Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 373 - The Math of Bigfoot

Episode Date: February 6, 2023

The boys are back and this time Jesse brings more tales of the intersection OF DOOOOOOOOM. Then Crendor becomes obsessed with a certain Lynchian stream on twitch. But that's not all, we've got feet pi...cs, ant powers, and BIGFOOT! So bring on a new Cox n' Crendor! Go to and use code cox50 to get 50% off your first box. Go to to get 25% off your first order and free US shipping.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by me undies. Me undies are the undies that I have on me. Also today we're brought to you by Factor. Factor is going to be the factor that gets you looking good and feeling right when you eat that good food. Let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. Ghost on Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Cacks and Crandor in the morning. It's exciting time.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Oh, boy. You sold me. It is exciting time, folks. Buckle up. Get ready. Stay in your seats. Do not exit the seats until we are in the air and have fully lifted off. Do not exit the seats.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Do not. If you're sitting down, stay seated. This is that kind of episode. Yep. You can't get up for this one. This one's going to be intense. You get up, you're going to get a little dizzy, lightheaded. Yep.
Starting point is 00:01:19 You're going to have, like, warm wash over your body. It's going to be awkward. Stay seated. So how are you doing? I am doing awkward. Stay seated. So how you doing? I am doing lovely. Just lovely. Boy, let me tell you. Let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:01:34 Do tell. Once more, dear friend, the intersection of doom strikes. Never stops. This time, it was a dude in a red Tesla with like six girls in the car. And I can't tell if this guy was the boyfriend of one of them or like a ride share because it is L.A. And people be ride sharing, you know, various Teslas and things. Was this man older or the same age as them? Great question. man older or the same age as them uh great question he looked i would say maybe either young 40s late 30s and the girls looked i don't know late 20s okay i was thinking it was gonna
Starting point is 00:02:16 be like some hugh hefner thing or he's like 70 no no no no i would have noticed that immediately okay oh yes that would be the whole story. There's multiple lanes in this turn right. We're turning right. He's in the furthest left. He wants to turn right, even though that lane is a straight lane, right? Yeah. So first off, he's holding up all the traffic behind him while everyone else is trying to turn right. But there's pedestrians walking across the crosswalk.
Starting point is 00:02:39 So he clearly can't just cut in front of all of us. So he's waiting. We're waiting. The cars behind us start honking. Everyone's going crazy. Finally, the pedestrians who are also slowing down to figure out why everyone's honking. Now they finally make it across. And then we all start to turn.
Starting point is 00:02:56 But he's like, I'm turning too. So he starts turning. And the girls in the car, you can clearly see they're a little panicked because he's turning into traffic that is already going yeah so because i'm just a guy who doesn't want to get killed i uh let him cut in front of me and so now i'm following him i'm like okay well at least that madness is over we go down the street maybe i don't know to like three blocks to the main street. And we both turn right onto this main street. And this main street is pretty big. It's a big LA street. And he now decides, I don't know if something happened.
Starting point is 00:03:34 I don't know what he says to himself. I need to get these girls to that In-N-Out Burger, which is five lanes left. So he goes from the furthest right lane where i'm behind him across all of the traffic going our direction all the traffic you know oncoming traffic into the the drive-through thing for in and out burger just cuts right across through almost killed like five people it was I saw cars are swerving, and I was so happy to be behind him
Starting point is 00:04:09 and not anywhere else in that room. Because I could watch it happen, but he almost caused like a five-car pileup. Yeah, that's pretty bad. It was the craziest thing I've ever seen. That's got to be like an Uber thing then, right? I would imagine, because that seems like a lot of the time when someone does something crazy like they do a wacky turn it's because they're an uber or a lyft or whatever and they missed a turn so they're like i gotta go and
Starting point is 00:04:37 they're like get out of the way and you just have to sit there and let them which is insane it is yeah you just just let it happen that's like it becomes nascar driving but like insane nascar driving yeah you know sometimes you gotta get there i guess it's crazy and then i saw you know how like in my area there's a bunch of those little scooters and the now they have uh phone powered bikes and stuff. It's madness. Some dude, I guess, either got tired of it or it was a crazy person. I don't know who. Took one of those scooters.
Starting point is 00:05:15 There's like a CVS near me. And out front of the CVS, they have a bunch of electronic power stations. Dude took one of the scooters and just beat the ever-living shit out of those power stations. Dude took one of the scooters and just beat the ever living shit out of those power stations. They are destroyed and all of the scooters and the bikes around it broke into pieces. I don't
Starting point is 00:05:35 know who did this. I don't know what kind of statement they were trying to make, but it looked like a war zone. It was crazy. I have no idea when they pulled this off. What the shit? I'm telling you. I don't know if he was like a guy who was
Starting point is 00:05:52 driving behind a whole pack of scooter people, which by the way, scooter people, it's a thing. Like packs of them. Packs of them. That's definitely 30 or 40 on little scooters driving down the street. It's crazy. That is 100%. 100% LA. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:06 They have light shows. The other night I saw one that it was a mix of scooter people and people on rollerblades. And they all had glowing lights, like RGB effects. There was like 30 or 40 of them rolling down the street. What the shit? Crazy. I was like, this is the most LA shit I've ever seen. This is like something out of
Starting point is 00:06:25 like a Batman movie, like one of the gang's Batman fights. The Scooter Gang. Yeah, it really was. It was so bizarre. I was like, man, this town's crazy. Yeah, that's not something you're going to see anywhere else, I don't think. Maybe like Portland or
Starting point is 00:06:41 like Seattle. Definitely it has like a big city, like New York, like a big city vibe. Oh that would not happen. Probably Miami. You'd definitely see this in Miami. Yeah maybe Miami. No I don't think any of the cold places like New York or Chicago or anything. It's like it's too much like you know you only get to do that like four months out of the year. Which is
Starting point is 00:06:58 why they do. I think like you've seen those videos of like bike gangs like gangs of like I don't know 18 year olds on bicycles. Have you seen that? No. I guess that's because I watch a lot of public freak out. Shout out to that Reddit.
Starting point is 00:07:11 It's great. But there's a group of videos that I've seen online of, I don't know, like 20 or 30 dudes on like tricked out bicycles. And they ride down the streets of clearly New York, except they tried to dodge cars while they do it. Huh? So they pop a wheelie and they're pedaling on just like, you know, the back wheel.
Starting point is 00:07:32 And then they like swerve at cars and try to dodge them. It's crazy. And I know that's New York. So, you know, every city got, it's crazy people. That is true.
Starting point is 00:07:44 Um, huh? That is true. That is true. That is true. You got a real think on that one. I mean, every town in the world has its crazy people. Even, like, probably some town of, like, 40 people. They're always going to be like, ah, there's crazy man Jenkins, right? Just sitting there.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I would wager that a town of 40 people has more crazy people than normal people. It's probably a little skewed towards that, yeah. Yeah, if you're going to live in a town of 40, you've got to have a little something off. You know what I mean? If you don't want out of that situation of like, oh, there's no one in this town and it's a little creepy.
Starting point is 00:08:21 If you don't want to leave that, you know. There's probably a lot of drugs. It's a little creepy. If you don't want to leave that, you know. There's probably a lot of drugs. A few marbles missing. Definitely drugs. No, that's where the drugs come through to be packaged. Ah, okay. That's why there are 40 people who live there. I was going to bring up that I randomly stumbled across the top tier stream ai seinfeld dude love it love it is amazing
Starting point is 00:08:51 for people who don't know what this is will you describe it to them yes okay so ai seinfeld is what ai was meant for uh you know there's so many issues with AI, just, you know, just big, yeah, you know, it's AI, but this is the thing AI should be used for. This is, they've recreated Seinfeld, but through AI technology. So it's just, it's all random, you know, it's just the AI and they got like the, like four main characters of Seinf uh just you know having a having a good time in the uh the apartment it's either they're in an apartment playing out a skit or it's seinfeld larry doing his stand-up or it's like the tv guide and it just rotates randomly and that's it there's nothing like special about it's It's just all random segments. It works because Seinfeld really is just random life segments,
Starting point is 00:09:49 so it kind of plays into that. But it's fantastic. I just can't stop watching. It is. The best way I've thought of it is it is so random and weird and totally bizarre and a little uncomfortable. But at the same time, you can't look away because it is also hilarious. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:11 And the best way to describe it is I don't remember who I saw write this up, but it was it's like watching David Lynch's Seinfeld. Yeah. Which is why I think you like it. I think it is. It has such a weird quality to it that is only amplified by the fact that Twitch chat loves it. They're so into it. And anytime, you know, Larry,
Starting point is 00:10:36 who's Jerry Seinfeld's character, Larry shows up, everyone's like, hi, Larry. Or, you know, he goes, bye. And everyone in chat goes, bye, Larry. Like, everyone loves it. And all the jokes are so weird. Like, one of the best clips,
Starting point is 00:10:50 I was actually there live for it, so I'm glad it got clipped, but Jerry, uh, asked, no, no, George asked Jerry the meaning of life. And Jerry starts pontificating on life, and George, I guess, glitches and flies away in the background
Starting point is 00:11:08 and then ends up on the couch and it's nothing funny is said. It's just the fact that they like AI glitch and he flies in the background while Jerry's like, and I feel like when we think about life and it's just a little in the back, it's hilarious hilarious all that is kind of the vibe yeah it's and sometimes it makes sense sometimes it doesn't make sense sometimes it's really random like i was watching one and she was just like uh the elaine's talking to george she's just like did you say you were going to go to the gym and he's like yes i plan on going to the gym and she's like you always stop going to the gym why even try anymore it was like holy shit and he's like well you need to try things because if you don't try you will not succeed and then he's he like stops and he's just like wait
Starting point is 00:11:57 what was i talking about and she's like you're talking about going to the gym and he's like oh yeah that's right and just like weird shit like that happens and that just goes like the everything just cuts like it's end scene and they just stand there with silence and then it just goes like the silence is the best part and then it goes it's so good i love it but yeah it reminds me of those old Twitch times of like seven, eight years ago where they had like Twitch watches like Pokemon or they'd watch or they'd play Pokemon or they'd watch like, you know, Bob Ross. It's exactly what it is. It feels with the chat.
Starting point is 00:12:39 It feels like a community thing with the chat. And I don't know if watching it alone would be as fun, but seeing the chat react, there's something about it that it's in the moment of it just being really weird and really silly. And the thing is, is it can go on forever. It is created by a group as an art project, I believe. And they wanted to try and use all these different AI things. And in the end, they just decided on making a Seinfeld show.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Except it's all generated by AI and can go on forever. The whole idea is it's a channel that's supposed to never end. I'm convinced they've made a bajillionty dollars. Oh, 100%. Because that thing has been running non-stop. It really has. And I think they've started playing ads.
Starting point is 00:13:23 Obviously. Yeah. They are pulling in the least number i've seen was maybe 8 000 people yeah no it usually hovers between like 8 and 15 000 it's not that's not bad for a channel of nothing i saw those tweets this week i don't even know if they're troll tweets or not the people that tweet about like the the starting screen and then the microphone where they're like you better get a good microphone if you want to start doing this business i think i think that girl was trying to troll um that's what i just everyone was getting really upset and i was like i don't know if this is a troll now but then i saw sam say that it was a troll and
Starting point is 00:14:00 i was like all right he probably knows because sam's a little bit of a troll. Sam does know everybody too. Yeah, for some reason everyone. Literally everyone. But I was like, okay. So I don't really like, I've long ago stopped giving a shit what anyone thought about how I run my business. So like none of that, I was like, nah, I don't care.
Starting point is 00:14:19 But people were losing their mind. Like, I'm gonna play eight hours of my intro. I was like, alright, that sounds funny. Like, whatever'm going to play eight hours of my intro. I was like, all right, that sounds funny. Like, whatever. I was going to do that anyway. I was going to do like a 24-hour stream of my intro. Hilarious.
Starting point is 00:14:32 I love that. Yeah. You can only do that so few times. You can only do it like once. And then everyone's like, all right, that's the goof. Can't keep doing it. You know? I think I just find troll humor annoying now.
Starting point is 00:14:43 I don't know. When I was younger, I was like, oh, but now I'm kind of over it. I mean, you can be like kind of dry. I mean, most of my humor is like that, but it's not to that extent of just like. You never try to like get aggro on anyone. You're not trying to piss. Like trolling is like I'm doing this to piss someone off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:02 You're more talking about trolling straight up. Making a goof or like doing something because you think it's funny and like it's not going to hurt anyone. Fine. Like, you know, the idea of trolling is to like get someone pissed to the point where they don't realize that you're just goofing. And I don't like, why am I trying to piss people off? I don't got time for that.
Starting point is 00:15:20 Although that's a lie. That's a lie. I don't know. A little bit ago, a couple of weeks back, I did troll both the Finns and the Swedes by saying they both spoke the same language. That pissed off everyone. I did it on purpose just because I knew it would. So, yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Never mind. I can't say shit. I'm a hypocrite. Never mind. Jesse Hypocrite Cox, right? That's me. There he is. I was also going to bring up your Patreon because I tweeted this at you because I was like, I'm going to rework some of my Patreon stuff because my Patreon has just been me updating everyone and then doing an AMA and then doing a Q&A podcast.
Starting point is 00:16:04 That's all my Patreon is. So I was like, you know what? I got to do some more stuff. So I was like, I'm going to go check out the Jesse Cox Patreon, see what he's doing over there. Yeah. Right? And I saw Jesse Cox feet pictures.
Starting point is 00:16:18 Yeah. So how do I describe this? I'm sure I'm going to hear about this tomorrow at the office. This will be lovely. Yeah. I was in the office. This will be lovely. I was in the kitchen of our office making coffee and Alejandro, one of my many, many, I'm going to say
Starting point is 00:16:33 for the moment, good employees walks up, takes a photo of my feet. I'm like, what? He's like, oh, it's for Patreon. I said, okay. And he's like, what about my business? And the next thing I see is Hugo, Jesse, like, what the hell is going on over there? Jesse Cox feed pics. And I was like, what is going on over there?
Starting point is 00:16:53 You don't even know what's going on. So what happens is every so often the team here at the office, a different one of them will post a kind of like their perspective of what's going on or an update of what's going on here, but through their lens, right? And so they always try to... Each one of my team is a unique
Starting point is 00:17:17 snowflake in their own right. And then Alejandro just... Alejandro's and his, his, his goof, I guess this time was to take feed picks. And,
Starting point is 00:17:30 uh, it's literally just my, me and my shoes. I have no idea what, I think it's just the title, but, uh, yeah,
Starting point is 00:17:36 as much. Yeah. Yeah. That's so we do that and we do like a bunch of other things, but I just always, yeah. Every so often they're like, okay,
Starting point is 00:17:44 Jesse, here's an idea for patreon i'm like oh boy yeah what is it it's always something that involves me embarrassing myself in some way what's your what's the top things people like on your patreon like how do i describe this youtube sucks i guess is the story and if you do anything that goes against the overall metric algorithm nonsense, so like if you – this is a great example. I used to do like Let's Play things. And then interspersed with that, I would have some of the role play stuff that I did. And the role play stuff has a minimal audience.
Starting point is 00:18:20 It's one of those things where like if you aren't keen on the show, like you're not going to watch. Or if you aren't caught up the show like you're not gonna watch or right if you aren't caught up you're not gonna watch and so the vods existed as just a i'm gonna save these vods because i had fun doing it right but view wise they were significantly lower than everything else and after talking with youtube a bunch they were like that lower view thing brings everything else down oh i, I see. So if you have a show that has, you know, 100,000 views and one that has 6,000 views, that 6,000 view mark algorithmically pulls your entire channel down. Oh. And so they kept saying, get rid of it, get rid of it, get rid of it. But a lot of the things that weren't doing well algorithmically were some of the fan
Starting point is 00:19:05 favorite things and so it just seemed like a natural transition to say okay things like fan friday that have ups and downs based on what the game is that's something that should be moved to patreon yeah so that people who enjoy it and who are the fans that are willing to be part of a patreon they're probably gonna want to see that stuff so we're giving it to them and then things that you know our general audience stuff that are for the growth of the channel that's still on the channel that kind of thing so what i need to do is i need to put things that don't get viewed well on youtube on the patreon but that people like like a like a non-content type of thing. If I put it up, usually
Starting point is 00:19:47 non-content is only getting the main people. You're not hitting the main algorithm of Jimmy down in Florida is like, why is this thing on my feed? You're just hitting people that know me. So I think that is better on Patreon. And then I need feet pics
Starting point is 00:20:03 apparently. Obviously. I kind of keep thinking, like, Kind of Funny has this vibe that they do where they have an entire series of shows and all these different things, and their Patreon pays for all of it, and then they release some of it on YouTube. It's pretty much their MO,
Starting point is 00:20:20 which is why their presence online is huge, but their YouTube stuff is, like, whatever. It's middling. But their online presence, they but they're like, YouTube stuff is like, whatever, it's middling. But their online presence, they're everywhere. Like, Greg Miller's everywhere. And it's because he has such a strong fundamental base with all of his supporters and people that really like his content. And I think at the end of the day, you know, be it with this podcast or, you know, a live show or whatever, you will always have a strong group of supporters who are there and being able to like, give them better content and like cater to what they want at the same time while trying to, uh, grow your channel more widely is like the biggest thing in our
Starting point is 00:21:02 space, right? It's, it's how do I get everyone interested in what I'm doing while at the same time keep the people that have been here from the beginning happy? And that's the give and take. You have to figure out kind of how that works. It's difficult, that's for sure. Yeah, because right now I'm always like,
Starting point is 00:21:17 guys, I only do like a Q&A and an AMA over here and then everyone's like, we're just supporting you. And I'm like, yeah, but I need to do something. I mean, yeah, that's the thing that I have as well is a lot of people are just like, look, we're just supporting you. We're helping fund this project or this project. I'm like, thank you. That means the world to me. But I also feel guilty. Like, how
Starting point is 00:21:36 can I make this worth your while? Yeah, yeah, I understand. Maybe I'll throw some Warhammer stuff up there. That'd be fun. For the big oil princes, I'll record some audio. Just an audio clip of mine. You know? It's like that Fiverr thing, right?
Starting point is 00:21:53 Where people pay you five bucks and you go like, Hey, Jimmy, happy birthday. Right? Is that what they do? I don't think it's the same. I think it's two different websites are conflating. Yeah. Yeah. I think that what you should do are conflating, but yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:09 I think that what you should do is literally just go and ask, what do you want? Uh, not like, am I all right? Are you like, what would you want from me? What would you like to see here? And then,
Starting point is 00:22:18 you know, like, uh, pick the thing that you feel most passionate about being able to pull off. All right. Yeah, that's a good idea. That's a great way to spruce up. slash Crandor.
Starting point is 00:22:30 Shameless. Utterly shameless. Well, I learned it from slash Jesse Cox. Wow. Now that's my kind of shameless. See, you got to save the YouTube for the crazy. I thought of an idea today where i was like you know how there's there's those videos of like i ate 40 slices of
Starting point is 00:22:50 pizza and this is what happened right yeah right i need to do that but in my style like the to hit the alley be like i ate one slice of pizza and this is what happened right you're probably still gonna hit that algorithm but people are gonna be like you know it's a goof because they know the the big honking stories of like i ate 800 slices but like one slice you're still gonna be like well something crazy's gotta happen in this then they click it and nothing crazy happens you know what there's been a few of those that i've clicked on where it's been like i did this insane thing and then you click on it. And it's not really that insane when you see what they're doing. It's like, you know, I ate 800 slices of pizza. And then you watch the video and it's like over a seven-year period.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Yeah. I ate 800 slices. You're like, wait a minute. What? Or you click on it and they're just like, what's up, guys? How's it going? This is going to be a crazy video. Remember to like, comment, subscribe.
Starting point is 00:23:45 And, you know, this video, I put a lot of effort into this one. You know, really appreciate you helping the channel. So let's just get into the video. And then it still doesn't get into the video. And you're just like, I don't care. Yeah, there's this, I saw this dude who was like, I dry aged the oldest steak in Americaica and you're like okay and it's literally just him talking for like 25 minutes before he even starts like bro i don't have time
Starting point is 00:24:13 for this i was like skip skip skip skip skip just show me the meat what's this thing look like does it taste good i don't give a damn about the rest of this i don't want to hear the backstory of where this meat came from like Like, let's keep going. The only time I care about any of that is there's a dude who does historical cooking. Uh, I don't know his name, so I can't give him a real shout out, but he does like, uh, you know, French fries from ancient Rome. And you're like, wait a minute, but ancient Rome didn't have potatoes. So you can watch this video and you get to see like what it
Starting point is 00:24:45 actually was or he did, you know, like a pizza, like the origins of pizza. And so it's both a history lesson and it's him cooking. Yeah. Love it. Love that stuff. But that's because I'm learning a thing. Yeah. When I watch a dude
Starting point is 00:25:01 who's like, so my friend and I, we were talking about getting this steak and the friend's like, it was a crazy idea dude who's like so my friend and i we were talking about getting this steak and the friend's like it was a crazy idea he's like yeah it was pretty crazy and so we went first we went to this one place to find it but they didn't have it there no bro bro that place was crazy you forgot that that place was fucking crazy bro well that was because it had philly behind the del deli there oh yeah i know I know. Right. Dude. That goes crazy. Yeah. It was crazy, but he didn't have to meet.
Starting point is 00:25:27 We were looking for. So instead we went downtown to Focaccia John's. Oh yeah. Focaccia John. It's a great place. It's one of my favorite stores. Focaccia John. Remember Focaccia John,
Starting point is 00:25:37 you know, straight up. Hashtag Focaccia John. Hashtag sponsor. Hashtag Focaccia John. Hashtag sponsored by HelloFresh. And so we got there and it's literally just them going on it just keeps going and you're like bro show me the meat Let's get to the point. I
Starting point is 00:25:53 Would I if you have a if you have like a video where it's about you and the oldest piece of meat I want to see that meat before it was a hold. I want to see the meat after was old I want to see you cook it. I want to see you eat it. I don't want anything else. And then they're like, all right, but really now, let's get into the meat of the video. And then it just cuts
Starting point is 00:26:12 right to an ad. You're like... Oh, yeah. That upsets me tremendously. The in-video ad with a YouTube ad to just double hit you. Before, years ago, I probably would have watched the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:26:26 But something, I don't know if it's like the TikTok generation or whatever, something in the last since like 2017, I have no patience for long videos. When I make a long video, I'm blown away anyone watches it. I can go about like six minutes before i start asking how long is this video it depends some video it's like what you said where i'm watching something where it's like entertaining i'm learning something those are usually the ones i'll watch but if it's just like not like a random ass long video to be long i'm like like, I don't care. And it's, I'm kind of like that on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:27:05 If I'm looking through my TikToks and some videos or TikToks just like, oh my God, guys, this is, don't skip this because you're not going to, and I look at like the bars, like four minutes, I'm like, I don't care, skip. Speaking of TikTok, there is,
Starting point is 00:27:19 so you know how TikTok in China is different from TikTok in this, I guess the rest of the world, right? I think everything in China is different from tiktok in this i guess the rest of the world right i think everything in china is different from well because tiktok is like a a chinese owned entity yeah the videos in china are all educational but they're allowed to be whatever in the rest of the world but you can't make like goofy dance videos on tiktok in china for some reason oh uh it's like a different system it's like a very sanitized right yeah and so every so often on my feed now i get a lot more because i kept watching them but there's a dude in china and it's him walking around at like an
Starting point is 00:27:59 old looks like barely anyone lives their village, but he's all dressed looking great. And he goes around and he talks to all the different people that live there and he buys food. And at the end of the Tik TOK, he makes the food and, and it's got this peaceful, serene music in the background. And all the comments are like,
Starting point is 00:28:19 dude, if I could live there and live that life, that'd be amazing. Oh my God. I have to watch all your videos. Oh, this is so cool. It's so different. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I looked at his videos. Cause I, I too was like, Oh, this guy, this is so neat. This guy's like just going around doing his thing. And it's very peaceful. It's something I think probably you'd really enjoy where you like, just makes fun, weird food in China. And it's very, like get stuff from like the old Chinese lady who runs, like, the shop. But if you scroll down far enough, his first few videos are all him on a Chinese comedy show.
Starting point is 00:28:55 Oh? Where I think it's supposed, the goof is supposed to be, like, he's a black dude in China, I guess, is, like, the goof of the comedy show. I honestly don't know. But it's, like, a real goof of the comedy show. I honestly don't know, but it's like a real live ass comedy show, but that's why I'm like me, like the first two or three Tik TOKs. Everything after that is him, not in a big city,
Starting point is 00:29:15 not in the comedy show, but in the countryside cooking. And I'm convinced because of that fact that I, I'm, this has to be propaganda. Oh, this has to like, there Oh, this has to like there's no like it is
Starting point is 00:29:28 so wholesome and so it's so nice. Yeah, that's always that's always the red flag. If everything looks perfect red flag, right? It's just so I'm going to hold on. I'm going to find this for you and show you one thing because this is the guys
Starting point is 00:29:44 tick tock. I'm not going to we for you and just show you one thing. All right. Because this is the guy's TikTok. I'm not going to... We're not going to shout it out. Okay. Just because I don't want to... This guy bombarded. Right. But you can see on his TikTok, you can click any video. But if you scroll all the way to the bottom, dude is like looking like a G.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Oh, yeah. And there's one video of him with like an older man in like a G. Oh, yeah. And there's one video of him with like an older man in like a suit. But then it's also them in the countryside. It's very bizarre. But then if you go up to like, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:30:17 there's one video called, I don't know, click any video. You click any video, tell me what you want to watch. I was clicking the older ones. I'm going to click a... Let's see. I'm going to click...
Starting point is 00:30:33 What is this? Alright, here's Hot Pot. I do like Hot Pot. Great. Hot Pot time. Alright, yes. Click it. Alright. Describe time. All right. Yes. Click it. All right.
Starting point is 00:30:47 Describe it to the audience, please. He is wearing one of those flappy-eared hats, very vibrant colored. I think Chinese shirt. He's getting an old timey hot pot. He's playing the Studio Ghibli song that plays at the credits of Spirited Away, I believe. Is this true? I have no idea what the song was. I have no idea. Yeah, that song may be from something else, but I know they play it at the end of Spirited Away.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Then it's just him and like veggies and seafood and just he's going crazy. Yeah, he's just chopping up veggies. But it's like really peaceful though right like it's it is if you ignore the fact that the background kind of looks like he's in an abandoned home yeah everything else about it is like kind of peaceful the music and this dude's just cooking yeah and then he's got everything ready for the hot pot. Putting it all down. Now he's putting the coals into the hot pot thing. I guess pot.
Starting point is 00:31:55 He's putting in seafood. Now he's putting the pot lid onto the pot. Now he's making sauce. It is a very peaceful video. And then my dude just like goes to town on the food. Yeah, he's eating it. Yeah, and that's like the whole video. And he sits
Starting point is 00:32:14 there, he's like, mmm, it's so good. And then all the comments are like, your videos bring peace to my life. I don't understand why these keep coming up, but they're some of my favorite videos. Sir, I don't know how I ended up on this side of TikTok, but I'm invested now.
Starting point is 00:32:31 You're definitely my new favorite creator. You make me want to live abroad. How can I get your coat? It's so peaceful there. You're living your dream. All this kind of stuff.
Starting point is 00:32:45 But again, you go back to his first videos, and it makes it seem fake. That's the problem. Man's got to delete those. He's trying to covert get us. Literally, all of his videos seem like, come to China. Live a peaceful life. Everything is provided. It's wonderful.
Starting point is 00:33:05 And then you go down to his first videos, and it's him in, like, a suit jacket, walking through a soundstage. Like, you know, he's a professional TikToker, all this shit. And I'm just like, what? One of the videos is it's me and my Chinese friend, and it's him and, like, I assume just a rich-ass old man. Yeah, I see that. I have so, so many questions. And until I have answers, it seems like it's all for show, right? It seems fake.
Starting point is 00:33:35 I would say so. I'd like to believe it's not, but the actual, like, realist side of me is like, it's got to be fake. Here's another like here's another thing go down in this video second row uh third video literally him on tv yeah he's literally on tv that's that's definitely right it's a little suspicious i feel like they're not just going to put you on TV in China. Exactly. You're not just going to end up on TV. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:15 Like, no, if they're going to put you on TV, they have to know, like, they know everything about you. Which makes me think that maybe this is a show on TV. Maybe. This dude is like, I don't know know but it strikes me as being very strange and i it keeps popping up on my feed and now i don't watch them as much before i'd be like oh i gotta i gotta see what the hell this guy's doing and then i realized wait a minute this could be and now it keeps popping up and the fact that all the comments are like i don't know how this showed up on my feed but i love it i'm telling you i'm it's like a little concerning and i don't want to be conspiracy but like it's i'm like okay i wonder what other videos show up that are like i don't know how
Starting point is 00:34:53 this got here but man chinese life seems so peaceful and serene unlike my complicated american life like it's just i don't't know. Yeah. And, you know, you just, it definitely feels suspicious. I would not, I would not, I don't know. I had to show it to you.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I had to, because it's just, I'm glad I saw this now. A little sus. Just a little tiny bit. Um, well, you know what's not sus damn perfect great me undies you know that feeling you get when your crush texts you unexpectedly no not suspicion of course
Starting point is 00:35:39 i'm talking about little butterflies little love flututters, because MeUndies knows. MeUndies knows what's up. This Valentine's Day, you can get yourself a new limited edition MeUndies from their new collection. Add some heat to your V-Day with MeUndies and get 25% off your purchase. Plus, get free shipping, free returns. So simple. All you gotta do is go to slash Crandor. MeUndies are the
Starting point is 00:36:09 undies that I've had on me. I say that all the time because it's true. We have worn MeUndies collectively for 800 years, I think. It's been 800 minimum. Yeah, minimum. That's just, you know, we're being, you know, conservative on that number. And that's because we love them so much's just, you know, we're being conservative on that number.
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Starting point is 00:37:14 And if you don't like it, you can return it, but I'm going to tell you, you're going to like it. All you got to do is go to slash Crendor. That's slash Crendor. That's me. Also, today we're brought to you by Factor. We're getting into it. The new year is, we are already in February, people.
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Starting point is 00:39:19 How's the traffic out there? Oh, boy. We got traffic, and it is traffic-y. You got cars backed up. You got Teslas cutting across five lanes of traffic. It's wild. Also, wait. Oh, yep, there we go.
Starting point is 00:39:35 I don't know. We were kind of free falling there. You were falling a little bit. That's fine. We're back. Also, somebody, I just went to look for a weather location here and somebody said to mention that Marie condo is messy. Now she is not tidying up as much anymore. Oh,
Starting point is 00:39:51 what does that mean? What happened to her? Uh, well, apparently according to this thing, uh, she's just busy. She's got kids and now she lets her home get a bit messy.
Starting point is 00:40:03 Now. I feel like when she says messy It's still more clean than most people's houses. What is her definition of messy? Yeah, I love to see that It's like oh, there's a couple like shirts on the floor or something You know I mean like she's mad, you know Not like some people like see now I can leave my cheese it boxes all over the ground like no We're not hitting that territory, you know Thank you Thanks thanks grendor
Starting point is 00:40:25 i would love to see what her messy looks like i really want to i want to as well because it would give me some sort of baseline because i'm not gonna lie i uh got a box in the mail uh and i opened that box and that box has been sitting by the door for like three days and i want to know is that considered messy or lazy or both to her? Because I keep thinking, oh, well, I don't want to just throw the box out and put stuff in the box and then I'll just take it down to the dump with all the stuff like trash in it. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:55 But it's just been sitting there and I haven't like compiled enough trash to take anything to the dump. So it's just sitting there. It's like just a box. And I feel, you know, you know, me, part of me is like, I need to get rid of that. That's just, it's just sitting there. It's like just a box. And I feel, you know, you know, me, part of me is like, I need to get rid of that. That's just, it's just sitting there.
Starting point is 00:41:07 And the other part of me is like, but Jesse, it wouldn't, you save a trip if you just did everything at once. And so, yeah, that's, wouldn't Marie Kondo hate me?
Starting point is 00:41:18 I need to know. I need to know what her messy is. Uh, yeah, let's see. Does this say anything about it styling trend there's like pictures here i don't know if these are her official pictures though like she says my home is messy but the way i am spending my time is the right way for me at this time and stage of my life
Starting point is 00:41:36 okay well let's see a picture she has the japanese idea of kurashi or way of life strays from her once hard and fast rule for eliminating clutter and junk. Instead, her goal is to spark joy in other ways. Okay. While the ultra-tidy author probably doesn't have a designated junk drawer like the rest of us, it seems that her growing family
Starting point is 00:41:54 has humbled her enough to... Blah, blah, blah. Tidying up means dealing with all the things in your life. So what do you really want to put in order? I just want to see this picture. You know what I just realized? I went to go look this up. This isn't Marie Kondo, but this person, Rachel Crawford, you know what?
Starting point is 00:42:18 I think she best describes it for me because I'm so busy all the time. Having things means more stuff to handle, right? Yeah. And she says, minimalism doesn't mean always tidy. It just means easily tidied. Yo, that's exactly how I feel. That's true. The reason why I like less stuff is because I don't have to keep tidying up all the time.
Starting point is 00:42:42 I can go about my life, come home, and if stuff is out of place, I move three things and I'm good. Yeah, that's true. That is exactly how I feel. The reason why I don't like things is because I've got to always handle them. I don't have time to always be handling things.
Starting point is 00:42:59 The less stuff I have, I feel more relieved. Yeah, easily tidied is exactly... I don i don't spend a lot of time i'm like oh i cleaned my home it took me like you know 20 minutes to do yeah no we uh we were doing that too the last month or so of january just kind of tidying up getting rid of things donated a bunch of stuff so it feel it feels good when you get rid of stuff and then you get more like storage you get more space yeah there is less you got to worry about it is very nice yeah yeah that's all i'm saying man that hit me i don't know why today was the day i need to see
Starting point is 00:43:37 that but i felt like justified all right i am you know what i am busy i'm gonna leave that box there damn it yeah that's the traffic all right let's go to weather weather we got a weather request uh it says please do weather for new ross in ireland there's kennedy statues all over the place and a big emigration ship i don't even know what a Kennedy statue is. Of the Kennedys, maybe? Maybe. I don't know. Is that where he's from?
Starting point is 00:44:08 What is this place called? New Ross. New Ross, Ireland. Oh, and then... There we are. New Ross, Wexford, Ireland. It is 37 degrees Fahrenheit. Currently feels like 34.
Starting point is 00:44:24 You got a high of 37, low of low of 36 wait that doesn't make sense it's 34 whatever humidity 94 pressure 30.77 inches visibility nine miles 802 a.m sunrise 5 21 p.m sunset winds going at three miles an hour dew point 35 uv index zero of 10 with a full moon full moon 10 day uh we got monday partly cloudy 49 degrees fahrenheit tuesday 51 cloudy wednesday 48 mostly cloudy thursday partly cloudy with 48 friday got 51 degrees cloudy Saturday 50 degrees mostly cloudy And then from there on out It's pretty much 50 degrees with rain For numerous days Which I actually love
Starting point is 00:45:12 I love 50 degree rain That's one of my favorite weathers You have mentioned this, yes? Yeah, love it It's great The town has this like old vibe to it Like it looks very very old It does.
Starting point is 00:45:25 Yes. And there's like some things, you know, like Scully O'Brien's pub. And I'm like, yeah, that seems like Irish as shit. But then there's like Pauline's bar. And I'm like, what the hell is Pauline's bar? And then right next to that is the Holy Grail restaurant, New Ross. And I'm like, what the hell is the Holy Grail restaurant? The first photo makes it look like it is from 1904. Let me send you this image.
Starting point is 00:45:55 It looks like a place your grandparents would go eat. And then you look at the food, and it looks amazing. It's like delicious looking Indian food. Oh, yeah. It does look like an old type of oh my God. Wow. Yeah, the food looks great. But like the restaurant looks so this is what I imagine every restaurant in this city is
Starting point is 00:46:13 like I did not expect that right? It looks delicious and then you're just like wait a minute. Hold on. Yeah, mom. Look at that. That's crazy. Yeah, I'm trying to find other other restaurants in the city that have pictures Wait a minute. Hold on. Damn. Look at that. That's crazy. Yeah. I'm trying to find other restaurants in this city that have pictures of their food, but
Starting point is 00:46:30 most of the restaurants don't have pictures of their food. Oh, here we go. Sid's Diner. Here it is. Now, this is... Take a look at this one. That's Sid's Diner. Damn.
Starting point is 00:46:45 Sid's Diner looks like a diner. The food looks like a diner. This is the most American Irish thing I've ever seen in my entire life. Oh yeah, this is 100%. They even have a John Deere tractor out front. Yeah, they really do.
Starting point is 00:47:04 Look at that Question to Ireland Is this a drive through town I feel like this is Hold on I'm going to scroll out I feel like this is a We're driving through to some place Oh yeah it's like south of Dublin
Starting point is 00:47:15 Kind of on one of the highways Kind of And it's like you're driving south to I don't know where the hell you're going Cork somewhere Waterford I don't know where the hell you're going. Cork? Somewhere. Waterford? I don't know where you're going. But it's kind of like in the middle of you know
Starting point is 00:47:31 not like a huge town. Yeah. So it has that vibe of like okay welcome to our little town. But then again some of the restaurants there's this place called Manion's Pub. It looks like an old folks home.
Starting point is 00:47:50 But the food looks delicious. Yeah, I guess it's just because everything is sort of, you know, it looks like it's from 1910. Yeah. I mean, it makes sense. It just has that vibe. East Coast, a little bit like that. Sure, sure, sure. Except in America everything has to look new.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Yeah. Right, so everyone like remodels the inside of it to make it look fancy. They're not doing that here. Some of this stuff, it clearly looks like it has been around for a long time. Oh my god, like the three bullet gate bar and lounge this place is oh my god look at this hold on this is definitely there you go yeah this look
Starting point is 00:48:38 this place looks like it hasn't been updated since like 1930 yep holy shit but i would be there in a heartbeat look at that they got a little fireplace but it's like a tiny ass fireplace you know what it looks like it looks like when i was a kid in like the mid 80s my grandmother would take me to the foreign legion is that not the foreign legion the uh american like the american legion yeah yeah legion halls yeah take me down Is that not the Foreign Legion? The American Legion. Yeah. Legion Halls. Yeah, take me down to the Legion Hall, and this is exactly what it looks like. It was barely held together. Everyone was kind of like, this is old, but everyone was just hanging out. It has that vibe.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Yeah, they don't care. They're there to just drink and take off. They have a cigarette machine behind the counter. It looks like, yeah, but you know it has 84 reviews, almost five stars. Oh, yeah. You know they love it there. They definitely do. And, well, that's the weather. All right, let's go to sports.
Starting point is 00:49:43 Sports. Sports. So we got some big sports news uh football the super bowl is gonna be happening next week it is the eagles and the chiefs in the super bowl yeah um then over in the nba the nets are trading kyrie irving to the Dallas Mavericks. And taking a look at the standings, we've got the Celtics, Bucks, 76ers, Nets, Cavs, Heat with the Knicks, Hawks, Bulls, Pacers right behind them. And in the West, you've got the Nuggets, Grizzlies, Kings, Clippers, Suns, Mavericks with the Warriors, Timberwolves, Jazz, Pelicans behind them. And then over in hockey,
Starting point is 00:50:26 we got the Bruins in first, the Hurricanes still in first, the Dallas Stars in first by one point over the Jets, and the Kraken and the Kings tied in first with the Vegas Golden Knights one point behind them. And spring
Starting point is 00:50:41 training for baseball is going to be starting in I think just a couple of weeks here, February 13th, the camps open. So actually next week they, uh, they start spring training camps opening. So we're, uh, we're almost a baseball again. Granted baseball is pretty much like three fourths of the year. I was about to say, we're almost always baseball time. Yep.
Starting point is 00:51:09 And that's sports. All right. What is our fact of the day? Fact of the day. We've got a big fact here. Ants have a built-in Fitbit. What? While previous research found that ants use visual cues,
Starting point is 00:51:33 a 2007 study discovered that desert ants have an internal pedometer that helps them keep track of their travels and find their way back home. Wait, wait, wait. Only specifically those ants? I guess so. Yeah, I, wait. Only specifically those ants? I guess so, yeah. I guess it's just desert ants. I guess normal ants don't, or maybe they do, but they didn't study them, so they only know desert ants do.
Starting point is 00:51:55 They only know. Yeah, we didn't study those guys. We're not going to make general assumptions. Yeah, look at that. Ants. They got pedometers I mean that's fascinating I guess you would have to have something
Starting point is 00:52:09 internally to figure out how to how far you walked when the world is huge you know what I mean like uh for us we have a like a planetary perspective of if I'm in a city I can find my way home in that city but you know an ant, that might just be
Starting point is 00:52:25 the colony. You know what I mean? That isn't even... That's like if you left the city and then wandered however far, if you extrapolate however far, and then it's like, alright, find your way back. I don't know that a lot of people could do that. Yeah, I don't think so. I think a lot of people get lost.
Starting point is 00:52:42 That's what I'm saying. If you had to be like, okay, go to the edge of the galaxy then find your way back that's kind of like the vibe I get it's like I don't know if I can do that it's like well that's what the ants are doing yeah
Starting point is 00:52:58 no it's uh I can't even imagine having that type of ability you can kind of track it you're like I think I went like this but they must like actually know I can't even imagine having that type of ability. They can kind of track it. You're like, I think I went like this, but they must actually know. They're confident in what they know.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I love ant confidence. That's my favorite. Love ant confidence. Big fan. You know what? I'm happy those ants found confidence. That's some ant self-love right there. That is.
Starting point is 00:53:24 That's why it's your fact of the day all right what is our big news story of the day news story of the day so here's one that i didn't even read this article but i clicked it because it sounds like something we do and i need I need to know. Oh, no. Yes. Researcher thinks he solved Bigfoot mystery, and you can do the math, too. Whoa. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:53:55 Okay. A data scientist thinks he solved the mystery of Bigfoot, not by searching for the creature out in the wilds, but examining the math. searching for the creature out in the wilds, but examining the math. In a new pre-print study published online in BioRxiv, data analyst Flo Foxen says many sightings could actually be black bears, which can be roughly the same size and shape of Sasquatch when on hind legs. He's even come up with a simple formula. Sasquatch sightings were statistically significantly associated with bear populations that such, on average, one sighting is expected for every 900 bears.
Starting point is 00:54:31 Based on statistical considerations, it's likely that many supposed Sasquatch are really just misidentified known forms. If Bigfoot is there, he writes, it may be many bears. The study includes a map showing black bear population and Bigfoot sightings overlapping in some places, especially the Pacific Northwest. But it also shows two big exceptions, Texas and Florida, of course. Whoa. The two states had plenty of Bigfoot sightings, but Texas has no real bear population.
Starting point is 00:55:05 Florida does have. I mean, they do have drug issues, though. You do have drugs. Both of them. A lot of drugs. And Florida. That might counterbalance. Those, he wrote, could be explained by other animals or even people mistaken for Bigfoot.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Usually, when people say they've seen something like Bigfoot, they aren't lying about what they think they saw, but that doesn't mean they aren't mistaken. Foxen's analysis cites previous studies, including a 2009 report published in Journal of Biogeography that also found a distinct overlap between black bear populations and Bigfoot sightings. The authors of that study wrote that the overlap suggests that many sightings of this cryptozoid may be cases of mistaken identity. But while Foxen thinks Bigfoot sightings might be explained by bears, he also debunked the common explanation for the Loch Ness Monster. Some have speculated that the sightings could be spawned by giant eels swimming in the loch. I'm more upset about giant eels.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Turns out the math doesn't work. He told the Telegraph that spotting a three-foot eel would be one in 50,000 event in the loch. For an eel that's about 20 feet or more, the probability is practically next to zero. Damn, dude. I love the sort of skeptical science-based nature of this. It's exactly how I feel all the time, especially doing another podcast about this stuff.
Starting point is 00:56:31 Where I'm just like, no, no. I'm totally convinced most of the weird sightings of creatures are just like a weird looking animal that already exists. You know what I mean? I think so. Now I'll allow a little room that maybe there's like something, but I'd say 99.999% is like, well, sure. I had a little bit to drink, but I swear that thing looked like a man ape. Like, no, I don't, I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:01 It's, uh, I mean, I think you just look at how you react like as a person not us but like just analyze yourself like there's times i'll walk in through a door and i'll see like a thing on the ground i'm like oh it's cat and it's just like a statue and i'm like oh it was just a state like your brain kind of just puts things there even if it's not what it is especially if you want to see it right yeah there's a there was a study that happened a little bit ago where they were testing the amount of sleep you got compared to your openness to believe in the paranormal or extraterrestrial, like that kind of thing. And those who get less sleep or those who are from insomnia are significantly more likely to say they either believe or have seen something. Oh, yeah. They're like, it could be you're just sleep deprived and your brain is making you see things or putting together things that you don't quite understand or recognize into something else.
Starting point is 00:58:06 understand or recognize into something else and the but the best part is even that study was like now this isn't 100 the case and we're not saying i love how everyone keeps their options open just in case the ghost shows up like what up haters which admittedly i do too i would love to see a ghost or alien or i want to see them i if i see a ghost all right i've got absolute proof of an afterlife good uh you know i'm feeling great if i see an alien oh damn i now have proof of aliens like i would feel fine with any of that yeah sign me up yeah i agree i think uh you know plus like now everybody's got their phones and cameras and everything and nothing has to be blurry anymore but now there's still nobody.
Starting point is 00:58:45 It always is, though. For some reason, we have the highest tech stuff we've ever had. We have more cameras all over the world. We capture all sorts of stuff. But anytime there's a weird, like paranormal extraterrestrial thing or whatever, crypto animal, it's always blurry every time. It never fails. And then, of course, if I say that, I'm going to get a message that's like,
Starting point is 00:59:08 well, that's because they control the... Yeah, they have an aura that... Exactly. Don't you see? Like, oh my God. Okay, all right. So I'll never... You'll never be wrong.
Starting point is 00:59:19 Okay, I see how this works. Yep. You'll never win. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty much it. And that's pretty much it for this works. Yep. You'll never win. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty much it. And that's pretty much it for this episode. All right, Crendor!
Starting point is 00:59:30 Hit him with the socials. We got socials. First, slash slash jessicox. Boom, look at that. More Patreon promotion. Also, you can find this podcast on slash coxandcrendorpodcast. All one word.
Starting point is 00:59:46 Click the like, comment, subscribe, comment your weather requests or funny things you've seen or whatever. Also, go to slash Cox and Crandor. If you want to see the animations, they're all up over there. Also, we're on Spotify, iTunes, SoundCloud or some other places. You can also find us on our main things. slash Jesse Cox. slash Crendor. Twitch TV, Jesse Cox.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Twitch TV, Crendor. TikTok, Jesse Cox. TikTok. TikTok, Crendor. Twitter, Jesse Cox. Twitter, Crendor. Facebook, Jesse Cox. Facebook, Crendor.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Instagram, Notorious Cox. Instagram, Crendor was taken. And that's all I got okay that's it for us thanks so much we'll see y'all next time forgot what that what this was and hey as always to be continued

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