Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 349 - Full On Biotic

Episode Date: August 1, 2022

The boys return, and Jesse brings another tale of the Intersection of Doom! Meanwhile, what's the deal with streamers taking a "vacation" but then streaming the entire thing? We've got questions. Also... Jesse dreams of the lottery and how he'd spend it insanely. Meanwhile Crendor continues to fall apart. All this and more on another exciting episode of Cox n' Crendor! Come see us live in Chicago in August! Learn more at Go to to get your first refill free. Go to and use code cox120 to get $120 off.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Quip. Quip is going to get your teeth looking so good. Also, today we're brought to you by Factor. After you eat those good Factor meals, you're going to need that Quip. I'm saying it all ties together. Let's jump into this podcast. Hello, everybody. It's time for Ghost on Trend Dog.
Starting point is 00:00:19 Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. Hello everybody, welcome to another episode of Gags and Crandall in the morning! Wow! We morning! Wow! Wooee! Wow! You Mario'd your way out of reality there for a minute. You like jumped on one of those star kids and zipped away.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Wow! Wow! Zoop! Wow wow! Um, yeah. What's going on? I have another story for you. Oh boy. Of the intersection of doom. Alright. Yeah. What's going on? I have another story for you. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Of the intersection of doom. All right. Perfect. This is episode four, three, four, five. I don't even know how many. It keeps happening. Somehow it keeps happening. So I'm getting ready to pull out of this intersection.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And as I go to turn, a dude in his giant ass pickup truck, by the way, LA, there's no reason for a pickup truck, especially my part of LA. Giant ass, like, F-150 thing. Pulls up in the turning lane. So he's trying to turn down my road, and I'm waiting to go because there's people walking across the crosswalk.
Starting point is 00:01:45 So I can't do anything. Just as those people get a little bit beyond where that guy's truck is, the car that's behind him, I guess because he's not turning fast enough, this woman in the car behind him pulls out around him. And as I go to turn, she comes into my lane to try and get around him. Stops because she almost hits me and then begins to honk her horn at me like I'm even remotely the problem here. So now
Starting point is 00:02:11 she's in the wrong she's in like oncoming traffic honking at me. The dude in front of her finally turns and she's upset because now she has to back up and then go back into the lane because other cars have moved into the lane where she was. So if she just would have waited, it would have been fine.
Starting point is 00:02:29 She's honking at me to move, and I'm like, no. And I just stood there waiting for her. I'm in my car like, come on, let's go. She finally backs up, and then as I drive by, she gives me the finger, and I'm like, that makes sense. That makes perfect sense. And this has been another story from the intersection of doom. Man, there's got to be.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I wonder how long the intersection of doom will continue. It goes forever. Forever. I'm convinced because, one it is a vacation season. So a lot of people come into LA. Two, all the new apartments that just opened up near me. Three, there are several hotels that have opened up near me. So now I have all these people from out of town, all these people who live in apartments
Starting point is 00:03:19 who, again, the apartments that open up are not cheapo apartments. These are $6,000 for a one-bedroom apartment. Let me explain. There's no reason why I would ever live there and why anyone should ever live there. $6,000 for a one-bedroom in LA is too much. And so these are people that have too much money and not enough sense. So of course they're going to be in trouble. And so you combine that with tourists, plus people that don't give a shit plus it's close to the water come on dude it's over for me
Starting point is 00:03:50 this entire area is like they even this is not even a joke um down the street i'm not sure how far away it is for me but like towards venice beach they straight up have a new bar that opened. It's a self-serve bar. What? There are all these taps in the walls, and you pay for the glass, and then you just drink. Interesting. I've never been in there. I don't know how it works, but I imagine it results in a lot of drunk-ass people.
Starting point is 00:04:20 And so that just adds to it. This whole area, there was – today i was filming with my mom and there was a bar that is very close to us and as we were driving back to drop her off so that i could then come back come right back to the office and uh record this with you as we were leaving there was this uh i'm gonna say scantily clad young lass who was at this bar and she was there with her friends and I guess they were having a party, but they're all like, yeah, she was not, she bent over to look at a thing and it was like, oh, I see everything.
Starting point is 00:04:56 Oh, okay. She was wearing very little. But what was funny about it is all these girls were in their bikinis at this bar, and I guess they were having a party, and they were trying to, like, they bought a giant, I don't know what kind of party this was, but they bought a giant balloon that was in the shape of a rose, and it was really windy, and the balloon just kept, like, whacking them all in the face, and they couldn't pin it down to the ground. So I'm sitting there watching them try to get this balloon down on the ground and it's
Starting point is 00:05:25 these two women who are trying to get it. Meanwhile, there's a dude standing right there who's in their group like sipping a martini. It was just watching them like, it was, all I'm saying is this town's amazing. This town's so wild and I don't even, I can't
Starting point is 00:05:41 even stress how wild this town is. I love every minute of it. I would i love every martini man but with a wine glass instead like oh yeah these these women are just getting whacked in the head with this damn giant ass rope and i thought it was really funny that is pretty good that's uh i was gonna say i think i i tried something similar because i was at a what was it like a month or so ago i went to the chicago comic-con thing which is a much smaller comic-con than you know san diego one but uh they have a mall near there and it's like a fashion outlet mall and they had like a you get a beer cup and you fill it up i
Starting point is 00:06:20 think it's like a much smaller scale of what you're describing they give you a card and you take the card and you put it in the tap you want and then it like starts pouring and it's like it's like a gas station where it's like one dollar two dollar three dollar it shows your ounces poured that mean that might be what it is again i've never been inside i can only from a distance see the inside where all the taps are in the wall and on the outside they advertise that it's like you know you pour your own drinks which is all right yeah because that it makes sense it works like that because then they then they're like return your card into the little card return thing and then they charge you for however much you put on the card and they're like if you don't return your card we charge you five
Starting point is 00:06:57 bucks you know i got because some people are probably like a card and then they just walk away uh so yeah that was interesting i also thought you uh well i didn't think you said earlier too much money not enough sense i just thought of like every youtuber and twitch streamer yo that's how i absolutely feel but what's interesting is that a lot of those i have for some time been obsessed with the fact that there's a significant, I'm not going to say portion. I don't know if demographic is the right word either. But there's a sizable group of streamers on Twitch whose entire social media presence is I'm taking another vacation. I'm headed off to this place.
Starting point is 00:07:38 I'm doing this thing. And it always blows me away. I can't figure out how they manage that. Like I can't figure out what, how that. I can't figure out what. How do you maintain a stream and go on vacation? How do you do that? And then I realized that they film all their vacation. When they're on vacation, they have a streaming backpack,
Starting point is 00:07:57 and they stream the entire time, and I'm like, what? It's really less a vacation and more just them constantly streaming in a different place. That's insane to me. I do not understand it at all. At all. Yeah, I would not do it. And I would probably go crazy if I had to. Right?
Starting point is 00:08:19 It seems wacky that it's like, I'm going to take time off. And by that, I mean, I'm going to take time off, and by that I mean I'm going to bring my work with me. It's just as bad as when, I definitely was like that for a while, and I realized how insane that is. And now I don't even bring a computer with me when I go on vacation. Like a great example, even though it's not vacation, when I go to see you in two weeks, by the way, Cox and Crandor live Happening in less than two weeks in Chicago August 12th
Starting point is 00:08:48 Be there, get your tickets at Bam, nailed it When I go to see you, I won't bring a single I'll have my phone, and that's it My phone doesn't have anything on it I don't bring anything I disconnect when I leave It's just a thing I do
Starting point is 00:09:04 I purposefully walk away from technology just to like reset and so when i see people who i saw this one girl was posting photos of like i'm in greece greece is amazing and i was like that's so good for her then she's like come stream with me in greece i'm like what? No! No, don't do that! Well, I feel like Just enjoy Greece! I feel like part of the reason they're doing it is they're like, oh, I can like, livestream, and I can travel
Starting point is 00:09:34 around, and that way it's kind of like you're, quote, working, but they're also going to travel so they're probably writing everything off. And so, like, literally they're like, oh, I'm just on a constant business vacation. Yeah yes that's fine to travel and write stuff off and like do it but it seems like every time i look at their social media presence this is for a lot of people they're always somewhere right and i'm like how do you
Starting point is 00:09:57 how are you successful at this oh i was just talking to Sips about this on our power washing series. So me and Sips do a power washing series where we power wash in the power wash sim and just talk. It's essentially a podcast. And so we were talking about that. And he was like, you know, these people like on Instagram and they're posting like I'm in Greece. I'm in Mexico. I'm on the beach. I'm here. And he's like, do you think they just get tired of it i guess because he's like you know it's like you
Starting point is 00:10:29 have all these other influencers being like i'm in greece i'm in mexico and they're like no i have to be like the top travel person like i gotta be number one and they like start competing to the point where like they're not even enjoying it they're just like i gotta go back to like a different place i gotta get back there so i can take pictures there. And I got to go. You know what I mean? It's got to drive you crazy. There is a bit of that hustle to keep up with people. The idea that if you show how successful you are, the flaunting of it, people will be more into what you're doing. Which I guess has some validity to it it when you see people who are like,
Starting point is 00:11:06 got my new watches, and everyone thinks like, oh man, this guy must be important. Right. He's showing off his way. It's very Paul Brothers. Oh yeah. Style of doing things.
Starting point is 00:11:17 It's like, I'm going to show off all my money. Or Mr. Beast's low-key flexes that he does all the, although they're pretty high-key, but every time he makes a video, he's like, alright, so I have $100,000 and I'm going to give it away, this video. Yeah, that's his whole thing. Okay, yeah, alright.
Starting point is 00:11:34 And everyone's like, wow, he's so nice. It's like, yeah, I mean, I get it. But the reason you're tuning in isn't because he's giving away $10, it's because he's giving away $100,000 and you're blown away by the amount of money he's giving away. that's what it is yeah and that's his thing yeah and he's very he has a hundred million subscribers yeah so it makes it like checks out it makes sense but people aren't watching if i made a video series where i went around and gave
Starting point is 00:12:00 people 10 bucks people would be like well that's sweet yeah but they wouldn't subscribe and they definitely wouldn't care yeah and i feel like most of, people would be like, well, that's sweet. But they wouldn't subscribe, and they definitely wouldn't care. Yeah, and I feel like most of those people, there's a part of them that's like, maybe I can get some of that Mr. Beast money, you know? I imagine he has a lot of hangers on. Oh, yeah. I've thought about this for a while. I think I saw one of his videos where at the beginning
Starting point is 00:12:21 it's him in a room planning with some friends, and there was just so many people in there who were doing nothing. It reminds me of a couple doors down here at the office, the Dobrik people. David Dobrik, whatever his name is, his editors, as far as what they told me, his editors worked down there. And the one time I went in that room, that office, it was like 20 people and two people actually editing.
Starting point is 00:12:50 Everyone else was standing around chatting, talking about dogs and stuff. And one girl was like doing her nails. And I was just like, wow, this is premium hangers on. These are people that, what are they being paid for? Are all these people being paid or are they just kind of around? They aren't even around the star. They're around his editor. It was crazy. That's like the old Maker Studios
Starting point is 00:13:12 too. Full Maker Studios. It reminded me of that completely where there's just like three or four people doing everything and then dozens of people sitting around just coasting. Yeah. It's youtube world is weird it is very weird i am constantly blown away by how just bizarre the whole experience is yeah it's uh like i said i'm i just always i just want to be in the middle.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Always in the middle for me. Not too small that you're irrelevant. Not too big that you've got to deal with everybody follows every word you say and they're trying to look you up. Like, oh, he said this thing. And oh, he's got it. Whatever.
Starting point is 00:13:59 Nice, good middle ground. I mean, is that what you're striving for? Yes. Good middle ground. I mean, is that what you're striving for? Yes. A consistent, slightly above average middle ground. That's the best.
Starting point is 00:14:12 Why? What are you striving for? I mean, I'm striving for a personal success that, like, if I had to be real, if I had to be absolutely truthful with you, I want the Hans Gruber. I want to be on a beach earning 20% and doing absolutely nothing for it. That's the dream. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And I've always said this. If I won the lottery, like the big, what was was It like 1.2 billion or some insane Number recently Obviously the government takes half whatever That's fine right so I 500 million dollars to spend I'm taking 100 million of that and just like putting it Away and and like that
Starting point is 00:15:00 Is for whoever comes After me right that's that's Wealth you know and if I die give it to my cousin or some shit. It doesn't matter. And then the other $400 million, that is like buying a house, like taking care of my family, taking care of my friends. Everyone gets some bucks. Everyone's getting some money.
Starting point is 00:15:21 Here, boom. You're on the payroll. Everyone has some cash. Buy the most decadent, ridiculous mansion. Nonsense. some bucks. Everyone's getting some money. Here, boom. You're on the payroll. Everyone have some cash. Buy like the most decadent, ridiculous mansion. Nonsense. Just spend money because F it. Then take some of the money that's
Starting point is 00:15:34 left from that and like, you know, make the game I've always wanted to make. And then a very small portion of that. I don't know, like we'll say $10 million. I'm going to invite every friend who wants to come and be like, we're going to Vegas.
Starting point is 00:15:53 When we get there, we're dividing the money equally. You cannot leave with money. I don't care what you spend it on. I don't care how you spend it. You cannot leave with money. You have two days, let's go That's it, that's what it'd be like I'd be like we're blowing 10 million in two days, let's go That is a
Starting point is 00:16:14 That is a movie if I've ever seen one I love, I want the experience I've never had that kind of money As like FU money You know what I mean? And if I've never had that kind of money as like fu money right you know what I mean and if I'm gonna have massive fu money I need to have a moment of just like we're going to Vegas we're spending all this let's go it's funny because like I feel like instantaneously people think like oh they're going crazy they're like there's like a go to a club and they're partying they're like throwing cash to people. There's like women dance.
Starting point is 00:16:45 So like in my mind, I was like, dude, I'd go like the best restaurant. I'd be like, this is mine for tonight. Three Michelin star. Just walk in. It's like a private thing. You're like only, only me in this restaurant. And they're like, ah, yes, right away. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:16:59 You could do whatever you wanted. I expect some people would just go to like a nice tailor or something. Get like a great suit it does not Matter to me that sounds like something Davis would do yeah and even Then if people who are like Oh I'm gonna go gamble and if You won and you
Starting point is 00:17:15 Won a bunch of money if you won if you Went with a million and won Four million I'd be like you must spend That before Yeah we are not leaving until all your money is gone. I don't care if you won money. Yeah, you can't gamble and keep it. Yeah, but I will
Starting point is 00:17:31 say, but I'd make bets. I'd be like, alright, if you put that four million on one bet, and you win, then you can keep it. Right? You gotta challenge them. You gotta, you know. That'd be cool.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Yeah, like if you want to win a bunch of money, go for it. But you got to spend it right now. So find the place you're betting. Take a look. Find the place you're betting and let's do it. Like you can play cards. You can go all in on one hand. Fine.
Starting point is 00:18:01 Yeah. But you got to get rid of that. And if they won, then I'd be like, fair is fair is fair take that money go live your life yeah no that's great i'd love that and then uh nobody nobody could film anything because it's like no filming no nothing if people want to get debased that's fine no complaints at all i would rent the best hotel room I could find In the entire thing and we'd all just like This is our home base Everyone has to report back here And leave a little note
Starting point is 00:18:32 Saying you're alive But other than that I don't care what the hell you do You don't even need to be around me I don't even need to see you If you want to ditch me and go like Find a bunch of hookers i don't care i'm not gonna judge because i've never had this kind of money and frankly if i did i'm not sure
Starting point is 00:18:51 what i would do either so go nuts you crazy kids i don't care yeah oh yeah i would also uh i would just try to buy the most expensive wine just drink that see how it is try the most expensive wine. Just drink that. See how it is. Try the most expensive coffee. Like this coffee's from the coffee lands. Have you ever been to Vegas? No. But I was going to go because my friend
Starting point is 00:19:18 Nick lives there. And he wants to go on like a food tour. You tell Nick that if you're going to Vegas, I would go to Vegas so quickly just to experience Vegas with you specifically. Oh, yeah. No, he wouldn't care. I bet you would have a wild time in Vegas. Oh, probably.
Starting point is 00:19:39 Just watching all the people. I mean, it's all people watching. Oh, yeah. That's all it is. People watching and then gambling while actually watching people yeah no i i agree those are those my favorite things people watching and eating there's so many great restaurants and like there's a lot of shows most of them suck to be honest yeah there's a lot of shows. Most of them suck, to be honest. Yeah. But there's some, like, fun, interesting ones.
Starting point is 00:20:05 But most of the time, it's just drunkenly wandering around the desert at 2 a.m. Being like, where's that food place we were talking about? Yeah. No, that would be great. He wouldn't care either. He'd be like, nice. I don't know. So, yeah. I mean, like, anything. I don't know. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:25 I mean, like, anything happen to you this week? Let's see. I went to the dentist because my one tooth was kind of aggravated. And then they were like, oh, you still have a tooth infection. Because it was one of my root canal teeth. And I was like, oh, geez. So, they were like, all right. I think I have to go back in a few weeks he's gonna like clean
Starting point is 00:20:46 out my root canal and like put some medicine in there or something but they're like here's a they gave me a week of what do you call antibiotics and so i'm not i'm on day four of those but like they're kind of they're kind of you know beating up my digestive system so listen i already get my my ibs and stuff that just it just makes it worse i like had uh i was getting like like the first day i took them i was like all right no i'm doing all right second day i was like oh i had like some abdominal pain cramping i was just like and then it felt a little better yesterday it was like 30 better today it was like 10 better but. It was like 30% better. Today it was like 10% better.
Starting point is 00:21:27 But I still got that kind of bloated kind of ugh feeling. I started taking probiotics. So I take my antibiotic, then I wait a little bit, and I take the probiotic because they're going to get killed off. But apparently it helps. So I do that to see if it gives me any help. I'll take whatever help I can get. So I've been doing that.
Starting point is 00:21:47 I'm halfway there. Halfway there with my antibiotics. There's people like, I took antibiotics. They messed up my digestive system for years. I'm like, well, I've taken antibiotics before. It's not like I haven't taken them before. It's a new thing.
Starting point is 00:22:01 It's not like I'm taking some crazy antibiotic and I'm taking it for a month. It's literally like a moxicillin. it's like penicillin for like a week uh you always get people like that just like uh you're like oh i have uh my arm hurts like my arm hurt and i had to get it cut off and you're like oh that's cool like every time i mean damn i'm sorry that happened to you but that's i'm referring to just this arm pin that I have momentarily. But that's, I think that's the problem with Twitter. Twitter is a platform where you're supposed to tweet. It's designed for like little tiny thoughts.
Starting point is 00:22:32 The problem is it's morphed into you can't have little tiny thoughts. Because if you have a little tiny thought without expounding upon it, people will jump on you for just existing. Yeah. Or everybody has their crazy story. Like, oh, my brother's friend's sister had antibiotics she hasn't been the same for 10 years oh okay that's neat i guess i'll just live with my infected tooth then yeah it's a good idea well i heard the antibiotics
Starting point is 00:23:01 why do they have to be anti but Why can't they just be biotics? Are you against biotics, Crandor? You know, biotics. We might just have to go full-on biotic. No anti, no pro. Just biotic. Just biotic. No probiotics, no antibiotics.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Just biotics. See, I also had the theory. The night I started taking the antibiotics like i you know i was a couple and i was feeling all right i had panda express i don't know why i don't know why i did it part of me thinks that was the ultimate antibiotic you've been on about the last few days you're just like because like uh listen the one time i had my gallbladder out four it was like four and a half years ago i remember a few months after that i had panda express and the one time i had my gallbladder out four it was like four and a half years ago i remember a few months after that i had panda express and the entire left side of my colon hurt for like a day and a half and that was putting out there right could it be because panda express
Starting point is 00:23:57 is in fact quite bad oh probably well like it's also it could have just been my body hadn't adjusted yet. I was used to having a gallbladder to help break down fats, and there was a lot of fat, and then my body adjusted eventually. But all I know is that one time, I remember I ate it. I remember it was whenever some British royal event happened. It was like Prince Harry got married or the Queen did a thing. I don't know. But I remember watching that being like british thing i remember watching that being like oh my colon i was drinking
Starting point is 00:24:32 like ginger tea and peppermint tea i was whatever and then the only thing that helped was just sleep and then eventually it was like better but it kind of felt like that but in like a it was like in my lower right area and i was like oh god the panda express probably did it again it was probably normally i got my biotics right but since i killed off my biotics the panda your antibiotics yeah yeah it just took over not all my good bacteria weren't there to beat up the panda express and boom it just hit you took those probiotics and the antibiotics counterbalanced the probiotics. You had no biotics.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Exactly. That was it for you. No biotics. No biotics. And so, you know, it's been better. And part of me, like, obviously you go on the Internet, like, you write, like, lower right abdomen irritation. They're like appendicitis. And I'm like, oh like oh god do i have to get my appendix out and then uh you know luckily it doesn't seem like it's appendicitis
Starting point is 00:25:32 so that's good uh that is that is good actually you know that is good um so now i'm just kind of you know a little little bloated a little like buth. But it's better than what it was. I'm just kind of cruising, waiting for it to be done, and then my probiotics will keep helping. Yeah, got to get those probiotics to kick in. Got to get those probiotics. Yeah. So that's pretty much been my week.
Starting point is 00:26:00 It's been fun. Wow, sounds great, man. Yeah. Sounds so good. Yeah, very fun. Well, you know what can help with your probiotics? What? That's actually not true.
Starting point is 00:26:10 I don't think toothbrushes do that. But you know what? It can't hurt. It'll help your teeth to not get infected, I guess. I don't know. Yeah. It can't hurt. Quip.
Starting point is 00:26:22 It can hurt. Quip. Quip is the best way to get yourself started on the path to better oral care health. It is truly one of the easiest ways to get in those two minutes of brushing that you should be doing every single day, morning, night, come on, start taking care of yourself a little bit better. All of these routines that we're trying to do in order to change for the better, a smile is the easiest one, trust me. As a fat dude, trust me, it is the easiest one. Quip makes it easy, just like it has done for over 7 million mouths.
Starting point is 00:27:06 With sonic vibrations, with 30 second pulses that guide you in quadrants of a mouth to get that 2 minute clean. It's lightweight, has a sleek design for adults and kids. No wires, no bulky charger to weigh you down. It has a multi-use travel cover that doubles as a mirror mount for less clutter. You can get and upgrade to your Quip with the new Smart Motor, track and improve your brushing with the free Quip app, earn amazing rewards like free refills and products like Target gift cards and more.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Plus beyond the brush they've got anti-cavity toothpaste, two ways to floss with string and floss picks, refillable gum that's sugar free this long lasting mint flavor, it's great plus refillable mouthwash with a four times concentrate in addition to all of that plus the brush heads
Starting point is 00:28:00 you can get them all from just five dollars every three months. Shipping is free, so you can save money, skip the hustle and bustle of the store. It is so simple to do. The stylish electronic toothbrush is just $25, and from that point on, every three months, from $5. If you get your Quip, you should do it at slash Crendor right now. Get that first refill free.
Starting point is 00:28:31 That's G-E-T-Q-U-I-P dot com slash Crendor. That's me. Quip. It's the good habits company. Also today, we're brought to you by Factor. I don't know about you, but summer's relaxing. Not messing around with the grocery store. I got to go through the intersection of Doom to get there.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I'd rather just have those groceries delivered to me. And more importantly, you can get all of those meals, all the things like the extras, like meats and good drinks and all sorts of things, sent to you by Factor. Factor is the meal that made my dad oh so happy. They would get the fish constantly. Factor makes it easy to eat for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and everything in between with fresh, never frozen meals that are so delicious you won't believe they're actually nutritious. Feel good all summer long with calorieorie Smart or Keto Options,
Starting point is 00:29:28 expertly portioned to keep you on track towards your goals and perfectly satisfied. Factor now offers 32 meals a week, including 11 Keto Options, plus all sorts of seasonal add-ons. You can get things like something that I love is they have little pancake options that you can add for breakfast. Huge fan. Huge fan. New gourmet meals.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Make eating at home so much extra special. If you've got a busy summer ahead, no worries. Factor is flexible. Change your order up every single week from four meals to 18 meals. You can even take some time off. It's fine. That's how they roll. Factor is so simple and everything is done in just two minutes.
Starting point is 00:30:12 You can't really beat that. Two minutes, maybe 30 seconds here or there if you want to like crank up the heat a little bit more. It's fine. They're registered dietitians and expert chefs work hand in hand to create the meals that you can feel good about every day putting in your body. They got vegan, veggie, keto, calorie smart options, cold press juices, smoothies, energy bites, extra protein, veggie sides, and more to keep you fueled. And honestly, I love it.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Head to slash cox120. That is and use code COX120 for $120 off. That's to get $120 off with code COX120. All right, Grendel, let's go go to the traffic I was like, traffic out there Oh boy, traffic It's, you know, it's traffic Alright, just as it always is It makes me realize
Starting point is 00:31:15 You know those traffic people on the Actual news shows, like That job's gotta get boring fast You're just like, oh, here they go again, cars Yeah, but they're up in a helicopter So that's gotta be fun Yeah, it's fun But it's like anything
Starting point is 00:31:28 It's fun for a while Is that not fun for you being up in a helicopter? Well, you know It's fun for a while And it just kind of becomes You're bored of the helicopter? You know, I'm not like I'm not bored of it
Starting point is 00:31:38 But I'm not having as much fun as I did You're saying every week You go up in a helicopter and you're bored? I would be so excited to go up in a helicopter every week. Yeah, well, you haven't done it. You haven't done it every week, all right? You don't know. You're just jaded, man.
Starting point is 00:31:50 You changed. You know what? Maybe I am. Back to you. Okay. That traffic guy is losing it. Yeah, that guy is kind of an asshole. Let's go to weather.
Starting point is 00:32:06 Weather. Weather time. We've got a weather request from, where is it, the Cox and Crandor podcast. Here we had a weather request, Bjorko, Sweden. On the island, there is a heritage site for Berka, one of the oldest cities in Sweden, which was renowned as a Viking trading town. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:32:33 That's pretty cool. That's pretty cool. How do I spell this? I'm going to look up this trade. Do they have like an old Bjorko? There it is, Bjorko. Whoa, that is not how. I mean, guess bj orko is how you would spell it right yeah bjorko over in wait is bjorko stockholm that's what i put in bjorko it's a stockholm
Starting point is 00:32:59 sweden that's a lie bjorko is a island. Oh, that's probably why it's not popping up. Bjorko is scenic, low-key island known for excavating Viking-era town, plus museum and other heritage sites, is what it says. Okay, here we go. I had to go to a different weather
Starting point is 00:33:19 website for this thing. I gotcha, I gotcha. Yeah, okay. Bjorko is... God, this website's weird. It's 54 degrees, 29.91 inches of pressure, 10 miles of visibility, partly cloudy, dew point 56, humidity 100%. It is humid. Let's see.
Starting point is 00:33:45 You've got your waxing crescent moon. You've got your 10-day, which is 55. Low, 68. High, you got 63. Tuesday, you got 71. Wednesday with some AM showers, you got 72. Partly cloudy on Thursday. 69. Nice. light rain on Friday.
Starting point is 00:34:07 66 on Saturday with partly cloudy skies. And Sunday, it'll be partly sunny with 64 degrees. And Monday, 66, same thing. I love this town. It is, or I guess island. It's very quaint, very, you know It reminds me of small Like, northwestern
Starting point is 00:34:30 America Like in the weird islands off the coast of Washington State, you know Yeah, I can see that But one of the craziest things here is looking at the food On TripAdvisor There's this bread place It looks like an amazing bakery.
Starting point is 00:34:46 There's a place called Lido Varshus. I don't know what that is, but it's mostly like seafood looking things. Looks pretty amazing. But then Ed's Burgers. And the sign out
Starting point is 00:35:02 front is just written in like goofy text. Ed's Burgers. Ed's Burgers. And here's the thing. Ed's Burgers looks like some burgers. I mean, it looks like burgers with American cheese and everything. It just, it's very funny to me. That's like, Ed's Burgers.
Starting point is 00:35:19 Welcome to Sweden. Have yourself a burger from me, Ed. Welcome to Sweden. Have yourself a burger from me, Ed. I see a restaurant, Sarimer, unique Viking restaurant on shore. That looks pretty neat. They're serving Viking beer. It's like Sarimer beer.
Starting point is 00:35:41 Oh, I'm looking at it right now. Yeah, this place looks cool. Hey, I'm going to tell you right now. The restaurant is benches and things to throw over your shoulders if you get cold. Yeah. I love this. It is cool. Oh, yeah, and the food actually looks pretty good. Yeah, it's kind of like a – certainly it looks like something a Viking would eat, except a little more green, I think. There's a lot of veggies thrown in there that I'm pretty sure would not exist in a Viking meal.
Starting point is 00:36:13 I don't know. They probably, like, you know, gathered some herbs and stuff all around. You think they cut their carrots up into squares like that? I mean, who knows how Vikings cut their carrots? I mean, you're right right i'm no scholar of vikings you're correct i'm just making assumptions i don't know anything about the vikings i just typed in did vikings eat carrots vikings used old bread dough to make sourdough loaves and would use soured milk and buttermilk to enrich their breads vegetables and fruit were much more wild than any
Starting point is 00:36:43 of our modern varieties. Carrots would have been added to the daily scouse, but they weren't orange. White carrots were the only ones available. White carrots. I guess that checks out. Look at that. Not everything is LA. The more you know.
Starting point is 00:36:59 Wow, that's crazy. Thank God. I would not want everything to be LA. So bizarre. That's the weather. Okay okay let's go to sports sports welcome to the sports desk oh before i get into the sports i wanted to mention if you listened last week to the podcast i think it was last week, that guy who ate all over in Michigan, someone tweeted an article about Al Poe and said, Al Poe, a.k.a. Detroit Pig Out, tried 250 different local restaurants last year. So someone wrote an article from the Detroiter. I love that.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I love that for him. I love that for Detroit. I love that for all of Michigan. That guy is doing the Lord's work. You know what? It's rare that you can get a person who's like, I've tried everything. I can tell you what's good and what's not. That's a local hero.
Starting point is 00:37:56 He really is. See, I wanted to say that before we got into sports. Sports! Thank you. Alright, so we have some sports news. NFL training camp has started. I'm excited because the Detroit Lions are on the Hard Knocks show. And I love the coach of the Detroit Lions. He's a literal lion.
Starting point is 00:38:22 I've mentioned it before. He's just like, we've got to play hard. We've got to bite their kneecaps. He's a literal lion. I've mentioned it before. He's just like, we got to play hard. We got to bite their kneecaps. That's what he says. It's going to be great. I'm excited for this hard knocks. I wasn't last year. Last year was just the Cowboys.
Starting point is 00:38:35 I'm like, I don't care. But it should be good. And then, oh my God, I forgot. I forgot about this. Did you see the Gardner Minsshu thing i did i did so for anyone doesn't know gardner minshu has been living in his bus for the off season and is now selling it so for the entirety of the off season for like spring and early summer he's just lived in a bus uh he lived in a bus i think
Starting point is 00:39:06 it was like outside of his gym yeah bus outside of a gym he connected the bus to the gym's electricity to power his fridge ac and cooking station he's the gym's bathroom all summer and showered in the open wearing compression shorts i must say for the record i love gardner minshu more and more more and more i love gardner minshu yeah what do you think he does with his money from like you know like what does he do with his cash is it all on booze do you think he's constantly drunk what is going on there he can't be saving it i refuse to believe that my gardner minshu has a savings account not my guy yeah there's no investing all into crypto he's doing something i don't know he did buy a prison bus
Starting point is 00:39:51 to live in so that's one thing he did he probably he seems like a like a guy that would just drink like miller lights or like that type of thing nat Natty Ice. He probably just downs those. Let's be very clear. In his post about the bus, he says, this thing is awesome, man. Equipped with an energy efficient AC unit, cooktop and fridge. She's listed at 25k. But more than anything, I just
Starting point is 00:40:17 want to see her in a nice and loving home. That's my man. He's like, I don't care who buys it as long as you treat her nice baby that's a man he needs to have a starting quarterback job someone give it to him right now he's still a backup in philadelphia um and then aaron rogers showed up to training camp dressed like nick cage from con air. That's true. Yep, that is very true. So that's been fun. And then NBA, NHL still in the offseason. And then baseball, we have, oh yeah, by the way, someone asked somewhere, I don't remember where I read it.
Starting point is 00:41:00 They're like, what does it mean all these teams are in first place? How do you have numerous teams in first place? So you have divisions. So you have like the first there's like a there's two major divisions you got the american league and the national league and then those each have three divisions you have the east the central and the west so there's like the al east the al central the nl east the nl central it's all just for like making things easier for playoff time, essentially. So the first place winner of each of those divisions
Starting point is 00:41:29 goes on to the playoffs, and then there's a couple wildcard teams that can be from any of the divisions. That's the way it kind of works in most sports. Playoffs? Playoffs? Talk about playoffs. So yeah, that's pretty much how it works.
Starting point is 00:41:44 It sounds more complicated than it is, but it's also for scheduling purposes. You play your divisional teams more because they're closer to you. So if you're in the National League Central, you play, there's the Cubs, or in Chicago, and you got Cincinnati, Pittsburgh, St. Louis, Milwaukee.
Starting point is 00:42:01 So you don't have to travel as far. And then usually teams have road trips. So that's kind of the reason behind it. Yeah, it's kind of the idea of if your team is in first place in their division, they're going to go to the playoffs. And then in the playoffs, then it doesn't really matter. It's one of those weird things where it's like, we're first place, and then you get to the playoffs and you lose your first round and you're done.
Starting point is 00:42:20 Yeah, none of it matters if you lose right away. You just got to get in. That's all it is. So you got the Yankees in first, the Twins in first, the Astros in first, the Mets in first, the Brewers in first, and the Dodgers in first. And then you got the Wild Cards. Everybody is first. The Wild Card, they actually added two more Wild Card teams.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I forgot they did that. So now it's, let's see, Blue Jays, Mariners, Rays, Guardians, and then Braves, Padres, Phillies, Cardinals. Wow, that's crazy. It used to be just two wildcard teams, and now it's four. So that's a little crazy. That's sports. Okay.
Starting point is 00:43:03 What is our fact of the day? Fact of the day? Fact of the day. So, as you might have known from the Cren Minute, I've been playing a lot of Pokemon Kaizo Ironmon, and I found a... I'm aware. I found a Pokemon fact that the Pokemon Rhydon
Starting point is 00:43:22 was the first to ever be created. Not Bulbasaur, not Charmander. As in designed? Yes. According to lead video game designer Ken Sugimori, Rhydon was the first ever Pokemon to be created by the team. So yeah, when you think of Pokemon, you think like, oh, Pikachu or Charmander, Squirtle or all those.
Starting point is 00:43:44 Nope. First ever Pokemon created? Rhydon. Rhydon. I can't believe it was Rhydon. a pokemon i think like oh pikachu or charmander squirtle or all those nope first ever pokemon created ride on ride on i can't believe it was right on i mean it's kind of like a basic ass it's just like what if we took a rhino and made it kind of monsterish yeah it's not that creative when you think about it all right i mean they're probably thinking that like okay it's the like pocket monsters, right? So you're like, let's just take an actual animal
Starting point is 00:44:07 and then make it into it. There's like, there's a few other. I think there's Kangaskhan. It's just a kangaroo, essentially. You can kind of piece together some of the ones they did first. Even Squirtle's just a turtle.
Starting point is 00:44:19 Yeah, but I like Squirtle. Yeah. I like Squirtle. There's a difference. I like Squirtle. Yeah. I like Squirtle. There's a difference. I like Squirtle. I see. Okay. That's your fact of the day.
Starting point is 00:44:31 All right, Gretner, what is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. After serving 10 years in prison for robbing banks, Florida man robs same bank again days after being released. He wanted to prove he could do it.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I guess we'll find out. Let's see. Miami, Florida. A federal district judge in Miami, Florida, sentenced Leonard Williams last week to 81 months imprisonment for bank robbery, 57 months, and for violating his supervised release on a 2010 bank robbery case, 24 months. On November 30th, Williams began a three-year term of supervised release following a 151-month sentence for robbing banks. He left his residential reentry center to check in with his probation officer, but he never returned to the reentry center.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Instead, two days later, Williams robbed two more banks. He entered Ocean Bank in downtown Miami. I've got to stop this. He entered Ocean Bank in downtown Miami, handed the bank teller a note demanding money, which read, This is a bank robbery. Give me all cash, 150, 2010 list. Don't make it a eligible, eligible writing.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Uh, the teller told William she did not have any money. And when she did not comply with his demand note, Williams pointed at the note, climbed over the bank teller's counter into the teller area and yelled that he wanted cash williams then took a small ocean bank zippered deposit bag containing blank checks parking validation tickets and a usb thumb drive before climbing back over the counter and exiting the bank with the ocean bank zippered bag about an hour later williams entered a city bank the same one he robbed in 2010 and used a demand note to rob 7113 dollars from two tellers uh juan antonio gonzalez u.s attorney for the southern district of florida and john j bernardo
Starting point is 00:46:40 acting specialist agent in charge fbi miami announced the sentence that the US District Judge Robert blah blah blah blah blah what do you think do you you would just rob a different bank if you're gonna I mean it was yeah I'm trying to think like was it convenience that he just went back to the same place he had to prove to himself that he could get away with it was a vengeance thing or more likely do you think he like just how long did he originally serve in prison uh i think it said 10 years didn't it do you think he like after 10 years do you think that just changes you where you're like all i know is prison send me back it's got it that's been like a topic of certain things right yeah i mean that's it's it's a known fact that like
Starting point is 00:47:23 you become accustomed to the lifestyle of prison and the outside's scary. In prison, you have, like, a strict set of rules and you probably could be somebody in prison, right? Like, oh, I'm the laundry guy or I'm the librarian guy or whatever. Especially after 10 years. Yeah, you're like an old vet there. Yeah. And when on the outside, you're a literal nobody. Yeah. You're like an old vet there. Yeah. And when on the outside, you're a literal nobody. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:49 And I bet that hurts. And you're like, send me back. I don't know. It's really messed up. Yeah. Maybe it's just like, you know what? I'm just going back to that bank. Let's do it all over again. Yeah, man. I have no clue. It seems like like it because any other way just is insane
Starting point is 00:48:08 Yeah, and the other way is just like why bro there's a million other banks. Yeah Yeah, it's gotta be there's like there's no other explanation aside from maybe he just you know was dumb or or or Do you think he forgot? He might have forgotten which you think he like, I forgot which bank I robbed. Oh, is this one? Oh, I've robbed so much. I just forgot it was this bank. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Guys, not my intention. Big misunderstanding. It's possible. Like, you know, it's been gone 10 years. Maybe the area's changed. Maybe the bank looks different. I don't know. Yeah, maybe it's a different company now.
Starting point is 00:48:47 I mean, the first bank could have been like a Wells Fargo, and now it's a Citibank. You never know. You never know. By the way, in all these articles, there's always weird Facebook comment things, and they're all like, make money online from home job. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:49:04 These bots are all over they're just like my last month paycheck for eleven thousand dollars all i did was simple online work from comfort at home for three four hours a day uh i got discovered from agency i discovered over internet they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour for more info visit this link well you definitely should i'm sure that'll be fine oh yeah we gotta click the link um you're about to get viruses in fact one of these i thought was a geo cities link and it's it kind of looks like it but it's not uh it wouldn't surprise me if it was though uh but just like okay if i was a person and i was making eleven thousand dollars a month why would i just go on a random website and be like everybody
Starting point is 00:49:54 this is what i'm doing i'm making a bunch of money go to this link i'm gonna teach you how unless i was trying to like you know make money off you by like selling you something i mean yes that is why they're doing it yeah it is all pyramid schemed as shit the idea of the people who are like i make eleven thousand dollars at home doing nothing is absolutely because you're doing all the work yeah they're getting other people sell sell the stuff. They just make the profit. That's a... Get out of here. Get out of here, bots. Anyway, that's the big news story of the day.
Starting point is 00:50:34 All right. Thanks so much for listening and watching. If you haven't joined this podcast, Crandor, hit them with the socials. We've got socials, slash cox and Crandor podcast. All one word. All the podcasts up over there. Make sure to subscribe. Hit the bell so you get
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Starting point is 00:51:22 Instagram that's Orgis Cox Instagram Crendor was taken and probably some other stuff but that's it okay that's it for us we'll see y'all next time and as always to be continued.

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