Cox n' Crendor Show - Episode 412 - The Exploding Toilet

Episode Date: January 8, 2024

The boys are back with a brand new year of podcasts, and so of course they're starting off 2024 the most Cox n' Crendor way possible - by doing nothing. Well actually that's just Jesse. Crendor has be...en living his best life. Although I guess anything is better than having a toilet explode on you. All that and parking lot pizza on a brand new Cox n' Crendor! Go to and use code coxfree to get one free breakfast item per box while subscription is active.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Today's episode is brought to you by HelloFresh. HelloFresh is going to get you that good food delivered right to your home. Let's jump into this podcast. Hello everybody, it's time for Ghost on Trending. This is Trending in the morning. In the morning. Broadcasting live, live, live, live, live. In 4 hour and 40 minutes.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Recorded. Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Gax and Crandor in the morning. And it's a new year. It is. It is a new year. Somehow we made it to another one. How does it keep happening? I know. It just keeps happening.
Starting point is 00:00:54 You figured one of these years they'd stop. Like, you know what? Number's high enough. We're good. But no, we've done it. We're here. You know, first podcast of 2024. How's your 2024 been? Ah, you know, same as 2023.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I wish I could say it was, yeah, I wish I could say it was great. I mean, today I did see the new Godzilla movie and that was pretty cool. So like, I heard it was good. It's good. It's actually really good. But yeah, I saw that and that was pretty much it. We went to the diner that is close to the theater that I haven't been to since the time my mom and I went 10 years ago, and they stole my credit card. So I purposefully brought cash, and I was like, just to be safe.
Starting point is 00:01:41 Yeah. safe um and it was fine it was you know it was a diner and we figured we'd go get breakfast and then go see the movie at 1 p.m in the afternoon on a sunday because we were like to hell with it why not and then uh yeah that was that's really the most exciting thing i've done since the start of the year i'll be honest in the last seven days i've done nothing of value at all oh well sometimes that's how you got to start the year off right I mean sure you started out with just uh nothing and then you build into something all great things start from nothing I mean you're you are correct you are correct but I haven't done like any resolutions I haven't even attempted to make myself better I am just kind of cruising cruising through to the beginning of this year.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I was like, you know what? I'm over it. I just don't care. I did nothing of value for New Year's Eve. I did nothing of value for New Year's Day. I did nothing of value since. And I'll be honest, I'm fine with it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:38 You know what? Just because everybody else is doing something, being like, I'm going to better myself. But here's the thing. Most of them give up pretty quickly, right? You don't got to worry about that. Sure, sure. Because you've already given up. I haven't even started.
Starting point is 00:02:53 That's the key. That's true. That's the key that people don't understand that. I haven't even started this. Yeah. When do you think you will start? It depends on what I'm starting, I guess, right? Like, what am I attempting to do?
Starting point is 00:03:08 I don't know. What are you attempting to do? That's the question you have to ask yourself. What exactly am I attempting to do here? Yeah. It's like how everybody always goes to the gym at the start of the year. And I notice because the gym gets a little more crowded. I go to a more expensive gym.
Starting point is 00:03:25 So it's not like, you know, Planet Fitness where it's like, come on in for one dollar. And then it's like literally packed in there. But I know because there's been people that are like, dude, the gym's insane. I don't even go because I can't get in the door. And I'm just like, I go to my like old person gym. But, you know, it's like anything. You have to make what you're doing a part of your life so it's like it's easy to be like I'm gonna do this thing but you have
Starting point is 00:03:51 to like actually make a plan to like implement it into your life and change your life and that's why it's so hard yeah and I think a lot of it is not exciting people especially if they're on like a weight loss journey or they're on like a better health journey or a quit smoking journey or whatever the hell it's not necessarily the most exciting thing because all you're doing is committing to making a change that it requires maintenance and uh like checking in with yourself and like doing the same thing every day, like that kind of stuff. And that's boring. And I get why people are kind of like, nah,
Starting point is 00:04:28 you know, I, um, I, I just, my start to this year was like, what if instead of making something crazy and try and do something crazy, I just chill out,
Starting point is 00:04:41 chill the hell out. Maybe that's my, maybe that's my resolution is, you know what? I'm going to do even less than i did last year honestly that's probably a good thing especially for you i'm gonna just not do anything this year i mean i don't have any big travel plans this year uh i think i have to do one thing because it's game related in march but like i got no conventions lined up i got no nothing I'm just like maybe this year I don't do anything so I'm you know that sounds good to me yeah I agree I already
Starting point is 00:05:15 do that but what I'm trying to do is I'm trying to like clean up I usually at the start of the new year I always like I start cleaning everything It's like I start spring cleaning in January, primarily because the ad rates are terrible. Like all the all the brand deals, the money, everything just happens. So it's like January is like the worst month. Even February is a bit better. Like it starts picking up. But like January is just like it just the holidays and everyone's like, I just spent a bunch of money on the holidays.
Starting point is 00:05:44 Everyone's like, oh, they're working on themselves. They got their resolutions, like all this stuff. And I'm just like, I'm just going to like clean and like plan stuff out. So that's kind of what I've been doing. See, that's moving or transitioning from the advertising world. Because that's, to be honest, when we do our streams or YouTube videos, it's all about advertising. That's how we make our money. And companies are trying to advertise in November and December to sell you stuff for Christmas, for the holidays, right?
Starting point is 00:06:13 Yeah. But you're right. In January, that dries up. What's interesting is that on the game dev side of things, from December 1 on, everyone's like, All right, let's just meet up in January No one wanted to do anything No one wanted to work All my projects were on hold
Starting point is 00:06:31 And then January 3rd everyone's like Alright let's go And I'm like oh my god okay So at least I have that to do But it's pretty wild because it's like the flip side Where I imagine that's for most People in most industries Where it's like, so December was kind of a mess. Everyone took off to go spend time with kids or family or whatever.
Starting point is 00:06:52 But we're back now. It's January. It feels strange considering I've spent years in a world where December is when you worked your hardest. Yeah. No, it's – I didn't even think of that. Yeah, that's true because most people they're it's like their winter break essentially even like people in school you're like all right we got like two weeks off just chill out or whatever and then you come back refreshed and you're like all right let's
Starting point is 00:07:14 go i mean most parents and stuff when they get time off they get the time off at the end where they have to like babysit their kids or watch their kids because they're at home yeah for those two weeks two or three weeks. Yeah. Yeah. So it's, I mean, you know what? I think no matter how you choose to spend your new year, you know, as long as you're, as long as you're fitting your own style of life, that's what it's all about.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Yeah. I feel like some people feel bad because they're like, I didn't do a resolution. Like who cares? Right. You don't have to do a resolution in January. You can do a resolution in like March. You don't even didn't do a resolution. Who cares? You don't have to do a resolution in January. You can do a resolution in March. You don't even have to call it a resolution.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Resolutions are just ways to convince yourself to do it. It's New Year. You can be resolute in anything, in any time. Crandor's right. You can make a change in your life at any time. It doesn't have to be January 1st. It's just convenient because it feels like a starting point. But who cares if it's January
Starting point is 00:08:05 25th or February 3rd? Who cares? Yeah, I became Jimdor in August. It was literally, I remember because Battle for Azeroth came out and we were all playing it that day and I had my first ever gym training session and I was like, dude
Starting point is 00:08:21 I love this. And then that was it that was in august it wasn't like a new year or anything like it could just you could happen anytime and if anything it's better because then you could just you know do what you're doing there's less pressure there's nobody being like what's your resolution or whatever you're just like no i'm just doing this plus you were ready to change i think that's huge that's also true you have to be ready to make it everyone's like you got to change you got to change you know you that's huge. That's also true. You have to be ready to make it. Everyone's like, you gotta change, you gotta change, you know, you gotta make yourself better. But
Starting point is 00:08:48 a lot of the time, you're not emotionally, physically, spiritually, whatever, ready to make a change. And so, you'll do it for a week or two, but it's not something you want. It's something you feel like you have to do, and so you just don't stick with it. And I think, you know, once people decide they're ready, then that's a thing.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Right? They're like, okay, I'm willing to commit. And yeah, you know, it doesn't have to be 2024 either. This could be the year you do nothing. And then next year you're going to do great. Like who cares, man? It's your life, enjoy. Exactly. You're right.
Starting point is 00:09:19 You got to be willing and like ready to commit to it. Because I mean, listen, people are like, how did you start going to the gym i was like i didn't want to die it's my blood pressure was getting higher i was my my stomach pains all that stuff and i was like dude i got my gallbladder out that was my toenail thing i was like dude i gotta i gotta change you didn't have a rough you didn't have a rough few ones there dude it was the age 28 was probably my worst year. That was the Crandor arc of pre-gallbladder, post-gallbladder. That hit, and then boom, everything changed. It was like a wake-up call. I was like, I got to do something.
Starting point is 00:09:58 The moral of the story is I got nothing. The moral of the story is I got nothing. Put it on a book. I got nothing the moral of the story is I got nothing put it on a book I got nothing the Crandor story that would be a good book honestly I got nothing I am selling sweatpants for another three days that's true though
Starting point is 00:10:19 that's pretty good I can't sell anything I don't have a shop anymore oh yeah that's right we were selling those blankets and then They just stopped Because they went bankrupt That was awkward For those of you who aren't aware towards the end of the year there
Starting point is 00:10:34 We had a merch site up Or at least I did And it was through this company that I was looking for You know to do merch for tours And to do merch for various things and they were associated with the tour group that we use if you've ever seen Cox and Credo
Starting point is 00:10:50 live show and I was like oh this is perfect this is great and they were based in Chicago so like getting merch delivered to us is perfect this is wonderful and so what ended up happening is for a few years there it was lovely it was fine but then over the last year it's been kind of like qualities declined.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Communication's gotten bad. Yeah. And instead of paying me every month, it started to be every three months. And I was like, something's not right here. But we had that great idea for the blankets, and those blankets sold out so quickly. Thank you to everyone who got those. We had that great idea for the blankets, and those blankets sold out so quickly. Thank you to everyone who got those.
Starting point is 00:11:30 And what ended up happening is I expected payment. I expected something, because those blankets we paid to have made. It isn't like a thing where some magic blanket man made them. Those blankets cost a lot of money to get made. You can tell if you have one, because the quality is great. Yeah, except for the, like, seven that did get made by the magical blanket man. Well, I mean, like, yeah, but that's before we captured him and put him in a basement. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And he was like, you must pay me if you wish me to make more blankets. I was like, fine. Oh, my God. He's like, aye, it is true. Blankets I shall make for you. He's kind of big. Yeah. We're like like all right and so uh i guess at the end of there maybe a week before christmas i don't even know they just shut the doors didn't tell anyone except the employees
Starting point is 00:12:15 that they were uh filing for bankruptcy fired everyone and then sent us an email that literally was just like yeah the business is closed if you need to pick up anything, you can get it at our warehouse. Here's where to get it. And if you didn't get paid, tough. We're filing for bankruptcy. Contact a lawyer. I was like, what the? Now, mind you, we had three months of unpaid stuff.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And it was during the blanket sales. And those blankets sold out so that there was a pretty penny that Crandor and I could have been rolling in like Scrooge McDuck but spoilers and there isn't anymore
Starting point is 00:12:56 yeah and so they I had to contact a lawyer and the lawyer's like I'll look into it and I'm pretty sure I'm just out a bunch of money and it's not even like oh man it's money that I didn't make it's money that we spent to have blankets made and then didn't recoup
Starting point is 00:13:14 so if you have a blanket know that those are extra special because basically I bought you a blanket is what it comes down to it really is so just remember so I'm trying to find a new seller i think i have one and hopefully we'll have those blankets back up and we'll have some more stuff but yeah i was like cool cool so that's i mean you can understand why i came to 2024 just like, I don't even care anymore, man. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Yeah, that is pretty frustrating. It sucks. It's life. It is. You win some, you lose some. I'm thankful that I'm not in a place where that's going to make or break me. But also, it's like, we spent so much money. Okay, goodbye money. I money and it's okay.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Goodbye money. You know, I'm glad everyone got something. I'm mad that you gave it to a company that then stole it. You know what I mean? Like, I know they're saying we went bankrupt. We don't have any money, but also what happened to the money then? Yeah. Where's the money? It's gotta be somewhere.
Starting point is 00:14:21 It didn't just like vanish. Yeah. And so we were just like, it doesn't just disappear. Yeah, and so we were just like, you can't pay us? We're like, you gotta contact a lawyer if you wanna get the money. I was like, cool. Yeah, they're just hoping the entire process is like
Starting point is 00:14:35 too much hassle to go through. I mean, it is. I know for a fact that getting a lawyer, the last time we needed a lawyer for a project, they wanted a $5,000 retainer just to even agree to be a part of it. Yep. And that's not including the hourly fee to work. And I was like, are you kidding me?
Starting point is 00:14:56 So, yeah, the whole idea is they're assuming that I'm not going to want to fight to get the money because it will most likely cost me more in lawyer fees to get that money than it will to just take the hit yeah yeah it always ends up i hate i hate that stuff man yeah that's ends that ends up being a lot of things where the company will be like hey you want your thing sue us because they know they can just like drag it out and you just waste all your money and you have to give up so it. Yeah, and if they file for bankruptcy, they're just going to be like, okay, you won. We still don't have money. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yeah. So it's like, awesome. So cool. Business, baby. Yeah. 2024. 2024. Came like a wrecking ball.
Starting point is 00:15:41 That started in 2023, to be fair. That was the end of 2020. Yeah, you know what? 2024, so far 2023 to be to be fair that was the end of 2020 yeah you know what 2024 so far seven days in feeling fine yeah life is it's better it's you know what it's better than the last week of 2023 so we're good yeah we uh for new year's we just stayed home and we made a charcuterie board oh what you have on it? I got some olives, got some of those meats, got some, a couple cheeses, and like brie cheese. Okay, okay, okay. Yeah, brie cheese.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Check, I get it. Yeah, we got the olives. I like olives. What kind of meats? Olives are great. Do they have pits or no pits? They have pits. So did you heat them up? Did you do like a hot olive thing? No, you just like, they're like already good. They just got the pit in them, so you just eat them and then you'd spit the pit out.
Starting point is 00:16:31 Yeah, all right. There's just some restaurants you go to where they like warm the olives in oil and then you like eat it. And it's fine. You know, it's like, it's whatever. I don't know why we're buying olives at a restaurant, but like, whatever. Yeah, I mean, I'm not a big fan of the heated olives. Like, it's okay. I'd rather just eat the room-pump olives.
Starting point is 00:16:50 I feel that. Yeah, so then we had like prosciutto and a couple other udos. I don't know what they are. I don't know. Or pastrami or, you know, not pastrami, but like, you know, the fancy Amis. Yeah, yeah. Hot dog meat. Balonies.
Starting point is 00:17:12 Can of beans. Nacho fries. Yeah, charcuterie. And then, yeah, I like brie cheese. Brie cheese is great. We also had like a goat cheese. I like goat cheese. I love a good tangy cheese.
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah. Yeah. Not like a whole lot, but I like it. And then we get our like fancy champagne. We get it once a year. It was like the one time a year we get our like super fancy champagne. Are you guys at dry champagne or does Toast want a sweeter champagne? Oh, we like dry.
Starting point is 00:17:42 We don't really like sweet wine. Even she doesn't like sweet wine this one's a right yeah yeah i remember when we went out and got wines and i was the one who was like they we had that flight of wines and the two of you drank like the driest tannin wines ever and i drank like wines for 40 year old housewives they're like this is our sweetest dessert wine composed of like 80% sugar. And you're just like, oh man, give me like a bottle of that. Yeah, that sounds great.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Yeah, yeah. And we get, it's called, it's an actual champagne. It's a Brut Rose called Billicart Samant. I think that's how you say it. Oh, I got to look this up. Billicart Samal. Yeah, B-I-L-L-E-C-A-R-T. And then salmon, but they say Samal because I heard it on a YouTube thing.
Starting point is 00:18:31 I see that. Oh, this is a big time wine. Yeah, it's like $60 to $80 range. This is a big time wine. Yeah, wow. Yeah, so that's why it's a once a year wine. I get it. It's New Year's. Yeah, New Year's. And it's fantastic. I love this wine. Yeah, wow. Yeah, so that's why it's a once a year wine. I get it. It's New Year's.
Starting point is 00:18:46 You know, that's sweet. Yeah, New Year's. And it's fantastic. I love this wine. It's so good. And so, yeah, we did that. We watched all the shitty New Year's things just because it's fun to watch it. And they got people dancing around.
Starting point is 00:19:00 Who does New Year's now? Is it still Anderson Cooper? No, it is. It was literally just like random new people. Who does New Year's now? Is it still Anderson Cooper? No. It is... It was literally just random new people. I have no idea who they are. Did anyone try to make them do Fortnite dances? They had Megan Thee Stallion.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Oh, well. She was dancing hard. You know what? She always dances hard, though. That's why I like her. She does. Honestly, she did. They were some pretty good bots. It was way better than Ninja Fortnite dancing. hard you know what she always dances hard though that's why i likes her she does honestly they're like some pretty good bye it was way better than ninja fortnight dancing like i was at least yeah
Starting point is 00:19:30 because it's ninja fortnight dancing yeah uh so we like turn that on and then swap to they also had nashville new year on which is like prime watching's like people in cowboy hats like, yeah, they're like head bop. There's like, I went downtown looking for my car and I couldn't see. And they're just like, woo! I don't, I don't like, I don't want to judge anyone.
Starting point is 00:20:03 But, how big was the hair in the audience? Like, are we talking, when you say Nashville New Year's, are we talking like, hey, y'all, I made some butter cake. I don't know why that's the most Southern thing I can think of. Is it that or big mom gene energy i can think of like is it that or like you know big mom gene energy or is it like cool it was very much more like cool millennial nashville people if they were just like pretty cool like no joke it's pretty cool i just didn't know if that was you know we call it nashville because it's from the south you know what i mean yeah
Starting point is 00:20:44 apparently nashville's getting a lot of people from the north going there being like, this is a nice little southern town. And they're like city-ifying it. It's like a big music place. Yeah. So a lot of people I know who are trying to get into music go there, but they aren't doing country. So I don't know what the vibe, maybe it's a rock town too. I don't know. I'm going maybe it's a rock town too. I don't know. I need to do a little bit of everything now,
Starting point is 00:21:07 but it was, if you took the cowboy hats off people and got rid of the country music, you would think it was New York to be honest. After that we watched, uh, what's it called? The, when Harry met Sally.
Starting point is 00:21:21 All right. That's a cute movie. That's a solid, that's a solid romantic comedy. Yeah, and we watched that on New Year's because it ends on New Year's, so it's like a New Year's movie. Very cute. Yeah, it's a good movie.
Starting point is 00:21:34 You're one of those people that watched Lord of the Rings so that at New Year's, as the clock struck midnight, the Rohirrim showed up. They're like, yeah, let's go to 24. Those are my favorite people because you know they had to time that perfectly. They're like, everyone needs to be in their seat so we can get through two and a half movies
Starting point is 00:21:55 so we can watch the end of this at midnight. They're not that dedicated. But, no, it's, no, no, it was fun. It was a good time. You know, it was a nice, chill New Year. You don't gotta go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:22:09 There's no crazy parties. Just chill out. Have a good time. I like that. That's chill. Uh, I did remember something since you brought up charcuterie. I don't know why this triggered the memory, but, uh, Friday, don't even ask me how I found this out. I was, I think just like scrolling Reddit and some dude was like, yo, there's this pizza place that just opened up in LA.
Starting point is 00:22:33 You got to check it out. And I was like, all right. I love the boys and I love a good slice. So I scrolled through this webpage and I realized it is a pizza place that is outdoors in the parking lot of a church only open between 2 and 7 p.m. on Friday. And I was like, this is the most L.A. thing I've ever heard of. We have to go. All the reviews were like, this place is so good. It's like, okay. So Alex Davis and I rolled in at 2 p.m. on Friday, and we ordered. They had a normal New York-style cheese pizza that we got.
Starting point is 00:23:12 They only had like six pizzas on the menu. And we got a cheese pizza, but then we got a Detroit-style sausage and jalapeno pepper, like spicy pepper one. sausage and jalapeno pepper, like spicy pepper one. Dude, while you're waiting, I don't know what their money-making operation is, but these people have it made. So you order your pizza, and all the drinks are free. They have a cooler out there next to the trucks. You pop it open. They've got energy drinks and water and Gatorade and sodas and stuff.
Starting point is 00:23:47 And it's just free. If you order a pizza, you're just getting a drink. Dang. Because. That's pretty great. Yeah, while we're sitting there waiting, this dude comes around with little cups. And he's like, hey, here you go. While you wait, we made some pasta fagioli that you can have.
Starting point is 00:24:03 And we're like, what? So we're sitting there eating a little cup of pasta. And I was like, this you go. While you wait, we made some pasta fagioli that you can have. And we're like, what? So we're sitting there eating a little cup of pasta. And I was like, this is amazing. Then they get us our pizzas. Oh, oh, before that, Davis rolls up. He didn't get any pasta because he was rolling in late. But then the guy comes up to him. He's like, hey, we got an extra slice of this white pizza we made.
Starting point is 00:24:21 Do you want this? And Alex and I were like, no, we just ate the fagioli. And this guy's like, hey, you want this? David's like, sure, I'll take it. So the man got a free piece of pizza. Then our order's ready, and we get our two pizzas, and we go to sit down. And while we're sitting there tasting
Starting point is 00:24:35 this pizza and trying it out, kid comes over, big tray of cannoli. He's like, hey, complimentary cannoli. I'm like, what is your business model? The craziest thing i've ever seen i don't know if they're associated with the church so they're like getting some sort of tax write-off or something i don't know what's going on but this place slapped i was so excited we sat there the pizza was great it was like uh the new york style was thin but just a little crispy so it wasn't like slumping.
Starting point is 00:25:06 You know what I mean? It wasn't like oily and gross. The Detroit style that had like the crust around the edge and like the sausage was so good. It was great. I couldn't believe it. And it made me upset because this was just outside in a parking lot with like three benches and a bunch of people just making pizza on the back of a truck dude it was not like the stove was in the back of like a pickup truck and there was making pizzas and this place had some of the best beats i've had in this city that is honestly
Starting point is 00:25:41 it's like you said sometimes just a little shack places have the best things. It was crazy. I was so impressed. I was like, yo, this might be the Friday spot. This is incredible. It's straight up maybe six blocks from our office. So I was like, this is the spot. This is amazing.
Starting point is 00:26:01 This is going to be like a weekly place now. It might be. It was cheap. And I got so much free stuff. You give me free things, I'm a customer for life. Like, I'm in. I will be back. I sat there, and they were just like, here you go, have some pasta. And I was like, what the hell?
Starting point is 00:26:21 And then they were like, oh, yeah, here you go. The drinks are free. So I should have gotten, all I got was water, but I then they were like, oh yeah, here you go. The drinks are free. So I should have gotten, all I got was water, but I should have been like, I'm taking this Gatorade too. I don't, you know what? Becoming your dad is taking the jelly packets.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah, it was crazy. I was like, this is amazing. And then we were done, I was like, you guys want to take this pizza home? Go nuts. It was, everyone there was chill there was a lady who was like confusing detroit style for chicago style pizza she was like honey honey look they have chicago and the husband was like it's not chicago dear she's like i don't know it looks pretty thick to me we were were just like, hmm.
Starting point is 00:27:06 There was this old couple next to us who were eating their thin crust pizza with only jalapenos on it and I was like, that's a couple I like. They kept asking us, like,
Starting point is 00:27:14 well, what's that pizza? Do you want to try some of this? It was like that vibe where everyone's just sitting around like, you want to try some of this pizza?
Starting point is 00:27:20 There were two gym bros who rolled up and each one of them got two whole pizzas. Oh my God. And the guy who's making the pizzas kept delivering it to him. He's like, you sure you boys can eat this? pizza there were two gym bros who rolled up and each one of them got two whole pizzas oh my god and the guy who's making the pizzas kept delivering to me he's like you sure you boys can eat this and the dude seemed like an old italian man which made it even better he's like you boys you can eat this and they're like yeah we can we can stuff that down pops don't worry i was like i love it
Starting point is 00:27:39 here this place does sound phenomenal yeah it was it was a show everything about it was a show there were people had their all their dogs walking around there was a a bunch of dudes who look like they were probably in their early 20s who were clearly high and like giggling like hell over the pizzas uh yeah and i'm here for that i I love that kind of stuff. That was a great experience. That does sound phenomenal. I would 100% go there. There's nothing like a weird random ass pizza place that also gives you free food. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:20 I don't know what it would be like in the middle of summer when it's 102 degrees outside, but January, lovely. Great time. Solid 60 degrees in LA. Good time. I was going was gonna say what did you do for new year's i don't think you said uh for new year's i hung out with friends on new year's eve for a little bit and on new year's day i hung out with friends but new like new year's like i was in bed by 10 dude dude. I didn't do anything. That sounds about right. So you didn't even see anything.
Starting point is 00:28:48 You didn't see the ball drop. You didn't see whatever. You were just asleep. I mean, where I'm in the city in L.A., because it's L.A., they just bombard you with fireworks. So I knew when it was midnight at 9 p.m. when it was East Coast midnight, and I knew when it was midnight every hour after that because people just setting off fireworks and um you know I already from my window I could see I think it was somewhere in the city they were setting off fireworks I'm not sure it's some park so I could see that and that was around nine and I was like okay cool and then I uh went to bed I was like you know what I'm fine I got I got stuff to do in the morning. Basically, I could stay up until midnight or I could wake up early and then go get breakfast with friends and not be tired.
Starting point is 00:29:31 So I was like, you know what? I'm all right. I'm not going to. Yeah, I did nothing of value for New Year's Eve. I went out until like 630, hung out a little bit, and then was like, all right, I'm going to go home. I did. There was one tweet you said I wanted to bring up. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:52 And it was the one that made me think you were in Culver's. You said you were stuck in traffic and somebody popped a wheelie or something. So yesterday I was coming back from my morning gym stuff that I do every Saturday morning. And I was driving through Culver City. Culver City is like, you've been there. It's kind of in between where Alex and I live. It is the place where Sony has all their studios. Oh, yeah, I remember that.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It's very nice. It's a nice part of town. A lot of great restaurants in downtown culver but so during covid i guess they took it upon themselves to instead of having three lanes to cut it down to one lane for cars one lane for buses and one lane for bikes and so now there's barricades and all these different things i guess so it can be more walkable as a downtown which i think is smart i driving through it's a pain in the ass but seeing more people walk around down there is very nice. I like that kind of stuff. So in the bike lane,
Starting point is 00:30:51 as I'm driving through, there was this kid, I'm going to say maybe 11, 12, 13, goofy looking helmet, almost all denim clothes on, very cute, riding his bike bike and I'm watching him try to like lift up off the ground while I'm sitting there in traffic and he finally lifts off and does a wheelie I'm gonna say for a good 10 seconds down the street and when he lands he like I can see him audibly shout like yeah and then he clutches his chest in a realization of, oh, my God, I can't believe I did that. And I don't know if he was scared or his heart was pumping really fast or whatever, but he had like a whoa moment. And it was just very cute. It was like a little kid realizing, one, that's amazing I did that, but two, I could have wiped out and hurt myself.
Starting point is 00:31:42 It was very cute. And so, yeah, I was just, you know what? I'm just going to share this with the world. I don't care. Yeah. No, that's a nice story. I thought it was going to be like some kid popped the wheel. He's like, take that, bitches.
Starting point is 00:31:56 Like, oh, okay. No, nothing like that. Sadly, it was a good story. Nothing Crocs and Crandall worthy at all. It was just like a nice story about a kid, and I was very happy for him. I am less happy about the fact that at the grocery store near me, there's like a dude who was posted up there, and he's not cool. He's like a guy who has a motorcycle, and he drives around in the parking lot and tries to like i don't know if he's filming for like a tiktok he tries to show off and so if you're there if
Starting point is 00:32:35 you're there early enough in the morning where there's not enough cars and stuff he's driving around there's like people filming him and he's doing like tricks and stuff but in the parking lot i'm trying to park my car i'm like come on man i like that guy every i mean every time that i've been there for the last three weeks he's been there that's pretty weird so he's early in the morning yeah he's clearly like waking up and he's like time for motorcycle day goes over there and he's just like film me everyone i hope that if he's puts it on tiktok someone will find it and give it to me and send it to me that would be funny if it just showed up on i mean it has to be on like a tiktok thing i don't think there are people filming it like i don't know what it's for other than that
Starting point is 00:33:20 but also you know there's a few people that used to do YouTube stuff with us back in the day who now their whole platform or whatever it is, their business model is just taking photos next to beautiful cars. And I'm not sure what it is they do for a job, but every time I see them post online, it's like them with a new car
Starting point is 00:33:39 or a video of them driving with a squad of cars. And I'm like, is this a culture? It reminds me of Tokyo Drift. It's a bunch of them driving with a squad of cars. And I'm like, is this a culture? It reminds me of Tokyo Drift. It's a bunch of people driving in their cars and drifting on cliff faces overlooking the ocean. And I'm like, that's cool. What is it you do again? Who are you?
Starting point is 00:33:57 Some people are like, oh, you play video games? At least we got to be entertaining while we're doing it. They're just standing by a car. I did have this realization. I was having a conversation with someone, oh God, I don't know, either the end of last year or the beginning of this year, where I was like, you know, I realize a lot of the time I look at people online who are in our space and they aren't doing anything, yet they're traveling the world and they're doing all this stuff. And
Starting point is 00:34:23 I remember when they actually made content, now they don't really do it. How do they live this way? And then I remembered the vast, vast majority, and this is a tip for everyone out there who's like, maybe I'll get into content creation. The vast majority of people who make TikToks or YouTube or stream or whatever, they started rich. Their parents were rich and they just had so much free time and the ability to do anything they wanted
Starting point is 00:34:50 that they decided to stream or make TikToks. The vast majority of people are rich. The other people who make it on these platforms are people who has broke a shit. And they're like, well I got nothing else going on. I'm almost homeless. I guess I'll make videos.
Starting point is 00:35:05 That's it. Most people who have a normal ass job can't afford to just go for it when it comes to online video creation or TikTok or whatever. It's just impossible. Oh, yeah, 100%. Especially now. Now you're competing with so many people that are doing it for a living, which makes it even more difficult. Yeah, which is why people who have a ton of money to start, like in life in general, have a leg up. And it's absolutely crazy the amount of people.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And I always have to remind myself, the amount of people I know who I'm like, yeah, I remember making videos with them. I remember them doing this thing. And then I'll see them traveling the world. I'm like, well, where did that money? There's no way you made that off of YouTube. I've doing this for so long i know what youtube pays there's no way you're doing that and i'm like oh that's right i met their family once they have a mansion they're they're millions i get okay all right it's essentially they're just rich and they're like you know what i want to be i want to be this thing and then they just throw money at it. They're like, I'm this thing now.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah, pretty much. And I cannot stress to you the amount of people that – I'm letting you know right now. Just listener. All the people you love online, I'm telling you 75% were millionaires before they started. It's just a thing. Just letting you know. And I always forget myself, but I'm like, yeah, that's why they seem to live in this amazing lifestyle. Because they already had it.
Starting point is 00:36:31 I'm over here like, why am I not? I'm busting my butt. Where's my millions? Turns out I would have to have had it to begin with. Tell you what, I'll even take half a million. I will settle for being a thousand air. If you just hook me up. Yeah, I'll settle Come on, I'll take a picture in front of a car
Starting point is 00:36:57 I'll do it. Yeah, I'll do it. I'll be like that girl who's like who like flicks things like Mercedes Toaster oven showed me that she was like I feel like you'd like this because it's the ASMR. And I was like, dude, this is like, it's so weird, but it's like oddly satisfying of her just like going like just like Mercedes. The best ones are the ones where people make fun of her. They're like,
Starting point is 00:37:18 she goes Mercedes and they tap a thing and they're like, Gio. It's pretty good. Honestly, it's pretty good. Yeah. It's honestly, there's some pretty good tick tockers out there. And I'm not talking about like the mainstream verified ones. I'm talking about like the one guy follow where he's just like,
Starting point is 00:37:36 all right, here we go to Chicago. And we got a Chuckie cheese party in Chicago. And that's like, it's all tick tock. I'm like, dude, this is the guy, this guy's a genius. I like those, oh my God, like TikTok guys where it's like,
Starting point is 00:37:53 day in the life of a man who just moved to Japan. Today, I wanted to go get some ramen. But the ramen place I wanted to go get ramen from was closed when I got there. It was 1030 a.m. Apparently, they open at 6 in the morning and they go until they sell out. People get in line at 6 a.m. to eat ramen. I'm like, am I learning that that's a thing?
Starting point is 00:38:17 That sounds crazy to me. And then I saw, because, you know, the algorithm, then I saw this girl who was like, hey, I'm in Japan with my husband and my parents. And they don't like sushi, but I love sushi. And there's this place that opens up by the docks at 4 a.m. And everyone lines up to get sushi at 4. I'm like, that's crazy to me.
Starting point is 00:38:37 That is pretty crazy. I mean, that must be like the top tier ones. It's the best sushi in Japan, but you have to line up. I'm like, at 4am you're going to wake up and be like, feed me all of your raw fish, please. I mean, there's people that line up for weird shit. I'm not
Starting point is 00:38:54 going to lie. I've seen people line up. I live in LA. There's people line up during Black Friday. They line up like a week in advance just to get a TV for like $500 off. Supreme sold crowbars and people lined up to get a supreme crowbar so you know i mean like you're not wrong i'm just blown away by the time like i would line up to get a good thing of sushi like good sushi is great sushi you know what i mean but 4 a.m to start my day eating raw, I would be, all day I'd be with the weirdest burps,
Starting point is 00:39:27 like, couldn't do it, couldn't do it. Yeah, I don't know. I like sushi too, but yeah, I don't, I'm the person who would never line up for like anything. I just, I just, maybe I'm just not fun. Well, I mean, I know I'm not fun, but I don't know. I just, I can't, like, maybe if it was the greatest thing, they're like, this, like, you knew for sure this would be the greatest thing you'd ever eat.
Starting point is 00:39:55 I'd be like, all right, maybe I'd do it for that. But it would have to be, like, pretty high up there. Sure, and I guess that's what it is but i still wouldn't do it yeah i don't have it in me mentally spiritually to wake up at well actually they had to she had to leave before 4 a.m to get there at 4 a.m to then wait in line to get inside and then they served her like an array of delicious food, which, all right, cool, but also they're showing the food and it's just literally a piece of sushi. Gorgeous looking sushi, but it's 4 a.m. sushi. I couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I just couldn't do it. Yeah, that's true. I mean, there's probably people that eat sushi for breakfast. In Japan, I believe that. But I'm Jesse Cox, born in the Midwest. I don't have that. I don't have that in me. there's probably people that eat sushi for breakfast in japan i believe that but i'm jesse cox born in the midwest i don't have that i don't have that in me i'm like you know potatoes maybe like some weird meat that's been fried yeah all right sure did they do that in a like finland and norway and all those places eat fish for breakfast oh yeah that's because they
Starting point is 00:41:03 come from fish land i come from a place where it's corn potatoes and cows man that's you know what do you want from me i know what i am hey take that fish land yeah take that fish land yeah i when i when we get our breakfast i usually get either like a a scramble thing of like eggs, potatoes, ham, and then like peppers, onions, and mushrooms. Dude, that is exactly what I had today. We went out to go get breakfast before Godzilla. I got a ham scramble with peppers and onions and mushrooms and potato, like a homestyle potato on the side. Yeah, it's like a scramble skillet type thing.
Starting point is 00:41:48 That's what I'm saying. That's what I got for breakfast. It was great. See, but instead of the potato on the side, I get the English muffin. They give you like the jelly. I like those. I'd rather have my potato. What I do is I get the potato on the side.
Starting point is 00:42:01 I have the potato on the whole thing, and then I put hot sauce all over that stuff. I put some Tabasco, and then on the fries or whatever, the potatoes, I'll put ketchup on it too, and then I'll mix the potatoes up, and then I'll put it with. I got a whole system. I love a good scramble. Wait, so you're mixing the hot sauce and the ketchup together? On the potatoes only, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Because I like ketchup on potatoes. Not a lot, obviously, but I like the tang of the ketchup with the home-style potatoes. But then I like just hot sauce, and I put it on everything because I will always do that. Yeah, you want the kick and the tang. Hell yeah. If they had a hot ketchup, I'd just use that, but they didn't. Is there a reason there's not more hot ketchups? I mean, there are.
Starting point is 00:42:46 There are more than there have ever been before, that's for sure. It's like anything. There's more anything than ever before. Yeah, I don't know. But they definitely have, like, a Tabasco ketchup. If you're talking about, like, Heinz, for example, they have a Tabasco one. They have a one that is. They got a Tapatio ketchup?
Starting point is 00:43:02 Yeah, they have a Sriracha ketchup now. Oh, my. I didn't know this. Oh, yeah, dude. Oh, honestly, truthfully, if you can get it, the Whataburger spicy ketchup is the best one. Here's the thing. When I had that spicy ketchup at Whataburger, I didn't think it was that spicy. I mean, I don't think it's supposed to be, like, mess you up spicy.
Starting point is 00:43:24 It's just like a little, like, you you know it's a little better than normal ketchup maybe maybe my taste buds have adapted maybe i taste it now and i'll be like oh yeah maybe i don't i mean like i don't know what's going on with your taste buds i don't know either i mean i don't know what's going on with those things it was back during pac south that was like eight years ago or so. I don't know when that was. Well, sure. Yeah, it was a while ago. I was just thinking about the other day. I don't know who I was talking to.
Starting point is 00:43:52 It might have been Mathis when we were filming Chilumanati or something, but I was talking about that one vegan, not vegan, that one organic place that we went to. Organic place? The place that looked like a crack house. Oh, yeah. Yeah, that place. The Sweet Yams.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Yeah, I kept thinking. Is Sweet Yams still there? Do they make it through COVID? I hope so. Yeah, let's see. Sweet Yams. Organic restaurant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:22 They're still going. 4.8 stars. Hell yes. Yo, it actually looks less. They're still going. 4.8 stars. Hell yes. It says. Yo, it looks less. It actually looks less like a drug den now. It does. They built a porch and everything.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Yeah. The porch does make it a lot more friendly. And they have a sign out front that has the hours. Oh, yeah. I see that. Good on them. You know what? Good on them.
Starting point is 00:44:41 They're making it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Look at that. The porch looks great. That's so much better than what we had. It is. Dude, that place, that was easily the best Texas food.
Starting point is 00:44:54 I mean, it was just like a couple that made food there, and they're like, this is what we have today. This is what we made. And it's nothing fancy or pretentious. It's just straight up real food. It was yeah no that's the thing it's like sometimes in fact the majority of the time the best food is just the most simple food just done well yeah yeah man that place is great all right i'm glad they made it i'm glad they're doing well yeah go sweet yeah yeah go sweet but i was just talking about it because i was like man that place was great i remember. I remember going there, and then Gretna and I went back the next year,
Starting point is 00:45:27 and they were like, it's you guys. Thanks for the review. And I was like, you know, I miss places like that. But I found one of that pizza place. It's the exact same vibe. Yeah. No, that's true. Actually, does PAX South still exist?
Starting point is 00:45:40 No, there's no more PAX South. They shut it down. Oh, wow. Damn. I know. That was probably the best packs honestly it was it and i'm sure for whatever reason they weren't making money but it feels like they should have been i don't know it doesn't make a lot of sense to me but here we are yeah here we are stuck with packs other locations yeah packs too crowded and packs freezing there's only two options yeah there's like the oriol be in march was like negative 10 with like a blizzard yeah like come to boston in march like yeah that's cool or go to se Seattle in the end of summer when it's hot
Starting point is 00:46:25 and there's 80,000 people crammed in the smallest convention center they have. Now I just go to Adepticon, the Warhammer one. I love my Warhammer convention. It's great. I like seeing more and more people get into Warhammer. It's really funny to watch. There's videos now online where people react to Warhammer videos, which is really weird.
Starting point is 00:46:44 And they're like, oh, okay, so this guy, that was just like the aliens. Gotcha, gotcha, gotcha. It's funny to watch. Yeah. No, it's, uh, Warhammer keeps getting more and more popular. Well, primarily 40k, but actually, there's been more people getting into, like, the fantasy stuff
Starting point is 00:46:59 and Sigmar and even, like, Old World, because now they're doing, like, a, they're bringing back fantasy from, from like the 90s and early 2000s is this new thing so they're doing a lot I don't think it's people getting in it to like play it but they're getting in it because it's
Starting point is 00:47:16 interesting yeah well there's some people getting in to play it there's a blend that's the fun part about it is you can do you play it you know get into the hobby however you want you can build stuff you can learn about the lore you can do, you play it, you know, get into the hobby however you want. You can build stuff. You can learn about the lore. You can paint stuff.
Starting point is 00:47:28 You can actually play the game. Like me, I'm a guy that plays the game. I love the competitive tabletop thing, even if the games take like two hours. I just like the idea of you being like, I play the game. I'm a game player. EA Sports. I play the game. I know it's in the game. Somebody's going to be like, Crintor, it's in the game. I know it's in the game.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Somebody's going to be like, Creador, it's in the game. I know, I'm making a joke. All right? It's a joke. It's not a very funny joke, Creador. I don't make funny jokes. I just make jokes,
Starting point is 00:47:57 and sometimes they're lame, and sometimes they don't. That one's somewhere in the middle. I like just, I don't make funny jokes. Hey, listen, I never said I was making funny jokes. Either way, you know, it's going to be a great new year. Great new year.
Starting point is 00:48:16 And speaking of great new things for the new year. HelloFresh. That's right. Once again, we are proud to be sponsored by HelloFresh for 2024. The best way to get farm-fresh, pre-portioned ingredients and seasonal recipes delivered right to your doorstep. Skip all those trips to the grocery store and count on HelloFresh to make home cooking easy, fun, and affordable. That's why it's America's number one meal kit. So if unlike me, you actually had a resolution and it was to save money or eat better or
Starting point is 00:48:46 to stress less, HelloFresh is here to help you make that happen. Maybe all three. And like we were saying, the key to maintaining those resolutions is to just get past how it's kind of boring sometimes to just stick with something and maintain something. Well HelloFresh is making that super easy because boredom will not strike when you have so many different options. They have over 45 dinner options to choose from weekly and even more market add-on items to suit your lifestyle. Maybe you've resolved to sit down at the dinner table with your family. Well, HelloFresh can make it easy in our very fast-paced lives. You could get something in 15-20 minutes with a quick and easy meal.
Starting point is 00:49:26 If you're looking for calorie smart or protein smart they have those as well. Plus breakfast which is the most important meal of the day. And right now they're giving all subscribers free breakfast for life. That means you'll enjoy a totally free breakfast item with every single HelloFresh delivery. Now that's worth waking up early for. So if you want to get in on the sweet chili pork and cabbage stir fry, which is one of my favorites, or maybe just some black bean tacos, that's also very good.
Starting point is 00:49:59 Or if you're looking for something family friendly, they have a pork schnitzel. Everyone loves a good schnitzel. Big fan of that. They've got a lot of great foods that you can make. And again, like we said a million times, if you don't want to make it exactly the way they have it, if you want to take out something or add something of your own, you can do that. Because you're the one cooking it. So you know what's going in it. I'm a big fan of that.
Starting point is 00:50:16 So right now, go to slash CoxFree and use code CoxFree for free breakfast for life. One breakfast item per box while subscription is active. That's free breakfast for life at slash COXFREE, C-O-X-F-R-E-E, with code COXFREE. HelloFresh, it's America's number one meal kit. All right, let's go to Chapter 7 of Sky with Crandor. How's that traveling out there? Oh, boy. Traffic is actually pretty good.
Starting point is 00:50:47 It's calmed down a lot. And in certain places, it's like super snowing right now. It's like blizzards and bad weather. So even more reason for people to stay inside. So we're finally done with the crazy travel stuff, even if it is still back to standard traffic. But even standard traffic can suck at times. So back to you., back to standard traffic. But even standard traffic can suck at times. So, back to you.
Starting point is 00:51:06 You kept saying standard. And I know this has nothing to do with weather or traffic. But I keep thinking of those Stanley Cups. Those Stanley-like mugs. What is going on? Why are people stealing them now? What is happening? Dude, it's like the Furby craze.
Starting point is 00:51:22 There are people who have collections of them. It's like Furbies. Or like Beanie Babies. Now it's like the Furby craze. There are people who have collections of them. It's like Furbies or like Beanie Babies. Now it's the Stanley Cup. And whenever I hear the Stanley Cup, I think of like the actual hockey Stanley Cup. Right, hockey. Yeah. And so I've seen people at the gym with those cups. They're gigantic.
Starting point is 00:51:38 Those things are huge. I guess I don't understand what – I've seen photos of people online posting their 15 Stanley Cups. I'm like, well, isn't the point of a reusable cup that you have one? And people are like, no, no, no. You have to have a different color for different times of the day for different outfits. There's a video of this dude going into a Starbucks to steal a box of their Stanley Cups. And I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:52:04 And then the crowd, I've never – you know how usually if you watch a video online, it's like a Walmart or it's like a Target or whatever. Someone steals something, everyone's just filming it. The Stanley Cups, the Starbucks crowd lost their mind. They ran this guy down the street and took back the cups. Because they wanted those cups. They were all in line to get the new cups,
Starting point is 00:52:25 which is so crazy to me. It's insane. I don't get it. I don't get it either. Because, like, it's just a big mug cup thing. Yeah. That's it. There's, like, these existed already.
Starting point is 00:52:41 They still exist. You can get other brands that are like pretty similar but like does somebody does somebody know does this thing have like some sort of magical power does it like keep your drinks like at a specific temperature and it's insane like i don't understand it reminds me of maybe like i don't know two or three years ago during covid everyone was talking about Yeti brand cups. Oh, yeah, I remember that. It's the exact same thing.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I don't understand what this is. I don't know why people are losing their minds over it. I get that it's popular, but I don't know that it's fight a guy in the street over a cup popular. I have no clue, man. No, I have no clue, man. There's literally a TikTok of somebody at Target filming. They put up the Stanley Cups and like everybody just charges it like, give me my cup.
Starting point is 00:53:36 They're just like gone in like a minute. Like it's insane. Yeah. I don't understand. It's a, I guess they like put them up. It said sold out in less than four minutes. But it's like they put them up and literally... Hold on.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I'm just going to send you this one. Hold on. Just so you can see. Okay. I'll try to describe it. They put these Stanley cups up and they're red. Maybe Target red. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:54:06 And the minute they put them up, a crowd of people have descended upon it and there's a woman in the background saying guys there's a limit of two there's a limit of two again why do you need more question and i and i maybe this is the cynical part of me. Do you think what that is is people buying them to then resell them online? Oh, there's definitely some people doing that, 100%. Because there's no way all these people showed up to just get a new. I can go on Amazon right now, find a Stanley 40-ounce flow state stainless steel vacuum insulated tumbler with lid straw for water, ice tea, and coffee for $45. Although $45 sounds like a lot of money, but whatever. So for $45, or you can get a 64-ounce for $60 online, 24 color options.
Starting point is 00:55:00 I'm looking at them right now. You can get all sorts of designs. I don't know why people i guess because it's like the special pink one i don't know it's got to be special colors or something i'm looking at the pink one right now yeah somebody in the comments even said a few years ago it was the yeti now it's the stanley cup that's all right i'm glad i'm not crazy because i honestly it felt like something. I'm like something's off.
Starting point is 00:55:27 Something's weird here. Yeah. Somebody said my grandpa had a Stanley. He used to take to the factory in the 80s. Apparently Stanley Cups have been around since like 1917 or something like that. Like very early. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:41 They must be like a good brand. There's like a durable brand.'s a it's literally like a bear with a wings and a top hat or something i don't know what that is the starbucks one apparently was a different color pink so there you go uh and people are reselling yeah as of january 5th there's listings on e for $200 for these yeah that checks out there's no like there's just no way that it just yeah I don't okay
Starting point is 00:56:13 this is I went to the Stanley website and it looks like they're also doing one they're just like guys the new quenchers here the Arctic twist with like blue and white and like here's the staff pick they got like so many different ones now this is like what's that cookie company is like crumble and they like yeah do the new cookies every week and they're like you got to get your cookies this
Starting point is 00:56:35 week or you might not see them and they've got new ones like that's the thing now it's like they keep doing these like we'll do three flavors of the week and you got to see it it's maybe it's like that where they keep doing new things it's like if you don't get this one you're gonna miss out that's so funny yeah that's pretty much what it is there's seasonal colors there's limited edition colors yeah you can get a bright red one right now on the stanley website but also did you know there's the core colors as well you can get the charcoal or rose quartz. Meanwhile, on Amazon, they have other colors there that look way cooler.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah. Those ones have got to be resale. I mean, they're all still $50, even though on the website over here it's $45. So you're paying a $5 markup on Amazon. But the colors are different. They got a blue and gold one that looks pretty cool. They got a bunch of different ones. Somebody said I've never seen so many Uggs and Crocs in one video.
Starting point is 00:57:36 Dude, I swear to God. People used to make fun of me like, oh, you're wearing sweatpants all over? Dude, I look like I'm high fashion now. Wearing my athleisure and my sweatpants. I look like I'm high fashion now. Wearing like my athleisure and my sweatpants. I look like I'm ready to go. And those people, they've got Crocs, Uggs. They look like they're wearing pajamas.
Starting point is 00:57:52 And I'm like, dude, I'm styling. Yeah, I don't get it. There's so many. You know, I'm not going to yuck anyone's yum. If you want to grab a Stanley, do it. You know, I'm not going to yuck anyone's yum. If you want to grab a Stanley, do it. But also, I definitely am going to judge if you get like five of them. I don't understand why you would need five.
Starting point is 00:58:16 The whole point is it's reusable. It doesn't make any sense to me. I don't get it either. It makes no sense. Unlike Crensloth sweatpants at, which are a great deal. Yeah, and those aren't reusable. Don makes no sense. Unlike Crensloth sweatpants at which are a great deal. Yeah, those aren't reusable. Don't reuse those. If you wear it once, throw it away, buy another. Yeah, I'd probably have to buy ten. Minimum.
Starting point is 00:58:34 And that's your traffic report. Alright, let's go to weather. Weather. Let's see. I'm going to type weather into this thing and I'm gonna do, I'm gonna hold down enter and we're gonna land on one. This is like weather roulette. Silkeborg, Denmark, also known as Denmark's outdoor capital. Local eateries, Walk This Way, Jensen's, Boffhus, and Bones, what Danish people think an all-American restaurant looks like. Hell yes.
Starting point is 00:59:16 Okay. Silkeborg. All right, here we go. Silkeborg, Denmark. For Silkeborg, we've got... You're going to get your old Fahrenheit here. 17 degrees Fahrenheit, American units. Feels like 17.
Starting point is 00:59:35 Humidity, 87%. Pressure, 30.63 inches. Visibility, 10 miles. Pretty visible. Wind, 3 mile an hour. Going southwest, dew point 14. UV index, 0. 8.51 a.51am sunrise. 4.06pm sunset with a moon phase of waning crescent. Looking at the 10 day, we've got sun and clouds with
Starting point is 00:59:58 a hard freeze expected. 18 degrees. Watch out for that hard freeze. Tuesday, we had cloudy 34. Wednesday, 31 with some AM fog. Thursday, 31 with fog. Friday, partly cloudy 33. Saturday, 38 with some AM showers. And Sunday, 34, partly cloudy. So, pretty cold and pretty cloudy.
Starting point is 01:00:19 I just want to say to everyone in Silkeborg, Denmark, I know that when the commenter said bones is what people think Americans eat here in Denmark. Right.
Starting point is 01:00:35 I need you to know, it isn't what you think we eat. It is exactly what we eat. I am looking at the photos of this. It looks exactly what we eat. I am looking at the photos of this. It looks exactly like American food. The steak and potato looks American as hell. The burgers look American as hell. The chicken looks like it's grilled. The salads look American. The ribs look, this is the most American European food I've ever seen. It looks American as hell. It does.
Starting point is 01:01:06 It really does. It doesn't look... You know, a lot of times we see like, oh yeah, that's clearly the fake American thing and it's kind of a goof. No, this is... It isn't over the top. They aren't putting like crazy stuff on hamburgers. It just looks like... Even the chicken looks American as hell.
Starting point is 01:01:22 Yeah. I'm pretty convinced an actual American runs this restaurant. It's got to be some American just moved there. Because the steak, they got the steak and potatoes, steak and French fries. I'm looking at this chicken salad. That is the most American chicken salad I've ever seen in my entire life. Do they have a pizza boat? Did you see a pizza boat?
Starting point is 01:01:43 I'm looking at that pizza boat. I wish I had that pizza boat. That looks crazy. Yeah, I'm just looking at all these different foods, and I'm like, yeah, no, that's – they got the Coke. The Coke is the accurate size for an American Coke. I think it looks huge. Yeah, I mean, even the ice cream that has, like, a little cup with M&Ms on it,
Starting point is 01:02:03 that's American as hell. This place, I know, I know if, I will say this. If you're in Denmark and you go here, that's about as American experience you can have. This is, and it looks like good. Like, it's like they've done American food, but well, like in both taste and appearance. It is in like one of those places we see where it says American. And then it's like a burger covered with eight pounds of cheese or something like that. Who would eat this?
Starting point is 01:02:29 Yeah, that's the weather. All right. Let's go to sports. Sports. Sports. What a day of sports. It is a big football day. It was the final day of the regular season and great news
Starting point is 01:02:48 for both of us the Packers and the Steelers have made the playoffs the Steelers doing great this in their division killing it killing it yeah uh currently the Bills and Dolphins are tied at seven winner of that gets the two seed loser of that I believe falls to like the sixth seed the Bengals beat the Browns Lions beat the Vikings Titans beat the Jaguars who've been eliminated the Jets beat the Patriots Saints beat the Falcons Panthers lost to the Buccaneers Packers beat the Bears Raiders beat the Broncos Giants beat the Eagles Seahawks beat the Cardinals Chiefs beat the Chargers Rams beat the 49ers andahawks beat the Cardinals. Chiefs beat the Chargers. Rams beat the 49ers. And the Cowboys beat the Commanders.
Starting point is 01:03:29 And then the other night, the Steelers beat the Ravens. And the Texans beat the Colts. So now, the playoff picture. If you take a look at it, we got our playoff games all set for the NFL. We've got the Cowboys, Packers, Lions, Rams, and Buccaneers, Eagles. And then it looks like we've got, I think, well, the AFC depends on who wins tonight. But I believe the Texans and Browns are going to play. So that's already one of the games.
Starting point is 01:03:56 And then the 49ers and Ravens have the bye weeks. So playoff time. Playoff. Playoff, sir. playoff time playoff and then over in the NBA we've got the Celtics up top and first with the Bucks and the 76ers right behind them and then in the west you got the Timberwolves at top with the Thunder and the Nuggets right behind them and then over in hockey we've got the Bruins up top with the Panthers behind them. The Rangers atop their division. The Jets and the Avalanche battling out in the Central.
Starting point is 01:04:31 And in Pacific, you've got the Vancouver Canucks ahead of the Vegas Golden Knights. Not the Vancouver Golden Knights. And that's sports. It's time for our fact of the year. This fact is going to set you up for the entire year. I feel like it was New Year's, so we should do a fact of the year to start us off. I did find 10 fun New Year's facts and traditions. I'll take it. This is what I'm here for.
Starting point is 01:04:58 All right, perfect. The first New Year's celebration dates back 4,000 years. Julius Caesar, the emperor of Rome, was the first to declare January 1st a national holiday. He named the month after Janus, the Roman god of doors and gates. Janus had
Starting point is 01:05:16 two faces, one looking forward and one looking back. Caesar felt that a month named after this god would be fitting. Oh, that's true. A lot of the calendar months that we have, the Romans threw in there or stole from other people. That's true. Yeah, that checks out.
Starting point is 01:05:34 45% of Americans make New Year's resolutions. That sounds right. Yep. I mean, that's what we're talking about. Top resolutions are to lose weight, get organized, spend less, and save more more stay fit and healthy quit smoking while nearly half of all americans make resolutions 25 give up on their resolutions by the second week of january that's actually less than i thought uh that's i mean but that's just second week that's true yeah they are including week three week yeah you know yeah
Starting point is 01:06:05 uh let's see we have be sure to eat leafy greens on new year's what traditions say that more leafy greens a person eats the more prosperity he or she will experience well yeah you're eating healthy things i also heard that uh eating 12 grapes is a thing. What? I don't know if it's cultural. It's not an American thing. But, yeah, I was told that eating 12 grapes. And I was like, well, what if I just drank a whole glass of grape juice? That's got to be more than 12 grapes, right?
Starting point is 01:06:39 That's too many grapes. Yeah, but, you know, you double down, right? 12 grapes, one for each month. If I have a whole glass, that's got to be like 40 grapes. Yeah, but then you're taking like two. That's too many grapes because then you're taking years and years of grapes. Good luck. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:06:53 That's too much grape. I'm ahead of the curve. And then if I keep going, I will have a built-up reservoir of extra bonus month luck. All right, maybe you're on to something. Yeah, what if I get a whole bag of grapes take them home eat them all new year's day call it a life am i in uh that's a whole bag i don't even know what the like who does this i'm just like i want to say spain eating 12 i originally would have assumed Spain,
Starting point is 01:07:25 but then I saw in an episode of Modern Family that Gloria eats them. It's a Spanish tradition. All right. Consists of eating a grape for each of the 12 o'clock bell strikes at midnight on the 31st of December. Oh, okay. I mean, that makes sense. That's like a fun thing.
Starting point is 01:07:46 Yeah, the twelve grapes of New Year's it literally says the twelve grapes of luck Well there you go, and there's your rain of the year All right, what is our big news story of the day? Big news story of the day. Day. Day. Day. Day.
Starting point is 01:08:12 I also realized that I had like ten fun New Year's facts and traditions. Some of these other ones just suck, so I skipped them. Cool. So, we've got... Oh, boy. We've got two stories. I feel like one of these deserve to be their own stories. So I feel like we save one for this week and the next for next week.
Starting point is 01:08:33 All right. Well then you surprise me. I don't want to be spoiled. Okay. You choose. Let's go. Uh, give me a number one or two. Two.
Starting point is 01:08:44 Florida man sues Dunkin' Donuts over injuries following toilet explosion. You know, it's not where I thought we were going to go, but that's where we ended up. Yep. An employee told the man they were aware of the problem with the toilet since there had been previous incidents. What? There is so much we don't know about this story going in. Okay. A customer has filed a negligence
Starting point is 01:09:12 lawsuit against Duncan, claiming he was injured by an exploding toilet at one of the coffee chains locations in Central Florida. Paul Couric is seeking more than $100,000 in lawsuits filed Wednesday in the state of Corral, LA, claiming he suffered severe and long-term injuries following the explosion of a toilet in the men's room. Probably 100,000.
Starting point is 01:09:31 Like millions, I thought. You're getting long-term injuries? What kind of explosion? Yeah. Is it like a poo-poo explosion? What's the vibe here? Let's see. After the explosion, it left him covered in feces, urine, and debris.
Starting point is 01:09:44 He walked out of the men's room seeking help from workers. That's so bad. Oh my god. That's terrible. That is pretty bad. An employee told him they were aware of the problem with the toilet since there had been previous incidents. Were there previous explosions? That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:10:03 We're missing something about this story. Yeah. When contacted Thursday by email for more details on his injuries, his attorney said he was tied up and couldn't answer the questions the following day. Canton Messajus and Space Company did not immediately respond. The lawsuit says he suffered bodily injury and required mental health care and counseling. Well, he says he suffered long-term severe injuries but then he's not naming the injuries sounds like he's got shit on literally
Starting point is 01:10:32 right yeah you know what i still pay the man you know i don't he can lie he can lie and make it up all he wants yeah like go ahead go ahead and lie a little bit i don't give a shit like that's that's awful like this guy you know, you know what? You're fine. You're fine by me, mister. You go to use the bathroom and you get covered in feces, urine, and debris and then walk out like you're a swamp monster. Everyone's like, oh, God. We got pee. We got poo.
Starting point is 01:10:57 We got debris. What is happening multiple times? So it's already been a problem before, which means before this, people have exploded the bathroom. So the question becomes, why is the bathroom exploding? That's a huge question no one is answering. Why is the bathroom exploding? That is the first question of the new year. It should be the question we ask all the time.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Why is the bathroom? Is anyone going to answer that? That seems like it should be something we all look into. Why? The fact that you see a guy walk out just covered in shit like this. He's just like the employees are like, God, not again. Oh, man. Yeah, it's crazy.
Starting point is 01:11:44 It's the fourth one this week this doesn't make any sense why like they they said they warned him yeah that it so they knew it so why don't just put a do not out of order sign get the hose again like i thought when it exploded and he said it was serious like the actual toilet like exploded like the the pieces of the porcelain like shattered yeah this is like it erupted this is like in a 90s comedy movie where like the kids stick m80s down the toilet or something like this this is insane yeah yeah there's the fact that this story didn't start with why the toilets keep exploding is beyond me. That should be the number one investigative journalism thing you're doing is figuring out why that's happening.
Starting point is 01:12:36 Yeah. It's got to be. Like, what happened to the other people? Were they just like, you know, I understand toilets explode. I get it. I thought maybe I was the problem. Toilets explode. I get it. I thought maybe I was the problem. Maybe I was the one who did it. I was like, you know what, sir?
Starting point is 01:12:51 We'll give you a free donut. Wow. Okay. Thanks, guys. There's got to be more that happens to the story down the line, right? Honestly, you're the one with the article i'm assuming no i'm assuming we will never have an answer because that is how these stories on the internet work people read the headline think they got enough information to move on and no one actually reads
Starting point is 01:13:17 the article because this article explains nothing that's true i think out of all the stories we've covered over like the decade we've been doing this there's been like two or three that we could like follow up on most of the time it's just like yeah so uh monkeys are now banned at this restaurant and you're like what they were allowed at the restaurant there's so much we don't know and there's like oh well go call them yourself that's your job news guy there's a little like i'm trying to think of the stories we've had where we went back there's like hank the tank obviously then multiple hank reports we had uh the the treasure guy remember that yes the treasure and then we had uh the
Starting point is 01:14:00 what's it called was tito watts a follow-up story? Tito Watts was, but then we found out both of those Tito Watts stories were fake, apparently. Oh, yeah, that's what it was. Which, you know what? I choose to believe they're real. I don't care. And then that house. The house that got like a Netflix show. Yes, yes, yes. The Watcher. The Watcher, yeah. Those are it.
Starting point is 01:14:19 Those are the only ones. That's all of them. Out of every 400 and something news stories. I would love to say that all of them out of every 400 and something news stories. I would love to say that all of those had satisfying answers. They just don't. If anything, it's a lesson for life. Life isn't always satisfying, I guess. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Sometimes life just explodes like a toilet. That's it. That's it. Yeah. That's your big news story of the day. All right. That's it for us. Thanks so much for listening and watching i'm gonna join this podcast grand or hit up the socials we've got socials slash cox and crendor podcast all one word you can find all the podcasts over there i gotta make a new playlist for the 2024 episodes now whoa and then uh all over over on
Starting point is 01:15:01 the old slash cox and crendor, we got all the animations. You can also go to Spotify, iCloud, or iTunes, SoundCloud, whatever. Just type it in. Also, you can find us on our own things. Go to, buy my sweatpants and other merch. Go to jessicox, crendor, patreon jessic. Patreon, Crendor., Jesse Cox., Crendor. Uh, Twitch TV, Jesse Cox. Twitch TV, Crendor. Instagram, Notorious Cox.
Starting point is 01:15:32 Instagram, Crendor was taken. TikTok, Jesse Cox. TikTok, TikTok, Crendor. TikTok, TikTok. TikTok. TikTok. Okay, I think you died, but we're just gonna move on and end the episode anyway Tick tock That's it, thanks so much And as always
Starting point is 01:15:49 To be continued

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