Castle Super Beast - SBFC 233: Spider Swinging and Yomi will save Soul Suspect

Episode Date: February 13, 2018

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And we're in. Man, my headphones are too tight. Maybe it's because your head's getting bigger every day. Well, I mean, that would be appropriate. Stop feeding it. Stop feeding my head. Stop What foods make your head bigger? There's got to be one knowledge. Yeah. That fucking pill that Alice took what at Jefferson Airplane song. The Yep. Yep. There's something in Harry Potter. The leader, the leader, whatever happened to him, gamma radiation, gamma radiation, gamma radiation does have a history of making things big. And a new element called funconium, apparently. Hey, hey, Matt, I remember when Homer was upset about something and his head swelled up and then popped like a balloon in that dream. What was that? It was a dream. Well, yeah, dream magic. Dreams make
Starting point is 00:01:12 your head larger. Yeah. Well, what was that? I don't remember that sounds terrifying, but I do remember. Yeah, it was like, it was like a balloon ish. Yeah, it swelled up to like the size of the scene, only to explode with a pop. And then he woke up and was like, Oh, it doesn't mean hit my brain into what it is. I guess I need more knowledge. There you go. There you go. Or eyes on Oh, eyes on the inside. I'll be honest. That's what makes it bigger. That'll do it. I have a disproportionately gigantic head for my tiny bitch body. There's a lot of disproportionate things happening over on this side of the room. Yeah. And it's okay. It's all right. We live with them. We move on. I don't really have a choice. Well, I mean, I could get that horrible Gattaca
Starting point is 00:02:00 leg surgery. You don't want to you don't want to get drawn and quartered. What? No, just no. Just Gattaca. Who would ever want to get drawn and quartered? Well, I mean, I mean, I mean, that like that that ridiculous every time I hear that surgery referenced, it feels like you're basically doing a half drawn and quartered on somebody. And then before they get like, completely mulled, you go, All right, now you're good. Now you're good for a week. I think like the human body is incredibly flexible and very resilient. Not mine. Would you? I can't bend it. Would you would you trade up? Would you like trade off to have like the perfect exact super tall ripped body? Uh huh. But like you lost like function of your limbs. No, you have to back
Starting point is 00:02:52 that off. That's like, no, no one will ever. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, you're right. That's way, that's way too far. How about this? You get that, but you can't like all the stuff that you like now. No, no, no, no. I'm trying to like that's getting into another thing entirely. I'm trying to keep it like, look, okay, let's say you get the perfect body forever. But you are like, let's say your legs and arms are like numb forever. So like you get drawn in. Oh, no, I'm not taking physical disability. You still move them and control them. That's still, but you just it's just so that's a the inability to feel pain is like a serious, serious problem that causes you to get all mangled over. Yeah, it does. You just made a bond villain. Oh, that stupid fucking asshole
Starting point is 00:03:39 in world is not enough with the bullet in his head. I hate that guy. It's gonna kill him eventually. So what you're saying is when the time comes, you wouldn't get the robot legs. Oh, no, no, no, but that but the difference. Well, the robot legs, you can have nerve surgery to make them that you feel them. Yes. Okay. Okay. Well, like, like, so Phantom Lim sent can totally work to your advantage when you innervate the mechanical limbs properly by moving your arm muscles and shit around. But based but like, yes, but that exists. But what's not what doesn't exist is the fact that you can have it so that the feedback goes two ways. They're working on it. So I'm the legs I'm thinking about are the one way where you move and it does what you
Starting point is 00:04:22 think when you like your legs respond to your thoughts. However, the legs themselves don't have feelings. So you end up being numb. No, no, that can be done. No, we're not there yet. No, no, I'm the legs I'm talking about are the ones that we're on the trajectory of humanity to make the legs where you can't feel it. No, those exist right now. You could get those done now. Where it's two way two way one one way. Yeah. Well, I'm talking about one way. No, no, but you're saying the future. It's like, no, you get those. I feel like Willie has blueprints drafted up at his house right now. I love watching this. Yo, there's all these videos of like, you know, I don't want to fucking Ted talk on by exactly a bionic leg that someone can dance. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:05:03 There's all this cool stuff out there right now. But like, it's always like there the leg and the arm does what they're thinking, but it's not like they can feel someone grazing the top of the so that because that's basically what I would you would need like what I proposed specific touch sensors and then you would need to have that interface to that and then you have to because what I prefer one metal fist and then feel I could do that. Yeah. But everything else like no, I could go up to the elbow with just pure robotics with no feeling. Alright, so yeah, I'm not going. I'll reiterate my earlier statement. I will not give myself a physical disability in order to get taller. Okay, I have because I was proposing basically the
Starting point is 00:05:50 organic version opinion on this. I have been very short for a long time and it's worked out okay so far. Now if I have to like reach up high to get something, there are usually tall people or taller people around that can help me or some type of box like you can even learn to scale like like like a tree and then forage for I can climb a tree. There you go. You cannot. Yeah, I can. Certain trees you cannot. Yeah, I can climb trees. Certain trees you cannot. What's true? You're not talking about that dead tree. Palm tree. Pine tree. Palm tree. Yeah, you can climb pine tree. Coconut tree. People can. You and I and Willie cannot. I can climb a good tree. You will find your tree and we'll make millions of dollars off that video. What do those even look
Starting point is 00:06:35 like? Like a palm tree. It looks like a palm tree. Are those rough on the sides? Are they smooth? Oh, they're pretty rough. Okay, then probably. You'll be climbing it for hours and then you'll be like, how am I doing? And you'll be one inch off the ground. Hey, that's climbing. Is that a rock climbing wall challenge? We're talking about trees, man. You have an easier time on rocks. They have little handles for you. What are you saying? If Tom Cruise told me anything, just dusting your hands is enough to climb up anything. Listen, a tree has buildings. Yeah, lifts. Phase two of Super Swole Friends is physical challenges. I will climb. Getting introduced into the podcast and onto the channel. Oh boy. Um, I like climate trees,
Starting point is 00:07:23 except for that time I fell out of one and fucked myself up really bad. I think yeah. But you know what though? Would you would you erase that from your timeline? That highly specific moment? Yes. Okay, well, because I'd say for a lot of kids, for a lot of kids, it's very important to have that moment. I was like 16. That was not the first time I fell out of a tree. Okay. Well, fuck, were you like drunk? No. Okay, well, just hanging out with my friend, Stephen, he had a big fuck of tree and he told me I couldn't climb it. It was this conversation. Okay, video games to play at the time. Oh yeah, but all he had was a Gamecube. So it was all smashed all the time. Also, there was other climb and fall out of a tree than play another round of melee with them.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Also, in between games, there was no internet. So outside was the internet. Yeah. Well, there's no. There was internet. There was internet. But not real, not good internet. Yeah, it was good. There was okay. Yeah. There was there was web rings. There's no heavy. Yeah. But wait, no, there was. It took it took me. Okay, but like, you know how you have like infinite time in it. You know, if you had like all day to do nothing but catch up to stuff all a week would go by and you'd still be behind. That's correct. Right. Back then, you could catch up to everything you needed to within two days or so. You know, plus it was really slow. So there was a lot more time for like outside shenanigans. Yeah. But for me, though, I think it's like 12 was like, that was the cutoff point of
Starting point is 00:08:52 the outside world. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like I had water gun fights and then like playing tag. Like playing imaginary superheroes where I cut out a piece of loose leaf vaguely in the shape of a punisher skull and use scotch tape to put on my black t shirt. Wow. And and like after 12, I want to say I'm like, I'm done. I put in the time. That's more than kids today. Wow. Let me know for the entirety of elementary school, there was like on the way to school or at least grade grade four, five, six was like you play outside on the way. And then after school, you stick around, play outside some more. And then after that, when high school started, it was football time. So it was like, you're outside for a little bit anyway. Third strike time. Let me ask you guys, because
Starting point is 00:09:36 yeah, after all, no, but even before that, it was like the football, the days without football practice would then become the days over at the arcade. Yeah. And slowly. Let me ask you guys, what year did Starcraft one come out? Was that 98? 97 or 98? I want to say 98 because I think it's from the magical time I got like the magical year decent like 56 K internet right before Starcraft one came out. And I remember because mom and dad would be like, stop playing fucking a space game. I got to make a phone call 98, you know, perfect, the perfect year. It was all over for outside 98 onwards. There was no, there was no outside. Yeah, there was a Starcraft outside. No, no. Well, no, 98 was like way late in the game that I'm compared to where I'm talking about
Starting point is 00:10:26 because 98 for me was like, I was 16 and 98. That's midway through that's midway through high school. Right. For me at least. Yeah. Yeah. So the I was talking, I'm going to elementary school. I'm going way back, way back. Yeah. Because midway through high school, duh, absolutely internet. Oh, it's gone. The ability to go outside has been diminished. But but no, before that, when childhood was still on its last legs, it's death row. It's wheezes. Yeah, I'd say I'd say child outside existed at least at least up until 1995. I'm just thinking about all the people. There are probably many younger people listening to this podcast right now, right? And we we went to high school and elementary school in the period when internet was coming around. And do you remember
Starting point is 00:11:13 fuck your internet research, go to this shitty school library. You can only cite sources from the schools that your high school's terrible library, read this whole fucking book to do the thing. Because they wanted to show you how it's going to get done in the real world. There was a bridge there was a bridge where it's like, I'll go to the library and I'll use this CD ROM. Uh huh. In Karta. In Karta. That's a book. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's in the library. Guess what? Fuck you using technology. Technology translated means magic. And the thing is anything you can't explain. But what they were trying to do was essentially set us up for what we see in the movies where someone goes to the library and then looks for all the newspaper clippings, the microfilms,
Starting point is 00:12:00 and they start searching through the archives to find the article they're looking for. Oh, look, it killed things every 37 years. Exactly. The internet didn't help us. Yeah, you know, that's what your teacher was trying to set you up for that shit, right? When you have to fight it, yeah. Or Stranger Things or fucking Night in the Woods, you know. I'm aware that a college and a university will still do a variant of this in which you have to cite a primary source such as a book or an article. But the easy way around that is to use the internet to find that primary source and just cite the primary source even though you got it from the internet. Guess what? Your teacher back then was stupid and didn't know the internet was going to be the internet. Yeah, well,
Starting point is 00:12:38 a bunch of teachers are still fucking stupid and don't know the internet because they're like 95 years old. So tell me about this Bitcoin. You know, like, yeah, whatever, late to the game. It's going to happen. I had a moment with my parents recently in which the, you know, your parents go, hey, young person who knows about the internet, tell me about whatever. Yeah, it wasn't even that. I mentioned Bitcoin in passing. Yeah. And the question, what? And I started and then they were just like, no, don't even don't just. Yeah, it's not important. My dad still mentions when there's openings at Ubisoft. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, no, my mom called his calls. Did you see in the paper? Did you see on the news they talked about new studio opening up and they're going
Starting point is 00:13:22 to be having some, I'm like, yeah, yeah. Okay, I explicitly quit that job. You know, thanks. But, you know, hey, may I direct you to the podcast clip that we put up in which those jobs made us want to kill ourselves. It's coming from a place of love. It's just misguided and horribly incorrect. I was talking to him about those dreams where you'd like, oh, God, I have to test again. And he was like, you still want to test? I'm like, yeah, a little bit. But only the fun times. You don't want the bad times. Yeah, give me fun. I would. I would have no problem queuing like within my own parameters. A weekend of multiplayer on something you've never played. But then that's it. Right, right, right, right. I can clearly see that in both of you,
Starting point is 00:14:08 particularly you, Willie, in which when we get a game and something breaks, you go, ooh, let me try that again and touch it. I've been, I've been conditioned, dude, for like a response on that. I'm Pavlov's dog. I'm fucking. I know, specifically, you would say to me constantly when we're playing stuff, is that like for the game I'm working on, I'm like, there's something off about this screen, this loading screen. There's not motion. There's not static. It's just a static load. And it's like, there has to be something moving. Oh, no, RC guidelines, baby. You don't need it for steam. That shit's about to fail submission. Like put a little fire icon around the words and to make it burn. Gotta show movement. Otherwise,
Starting point is 00:14:48 people are going to think it's a frozen screen. Have the loading fade in, then fade out. Yeah. You know, I'm in the stick to make the cybermen grow. I remember when you guys told me that specific example, because I tried to ask you what's compliance. I couldn't understand what the fuck it is. And you guys told me that and went, oh, that's all nitpicky and horrible. And then I played some old PC game that has static fucking loading screen. And sure enough, I thought the game had crashed. You know what it is? This old PC when it takes forever to load. So it is company and hardware developer mandatory. The things we talk about all the time, we call them God, like not ease of use. Fuck, why isn't my drawing a blank? The term that for things that
Starting point is 00:15:29 are quality of life improvements, it's quality of life, like in it with an official guidebook. For things that you don't even think you needed. Until it feels amazing or you go back and it feels awful. One of my favorite ones, because like the moment I saw it, I clapped. I clapped when I saw it. Right. One of my favorites is a guideline for back on Xbox that was like when a prompt appears that asks you to confirm something, always start on no, so that if you accidentally press it, it doesn't do anything destructive. Mashing a should never lead to you losing anything. And that goes for gameplay. It should always be. That goes for gameplay stuff too. Like you never want to like skip cutscene. No, no. Always start on no and let them choose
Starting point is 00:16:17 to do the action that will change whatever. And it's like, is there one such a basic thought that's so amazing about like color coding for yes or no to make it clear, like make it clear what god damn icon the cursor is actually no, there isn't. Because we played some fisticuffs garbage in which we go to a title screen and we can't tell which one is go or not. One is one is bright yellow and the other one makes the font glow. Which is it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's always that's right there. But no, man, like there's also something to be said for like you said week when you say weekend multiplayer testing, like I'm thinking about doing like a dirt like six in the morning with like we did like a really you have to come
Starting point is 00:17:02 in early, early, early to do what I remember we did. And it was like a watching the sun come up and everyone's kind of half awake, but also cracking jokes and having a good time. Yeah, as we're doing rounds of dirt. So ridiculous. It was and it was and it was that was really fun. That was legitimately a good time. You know, I'm thinking of like can Lynch to multiplayer because the multiplayer that was actually pretty good because I was when like it was like the Joe was a called like a fragile alliance mode, which was when someone is working against the team. She don't know who and I remember getting like, you know, one afternoon on that because I wasn't part of the multiplayer team. But I got to play that and everyone was like had a camaraderie
Starting point is 00:17:41 around the multiplayer scene. Yeah. So that was fun. But then when I was stuck back on single player for like two months, that was less fun. I also, yeah, yeah, exactly. I also have memories of like enjoying like marching up and down the HD remix aisles into a tournament mode testing. But I don't know if the player if the people that were playing remember it so fondly, but I definitely remember being like, okay, you set that up there, you do this, you two, you go into that match like marching with a clipboard. That was a very exciting time for you. It was very, very exciting and also very important. Yes, because it's like, oh, shit. Oh, it's on me. All the shit that I've talked about people in the past for not doing their job and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:18:24 I still remember that came out and I found a bug within like an hour and I fucking came in and talked to you was like, which was it was Zangief could not tech throw his super from outside of the screen game. I told you it wasn't gameplay. Yeah, that was that was all on them. It was all that was all gameplay is something that was entirely like it was all on why are you in fucking lean fix soul suspects. Exactly. Exactly. Oh, boy. Um, yeah. Why didn't Sirlan fix soul suspect? Why didn't the guy who put the swinging in Spider-Man to come in and fix Sirlan soul suspect? He could have. He could have. He could do anything. No, we can't swing mechanics. It was really bad. Swinging mechanics and Yomi will save this game will save soul suspect. Oh boy.
Starting point is 00:19:15 That wasn't even its full name. By the way, murdered soul suspect, stupid soul suspect joke has now like gone to the nth degree in which there is a fucking thread on recetera talking about journalists like slagging games, but they don't know how games are made. And Liam made this great big post about it. And one of the responses is, Oh, is that why you didn't fix soul suspects? Right. Like that game sucks. That game is bad in a bunch of not buggy ways either. I appreciate some parts of it. I appreciate the core idea. Yeah. And the stories you found were cool. Oh my God. The final villain reveal is the lamest fucking this so bad. I remember it. It was the girl. Sure. It was also it was also nothing. It was a fresh build dropped on the desk in a time when
Starting point is 00:20:05 everything was still Deus Ex and Tomb Raider. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I can understand. It was a fresh, fresh because I wasn't there for when it came out because then ever suddenly everyone on the on the floor is like, whoa, what's that over there? Yeah. What's this blue and ghost man? It's basically the meme of the guy with the girlfriend looking behind himself and he's a new build. Yeah. Yeah. Fucking devs on their lunch break walking around the office way away from the lunch room. Yeah. Catching a peek of something over there. How was your week, Matt? It didn't play too much stuff. It did. I did do two colossi in Shadow of the Colossus.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I haven't found any bugs. God damn it. I want to find some but I stopped it too. Not doing more than that. I want to see lots of those hilarious bugs. Yeah. Hopefully we will. Those hilarious bugs all appear to be the same bug and I think situation. Yeah. The spinning and floating up into space and crashing down. What about what about the horse Colossus' ass just shaking at a million miles a second? I didn't see that. Oh, it's got this ass flap and it's just it's just like it's twerking. It's z-fighting ass. It's more than z-fighting. I don't know what it is. If I had to guess, I would say that the original Shadow of the Colossus faked all its physics and now that they put a real physics
Starting point is 00:21:28 engine, it's the same thing as a GTA character getting his foot stuck in the floor. Well, don't forget that Japanese games forever never used ragdoll. Never. They never had any sort of ragdoll mechanics. They avoided it entirely because a lot of the time, again, fucking with a dead body is seen as super disrespectful and off-putting and not at all okay. How about that? The Japanese don't like you fucking with and making fun of their dead bodies? Yeah. Oh, funny, huh? Think about how many Japanese games where bodies blink out of existence real quick, too. Yeah. Like fucking even with a dead body is not okay in Japan. It's not. You shouldn't do it. So that's why in video games, they would put no, a lot of the time they would put no ragdoll on something because it was
Starting point is 00:22:15 just like, even if it was just for the guy that was still okay to like flop over, you know, that was even in Monster Hunter, the dead bodies blink out of fucking existence. Yeah. Yeah. So that, there you go, right? The fact that carving is the most you're going to get. Then they disappear if it's a multi-quest. Imagine Wander could get on top of a dead colossi body, take selfies, be on it. Well, luckily, there's the photo mode. I have a theory that because we already kind of sealed off the original game in like a little perfect box and go like, that was an amazing game in memory. Now when we see it looking great in HD, we're super willing to see the goofy dumb shit because it's still already like a great game. You know what I mean? I think it was
Starting point is 00:23:03 9S's voice actor totally recreated the fucking riding aggro on top of 13 story that I've been telling for years. Nice. He took a screenshot of aggro falling like a kilometer off the fucking thing. Nice. Nice. I want to see the dropping off of the Colosseum side into down thrust on the iguana. That's tough. I want to see that one. Yeah. Yeah. I've never done it. I want to see that. It's clearly doable. Like the math on it worked. For sure. And then the final test is 16 running the gauntlet. Oh, you've never done it? I've never done the gauntlet. It's really hard. It's almost impossible because you're it's the only way to beat the hard to do it. You're relying on tiles in the fucking floor to be like the right spot where lightning is going to strike. It's
Starting point is 00:23:50 like so. So I did that because it's the only way you can beat hard to attack because if you go the long route, you've wasted more than half the timer. I don't even know if like I used to be able to do it on the old game. But now with the new textures, I worry you're counting the squares. I worry that I would just not I would have to completely relearn from scratch because you can't count the squares. Yeah. Yeah. Because the most important thing is the first one you have to be like two pixels to the right of one of the barriers so that it hits the barrier and you're fine. But then you have to oh, it's it's it's a mess. That that is well that's what speedrun fucking like life is right. And that's that's the kind of shit where I'm like trying to I was trying to describe in the
Starting point is 00:24:34 Mirror's Edge run, for example, where it's like, forget doing this because just describing it, yeah, is going to take like forever. And the shadow of the Colossus 16 run, if you've never seen it, is specifically you're talking about no, I don't think so. What it is is a wander basically has to usually go down into these trenches around the side and underneath to dodge lightning strikes. It's not the lightning, it's the hand bolts. The bolts, right, exactly. Rather. And then you get up behind him and you crawl up and you do this this epic finale. You get hit by a bolt, you're blown off and nearly killed. So what you do for the time attack, well, what you know what you do, but like what you do to fucking own this game is you ignore the trenches and you just book it
Starting point is 00:25:16 straight for the guy dodging lightning and you're dodging lightning on the way. There are just enough very specific obstacles in that path that if you run as hard as you can and roll at specific times, pixel perfect, there will be like, or not even a tiny rock in front of you and the rock will take the hit instead of you and it's 3D space so it's not pixels, but it's like, think about it in that degree of precision and then you get to his feet and you've shaved like a minute and a half off the run and then you just do the rest of things. It's fucking incredible. It's one of the coolest things when it comes to like, you know, speed running, breaking the game. It's a really frustrating time attack because then you fight the boss pretty normally,
Starting point is 00:25:58 but that's like half again as much. And if you make any mistakes at all on like the hand transfer or anything like that, you're like, oh, I have to do the super, super, super hard part again. Yeah. Because I can clear it. It's the very definition of a sequence break. But go on. But yeah, no, I stopped at two, you know, maybe, maybe we'll do something with that. Anyway, I also I also downloaded a couple of 360 games or I'm like, I haven't played these in a while. So Marlowe Briggs. Yes. So I think I forgot about Marlowe Briggs that it doesn't stop. You know how like every there's about three giant set pieces in a God of War game. That's correct. I forgot that the set pieces don't stop in Marlowe Briggs and it's it's it's set piece
Starting point is 00:26:46 to set piece to set piece. Yeah, we stopped mid explosion explosion. I remember we stopped mid explosion on one on the video. I would describe Marlowe Briggs as having no pacing whatsoever because it's a four hour game. So it's like all of the moments of a God of War just strung together because the start button puts the brick on the gas pedal. Yeah. So that was really fun. I played split second again. Dude, that game's awesome. Is it though? Yes. It's very awesome in theory. But then when I started playing it a bit more where I'm like, Oh, yeah, split second. I'm like, Oh, I got hit by an invisible thing I could never have possibly seen because certain of those hazards that people can trigger, like, Oh, there's a helicopter overhead
Starting point is 00:27:30 that's going to drop a explosive barrel. I'll look at that. Nothing's happening. Okay. But then there's sometimes things just hit you and there's nothing you can do. Well, did you put any time in the split second 100% of my memories of split second are watching shmup god pat destroy it. Yeah, he crushed it and it was super awesome. Shit ton of time. And Matt, you are super right that there will be a building that just falls on you and you have no warning. The only way to get around that is to just learn the track like completely. And that's fine for a racing game because you should learn the track. But I was just thinking how cool would it be if there was some type of counter breaker, sort of like you had like maybe one or like one to three uses per race,
Starting point is 00:28:10 where it's it's something that that's a defensive option. When you crash. No, well, when someone triggers an event like your attacks in that game, or you trigger environmental hazards. Yeah. Imagine you had some sort of anti Yeah, to stop it. Because the whole time you're pushing nitro, some form of boost that would just kick you forward like 100 feet would solve that problem. Because they all fall on top of you. Oh, every single to drive through it beforehand. Some of those swipes you on the side like or or a San Francisco rush reset button. Did you play a single player multiplayer? I played single player because the multiplayer is dead. Oh, yeah, that makes sense. The multiplayer is a lot better than the single player. Yeah. Well,
Starting point is 00:28:51 the main problem is if you get that game is weird because it has a weird curve. It has a bell curve of enjoyment over time where it starts off and it's kind of janky because you you have the problem that you're describing right now in which the CPU just blows you up every two seconds with shit you don't know. And then you kind of learn the tracks and you get far into the the campaign. And it's all this is the best you're doing well. And then you get to the harder parts of the campaign and the worst fucking rubber band AI ever. Yeah, I've ever seen the game ever appears because you're so the problem is is that the whole the whole style is you can wreck the cars behind you. And when you get wrecked, you get put really far back. Yeah. So if you're doing really well,
Starting point is 00:29:34 you could put the fucking CPU cars like a full lap laps. Yeah. And then you see them and you're going top speed and then they blow past you at twice the top speed of your car. Yeah. It's like I I've described it in a previous podcast at least twice, but the worst rubber banding I've ever seen being the intro mission of the Sabbath saboteur. Yeah. Yeah, I remember watching. Oh, yeah, I was at your house when you did that. That's crazy. It's the most disgusting rubber band thing I've ever seen where like the car goes three to four times a normal car speed to catch up back to you so that the cut scene moment where the two cars are racing along each other can happen. And you just get this like you crush it for the whole race. And then suddenly it's like it didn't
Starting point is 00:30:14 happen. It just deos its way in front of you. And you're like what the fuck? Like why would you do that? Like it was one of the dumbest like pace setters I've ever seen. But if split second is doing that, that's pretty annoying. It's it's real. You're right that it that comes a much more apparent because I'm not saying now because I only played like it for like an hour or two. But like when it came out, yeah, I got far enough that I did see really bad rubber banding design wise. And so the the the fucking the trick ends up being you have to race for second for the entire last lap. Avoid the blue shell. Well, it's not even that. It's it's just because if you if you don't crash the first place racer on the last two, and they have like half the lap to catch up to you,
Starting point is 00:31:03 you can't race faster than no matter how far ahead you are in front, you'll always get number two because they're going to go they're going to fly past you in that way that like, oh, the can I see the finishing line? Am I in first? I'm now going to lose. Yeah. And it's like I that's what's that's what's annoying with racing game rubber banding in particular compared to any other genre because imagine if you're playing a fighting game against a really hard computer just about to say and instead of just simply having high defense and you have low and you have low defense or low attack or whatever, you all you have it so that if you crush the computer, they get more life, you know, the better you do, the harder it get like come the fuck on.
Starting point is 00:31:46 Occasionally, they'll hide that by having all the computers along lifetime start reading inputs. Yeah, sure. But even that is like, Oh, no, the boss is kicking it up a notch. We're going to go. One of the earliest memes I can remember before memes were a thing was back in the day, we always used to say no one beats round two arcade Street Fighter, right? No one beats the computer on round two. That used to be the thing. It was always going to be first round crush or final round crush. But you're not beating the computer on round two. Yeah, a lot of arcade games work like fucking harsh shit. Or like because in a fight, there's kind of a narrative like you're against this evil boss or like an evil guy or and you're you there's a drama to a fight or it's like a
Starting point is 00:32:27 race, even though there could be. But like in a video game race, there is no like story per se, at least in in split second. But yeah, just imagine it's just like I'm my car's regaining health. Yeah. Yeah. There's no split second. It's like a TV show. So there's no real it's like a competition rather. It's being filmed it to be like, yeah. Because I remember it was like it was a Disney game, right? So it was framed. It was framed them to be like these are actors stunt drivers doing it's like stuntman ignition or those types of games. When you said counterbreaker, though, it just got my mind thinking design wise, it would be pretty sick if when the when the obstacle trigger like goes off, you spend one and what it ends up doing is just like bursting you past
Starting point is 00:33:12 at the at the split second moment. You know, past the thing should have been called the split second or whatever. And like that really sick burnouts thing was like crash crash breakers. Yeah, absolutely. I don't know what you're supposed to do. I remember reading an article on like in defense of the blue shell kind of thing that basically broke down that a racing game has a really specific problem and that if you're winning really hard and you will not lose. It's the one you you you cannot be overtaken with some kind of thing. Yeah. And also it's fucking boring. Yeah, of course. It's super fucking boring to be way out in first but have two laps to go. But a lot of the time the person who is that good is looking for that because they know how to drive.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Yeah. When I was so that exact same thing I was talking about with testing dirt, right? Right. We were playing that's the fucking hundred player, you know, thing, right, your player or whatever, not hundred but like whatever. There's a lot of people online at the same time. It was a massive number of people and the results were always the same with the same dude fucking Matier. He was incredible because he was such a good racer because he was the only guy that like he you know, he played racing games like nonstop all the time. He was the guy. He was the guy. And what all he did was he drove the line, you know, and it's a very simple concept of if you know the line as in the perfect curve around every corner and then the optimal center position in the
Starting point is 00:34:38 in the straightaways and you just hug that. You're maximizing your speed. Maximizing efficiency at all times. You're never ever ever going to overtake that unless you two are on the line and then you draft behind another car up to them because the only way to get faster than the optimal line is to do it without wind resistance. Being really good in a racing game is completely different from being good in a fighting game or any competitive sport of any other kind because the less you can interact with your opponents, the better. The more you should ideally be doing the same fucking thing every time and no variation. And for some for most average people, that's super. Oh god, rage quitting must be horrible in racing games online. Well, because you must be
Starting point is 00:35:21 rabid. Well, because you realize very quickly, oh, I'm going to lose. We're two laps in to a 10 lap race. Yeah, you're playing online. You're not most likely you're playing with multiple people. So unless it's the host, it's not because four out of 10 DBZ DBFZ matches are getting rage quit. I'm getting rage quit on these days. And it's bad. It's really bad. And it makes me think like these are, you know, people who they get to their last character, they see they've got about half life left. And like, oh, I'm gonna you're almost perfect. And they're like, you know. But I think if a racing game like that feeling must happen really early, the moment you get lapped, and then you just start there is there. And then you just fucking there you go. You're
Starting point is 00:36:03 out. I've ever played racing games online much except for like maybe Mario Kart, like, you know, and Mario Kart's like, oh, whatever, anything can fucking happen. And you just go with the flow or whatever. But like racing games, I can't think of many I played online. I did play split second for a bit. And blur that wait, wait, was that the one everyone confused with second? Yes, because they came out at the exact same time. Yeah. They came out, I think the same day. And blur was Mario Kart and split second was blown out with more like juiced and auto modelista. I don't think there was much of a confusion with those one was all shaded. Okay, prototype in the other one. Prototype and what the hell? This is the good one. And that's the one you forget.
Starting point is 00:36:50 No, infamous and prototype. I kind of felt that there were like within parody. No, it seems to is like the one where they went away. Shit. It became very clear that like the moment you touched either of them, you understood immediately what was different and what they were. But from the from a distance, they're identical. That's the problem. Or was you're a superhero and moral should even their names solve the soon as you play them. But once the third person shooter, one's a kind of a character action game. Yeah. And I watched a couple of things really quickly. I saw happy death day finally, which is basically a woman wakes up on her birthday. She gets killed at the end of the day. I saw the trailer for that groundhog day. And she's relive is the same day. And she's
Starting point is 00:37:30 like trying not to be killed. Try not to get killed. Yeah, a lot funnier and a lot more of a comedy than I thought. Not all that violent. It was more like, I'm going to try a million things and her shows are just getting like a montage of her getting killed like seven different ways because the trailer made it seem the trailer made it seem like a void like like a final destination, you know. Yeah, but it was a lot more common. What I didn't like is that in the trailer, when she wakes up every morning and that she has to go through the same conversations with people she sees every day, they have this alarm in the club playing by 50 cent on her phone because it's her birthday. And it goes, go show it. It's your book, not in the movie. No, we licensed it for the trailer.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Who does that in the trailer? It's just it's some weird. So I like, yo, happy birthday. Happy birthday, yo. And I'm like, well, here's the thing. I wanted 50 cents for the trailer because he was broke. Then he found all that hidden money that he said he didn't have. And then he didn't need the money for that. What are you pontificating on? Was did you see Miami Vice, the remake? Not all of it, but some of it. Did it have Jay-Z and Num Encore? I didn't see enough of it to know. Because that movie, all that mattered in that thing was the trailer had fucking Jay-Z Lincoln Park. And I don't remember if I don't know, I didn't see it. But like clearly if I tell you it is in it, will you go see it? No, because then it becomes a Zack Snyder problem.
Starting point is 00:38:59 You know, where it's like, oh, yes, let's use real music because we don't know what to do here. Could just play over the credits. I didn't see the credit. There's a reason why movies have scores. But anyway, it was it was still pretty enjoyable. There's some fun twists and the the main girl that acts and it was actually very good. She's like, she's like a bitch at the start. Like she's like, she so over the course of the day, she like learns to be nicer to people that are just like high. And she's like, and then by day three, she's like pushing them out of the way of like water spurts coming from like, you know, the lawn or max coffee. Kind of. Also sat down and watched the Cloverfield Paradox, which I was now kind of tempered, because a lot of people had been
Starting point is 00:39:40 like, yeah, it's not great. And I was like, oh, so I watched it. And I actually thought it was pretty fun. It was it was decent. Like I enjoyed watching it. But I'm like, this is still really silly, like going about it this way. It tries so hard with like one shot to be like, look, Cloverfield, right? Right, you guys is what you want to see. But it's like such a half hearted measure. I'm not going to say exactly what but like, I was just like, oh, that's such a hand fisted way of trying to do this. For what it was, again, a lot more comedy going on than I thought it has the main guy, Chris O'Dowd or whatever from the IT crowd, the Irish guy from IT crowd. And I'm like, okay, because when I see his face, I'm just like, I'm supposed to be laughing or
Starting point is 00:40:27 whatever this guy does. That's the problem with the iris. And he laughs and he makes a lot of jokes. And it was just, I don't know, it's just again, it felt like another movie where they're like, let's put some Cloverfield shit. There's a slush O cup. Yeah, that's just seen in the background. Yep. And I'm like, oh, that's so and get this shot in there. I should mention the slush O cup is only fival to you if you're an asshole like me or Matt who went into the fucking ARG stuff. Oh, I didn't go that far into it, but I was interested where you got to slush O at least. Yeah. Like slush O was not mentioned in the other movie. Yeah, it's not. But overall, I thought it was it was a fun little thing, but like, I'm not going to get ready for Cloverfield for it's already
Starting point is 00:41:11 already being filmed coming out in October. It's about space zombies. It's a franchise. And I'm on season five of Jersey Shore now. And the new Dio has arrived. The unit. Okay, I saw you. I saw you tweeting out clips and I see like Sammy sweetheart. I'm like, are we doing this? Like he is doing in current year. We're doing this now we're doing we're doing Jersey Shore. I because I never seen it. I'd always seen clips of stuff of like the famous thing. The original thing you mean? Yeah. Oh, you say, oh, you started the original old one. Okay. Okay. Oh, yeah. No, I'm watching the old stuff. Okay. Okay. Okay. Because all those people got mature and got babies and famous and huge big money. Yes. Because for a second, I thought there
Starting point is 00:42:05 was new shit and you were watching it and I was like, what is happening? Okay, Willie. So, so I've watched season one. Okay. Yes. Yeah. Yes. I've watched season one. Season two is in Miami. And it's the same as season one. Okay. Season three is back in Jersey. And it's much the same as season one season four. They go to Italy. And you know, all the people they have sex with those people do not exist because all Italians are disgusted. There you go. They're like, please get there's a there's something very cringe that you'll like where they're like, yeah, so we're in the club. We're just doing our thing. And then people just shouting some mad shit at us just throwing some shade. I don't know. And then the one guy that can kind of speak a little bit of Italian,
Starting point is 00:42:48 they're like, whoa, what are they yelling at us? What's the crowd yelling at us? They're yelling shame at us over and over and over again. Yeah, they're just saying shame. Yeah. Like, what the fuck? Why would they say shame? And then like the black bodyguards that are always off camera, when they get in camera, they're hovering around the group and just going, we got to get these people out of here. Because this crowd does not like them. So Italy was just like, get the fuck out. That's about right. It was hilarious. The only people they had sex with were other Americans that were in Italy that were there also vacationing. The entire thing about like taking the same group of people and going forward into these different seasons is ridiculous and stupid, but they
Starting point is 00:43:34 didn't want to switch up because they're so popular. Not just that, but the people, the whatever, the fucking Jersey Shore people themselves were all like, they coined so many phrases, but they're like, you can't do this without us. We're the stars of this show. I don't know if it was like that or not. I remember back. I remember back. One of the guys gets sick of it. He's like, no, I'm done because I'm because whatever, like one of them is like a stand up comedian now and like and so on. Like, yeah, they're all over the place. But the point was that like back then you were thinking, oh, the logical conclusion is bring in some bleached up assholes. Yeah. You know, and I thought that's what it was. Keep this going. And it then it and it seems like that would have been the intent
Starting point is 00:44:13 logically. But no, because everybody that got involved on that first season was all like, no, it's about me. One person, one person in the early in the first season, some girl is just like, she gets just bitched out. Like everyone's like, you're the worst leave. So she leaves and they replace her with another girl. Right. But from Italy, they they're literally flying from Italy to go back to the actual Jersey Shore to start the next season. Like we got to go. It's too popular. That's when a guy goes, I'm done. I can't do this. I'm going back. I'm like, I'm quitting. Because it like I'm already rich. I mean, the whole thing's done. But like the no brainer on like me on the entertaining part is like people are laughing at this lifestyle. Therefore, you
Starting point is 00:44:56 would bring in examples of this lifestyle that people can point and laugh at, you know, and when you become so self aware that it just becomes one specifically pointed and laughing. What I wasn't prepared for was the amount of parks and recreation like oh, yeah, when there's fights, there's always a guy that's somewhat semi blurred because he's in the background and you see his face turning and then two girls are slapping each other and the guys are going, oh, here we go. Yeah, like that's parts that are just took it from real life, man. Pretty much. But yeah, in the fifth season, there's a guy that's not in the show, but he's a friend and everyone just called him the unit. His name is the unit and people are one of them just goes, why are you the unit? How is that a
Starting point is 00:45:42 name? I don't know your real name. Get the fuck out of here unit. And whenever he appears on the screen, it's just this kind of mopey looking Muppet that has a like a body, I guess. And he's like, yo, and he's just the unit. I'm like, is this the deal? This is how you create hyper on nothing, dude. Sitch. It's amazing. Sitch. It's amazing. He's got a body workout video. Matt, have you have you dodging the fucking the feds? $8 million. You're on this kick with the with this type of show. Have you seen Sex House? The parody? Yes. Yes. Okay. Because if anybody has appreciated any of these or hates them either or extreme, you need to check out Onion's Sex House series. Okay, okay. It is the darkest. It is so awful. It just that sounds pretty funny,
Starting point is 00:46:34 just based on prime on name alone, but the like no pants island. Yeah, right, right, right. The mold kills someone. But it's just like the fact that, you know, you're like, we've got a rush from one location to the other with the same group of people because we've got more GTL shirts to sell. Yeah, it's like, I really like slow beef mixing of Berserk and Jersey Shore where we start calling it Midland Shore. And it was just like, yo, the party on this boat is popping. And like, so I'm about to get it in, right? But then Zod, the situation comes in and cock block, like it was pretty shown. But yeah, I'm eight years late, but it's still a fun show to laugh at. But yeah, that's me for the week, I'd say. I thought I thought Gambino was my bro,
Starting point is 00:47:26 but then I woke up one night and he did the robbery. He did the robbery. My girl's in his bed. What the fuck, Gambino? It's more like I'm in Gambino's friend's bed. Oh no. I didn't sign up for this. Me and Casca is trying to smush, but an eclipse happened outside the house. Some drunk guy punched Griffith. We were like, oh, man, that's, can you believe this little kid slapped Griffith? He just walked out afterwards. Griffith didn't even do anything. See, there's lots of stuff to be mined. Anyway, sure, sure. Fuck. I really like Zod this situation. Yeah, I guess I'll take it. I had a good time. I had a good time. Tell us about scream lording. Scream lording. It was so fun. It was fun, man. It was a ton of fun this weekend.
Starting point is 00:48:25 Scream lording when you're there. I did on Twitter. Good. That's enough. The people in the Scream Lord business don't take kindly to scream lording. So yeah, this week. They should own it, though. This week was LAN ETS, which is the biggest land event in Canada. Hello. And one of the things they've been doing over the years has been introducing the fighting game section to the whole thing. And so Montreal Street Fighter has been running it. Is fighting games even a LAN? No, no, no. Not unless you're playing. God, die by the sword or or. No, Smashers. You know, it's not a land. No. Okay. God, fucking die by the sword. Anyway, the the fighting game section has been like, you know,
Starting point is 00:49:15 popping off and taking up. And so like, it's a big event and sponsored by Red Bull and all this cool stuff. So we had Snake Eyes. He flew into town and came like the G.I. Joe. Yes. Yes. The G.I. Joe who likes to play Zankief doesn't talk much. Yeah, yeah. He came in, he wrapped, you know, he did his thing. What do you play? He played. Well, of course, he plays beef, but he also plays Akuma and Abigail. Oh, and he did some really sick shit. But the the guy who took it, Flux Waves, managed to convincingly take him out and Elias as well from Toronto. So the the borders were defended against the American invasion. However, it was so interesting doing commentary for Dragon Ball, right? This is the first major for Dragon Ball that we've had. Are you like Yamcha? Am I
Starting point is 00:50:04 like Yamcha? Here's where that picture where it's like, this is the state of DVZ commentary right now. It's just Yamcha is like at the top. He's like, I used to be a martial artist. So I know what's going on. And then it shows like a screen where there's like the most confusing shit is happening. And you have just going, I don't really know what's going on. But I do know that I like it. I didn't see that. That sounds great. It's really funny. No, I was just it was more like we all sat down in front of the mics. And so there was so much just energy and hype because like we're just excited for like this game and everything going on in the first major, wherever you're going to see new tech. It's a good game. You're going to see everyone what they've been working on for the
Starting point is 00:50:42 last couple of weeks, you know, like labbing in secret. What is it going to be now? What are we going to learn about? And like it's all coming out. And it was a really, really like just it was the the the the energy was overflowing. So I got a little bit hype. Everyone got a little bit hype. My boy Chester, you know, Reggie on the side. He was he was with me. I think we we make a good pair on commentary. Absolutely. It was a lot of fun. And then there was a moment where we took a break to head over to the top three for Street Fighter AE. And it was just this moment of contrast that I have. I have a word to describe that esports. Yep. Sure. Sure. There's just what we got up from the the fucking the Dragon Ball pit. Right. That was like two fold out chairs surrounded
Starting point is 00:51:34 by the crowd, just losing our minds, putting our hands up to lend people our power. The kind of thing where a crowd like noise is seeping into your broadcast. You know, and you're getting you're putting your diamonds up like all the things are happening and the and the players are right in front of us. And as we're talking shit, they're looking at us like what the fuck, you know, although you were close enough they could hear you. Oh, for sure. Oh, it was great. It was great. Trashiest fuck. And then we got up and we walked behind the curtain to the big event or screen and we sat in the big esports chair with the green screen behind us. And then we watched Street Fighter Finals from a distance behind the curtain. And suddenly the tone became very
Starting point is 00:52:17 official. And oh, he's going for his footsie. He's there. He's feeling his way out of this. This is from another group of commentators. No, this is me. Okay, this is you. Then you but why did you because the feel, man, it's the mood, the atmosphere and the fact that you have that influence and the professionalism required of being in that type of broadcast requires you to be more esports and thereby more ESPN with your commentary. There's a whole variety of costumes and stages you can get that are officially esports sponsors. Yes. No, no, no. It's just to say that the feeling was like imagine if you again, you left the party and you walked into the lab, you know, and it was and it was like like sprayed every surface clean. You could
Starting point is 00:53:02 still smell the detergent mopping on the floor, you know, you obviously wearing the same clothes between both sets. But when you sat down, did you feel an invisible tie attached to it? It was my third strike polo and the top button did itself up. So did the fucking spirit of James Chen slash David ultra over and get ultra Chen come over and put a fucking mystery tie. Absolutely did. Absolutely did. And and we sat and we did some fun and fine, but ultimately way more sterile commentary for that. Also, even if without the esports angle, let's just say that was like deemphasized. It is a two year old game. And it is compared to DBZ is new. Well, yeah, but the base game is there's still we're like, let's have a street fighter. I hear you. I hear you. I hear
Starting point is 00:53:56 you. But but like tournament players are excited for new shit. So it feels like it feels like modify that question. Do you think that regardless of scenario, all things being equal, that a DBZ slash Marvel slash any hyper game would have more less formal commentary than something like Street Fighter or Guilty Gear or KOF. Here's what I'm trying to say. Commentary is better when you're in the pits. Yes, it's more fun. It's more interesting. It's more entertaining. This is what I want to hear. It is absolutely a better show when Thuggery is involved. Yes, because you want the spectacle that people can watch and have a good time with despite not knowing what's happening in the matches. You make it fun to watch. And that's exactly what we did with Dragon Ball,
Starting point is 00:54:49 because as soon as I got up and we were done there and we went back and we sat in the pits, it all came out. It's a motherfucker with a goddamn keyboard, as in not an ASDF keyboard, as in a musical and three keyboard, right? Like piano sat down and played and made his way to fucking top eight. That's amazing and made his way to top four. I think top four using a musical keyboard controller for Rock Band. It was incredible. How do you not lose your shit at that? And for those asking, yes, I did 100% grill him and go, what the fuck is your notation? How are you playing this? Where's the D-pad on that thing? So what he does is, if you have an octave, he's basically playing your first three keys.
Starting point is 00:55:37 So your C-D-E is left, down, right. And then the flats are up. The flat is up. And then you go over to the opposite side where you get F-G-A-B and you get the buttons. That makes sense. But in particular, it's the bottom. But basically, the top three, so your flats are where his top buttons are, so LMH. And then the bottom is the other two, like S-assist, one-assist, two. So he's playing it in a hitbox-like way. I was about to say, if one this option disappears, which it will, this guy can move to the hitbox. Go check my Twitter out to see the archives on MTLSF's Twitch, to see this dude playing on them. And it was incredible. I'm going to ask a stupid question,
Starting point is 00:56:32 but I'm going to assume this guy knows how to play piano. Nope. What? What? If he played piano, I can understand the like, well, I'm natural and my hands know where the flint is. But like, what? He just decided? He does not play piano. He completely, he saw like the things where there was like, okay, the challenge with the guy that played Dark Souls using a keyboard. And then the guy who played Dark Souls using a rock band controller. The drum kits, the ultimate.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Yeah, exactly. So he's talking about all those things, and then him and his friend just got to talking shit to each other. And he's like, fuck it, I can play fighting games using a- I can beat you with a keyboard. I can do it. It was the climbing of a tree. Someone said, you can't climb that tree. And he's like, yeah, I can. And now he told me like, he looked at me dead serious, right? Trick Greg is his name. Trick Greg would be- That's a great name for that guy.
Starting point is 00:57:23 He looked me dead in the eye and he said, it's the only way I can play. No, you give him a regular controller, regular stick. He's got, he's now, it's the only way he can play. That's stupid. This man is a fucking virtuoso. That's dumb. It's incredible. It is incredible. So, uh, yeah, needless to say, the Dragon Ball tournament was fucking off the chain.
Starting point is 00:57:45 It was- I could tell. It was, it was nothing but fun from beginning to end. So many snipsnips. So many clip clips, so many things that, you know, whatever. It was, it was, it was all the fun we have of our own type of stream. That's all root for trick Greg and Evo. Yeah man, absolutely, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:58:04 I like, like, fuck Montreal. Like that guy, like that dude with that gimmick, I want you going all the way up because he's exceptionally good at the game too. Because until he becomes completely well known to everyone, this interaction will just repeat every time he shows up everywhere. Constantly, constantly, exactly. And it will throw his opponents way the fuck off. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
Starting point is 00:58:25 So fucking dumb. You know, and I, as someone who just put out a fucking Arcade Sticks 101 video, you know, where I'm like patting myself on the back because I'm like, I mentioned the hitbox because I want people to know that that's a viable solution. I've included it all. The hitbox. What a weird input. You know, and it's like, fuck you, wooly.
Starting point is 00:58:44 You piece of shit. There's motherfuckers out here doing ridiculous shit on, on peripherals you've never even thought of. So here we go, right? Day one, we, not day one, but like major one. So yeah, there's not much to say besides, like a lot of fun was had there. And this was the Latin ETS tournament again for those asking. And it was also, of course, the place where you find out where you stand.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Yeah. You know, so. So you did extraordinarily well at that first DBZ tourney before the game was out, right? Like way back. Like what the fuck was that? Where was that? Hmm, there was.
Starting point is 00:59:23 You got top eight at something. I got at Evo. No, a little tournament at Evo. Didn't you get? Oh, oh, oh, oh, yeah. No, no, no, no, okay. Sorry. Ages ago.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Yeah. Back at Evo, at Evo. Yes. Yes. Yes. At Evo and it was in top eight. It was top 16. It was top 16.
Starting point is 00:59:39 Yeah. That's still good. Yeah. And then since the game has come out, we've been doing ranking things. And yeah, right now I'm fourth ranked in Montreal. Hey, but that ain't bad. But it doesn't matter when like everyone comes out serious. Hey, that ain't bad because suddenly like dudes that were like,
Starting point is 01:00:02 you know, not playing as much, put some time in, come with some new tech, blow your shit up. Fourth in the small pond. Yeah. So so this time around, like below that, like this time around, I think I got like 17th out of like 80 or so and man 17. Yeah. Oh, that sucks.
Starting point is 01:00:22 Yeah. Well, that's not like not like that's how the math works out. You did bad, but it's like, oh, that's how the math works out. It's just outside of that extra bracket. So so the, you know, and then that's where you kind of go. All right, time to reassess. It's early. You look at your team.
Starting point is 01:00:37 You look at your mistakes. You figure out what you went, what went wrong and why. And I think I know because I'm not playing hit. No, absolutely not. Yep. Never get hit out of there. 16 and hit are there for life. I love them too much as characters and their gameplay style.
Starting point is 01:00:51 It was the other guy. It's the other guy. And that's exactly. So Gohan came and left. Piccolo came and he's gone now. Sal came and left. Sal came and left and now he's back. Aha.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Okay. And the difference is, is that I'm doing optimized cell shit now and it's fucking incredible. I played some DBZ over the weekend and found out all sorts of disgusting bullshit that Sal can do. His fucking, what's it called? I'm very confident in my speed. You can vanish that into anything you want. You extend. You extend.
Starting point is 01:01:24 We're not going to get into it. Yeah, but like. You extend this combo is like crazy. Yes. Off of any confirm, you can do like a full air series, go nuts. Sal does like easy 5k by himself with nothing, 6k by himself with nothing. Yeah, I saw some messed up videos. They always always have a cell in them.
Starting point is 01:01:40 He's got those long normals. And the important thing to me too is when I was looking for a character to fill in, I didn't want it to be Vegeta or Goku Black. Did you see the fucking tourney results from that Japanese tourney? Where Vegeta is the third character on all eight of the top eight teams? There's usage stats right now. Vegeta on slot three. Like Vegeta and Goku Black are just there and I'm just like, I can't, right?
Starting point is 01:02:06 I can't do that in any game. I'm all like, I pick who I like as characters. But also I have an aversion to them, to the thing that everyone's doing. Now that being said, Vegeta and Goku Black are a ton of fun to play. Sure, sure. They're great. And I love Vegeta as a character. But when I see it everywhere nonstop as the thing,
Starting point is 01:02:27 I just, I can't do it to myself unless my love for the character is stronger. So I told you my day one team in Capcom versus SNK2 was Kami Blanka and Sagat. Because I love those characters. And you got real lucky. You got real lucky. And that never happened again until Marvel Ultimate where Virgil was Virgil. Yeah. Right.
Starting point is 01:02:50 And then it turns out Spencer had some shit he could do too. Yeah. So that was fun as well. I got lucky there. That's astonishing with the CVS2 thing. Yeah. Those three guys. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Okay. What if tomorrow something is just found out or there's like a balance patch and hit is now the new Vegeta? Would you still, you would stick with hit? Because he is, because that the love of how cool he is to you beats it. Because of the stance. Because of the stance. He's got the stance. What, what is it?
Starting point is 01:03:21 No. What is the stance? This is the stance. Oh, man. He's got the fucking, he's a boxer in a game full of beams. He's, he's awesome. How is that not my shit? He's also a stand user in a world of Dragon Ball.
Starting point is 01:03:35 That's what I'm, right? He is very bizarre. And 16 is the grappler in a world of beams. The only grappler. You see, you see Sonic Fox. This, but that's my shit, man. You see Sonic Fox put 16 as the absolute best character in the game. Wow.
Starting point is 01:03:49 He put out a tier list and it's like the top tier versus has no faults or well-rounded. And it's just like, you know, 16s at the top. He can do everything. He's good at everything. We'll have to, we'll have to find out when he fights Goichi and Nakiyo and all the other people that are like being favored right now. But straight up, dude, like anytime, you know, there's a character that is the one defying the rules of the game or the tournament in a way that's super like, you're doing what?
Starting point is 01:04:16 With what? Yeah. Well, I love that. I love that. And it's like, I'm, this is, he is not a Dragon Ball Fighters character. He is a fucking Persona 4 Arena character. Akihiko, one of his fucking Persona buttons is just a vacuum. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Because Akihiko's fists do all the work. Yeah. That's the shit I fucking live for, man. So it's predictable. But yeah. So, you know, and in a game like this, though, you need a team of three. I should have dragged so many rentals. Oof.
Starting point is 01:04:46 Oof. Yeah. That's two big ones you did right there. My little boy, big bladder. All right. Small bladder. So, yeah, I'd say, man, for a good time, honestly, for like probably one of the most fun commentary times I've ever had, go check out the archives on TwitchMTLSF.
Starting point is 01:05:04 It's probably going to stay like that for Dragon Ball for a long time. I think so. I can feel it in my bones. There's like no DLC characters out. There's still lots of opportunities. Everything's fresh. Everything feels new. There's, and there's like so, like, you know how like, every time there's a game,
Starting point is 01:05:19 there's always like little things like you can say, I, this is going to fail because I don't have them like off the top. But it's like, you know, it was like, because I'm trying, like, there's always these little quips and things. It's almost like the stuff that like Yipes does on commentary where like, you know, people get characters, get nicknames and moves, get nicknames and, you know, like, oh, God, oh, he's putting on the Rolexes. You know, when he puts the sonic, the sonic, uh, the sonic boom like buff on his V-Trigger,
Starting point is 01:05:44 right? And you get little things like that. This is a whole new game with tons of Dragon Ball fucking like quips and memes and things to use that haven't been invented yet. It's very rich territory for these things to bloom. So now that I've associated ChaoZoo with exploding child death live on stream, that's correct. That's a link child broke.
Starting point is 01:06:04 We can carry this forward. There's currency here, you know, and I'm, I'm looking forward to exploring this child death currency and seeing where it takes us. That's what I'm trying to get at. It can go anywhere. It's boundless, boundless energy. Um, yeah. And, uh, you know, that was, that was, that was me, man.
Starting point is 01:06:23 You plank away at the monster hurdle. I did. That's continuing. And I'll, and the thing in common with most of the people that were in the loser's bracket slash the people that like got dropped early. Oh shit. Please tell me all of us were sitting in a corner going, fuck man. What happened?
Starting point is 01:06:41 And then one dude was just like, you know, ever since monster hunter came out and like five of us just went, fuck it's eating, it's eating the fucking monster hunter man. He's literally the next guy was like, why did it have to happen on the same day? Why did it have to be the same day? It's so ridiculous that those two games came out. Eating away at you, boy. We had, we had a little salty corner of like fucking monster hunter. Is this Capcom's plan to, to sabotage Dragon Ball Z fighters?
Starting point is 01:07:11 It might as well be. It might as well be. It's like, oh, we're going to put out this game and then all the people will be bad at it. And then we can't, we're not going to compete on the fighting game level. Let's get him where it hurts. Co-op. Fuck. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I did, I did continue and I'm working my way through. You still low, you still in low rank right now. A high rank starts at eight, right? So high rank starts once you deal with Zora again. Yeah, then no.
Starting point is 01:07:36 Okay. I'm still low. Yeah. And you know, not much to say. We're getting new lands and like my desire to be aligned to the next official mission is like slowing. Yes. As I'm wanting to do cool shit.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yes. Also every single thing in the entire game that you get that has the three little ellipses on it next to the quest list, do those. Okay. Do all of them because you'll get. Don't stop for any reason. You'll get, you'll get, oh look, you upgraded your farm or your canteen or they gave you a mantle. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:08 There's one in particular where there's a, right at the end of low rank, you get a quest to go fight a monster that appears to be super way too tough. It's called a Kirin, but it gives you a mantle that makes you more or less almost immune to lightning damage, which becomes very useful later when you have to fight the same monster in high rank. Fuck. There was a question I had ready about like when you're picking the missions and it shows you something that looks different from the other missions, but it's gone.
Starting point is 01:08:34 So now I'll try to remember next time. But it's like, it's like, why is this mission special? What's so special about this thing that you're doing that? But you don't tell us what that is. And for all the like, for all the, the, the word and praise that, you know, like a souls game gets for being like, it doesn't explain anything. It just drops you in. Well, that's different.
Starting point is 01:08:54 When you pause it and you press the fucking explanation button that is bad. That is the back button. You can highlight things and find out what they are on a menu. There's been a lot of work done in this game to simplify that stuff, but there are some baffling gaps. Yeah. Like what the fuck is affinity? Why doesn't the game tell you what the fuck affinity is at any point?
Starting point is 01:09:15 Affinity means critical hit chance. Yeah. Just fucking make a select button on all menus and let me highlight something and then say what it is. Well, here's the problem. Sometimes you're going to mouse over a prompt and then the entire screen will fill up a text that'll be like a mathematical breakdown. Don't even get me started on the difference between bloated damage,
Starting point is 01:09:34 raw damage and the motion value. One day a game is going to come along and it's going to make it so that when you click on something to get an explanation, it's going to bring you out of the game into the PS4 browser. Yeah. And the browser is going to load up a fucking wiki page. Those games, I bet you that's coming. It totally exists.
Starting point is 01:09:52 Yeah. 100% and like I'm thinking of a shit ton of PC games do stuff like that, like Civ does that, where you click on anything and it brings you to the fucking in-game encyclopedia. Yeah, but I'm talking about on PS4. That exists. I know it exists for sure. It exists when you're checking like the PSN store stuff and you're checking like status
Starting point is 01:10:14 updates on like the network, but I can feel it coming. I want to say the back when it came out Warframe did that and you would click on a tutorial button and it would load up the browser to the YouTube page of the game company. Hmm. Like, and I know, I know some like PC 4x games do that where it just loads an in-game browser to the game's YouTube page for a tutorial and it's just like, like I understand the desire to not have that be a giant impenetrable tutorial wall of like a book in your game.
Starting point is 01:10:53 Hey, compliance. Here's another one. What's another one? Xbox Live Arcade. Yeah. How to play is a mandatory section that you have on your title screen and your option screen. You have a section of... Indie games or like any...
Starting point is 01:11:07 XBLA games for the arcade. XBLA games in particular. Not Indie. Indie is a completely... Yeah, separate. Indie has no guidelines except for community. Exactly. No rules except for community.
Starting point is 01:11:18 It doesn't even really have to run. If the computer, if the community frowns on it, then that's a bad and if they like it, then that's a good and that's all there's to it. Any official downloadable arcade game. Yes. You have to have a how to play section and it has to be a couple pages long. Not too many. I forget with the number, but there's a maximum number you can have and it was just screens
Starting point is 01:11:41 that you go through explaining how the game works. Yeah, that does strike me like that's in a lot of them. You know? And not to mention like you go back to classic SNK, you boot your fucking game up. What do you get when you put your corner in? How to play. It's fucking genius. How old of bow?
Starting point is 01:11:59 A, B, C, D. And like 80% of the time, they're the exact same how to play. Yes, but the first like 60% of how to play doesn't matter. It's the last 40% where they go, there's an out of bounds system. There's a tag system. There's a tag and then there's like... And when you press B, C and D, you go into break limit mode and you go cool. What does that do?
Starting point is 01:12:23 You know? It's the game's actual specific. Let me ask you a question. Yes. Which would you prefer? The current system of say how Monster Hunter is where there's a bunch of shit that's not explained, but you can look it up online. Almost certainly the other thing you're about to say.
Starting point is 01:12:37 Or the 80 plus page manual that computer RPGs used to come with that would break down an exhaustive and often confusing detail every aspect of the AD&D system those games are based on. Do I have no choice? Only one of those two? Those are only your only choices. Does the AD, does the giant manuscript book come with a table of contents? Yes. Then fine.
Starting point is 01:12:59 All right. Because... If I can look it up in a fucking table of contents, that's fine. And I'm used to that because I've done it with strategy guides. Oh man. I've sat down with a book next to me when you finish the game and you're trying to go through shit and you want to know what's hidden and whatnot. I'm just thinking because back when like when I started playing Baldur's Gate,
Starting point is 01:13:17 like you have to essentially like take a class on how to build your character. Yeah. It's a fucking... Learning how to play a video game with a book in your lap is like... It's definitely a lost art, but like... What do you mean like a guide? Yeah, but I mean like again, not the first time through, but like when you're trying to go back for other shit.
Starting point is 01:13:33 Yeah, yeah. That is something that it's almost like learning to read subtitles for people that don't know how to do that or can't get into like foreign things or anime or whatever, you know? Because you're kind of like... Can't these fuck words on my screen? But yeah, absolutely. If there's a way to quickly reference it with an index or a table of contents, I have no problem doing that.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Well, too bad. Yeah. Ask somebody who knows. That's the system the game has been built on. Fifth fleet, fucking impenetrable. Yeah. No, don't even... You notice there's nobody from the first fleet around.
Starting point is 01:14:09 They're dead. They're dead. That's not true. They played the games on the Great Sword. That's not true. They had no charge. Oh, who's there from the first fleet? There's a character that specifically walks up to you and says,
Starting point is 01:14:19 I'm from the first. Now, which one is that? I don't know her name. It's Commander, the old one. She says, I'm from the first fleet. Yeah, she's dead. She died on her way back to her home planet. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:30 Okay, all right. I forgot. Yeah, good. Fuck the first fleet. Nicely done. Second fleet onwards only. Crazy talk defeated. How's your week?
Starting point is 01:14:37 Uh, pretty good. I played a bunch of Monster Hunter. I found out a new fun detail. So when you get to the end game, you're just... You're trying to build your perfect, perfect, optimized, ultimate set. And as I was doing that, there's a bunch of quality of life features that they instituted. So you used to have to, back in my day, if you wanted to make a decent mix set, what you would have to go to was a third party website or download a third party program called
Starting point is 01:15:06 Athena's Armor Generator or whatever, and you would type your skills in and the fucking terms you had and it would like math out possible skill combinations with your armor sets. Mathing things out of skill. And it was the worst. It was just the worst. And they basically included that feature in game. So you've probably never even noticed, but you know the sort item function, Willie, like click R3 to sort your items.
Starting point is 01:15:28 You can do that at the forge screen and you could sort by skill. And it will just auto highlight and sort all the item, all the sets that have speed eating or all the pieces that have attack up. So you can actually make a mix set like that. And last week, it also got discovered that there was a horrible item dupe bug in the game that would let you duplicate any gem slash decoration you wanted infinitely. And they also discovered Japanese players did that all of the random rolls that you get from feeding your decorations into a pot to re-roll and see if you got better ones were preceded.
Starting point is 01:16:11 In which say you, you meld all your decorations together to hopefully get a better one. And you do it 10 times and then you reload your cloud save. You're going to get the same fucking results the next 10 times. Every single time. And so a patch came out that fixed the exploit, but that that's probably not going to change. I'm hearing about something called Athena's armor set search. That'd be the one. Athena's ass.
Starting point is 01:16:39 That would be correct. That would be the one. Okay. Yes. That's that's okay. Just checking. That's okay. That is the name of the armor shenanigans.
Starting point is 01:16:49 Athena's ass. Yes. Make sure you got your one. Can't miss it. Do you know why Athena's ass was so important? Because in the older games three use specifically the time that you the time on the system clock that you hit new game on would determine your charm table for the game. In which charms didn't used to be crafted.
Starting point is 01:17:12 They used to be found and there were fucking 10 to 20 different charm tables. Some of which were good. So you had to some of which were cursed, which meant they had no good charms on them. So you spent a lot of time staring at Athena's ass. I didn't. I didn't care for that mixed set shit back in the day. I like my full sets. But it's a useful thing to have around.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Yes. It's a useful thing to have Athena's ass around. Okay. Yes. What else I do fucking play DBZ. DBZ is great played. Yeah. Play DBZ and Monster.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Man, those games are fucking great. You know, that's like that's a week done. Like I found out some new basic bread and butter shit with 16 and found out that the ability to do a hard knockdown in that game is the best thing ever. Yeah. Don't don't don't go for it. I mean you go for reset sometimes, but hard knockdowns are way way better. And I didn't think that his grab would hit people in the air if he was grounded.
Starting point is 01:18:07 But sure enough, it hits people in the air when he's grounded. Totally. And they're being combed by an assist. It's very important in the 16 like vortex. Yeah. To have them forced to guess in many situations. Yeah. Because you do the Vegeta and then you do the hard knockdown and then you pull cell
Starting point is 01:18:24 out and then you just the other side and you do it earlier late and then you do it again. Do it again. Yes. No, exactly. And like then and now that like you think that there's like three possible things that could happen to you on wake up and it turns out there's like eight. Yeah. So good times.
Starting point is 01:18:44 I'm really fucking bad at tagging my blue life characters out. I'm like astonishing. Be smart about it. Be smart about it. Get literally get smarter. Panic and raw tag out. Get smarter. And then I then I get blown up.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Boom. And everyone everyone this week at the tournament that did that all at all times if you're walking by you can just look look at the line. Look at all the setups everyone's playing and then like every maybe 20 seconds someone just nods their head and goes like that guy just raw tagged and got launched for it. And he just goes yep. Yep. Yep.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Yep. Nope. That's me. That's me. Even if you're like getting blown up it's like yeah well I mean that's the thing it's for DBZ it's either you're either getting blown up and you're like yeah I learned something or yeah whatever or it's people that are like I'm not even gonna wait for the match to end.
Starting point is 01:19:34 I know I'm gonna lose so fucking disconnect the shit out of it. You either get really salty or you're happy. No one's like yeah. Yeah. It is not a game that breeds complacency. Yeah it does not. It does not. It's very true.
Starting point is 01:19:47 That I did have a bunch of matches over the weekend though in which I genuinely felt like I just went and threw up my fucking hands took my hands off the stick. It's like black oku and stuff like that. It's just like oh I'm being optimized right now. I can feel I feel the rage quits coming when the match is going way too well. Yeah. And it's like it's again I'm working on a perfect right now. It's like I have a half bar left and I'm not going to rage quit.
Starting point is 01:20:17 I'm waiting for it. But if I was this is going to be the time that it's going to happen. And something something like that got brought up too because I was it happened like three times in a row. And I turned and I was and I was like you know and I was like OK. Hey because you know my girl was there. I was like are you familiar with rage quitting. You know she's like I can infer things from the name and we basically got into a discussion
Starting point is 01:20:41 about it right. And I remember it like yeah she's like OK. So I she's like I remember when I was playing Tomb Raider and she would have moments where like it would get too overwhelming where like she's just like everyone's coming at me from all angles and I'm like I'm panicking and freaking out. And so what she would do is like she'd either pause to take a break a breather. Right. But if it was too much sometimes she would just like just put the controller down and
Starting point is 01:21:05 just let herself get killed. Yeah. And she's like I can't I can't deal. I can't deal. Just kill me. Just kill me. That's fine. Right.
Starting point is 01:21:11 And it was mad at that. Yeah. And and and so she's like she's like does that ever happen where they are just like they feel so overwhelmed. But instead of rage quitting they just don't do anything. You know because we're talking about how this penalty I ran into that person. Yes. And you know we're like there's certain games where there's jail where you get penalized
Starting point is 01:21:28 for rage quitting. Right. And they disincentivizes people from doing it. However that is a thing that happens. It's really rare. Yeah. Happened to me once yesterday. It's really rare but sometimes you will see the person coming with their last character
Starting point is 01:21:40 with a little bit of life and they don't quit but they just stop moving and they just wait to die because they're just so upset. You know. And it's it's a it's a better sportsman like thing to do than to rage quit. However it is always followed by you hit rematch. They don't hit rematch. They let that clock run because they're going fuck you. You're going to wait that minute.
Starting point is 01:22:03 You piece of shit. You ruined it. It wasn't fun. I lost so hard. You're going to make you wait. Right. Rage quitting is very frustrating and it makes everyone sad. But there is a new thing that I've discovered that hurts me even worse in DBZ.
Starting point is 01:22:18 It makes me very upset. It bums me out. And it's when I'm that guy and I got blown up and I fought all the way to the end and I didn't matter and then I want the rematch so that I can oh maybe I can get one of their characters down maybe something and then they choose not to rematch because I'm not even worth the match. I'm not even worth the points. Is that and I'm like oh that is like Vegeta turning his back on himself.
Starting point is 01:22:46 But that's a that's a rare one in the sense that like if you're if you're playing if you're playing like I don't know whatever I'll call it like I guess like sort of FGC mentality in a way or like training mentality. You're like yeah let's do a set always. Doesn't matter who you are we're doing a set run up. Give me an opportunity to run it back or vice versa. Right. And when people quit it's because they're like OK well you just bodied me this is not fun.
Starting point is 01:23:09 I'm leaving. But when it's the other way and it's like I destroyed you but then I leave. That's a really weird one. And I've never seen that happen. Well I discovered something that I haven't seen in that long. I like I feel like I saw it a lot more back in the day with like Third Strike or something like that where I don't know what to call this type of person but like a lot of hit players and a lot of black oku players are this in which I would call them I guess a lab king.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And that as long as everything is going their way they're completely dominant. But as soon as things stop going their way they completely fall apart. And well you have no scramble is what that is what that is. It's it's you have a you have a game plan you have a game plan and it involves not letting you play and if you guess correctly and get out of the situation and you're back to the neutral game then you're like oh how do I get that first thing and I think that that might actually be that they're afraid that like that situation will occur because I had a match in which I was playing against hit and black oku and some other guy and the first two rounds the first
Starting point is 01:24:26 round was just the most disgusting one-sided just I couldn't do a fucking like character got killed before I touched them. Yep. And then I got to like oh I got the one 16 dash in yeah that knocked him out and I was able to kill two of his guys because he just couldn't come back off that player is layer two right so layer one is the ocean of bad yes layer of the it's the flow chart layer two is and this is every fighting game like you every fighting game layer two is the people who figured out how to steamroll you with a steamroll plan optimized combo that never it's a steamroll plan yeah but it's the only plan they have yeah and then outside of learning this sequence there's no there's no other game plan yeah right um so yeah one interruption where it falls apart
Starting point is 01:25:22 and then they've lost and that is and those people will always crush the new new players oh of course but that's the far as they get the neutrals completely even that's as far as they get what they're doing once they win the neutral is disgusting it's the one trick pony absolutely yeah um so you've discovered that that is real that is real it's been a long time since I've I've fought there's a lot of laura players that are that the the last yeah laura's that and I remember in third strike I would play against like urian and yeah players who would oh wow oh I'm getting blown up but as soon as I would get a sweep with Dudley or something all of a sudden the match is mine it's like yeah what because they're waking up and they're pressing buttons and it's like what are
Starting point is 01:26:00 you doing don't press buttons yeah it's my fucking wake up way yeah the term the term the term for that that sequence and like they call that set play set the term gets used a lot these days which we they're super good against a robot or a training dummy or somebody who doesn't know what the fuck is happening because when I was playing laura when a kid sorry when I was playing against laurus when a came out and Laura started her bullshit I don't know what's I don't like set play set play uh is people that play that way like what you can do with them is you can take their matches right and you can actually like play them all side by side and you'll see identical movement for like the beginning of it and then there's a point where either someone blocks or wakes up right
Starting point is 01:26:44 what happened and then it's and then it goes into one of two or three directions and then every replay fits in that train and then it stops and the break points are always the same you know what I mean and until someone does something correct like like wow I don't know wake up sure you can or something it follows a path I think we saw this in a vesica for like I find maybe not with all games but certain games it's like I'll just do whatever and maybe it's a game that willy knows pretty well and he'll like maybe get you maybe lose the first round but you'll acclimatize to my stupid mindless bullshit and then you'll destroy me it's almost always like the first round you're like why would you be doing that you learn by getting swept all the time
Starting point is 01:27:30 sweet sweet sweet check your legs check your legs check your legs there we go he blocked it low all right now punish me for doing it all right now if I keep sweeping after you start blocking low that's my fault yeah the only way how to burst a full screen would even work is just like it is a really fast projectile so you'll be like I can parry this stuff I can parry it oh yeah that's that's when it actually could kind of work I'm more confident in the haddo burst than I am in your ability to react to it oh god that's always fucking great that's and everyone just looks around like oh yeah yeah um that's pretty much it dope I'm trying out new mo weapons of monster hunter because I've played nearly a hundred hours with just the greatsword lance is a lot of fun lance
Starting point is 01:28:21 is a lot it looks like a lot of so it's funny because you mentioned the lance tutorial yep uh lance tutorial and I went huh and then I went it was gaijin hunter's lance tutorial certainly how did I not see that I follow that guy on all social media and sure enough man lance has a bunch of new moves that are all super good and the run it's a complete the fucking run it's the only one that you can you run faster than monster I can't I can't believe it's you're like I'm like because that's the one thing is like chasing the monster is like it's a fun mechanic but like god damn it you'd always get away yeah because you're you're running speed is just like just a little bit so good can you get your stamina high enough to like really do a lap around it a lap no but I
Starting point is 01:29:07 mean like track it from one location to another without ever breaking your your your generic stamina is enough for that on it depends on the map okay it depends on the if the map has enough straight line because the fact the moment it was like you hit a wall and you start going up the wall it's like okay this run is OP this is incredible or OD as they say it's really bizarre because it's a it's a it's a weapon that has no movement options other than baby walk and sprint as fast as you can never stop like it's it's super goofy but like going up at the against the end game toughest shit with a weapon that I've never played in any of the games might have been a bit presumptuous a little bit it's tough I don't know what I'm doing but I mean that's pretty much it
Starting point is 01:29:54 there you go all right dbz are fucking great yeah you see that somebody got nerica gante down on under a minute I did not with a bow but I did see the fucking SWAT team roll in oh my god the great jagrass was made into a bitch you know what that is the what that that gimmick is for right it's for making money oh my god for far the band dude the the band still they have on causes damage to cause items to fall and then those get sold for one to three thousand but you only have 60 seconds to pick them all up yeah but like it's the fact that they're like in a group right this is replay on monster hunter I've retweeted it you all put the fucking mantle out and then they just roll through the jungle well in silence well there's there's a bit
Starting point is 01:30:47 set the trap and then hold the position so here's the thing it's so coordinated things that they do and one of them you don't have access to so you can't know what it is you notice that they set a trap but they also put down something that spews red mist yeah that guarantees crits if you're standing in it so that's why that's why it can't move because it's getting hit by like a hundred shots per second and they're all crits yeah and and then and the fact that this game has guns in it just means you can be a fucking you can be an execution lawn you seem like oh one thing that I should talk about and the mantles just make it look so much more like uh uh uh fucking general yeah you know what I mean something like some type of spriggan
Starting point is 01:31:31 yes for guns one thing that I should mention about monster hunter that a lot of people don't know and you probably didn't catch it is the patch that came out this week introduced something that is brand new to the series which is substantial post launch balance changes the bow guns got very much changed in the last patch well did you ever play online with people that use the heavier light bow gun and you couldn't hit the monster because they were being sliced by that fucking slicing ammo just non-stop uh no but I played with people that were used it but I didn't have that so the problem with that thing is it would cause knockback or I wasn't paying attention because I was just swinging it was the best ammo type you could pick to the point where people
Starting point is 01:32:08 would bring in the berries that you would make it and just make 60 of them it was so much better than it totally trivialized all the other ammo's that thing got horribly nerfed and all other ammo types got buffed by like 25 to 50% in damage okay so now heavy bow guns and light bow guns are much better than they were and they're a lot more fun to use and that makes me really excited because they've never done post launch balance changes ever ever they've never done post launch big content except because they would always have the japanese version of base game and then the ultimate version or the g version would come out so it makes me excited for more features to come in like the spring update or stuff like that also you can do fucking mikasa rolls down the back of of anything
Starting point is 01:32:51 with the the twin blades of course you can holy shit there's these kill videos are really impressive man of course you can midair charge drops in like on on uh the fucking the ugly poison fucker that floats around in the forest gotta give me more detail he's literally the only guy with a poison sack in the first forest area yeah exactly he turns away and starts flowing flying away and his dude's like no you don't jumps with his charge great blade and bam have you have you seen uh anybody knock something out of the air with the gunlands i haven't because the gunlands has that big swipe that goes vertical and then you can shell yeah and if uh if something's trying to fly away from you the shell goes farther than you think so you can do the swipe and point it straight up at
Starting point is 01:33:34 on the screen appears to be nothing and then the monster just falls and hits their their ship on like how high up are we talking are we talking grapple height no you're talking just off just off screen okay yeah yeah okay and you probably need a specific gunland six six six let's take a quick word from our sponsors let's do that let's do it this week the super best friend casts is sponsored by audible oh audible yes absolutely audible audio books are great are there video game strategy guides that have an audiobook you know i haven't looked to find out because that would be a dumb idea i haven't looked to find out what if you could have an audiobook of the metalgear solid ps1 guide that was unofficial with the guy ranting and raving because he screwed up his screen layout uh i would
Starting point is 01:34:26 take an audiobook of in the darkness of shadow moses yes absolutely yeah by nastasha romanenkov i would not take one of the awful metalgear novels no but the point is that however you want to get these book learnings into your brain the best way to do it is with an audiobook because hey it's faster and it's easier than reading a book you can listen faster than you can read absolutely you can you can listen to it at work and no one will know except for most people and you don't you don't and you don't commit to consenting to tree murder which is a huge problem i forgot that that's our stance that's our angle is that you've been murdering trees for for all your life generations by simply purchasing that book with paper and quite frankly we're disgusted
Starting point is 01:35:14 that you don't consider every night i throw up the best choice which is the audiobook i talked earlier about climbing trees you can't climb a tree once it's in book form i mean you can't and furthermore pat would have no more trees to climb if you continued to ignore yeah that's the better way to read yeah i know exactly i like to climb trees there you go so hey i i remember like i jumped on audible and i grabbed like edge of tomorrow to listen to the the audiobook for a form of that is that from the movie or is that that is that is the novelization that was originally written which then became all you need is kill which then became edge of tomorrow oh right it was it was originally a book first and that's what i got to check out
Starting point is 01:35:54 the ready player one was up there 100 years of solitude game of thrones i got a whole set of these and like uh went through them and they're great and i uh absolutely would recommend that you should try the game i would highly recommend uh lewis blacks audiobooks oh my god lewis black is great because he does them yes and it's it's there's a there's a chapter in i think it's his autobiography in which he describes working for the post office yeah which might be the funniest thing i've ever heard the corn candy oh man he's great and then uh i had tina face book as well and um colin quinn there's some really good comedian books that that i've listened to as well so uh you can do it anywhere anytime on the go and if you like listening to podcasts you definitely
Starting point is 01:36:37 can do yourself with an audiobook you want to head on over to slash best friends or text best friends to 500 500 to start a 30 day trial and your first audiobook is free at slash best friends or text best friends to 500 500 yeah you can there's so many ways to get in on this deal to get into that absolutely get on this deal very you can do it with audiobooks yeah not trees no boo trees i mean wait wait come on yay trees get get get the message on point save trees listen with your ears and learn audiobooks there you go thanks audible thanks all thank you all right what a consummate professional where saw that the ball got fumbled for like a half second and was able to pick it back up for anyone grabbed it you got it and we
Starting point is 01:37:35 couldn't we couldn't do anything with it that's a powered through it that's a football that's a football that's a football amazing what's the deal with football uh you would know that was one yeah yep it's like all the all the fun of rugby with less brain damage i thought it was rugby's more brain damage oh everyone gets busted up all the time you don't hear about brain damage and rugby concussions are happening like because we can't understand their limey accents or whatever take that england uh i mean but you know they're not the only ones but yeah uh it's all pretty limey out there lime country what is limey from why limey's i'm sure someone i'm gonna look that up but there's probably i bet you there were miners that would often like
Starting point is 01:38:26 you know might like one of those mine for limestone or or or you know what i mean other billions are made with limestats that are limey's yeah i bet you i bet you there's a lot of really like limes oh it's referencing their sailors because they were known as lime juicers told you there you go there you go oh scurvy yes that's that there it is they added lemon juice to the sailors daily rotation of grog which is watered down rum grog sounds like a boss i didn't grog i did not know grog was real stop i thought grog was stop stop the fur the more you both speak right now the more you show that you didn't play monkey island and that's fucked up i didn't play monkey island i i played one of the remake god damn it i i got to the chicken and just
Starting point is 01:39:16 fucking gave up grog is way before the chicken pulley well then i grog is all over well i thought it was a fictional pirate drink god damn it i didn't know it was real yeah this thing well anyway that's where it comes from citrus fruits and lime and lemon juice you limey fuck that's there it is yeah not eating a lime is a symbol of manliness take that limies all right well anyway learn something new today two things even you're about to learn a couple more things all right let's get into the news there's a lot of good places to start yeah this stuff happened a lot of stuff happened i don't think it did let's start i don't believe you let's start never with the one that um i'm gonna pretend to know what i'm talking about oh fuck this is gonna be fun
Starting point is 01:40:09 but i'm not gonna know anything let's hope somebody knows all right this is mine isn't it we're gonna talk about kingdom hearts three i think it is but it's actually not the expo japan 2018 monsters ink trailer i read a wiki once there you go that's enough i guess kingdom hearts three has shown off angry goofy everywhere yeah and nightmare monster goofy is that the is that the i just saw the name marluxia that's correct and i'm done with this story oh dude oh oh god no don't even know wait no dude at the end of this trailer someone shows up and calls him i'm just gonna fucking ventis and the other one says vanitas i just saw animating ventis and vanitas vanitas is the evil version of ventis okay okay so is that a roxas is so is that a roxas
Starting point is 01:41:06 now i'm gonna trust don't even try i'm gonna try and do this as fast as possible it's not gonna be that tough we just have to talk about monsters ink they're sully there's mike there's a new trailer for new kingdom hearts game and it shows a new world that's the story here's that's all we need to really focus on there is a thing to focus on that is not that and it is a problem the pink guy marluxia who shows up the guy that roxas goes i don't know who you are is supposed to be dead which means all those weird spin-off characters that got killed are all back to confuse you okay that's all right that like that that's what i'm talking about okay i like how it took for the ps4 to get to toy story like graphics like the ps2 promise so is my brain
Starting point is 01:41:53 correct in remembering seeing a kid version of that guy who he doesn't know because i thought i saw someone with that hair already different person fighting the man that was riku in one of the games he had white hair okay well then no i was so i know i know that guy and i was talking about tangled tangled riku and fucking tangled and mickey maus are now dressing at hot topic and it's fucking going to tangle world is awesome so if you will what are they gonna do not put tangled and frozen all over so i should mention this this game trailer they put out looks fucking awesome so here's what i want to see are we doing fucking Maui world are we going to moana are we gonna gonna get i mean it's a good world for because it's very different and we're gonna gonna watch this
Starting point is 01:42:40 the spry anime kid with it with a uh a maori tattoo is that what we're gonna see that'd be cool i mean that'd be not cool in fact it'd be super not okay but sure because it's kind of insulting to the people oh don't worry about it uh yeah i'm gonna he'll turn into a maori person that'll be cool he'll turn into the rock he'll be voiced by the rock into any sea creature dude every time again he was a goddamn lion cub for one of the worlds in the second game anytime like anytime um a movie like that comes out and then they have to make halloween costumes for it it gets real dicey it gets real dicey you just gotta get the right tanner just gotta get the right spray tan all about that oh that that that jacket has his skin
Starting point is 01:43:29 rolling oh no it's viventus no tron dude tron was in the second game yeah i remember it was yeah what was it vanitas vanitas and ventis sure okay those are the names you're in for so the most confusing thing about kingdom hearts is the amount of people who steal each other's bodies and then don't change their names but then later they change their names it's it's awful it's genuinely fucking confusing well hey um also there's birth by sleep enemies in this game even though they're supposed to all be destroyed it's like well hey like the game visually looks beautiful because it's clearly running on the same thing that 15 is yeah it looks no it's on real four really wow because that there's that moment where they're spinning around with the balls at the
Starting point is 01:44:13 playroom yeah and it's making and it makes me think of you know that that part where you go to noctis's room in the um the the demo i thought of that and i was like oh my god this looks like it's the exact same i wouldn't think so because that's clearly an open world engine and this game is not open world so it just makes me think like you wouldn't waste an open world this is is on real four and it kind of marks square anx just like kind of giving up on their their crystal tools nightmare that will never end oh that was a while ago well whatever the fuck proprietary nonsense they're working on currently yeah but this looks gorgeous yeah it looks great uh like as somebody played a bunch of the kingdom hearts games like has anything with an infinite budget it looks good
Starting point is 01:44:53 it like i mean playing it also looks good from the sequences they've shown um i am very very very very worried about the game's general understandability considering all the spin offs hey and how important those spin offs have been gameplay wise what we're staring at sure i'll be able to pick it up no problem i don't think that's true at all gameplay wise this trailer what we're seeing 90 percent of the time is just supers right yeah summons because it just because it seems like that yeah so i'm like because they they didn't spend too much time showing like actual combat and said the sense is like okay that's not true that's not true that was a stupid statement let me correct that yeah uh you're seeing a lot of combat but most of the combat is like a half second and
Starting point is 01:45:36 then it goes into like a super so what what they're basically showing off is uh it was a mechanic in the earlier games is that you would combine somehow with a party member and you would get a new string you get a new type of attack yeah and then if you did well or you you canceled out of it at the end you'd get a big super gotcha gotcha gotcha that depends based off of your party so there's ones you get for donald and goofy which are more general and then you get ones that are combined with oh combined with mike wikowski or combined with this you know etc um in the end two you had this really awesome one where you combined all your party members and sore into one person and you would fly and you would not even touch the key blades anymore you would just telekinetically
Starting point is 01:46:19 use them can they go to wreck it ralph and then mario's there yeah totally why not well i mean they've said that the game is going to have more than nine worlds which is considerably more than it's been shown and the one that everyone wants to know is like so one's knockoff robert anny jr and darth vader gonna be there you can't do it it would just that's the fucking super robot war is licensing nightmare you can't do it you open up disney owns everything you open up that kind of war but you don't know they don't know nintendo yeah they do yeah they bought them you can't saw the docket they bought it okay well then star wars then star wars and everything you can put everything they want that they own in to wreck it ralph absolutely which is a billion things sure
Starting point is 01:47:06 sure and and and and you can push like old franchises that they owned you know and as hard as you want to but oh man the only the only thing in that trailer that genuinely makes me roll my eyes and just go uh is maleficent a back again as your secondary to the villain the problem is the maleficent had a movie in between the last kingdom hearts games so they're like oh she's got true she's not like how many times do i have to beat her two forms in which she has the dragon form in the which form like fucking yeah that's true but if they go to wreck it ralph world then wouldn't kingdom hearts world just be a red and can your heart just be a part of wreck it ralph world wreck it ralph would and wouldn't roxas and saura just be walking around like hey man no wreck it ralph
Starting point is 01:47:55 would be um they'd be living there the fucking like hub like the traverse town equivalent because it's it doesn't have its own identity and it has lots of crossovers from other places but yeah but that's what i'm not saying is like it's like like you're going to wreck it ralph world but the people in kingdom heart okay here oh i see what you're saying the people in kingdom hearts are going to wreck it while ralph world however the people in kingdom hearts when they're off the clock yeah they're going they're punching out of kingdom hearts they're taking kids away from going to the arcade that they can play wreck it ralph in because it's the home consoles but the people that you're playing as in the video game kingdom hearts when you're done playing they punch out and go into
Starting point is 01:48:38 their wreck it ralph world of video game characters that are now off the clock all right so you understand the confusion here i'll solve the problem for you um uh riku saura and mickey in kingdom hearts they are the canon characters in the kingdom hearts universe and they can go to wreck it ralph due to the corporate tie-ins however there are different saura riku and mickeys that are part of the video game franchise so they could ostensibly meet the video game versions of themselves and have that stupid moment do they only come into existence when the corporate umbrella has control i think so so the moment the pen signs the contract the world happens the world appears that's correct yes and until then those people were that was just nothing yeah matter becomes
Starting point is 01:49:31 like living matter yeah there's even there's even an in-game fucking like justification for that where at the end of kingdom hearts one you save the day and restore all the destroyed worlds that you didn't get to visit in the first game oh and those are anything new ever that you didn't see in the game one or two or whatever wow like tron tron world got destroyed right in the first game before the game started but then it was restored so that you could play it in kingdom hearts too yada yada i mean if any world can get redone it's tron world because yeah internet sure i guess you're in here inside it's another game where you're inside the arcade machine i believe it is a computer inside the hollow bastion if i remember correctly it's just a computer oh man i have a
Starting point is 01:50:19 feeling it's gonna be like no final fantasy characters showing up in this unless i've missed them i'm very confused at the lack of final fantasy like there's no school there's no titles that used to happen all that was the whole big deal it was cross it was actually final fantasy cross square and then it just became i guess this is just disney and two uh heavier part of the marketing was like look it's set sir look it's cloud more more of cloud the giant sephiroth battle yeah again yeah and now it just seems to be like just the oc's and disney's if if any if if even if there is zero final fantasy crossover there will be one final fantasy character and it will be sephiroth and he will be the final not an optional boss you don't think noctis is gonna show up yeah no i'm
Starting point is 01:51:01 saying if there's one character from final fantasy in that it will be sephiroth as your optional boss because that's what he's been in one or two so do they ever go to ff worlds no do they ever visit ff realities so yes and no and do they grab other square properties no just no just why doesn't anyone from the bouncer show up shut up yeah shut up plus the guy from the bouncer yeah plus the bouncer main guy they're just exactly like saura exactly why i asked all right so you want the answer to that question yeah in kingdom hearts the final fantasy world is the world of hollow bastion which is its own oc world and it is not final fantasy it's just the planet the planet they all came from which ties into the greater plot and the final fantasies king ends up
Starting point is 01:51:53 being the fucking asshole that ruins a bunch of shit but not really it's it's a fucking mess but but they don't go to like you know in the first in the first game hollow bastion is a big dungeon because it's wrecked and that's why the final fantasy characters are all over the game in the second game they've retaken it so the final fantasy characters okay pretty much just live on that one planet so they have a final fantasy planet for them to live on okay but it's but it's not any of their backstories they're all unique characters from this place now apparently look like final fantasy apparently the world ends with you characters show up yes in dream drop distance that's possible i did not know that now character that looks identical to saura that's the one yes
Starting point is 01:52:35 now uh when you say identical you mean like you know fashion kid but yeah yeah i mean fashion kid yeah he's got the same hair yeah it's also the exact same style bouncer saura and and and um nomura bait but though although this no no no although like no no blah the world ends with you he's wearing blue and he's got headphones on so there's that purple and white he's wearing neku neku thank you so now what uh world do they live in the world ends with you yeah if if you wet if you live in japan so no if the if it was a kingdom hearts world equivalent yeah you would go to the planet of shibuya planet shibuya yeah planet shibuya like that that's how that shit works okay okay okay okay i'm sure i'll be able to piece this all together that's totally simple
Starting point is 01:53:23 i just i'm just thinking of japan just like folded on itself into a sphere in this horrible that is a persona type way that is exactly what hollow bastion is yes oh and yes that's right that is what hollow bastion is oh that's horrible that's horrible it's like like when you look at the when you look at the world screen for like hollow bastion it's a tiny sphere and you see the fucking main castle like ejecting out into space yeah because it's so large compared to the planetoid that like the liberty prince shit is horrifying yeah i hate it they're all micro planetoids with buildings that reach into the stratosphere i think i think mario galaxy is the first time i wasn't horrified by that concept yeah you didn't think hard enough of planetoids yeah you
Starting point is 01:54:06 need to think harder oh man like your head is you're ahead breaches the atmosphere and you're now just in space but your feet are on our don't worry about it i can't that would cause your body to get like horribly ripped apart but the bottom would be fine yeah anyway like some people have said that they have said that there's a low chance of marvel or star wars worlds appearing i don't know if that's official or if it was just hinted at but it's like you can't put this out because at the top by the time of kingdom hearts four or whatever comes out it's gonna be like ten years from now yeah so it's like you've got to get your shit in there i would agree that there is almost no chance at all of a marvel world yeah star wars world a world but i would give a considerably higher chance
Starting point is 01:54:51 for an easter egg boss fight cameo of any of those characters put a lot of work in i will say this kingdom hearts is genius because they didn't just make it square versus disney and call it a day they created an actual story with lore and bits and pieces that you would return oh yeah that's the genius part i now i know the canon being where all over the place is all stupid and fucked up although they did re-release a bunch of them on ps4 now so it sounds like it's considerably easy the answer to the question if you don't know is get both collections and play everything in them yeah good yeah they've made it easier which is smart good on you guys you finally solve the problem necessary finally solve the problem however i don't think i need to play that stuff
Starting point is 01:55:33 but i guess all i'm trying to really they're good games and what i'm trying to get at those remember how remember how um the uh end of infinite story was like oh the portal is open and these worlds are just the same now yeah that's the best thing about marvel infinite yeah so like basically if you kind of created a new title that was just these characters coming back and forth in these worlds and whatnot that was its own thing you could revisit it in a way that was like not reinventing it every time like okay do you and mega man know each other do they yes no yes no do they no but he knows the hedokin yeah okay he knew him coincidence five games ago but does he still know him now is mega man the future of speed fighter is cap meeting chun li for the first time here no in this
Starting point is 01:56:19 yes you know what i mean and that's the thing you don't every game they meet each other again for the first time so so you avoid all of that problem and then like you avoid all of that when you make it kingdom heart style yeah because you know what i it's like it's almost like a pet peeve because i hate when um for example cross Tekken happens right and then like uh uh uh uh uh let's say kizuya walks up and Ryu turns around and goes kizuya what are you doing here it's like why the fuck do you know who that is why would you because the universe has always been you know what i mean like don't do that there's no way that right the street fighter tournament and the iron fist tournament would not like coexist like the two say if you play dragon ball story mode there's moments where like uh like
Starting point is 01:57:06 your like cells doing his thing and then frieza's behind him going like hmm oh cell what's going on no you know and cells like frieza what are you doing here absolutely not to this conversation i know but here's the thing and then you're like why the fuck right and then and then and there's that and then there's the fact that they there's also off-screen conversations that occurred because a one point cell makes reference to like 18 being uh krillin's wife yeah like you don't know that you're dead but hell yeah and hell and drag off conversations is the stupidest thing ever so so when you have these crossovers and you're just you don't know the state yeah in which the characters are meeting and all that shit you solve it with kingdom hearts by creating an actual canon yeah
Starting point is 01:57:48 so that you have a situation where a fucking leon aka squall sees jafar goes oh jafar i hate that guy yeah and you're like okay fine why are they reading leon is it because it was like what you said hey look that's squall but his name is leon leon was squall squall lionheart yeah no but no well leon was squall and then when hollow bastion fell he was so emo about the fact that his home got destroyed that he changed his name and grew his hair out dot dot dot yes ellipses whatever you seen the the fucking kiss just was quistis quistis what picture yeah the picture there's two types of people quistis have you seen the fucking picture of squall and it's the it's a ps1 screenshot and it's just the one of of rinoa saying you're the best looking guy it's party and it just zooms in
Starting point is 01:58:43 on his ps1 face on intelligible pixels it makes no sense yeah let's go on it's it keeps us just like uh the the the the cook and nine is quina when i was supposed to be quinoa but they fucked up the the letters dude when i was a kid and i read it i saw q u and i said quistis yeah i also did that and then i changed later when i grew up okay well until it's voiced and in the game it's anything yeah a very disappointed monster hunter's lack of characters saying the monster's names yeah i bet i was excited for that and then that didn't happen to almost anything especially the really japanese sounding ones yeah yeah like tobi kodachi exactly there's well there's one that's exactly what i'm thinking of called a basil goose or whatever and it has very complicated spelling
Starting point is 01:59:33 and no one can fucking agree on how it's spelled and then capcom people said i say basil geese and everyone said shut up no that's the worst one it's the bagel goose that's what it's called bagel juice yeah all right that's fine goose what else we got it's b-52 you'll you'll find out soon nerd nigga or stop it it's nergi gante it's really easy they're making this fun on purpose for you and only you you'll be good and only me how are the duck meeting donald doable do a very doable absolutely and he's like hey donald want to get drunk and watch some porn and donald's like yeah well i can do a donald fucking impression we um i don't i don't get what your problem with the gregante is i don't
Starting point is 02:00:31 see what the beef is i was gonna say that the um the the there's details that followed up you don't see what the problem i have with that is make that the podcast title this week yeah that would probably be fine on itunes as opposed to other swear word are you serious what the hell music i bet oh yeah the the rap music okay that makes sense i bet you there's some details blank in paris no no that's why i was like yeah exactly um uh you know what i was going to go into the yeah there was details that came alongside the trailer talking about like the the worlds and and and yeah no more than nine worlds for sure exactly so toy story monsters in the first round of worlds alongside olympus tangled is
Starting point is 02:01:12 in the middle round uh there's ten worlds over three parts they they're they olympus i don't know if you remember olympus was the first world ever shown for this game they love olympus they love it uh yeah giant land mickey and jack and the beanstalk segment will be implemented um nomura really wants to put it in and you can customize your gummy ship and it's an open world gummy now it's not like kh1 but more in tune with how you could accessorize aqua in 0.2 bbs sure i'm speaking english i know what i'm talking about um it's not 0.2 bbs it's something else 0.2 0.2 bbs oh fuck is that what it's called that's what the acronym was for we talked about this because i know birth by spleet was its own thing but i thought that it had a different
Starting point is 02:02:06 title for the 0.2 thing because it was 0.2 oh fuck yeah no stop it was called bbs it was called birth by spleet because it's the acronym bbs we've done this oh no i knew that okay but i thought 0.2 was a different title okay well no fuck yep um so giant land is a thing and um it looks like it's taking place on a game and watch so that's fun that's dope with a little bit of a cuphead art style um classical like that's you mean like you mean like classic disney like yeah classic disney exactly well yes that's yes that's correct the classic cuphead style that disney donnie and star wars actor yep uh just star wars actor just star wars man anyway so that's coming what's happening right now and maybe this year they say 2018 i don't believe january 2019 yeah
Starting point is 02:03:04 uh what's happening this year either right now and uh was neglected due to error on previous episodes of the podcast is cerebral is up on kickstarter 2v2 for player tag fighting yes this is the game that two mellows making the soundtrack for that has dipod on the voice as the announcer cool that has member of the angry witch yeah we saw this like a year ago we've talked about it constantly i've used its music constantly this is far from the first time you guys have seen it please show some recognition in your eyes oh dear god oh god i've seen it okay okay okay okay i've talked about all the time it's got the witspray yes yes and and um it's out it's so it's up on kickstarter and uh it is sadly it has a long it has a long way to go it has a
Starting point is 02:04:01 long way to go and it's got um yeah we're looking at yeah it's at like 30k of a attempted 350 uh that's Canadian it's almost one tenth so it's not going super great however uh it is out here and we have been looking for uh like updates on this for a while there is a demo you can check out and um yeah i i think uh you guys might be interested there hasn't been any real kickstarter fighting games since fucking the bits for skull girls yeah i think it better and uh what you might call it too um um like more than anything just with with dipod announcing and with the music going by two mellow it sounds incredible sprites are pretty dope um it's definitely like not finished you know so they're working along yeah like the gameplay video is like 90 percent of the sprites
Starting point is 02:04:57 are just like sketches it's it's still i absolutely love that like do combos reminds me of like looking at the warcraft free test server where all the units were just like black and white cutouts yeah um so no uh this has been this is highly anticipated and i remember this got announced like years ago actually uh but like some of these designs like tack knight over here is fucking awesome yeah and his theme attack the front is the shit so um yeah go give it some love if you are interested uh and try the demo out maybe let's see what you think there are two builds right the 1v1 and the 2v2 build uh there are two builds and i that might be the distinction i'm gonna trust you well i i thought i saw it when you were scrolling down okay uh the one i tried
Starting point is 02:05:41 was a training mode with the the witch initially but um yeah uh here's jaren marge basically looking like a little like kick a little bit a little bit a little bit and uh there's a character vote that's also going to be going down so much like the skull girl style jesus you kind of just like go through and see who you want amy rowan mass mass mass is so cool mass is a really really good name for no stop it a fighting game character rowan looks pretty dope too yeah cerebral die pod mega man k murdoch open my eagle yeah sit down be humble so that's going on cool we got um what do we want to go to let's go to some rumors whatever you want let's go to some rumors yeah we don't know how legit these rumors are but the rumors that were the sole caliber might be
Starting point is 02:06:41 in town somewhere if you listen to if you listen in at a bar you might hear about it metroid prime four is being uh there's a rumor that bamco is developing it specifically bamco singapore um alongside ridge racha 8 exclusive exclusive to switch didn't didn't they just clarify that bang bandai namco was gonna switch development from that to fucking the japanese studio i don't know yeah i thought there was some sort of update to this okay it's just bandai namco and this bandai namco singapore i'm doing something it was very bizarre because the the wording almost felt like don't worry the chinese aren't making metroid let's start at the beginning let's start at the beginning all right so uh someone did a little digging um
Starting point is 02:07:31 on youtube and found a linkedin credit which we've seen leaks happened before uh for a lead designer at bandai namco in singapore and uh in the devs credit was listed um a that the person worked on where's the exact wording let's see here here we go uh unannounced ip first person shooter slash adventure exclusive to the nintendo switch and ace combat seven vr dog fighting action simulator exclusive to ps4 and ps4 vr and ridger sir eight drift base high speed car racing exclusive to the nintendo switch i don't i fucking ridger racer is not exclusively coming to anything ever so these were credits from someone working on linkedin so your local garbage being exclusive and i know they didn't make it a new ridger racer maybe for sure but exclusive to like this
Starting point is 02:08:22 switch i mean it's no sense uncertain unclear right it's just it's just a linkedin profile but the only reason why i'm even talking about this is because things have been leaked like this before matt it's kind of like gamestop computer leaks where there's a whole lot of false ones and when the game comes out we forget all the false ones uh matt we are super wrong because a bunch of ridge racers have been exclusive the way they do it is they released ridge racer six for the fucking which game ridge racer six which game ridge racer ridge racer that's what you want ridge racer six for the 360 and then they released the same game as ridge racer seven for the ps3 wow wow really yes it's like it's almost like a little bit like kingdom hearts and there was
Starting point is 02:09:08 like a ridge racer that was exclusive for the 3ds which i think holy shit uh the veta one was also that same game so so so street fighter three double impact exclusive for the dream cast yeah yeah wow wow with that okay i didn't know that i think it had like different and a couple new tracks or some shit but yeah it was the last ridge racer game that came out was ridge racer unbounded by the bugbear team bug uh that that made flat out the flat out games i i thought you had i thought you had bud cat not bud cat bug cat bud cat is a person you hate bud cat is a developer i hate they did the shitty ps2 port of rock band three so um so that was the last ridge racer game and that was out on 360 and ps3 and maybe even pc if i remember so i thought ridge racer was kind of
Starting point is 02:10:01 dead and buried at that point but it's never gotten any farther than r4 in my heart and anyway first person shooter i don't know oh wait you put slash adventure there's nintendo coin the phrase first person adventure on fucking metroid so so here we go right then uh also worth mentioning the devs who worked at bandai namco singapore uh came over from lucas film and worked on star wars 1313 okay and then we move a little bit further and in the details of the same person's profile he says he uh concept design was worked on created many designs in order to meet nintendo's exacting requirements different heads different heads put in different heads what are you talking about and including uh vip presentation regularly presented pitches storyboards design directives
Starting point is 02:10:48 and gameplay to both nintendo hq and bandai namco entertainment point to be like it's metroid so that's the thing when you go into the bullet points a little later it also says that besides working on these things they had to deal with nintendo stringent requirements which is making people go that sounds like samus i'm am every nintendo's that for all their beloved ip's yeah yeah for sure super control and if it's not their beloved ip then they wouldn't do that yeah it would just be like okay make it a good game that being said like sure namco yeah what am i supposed to say that namco's the go-to that's for nintendo's not quite development i mean they made half of switch four as uh smash four right and they're sure i forgot about that and they made pokin and
Starting point is 02:11:32 nintendo's probably good at it with them after the pokin like release so why not just do our shit that we don't care about take it it's yours yeah people will have fun so um yeah rumors rumors that we're gonna all right and so uh alongside these rumors now you're saying what's your update what update is that i remember seeing an article that said that bandai namco clarified that team japan they're one of their japanese teams is working on metroid but singapore guys are doing something they probably didn't say metroid but they did they did they i think they said that the bandai namco singapore team is working on something else something new not related to this maybe they're the ones making ridge right you fucking never know let's see uh
Starting point is 02:12:18 sources we were backed by multiple sources from you know i'm gonna say it's like true but you can always say that namco bandai is a bunch of big fucking liars i mean that's always possible it's it's always it's all yeah so um okay and euro gamer just says yes they are working on metroid prime for uh huh so there's yeah right there update update since publication i've heard bandai namco's japan studio is working on the project uh with the intention that it will now take the lead on its development while singapore moves focused to another switch game that's what i'm talking about it could be bridge race or whatever it is well hey man i'm glad to hear the 1313 guys landed on their feet had something because yeah man 1313 looks so cool all right we don't need that
Starting point is 02:13:04 shit we need battlefront i'm just uh what the hell for the last year like it's not retro that's making this nintendo even confirmed it's not retro what the fuck is retro working on because it's also not donkey gong donkey gong is coming out is there a possibility they're working on their own shit i mean uh raven blade now's the time now's the time now strike while the iron is ice it's a great shield frozen solid fucking raven blade never got a shot uh i want to hear that crowd reaction trailer one guy though one guy you you oh yeah um you know i think it's uh i think it's an undergrads where like just like a crowd and then like no one's reacting but one guy stands up and just goes like that i remember in an ign interview from like years ago like 10 years ago
Starting point is 02:14:06 but he he went to retro and he's like interviewing them about donkey kong returns like the we one right and he's just going what's that over there says the ign guy and points to a gigantic highly in shield and sword mounted on the wall and they literally pulled like a cover or a tarp open they're like nothing and that's when i was like all they're making a fighting game yeah yeah yeah yeah um i just like going to a developer and pointed at shit going what's that and it's just some fucking idiot forgot to hide it or whatever that's what i was doing i remember one time i applied to do to do qa at bio where and i was walking through just like eyeballing eyeballing and it was just like don't ask no questions don't say nothing i forget the name of but do you see that uh some
Starting point is 02:14:58 patents or some trademarks leaked out and so people figured out that obsidian's big project the one that's supposed to be their biggest rpg ever or big biggest project ever is a god damn it's no it's going to be sci-fi and it's very likely going to be them trying to they had a they had a fucking game back in like 2012 the one that protocol no the the fucking game that that got cancelled and nearly killed their company yeah it was called backspace and was supposed to be essentially sci-fi skyrim and that that's it's dead the outer worlds yeah the outer worlds that's it and it's like well looks like obsidian's gonna take a crack at taking a fucking mass effects dead fucking lunch well if they're moving into the anthem destiny world uh no they would be very much moving into the
Starting point is 02:15:51 mass effects no no no i'm saying if if if bio oh the bio where moves into the action into the action destiny world with obsidian's the only people to make rpgs anymore so hey bio where's trying to try to like i'm sitting in the americans that make western obsidian is taking lunch bio where is trying to eat at all yeah okay that's fine and they want to have a big feast but if they can't have a big feast they'd rather have nothing so four trademarks um relating to the outer worlds it's a good name and uh that's all you have to go on that's pretty much it there's a 2016 novel called the outer worlds they have they have been talking about wanting to do a sci-fi game forever and yeah because even that's sure as fuck not for pro cars literally as sci-fi as they got
Starting point is 02:16:40 yeah and that's modern day like born kind of stuff yeah and you're looking at at least quarter to 2019 they said it's their biggest project ever so yeah that thing's far away cool cool they'll be releasing pillars and relatively soon like in two months and then probably some other game for works uh paradox yeah i mean i like that name that's and that's uh it's not it's not gate gate or dog sword yeah yeah you're right yeah it's it's three words which is more than we get nowadays it's either one word or two that are combined was that fucking dnd game called demon stone yeah demon stuff it's i know i know the cover of it it's like a black and legend of heroes girl oh legend of heroes uh what's title ever that actually um demon punch so actually that's a
Starting point is 02:17:37 great name that's a great name what are you talking about i accidentally made a great name when you uh uh yeah so what they one cool thing is um some megaman internal design documents oh for megaman x and and for megaman x and so this is your high rule historic style like chart of connections that were pretty much kind of made obvious if you played all the games and checked out the endings including the endings of rockman the power battles that confirms that zero was made by wiley uh the first is the first place that was hinted at rather um there was some like little little fucking uh oh jesus christ flowchart a little flowchart that was uh drawn up on the wall during megaman x's production but what's cool about this is it shows
Starting point is 02:18:23 you that this was all like the x stuff was not figured out in retrospect going forward through the series it was planned from the get go right unlike zelda uh so what you got on this this little flowchart that you go down when you translate it is it starts with dr light and dr wiley as classmates at the top yeah their common link is protoman who they both worked on and he became the reference for the zero project shocker then going down the family tree you get rock and roll rock gets modified to become rock man rock man um which leads to the x project which is analogous to the zero project meanwhile exactly meanwhile dr wiley's evil robots branch off to also on the opposite side create the robot virus project right uh he died before he can complete that project but he did
Starting point is 02:19:12 finish the zero project before he died but apparently dr like never died never ever never died means he finished all his work before he died and then we cut forward right and what happens is uh the the x project is sealed upon completion about dr kane and kane is the is the living is the guy who who matters in the x series kane finds mega man x uses him as a reference to create the reploids and uh and then fucks up society because because free will is not what you think it is and uh yeah and then zero uh gets turned good and basically gets infected with the sigma virus well no that's not it's not at that point it's just the virus he starts infected with the virus at start at that point it's just the virus uh the reploids uh start to become an issue but
Starting point is 02:20:05 hold on strongest reploid sigma is born in this timeline is born right is born exactly uh sigma gets infected um maverick sigma is born and then parallel to that maverick hunted units are something that needs to exist because uh reploid rebellion requires quelling yeah and yeah most then there's some data missing down at the bottom for where it goes from there got to kill all these horrible infected reploids but this canon was planned from this far this far back as far as mega man x all right what about the cyber elves fuck you yeah what about the fucking nano pixies fuck you that's what yeah humanity has progressed and then eventually organic life changes and and then the cyber elves they're cute all right they're cute they're fucking they're kawaii fuck you that's why
Starting point is 02:20:57 fuck you with your avalanche shit because because um data the monkey that's why that song was fucking playing when i was in the gym this morning i want to fucking put a gun in my mouth god damn it it's a good song no it's not it's fine there's worse you're just saying that for max's sake dem's fighting herg's is coming out soon the cast list was recently finally life fully announced is it just voice actors to my little pony yes the definitive answer to when is dem's fighting herds is when it's out and we can play it this has a better shot of being an evo than yeah we'll get there got a hell of a lot better production value and uh what's fun with this coming out
Starting point is 02:21:44 this month on the 24th uh and it's ggpo netcode is this little crossovers with blaze blue uh exerd and skull girls where you can have your little ponies and that's astonishing that those deals got got you can totally have accessories worn fucking so you can make all your all your your little pups and dogs look like uh soul or um rate or fucking gin or ragna i love how souls is like it's a dragon so our key and uh then of course over in skull girls you got the peacock and philia's hat so not philia sorry um um sarabella sarabella excuse me you got i wanted to say cerebral yeah so uh samson did you see the uh her hair and he is what is his name oh damn i forget arm hat yeah um did you see that the boss also got like an other was a full cast thing and the
Starting point is 02:22:42 boss got shown and what the boss actually is no boss looks fucking awesome yeah boss is like a shadow made out of skulls of like like animal skulls it looks like a demon looks like nido it looks like it looks like a pony version of double but skulls instead cool super super evil so yeah dem site and fight nerds february 23rd fight in game coming once again hasbro you could have had this shit you could have had the fencer films but no but no no no you could have had that money maker because you know we all know it's not that easy it's got to go through all the right channels it's so easy we just talked about kingdom hearts well i was literally no where i was gonna go where i was gonna go was um um megaman cross street fighter where it's like we can't sell this we can barely
Starting point is 02:23:31 touch it with a 10 foot pole but to not upset people okay cool though we could officially support it and go sure yeah we could have done that and hopefully there's a much bigger company than capcom like they could do that easier and and hopefully there's no hot coffee mods put into this by the the fan that's making it as we officially support it i think i think the official makers of this game are developing those mods but you understand like that's that's what i'm saying it's like that's always the concern with just taking the fan thing and making it official right one of many concerns besides the the potential for lawsuits but it also just looks so stupid when hasbro put the kibosh on it and then every single person involved with the show was like oh yeah we'll
Starting point is 02:24:11 make shit for it absolutely absolutely and and and because it looks it might as well be official now it's it's deceptively simple from the consumer end but like the people working on it from the opposite end that are like you didn't sign the contracts to make sure that we can't get sued for you let's just blame all the lawyers if you're a lawyer you're probably a bad person but that's fine hey i made a video about this subject you should go watch it wait about lawyers and how they're bad about about making games that are oh just shut up yeah yeah your video just shut up i made a video yeah call just shut up not far from the truth the job getting people sued yeah well you know your memes hey i'm an irrelevant youtuber i'm a sack of shit my opinion doesn't matter
Starting point is 02:25:02 i can't stress that enough oh yeah what else we got i'm getting into a horrible place where just saying the word memes is starting to crack me up because it's so stupid it's like that gun that shoots memes at people we've got my son oh fuck we've got my son oh we also have the duality of men i saw you try i saw you try to fucking find your way on that speaking no um speak i would have done the exact same post for any other character except for sagat yeah um because during the trailer remember this is the only character that had audible groans and some booze oh if you like bronc if you like bronca dear mama may i have some oats yeah oh geez all right all right step one my mama hop out of the crouch step two he's got the same he's doing all
Starting point is 02:25:59 the three command grabs doing all the fucking annoying sf with new shit and he does a command grab and it's very annoying ariel he's got a launch off of his standing fierce which it was from the crazy what you call it uh whatever mode ultra mode or dynamite mode name yes right the trigger one where he's got electricity on his balls and then we've got john tailbane mode lightning beast also a great name that was a cross up so the dumb juggle shit that he's doing with his v-trigger too where he just launches people into the air yes keeps launching them higher and higher yes super dumb okay here's the thing like i can saw i saw how like it crossed up right away so that looks tricky but the rest is just continuous damage therefore it might not be as useful oh i'm sure
Starting point is 02:26:47 right away i'm looking at that his rage is not satisfied okay so is he turning into the evil blanka is he turning into usa cartoon blanka because that's the most non-blank of thing blank as ever blank and that's the question that we all have because based on that and based on the theme some assumptions are being made right that this is a more serious take on blanka and his rage is not satisfied but it's like first the question is his rage at what his let me get there let him get there his rage at what his rage at the eels and the the plane crash that the there was no one behind it nothing happened it was just an accident so nikali ate his mom there done you know what i mean his rage is just based on god and life forsaking him his rage at the humiliation he
Starting point is 02:27:40 must suffer working with sakura at her part-time job where he has to put on this fucking awful domo koon costume oh that's exactly what that's gonna be that's totally it 100 percent that's so fucking good oh my god i've never seen it nails blanka if you want to come to work with me you have to wear the fucking costume a hundred percent he's with her in her in her part of the intro of course of course they hang out and they hang out with dan nailed nailed nailed nailed nailed right which i love that trio i started in street fighter alpha by the way yeah it's great uh jimmy sakura and dan yeah so he's all serious and he's full of rage and his battle cost was fucking awesome right but people who play blanka know what they're there for and we're not here for the rage we're
Starting point is 02:28:32 here for that story costume no notice it's yeah you're right because it's called the story costume this goofy ass mascot thing this literal troll monster it is a blanca themed domo koon this troll monster which i can't wait to see the plushies rolling out of the factories i can't wait to see oh no update his little thing never he will never update that we'll see but right now this was made to market and troll blanka is here he's online i can't wait i feel like the band that fucking costume from turnies so the curtain the card the costume i used against the costume i used against daigo was the most obnoxious loud yellow fucking thing ever that was later banned from tournament it was not banned from tournaments you should have then it was not stop lying and making lose stop saying
Starting point is 02:29:24 things you think and then saying that they happened that shit in my heart oh my god anyway it was super okay and that's it and so now we get trolled blanka costumes because if you lose to that and you see that stupid hit wins cry screen staring at you you're gonna rage quit double hard i really want to see that fucking story costume going my rage is wild exactly banned already banned um so that costume is cheating very little else to say except someone mod blanka on the pc version so when he wins he transforms into charlie not much else to say oh god that's awful besides uh to quote is a daniel leet here on twitter don't talk to blanka players don't look at bank of players don't shake blanka players hands i love don't shake
Starting point is 02:30:18 the rest is like whatever but don't you know what this is the first time charlie and black have been in a game in quite some time i very much believe that they will have a win it's only alpha three before this let's see let's see i want to let me see what all the blanka players are saying laps she's excited cow wait looks pimp looks gimmicky people gonna hate him laps she's going in uh well it was cast it's cast blanka say don't talk to these blanka players don't shake their hands don't look at them if they're dying do not only you're looking at them right now this this includes other blanka players are not allowed to do these things yeah what about ricey though what's ricey to up to uh there we go talking about blanko what you got top players
Starting point is 02:31:01 what are you saying no he's supposed to fuck a pop wait that was something months ago that was old all right nothing new nothing new but it's fine this sucks a block of socks i do like that they announced this on blanka's birthday i think that's pretty cute that's that's adorable i like it like it sucks don't look me in the eye don't shake my hand oh god i didn't notice but you're wearing the blanka shirt that i that's the first thing i thought when i saw it he was probably on the way here it got announced and he went back to his house got this shirt then came back what an asshole i looked in i looked at my shirt's closet and i was like there's no choice this is and once again the argument will come in it's like can i you know what else five dollars to remove
Starting point is 02:31:44 you know what else motherfucker oh he's wearing his block of socks yeah his block of socks he just took them off oh oh the people can smell it there's that there's that block of smell the hole in your sock get new socks i like the character this uh this does kind of confirm do it for mama because when they when the characters are shown in the intro they're all kind of in a similar order to when they showed the initial trend they showed like all the slices of all the different portraits yep it was like well there could be any order or whatever but now it seems like it's going to be the order of that that the the slices of all the portraits so after this it should be um falk falk whatever the woman's name is falk yeah i bet it'll be falk and then it could be falk and
Starting point is 02:32:33 then it's um five then it's kody then it's g then it's a gun well that's what confused me but about your tweet initially matt is because it was very clear what the order of release was going to be on the first screenshot so i was like oh it was we didn't think for a second that it would be not the order that they showed it in i didn't think it was confirmed either every other time they did it with the previous seasons it was in that order yeah i am also confused by your i didn't know that yeah it was in the order there's something yeah so god's last that's gonna that's gonna be what it is um i still thought that the overwhelmingly positive reaction to kody and the overwhelmingly negative one to blanka would would replace no overwhelmingly negative it's the most hyperbolic
Starting point is 02:33:18 thing you've said today but not this is the most hyperbolic thing that he said yeah lanka should never have been in street fighter at all he basically ruins the fucking franchise what a mistake i take an ingrid over blanka yeah yeah i wouldn't yeah at least ingrid doesn't make you vomit when you see her on the screen i don't know ingrid's like a real street fighter unlike this weird monster character yeah it's called block it standing scrub block it fucking standing and punish it it's very easy i don't even know what you're talking about the blank a bomb a lot of people that she blocked it standing yeah when you block it standing a lot of people get angry because like i don't know what to do and it's like you just fucking block it you just stand up
Starting point is 02:34:01 and then you punch him and then it's over no you stand up and you punch the block a player to pull this bullshit on you you're not supposed to do anything with them though you're not supposed to interact with them don't look them in the eye block don't shake their hand just shake their face you might you might get head bit you're not supposed to interact with subhuman people yeah you two might get infected yeah that's how it works by blankanism block is like a dumb fucking crossover character from a goddamn convenience store that they put in a street fighter in order to make the marketing budget back see here's the funny thing about it though how do you feel about honda i don't care for honda oh really okay i don't know shit about honda i
Starting point is 02:34:42 used to play honda a little because mechanically they're so similar of the of the of the fucking world warriors i think blanca and honda are the lamest i think i think they're lame in completely different ways i think blanca is fucking zany and dumb but i like his street fighter 2 version because he's like a fucking wild animal like a monster that can't talk this is important yeah and then honda is the fucking most boring thing in the world and he's got the fat abs which makes no sense i don't like i like comic book udon uh honda i don't like i if lanka went back to not being able to speak and literally just being a wild animal that they let into the tournament that'd be great i understand i legitimately understand your reasons but disagree um but i do
Starting point is 02:35:32 feel that like uh yeah the blanket that is the silent beast thing is a different type of character entirely yeah totally but a lot of things were ironically a lot closer to nikali now yeah it's a a lot of things went differently i originally didn't like dulcim uh and then i now i love him because i you know when he developed into like the kind of like swami you know sort of like the guy that is like the the spiritual leader for a lot of spiritual characters yeah but i didn't like him at first but eventually in that role he became a unique role uh uh he took a he filled a unique spot that didn't exist in the cast um my character prevalence is really vastly different from alpha games to now where i'm like an alpha i would actually play dulcim i'd enjoy playing him
Starting point is 02:36:16 in every other game i wouldn't it was just that version of it and blanka was like when i started disliking blanka because the i felt like the more anime style of the alpha games kind of it does it evolved him into like a weird cartoon thing yeah well he made tons of silly faces and he became a goof oh i'm making i'm making a smoothie yeah my electricity but but like you have to understand that like the reason why you hate black is very different for the reason most people just hate fighting him yeah they just they're just they're just finding his moves really annoying no he's fine to fight i just think he's the worst yeah as a design and and and and and blanka makes me extra pissy for a totally different reason that has nothing to do with this in that it's you see
Starting point is 02:36:55 people go on like yeah man blanka one of the world warriors world warriors of the shit who's this fucking weirdo q i'm like you block is a million times weirder and dumber looking than q but q's weird that people grown up with blanka though yeah that's the only reason you think q is weird is because you didn't grow up with him dude i don't know who you're yelling at yeah but like i i was q's a weird i'm not that person no you're not i like it's not your fault i love i love my son all right that's fine that's how i now people have turned her out on q but it's too late you had to care 10 years ago i get g yeah i actually um i first picked blanka back in the day just uh because i love his play style it wasn't even about the character yeah totally and uh has
Starting point is 02:37:45 nothing to do with the fact that he's your favorite color no nope and it just happened to grow maybe he maybe it became his favorite color through blanka when i was fighting against my cousins who were fucking doing combos when i didn't know what they were and when i was fighting against like the grownups and the adults and they were all beasting and whatnot i did best with blanka compared to other characters what do you do you play hit and run stuff like that i played i played hit and run and that worked out a lot better for me as a dumb little kid than any other character did so i was like fuck it so now you've decided to bring your dumb little kid play style to the adult world let's go baby also if they shown in that the initial uh cg trailer if they showed
Starting point is 02:38:30 jailbird cody i would be booing that cody well the jailbird costume the jailbird costume was on the ground in the behind him yeah that's true yeah so you're gonna see it on the nostalgia that's i'd rather just regular final fight one cody just because we've seen that you're gonna get that one too but that would be the nostalgia like for a game like this where he has changed clothes so many times he's changed it twice all they have to do uh we or orange ships uh orange shipper you think they even remember what are you gonna say that him with death written on his chest is a costume change too did you not well dude the fucking character art thing they did for capcom dude did everybody so what i got a piece of a got a piece of art what are you talking about
Starting point is 02:39:14 but abigail did not get that costume no no no but what i'm saying is that the point of the point of that was to do research to show all the acknowledged pieces of capcom lore fair was kind of a different like right he had it around his waist the orange so for characters like blanka where you don't have that many things you can really go to you're not going to see if a virgins and falca is new so they get to make new things that's almost why he gets so much joke shit because oh i'm a doctor in the forest with like my little pin hat because there's nothing to go on exactly no no there should be a human version of blanka yes i agree and that used to be one of his colors where he was just flesh colored with red hair no no i don't like that no he means an actual human
Starting point is 02:39:53 means total model swap i agree with you yeah but i'm afraid that we would get some japanese kid looking protagonist boy as opposed to like a brazilian child you know but i know exactly what if what if ed was actually secretly human blanka and it was just ed that'd be cool buddy that'd be awesome but anyway no the point is that like kodi is someone who we've seen in game with different clothing on so it's very likely you're gonna get a lot of those in battle costumes yeah no i figure it i'm just like if it was still i'm chained i got a pig like if it was just street fighter out street fighter for kodi i'd be like that will be there amongst the others yeah you and kimia will have your day yeah and you can pick them up no i know i know i i want this the default kodi that's
Starting point is 02:40:42 you want codel traverse that's no that's the only reason i'm excited yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah so if you can take only one thing away from the story about blanca is that woolly thinks the blanca players are dumb children what so what you're saying yeah yeah that's what i think that's that's what he said yep he said he was a dumb child and that's why he picked blanca so if you pick blanca you're a dumb child you work for that comes right from woolly do you work for channel for british news by any chance i do not okay just check what we got next right over my fucking head just like couldn't know less what the fuck you're talking about okay so uh blaze blue cross tag battle quite simply announced that they will be giving away the ruby characters as big
Starting point is 02:41:32 apology as big apology they're not gonna charge you for them they're only gonna charge you for the characters that i want they're only gonna charge you for the other characters so anyway heading into our amazing tournament at evo that we're gonna have so with this announcement this announcement was made on the evo stream and this is a story in three parts that evo stream was hilarious this is a story in three parts all right first part one here are the main stage games at evo 2018 oh well yes this is interesting let's redo street fighter five tec in seven in justice to dragon ball fighters guilty gear exerred rev two blaze blue cross tag battle smash melee smash we you huh that's weird there's no marvel what uh despite mr wizard aka space there
Starting point is 02:42:24 is no more because this is just i know i know mr wizard aka joey aka a marvel doesn't he's not not a big fan and he did not definitely didn't it did not hide it on twitter uh over the last couple months and of course we've talked about this in previous weeks so like we've especially last no need to recap right the point is is that we've confirmed the reality that we marvels dad we predicted it and it's gone right dragon ball is here obviously this game is likely i feel possibly going to do the biggest numbers and it might end up taking the sunday final slot which is the most important slot at evo yep um that one i think is less likely than the first statement now you do one thing to consider here right about evo is that a lot of their games are chosen not just based on
Starting point is 02:43:10 community but they're based on stream developer support and viewer support because with the whole extra ticket being a thing now where you have to buy a second ticket to get to the mandalay bay main stage and it's more expensive than the other ticket the spectator cost is important yeah right so consider that in mind while we go through this yeah so obviously dragon ball is going to be there but what the fuck that's not actually the game that kicked marvel out no that's it it was blaze blue cross tag battle to kick marvel out now you're like what why it's like dragon ball that's not even a contest whatever we leave that alone of course why would cross tag battle be the game that kicks on marvel infinite right this makes no sense um well evo probably gonna want to be friends
Starting point is 02:43:56 with our system works i i think already having two of their games is pretty friendly that's more than capcom it's this is animevo this is animevo for sure anime is taking over guys now here's the fucking thing right because what i don't like is hypocrisy so yeah you gotta get rid of some one of those smash brothers they would if they didn't have the highest smash smash fans are legion and they're crazy dude shout out to fucking that video of the of the guy man keep you fucking go look up uh because because because dude because it's like no matter what you say about melee that thing will be there forever forever fox mccloud our modern nation mango nation mango nation fox mccloud mango nation it's it's the bit where he goes hey smash you still like marvel
Starting point is 02:44:54 too and he just goes mango nation fox yes melee he still loves the game mccloud mango nation i absolutely love the portrayal of the smash for ppmd as a normal person with this fucking oh and it's it's it is untouchable that is okay what is that video called key it's by a guy named kief and it's called and it's called how everyone reacted to uh marvel not being evo yeah right and it's like but it's me baby it's marvel baby not this year baby yeah all right so look um cross tag battle right this is coming out two months before it's crazy we've had discussions on whether or not fucking capcom games would be allowed to be at evo even if they came out now now follow no here's the timeline okay cross tag battle is going to be fucking four weeks old when
Starting point is 02:45:48 it makes it to the evo main stage that's insane that makes no sense that's ridiculous right but here's the thing new game if you choose to do this that's fine you can live in a world where new games are allowed to be on the evo main stage especially because they need the hype numbers the limit is two months before evo anyway right well here's the well here's the fucking problem okay wow what's the limit i thought there was a known limit the limit is subjective the limit is what the fuck do we want it to be because guess what skull girls coming out three months before evo 2012 was too new to be at evo so skull girls got shafted because it was too new i always thought there was a like a hard limit they put like you can't have if your game comes out two months
Starting point is 02:46:31 before evo no the no it is lab zero does not have the development support that arc system works slash sega sammy slash whatever you might be thinking about the two week rule which is new characters yeah that's what i'm thinking you're thinking new characters coming out within two weeks of evo uh yes that's what that is that's different this is the game coming out two months beforehand right skull girls got fucking shat on because it came out three months beforehand but you know what came out a month before skull girls what's that street fighter cross tekin and it made it in there why cuz capcom paid for a bunch of stuff like ps4's and stuff like that it made it in with a march release and it was fine no was it well no no it was fine for them to put it on
Starting point is 02:47:16 the main stage so what what what's the rule what do you do what's consistent is mr wizard doesn't like marvel the rule is whatever we want it to be and it's like that way i know i know this is just it's one of those things is like oh this thing's corrupt and people who know are like yeah yeah you know it's corrupt so you know what else happened to kof got kicked out yeah that sucks you know um cross tag battle pumped kof and kof got kicked out because kof had the least amount of numbers last year i mean that makes sense as much as we like kof and is as good and as solid as 14 is if it if you are at the bottom of the of the fucking view yeah i've had a genuine annoyance with i've seen fans of marvel who are dedicated to what is a good game to play
Starting point is 02:48:04 and saying look at tournament entrance look at hey the player base is there it's like yeah but then look at where it is on twitch yep and like it's behind um god when i looked it was fucking like behind chaos theory for the xbox yeah like no one gives a shit no one watch it now you also have the fact that one side tournaments are always a thing but these are just the main stage games two you have evil japan now so there's a lot of outlets for these other games right um not every tournament can be combo breaker because combo breaker just does it all and doesn't give a fuck combo breaker is crazy they run everything even been a combo breaker no but i want to go because it's super nuts and they just they have that was where they had the ki
Starting point is 02:48:51 like giant um uh pot bonus they had the skull girls giant pot bonus officially support it like combo breaker does everything but anyway uh uh with with with the this stuff going on right now um kof gets booted as well and uh they bring in these two games because again it's about spectators and that extra cost so you're starting to see that it's not just the players and not just the community it's really also about the um i mean if you're gonna put on eyeballs if you're gonna put on a show yep who's gonna watch it is maybe the primary consideration if not the second one but hey right if the players still get together and play marvel and they continue to it continues to be a thing that's fine right because that's still a community no stop at the end of the day
Starting point is 02:49:36 i'm just being an asshole yeah story i think i know the story in three parts part two marvel versus capcom infinite will not feature on the capcom 2018 and here and here's where all the arguing stops it's like listen capcom doesn't even want to fucking have their own game with their own tournament like come on the game might as well just be dead now yeah it's it's like actually embarrassing this one this one is yes you're right that's embarrassing the drop it from their own evil thing is it's like it's its own thing there's a million reasons whatever some of them good some of them yeah like you're saying the the double standard my battle for the stones ended on some weird notes and people didn't have great things to say about it makes me feel like there's
Starting point is 02:50:22 gonna be any dlc capcom representative confirmed that mvci is not part of this capcom this year's capcom pro tour and they were silent when pressed about whether they'd be a second battle for the stone's circuit so here's the thing right max has said it for a while too this game is one giant patch away from being great yes it is a e away from being awesome and it seems like it is already that's what they're doing all maybe just deemphasize this version maybe or they're just or they're way or they're just way siding it right maybe it's like we maybe it's this franchise needs saving and we need to start from this the ground up so just pretend it doesn't exist until that happens and maybe you can say maybe you can blame uh disney for a lot of it
Starting point is 02:51:06 there has been rumors that disney is straight up like the game makes their shit look bad don't show i'll tell you uh yeah that's stupid yeah that's that's yeah it's i hate no i hate that actually because that reminds me of being uh inside a studio when you hear shit like that come out and you go this is the dumbest stupidest thing that some asshole just came made up to go like isn't it fun to fuck and it's like you're so fucking off but it is fun it's incredibly stupid i hate that kind of shit it's dumb what is possible though is that they were like this is an mcu game yeah so a lot of the game looks the way it does because of that because the mcu is the priority so anyway the point is is that capcom themselves is not supporting this on their on the 2018 run
Starting point is 02:51:51 if there is a new version of this coming it's gonna be a little bit further down the line like much further and it's gonna have to be like maybe this year well there's the question is do you do you relaunch or do you uh start uh do you go just move on to the next if you relaunch it everybody that owns that game better get everything like they did with a they better oh it would be it would it would absolutely be about just correcting the slight change the name yeah absolutely yeah yeah fight guys it would be about uh mvc marvel versus x-men marvel versus marvel versus capcom functions um the functions versus cap the world moves on to um um other fighting games but if you bring this back you bring it up in a corrective manner so a hundred percent you
Starting point is 02:52:41 let people who purchased it uh get the free passion that's the thing is that like you have one pretty still relevant you know video game company with a lot of relevant characters maybe less relevant than they were in the 90s right but then you have like one of the biggest entertainment companies like in terms of like brand awareness and stuff with marvel and then all the mcu stuff like this should have been like spend all the money let's blow it up it is crazy because the timing is so poor now that now that marvel and disney own fox yeah if you were to start making this game now you would be you could have the greatest roster of anything ever of all time mark man literally said marvel wouldn't let them support it was this is this is this is this based on anything is that
Starting point is 02:53:29 real did i say that yeah because that sounds like a crazy inaccurate thing is that real all right more research is required so it is possible it's entirely plausible that if if it's don't this is internally from them they're that's true then that's like actually don't fucking have anyone look at this because we are going to relaunch it we don't want people thinking let's remove or let's remove mvci from the mind share because it's just he just can't mark man implied it on his twitter i guess he couldn't outright say that yeah that he would never be allowed to actually say that yeah even if he doesn't work for any of the companies involved he'd be fucking nailed to the wall and blacklisted forever yeah but you can apply anything you want
Starting point is 02:54:19 i mean right you can you can say all sorts of shit you can apply anything there was a hack for marvel sitting under the table on that stream yeah i mentioned that to you woolly and you looked at me like i was a psychopath i'm like no mark man had a marvel hat that he fucking hid away and he was he was wearing a magic hat you're not going to be able to find that shit in the time period we're on the podcast now you certainly not but i was hoping to possibly scroll while talking was yeah and then that's okay then it would just be there that's okay but uh if that's the case that's fucking crazy it's actually uh makes sense that um then they would that they would actually be putting the kibosh on it completely in order to have some sort of
Starting point is 02:55:02 major project happening down underneath on uh down low when you're talking about like oh the the what's that weird limit that they put on games now and why can skull girls get in so you just scroll past a picture of soul caliber six right yep i think it's really asinine to try to get your fighting game that that really needs a lot of like work in terms of like how do you handle the dlc and all that everyone has their opinions on like like you know and and your story content blah blah blah it's really asinine and go like let's get this shit out so we can make evo like that should be your goal for the next year it comes out because we're saying cross tag battle it's going to have a fucking less than two months to have any decent things going on with the scene there's a strong
Starting point is 02:55:44 possibility that that can't game comes out and everyone realizes it's trash or it is trash or whatever and that's too late to change it yep entirely what are you gonna have a fucking fatty spot at evo in fact save this clip oh yeah just in case save the clip of me saying that yeah oh boy because we played it yeah but anyway it was like it's gonna be okay maybe nine months since we've played it when it comes out maybe they changed the trash parts maybe maybe but the problem is that to me i don't know if fully has more to say but i like it felt super generic like why can't why does this exist you can't walk you can't walk just dad what do you mean you hold forward run and you run oh that game's gonna be trashed anyway uh this is gonna be fun
Starting point is 02:56:39 so yes it felt like catcom fighting jam kof and marvel players coming together to be like we got bummed for this and it felt like i can't find the sense that like why the funny thing about the whole getting your shit out for evo thing though we got to move on but the but the funny thing about that is that of course evo is always the um you know that's the date you have to worry about that's your that's your the reset of the fighting game year takes place in june that's correct right and um the whole mentality of creating a capcom cup at the end of the year was to ignore that was to actually straight up go no no capcom's doing its own finals and this is the event that matters so even if it wasn't in time for evo look here it is at the capcom cup and capcom cup is big and huge
Starting point is 02:57:25 and prestigious yes etc um so the idea that like capcom has its own possible non-evil event to do its own thing at but still chose themselves not to do it is that's not the nail in the coffin that's stomping the coffin down on top of the the slow descender yeah to get in the ground faster and there's also a hand coming out of the coffin so it won't close completely dig it back up and bury it deeper furthermore uh the the comment that uh the the the mark man implied thing saying we need dev support and the dev and some publisher support and we didn't get it from marvel it is in capcom's fault right yeah is implying that no no they're actually um you know possibly hey can we use these characters can you call us back can you dudes yeah so you're you're it's and so like
Starting point is 02:58:15 it's it's weird and interesting in the sense that like evo is still evo right like it's your i said june but i meant like july august whatever summer summer summer summer your summer fighting game year reset uh it other other events like combo breaker are becoming the finals for certain games yeah you know and smash has always had its own summits as well you know what i mean like these are all becoming like i should i should like to think that like you said like they support killer and sin galley they had it at their combo breaker last year when it got dropped from evo well it should be at the fucking tournament that has a name of who it's k i was not at combo breaker shut it down i mean there's gonna be there when soul calibur six comes out it might show up at
Starting point is 02:58:55 evo but who cares about that there's gonna be some french tournament oh in france you're right that's the actual soul calibur six finals yeah maybe those europeans are crazy about that weapon shit for some reason oh can i throw in a random story i'm sure you don't have there because someone just just posted it to me yeah uh suitor 51 is going to be hosting a travis strikes again live stream revealing something about the game well that'll be as five a.m. tonight fuck but that's tonight so fuck that i saw a bunch of tweets are all in japanese and it kept saying february 13 february 13th and i'm like oh i can't read this and google translate is giving me gibberish i can't make any other like heads or tails of it but yeah apparently he's going to be on twitch
Starting point is 02:59:38 showing something from the game okay also um um the travis return of suitor goichi also sweary's giving it another go yeah yeah yeah i'm i'm very looking forward much big to this kickstarter relaunch because at the at the outset of their of their game of their um their uh crowdfunding campaign for the good life i was like there's a lot of stuff here that's wrong yeah i don't understand what the game is i don't like it was so messily done and i'm glad they're doing a different shot on the preferred crowdfunding platform because one of the biggest ones i saw people going what's indiegogo i don't like why can't it just be was it not on fig originally indiegogo was on fig yeah it was all right so that's the third tier of uncomfortableness that people don't want to
Starting point is 03:00:31 sign up the only people that get to go live on fig are obsidian and double fine pretty much yeah and i know why they do it because it gives a lot more money to the developers way more yeah but in terms of this being like a project i'm not sure how many people are really interested in like put it on the one that has the most people these in it it made six hundred and eighty two thousand dollars but it still failed to meet its goal because we did like a million march 26 2018 they're relaunching the good life on kickstarter and they're reducing the overall goal and they're gonna have like a an actual gameplay video show you what the hell you're doing that's smart well when the game looks nicer too there's something interesting about uh the the the kickstarter failure that results in
Starting point is 03:01:19 nah nah fucking we can do it we can still do it you mean like even if you have nothing to show yeah when you're well no more just kind of like you can take it back take the feedback and go all right we can do this with uh actual like changes that people would want to support this time and kind of fix it up and try again campaigns have been successful the second you can try again is what i'm saying kicks the like like it's not something it's not the kiss of death you don't just got yourself off yeah what am i i'm trying to what am i trying to get out i'm trying to get at the sentiment that um inifuna was not going to die in fact if he faded away it was heavily implied though and mighty number nine ended it's entirely possible he would have just tried to get hey is
Starting point is 03:01:59 the with perhaps a better product about the 3ds and psp versions of that game avida yeah no where they were supposed to come out last year yeah and yeah fade away i think every couple months i'll get another cat that says cat falls to the floor just remind everyone these these versions are never coming out i i don't i can't think of anybody prolific in the game industry aside for maybe denis dyak that has like lost face that utterly been inifuna it's crazy in a public manner yes like i mean fucking dyak made some shitty games and it was a dumbass but like he didn't he didn't rob you yeah his kick started failed yeah and i like that game too yeah look cool in a in a in a in a public manner yeah definitely um so yeah swear he's getting that uh let's
Starting point is 03:02:47 get a move let's get a move let's see here we also had very quickly um the talk about where was it was it here it was wherever you like it to be shiggy yeah shiggy making movie yeah shiggy talk about movie yeah shiggy romeo mottos talks about working on the animated super mario movie with minions studio illumination and he's basically just going on in an interview about how uh for a long time the whole making a movie thing was always a thing because you can imagine when you own a property like mario people are always coming at your door and the only way that they agreed to more or less do this deal was one where they at any point can just go nah this shit sucks we're walking away yeah so it's why i think every deal should have yeah it has it has the it has the
Starting point is 03:03:38 claud it has the fuck this clause i think in the marvel versus capcom clause capcom could have been like fuck this relief it's really interesting because you look at blizzard that's why so many blizzard games get cancelled it's got killed and then you look at this and then you look at halo and that this is the reason there is no halo movie because microsoft refused to work with the studio in which they couldn't do this and studios wouldn't take them up on it because it wasn't weird because doesn't explain the quality of the warcraft movie yeah well i mean yes you're right that's super true but like a lot of the time you imagine i guess that was a different deal signed way way early on right i think i think they actually had faith it would turn out well
Starting point is 03:04:16 but like that seems to be the thing is uh yeah you see the most successful game movie of all time you get as you get a movie studio you get the ball rolling a producer goes yep let's let's start this project up you green light it and then suddenly a lot of people have jobs and they're hired and they're working on this thing and then it's moving you know what i mean and the idea of someone just waking up one day and going oh you know oh no you know what company either never decides to take that deal and walks away maybe they just don't give a goddamn fuck it's capcom because you fucking see that clip of the monster hunter movie that paul dibius anderson is movie making with the fucking tokyo the new york what oh fuck there's a clip there's a fucking clip
Starting point is 03:05:00 probably a preview show it off at some fucking film festival wow it's rathalos fighting gore mcgalla and fucking new york or tokyo some shit looks fucking awful holy shit yeah i bet you calc will make a lot of money on it yeah that's that's why they do the resident evil made shit zillion dollars i think it was like like five or six years ago or like christians fence and said yeah yeah the street fighter movie van dammy was really bad huh you're all fucking idiots we make five million dollars every time that yeah yeah they're basically yeah street fighter the street fighter the movie has like paid for more capcom products than you ever know yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly oh uh do we have any more news because i forgot that there was one that i wanted to mention uh go ahead
Starting point is 03:05:47 uh did you see the monster hunter sales numbers no they have shipped six million now monster hunter world is now the most successful capcom game ever cool not ever ever it's the fastest selling game it's not more successful than re five yet or she yeah it is street fighter two street fighter two was arcade sales not home sales but it was still i'm not saying it's still it was still over it was like it was in the like five it's sold like 11 million and i thought it was around the 10 to 11 million range as well did that it sell that in one month no no sorry two weeks no no not not not okay we're not saying fast is selling not fast is selling we're talking about all time all time it could very well do that but it's not great you're talking about the rate yes not we're talking
Starting point is 03:06:29 about the number of dollars in the coffer so it's not the most successful of all time then i guess you should take that up with capcom okay i get it this is weird but we i stopped bringing up sales numbers as a news story unless they were like this is a record breaker type of thing it is yeah well which is why i was gonna say which is of course that's why that's fine um but yeah i i guess uh i thought anyway like like they did the big press announcement where they're like hey we sold five million holy shit and then they before the five million item pack even rolled out properly they had to announce they had hit six million yes okay okay so fastest selling not um large largest gross the phrase that was used was most successful right that's
Starting point is 03:07:20 too like unspecific for our purposes here because like that's most successful in my head at least means how big is the bank on this thing and and that takes into account all time you know and then uh if you're counting if you're if you're just going within a launch period time frame it sold this many it shipped this many units or whatever like you can call that most successful to your shareholders and they'll walk away happy but okay that's not actually what that would mean right it will be in probably a few more weeks because it says here uh from an article from a few years ago r e five went on to sell six point eight million copies like lifetime lifetime so it will be okay if but i guess like by the end of the month see these numbers earlier yeah and
Starting point is 03:08:06 just say and say most successful right away okay that's fine yeah uh yeah i'm i'm i'm a fan of specifics and i like clarifying the difference between i thought i thought fast selling like 11 million most no it's all about seven yeah like like uh the i like clarifying between fast to selling versus most selling over a lifetime period versus like largest grossing and so on because yes an arcade game doesn't sell as much as it like grosses it sucks quarters yeah is what does so yeah you know you can only you can have uh you know not that many machines out there in the wild but if people keep playing it it's better than having like 5000 machines that don't make nearly enough money semantics cool like an arcade machine is like console basically and it's like how many
Starting point is 03:08:51 people how many times do people keep playing that same console and all that i mean does that make sense yeah yeah cool but also the other thing is that there's no pc release yet that's true which is probably gonna there's the cynical person in me it's like how many double dippers are they trying to get with that long delay is that a thing that is that like is double dipping like a hyper fringe one percent or less i my guess is that it would be or is it but i was so wrong i was so so wrong about the amount of people that don't have a ps4 i was so wrong about that because i thought it was like well that's a given that's where everything is now yeah and you just have one and like i mean if you got an x-bone i mean and there's some some stuff i guess but
Starting point is 03:09:45 at some point i don't know you know and so like every time the discussion came up it's like i don't know should i get i was like well yeah you just get it for the console that yeah it's the the you know and i and it seems like no no no there's definitely enough there's definitely enough like pc support in recent years especially and people that don't necessarily care for a console exclusive yeah that are happy enough with the occasional pc release to not really need one there was a period i was so wrong about that i would say up until bloodborne that i didn't actually need a ps4 because i played every single game on pc and then bloodborne came out and it's like right gonna play this on ps4 she found her she found her meeting by yeah exactly okay for its resident evil
Starting point is 03:10:22 section says re4 sold 8 million copies and it says re5 sold 11 so i don't know okay um capcom put out a chart at some point they did but i looked at that chart it was like from like a year after re5 came out that i remember that section of their website where they had the branding and they just they had things categorized by ip it was like it was all the sales data i remember very well because final fight was actually showed out there for the super nintendo port sold like a million copies but but but they had broke things into franchises yeah it did right which is the way that they actually across all versions and all res evil is worth this this name is worth this yes and then you look at del may cry and it's like number five even though it hadn't had a game and like quite
Starting point is 03:11:00 sometimes like oh maybe you should make a fucking del may cry five years no maybe you should do that no still living in a no no official re5 universe uh sorry dmc five uh soon soon soon but sure it's gonna get retooled into a monster hunter game now well no i was what i was gonna say is that um no what'll happen is a new character from that game will show up as a palico costume but we can but like we can confirm that no this is not cap god we are no longer cat we're not cap god we were we were flirting we were flirting with cap god someone he was about to kill the old king and but this ain't this ain't cap god this ain't cap god yeah dmc five didn't happen and marvel infinite is has happened yeah has happened even one five even one dmc v does drop you know last to be
Starting point is 03:11:49 what we all want for to be cap god cinematic you know what cap you know what cap god smooth seven golden letters you know what cap god means to me fucking lost planet one that's a great game sure that's a good game it means it means combination of lost planet one and dead rise it means firing on all cylinders not one down leave one cylinder on fire right now they're firing one cylinder very strongly yeah strongly and a different one which would be street fighter pretty strongly but then they're taking the tape and they're covering up the other one going don't don't look at the cylinder when i play when i play the street fighter collection then it'll be cap god just for that because that's something i wanted forever so imagine this is a v but that's not cap god no
Starting point is 03:12:34 it's not imagine this is a v v eight but it runs like a v six you're like why is it run like a v six and you look over and there's the marvel infinite piston that's been taped over yeah right next to it is the a fucking deep down piston that has the entire piston removed and it's cobwebs okay but what if they start adding ghost pistons you didn't know like suddenly like a dino crisis piston comes out of nowhere oh that'd be great and you're like yeah you're still going at the at the same speed but you know uh okay man monster hunter success actually means that lost planet and fucking dragon stock mo couldn't be deader i forgot that's how you look at things well that's how they look at things internally that's literally if it's a spiritual successor or it's related in
Starting point is 03:13:20 some way those games were meant to trick the west into liking monster hunter and it didn't work plan it to okay and so now the monster oh oh just do monster okay the fuck is the point of those games now the last point of three was and then they went back to like trying to be the first one again and then there's ex troopers hard coded into the art fucking dumb ass anyway i mean if it wasn't a different company it almost be like bayonetta means that devil may cry doesn't exist anymore yeah but well bayonetta does mean that the dmc one version of devil may cry doesn't exist anymore because we're on the dmc three path yes and it also means that if dmc were to die it would be sad but it would only be as sad as the next bayo game coming out yes you know it's accurate until that
Starting point is 03:14:08 moment and then you're like oh we're back oh okay hey there she is she's wearing a white wig what is happening in here exactly i was gonna say what is happening with her hair now that's weird well wasn't it like there's there's gonna be an evil bao splitting two or something who gives a fuck it's gonna be a nice evil evil bao their name is bonte and i i assume it's actually um it's actually uh kimia that's working on it now since other project got cancelled maybe yeah i forget what project it was but some big project is working on got mail mail time if you want mail uh listen to the podcast if you want to send you mail you go super best friendcast at that's super best friendcast we haven't said this disclaimer in a while but if you don't send it
Starting point is 03:14:59 to that email address we obviously will not receive it yeah we can send you mail too we can but we won't but if you send it to any version of that that you might think that is not those exact words yeah we're not gonna get it we'll not show up in fact you'll just be harassing someone else or getting of the fucking mailer daemon responding to you saying that shit isn't real but if you don't get that then assume you're harassing someone else that poor poor lady that's correct i still think daemon is like the coolest thing as like a mailer daemon yeah just because i knew that as a kid i'm like that's an evil guy that emails me when emails go bad every time it's amazing and she's a little french guy it's true yeah because they want something different daemon oh my god that
Starting point is 03:15:45 fucking body paint daemon was incredible uh first one coming in from alex dear you guys what are some of your favorite games to just kill some time in training mode with what games do you like to touch buttons in basically um killer angstang i'll still just need to play a little k.i is a fun game to touch buttons in yeah uh skull girls is a fun game to touch buttons in i'd add third strike into there back when i had it readily available the online edition where i would just go it's like i just want i just wanted to i would just go into training mode i was like i'm just gonna do dudley's overhead and it was super a bunch of times the robustness of five's training mode especially now makes it a really satisfying experience in terms of like
Starting point is 03:16:32 being able to you know see blocks done hits done being able to set reversals and things like that there's a lot of games that don't have that i wish dragon ball had a reversal timer in it it doesn't and that sucks yeah um so there's different games like that yeah like like like people a lot of people have a problem with the rhythm of street fighter five for example where the combos all have a thing to them but um the the training mode will make it a lot funner to uh to touch buttons as they say yeah that's that that's i'd say so i'd say skull girls definitely don't touch buttons touch the right buttons don't touch that button no when to not touch buttons at all uh okay uh cam says uh have you ever played a game a friend loves that they gift to you
Starting point is 03:17:21 but when you play it you're underwhelmed and disappointed in what you experienced yes there's reason i recently acquired chaos legion in the mail from a friend of mine i will not play it that game sucks fuck chaos legion how about you guys this is actually a lot closer to like you're a friend going man this game's awesome you should try it and they lend it to you yeah like man i don't know about this quest 64 i delete from my brain when it happens but i definitely feel like it's someone because you go you give everyone a chance the first time and then you go oh i've lent people dozens of fighting games over the years and they come back and oh i don't like fighting games there's that there's but that's not gonna
Starting point is 03:18:09 work you can't just hand someone a disc and walk away fighting games takes a little bit more unfortunately yeah you got a point it's i mean it's the genre's fault for having that like wall but it i it does exist i think rocky real rocky invited me one over time to play halo two and it just just come out and as a combination of me just getting like having not played halo one except for like once or twice you must have gotten ass blasted well it wasn't it wasn't that you just want me to look at single player and shit i didn't really play multiplayer but it was just like it was a combination of like not really getting into not having an xbox being being like beat down by the halo hype that i was just like yeah this is a first person shooter where you shoot things
Starting point is 03:18:52 there's the fight oh i got and i was just kind of underwhelmed not that i hate halo or anything but i'm just and i played four and five a little bit but um i was just like yeah sorry dude not for me i got one that pisses everybody off let's hear a shadow of the colossus i'm not about to start a war because i've brought this up before actually so you're just continuing the war i'm just i'm just reminding people because there's war still there's been too much peace in my life so i need to start this shit up again in order to answer this question what super i'd be a happier person not answering this question awesome game do you dislike big strong recommends back in the day used to come in talking about seiken densetsu secret of mana which one secret of mana like the super
Starting point is 03:19:37 nintendo no but i mean one two or or second this is the first super nintendo game i was not impressed with its performance i don't i don't particularly care for secret of mana i i was quite underwhelmed one way or the other and i remember spending the rest of my evening after that initial let's say hour or two uh trying to figure out when it would get to a point where i would like it and then i just didn't so i said all right i'm done i don't particularly care for the first one i never played the second one i like third one quite a bit but i mean you gotta jump through some hoops to get that one sorry that's fine it happens i it was compared to uh link to the past you know that oh of course you were fucked people were
Starting point is 03:20:26 handing like that at all people were handing it to me going like yeah dude if you like link to the past well visually you know you can say um like that and i've had you know what i've had it happen a second time with the east series but like that case was actually just like it was fine but the person pushing it was just so over the top i can appreciate east but i'm done because the person pushing it might have also spoken to you about um ega oh is that asshole yeah and that you can that guy is a fucking asshole you can imagine the sales pitch for a thing you might actually like coming from him possibly ruins yeah oh yeah so there's that but uh fuck that asshole i hate that guy so much but that's what happened man that's what happened and it sucks oh well i live
Starting point is 03:21:14 that guy could ruin anything you almost ruined castlevania specifically because of that conversation you don't know man right well he would always use the japanese title for rondo blood it's like just man simply the uh fucking god akumaju dracula oh yes akumaju akumaju draca right the fucking internet person but in the world rondo of blood you mean no devils castle excuse me you mean chino rondo no war tech fucking don't disgrace ega's name by referring to it with that inferior all right fucking i'm gonna tell the story i used to work in an iga the international whatever grocers is a fucking thing and as a joke because everyone at my work is an asshole we would say ega because ha ha and i said that oh i gotta go back
Starting point is 03:22:03 to the ega and he goes what i was like my store the ega ha ha he goes don't you dare insult ega's name the creator of castlevania the masterful series your stupid grocery store that's not his fucking name it's igarashi yeah i know and i just kind of stared at him and then he turned around to talk to somebody about rondo of blood and i was that's i say oh i work at the moto shop i work with moto cars and a moto don't you dare talk about you give me a moto like that did you know did you know that i single-handedly modded the original megaman x which uh cartridge of the not the cartridge of the rom you modded the wrong to correct to correct the translation errors because believe it or not there were translation errors in that us release now i'll have you know
Starting point is 03:22:51 that in that first conversation where megaman talks to x rather excuse me when x talks to zero and zero jump said he saves the day and he says to him uh i believe in you x you can do it that is wrong that is incorrect that is blasphemous to the actual japanese text where if you look at the original it says here don't die on me x now don't die on me x versus you can do it x are two completely separate sentences that mean completely separate things and changing one to the other loses the feeling of seriousness now that should be maintained you know is this a real conversation someone out with you that is super real that is 100% okay i thought you were just making up your own variant heart to god okay so here's your brother in christ here here's the fun the funnest fact
Starting point is 03:23:35 where i know this person yeah yeah yeah oh you do do i think i know we will talk about them as soon as these cameras go off the weirdest thing about that asshole is that i had actually known him like almost 15 years earlier because i went to school with his brother and i went over his brother's house once and i met him and i'm and it was like your brother seems okay and he's like my brother's an asshole it's like okay that's all i mean and i and it was after this story that i i put the the thing like that's a weird last name do you know so and so like like honestly i it's just like if you don't know you don't know you know and it's just it's honestly you don't know it's just it's just extreme social awkwardness unfortunately but like that that megamanx conversation
Starting point is 03:24:19 some of it was like was like cornered in a room with no lights that's the problem with that conversation it was it was it was wild cornered in a room i would agree that it's just social awkwardness because it's just social awkwardness combined with somebody who is just a straight up asshole yeah i know that those are different things it's not it's not only that but it's some of this yeah uh there's a difference between being weird and inappropriate and being a weirdo and being mad at you over some bullshit uh you you you caught the the liam version oh liam and i have a whole story yeah as of like last year okay yeah yeah yeah so that that that you're right that evolves continued into the modern era it got bad fuck this is a microphone in front of my face
Starting point is 03:25:05 oh yeah oh what was the question oh yeah we did it we did it anyway fuck we'll take one from dark oh man that was bad that that that that one's really really bad that last one was bad really really bad like i like yeah it got to the point where i'm like should i talk to his boss like it was that level okay oh man anyway what an asshole don't die on me x i hate rondo of blood now thanks hey there's a friend who recommended a game and caused me to dislike it fucking jesus christ they're small medium and large friends dark snossage wants to know i binge watch you guys playing bully and i was reminded of all the weird and funny qte segments segments um in a similar game called leisure suit larry on the xbox a long time ago well is that magnum leisure suit larry from the
Starting point is 03:26:05 fucking pc but yeah all right um so friends what's the weirdest the frontest qte you've done no he doesn't mean that one because yeah they rebooted it and they just called it dumb qte yeah and that was the one that was it was magnum come loud louder yeah and that was uh because it's got common it and and that was his nephew right yeah they like the it's like the original larry got yeah i don't know because the original larry went to jail because i played i played fucking three because it was the one of the in games installed on the first pc we ever had and then uh how did you secretly i assume i i mean my brother my brother and i was just like aha look at this funny game and like but it's not no diablo well it's not moment to moment titties
Starting point is 03:26:46 first of all right and secondly like um the the uh it wasn't overtly a pentagram on the cover yeah wow right not overtly but anyway um and then and then later on because we played that and we're like oh that that leisure larry game then we played seven where they had the fucking crazy animation yeah um love for sale i think it was called with the boss button which minimizes it and opens up solitaire so anyway uh yeah what was your favorite qte favorite qte i'm i i got one that comes to mind i mean wonderful 101 is there there you go uh you've got the insane sequence from um dynamite cop that was then recreated in shen mu where you're running or down in alleyway are chasing a dude or whatever but um almost you can say like almost any david cage game really
Starting point is 03:27:42 um re4's got some really good ones obviously god uh what's the what's the one in um you have to use connect to salute to some guy was it in it was it's the one that i was about to say which is my favorite ever is ace combat assault horizon in which after you've saved the world from nuclear threat the last qte in the game is you give a thumbs up to a crowd yeah you give a big it's a big x or whatever flashes and you hit it and the guy goes yeah and gives like a big thumbs up in the crowd cheers because all you save the world it's pretty good it's fucking i i i did see the i saw that video yeah um i mean the one that lives on forever is press f yeah like that'll that'll never die so god so you know what the really funny thing about press f to pay respects is
Starting point is 03:28:30 is that right before press f to pay respects like a month earlier the fucking battlefield what was it battlefield four what was that a year earlier whatever battle for had pre hold e to cut off a leg yeah which i which was and they pull you away i remember the dumbest one ever and then it was immediately usurped by hold f to pay respects and now nobody remembers hold e to cut off like i completely forgot it because who cares and it's not as wildly applicable as f is yeah fucking dumb shit yeah any others i think those are some hold it off like or amputate leg or whatever the fuck it was oh revenge well it's not a qte but the revenge it's a prompt in and beyond and beyond that's that's when we mark the glowing revenge button qts are great
Starting point is 03:29:32 okay we were wrong oh my god this one yeah we'll say i'll save this for later because that's what this is gonna get matt going okay sure give you give you uh oh it's oh it's one of those i'm gonna give you more space to think about that one okay um and let's end it on something fun let's end it on there's no funny emails dude uh your chair is meowing uh okay here we go here matt willey and pat uh as a 14 year old jabroni that god damn it we're your parents uh listening i was on stream the other day swearing at dbz and one of my longtime watchers was like i'm letting my eight-year-old nephew watch this god damn like your uncle's a dumbass seeing children get excited for for like the mario odyssey lp and it's like oh wow that's yeah when we talk
Starting point is 03:30:22 about antifa super soldiers that's talking about probably flew by their heads talking about goomba mating orgy practices listen that's uh that's an audience that's hard to monetize now but later will come into their own as a 14 year old jabroni i find the microtransaction market becoming the best marketable way for children to steal their mommy and daddy's credit card and put them in debt it's been a hidden implication the whole time it seems like almost like companies are targeting a younger demographic when it comes to microtransactions because they're aware that teens and younger children aren't as aware of the value of money i like what do you think about this i like this kid and i like that they're smart enough to see it for themselves i like that this kid is aware uh
Starting point is 03:31:00 however i think uh he made the mistake of not calling the mini buys so yeah that's kind of i remember apple fucking changed the rules yeah that shit after a big public outcry after some fucking four-year-old spent like $2,000 on some fishing game sure or like you know are that fucking dungeon siege real like you know idiot parents don't lock their payment information up and just hand it off to billy not our billy that jimmy jimmy jimmy and jimmy goes i want the shiny and they just hit that button for the more shiny for the extra and at some point that's going to have to come back if it hasn't already that says that's not a real legal purchase that doesn't count not to mention um well i mean though the other things that came into like play at the time
Starting point is 03:31:48 where my ass is meowing yeah uh were the rate five stars with the same color of the gold of the gem that you won in the game all the time or if you're gonna rate four and below fill out this form to let us know why dude i use the reddit app on my phone to look at reddit and then it doesn't actually read that and then i go hey how are you liking reddit and i go i don't and it goes tell us why and it's like no i don't want to tell you why because all i'm gonna say is reddit sucks is that the feedback oh the the big pop-up that's like yeah get the app and so i instead i just that's why you get they think at the end no places just put say you can tell us later yeah stop telling me to get the app it's fine you know what the worst app of any program that i use on my it's the
Starting point is 03:32:32 imager application it is terrible that is like malware uninstall that you actually installed it i thought it would make pictures load oh my god i never even tried it's the worst don't do it no no i put absolutely i had a i thought like i put tumblr on for one minute and immediately deleted it and just went no these are websites i'm gonna go to oh adobe audition also the creative suite is like malware in that it won't let you uninstall it unless you update it to its latest version and then you try to install the adobe creative software thing and it goes you still have adobe products uh installed on this on this device about a phoenix ass what about a phoenix ass that again that shit is a fucking zip file that you open up into its own folder oh i thought it
Starting point is 03:33:14 was an app okay no no that that shit is like it doesn't even install hey you know what is smooth easygoing as far as apps go that usually have no problems fucking frame data apps yeah sure yeah that is some no-nonsense shit for crazies yeah right it probably doesn't have a lot of cpu load on yo the gu the guilty gear one is called just frame that's gunframe gunframe rather that's better it's called gunframe and you just when you pop it up and you load it up and it's and it does its thing and it doesn't have all this jargon and bullshit yep anyway it does what it's supposed to do yeah i appreciate a good frame data app i do hopefully we will not need them anymore is the most isolated i have ever felt in my entire life that's okay no man i have never felt so alone
Starting point is 03:34:00 no i'm saying how much i appreciate a good frame data app oh fuck if you don't have your friend hey listen well if you don't have your frame data application how are you gonna know if your fuzzy guard is safe oh which kind of fuzzy guard 3d fuzzy guard or 2d fuzzy guard 3d fuzzy guard of course well no it depends offense fuzzy guard or defense fuzzy guard defense fuzzy guard because the problem is nowadays people don't use the the the term to mean the uh offense fuzzy guard they use it to mean defense fuzzy guard yeah i think we're talking to yeah but fuzzy guard it doesn't mean that it actually means the offensive fuzzy guard yeah it does well i learned it in virtual fighter it meant defense fuzzy guard it means but it's when we're talking about it up from an offensive point of
Starting point is 03:34:36 view it means forstanding right you use forstanding and then an instant overhead to to create a fuzzy guard setup my brain's leaving my body but the problem is that it got changed later on well did not fuzzy guard start in virtual fighter no it did not no where did it start they started way back in the days of kof and the other an older case so the exactly i learned the the weird busted 3d version so you had the offensive fuzzy guard which was you do a forstanding move and then you do an instant overhead to create a hit but then later on it became just an option select where someone jumps in on you and you fuzzy it you do exactly you do a fuzzy so you do without the stand block and then immediately do a low block and then hit the button oh wait okay because in vf it's you do
Starting point is 03:35:16 a crouch block and then you stand okay to block the mid no no no so kof fuzzy guard is you blocks like someone's jumping in at you like they do like a short hop and then you stand block immediately crouch block and then button tech well see that makes sense because in kof you have to worry about short hops in vf you're always worried about mids yeah so like that and usually if you do a close c the close c will blow up a lot of other buttons they can press right in front of your face if they go for anything it's like it's the perfect so exactly so it's a perfect option select that's fuzzy guard now but back in the day it meant something completely different that's weird that's the problems you have to clarify and i had that same problem this weekend someone said fuzzy
Starting point is 03:35:50 guard and i was like which one because in because in dbz the kof fuzzy guard is way more applicable than the f***ing vf fuzzy guard absolutely i'm so happy this conversation finally happened absolutely what's coming up on matt mcmuscle uh i am going to stream something on thursday that's cool i'm actually not going to be here next weekend because i'm going to be in new york city for the new york toy fair that actually lasts from this is when this con starts saturday to tuesday why what why i say it's a con it's not actually a con you can't even get like people can't buy tickets to go see it isn't just like a bunch of vendors is it a free market it's a trade show for like remember all the statues we saw in your comic con yeah it's just that yeah but it's
Starting point is 03:36:35 just for like taking photos and whatever so amazing customs you'll never own yeah i have someone that was able to finagle one ticket for me so i'm gonna be going there um but yeah so thursday i'm going to stream something all of the games are coming out this week there's a vr game for the psvr called knockout league which is basically punch out talk to me there is a woman character called iron maiden who is literally wearing armor with spikes talk to me so i hope that's good and or anything else about it crossing souls crossing souls i like that one uh which is like an eighties rpg yeah i've been i i bat that i've been looking forward to uh for a long time oh one and two come out on the switch this week oh to this yeah i'm gonna get better too for at least completely flew fucking
Starting point is 03:37:21 i'm going to purchase it and never boot it yeah me too no i'm gonna i'm gonna play through bao two again i only played through at the one side i remember very little about it okay so yeah go on yeah that's what that looks like alboy also comes out this week oh do it for alboy and uh while black panther is also this week yes like panther this week we should probably all watch that this weekend that was iron maiden this looks so that's mercy we're all wearing a bdsm outfit yeah so yeah it already came out she's wearing an iron maiden just what i always knew i already wanted but there's a couple good cares i think that the octo from octo dad you see that last screenshot yeah i think i think it's him holy shit i'm so in on this so yeah that that comes out this but it's a vr only
Starting point is 03:38:06 right yeah it's her playstation vr all makes sense i think it's coming out i'm looking at steve right now this is a steam page yeah i know but like yeah so but but it's on vr okay cool it said this week cool cool cool cool that looks really good knockout league um um um our boy our boy uh daniel stegers putting out that's that out this week putting out mount your friends three mount your friends three d's coming i saw that mount your friends three is coming super crazy it's like mount your friends is fucking taken to the next level throw you have to throw yourself at the pile with gravity we should we should probably take a look at that we should probably take a look at that yeah 3d dick physics all over with your face all over with that sliding your face on a polygon that should
Starting point is 03:38:46 be in vr hell yeah get really big dongers don't yeah so yeah lots of stuff coming out this week hey woolly what's going up on woolly versus woolly versus we'll continue with scrub guides but not just scrub guides we've got some um that's some other stuff that's uh you know talk about what scrub guide is coming next scrub guide the next scrub guide i should i need to do for people that they're um that that they have been asking for is um creating a solid offense in dragon ball fight oh that's tough what's a fighting game okay that's the scrub you don't need that scrub guy fighting gaminess just hit hit a key blast and heart attack and there you go you you got in yeah no there's a couple of there's a couple of basic things to just address that
Starting point is 03:39:30 i think a lot of people might be missing out on that they'll have a lot more fun yeah it's very possible so um yeah uh there's that coming and uh we've got stuff coming oh that thing yeah yeah yeah so i just need the time to sit down and finish and edit it actually i need an i need to someone i need someone to help me with editing well you don't even talked to billy no i know not at all but uh i think i might actually start looking to see if someone can help me with editing if i can find somebody for that but there's a uh yeah there's a plan because i have a lot of stuff filmed and or recorded but sitting in a big raw but not actually slapped together exactly and that's that's becoming more and more of an issue um but yeah uh but but scrub rides is
Starting point is 03:40:18 like pressing yeah at the moment dragon balls out now so that's what and exactly people don't know how to play it right they don't i'll give you a mini one right here when you do a block string don't just when you punch the button press the buttons and the guy's blocking don't just end it by doing a launcher and then like trying to do a super dash in you'll get blown up just the easiest thing to stop instead do it do it if you do like a standing heavy or something do your whole block thing and then end with a slightly delayed kamehameha because if there's a gap in between when they stop blocking and they try to press a button the kamehameha will hit them and then do a raw level three but if you if they don't i like to do if they don't then you'll be you'll be a lot safer
Starting point is 03:40:58 than if you were to do something really really risky yeah there you go there's the mini scrub guide right there good job what's up pat uh okay tomorrow i'm gonna stream the only game that matt did not mention that is coming up this week which is the kickstarter game kingdom come deliverance which is that big rpg that's all realism and shit um whether or not that game is good or not i have no idea i worry that its focus on like realistic distances and realistic sword fighting is either gonna make it really great or like the fucking worst like it's in that pc game place so uh i'll i'll be doing that tomorrow at uh angriest pat on twitch and sometime during the week i'm gonna get roped into playing more beyond two souls over at peach saliva and hopefully i
Starting point is 03:41:46 won't kill myself okay okay that game's even worse the second time would you believe it uh we are we're starting something new for sure this week now yeah yeah yeah we are binary domain i started i hope you all appreciate that thumbnail a lot of work went into it oh did you see that i replayed the entire sequence that we did to get that trust augmentation i didn't even know this but the game has multiple endings haha oh okay that game is great i think we so i hear i think our new three-man lp it has to be coming you know what else is great what's a secret of mana i tried it's okay no binary domains like actually no i know i know i remember you i remember we've had this conversation before yeah and you're like pat i don't know how to tell you this i don't like
Starting point is 03:42:28 secret of mana and i'm like i don't care everybody's man at me because i hate legend of mana right and i don't not care for it i hate that game right remember yeah binary domain continues that game is awesome did you guys finish batman yes we finished as far as we could have okay so then yes the new three man will be coming this week should we do you guys want to talk about what it is you guys want to spill beans right here some big lads some big lads that we are in awe of coming this week absolute units yeah yeah yo you like absolute units okay all right both side of the classes don't run from the dark run from it it's gonna guide got you can't escape you what no you can't yeah imagine if you could yeah and you didn't know yeah
Starting point is 03:43:24 but matt you almost fucked my world up like that half second of belief yeah of somehow you possibly could have escaped the fuck no don't fuck don't do that did you see that there's uh there's actually a new don't do that to the game yes i did i saw that it's super nice there's a new room there is a new room there's a new collectible that leads to a new room in secret oh my god it's probably fucking related to guardian no it's not yeah it's completely its own thing and there are now 79 collectibles that you have to get and some of them are on top of the temple and they remove the diagonal jump glitch so beat that game five times fuckers so i'm gonna after the LP i'm probably gonna put in a ton of time into that because i need that one that tokyozo
Starting point is 03:44:07 let's do it let's do it that's a good game it is a great watch us shit on it hey hope you find bucks yeah it shouldn't be too hard with us though and with with all that said and done quistis fox mccloud quistis mangonation who is mangonation fuck mango the player okay but why mangonation well it's kind of like saying anything nation like seen a nation yeah or like football you say like whatever nation for you to wrap your you know wrap your set smash is weird fox mccloud mangonation what what fox mccloud the roman empire mangonation ppmd who's ppmd that is dr peepee oh god and he had to change his name to ppmd for stream purposes because saying dr peepee on a big live announcement things south east port he can't say that but if
Starting point is 03:44:59 you censor it with a clever peepee it's ppmd he has he has his degree medical doctor of peepee absolutely i see i see did you not know about dr peepee i did not dr g the problem is when that's your name and then you get too good at the game so i look i watch that fucking video and it gets to the smash part and it's like oh the smash melee guy is insane and i don't understand him just like i always don't like that that made perfect sense to me in that context yeah dude no it's it's like it's what happens when you're silly little dick name you get popular because you're a fucking god oh man that's some stupid shit all right we out we all right bye everybody you

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