a core flaw. Because about 50% of them fail. And they all fail in the same way. 60% of the time. The metal part is too small. And then the weight it's stuck into the hinge is too heavy. And then if it touches anything
Starting point is 00:02:13 it goes. It's dead. You can't support the actual weight for some reason of the controller or the fucking like charger on like I mean even a phone that's heavy enough can break it if it falls. Yes. It's fucking trash. There's also like a whole industries are founded on the shittiness of products that need to then be replaced like our show. Something entertainment product. It's we're replacing TV man. That's true. Although TV is better now that it's not man. People who people are listening to this podcast. They could be watching Bones or NCIS or whatever. Well I'm talking like I'm talking like American Gods. Oh yeah. And like Game of Thrones or I don't know Twin Peaks. No we're replacing the bad TV. Okay. But no yeah because this is like it's all that's
Starting point is 00:03:14 all on demand stuff so you can you can do whatever you want. But it's all but a premiere is at a certain time. It does and our stuff is on demand. It is. This is effectively I mean this is happening at a point in time but that really shouldn't be relevant at all. You can listen to this podcast eight years from now when we're all dead in that accident. Yeah that one. Yeah and if you're doing it normally in the intended way you're listening to this at noon on Tuesday. And the New Mystery Science Theater there's this joke. If not you're a criminal. Where Felicity Day goes I'll be the queen of the TV airwaves and Pan Allswell goes that's not a thing anymore. We're on an on-demand service and people can tune in at any time. It doesn't really work like that. And she's like
Starting point is 00:04:02 what? Even broadcast TV is more or less on demand with the proliferation of the Tevo now. I've heard about that. I've heard about that. What was the thing before it? You did. Taping the TV with your VHS. No no no it was before Tevo where you pre-recorded stuff. They had a name. Whatever. The Zune. Of course. There was a Zune in between there. Good old Zune. Good old brown piece of shit Zune. I have to watch someone make a huge massive mistake in their life where they're like the iPhone was out or whatever was out and they're like I'm gonna buy a Zune. What? And I proceeded to go what is that? Yeah. Before you knew what it was or you okay because if you did know what it was your duty
Starting point is 00:04:52 was to then stop them. The thing I was like why are you getting the thing no one's heard of and then she's like no but I don't want to I don't support Apple. I'm like that but you should in this instance because I don't know what you're buying. What is that? It's like when you meet people today and they're like I have a Windows phone and I'm like oh what? They haven't even made those in like two or three years. I've been with people that refuse to get anything new and I get that. It took me like years to get a smartphone right? Yeah I was also behind the curve on that. But they would be like yeah yeah my Windows phone I'm like uh-huh uh-huh and then during the day they'd be like my phone's so shitty I can't do anything with it. I'm like then why do you still
Starting point is 00:05:31 have that? Yeah that one was always the weirdest like oh man I'm all about this this this company this thing and you're like okay and then 10 minutes later they're like oh this fucking piece of shit oh god oh man no but they make the best things like every time I see people who are weighing Apple products like try and use iTunes on PC. They have a fucking nervous breakdown because it's the absolute worst piece of shit on a PC. The foibles of getting my contacts from my old phone to the to the Windows phone and then just trying to get. You did have a Windows phone. Oh my god because I tried it out for a bit before I got an iPhone. Did I know you? Yeah it was when I switched from my old slidey pretty Chinese phone to my iPhone. I hope that's what the
Starting point is 00:06:16 phone was called. It was yeah it was a Samsung pretty green Chinese phone and both in between those two I didn't want to get an iPhone right away so I tried out that Windows phone that was really stylish and really nice screen and really pretty as well but fuck was using a metro system on that thing just the worst yeah and there was so many basic functions that they didn't figure out that I was just like fuck this no I can't do this. There's I suffered for like maybe a week and then switched over. That's a fucking fast turnaround. I remember this specific conversation on IGN. I was listening to for some reasons back in 2007 IGN was doing some type of video where Jessica Chobot, Mac has some of some of some of some of some of Messina and someone else we're
Starting point is 00:07:00 talking about yeah someone to go see Transformers pretty good. So I just bought a new iPhone. Have you heard about this? Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? The iPhone man what a piece of shit these things are going to fail. Jessica Chobot was like yeah the only way it'll succeed is if I lick it. That's hilarious. That's ridiculous. I don't think that's real close. She didn't say that but everyone was agreement. They're like yeah what a huge mistake. What kind of phone you got right now? Right now I got an iPhone. You got an iPhone? Yeah. Oh that sucks you can't do this to it. Oh yeah the persona thing. Oh yeah. Yeah there's a persona. It's a more or less very in-depth theme and it had integrated like what day it is. I didn't know that there were themes. Are there other
Starting point is 00:07:39 themes? This is all custom. There's an Android you can do whatever the fuck you want. But you can buy it. No it's free. Okay you can download. I didn't even know about themes. Why? Yeah someone made a I guess like a persona theme thing that looks like the phones the characters have in the game. Yeah someone's making a text messaging app that mimics the app from a game. I hope it's to organize that orgy where there's not going to be any if you show up dressed like Rydo Kuzanoha you get the fuck out of our creepy sex orgy you can watch it but you can't come in and look through the window and throw condoms in and pretend they're pokeballs. All right that's that that replaced that okay the Overwatch orgy jokes replaced were replaced by the Undertale no wait the Undertale
Starting point is 00:08:37 orgy jokes are the first ones I really knew and the only ones that exist as far as I know but then there's the Overwatch ones. No I don't know anything about that. Well yeah you were there for some of that. What? What did you over here at the Overwatch orgy? Molten Core! Oh okay series of puns right okay and then this one this is the new hot one I like it. But yeah no I've gotten I've gotten beyond that level of let the let the other phone I don't have school feature eat away at me. I'm just it's okay I'll just not have a persona theme and that'll be fine. No I need the whole reason I need people to be jealous of it to get you through the day. I need people to be jealous of it or it's not worth it. But you know he's jealous he's a little jealous somewhere. It's very cool
Starting point is 00:09:23 thank you. What I want to know is I guess it's just like how hard it was to set up at all if anything. It took me 45 minutes yeah because it's made the the the really good looking one is made of two different themes that you have to like make together. Yeah and like and like I'm basically going back to those days of when we had our hacked PSPs. Oh this is so good! And I dude I don't know about you. I spent so long! Oh my god I went in trying to learn how to make my own startup thing for when you you know the little guitar strum that goes bam! You know you had a PSP. Yeah I had a white one and I had it and I had a I did a bunch of shit with it. Um well I don't know anything about you. Yeah dude I vividly remember you being in multiple rooms while Woolly pulled out,
Starting point is 00:10:13 played, and talked about a PSP in front of you. Sure. I like I just switched my my PS4 theme to from Indivisible to Locoroco because I love the shit out of Locoroco and Pat-upon and all those PSP like IPs that were just all about the things I love. You named it too! Yep. Um but anyway so the what you could do was with the with the hacked PSPs they allowed you to basically make your own menus and all that shit and do all the theme things but then you could also do the startup whenever you're playing a game screen. You could customize that little guitar strum. Right right right. So the one I default had it um that I replaced it with was uh Sephiroth and Cloud from Advent Children going like slash slash boom! And it was really cool! It was really cool!
Starting point is 00:11:09 You boot up Crysis Core with that and you're just like yeah yeah yeah but I remember like trying my fucking hardest to get Cho'Ginga Gurren Lagann coming out of the water and then just the faded I was never able to figure out how to make. It wouldn't play. I got it to the point where it would show up on the PSP but it wouldn't fucking play. I never got the hang of making those animations myself. I was able to get everybody else's and and slap them in whenever I wanted but I never yeah I had I went down a similar path and just like I it doesn't work. It was really weird and like part of the process in those guides that was clearly working with file formats that you're just unfamiliar with and at some point you're just kind of like okay I'm not even dropping
Starting point is 00:11:54 like movie files into a thing into an area that it's playing. I'm just taking the existing PSP movie file and like trying to frame by frame replace what was there. It was really weird but that a tricked out PSP though was like swag as fuck. So much pussy. You well dude did you I mean there's a reason why people hung it from their chains you know don't forget man. It was a social like it was like a badge of honor. You drop it on the floor of the metro and your life becomes an axe commercial you know. Everyone just starts making out in the metro with you because you have that cool PSP. Everyone knew. They had the spot for you. Everyone knew. All I want for Christmas is a PSP. PSP. PSP. Oh my god. They tried. They tried.
Starting point is 00:12:43 So not hard at all. And they succeeded. Fuck you. You just sang it. I just sang it. You just brought it up. That means they succeeded. Remember that little kid. Which kid. Remember okay do you remember that old guy that did things for Sony. The old man screamed at people. No. The advertiser guy. Get more specific. There was this they Sony for like most of the PS3's life cycle had this old man that screamed at people. Like what. Oh fucking. He was old. He was like was this in America or in Japan. This is America. It was the fucking the fake VP. Yeah. Not Butler fucking he's a fake. He's a fake executive. I don't know what you're talking about. The entire lifespan. Give me a specific example. Okay. He would be like hey losers play the new PS3
Starting point is 00:13:44 game. It's the hottest system ever. And when they're advertising the move it would always be him using the move as like Kevin Butler. Kevin Butler. Okay. Hey losers does ring a bell. He was very Sega like Sega 32 X. He was this guy. Well he was this guy. Okay. Yes. Yes. Yes. I know. I remember came out one year at E3 before the real executives. Yeah. Speech was super weird. But remember they had this black kid that was always talking about the PSP. Oh my god. You're right. And he was like yo I'm in the train and I got loco roco because Kevin Butler was like oh I need to kick it over to my my VP of like PSP marketing and it was a fucking black kid on the subway. Really. I don't think that kid was the VP of marketing for PSP. Otherwise otherwise they
Starting point is 00:14:36 wouldn't have made that fucking ad for the PSP were white people are punching black people to advertise the white PSP. Yeah. That was a bunch of them. It was a weird right. It was the race war PSP. Yeah. The race war edition PSP in Sweden. Get it now. Kevin Butler. Wow. What a blast. You know why you know why that's so easily forgettable because it kind of just it's so much like other commercials on TV that you can just it doesn't it doesn't stand out as like a particular type of game commercial. You know like it just falls into that category. You know what killed that guy's career with Sony. What killed that guy. Oh I think he appeared in some fucking. Oh God. What was it was some fucking. I think it was a car commercial or some shit where they were giving away a Wii
Starting point is 00:15:23 or something. Yeah. And he talked about how like oh you can get a brand new Nintendo Wii and Sony's like congrats. You just killed that fucking character because that character doesn't know that other video game consoles exist because he's all about the PlayStation. You're out. Kevin Butler made the switch. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh God. That's Trader Trader Kevin Butler. Poor guy like I fucked up. Have another gig. I mean it's like an actor. Yeah. But it's like it's like that when that's your gig and you fuck that up like God damn it man. When you you know what happens when I used to be the soap guy selling oil of Ole. Well look when you don't fuck up the gig you get Sega to Sanchi Road. Yeah. You get put into video games and you become a legacy character
Starting point is 00:16:14 perfect and unforgotten because that guy had a run of commercials and then they ended and then now he's just this amazing memory everyone has. Yeah. You know also he's a Kamen Rider. That also happens to be Kamen Rider. Yeah. Because you just but he's a different for a different character. You know. Yeah. Is he really. I mean look Chuck Norris is Walker Texas Ranger. But he's he's also a Norris. He's also Chuck Norris. The character. Yeah. So and Chuck Norris and the American Commandos is not Walker Texas Ranger. They look the same. They dress the same and they save the same people and they do roundhouse kicks. They always roundhouse kick. They always got a roundhouse kick. But they're not the same people.
Starting point is 00:16:56 So I'm saying you know don't fuck up the gig. That's all up the gig. Yeah. Chuck Norris is like I'm going to I'm going to have to improve on the roundhouse. Let me show you the square cabin kick. She bams. Yeah. Took me a second. Yeah. That's boy you are hungover. Well while you're taking that second Matt why don't you tell us about the week that led to that awful pun. It's not a pun but whatever. The other week. What is it. I don't know if you know. The other week I was like oh I'm going to go on a family a little family vacation with the two families. I didn't you know I didn't I didn't set this up as all set up and blah blah blah okay. Well fine. I'll bring some comics. I'll read some comics in the car. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:17:41 So we're taking the cab to I'm told to my sister's place. We're going to get picked up there and on the way the cab driver goes hey so what terminal are you going to. And I'm like wait what. And Leanna goes oh we're going to Sunwing International. And I'm like oh but this is a road trip. This is a road trip I said yeah no I lied. We're going to Cuba. That's fantastic. This was a work. And then you're like I don't have my passport. He told my mom to call me and talk about this fake trip to where to fool me to New York upstate New York and go through the Vermont. That's what I thought we were going to do. Way to throw upstate New York under the bus. What do you mean. Well because it's like yeah fuck that place.
Starting point is 00:18:35 But not no I mean like oh it's a big family co-vacation so your fun is limited you know in terms of what you can do. So we're going to Cuba instead. I'm like yeah okay good job fucking lying to me but that's fine. That's awesome. I didn't pack anything. She's like you motherfucker here. I packed everything for you. So not much to say really we just had a really good time. I did read a bunch of comics. Want to talk to you about them. You're going to like almost clock out and beat me for how much time you spent in the islands. Yeah maybe. Eventually. The difference is that Matt had a good time. Well in the safe places where the armed guards can make sure that you're having a good time. That the way you phrase that sounds
Starting point is 00:19:20 more nefarious than you expected. The armed guards make sure you have a good time. Well they face the other way. The guards are not facing the other way. Yeah it's a bunch of gun toting man. Just play you having a good time. Yeah you better. But yeah just read a bunch of comics. Just stay on the beach. Drink a bunch of rum. Willie do you remember what we were doing in the 90s. Was it Mount Gay rum. Sorry. Was it Mount Gay rum. It was like Havana Club and stuff like that. Okay. Willie do you remember what we were doing night in the woods and I talked about an embarrassing incident that I said kind of maybe does not trump a machine hire you ready. I do. But it was close and I was like I'll tell you about it later and you're like did this happen
Starting point is 00:19:59 recently. You said it and I said it's super dead. So I am I am near the pool. I am tasked with going to the big snack bar that has I don't know two dozen people all eating all chilling and I got sunglasses on. I'm not drunk or anything but I'm like walking around just trying to avoid people and I'm holding two other drinks and with my sunglasses on I just kind of see something out of the corner of my eye and I'm kind of going like what was that. I guess someone's coming up on my side and I kind of go like whoa and I basically slam into a flamingo a live flamingo that walks around the pool and squawks at people and you're just supposed to like ignore it. You're supposed to ignore it. Girls take selfies with it but like I smash into it and the bird goes nuts
Starting point is 00:20:49 goes over here knocks a woman over because she's so scared she throws her drinks everything crashes two dozen people are all looking around and then eventually all kind of look at me and I'm like sorry. Did you upset the flamingo. Jamexcus. Lots of French people there. Yeah and then I'm like I just kind of shake and wander over to the bar everything's okay and this woman and then like a little butler guy comes and comes up a mess. It's fine and it's safe for the resort as long as you don't make eye contact with it or touch it. It won't freak out and kill everybody. If no one does anything bird just walks around as normal. How okay how I've never seen a flamingo alive. So this is what my question was going to be. How big are flamingos because every shot of a flamingo
Starting point is 00:21:34 I've seen is them standing in a fucking pond or some shit and they're on our plastic one on your lawn. I don't know what they look like. I don't actually know how big they are. The one I saw is basically like four feet. Oh so they're mini ostrich. Well yeah they're pink. Yeah like ostriches are way more than four feet. Legs are super super long and it's neck obviously but like so yeah it just kind of walks around just minds its own business until I can fucking spear in it. I could I could I'm not gonna lie but so yeah that happened. That's basically it like there's some other stuff there whatever minor. You got into a random battle with the flamingo. I got into a random battle with flamingo. So like I said with comics I started the new Elizabeth Sallander
Starting point is 00:22:17 novel girl in the spiders web. Some people telling me yeah it's not it's not that great because it's it's written by another author clearly because the original author is dead. But like I got halfway through it and I was I was really yeah I was really enjoying it actually so I haven't finished it yet but like I was I read that since I've come back I put some more time into injustice. I haven't finished the story mode yet but I'm kind of I don't know I'm just playing Bane a lot even though like there's other characters like oh Max was playing a lot of Scarecrow and a lot of people are like yeah Scarecrow Scarecrow and see all the crazy shit like Nightwing is basically in the game. Yeah and not really. Yeah yeah like think and Power Girl if we switched
Starting point is 00:23:00 the boob window on it would have been. It would have turned Power Girl as a premiere. Yeah it changes. It changes Supergirl into Power Girl. Yeah there's John Stewart one as well. This is different where Robin he's Robin will just get the staff out that Nightwing had and just start using it but only that it's in the multiverse it's like an AI controlled guy no one can control him yet or I don't know but because there's all the gear stuff is like super confusing to me still. Yeah well again like from what my friend explained it's like it's it's cosmetic but if you put on the right cosmetics you then get the alternate character right you know and the voice changes yeah the skin changes and everything and you get like you know like I said like different
Starting point is 00:23:45 green lanterns or like Power Girl Supergirl I know and well what other things that we don't bring up but yeah it was you know I think it's basically again supposed to be the equivalent of buying a DLC skin character you know but you just instead get these bits and pieces. I do like that they're kind of hidden though like holy shit did you hear about that because one thing I've always thought about Netherrealm is that they're in the age of the internet they're still trying to get that mortal combat mystique of there's secrets everywhere oh they're still an undiscovered secret immortal combat too and I got found out yeah I know but um like like Cyber Sub-Zero spoiled on day zero because the guide came out that was like it was Cyber Sub-Zero. Well data mining is like
Starting point is 00:24:33 taking that shit to a new level yeah yeah did it get out in the wild two weeks early guess what here's the here's the ripped models in pornography it's yeah you're you're not gonna hide anything anymore but you know overall still I was kind of like yeah just this who looks cool but I just kind of feel like it came out of nowhere almost like here it's revealed now it's out I almost kind of no there was there was definitely a bit to it actually I I feel I don't know I feel the opposite in that like I remember when they dropped the two in the Injustice font and then Boons I feel like Boons Twitter for the last six months in my head has been you know teasing this and dropping that and it's been a long build up in my head I feel like he's been doing it in the pre-release now
Starting point is 00:25:14 instead of the instead of after the game comes out because Boon is a prolific super liar yeah like like the fucking the one that's killing you lately the one that cracks you up every time is the fucking that's not right and just fucking edit the fucking hat off him just oh shit now I don't know if you ever wanted to gain the superpower to make people throw controllers but if you did drop Bane and pick up Deadshot yeah well in the Fisticuff who I think I took him someone took him and it was just like right now well is that not I mean that exact same thing that happened with that stroke and and then just as well that's not even like we in anybody would go we were staring at the buttons on our controllers and then back at the screen and then back at our
Starting point is 00:26:03 hands in the Fisticuffs it was an excuse to make fun of it that's not at all like a gorilla that's not at all what that's the representative of but if you go and you check out tournament footage of what's happening in injustice right now what you're seeing is a keep away game with Deadshot that is rivaled only by super turbo old cigar and it is that is causing controllers to be thrown at events like Toriyuken and frustration abound I'm gonna call that quite a claim that the the direct comparison you're making is ST old cigar what well the point is is that that's crazy it is but it's a it's a really bad keep away game but then again have you seen how bad keep away got an injustice one it got pretty bad it was really rough well I saw man and I say that as a peacock
Starting point is 00:26:52 player I saw Max talking about it and it's like projectile zoning and it just too is fucked because when you're projectile zoning you gain meter yeah and chip damage it's the guy the other guy gains nothing yeah it's the guy the guy'll problem yeah but it's like the stages are really fucking big they're super wide you can return for Max the same well they put in the everyone goes we'll just roll cancel into roll but you have to dash to do that then go into a roll it's too slow yeah well well that's exactly a few other characters and and uh well back in injustice one again as as Solomon Grundy what I would have to do is do his walking corpse grab because you you take the hit and move forward and then like do a cancel to do the second time
Starting point is 00:27:38 but you're cut you it's a terrible solution you're sacrificing damage in a lot of cases it's really rough they can run away for a while and then they do the escape and flip over it's like what happens to a character like Deadpool when he's not in a game like Marvel uh yeah well well that's it you well you get uh well although Marvel has uh Morgan you know what I mean so that's a whole other thing but but it's and and keep away projectiles is a completely viable strategy it's just that it's incredibly frustrating for a lot of people to fight especially if the person you are fighting as is like not one and there's not really good ways to to dodge between these bullets and keep away in injustice too in injustice also consists of not just like projectile spam in the same way of like
Starting point is 00:28:20 fireballs but like laser spam you know and like and keep away Superman is always like a ridiculous game of like beam beam okay he's getting wise to the beam pattern so now I meter burn it to get that extra push back and the meter burn version resets you to the back of the fucking stage and you're like okay well then no we're just gonna not do this you know it's it's hard because when you're dealing with superheroes especially a lot of a lot of DC ones like all of them shoot beams or eye lasers or or they have guns I mean in the case of like who has a lot of projectiles guns deadshot obviously um I think Joker might have one Batman has guns that he throws basically anyone I can't wait for red hood sure that Superman has eye guns super girl has eye guns
Starting point is 00:29:10 and that's why Gorilla Grodd has telekinesis you need a good bionic arm flash is a gun basically Batman's a gun aside from that I also played a little so satisfying to just I just want Matt I want to see a photo based on what you just said and it's a gun wearing the cowl yeah the bat gun I played some dead cells did anyone else have any chance to check that out dead cells is on my list of to-dos but I haven't gotten to it I play around an hour of it it's it's pretty fucking good um I you know every there's like we've said before there's a million games like this but it's like it feels like a 2d castlevania with some dead with some dark souls in in it basically but it feels really good to control your character like he has a nice slash it's
Starting point is 00:29:57 it's like there's not that many overwhelming mechanics in the game it's also gorgeous that helps um so I played that I played more outlast pet so I don't think this had this that much an outlast one but outlast two it's more like silent hell where you constantly go from the situation you're in to maybe like little flashbacks of past sins and those past sin things are playable and when it and there are two completely different timeframes and two completely different locations a school and in the arizona desert so your character is dealing with like this trauma from their background well I'm like that's really interesting yeah I saw some of that my girlfriend I played it a little while back played about two three hours yeah it gets more and more as you
Starting point is 00:30:40 keep going because there was there was a little bit of it in like the first two or three that game was crazy on the baby murder you weren't kidding yeah it's it's the fuck the cult you run into is we have to murder all the babies well all of them even the babies that's that's the premise of the cult you're dealing with but you get to the stuff where they do this is like my favorite thing about the game you get to the stuff where they do really awesome like shocking transitions between both worlds no so you'll be something's chasing you in the school and you hide into a lot you hide in a locker and when you open up the locker you're falling into the forest that's great it they they in the first couple hours it doesn't really happen that much like maybe once
Starting point is 00:31:19 and and the the the next three hours I put into it now it's happening like all the time that's a good goddamn trick constantly surprising me like every time like wow fuck oh oh awesome um so uh the the big scariest is the cult people there's a bunch there's some type of eldritch horror yeah there also appear to be monsters there's there's there's yeah there's monsters there's like re4 style big guys there's there's just regular cultists there's a lot of stuff there's a creepy woman there's something that was so horrible there was something that was just made out of arms like just arms walking down in the school and I was did you a big frighten um after a while it stopped being scary just it started being more re4-ish where it was more
Starting point is 00:32:04 like because you have enough weapons to fight back no you have zero weapons you always have zero weapons but you outlast the horror but but like it's never enemies are slow-ish you the only time you die or maybe in QTEs that you don't know about but uh regardless I'm enjoying it and the last thing I kind of want to talk about is I um uh sat down watched that first two hours of Twin Peaks season three so I haven't watched it okay tell okay I need it's good it's great but it's I don't know how much Twin Peaks it is because it's just now fucking weird and I watched the first two hours I have no idea about any single thing so it's Lynch unhinged very very it's it's more like his weirdo movies in the 90s so right now at least they must spend like two scenes in Twin Peaks
Starting point is 00:33:06 with a hawk and um uh the the receptionist uh Lucy Lucy they must spend two scenes like that and all the rest is this wacko stuff that the show is like not gonna explain it which is cool I just hope everything starts making sense you need to get on the Twin Peaks fucking war YouTube video bandwagon yeah I think I might need to because a lot of stuff I don't get what's happening and also what's rough is that some cast members are just like I'm not showing up for this yeah Donna and the sheriff oh that sucks he's not really right now he's not in it but even if he does show up in it it won't be the actor that played him he was just like I'm not the actor said he was gonna do it and then he was like nah I'm too old is it a big enough cast for that to kind of
Starting point is 00:33:51 not matter yes okay there is I saw the cast list for the new season it's absurd Michael Sarah it's absurdly gigantic yeah we're talking like 140 characters there's a lot what the fuck included and and remember it's a town the original Twin Peaks also has like a hundred-ish characters yeah but you're learning about episodes like they spend they go to Las Vegas they go to New York fucking Trent Reznor is in that cast list whoa I didn't know that one yeah I we did a story on this yes it's true actually we did a story and we and we noted like the ridiculousness of how to be fair though Willie like in the first season like David Duchovny's in it like thoughts of people show up in his first big role after Lebedo and me or whatever yeah after that one episode of
Starting point is 00:34:36 blend we are so yeah I like it but like need to watch my I think there's like four episodes that they just dumped yeah all like I have some people like I watched four episodes or something uh so I want to watch more but already it's it's good uh Kyle McLaughlin I they must have done some makeup to him because he looks way better than he does on on portlandia for example now what's weird is that now when I see him I'm like why is the mayor of Portland oh god yeah so what's really crazy so I've been watching uh I just started watching last night Twin Peaks with a girlfriend because she'd never seen it and I want to watch that whole thing with her before we watch the third season together you know the scene in which uh they're in the red room and and uh
Starting point is 00:35:16 coops old yeah okay he looks older in that makeup in the original series than he does now yeah yeah when he's actually old and has been de-aged but that's just good makeup yeah at the end of the day they overdid it hmm what's going on ignore what's only doing will he's standing over me threateningly ignore the green man behind the curtain that's fine okay as you mentioned uh are you the wizard yes as you mentioned uh what should we call it the as you mentioned uh the the the the mayor from Portlandia yeah just made me think a bit because uh I I I started watching season three of Kimmy Schmidt and uh because that just popped up and what they one thing about that is I don't know if you remember how I should just watch a couple
Starting point is 00:36:05 episodes just a couple episodes but I don't know if you remember how uh Fred Armazan shows up yep and he's and he's playing Robert Durst yes okay uh wait what so I need to catch up okay now are did you see the jinx sir are you seed season two because the thing with this is like if you like when I was first watching and I was like okay he's just playing this weirdo yeah right whatever that's all that too but when you watch the the the the jinx which is the I have not watched the short series about Robert Durst and about that entire case heard him and you see the way he acts in his mannerisms yeah that character goes from a fucking softball four to a ten well that's it's unbelievable how amazing he's playing him but it's also like that um that um plastic surgeon
Starting point is 00:36:52 that Martin Short played that I thought was just a jokey weird character but then he's actually modeled after a real okay yeah plastic surgeon and that guy was like I think he tried to sue or made some sort of comment saying like I don't want to prove that I don't like like man like we're talking like these are like it's like a sleeper joke that you can ignore and not know the guy and then it doesn't pop up enough for it to matter in the show but but when you do know what they're referencing it's fucking incredible sorry I just I just remind myself of that one joke in season two where it's like Teenage Mutant Ninja Terror man the guy who wrote that must be a billionaire by now yeah yeah yeah yeah so fucking good uh yeah so that was that was man cool all right before
Starting point is 00:37:36 we move on let's take a quick word from our sponsors oh we're all looking pretty scraggly today a little bit I see um I see a little a little edge up required on that side over there Matt it's all be honest last week I had a horrific neck beard yeah and uh this week I got rid of it but I used an electric razor and it's like like it's visually clean but like I can feel dollar shave club oh my god I should have done that I should dollar shave club for everybody it makes a piece of crap I should have done that I mean we can see are now that our podcast is in a visual medium how awful our our face creatures are growing well I like to keep the camera far away yeah that's the trick I actually got up and adjusted the the frame so that more of your
Starting point is 00:38:23 horrible mess could be shown on camera come on and um I mean look Matt we're not quite at lasers and diamonds for you know I had to drop out of that game yeah the standard's pretty high the standard's pretty high but you don't have to get that ridiculous about it you can just get yourself a really smart choice razor that gets shipped straight to your door every month get to get through the part I want to get to you know okay well there's a couple different parts I mean there's good parts which part well let's let's look maybe we want to talk about the executive razor right maybe we want to talk about you know the smooth shave you get from every month's box maybe you want to talk about the $15 value that's only five bucks okay maybe you want to talk about
Starting point is 00:39:08 the free shipping yeah the replacement cartridges that automatically are shipped at a regular at a regular price no hidden fees and commitments cancel anytime you like okay maybe we want to talk about going to slash friendcast what's the slash friendcast that's slash friendcast oh my goodness or maybe you want to talk about the product that comes in your dollarshaveclub wait wait wait hold on hold on my face is feeling like a dry loaf of toast there is a man a solution nay not a man there is a doctor a cat a lack of men Dr. Carver what has he done MD yes has created a concoction that we refer to shave butter there you go that's what I was I can butter my face like that because I feel
Starting point is 00:40:08 like dry toast Dr. Carver's shave butter it's transparent it is essential for a precise shave preventing your ingrown hairs and razor bumps and I don't know if you know a thing about people of the darker persuasion but we get I know nothing we get them bumps if we shave bad yeah I get ingrown hairs real bad you gotta you gotta handle that like horrible you know so the only way the only place you're getting Dr. Carver's miracle shave butter exclusive I think I mean back in the day it was when his wagon came to town let's be real those that those days are gone that way gonna shave your wagon gonna shave it good that way he's gone and now the only way is to head on down to slash friendcast I'm so glad we got there that's
Starting point is 00:41:00 slash friendcast thank you dollarshaveclub thank you dsc dsc all right so who wants to take it I'll take it sure I didn't do all that much played a lot of hots I actually got like that nexus challenge totally worked and all my friends are playing it all the time yeah I you tweeted out that you like hots more than overwatch yes I did tweet that what's up with that I win games and hots occasionally is that all it takes it helps like overwatch has like passed me by like I am I mean I'm a child joke you could go to the playground and play tic-tac-toe with sticks yeah I could and get a higher yeah no but the thing is is that I get a lot of the same things out of hots that I get an overwatch that's the character
Starting point is 00:41:45 the character diversity and all that stuff that's nuts man that's nuts but I because you have the characters from like a bunch of different franchises the genre is the biggest gulf and it just like yeah but the genre means I don't have to be good at first person shooters I have to be good at clicking a mouse and aiming things on a 2d plane god bless it's a good game god bless people just play it I did yeah I know I know you did uh did I talk about the surges last podcast no I came out this past Tuesday right yeah we were looking forward to it yeah okay so I played a bunch of the surge yeah you streamed a bunch of this game is fucking great this is a this is a what I would call a good ass 8 out of 10 you know what I mean like it's it's definitely no masterpiece right and it's and it's
Starting point is 00:42:32 even like low rent in a couple ways you're coming at this from deep game right now uh I'm about 40% I guess okay uh it's hard as shit it's crazy hard I saw it's it's it's way harder than um like ds1 or or ds3 it's not even a question it's it's like on the level of love warren and uh there's a lot of it's okay so it's it's a souls game it is 100% a a future e souls game in the near future with exosuits instead of you know magic or or guns or what have you and ones are magic one big area bonfire loops instead of the bonfire it's uh terminal it's your it's the med terminal okay and instead of the fire links run music it's a country track okay that that just happens to play as a different country track per thing and shortcut pornography and all that stuff the main things
Starting point is 00:43:26 that it changes are everything about the way you level up and everything about how you acquire gear so no longer are you farming for drops instead you and the enemies all share gear so the black knight equivalent in this game are the the black suited security guys and you see a guy and go and you go I want that guy's fucking stick or I need his helmet to complete my set so instead of uh changing targets with the right analog stick you change what body part you're aiming at and it's way easier to kill somebody if you aim at their unarmored bits because it staggers them on every hit but if you aim at their armored bits and build it up you uh hit x to initiate a kill move which matt saw a ton of them in the they're awesome and if you spent the whole
Starting point is 00:44:12 time damaging that part you'll break it wreck it and get the schematic for that part and then you just you just say you're window shopping when you're fighting you just immediately go oh that guy has a set I like fight five or six of them you get the one and you will have the schematics and then you just need the materials to go and build them I want to tell woolly about a part yeah go for it woolly when you're doing these kill animations to chop off like a thing for no reason other than why not it lets you stop the kill animation yeah you press pause at any point and you you can spin the camera around you can make it go forward okay just to look cool okay and I was like when I saw that I was like ah that's cool that was enough that was that showed up in a build
Starting point is 00:44:55 one day no one asked for it and the guy who put it in was like and they're like fine and leveling up works completely differently so you level up your core level and all it does is increase the amount of implants you can put in so all your health upgrades all your health item upgrades all your attack upgrades all that stuff is all implants that you know you equip like one out of eight slots or one out of 16 slots and they all say oh this takes four power or this takes two power and if you have a like if you have say core power 30 you can only equip so many or so few of the stronger ones and as you level that up more and more so I I had to I was talking to people because I got to a part in the game where every single enemy
Starting point is 00:45:39 killed me and one hit and wow that's crazy yeah it was a part of the end of the video where Matt and I play and I asked people after that I was like okay what am I doing wrong it's like the game is expecting you to spend a bunch of your slots on the health upgrades because you don't get health upgrades and defense values in that game are low overall it's definitely not as good as any of the souls games is it but it's uh it's way better than Lord of the Fallen well what if I just it's a good game what if I just decide to think about it as the spiritual successor to cyber justice that is what if we just put it there instead mentally take it off the dark soul shelf
Starting point is 00:46:25 and put it on the cyborg justice should have called it that is that working it's working real good that works good okay okay we'll take that we'll take that that's real good it's it's great you should you should try it out you see the image I made for it I did not it's just Tom Cruise and an image of tomorrow with the surged logo the thing that I really like about it has one of the best visual gear progressions I've seen in a while where in dark souls like stuff you get at the end of the game it's not necessarily cooler than the stuff you get at the beginning right but in surge it makes sense in that at the very beginning you are barely wearing gear like you're you're getting like some fucking flood lights on your thing and you wear a visor and you got low glove things
Starting point is 00:47:08 and as you get further in it's like okay now I have a slightly higher end box loader and now I have construction equipment and the more you go the less of your character you see nice because the more of it is just covered completely covered in tan yeah and I've seen people are sending me screenshots of like the end game where you're getting like military grade stuff and it's like you look like the the black juggernaut or something you're some machine great yeah um what and how are guns handled they're not all right male enemies will occasionally have guns with like two bullets but they are like so you know how an archer in in dark souls would work is like he shoots arrows at you and then if you get close he'll take his sword out yeah in this the
Starting point is 00:47:54 all the um projectile firing enemies are basically on turrets and they will just walk off the turrets when you get within a certain distance and they fire in exactly the same like speed and distance away from you as they would in dark souls like the arrow speed is nearly coming at you see it coming you can go okay uh it's great game it's a really great game and they just they have been balancing it aggressively so the first big patch came out and the number one thing in that patch is we made blocking like three times as good because in the launch game blocking was terrible and now blocking is good uh are there i mean like blocking with a shield type thing no well because you're every single piece of gear you have is a giant metal slab of some kind yes i'm just so
Starting point is 00:48:45 you're you're putting your big fucking weirdo slab in front of you and blocking and uh there's no parry but a perfect a perfect block will parry and then the next attack that you do will be a unique super attack that does like two or three much much more damage two or three times more damage uh is there and how does the pvp system work you press pause in this game and it pauses there's no multiplayer of any kind all right okay the bosses also have a unique uh loads of the fallen didn't have any either right uh no did not multiplayer no uh it also has a somewhat unique mechanic that i absolutely fucking despise in which uh all bosses give you a weapon if you defeat the boss in a specific way it will give you a way better version of that weapon um so the first boss
Starting point is 00:49:32 has a sequence in which you hit its legs and then he fires rockets at you and you use the you dive under him and the rockets hit him and he falls down if you're able to defeat him without him getting hit by any rockets you get a way better version of the sword that he gives you because the number the one you would get during that says really high quality thing unfortunately damaged by rocket fire yeah and and so on and so forth but it means that for people like you and i fighting those bosses like you could totally beat this boss right now if you wanted to but if you wanted you want to get that fancy weapon well you're gonna have to cut all of the guys legs off before you kill them or you're gonna have to do this or you're gonna have to do that and i don't care for it
Starting point is 00:50:13 at all um what uh is like so i'm trying to think because like if there's in these types of games that you take that like our souls like or whatever um usually even having like a passive pvp type thing like like what neo would do when you would uh um like have this their shadows yeah no this one's clean no no hints no nothing no online functionality no pvp no nothing as you play as a character you also play as a as a single character named warren is there and he's a guy and are there more cutscenes and plot things happening no there are nothing there is less than a souls game there is bordering on nothing you meet npcs in the same way they're like i need my medicine or i need a staff um but aside from a couple characters that you talk to that that push
Starting point is 00:51:06 the plot along the primary form of plot exposition is what is a lady that talks to you in a in the med lab and goes you gotta help me get to the thing and this dick bag this marketing fucking marketing piece of shit that's playing on every single television in the entire facility that is like the he's this fucking hipster like young steve jobs guy was like here at creo we know that you need a good health and he's just a fucking piece of shit and he's telling you all these things about the company but in the fucking bullshit pr speak so just invert everything that he says we're gonna have an announcement of this trailer of the new weapon you'll be able to get in level five straight up he's he's such an asshole uh how many weapon types have you gone
Starting point is 00:51:55 there are five weapons okay types or weapons types but everything of a sort of a specific type works the same so there are five weapons okay uh and they are uh one hand is sword two hand is sword slash hammer it depends uh fucking uh rig which is like super long construction implement on your right arm uh twin rig which is pile bunkers dual pile bunkers and what's the fifth fifth one staff so you can just be rumble yeah that's fucking cool okay well one of the what one of the one of the early um one of the early uh armor types is just bumblebee okay yeah and it's called the scarab well i twin pile bunkers i don't mind becoming the big o for a moment or two the twin pile bunkers are the super or the fastest one they're the dagger equivalent oh they're not
Starting point is 00:52:52 heavy yes yeah so probably the weirdest thing i told i don't know if it made it into the video but i was talking to mad about it was that you are every single kill you're tearing people apart you're slicing them in half right all of your weapons except for a few of the one handed swords are blunt they're all blunt instruments that have no sharp edges you're just hitting people really really hard okay like you're you're the the staff kills are you put the staff under their arm and just pop their arm off and i mean to be fair like if a blood battle broke out in a reno depot yeah most of the weapons you're gonna be used to survive are gonna be blunt they're gonna be fine you know you're gonna do great uh it's it's a it's a really great game biggest problem is they
Starting point is 00:53:41 do vary it up and it doesn't bother me that much but even matt saw this there is some environmental repetition i can easily see how people would get really really lost because it is a lot of like industrial corridors a lot of like you know later on you go to offices for repeated that underground facility where everything was dark yeah i had no idea where you were going i don't think you did either map system what's that map system no okay no you there are maps but they are straight up physically placed they are like you are here yeah for employees right okay okay and there you know there's a lot of little details that i really appreciate nearly every single time you go back to the bonfire slash uh medical bay uh a computer tells you to go back to work because
Starting point is 00:54:36 you're you're labeled as an employee and you're slacking off just little little things like that that like i appreciate uh you heal instantaneously because damage is so high like you hit that button for estus and it's not even there's no animation it just goes you're healed because if it didn't you just die in every single encounter and are most encounters with um humanoid things the vast majority of encounters i have played so far are with humans that are either crazy or not that are using one of the five weapon types that you have okay and there's like little robots there are robots occasionally so the good i saw because i saw some bosses so probably the most interesting thing to you woolly is there are there are new forms of defensive tech in this game
Starting point is 00:55:21 that are not available to you in souls games and that is you have your block you have your parry you have your perfect guard you have your backstab blah blah blah right you also have a jump and duck sorry a hop and duck in which horizontal attacks that go high or low you can duck under or jump all over by holding block and tapping up or down on the analog stick and if you'd successfully do that and then attack you either do a superman punch or like a rising knee okay and it's a huge counter hit fuck that's dope so if you see like tough enemies they run in and they're good you know they're gonna do their big overhead yeah just hook and then big knee will not overhead horizontal yeah horizontal yeah okay yeah dope it's it's fun i like it a lot yeah um no that's when i'm
Starting point is 00:56:13 crazy tough it's super super hard that's that's gonna purchase and sit um but yeah i gotta well why don't you just wait for it to go on sale uh i don't mind why not wishlist and sit i don't mind supporting it while it matters well that works you know uh what are you playing it on i'm playing on pc okay runs really great on pc yeah apparently the ps4 pro implementation is also fantastic digital founder gave an article on it says it's probably one of the best pro implementation so far okay yeah no no no i i'm i'm not gonna get around to it just yet but i was terrified that game was gonna be trash because lord's the fallen is a bad game but the the the the demo footage they showed of like the first 19 minutes and stuff looked it looked pretty solid
Starting point is 00:56:53 you know so and also i'll admit i'm probably liking it more than maybe it deserves because like i want that setting so bad diesel soles diesel soles or tech soles or data soles i'd want it different than what the surge does because the surge is more like it's like not very imaginative the the the environments you're in the the ones that i saw the environments are not yeah like imaginative at all i want something that's like fantasy sci-fi if anything i agree i'm gonna be on an alien planet i mean the closest thing you're getting is scrap souls let it die well the no the closest thing you're gonna get is code vein or it's anime soles oh yeah okay yeah the the but you know what like scratch one off the list yeah right this one's good
Starting point is 00:57:42 there are now like dedicated good competitors to that formula cool that's pretty much that's you okay hot is good um i i i almost didn't have a week you died did you live in a box but then at the last second you almost died at the last second is he dead all right life came back i had a week at the last second it was really like something coming over here yeah it was risky coming over here he had an adventure yeah tell us about your adventure with last hours uh so i did i'm now on spear of flamingo i'm now on season three of black bear and um it is there i've now watched the the clunker of the series unfortunately the bad one the bad one the vr one is it's one episode and it's the episode itself
Starting point is 00:58:35 is underwhelming but all right it's it's it's i it also might mean a lot more because it's covering subject matter that are that we're intimately familiar with it's it's a it's an episode about video games and who's in this episode um it's an episode have you watched black mirror i i might have seen this episode you're talking about yeah it's the one with fake hideo kojima in it okay so it's like a she's a japanese guy yeah is it hideo kojima it might his show sito it might as well be and he's on the cover of edge magazine and he created a huge hit and then he left and now he's on his own with his other company and he's doing amazing things and uh he wants to he wants to make a game that'll make you shit your pants that's that's great um
Starting point is 00:59:24 i don't see the correlation yeah it's nuts i don't know what the fuck what am i talking about anyway the regardless of uh you know all that stuff in the end you just sort of get an episode that is like it's it's it's all right while it goes and then it has the worst ending and then it just upsets me at the dropped potential in the concept and uh okay it you know it is the ending that the whole episode was in vr all along i'm not gonna say anything was it all a dream i'm not even gonna facial expression it's hard to talk about black mirror i'm not even gonna facial expression and i'm gonna give you nothing on that but i will say that it is damn i got nothing it is the weakest point of the series and you know what everything's got those right it has to they there's always like
Starting point is 01:00:09 this podcast it's three seasons but they're not they're not like full length seasons no they're British seasons this is a hundred ninety seventh episode of the podcast they're not all gonna be gold it's terrible so far it's not very good and i mean come on and and you know what but you and you might well you might think it's all right but then just wait till the ending the ending is gonna be awful and it'll ruin the whole thing i sometimes our endings are our weakest things so so that's things are hard you know guys we beat the podcast by it's hard it's hard to give a happy ending all yeah but but you know like everyone that has seen ahead has very very loudly said yeah but just wait for um that other one that other one sand whatever it's called that other one's good
Starting point is 01:00:47 so i'm like all right now now now expectations are high because the way the show is it's always it's always a different story different characters whatever it's like some have to be bad some have to not hear but here's the thing so far they've been excellent in like the whole way through i've watched like one or two episodes i was like yeah that didn't do anything for me they're not bad but i'm just like okay no i'm with john ham and and he's in that cabin no with a guy no no no no okay john ham you know who i mean i know who that is i know i haven't seen that i don't know what that is okay all right um so you must have seen pretty far then i scattered random episodes leanna watches the show like finish all of it so i'd come in watch one not watch others so i can tell you
Starting point is 01:01:32 going from the beginning moving forward that uh everything i've seen up until this one okay has been fucking great yeah um and it ranges from like yeah that was pretty awesome too that was amazing okay you know that was the range and so like we hit this this this lull and then we'll see what happens afterwards you know um again my expectations now shot so um there's that i also suggest uh they popped up um tracy morgan's new special on netflix yes that's it's funny that's it's funny you should watch it that's a great name for a special yeah wait what tracy morgan yeah still alive stay in alive rather stay alive stay alive um and yeah do you have any relationship to tracy jordan yeah i don't know i don't know maybe they're kind of simple no for real though like the
Starting point is 01:02:25 tracy morgan has always confused me because the line between those people seems blurry well that was the point he's crazy right tina fey said just be you and here be you and we're gonna read and just do it with the script and then he didn't read the script and then that was tracy jordan and it was that was it like if you're gonna put tracy morgan on a show that has like a schedule and shooting times and regular things to adhere to then you just you write in tracy morgan and you will never be disappointed anyway so his everyone's just work around it now the thing is that his stand-up is very different from the way he is on snl in general yes and it's almost a bit of that like robin williams um um jim carrey type thing but so mania but this is the most normal
Starting point is 01:03:19 that i've ever seen him and being in a huge life-threatening accident changes you it's and yeah and that's obviously like the majority of what he talks about but it's fucking great it's fucking great it's a really good stand-up special um worth worth peeping uh for an hour of your time and lastly uh i continued watching season two of attack on titan uh so i'm now i'm now caught up to where the latest episode is and that fucking show dude oh my god amazing is the best episode of in my opinion of the of the series so far happened a week ago or so so better than and everything i remember i remember you like losing your shit my season one around i want to say it's 21 22 or 23 where you described it as everything that you wanted to happen happened
Starting point is 01:04:15 and then and this is the season two version of that yeah right and all the things that i gush about and that i was happy about last time and whatnot they just tripled down on it here and you get this this moment where like you're just like i'm like like amazing high budget fantastic quality action is happening the animation is through the roof and you're like you don't even care because the the characters and the writing at that point is just so fucking airtight the things the characters are doing and the reasons why they're doing them and how everyone is behaving is so believable and human and solid and you're just like fuck man i you just have to sit back and like take it in and he's having a moment it was so good
Starting point is 01:05:04 it was so fucking good and i and i and god i'd love to get into it um especially while it's so fresh in my mind but all the things that you want to happen you know they happen in an episode and yeah it took about 20 or so for it to happen in season one and in season two it's uh the halfway point because it's a shorter season and then you fucking just it just pays off and it feels so good um really really do watch season two if you finish season so i've been informed that all that shit i was talking about is the arc after the one the anime is co covering now okay um yeah i i was i don't know i don't know uh like again like i said my girlfriend ran ahead ran ahead but kind of forgot the order of things and so i wasn't too sure when i asked
Starting point is 01:05:51 her about what you were talking about but either way it doesn't matter um what's going on now is fucking good uh did they get the attack helicopters yet you do that yeah that movie has like super screwed up my perception of that series with the apc yeah or a fucking so here's what you get you get like you get that thing where the whole like you know characters being smart and then there's you and then there's people that are dumber than you right thing that i just i talked about last time now it's shifting so that the characters that are smart are so far ahead of you and you the viewer are now scaling towards being the dumber of the people that are around you know and and there's a couple other people that are like slower than you the viewer but for the most part
Starting point is 01:06:43 everyone is fucking on the level and or above and it just so satisfied listen we gotta do this and you're like what why and then idiot over there is like why well there's a moment there's a moment of uh there's a moment that's really interesting where like armin does something that you're like that's uncharacteristically slow of you and it's like it's cuz he's he's clouded and he's emotional about the thing so he's not really thinking as quickly as he does and then he goes oh wait and then and then not only does he catch up to where you're like come on dude he then like realizes things about it that you the viewer were like oh my god like yeah there's no way i would have caught on to that and you he shoots past where you you expect him to be you know and
Starting point is 01:07:31 you go fuck this is great but that's just like because it doesn't happen a lot in anime characters usually are the same depending what type of anime this is shown in type thing they usually stay the same the entire time yeah like the root is always dumb yeah yeah yeah that's because always this way so when something like that is written differently where a character is kind of going through you just expect them to be stuck in that rut forever so when a character does jump forward and then you're like oh okay cool you stepped up now what what matters is then will he do that again will he like slump down like i'm really emotional we'll see okay because because because it was a really good moment and and like what you got to as well you're happening here is like it's it's made better
Starting point is 01:08:14 by you you figure things out right at the pace that the show gives you information and then you start to theorize about all kinds of shit and a lot of the times it slowly gives you a little bit more so that you're like yeah you know what i think my theory is right right and if you are on the if you are like if you've thought about it enough and you're like okay this is what i'm pretty sure is going on here and this is what's happening and then you're watching it with that in mind like everyone else in the show starts to kind of like they're making facial expressions that wouldn't make sense unless you've kind of thought about that thing okay okay it's hard to talk in circles around this but it's so fucking amazing and then like eventually it's like yeah you know what
Starting point is 01:08:59 stuff right big information drop and then you go ah it's great to find out this thing finally and then it just justifies all the behavior that you've been paying attention to okay you know and if you weren't looking for that then that you might have just looked at that went oh yeah that's just nothing you know if you're not looking for this thing you don't see it where are you watching this by is it on crunchy roll okay crunchy roll just like people constantly say these words that i don't understand they're like you know berserk season two and i was like there's they continued no no there wasn't that was a lot it was a lot it's not i thought it was as well but there's more there wasn't even a season one okay crunchy roll crunchy okay good service
Starting point is 01:09:40 sign up for it yeah i watched i watched my j-dramas on crunchy roll that's there you go yeah no i mean i look i watched a good stuff i originally signed up for it to be my jojo delivery service service but you know man i love that movie then the other things jojo's delivery service good one very different yeah uh kiki getting all buff yeah anyway um yeah man it's uh that's you see the sequel princess jennon okay it's a good one this is good my neighbor jotaro there it oh all right wait how about porko jojo i mean you can try to force the rest but that's pretty good okay that's not bad yeah hiyao araki okay let's uh let's get into the news shall we
Starting point is 01:10:38 yeah i was thinking of dio's moving castle he's blonde he's yeah he looks kind of like him he's almost immortal like yeah what's the other one i think how's the real hair is black but whatever stand it away i don't think i'm gonna beat the one i've said before i'm gonna stick i guess ponio just become jojo yeah that point on a boat we're on a cat jojo on a boat um willy um i have a new story that uh fan on twitter just popped up uh you want to take a look at if you don't have it on the dock we'll talk about later but we need to talk about it oh yeah sure we can get into that okay cool you want to start talking about movies yeah uh just really briefly so you know what's hot
Starting point is 01:11:23 cinematic universes everyone has one and they're all huge successes time did we did we discuss it it was off podcast that we discussed but this is like way more detail so i'm not sure if you know but with uh the the new movie which i refuse to call the mummy because the movie is just called tom cruise punches out a woman mummy that's the name of it um universal wants to start their monster universe yes i heard this yeah and it is now officially called the dark universe yes uh i learned about the casting for one of these people and uh russell crow plays um dr jekyll mr hide great tom cruise plays um a man a mummy man a mummy man uh johnny dep is now casted as the invisible man that's correct the invisible man but who's the wolf man there is no wolf man right now have
Starting point is 01:12:15 your bar dem is now just frankenstein's monster which i assume is very insulting to him uh-huh because he's like why why are you making me frankenstein's monster i'm like because you kind of look like frankenstein's monster and for there they go look at all their older heroes uh this the this lady so fia she's got a weird last name uh he's playing obviously the the the mummy lady um yeah tom cruise the character is nick morton i i don't know uh so all these producers are clapping each other on the back saying this is the greatest thing i grew up on monsters danie elfman is is is is involved somehow good pic he's scoring some things good uh but this is going to like be a massive failure yes yes like i saw people telling me that the wolf man was going
Starting point is 01:13:04 to be dwayne john in a in a world like buff hey you want to talk about massive failures in a world where your model toro exists and never got to make the frankenstein movie that he's always wanted to make go fuck yourself entire cinematic you know oh fuck that hellboy's getting remade by some other dick bag for quite frankly outside of getting helm to helm this in the way that wedan uh helmed the mcu like there's no saving it i don't know if they have directors for all these things but maybe he might wind up directing a frankincense it's not even frankenstein's like bright a frankenstein i'm not gonna never say never but i get the feeling that he wouldn't want to be part of like big cg hollywood monster universe i feel like he wouldn't want to be smaller
Starting point is 01:13:58 scale small occasionally yes and well well what i mean is i i i feel like he would want to go a much more subtle route with his his horror yeah i guess and these are these are doing fucking i i frankenstein shit and i i don't know if it's gonna be that bad but but you like this i get the feeling that this is the type of world they're setting up here you're you're not you're not wrong the dark universe although like you know just crimson peak like one of the more disappointing movies i've seen like the last 10 years given its pedigree and all that so it's not like you know gamble is invincible but nobody's perfect always perfect but uh yeah this this thing i don't know i don't i just don't know the dark universe anyway you want to hear uh thank you to uh uh eduardo for you want to hear
Starting point is 01:14:45 about a huge disaster yes i want to hear about huge disaster i did not see alien covenant and i i'm seeing that today actually i don't plan on seeing it why you learn some shit no i just don't plan on seeing it okay until like i don't i'm not gonna go to theater and see it okay uh so i went and just read up all over it alien is ribs forever yeah okay straight up okay i'm looking forward to that all right well that and on the flip side there's photos of predators hanging out on a tank doing gang yeah like i'm super excited well here's the thing remember the argument we had the other two weeks ago where i was like i wish that stuff had stayed like unknown yeah um like i think we we both hit an equilibrium on that like i'm not saying you're wrong i think we both had it like
Starting point is 01:15:29 because it's stuff that we want right yep but in this case boy it would have been better to not get those answers but because they're bad i can't tell let's assuming like because i don't know what you read but assuming you're right and uh it's as bad as you say i can't tell if it's better or worse that ridley did it himself oh it's way so i looked it up i looked up how this happened right so the reason why why i say it's ruined is because this film touches alien like it like it actually interacts with it like you know what i mean like it affects it yeah so it's stink is now on the good movies yeah um and the reason it's like this is because ridley scott wanted to do a um fucking like you know so pseudo prequel to aliens right yeah and then damon lindelof came on to write it
Starting point is 01:16:18 and he's the lost guy well there was a script before that that was apparently quite good and different from previous then david lindelof so lindelof comes on he's like gonna be a trilogy and it's gonna have all these big ideas and then prometheus didn't do all that well and then lindelof is like bye that's good fix that shit yeah but that's good and then you just left ridley scott to do a movie or or more because prometheus doesn't end how much hold on how much of the framework was done none okay but like prometheus the end of prometheus sets up for more in a way that it's weird to just leave it and that's so that's no sorry sorry okay hold on the movie though so he was on board and then prometheus came out and then he left and didn't do the other two movies
Starting point is 01:17:05 and and but they uh did he know from in the big like was prometheus planned to be the first of a trilogy initially and he knew this yes and he wrote it that way and then he left okay it's like hey guys i know you just want to build like a small little deck but i think we should make a tree house yeah okay we we built the first part of the tree house i'm out of here and then the guys left building is like i didn't want to fuck a tree house yeah i just wanted to build the deck okay and so i feel confident i feel strongly in my heart that i can blame all this i'm lost okay at the end of the day though when it's like when there's a new entry in a franchise that's like i can't let that pet like terminator or like alien or predator or like whatever it's like i
Starting point is 01:17:51 gotta i like i'll always be there to see just because i gotta know well what you know i'm not not to say that you're never gonna see it but like in the theater i'm like i gotta go yeah you you want to go see a vp in theater yeah well here i never did here's the problem no you yeah you did requiem yes exactly not the original like the the the the examples used are perfect alien and terminator the perfect example of this they weren't franchises when they were good they were the first one and the second one and then the instant they turned into franchises every single one was bad three onwards for both every single one was bad to varying degrees like three is kind of bad for terminator
Starting point is 01:18:37 i still bad salvation is really bad i i still like predators dude genesis is way better than a fucking salvation genesis yes absolutely infinitely better than salvation yeah but it's still bad yeah you know you compare that to t2 no but i'm i'm gonna say that like it like because you just said they were no he said they they're all bad he didn't say they get worse no no yeah no it's just like these should never have been franchises i mean they should have been like we first one and the second we walked out of genesis going all right if you recall yeah you know yes i did but that doesn't make it good yeah i'm just i'm just saying that i went to the movies i had a good time i'm just saying that they should have stopped them at two well that that doesn't
Starting point is 01:19:24 happen with you know it but a sequel is it's more or less a franchise like it there's tons of marketing for this sequel there's like toys for terminator two well it's a sequel it's a franchise i'll i'll i'll say the same thing i said the last time it's like aliens has been being actively ruined for literally my entire life that's fair to say okay well uh i was born right after aliens came out and everything after has been bad the now now i just like had to like i'm 31 man i had to barf a little bit because at the end of this trilogy at this trailer for them i heard a scoff the dark from your the dark universe monsters legacy i want you to pay attention to how they introduce the logo as like the universal logo with the same font and everything that's cool but it's a dark
Starting point is 01:20:13 planet so it says dark universe that's cool man boo anyway i'm guessing that a part of this in internally for them as well as to like introduce a fuck ton of rides and plus they own yeah maybe and they oh yeah you're right go ride Russell crow on the jackal master like you know the big jackal master like the i can imagine a huge reason uh a huge reason why like they back this in that ways because they can make a massive also they want to fucking update the brennan frazier fucking mummy ride i went on at universal studios that was still plain dvd behind the scenes extras of mummy too when you're waiting in line and i'm like why am i the movies are done they're over what are they the so there's this one quote here that says with the dark it's very infuriating when
Starting point is 01:21:05 you're there this one dark universe thing says uh this would be unconnected to warner brothers justice league dark film yeah which former writer director Guillermo del Toro titled dark universe during his work on the project okay and guess what because he's not working on that anymore so he actually uh did have the name uh oh yeah you're hearing that too uh yeah he actually did have the name dark universe used at some point on it on a completely different thing i guess because it was supposed to be like the like the vertigo side of dc movies well hey man while we're talking about giant uh film franchises that we're looking forward to oh god what are you gonna fucking throw down your favorite i fucking hate you oh here's what is it i don't know i don't even
Starting point is 01:21:48 know what it's gonna be but i can tell just from the front yes awesome god damn it it's great wow can't wait is this new is this breaking to you yeah well you sound making more sounds like it works you sound pretty broken they're making more resennial movies and they're gonna be a how many more resident evil movies matt uh six so resident evil well plan to be six is they're planning to breed to start that shit over and they're planning six new resident evil movies and the screen and the piece of art they show shows they're literally just gonna tell the whole fucking thing over and uh i don't know that could be from anything safe to assume that uh paul and millie are no longer gonna be a part of this yeah i don't think because that
Starting point is 01:22:40 final chapter was i guess the final chapter um but when you look even though the end of it like really implied it was millie was like oh we have lots more work to do she just rides off in the sunset when you when you look all ended that way yeah that's that's the ending of all of me right you're right they're like you the numbers on how much money this fucking it's one of sony's most successful franchises it doesn't like you can't even count it anymore i think all two together they've all made like a billion dollars like immediately like i yeah if if final a final chapter uh brought in 285 million internationally on a budget of 40 million that's what it says here it they don't make tons of money but what they do make is tons more money than they cost
Starting point is 01:23:25 yeah and then and if you add that all together and fucking just keep it so going as as a huge fan i am looking forward to this just because i like this like never-ending train wreck so so what they're they're all terrible right generally they're all terrible but but some are like guilty pleasures like i'll watch that if that's on tv and some i won't so how does this explain how much money it makes because personally people are stupid and they have bad taste personally i don't know i don't have any friends that like go fuck yeah i can't wait to go see that no no i mean i do in terms of like i want to see this turd have you got to see them all uh not all in theaters but i have seen them all because even i haven't okay because if everyone i want to see the third one in theaters
Starting point is 01:24:19 everyone check the fuck out if everyone is kind of like uh yeah pay for my ticket there we go then i can kind of do you know what that means understand but i don't means that you don't know enough stupid people i i don't know i but that's so much money and it's always number one and there's six well maybe maybe it's just the same one was a number one maybe it's just the same stupid people going to see it over and over it's it's because at the end of the day they're schlocky check your brain out at the door things and watch a bunch of monsters get killed by a sexy lady or whatever but like i can understand how it scrapes by yeah basically and i think because as time has gone on international markets especially china are huge now like they they most uh movies make back
Starting point is 01:25:02 their money on the international markets rather than than north america i yeah i i'm just i'm just kind of weirded out i guess because you know there's massive franchises i ignore like wild speed and transformers that's your fault yes it is but like your fault but those things i understand how and why they're massive money machines right i get them i get like the franchise yeah and how it's so profitable but resident evil as like a video game related thing i guess i feel like i would understand a bit more of what and how it was appealing to people in this way and i and i just don't get how i think i just explained it's like i'm sure some of the audience is people that uh that are people that like resident evil or interested in resident evil and i want to see the new movie
Starting point is 01:25:51 whatever or it's like me where i want to laugh at it combined with people that just want to watch a schlocky action movie and see monsters get blown up like i think that's a big enough audience that i guess that's why they make money it's just when zack snider fucks up and everyone hates his shit yeah and keeps getting work they well they he keeps getting work but like you can see you can see where they go like oh this movie underperformed here or underperformed there and whatnot but in resident evil's case with paul s w.s anderson it's overperforming every single time you know yeah so i i think the last one literally was the least successful like the last three or something and like or they're like i made back money it's fine but like it didn't like you know it did
Starting point is 01:26:35 it made ten million dollars less than the last one which means diminishing returns well you know we all know that the the best thing you can do when you want to reboot or announce a multi-movie deal is to come out and talk about how many you're gonna make before the first one even exists listen this come out pointing at the stands with the three or four bats see this this doesn't work in video games but it works in bubble gum out and just babe ruthy devolve will have the most aggressive dlc plan of any game ever king arthur will be part of a multi-movie franchise guy richie's planning to put together that's not real that was the original plan really yeah that thing fucking ball well it's fucking gone now but king arthur was originally planned to be a multi
Starting point is 01:27:22 thing there's this weird thing where the average person can look at a movie like that and go that's kind of fucking bomb of course but and that's like a year out you can see that do you know why that was even made because i was made by guy richie right so the idea was like well you did so well with Sherlock Holmes a british like fictional character so why don't want we put you in the in the in the like the final director seat to bring this other character like into into prominence and you get like in the fucking work i watched i watched an interview with him longer than the movie itself about him talking about why he was going to make it in such because he sat in on Joe Rogan and it was a really good listen and he has very would you say it's a better interview
Starting point is 01:28:06 than the film i didn't see the film but could you guess i would assume uh he has a mess i mean like 15% yeah he has very like he has very good and interesting reasons for wanting to try that out while uh you know and let's sort of expand what he wants to work on and he and his plan is to do the continue doing like uh english crime yeah but on like tv or on netflix and that type of thing so that's basically what his plan is and he wants to try this other stuff but either way the point is is that they came out and they're like yeah man this is going to be a massive franchise this is but if someone said we're trying to make this huge massive temple franchise around king Arthur i'm like fucking yeah it's gonna fail no and there was a king Arthur movie like 10 years ago
Starting point is 01:28:53 with clivo it was just called king Arthur and that fucking failure is a video game of it i played it either all these things are real things that happened i just i feel as i feel like the shit that does take off and become like actually successful at this they never claim they never call it from the start right they it always like it's it's on the way to being a success and then they're like all right we've got a massive thing going maybe they might have talked about it with harry potter i don't know they definitely talked about it because they filmed the first two movies back to back they knew and and and of course lord of the rings you know and all that shit yeah but like those are the but these are the franchises that like created a thing that then everyone
Starting point is 01:29:35 tries to aspire to so it's like the originators are the biggest successes here and then the the pretenders rarely ever you know and i i i honestly feel that like the avatar series is franchise is going to be too there's too much money for it to fail yeah i so avatar two through seven when those come out in like another 10 years you know those are probably gonna still make a ton because unless the things have changed the the rankings like i think avatar is still on the top of the list of like made the most money ever i think so i don't know but i might have gotten trump's place but one way or another i i think history shows you that it's a really dumb idea to come out and the first thing you announce is how many movies you're making in a just connected
Starting point is 01:30:18 to them like i said before in video games real real bad idea to do that because that's that's failed almost every time in movies it has a higher batting average of actually being successful unless episodic is what you're doing in the video game yeah well that's that's a different thing in which case the game is actually we're talking about advent rising we're talking about a complete game connected to multiple talking about two humans talking about two human i was about to say shadow it's a unique case because instead of the franchise going forward it actually went backwards to zero oh good so i'm looking forward to these movies to uh fucking i honestly i honestly want them to do re4 i want them to do code Veronica i want like do the game store like
Starting point is 01:31:01 they're written for you didn't but didn't they come in re4 is like a dumb action movie didn't they basically cover everything over the course of these movies no because because they were all just vehicles for paul ws and his wife do things of course like well i was what i was going to say was aren't they didn't they cover everything by sticking millia in it like they cover absolutely dude we're talking about shit like classic already characters like chris and people getting like killed off school in the movie universe is the world is long dead it's just dead in the third one like it was dead in the third one this is like this is like like a fucking raw julia street fighter getting multiple sequels and taking over the satmatic world you say that shit to me and
Starting point is 01:31:47 that gets me so excited i want that i want that to understand like like where street fighter goes on to be john claude vandam's most successful franchise there's no one in the world i hate more right this minute than udon entertainment and i'll tell you why at least since you asked me the reason why is because they put out a fake cover on april first i remember a sequel a comic book sequel to the raw julia street fighter it was just a homage cover it was an homage cover it was so bad but amazing but like that idea of that going on to be a like seven part sugar not it's so cool i can't imagine so happy i can imagine no i know i'm right there with him i can also imagine i wouldn't live in that world you well you'd want to fucking kill yourself
Starting point is 01:32:38 i'm opting out of this universe i guarantee you if the raw julia universe of street fighter continued maybe street fighter five would have done better at least yeah but it would have looked like mortal combat and looked and been way more successful at least they never made resident evil games based on these movies oh every day i wish for that too unless there's some mobile shit i don't know about uh yeah maybe i wouldn't be surprised well they did put red queen which is a movie thing into the canon of harry yeah this is amazing you like that don't you trying to think the the closest thing is probably umbrella core yeah and even then that's like it's trying to match the tone but anyway not really
Starting point is 01:33:25 well else we got that was fun yeah no that's it i enjoyed everything about this i'm still just trying to rack my brain to think about like you you you get some notes out you do some work show show me your work next week has it worked you know what has anyone announced the the the big plan and then it stuck to it and it was totally a success as of now i mean i guess you could say the dcu but there doesn't seem to be a consistent plan there it's just it's just like i guess the same thing as the marvel thing just faster where it's like everyone introduce your movies but we're not going to introduce people's movies before justice league comes out yeah we'll have those movies later like justice league has apparently been remade like multiple times with reshoots
Starting point is 01:34:09 i have not heard this if we can just go back in time and find the press release where tecma coe tecma coe said the dynasty warriors universe no 19 games stronger tecma coe did do something like that they announced more like eight or nine games at once that the years ago on the 360 they announced how the tecma coe would be propped up by three pillars yeah the three pillars i do remember that yeah yeah that was it it was it was ninja guidance it was dead or alive and it was quantum theory god omega force all right no wait quantum theory what was it called quantum theory that's what you said that was great gotta gotta kill it i remember how stupid that name is gotta kill it i'm checking right now was it g o t a or was it k i l it was it was k i l gotta kill it
Starting point is 01:35:05 all right i gotta make like a series where i just talk about like quantum theory inversion fracture and all these those fucking shit 360 ps3 games and that's the pilots quantum theory that's that's dark void that's the pile that people thought vanquish was on yeah we talked about reviewers thought vanquish was on that pile amazing um so that's now all those reviewers are dead now that that's out of the way yes now that we've addressed everything that we've needed to about the movies okay let's get into games and let's get into talk about games a bit let's get into video games being saved who saved video games nintendo saved video games nintendo saved video games ladies and gentlemen yes okay it's time to talk about twintel i mean what's what's to say
Starting point is 01:35:53 really well this is we got our wish of normal human okay this is one of the only times in recent memory i can remember where the internet frenzy is correct one to one with what it should be yeah and the absolute mania going on right now for twintel is deserved because she's the fucking best she's great holy shit fuck the rest of the cast it's all over it's all done i wouldn't go it's all about that but okay it's very very very she's very very it's what tells amazing everything about twintel screams trifusion oh man it's so you said that last week about something what a good character i did what was it i think it was twintel off camera no no no well oh no kiko bro dope i like it how do you like new main kid cobra yeah yeah yeah hey woolly's new main
Starting point is 01:36:48 kid cobra is it yeah get that out of my face i think i think king cobra's gimmick is way way better than his character oh he's dope and in a world where twintel didn't exist i'd be talking about this guy kid cobra's gimmick of i need to join this fighting tournament because no one watches my twitch is hilarious this is not that world bite and bark i like bite and bark a lot yeah let's talk about the cops because his mechanics are like use the dog as a platform to jump off that only he can do no awesome no i like me a bowser and blitz from cops ah i was about to say yeah fuck destroyed bowser i was about to say that's motherfucking bowser and blitz that's awesome turbo two-tone and they they they battle together they combine even
Starting point is 01:37:35 they combine in a big cool form don't they cops man plus dog combined finally we will know so that's great yes but it doesn't matter because fucking twintel you can't just have twintel move mirrors all day oh man what was the other things they announced that there's gonna be like a free dlc for fighters which is crazy to me and stages and shit and new arms too so they announced a lot of things i mean yeah oh all those all those fucking modes like the v-ball hoop skills all that shit looked really fun the only one that didn't like the skill shot was like a little eh just breaking targets but like break those targets throw someone to slam dunk them into a fucking giant bat oversized basketball hoop like all those mini games look fun i was like really happy with
Starting point is 01:38:23 that shit um and the global test punch it's gonna be the end of this week like friday i think uh i think it's the 25th yeah they give the first one maybe anyway it's uh it's working out it's working out looks pretty good i'm excited i'm happy with what's going on yep that's the cover that's the new cover yeah spots everywhere they're doing it and like chip biscuit had to get his fucking name up there i like what it's rated though it's rated thick with two c's so that works out good job nintendo but nintendo finally saving itself by putting asses on things and we can finally not we can stop thinking about little mac for a little bit we can but i still would love him to be in it like we've discussed before yeah it would be the best universe it would be the best timeline but you know this
Starting point is 01:39:12 will do for now and we soldier on but temporarily video games are saved temporarily for now at least a month but we don't know what's gonna happen after that so uh well we actually do know what's gonna happen we're gonna leave that ass on the screen until the next news story okay sure um we do know what's gonna happen because uh various companies have made various announcements various and a multitude of plethora well here's the thing right if this karma if the karma of twintel didn't pop up this week we would have been in a really dark place because like the forces of evil were very strong all right let's hear it's it's the complete opposite in terms of like momentum out with it man yeah i'm pulling it up let me pull it up while i get to it just pull out just pull
Starting point is 01:39:59 out whip it out no i said pull you take too long sonic forces i forgot you wanted it i did not want here it is god there it is like but this this is like a the biggest money making scheme that will work like every single sonic fan will buy the people in my discord keep going like hey pat what about that song and i just go i don't want to so there there's there's sonic forces there is an old man that i'm gonna say thinking the third character is going to be bubsby bubsy no no he said bubsby and he meant it okay i think his name is bubsby no it's bubsy the cat yeah yeah it's bubsy bubsy no i know but i think it's pronounced bubsby no you're starting the game super like oh really like it's a bubsy 3d like they pronounce it wrong i think i tell me if i'm wrong but i remember everyone
Starting point is 01:40:58 saying i mean it's bubsy like that's the name of the i hope that everyone who plays this game dies so i want to i want to say there's an old man probably just over retirement age japanese working uh over at sega at some point i think uh you know let's say he's in his like late 60s to early 70s perhaps and he was around for a while and and every time the the proposition came in to allow custom sonic characters he would go no and he would never be there to hold the button down to not allow custom sonic only i can make custom characters and here's the 20 new fucking sonic friends and at some point in between the introduction of the sonic twitter and i'm sure the guy that runs the sonic twitter is the one that that said you need to put this
Starting point is 01:41:52 in and the introduction of christian whitehead into the sonic franchise officially uh he died and he released the button and shook off this mortal coil yeah and his ghosts flew out of his body this and and by releasing the button sonic custom heroes are here so just to give you a bit of background it's while i was in cuba i literally had no internet access at all except for i had to buy a paid card to like just answer a few emails or whatever so the first thing that happens when i got back to canna is i i turn on my phone i go on twitter and then i just write i'm gone five days and the world is on fire listen now that this is this is you know what this is this is the canon inclusion of prego shin kai though with a hog no no the hedgehog it's
Starting point is 01:42:43 it this is john the prego hedgehog so all all of the advancements in creepy sonic technology have led up to this this is the singularity this is the singularity of sonic creepiness in which sonic creepy bizarro shit is now going to advance at faster and faster rates until the end well it's been enabled at this point but here's the thing though the limiters are off this just happened to draught dragon ball right we saw xeno verse pop out and the custom thing dragon ball is not dragon ball is not sonic sonic is dragon ball and but and people have been making baby people have been people have that's pretty apt people have been making their own fucking custom dragon ball characters forever obviously we employ one from time to time but
Starting point is 01:43:33 the the um the fucking unlike the official now means to go in and do the shit that sonic dreams collection was warning us about is warning us turn away from the abyss i don't know i don't know what happens to to the to our world and kudos for them picking in that trailer like the most sonic oc character ever glasses a fox every gloves boots headset gadgets belts yep right it's a race to whoever can get in-game sonic forces art of 420 the hedgehog on my twitter prego shinkai the dark hog from our son i'm my favorite always going to be i i feel like that's what it was may or something around there it's time for a comeback i guess it's lore now i guess so so here's the question on the character screen are you going to be able to like do your your fucking prego shinkai
Starting point is 01:44:37 dark edge sonic but in the background are you going to be able to put like shrek in the twin towers and all that stupid shit that you need to make your character really saying no mistakes in the miracles let's not well there'll be a one strike will there be a prego slider you know you know what one makes me really uncomfortable the slider that makes people's knees engorged i hate that the prego slider goes from one to litter okay okay shinkai but then you did it close prego shinkai the rebel king hedgehog there we go there we go time to bring it back time to bring it back wow um yeah that's why we need to entwine tell in our lives to counteract that because this is
Starting point is 01:45:32 about to get dark but maybe you can make a character looks just as good as her maybe but sonic style stuff with their honor honor yeah it's possible creativity is boundless well you should know this man but maybe you can make your own twin tell hedgehog what i'm what i'm what i'm wondering is if they're gonna make every accessory of all of those comic character only characters over the years you can make that that one guy you guys don't never remember yeah exactly i'm wondering if they're gonna allow you because to get in there and to to really appease to the fan base letting you build all those comic book only characters that people have like forgotten about over the fucking 20 years that's been going on whoo anyway so yeah sonic forces is a video game and it's a
Starting point is 01:46:23 sonic game no man it's a way of life and you can build your own um what mobian i don't know what you would call it though that's a no that's a mobian is america america only i know and it pisses everybody off yeah so it's kind of it's kind of enjoyable but uh whatever you can build your own sonic world you can build your own sonic friend friend yeah uh you build your own goddamn um chaotix member yeah i like most of the chaos guys that's a cool alligator he is he likes the beat all right there's no no no nothing more to say that's fine that's fine i'm upset i go to the rebel king okay so there's a bunch of game announcements we could go through them quickly do it do it i like that when it's rapid fire announce games all right first off detail
Starting point is 01:47:15 it's not really so much an announcement as it is a detailed screenshots and gameplay of destiny two popped up wow it looks like dlc and there's a trailer for it and uh right now uh they dropped a date where was it the date was uh later September 8th so uh i think that looks like an expansion pack for real but probably the most interesting thing to me is that it's going to be coming out on blizzard on pc yeah that's crazy to me like it's the first time activision has put their games out on blizzard stuff like because all you know they they've been activision blizzard for forever yep but they have for all intents and purposes acted like completely separate entities and at this point it's like hey woolly you use the blizzard launcher yep uh it used to be battle
Starting point is 01:48:04 net yep uh and you've used origin and you've used steam yep and you've even used you play yep how would you rate the blizzard launcher fantastic yep it's completely fine the only problem with it is that it only has blizzard cape on it but it doesn't exist the moment you launch your game and it works fine every time you use it yep it's a it's a it's a good place for that game to live i don't like how you have to scroll through your friends list if you have a lot of friends but guess what in the game there's another screen with an easier to navigate friends and it's there's a search bar and whatever they implement things from it into the game they're part of they're not this fucking overlay that's dropped that slows the frame rate down and darkens the effect over the screen or
Starting point is 01:48:44 whatever the fuck it's actually a part it's a menu dedicated in the game you know having to pull up that origin shit every time is goddamn infuriating but yeah destiny too yeah looks looks i mean i i looks like more destiny one yeah looks like more destiny like a bunch of like i watched that stuff and it's like there's a but like how's the voice acting fine i guess okay cedric daniels is there cool probably still cool hopefully this is a better more complete game than original because the original was severely lacking in a lot of ways are there more awesome third person super moments because i like those they're okay yeah i like those a lot i guess i guess there's a couple i always all the same classes new weapon time you know it's it's a fucking buy the numbers
Starting point is 01:49:29 sequel that looks like an expansion pack if destiny was an mmo this would be an expansion pack here well here's the one thing uh as we're talking about it wasn't we were talking no no they say that it's not so they can get away from unfair comparisons to every other mmo that exists now when this was announced as we're talking about the fucking baby roothing your franchise uh they said destiny was a 10-year project did they not yeah yes it's super destiny one came out in 2014 that's right it's been four years well destiny two is supposed to come out two years ago or destiny two is supposed to come out last year rather everything about the production of destiny one was a shit show so hopefully destiny two is them getting on their feet so i guess the idea of
Starting point is 01:50:16 calling it a 10-year franchise was just a mistake well it's by default gonna be a 10-year franchise if they take just as long i'm gonna be the third one well you mean more like the one game supposed to be a platform maybe i misread the quote but i thought they meant destiny two and three were always in the cards and people found that out during the active vision lawsuit and which plans for tisney two and three okay all right fair enough then so like like i don't think there's it was it was the main reason why uh active vision was so upset to actually have to have the of zampala and other guy for his name a lawsuit in open court because then they all their shit came out and it's like well you see this game a bunch of destiny games got announced because of like legal briefs
Starting point is 01:50:56 because i remember when the one was announced and i was scrolling through that that website and looking at the big cool image of the traveler and stuff and i remember rolling over to liam and talking about it and just being like they're calling this a decade long investment in this franchise and like that sounds like ambitious as fuck because everything about the wording of it made me think they were gonna support one game for 10 years we're gonna be working on halo for 10 years no it's like world of warcraft if anything where they're like we're gonna pull it up and we're gonna keep supporting it and it's gonna make enough money to still be around like overwatch is gonna be around for like maybe 10 years okay but without a monthly subscription model i don't see how well
Starting point is 01:51:36 luckily they put in overpriced disgusting cosmetic items that are super super expensive by any standard because wow works so wow and 14 are the only two that actually like work on that model anymore well you yeah well you can keep a thing going for 10 years when that's making money the way the way that destiny has been talked about has been really frustrating to me because they talk about it like an MMO when it's positive but when people go well if it's gonna be that kind of online game where's this where's that are you are we gonna carry our characters forward are we gonna you know stuff like that they go well it's not an MMO and and they like they want to play it both ways right and they they want it to they want to straddle the fence on literally every single issue
Starting point is 01:52:16 and it's frustrating because there are a lot of people that got way into destiny one and like the question of is my character going to move forward is a pretty valid fucking question if you're rating in a game right and now the answer is maybe i still don't even know well they had they had their solution for the um the dlc right where you actually uh if you started a new what was it you started yeah they give you a boost an item that fucking shoots you up to catch you up so you don't have to worry about like being off level or whatever but it's not like an MMO maybe it'll be like mass effect too maybe it doesn't look like mass effect too well you know like uh there are a lot of folks out
Starting point is 01:53:00 there are big fans of disney i can understand you're disappointed with me saying it looks like dlc but like it was it was to my personal and view that destiny one was rough around the edges but it was a good start and i was expecting to see what the reveal of disney two an assassin's creed to a mass effect to uh you know one one of those right where it's just like okay that first one was a little rough we're gonna knock it out of the park and i and i don't see that if i think that's more like they the game like destiny one still gets like maybe dlc like up until like a few months ago i don't really know but it's like the fact that the yeah the fact that this is like announced and it's like coming out it's like there was no way this is going to be a big jump
Starting point is 01:53:41 forward plus i assume there's only one big team at bungee yes i believe there is if i have to take a guess they're probably just gonna say fuck it start over and they should and say start over but moving forward from now because a lot of problems in destiny one were related to how fucked up their engine was so hopefully they fix it by now speaking of sas's creed speaking of sas's creed do out before march 31st 2018 the shocker has been announced to possibly be titled uh origins to have two protagonists in naval combat that's all we know it would be soft confirmed it will launch into the current muscly air but yeah that's all we know all right well that's um i you know we talked about this off off off mic as well but i'm personally uh still kind of
Starting point is 01:54:27 checked out well at least nice and checked out i'm somewhat checked out man i'm i'm i've i've checked out but i'm super back in for this if it if it delivers what a promise i have one foot out the door but you could convince me to turn around and come back in the building because the last sas's creed i game i played in completion was four which is to me is like it's good game one of the five benchmarks of the game it's probably this is an an error i like it the changes that are rumored to be is black flag the best one that's the last one i played i i stopped a black flag i'm not sure if it's the best it might be the best one but it's not the one i like the most like i really really liked uh brother i think it brotherhood and black flag are are tied up there
Starting point is 01:55:09 but yeah um i didn't play unity i didn't play syndicate at all syndicate's fine yeah but i was just not interested in them and then i'm like oh ancient Greece ancient Egypt the Mediterranean there is one thing that really does frustrate me quite a bit if it's going back to ancient like bc uh egypt and that's like one of the things that i actually really liked about syndicate is that you saw them like struggling to deal with the fact they were catching up like syndicate has like a fucking world war one sequence in it and like you can only because each game went forward in time right yeah and now they're like nope and they're just dragging that timeline as far back as they could possibly go yeah i guess the boy we talked about it a couple times with
Starting point is 01:55:51 store plot theories and stuff but it was just the idea that they probably realized they should have just made it about jumping anywhere yep so that yeah it gets absolutely yeah you know and so they're trying to i i guess like save the brand by making it not at all about the the secondary plot that it used to be about and making it about moving forward and preparing for this and but now it's just you know vacationing in the past you know as you play as a compelling character or whatever the fuck but another reason why i like this is that it brings to a time period where i can if i kind of like unbler my eyes i can kind of maybe think it's a prince of persia game maybe but i i i couldn't do that was one day one day like i you know after the the the chronicle stuff and whatnot and you know
Starting point is 01:56:37 my thing i yeah i've checked out of the last two games and that's why i'm surprised you're not like i'll give this a go it's no it's because i'm still like really just like tired of the general format and i also and here's the thing all right what do you mean by the general format because again it's not confirmed but if you see a trailer for this game that says here's how we're changing the format is that something that are you just tired of assassin's creed that's part of it and also i as you know as much as it was like oh the stupid fucking desmond future timeline or whatever i cared about the parallel timeline from the get go well i liked it in one and two a lot exactly and i was invested in that part of it caring about that a long time ago and to me it's like i stopped caring
Starting point is 01:57:24 because yeah sure like it's way more cool it's way more interesting to just follow kenway's adventures but i still wanted there to be an interesting like parallel thing that they were setting up like i still wanted there to be a cool like you want to go you wanted plotline you wanted to see that the man behind the curtain had value i liked the idea of a build up to something yeah but we never got that payoff we never got that build up we switched courses and steered on to something where we can now pick a timeline and jump through it which is fine fine but i know that i'd rather i'd rather they if they can't do that which they weren't able to yeah provide two compelling things i'd rather them buckle the fuck down and get rid of of one i you know i mean i
Starting point is 01:58:07 can't look like i i get why it is where it's at and i know that like the lesson you forget that there's still an ongoing future timeline thing with minerva coming back from the dead yeah and i don't know anything about that but it doesn't matter i know that you guys enjoyed like four and stuff like that as well like i i know that those were not bad games or anything but i'm personally i guess just yeah i think the franchise has worn me down too much and maybe something really really refreshing you know would do it but to be honest even dream settings to are at this point are kind of exhausting because what if it was china well i wanted china in chronicles you got it then yeah but it was not good whoops but i mean to be fair what if it was the fall well we got well there's
Starting point is 01:58:50 russia and then india you know those are very those are 2d side scrolling games made by a completely different of course but but the setting is the thing that i cared about yeah but if they brought back china like if it was china or japan this time for this big game would you be like now you you've spurned that with me the first time i'm not going to be interested i i i don't know i i don't know enough about it i just the way i feel right now is pretty tired and if i saw something that went whoa then i'd be like yeah okay but right now i feel like it it's the it's the brand almost how about if after four they'd stop making them yeah that would have been great and then like no no chronicles and then brought back principershaw no no i was gonna say then brought back with this
Starting point is 01:59:33 like a naval like more naval combat and uh yeah ancient greece and all this i find the the weird one is that we're going really far back in time i'm not exactly sure how far back but i think i think that in that rumor list of stuff because it's called origins like this is actually the start but it's also going to have the naval combat from the like well naval combat can go back i know but it's like it's a good start storyline wise because it because there's if we're you're gonna have naval combat like like it was in the older ones yeah you can only go as far back as prior to the invention of gunpowder oh right give me in terms of mechanics yeah so i just like i'm just thinking about it right you mentioned like feudal japan for example and in my head it's
Starting point is 02:00:15 like what was i so excited about for that type of setting back in the past and to be honest most if not everything would be already delivered in a game like neo that we have right the only things that like i'm running around in feudal japan i'm having a great time the combat's really fun and engaging i guess it's parkourish it's the park there's a parkourish element but but that's kind of not enough right no i know so what i'm actually if i think about it and really break it down what was so appealing was the assassins creed plot setting being brought to this place right and finding out what they would do with it there what's how is it going to involve in this era's squabbles and historical right what would the piece of Eden be what's up store go up to
Starting point is 02:01:00 how do we take and it made it you know when when you went to Italy and you're like oh that evil pope that is what they were doing okay yeah so how would they take this plot part of the plot and bring it into that setting is the only interesting thing really because just going to cool old japan is we already got that now you know so that's that's unfortunately the world we live in where it's like assassins he's not going away anytime soon it's going to be around forever you know well the one thing that i appreciate about this game even if nothing else is that they're clearly taking their time on this one yes apparently this has been well and again in that list of rumors it all sounded they're they're very aware they've been making this since like
Starting point is 02:01:40 they're very aware that maybe they should not brush these out as well yeah that being said you know the other game also took a long time to come out yeah assassins creed three it's true you know i also i'm remembering when the first game that came out right after another yeah but the team that was working on it had been working on it for like no no i know but i don't know if you guys remember but when the first one dropped and it ended the way it did like it was incomplete but they gave you all those things yeah it was a cool ending i don't know if you remember but i went super hard yeah you were you had you were fucking charlie and get up on the walls yeah i went really hard on settings places what those symbols could be i went into that you know what i mean like i do
Starting point is 02:02:21 remember in two when you play it as a sperm yes i do you know and and and that's part of it perhaps as well is that like the amount that i was so interested faded with each one and like the past storyline was still compelling but the thing that drew me in of like the mystery of where this future plot was going dwindling into nothing eventually you're like all you have left is the fun past adventures that i can get bored of climbing a tower seeing all the all the side missions and you know well i mean i mean for me if like the story that's being done in the past is it's hard to do because it's it's the past but like you have to actually make like a good movie like you have to make a good movie plot that happens within that world and then characters
Starting point is 02:03:07 that's kind of by itself if you're not going to touch the future stuff and they might not i don't know i don't remember seeing the details and like i admit it's hard like that's why four to me was like so good because while not the most compelling like edwards like whole story and his character or whatever i'm a fucking pirate i was like yeah that's fine being a pirate it's a rough life to make something that's more compelling more than just being a pirate and like with actual characters and plots and and and betrayals and stuff that's that's got to be hard like does it even matter who's an assassin and who's a a a temple or well no because it's been it's been established that the they're all descendants or all the cool ones are descendants of that same like weird proto race
Starting point is 02:03:47 yeah but so like you know but it's like whatever you introduce it's like all these two people are going to be fighting as secret groups that rule the world but it's almost irrelevant if there's if it's not building to anything you know if it's not going anywhere well don't worry since this is origins you know what that gives them the chance to do what set up a completely new like meta universe oh boy oh boy i i that'd be fine because you can't salvage what's there because you're gonna find out something about the origins of the conflict that will flip the script or flip it on its head and you'll be like where the temple are the good guys the whole time yeah they probably were yeah i mean didn't they do that like three times already john delancey was uh desmond's dad and that means
Starting point is 02:04:30 the the assassins are dicks because he can only be a dick he plays a fucking protoss in starcraft too you know that you get it oh cool john delancey he plays a protoss he plays the evil protoss working for the zel naga he plays the race i never thought he would fit as yeah guess what he's great okay because he's he's he's he's a somber dickish cue i i missed that on a lot and i still remember them basically starting to hint that assassins are kind of not that great either there's a bunch of dirtbags out there far cry five hey where's this take place uh the west hope montana that's cool i got a buddy of mine who lives in montana is very excited about this march 31st 2018 it'll be out before that so the question is when does it take place probably in the west
Starting point is 02:05:17 right not modern day yeah yeah no the this was another thing that was kind of mostly leaked on neo gavel i saw was like a a list of of things that you know little bits and details or whatever and it'd be like yeah it's it's an old west or hey listen if if assassins create origins it doesn't float my boat i have a different tower climbing game i can play that's also solid what's an untouched setting because the west has been done uh not by far cry but oh in montana what's an untouched setting in montana no if we're like in video games yeah to put it a little open oh there are no untouched settings in video games you'd have to create something completely new uh snowy native tribe it's kind of like far cry four yep in napal but it is yeah you're in the mountain just change from
Starting point is 02:06:05 indian sandians you're right oh well okay um like arctic environment can't really make a video game out of that like like a far cry style video game at least yeah no the arctic the problem with white out alone like with the the horizon and stuff like that would be that like there are there are snow capped mountains in far cry four yeah well we'll find out more at their e3 press conference we will i i hope it's good i'm still down for i hope they get rejunct that that that prime primal was pretty unique you know what i'm gonna be looking for though k-man times yes they're completely unique so what you're gonna be looking for i don't know at least to me anyways as a person who hasn't gone through them is like who's gonna be the character yeah who's gonna be the charismatic villain
Starting point is 02:06:52 who's that you know which is a bit of like like which is kind of a bit of like um what what like avengers 2 had a problem with was like uh ultron it's like hey look guys it's the character yeah you know uh i hope they trash those junk co-op like campaigns and just like clean up the that proper junk co-op then we had a blast playing that the co-op campaign uh there was a co-op fucking series of missions that were co-op only in fucking far cry i think there were three and four as well i don't know in which it was like it wasn't just because far cry four's co-op like that was just like you and your friend playing through everything single player yeah that that's great yeah but like the the was it just three i think it was just three i remember that four because
Starting point is 02:07:39 in three they had this thing of like co-op that was like you go to these do these missions and guess what the trailer just dropped hey look at that just now just dropped um you know what's a pretty unique setting fucking blood dragon they should just do another blood dragon this it's about christian doomsday cults oh really really that's different than it's not an old west thing oh that's cool although i'm i kind of did a lot of that and i like christian doomsday cults a lot of that going around you got that in outlast you got that in uh okay so that that was the teaser that was the teaser for the trailer which is what we have to suffer through in this day and age okay okay but that's cool that could be something yeah like the woods that could be
Starting point is 02:08:29 something to put and the time frame is i mean that church could be anytime right yeah actually didn't see anything that i saw nothing i just noticed dead bodies were floating in the river that's a t-shirt it could be modern day could be cool there's some people in there yeah power lines where's power line so yeah it's not the old west cool cool yeah okay let's this is cool all right could have been a far cry west world sure sure uh that'd be fun all right uh so we had that announced but yeah go ahead really quickly well just because you'll get a kick out of this uh remember we did a little bit called 1800 i don't know yep uh because you were aghast at the commercials you would see yep so we're watching the discovery channel or in cuba just regular
Starting point is 02:09:16 old discovery channel just a straight out commercial for a handgun use this handgun it's really good yeah it and shows guys doing cool poses and it says it has this ammo and it just shoot this gun at whatever you want and i was just like there's there's no we're at this point well not it's we're not not in canada no we're at this point on american amen is this new our canada canada canada still has like uh cigarette boxes that are mostly just dead children yeah now it's just a dead man spider brains and whatnot i'm like how did that happen different strokes for different folks and the on the font of the of the the brand is always the same and listen why this shocks me is because how many conventions have we done i've never seen this before
Starting point is 02:10:08 so it must be new it's new technology the gun in cuba no but we're watching american tv american tv we're watching discovery channel that is new tech that is new tech i did not well actually we're gonna go down to some some convention and they're just gonna have the gun stall right next to the the signings i did not know you could just advertise a gun on tv it was crazy yeah anyway sorry i wasn't aside and i i would like to buy a gun maybe it's a really good gun guys matt matt woolly um when you go buy a gun here that some people have to vouch that you're not crazy would you vouch to the rcmp that i'm trustworthy enough to own a gun what type what type of license are you trying to apply for whichever one will get me a gun a basic handgun you can't get a
Starting point is 02:10:48 handgun well what can you go are you gonna long rifle or shotgun okay fine you're trying to get a concealed carry no dude that doesn't exist in this country oh yeah that's true okay well then fine only people who can conceal carry rcmp i think um so woolly would you tell us probably like black watch or something would you would you tell no would you tell someone it's okay that that's cool enough to own a gun let's say no under penalty of law let's say probably not you guys are losers come on no sorry i just want to go shoot stuff get your gun in my yard i mean i think whatever you don't know yeah whatever problems you're trying to solve need to solve right through it yeah i think your problem solving devices should probably be slightly more complex than a button just so that
Starting point is 02:11:33 you get the one of it's a stick i mean like stick more complex than a button it's not but the time frame required to get your results to open my beer easily it slows it down i you need a slight impulse barrier maybe about 10 seconds well yeah all right i'm gonna throw this one up you guys can discuss it and i'm gonna take a pee okay why am i discussing yes put on another i haven't played it at all anyway life hey matt yeah that's lit huh yeah no dab that's yeah you saw that too i sure did um there was never there was never a single line in life is strange yeah but chloe just seems that kind of girl yeah maybe um yeah life is strange too announced to be a thing i think it's not even confirmed whether it's the same story i imagine it would be a completely different one
Starting point is 02:12:23 i definitely could with the way that the first one ends you can go either way but uh i'm i'm i'm happy with that i didn't know that it sold 3 million copies wait really yeah cool it's like one of square enix's few like like wow slam does since you know we have to just uh fire everyone at i o interactive and we'll never get another freedom fighters well that's great oh shit you just thought oh i that didn't click with me when we talked about it last week i assume they still own the the the franchise freedom fighters okay to people that don't know what matt just was talking about and why i just reacted freedom fighters for the ps2 and the xbox original is it is that on gpu i think so yeah okay is fucking fantastic it was like the original
Starting point is 02:13:10 cover shooter one of the best hidden gems like cult classics of all time hey woolly yes how do you feel about freedom fighters the game i hear good things about it oh you never played it okay it's because we brought i brought up that like i didn't know that life is strange had three million three million people bought it yeah it was a huge success so i'm not uh managing to come back from the brink of being forgotten they're making they're still making that weird vampire action gear but prior to life is strange they were very few people could remember them yeah and here they are making more life is strange yeah i wonder which timeline is canon are we getting a metal gear world where it's a little bit of column a and column b at the same time or saying that infinite ammo
Starting point is 02:13:58 they were saying that maybe uh i think either like the way they're going about it they're like not committing to anything but there's like there's a possibility it might not even be the same story it might be like take place in a different town it might not even be about the same characters that'd be interesting i think that would be really interesting i think in fact it would avoid the problem of having two timelines yes i think it would be ideal because you have to build a whole other game yeah to fucking constitute someone that took one of those choices yeah yeah yeah no i think uh it'd be cool to switch settings and characters maybe have a different power maybe it's not timer one maybe the only consistent theme needs to be hella hipsters hipsters so as long
Starting point is 02:14:38 it has to have a certain aesthetic as long as you have that borderline hipster path as long as you have west west anderson yeah coming in to do something yeah exactly just peek around the corner what you guys make it over here some bright ass colors i see uh yeah man and totally that's the way to do it because yeah like that or the choice a or choice b endings merge into some sort of choice i guess oh are they gonna do the fucking thing like prince of persia did actually there was a third ending that nobody knew about no no no it's worse than that it was like there was two endings but one was stupid both man i couldn't get it because of a bug i couldn't both cloy and the entire city were on the back of that snowmobile
Starting point is 02:15:25 that's not bad uh i hope uh that turns out to me i hope all the best and i they had a little trailer where they're like talking yeah i was just like going like uh you know yeah france axe is letting this happen um other things that are happening include there's a new trailer this is a bit or came up last week but we didn't really get to talk about it absolvers coming out in august and uh yeah was absolver is slow claps game was absolver comes out august 29th there you go ah and um yes you get to check out their combat deck trailer which kind of introduces a lot of the stuff i was kind of ranting about uh raving about excuse me gushing about you're ranting those are all viable no rants are bad gushing is good no but ranting
Starting point is 02:16:14 and raving is good yeah okay um and they get to introduce things i was saying where you have your three clans to choose from uh that whether you want to be the clan of third strike uh street fighter four or uh snk are you wait what you forgot so i'll remind you there are three tell me that's the canon names there are three uh character types to pick from when you started out and the major archetypes well the first one is parry's the second one is focus attacks the third one is dodges and you straight up uh build your entire character no but are they called the the clan of third strikes no no no they're they're called khalit uh forsaken and the windfall oh and um yeah you get to either absorb a hit and do a and punish you get to do a dodge into a counter strike
Starting point is 02:17:10 and just movement based you know safety or you can just parry and use the defensive window so they introduce again and also the stand system and the things i was talking about so if you want if you kind of want to see examples of what i was describing with the uh four stances and each stance is also the direction you end up facing you do a roundhouse kick you end up facing backwards that's another stance you can continue a different combo from there it's really really intricate and interesting uh and i think it looks super dope and is worth paying attention to um so yeah there's that we've got uh another game that i thought looked pretty cute called tiny metal tiny metal i haven't heard of this um oh yeah oh god this trailer goes into the the whole thing where you can see the
Starting point is 02:18:01 switching of the yeah anyway it's a bit of that for honor like watch and react to how the guy standing right for absorber yep uh tiny metal is an advanced wars like game that's coming out for the switch it's not advanced wars is it one of those yeah because like i saw the screenshot and i'm like wow well first of all there's no lovable human co's to to to like command your armies when you watch the footage or if there are they don't show up prominently but the way the fighting goes down is very advanced wars but i love i love the transitions in and out like it's there's something about them that is really like what i kind of would imagine advanced wars would be like today this looks solid it's a little bit like battalion wars when it goes to zooms down a bit
Starting point is 02:18:52 yeah it jumps into the tile it shows you your soldiers and it doesn't but it doesn't in a much more seamless way than the original advanced games obviously you know um but yeah if if that's your damn and uh i've i'm overdue because i loved advanced wars one and two and i kind of haven't played any of the follow-ups but uh i wouldn't mind taking a peek at one of these man they were super fun games this comes out in october uh i think it's for the switch and the playstation four i think i think i saw that up above i'm not sure it says that it's coming to switch and pc yeah and ps4 everything about xbox yeah so yeah you know japanese indie game japanese indie game um tiny metal that's what it's called tiny metal there was a uh also
Starting point is 02:19:42 switch announcement they're purring gunvolt over so i mean the the first two games it's good the golden volt pack exactly so okay uh azer striker gunvolt striker pack this the word striker twice it's a portable game striker azer striker gunvolt striker pack striker it's a portable game so i guess say i want me to throw on the switch yeah so it's one and two uh 60 frames per second which is nice and uh a bunch of other uh changes and including dlc and things like like shovel night and all those little extra bits indeed crates there are they i think they announced the other week that like uh that um their blaster master game that when they came on the switch like did super well like it sold a hundred thousand copies or something and with that scale of that game that's
Starting point is 02:20:28 it's it's very small scale project so i bet they're just like oh well just what else do we have seen around that we can just get some eyeballs on yep i never played two at all so is it better i know that uh liam told us that the second character uh plays very differently from gunvolt does so it makes the game a lot better and that's i trust that because the footage i saw of his gameplay looked awesome that maybe i'm not gonna give him a chance but like we added a new character who's fun to play unlike the main character sounds like a terrible way to i don't think they said that that's what they said no what they said is how we made a different character and that's what they said it's better than it just being gunvolt but there you have it and at the end of the day um you know
Starting point is 02:21:14 i still think everything else about gunvolt is cool but them's the i love the fucking name i think the name's great the name the character the everything else it's doing but you know anyway uh yeah that's that's up and that that's a switch thing you're gonna drop soon uh there's a win jammer's ps4 closed beta set from june 8 to 12 did you get an invite to that oh i i didn't i think i did i maybe i can send it to you i don't know i mean it you know i'm i it's win jammers i'm i'm good you need to know but since this is a dot m u game you want to go in and be like is this going to be trash garbage i want to get used to the lag for the online play is what i mean yeah i know you know win jammers no i just that that date looks like a one that i might not be in town for i'm
Starting point is 02:22:03 not sure so uh the closed beta though is available if you want to sign up for it over at so um and please i'm i'm you know lent dot emu your power hopefully they can they can overcome their themselves themselves because fuck man if all these new win jammer's games are coming out that's a nice thing but it's gotta still win jammer's the original has to be the best so aside from online play i mean local should be fine unless there's some like yep crazy issues nope like like but you played it a bit at at pax's yep felt good it was fun felt good at the end of the day no notable issues in my uh demo booth experience that's all i got because when i booted up uh oh wait no dot emu didn't didn't hope core savior would
Starting point is 02:22:59 of course you get attached to that shit damn straight um no uh dot emu didn't put out marco the wolves on ps4 right you mean marco the warves marco the warves he didn't put that was like someone else a comistix uh possibly okay possibly because when i booted up though it's it is on it is there's they did the switch one didn't they who did no the switch one is just is just the arcade yeah arcade the smk just yeah but the the ps4 version was a brand new version that had like that has like the worst netplay i've played in a while that's like all the matches were garbage so you catch uh you catch the shots of brennan at backlash i did shots of him that's fun yeah that's fun not actually being there but that's fine our little boy's growing up started he was never
Starting point is 02:23:49 a little faster he was always bigger than he's so younger than us yeah he's like 20 yeah but he's bigger than you that's not what i said yeah but yeah that's not what he said no he can't be younger i was being diminutive of yeah he's younger than there's a bite when i went i think he's younger when i took a piss i looked in the mirror and i got a like a shock of white hair on my beard i thought it was blonde but no it's white oh dude i've got two streaks coming in oh you you're getting the streaks yeah i got i got two like like because i had one for a while and i was like cool i'm gonna keep that i like its look and are they opposed are they like no no they're both on one side right now and i mean that works too yeah i don't mind getting a little salt and pepper
Starting point is 02:24:28 that's fine that's fine i mean i'm i'm still the same age i'm gonna have a try colored beard just like my dad drink this poison where uh it's gonna be uh salt pepper and and paprika age me faster there you go can you can you if you want to age faster could you just give me some of your age no i'm already aging at a hyperbolic rate yeah you could start smoking yeah no no i want to slow down the process you just said give me your age that implies oh i met like he youth i met you so there's uh crazy rich ceo's are doing the blood stuff blood stuff they're doing blood magic now or you can wipe out and and get a young healthy 22 year old's blood to rejuvenated to get into to get back into your fighting show now listen i'm you're getting elizabeth elizabeth bathery
Starting point is 02:25:23 i'm uh i'm uh not good with needles but i'll gladly take someone's blood to become younger you take a younger person's blood i'm and this is the man that we're supposed to allow to have guns well actually they probably wouldn't let me have no probably not now yeah that you've you've claimed that i will bathe in people's blood i really don't blade you gotta put it in you oh no just bathe and absorb the blood you absorb it through your skin yeah real billionaries she was on to something clearly i mean the science checking out of billionaires are doing it yeah you know who else was on to something what's that blood vertizers blood vertizers this adds making me younger oh boy um standing by a truck add a huge
Starting point is 02:26:06 blood burst goes over your whole body you're like oh my skin feels so rejuvenated oh god this makes me forget my dead baby now everyone give me your give me your best neutral face give me your all right give me a give me a second you just told the truth in l.a. noir all right okay no expression all right are we supposed to be looking at something well hold on because the next new story is splatoon two's single player mode was has been unveiled okay and so they've been sort of hinting at where the story is going and um in a pretty shocking twist right callie of the squid sister's fame has gone missing and her right tentacle squid mary has the task of finding her so the story mode is going to be about finding mary and i assume that this happened because of
Starting point is 02:26:51 the results of the spot yeah so it's possible that the unpopular sister uh has become the villain and regardless of where your allegiances lie yes um we might be seeing a sister versus sister plot set up here in splatoon two we might see that so why'd you ask me to do a neutral face well because i don't know where uh should told that that's matt yeah well he did but i mean yeah no but oh it's because every time i'm neutral about this okay i don't even know which sister's which okay because every time we've discussed it talk do i care about these okay well anyway so i don't know where you lie i don't know which stand uh on what you all agree you all agreed really him and matt all agreed on the same octopus on on g the on where you wear your stances on on uh
Starting point is 02:27:43 how uh which sister is you mean which sister there's only one sister yeah okay there's no there's no there's no conflict there's no conflict yeah there is only one place to go i don't even know why you're still looking at me i i'm all right i guess this conversation's over awesome um it's it was settled and you have been such a weird jackass about these fucking squid girls the every time they've come up what the fuck is going on what is this fucking nefarious shadow waifu fuck fish war because when it came out it was the ultimate who the fuck saw this coming no one did of which of these two characters do you like the most because they've always been presented together yeah sure and so it's just it the fact that like there they had the vote and then it was
Starting point is 02:28:28 like oh shit there was a bit of a a war where some people were on one side or the other and i was like let's let's let's make the best friend cast switzerland oh look look the the the nintendo fans get to have a waifu war too but with fish people basically yeah that's all and in the end you're not cagey about this with the other waifus in the end as matt correctly stated the conflict is over the justice really was a conflict and uh and we move on yeah we can all right all right i'm glad the single a joke to say i'm glad the single players of more story significance rather than the first games was just just like just do missions basically oh absolutely oh yeah i assume like a big part of like what this being a sequel would be like
Starting point is 02:29:21 actually doing a bigger campaign in a bigger story yeah because if the game mechanics are largely the same as just new weapons and maps and stuff it's like then you know do some new stuff in this in a story mode or a single player mode whatever and uh we can we can take a quick moment to discuss the other nintendo uh news although this is more rumors really rumors there might be a zelda smartphone game in development by dina sure um that'd be cool it seems likely that the art they the art used for this uh story is a massive lie like well it's it's art from the link but uh no okay rina yeah i know but they're implying it like oh it could be a zelda game well no i think this article yeah well we'll
Starting point is 02:30:06 fuck the artwork there i mean in general the the main thing is that according to the wall street journal uh people familiar with the matter quote unquote is the source saying that they're working on a smartphone zelda um and of course the animal crossing is their next uh mobile game obviously this is going to be a sequel to the one of gamelan no obviously it's going to be a sequel to links crossbow training you're right you're right i could go for another another tetris trackers which we never got came out in japan didn't that like a bundled into something at whatever or tingles uh tingles rupee tingles wow i forgot what it's called i don't know rampage anyway tingles rupees sure i guess like i haven't played any of those nintendo mobile games like i
Starting point is 02:30:53 never booted up fire on them i booted up fire on them then went and then closed it i played a fucked out of mario run i cleared i beat i beat it once it comes out on android has it on android i think so it's gotta be come on it's well because every when it was hot it was not yeah no and now that it's not hot it's it might be hot so uh and then finally we can start talking we can talk about these last two stories uh one thing we haven't done in a while is talk about a kickstarter and so there's a new kickstarter for project rap rabbit yeah i was i just came out of just everyone's talking about it one day well because what here's what happened is i i almost feel a little hoodwinked with the story because the first thing that happened was the announcement
Starting point is 02:31:35 that oh from the creators of parappa yeah the parappa the rapper creators uh guitar man and guitar man exactly uh yeah messiah matzura uh he actually um oh no wait hold on excuse me the parappa creator and the guitar room and creator both together are working on this exactly right uh not to attribute both games to one person yeah parappas is messiah matzura and guitar man's is kei chi yeah so they announced this trailer and then it popped up on sony's playstation like a blog and they just announced the game there was no there's no uh kickstarter okay it was just the game right and then there was like more information coming soon and then afterwards came the kickstarter and it was like okay so they're actually this is a crowdfunding
Starting point is 02:32:21 campaign very similar to shenmu yeah and um i wonder how that's doing so they're seeking for we can check the updates um imagine we'll find out more at e3 i hope so so they're checking uh they're looking for a 1.1 mil to fund the ps4 and pc release that seems reasonable they also recently added a switch stretch goal i believe but the the basic uh premises far whoops as i can tell from their little trailer there's no gameplay for it just mainly just artwork and them talking about it is you're it's going they're going for a rap battle style uh gameplay take on parappa the rapper so you're going through the parappa style stages and gameplay but uh you're fighting against the person in the same way that you'd watch an episode
Starting point is 02:33:04 of epic rap battles of history okay is the reference that they were going for there really they actually said epic rap battles so is uh the characters look cool i like the designs i like the world this setting is uh is super hot fire going to be a dlc character i mean i can if they know what's good for them imagine he is if they know what's good for them how could you imagine though um and yeah right now they're at uh 115 pounds of the 855 pounds a little uh or a thousand pounds excuse me so whatever convert that to your america that's heavy uh okay hold on boo i booed myself okay so uh this is this is a project i'd like to play sorry you said before that you were like this story made you feel like you're a hoodwinked or something
Starting point is 02:33:52 no i no i just thought because i thought it was just a game coming out oh you just the kick started because they just announced the game and then afterwards they said by the way it's a crowd funding thing right uh so i was like oh okay i guess i just didn't get that impression at all from the original trailer that they put out okay um so yeah if this is uh your thing and you'd like the sounds of it i'll check that out it seems cool mm-hmm mm-hmm i take a peek and uh see what they got they got uh what you got their whole thing set up here so yeah take a look at their Kickstarter uh it's it's called project rap rabbit and very it's very to the point name it's not much hard to what was it about me and i'm just supposed to say about that yeah now i i didn't this is
Starting point is 02:34:37 funny because this came out around the same time as an article that i read that i thought was interesting or at least cited some interesting stats um we've off camera discussed a bit about how personally i've kind of felt like a lot of uh i've been a bit down on Kickstarter because i'm i'm just kind of like waiting for the things that i got excited for and backed to come out i got the darsals three uh board game in the mail by the way cool i haven't played it yet because i don't have enough people i'm setting up some friends but cool i'm excited to let you guys know how that goes dope although i was i had an initial moment of i got the thing in the mail it's like all right i ordered like 150 pounds worth of fucking extra shit with this and it's like oh no all the expansion
Starting point is 02:35:20 packs are coming out coming after it's five months or so nice the plastics literally needs to get made okay uh so yeah i i know mentally i just kind of had a moment where i was like um uh i'm waiting for a lot of what i backed to come out in order to like sort of mentally justify kicking it in jumping into a bunch of other ones exactly and uh there was an article that was written up that basically uh mentioned uh how Kickstarter blew up and uh you know ever since of course like um tim schaefer it's been on the increase but this year it's dropped back to a huge well it's because a lot of those really like i would call them dream pitches came out one after the other like you had double fine adventure you had pillars of eternity you had um those are the two ones that
Starting point is 02:36:13 popping in my head all the time you had ukulele you had you know and these all came there was like a year and a half two-year period where it's just like every single month there was like hey you know those people who don't make those games anymore the things you love they're gonna make one for you yeah everybody who would have backed something backed one thing yeah but games take fucking forever to come out they take a while so you've got to then be patient and wait right and and people that are like well i backed that thing and it's just a year and a half two years i'd still you have to basically get into the yeah you have to get into a place that you that we've never gotten before which is like i'm supporting this i put my money down for it and so it feels more
Starting point is 02:36:48 real because my money went into it and now forget about it yeah as it gets made and you know a lot of people are just like well you know they a year in they feel like it's a loss because so they still don't have it well here's the part that also is not being that you didn't mention is the bad kick starters well yeah obviously those ones right and then so you end up the sun yeah so the sun forced me to not make this so these things all kind of blend together into this weird mood right and i don't know i at first i felt it was just me but then i guess when i saw when i started reading the numbers on this i was like wow it's not just me uh i don't know how you feel matt about um like kickstarter things if like you're just if you're still just grabbing whatever is
Starting point is 02:37:32 interesting or not or if you kind of feel like you are a bit burnt out i'm still grabbing things but like i just find even small scale so i just don't see like i don't see like the the the rap bunny thing is just kind of like oh okay cool like i haven't really i think i heard about this like less is coming across my dashboard yeah you know what i mean oh for sure i'm not for sure i you know just i'm sure it's there is just like on a basic level when i log into twitter i don't have as often people go hey oh my god that fucking thing you like look at this yeah it's coming back it's coming back it's coming back it's considerably rarer nowadays i think the last one was pillars too and that was a few months ago and so what i what i was surprised to find out was uh that in 2016
Starting point is 02:38:16 they hit a five-year low uh and this is for how many projects have been greenlit or for how much money they've made over how for how much money uh they've made that has gone toward the video exactly so what i will see do i see way more than video games is just cool products yeah like this crazy air conditioner this fucking weird thing like this weird dildo like they're always i don't know why i have that in across my dashboard but like uh i see more about look at this awesome backpack it's the best backpack you'll ever have because those fat cats at the backpack concern finally let us make one also don't forget that like you're uh they they bomb Kickstarter they bomb Facebook with huge ads for that fucking backpack so that every time you
Starting point is 02:39:01 check out this fucking litter box it's this open this Kickstarter will change you want an update on those litter boxes yes i do i threw them all out yeah i know nice i heard that you were drunk and you're fighting your litter box at some point didn't you do a stream with the litter box that that was like a year ago okay but yeah no i opened up the thing but since then the cats are like fuck this i hate this thing this is just the worst and i was like all right i gotta i'll just give you a big giant what a great experience in your life right from beginning to end just thinking that totally would have was justified yep it made everything about your life better better yeah i use a i use an electronic litter box called the scoop free for elmo and it works great okay well you
Starting point is 02:39:43 should check it out no it scoops it for you i don't want i want gotta get in there you like the feel you had you like it well no but it's the texture it's it's my chore that i do well you could have a robot do your chore for you i i'll do it's fine so anyway uh we're a little robot sure all right so we can discuss the the pluses and minuses of cat poop well no no that's it's a universal minus i don't think anybody is going to say cat of the handling of cat but anyway so the point is that uh is that uh yeah they hit their lowest margin in five years and um while it was on the up and up and up and up ever since uh double fine adventure uh they dropped to uh 18 million from the 43 million that hit the year before yeah no there was a there was definite boom
Starting point is 02:40:37 and it was and so there's a there's a decline and so the reason why you're not seeing them pop up on your your social media as much anymore is because there is actually less of them and there is again a sentiment out there that i just i independently kind of commented on and then turns out that no there are quite a few people you're definitely not the only one waiting for what they've backed to happen and i've backed a bunch that i've like forgotten about you know and kind of them like i hope this will just surprise me one day um you know things like like star maser i threw money and i'm just like i hope i just get something uh somewhere you know and at school because like there's a couple like like at the end of this month like friday the 13th
Starting point is 02:41:17 which i kickstarter comes out perception which i kickstarter comes out so yeah those are coming out in terms of long like stuff like there's shenmu and then there's um blood uh bloodstained yeah and those are the two that i'm like waiting and i mean to be honest like i don't keep my eye on all of them right like i i i still do follow drift stage and and i'm getting some exactly and uh you know there's there's others that you care about more and indivisible i like i follow what's going on there and there's like completely like i don't know what you're what you guys are doing i had this weird moment where people announced there was something that's like hey slacker backers come come back battle chasers right yeah and i was like oh cool you know what
Starting point is 02:41:56 i never backed that one i should actually go back it because it looks so cool and then i went to log in to kickstarter and it's like thank you for your pledge to battle chasers that you made when the kickstarter was still going yeah like i'm at that point that's exactly and that was the one i'm like no i actually unless it's something that i'm like desperate for like i back pillars eternity to quite heavily unless it's something like that like there's just fucking i gotta back off so i guess it's just kind of like i feel like there's a bit of a hype bubble that that did silently pop thanks mighty number nine and i you know it's a number of a number of things nine of them even but uh yeah for that you softballed at the end of the it was an underhand
Starting point is 02:42:36 at the end of the day when something exciting drops and the right place for it is kickstarter we're still i think we're all still gonna come right back you know i went heavy on on unlike them death you know what you know it's not the right place the right thing for kickstarter fucking namco saying hey you want to have a fucking celebratory pac-man anniversary thing go pay money for kickstarter to fund the company celebration what they they fucking is that they said the for namco bandai a little while ago on their fucking facebook page or whatever the four their fucking social media account was like congratulations to x-money years for fucking whatever do you guys want to go to a big party fund the kickstarter
Starting point is 02:43:16 cheese like i think she's had the party fuck off wow um there's there's weird things like like yeah like obviously ukulele was a huge success and then there's like things like um banner saga that just like you've got banner sagas good but banner sagas like yo we have an audience they want more we're serving that audience we serve and that's all we need we don't need the the widespread hype we just need these this crew of people that were there from the first game and they're supporting the second and then the banner crew and third third the banner saga three just succeeded and they're they're like yep we know our numbers now we know exactly who we're i guess what oregon trail with vikings so it's a good formula i think that's a solid way to go
Starting point is 02:43:55 when i think that's i think that like once you are a success it'd be it's cool to like have just you know the people that want more of what you've already given them to keep you around that like you're almost like subscribers in a way but uh yeah i i so when i when i kind of looked at i saw the project wrap rabbit thing i was like i'm excited for this i'll throw some money at it but in general i'm way less willing these days to go on something that i'm iffy about especially if i don't know i kind of feel like you always if you're iffy about it but if well because i i guess you know what i mean like i well because it was like when when we looked at for example that that that beat them up at which i forget what it was called oh that japanese one
Starting point is 02:44:37 yeah right that's something where i'm like i'm not iffy on that i think that looks really cool but but everyone in else in the world was iffy about it and like it was gonna all right when you see a project and you just like just you look at the the goals of how much money and if you know it's not going to make it you don't generally speaking yes even put money kind of self-fulfilling honestly i guess i guess like what i'm trying to say is that my threshold i've moved the slider back a bit for like how much it's going to take for me to or how rather how much it's going to take for me to back it you know like i was more willing to go out on a limb for things i guess when the spirit of this was hype and you know what i mean like it was we're
Starting point is 02:45:17 in the middle of a lot of really exciting things coming out and and and being announced dreams are coming true man but i need to just personally wait to get them in my hands more so that when i feel like okay at least four or five of these 20 things you know i'm now playing and i have them and i've enjoyed them like then i can feel like okay i can sort of okay willingly go in again and whatnot but mentally and i'm just investing all over the place and then there's the ones that aren't even like they're not bad games they didn't come out as failures but i mean liam and i both got burned uh with unsung story and project phoenix that's money in a pit those games are not gonna happen and they the the devs keep saying they're gonna happen but they're not gonna happen well i
Starting point is 02:46:01 mean like there's the actual not gonna happen like uh the project furry uh forgot what it's called project furry yeah yep uh and then masters sure yep w n bc yiff master and uh and then you know and then there's max a million and then there's not then there's not cancelled but like perpetually and develop oh remember that remember that one that failed that we were all really like the we shall wake or we shall die it was like that 2d one we shall wake is is very sorry sorry it's i'm just i'm just mix up the titles remember it was a 2d one by the god of war former members and it was like a crazy vertical horizontal shooter that had melee we there was a demo for it even and just no one no one wanted any of it oh the two they're the one-on-one fight yeah it had a big ball like you
Starting point is 02:46:51 fight enemies and at the end of the stage it always winds up with a big one-on-one fight oh yeah it was i think it was like a one-shelf fall something like that yeah yeah and that was a shame because we were like well it's pretty cool yeah well there's a bunch of other stuff going on with that but um oh and just remind you will you have to go and like fly miss yes did we uh did we talk about that witcher thing no last week i must imagine you did no we didn't we tell the the new news is that witcher tv is happening on netflix has nothing to do with the games at all zero percent that's a whole other deal so that is the excellent like little dovetail of woolly going what a fool and it's like well he's gonna make some money he's gonna try and and come on madz michelson come on madz
Starting point is 02:47:36 michelson yeah yeah um basically was a witcher or vego mortensen vego mortensen what is that but there's a photo going around of uh was it a guy uh is that madz at the who's very similar looking to garyl yeah okay you know like i'm like i'm like am i looking at julien assange sure anyway no that's yeah that's assange yeah punish assange with the long ponytail yeah exactly or whatever but yeah so he's been having a rough time but uh well but panel anderson's been visiting him in in in the fucking oh that's that's a real rough time anyway so yeah um netflix witcher is happening in there get your money from that yeah also like he went on to say like it's gonna be nothing like the games or whatever like with the the anger or something like that all you
Starting point is 02:48:19 fans i i i bet he is going to be so vindictive he is going to like make the show in such a way that he invalidates the game well i wouldn't be surprised if scene one was him like fucking like killing character that look like you're all yeah yeah yeah yeah i like like pulling a um um a dmc where he pulls the wig off yeah like the mop you know i feel like they're gonna go for that bitter fuck you also uh i don't know how familiar you guys are with the witcher series but this is clearly going to be netflix's game of thrones yeah the violence and pornography levels will be high they're gonna drop money on it but they've got the money to drop yeah so yeah cool think it's going to be good yeah you know my favorite part about that story was what all the stories that
Starting point is 02:49:03 i saw reporting it were like based on the hit video game franchise the witcher that's not based yeah it was like yeah yeah i'm sure he's loving that all right let's take some emails no that's our one um emails if you want to send an email send it to super best friendcast at the super best friendcast all right maybe you can answer one very quickly matt we have to run out the door yep uh let's take one from um vows vows says vows um dear dear dream of the 1998 is alive in montreal cast a long time listener first time sender what's your favorite self-imposed video game challenge my personal favorite is the infamous nuzlocke and uh antisocial run in persona uh that's the antisocial run in persona is hilarious
Starting point is 02:49:52 that's really funny and stealth and melee only in watchdogs that's really funny uh usually i always add games that don't require stealth but have some type of element i'll i'll try that's that's the one i usually kind of all right i'm gonna steal woolly's answer before we can get to it the best specialty run of any game is the mirrors edge without guns run it's not my answer oh wow wow what was your answer then my answer uh is the one that you don't think about as a special self-imposed difficulty it's the very simple uh strifer s ranking no items in platinum games yeah you're right it's so expected don't use the items that you don't even think about it don't even use the items no items character action we do it every time games have that as a thing
Starting point is 02:50:38 yeah they will it subtracts it subtracts from your but you still pass the level yeah it's no problem but yeah that's uh that's what i'd say um it's it's yeah um we got one coming in from justin he says hey justin what up uh just in case here no questions just wanted to tell you some kick-ass history turns out guts may have been based at least in part on a real german knight named gotz von i've heard this before he fucking had a metal arm too oh well known as guts the iron hand other than the name similarities including wielding a large sword fighting the mercenaries of unreasonable odds against him and more important most importantly having an iron prosthetic hand his uh he was alive around 1504 and went on to fight many other
Starting point is 02:51:26 wars and campaigns what's what's really interesting about this guy is that he spent over three years in a boat how about that amazing and so now band of the hawks gonna say it's pronounced gotsu yeah yeah gats uh nickelodeon gats get gats with your silly putty do you have it um but before i before i got dash out the door uh fucking really excited for yeah friday the 13th perception and ultra street fighter to all come out in the same day this friday i believe uh and i think uh i'm going to maybe be streaming friday the 13th on sunday at some time i haven't decided what but really looking forward to that because when i played the beta of that on pc like i was like oh this is wait that's coming up so soon
Starting point is 02:52:19 yeah really wow well i guess not so soon i heard about a hidden certification for consoles forever and and it's well it's not out officially yet on pc either it just had a beta for it so i'm gonna throw you a question so that while you're putting your jacket on you can think about it okay uh matthew says uh super best friends uh a superhero is trying to kill you and will do whatever they can to track you down and take you out that's worth it which hero would you want chasing you and how will you delay your inevitable death uh squirrel girl oh she'll wreck you instantly out of your mind you're fucking dead as you stand all right she's unbeatable she's unbeatable um it's the worst choice do i want to laugh at me i'm trying to think of an idiot who will like not do it yeah i'm
Starting point is 02:53:01 gonna say maggot from the x-men yeah uh because his slow-ass maggots are gonna come for me and they're indestructible and they'll get there but it'll take them a while and i can keep running so it'll be like it follows i know who i know i want it to be leech because leech is just a dumb idiot whose mutant power is that he erases other people's mutant powers but i'm not a mutant so the fucking come at me bro i'll hit you with a stick hmm i guess feng feng fum oh because he's stupid because it'd be radical yeah i thought you're gonna say because it would take him however many years for him to appear yeah no but just like if i am going to get killed otherwise we could kill the coolest metal weight i'd ever want to
Starting point is 02:53:42 i want somebody to have i can't say godzilla because it's not like i want to have the somebody to have the guts here to go like plastic man because they're just some guy with a really fucked up power and you don't want to know he's really creepy he's gonna climb in your ass and explode you from the inside i would want to get killed by mr fantastic because he can't kill me with like guns or like whatever but he prides that she can just go into you and then like fucking but does that kill her too if she unfreezes in yeah probably yeah no night crawler can bamf into you though yeah wait that's been confirmed he can bamf inside of people i don't know never heard that or was that wasn't that something he can bamf he can he can selectively bamf people away or not
Starting point is 02:54:22 i know that yeah because they still exist in the alternate dimension that he jumps into anyway guys yeah i'm gonna stab by maggot all right bye bye later have fun with whatever you're doing go into a funeral now oh we'll have fun then oh boy okay um yeah and then there were two yeah i think that's pretty decent yeah all right oh let's take another one one we got this one coming in from what name does he want me to read ah i hate that fucking problem yeah because there's the email name and then there's the one they sign it with yeah the email name so it's my full name con cockle flickson says dear super scrub friends plus one uh during high school most of my friends did art while i did technical graphics sometimes i would ditch tg
Starting point is 02:55:16 and go to art one of those days i chose to go to art they were doing cold drawing and painting towards the end of the class i got bored and noticed that coal stains my skin i grabbed a piece of coal and drew a shitty beard on my face because we were stupid kids we thought this was hilarious and the group of us colored our faces entirely black with coal no thought of what this was or what it meant uh after getting home i showed pictures to my parents and all they said was you guys look like a shitty minstrel show that's a great reaction from the parents just dad looking i go now parents aren't all minstrel shows shitty well they mean that it's like one that doesn't have a lot of production behind it except for that one in bamboozle that
Starting point is 02:56:03 one was hilarious well that's that's like double blackface right that was yeah yeah yeah that was black people with black oh yeah oh yeah yeah that's meta that's different way way inside um i hope you destroyed those photos yeah that's you know i mean that's like not much else you can say and when you're playing around you're not going to get it on your lips accidentally but let's say you you managed to avoid them and someone else grabbed some lips that google's like oh and yeah you just happen to be a hot summer day and yeah it's around a hot summer day refreshing fruits right of course and so you run outside to go wash cool yourself down and then like on your way out like some like a truck is driving by and it accidentally drops salt all over the pavement
Starting point is 02:56:47 because it's it's cold and so the winter so they're melting the ice so then you start walking and then oh it's a summer day in the winter and you start sliding on the salt and you start doing a little soft shoe and oh no what happened uh i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna paint that as honest mistake that becomes nefarious if anything came of it after your parents told you you were being jack asses oh boy right would you would you agree with that i mean perhaps yeah perhaps you know and then anyway yeah you just so happen to have to have to have to have to like uh to buy kfc for lunch or what i had to happen to them and yep you just keep well there's that moment where you're eating like i'm eating like chicken with purple stuff and like a watermelon at the side right
Starting point is 02:57:36 and okay imagine this scenario i just happen to actually want that for lunch right and then you were to come in for the podcast and i know you because you and you know me and you look at me and go what the fuck is what's the punchline you'd be looking around for like fucking bullshit right uh yeah but if i was an ignorant innocent soul it would be slightly different so that's that's you get you get to be innocent once you get legitimately you gotta pass right you gotta pass and then your ignorance is banished and then let's then let's see see now did they say that's you look like a shitty minstrel show roll their eyes and then go like a few pointers yeah like the lips real funny or or you know what was like what was the follow-up sentence
Starting point is 02:58:23 con cockle that's what we need to know instant matt leaves the fucking room absolutely we start talking about blackface oh yeah the instant it's like he's like putting out like a fucking moderating field i mean look when the um when the cat's away the mice will play or something like that doesn't make sense i don't know i i got stuck brandon wants to know if you would prefer to be spoiled to finding out about a new game from a leak or from an official announcement what's your preference leek you like leeks better i like leeks better than what why do you like leeks better because if i get spoiled by the official announcement it's official there's no mental gymnastics i can give myself to trick myself to not believing it
Starting point is 02:59:10 right so if you watch an official trailer that shows a character death or something you can't you can't mentally undo that because it's official right but if if you see a fucking screenshot on on the fucking whatever then it's like big leaks so and so dies i i can i can internally fight that for a little okay that's interesting because i actually you feel the opposite no i just i don't know why i said the word spoiler but i threw it out there and it completely changed the context of the con of the question okay because he was just asking about discovering new games oh and i just in my summarization just threw that in there i don't care i don't give a shit okay i just want to know it exists okay
Starting point is 02:59:54 there's only one example and it was an official source that i wish had been changed to a different official source and it was the uh street fighter cross tech and an announcement yeah that uh yoshi i i i yoshinora ono i totally get that you want to tell everybody but that cg trailer reveal at e3 would have been one of the best moments ever yes and because you couldn't fucking hold it in you had to show the game in this weird shitty unfinished state and it totally different so because you watched the trailer and i've said this before yeah that's like no that is the strongest one um where it's it's reuse face being stomped on and you're like oh cool capcom game and then it's the capcom logo and it's that and then it was the namco logo and
Starting point is 03:00:46 that pans up and it's kazoo yeah and that was clearly supposed to be a surprise right that was clearly supposed to be like oh yeah exactly yeah because he had already talked we already seen it like that moment was robbed that was a really really shitty moment where uh the marketing paul marketing actually had a really was completely right paul marketing was 100 right and ono and ono was completely wrong because he couldn't contain himself yeah yeah that's probably the worst example it's at least the strongest example um i was so disappointed in my and i saw that it was supposed to be like a big it was still a really cool trailer but that pop was a fraction of what it should have been because we saw so like when i watch i go back and watch the old trailers
Starting point is 03:01:28 occasionally i like to pretend that this is the first time i see it i like no i look them up and i try to see if they have a youtube version with the crowd reaction yeah i love that i love looking up nintendo reveals with crowd reaction always fun uh and let's take one from roman who says uh why won't they cheer me dear super chunks do you think the biggest reason yakuza is not um successful in the west is because of the lack of english voice acting no because yakuza one had a crazy expensive dub and failed spectacularly are people too lazy to read all those subtitles no it's because it's it's it's niche and it's very japanese is because the things that appeal to you or i or the people who are watching the lp about that series often don't appeal to to joe bro let me let me point
Starting point is 03:02:17 some out you'd expect a huge rpg with dynamic lighting fighting systems to be bigger in other words if it had english voice acting in real advertising it would do gangbusters in the west no the so let me let me let me explain something about the perception of persona and yakuza right persona's gotten away from it persona managed to beat this rap but the persona series and the yakuza series share one thing in common they're about the fantasy of living in another place right yep i'm the gangster i'm a school kid i'm in japan i'm in well it's not living in another place it's about being in japan well you're right but but to us it's being in another place being in another like the the the culture the the the the variety it's not like here as as dirty
Starting point is 03:03:01 guy jen right yes in japan that tone is inverted it's not about something new it's about something hyper familiar yes it's about um i've been there before i see that guy i know that place yeah i'm pretending that i'm that guy over there yeah i know in my life and i'm gonna and i'm gonna live out a fantasy that i can't normally live and the true crime streets of la the equivalent of that is grand theft auto yeah and i don't mean in terms of gameplay because that's nonsense no just familiarity terms of settings well no we live in places like la or new york or whatever and we can empathize or understand the the facsimile of american life that gta provides right yeah so gta does pretty okay out in japan but it doesn't do like it's not consistent gang
Starting point is 03:03:56 buster it because of its setting because the familiarity appeal right because it's like people who want the foreign really interesting point right whereas here the yakuza yakuza is crazy hardcore about it more than persona it appeals to people who really want to go to japan really want to find out all this weird shit like know what host clubs are yeah you know the cd underbelly and to a lot of people who are just like i don't care there's like what is this fucking weirdo shit but the familiarity angle yeah is mirrored it's it's totally inverted on the situations so no unless when you're selling yakuza you're selling japan to people do people care about learning or seeing cool crazy stuff but that's and it's also very japanese humor and fighting
Starting point is 03:04:43 like shen mu can come along and be a huge deal back when shen mu was a huge deal but not because it had any to do with japan shen mu was a huge deal it was just a triple because it was a triple wave weirdo game it did all sorts of crazy shit yeah yeah yeah yeah and i will i'm not sure if you've you've played any yakuza and i know there's a lot of people out there that are going to fight me over this but but yakuza is the like spiritual successor to shen mu yeah yeah like very much i'm aware of that i'm aware of that um you're playing a criminal instead of a good guy but i mean walking around town doing all that doing all the side quests yeah i mean you play fucking outrun in in yakuza zero couldn't you play fucking outrun in shen mu in shen mu yeah um no no it
Starting point is 03:05:26 wasn't outrun it was um you know what's gonna be you know what's gonna be a bunch of six when you go to the arcade virtual fight or five yeah probably you know it is confirmed with online play that's amazing that's amazing wow wow wow wow that's really cool uh nice like yeah i i i i never really thought about it that way but in that sense it's interesting because like the point remains that like um persona is huge here and gta it's huge here now yeah four three and four were still niche they're popular niche but they were still niche yeah absolutely absolutely i feel like four was sub one million for sure worldwide probably over but in in the west four felt like everything and every one everywhere because it became
Starting point is 03:06:17 the the persona became bigger they hit the mainstream yeah and that's why five five has been pretty successful i think was the second most popular game in the the month that it released but it wasn't the number one so what's the like yakuza style like it's not persona equivalent to in japan to gta could you rephrase that that was a little confusing sorry okay so there's so yakuza has the same appeal as persona but it's a it's less popular no yakuza is way more popular than persona in america no in the in japan i'm not in america so in japan yeah gta is pretty big but like it's not the hugest thing ever it's just for people that are into that i think call of duty is actually bigger than yeah actually yeah yeah
Starting point is 03:07:01 and like military fans like are good to get heavy on that yeah is there and and there's a direct correlation of like western otaku versus eastern military otaku is there a western life simulator that is no there isn't in japan absolutely that's kind of that's not gta that's sort of like there is not and guess what i would love to play that game i think that would be fucking cool i would i i want the persona exchange student and i want the fucking cure you ghost in new york and shit like that that'd be great if only brook town high were to take off the way it should have all right well um with that you stacked up your money i have coins here that i just like to step yeah i don't know why it's fun why are they there though uh this is change uh from that sandwich
Starting point is 03:07:53 place because the sandwich place when you buy a sandwich it's not quite ten dollars that's so i always end up with a bunch of change because i don't want it so i just stack here because it's funsies okay uh yeah that's good for letters you still have yeah we're good we're good let's um i have a i have a very small piece of news if you could permit me five minutes all right uh over the past three hours during the podcast when you saw me watching it when i came in uh they've been doing a final fantasy 14 uh live letter what what came out of that this is the gameplay one where they actually talk about stuff um i'm not gonna uh there's a billion gameplay things that have changed none you can look it up on your own but the primary
Starting point is 03:08:35 one that's of of interest to the the the game itself like you know the overall thing and i don't know how to feel about it is they are introducing what is colloquial known as jump potions which are the pay 25 dollars hit the level cap straight up yeah straight up yeah pay to win no not pay to level up pay to get to the end game okay and uh that's the old one yeah it's a 35th 36 one is ongoing so you're not gonna find write-ups about it okay um it's like 18 bucks to complete all the realm reborn stuff it's 25 bucks to get up to the expansion and it's i think 30 or 40 to level up a class to 60 not the cap but to 60 because the new cap will be 70 um and they're doing something interesting which is until the second until the first patch and the new expansion comes
Starting point is 03:09:32 out you can only buy one job level up you can catch up with one and they're actively limiting it because they don't want people to like spam the shit out of the upper levels just buying to hit the end game um like in my head how does that not ruin everything so here's the deal the the because it sounds on paper laying like someone unfamiliar so there's two potions one completes all the quests that get you to the end game and one levels you up and you can mix and match those as you would uh the reason why it doesn't technically ruin it is one these things have already existed in the chinese and korean versions of the game for like a year year and a half now and they haven't noticed that big of a problem the other thing is that somebody who's played an mmo
Starting point is 03:10:23 like this for a while there are a lot of people who have every class to cap and don't know how to play a goddamn one and that's today without any of this shit people that literally just got carried all the way to the top and never bothered to learn and there are if you're in a free company with people that no you don't just went to duty finder and the more terrible but the other three people just carried them okay uh and it and raid content just like people get carried and you can do it if you if you put if you put your mind to it hard enough you can get carried um and that's even now without any of these jump potions and there are other people that i i've known like somebody helped them level or whatever and like or they've taken a year off from the game you know that kind
Starting point is 03:11:08 of stuff yeah and they hop right back in and all takes is a an afternoon or two to relearn how to play your class right and relearn how to how to do encounters right the way they are pitching this very very specifically is it is not for new players because if you want to go from new all the way to the end it's going to cost you like 120 bucks and then you're just going to be at level 60 and you're going to have to grind out to 70 so you're going to have to play through your class for 10 levels to hit the new cap no matter what so it is not the potion is one jump one level yeah uh no the potion is you take the potion you hit the current as of today level cap okay but the expansion is raising the cap from 60 to 70 so they basically the the level up potions will
Starting point is 03:11:59 always bring you to the last expansions level cap you will always have to go and get it from like through this expansion stuff i see so you have to play your class at least a little yeah okay so people that um people that are going to learn or care they're going to do it and people that aren't going to learn and care some of them are going to jump all the way to the top but i like if people don't want to learn they're not going to learn read it see if i agree oh yeah no no the american community doesn't want uh the jump potions because uh the the argument that Square Enix has made is that it's not a problem in the eastern regions and and the response to that is but japanese korean and chinese players are not western mmo players the the cultures are very different
Starting point is 03:12:50 and it like there's for example there's no uh gold seller problem on japanese servers period you know why because japanese players don't buy gold it's just they just don't buy it okay there's just a different way to culturally play they just don't buy it the japanese players on average do not buy gold however american pot layers they bought buy gold like crazy so until they added a feature that you just hit a button to report those people fucking places were rife with bots and assholes just right and that's a culture problem that's not the game and it took like three years to get that button because it's not a problem on the japanese servers where the devs play right so people are worried that duty finder and raid finder and shit like
Starting point is 03:13:36 that is going to be fucking absolutely trash filled with uh people who bought their way to the top in the west but it's actually not going to be a problem in japan and so those complaints are going to get like ignored that being said this does solve a very real problem ff14 has a really really really long main story that you have to beat and i remember when you were trying to squeeze your way through all different classes yeah well the the different classes not that big of a problem but the main story is crazy long it is now like like two full length rpgs because the the original game and the expansion and all the patches and if you were to say hey will he say you were like hey pat i would like to play with you and your friends and do end game
Starting point is 03:14:19 stuff right i'll see you in two months okay when you get there okay that's who it's for okay right that was 120 bucks an actual number it's 25 for the story and it's uh fucking 30 per job i think and i think i think i just scroll past supposed to set 25 per job yeah and uh 33 in canada yeah there's there's that's that's the big like real news like all the all the job stuff they showed off look super cool and uh they're they're changing a bunch of stuff to streamline the game they were running to a mmo's run into a relatively unique problem that will leave you haven't played them you probably haven't encountered this whereas as you level up you're supposed to get new abilities right mm-hmm well guess what's gonna happen you're out of fucking keys literally out of keys on the
Starting point is 03:15:11 keyboard that's right because every key is bound to something shift plus you have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten right then you have shift plus that then you have shift two plus that guess what willy i have i have 48 action i have 48 battle actions assigned to my character right now which is just enough for the game pad and i have an entire extra like 20 that are just side stuff and this expansion they're going like okay well you obviously all want new abilities right well there's physically not enough room for you to actually even fuck behind one of those extra finger pad things that it's not like so wow i had this problem all mmo's that go on for the time have this problem right and especially with this game because it's controller users and controller
Starting point is 03:15:58 users have access to like they have access to multiples of 12 buttons like 12 uh 12 24 36 or maybe 48 if they really push it so the big thing is they're writing 48 yeah 48 uh the big thing that they're gonna do is they're saying okay we're aware of this we're also aware that every single class has five to ten abilities that are trash that are junk and you don't use so guess what those are gone we're just removing them or we're rolling their functionality and other stuff or we're changing how it works so you don't need it um there's a really annoying cross class system in which say you wanted to play monk woolly and uh you want to be level 60 monk and you're going to go into raid content right well one of the best skills for monk is a dragoon skill the dragoons
Starting point is 03:16:45 get at level like 32 go level a dragoon to 32 so you can get the one skill that you need to use in your monk guess what that sucks right and some of those skills are vital you need to level uh black mage to 26 you need to level a gladiator to 32 because if you don't you're trash and guess what that sucks that's a pain in the ass they've completely removed that system and now all roles like tanks physical dps range dps uh healers etc they all share that the important functions when they announce this stuff is it like rolling out immediately type thing no this is this is part of the lead up to the expansion the expansions on june 16th well early access for june 16th i don't know if i told you but i'm planning i took that week off i'm not working here because i
Starting point is 03:17:33 need to do a 24 hour stream and die yeah um wish me luck um in dying okay yeah in dying i hope you die that's good thank you um but no this is all just like because it was been really frustrating because they did all the promo events and every single one's like they've been doing the promo stuff for you in five six months every single one's like we're not talking about battle stuff until may the fucking thing's happening like 20 days and now they finally said and you know everybody got their thing like bards don't cast anymore and all that shit but the big thing is the jump potions which hopefully doesn't fuck up the game i would not like that sounds i needed to get that out sounds and i figured i would bother just you since matt was gonna leave okay i'm done i'm done
Starting point is 03:18:18 i'm done i'm done so thank you for humoring me no problem so biking comes out this week that's oh wow seriously yeah can't wait for that oh wow that's great and uh you're gonna be a happy boy i'm gonna be i'm gonna be a happy boy but i'm gonna be sad because i'm still um anyway i don't have i have so much going on that i don't have time to you know fucking i guess you don't really like care about bike i know that's what sucks yeah it's like great dude you fucking picked up your life and moved it in the middle of a bunch of really cool shit so it wouldn't matter no matter when you fucking did it it would have been in the middle no it doesn't matter you can't stop it so it's okay um that's happening that's what i'm looking forward to and uh what am i looking forward
Starting point is 03:19:06 to this week i don't think there's anything going on with that i'm looking forward to this week i'm gonna play more of the search because it's awesome probably i don't know what days i'll figure it out with man will uh what he's doing on sunday i'll probably do on saturday then uh and vice versa uh yeah i i streamed that the fucking like at midnight the other night and was like guess what don't stream that game at midnight you know why because you suck you suck shit are there difficulty uh settings no fuck you okay yeah they they they they have the one difficulty setting for that game is fuck you yeah okay no good that's correct that's correct uh yep all right it's super top all right uh we did a pot like matt said earlier endings are hard we did a podcast yeah
Starting point is 03:19:47 and um i don't know why this is getting asked a lot because why you hate video games i guess it was kind of obvious because i've been with them for so long that's sure you know when you need something now you need a movie you gotta shake it up yeah um obviously we're gonna do a persona five spoiler cast once we're both finished the game that's correct yeah that's it i like the part where the characters are smarter than the player yep i enjoy that uh i don't like the part where uh that one character started acting really dumb that got the dumb character the one no i was fine with i was fine and i'm i'm i'm i'm having a moment right now where someone's starting to be a bit annoying and whiny oh we're the we're just like hey how about you stop whining because that's
Starting point is 03:20:30 never fun uh how long have they been whining uh it's fixed now because it takes it takes like it's really fast it takes it's really fast yeah because i i started to feel that and then that sequence ends immediately yeah and i'm like that was the perfect amount of time for that yeah it's just that your motivations for being whiny were like emotional and terrible so fucking come on you're better than that i like you more than that stop it you're cool all right let's get out of here go to sleep all right we'll do that okay but first let me just play some music play some music what do we got so
Starting point is 03:22:04 so so so so so you

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