Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 401 - It's Nothing to Text Home About

Episode Date: October 2, 2023

The boys are back and while Jesse has tales of his daily walk, Crendor has questions about his phrasing "nothing to write home about". What did that come from? The boys then spend some time in Lithuan...ia and learn about a man's support alligator. All this and more on Cox n' Crendor! Go to and use code cox50 to get 50% off. Go to to get 20% off your first order and free standard shipping on US orders.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by Factor. Factor's gonna deliver those good meals right to your door. Also today we're brought to you by MeUndies. MeUndies are the undies that I have on me. Alright, now let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trend Dog. This is Trend Dog in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4-hour recording studios. Recording. Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Cox and Crandall in the morning. Hey, we're 4.01 now.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Episode 4.0-1. It's like a whole new future's ahead of us. Yeah, it's like we're, now we're like a highway. Take the 4-0-1. That's, I mean, like, yeah, that is a real thing. We hit 4-0-5. That's about the slowest episode ever. Oh, boy, we got to make sure that is the slowest episode ever.
Starting point is 00:01:03 A normal one-hour podcast, five hours long. Nothing happens. We leave for half of it. It's like, guys, we're back for the second half where we're going to be reading War and Peace. Yes, as slow as possible. Somebody out there would love that. They'd be like, yes, I've got a 22 hour flight. How's it going?
Starting point is 00:01:29 It is going well. Went for a walk today down to the old Abbott Kenny. If you're in Los Angeles, you know that street. It's a lot of shops and a lot of like, I think you probably were there at one point. I was probably singing it. It's literally nothing to write home about, but it is fun to walk down. There's a lot of people walking around looking fancy. It's like – boy, I'm probably going to get flack for this,
Starting point is 00:01:55 but it's like the Venice, California version of Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. I see. A lot of shops, a lot of places. None of it's like fancy Rodeo Drive stuff where it's, you know, the things that cost a fortune, but it's like the hipster version where there's a bunch of shops that sell things you've never heard of before and things are named like Gutenflog. And you're like, what the hell's in that? And it's for some reason Boba. And you're like, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:02:22 Why is that the case? That sounds about right. that and it's for some reason boba and you're like what's that why is that the case that sounds about right a lot of uh places designed for people that are trying to eat like a salad made from things you've never heard of before right yeah that kind of place i like walking down there it's fun like we got the salads made of like broccoli sprouts like ginger i mean there is a place called lemonade there that that's pretty much one of their salads. Exactly. Like a broccoli something salad. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Some like weird fruit, you know, like Gutenberries. We're always going German here. Gutenberries! Gutenberries, you know. Gutenberry, that sounds like a dude's last name. John Gutenberry. That'd be a cool name, honestly.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Gutenberry's a fun name, yeah. Also, I realize you said nothing to write home about, and I thought that's gotta be a thing from, like, a long time ago, right? Because, like, that's nothing to write home about, because, like, you had to, like, literally write home, like, Mother and Father, my college adventures have gone
Starting point is 00:03:21 well. Or, like, I'm overseas right now The ships have sailed to the new land I mean I guess the updated version Would be that it's nothing to text home about You wouldn't call, no one calls anymore So yeah it's nothing to text home about I guess
Starting point is 00:03:35 Honestly I think I picked up that phrase from my dad Who says it all the time And so I'm pretty sure that my dad Picked it up from probably His father or something I'm sure there that my dad picked it up from probably his father or something. I'm sure there's some dude in 1860 who's like, well, there's nothing to write home about. And everyone's like, hey, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:03:55 Yeah. There's a lot of those little quirky sayings. Hold on. We live in an information age. I can just look this up. You could just look that up. Where does nothing to write home about? Originated in the 1800s, possibly among troops stationed far away from home.
Starting point is 00:04:12 It became widespread in World War I. So, yeah. I mean, like, I was pretty much right on the money. Yeah. Pretty much got it. Yeah. Although it's weird that they wrote this, an idiom from the late 1800s, and then said it became widespread in World War I.
Starting point is 00:04:26 So that's like, all right, so you mean like the early 1900s when people actually started using it. Yeah. Yeah, that makes more sense. It's going to get someone confused thinking World War I is like 1896. It was not. Isn't it crazy? Like two world wars happened
Starting point is 00:04:46 like pretty close together. I mean, one was responsible for the other. So like it's it is crazy. It's terrible. But it's you know, World War One caused World War Two. So that's always blows my mind. Some people like we're living in the end times. I'm like, dude, we just had like two world wars.
Starting point is 00:05:01 I feel like that was more of the end times. Every generation thought they were in the end times. You know, the greatest generation air quotes, they had World War II where nukes were dropping, right? The people before them that fought in World War I, which I guess also considered, you know, also would be some of them. They thought the world, that was a world war.
Starting point is 00:05:24 People were dying to gas. People were like, how does this happen? And then after that, there was the Cold War, which was like, everyone thought we were going to get nuked to death. Everyone thought Russia was going to nuke us. And then after the Cold War, we had a few years where everyone was like, well, things are okay. This is fine.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Meanwhile, the rest of the world was on fire. But in America, we were fine. And then 9-11, and then ever since then it's been a shit show so like no one's had it honestly it's always been kind of a mess but admittedly statistically it's better than it's ever been for the average person yeah it's uh i think that's my favorite part is just because like we're living in probably the best time to be alive right now. People just be like it's everything's gone to shit. Which you know obviously
Starting point is 00:06:09 there's plenty of things that are pretty shitty. It has but relative to all the other moments in life we are the least shitty of all the shit. Yeah. The fact that you can sit in your house and watch like Instagram reels and not have to
Starting point is 00:06:25 worry about anything that's pretty good you're not like oh it's not like the the entire world is like sending off everyone to go fight and storm the beaches or like random you know shit like that it's just like uh there's a thing i saw on instagram that doesn't agree with what I think. This world's going to shit. Like that's what it ends up being. Yeah, it's a weird like mix of everyone has more free time because of our better lives. But we're spending that free time
Starting point is 00:06:59 engaging with way too much information that we now see all the troubling things happening all over the world which before we never would and now we're incorporating that into our lives as well so things seem worse even though statistically they're getting better because now we're fed more information and all the terrible things so it's like a really weird time to be alive or people to start figuring out like hey, they were putting rats in our food. And then they're just like, hey, our food's rat free now. And they're like, wait a second.
Starting point is 00:07:31 I've been eating rats for years. Again, nothing changes. That's like when Subway was like, our bread is made with bread now. And you're like, what the hell was it made with before? Yeah. Nothing. made with before yeah nothing this what's crazy about it is i you know unless we get some real fundamental like real change we're just repeating stuff like this whole everyone right now is is obsessed with the fact that like the rich are getting very very rich and the average person
Starting point is 00:07:59 is getting screwed over not i mean that's pretty much been the history of everything. It's kind of always been that way. And every once in a while, people will get together and be like, we're pissed off. And then the rich will be like, sure, sure, sure. Take this thing. We'll take control in another five or six years and circle back around. And it sucks. But at least now the anger people have because of all the social media stuff, at least it's paying off.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I, for one, am here for the revolution. You let me know. Call me up when it happens. Let me know. You'll be the Les Miserables. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll be the, like, who am I? I'm just a streamer exactly
Starting point is 00:08:47 yeah just like that who am I yeah yeah speaking of which I noticed you've been streaming a lot I have yeah so I'm part of a thing
Starting point is 00:09:04 for cyber I mean first, let's be real. There are so many games out right now, and I want to try and finish them all. And it's not my fault that Baldur's Gate 3, I'm 100 hours in and still haven't beaten it. And I'm not even, like, goofing. I'm literally just trying to get to the end. It's such a deep, heavy game.
Starting point is 00:09:23 There's so much in it. It's incredible, but my God. And then the new Cyberpunk just dropped and 2.0 made the original so much better. It's a ton of fun. I'm having a great time going in that world. Plus, right now there's a
Starting point is 00:09:39 thing happening. I'd be a... Crendor, this is the most Crendor thing. I'd be a fool not to do this. Alright. We right now, we just had Sub-Tember, whatever the hell that was. Right. And for Cyberpunk, there's this thing
Starting point is 00:09:54 where if you watch Cyberpunk streams, certain streams you get drops. And I'm one of those streams. So, if you watch, you get drops. But if you subscribe and you do two subscriptions, you get a special gun in-game. So I'm going to stream that all day, every day, my dude. Subscribe away, baby.
Starting point is 00:10:11 I think I signed up for that, even though I was like, I don't know if I'm going to play. But I might just stream it just to be like, come get your stuff if you give me subs. That's what I'm saying. And so that goes, there's multiple weeks of that. So one week is one drop and another week is another i think it goes for like four weeks into the middle of october oh yeah so i'm like oh i'm gonna stream that like crazy and then final a new final fantasy 14 comes out tuesday and then uh i still god i still have so much stuff to play i haven't even touched or looked
Starting point is 00:10:41 at starfield i may never It may never happen. Yeah. Like, I may never play that game. I want to. I want to give it a shot. But also, most of the people that I think I have the same vibe with on gaming didn't like it. Yet I see all these people who are like, dude, it's really good. I'm like, eh, maybe. So I got that. I still haven't played Sea of Stars.
Starting point is 00:11:02 I haven't played yet. Sea of Stars. Yeah, it's the RPG that kind of looks like Chrono Trigger. It looks amazing. It looks so good. I haven't played that yet. I don't know. I don't know if I'll ever get to them.
Starting point is 00:11:13 I just don't know. Yeah. Yeah, I don't know. It's a lot of games. So that's why I'm streaming a lot. To answer your question, it's because I've got so much and I'm just so backlogged that I got to start streaming to play through the games. question is because I've got so much and I'm just so backlogged that I gotta start streaming
Starting point is 00:11:27 to play through the games. It's the only way I can just, because if I'm not forced to do it, I'll just be like, what if I went home and did nothing instead? Yeah. I mean, listen, I've just been playing classic hardcore WoW. How is that? I'll be honest.
Starting point is 00:11:44 One attempt, I would be i would i'd be like you know what you i've i i saw something where this is your fourth or fifth run fifth shaman yeah listen i i thought it was gonna be like a one and done maybe two but like i don't know what it is it's something specifically about tar and sh. I don't think I can do it with any other combo. Because I love Mulgore. I love the Barons. I just love the vibes going through all there. And every time I'm like, yeah, we're back in Mulgore.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Yeah, we're back in the Barons. But I don't think I can do it with Alliance or anything else. The thing I think you're not... What's the highest level you've gotten to? I got the 25. Did you make the trek over to the Eastern kingdoms oh yeah easy oh all right never mind for me that was the scariest part when i played shaman back in vanilla is having to do that whole like gotta go to the eastern kingdoms to get your stupid totem i was like are you kidding me right now yeah no it's uh
Starting point is 00:12:41 it's not bad it's just everything's just i think my favorite part about it is that it really makes it into more of like an rpg because like every little thing matters well like when you play the game normally there's like i crafted this throw it away or whatever but this it's like all right i got my potion i just crafted i'm gonna need to drink that because it gives me like 50 armor and that 50 armor could give me like just enough hit points to live you never know sure so it's like every little thing matters. And then the thing that really makes it is having Death Log open, which is an add-on that shows people that die and their last words.
Starting point is 00:13:14 So that is really, I think, the thing that makes it the most fun is you're constantly just like some guy died at level 7, some guy died at level 15, some guy died at level 45. How does it catch their last words? It's just whatever they typed in the the game so like the last thing they typed yeah so like one guy amazing uh for example some like level 43 guy typed uh just go around it'll be fine stuff like that you're just like well i guess it was not fun like another guy fell off the elevator and he was level like 41 and he was like you better start leveling because i'm gonna pass
Starting point is 00:13:49 you up pretty soon he said something like that there's just like funny things where you're just like oh that's not good it's like unironically kind of dark but amazing you know what i mean like these people just live in their lives and then gone dude yeah dude there is like oh my god i had an experience so i went to north watch hold all right that's the place south of ratchet you know uh the castle uh south of ratchet yeah it's north watch hold it's got all these humans is it oh oh it's the place in the in the barrens yeah and the barrens yeah yeah that place is packed with like human like uhmoore or whatever people.
Starting point is 00:14:26 Yeah, we have to, like, go up the hill. Yeah. And there's, it's like a, yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's like grouped up. Why do I know, God, you know what? That's going to stay with me until I die. I'm going to remember every nook and cranny of that damn map. So I go there, and I'm like, all right, I'm killing stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:39 And I'm like, I'm going to need a group for this one. And so, lo and behold, who shows up but Shrek Roids. I'm like, I'm going to need a group for this one. And so lo and behold, who shows up but Shrek Roids. And his pet was named Pork Nutballs. So me and Shrek Roids and his pet Pork Nutballs group up. And we're, you know, cruising through. We're killing stuff.
Starting point is 00:14:58 And we're like, this is pretty easy. And we get to the final thing. And then we go up top. And it's just like a big pack of mobs. We're like, all right, we kill them. But then we realize that the lady fears. So she fears us, and we're like, uh-oh, he starts dying. We got to start running.
Starting point is 00:15:10 So we're, like, running away. And I, like, heal him up, and he's running away. And then I was like, oh. Then we're, like, getting to real low. And I'm like, okay, we're going to do this. We're going to do this. And then Shrek goes back, and he pulls a camp of mobs. And I was about to get a heal off on him. He just gets taken out and dies.
Starting point is 00:15:24 How did he pull the mobs? Why? What was he doing? He accidentally, like, backed on him. He just gets taken out and dies Why was he doing accidentally like backed into it? He didn't see it and then I just got away and Then a new group of people came in and I was like, can I join is like three people? They're like, yeah, we just like steamrolled the whole thing, but I was like dude watching Shrek die That was like gave me like some sort of PTSD I was like that was crazy man what do you trick die I checked his last words at his last word he didn't even type any so he must have typed this earlier just said last words and he said I have many there you go i have many but he might have not even been talking about last or he might have just been talking about someone like saying you
Starting point is 00:16:09 got any bandages and he might have been like i have many like i don't know and i never will know yeah yeah this is a sad sad part about life dude sometimes things just end there's nothing you can do about it so that's really half the fun as well just seeing how other people die and then you know going along that's incredible so yeah that's been great and then uh i feel like i've been playing something else i guess pokemon just my standard games outside of that i did i do want to play some of the like newer i want to play pikmin 4 i've been wanting to play pikmin 4 for since it came out why Why don't you? I think I'm going to start.
Starting point is 00:16:46 I'm going to do my thing where every weekend or some specific day I play it. I like doing that. You got it. I feel like that's a very Crandor game. Oh, 100%. I already bought it as well, so I definitely want to play it. But yeah, I like doing that where I do one level a week. I did that with Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze
Starting point is 00:17:05 That was a good time And Paper Mario Pretty much all the old games I did that But yeah, let's see What else? Oh yeah, I made my new Pointless Top 10 I did Pointless Top 10 Taverns, that was fun I watched the other day
Starting point is 00:17:21 A Pointless Top 10 That was Pointless Top Ten rats. And I need you to know, I've never laughed at such a stupid concept in my life. Mostly because the rats you chose, you were like, yo, this rat, I like the way he looks. And it was like the exact same rat. Yeah, but they're different. Like these rats over here, what are they up to? What are these rats doing? What are they they up to? What are these rats doing?
Starting point is 00:17:45 What are they trying to do? What's this rat doing? It was very crazy. It was some crazy rats. There are some crazy rats, yeah. I have two real life stories. Okay, hit me. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:58 One was, so today I went golfing with my friend. And then two things happened while golfing with my friend and then two things happened while golfing one is uh we went to like they're having like a mini october fest thing after we went golfing we're like nice so we go there and we had like a beer and i was watching everybody uh they're like playing the chicken dance everybody was like all these old people are dancing and their grandkids they're just like hey here we go you know we all. So they were doing that. And then so on our way out of there, like, all right, that was fun. It was just like old people Oktoberfest, which whatever.
Starting point is 00:18:32 I'll go to any Oktoberfest. And there's like a everyone's looking at this guy's car, like some old dude's car. And it's a Shelby Cobra. So it is. Yes, it sounds like it. Yeah. Yeah. And then someone was like, that's a car
Starting point is 00:18:46 from Gone in 60 Seconds. And I was like, what? And then they were like, was it? I guess so. Then someone's like, do you think it's real? He's like, no, it's got to be a car kit. I think it's a really good car kit. I'm like, I don't know what the shit this means. What did it look like? What was the, what
Starting point is 00:19:01 color was it? It was just like silver and it's got like racing stripe things on it. It looked cool. I'm not even a big car person, but then the one guy and his wife, they're just like smoking cigarettes. The one guy walks over and starts going like and knocking on it, and then she said,
Starting point is 00:19:19 quote, don't touch it. Alarms will go off and shit. Then he was like, alright, alright. Is this the car? he was like all right all right is this the car it was like that but a little more like rounded so i think it was like his he had like some modded version of it but okay yeah yeah because that's the car from the movie yeah it was like that but he modded a bit more there's so there's yeah there the thing is that there's an AC Cobra. There's like different, you know. Was this the kind of open a new tab?
Starting point is 00:19:51 Was it this one that looks like kind of more rounded-ish? Yeah, it was like that. All right, so it wasn't the one from the movie, but it's still a beautiful car. Yeah, so everyone was looking at that like, oh my God, that's crazy. car yeah so everyone was looking at that like oh my god that's crazy um but that wasn't the only car story because then me and my friend were leaving and this girl is in front of us in her mustang and she had a bumper sticker uh that said quote if you're going to be up my ass, at least pull my hair. And I was like, I don't know if I'd put that on my car. You know what? Some people make choices that, yeah, you're right.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I don't know that. I don't know. I'd put that in my car either. I did see a license plate or not license plate, a bumper sticker. I did see a license plate Or not license plate A bumper sticker I saw a bumper sticker Two or three days ago
Starting point is 00:20:47 That said If you're gonna ride me that close At least take me out to dinner first You're going along the same lines there Yeah exact same lines And I'm just like You know What if you just didn't put the bumper sticker on
Starting point is 00:21:02 Like You can think a thing Without having to stick it on your car Like it's fine Like if you just didn't put the bumper sticker on? You can think a thing without having to stick it on your car. It's fine. If you want to put, like, my kid is an honor student, cool. But if your thing's going to be like, bang my ass if you're going to drive next to me. It's very weird. It's very weird.
Starting point is 00:21:21 If you're going to drive so close, why don't we go get dinner dinner and then you have sexual intercourse with me after like what what yeah i have got me i guess there's so many bumper stickers you can put on and then that's the that's the hard you get going yeah like i don't know i'm not even i don't even like bumper stickers i always hate bumper sticker it just just feels like a way to make people angry. Because someone will read it and just be like, I hate this person's driving. And now they got a sticker. I'm going to get even more mad. I don't need that.
Starting point is 00:21:53 What's crazy is if you know that you're such a problem driving, that you have to put a bumper sticker on that says, don't get on my case because I can't drive. That says something That like says something There was a TikTok going around Where it was a girl who Was Listing off all of the reasons
Starting point is 00:22:14 Why she can't drive I don't know if you saw this Where she was like Pulled out and hit this thing Or ran into this thing Or hit this thing The video was on for two minutes Of her just saying all the reasons She's like well guess who can't drive out and hit this thing or like ran into this thing or hit this thing and so it goes the video goes on for two minutes of her just saying all the reasons she's like well guess who can't drive
Starting point is 00:22:29 and it's like why are you broadcasting any of that to the world yeah is there not an embarrassment filter on you where you're like maybe it's embarrassing that i'm this bad at driving she's like i had to get a rental car for a rental car and then i wrecked that rental car like how what what what yeah like i i don't get it like okay here's the thing i think one of the smartest things you can do is those people they'll buy like student driver stickers but you can tell they're not a student driver they're just putting that shit on their car so you don't get mad at them i think that's smart because you'll look and they're they're not a student driver. They're just putting that shit on their car so you don't get mad at them. I think that's smart because you'll look and they're like 50.
Starting point is 00:23:08 I mean, they could be a student driver, but I don't think they are. I mean, what if instead you just like, if you're on the highway, stay in the right-hand lane. If you know you're not going to be a great driver, that's fine. Flow like water through traffic, baby. Just like move in and out. Don't try to get too fast. If someone goes around you, chill.
Starting point is 00:23:30 It's all right. They can go around you. You've got to be good with yourself if you're going to acknowledge that maybe I don't drive the best. Yeah. It's fine. It's fine if you're not a great driver. I'm not great at a lot of things, but I don't put bumper stickers on my body that's like, watch out, I may bump into you and fart on you or some shit.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That would be a great bumper sticker, though. Yeah, as a body sticker. Yeah. Which I guess those are tattoos in a way. Yeah. Dude, they're kind of just car tattoos. Yeah, in a way, yeah. They kind of just car tattoos yeah in a way yeah they're like car tattoos or people bumper stickers that's true too people bumper stickers people a lot of the time people
Starting point is 00:24:14 get amazing bumper stickers i i like it like i don't care when people do them my kids an honor student but i also am like i don't know why you would just put it on your car because i guess like they're proud but like sure i think i on your car. Because I guess they're proud. But I think I'm more upset at the fact that they're proud that their kid's an honors student. So I'm like, who cares? You know? Like, honors students. Well, if you had a kid and your kid was smart, I bet you'd be proud. It's not like honors students that hard to get.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Half the kids in my school were honors students. That's what I'm saying. Hold on, wait a minute. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Neither of us can say shit because neither of us was an honor student. We can't be like, it's super easy. All right? No one on this podcast was an honor student.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Let's not pretend. All right. Well, I'm not pretending here. You're over here like, it's so easy. No one could do it. That like when I was in school, half the kids there were honor students. All right? That's all I'm saying. I wasn was in school half the kids there were honor students all right that's that's all I'm saying I wasn't but half the kids are so it's like hey my kids like half the other kids you know like it's that well maybe you just went to school like a lot of smart kids maybe
Starting point is 00:25:16 there aren't a lot of honor roll students I don't know they start giving those things out like candy here's like trophies at a sporting thing like they had like some like super strict requirement like honor roll student they're just like dude this kid's like top five kids in the school if you're an honor roll kid you're like top five that'd be like all right that's pretty crazy that kid is pretty smart but like no everybody can get on yeah but i feel like if you're in the top if you're the top five kids and then you put bumper stickers maybe this says a lot about me but if you put bumper stickers, maybe this says a lot about me, but if you put bumper stickers and only five kids have those bumper stickers, kid number six is going to vandalize one of those cars.
Starting point is 00:25:52 You know that, right? That kid's going to be like, son of a bitch, beat me out of it. Oh, I hate it. Oh, and his mom's rubbing into my damn face. I'm going to key that car. I don't know if they'd all do that. Oh, they would. That number six kid?
Starting point is 00:26:09 Oh, that kid is pissed. Then there's, like, the people that literally have their entire car plastered with bumper stickers. Yeah, but those are the people that are, like, asking me about if birds are real. It's true. It's either they're, like, ask me about if birds are real. It's true. It's either they're like slapped. Their entire car is either politics, religion, or like some crazy shit like the birds. Oh, yeah. Those are my favorite.
Starting point is 00:26:32 I love when people, their entire car is just their personality. And they just, it's, there's only two types here in LA. There's either your car is covered in stickers and it's like Peace, love, coexistence, baby Or the other one Which is like The government's trying To take your kids And milk their juices
Starting point is 00:26:53 So that rich people Can live forever Also birds are fake Also let me tell you What's wrong with like This religion Or this It's
Starting point is 00:27:01 Oh yeah There's no in between Yeah It's either total peace love or the world is ending there is no one that just stuck stickers on their car because they like stickers you know what i mean there's no one that's like i like it it's fun like some people they're just like i gotta they got a sticker it's like i like my dog like okay whatever cool you know like oh wait hold on i don't know if you have this where you are, but in L.A., we have lots of anime and hentai cars.
Starting point is 00:27:28 A lot of Hondas. Oh, I've seen a few of those. Yep. Decked out with, like, just big booby anime girls all over it. And you're like, what is the vibe you're going for, my dude? Like, imagine just rolling up to pick up a date in that. Like, hey, girl girl how's it going and then you turn the car and there's like
Starting point is 00:27:49 yeah i've seen quite a few of the anime cars quite a few uh they're becoming more and more they're coming out of the shadows yeah dude i just looked up how hard is it to get honor roll and i don't even think they have honor they're coming out of the shadows. Yeah. Dude, I just looked up how hard is it to get honor roll? And I don't even think they have honor roll in other countries because someone's like, what even is honor roll? I'm not from America. Well, I mean, some countries may not have it. Someone said you just have to get all A's, 3.5 GPA.
Starting point is 00:28:22 It's an A in every class, yeah. Ah, okay. Oh, wait, hold on. There's principles honor roll, which is A in? 3.5 GPA? It's an A in every class, yeah. Ah, okay. Oh, wait, hold on. There's Principal's Honor Roll, which is A in every class, and there's Honor Roll, which is A's and B's with no more than one C, bro! Wait a minute, I could've got Honor Roll. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:40 See? It doesn't even seem that hard. If I would've actually tried, I probably could have got close. I need to look up what honor roll was in the 90s, though, because I bet it was different. I bet they made us work for it. I don't think so. You're probably right. I probably just sucked. You're probably right. I mean, listen, half the reason I never tried, I was like,
Starting point is 00:29:00 listen, dude, I'm going to community college. I don't give a shit. I mean, I wanted to give a shit, but I was too busy being a class clown. I'm not even going to lie. I was in it for the laughs, not for the grades. I was like, yo, I made this class laugh, so, like, I'm feeling pretty good about myself. It's true to this very day. Meanwhile, the teacher was like, Jesse, you got a D on this test. And I was like, D's nuts.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Am I right, everyone? And they'd be like There he goes again The jokes Yeah one single tear though As I turned my head like I'll never be smart And then that kid's like Your friend's mom shows up
Starting point is 00:29:40 She's like you're 13 now time to quit goofing around Yo I Dude That haunts me i still think about that it was a great someone's mom had the audacity come on get out of town that is pretty crazy yeah i honestly think i think less about that and more about like what must of the home life have been like you know what i mean oh yeah 100 like those kids probably were just like you're not allowed to have fun ever again. Go read a book. Not a fun book.
Starting point is 00:30:07 Don't read a fun book. Read the encyclopedia. Oh, yeah. You got to receive, like, the dictionary, encyclopedia, war and peace. Yeah, go read war and peace. Yeah, you're 13 now. Yeah, 13, dude. I want to see what happened to her kids then also i looked up the bumper stickers and it turns out the people
Starting point is 00:30:27 love the ride my ass bumper sticker although this one has like tinkerbell on it which i don't understand so what i do understand is there's like a sizable portion of the midwest that it's like the Karen Tinkerbell Venn diagram is a perfect circle. I'm convinced of this. If you are in the Karen category, you also are like, I identify with Tinkerbell because she's sassy and also hot. You're like, what? Well, one of the people buying this is from the Sonora Desert, Arizona. Yeah, I mean, that checks out.
Starting point is 00:31:08 It's Viper Chick. There she is. Yep, that. Yep, that. Viper Chick. Checks out. That checks out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:17 She says, this is great. It's not made with cheap vinyl. None of the words are misspelled. The seller contacted me ASAP to ask what color. I also added I wanted white vinyl in the purchase notes and received a response as well. Wait, so was this the one? Was it actually Tinkerbell?
Starting point is 00:31:33 This is not the one. It was a different one. But I searched on Amazon. Why is it Tinkerbell? More importantly, you know what? That's what I'm asking. Ignore Tinkerbell for a minute. Why is it Disney font? Yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:31:47 It is literally... How on earth did they get away with this being straight up disney font it's because disney's not gonna give a shit they're not gonna sue some random bumper this is not gonna give a shit of if you're gonna ride my ass at least pull my hair they get i'm pretty sure disney's gonna give a shit well they probably care but it's just like they can't keep up with everything. That's why there's like so many knockoffs and things. They can't sue everybody. They could, but they can't. Someone said, don't put bumper stickers on your car.
Starting point is 00:32:16 They make you a target for crazies. Well, yeah. Well, correct. Yes. Well, yeah. Well, correct. Yes. Someone said, are you saying I shouldn't put the honk if you'd rather be watching 1999's The Mummy starring Brendan Fasier and Rachel Wise sticker on my car?
Starting point is 00:32:40 That's actually the one time it's okay. Yeah, that's a solid bumper sticker. I would have that bumper sticker. Yeah, if I was going to choose a bumper sticker, that would be the one. Yeah, that's a solid bumper sticker. I would have that bumper sticker, yeah. If I was going to choose a bumper sticker, that would be the one. Yeah, that's a good one. That's the only one you need. Yeah, that's what unites us. That's the important thing. People out there with these coexist bumper stickers, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:32:57 You got to have that one. Yeah, it's just got to be some crazy-ass thing that nobody else would ever have. Yeah, The Mummy. Yeah, nothing crazy about The Mummy. That movie unites. Yeah. Unless your bumper stickers are, like, literally holding the car together. You know?
Starting point is 00:33:14 Like, your car is sold. Oh, in which case, you need those. Yeah, you need, like, as many as you can get. Like, just slap them on. Also, I think there's a divide between if your car is old as shit bumper sticker away In fact I like cars that look like They're from like 1960 Barely functioning
Starting point is 00:33:31 And are held together by bumper stickers That I can appreciate New cars with a bumper sticker Tacky don't like it Yeah that's tacky But if your car is like a 67 Chevron Valero or some car I just made up, right?
Starting point is 00:33:48 If it's just falling apart and you have a bunch of things on your car that says, like, are birds even real? I'm with you. I somehow believe you more. Because it's like, that guy's got nothing to lose. That guy's got nothing to lose. My friend had, back years ago, he had some old-ass wagon car. He called it the Swagon Wagon.
Starting point is 00:34:15 That thing was held together by toothpicks and bumper stickers and tape. He was just like, yeah, I can't hit any bumps or this thing's going to fall apart. He had some stickers on there. I was like, yeah, that makes sense. It's functionality. Yeah, this is, I mean, I'm trying to look for one. Like, I see one guy, and he put a bunch of stuff on his car that's like the
Starting point is 00:34:36 bands he follows. Like, that's all right. I'm here for that. Yeah. That's all right. Interesting. But the car is old as shit. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:44 Like, this, like, I'll show you. This is, I don't know what, I don't know what car this is. I don't know where it's from. This car looks old, is old. Oh, yeah. The back of the car is filled with just, like, radio stations and peace and justice and question reality, you know? And, like, all right, okay, live your life. The guy that drives that car is always high as shit, no doubt about it.
Starting point is 00:35:10 That's what I'm saying. This guy I mess with. I love this dude. Yeah. Meanwhile, the one lady you linked me is like driving a brand new sports car, covering it with decals. Like, nah, nah. Nah.
Starting point is 00:35:24 I agree. And that is bumper stickers the segment all right well this is time for advertisements hey are you trying to like get something good in your belly but you don't have a lot of time and you're not looking for fast food? Yeah. Well, thank you, Crandall. Well, Factor is America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit that can help you fuel up fast with chef-prepared, dietician-approved, ready-to-eat meals delivered straight to your door.
Starting point is 00:36:02 You'll save time, you'll eat well, and you'll stay on track with your healthy lifestyle. And trust me, that's a lifestyle I'm trying to get on. Factor does a great job of making meals not only good and, you know, fresh tasting, but also more importantly, it takes two minutes. It is so nice to just have something that tastes, you know, not like you're eating a bunch of grease and uh actually good well i mean it's hard it's it's hard to say that if you're looking at a two minute cook time you know what i mean yeah plus the best part is you have 34 plus weekly
Starting point is 00:36:39 flavor packed never frozen meal options to choose from We're talking things like butternut squash and sage chicken macaroni, honey maple barbecue ground beef, grilled steak filets, Indian butter chicken, ooh, that looks good. Even black pepper and sage pork, actually like that one a lot.
Starting point is 00:36:59 There's a lot of different things. Plus, the best part is they have add-ons, and man, those add-ons are so good. You're going to get things like blueberry pancakes, or maybe you want some smoky bacon and cheddar egg bites, or get yourself some sausage links, or cold-pressed juices, or peanut butter chocolate cheesecake bars. All of it additional. All of it there to supplement the amazing meals that you're going to get. With Factor, you can rest assured that you're making a sustainable choice as well. They offset 100% of their delivery emissions. Source 100% renewable electricity for their production sites and offices.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And feature sustainably sourced seafood in their meals. Right now, if you want to give Factor a shot, which I highly recommend. offices, and feature sustainably sourced seafood in their meals. Right now, if you want to give Factor a shot, which I highly recommend, especially if you're like me and you're like, man, I gotta drop some pounds, dude. Head over to slash cox50 and use code COX50 to get 50% off. That's cox, C-O-X-5-0 at slash cox50 to get 50% off. That's Cox, COX50 at slash Cox50 to get 50% off. Also, today we're brought to you by MeUndies. MeUndies are the undies that I have on me.
Starting point is 00:38:15 MeUndies has given us, for this spooky season, a short story, Crandor. I was not prepared for a short story, but here we are. Because while I want to talk to you about the awesome comfort of MeUndies, they want to spook you. You see, there once was a guy who only wore MeUndie underwear
Starting point is 00:38:35 because it felt like he was wearing nothing at all. One spooky night, he saw a shadowy figure appear in his room. He screamed, What do you want from me? The figure stepped out of the shadows, and it was just his roommate, Jeff. And Jeff said, Hey, man, you really need to wear underwear
Starting point is 00:38:52 in the shared living spaces. Moral of the story, when you wear undies, they're so comfortable, it feels like you have nothing on. Double check that you actually have something on, man. That's the story they gave me. Get your own super comfy underwear and make sure you wear those and don't piss off your roommate jeff and you can get 20 off and free shipping me undies are the absolute best when it comes to underwear loungewearwear, T-shirts, bralettes, the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:39:26 There's so much plus because it's now Halloween time. You can get scary soft with limited edition MeUndies prints. Hold on. I'm going to the website right now. I was not aware of these limited editions. We got bats over there. Ooh, I like the purple bats. Spider web.
Starting point is 00:39:43 Ooh, it's like a green spider. There's ghosts. Very nice ghosts. There's skulls. Oh, I like the purple bats. Spider web. Ooh, it's like a green spider. There's ghosts. Very nice ghosts. Skulls. Oh, yeah. Look at that. There's so many of them. There's cats, some black and others.
Starting point is 00:39:54 For some reason, Scooby-Doo is also there. I like Scooby-Doo. Oh, yeah. I actually have, from years ago, a in the dark ghost one. And I love them to death. They are so good. Oh, they still have the alien ones. Okay, I gotta stop looking. I'm gonna end up buying stuff.
Starting point is 00:40:15 I already have way too much underwear. Grab undies, socks, bralettes, and more from their feels like you have nothing on micro modal fabric. I do not know what that means. I never have.
Starting point is 00:40:29 Whatever micro modal is, it is the greatest thing ever invented. If you need a last minute costume, be lazy and transform into a spooky skeleton with their loungewear set, Lazy Bones. Match with your boo or your fur baby in sizes from extra small to 4XL to make it your softest Halloween ever. It's not that scary. Once you put them on, you will be blown away. Take a chance.
Starting point is 00:40:56 To get 20% off your first order and free standard shipping on U.S. orders, go to slash Crendor. That's slash Crendor. That's slash Crendor. That's me. All right, Crendor, let's go to chapter 7 of the Sky with Crendor. How's that traffic out there? I said your name so many times.
Starting point is 00:41:14 That's a lot of Crendor. Hey, what's going on? It's me. I'm up in the sky right now, and, you know, traffic could be worse, but it's still traffic. So if you're going somewhere, make sure you listen to a podcast and the traffic, specifically this one. Maybe the 2021 episodes, like last episode where we went through all the quotes from 2021. There's a lot of funny ones back there, the whole playlist, you know.
Starting point is 00:41:41 I'm really just using this segment to cross promote our old episodes but you know what you're getting into when you listen to this show back to you thanks krendor now let's go over to krendor at the weather how's that weather oh boy weather is yeah weather is yeah uh you know what i haven't actually just typed in random numbers in a while. I kind of want to do that. Let's see what happens. I'm going to do 99445. What the shit?
Starting point is 00:42:17 Yes. Okay. So sorry to everybody that recommended stuff for the weather this week. We're going crazy. So sorry to everybody that recommended stuff for the weather this week. We're going crazy. We're going to Goranii. Salute Lithuania. Uh-huh. Hold on.
Starting point is 00:42:36 How do you say that? Whatever it is you just said. There you go. You say it. How the hell am I supposed to pronounce this? Gor. Gor. There you go. You say it. How the hell am I supposed to pronounce this? Gore. Gore. I mean, it's something.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Gore. It's like a tongue twister. Gore. Gore. I don't know. This is an actual tongue twister. I'm telling you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Honestly, based on how well we've done so far with pronouncing other places, it could literally be like Georgeville and we'd still get it wrong. That is true. Ingoriani, it is 47 degrees. Feels like 47 degrees Fahrenheit. High of 64. Low of 57. Wait, 57, but it's 47.
Starting point is 00:43:23 Don't look at me. Humidity, 100%. low 57 wait 57 but it's 47 don't look at me humidity humidity 100 pressure 30.11 inches visibility 8 miles winds 3 miles an hour 7 35 a.m sunrise 7 0 6 p.m sunset dew point 47 ev index zero moon phase waning gibbous uh 10 day we have a 64 degrees partly cloudy this morning then becoming cloudy in the afternoon tuesday 72 clouds wednesday 60 with showers thursday 56 showers friday 57 p.m showers saturday 55 with light rain sunday 58 with am showers monday 61 partly cloudy and tuesday 59 with am showers yo i like the weather here this is my favorite weather would you go visit or is that just you saying you like it
Starting point is 00:44:09 that's just saying i like the weather there okay all right i'm glad we're on the same page yeah i want the weather there but here that's what i'm saying sure sure sure sure where is dude this place is like this is like super in the middle of nowhere Lithuania. Yeah, it is. Whoa. It is essentially a road. It is pretty much a road. It's a road.
Starting point is 00:44:37 And in it is one grocery store, it looks like. AB. AB. AB. And then there's a, what is a, what is a, what is that? There's exactly two stores it looks like. One is a grocery, one grocery store and some other place that I don't know what this is. So I looked at the grocery store. I don't know if it's like a functioning grocery store.
Starting point is 00:45:04 I mean alright yeah nope I'm looking at it right now and most of the grocery store is it looks like it's under construction but then it also looks built in the one picture maybe it is maybe there's proud that it maybe it was built recently maybe until recently there was nothing
Starting point is 00:45:20 yeah they just grew their own food maybe I don't know I don't know what the rules are dude yeah I just look this place is like There was nothing. Yeah, they just grew their own food. Maybe. I don't know. I don't know what the rules are. Yeah, I just look. This place is like farm life. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I'm going to let you know, for the record, I just realized right now, I know nothing about Lithuania. Poland? Yeah. Estonia? I know some of Belarus. I feel like the more you get past Poland, like I know a lot of Poland, right? I know Romania, but looking at, for example, Moldova, don't know. I couldn't tell you shit about Moldova.
Starting point is 00:45:54 Yeah, looking at Lithuania, I realize I know. I don't recognize any of these cities at all, at none of them. And I literally taught this as a subject in school and we're gonna tell me like jesse what do you know of latvia apparently nothing based on looking at this map oh yeah it's i mean to be fair this is uh well honestly i'm not gonna lie i didn't know where lithuania was and then all the european lie. I didn't know where Lithuania was. And then all the European people are like, you don't know where Lithuania is? Well, tell me where Gary, Indiana is, all right?
Starting point is 00:46:31 You show me. Or South Dakota, all right? Yeah. Also, I went a little bit down the street. There's this place called Utah, like UTA, not like Utah. And it's got 4.8 out of 5. It actually looks really good. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:46:53 This place does look good. Yeah. It also has an interesting architectural design. Yeah. Huh. Yeah, look at that. That's by the water, I think. It's by the water I think It's so weird
Starting point is 00:47:05 It's like both a little tiny brown shack And also A glass globe Yo but they even have some of my favorite What is this soup I think this is that sour soup There's like this weird sour soup That is sort of eastern European
Starting point is 00:47:24 I have a lot when I'm in Poland And I love it dude Love it But for some reason they also have Orange chicken Yeah I see that It's like a random thing to have Yeah but they also
Starting point is 00:47:40 It looks like some sort of like Danish What is that called? You're in the Midwest more. Is it Kolkos? Klotsky? What's that called? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Boy, I was way off.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Oh, yeah. I know the Klotskys. Yeah. Oh, they got something. Yeah, like Klotsky Bay here. They got something that looks like it's bacon chopped up and then put on. I want to say that's corn, but I don't think that's corn i don't know what that but i eat the hell out of that yeah it's right on the water too this is this is kind of fun yeah yeah this place pretty cool and really i i don't see a lot of other places
Starting point is 00:48:18 around yeah if you go to clipeada on the coast you got a bunch of stuff over there you got the depot oh my god hold on I gotta show you the depot that is like Lithuanian I don't know if it's Lithuanian Walmart it looks very much if you're from the Midwest, Meyer. Yeah, it's like Meyer. Big Meyer vibes. That is straight up Lithuanian Meyer. I love this place. You would have a fun time just looking through it.
Starting point is 00:48:54 The wine section, dude, scroll down. The wine section is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 shelves high. Oh, yeah. It goes to the sky. How would you even get some of that wine they gotta bust out the the ladder i guess yeah that is crazy oh man this is awesome yeah this is straight up lithuanian mire like i love i love how happy you are but the thing is like they have all the wine it was like there's like no orderly process it's like it's all scattered around and everything i'm sure there's an order if you like live there i guess but maybe it's all alphabetical order or something so they know
Starting point is 00:49:36 either way lithuania size wise is about i don't know like like maybe Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts big. Yeah. I'm trying to – maybe a little smaller than that. So I'm trying to figure out like how long it would take to get from our first town to the coast where you're at. And I can't tell if it would be worth the trip. You know what I mean? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:04 How far is that? Look at this. There's the other store. They got Lidl. Oh, Lidl. Is it Lidl or Little? Little Lidl. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:16 L-I-D-L isn't even a thing, so that doesn't help at all. It honestly has grocery store Ikea vibes. Yeah, this is very grocery store. But also, they're selling lawnmowers. That is also true. I don't know how this place is crazy. You know what? It's no crazier than the shit we have.
Starting point is 00:50:35 You can't call it crazy. It is. It's only crazy because it's different. We exist in a world where you can get a 12-pound of mayonnaise this little is like walmart this is walmart basically yeah i'm just saying it's crazy because it's so different to our stuff i mean it's still the same though at the end of the day it's different it's it's like yeah if people come here they'd be like wow but it's it's really just the same i was just having a conversation the other day uh with a person from norway about drive-thrus she was like we don't have drive-thrus in my town
Starting point is 00:51:12 at all this is like in the states this is crazy and you don't think about that you don't think about like yeah no drive-thrus huh Huh. I do not understand why. I thought they'd have drive-thrus. So you would just go and walk to get your food? Or do you eat inside? Oh yeah, I guess you do walk more. Yeah. I mean, in a way, it checks out completely
Starting point is 00:51:38 to me. Most places don't have a car culture. A car culture. A car culture the way that we have. Yeah, that's true. It's because we have so much more space here. Over there, everything's just crammed together.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Yeah, I mean, I guess that's probably very true. Stutendass. Stutendass. Oh, it's a mall. Or wait. I guess a uni... No, it's a mall. Or wait. I guess it's a university. No, it's a mall. The Stutlandas Kleptos Universitas.
Starting point is 00:52:11 No, we got to go. Boy, I don't know. Buddy, in the long line of restaurants that I'm a little scared about, this place has five stars, yet only one review. I don't know that it's a restaurant. Let's see. That is
Starting point is 00:52:35 not a restaurant. It looks like an abandoned parking garage or like some kind of abandoned car repair man Place I don't know what it is It just says Padangos Yeah it's not even the name of the
Starting point is 00:52:51 Oh I found oh my god I found the spot this is the spot I go to Every day What is this place called Agluna Yo this bakery looks so good Where Do you link it Luna? Yo, this bakery looks so good. Where?
Starting point is 00:53:08 You link it. Oh, yeah. Link sent. Oh, there we go. Oh, my God. Yeah, that looks so good. Look at that. This place is, oh, this upsets me how good the pastries look here.
Starting point is 00:53:21 That looks fantastic. Oh, man. Everything about, like, I'm looking at, I don't even know what this one thing is. It's like a cheesecake. It's like a cake. I think it's supposed to be cheese. Dude, keep scrolling. They got a cake that looks like a piece of cheese.
Starting point is 00:53:36 And I really hope it's supposed to be cheesecake. That's got to be cheesecake. Yo, I love this. They even have little salads and stuff. Man, this would be the spot. This would be the spot. This is fantastic. I love this place.
Starting point is 00:53:47 Yeah. You know what? Every time we do this and every time we look at, especially Europe, although we've done it in South America a few times, we'll look around, we'll see like McDonald's, McDonald's, KFC, a bunch of dumb, stupid shit. And then some place named like Cuscamelons and you click it and it's like the most beautiful pastries you've ever seen. You're like, how on earth don't I have this next to me yeah i agree i want a crazy pastry place yeah man i went that's so upsetting i live in la and we 100 do not have a crazy
Starting point is 00:54:15 pastry place we have a bunch of pastry like bread places yeah that's true oh my but not nothing that's like you can get a bunch of Delicious looking perfect croissants I found the most Lithuanian Place I think It's like Pakl Nute Alright Holy shit This place
Starting point is 00:54:37 Looks like tiger statues and shit Yo I don't know what this place Is supposed to be But you're absolutely correct If I was going to imagine what I thought Lithuanians Ate every single day this is it Yeah this is even the aesthetic Just like old wooden Tables and shit
Starting point is 00:54:54 That plate of food you know what's messed up That plate of food looks exactly the same as when I was In Peru And even though the meat's probably different because when I was in Peru It was guinea pig But looking at this big portion of potatoes yeah chunks of meat um some sort of like sour ingredient in this case it looks like it's probably um oh what is that called uh Uh, not, not sauerkraut. It's the one that's red.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Uh, I feel like we've had this conversation before. We have, we have. I just keep forgetting it. But yeah, it's the red one. And then like a pickled, looks like carrot. And then like some vegetable on like a salad form. Very simple. Probably fills you up and is delicious. But yeah, it seems very much like i'm looking at a
Starting point is 00:55:46 totally different meal same like it's basically this the bottom of the plate is potato pickled vegetables uh like a salad thing and on top of it is meat yeah and no matter what meat you're getting you're getting it that way i'm looking at there's like 15 different types of meat or in this case french fries in which they just threw it on the exact same plate. Yeah. But like I'm looking at it and every single cut of meat they have is served the exact same way and I'm not going to lie. I'm here for that.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I love that. That is pretty great. I do love I do love me a good meat chunk with like some vegetable stuff and potatoes. Yeah it's not fancy at all it looks like it would just be like solid fair and i'm here i i respect it yeah but the building is insane the building is just so much shit around it in fact part of it just looks like a church i'm like is this just
Starting point is 00:56:39 the church the windows are all like have a little stained glass action going on. Yeah, I don't know. They got some weird animal carvings, which I love. I think it might be an old church. I don't know. I can't even tell. It does look like it. Yeah. All of the decor inside looks like someone's grandmother.
Starting point is 00:57:02 I mean, it looks like someone's family home. Oh, yeah. It might actually be. The seats they have in this one shot are pretty much the seats my grandmother had in her home. Yeah, those like old antique I feel like this
Starting point is 00:57:20 is a famous spot or something. Because there's people taking photos with it. There's people leaving. The menu is written on cards. Note cards. That's how grandma
Starting point is 00:57:35 takes the orders. It's incredible. This has to be the equivalent of when you go to Boston oroston or something like it's the old clam shack or some shit you're like oh boy the old clam shack also oh my god they have a bear statue outside it's hank the tank look at this look at that bear statue it's across the that is a perfect fat bear just hanging outside living his life it's so good yeah wow yeah so that's the weather that's the weather all right
Starting point is 00:58:14 let's go to sports sports uh all right time for sports also i just realized that was that was a fun that was me just typing in random numbers getting to there. We got there. We got there. So we got sports. We have beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. NFL scores. Currently, the Chiefs and Jets.
Starting point is 00:58:36 It's actually pretty close. 17 to 11. Then we had earlier in this week, Lions beat the Packers 34-20. Very sad game. Then we had the Jaguars beat the Falcons in London. We had the Rams beat the Colts 29-23, which, by the way, Gardner Minshew's been playing in these games for the Colts.
Starting point is 00:58:54 But actually, he didn't play today. Anthony Richardson came back. They probably don't want him. He was playing. Ravens crushed the Browns 28-3. Vikings beat the Panthers. Bengals lost to the Titans. Buccaneers beat the Saints. Bills beat the Panthers. Bengals lost to the Titans. Buccaneers beat the Saints. Bills beat the Dolphins.
Starting point is 00:59:09 Broncos beat the Bears. Eagles beat the Commanders. Texans beat the Steelers pretty badly. Chargers beat the Raiders. 49ers beat the Cardinals. And the Cowboys crushed the Patriots. And score updated is now 17-12, Chiefs. Oh, point. Then over in baseball, folks, it's over.
Starting point is 00:59:30 Baseball season has finally finished, so we'll be going to the playoffs. Oh, we can out-care now? We can finally care again? We can out-care. We have the Orioles, the best record in the American League. They're the number one seed. Then we also have the Twins and Astros winning their divisions. Then in the wild card, we got the Rays, the American League. They're the number one seed. Then we also have the Twins and Astros
Starting point is 00:59:46 winning their divisions. Then in the wildcard, we got the Rays, the Blue Jays, and the Rangers. In the National League, we got the Braves, Brewers, and Dodgers winning their division. And then we have the Phillies, Marlins, and Diamondbacks as the wildcard teams.
Starting point is 00:59:59 The Cubs could have did it, but they choked in the final two weeks of the season. Yay, Cubs. Very fun. They could have did it, but they choked in the final two weeks of the season yay cubs uh very fun they could have did it but they choked and then uh hockey started up their pre-season and basketballs will be starting up their pre-season pretty soon and that's sports all right what is of the day fact of the day um i decided to look up some halloween facts since we talked about halloween we're now in october the top halloween candy is skittles is uh it's not peanut butter based for sure i thought it would have been like peanut butter cups.
Starting point is 01:00:45 Nope. The bite-sized fruit candies outranked M&M's, Snickers, and Reese's cups according to 11 years of sales data from Interesting. Even though candy corn made the top 10, the tri-colored treats also ranked among the worst Halloween candies. No wonder. Yeah, candy candy corn you either love it or you hate it there's no in between i mean i i feel like candy corn is from a time where
Starting point is 01:01:11 we had to like ration for a war or some shit you know what i mean and if you lived then it was the candy of choice because it's all you had and you just are stuck with it. But anyone who was not born with it, I don't know what about it you love because it is vile. Yeah, if I'm going to eat candy, I'm not going to eat that. Right? I'm not going to put myself through that. Yeah, no. So there you go, Skittles, number one.
Starting point is 01:01:41 Skittles. All right. Let's talk about our big news story of the day big news story of the day hey hey hey the philadelphia phillies deny entry to man's emotional support alligator at Citizens Bank Park. I mean, how could they? He just wanted to see the game. A Pennsylvania man has struck out in his attempt to bring an emotional support alligator to the Philadelphia Phillies baseball game.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Joey Henney went to Citizens Bank Park. Listen, it's J-O-I-E. I don't know how you say that. Joey Hiney. Joey Hiney went there on Wednesday, hoping to see the Phillies beat the Pirates, but he wasn't alone. Along with him was Wally Gator, a five-foot-long gator Henny adopted in 2015 and has made into a popular animal on both Instagram and TikTok.
Starting point is 01:02:44 Oh, no. This sucks because you know this dude was doing it just for, like, the clicks. Oh, yeah. I thought this was going to be like, good guy with gator denied entry. Yeah. He's a little goofy, but at least he has a support gator. No, this is like, I'm on the TikTok. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Be sure to subscribe. This is like a guy that shows up to the store. He's like, I'm going to pay you in golden chocolate coins. And then they're like, sir, we can't take this. He's like, what do you mean? I got my golden chocolate coin. Like, it's the equivalent of that. Have you seen the video of it's a bunch of kids that go into like a, I don't know, like an exercise store.
Starting point is 01:03:21 And he like clearly is goofing on them. Cause he has these weights and he's lifting them and they're supposed to be like hundreds of pounds. And he's like, you got anything bigger than this? Like, and then the shop owner's like, I watched you walk in with that.
Starting point is 01:03:35 What are you doing? It's fake. It's fake. He looks directly at cameras. Like you're filming this. What do you want from me? I'm like, please more people do that.
Starting point is 01:03:44 Like don't, don't put up with this yeah it's just everyone's trying to get the like shock content now i'm excited they rejected this man and his alligator yeah you know what the alligator is in on it with him just as responsible the alligator takes some of the blame of being the tool of a man online henny and wally hooked up after a friend of Henny's in Florida asked for help relocating a group of alligators whose homes were destroyed because of land development. Henny took Wally in his York County home and they've been happy ever since, according to USA Today. Quote.
Starting point is 01:04:20 See, that's beautiful. That's wonderful. I like that. And then they made an internet thing yeah quote i've never met an alligator that will not bite you henny told cbs news last year you fool around with their head their instincts to grab you he does not do it you can reach in there and rub his tongue he refuses to close his mouth we do not know why oh this alligator dude at any moment he could just he's gonna be like oh yeah i can bite and just snap him yeah this alligator is waiting for his vengeance no doubt henny told the philadelphia inquirer last year that wally
Starting point is 01:04:56 likes to give hugs and has helped him battle depression that's not true this is an alligator dude i mean like if it's working for you, it's working for you. Bless. But you don't need to bring a... Use your brain. Don't bring it to the game. Yeah. If it was a monkey, I'm fine with that. That's fine. That's Monkey
Starting point is 01:05:17 Mondays. Every Monday can be Monkey Mondays if they just, you know, try. But alligators, there's nothing that rhymes with that during the week. Exactly. But things weren't so happy on Wednesday night when Henny tried to bring Wally inside the park, presumably for peanuts and Cracker Jacks. Although Wally has attended minor league games and Citizens Bank park has hosted bark at the park events
Starting point is 01:05:46 the admission rules don't apply to alligators even ones that provide emotional support the stadium's policy on support animals is only allowed certified service dogs or dogs trained for guests with special needs and states all other animals are prohibited huffposts reach out to henny and the ph Phillies, but nobody immediately responded. However, Howard Eskin of Philadelphia Sports Radio Station, WIP was working the game when someone told him about the guy trying to get his gator into the stadium. He immediately walked over and took a photo of Wally.
Starting point is 01:06:20 So there is Wally. You know what? The photo looks great. And if you had left out the bit where it's like, Instagram guy and TikTok, I would have been like, you know what? That gator shouldn't have allowed in,
Starting point is 01:06:31 but now that I know there's the subtext that this is definitely being filmed and for a goof, I'm out. I'm out. Yeah. No, this is definitely for a goof, so that's dumb. He just enjoyed the alligator without trying to make it a thing.
Starting point is 01:06:47 Yeah. Anytime they try to make it a thing, that's when you're like, okay. Well, I can find a way to make money off of this. That's what it feels like. Or they just don't even care about the money, but they love the fame of it. Attention. Yeah, the attention. Where they're just like, everybody's looking at me and my gator.
Starting point is 01:07:03 And everyone's like, woo. And here's the thing. If you want to do that in public and have everyone look at your gator in public, great. But for some reason, and maybe I don't know what this is about me personally, but if you decide you're going to make it into like an online thing and then make it film everywhere we go, me and my gator buddy, for some reason that ruins it for me, and I can't explain why. Yeah. I mean, it might just, and I can't explain why. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:25 I mean, it might just be because we're in the industry. Yeah, I guess it ruins the joy that I get out of seeing someone just living their life with an alligator friend and thinking like, oh, man, that guy is just doing it. He's got a gator buddy. He's living his life. He doesn't need anything. But then the illusion is ruined it's like oh this dude's just trying to make a buck it loses all the genuine
Starting point is 01:07:49 feelings of like his man and his gator yeah it's tainted yeah won't stand for it i'm with you i'm with you this. It's upsetting me in a way that I feel like I shouldn't be upset. I feel like I'm overreacting, but in a way, I feel justified. Yeah. No, I agree. I guarantee somebody will be like, well, what about with Hank the Tank? Well, Hank the Tank isn't someone's pet.
Starting point is 01:08:19 Yeah, Hank the Tank is no one's pet, dude. Hank the Tank ain't nobody's pet. Yeah. So, you know what? This gator, maybe he just wants to go live in the same place Hank lives, out in the wild. No, I feel like this gator's chill. I feel like the gator and the dude are chill and they're best buds. The problem is, instead of me thinking the gator's a cool guy, I kind of think the gator's a little, I don't know, like a sellout. I'm going to say it.
Starting point is 01:08:45 The Gator's a sellout. That's going to be on the cool list. I look at this photo and I think, like, that Gator sold out. I don't think he's cool and he's going to the game. I think that Gator's going, like, that Gator is one bad day away from walking into traffic and taking a photo of itself posing in front of Times Square
Starting point is 01:09:02 and ruining everyone's day. That's what I think about that gator right now. That gator is going to start posting very negative things online to try and get attention. The gator is going to go full troll. I'm just not here for it. I don't like it. They're going to lean down and be like, Mr. Gator, what do you think? He's just going to be like, he doesn't talk.
Starting point is 01:09:22 He'll be like, birds aren't real. Oh, my God. Also, that's a episode 500. I'm going to be like, this quote is Gator quote. The quote list will already begin right here. 401.
Starting point is 01:09:50 Gator's a sellout. Gator's a sellout i'll be like i have no idea who said that so there you go that's your news story big news story oh all right well that's it for us thanks for listening or watching i've enjoyed this podcast krendor hit them with the socials wow we've got so many socials. We've got slash Cox and Crandor podcast. That's where all the episodes go up on YouTube. Give a like, comment, subscribe, recommend some weather. Also, we've got all the playlists sorted into years. You go listen
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Starting point is 01:10:54 We're done Anyway Crendor Shit Circuit Right there Let me tell you That's it for us We'll see y'all next time
Starting point is 01:11:02 And as always Yeah To be continued

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