Castle Super Beast - SBFC 202: Does Australian Horse Semen Taste Like Apples? (feat. Mr.Clemps)

Episode Date: June 20, 2017

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. Super. Hot. That's good.
Starting point is 00:00:08 Hello. Hey man. Welcome to the super best friendcast, y'all. Hello. That's good. I like that. Whimper. Whimper.
Starting point is 00:00:28 Not with a bang, but with a whimper. Our guest joins us. That's an excellent way to start things off. That's a great way to start an epoch. Have we ever had a guest do that? No, that's a new one. That's a new one. I don't think so.
Starting point is 00:01:00 And seriously, hey guys. What is up, sir? Who is this mysterious British boy? This is Mr. Clems. Mr. Clems. Now live. Now talking to us. Very nice.
Starting point is 00:01:12 He's alive. That's nice. Always a good prerequisite. Not like last time. Yeah. I'm thankful every day. Where he got everything in that spoiler cast. Super fucking wrong.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Listen, okay. Taro got me. He got me. Okay. Well, before we dance around those topics, by all means, sir, introduce yourself. Further. He's sweet. Hi everyone.
Starting point is 00:01:37 YouTube guy, voice actor, co-writer, VA for sketches. Contact me via DM. Read enough of my Twitter. Well, hey guys. I'm Clems. I do a YouTube where I do kind of light hearted video game analysis and reviews. I released a video yesterday, which is about the vanilla where side scrolling action game called Odin Sphere, which is amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:04 And if you haven't played that game, you should totally check it out. I heard that there's no reason to play a light life at this year and that you're perfectly fine to play the PS2 original. No, don't do that. Don't do that at all. It is really weird how they give you the option to play the original. Wait, really? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:25 Wow. Okay. Yeah. They give you the option. It's like play the classic and say, ah, that's interesting. So I've infamously, I perhaps told the story about why I've never finished it. And that's because I made it to Ragnarok, but my save was pretty much locked in with no items, shit stat characters that were like on their deathbed.
Starting point is 00:02:47 Yeah. So every time I got sent to the next boss fight, it was completely unwinnable. And there wasn't a way to go back and actually fix that. So I kind of just quit. I'm fairly sure there was. Unless, are you talking about the original PS2 game? The original game. The original game.
Starting point is 00:03:03 I heard they addressed in the new release. They must have because you can just go back to like the other books now and get items that way. So it's much easier. Yeah. Cool. My favorite story is when Austin eruption had his video saying, you should really buy this new version.
Starting point is 00:03:18 It's amazing. Then like three days later, I found like the original PS2. It's like, hey, everyone Austin eruptions says to buy this. It's really good. No. No. It is really bizarre because I said in the video, I'm like, yeah, I'm playing the remake and then people are like, I'm going to buy the PS2 version because I can't afford the
Starting point is 00:03:35 remake. I said, no, don't do that. I didn't say do that. Just wait. Just wait then. Yeah. Things. No, I'm glad that I'm definitely glad that that was re-released and or acknowledged
Starting point is 00:03:48 again. I really hope that the next thing vanillaware does is more like that. Well, whatever it is, I hope that they don't feel the need to have so much backtracking. Well, and I know it's hard because it's expensive. It's the way they do their art. You get to pick. Are there a new game? Do we know anything about it?
Starting point is 00:04:10 I know there was a trailer that we missed during E3. Oh, I missed. I didn't hear any. The persona one. Or at the very least, perhaps like the way that Burmese, excuse me, extra chapters. He's dying. The way those extra chapters came out with like, you know, little segmented pieces of these characters and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:04:29 So that you just don't feel the repetition is hard because Dragon's Crown to me was unbelievable until you hit that loop. Okay. I never finished Dragon's Crown. I didn't get close, but I beat Muramasa with both characters, which I still to this day, I'm like, how did I do that? I was kind of shocked because I was going through it and I just tapped out and then it's a situation where like, okay, well, Matt's clearly more into what he's going to beat
Starting point is 00:04:54 it. Hey, Matt, did you beat it? No. Hey, Matt, did you beat it? No. And like that process kept going for a while. Because when you asked and when I said no, it's because I was in the process, I just like, you know what I mean was it's like, it's the kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:05:09 It's like, I figured I quit like halfway through it because we were around the same part. And then it's like, oh, Matt's going to keep going. And it's like, there was so much more of the same after I quit that you went through. The reason why I persevered, I think it's because I want to see the next boss. Like I love Muramasa. Oh man. Yeah. They're so good looking.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Vanilla Ware, knock it out of the park. The fucking Thunder Girl, the Thunder Girl who's like the biggest, most muscular Thunder Girl ever in the sky. I loved her. Raijin's fantastic. Yeah, Raijin. Raijin. And I played a good chunk of the Vita version, but I didn't like the DLC characters and that
Starting point is 00:05:47 too much. Really? But I wasn't really into their play style, that's all. Because everybody, like I haven't actually touched the DLC from Muramasa yet. But everybody tells me like, oh, it's the best part about Muramasa. So I'm surprised to hear somebody say the opposite. If I remember right. I just don't like the characters fighting style.
Starting point is 00:06:02 They were neat because it's a cat girl, like a cook, like a salary man. And I forget the other one. There's like another ninja or something, but I didn't get him yet. So yeah, you were going to say something about, I guess, the repetition? The repetition is definitely a reason for people to put it down. Like I'm not going to judge anybody if they go, yeah, I played a couple of stories and stopped because I think that's why they're best played on like a Vita because they are, um, at least to me anyway, they pick up, put down games.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Um, if you play on the PS4, you kind of, I always feel it's like an incentive just to go through it nonstop. But with a Vita, you can just, you can just quickly switch it off, go do something else, go back and return to it really, really quick and simple. Um, so I wouldn't judge anybody for kind of stopping. I'm a little bit nervous about, um, Aegis Rim because from what I've seen of it and don't get me wrong, like we've only seen one trailer that's been repeated for the last like two E3s.
Starting point is 00:07:04 It looks very colorless. Like all the characters have like white hair. Um, the, I know it's like post-apocalyptic, but I kind of want that, that, that vibrancy that I'm used to in vanilla wear games. And every single one is the most like oversaturated, colorful, ivory thing. So yeah, I can see that. And that's, that's my only real concern. And you know, for all I know, I could play it and like the game could just be completely
Starting point is 00:07:31 phenomenal and I could push that aside. But I guess it's just me. I like the kind of the vibrant colors of like the forests and, um, Odin Sphere and stuff like that. And Muramasa pretty much every single, every single screen thing in that game. Um, so I'm hoping that maybe we get to like go through some weird, creepy forest in like 13. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I never got that gross tentacle octopus boss for, uh, Momohime, that remember there is that cover on like Game Informer or like a magazine where they had tentacles, maybe where tentacles shouldn't be on a cover of a magazine. Uh-huh. That's just vanilla wear. Never, never found that boss in the game. So I guess it must have been optional. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:08:13 Or it was just for the cover. It was just cat cat, just a promotional thing. But I know there's a cat girl statue somewhere around here. No, there's Felicia and that's it. Oh, okay. And not in this room. Are you talking about the Muramasa? Muramasa cat girl.
Starting point is 00:08:25 Those are Fox ladies. Oh, no, that's Fox lady Kongiku. Okay. Oh man, the figurines of her are just, whoa, Mama. Yeah. They're just, whoa, Mama. Uh, so I guess when I think about games that look as pretty and have as much of a comparable budget with the art, I think of like Ory and the Blind Forest.
Starting point is 00:08:45 Right. Call of duty. Call of duty of the Blind Forest. Yeah. Oh, I play that in a fucking second. Skate man, you know, definitely all up there in the same category. But with like Ory, because I haven't, I haven't got, I haven't completed that. Is there any sort of reuse of those amazingly expensive assets and stages and things like
Starting point is 00:09:07 that? Because it's much more feel it in the same way you feel in a vanilla. Because for a vanilla war game, it's running through the same screen either left or right usually whereas Ory is more of a metro venue where it's all over the place. So it makes more sense where you want to like, oh, there's a pickup in that level. But Muramasa and like, you know, vanilla war games in general, just force you to run through empty screens. They sure do.
Starting point is 00:09:31 They like to do that. On the back of the box, it says, we will make you run through empty screens. We sure will. Like empty, like bullet point, empty screens, bullet point, food porn. Yeah, exactly. But you know, Ory, like it makes sense when you like, you don't really go through that area again if you want to get some pickup. So yeah, there is item re there is asset reuse, but in the traditional open world, the
Starting point is 00:09:56 make sense. Metroids. I think that might also be a factor of vanilla war games because the art is so high quality from like the shading and the way they blend it. Others tend to be super close to the screen for that kind of thing. Or he's like a relatively small thing like, you know, he's about the half the size of Samus, I guess. But like, think of how big Gwendolyn is on the screen of say Odin Sphere.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Yeah. And so you get to see every detail. Every single detail. And I guess like, you know, a bit further down from those games would be something like, Child of Light, you know, where. Oh yeah, that game. It's like super gorgeous 2D. But clearly not.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Child of Light. God, I forgot who it was. Ubisoft, UbiArt. The UbiArt engine that I'm glad is dead and buried. It's the U-Bart engine. That awful engine that shouldn't be used every two years. I don't think it is, but. No, I'm being sarcastic.
Starting point is 00:10:57 I know, I know. It should be used like. I know. I don't think it's dead, I mean. That game made me feel like such a. The last time the game used it was Child of Light. Yeah, I know. But I don't think it's dead.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Okay. Child of Light kind of made me sad. What do you know? Okay, we'll talk later about that. Anyway. But yeah, I know. I definitely do at some point, you know, want to just. Like, I don't want to replay Oden Sphere, but.
Starting point is 00:11:23 Yeah, I don't know what your solution is to that. I do want to just end it, you know. Watch an LP on YouTube. I suppose, but you know, I want to feel. He doesn't want to support that scummy business practice. I mean. Stealing sales. God, fuck those people.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Well, honestly, like the situation you're describing, you is actually like sale replacement. It's a pretty difficult one. I'd have no problem buying it again. But I just don't know. I bought it. But I just, it's just a time. I'd never booted it up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:53 But I bought it again. Um, but yes. Uh, Clems, do tell. Have you had a week? Yeah, I sure have. Um, most of it has been trying to log on to Final Fantasy 14, which I'm sure we're going to get into in a bit. Matt said he had a news story that like had just happened so he could put it in his week.
Starting point is 00:12:16 Yeah. Yeah. I have a new story that is my week. Pretty much. It's the same one that happened to Clems. So do you want to take it away and then we'll just. Oh, sure. Swap it out on the shit show.
Starting point is 00:12:29 Let's, let's, let's get it out of the way because I know that William Matt don't play it. Um, but yeah. So Stormblood has come out for early access. Now that alone should basically mean we should expect these things to happen, but holy crap, you know, all the server crap, you know, that kind of shit. The same thing happens. Everything.
Starting point is 00:12:49 Yep. This is so bad. One of the most unprecedented failures of a lot. What do you mean? I have ever seen for anything because of the re it like the way that it played out was the worst version of every event you could possibly have. I love that. Yeah, go on.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Did you end up transferring to a European server? I did. Yes. Can you get on that server at all? Hmm. Well, the other day it took me a whole day to get on to get through your queue. Um, it said that the server is congested and I was like, oh boy. And because I changed servers, I'd had to like change my retainer name and it wouldn't
Starting point is 00:13:35 let me do it because it was sorting out all of the server stuff. So I couldn't get in the queue, which meant I had to just, just sit on my ass and wait for it to sort itself out. And I know that's like, you know, it's partly my fault for transferring, but whatever. They gave you reasons to transfer. Yes. They told you to get off our American servers and get over to your dirty European server. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:58 And then like, um, when I actually like logged on, you just get logged off again because the connection issues are going everywhere. And I know definitely from your case, because you're actually in the Stormblood content right now. And I don't think we're going to be posting spoiler content, but no, yeah, definitely not. Was, um, was everybody down or we're starting people getting in. There are two completely different, highly specific issues.
Starting point is 00:14:26 There are people that are having clamps as problem, which is just straight up something happened to my character at some point and I can't log into the server. And then there's the problem that most almost everybody had, which is, which is the one that I ran into. So I started, I was supposed to start the start of a 24 hour stream on Friday, which is now been super canceled, couldn't be more canceled. Holding that button down because, oh, it's funny that you mentioned that actually because that's, that's the problem.
Starting point is 00:15:01 Um, so I start playing, you know, it's, it's, it's a fucking MMO special. Everybody files into their zone and they go talk to the guy and they spread out and they do the quest, right? Yep. So I'm puttin around, I'm taking my time. And I hear some people saying, Hey, there's a quest where you talk to this guy called Raubon and you, it, it loads you into a solo instance where you have a boss fight by yourself, like in an instance piece of content, right?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Um, and people are like, ah, they, they can't get in, they, they talk to him and it seems to be bugged out because you talk to him and the cutscene happens and it fades to black and then you just get kicked right back out. And I'm like, oh, okay, I'll wait for that to clear up and I go do some stuff. And this is Friday morning at, at 530 a.m. So then I get to Raubon and there's like 400 people standing next to this guy. And this is, and they have split the servers. They split all those zones into three instances each.
Starting point is 00:16:00 So that means there's like a thousand people standing next to him on the server. Yeah. Okay. Let's click on them for a while. Oh, it doesn't work. Oh, no, no, no one, they didn't fix it for like a day and a half. It was no, no, one is getting through and I'm, and this is like, I took my time. If you, if you fucking like played it normally, you just went main quest, main
Starting point is 00:16:25 quest, main quest, this is 45 minutes in one half of the first zone with no access to anywhere else. So it's your stuck. You are stuck. There is not much you can fucking do. Okay. So I just, I just like the, the explosion of like a spur of the moment, like memes of it where it has like, was it, there's like one of Spider-Man trying to
Starting point is 00:16:50 like attack something and there's all the wall and they Photoshop Raubon's face onto it. Yeah. That was in my, in my aesthetic that made that. All batches have memes like the, what was it that Nintendo store on Japan had like this character that they started when you try to log in the Nintendo switch store, there was like this error that they would get and they started meme the error where it was like a monster that could kind of do attack in
Starting point is 00:17:14 the city, but what did they get the details? But when it's so hyper focused down to a character that you can attach to this, that is the ultimate basis for this server man that just won't let anybody pass to him or basically, and he's a character that people really liked. So, okay. It takes about six hours and the devs come out with a response, go, okay. So there's the instant servers, which are separate from the, the dungeon ones and the, the proper server ones.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Yeah. They go, those things are getting super fucked up right now. What we're going to need you to do is do something else and come back later. Okay. I love it. And that's not a solution. So obviously people, people are getting very, very frustrated. Well, the reason they're going to be frustrated is that a couple people,
Starting point is 00:18:07 including streamers, if you hauled your ass and skipped every cut scene, like maybe a hundred people per server got there before the bottleneck and totally made room. Okay. So it's like a, like a door that's closing. Yes. So sliders and if, and if you like, are just like, I don't, I don't want to hear this cut scene.
Starting point is 00:18:27 I'm just rushing and I don't, you know, you, you learn how to skip that cut scene real fast, you, you X, X, X, X, X, circle X over for, for, and people are hitting it for hours. So it's one of those things where MMO players don't behave as rational actors. So instead of just going off and doing something else, what do people actually do on the early launch of the day on Friday, the day they took off from work? Camp. They literally sit there.
Starting point is 00:18:57 Yeah. Or. Yeah. It's pretty sad. Or 50 hours set up shop and absolutely. So create a community, little, little impromptu Friday all the way through. No, nothing. No, but nearly nobody gets through the free company has 300 people in it.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Bad for you. I felt so bad, but tell people tell you party though. Right. Okay. So here's the part that's really awesome. You ready? After Raubon, people that actually got through like a dozen people. There's another solo instance less than a half hour later that uses the same
Starting point is 00:19:33 servers. Oh, yeah. The guy's son, Pippin. Okay. And then people like, I'm through Pippin. And then about half hour after that started to happen. Uh-oh. I'm now stuck in the second wall.
Starting point is 00:19:46 It's so great. I love it. I love it. I love it. It's a wall. It's a wall. It's a wall. It's a wall.
Starting point is 00:19:49 Maria. Yeah, Rosie. And Pippin's cutscene is even harder to skip because it gives you a warning. Make sure to set some time aside because there's going to be a lot of cutscenes. The way you're talking about it makes it sound like a raid. Like six or seven dialogue prompts, then yes, then skip the cutscene, then it boots you out. Now occasionally it'll boot you out and lock you out of the server for an hour or
Starting point is 00:20:08 so. Occasionally it'll lose your character under the world or whatever. But this was just, wow, broken. Nobody's getting through up until fucking. Um, so me and the guys, my static, we're just like, fuck it, we're going to do it. And we sat there all night, uh, Saturday into Sunday morning. Oh my God. Just, and then at seven a.m.
Starting point is 00:20:34 Oh, oh, sorry. I forgot the, the wonderful part. Eventually enough people got through to be able to beat bosses. And then a dev message comes out and says, okay, so we don't know what's causing this, but if you beat this boss, there's a high likelihood your character will, will be clipped out of the game world and a GM will have to go move you. And before, until then you can't log in. Check.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Welcome to storm. That's awesome. So people who got through are like, yeah, I did it. I'm fighting. So I beat a Y. Oh boy. My character doesn't even show up on the login screen. And, um, so it ended up being that, uh, the fix for that was that if you, because
Starting point is 00:21:16 they added swimming in all these new areas, that if you were like doing the sit down or lie down emote, when you went into the boss fight and then when you came out, your character would be lower than the ground and you would be in like, uh, well, for developer friend, he called it null space. You would be your, your coordinates in the game world wouldn't exist at a world. So it would try to load you in out of world. Yeah, it couldn't. So you'd be stuck until a GM literally comes and moves you individually.
Starting point is 00:21:47 Oh, wow. Wow. Wow. Whilst like all of this was happening, I went onto Twitter and I saw the most heartwarming image of, um, of community that was just, um, it was, uh, a picture of about 400 or 300 people all in a line. They were all in a straight line, taking their turns talking to this guy. And it was a very, it was a very organized.
Starting point is 00:22:10 Come on. Hurry up. Yeah, I like exactly. I love seeing that type of thing. There was a recent image, uh, similar to that on Guilty Gear, uh, Rev 2, where there's arcade cabinets that you meet up in online lobbies for. And one guy was on a win streak and everyone was just politely standing behind him in a massive, I love that.
Starting point is 00:22:31 So like these are all frustrating enough before you deal with player behavior that is trying to fuck you. So next to these two people that you're mashing cutscene go through for hours. There's enemy spawns and people are walking over to the enemies, dragging them over to the group, standing on it. So the AOE hits every single fucking person and knocks them out of the cutscene so that they can get, so that they can get in when everyone gets knocked out. And then the, and then people who are far enough, they're like level 68.
Starting point is 00:23:05 They unlock flying in the zone. Cause then you come back on the other side, they unlock flying and they're parking their giant flying mounts, like directly above the line. There are villains everywhere, like right above and they're doing all these bullshit, like fancy emotes and fucking with people. And people found out that one of the astrologians new skills sounds like the menu noise for when you load in. So they just spam it.
Starting point is 00:23:31 So you're in the black screen and you hear earthly star, you go, oh, I'm in. And it's like, no, it's just that fucking astro ability. God damn it. Wow. And then my favorite is some servers were good. Some servers were not. People figure there are two person mounts that you can get on. So if somebody has flying, you can get on the mount.
Starting point is 00:23:49 It's like, Hey, how about I pay you, you pay me a million gill and I will fly you over the wall to the other part of the zone. So you can start exploring the zone. That is Jean. I totally do that. You kidding me? Wow. I'd be, I'd be a villain for it.
Starting point is 00:24:03 Hustle, I'd be a villain. What a fucking hustle, man. I'd rub my, I'd rub my hands together. Higher than normal surge happening. I'm not, I'm not sure if you want to pay this amount of gill. Yeah. Yeah. I change my glass to right.
Starting point is 00:24:18 I change my class to rogue and really role play it. Oh, this is crazy. Pay me, pay me go out, take you over the wall. This is bad, obviously. But what made it way worse is like the development team's awful PR. Just they have been silent. Haven't they? They mentioned twice on Friday morning.
Starting point is 00:24:38 Hey, the instant servers are fucked up. Just go do something else and come back. They didn't say anything about it until like five hours after it was fixed on Sunday saying, Hey, we moved some resources around now 20,000 people an hour are getting through these bottlenecks. We fixed it. But all of Friday and all of Saturday, they're posting these minor bug updates. Like, Oh, we found a hot fix for the, the boss bug where you get clipped out of
Starting point is 00:25:05 the world or, Oh, Hey, we fixed the PVP server. And everyone's like, who gives a fucking shit, man. I assume the bigger problem to fix just took longer. And well, I, the, the worry was that they didn't know how to fix it. The, well, yeah. Because this exact scenario occurred at the launch of a realm reborn and persisted for almost two weeks. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:25:31 And that one would kick you off the server nearly every time you tried. And people actually formed lines on that and totally productive weekend. So it's been fun. So you eventually get through and then you get stuck on a boat and then people try and enter the dungeon. They get so just tip, very typical, yeah, like horrific MMO launch. And I don't know if you guys noticed, but Sunday morning at about six 15 a.m. I sent both of you a message on Twitter and then that message disappeared.
Starting point is 00:26:07 And the message what became nevermind. Yeah. So what that was is going, I assumed you had killed yourself. I had no idea. I was nevermind bam. I was scrolling back for a missed conversation about something going horribly wrong. That was, that was at five 30 a.m. After sitting there and spamming on fucking Pippin stupid cutscene for
Starting point is 00:26:26 close to six hours, going into Monday morning or Sunday morning going, okay, guys, listen, I'm obviously coming into the podcast. Is the schedule that you guys plan for my vacation set in stone yet? Cause I can just come in on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Okay. And the way that was worded was like, because of this bullshit going on. Well, no, it's like, I don't know what bullshit it was. So I'm panicking going like, it's something blowing up.
Starting point is 00:26:56 Is something happening? No, it's like, hey, look, I took a week off work so I could play my video game like a big nerve, right? If I can't fucking play it, I might as well just fucking come to work and just take the time later, right? And then about 40 minutes after I sent that, it was this miraculous. It was like a miracle because I'm on voice chat with all these people that have been trying for hours and all of a sudden somebody goes, I got in and
Starting point is 00:27:21 they start, you know, cheering cause they're, they're so happy. And then somebody else goes, I just got in and then about 10 seconds after that, I got in and then Spartacus and then a friend of mine, I am G prime that and he's, he's fucked off. He's grinding bullshit because he's like, I'm not going to waste my time. And he goes, oh, I got to get to the zone before news gets out because it's five AM and once news gets out, even with the new servers that they must have added, it felt like they just turned on a bunch of servers.
Starting point is 00:27:50 It's going to stick again, runs over, everybody's getting it. Oh boy. And then it's been intermittent since then. So as for the expansion itself, you're like, it's fine. The content of that expansion is amazing and it's way better than the last expansion. Like all the battle system changes are great. I am playing his bard and he's really happy.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Oh, yo, Bards, the changes to Bards are so, like they actually, they feel like a proper like musician class now because you have to sing. Like previously you were essentially an archer that would buff people when they're like MP or a TP was low. But now it's just like continuous songs where you, you sing like majors ballad and you're dirty. Are they dirty songs? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:35 They're filthy. Bose requiem is dirty. Yeah. So to explain to these chuckle fucks because they don't play MMOs, but they know enough about them in the chuckle fuck for not sitting for six hours and clicking left, left, X, left. I was celebrating Father's Day when you were doing that. So I prepared for this, Willie.
Starting point is 00:28:56 I knew you would do that, Mr. I'm going to go to a con with my PS4 and literally lie in bed all weekend. Oh, yeah, street fighter thing. Oh, yeah, don't you judge me. Don't you say it ain't judging. I'm just saying. I mean, was that the launch of five? That was, no, that was the, that was, that was the beta.
Starting point is 00:29:15 That was the beta. I fully embrace that. I ain't calling anyone else a chuckle fuck on it. You don't play the game, but you understand the, oh, it's in there. So the thing with this thing to go back to the bug, the worst part, it's like everyone is screaming, take the servers down and fix it because this just makes people stand there for 24 hours a day. Yeah, mashing to get in.
Starting point is 00:29:35 So SFV servers at the time was a Twitter that was like popping up with little regular updates and stuff. Was there a, like, dedicating? No, no, okay. Nope. The devs would occasionally put out a message and say, hey, we fixed that bug where you sit down and get locked out. Hey, we, we, we added more stuff to the PVP so you can PVP.
Starting point is 00:29:54 And you're like, so we fixed other things where we want you to go. Go other places, go to other things. Don't, don't look here. Nothing here. Did you, did you go to the official forums while that was happening? Yeah, no, there's the tech support threads on that. There's those like people literally screaming all caps on the official forums.
Starting point is 00:30:10 The fucking facts that why you do write that shit. People, people are more like, I've seen people would just talk to us, give us a reply, a response, anything. And it's, it's so sad. I just, I just feel like everyone's like rubbing Yoshi peas back and giving him kisses and says, like, don't worry, it's everything will be fixed. You want the real shit, like the real source of like frustration that borders on like, like hatred of the fact that Square Enix is a Japanese company.
Starting point is 00:30:40 Japanese servers did not have this problem. Oh mama, just period. That's impossible to transfer to those, I suppose it is possible to transfer. And what that ended up with is Tonberry is the Japanese server for English speaking players. And Saturday night, people were being hit with 5,000 person queues, which take four hours to get through because people heard that the Japanese servers didn't have the problem and trampled their $18 and then less than
Starting point is 00:31:13 10 hours later, the problem was fixed. Now, I'm not saying they just care about the Japanese servers. I'm not saying, but what I'm saying is they only care about the Japanese servers. That's what I'm saying. It's like an ocean that's damned off at like three points and there's a funnel, a single like water tube that the water can go through and that's the only place it can go. And people were able to find old interviews where they're like, the solo
Starting point is 00:31:41 instance server per server can accommodate about 100 people at a time, right? And this is from like two years ago, so they probably upgraded. Maybe it's 200 people, right? Gilgamesh and Balmong, which are the two biggest American servers, had like 16 and 17,000 people online trying to get into this one thing, trying to get into a hole built for 150, 200 people. No car. You know what this sounds like?
Starting point is 00:32:09 This sounds like a fake game. Yeah. Like it's, it sounds like they opened up like a game or like put it on a store and then just put a velvet rope and waited and people are like, mission hail, mission. Now, lighting up outside the boiler room, and then there's this MMO guy, like whatever, a quest giver. And he's just like, oh, man, the adventures you'll have.
Starting point is 00:32:32 You can't even describe what's back in this room, and there's explosions coming from behind him and like Marymint. And he's like, yo, oh, jeez, you'll never want to go anywhere again because at some point people start freaking out. They're like, what, did they not finish the game? Is this the solution? Is the game actually delayed? And then at the end, the NPC kills himself and drops dead.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Oh, it was the greatest MMO of all time. A touch tone for our generation. First to Poc, then Kurt. Now Stormblood. And I can say I was there. Well, not really, but I was at the front door. And there's all sorts of little details that make this better. Like the game has a feature where the larger a group of people are in
Starting point is 00:33:21 proximity to each other, it creates crowd noise. So if there's like 10 people standing next to each other, next to a guy. Oh, here, whisper, whisper, whisper, talk, talk, talk. OK, huh? This, like you would come out of the cut scene and you'd know it failed to load in because you would hear this war in world like characters shouting and yelling because there's so many of them that the game is like, oh, they're going to a big fight, I guess.
Starting point is 00:33:45 OK, that's right. Yeah, they do that when you're in like fates and stuff like that. So obviously when you're running, it sounds like there's a giant battle going on. Every, every part of it was a mess. But back to what I was saying, so to explain why Columbus is so happy about his bard. So Bard and a Romary board was a cast that could run around and every button it hit had no cast times.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And it was just instantaneous and everybody else stands and does their abilities and barge. You can literally see them going around bosses for funsies, right? In Heaven's Word, they said, OK, no, fuck it. Every single ability you have is a cast has a cast time and you're basically a mage and a bow now. Yeah. And the bar and the class got people.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I have a lot of friends who played it. Just like, this is the worst fucking thing ever. It's like, what if what if you turned Ryu into a charged character in a patch? Like just a Street Fighter 5 version 3.2 is out. It would shake things up. Now, now Gael does sure you can motions and down, down, kick, flash kick. And they finally, oh, yeah. And then they finally rolled that back.
Starting point is 00:34:53 So like Clems and my pal started. It's beautiful. It's so you can just run around like a crazy person. It's so great. But speaking, speaking of like combat in general, I wanted to talk a bit about how wrong Yoshi P is when he says when people were bringing up the criticism of like, well, are you sure it's a good idea to have two new DPS in this expansion?
Starting point is 00:35:17 And he goes, no, no, no. Listen, guys, OK, if you're a tank or if you're a healer, you're going to stick with being a tank or healer because you're used to that. And that's the class you play. So I don't think you get how it works. This is like a brand new class. People are going to want to play them. So the reason I'll give a slight more backstory.
Starting point is 00:35:37 A lot of most of the things you're going to run in this game with parties, you run through the duty finder, you queue up and you wait, right? Yes. Are you a tank? You click that button, you're in, period. Your wait time is negative 10 minutes because you're in so fast. You're a healer. You wait two or three minutes.
Starting point is 00:35:55 You're DPS, which like eight of the 14 classes in classes in the game are. Get ready to sit for like half an hour to an hour because they added Red Mage and Samurai to this expansion and they're both DPS and they're the most popular classes ever and every single fucking person in the world is playing them now. And so Yoshi P statement that cluster up, not only is it super wrong, people were quitting their tanks and healers to play this, these classes. So it was like worse than it ever was. So the most annoying thing is that Stormblood, like as Pat said, as far as content goes,
Starting point is 00:36:35 like I haven't actually reached Stormblood yet, but for everything I've seen, it looks fantastic and I can't wait to get to it. Yeah, but now unfortunately he's made a big no-no because beforehand the queues for DPS were like 15 minutes. Now they have doubled and it's 30 minutes. So in order to get into a DPS dungeon or to queue up as DPS, you have to sit on your ass for half an hour and I just don't understand. Dungeons last.
Starting point is 00:37:04 20 to 25. And this happens every time a new class is introduced, pretty much. So the last time they added new classes, they added one of each role and the tank one was Dark Knight. So all of a sudden Dark Knight was the new popular one. And DPS in the game, we're going, what? It says DPS in need on the thing. What the fuck is that?
Starting point is 00:37:24 But this time it's all one role because it's mainly just tank, one tank, two DPS, one healer, right? Problem is that that should be 25, 50, 25% of the pop, right? And it's like 10, 70, 20. It's ridiculous. Like when I go into Palace of the Dead, which is essentially this, it's a labyrinth dungeon where you go in and it's like random rooms each time. Whenever I go in there because it doesn't do the like tank healer DPS thing, it mixes
Starting point is 00:37:55 it up. Yeah. It's usually me who's a bard and about two samurai and one red mage. Sometimes you can switch it up and it could be two red mage and a samurai. You know, just to spice things up a bit, but basically those are the main people I've been running into recently. And it's like, you know, Yoshi P, my dude, during this expansion, it would be really cool if you could incorporate, let's say, a dancer as a healer.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Just give us something to make those queues a little bit easier. No. It makes me wonder if a game like Overwatch had something like that where you picked your role and then like queued up for like random. If you were happened to be doing random that way, if that would help or hurt. But then I think it'll. No. What you would do is it encourages you to switch characters constantly, so that doesn't
Starting point is 00:38:44 really work. But like MOBAs have that like quick match in fucking Heroes of the Storm has that and you pick a warrior, you get in a little faster, you pick an assassin, you're more likely to get an all assassin game, which is a shit show. Because it's like, oh, I want to ask quick things because if you're just like, if you're sick of like, okay, we need healers needed, healers needed, Hanzo. Yeah. You know, then you kind of like, you can probably avoid that by going like, look, I'm a healer.
Starting point is 00:39:07 I'm looking to join up to any game as a healer. So to put the stupid waiting shit show with Raubon and Pippin, what was it, Pippin Sloppy Ride is what people were calling it, it's the name of the red topic. People go, okay. Red Knight, Red Mage and Samurai, they start at level 50 because they're new classes, so you don't have to catch up. And people go, okay, well, I can't play the new Stormblood shit. I'll go and level these old ones to 60 so that when the problem is fixed, I'll just walk
Starting point is 00:39:34 through with my Red Mage. So okay, people start to do that. And this is Friday morning. So around Saturday morning, Saturday around noon, not only is the line bigger because it's Saturday, it is now filled with everybody who hit level 60 with those classes because they thought that the time would be over, who is a good launch. And there are eventually people that are grinding so hard in that first zone that they're level 70.
Starting point is 00:40:05 They're at the new level cap and they're standing next to this guy. Billy level shit. And it's such a bummer because every time we try to talk about something new or interesting in this expansion, it all comes back to this is how it affected the line. Because that was the game for 50 hours. Clems, was this the entirety of your week? You got a point. Well, I guess for most of us, I was trying to finish up the Odin Sphere video and I was
Starting point is 00:40:33 because I'm like a ball of nerves, I was spending a week trying to set up my Patreon and everything like that, which I was dead nervous over, but it's out now, so I'm really happy with that. Which people can find at? Where can they find your Patreon? They can find it at slash climps, all lowercase, thanks. Nice and clean and memorable. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yeah, you can also find it on my Twitter, which is just Mr. Clems. And yeah, and I've been planning some future videos, which I'm more than happy to kind of mention here. So I want to do videos on the Dark Cloud series because those games are amazing, or I should say that game is amazing because I've only played Dark Cloud one, but I want to do it where I review Dark Cloud one and then with a fresh perspective, go into Dark Cloud two and see if it lives up to this extraordinary amount of hype that the fan base kind of boost it up.
Starting point is 00:41:34 I never played any of the Dark Clouds. Yeah. Dark Cloud two is a way better game than Dark Cloud one. It's level five. All I remember is the main character looking like the main character from Kernelcross. So Dark Cloud two is the only game I can ever think of that I actually quit because I hated the main character so much. Really?
Starting point is 00:41:55 It's just a design? It's this really beautiful, cel-shaded fucking world and it's a way better game than Dark Cloud one. And this fucking stupid fucking kid idiot with his wrench attack and his big pants. Every moment that he's on screen, I'm just like, oh, I hate you so much. And I ended up not playing the game at all. Is it just his clothes? I hate him.
Starting point is 00:42:17 Is he a bad boy? No, it's like Tactics A2 with that fucking piece of art everyone shows around with Musso. His pizza cut as sort. One of the worst designs of all time. I love that design for purely ironic reasons. I actually played Tactics A2 and I was expecting it to be complete trash, but it's all right. It's not bad. It's just a very easy Tactics game, which is kind of lighthearted and like, I can't really
Starting point is 00:42:48 say it's challenging, but it's fun enough because people are like, ah, it's terrible because a lot of Final Fantasy Tactics fans, and I can understand this, Final Fantasy Tactics was some dark shit, like bad things happened in that game. And then you have Tactics Advance, which was kind of toned down thematically, but I still think the general premise is really interesting, which is kids get sucked into a book and it's like video game shit. And it's really weird because it breaks the fourth wall. In the real world, they're like, what video games do you like?
Starting point is 00:43:22 And then the little kid goes, I like Final Fantasy Tactics. That's my favorite. And then they get sucked into the world of Final Fantasy Tactics, and it's really strange. But I like that. I like that as a premise. I like Der Deserberus. No. I reviewed that game, too.
Starting point is 00:43:40 Oh, funny that you're taking a look at Dark Cloud because, you know, Level Five is in the news this week. Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah. A, they bought Comset. Level Five Comset. So Dark Cloud crossed Mighty Number Nine coming soon.
Starting point is 00:43:56 No. No. But we'll get there later. That's news. I wish my facial expression could go over into audio. But that's later. I hope the deadpan noise I'm making can show you how I feel about what I just heard. Right on, dude.
Starting point is 00:44:11 B, I guess as far as the rest of my week is, it's been, it's pretty standard. I can save it right now. Bog standard, one last time. You can't see me, but I am, I am sweating like you wouldn't believe, because it is a 31 degrees in England right now, and I am uncomfortable. That's actually harder than it is today. Hey, Mr. Clamps. Why don't you buy an air conditioner?
Starting point is 00:44:30 Well, my friend. Now, I am actually interested if it's just me and I've just been an idiot all my life. But every, everybody's house, so I've went around, you know, just growing up in England and pretty much every single house I've been in, just growing up in my life has never, ever had air conditioning. Shops do. Stores do like big department stores and stuff. There's air conditioning in there.
Starting point is 00:44:55 But as far as like houses go, there is an air conditioning that you just buy like household fans. That doesn't make any sense. Well, over here, as we mentioned, like before we started here, like you walk out to this shop and you buy an AC for a hundred bucks and you have a pretty much disposable window unit that cools down your little pad. I am dead curious if there's going to be a ton of UK people going, what the fuck are you talking about, Clems?
Starting point is 00:45:25 Just like, what are you talking about? I mean, Mothman's backing that up and saying that like there's no AC. Okay, are you saying that like air conditioning is against the British way? No, the government stands of grin and bear it. Grin and bear it. We're very overcrowded, so this is our way of getting rid of the elderly. Ah, right. Just cook them alive.
Starting point is 00:45:52 I'm interested in these theories. Handle the weather with a stiff upper lip. Yeah, exactly. He's all the British puns and terms. Here's the thing, right? I envy you guys because if they were selling air conditioning here, I'd be running down there with Scooby Doo legs. I would pick one up as soon as I can, but they're so difficult.
Starting point is 00:46:15 Oh, wait, like they're genuinely like, okay, so part of the problem when you talk to us about this, I go, why don't you just walk down to your local hardware store and buy one? They don't sell them. Oh, well, yeah. That's that's where she's going to go with that. Are you a man of science at all or are you absolutely not? Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:36 Are you going to talk about your dumb shit? But it works. No. And in a world where you have no alternative, it's Bakidi though, right? Very Bakidi. In a world with no alternative, what better time than now? Tell him about your steampunk solution. Okay.
Starting point is 00:46:53 So get this. All right. Get this. You take your fan, you head on down to your local hardware store, you buy some copper tubing and you wrap it in a circular spiral like formation. Okay. Right. You then never going to take the spiral and you use zip ties to zip tie it to the
Starting point is 00:47:13 front of your fan. Okay. And then when you made a Twitter poll and no, yeah, and when you do that, you then run some plastic tubing straight into a cooler. If you have a styrofoam cooler, that'll do. If you have a good plastic cooler, that'll do too. You put ice water in that cooler. You siphon one end through the fan's copper tube wiring.
Starting point is 00:47:35 The other end out your window into your garden. You suck. You start the circuit going. You turn on the fan. Like siphon it? Like with your mouth? With your mouth. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:46 And then the water leaks out your door into your garden. You water your plants or whatever. The fan is now spraying cooled air and vapor mist into your apartment or room. If you're near your game systems, you might not want to do this. So will you cool down the room with ghetto air conditioning? So will you all you need is ice. I have an idea for you. Quite impressive.
Starting point is 00:48:06 You should make a tutorial on how to do this on Willyverses. That would be really fun. I mean, I'm never going to be doing it again, but you can do it for a video. Oh, do it. That would be really entertaining. That sounds relatively complex than what you just described. It's verbally complex. Super simple when you visually see it.
Starting point is 00:48:26 If I remember what it was like, I can guarantee you would just say Clems found dead. Just Clems found dead in his room. Like the copper tubing is wrapped around your neck and you're like, how did I get myself killed? So I have something to say about air conditionings. I might have stumbled upon LUP 2.0 now. Oh, God. When Kickstarter, there is this portable, revolutionary, small air conditioner called
Starting point is 00:48:53 the Zero Breeze. And I found it and I saw, wow, that looks really cool. The funding had ended. It was like, all right, we're shipping them out now, but you can still buy in. And I'm like, cool, you know what, my air conditioner still works, but it's big. It's noisy. The cast don't like it. You have the one that I used to have, which is the giant one for weird window units that's
Starting point is 00:49:15 not as good as a real window unit. Exactly. I mean, it's good, but like, you know, whatever, it cools the place down. But I'm like, oh, let's let's just get this one. Plus, you can, since it's so portable and small, like you basically, it's handheld. You just grab it. It's got like a Gamecube fucking handle on it and it's like bluish-purple, so it looks like a Gamecube.
Starting point is 00:49:31 But I can bring it in the fucking bedroom and then that could be not hell now. So I bought two, right? One for there, one for there. And I'm like, I'll wait it out until they come because it says they're shipping now. And then just nothing happens. And then I'm like, okay, it's getting hot now. Just give me some updates, anything. Just something.
Starting point is 00:49:52 And then it's just like, hey, everyone, our units are not ready, despite us saying they're shipping now. And I'm like, okay, all right, everyone gets one of those. That's fine. All right. Now it's now, you know, this was in May. Where we're walking through occasional 31 to 35 degree days in Montreal with 100% humidity. So exactly, I get an update saying, hey, they're done, but not going to send them yet.
Starting point is 00:50:22 What is up with you? It was more like we have these manufacturing concerns from China and we don't want to bring you a faulty product that'll explode. It turns out that these ACs just spray lead mist at you. Exactly. So right now the current update is in one month. That's going to be summer almost over. And I will die.
Starting point is 00:50:46 But whatever. It's mid-June now. Fuck it. Fuck it. I just put in the other AC unit. There you go. And I'm like, if they come, they come. I'll still use this even though I'm sick of it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Just put that one on your desk and have it blow right in your face. Important detail I almost forgot, Mr. Clems. The water has to be above the tube that's going out. Remember. Because gravity is how siphoning works. So if the water is below the out tube, it won't suck. It won't go through. Do the tutorial and then you smash cut in the middle of the tutorial and you're in the
Starting point is 00:51:19 hospital. It's like somehow. Don't explain it. Science. That's a money idea, I think. There you go. I checked. I'm just so crazy.
Starting point is 00:51:29 I checked on Twitter and everybody from Europe is like, it's not hot enough usually to justify it like it is in America. I guess that is true. This is hot like Greece. It gets hot. Spain. It gets hot. It just sucks when it gets as hot as it like gets over there here because there's nothing
Starting point is 00:51:45 we can do but just put on like household fans. I also think Europeans are generally like fucking super tough with this and they're like, I can handle this. Yeah. I thought you were going to say disgusting. I don't know. The risking fan death is a pretty high price to pay. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Fan death. For a moment, I thought you were going to say, oh, the thing about Europeans is they're disgusting. No. I'm not saying that, but Wikipedia did teach me about the great stink. I heard about that. The great stink. I was like, oh, yeah, that was a rough time.
Starting point is 00:52:15 Have you not heard about the great stink? Oh, that was when the River Thames was so polluted and disgusting that the sewage smell and the heat of one summer created a bile toxic smell that covered the entirety of London. When was this? This was a hundred or so years ago. Oh, I thought you were going to say days. And it was so bad months. It was so bad that like they straight up like had to run a an emergency cabinet meeting
Starting point is 00:52:48 type thing to put laws into place to deal with the great stink. Why do we do a lot of shit in the cloud that Churchill punched? Remember what I was talking about for that for the crown when the fucking poison fog rolled in and Churchill just started fucking punching it and fighting it. OK. I'm just saying it's it's nothing is just whatever. Like I can don't worry about it and then like more people got sick and the hospitals were overcrowded and it took Churchill to go to a hospital, see everyone puking their
Starting point is 00:53:17 guts out. OK, it might be a problem, you know, so just reminds me of the great stink and like the great. Yeah. Welcome to my great country. We stink and we don't have air conditioning. I'm sorry. But not having air conditioning makes you stink more.
Starting point is 00:53:33 Yeah, but you have. It's just powder up. That's all the powder. Your wings. Power up, power up. You'll be good. That's what it's for. OK.
Starting point is 00:53:41 You brought a spice girls. I will always be thankful to your country. So before speaking, speaking of which I have to I have to point this out because I don't know if you guys have it. I thought you're going to say I live with a spice girl. Go for it. No, there's there's this there's this one comedy show that I think is like only in England. I'm not sure if it's like in Europe.
Starting point is 00:54:01 It's called Bo Bo selector and they do parodies of the spice girls in it. And when you have time, I want you to type in spice girls Mel B. It is the Bo selector is so lowbrow comedy, but they do comedy with masks and Mel B. Just looks absolutely grotesque. Just Mel B. Has like a. A scary spice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:25 Yeah. Just like a giant potbelly. Ginger hair. Giant nerdy glasses. How do it's me, Mel B. Lowbrow comedy work in. We'll watch that. All I know is it is really, really funny.
Starting point is 00:54:40 Like it's again, it's really lowbrow, but it's like the most guiltiest pleasure comedy for me because it's it's really good. I love it so much that she pissed on Bear Girl's arm. That will follow Mel B. Yeah. Classic Mel. No, he faked getting stung by, uh, faked by whatever, but I don't know, like a jellyfish or some bullshit.
Starting point is 00:55:05 And then she went to Belgros to sterilize it or written an article about like jelly sting ologists or whatever the fuck they're called. And they're like, not only does that not help, not only does that make it worse, but we can't figure out where that fucking came from. Friends, I guess. Yeah. That might be it. Don't be on a jellyfish thing.
Starting point is 00:55:26 Not content with his own pee. He has to get Spice Girl pee. Anyway. Very important. Well, you sound like we need to take a special message. Well, I'm glad that you are getting savvy to the game, sir, because you got a certain look in your eye. There's this.
Starting point is 00:55:42 There's a certain beads of sweat coming down his head. There's a word that needs to be taken. What word is that? One from our sponsors. Oh my God. Wow. Wow. Shock and awe.
Starting point is 00:55:55 Gasp. Gasp, I say, because Audible is the service that brings the future to you. Oh, man, I love it. To your ears specifically. It is shocking how amazing you can improve your ability to go through books by using Audible. You know why it's shocking? Because audiobooks use electricity.
Starting point is 00:56:19 They do. Sure. Yeah, I guess they do. And of course, when I say that, I mean specifically slash best friends. slash best friends. Forget that I said anything else. Because Audible, as you know, is the one way to save the future because what's happening right now.
Starting point is 00:56:42 Trees are getting cut down. Why are they getting cut down? Game of Thrones is popular. Some shit. And it's like, fuck that, right? Yeah, man. At the end of the day, we're watching the show and sure they're based on some old tree-murdering books, but really, really, why wouldn't one want to just listen to Game of Thrones?
Starting point is 00:57:00 Why wouldn't one want to hear that entire saga spoken with an Englishman's voice? I got one. What? Would you want to read The Disaster Artist when you can listen to the best impersonation of Tommy Wiseau? Now, Matthew McMussles, tell me what you're gaining by listening to the audio version of The Disaster Artist. You are gaining, oh, high mark, the actor doing a better than Tommy Wiseau, Tommy Wiseau
Starting point is 00:57:37 because he listened to over 12,000 hours of Tommy's recorded answering machine messages. So he got the accent down pat. So you are gaining a better than Tommy Wiseau insight into his own accent slash personality. Only available by listening, not by reading. Fuck your eyes. That's garbage. I'm going to go sign up right now. And if you're not down with that, you suck it.
Starting point is 00:58:09 Oh, no. Hey, man. No, but you have an incredible selection with amazing performances and you've got a 30-day trial and your first audio book is free. So you're heading on down to slash best friends is the greatest way to try out this amazing new future technology and see for yourself. You got a long bus ride. You got a commute.
Starting point is 00:58:34 You got things to do and you want to listen and learn and maybe laugh at the same time. Audible dot com slash best friends, you guys. It's not hard. Thanks. Wow. What a great, great service. There you go. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:58:50 Thank you. Saving the trees of tomorrow today and with that, do all of us have a wheeze laugh? I think Willie, I'm not sure Willie has it, but I super have it. You have it and Clems has it. No, no, no, no, no, I have I have I have Hyena and I have like Eddie Murphy. You also have quiet. There's that. You also have like your belly.
Starting point is 00:59:17 I can't control that shit. I can't control the way the air escapes my body, man, but it's hard. You can. I'm on breathing. Come on. You can make sound like I'm a I sound like I'm a wicked old witch. All right. No, no, no, I get what he means, you know, like all of their, their fucking announcing
Starting point is 00:59:44 a sequel to the Bette Miller witch movie. Oh, I get to be in it. When I actually like proper belly laugh, I sound like Ricky Gervais. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And another and James Small laughs like that, too. Maybe that's a British thing. Maybe that's a British thing.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Maybe. Anyway, let's rotate around, shall we? Matt, tell us what you did with your week. I watched the room again. Damn. Good choice. I watched the room with some friends. So I had the DVD version of it and I found never before seen results on the DVD.
Starting point is 01:00:20 There is an interview with Tommy Wiseau on it. Deleted scenes that I didn't know about. Well, I did, but I didn't know that they were committed to, like, I didn't know they were available. You knew there were deleted scenes. You didn't know you can get them. They filmed the Chris R drug scene in the fake alley. They just filmed it again.
Starting point is 01:00:38 Wait, what? So when they constructed the alley set for when they play catch and whatever, yeah, then tore it all down and then Tommy later is like, no, let's do the drug scene again and build the alley again. Oh, my God. We tore it down, Tommy. A bill. Tommy, Tommy stop.
Starting point is 01:00:56 So I was it's the exact same scene. It's actually slightly different in like the acting. It's the same thing, but it was like, it's nice to see a different perspective on that watershed moment on cinema. So we watched that the interview with him is hilarious, because all it is is Greg Cistero asking questions and then there's like text to say, what what are your opinions about people that don't like the room? Then it cuts to Tommy and he'll be giving this interview.
Starting point is 01:01:20 But the interview will be have a thousand cuts in it because they can only take some bits that make any logical sense. So he's like, oh, everyone has opinions. But, you know, if you don't like the room, then I love you. Like it's just nonsense interview. So I'm very, very excited. Just find new content, new nuggets. So God bless him.
Starting point is 01:01:40 God bless that alien. Speaker, have you seen his his new movie or I shouldn't say his new movie, but the new movie he's starring in? No, I saw the trailer. You mean it's called Best Friends, I actually think. That's what I'm. Yeah, I saw the trailer. It's bizarre, like weird way because they might just be best fiends.
Starting point is 01:01:59 Yes, it's very strange. Yeah, I watch the trailer. Is it out anywhere? Like is it out in Europe or? No, I was more saying like I was more talking about the trailer. Yeah, it just it looks very, very. It's bizarre. It's not like it doesn't look like the room.
Starting point is 01:02:13 It looks like the people from the room decided to make a movie. Like the characters in the room, Mark and Tommy said, hey, now that lease is gone or I'm resurrected, I guess, will will make a movie. It's a redemption. It's a redemption tale, basically. Aside from that, yeah, I celebrated Father's Day with my two dads, Terry Bogart and Geese Howard. It's weird, had a good time, drank a bunch of food and a bunch of alcohol.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Are you implying that you're rock Howard? I am. I am not. I'm implying that they are who they are. I'm just mad. God damn it. Just mad, you know, I'm not I played a bunch of arms. I want to see Matt do the fucking wings pose. I can I'll fall over my ass.
Starting point is 01:03:03 I played a bunch of arms streamed it with Liam. Something that's really, really interesting. If you play a bunch of party mode, which is like, you know, we you did it during the global test bunch that it puts you in the, you know, two versus two, then puts you into the the basketball dunking thing. And then in the full version, you do the the the target heading, which is actually really, really fun because they put a lot more mechanics into target heading than you would think.
Starting point is 01:03:29 That's really fun because you can kind of attack people from the other side of the arena and stop them from hitting more targets because you try to get a better point total. So after all these fun games are just throwing into random stuff, then we're like, OK, you and me one versus one local, let's go. And then it just like it just changes suddenly from like fun party. Yeah, well, we we lost that one. And then just really tense.
Starting point is 01:03:53 We're not talking. And when when I started like as I played the global test punch and then like I, you know, didn't research anything more, didn't look up any further videos, I'm like, I'll play it when I play it. So I took the pro controller and I'm playing like a pre round before we started streaming and I'm like, ah, yeah, I'm a little rusty. OK, so you just do this. You do that.
Starting point is 01:04:12 And then Liam, God bless him, tells me, oh, yeah, I see Matt, I see what you're doing wrong. You're like curving your punch, but you're stationary. You got to, you know, do this. And I'm like, thanks, yeah, no, I'll do that. And then we did the one V1. I'm like, OK, I'm probably going to get killed. So like I dominate Lee, like two matches.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And he's like, shouldn't have given you that advice, huh? He's like, OK, yeah. So but then we go back and forth for a bit. But we had some really, really great matches. And the other standout thing of it is when you play party mode, Willie, what do you know about headlock? Headlock. There is an optional mega boss that is a giant
Starting point is 01:04:52 Ultron head or Brainiac. OK, OK, OK. He's really fun. That was like secretly revealed or whatever. It is not. That's Max Brass. Because I kind of saw a link to the final boss revealed. And it was a spoiler link.
Starting point is 01:05:05 So I didn't click on it. It is not. The headlock is a special AI that shows up in party mode where it forces you to have three versus one against him. And it's this giant Ultron head slash Brainiac's like, you know, giant fucking head. It has six arms on top of a character. It's a head that possesses another arms character.
Starting point is 01:05:26 And it has different levels. Like we started fighting at level five, which is basically the middle point of the like difficulty tier. It starts to one and ends at seven. Yeah. So you fight five and it forces it to be three versus one because that's the only way because he has six arms. OK, so he's shooting arms at all on all sides and able to control them. And and everyone's just like, oh, shit, you can get a ton of XP
Starting point is 01:05:49 from killing this thing and only shows up randomly in party mode. Interesting. OK, five times. And they're like pray for death if headlock attaches to Max Brass, the real final boss, which looks like destroy man slash. Um, who's the villain against Captain Falcon? And that's a black bull or yeah, Samurai. And his arms are made out of championship belts, you know.
Starting point is 01:06:17 So had a real blast doing that. I also played a shitload more of Friday the 13th. So I have an updated report on how all those games are, because a lot of people ask me, like, should I get the console versions or wait? Which one is fucked up steam version is basically perfect. No real problems with it. Matchmaking is is fast and no real drop games. I played the PS4 version a bit more, nothing found games.
Starting point is 01:06:44 No real issues to report, but I only played it for like like three or four matches. The Xbox one version, you can find matches. It's not too bad, but tons of drop games. The host dropping out just as a match finishes. We don't know whether the XP keeps, but you get booted out hard to the Xbox one dashboard. So it's a hard ass crash.
Starting point is 01:07:05 It just shoves you there in like two seconds. And I don't think you get the XP, even if you've won the match, even if you escape. So that's a fucking problem. 30 percent of the time it does this. So that's the biggest issue right now. But you can get matches on all of them. They're still all fun.
Starting point is 01:07:25 The PC version is obviously the best one. So this game is is great when it's not shitting the bed. As long as you're playing the steam version, I have that game now. OK, yeah, I didn't spend like my entire weekend trying to get into it. But do you also want to want to let us know about your super cool secret project? No, no, no, about about about a special version of a special character. Special. Yeah. So this morning I wake up and I'm like, I just played it all night with Liana.
Starting point is 01:07:55 She's on the one Xbox in our bedroom and I'm on the one. Oh, I forgot you, too. Yeah, that's because we do that for Overwatch and we do it for this now, too. So we're having fun doing that. And she was like, yeah, I'm super into this. And I'm like, cool, cool, cool, we get up the next morning today and it just says, hey, sorry for all these troubles. Here's a ton of free DLC this week starting tomorrow, I think.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Well, that's fantastic. Oh, that's nice of them. Thirteen thousand dollars to spend on stuff in the game. So to roll a perk for your counselors, which is what I find is the most useful, it costs 500 points to roll a perk. That's a lot of dollars. So they give you 13,000 and you can also buy kills with Jason for that. But I think those are more, you know, there's no functionality there.
Starting point is 01:08:43 They're just different kills for the sake of being cool from what I understand due to what was referred to as the troubles with the launch. Yeah, the NES version of Jason is also being rolled out. Big reveal is that there's a cabin and fucking NES Jason. I wish it was like the 3D bad sprite, but it's just the recolor of like the bright purple suit purple and the the greenish blue mask and he'll have his own stats. He shows up.
Starting point is 01:09:10 They're going to have a special chip tune for whenever you play as him, which is really cool. Yeah, Pat, check it out. Yeah, the the looks like the worst, the worst sorry pack. And also they're going to there's going to be a double XP weekend coming up for this. And there's going to you get a bunch of free DLC costumes for some of the counselors, because some of those are high unlocks.
Starting point is 01:09:31 We have to be like level 50 to unlock like the the counselors, like 13th costume or whatever. So all of this is free. And I'm like, that's exact like if you have a rough launch, you should probably do this because none of that stuff is that like would cost them that much development time or anything. But anyone would appreciate it. And like now that the steam version is like pretty much perfect for me,
Starting point is 01:09:56 I'm going to be playing a bunch of this this week. So right, right. Cool. Well, that's I mean, that's that's a nice gesture on their on their part, too. You know, oh, my God, to apologize. So stupid. You don't remember in Purple Ness, Jason. Oh, I do. Because I have the action figure of him that the blues game like that. Yeah. Yeah. And the original chip tune track created by Mitch Murder.
Starting point is 01:10:17 I don't know that is. But yeah, I know. And the last thing I saw a movie called Kedzie, which is Turkish, I believe for cat. And it was a movie that was made aware to me by Common Book Girl 19. She said, go see Kedzie if you like cats or pets in general, go see it. And it's just basically a very loose documentary that just it's it does two things. It is a advertisement like look how amazing cats are.
Starting point is 01:10:44 Yeah. And the other one is how beautiful Istanbul is, right? Because it has all these gorgeous like. So would you say the alternate titles like hanging out with cats in Istanbul? That I several reviews of the movie say this movie is hanging out with cats. And how do you spell that? K.E.D.I. OK. And I think it has an English name, but we saw it at the local theater. Just because that's not super clear. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:11:10 And it was just it follows like a couple of cats in their stories. Like this one's a real bitch. This one's a psycho. This one pause at a restaurant window never comes in, even if the door is open. Pause at it just to go. I need some food, like please right now, like if you if you don't mind. There's one that's like I am a fucking mouse killer. I'm a slaughterer. Bring me to your restaurant.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I'll get rid of the issue. I'm a cleaner. OK, that's so cool. OK. So it was very, very good. It's probably a very small rock and roll up a very small release. When are you going to get a cat? Well, it's got cats now. Well, I mean, I'd probably sooner get a dog personally. But the dog would probably not be good in your place, though.
Starting point is 01:11:51 But I mean, it's it's it's not like it hasn't been discussed. But I prefer I prefer I would prefer a dog just because it doesn't like sneak out out of nowhere and jump off my head and like possibly come from like underneath the chair and shit like that. You should get like a like a like a like a. You're going to finish that sentence or I'm getting excited because I'm thinking about dogs. OK, well, that's why I was here. Look at me. Get a good boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Why not? I mean, if I can. If I can get your places all the cool rafters, if I can get him to land on my arm like a falconer, I'm super bad at flying. I'm down for flying animal. That's cool. Not a bird. Get a bat depends on the kind of bird depends on the kind of bad birds or assholes. I like I've seen this this recent. Yeah, this recent surge recently on my timeline of people just buying
Starting point is 01:12:39 like cockatiels and stuff like that. And they look so sweet and affectionate. Like one of them just sits on. She's called Monica. Monica Franco, I think. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Monica is a super sweetheart. It sits on her on her shoulder and like nozzles into her hair when she works. It's like, I don't know, birds were like that.
Starting point is 01:12:56 What a bird now. Yeah, but Clems Clems, you're going to be like, oh, such a cute bird. I'm glad I got it. And then you wake up the next morning with no eyeballs. Like, what are you? Who picks up the pieces after that? I mean, I got you because you got no eye. Yeah, you're the least qualified to get those pieces.
Starting point is 01:13:12 I think it would. I think it would just start a war with my cat. I felt so bad this morning because it's so boiling hot. She's like, she's finding it hard to find cool places. So I just got the second fan and pointed it directly at her. She hasn't moved since she has been flying flat in front of that fan. And it's so sweet. She's blooding.
Starting point is 01:13:29 Also, I would I would fear for the lives of the little dogs in my apartment or in my in my building, if I got pet shop and had him posted up at the door. Those dogs are in trouble. No one's going to your apartment. It goes down to the SPCA and he's like, all right, give me pet shop. I want pet shop. So I'll put a helmet on him and every got your dogs that got lost. You got your muts off the street.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Do you have any stand users? Like what, sir? You mean a dog that stands up? You get either that or just casually stroll through the animal shop with an arrow, just poking things and seeing what happens. Would you want Iggy? Iggy would be fine. I mean, chewing gum for farts.
Starting point is 01:14:14 I can deal with that. I don't know. You are with Boston Terrors, but they they like make the loudest, stupid noises all the time. I believe it could be not. You wouldn't want to get one of those gun rats. That would be a problem. Gun rats, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:30 You wouldn't doubt this. Never mind. We said the better. Are you not of the JoJo persuasion, Mr. Oh, yeah, I have only recently gotten into JoJo. I've finished all the seasons recently caught up, but I'm not a religious watcher. I think it's good.
Starting point is 01:14:48 I just think that when I wasn't part of a JoJo fandom, seeing tons of people spam memes from it really, really got under my skin. So I was like, I'm going to watch this series now and like get in with it. And I was like, oh, it's actually it's not too bad because that happens if you join Lane on fan base and a fan base kind of over exaggerates it a little bit.
Starting point is 01:15:10 Yeah, seriously. Is that a fucking JoJo reference? Oh my God, that's the thing. That's the thing that really, really gets under my skin. I kept on seeing people post it and like, I never said it because I know if I met. Oh, here we go. Now it's happened.
Starting point is 01:15:22 Under your skin. Hey, Clems, that's a great JoJo reference from part four. It's awesome. No. But yeah, basically that's it was just it's the same kind of vein where like back in back in the day, where if an animator did something, they're again, this is like ego raptor.
Starting point is 01:15:39 It's the same thing to me where it's like, can references not just be references, you know? And, but no, like I started off with the first season. I wasn't a big fan of it. So I dropped it, but I picked it up halfway through again. And I think I dropped it before the episode where Dio freezes that guy's legs. And I was like, maybe we're onto something here.
Starting point is 01:15:58 Okay. Well, you dropped it at the shittiest part in the whole. Well, I already burn out. The context is generally that there are some animals with superpowers sometimes. That's all. I'd like a super power animal, please.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Yeah. How about, how about, how about you? Well, aside from. I think he might be done. I just had a few more things to say. The last thing that I forgot to mention that was specific to me with Stormblood is that for whatever reason, people were getting a hard,
Starting point is 01:16:32 people were actually getting blue screens as a result of like getting kicked out of the server and like their PCs would crash. But for some reason with my Windows PC and my setup and everything to do with it, this would turn off my primary hard drive for like 20 minutes. So it would boot into BIOS
Starting point is 01:16:50 and say that my fucking SSD doesn't exist. That's bad. That's what freaked me the absolute shit out. So that was a fun extra. As for the content of Stormblood, it's fantastic. Like all the, every dungeon that I've run is some of the best in the game so far.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Just, just wait until it's not in early access. Yeah, basically. And the bosses I fought are astounding. Everything in it, I like, I disagree with a lot of the class balance stuff, but we'll see. Anything else that, no, I just, I fucking beat my head. I get, oh, I watched the first episode
Starting point is 01:17:27 of the attack on Titan II season when everyone on my discord went to sleep and I still wanted to stay up and match this shit. So that's a, okay, that's a really strong start to a season. Way stronger than I, so I'll talk around this, but usually when there's a big cliffhanger at the end of attack on Titan season one that it's like the first thing
Starting point is 01:17:52 that you see when the episode starts and not only that, they go, hey, by the way, you thought it was gonna be that boring episode where everyone talks about the problem and they're like, what did that cliffhanger mean? And then it immediately goes, no, fuck that, look at this shit, this is crazy out here. And you're like, okay, wow.
Starting point is 01:18:13 And what about that last thing? Oh, we already figured that shit out. Figured it out. We're moving forward without you. How does that thing, oh, it makes that stuff? That's what it, that's what that was. Forget that, now this. Yeah. Fucking great.
Starting point is 01:18:27 Because it goes from, because the problem is, is you expect their beef, anything else would have five episodes going. Recapping what happened. No, no, no, what is that, right? And they figured out, immediately you go, okay, that's what that is. And so the more interesting question is,
Starting point is 01:18:43 why is it like that? Why is that? And then they go, okay, well, and then, instead of everybody arguing, they have one three minute scene where they try and figure it out, and then they go, okay, whatever. Back to the sick action scene over here.
Starting point is 01:18:55 And so, I've stopped talking about it because I'm waiting for the whole thing to wrap up. Isn't it almost done? Almost done. But all that squeeing I did a couple weeks ago over some really, really excellent examples of what I find to be choice writing. There was a nice combination of events where,
Starting point is 01:19:14 like, I don't know how else to describe it, besides one of the most human moments I've ever seen like an antagonist have that I'm just so impressed with. Because I'm like, I didn't expect this from this type of show. This is a, it's not at all a dumb action show, but it certainly isn't a place where I'd expect to go like,
Starting point is 01:19:41 wow, that was better than a lot of examples of writing I've seen in recent years with this one moment that this character has. And it really is impressing me because my bar for expectation is not very high in the sense that it's matched where the first one was or it's fun anime. I just, I'm expecting fun anime.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Fun anime with some like astonishingly slow episodes that like in between your set pieces. And it's starting to display like, just like awareness with the right way to unveil, to reveal more about this world and the characters and the plot. And like it's doing so in a manner that you're like, I can really believe the way you're sprinkling
Starting point is 01:20:25 this information out to me. Did anybody in here watch Ipatch Wolff's video on why the hell Attack on Titan became popular? I would love to talk for a second about Ipatch Wolff. Sure. Just about how much, don't say no, stop. He's a good boy. Now, I just wanted to talk about how much
Starting point is 01:20:47 the old days of fucking England versus... Yeah, where are the fun... No, no, not at all. I was actually gonna say how much of an absolute sweetheart he is. I, me and Ipatch have been talking a lot recently and he has been helping me out so much that I just wanna hug him and give him a big old kiss.
Starting point is 01:21:07 He's so sweet. Like I was really, really nervous about the Patreon and he took the time out of his day just to cool me up and run me through everything that he knew. He got me into Hunter X Hunter, which I heard that's a bit of a mixed thing on here, but if you're talking about antagonists who have like arcs which shock you,
Starting point is 01:21:31 I think that's me with the Hunter X Hunter Chimera Ant arc. That made, all I'll say about that is that when it got to the end and I knew there was an arc after that, I just dropped it because it was so perfect. I didn't want it to go on. I was like, right, that is probably the best villain arc I have ever seen in an anime and I loved it.
Starting point is 01:21:58 And I was so happy with how it turned out. It's funny because he told me, like he said how he brought it up on the podcast about how the inspiration for that video was the salt he had at me for going on about Hunter. He said that to me as well. I mean, all I'll say is he's a good man, but considering that you serve the queen and all,
Starting point is 01:22:19 watch out, he might put a bomb in your potato. All right? He's plotting something. All right, what I was gonna say though is that he does the attack on Titan, what makes it popular. And one of the points that he puts out is that attack on Titan is a very,
Starting point is 01:22:33 because it's a manga adaptation, right? And there's been a lot of adaptation, some good, like this and others like Berserk. What do you mean? Which continues. Do you see that fucking fish monster? Oh, it was great, what are you talking about? That one's next level.
Starting point is 01:22:51 How does it keep going? So, how does it keep going? It's so bad. I don't know what you guys are talking about. But one of the things that he points out is that attack on Titan's like basic story structure and flow is like perfect for anime adaptation. And one of the things that is,
Starting point is 01:23:10 it's one of its greatest strengths as the anime, is that like the art in the manga is not good. It is, it's fantastic. Yeah, so I've heard it's weaker. Like any shows a lot of examples of the art and attack on Titan, it's pretty mediocre to poor. It's the kind of thing where it's like, if I couldn't do any better,
Starting point is 01:23:32 but it's kind of impressive how the creator of Berserk could do a better manga when he was 10, you know? It's like, mm, nim, nim, nim, nim. Also, that new intro, huh? Yeah, it's pretty good. How about that? Okay, so yeah, keep watching. Keep watching, nothing but smiles ahead.
Starting point is 01:23:50 So yeah, just fighting Stormblood's launch and watching a tiny bit of attack on Titan. That's it for me. Okay, Stormblood's good now, it's fixed. They fixed it until tomorrow when the real people, the people who didn't pre-order the game get in and it breaks again. Okay, I'll take the baton.
Starting point is 01:24:08 What's the Funko Pop count? Yeah, where you at, man? Where you at? That will be revealed on the channel. Where you at? Where you at? As it's revealed, I'm not gonna say anything. You're all 20, you're all 20, so I just wanna know.
Starting point is 01:24:20 Reveals will be reveals. But, if I can try to get this in an orderly manner. Nope, this week I played and sat down and tried to get some training mode proper in with Rev2, Guilty Gear Ex-RD, Rev2, Ex-RD, excuse me. Got my bike in training in, got my bike in going, trying to get those dust loops down. The thing about her that,
Starting point is 01:24:49 cause I really, I can speak more so about her than I can about the game in general. Because it's Ex-RD. Cause you've been playing the bike in video game. And it's still, you know, it's Ex-RD. But like, with bike in particular, it's a really interesting mentality shift that you need because of the way
Starting point is 01:25:08 they change the character around. And the basic premise is that originally bike in was a character that would, she'd have multiple alpha counters. I'll use that term to say. When you block with her, you can then do specific special moves off of her block, right? She can move away from you.
Starting point is 01:25:24 She can move around you, rather. She can knock you back. She can do a couple different types of attacks. That was, I guess, deemed to be like too easy, you know, too like reliable as a way to counter people. So now you have to, instead of react to what's happening, you have to predict what's about to happen and preemptively put in a parry input.
Starting point is 01:25:45 Does she have a bunch of moves that are the equivalents, but instead of coming out of block to have guard points? They're off of a parry input. So it's the same thing they did to Ryu in five with a predictive parry input. And it seems to be, this is gonna be the way to handle this type of thing going forward in fighting games where simply reacting
Starting point is 01:26:05 to what's happening to you is- Too powerful. Too powerful, unless it costs you bar, right? So to really show off how sick you are, you gotta predict what's about to happen. And then- Yomi is the Japanese word for reading the mind of the opponent.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Exactly. And the window that you have to input your specials while you block is like very small. So it's a bit of a harder character to use, but otherwise still fun, new super is fun to use, and I still enjoy the basics of it. But I definitely just have, I'm having a hard time, like instead of reacting to what's happening,
Starting point is 01:26:37 getting myself in the mindset of anticipating it. Because certain characters, you have to do that. And then she wasn't one of them, but it is what it is. That's great. How shit are you, be honest. Are you okay? I'm still better with sin.
Starting point is 01:26:51 Yeah, okay. Oh, I hate that. I'm better with the substitute character than I am with the one that I want to be with me. And that's definitely not unique to fighting games. Oh, the cool new thing came out. I'm gonna play, oh, I suck with the new one. It's rough.
Starting point is 01:27:05 Oh, I hate that fucking feeling. I'm gonna get my clock cleaned by Octopimp, but I'm gonna try. The other thing I did with my week was, of course, continue playing Tekken, went out to check out some of the weeklies, got to watch what's happening with that. It is amazing to see tons of characters
Starting point is 01:27:25 putting so much work into these advanced, perfect juggles and amazing long combos. And to watch Paul just walk up and go, launch, and do the exact same damage. It's hilarious. Wish I could do fighting games. Paul's right hand. One punch, just input the fucking one Hadoken motion,
Starting point is 01:27:47 and you don't need a combo. Paul's right hand has been carrying players for like 20 years. Unbelievable. It's just fun, because the effort, you know, the effort in the jungle and the quality and everyone applauds and goes, wow. There was a video that came out of him on Twitter,
Starting point is 01:28:07 was looking at some 10 second thing of his easiest, his bread and butter launcher, into the most damage you can do with a standard combo juggle, does way less than just doing the right hand. Just a punch, baby, just a punch. It's not even easier, it's not even easier compared to other characters.
Starting point is 01:28:25 It's optimal in a bunch of situations. And you know, that's that. I mean, I'm getting some pointers and sort of watching the Tekken community do their thing and learning about how, you know, if you have habits from 2D games and you bring them into Tekken, you're like standing still in Tekken
Starting point is 01:28:44 is better than holding down back. That's how bad you get blown up for crouch blocking like a normal 2D game, you know? That's what I've been doing. No, I've been doing that. I've been wondering, like, because I bought Tekken and don't get me wrong, like I'm having fun with it, but I'm so bad.
Starting point is 01:29:00 Yes, it's so bad. If you rely on, like, you know, Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat habits and you just go, I'm just gonna block low because that should block most things, right? You're so dead. No, because there's an extended... Standing still is better.
Starting point is 01:29:15 Billion mids. Yeah, mids, yep. I think I've done, like, 15 matches online and out of those I've won about maybe three or four. I'm really good. That's not bad for Tekken, actually. Honestly, yeah. I like how Tekken's online, too,
Starting point is 01:29:31 shows you a quick little, like, your last 10 matches. Yes. A win-loss, win-loss, win-win, win-loss, win-loss, you know? When you load into that versus match and the guy you're playing against is all golds and you're like, okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. But you're at the same rank, you know?
Starting point is 01:29:47 This is a rank-up match and you're at my level, but you have all golds. That means you won your last 10 matches. It's still early in the game. It might be, like, you're marked as my level, but you're just walking your way up. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly. You're just on your way to the top
Starting point is 01:30:02 where you deserve to be. I'm a step that you're launching yourself off of. I think it gives you more information than the Street Fighter method of just showing a win streak. Absolutely. Because a win streak is nice, but, you know, like. Well, you get to see, like, oh, he had a really tough batch
Starting point is 01:30:16 of matches a few matches ago. Like, he lost three in a row and now he won two in a row. So maybe, you know, he's flaky, right? Type of thing, exactly. And as usual, costumes are all fun and dandy and, you know. The costumes are amazing. I just don't like the fact that you can't have a hat and dye your hair.
Starting point is 01:30:34 Yeah, there's those restrictions. It stings. I was trying to recreate a dragon-made character and it couldn't let me. They should, like, in a Tekken 8, I guess, or maybe even as DLC for this one, they should just create, like, just a fucking creative character at that point.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Like Soul Calibur. Like Soul Calibur. Soul Calibur's was pretty good. Hang on a minute. I mean, what franchise again, sorry? Soul Calibur. What, sorry? Don't remind me.
Starting point is 01:31:01 No, it's just the problem is there's what to do with that competitively. Yeah, no. That's always the issue. So, for fun mode. Dress up is fine. Right now, my Steve is wearing a bomber jacket and cargo pants and I fucking love it.
Starting point is 01:31:16 He's just like Leon Kennedy cosplaying right now. Do you like the current explosion of gifts coming out of everywhere, Tekken? I'm just like, look at this cool slow down. Yeah, Leo doing this ridiculous unblockable that, like, Lucky Chloe, I think, dodges with part of her head and then gets knocked with the end of it.
Starting point is 01:31:35 Like, it's breathing life into fighters. They need this for every Tekken game going forward. It's a staple. I feel like further more other games start to need to start copying it. Exert is currently the only one. I think the only game I could think of that I don't, like, straight up don't want it in is BF
Starting point is 01:31:56 because of virtual fighter rounds are so fast. Like, when you KO somebody, you're in the next round fighting within, like, four seconds. Did you know that if you suck blood with Eliza, her cup size increases? Shut up. Really? This is very interesting.
Starting point is 01:32:12 This is interesting to me. I have to make an experiment for Tekken. It's just like, I'll be back. Yeah. I literally, I slipped my hands together. I brought you three sizes. That's what's up. My eyes are glowing right now.
Starting point is 01:32:29 I'm looking at my PS4. Yeah, I'm growing stronger. Yeah, exactly. You know, P5 continues. And, yeah, I went to YetiCon. I had a good time at YetiCon. Looked like it was WetiCon. More like WetiCon.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Well, I'm pure about it. I saw about it. Every photo, it rained the entire time? Unfortunately, this Beach Resort Convention was, or more like Mountain Resort Convention, was kind of plagued because God hated anime this weekend. Well, he does. In particular, his wrath came out this weekend.
Starting point is 01:33:09 And it was very much, it was a very clear situation of, yeah, you can get in the pool, but do you really want to die for anime? Yeah, because I don't think that's a good idea. Don't do it. Thunder and lightning aggressively in really close proximity to the con. So I remember.
Starting point is 01:33:27 So it's a high stakes, high reward con. Absolutely. If you want to go out and show off your new attack on Titan cape, you better be willing to fucking eat a Zeus bolt. Now, I would actually, this might be wrong, but I seem to have the same mentality as Woolly that when I was growing up, I was told that when
Starting point is 01:33:47 you have a massive, like ongoing thunderstorm with proper lightning all over, being in a pool dramatically increases your likelihood of actually getting hit by lightning. Now, granted, it puts it from one in a million to one in half a million. They have to close the pool. But it's like, oh.
Starting point is 01:34:05 That's the way it goes. When I went to the Atlantis water park and now saw, they're like, there's a storm coming. We will not, we will close everything the fuck down because you were in water. The entire point of this place is to be in water. Yeah. So, yeah, no, no shocking thunderbolt Zeus things
Starting point is 01:34:22 for us. Also, perhaps reconsider wearing that League of Legends character costume with the giant metallic weapon. Yeah. I was just about to say pointing to the sky. To be fair though, I think it would be really sick if someone went cosplayed as Thor or something like that with like a metal hammer just raised to the sky and died
Starting point is 01:34:39 that way. That would be awesome for them. This will be my final shoot. This is my, was it? This is my final piece. Yeah, you get the shot of the super slow motion camera. It's like, this is the one frame where they think it's working and this is the next frame where their eyes are
Starting point is 01:34:58 exploding out of their head. I made a mistake. So speaking of making mistakes, you know. Yeah. I mean, what is there to say really? I had. I had. What did you have?
Starting point is 01:35:17 A moment of weakness, I'd say. Yep. That's a good way of describing it in which some friends were able to peer pressure bully me into taking the purchased props I had of an Akatsuki robe and headband. Wait, that you purchased them? No. The same ones that I used for my Willy versus intro.
Starting point is 01:35:37 So what you're saying is that you came to this con with this costume already in your luggage? Correct. Yes. And now you say you appeared pressure into where? Because the group was happening and they're like, you better fucking do it. Well, come on.
Starting point is 01:35:52 This is what you are going to do time when I came into this podcast room early for the podcast. And this is before the Willy versus video in which he does his ninja run. And I walk in and there's a fucking Akatsuki code just sitting on the fucking table. And I'm like, is this Billy's? What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:36:14 And then Willy comes in. I'm like, who's the fuck? And he's like, oh, this is my stuff. And just don't worry about it. I'm just going to take it. Don't worry about it. Don't worry about it. And I remember looking at you with narrowed eyes and going,
Starting point is 01:36:29 like, I think I'm worried about it. Anyway, so we jumped on a gondola and went up to the top of the mountain. And you reenacted the entire Great Ninja War. And prayed that the lightning would strike now. Now, now, now, please. I've got the headband on now. Well, he's like, at the very least, I want there to be a
Starting point is 01:36:51 news article that says many weird ninjas died at Sun Mountain. And fortunately, police are accustomed to arresting Naruto cost players. You've seen those pictures, right? The Great Pudge. Yeah, I unfortunately, you know, God did not see fit to put us out of our misery.
Starting point is 01:37:15 And that photo was taken and tweeted out. It was. And that's all for everybody. We live in a bizarre era in which, let's say, Woolly has a bunch of grandkids. And Woolly is a somewhat known public figure. We're going to be like, dad, why are you dressed up like a grandpa?
Starting point is 01:37:35 Why are you a dumb ninja? And you have to explain the fucking filler saga. You have to explain the great T-Race. Tell your grandkids about the great T-Race and why that made you dress up with your headband. Impling the live action series won't be reaching that point in the reboot of the reboot by that time. I have never thought about that before, the thought of, like,
Starting point is 01:37:57 when you're older, having like grandparents who go to their grandkids, let me tell you about how bleach started off when it really, when it really fell, it went downhill. Grandpa went. Back in my day, before anime became real, we had to watch our anime on things like Crunchyroll. Do you remember when it was fine when it was just hollows? And then they added all this other shit?
Starting point is 01:38:21 Dad just stopped. They don't care. Dads. Yeah, so instead of, you know how, like, my dad watches old war movies. Instead of that, it's going to be like, fucking dad, your kid walking in to somebody like crying over the ending of Grinlog in like 30 years.
Starting point is 01:38:40 Look, I believe in him. Are you are you winning, dad? Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's how that goes. Total role reversal. Look, I invite myself to be called a lot of things every time I turn to my social media and choose to complete these actions.
Starting point is 01:38:58 You're telling your grandkids, like, don't watch Elfin Lied. I don't know what that is, dad. Hopefully one of those things will is a good sport. That is all. And, you know, beyond that, it was like just whatever. Like, well, decent con otherwise, you know, pool party was fun until the pools closed. What are you going to do?
Starting point is 01:39:18 All right, close. Let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's let's no, it stops up. That's a pop up up up up up. Oh, cool. Is that the song from nothing? No, we're shut up. Just let us have it.
Starting point is 01:39:38 Right on it. Right on it. Dragon Masters. Oh, you mean no. You mean the song is not from Dragon Masters at all. Yeah. The song featured nowhere on the sound. We can't talk about this yet.
Starting point is 01:39:46 Oh, yeah. Because you have the OST to Dragon Masters, you know. There's something there. I'm really, I'm really like one day we'll talk about it. Well, yeah, not not this day. Actually, that day is today if you go listen to the Dragon Charles video where they're playing Dragon Master and the song that Pat thought was from Dragon Master and Matt thought
Starting point is 01:40:07 was from Dragon Master all the time was just a song not from that game at all that he put on the video. All right, so if you if you know what what song that is, you can you can give Woolly big ups by like solving this stupid argument. I mean, we met Dragon Charles like I'm not sure if he's on Twitter, but she just asked him straight out. Like, do you remember what song that was?
Starting point is 01:40:26 It's got to be from something. I don't fucking know. It's some bullshit. I mean, it's got to be from the end of the video, but like whatever. So in the news, let's start off. Let's do news, news, news, news. Let's start off with the news that there is a JoJo OVA that's
Starting point is 01:40:46 coming to DVD alongside the DVD release of part four. And it's the Rohan thus spoke Kishi be Kishi be Rohan. Manga adaptations. So it's not him at the Louvre, but it's the other little like special one shot they did where he has all these mini adventures. Rohan's big day out. Yo, like they love Rohan and Rohan gets played and pushed over
Starting point is 01:41:16 and over again, and no one hates it because Rohan's a good character. Yeah, he's great. I liked him. I like good old Rohan. Yeah, he's a good boy. So I hope I would not I would not be surprised if we did eventually get him at the Louvre, but I'm not holding my
Starting point is 01:41:32 breath. I hope it happens though. Anyway, so that's fun. Little bonus JoJo things coming out soon. Keep your eyes peeled. But it's June 28th is when I guess that's in like two weeks, man. That's going to air.
Starting point is 01:41:46 No way, dude. That's like a wee wee. Yep. So that's coming up. That's crazy. Also, we have this weird news where it better be as weird as you're okay. Well, look, the context is weird.
Starting point is 01:42:04 He's topper right. The context for this requires a little bit of the name of this report, and I think it's a massive, massive, so the report is that Atari CEO Fred Chesney confirms that Atari is working on a new console. And furthermore, Atari, meaning infogrames, so hold that thought because I'm about to elaborate as fuck about this on that point.
Starting point is 01:42:30 If you could see my face right now. Yeah. So they released a little 20 second teaser and it's showing off like like a wood grain, that and plastic that looks like an old Atari 2600. So I'm expecting because no one is like would expect this type of company to put out a proper competitor in this day and age that this is going to be a collection of old games.
Starting point is 01:42:50 It's an Atari classic. Yeah. It's an Atari. I think it's an Atari. I think that's exciting. In which case, I don't care. Like, you don't get me wrong. I grew up playing an Atari when everyone was playing at NES.
Starting point is 01:43:01 I got it super late and I had to make do with it. You are older than me. Those games are like I was not. I was I was Atari was before my time. But no, no, it was before my time to when everyone was enjoying their NES is my parents like yours is fucking shit. As long as the fucking Pac-Man Atari port is on that, then like thumbs up for everybody.
Starting point is 01:43:22 But I just I just want it's like the worst port. I just want everyone to be aware because like if it is an Atari mini, then hey, cool, whatever, maybe it has every game, then then maybe that's something worth it. It could. I mean, it would be money they're not making right now. So why not? But I just need people to be aware that the company making this
Starting point is 01:43:43 called Atari is not Atari at all in any way, shape, way, what? What the fuck? The company that you currently know if you because like I've been I've been following this and your entire life and like I love how I don't love I hate it, but it's like you love that you hate it though, because time goes on and everyone just forgets. But the company that is currently Atari has nothing to do with Atari and has never had anything very the original company that
Starting point is 01:44:12 was Atari run by Nolan Bush now split into two companies called Atari Games and Atari Interactive. Oh, Atari Interactive then got bought by Hasbro in but but only there but not as a whole company, just their properties and the name. Huh. So Hasbro acquired their assets after that, Infogrames, the fucking shitty Armadillo company came along and bought Hasbro
Starting point is 01:44:41 and then changed their now Hasbro Infogrames company name to into Atari. Also because Infogrames knew their name was such bullshit and everyone wanted to say Infogames and they're like, no, it's Infogrames. Yeah. Everyone's like, I refuse to say the name of your company. Atari Atari.
Starting point is 01:45:00 Everyone knows that name. So McDonald's. Yeah. So this is three degrees of separation removed from anyone involved with Atari or any policies or anything Atari actually was and it was literally a purchase of a name to another purchase of a name to then use that name and call yourself Atari.
Starting point is 01:45:17 It's nonsense. Corporate shuffle. Yeah. So really confusing. So just be aware that for not one second is any of this actually Atari and I guess they must have the back catalog or something. I guess they have the license to it, right?
Starting point is 01:45:33 So it's just a part of the story that keeps popping up and every time anything with Atari buzz pop up, they say so. They say he wants to let everyone know they say things along the lines of for the first time for the first time in 20 years, they're making a console or thing or we're back in the hardware business. What it's like, no, you were never in it. Frames was never in the hardware business.
Starting point is 01:45:56 Fuck you liars. That's not true. It's really weird because I can't think of any company that changed his name or has this kind of situation that pretends that they used to be the old company. I got a great one for you, really, because the last time this happened in a manner that was equally disgusting was guitar hero pretending to be harmonics after harmonics made rock
Starting point is 01:46:22 band, but the guitar hero name was held on to by Activision. They then came out and were like, were the original game murhythm game series. Those rock band guys are trying to rip us off, but everyone knows guitar hero is the original thing. And it's like you chuckle fucks, harmonics, the developer are the people that invented that. And you kept the name.
Starting point is 01:46:45 How dare you? There is another example. I think I'm not sure if it's like insidious, but like there's another company called THQ Nordic. Sure. And they're they're calling themselves THQ and everyone's like, no, but I know that they're dead. Like, no, I saw it.
Starting point is 01:47:01 I saw that. I saw the call. They hit him. I saw it right. I checked the pulse myself, but I don't think they say I think they do actually say we're taking this name because people associated with like a couple of the IPs that we were able to buy off THQ.
Starting point is 01:47:17 Like I think Darksiders. Yeah, that might be the number one Nordic that's doing that. So it's another example. So just that's all. Just be aware Atari in name only. OK, a tarino. All right, a weird bit of news. Yeah, don't fall for it.
Starting point is 01:47:35 I just really is super strange. You know what I mean? Like like Hudson got bought out and like now they're back. But but what kind of sure. But like when when there's bloody roar. But what man, I've killed for bloody but what it got. But you know, they didn't change their name to Hudson to fucking pretend like this is you know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:47:55 They didn't pretend they were the company. Like it was just fucking it's just a stupid thing, man. I hate that. Like stop lying or double down and lie even more. Like have more ridiculous press releases that talked about the legacy that you like don't even half like half acid at all. Just go full blown and say we were always Atari shut up or or do it like a new marriage and keep both last names.
Starting point is 01:48:20 Oh, like them together. Hey, like level five concept. Yes. Oh, that was that was a good segue. Thank you. This is the story that we alluded to that we don't care about. So basically Aftor Aftor. No, keep it after after Mighty Number Nine Aftor recor. Yeah. So Mighty Number Nine took the big bad hit and then
Starting point is 01:48:44 Rekor took the big bad hit and Red Ash is kind of just in the winds. It's it's preparing itself for its own. And I.O. King of Pirates. That was the first game concept ever announced and has still never come out. Lost marvelous three point eight million dollars. It hasn't been good. Hasn't been. Oh, by the way, those those PSP and or whatever, the those handheld versions of Mighty Number Nine still on track for next year
Starting point is 01:49:09 or whatever. I think I think the update I saw was like, well, we hope they come out this year, but they've just given up. They've given up. Yeah. So so what we what we have now today is an announcement in the wake of like all this bad news they've been going through that level five has acquired a concept and level five is now known as level five concept. And like Co Bandai, this isn't completely out of nowhere because apparently Inafune has talked about this possibility before in the past
Starting point is 01:49:38 way early on because like he's friends with the guy in charge of level five. I forgot his name, the director of Dark Club. Akihi wrote, you know, there we go soon. Yes. So their first project is a mobile game called Dragon Colonies. And hopefully they don't just become a mobile factory. Why do you say that? So we can look forward to the amazing products or like I see this and I go, oh, cool, they tricked level five into like dumping their money into the toilet.
Starting point is 01:50:05 Level five. No, I mean, I mean, concept. Oh, yeah, but level five is legit. No, that's the level. That's the point. I hope that the level five level five hasn't been mostly been doing mobile stuff and they released an Inafune two and that's it. If there's other stuff, I'm not aware of it. If anyone can can can can salvage.
Starting point is 01:50:24 Is that level five is like if there's any if there's anyone who can ruin level five. If there's any salvaging to be done, it's coming from level five was like starting to become like as big as square. They made those Inazuma 11 games that were super popular in Rogue Galaxy and all these big RPGs and they were starting to get their own convention or something. Like then then just after that, like White Night, remember, White Night Chronicles on the fucking PS3 remember that it was. It was bad. Yeah, it was not good.
Starting point is 01:50:57 I feel bad for them, I guess. And then after that, well, I mean, look, it's just, you know, they can keep up like Professor Layton games and stuff like that. Like that's yeah. Oh, look, I understand the concept logo. It's it's a sideways vampire fangs. And I thought it was a magnet. The blood is the blood of level five on their teeth. It's a magnet to me as they suck their life force out.
Starting point is 01:51:19 So yeah. Oh, yeah. No, wait, it's a it's a magnet sucking money out of level five. So they're a small studio now and and and whatever they're going to be doing stuff. But that's that's what's happening. Acquisitions. All right. All right. Boo. I understand acquisitions. I'd do that shit. Thank you for the refresher. Cool.
Starting point is 01:51:43 You know what else is cool? No, not England. Because no, I don't know if this is on your on your list. But yeah, do you mind if I bring up something? By all means, take it away, sir. The steering wheel is yours. The fact that it's, you know, said that his game wasn't. Oh, that's that's super on that is absolutely on the dot. Yeah. Oh, excellent.
Starting point is 01:52:07 Well, yes, we'll jump right to it then, shall we? I am very excited, regardless of what it is, if it's something like Dragon's Dog, Matoob and Fantastic, because, you know, well, Dragon's Dog is amazing. Let me let me introduce the story here so so that people know what it is. Today, oh, my God, this happens every time. Does the article hold it? Hold that. Hold that.
Starting point is 01:52:29 Allow me, please. Hideaki Itsuno's new game is progressing smoothly. Please look forward to the announcement. That's all we know. And Final Fantasy 15, you bet your bottom fucking dollar that the article accompanying this is a photo of Dante. For every time. But to be fair, to be fair, Itsuno,
Starting point is 01:52:55 who directed Devil May Cry two, three, four, Dragon's Dogma and Dark Arisen. Is announcing that he has a new project. And that it's most of that CV is Devil May Cry. It's still really funny because every time Itsuno's name is in anything, there's a photo of Dante, no matter what. Again, like, it's it's true if you're known for a thing. Yeah, but like, I know, I know, I feel like I feel that even happens
Starting point is 01:53:23 when Dragon's Dogma was coming out. I agree. I but but but like, I guess what I'm trying to say here is, is I would love this to be a new project. I would love this to be a Devil May Cry game. And I wouldn't mind it being another Dragon's Dogma game. That's fine, too. But in that order, Dragons might cry Dogma, maybe it's it's exciting regardless,
Starting point is 01:53:47 because he has a very good track record. And I feel like if it is Dragon's Dogma two, then maybe we could get this because like I know in Dragon's Dogma, they had to cut out the fact that the last level was the moon. Like that was an entirely new zone. They had it all mapped out. You go to the moon and it's this whole other thing. It's like a whole other world, but they had to scrap it for the final thing.
Starting point is 01:54:09 Yeah, that's that's a thing. And it's it's a little bit depressing. But at the same time, with the new with the new consoles and everything, who knows who knows what we'll be able to do. Yeah, I mean, we know that he has nothing to do with Devil May Cry games anymore. However, we know that he's a huge fan of them and loves them dearly. So I would be sure to successor turns out to be Devil May Cry. There have been rumors.
Starting point is 01:54:33 I don't know if they're proven, but the fact that there are rumors at all makes me kind of think it's not impossible. It's just like the four failed the test. So all right. Well, bookmark this moment. I will never more happy to be wrong. Yeah, yeah, exactly. But no, what can I say?
Starting point is 01:54:50 Like, I do hope for something new that'd be really cool to hear. Right now, announcing a game called Scale Bound. Cold. Cold. That is honestly what I was thinking. The Bound. How do you put Dragon's Dogma together with Devil May Cry? Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I hope it's called Progressing Smoothly. Oh, there's something that I forgot to talk about from E3 of last week.
Starting point is 01:55:15 And I don't know if it's news, but it is going to be the what is it? The 19th of day? Yes. So tomorrow, they're putting out the like a full hour or something of Monster Hunter World footage. But oh, God. But a Japanese guy at the fucking E3, you know, behind closed doors got the shittiest cam footage out ever of that presentation. And the devs have talked about it.
Starting point is 01:55:41 And I want to point out I hate the Monster Hunter community. I hate all of you and you're all whiny babies. And I fucking hate you and you're the worst. It has been impressive. The reaction to World is the worst, most childish thing I've ever seen. It is worse than when RE4 got shown off and people were like this ruined Resident Evil. It's worse than that.
Starting point is 01:56:01 And now like the footage came out. I was like, oh, it's literally just it's just exactly what you wanted for decades. Shut the fuck up. When I saw it live, like, don't get me wrong, I had a reaction which was like, ah, ah, but at the same time, it's like, if you're not willing to give something a chance, then then just I don't know. I just don't really see the mindset of screaming like babies over it. It's just a person completely unattached with no horse in the race whatsoever.
Starting point is 01:56:27 I saw no reason to complain about what I thought was cool. OK, well, you will understand. Both of you will understand this mentality. Game, regardless, new updated thing with some conveniences. You're ruining it. You're dumbing it down for it. Yeah, that's universal for any game franchise, but. But it's but it's like a million times more extreme than usual.
Starting point is 01:56:52 Like, OK, it's been it has been like I saw the reactions on your Twitter and it's like really people are getting people are getting fucking furious. It's it's but at the same time, it's it's kind of. I don't want to say a kick in the teeth, but it is a little bit like a like a backhanded slap to people who genuinely wanted Monster Hunter on the switch. Oh, yeah, that's not coming out west. That is very well.
Starting point is 01:57:21 They did come out and save you. Cal Tham said that's not correct. We haven't announced anything. We're not like it would think it was GameSpot, but GameSpot took it from an E3 representative saying we will not be bringing it to the West. Actually, what it was is we have no plans or something like that. And they got and it got like slightly alter to whatever you guys just not
Starting point is 01:57:42 bringing it over now because you want everybody. But then Cal Tham said right now we have we we have no plans, but like we're not not. I can understand why people were excited for that game would be frustrated. And I mean, I am now it's in limbo at the very least. Like it's coming out and like, thank God, the switch is region free. So you can force that is true. You really want it.
Starting point is 01:58:04 I can I can see why people would be annoyed because I guess like you know, the whole thing changes scary, but I feel like until you actually play it for yourself and I feel then you can, you know, criticize it. It's like, you know what? You know what, Clems? I disagree. I don't see that because I understand when a series completely changed. Like Street Fighter III is a good example of like that was a big fucking change.
Starting point is 01:58:25 And new generation kind of sucks, right? And change is scary and all that. Monster Hunter could not have changed less ever. They have they have been. Yeah, they have been static game series ever. It's like a fucking game. Oh, we had the hit stick that that. Yeah, they just they just add in new monsters of new mechanics.
Starting point is 01:58:46 And what I say, I said new mechanics. I mean, the monsters have new mechanics that you have to really kind of like learn with the old compare system. So having something new, I am excited with a question mark. I would just like to play it. I just wanted to shit on the monster community for a second because they're babies. Hey, man, listen, I'll tell you something. Change is scary. That's correct.
Starting point is 01:59:09 However, sometimes it can be for the best. Like the new intro to DuckTales looks real solid. Like the new DuckTales intro. So looks fucking incredible. This intro. The art style is incredible. And you need to go watch this. There's a pan of a comic kind of comic book panels and it looked OK. And I was like, yeah, it kind of looks a little lazy.
Starting point is 01:59:37 But when the characters jump out of the panels and are in this other world and jump back into like this huge nebulous page of fun comics, that's when I was like, whoa, that's cool. Everything about this is just making me so happy. Like the fact that the art style again, it looks like old style comics. The fact that like this intro is prop is like the cover of the song is great. Yeah, it is good. You know, and it just it like it just screams adventure.
Starting point is 02:00:04 Like everything about it looks like not what you'd expect of a new cartoon. Take on an old series. You whenever a series gets rebooted, it usually goes poorly in the in the sense that they try to update it too hard for the modern day. And this is all about embracing a classic look that looks even looking a bit modern, but it looks even more classic than the original DuckTales did. You know, this intro is fucking awesome, guys. It's very good.
Starting point is 02:00:29 Sometimes change is all right. You know, yeah. And I really hope that's the case for Monster Hunter as well. I do. Monster Hunter Cross DuckTales. I like it. Honestly, great. So it could happen. I mean, that's one to put up Capcom Cross Disney. I mean, that is a thing.
Starting point is 02:00:50 Well, they have done way to like crossovers in Monster Hunter before. They were there was a little bit of your one. It was just fucking so bizarre. Well, how about a crossover like Capcom Cross Namco Bandai in the online world because Capcom has entered a cross licensing agreement with Namco for online matchmaking. So this means that for their fighting games, it seems like. And they list things like Street Fighter.
Starting point is 02:01:18 They're going to be sharing net code. Huh, then maybe you guys can find out how to make good net code. Well, well, but rollback has weird. Like, oh, yeah, we're rare. It's our property, right? And you have to get used to the possibility of not of winning around. And then no, you didn't sometimes happens. There is no accounting for or fixing a shitty ass connection.
Starting point is 02:01:44 At the end of the day, you either try to compensate or just drop them and I'd like to be like to be more specific. There are two kinds of shitty connections, the one that's too slow to catch up to the game, which is bad, but the one that's way worse is packet loss connections, which is like fill in the info that we don't have. The punch did not get sent. Yeah, you know, the solution to bad connections in a fighting game does do that. Jail. No, what's the fighting game
Starting point is 02:02:12 that's like currently still out and it has the thing where if you try to play online, it won't let you killer instinct. Yeah, it has that system where if you oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you connect. It looks at your connection. It says you're not playing online. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's mainly a hardware. That's that's based on the PC hardware config. Exactly. That's still Street Fighter on a console or they're not going to do that to you.
Starting point is 02:02:36 That would be amazing. Also, it's something very similar. It's like you were not allowed to go online until you ran the benchmark. Or is it well, well, the benchmark. I mean, Street Fighter in particular would be like, OK, well, drop your background off, set your model details to low and get yourself a not. And five has a straight up low spec version. Yeah, I just like how how in your face it is like, I would want to see that
Starting point is 02:02:56 happen in a system where it'll like do the benchmark test. I'll check your connection. I'll be like, no. And then a little X goes on online versus and then slowly they patch out that even on the main menu. You'll never be able to access this. This news is great when you consider the fact that tech and seven has excellent net code. Not at first, but sure.
Starting point is 02:03:17 I mean, it's currently fine. Yeah, but it was really bad. Yeah, everyone knew that I was not having fun. Oh, for fuck's sake, there's going to be a fire. It's fixed now. Yeah. So there are news stories about as what I mean. So the idea that like they're like, yo, let's share this to not fucking have suck garbage on both ends is nice and smart.
Starting point is 02:03:39 And again, I like the idea of adopting, you know, standardized net code when it works. I feel like Lab Zero were all about this type of mentality. Yeah, and they really are like, guys, we can standardize. Also, we can make it stick. Stick compatibility. We can make it good for everybody. And this is a step in the right direction because traditionally,
Starting point is 02:04:01 Japanese companies are a little bit stubborn. I don't know if you know this, maybe like Sony and cross play. I don't know if you've that sucks. I hate that fucking thing. That makes me curious. Everyone's like, hey, Sony, why don't you do cross play? And they're like, Xbox users are dirty and they'll yell at kids. Not like PS4 users.
Starting point is 02:04:20 It definitely frustrates me that I can't play Monster Monster Hunter World. I online on PS4 with people on PC. Yeah, no, that's the problem. It's depressing. It's really depressing and frustrating and Sony. Oh, silly. And what about silly people? What about the cross play between people playing FF 14 on PS3
Starting point is 02:04:36 and people playing it on PS4? Well, that's never going to go away because that's one of the things they put in and it's like if the reason why it's not coming to Xbox is because Microsoft keeps shutting it down. So also, can I can I pull one out if I may use the storm blood? Hold on a moment. Let me introduce this. The PS3 version of 14 is dead is done.
Starting point is 02:05:02 Yep. Yep. That's I want to pull one out. So this is a weird one. So we'll go in. Thank you for pulling this article, Willie. I appreciate it. No problem. This is a weird one because it's a relatively rare situation
Starting point is 02:05:15 for like support for a game to be a problem. But like pretty much since the game came out, PC and PS4 players have been like fucking drop support for that piece of shit because they're like, OK, guys, we'd like to increase the inventory size. But if we do, the PS3 users won't be able to run the game. We'd like to be able to make larger zones. But if we do the PS3 player like and it became it was so common and answered that it became a meme where people go,
Starting point is 02:05:44 how come I can't get in this dungeon? Oh, PS3 limitations like they would just say over and over and over. And when you play storm blood and you see some of the zones and you see some of the weird bullshit that they do with stuff, you go. Oh, there there's a there were it was holding back a lot like so heavy well PS3 heavy well day. Like what can I say? Like it's current year time to cut your losses.
Starting point is 02:06:09 You know, like if you have a a realm reborn came out in like what, 2014? Like that was it was there's there's a 2013. There you know, there's not often a situation where like ports to older consoles are like going to hold up the future. Well, Eleven had a thing with this, with the PS2 one was supported for a frankly absurd amount of time. They were supported for like nine years.
Starting point is 02:06:33 She exured being on both consoles as well. Was a thing when it first popped up. Yeah, exactly. So and and to be fair, like while it was technically supported, PS3 users would often run into absurd problems that shouldn't be allowed. So there were certain raid bosses in in Heaven's Word where if you're playing on PS3, you could get killed by enemies that the server had loaded in.
Starting point is 02:07:01 But your graphics were still loading so they weren't there. That's dumb. So it's like like, yeah. And of course, now we're move PS4 support talking about playing games on optimal systems, I suppose. Keats put out a little quick tweet and it was a very nice one. It made me happy killer instinct is coming to the steam. I so Matt and I had have had some terse moments over this
Starting point is 02:07:28 because I admit my request to have that come to steam being in Microsoft published game was somewhat unreasonable, unreasonable. I am I'm shocked that they're actually putting it on steam. It's nice. It's nice because it's going not. It's not just this, but it's also Quantum Break and Halo Wars. And the idea that like Microsoft is open to steam. This feels like Microsoft has like given up. Quantum Break and Quantum Break is totally on steam.
Starting point is 02:07:54 And so is Halo Wars coming. Yeah, absolutely. And the steam version is like the Quantum Break is was the one that made people really like pissy about it because the Quantum Break on steam is more updated and has like a better. I think it has better DirectX 11 supporters or something like that. For a fighting game, this makes sense, though, because you kind of roll it out on like one platform, then another
Starting point is 02:08:18 and then kind of another and you kind of keep it growing, keep at least stuff happening with it. I just I just appreciate just like, OK, like I get you want to grow your windows store. I get it. Your window store is awful. It is awful. I bought gears like gears of war needs to come to steam. And that's that. That'll be the when that happens. That's going to be the moment like, OK, they've fully given up on that. That's that's what it is.
Starting point is 02:08:40 It's it's like, OK, you're going to run the fucking company tow line and you're going to try as hard as you can. They try to push the thing, right? For those of you having trouble watching the three conference on fucking, OK, so whatever that was, apparently, Mixer Mixer conference was like astonishing in its quality. Like it was 4k 60, but the point remains, we're going to push the thing we have.
Starting point is 02:09:05 But after a certain point in time, if that just proves to be a bad idea and no one is taking it, stop resisting. So like it's this weird thing where it's like, I completely understood why Matt would always be frustrated because he would see my like because like just put on steam would be a very quick answer to every version of that. But Matt doesn't like you don't play that many games on PC all that much time. I do now. You do now. But I know for a fact, woolly has a lot more experience
Starting point is 02:09:37 dealing with origin and you play. It is beyond infuriating because it's so unnecessary. And it is it is this thing of when people say just put on steam, it's it doesn't have anything to do with steam. It's not like people being like, I'm in love with steam. It's like I just I know every time it's not every single time it's not. You have that time where it's like part of the game is fighting the system that it's on to get to it.
Starting point is 02:10:05 And now, though, like that answer, unfortunately, is not universal because UB games will still require you to use steam and then use you play servers. Yeah, which you you you kick it into offline mode and turn all that shit. And and like, you know, we I saw I learned it with, you know, Ask Creed Chronicles, but with For Honor, you pop it in and like you still have to go through the same bullshit to boot up the game. You have to log into two separate services.
Starting point is 02:10:34 And the Microsoft Store was super annoying like a new level of bad. It wasn't games from Windows Live again. It absolutely wasn't. The problems were very different. But the most common problem is like you download the game and then you have to download the game and then you have to download the game. And it just like there are people limited connections being forced to re download Gears of War four.
Starting point is 02:10:56 Like that's 80 gigs like six times because it's just the installation just doesn't work. OK, because it sounds great. Depends on the game. But when I want to kill or something in Steam Store and the start menu or whatever the Windows 10 is, I put in Killer Instinct. It popped up in the Steam Store. I clicked on it. It's a Windows Store or this or Steam?
Starting point is 02:11:14 Well, sorry, Windows Store. And then I pressed buy and then it said putting your credit card info and putting your Microsoft account, meaning my hotmail account. So maybe this is where it was going to be. And I'm like, OK, go and installed it. And then I played it. So every time I double click Killer Instinct on my desktop, like it boots up.
Starting point is 02:11:32 Is that not universal for the other games or? No, there's the issue. The issue with games for Windows Live and this specifically, it was never. So Origin has a different origin and you play. Those are their own different kinds of problems compared to the Microsoft ones. Origins and you play would have the problem of I'm playing my game and I'm having fun and then the service just fucks your game and just crashes you out or it doesn't work or the friends list crashes the game.
Starting point is 02:11:59 You want to bullshit. Yeah, you want to join a game with custom friends in Titanfall, too. You have to deal with origins, pairing up service for finding friends, right, which generally speaking, works about half the time. So you play an origin or the kind of thing where like the game is worse. Like it's it's in the game. Yeah. Microsoft services, when the game worked properly, it would be more or less invisible and it would be fine.
Starting point is 02:12:22 And the sort of the matching services were fine. And the problem with games for Windows Live and this would be that if you're one of the unlucky ones to just Oh, something's a little off with your install or something's a little. It would be the worst thing ever. I forget what it was, but Wally had to set up one game for a recording for us. And it was the first time he ever had to deal with games for Windows Live. It was for Cross Tekken.
Starting point is 02:12:51 OK, OK, because he had not dealt with it. And he had heard me rant and rave and he was like, OK, Pat, Pat's being crazy. And then like he came to me and like apologized. It was the way he's like, it's like a fucking beat down. It's just like, I'm sorry, man, I didn't know how bad it was. Because you put like a whole day getting that to play cross to turn on. And then you had to play Cross Tekken. Well, you know.
Starting point is 02:13:19 So anyway, it's nice when we see things like this. It shows that you're not going to like continue annoying your end user. Just because you want to push your own. It's also it's also a proprietary life from a PR perspective. Maybe this is just fucking self-congratulatory. But it looks it helps Microsoft look less crazy and rigid. I also think like you gave your best shot at your thing, the maximum amount of people that were willing to play this game
Starting point is 02:13:51 to get into your store, you you capitalized on that. It was on the Windows Store for like a more than a full year. It came out in March last year. So they like we tapped out the market of people that are willing to buy it on our store. So now that that's gone, let's put on steam and like if you happen to be someone that has never touched K.I. But that Eagle trailer just fucking wet your loins. Time to go get it on steam.
Starting point is 02:14:17 Eagle trailer looked OK. The Arrowman. I'll admit, I I have. I like the Eagle. I'm not the biggest cave. I'm not the biggest fan of Killer Instinct because I don't play it. But I feel like there that is one of their weaker like teases. I think I think so.
Starting point is 02:14:37 Like I remember what's what's the ghost lady? You suck. Her her teaser thing was like, oh, oh, what's that? No, that kind of thing. And I feel bad because Max specifically made the sequel trailer. The music was really good. The music. Whoops. His model just looks a little off in the game. Playing was just not super exciting looking. That's all.
Starting point is 02:14:55 Well, the thing is, it's it's it's a bit of a challenge to do things with an Arrow character that haven't already been done by. By Hawkeye, by Samurai Showdown, by Green Arrow, Marvel, by Injustice. You know, so, yeah, it's a travel territory, but we'll wait to see the full movie. Yeah, yeah, yeah, comes out before the end of the month. So mm-hmm, um, also coming out. No, well, that's not that soon, actually.
Starting point is 02:15:24 That's not that soon. Oh, no, I combo broke my own segue. Well, anyway, the point is, is that we have some details about Life is Strange before the storm. Weird things about this, too. And, you know, as predicted, yeah, there's no more time rewinding because Max is not the main character. So what you have is, you know, your playable Chloe
Starting point is 02:15:48 and your decisions matter and you're stuck with whatever you choose to do. And Chloe is not being played by one. Ashley Burch, I didn't catch that. You didn't. It's it's because of the voice acting dispute. Yeah. So she's not she's not voiced. Oh, wow. Burch put out a statement on the logo. Very sad that I won't be able to reprise.
Starting point is 02:16:06 Not that it was her best role, though. That goes to Tiny Tina. But that that goes that goes to Horizon Girl, I don't forget her name. Aloy, Aloy. Yeah, she's quite good. That or Cassie Cage or some other stuff. But I always kind of felt I think it's more or less the script's problem. But I like her, I like Ash.
Starting point is 02:16:31 I don't like her as Chloe. I thought I was fine, but this is going to sound bad. But have you guys have you guys played Life is Strange on your channel? Yes, we have. We beat it. I will need to watch that, then, because I am not a big fan of the game, but I like to watch people play it and get different opinions on it. So that'll be something for me to watch, I think. So what I was going to say, yeah, it's an interesting thing
Starting point is 02:16:55 because with this now, where you don't have the ability to fix things and make them perfectly, you just have to make your decisions as a normal, you know, like an adventure game would be. You are playing as Chloe, who happens to be an asshole. So your bad decisions are totally fine, especially probably at this juncture in her life, because I think like she was maybe she might have been worse. Yeah. Well, the example given in the in the description is in the demo where they talk about she goes to a Divey Rock Club at the edge of town.
Starting point is 02:17:30 She wanted a band T shirt. The vendor was selling them out of the trunk of his car for 20 bucks. And instead of handing over the cash, Chloe quietly released the parking brake on his car that made it roll out of the club. And while he was distracted, she took a shirt and 200 bucks from his sales. Yeah, what a nice money to pay a debt to a drug dealer. And she got a dime bag to boot. You have to. What an angel.
Starting point is 02:17:55 What do you do? So here we're going to have a moment where it's Mr. Burns and the in the fucking grocery store with cats up and ketchup ketchup, but instead it'll be your big moral choice for the end of the first episode is like do cocaine to math. I play it. And it sounds like it's math exclamation point because it's not clear. Yeah. And this is also made by a completely different developer. You feel like how you feel about Molly water, dude, I would.
Starting point is 02:18:27 How you feel about ketamine? Yeah, I was special. OK, dude, like it's it's like it's perfect. You're just going to be like whatever decisions you make. Who gives a fuck? Listen, Scooby Gang, I've invented a new drug. It's called Crocodile. It makes your face look great. Have you heard the good word about Jankham?
Starting point is 02:18:50 You might win breast special effects at the Oscars. What's the fucking street name for spice? Don't spy synthetic. Oh, like Chloe, did you just put a balloon over a bottle of human fecal matter? No, I didn't know such thing. Oh, Clems, are you being initiated into the world of Jankham and and and and the African ones dying? Oh, my God, you're talking about that.
Starting point is 02:19:22 Yo, I've heard of that. We play you snore ship fumes. Oh, yeah, dude. The highest highs. Lois Lois, dude, it's so funny. I don't get it. Man, you've never tripped until you've tripped. Listen, bro, OK, I have never shot into the toilet, man.
Starting point is 02:19:40 You know what? I want to take a big big guff of that. I'm telling you, I've never thought that ever. I don't understand like what what mindset were you in? Life is horrible and nothing's going to get any better than this moment. Yeah, I'll just sniff some shit, I guess. Might as well. It'll be great, I promise. Yeah, you OK?
Starting point is 02:20:00 Oh, he's dying. Woke up late so I didn't eat lunch. So you're coughing. So I'm hungry that I'm nauseous. So when I start coughing, I'm like, that was the thing. All right, I won't keep you much longer. I remember seeing that. Oh, I've done this before.
Starting point is 02:20:17 I just hit it better. OK. What was it? A piece of shit. I drink Red Bull salt. Dan, I'd planned out of my mouth. I'm going to die. We know over it. What were you saying, Clems?
Starting point is 02:20:26 I was trying to think. Oh, that's right. Dirty Sanchez. Yeah, Dirty Sanchez is. Yeah, yeah, they did that on one of their side shows where two of them go around the world and try different drugs to get like high in different ways. And some of the shit they do is borderline ridiculous. Like, I think one of them is like, apparently you get a high from just
Starting point is 02:20:48 from chug and cum and boy, did they try and it doesn't work. Excuse me. I know it's apparently somewhere in the world. It's it's just apparently it's a natural high. How much would you need? What are we talking like? Chugging. I don't understand.
Starting point is 02:21:09 Yeah, like, I think they get a lot of things to bring up today. They got to bring up the cum chugging. Of course, they drink a good old horsey boy. They get a little horse and they go, oh, let's try. Oh, that was nice. And they're so much better things to get high with. OK, OK. I remember beating Plague.
Starting point is 02:21:36 I know I remember this is tapping into a story from many years ago from your life. Oh, no, that on the Internet, somewhere in Australia, somewhere, there's a bar in Australia that had a limited time gimmick of offering shots of horse cum as an actual shot. Oh, no, but you got it's it's apple flavor. Right, right. You remember this. That makes all the difference in the world. This was a legit thing.
Starting point is 02:22:05 And this pops up so true. I want to say so legit. I want to say, like, like, like seven years ago. Oh, man. All right, wait. OK, I have I have a I have so many questions. I have so many questions where try to try to try to narrow. All right, I'm going to narrow it down to a highly specific question.
Starting point is 02:22:25 Did they add flavoring? Oh, no, they they just they just does Australian horse semen taste like apples. Yo, what of them horses eaten? It claims has no information. Easy way would be you want to Google this until you're I was going to say, I haven't really done much research into the the horse cum flavor. Yeah, but I can give it a shot after this is done. My dear, I think the easy way would be to add the flavoring after the fact.
Starting point is 02:22:58 I think that'd be much easier. That seems like a nightmare to try to do that. That's what I'm going to say. I don't get it. I don't get it. I don't understand. I don't. Why is that like a draw to your bar? All right, gentlemen, here we go. Here we go.
Starting point is 02:23:15 Here it is. Here it is. You've got to do. Oh, fuck this, an Irish car bomb of apple horse semen with when the car bomb part is horse piss. Okay. Oh, come on, just make it. Or that is or or or or, or or. Jankham. Well, I forget. I forget what was that human shit, balloons in the balloon.
Starting point is 02:23:42 I'll take the balloon. You're taking the balloon. I think it is. I would not take the balloon. I would. Yeah, you take. You take the horse semen. That'll give you an infection. If you fucking I would I would take the infection.
Starting point is 02:23:56 Yeah, you would. I would. Now, it's not just you. It's not just because matter. It's aged. Oh, yeah, aged to the point that it's farts, aged to the point that they ferment and fucking make your brain trip.
Starting point is 02:24:14 Oh, they call it the Malinu. They didn't. OK, in that case, they in any sense, as they didn't do that, which one are you going for? I'm not I'm not a horse semen. I don't want to do both. This is a dumb choice. I have a pretty I have a fucking hard rule
Starting point is 02:24:31 on Pat's not going to eat some fucking horse semen and piss and shit. That's on your list. I'm going to go ahead and say personally, like, well, you invented this. Gasses and fumes going through my body would like disturb me less than like fluid liquid and furthermore, maybe the high will like black me out so that I forget. Hopefully that's what I'm going to say.
Starting point is 02:25:01 I maybe Australians are a different breed. So they don't have very fast Internet, so they get bored. Hold on. We need we need clumps answer. Yeah, what's the answer? Oh, what's your answer? What are you going to pick? Oh, I probably just guzzle the horsecum, if I'm honest. Yeah, wow. Yeah, I mean, that was an easy answer.
Starting point is 02:25:21 Yeah, it's almost like I just prepared almost listen. OK, if I could choose between apple flavored horsecum or sniffing human shit, I'd probably go for go for, you know, a bit of a bit of a bit of apple. Applejack. Oh, did you really? Did you really have to? The sound effects of crucial. There you go. Just hold it up in the name of the queen and.
Starting point is 02:25:48 Yeah, that's what this is wanted for. We are never. This is for you. This is for you, Elizabeth. We are never going to get on that fucking podcast list. Oh, all right. Well, we can we can try to find our way out of this one. Yeah, let's try. Let's try. OK, we're going to try.
Starting point is 02:26:10 Wholesome wholesome video games incoming. Yeah, Nintendo is remaking Mario and Luigi Super Star Sega plus thousands of millions. This was announced on the treehouse stream after the fact. That's a good fucking game. So good. Here it comes. Good stuff. And it's it's it's pretty cool that that this is getting brought back. And first one's amazing.
Starting point is 02:26:33 And the third one's amazing. I hope they just skip the second one. Dream team, I think it is. I think. Not sure. Inside story. No, the inside story is the third one, which is amazing. No, is it the? Yeah, no, it's the third one. And then there's there's a lot. The second one's bad.
Starting point is 02:26:52 The second one is the baby Marios. And it's not good. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Right. Anyway, yeah, so that's that's a cool one. Yeah, they're kind of updating the graphics a little bit, but not too much. It still looks like it's still clear it came from the GBA, but it's just cleaned up. Yeah. And some people are like, I don't like it's not the I'm like,
Starting point is 02:27:13 they could have remade it all in 3D. Right. Yeah, it just it's good middle ground here. So yeah, that is I really want you to have a fake story prepared to lead in after the partners in time. Partners in time. That's the one. I want to go to a fake Nintendo announces Mario and Luigi's cum guzzlers or something. Well, they are like, I want to know how prepared you are for podcasts sometimes.
Starting point is 02:27:41 There's no there's no date on this. So we're trying to fight our way out. And probably this year, we're trying to fight our way out. Well, I'll keep dragging you back in. Well, speaking of dragon. Fuck you, I do it. Dragon Ball Z. Fighters. That was amazing.
Starting point is 02:28:04 We watched that. So you want to talk about the gameplay details have emerged. OK, I've gotten their hands on it. Because we saw the trailer. We saw the trailer. Now we have. Now it's good. Details are there any Marvel infinite stories this week? No. Oh, I mean, because I wanted to have,
Starting point is 02:28:22 like, speaking of guzzling horse come, here's more shots of Marvel infinite. But so Dragon Ball Z fighters is after after numerous people have gotten their hands on it, including one maximum million, what we have is confirmation. This is a six button fighter. Four buttons are your combat button. So you have light, medium, hard. You have special, which is your projectiles and then tag one, tag two.
Starting point is 02:28:52 There is no throws in the game. I didn't know that. Throws are not a part of the basic rock, paper, scissors. That's what's dead. Then what's the scissors? The rush where you do a flurry of attacks that dust launches the character is basically like an unblockable rush. It's unblockable.
Starting point is 02:29:12 And what happens is the way you deflect it is by actually doing an input deflect as you would a projectile or countering with your own rush. And there and then basically when you both rush together, you go into like that anime style where both like shooting limbs out in all directions kind of fight and you back off. Or if you don't do that, then you get launched up for an air combo that can get continued, but this system sort of replaces throws. It's interesting.
Starting point is 02:29:42 Also, of course, you can tell from the footage and trailers that there's no incoming, right? After a character dies, you get a round reset, which is awesome. But there are snapbacks. So you're going to have basically what I'm kind of talking about here is in Marvel, when a character dies, there'd be a moment where the next character jumps in and you can mix them up, right? In Marvel, there's even moments where you can do unblockable things
Starting point is 02:30:06 to the incoming character where you just can't do anything but take the hit. That is completely avoided in this game by making it so that when the new guy comes in, you have a round reset and you don't have that mix. It goes round whatever start. And so you don't have to have to deal with that problem. A lot of it's we call that incoming and a lot of people are not fans of that because it's hype to see someone get mixed up. But when you get to a point where there's no way to block the thing, it sucks.
Starting point is 02:30:33 So there's that. Of course, there's tag specials and whatnot going on. And we definitely know that there's background destruction. When you deflect projectiles that come at you into the background, objects behind you get blown the fuck up just like this show. So cool. There's round finishers that knock you into buildings and debris. I didn't know that.
Starting point is 02:30:55 And finally, there's state changes to the stage where if you finish with a massive special, like I saw Boo, Boo exploded the planet. The planet blows up exactly. So this game is plays loose with the cannon. This is ArcSys doing their best to make it feel like you're playing the show. Right. It looks fantastic. It looks like the show.
Starting point is 02:31:20 It does the other thing to keep in mind is right now we're seeing assists come out doing and doing one move and people are kind of thinking like, OK, so you're locked into that one type of move. But they now have details saying that there's going to be more than one mode for the characters. However, we've kept it on a basic system. Oh, look at the four of the background. Holy shit.
Starting point is 02:31:42 Yeah, there's footage on if you check out Max's video and you get to see some of the background footage. It looks like the crowd looks exactly like the world. Yeah, when they're watching the little animal man fighting tournament and such exactly at the Budokai tournaments, this system just sounds like a better version of Marvel. The game looks like as a beautiful guilty gear or exert style lighting system. Well, there is just so much to it that I don't know how to define it.
Starting point is 02:32:10 But I like I want to say that it looks perfect. Like this looks like the highest quality, best possible fantasy version of the show that could ever exist. Yeah, I agree. And I think we talked about this before. We're like around Budokai one, two, whatever, three people are like, oh, my God, cel shading. It's perfect.
Starting point is 02:32:29 Dry this drink looks like a perfect dragon ball game. Like it's immaculately representing the anime. And then after that, once it moved to like raging blast, they started putting all these fucking filters and shit. Well, they they're shading that made it look less like the show. The main thing is they kept they they realized that if they kept the they just kept iterating on that art style, like every game would look identical. It would.
Starting point is 02:32:50 So from game to game, like this one's more cel shaded. This one has more of a 3D look, you know, something that all of them would look not as great aesthetically. And now this one just goes back to it, I guess. Another system function that you'll see sometimes in the gameplay is moments of the characters teleporting right behind their opponents. And this is something that everyone can do just like in the show. But doing it costs a bar.
Starting point is 02:33:14 So it's a trade off for an instant mix up, but it costs. We're watching a sequence. We're watching on Max's channel where he's he's tons of matches. All right. And earlier there was there was a shot where sell did a super and go co used goco goco. Yep. Goku used going to show you that Goku used a bar to teleport directly
Starting point is 02:33:35 behind sell and do an upwards facing super. Exactly like into sell. Exactly like the anime. Like you can like people will be able to recreate cannon matches at really fast speeds, but I really hope it does. My dream detail is that fusion characters exist by picking the two people on the team that you need to create the fusion. Of course, that would be the sickest fucking possible way to do that.
Starting point is 02:34:04 That go tent and trunks in order to get go tanks or Vegeta and go and you sacrifice it phoenix style. OK, but if you're Vegeta and Goku, how do you select between fusions? It depends which one you pick first, earrings or dance. Maybe the yeah, I guess you do it probably maybe on the select screen. You choose what you want to do. They also announced I think either yesterday or today that the director of this game was like asked like how come no switch version?
Starting point is 02:34:28 How come fucking into? Yeah, yeah. Oh, nice. Go on. How come? No, how come you get regain fucking shitty ass? Xenoverse two on the switch and not this. And they're like, there's actually no reason like from our test, like the switch will run this game, no problem. We just it's just we didn't think to put it.
Starting point is 02:34:47 But if anyone supports and I saw a lot of the game grumps just saying, I want to play this on a plane. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So they're like, yeah, just let Namco band. I know that you'd want more Dragon Ball games. There are games universally seem to sell well on almost anything. Of course. But the very Japanese answer of we're taking note of fan interest
Starting point is 02:35:10 is the Japanese interest of the Xbox one version. Beautiful. So I have an answer for you in terms of how to choose which one. Yeah, if go Jida, if Goku does the input, you get go Jida. If the Jida does the Jida. Yeah, so Vegeta should always do the input. Basically. Yes, that's correct. So I don't think we've asked this question a long time, gentlemen.
Starting point is 02:35:32 Go Jida or Vegeta? Always Vegeta, always Vegeta, it's true. 100 percent forever. It really is. Jido show up. Clamps, Clamps. Go Jida or Vegeta? Do it.
Starting point is 02:35:47 I might be out of line here. But I haven't watched Dragon. Well, here's the thing. OK, OK, I have watched Dragon Ball up to Dragon Ball Z. Sorry, up to the boo saga. OK, that's fine. So the characters you're talking about are in the boo saga. Yeah, I'm like, who is Jido?
Starting point is 02:36:10 No, who is Jido? Is that not correct? You're allowed to defend yourself, sir. So I am a little bit confused, but I only watched it. I like hearing the sound of Clamps fighting, not against us, but against the invisible Twitter tweets that are coming his way. You're the most Dragon Ball Z, you fucker. Yes, seriously.
Starting point is 02:36:30 But now like I watched Dragon Ball Z last year, I think just marathoned it and watching it as an adult with no like, I think I watched it around my friend's house when I was a kid and it was really, really hype. And I loved it. And I think I actually saw the episode where Frieza was blown up. And I was like, whoa, this is great. Holy shit. And I watched it again as an adult and Goku.
Starting point is 02:36:54 Oh, boy. Yeah, he gets under my skin. I don't know what it is. Is it because he's a stupid idiot? He's the world's worst, world's worst dad. It's like the bit I actually I went, what the fuck? Goku, when when Gohan is about to to kill so I'm not kill so sorry. I'm how was it?
Starting point is 02:37:13 No, it's almost right. Yeah, yeah, he's about to kill us or something. Oh, and then Goku's like, have a Senzu being so I'm like, what are you doing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Be there for the birth of your child or stay dead to keep training. And he does annoying. He does this annoying thing where he goes and he gets really smug about it and until people are like, Goku, what are you doing?
Starting point is 02:37:36 And he's like, huh? And then he realizes he's made a mistake, like 10 minutes. You realize your son could die, right? And he goes, he won't die. And he goes, but what if he does? And he goes, oh, oh, he really freaks out about it. So you're a fucking idiot. Like I love it like everyone else.
Starting point is 02:37:51 Pretty sure this I think was the Bandai Namco Twitter account like the for games on Twitter that posted Happy Father's Day. And it was a fucking photo of Piccolo and Gohan. That is the shit. That's so good. Like I think out of a because I was just going to say take into the extreme the the whole Goku thing in super then it's more than just I'm going to choose fighting over my own children.
Starting point is 02:38:20 I'm going to choose hundreds of trillions of lives. I'm going to choose fighting over the entire existence of multiple universes of the metaverse. You done? Yeah, go. He's going to show you. He's going to help you find a way. Anyway, all that to say Dragon Ball Z fighters is 20 percent complete.
Starting point is 02:38:41 What? It looks fantastic. Twenty percent complete. It looks good. At 20. That's what they say. I don't think graphically is like, I think I don't even mean graphically. I mean, like, I just mean it's it's content feeling and like, I guess, modes and characters and that's it. Yeah, modes and characters and stages when Street Fighter was 20 percent complete
Starting point is 02:39:02 and everyone's like calm down. It's 20 percent complete. I guess it depends on how you they're hiding their power whether they did all the engine shit and graphics first and they just have to plop the characters in that's you know, just how can that shit? Well, luckily, all the characters are basically the same model and share the same art style, so there's almost no work there. Kind of. I feel like it's like a very, very, very casual Dragon Ball, like, enjoyer.
Starting point is 02:39:28 It says a lot that I actually want to buy the game because it looks that good. So I had Rocky come over, right? And he's, you know, people listen to this podcast, you know, Rocky's the real Rock is the nicest guy in the universe. We all kind of know him. And he comes in, he's like, yeah, you three. What did you think? I was like, oh, I was fucking just spudging over that Dragon Ball game.
Starting point is 02:39:46 He's like, oh, I didn't really. Yeah, it's kind of lame looking. It's like a little trailer. I didn't see it. I was like, did you see it? Because I don't understand why anyone's and he goes, well, I saw like some screen show. I'm like, oh, no, watch this match. And he goes, OK, I didn't see this at all.
Starting point is 02:40:05 Yeah. So he's watching and he sees like the super that transitions into the stage being fucking a volcano world. And he goes, oh, I'm a buy this. Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, I don't know what he's doing that voice, making fun of Rocky for like 15 making fun. That's his voice because that's the most alarm he will ever get. Oh, also, I at least Willie will find this funny.
Starting point is 02:40:30 We're at beer fest in Montreal this weekend and I'm walking Rocky. And he goes, Rocky, you know, just as an aside, he made me his co best man for his wedding next year. Anyway, we're walking and he goes, hey, so, you know, you may. You're going to be my for my bachelor party. I don't really know any girls or strippers. And I was like, yeah, I bet you don't want a lot of things to happen during your bachelor party.
Starting point is 02:40:59 And he goes, yeah, because I organize your bachelor party. And you know, I get it. But seriously, though, no, like, I don't really want it. I'm like, yeah, yeah, you don't want a lot of shit to happen here. But so he's just like, OK. Poor Rocky. Yeah, one's going to get destroyed anyway. Guilty gear style destroyed.
Starting point is 02:41:21 Destroyed. Let's take some emails, shall we? Let's if you want to send an email, send an email to superbestfriendcast. Gmail dot com. Super best friendcast at Gmail dot com. What's that email? Super best friend email. Excellent.
Starting point is 02:41:44 That's excellent work. Didn't finish. Bravo. Bravo. Oh, man. All right. All right. What do we got?
Starting point is 02:41:58 We got one coming in. I'm sorry. Between. I was I was on the spot and I did the first thing I could think. And it worked. Nailed it. It worked big. Thank you.
Starting point is 02:42:17 Oh, right. We got one coming in from Eric Der Booper Fests, Crensast. What? I can see where that comes from. How do you deem what's newsworthy for the podcast? You prepare a docket before or you will save it for the last minute in case something comes in hot. It's very simple. Both during the week.
Starting point is 02:42:35 If there's anything of interest, I'll throw it aside. And Matt and Pat will send you something if they have an interesting story. It's relatively rare. But every now and then matter, I'll see something go to fucking put this in the pocket. But for the most part, each week, I grab things of note as the week goes by. And then the day before or hours before I do a final roundup to catch the last minute drops.
Starting point is 02:42:58 Also, you forgot the most important part. Look down, sadly, when real news is announced on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Every time, every single fucking time. And then we have to go an entire week of people saying, did you talk about like there are a few disadvantages to doing the podcast live on Twitch, one of which is the technical issues. But it has one massive advantage, which is because you're doing it live. People scream.
Starting point is 02:43:23 People are able to scream, dude, this just got announced. And it's happened a few times where we've been able to go. I swear, Mondays is literally like when I don't know. It's just Tuesdays. The game companies are Thursdays. Tuesdays podcast. Oh, so we've got a question coming in from Mark. Hey, guys, I've been going through some of the older podcasts to catch up.
Starting point is 02:43:47 And I came across a section where everyone talks about the tales of games. Matt mentioned to use a fan of the series. I believe this was episode six. Oh, wow. You really gone back through the old ones since both since both Zestria and Berseria have been released after that. You're right. I was wondering what you thought of them and how they stack up against the rest
Starting point is 02:44:05 of the series. So I played a bit of Berseria. You know, I actually really not into the tales of games anymore. Anytime I boot up a new one, I haven't played all of that. I played Zillia or Zillia 2. Every time I boot one up, I'm just like, what are we talking about? Monster Hunter, things change. I kind of want tales to stay the same.
Starting point is 02:44:27 Whereas like I played Symphonia. I played Fantasia when it was like kind of Japanese translated in a rom sort of thing. There's no other way to get it. So I played Symphonia. Love it. Look, like probably my like top 50 games ever just because I had so much fun playing it. Then a bit to play it.
Starting point is 02:44:44 Sorry, as I've been told to play that one because I didn't really like tales of your best. I think that it was yeah, Symphonia is very is very different in terms of its characterization and party wasn't Symphonia a departure from the original series before that was 3D. Yeah, so that was a change from what it used to that was a big change. But the systems are still very, very similar. But like as it goes on, like they're like, we got to do new different stuff.
Starting point is 02:45:09 Like the last two games I really, really enjoyed are Vesperia, which is kind of the a lot of one that people reference a lot because it's the first one on HD consoles and Symphonia to Dawn of the New World on the Wii. And that's been since re-released on the PS3 and stuff. Besseria and the other ones, they're just they're just kind of weird. I go into the gameplay systems are actually really, really complicated. The reason why I like the Tales series is that it felt like you're playing Street Fighter.
Starting point is 02:45:37 You had fucking just commands for Dragon Punch, a horizontal circle, things like that, and whatever. And it just was like simple and to the point. I can just enjoy a nice cast of characters and some nice plot twists and whatever. And now it's just like I play it. I'm just like, so I don't know. Awesome out of my depth. I will say that the main girl in Besseria is awesome.
Starting point is 02:46:00 She's like very, very different. She's a black haired raven girl. It's like guts almost. She's like this berserker massive edge board. Well, she's kind of a massive. I was about to say that, but it's but it's but she's different than every other Tales product, Protagon Eye. That's just I'm yeah, that's right.
Starting point is 02:46:18 So the tales in Star Ocean both have the same thing going on where I'm more on the Star Ocean thing and the same exact thing having a Star Ocean. We're one and two are more or less identical. They they they are so similar. And then three try some changes and everyone on the planet is like fucking stuff. Oh my God, yeah, go back. And then that became the new Star Ocean, like the new template. Well, Matt, if there's a void where your love for that type of combat system
Starting point is 02:46:44 needs a vessel, there's an upcoming game called Indivisible. It has very similar. I mean, it's different and similar, but and going back to Zestria for a bit, I played that for a good chunk, like an hour or two. And I was liking that a bit more and I might go back to that one day, but Besseria, whatever. I I don't know if I'll ever go back to that. I still need to play the Zilea games, though.
Starting point is 02:47:08 I have them all on the PS3 and like I just need to boot them up one day. What was the one that had a realistic Western style and then a Japanese anime style? Oh, that's Tales of Hearts, right? OK, OK, it's the same game, but they just had cut scenes. They made it anime and an ugly CG. That's what you Americans love. Feed on this for Japanese, too. Oh, my God, really?
Starting point is 02:47:33 Because, you know, there's a lot of games I have big. I assume it's my mistake. OK, they're not Western. I see. They're just lucky. Ragey, I have not been. I've not wanted to touch a Tales game since I played Tales of this because I played it on the 3ds and I can I can say with absolute
Starting point is 02:47:50 sincerity that it is and I probably going to step on a few toes here, but it's one of the worst RPGs I've ever played. I hated it and I am not one to just enter as a mechanics or like story and characters or just everything. You stepped on Dragon Ball toes. Ain't no need to hold back now. The characters were trash. Now, the thing with the best is that, yes, they all are trash,
Starting point is 02:48:14 but it gets to a certain point where a lot of characters go through some very, very interesting transformations. But it happens like 45 hours into the game. So I do not blame you for not getting past that point. I would like you to do an experiment for me, Clems, if you if you go ahead and me, try to get a copy of Tales of Legendia for the PS2 and maybe play like two hours if you can then give me like an opinion what those characters are. I'd be very interested if you think they're worse than Abyss.
Starting point is 02:48:46 Because for me, they're it's the I've referenced this game before. It is a party of JRPG characters that can't stand each other. And sounds great. All of them are selfish and they all have their own goals. No one wants to work together. And I know what you're going to say. Well, that's cool. But I'm sure by the end, they all put their differences.
Starting point is 02:49:05 No, they don't. They all hate each other until the end of the game. And that cast was insufferable. Yeah, that sounds interesting. Oh, give it a go. If I can find a cheap copy somewhere. It's always sure. If you want to, it's one of the few PS2 or like of that era games
Starting point is 02:49:23 that Band-O'-Nap guy hasn't even shit on to remaster re-release. They're like, I definitely I definitely I definitely want to do a video on Tales of Abyss because I didn't I got like 10 hours in and I got I got like two dungeons past the annoying little blue rat that like screams at bushes and they set on fire and every single time he's fucking music, can you and I tried to go into the options and find like a turn off. No, no, no, no, man.
Starting point is 02:49:55 So it was like I had to play it with the volume off because it was like the the Final Fantasy 10 to massage scene where it's embarrassing for people to like walk in. So if I'm playing Tales of Abyss, I'm just chilling out with a bit of tales. And somebody in the next room, all they can hear is me, me, me. It's like they that guy's playing something. Yeah, I I dropped that game. Like it was if you ever do make that video, let me know.
Starting point is 02:50:20 I can offer some really, really dated insight. That would have played any of those games to completion. Long as time. Anyway, we're going on too long about tales. Hey, man, what's what's give me give me email. Give me a hot right off the pipe fresh. I was just going to say, all I know is there's that one game that the samurai shampoo artist did and I thought that's. Legendia. Yeah. OK.
Starting point is 02:50:41 Well, anyway, we got what coming in from Mago, he says, Super Punch Time Exploders. I just timely. We just passed Father's Day and it got me thinking about some works of fiction have terrible fathers, trash human beings talking about that. Indeed, who are the some of the absolute worst dads in fiction? Well, we already did. Definitely say Goku. I'm going to I'm going to end.
Starting point is 02:51:05 We carry is shit. You beat me to it so fast. Come on. What else is there to say? I can't be, you know. But the biological whatever. He's his father. If he if he if he but you're not even really wrong if he. Well, I mean, Balrog is daddy by that.
Starting point is 02:51:24 Oh, no. Yes, he is. But the action. You OK? OK. Oh, wow. Wow, that's a new issue. What happened? I don't really know. But I'm just going to play it off and continue the podcast.
Starting point is 02:51:44 I had a little bit of I crossed left from this morning and I blanked and it fell directly into my eyeball and got underneath the eyelid. There's cameras, man. I know. OK. Oh, yeah, like I've never been embarrassed on camera before. OK, well. Enjoy your animated gift, you bastards. You can keep your eye crossed. Now, let me just talk about for a second.
Starting point is 02:52:07 Ed actually cares about Balrog, so he's not even the worst dad because Balrog sort of cares to. He just cares by making him fight. His story has a moment where Balrog has a he has like a moment where you kind of hear a tear slightly almost after Ed beats him and he's like, I'm leaving now. Wait, really? Yeah. Balrog has a very emotional just go.
Starting point is 02:52:30 And it's like, well, what the fuck? Yeah, it's actually really interesting. I didn't see it kind of go play. But there's that dad character from My Hero Academia. Yeah, no, a lot of people reference him. Yeah, he's a bad, a bad boy. Oh, my God. What about Grappler-Backey? What about? Yeah, OK, OK.
Starting point is 02:52:52 Grappler-Backey, that's a fucking strong content. Oh, that's a good one. Oh, hey, I was about to say, hey, I was about to say, hey, I mean, you have to go back to the start of the of the cycle. And hey, Hatchy, but at the same time, you know, there's factoids that change circumstances that we still have to discuss the factoids. But Grappler-Backey is a fucking good one. There's a specific guy.
Starting point is 02:53:21 He's pretty shitty just because well, he's not around very much. He like Goku chose the fight instead of his son's life. You know, there's a specific Godzilla movie where like Godzilla, Junior is walking around or whatever. Manila and Godzilla literally bonks him on the head. It's like, do your breath better and pushes him over. Then shows him in front of a bigger Kaiju to fight them and gets pissed if he doesn't win.
Starting point is 02:53:45 Yeah, to be honest, like a lot of anime protagonists, Jotaro Kujo, worst father, worst father. I was going to say, Jack from Final Fantasy 10. Jack is one of the best fathers. What are you talking about? You can't do it, kid. I'm the best. No, but he's right. Even showing up to steal his girls, man.
Starting point is 02:54:09 Yeah, seriously. My like your dad comes back from the dead to steal your girl. You had your time, old man. Don't you want him to stay alive so that you can tell him you hate him? Yes. I hate you, dad. Yeah, I know. I mean, look at me. Look at this bond. He's such a dick. I love it.
Starting point is 02:54:32 Following of haters. You even boy, if he's in that. If he's in that PS4 decidia, you bet you're awesome. I love Jack. I love Jack. He's great. Jack is only great because we have to put him against Titus. And Titus was awesome. It's weird because Jack is just a better version of your character.
Starting point is 02:54:50 That's exactly it. It's I don't know much about. I don't know much about one piece, but I know a little about Ace. Yeah. And that's Ace is a better Luffy. It's so cool when you have just the improved version. Yeah, yeah. No, no. And it's like, that's that's what you hope that somewhere along the story, your character is going to is going to become that. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:55:11 Yeah. OK, we got one coming in from Coslyn, and he says, well, actually, the title of this thing is called the burn of Hermes, and he writes, what many people do not realize is that the erection is a passive action. In fact, when men do not have erection, penis must activate fully to make an effort. What is your favorite time a character has released their limiters? How many times are we going to say vanquish?
Starting point is 02:55:37 Vanquish? Every time is the answer. I know it's I know it's cliche, but because it's gameplay. Yeah, it's gameplay. Therefore, it's the best answer. You feel them coming off the end as a kid. I was always blown away by weighted clothing. Like, I know it's super cliche and that's like the standard. But like, I remember like when Dragon Ball first revealed,
Starting point is 02:55:57 like, I was wearing weighted clothing. Yeah. And then Piccolo's turban just makes a fucking hole in the earth. Yeah. Yes. Like, that's kind of up there. Here's the thing with the weighted clothing is that in Episode 48 of Naruto, when Rock Lee drops the weights. I was about to say that. Yeah. He doesn't just unlock the limiters.
Starting point is 02:56:16 He unlocks the budget. Yeah, it's OK. That's the part I'm. No, but here's the thing. He like, he drops the thing. He drops his limiters. But then he goes a step further and unlocks his mental limits. Yes. Yes. Rock Lee's super same. I I dropped Naruto at Shippuden.
Starting point is 02:56:32 But that Rock Lee fight was so good. Yeah. Yeah. 48. Absolutely. Naruto has some problems, but that's one of the legitimate moments I can think of because everyone in the room, like, you know what the deal is. Everyone's seen Dragon Ball. Everyone knows that the thing. But no one in that room knows the deal. And there's actually a crowd shot of everyone going like, so what?
Starting point is 02:56:56 How much could it possibly be? And you know that you know that he's kind of cool, but he's still a really nerdish fucking speed racer rejects so that the facial expression everyone makes when it does the cutaway is your face to going. And then the next frame is the teleport kick next to our and of course, perfectly sequenced with the riff of theme of Rock Lee, the the rock theme, the kings that kicked in while he's doing the whole thing. It's it's great.
Starting point is 02:57:28 I just realized my favorite my favorite limiter of all time is in is in another controversial anime, which is Hunter X Hunter. Yeah, I heard that description. Oh, it's the thing with the hair. Yeah, he describes it in the video. Yeah, the reverse super saying is I got shivers to the point of my hair standing up. It was amazing. He just crawled down into a fetal position as you saw it.
Starting point is 02:57:52 Oh, it was so good. It's it's just like it's the kind of thing like you shouldn't feel excited. Like because you kind of feel like, oh, my God, this is this is terrible, but this is really cool. It's it's just so good. Like you don't want him to do it. And like a bit, but even when he does it, you're just like, yeah, this is the good shit.
Starting point is 02:58:12 This is the good shit. OK, I have a mild one that is nowhere near the levels of this crazy shit. Yeah, but it's when Epo's eyes go white. When Epo's eyes glaze over and he's like, oh, he's on autopilot. And then and then there's the reverse version of that, which is when you see that green little sparkle in somebody's. Yes, right, right, right. But that's the moment so much because none of them do that cognitive
Starting point is 02:58:38 like no, no, it's not it's not a real limiter. It's just a boxer's way. It's not. It's just a moment you achieve and you didn't intend it to happen. But that's but like the person who's boxing notices it and goes, oh, he's a weird zombie. Yeah, yeah, yeah, those are great. Those are great. Yeah, no. All right, let's take one from Scott, who says, dear super ex bonk,
Starting point is 02:59:03 exclusive friends. That's not what I want to hear, Scott. I want to hear that it was never called the bone X. I've been desperately waiting for news on upcoming Resi to remake. Yeah, so are we all checking this diligently on the official Facebook page and Google every on a daily basis. Sentiment I've seen from a lot of fans is one of frustration, not so much at the lack of news, but at the lack of news,
Starting point is 02:59:23 not so much at the lack of news, but the lack of how the game will play. Is there any game in recent memory that has frustrated you as the resident evil community and with the lack of information on the Resi to remake? All anyone wants sense from my Sony Xperia smartphone. All anyone wants is for them to come out and say if it's pre-rendered or even pre-rendered style or fixed camera, fixed camera or not. That's all anyone wants. No, you can delay the game for like two fucking years.
Starting point is 02:59:50 Just tell me if it's what I want. You don't need to show me a trailer now, but you have to like outline what your intent even is, except for is there a better or worse answer with either of those pre-rendered, fixed camera. Everyone just wants remake with a two at the end of it. Yeah. Resi will remake is one of the best games of all time. Not Resident Evil 4, two addition. Yes, basically.
Starting point is 03:00:14 OK. And people are very worried that that's what they're going to do. You know, talking about tales of I would love a split game to be RE2, RE4 and RE2 remake. Like I wouldn't mind that. I would like to experience both those things. But that's the Leon collection. You know what I want? The Leon collection. You know, I want the best collection.
Starting point is 03:00:36 You know what I want for Resident Evil 2 remake? What I want. Thank you. No, do you remember the RE5 Lost Nightmares map? Yes. Do you remember how it played like RE5? You play. Yeah. If you talked to the front door three times, it would get a fix it into fixed cameras, but it would still have the RE5 controls, right?
Starting point is 03:00:55 Yeah. I want the reverse of that. So I want. I want. Fixed. You're in our remake. I want fixed camera controls and all that, but as an unlock, you unlock what about just an option and the options to switch it on like the new control? No, I want I want to be an unlock because if there's an option, then they will they're going to go for 3D aiming and 3D aiming will break that fucking.
Starting point is 03:01:19 Also, the environment will then not be pre-rendered. It'll know it's going to be rendered. Yeah, it's going to be three three modern 3D is going to blow the fuck out of whatever the pre-reaction is. Uh, it's going to blow the fuck out. OK, Corey says, hey, Wellington, McMussles and the Shrieking Ginger. My next probably unanswered question is what songs do you swear you hear that are from something else entirely?
Starting point is 03:01:43 Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada. Question already answered. For me, it's no castle from Tekken 5. It makes me think of Zone of the Enders vocals. It sounds super switchable and like it's from the same soundtrack. It absolutely the the the main Zone of the Enders two theme song and Snow Castle from T5 speak the same impossible ridiculous language. And they sound very similar.
Starting point is 03:02:07 But yeah, there you go. Not Dragon Master. And one last one. Oh, there's some fun ones. Hold on. Oh, man. You found fun ones. What is the dumbest acronym you've ever encountered? Asks sick wheelchair combos. Cod Blobs, Cod Blobs.
Starting point is 03:02:27 I have Call of Duty Black Ops. I have a three way tie. Personally, you were ready for this there because I've ranted about how much I hate them. One is Megamorf from OK. So Mega Man, ZX. Oh, yeah. OK. OK. OK. So the function that was introduced in those systems in Japan was called the rock on system.
Starting point is 03:02:54 That's why you hate it, because you love the original thing more. Because he he stands up and CK stands for rebirth of crystallized knowledge. He shouts it out and he goes rock on and teleports and transforms and henches. OK, sweet, dude. In English, that doesn't work because it's not Rockman. Yeah, it has to become Mega Man. Yeah. So the verb becomes Megamorf. And the MEGA system is meta-encapsuled granule.
Starting point is 03:03:26 As whatever the fuck the A stands for, it's awful. And I hate it. So that sucks. You had that locked in your mind. But like I also know the way. Yeah, there's got three second goes to the Shadowloo Intimidation Network known as S-I-N and, of course, third to the project that they worked on known as the Blease Engine.
Starting point is 03:03:54 Yeah. Spoiling liquid expanding. So. Explosions. Oh, my God. That is like so many from all three are from Capcom, the top three. With a fucking bullet untouchable, that's the Holy Trinity, in my opinion, of stupid acronyms. The Blease Engine is so bad, dude. Yeah, I have one.
Starting point is 03:04:17 Even as a kid, I was like, that's stupid. I'm a stupid child, but I know that this is dumber than me, which was Wildcats. Oh, yeah. Cats, C-A-T-S stood for covert action teams. Now, I know what you're thinking. That makes no sense. They, Jim Lee just said, fuck it, the S on the end of cats. That will stand for that.
Starting point is 03:04:45 And what, how, who thought that would be OK? That's not how that works. Not how that works. Perfection. What about you, Clems? You got one? Oh, my God. The only thing the only thing I can think of is when people want to say trails in the sky, which is just tits, the only thing I can think of of the top.
Starting point is 03:05:06 It's OK. We can introduce the concept of Street Fighter Alpha anthology. No, no, no, we're going any further. Good. We're good. We're done. That's the worst one ever. Street Fighter Alpha anthology. Wait, no, you're thinking of something else. No, is the Street Fighter Alpha generations.
Starting point is 03:05:28 That's the one. Yeah. That's a bad one. That's a bad one. Street Fighter Alpha anthology is as far. Don't do it. Yeah. Oh, I just I just. Yeah, OK. So so not that's that's one of those weird ones where it's like everyone.
Starting point is 03:05:45 You write it out. You write it out in with normal capitalization and you just see it and it stares at you. But no one at Capcom realized it and they didn't realize they were giving this to the fighting game community. So so you're developing a product. I assume there's spreadsheets. I assume people get paid.
Starting point is 03:06:04 There's paperwork and the projects can't always be called their full name. So acronyms have to be used at some point and no one someone just looked and never came up. Just said. It's like no one's no one saw X bone coming up ever. Oh, my God. I'll believe that someone didn't see that because they were too close to it. Too close.
Starting point is 03:06:27 I think you've been staring at it too long. And you don't see it anymore. Yeah. Yeah. I think that I I definitely thought of the good one and it's it's it's it's another Capcom one. Yeah. Funnily enough, it is a monster hunter for you and the only reason I don't the only reason why is because I can't stop thinking about the goddamn
Starting point is 03:06:49 Bane meme every single time every single time. There you go. I can't for you. It's I can't stop, man. Last one but not always. Ha, same fucking joke. Dare super best crime time exploders Excel already taken. Well, he didn't know.
Starting point is 03:07:11 Yeah, I know. Not counting Yakuza characters, because I know it's obviously going to be Curio or the rest. Who do you want as a guest at Tech and Seven? I wouldn't mind a soul caliber character. I was going to say, OK, so here's what I here's what I think. Hey, Hachi from Soul Calibur. Here's what I think.
Starting point is 03:07:33 You know, she Mitsu. Yeah, um, because I know about how about. Bullshit modern day time traveled Ivy. Bullshit. I'd like a day time traveled Ivy. Isabella Valentine. No, I know. But what do you mean by bullshit?
Starting point is 03:07:51 She's not wearing the old clothes. She's in a modern 2017 clothing or whatever. What's the point then? Why not just make a whole new character if you're going to get a character? But it's she's it's like she's in the modern have to have two different costumes. Sure. Yeah. But it's like a Hachi going back to the past. Now it's someone from Soul Calibur coming back to the feast.
Starting point is 03:08:09 OK, OK, that's what I was going for. The spawn, the exchange of character. Yeah, I see. I see now spawn spawn. Necrin. I want to see Lizard boy. See, here's the thing. I mean, Roger Jr. is a character in my mind. Had a Mari.
Starting point is 03:08:24 So this is kind of a weird problem, because in my mind, I want to say a virtual fighter character, right? But the problem with that is that the poster boy is a character is Akira. And Akira is a very boring is a nightmare to play. She's not right. So it's like, well, who would I want? I'd like Wolf or I'd like Jackie or you know, but who like who would fit? He would actually fit like Sarah.
Starting point is 03:08:50 I guess. But she looks a lot like Nina. Yeah, she does. I mean, yeah, it would have to be Akira or Jackie or I'd like Wolf. Kage would work. Kage would work. Yeah, but I say Ivy in a purple suit. All right, Ivy is kind of like now the pseudo poster girl for Soul Calibur.
Starting point is 03:09:11 Clems, I'd be voting for Mitsurugi, honestly. Yeah, I want to I want to see my boy. Like he could totally fit into Mitsurugi dressed as a Yakuza. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Come on. It has to happen with the sword. Yeah, yeah, that'd be beautiful. That actually totally would be fucking dope. Like a loose fitting suit. Absolutely.
Starting point is 03:09:31 Oh, man, I want it now. Yeah, I think we just need a special like set of costumes, you know, it's stupid that are just like modern day alternate reality in my mind. I was like, yeah, you can put Mitsurugi in his sword or break. I'm like, wait, fuck, no, fuck me. Yoshimitsu has a fucking sword. Of course he does. I always forget.
Starting point is 03:09:49 Like they just there's chainsaws in the game. Yeah, you can shoot guns. Modern day clothing DLC pack. That would be something. That's not bad. All right. All right, so let's start wrapping it up here. Clems, where can people find you and what are you looking forward to? OK, in terms of media, you can find.
Starting point is 03:10:08 Sure, you can find me on YouTube if you type in Mr. Clems or just Clems. You can find me on Twitter at Mr. Clems. I have a twitch, which is Clems Twitch. And finally, there's my Patreon, which is slash Clems. And as far as what I'm looking forward to, can I ask where the name comes from? Of course you can. It is a. No, you can not. It's a no, you fucker.
Starting point is 03:10:37 No, it's it's a nickname I've had since I was like 13. It is a play on my surname. OK. Yes. So that's where the name Clems came from. And I know people are going to go where whatever rubber gloves came from. They just happened. There's no there's nothing. No big story about that.
Starting point is 03:10:56 I saw it in a thing when I was a kid and I was like, oh, I can make this work. This would be funny. Yeah, if anyone remembers that scene. Oh, yeah. Yeah, as far as media that I'm excited for, obviously, 13 Centinals, Aegis Rim or Aegis Rim, sorry. That's something which I really want to see more of. And I hope it doesn't let me down.
Starting point is 03:11:16 Oh, I doubt it will. Um, I'm looking forward for more Tekken 7 content. I'm looking forward to Stormblood stuff. Well, gosh, I never was some more that I was dead excited for. This kind of sounds like I'm actually just excited to keep working on my channel. I guess like that was everything totally valid. I yeah, I just want to like there are so many JRPGs that people don't know of. And whenever I mention it to them, they go, what are you talking about?
Starting point is 03:11:44 And I want to to bring these games to light because they're so good. And it feels like they're just kind of thrown aside most of the time. And I I don't like that when they're so like they're so quality. So I hope that I can bring it to people's attention. And I'm glad you made a video that helped me understand just how bad Jake Hakun falls apart at the end. Yeah, it really. And I actually had people tell me that if you if you go out of your way
Starting point is 03:12:12 to go to a graveyard and talk to an old man, he'll fill in. He'll fill in the bits that you missed out. It's like, but why didn't they just have that in the main game? Yes, seriously. But yeah, I'm positive there are more games I'm excited for. I guess Splatoon 2. OK, yeah, it comes out less than a month. Oh, yes, Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
Starting point is 03:12:35 Well, that's like in October. That's late. That's end of summer. Well, we didn't say what what media like within the next. No, no, never be on this. This has been a bit of an experience for him. OK, OK. But yeah, those are the things I'm excited for. And I guess thank you for having me on right on, dude.
Starting point is 03:12:52 Our pleasure. Personally, I guess in the near future, I'm not going to get to play it right away, but I definitely am curious to try out ever oasis. It's that Grezzo original Nintendo's 3DS. Yeah, yeah. And I mean, considering they put out some pretty fun Zelda games, I feel like they know how to make a good made better Zelda games.
Starting point is 03:13:16 They know how to make a good game. And yeah, I remember it's been a while since it's coming out on the 23rd, I believe. Oh, OK, cool. So like, yeah, that's this week. That's this week. And like, yeah, they teased it a while ago. And I haven't heard much of it since. But the last time I saw was last year.
Starting point is 03:13:32 But yeah, they those are good guys. So I want to see what that game is about. If it's anything like, you know, there are other stuff. How about you, Matt? Well, I'm looking forward to, like said before, playing more Friday the 13th over that new content over the week. I think it's double XP weekend this weekend, although we're going to be actually in
Starting point is 03:13:55 Philadelphia for too many games. Too many games. Oh, and I have a very, very quick trip. We're like Friday, then we're leaving Sunday. So yeah, I'm looking forward to that. I also take the time to I talked a little bit about my Twitter. I've been working on something for like over a year now. And I kind of alluded it to when we're a Paxies was about to start up.
Starting point is 03:14:22 But I am working slash helping on a video game that will get released. What is it called? Hopefully sometime this year, but it might be next year. It's called The Takeover. Some people know about this. Some people have have pieced it together, but it is a beat them up that's on steam early access right now. It's made by primarily one guy, Antonis.
Starting point is 03:14:48 And I'm just kind of like producing slash helping out on them, getting cut scenes made, that type of thing, doing suggestions, stuff like that. So it doesn't seem early access right now. It's still like very not finished. There's still things missing, mechanics, whatever. So I've been working on this for like since last February. If you like Final Fight and Streets of Rage, those types of beat them ups, it might be worth checking out whenever it comes out.
Starting point is 03:15:13 If you like your beat them ups to have cool downs and rogue like elements and survival elements, it's probably not for you. But it's it's something that I've I've put a lot of like additional work into. It's mainly Antonis's game. And to get ahead of it a little bit, Antonis was also the guy behind 90s Arcade Racer, which was a Kickstarter project from a few years back. And unfortunately, he signed to have the game published by Nick Callis,
Starting point is 03:15:43 who very rarely publish anything and actually get it out the door. Aside from like what's the guy, the binding of Isaac and Cave Story, they've they've they've gotten their hands on a couple of games and they never released them like Yadda Garasu, those versions of it. So they've done nothing with his project. He signed over the rights to it. And we're trying to buy it back from them to actually release it because they've been completely silent on the game.
Starting point is 03:16:12 I saw it. Callis by I don't know. Pat, I think maybe podcast two. We had a story about the callus not releasing something. So we're going to try to see if we can get a good way to make money. It's not. We're going to try to see if we can get that game actually released in the meantime. But good luck. The the takeover just to really like wrap it up. And you like those types of games.
Starting point is 03:16:34 It's for you if you want to spend four dollars on it, check out Early Access. You can if you want all the money goes to Antonis. I'm doing this completely pro bono. I'm just he doesn't have enough money to put in some other stuff. So for cut scenes, we have Takahata 101. We have Mark Swinth, the voice of Nick Cali in Street Fighter Five. We have Sarah and Williams, the voice of Peacock. We'll have Kira Bucklin, the voice of to be in here and there.
Starting point is 03:17:02 We also have a lot of musical Richie Branson, Little Vmils. And our big one is that we partnered with a company in Japan called Dangan Entertainment, and they have asked one Yuzo Koshiro, the composer, Streets of Rage, to maybe do a track or two on this. And he will be providing said track. Matt, would you consider that a roster of all the Warriors? I I was thinking of saying all the Warriors before, but I was like,
Starting point is 03:17:33 someone will say it, but it's a lot of all the words. Also, Cranky is helping out and just tons and tons of people. Donald Kirby has done intros for us before. So lots of Warriors. All we're working towards this. This will be released for sure on Steam. There will also be a Switch version and hopefully after that, a PS4 version will be in the cards.
Starting point is 03:17:51 So, yeah, if you want to check out beat them ups, please do. And, you know, stay tuned to my Twitter or the Twitter takeover. Just put in the takeover. Unfortunately, the takeover is the most common hip hop events. So you will find many takeover. So I put it to Google to check it out. Yeah, what did you get? I got nothing.
Starting point is 03:18:12 Yeah, I had to put in the takeover game, the takeover steam or PC, whatever. Also, Def Jam, the takeover, of course, comes out for the PSP a lot. So, of course, that's that's what I've been doing in the background. Shabam out there in the public out there in the public. Also, what's out there in the game right now is Zubaz is a boss that you can fight and he's pathetic. What's his shitty ass doing showing up somewhere? He shows up to join this mad gear like gang.
Starting point is 03:18:40 He's terrible. Fuck that character gets beaten up very quickly. And he's also voiced by Chase, who voiced Zubaz and Divekick as well. The stupid, those fucking attention grabbing whores that keep putting him in all these games. I wish they'd wormed their way. I wish they'd stop ruining games with their stupid character. The ongoing possibility of the fantasy of, well, who?
Starting point is 03:19:03 Why is this character? Why? Who is this character? Fuck this guy. Who makes this guy? But at the end of the day, this is a very, very. They could deal with Iron Galaxy. They must own him. It's a very indie game.
Starting point is 03:19:18 It is made by one guy. So, you know, it's going to be a price pretty low. It's it's it. But if you if you're like Sega refuses to make do anything with Street Surveys, if anything, they shut down fan projects of it. So hopefully that can fill this kind of void. And yeah, that's that's basically the elevator pitch. Cool.
Starting point is 03:19:38 I'll also put a little ask to risk. Please, by pointing out that our buddy, Cranky Construct, has recently released a demo for the game he's been working on, Lunar Regalia. Yeah, yeah. So you can take a look at like it's like a it's like a proof of concept demo right now. But yeah. So yeah, he's been working on that for a while. So by all means, take a spin.
Starting point is 03:20:00 Check it out. Also, if you want to report bugs, tell them to me. Maybe I can forward them to the right people. Yeah. And that's going on right now as well. So that's something. Everyone's projects that have been going on are starting to start to come to collapse, start to come together.
Starting point is 03:20:17 So that's cool. That's fun stuff. Cool. Yeah, Pat, I'm going to play Stormblood. That's what you're going to do right on. I guess then that leaves the actual channel streaming, things like that, what not. There is more LP to continue. No, we well, we wrapped up a bunch of things recently,
Starting point is 03:20:41 but people won't even people are still going to be going through that content for at least another week or more. Two of the three games we are playing. People have to guess which ones are still and one is still going. Yes, up to you to decide. So once a little that's wrapped up, we have at least what two things planned out of the gate. Let's announce one of them.
Starting point is 03:21:02 Which one? Which one? Let's let the people know that, yeah, we're going to be playing the tech in story mode. Yeah. Oh, sweet. Awesome. I'm going to wait. Who you want to throw because you have to cliff or do we all want to touch the button at the same time? Let's touch the button at the same time. I like that's like three things.
Starting point is 03:21:18 There's enough for real estate button. Yeah, we all got to do it. I couldn't be happier to throw that stupid shot. Wait, it's both buttons. Just two inputs. Yeah. So one person get. So here's what you do.
Starting point is 03:21:28 Me and Matt put one finger on each button and then we'll be back together. There you go. Done and done and off that fucking cliff. Perfect. And yeah, beyond that, you know, I guess there's the usual fistcuffs and stuff coming up. We're going to be at too many games, Matt, muscles, Twitch, Willie versus angry as Pat and Mr.
Starting point is 03:21:50 Clems or our clamps, which are work, work, work, work. We're putting out a lot of stuff. Well, I'm not. But I mean, the group is. All right. As a whole. Sir, Mr. Clems, it was an honor and a pleasure. Thank you for coming on. Thank you very much, British.
Starting point is 03:22:05 I had a great time. Thank you. No problem. Thank you very much for having me on. Yes. Hey, hey, next time. Next time you play hots with fucking I patch. Tell me he sucks. I will. Oh, tell him exactly that he smells.
Starting point is 03:22:20 Oh, your I patch smells. Hey, hey, I don't know if you saw, but our buddy George, George, George, George, a buddy, our buddy George had some someone doing some sick kick flips with George socks on. So George socks are getting pushed. Unfortunately, they come back. Yes, I thought it was a limited run thing, but no, it's not too good to be true. Anyway, for sure.
Starting point is 03:22:46 All right. You know, if you put the George sock on your dick and take a picture, it's technically not not safe for work. Also, for anybody listening, if you if you can tweet at I patch, Wolf and tell him that he's he's a lovely guy, then that'll be great. To offset the thrashing, you'll give him. Tell him that he's swell. All right.
Starting point is 03:23:05 Thank you very much. You're a witch laugh, man. Yeah. All right, Clems, you've got a lot of Dragon Ball fans to go answer. So we'll talk to you later. All right. Go easy on me. Yes. See you later.

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