Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 342 -Swamp Dog

Episode Date: June 13, 2022

The boys are back and this time, Crendor finally gets to hear about Jesse's attempts at weight training. I'm sure there won't be any judgement. Also conventions are slowly coming back and Jesse's extr...overted self is so excited to VERY SLOWLY return to them. Oh and did we mention Crendor has an important tick update!? It's true! Also a man tries to save a dog - but that's no dog! All this and much more on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to to get Honey for free!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everyone, welcome to the podcast. Before we start, Cox and Crandor Live is returning this August 12th in Chicago at our home at Lincoln Hall. Tickets go on sale this Friday, so be sure to follow us over on Twitter for more information on what time you can pick those bad boys up. Today's episode is brought to you by Honey. Honey is going to save you some money when you shop online. Now let's jump into this podcast. Honey, honey is going to save you some money when you shop online. Now let's jump into this podcast. Hello, everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:29 It's time for Ghost on Trending. This is Trending in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studio. Recording. Wake your ass up. It's up next. We're down in the morning. We're down in the morning.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of Cox and Crandall in the morning. Hey, that was like your best intro in a while. I, it's probably because I drank maybe eight cups of tea today. Oh my God. Eight? Well, so I started the day with throat coat, which is my favorite morning tea. Oh, yeah. Because, I don't know, the last couple days I've just done – I did a lot, and so my throat was shot, just gone.
Starting point is 00:01:21 And you can still hear it a little bit. But, you know, I figured, screw it. I'm just going to keep drinking the throat coat till I feel better. And then I felt better. And then I got to the office to like work on some scary game squad stuff. And I felt my throat going and I was like, Krendor, I gotta do that podcast. All right. So I drank some tea, but it wasn't throat coat tea. It was just normal, like, tea tea. And I kept drinking it. And I was like, my throat's feeling better.
Starting point is 00:01:50 And it's actually feeling, it's probably I'm just patching it up. You know what I mean? But it feels better. And that's really all I've had today. That and one bottle of water. And that's it. You haven't eaten anything? I mean, I did.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I got Chinese food, which is why I drank some more tea. I see. Actually, it wasn't Chinese. It was Thai, but whatever. Well, I mean, those are different things. Thai food usually gets spicy. It's got different types of vegetables. I got a cow prowl thing, whatever that's called where it's like, it's basically spicy basil leaf chicken.
Starting point is 00:02:29 You know what I mean? Oh, yeah. Checks out. Got that. It was delicious. And then I got some veggie spring roll things or whatever it is when it's like not fried. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:39 When it's wrapped in the rice paper. Yeah, I like the spring rolls. They are good. Great. And then I just got some tea with it. And the thing is, they gave me, like, a bunch of tea. And so I just sat here drinking it. And that was, you know, all right.
Starting point is 00:02:53 Yeah, I like tea. But here's the thing. I get tea heartburn more than I get coffee heartburn. Ooh, not me. Coffee Fs me up. But I realize that I definitely need coffee because I got a bad headache today. Caffeine in tea does not kick in at all for me, I guess. Because I don't know, at a certain point today. Well, it depends the type of tea. But, you know, I guess drinking espressos really messes you up.
Starting point is 00:03:27 And I was like, oh, my head. So I sat in silence a while today and just drank tea and took some Tylenol. What do you know the type? Was it green tea? Was it black tea? Was it? Oh, I know exactly what I put in my body. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:03:38 Okay. This morning, while watching the various live streams, I had two cups of throat coat tea. Okay. Then. I think it's just herbal tea. Yeah. It just has stuff in it that like, you know, it's designed. It's like licorice and like. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah. And then after that, I had a cinnamon tea while I was cleaning up around the house. Okay. cinnamon tea while I was cleaning up around the house. Okay. Then I came to the office and I got lunch slash dinner from that Thai place. Right. And it came with tea and I was like, hell yes.
Starting point is 00:04:18 So I got green tea with that. I think it was like a jasmine green tea or something like that. Okay. I don't know. But when I say eight cups, it's really the three I had plus however much tea was in that thing they gave me. Ah, I see. And that's what I had.
Starting point is 00:04:30 Yeah, I think green tea is only like, it's like 40 milligrams of caffeine, which, you know, coffee is like over 100. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Green tea isn't, I don't expect much from it.
Starting point is 00:04:42 And so it was roughly around that time that I started to get a headache and was like, oh no, here we go. So I went and took some Tylenol and like sat in the dark in the office for a minute. It was like, kick in placebo effect. Give me something. I gotta have something over here.
Starting point is 00:04:59 My whole body's been hurting. So it's, you know, it's been a real treat. Oh yeah. You said, uh, we're going to do our Nick Cage thing last night. We did. It was great. Good time. Good time.
Starting point is 00:05:10 But you were very sore. I'm less sore than I was yesterday. But I woke up like, currently I'm not too sore. That's because, again, I've been taking Tylenol. I woke up and I waddled to the shower. So people who did not see our amazing Con Air Nick Cage night. Oh, yeah. You missed out.
Starting point is 00:05:34 That was a blast. Yesterday morning, every Saturday from now on in the morning, I meet with a personal trainer. It's something that I was like, F it. I got to do this. I need to be held accountable. Every time I try to work out, I do it two days in a row and then stop because I'm just a lazy bastard. So I now have a trainer. His name is Vic. He is the buffest dude who ever lived. And it's kind of in West Hollywood is where I go. So it's a pain in the ass drive, but it's like kind of in West Hollywood is where I go.
Starting point is 00:06:06 So it's a pain in the ass drive, but it's early morning, so it's not too bad. And yeah, I went there and he was like, all right, so I can just make an assumption that you don't work out that often. I was like, good job. Yeah. Good eye. Good eye. Yeah. It's like, all right, so so we're gonna start your light and
Starting point is 00:06:25 i was like actually like i do work out i'm just not good at it like i don't i can't light is fine if you want to but i can do stuff and he's like are you sure i'm like break me dude he's like all right so for a moment one he had me on like machines and then he had me like up and down the street and shit it was crazy crazy. Anyway, we, it was like, I don't know, an hour and a half. And when we were done, he's like, all right, so here's the plan. We're going to try and gamify this. And I was like, that sounds right up my alley. And he's like, basically we're going to chunk things and whatever, you know, unimportant stuff. But the thing was, is that I shouldn't have said break me because he really tried.
Starting point is 00:07:05 As soon as I got home, the car ride home was fine. I was sweaty and gross, but like I had a towel and it was fine. Get home, getting out of the car, the minute I stepped out of the car, I was like, oh, no. And I tried to describe it to you last night, but the insides of my thighs, like up near the old junk, were in so much pain. I don't think I've ever exercised those. They were in so much pain. I was like, oh. And so, yeah, I just hurt like hell.
Starting point is 00:07:38 And when I woke up today, everything was stiff and sore. And I waddled to the shower and took the longest hot shower in the history of hot showers. I was like, oh, muscles. Yeah. That was me the last 24 hours or so. Well, I got a few questions. Shoot. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:03 Number one, what exercises did you do? So we started off with just like warm up stuff. So a lot of stretching, a lot of like get ready because you said break you so I'm going to break you. And he's like, I don't actually want to break you. I just want to like make you work hard. And I was like, I understand. I don't want
Starting point is 00:08:20 you to physically hurt me, sir. So we did a lot of stretching. And then from there, we did a jog on a treadmill just to get warmed up. Then we went and did... And I do not know the names of these things, so do not hold me accountable. We did weights on a machine. So we did the pull-down thing where it's in the front and behind. The lat pull-downs? Sure, yes. It was in the front of me and then behind of me yeah we did sit-ups
Starting point is 00:08:50 and leg exercises and like balancing things and bench press and then using two separate weights on your right and left arm and like doing that you know what i mean yeah it's still like a form of bench pressing it's just free weight. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then doing like what is essentially a push-up, but it was on the machine, if that makes any sense. Oh, yeah. That's, well, on the machine. You mean just like a chest press machine? Kind of, but it was, you know, there's the one where you sit down and you press out.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It was not that. It was one where you like are kind of back at a 45-degree angle. Boy, I'm bad at angles. It's like you're kind of half back. And so it's like a bench press, except it's working different muscles, if that makes any sense. I know what you're talking about, yeah. So we did that thing, and then we did some leg stuff, but he was like, bro, your legs are killing it.
Starting point is 00:09:42 So I don't know that we need to focus on leg day right now. And I was like, my man um so we didn't do that and then um he literally just sent me to go like get he's like try this rowing machine can you do rowing i was like i've never i've never tried he's like try it like okay and he's like it might be good for you i don't know let's find out what works for you so i did that and i did an elliptical i did i just he just had me on different machines to see i guess what my vibe was and i told him like you know i've done these things before so it's not like i don't know a great example is like i can jump on an elliptical and stay on that damn thing forever like it's not a big problem for me my dad can't even get the damn things to move it's like that kind of vibe
Starting point is 00:10:23 so i know what he means when he's trying to test me out on things. Right. And so he did that. And then we came back and he's like, all right, enough machines. And we went down to like the, to say it was a track area is an over exaggeration. It was like a place that I guess people probably do sprints on, if that makes sense. Yeah. So they like had track lines, but it wasn't a loop track yeah okay
Starting point is 00:10:47 and so then he had me do those uh the best way you can describe it is back when i played football those like where you walk and squat kind of deals oh you mean uh you mean lunges again i'm not it was my i don't know i don't jack shit about it okay did you need the deadlifts any deadlifting no no deadlifting okay well this is fun now i can check in every week to see what you're doing yeah it was it was interesting um and he was like all right let's meet next week and let's do this thing and i was like all right my man and he's like i have some new stuff for you and we're just gonna find out what clicks and then from there we're gonna start forming a like solid routine and we'll do that and i was like all right whatever floats your boat my man yeah you just need someone telling you what to do absolutely i don't um i don't know what anything's called and
Starting point is 00:11:41 frankly i don't care what anything's called if someone just points me in direction says do it i am very good at following orders so i'll be like yes sir all right aye aye captain yeah i'll do it until he tells me to stop and i'm like all right great yeah it's uh yeah because i guess that's kind of what i did it was literally just i went in there and i'm like hello i'm falling apart they're just like all, we'll help you put together a plan. So that's why I always say if you start at the gym, always get just get like a trainer, even if it's only for like one or two or three sessions. It's like it gets you. You do the exercises and you know how to do them. That's like the big thing.
Starting point is 00:12:20 So you get the proper form. You're not doing too much weight and you're just kind of like, okay, this is what I got to do. And then you get it down and then you just do that. And then if you ever want to learn more, you just get another training thing or you can kind of, you know, you'd know more by the end of doing a bunch of different exercises. Yeah. In my mind, most of this really is less about the training and more about the fact that weekly I have to go in and some dude is going to force weigh me in. So, you know, like the shame will keep me going. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:12:51 That alone, having a guy be like, Jesse. No, come on, bro. You eat a burger this week and I'm like, yeah, I liked it, bitch. I shouldn't say that. This dude looks like he fucking does ufc he'll kick my ass yeah there's i think one of the other reasons i love going to the gym is just seeing all the different people there because there's like people that are like me where like you could tell they used to be like a stick and now they're like a muscular stick uh and then there's like people
Starting point is 00:13:22 that are older like there's this old couple they're like this old buff couple like they look like they could they could run a marathon like they're probably like in late 70s early 80s but they're going she had like a cat sweater on straight up uh but then at the same time you got like the like buff dudes there's like the younger buff dudes they're just like yo bro you doing over there bro and then there's like the older buff guys they're like hey frank what are you doing you know it's like all right and then they just keep working out uh like i already got there's one dude he's like he's got to be in his 50s but like that man is jacked like he's insane he has like his routine i've've noticed because I go to the gym nearly every day,
Starting point is 00:14:06 and he goes to the gym nearly every day, so I see him all the time. And every week, he does his one thing with his wrists, warming up the wrists. Then he does his 70-pound weight thing, and then he goes and does other stuff. He makes his rounds, and he's doing his leg, and he's got his routine down,
Starting point is 00:14:24 and he knows what he's doing. He's rolling out everything on the mats. Yeah, and he talks to everybody, too. All the boomer people. But he does talk to a few other people. I haven't talked to him because I think I always got my AirPods in, but I guarantee if I didn't, he'd just be like, hey. But I kind of want to learn about him now.
Starting point is 00:14:44 I might just be like, hey. I would love to hear the stories of this man's existence yeah I kind of wanted I kind of want to know now so I might just you know I might just start up a conversation like hey using that like uh you know you just boom you're in I can't wait for him to be like no like oh okay it doesn't even I mean you can take you can still drive the conversation that way be like oh all right oh what uh hey i heard you're i don't know you can literally just you did a great job great conversation he'll be like what's wrong with you you go a lot all that creatine went to your head, kid. You can literally just ask and be like, yo, how do you use this thing?
Starting point is 00:15:30 I haven't used it before. And you'd probably be like, oh, yeah, you just do this. Great. I mean, people, that's the thing. It's like a lot of people are like the super gym dudes. Like, they'll help you out. They're not going to be like, learn it yourself, you idiot. Like, most of them are like, all right, just do this. You have the benefit of being at not a for-profit gym.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Planet Fitness or something. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, you're at a place that, and, you know, I've definitely been to those in the past. There was a good year that I went to one. And it's, like, a solid place to be. Like, it's, people are, like, real chill. But, yeah, you're not going to a place where everyone's trying to show off and like bone down you know what i mean like there's a gold gym down
Starting point is 00:16:11 the street and that place is every time i go by there there's people like outside trying to like flirt with everyone going in and it's like oh my god yeah no couldn't do it um there are a few people there still that know that i do like youtube and stuff there's like yo what do you think of diablo immortal and i'm like uh it kind of sucks and they take your money and they're like all right so it's uh you know it is they still know they still know i do the youtube speaking of youtube really quick yeah remember how i said there was a giant ninja sign like a billboard oh yeah so today while driving the office they took it down in its place is a bunch of like luchador wrestlers and it says el covid 19 vaccine and it's a wrestler slamming a disease i just want to say that is the best thing that could replace ninja on a billboard 100
Starting point is 00:17:16 percent covid 19 i would take that a hundred times out of a hundred over ninja i would it's so good it's like like almost painted anime luchadors beating the shit out of a virus and i'm like yeah instead of ninja like posing up like buy my merch oh my god saw it every day going to the office every day and now it's gone to l covid 19 vaccine It's gone to L COVID-19 vaccine. Thank God. Speaking of YouTube, I made a new pointless top 10 bears. Can I tell you something?
Starting point is 00:17:53 Not only do I know that you made that right the other day while we were filming skipping game squad, we were testing audio. And the first thing I did is I logged into YouTube just to play like an audio thing. And your video was the first thing That showed up so I clicked it and played it and I want to let you know Everyone the room was like
Starting point is 00:18:11 What the hell is this? Like this is some of those popular stuff Crandor makes I'm letting you know they're like no way I'm like yes And I went through I literally took them to a YouTube channel and made them watch some of your pointless top tens. And they all were like, that's actually amazing. I was like, I know. The man has a thing. That's what it's all about. It's all about finding the little pointless things and making them meaningful.
Starting point is 00:18:39 They were like, he just did about bears. I'm like, guys, you have no clue. I took them to one of those pointless top ten grasses. Grass mining modes. They were like have no clue. I took him to the one that was like pointless top 10 grasses. Grass mining modes. No way. I was like, yeah, bears might be the least offensive of all. That's true. There's probably a few less.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Here's the thing. I hit the point where I don't even know what I've made pointless top tens of. Someone's like, did you do lamps? And I'm like, did I do lamps? I'm like, pointless top ten lamps. I did light posts. And I did lighthouses. So kind of.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I did outhouses. I did zones. I did roads. Yo, ceilings? Ceilings was pretty wild. Can I tell you the thing you need to do? What? Giving this to you.
Starting point is 00:19:22 Pointless top ten unused areas. Oh, that is a good one. Right? Because there's so many of those areas where you fly over between zones. Yeah. It's just like a pool of water and some trees, and you're like, what the hell is this? That is a good one. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:19:36 Let me notepad. There's the one that used to be GM Island. Remember that? Yeah. I do remember that. Yeah, they had GM Island, and they had the one. Maybe GM Island was where they had. Well, GM Island was the one out in the middle of the ocean.
Starting point is 00:19:50 It might not be there anymore. Yeah. But then there was the one that was like the island that Johnny Superstar, whatever the hell that character's name was, was. Oh, yeah. Where he's on the beach. Yeah, there's so many. That's a solid idea.
Starting point is 00:20:02 You're welcome. Hey, thanks. And if anybody's got any unused areas to recommend, I will listen. That makes less work for me. Although part of the fun for me is flying around looking for stuff like that. Yeah, plus you can make a stream out of it. I did pointless top 10 zone transitions. You know how if you go from Zanganger marsh to nagrand there's like a
Starting point is 00:20:25 transition between the zones there's a weird fire thing or yeah like there's like little mushrooms popping up in nagrand and you're like oh i guess i'm going into nagrand or zanger marsh because there's like mushrooms popping up and little little hints of stuff you know you know what i mean oh i thought you meant like the background skybox turning from like red to green like that kind of thing. Well, you know what I'm saying? Like, you know how in Hillsbred to Arathi, there's like that big castle gate thing? I do.
Starting point is 00:20:52 Yeah, so like that would be one, right? Because you're like going from one zone to the other and you're like, ooh, there's a big castle. And you go through and then you're on the other side. It's like that. There's a video, speaking of which, I haven't watched it yet. Now that we're talking about WoW, everyone's been telling me to watch it. I haven't watched it yet. Now that we're talking about WoW, everyone's been telling me to watch it. I haven't watched it yet. It's called WoW's Darkest Secret.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Oh. It is 20 minutes long, apparently, and it has 402,000 views, and I don't know anything about it. And I'm very, very curious about this thing, and I think I might do a reaction video
Starting point is 00:21:27 but I don't like I've never everyone's like you gotta watch it dude yeah I haven't seen that I should just react to it as well everybody literally I type in it it's like Asmongold reacts Preach reacts Zaryu reacts uh literally everybody I should just react to it at this point yeah I went to the thing and literally it's like, Zach Rawr, like, all the comments are like, Zach Rawr, Zeppla, like, all these people coming in here just being like, bro, good video. So I feel like I need to watch it.
Starting point is 00:21:55 Yeah, we'll both watch it. We'll both react to it. I feel like we have to. We gotta react to it. I can't, like, this thing, it's so bizarre. I don't know. Hmm. Yeah, yeah look all of the and all of the videos associated with it are like reacts to yeah yeah all right i'm not gonna click
Starting point is 00:22:14 play i don't want to watch it also i've gotten people that are like make a pointless top 10 your pointless top 10s but like i've already made two of those i've already made two of those. I've already made two. Well, of course you have. Yeah. But we'll hit a point where I can make pointless top 10, pointless top 10, pointless top 10s. Where I make a top 10 list of my pointless top 10 doing pointless top 10s. And then make a list of those, you know what I'm saying? Have you done pointless top 10 zone songs? I haven't done songs, but it is on my list.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Or pointless top 10 voiceover? No, I haven't done any audio stuff. Like maybe pointless top 10 character voices. Like, you know that one? I will always remember it because it's so funny. That one dungeon in, I think it was High Mountain, whatever it is, where the troggy guys are down there and they all sound like, oh, I'm going to eat you. Except the one guy was like, please help me. You've got to help me escape. And I'm like, who?
Starting point is 00:23:17 This is some dude's cousin. Everyone sounds like, I'll eat your soul. And then this guy's like, oh, no, I need your help to escape. I always think about that because it's so crazy to me. Yeah, there's a lot of weird voice lines in that game. Yeah, I think it would be wild if you did like a pointless top 10 weird voice lines or pointless top 10 weird VO or something like that. Obviously, it's not as good as pointless top 10 unused zones but like oh yeah clearly uh my big thing was that i decided to do
Starting point is 00:23:51 more of these because i really like finding the random little stuff in the game plus it hits the algorithm perfectly right yeah it's like eight to ten minutes typically that's like what youtube likes now it's got a good backlog, so it'll recommend stuff if you watch one. That's what they do now. They're like, you'd probably like watching these other things. They're rewatchable. YouTube likes rewatchable content.
Starting point is 00:24:15 It seems like the perfect modern algorithm video. I would 100% agree. Again, when we logged in to YouTube, it was the first thing that popped up for me. And I was like, oh. I'm hitting it. I'm hitting it.
Starting point is 00:24:29 The algorithm. Yeah. And I don't sub to anyone. And I'm not out there watching YouTube. So I'm just letting you know that when you made that video, it popped up number one for me. And I had no intention of watching it until I did. I was like, oh. Nice.
Starting point is 00:24:44 Okay. I'm on to something. Keep it going. Very nice. I don't know. That's all I got. That's not bad. It's not bad. That's all you have.
Starting point is 00:24:59 Also, I can do my update on my pick thing. I didn't get any marks or rings or bites or anything. So I think I'm fine. Hey, there you go. Thank you for that. Thanks for not getting Lyme disease, I guess. No problem.
Starting point is 00:25:14 There's still people like, even if you didn't get a thing, but it didn't, I don't even think it, like it didn't bite me. I just peeled it off. Like it was just like, you know, even I sent out a hypochondriac, Crandall, of course, still sent the message to his doctor being like, hey, there was a tick on me. And they're like, usually it has to be on you. But for the keep an eye on it. I was like, OK, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Yeah, I had I had a little bit of that, like hypochondria going to this this event. I'm trying to get what you would call it. It wasn't a convention, just like a fake E3, a key three, Jeff Keighley event. Oh yeah. I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:52 do I want to go? I don't want to get sick. I don't know. I didn't go to PAX and I don't want to, but then I heard it was going to be like 300 people. Everyone was vaccinated and I was like,
Starting point is 00:26:03 all right, all right, I'll give it a shot i'm gonna let you know it was kind of nice being back in an event seeing people i got to hang out with a bunch of different streamers it was pretty neat um but the one thing that i want to say because it's hilarious to me and i know you'll appreciate this so i took my editor mari uh because i really haven't ever taken him to events. And I was like, this is the perfect thing to take him to a thing and whatever.
Starting point is 00:26:29 So we went to the event. And he was going to film stuff and make maybe a Patreon video or something. I don't know. But we get there. And we get there for breakfast. They have a little breakfast thing that you can go to and play some games. And there was a really fun wrestling game there that we played. And it was like, whatever. We go to wait in line to get into this event and uh greg miller and the
Starting point is 00:26:52 guys from kind of funny come over and we like say hi and like we hug and like that kind of stuff because you know we haven't seen each other in forever and he walks away and mari goes to me who was that i'm like oh that's great that's Craig Miller and he's like who I'm like kind of funny games he's like I don't know what that is I'm like you don't know what the man has like a million twitter followers he is like an OG video game person you do not know who that is he's like no he's like I don't know who most of the people here are I'm like what okay so then we go inside the event and I'm already amazed by, because Mari watches a lot of YouTube, a lot. And I couldn't figure out how he doesn't know big name YouTube creators and influencers.
Starting point is 00:27:34 He had no clue. We're walking around. We go and play some games. He's very obsessed with this F1 game he found. It's like a VR F1 game where you sit in a chair, and he was obsessed with it and we're like doing all this stuff and a certain point he's like oh my god jesse i'm like what he's like oh it's flubba dub ding dong i'm like what he's like it's i'm like what at this event at this event they they had Twitch partners. I guess they didn't invite a lot of Twitch people,
Starting point is 00:28:10 but they invited Twitch people via the internet, and then there was a game they had to play where they had to scan barcodes around the event in order to unlock a gift bag that we sent to them. But they did it via those little Segway robot things that have like the monitor where you can see their face. Oh, yeah. And I guess some streamer he knew was there,
Starting point is 00:28:32 and he was losing his mind, but they weren't there. It was just them in this screen, and he was freaking out, and it kept happening. He'd be like, oh, there's Flashbang 99 5000. I'm like, what? What? And he's like, oh, there's Flashbang 99 5000. I'm like, what? What? He's like, oh, there's Stinky Pete.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I'm like, who? Oh, yeah. And I realized there's clearly a generational gap. Yeah. I was like, ah, okay. And so at one point I'm playing a game and I guess he brings over some girl who's on one of those Segway things. And it's just her picture. And he brings her over.
Starting point is 00:29:13 He's like, hey, Jesse, it's such and such's girlfriend. Some person I've never heard of before. And I'm like, hi. And we both are like really. And he's very excited about this. And I'm like, hello. And I go back to playing the game. And then she is like, and like backs away the best part is we get back to the office at night Mari goes online and finds the clip of when he introduces her
Starting point is 00:29:35 to me and he saves that clip he's so excited he's like don't you know that was that was flubba dongs girlfriend I'm like I don't know who that was dude I don't know who that was and he's like oh my god she's amazing dude he's even better he kind of looks like you too and i'm like cool like cool dude you still have the clip can you send me the clip oh my god um i'm sure he posted hold on all right i'm sure he posted it on discord he had to have he was so proud dude i've never seen a man so proud because i know uh i know at least twitch streamers like i know of them i feel like people like us are just jaded by being in this industry for so long i'm not jaded i just don't know who these people
Starting point is 00:30:25 are and he like brought a person over and i'm like hello and it wasn't a person again it was a computer screen it was a girl who was like trying to do a thing and he was like look it's it's like wubby and i'm like i don't know who that is i think well not even jaded it's more just like like we do this and we've done this for 13 years so you know like like here's a youtuber streamer person i'm like number one i know they don't give a shit number two i know they're probably doing something else right it's not like you're like oh i'm a fan and you're just like oh hey what's up dude like a fan gathering or a meeting or whatever like it's just i don't know i always as somebody who's like talked to
Starting point is 00:31:07 so many youtube and twitch people like everything it's just it feels like unless it's a thing where you're actually playing a game together like it's a like for example like with crip i saw crip at blizzcon and then crip came up to me and he's like yo crendor and i was like yo you're crip and he was like yeah we've been doing came up to me and he was like, yo, Krendor. And I was like, yo, you're Krip. And he was like, yeah, we've been doing this for a while. And I was like, yeah. And he was like, we're like OGs. And I was like, yeah. And he was like, let's take a picture. And I was like, alright. And I was like, you want to come to my fishing thing?
Starting point is 00:31:34 He was like, yeah. And I was like, alright, neat. You do the pleasantries of like, we should get together. We should get together sometime soon. Alright, okay, I'll see you later. We're never going to get together. Like that kind of thing. Yeah, that thing, yeah. And then you move on with your life. And it's's fine and yeah i i think we forget the whole like really excited to be there vibe you know what i mean i think we're not like a fan of anybody because we're like they're just doing what we're doing uh you know it's not like i'm like uh people shouldn't
Starting point is 00:32:03 be excited or whatever i just mean us personally because we've done this so many times right right right no it's it's a job for us it's business so we're literally just like okay what do we do how do we do this where do right it isn't you know i went there and it was my job it was something i had to do and i played all the games i could and i sat down with every dev i could and i talked with everyone i could and i got all the information i could and i will sat down with every dev I could, and I talked with everyone I could, and I got all the information I could, and I will say the best part of the entire day was seeing a very good friend that I haven't seen in years, and she was like, all right, real quick, what's the biggest letdown here?
Starting point is 00:32:42 And I'm like, well, and she's like, okay, count of three. One, two, three, just say it. I'm like, all right. She's like, one, two, like well and she's like okay count of three one two three just say it i'm like all right she's like one two three and she goes sonic and i said sonic at the same time and i'm gonna let you know dude this sonic was bad my man it is oh it is not the new sonic Sonic that's like kind of like Sonic meets Breath of the Wild? It's like an empty world that Sonic's running around and fighting a robot every so often. It's not great. Do you think that's what they were trying to do was make Breath of the Wild Sonic? I mean, have you seen any
Starting point is 00:33:22 of it? It literally looks like they just took Sonic, put him in Breath of the Wild, and then made Robotnik platforms to jump around on. Everyone there who played it, there was a point where Mario was trying to get B-roll footage of the entire thing, and every time he turned the camera towards Sonic, everyone at the Sonic booth was like, no.
Starting point is 00:33:41 He was like, oh, okay. So yeah, they don't even want people to see it. There was a person I was watching play it, and they looked so bored that at one point I looked away, and they had stopped playing and were just writing notes. And you only had six minutes to play it. So like, you know, in six minutes, if you got notes, that's a lot. That's all I'm saying. That's got to be, I'd want to read those notes.
Starting point is 00:34:04 Yeah. I don't know how anyone can it does not look good it meanwhile there's dude there was a game um it might have been called time flies I think whatever the case may be it's a game where you play as a fly and then you can set where in the world it is and it gives you a lifespan of like 71 seconds. And the whole point is, is that you live for those 71 seconds. And during that time, you have to live a full life. And so what you do is you like, we'll fly around and like, um, get an achievement. If you play on the guitar, like if you fly by the guitar and play the strings, it will say like, you know, started a band will be your achievement.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Or if you land on a record and you go in a full circle, it will be like started a revolution will be the achievement. And you have to get all the different achievements to win. And you have to like discover them and find them. And I was like, this is a super fun and creative game. It's so silly. It's real quick. It's designed to be, you know, I played like four different versions. It was fun.
Starting point is 00:35:08 It was fun. Huh. There was one game that was the most jessic game I've ever played in my life where you literally are like a dude who moves to the city and you decide to create a friend out of bones. So you have to collect bones. It's very much like Rusty Lake. It's super weird. There was one game where you're a little frog, but you're a shadow frog. So you have to hop between shadows, which I thought was neat.
Starting point is 00:35:34 Yeah, all the indie games. And then I got to play the new Cuphead stuff, and I was like, man, Crandor and I should play this and beat this. It was fun. The new Cuphead was fun. I hope they eventually do an online component to it. That would be neat, especially in the year 2022. Right?
Starting point is 00:35:52 So that was cool. I got to play Street Fighter. Street Fighter is Street Fighter, except they have that new game face feature where before the match starts, you can mess with their faces and the way they look at each other. And I just want to let you know that Chun-Li pog faces, and it's hilarious. She's like, whoo. So good.
Starting point is 00:36:11 They all have three tough guy poses and then one goofy one. And one of the guys does a big crazy-looking grin. They're all great. But the Chun-Li like, ooh, is my favorite thing I've ever seen in my life. It's hilarious. I kept doing it to everyone I was playing. And yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:33 It was fun to be back at a gaming thing. I really appreciated, you know, it existing. That's true. It has been a long time since like there's been really anything. That's what I'm saying. I really had fun just, like, getting –
Starting point is 00:36:48 it was good because it was kind of like baby's first convention vibes. You know what I mean? Everyone there was in the industry in some way, and there were not a lot of people. And when we first walked in, a lot of people still had masks on, but by the end of the day, all those masks were off because I guess people were, like, you know, drinking and having a good time. It was an open bar and like food trucks outside.
Starting point is 00:37:11 It was very nice. Shout out to Jeff Keighley. It was like a good return to form. Like, I don't know that I'm ready to go back to a big multi-thousand person convention. But like a couple hundred people i was there for that so that was good well that's good yeah it was nice and now i'm now i'm just like i hope i didn't get a cold or covid yeah i uh feeling good yeah i mean uh it's it's it feels like things are at least a bit i feel like things are a lot back to normal compared i mean compared to like even a year or two well definitely two years ago
Starting point is 00:37:53 but compared to even a year ago it's definitely a lot better than what it was yeah i mean it definitely feels that way is that the truth i don't know i don't know if that's the situation i still think the strains obviously not as bad as what it was but that's just how you know the viruses tend to work it's not it doesn't mean it's still not like obviously you still want to get it but like comparatively uh I think it's definitely a lot weaker than what it used to be. Yes. Yeah. You know, all the cases are going up, but I have to.
Starting point is 00:38:33 We don't know anything about death rates. And so I would have to imagine that as more people got vaccines, there might be more cases, but maybe the death rate's low. I don't know the stats at all. Yeah. I mean, listen, I'm not a scientist or a doctor i don't know i just look at the look at the things i still i wouldn't want to you know have the like long-term covid stuff because i know that still happens with people sure Sure. They're saying in L.A. County, zero deaths for the last, you know, at least yesterday, so that's good. Yeah. That's all right.
Starting point is 00:39:16 That is good. They do live in L.A. They said there was five the other day. On June 4th, there were five. But, like, out of L.A. County, where there are tons and tons of people i have to imagine that's on par with like other diseases right you have to imagine i would think so so that's i'm not too terrified but also you know we don't have real stats like that's just like five people five what people five people that were like 98 like i don't know. But I'm feeling much better about that.
Starting point is 00:39:47 That, I'm like, oh, come on. Monkeypox? We never get let up. It's always something. It's like, how are we here? It's always something. Did I ever mention to you that the worst year ever? No.
Starting point is 00:40:03 So the worst year ever was the year 536 i believe what there was volcanic eruptions accompanied by the plague of justinian which began in 541 causing crop failures famine and millions of deaths and initiated the late antique little ice age which lasted from 536 to 660 medieval scholar michael mccormick has written that it was the worst year to be alive i very much understand why during this time period religion flourished because you had to tell people there's something better than this you know what i mean like yeah you had to tell them there is something better than this. You know what I mean? Like, you had to tell them there is something better because holy crap. Yeah, that would have been sucky as hell.
Starting point is 00:40:49 And like, it was like one of the plagues that wiped out like a huge percentage of the population. So it's, that means our ancestors survived it, I guess. Pretty much, yeah. Well, they banged before they died, if they died. That's true. They at least had some kids quickly. Thank God.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Otherwise, we wouldn't be doing this podcast. I guess it's also called, there's an 1816. Oh, fascinating. I thought this was going to be something totally different, but I thought this was associated with what you were saying, but I guess in 1816 there was something called the year without summer. Oh.
Starting point is 00:41:30 And in Europe, the map of summer, it was negative, it was not negative three degrees Celsius. What? Well, we're right. France.
Starting point is 00:41:45 France and Germany. I'm looking at it right now. Damn. Wow, so 26 Fahrenheit in summer? 18, 16 summer temperature anomaly all over Europe was freezing. Yeah, negative degrees all through Europe. Spain, Italy. Wow, that's crazy.
Starting point is 00:42:06 I would love, what sucks is that the thing it sent me to was a UCAR Center for Science Education, but it's just straight up an image and it says, During the year without summer 1816, temperatures in Europe and North America were much cooler than usual. In this map of summer temperature anomalies plotted in Celsius, colder than normal temperatures are shown in blue. And it's just, oh, oh, this is a confusing map. Plotted in Celsius with respect to 1971 and 2000 climatology. So I don't know if that's saying that it is minus three degrees from what it normally would be or if it is negative three degrees Celsius. That's a confusing
Starting point is 00:42:48 map. Oh, I see. Ah, this is why you have to read. This is why you have to read like a son of a It's all about reading. All about reading. Although, a lot of people are saying that it is
Starting point is 00:43:03 the 1850 eruptions Of Tambora caused the unusual Cold summer The extreme weather led to poor harvest and malnutrition I mean Okay I guess Nevermind I was going to read that article but it says If I want to I have to pay $99 for a year
Starting point is 00:43:19 To subscribe to the journal Thanks for making information inaccessible internet i love that remember when the internet was like all the internet information of the world at your fingertips yeah now it's like you got to pay for that shit cool yeah or it's like a bunch of people giving you weird information yeah the free and i think that's the. That's why people get stupider these days, because free information, the inaccurate, fake information is totally... You can get it anywhere.
Starting point is 00:43:52 And the stuff that is true, they make you pay for it. That's insane. That's like you said, you gotta read. You gotta read. Most people, you see like one headline and like... You don't even read the headline. Most people just watch a YouTube video and some guy is like, folks, this thing happened. Then they're like, I guess it happened.
Starting point is 00:44:07 But then you read the actual thing they're like citing and it's like, oh, it kind of happened, but not really. Yeah, it doesn't really explain. They keep showing images of like negative two, negative this. This one says it's negative three degrees. So the assumption I'm going to make is that it was negative three degrees and not minus three degrees from where it normally is. But I could be wrong because none of these infographics tell you anything.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Welcome to the internet. This thing that shows like a diary or a log from some guy back then was like a farmer and he wrote this is July 6th. Weather continues very cold. All nature appears encircled in gloom. Grass very thin.
Starting point is 00:44:48 Corn so backward it does not appear probably that there will be food sufficient for man or beast. Our only hope arises from the promise of seed time and harvest. We keep daily fires in the parlor. Wow, there's a painting. I guess it is the actual degrees. There's a painting that some dude did of rooftops. And what I think is London? And it's everything he says.
Starting point is 00:45:16 It's the summer and everything's covered in snow. So I guess it checks out. Huh. Well, look at that. You not drink water. Cholera and water. I guess bacteria was everywhere Oh yeah Whoa
Starting point is 00:45:28 Yeah the frigid summer of 1816 Damn Whoa Now this is why I love history What While Europe was getting Totally destroyed Oh whoa
Starting point is 00:45:42 This is why God I love history During the frigid summer of 1816 Destroyed. Oh, whoa. This is why. God, I love history. During the frigid summer of 1816 was when Mary Shelley's Frankenstein was written. That checks out exactly correctly. That's so good. Of course that would be what would be written then. In China, in the Yunnan province, families were getting so screwed out of crops that they moved to better crops like, and I quote, opium was a prime choice that continued for decades and gave rise to
Starting point is 00:46:12 the golden triangle of opium production. That's amazing. Farmers in New England drifted to the west in hopes of finding other places to live in places that weren't freezing. Interesting. Oh, and unlike the rest of the world, the Arctic actually warmed up, melting ice barriers, allowing for historic expeditions
Starting point is 00:46:32 to the Northwest Passage. Look at that. History, baby. Oh my god. All because this one volcano exploded and made it not summer. That is crazy. All this from that volcano. That's almost not summer. That is crazy. All this from that volcano.
Starting point is 00:46:47 That's almost like a fact of the day. It almost is. In fact, I think the year I referenced was also a volcano erupting. It usually is. It's usually a volcano or a meteor or something that blocks out the sun and then we're all screwed. Which just, again, let me remind everyone,
Starting point is 00:47:04 enjoy your day. Don't worry about the future because tomorrow we could all explode so like don't stress you know like you got to get over it at some point yeah exactly oh yeah well speaking of of no stress that's what i'm gonna do today's episode is sponsored by Honey. The easiest way to stress-free shop when you're online through your iPhone or your computer. I know how you feel about shopping online. I don't even have to ask. Shopping online is a thing we all do, and sometimes it's kind of a hassle, especially when you, like, you know, am I comparing the right shopping price, right? Am I getting the best deal if I go to, say, Amazon versus a Walmart versus whatever?
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Starting point is 00:49:31 That's slash cox. All right, Crandall. Let's go to Chopping Up for 7. Scott Crandall, how's that traffic out there? Oh, man. We got traffic. It is traffic-y. There's the volcanoes. They're all. It is traffic-y. There's
Starting point is 00:49:45 the volcanoes. They're all getting in line to erupt. That's not good. Those volcanoes erupt. The only thing worse than that is the gas prices. Am I right? Man, they may as well have the volcano erupted on those gas
Starting point is 00:50:01 prices was what I'm saying. I feel like the only way you know you're getting older is to just start making gas price jokes. That's like prime dad humor now. It used to be like the old dad jokes. Now the new dad jokes are like, what's the deal with gas prices? It's like a little Seinfeld humor mixed in. It's a little drier of a dad joke, but it's still a dad joke. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Well, dad jokes evolve around any type of fuel situation. Oh, yeah. 100%. Gas, petrol, whatever. Whatever you got going. Electricity. Any power situation is a dad joke. Oh, yeah. 100%. But yeah, there's vehicles out there,
Starting point is 00:50:44 so watch out. Thank you. Great. All right, let's go to weather. Weather. Let's see. We've got weather. Yes, we do.
Starting point is 00:50:58 We've got weather. How about you? I, too, have weather. I think everyone does. It's very common weather exists everywhere i'm gonna give that a fact check it checks out yeah there you go who knew let's see uh we've got a weather suggestion for the fun chal the capital wait the capital of the island madera owned by portugal be sure to look up the airport which has sheer drops on each end to the ocean as well as the wicker basket toboggans you can
Starting point is 00:51:34 ride from the town of monte down to the capital through real streets with cars they do stop traffic at junctions so you don't get run over. So what is it? So the island is called Madeira? Madeira? Yeah, M-A-D-E-I-R-A. Madeira? Yeah, all right. And I don't know if it's called Funchal, but it definitely says Funchal. Funchal.
Starting point is 00:52:02 Yeah, wow. Damn, this is a tiny-ass island. This is a tiny island, and I'm that tiny island. All right, you do the weather. I'm looking at this island. This island is gorgeous. We've got 67 degrees Fahrenheit. Feels like 73, and occasionally raining right now.
Starting point is 00:52:24 73% humidity. 30.04 inches of pressure. 6 miles visibility. Wind at 5 miles an hour. Dew point 58. UV index 0 of 10 with a waxing gibbous moon. 6.59 a.m. sunrise. 9.16 p.m. sunset.
Starting point is 00:52:43 Check the 10 day. 73. Overcast with showers at times today a chance to rain 40 percent more likely at night 80 percent than tuesday 72 of showers but then you got 75 partly cloudy 73 partly cloudy 75 partly cloudy 75 partly cloudy and pretty much that for the rest of the week and a little bit after. A lot of 70 partly cloudy. You need to see this. This and you need to see this place. Holy. All right.
Starting point is 00:53:13 It is too beautiful to exist. Like the image. Oh, my God. The cliffs are amazing. The locales are amazing. Everything about this place looks so good. Oh, wow. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Look at the water. You know what? Shout out to the world for being insanely beautiful. I never would have known this place existed. Oh, my God. You can just pretend. Okay. You got to see the 3D Fun Art Museum.
Starting point is 00:53:41 You got to see. Link me. Okay. Here we go. Hold on. This is actually insane. Okay actually insane Oh that's so funny The 3D art museum is definitely a tourist trap But that looks so good
Starting point is 00:53:53 People are curious what 3D art is It's literally just art Painted to look like it's 3D And then people are taking photos with it Like there's one where a girl is In a box that has mirrors but it looks like it's just her head being served on a platter there's one where a dude is dueling zoro but it's just like a painting there's one where it's god pouring wine and because there's like
Starting point is 00:54:18 shadow painted on it this woman looks like she's drinking the wine like that guy it's just like 3d art you'd see on the street. It's very cute. That is a very fun art museum. Oh, damn. Oh, damn. This is the one. What? 426 reviews.
Starting point is 00:54:34 All right. I would say almost five stars. Beef and Wine is the name of this place. Beef and Wines. And it is Beef and Wines. And I'm going to let you know, that place looks like fire. I want to be there so badly. That place looks amazing.
Starting point is 00:54:54 Just Beefs and Wines. That's it. They come to your table and just cut you the meat. Very Brazilian. Love that. That's what I would want to do. If I had a restaurant, I would just do one thing and do it really well just call it like bread
Starting point is 00:55:08 yes it reminds me of that place in man this was many years back I got invited to an event in the UK and it was like in Cambridge I think and they were like in downtown Cambridge there's not much to do at all so when like you're here just know that after a certain time, everything closes down.
Starting point is 00:55:27 But we're going to get you dinner downtown early. I'm like, all right, great. So we went to this place that looked like a pub, smelled like a pub, definitely was a pub. But on the second floor, they had food and a menu. And the restaurant was called Meat. And all they had was a list of beers. And then on the back, it said, dinner, chef's choice of meat, bread, cheeses. And that was it.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And I'm going to let you know, delicious. I don't know what the hell I ate. They brought you like a plate that looked like you were back in time. I ate. They brought you like a plate that looked like you were back in time. Like a bunch of little cheese wedges and different like half things of bread that clearly were just ripped off a bigger piece of bread and
Starting point is 00:56:11 then like a bunch of meat. And we were like kings. We were drinking. It was great. You know, simple is better. Always. Always. Oh yeah, 100%. That's the thing. It's all these types types of things it's always like very simplistic but like it's amazing yeah dude there's what the hell is this there's one image here crown door
Starting point is 00:56:34 what is this is this fish it looks so good i don't know what it is and i would eat it it's clearly potatoes and then like they're setting a fish on fire? What is this? Yeah, what is that? I don't know. But it looks delicious, right? That looks so good. I'd love to eat that.
Starting point is 00:56:53 Maybe it's mushrooms? I don't... That has to be potatoes, right? They kind of look like mushrooms. Maybe. It looks like a smashed potato. Like, they took a potato, fried it, and smashed it down. That's possible too, yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:08 Man, this place. This place is crazy. Yeah. See, this is... I've always reminded... Every time we go overseas, I'm reminded how amazing the food is when it isn't multi-processed. Oh, yeah. Meanwhile, today I had a beef beef stick so that's pretty good dude it was like a year ago i went to a linea and i still think about that food
Starting point is 00:57:33 it's it's crazy it's when you know how they always talk about like food it speaks to the soul food remind like takes you back. They should asterisk that and be like, real food that isn't like bullshit food will do that. Other food, you're like, oh, I guess those were calories. That's a different... That's also like the kind of
Starting point is 00:57:57 boomer way versus the modern way. Like, yeah, I've got to pay enough so I get food. That's why when I would show people, oh, I ate at Alinea, they're like, that's not going to fill you up. First off, I'm not eating here to get full. I can do that wherever. I go to make pasta.
Starting point is 00:58:12 It's literally the experience, the art form. This dude cooked this fish in four different pans with maple syrup from a crazy place in Canada that only has three barrels of it. And then I ate it, and i literally shed a tear like i didn't do that when i went to olive garden i think it's one of those things where if you've had the experience of trying like there is 100 a like ceiling for people i i know a lot of people who, when they eat,
Starting point is 00:58:47 they eat plain ass chicken with noodles without sauce, like that kind of thing. That's where they eat every night for dinner. Well, it's not plain, but every night my dinner is, we have chicken, we have ginger rice, and vegetables.
Starting point is 00:59:01 You're putting ginger, like doing a thing though. That's true. Normally you don't put ginger in the rice but it's good. Oh well. Well we do put ginger. I'm saying most people don't. I'm saying most people eat like chicken nuggets every night. You know?
Starting point is 00:59:15 That's true yeah. That's not even an exaggeration. Sometimes I forget that like there are large swaths of this country that they would look at like an Indian dish and be grossed out. Oh, yeah. But like Indian's delicious. And I think there's just a barrier of you're uncomfortable with things because you don't know anything about it
Starting point is 00:59:37 and you're scared to try it. And then if you do try it, you try it at a place that like you go to Olive Garden and you have their like weird shrimp dish.'re like i don't like shrimp well you got an olive garden in the middle of idaho like that's not even shrimp dude and i there's and yeah it's one of those things i think living in a big city you benefit from like chicago la whatever new y, even just, I don't know, man. I want to take all of my old Ohio friends out for a good meal. You know what I mean? Because I will talk about a thing that I ate, and they're like,
Starting point is 01:00:12 that sounds gross. I'm like, oh, God. You guys have no clue. Let me just guide you on this path. It'll change your reality. Yeah. I remember even at the Alinea thing, we had this dish that was like cabbage with this cheese sauce. And I was like, I don't the alinea thing we had this dish that was like cabbage with
Starting point is 01:00:26 like this like cheese sauce and i was like i don't think i'm gonna like this and i ate it and it was amazing and then they gave us this soup this green soup inside of a one of those like dolls that opens into another doll it opens into another doll and it was just a soup that tasted like rye bread like a rye bread sandwich and i I was like, how does this soup taste like that? Like it blew my mind. It probably had rye something in it. Yeah, it probably did,
Starting point is 01:00:51 but it was, it literally blew my mind. It's crazy. I want to go again. Yeah. I think that's, it's, it's just the experience.
Starting point is 01:01:01 Something like that. I would love to go to that. Yeah. I need, that reminds me of when we like dude make a reservation i will come i will pay my way i don't care what day it is i will fly out there whatever day i will make an event i'll i'll continuously check the openings if i find one i will book it and i'll tell you doesn't even matter the day i will just show up
Starting point is 01:01:21 i'll show up with a suit and tie and be like let's go that would probably be the greatest thing this podcast material hell yes podcast yeah i'll keep trying i would do in a heartbeat all right nice yeah i would if i could find a thing for the michelin star place that's here in la i'd be like crendall let's do this. I would do that too. I'd come out 100%. I'm a super food douche now. Love it. You know what? The idea of being a food douche originally years ago, again, when I lived in the Midwest, food douches I'd make fun of.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Now I have embraced being a food douche. You've experienced the food douchery. That's what I'm saying. It's like wine snobbery. When you don't drink wine, you're like, those assholes.bery when you don't drink wine you're like those assholes but when you start drinking wine you're like i get it i understand because there's some wine that sucks ass and you gotta know what's good and you gotta know what's not and now i wish i was like now i just wish i was one of those just chatting streamers because then i could actually afford to eat it all the time that'd be great yeah buy yourself a nice nice pool to lay in and just go
Starting point is 01:02:28 to town that'd be fantastic and that's the weather all right let's go to sports sports welcome to the sports desk we've got sports uh so we got the nhl uh stanley cup final is going to be starting on wednesday it's tampa bay yet again looking to win three in a row taking on the colorado avalanche and i think most people probably want colorado to win uh including me uh then in the nba finals it's tied at two apiece going to a best of three at this point with Boston and Golden State. Pretty wild over there. And then in baseball, it is the Yankees in first, classic. The Twins, the Astros, the Mets, the Cardinals, and Brewers are actually pretty close.
Starting point is 01:03:22 And then the Dodgers with the Padres pretty close. So right now, both New York teams, probably the best teams in baseball. So that's pretty wild and boring. Because it actually is kind of boring, unless you're a New York fan. Listen, I just want the Baltimore Orioles to be good. If you look at their logo, I love the Orioles logo. It's just a happy Oriole bird in a hat. It's top tier.
Starting point is 01:03:48 I feel like you would like it too if you look at Baltimore Orioles. I literally am looking at it right now. It's great. This is a bird in a hat. So I hope they get good. Big fan. But I'm mainly a Cubs fan.
Starting point is 01:04:03 But they also suck this year, so neat. And... It's sports. All right. Hit me. With... You know what? We did our fact of the day.
Starting point is 01:04:17 We've been there. We did that. But I had a fact of the day. Son of a... All right. What's our fact of the day? Paper bags can be worse for the environment than plastic ones. Was this sponsored by the Plastic Council of America?
Starting point is 01:04:28 It might have been. It's become a common notion that paper is always better choice than plastic. In fact, bans on plastic bags are being enacted. However, both paper and plastic have their drawbacks. According to research, paper bag production emits 70% more pollution, uses
Starting point is 01:04:43 four times as much energy, and takes more time to break down when compared to plastic bags. Guess the option is to carry reusable bags with you. So, actually, reusable bags is your best option. Well, yeah, I think everyone knows that. Right? I would hope so. It makes the most sense. You shouldn't have to say that.
Starting point is 01:05:02 Like, yeah, reusable bag's the best option. And then I guess, you know, get what you can get after that. But, you know, that checks out. Although I am interested in, did you see they have that, like, I don't know, organism, I don't know what you would call it, that can eat plastic? Oh, yeah, I did see that. I am both intrigued and terrified because that's one bad day away from being unleashed and then society crumbles. Everything in my house is going away? You know what I mean?
Starting point is 01:05:31 Yes. You realize how much stuff is made of plastic. That's it. We're done. Just everything you own starts getting eaten. Yeah. That'd be wild. The attack of the plastic bugs.
Starting point is 01:05:41 Yeah. You were meant to save the world, not destroy it. You are my brother plastic bug eating thing they don't even know what you're saying they're just like oh plastic just keep eating oh it looks delicious uh that's your fag of the day all right what's our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. Florida man bitten by seven-foot alligator he mistook for dog. No. How? I don't know.
Starting point is 01:06:18 Let's find out. A man survived an alligator attack on the Gulf Coast of Florida after he mist he mistook a seven foot long reptile for a dog the confrontation unfolded about 12 34 a.m on a tuesday near the warm mineral springs motel according to statements by sarasota county sheriff spokesman douglas johnson the man was on a pathway near the motel and noticed a dark figure moving along the bushes and believed it was a dog with a long leash which is why he wasn't hesitant to move out of the way no that's when the alligator bit his right leg holding on and pulling on his muscle tissue the sheriff's statement continued he advised he attempted to get away at that point and felt the alligator rip a chunk of his muscle and tissue off. Jesus.
Starting point is 01:07:07 Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. A deputy happened to be nearby and another call was able to get the man before the 49-year-old was taken to Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Venice. A sheriff's sergeant caught the alligator and held it for a Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission trapper. Seven-foot-one alligator was removed from the properties, being transferred alive through Townsend Farms. Victim has been released from the hospital
Starting point is 01:07:30 and is expected to make a full recovery. To make a full recovery? With the muscle tissue? The gator was kind of like, whatevs. It was like, he's a little greasy for me. Oh, my god. Wait, can... Does muscle tissue fully grow back?
Starting point is 01:07:53 I do not know. Can't you just have muscle... Can't you have muscle... damage? I don't know. That's what I thought. It said he ripped out a chunk of muscle so that's a lot of muscle to regenerate uh someone wrote a big thing and said tlbr yes oh all right well there you go skeletal muscle can regen completely and spontaneously in response
Starting point is 01:08:20 to a minor injury such as a strain. In contrast, after severe injuries, muscle healing is incomplete, often resulting in the formation of fibrotic tissue that impairs muscle function. Could, again, would an alligator biting your damn leg mean that it was damaged that way? I don't know. That seems like a lot of muscle to grow back. That's got to be some wacky wild stuff. Dr. John, if you're out there. Yeah, let't know. That seems like a lot of muscle to grow back. That's got to be some wacky wild stuff. Dr. John, if you're out there. Yeah, let us know.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Let us know. Also, alligator bites. That's infection disease. Disease. That's what I'm saying. So he must be on some antibiotics or something. So whatever. And that's your news story of the day.
Starting point is 01:09:04 All right. Can't believe he he was like that looks like a dog there's no way no matter what shadows would i be like that's clearly a furry animal oh yeah 100 i would first i'd be like is that an alligator is that someone on drugs is that literally anything but a dog that's crazy like, I would never just approach anything that was, like, in the bushes. Oh, yeah. No, I'd be, like, running away. No way. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:35 No. Yeah. But he did. He did. All right. Well, that's it for us. Thank you so much for listening and watching. I hope you're enjoying this podcast.
Starting point is 01:09:49 Crendor. Hit them with the socials. Socials. We got all the episodes up on slash Cox and Crendor podcast. All one word. You can also find all the animations on slash Cox and Crendor without the podcast at the end. Also, we're on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud. We're all over.
Starting point is 01:10:07 Also, we got our main things. We got, Jesse Cox, YouTube, Crandor, Twitch, Jesse Cox, Twitch, Crandor, Facebook, Jesse Cox, Facebook, Crandor, Twitter, Jesse Cox, Twitter, Crandor, Instagram, Notorious Cox, Instagram, Crandor was taken, and various other stuff. Great. All right. That's it. Thank you all. See you next time. That's it. Thank you all.
Starting point is 01:10:26 See you next time. And as always, I want some hot chocolate.

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