Follow Him: A Come, Follow Me Podcast - Doctrine & Covenants 41-44 : follow HIM Favorites

Episode Date: April 21, 2021

Five-minute clip of Hank and John's favorite part of this week's Come, Follow Me lesson.Great to share with your family and friends!Join us on social media!YouTube:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, my name is Hank Smith. I'm here with the incredible John by the way We are hosts of a podcast called follow him and we do a little segment now called follow him favorites John the lesson for this week's come follow me our sections 41 42 43 44 of the doctrine and covenants and you get to choose a follow him favorite what's your follow him favorite? This is so hard to choose because, as we've just completed our regular podcast, so many awesome things, but one phrase that I just thought was so interesting
Starting point is 00:00:32 was in verse 18 of section 43. And it talks about the future missionaries of the church say to the sleeping nations. I think sleeping nations, I don't think that means you go at night, but so often in the scriptures when it says awake, it's talking to people who are already awake. You'll hear Lehigh say it to his sons, awake my son, well they're awake, but they're just kind of asleep spiritually. And so often we think, you know, someday I'm really going to get my act together
Starting point is 00:01:03 and we reach over and we hit the spiritual snooze button and we stay asleep. But one day we get to say that the sleeping nations arise and live. And then it says, you sinners stay and sleep until I shall call again. So time to wake up. I was telling my kids just the other day that if you're still, you know, I don't understand this. I'm trying to, that's okay because I felt like a part of me kind of woke up when I went on my mission and I suddenly got more excited about the scriptures
Starting point is 00:01:33 than I had ever been before. But keep trying to be awake and hear this stuff and then one day you'll be able to go to the sleeping nations and say a rise. And then part of them will wake up to. That reminds me of my wonderful daughter who I say, why are you not awake yet? And she says, I'm trying. I'm trying to wake up. It's really hard to wake up. And it's okay. It's okay. You are trying. And that is the most important thing. My follow him favorite comes from section 42. It's verse 27 where the Lord is talking to the church, and section 42 is what he calls his law, or laws we need to live in order to be part of this church and do it the way the Lord wants us to.
Starting point is 00:02:15 And he says in verse 27, thou shalt not speak evil of thy neighbor, nor do him or her any harm. To me, this is just so important for our day that we are be careful with the names and the reputations of the people around us in our community and in our ward and how we can speak kindly of one another.
Starting point is 00:02:37 In young women's, we can speak kindly of all the young women in our ward, right? We don't need to say about one, oh, look at the way she dresses or she dresses differently our ward, right? We don't need to say about one, oh look at the, you know, way she dresses or she dresses differently at school, right? Or in the young men's, right? We don't need to single out someone who might be a little bit different or odd and make them the, you know, kind of the butt of the joke. None of that should happen in the Lord's church. Thou shalt not speak evil or do evil or hurt thy neighbor. So I would love to see all of us, including me,
Starting point is 00:03:12 kind of rededicate ourselves to this idea of, I'm gonna try to create unity in my class, my quorum. And I'm gonna be one who is kind to everyone in that class or quorum. And put aside my clicks, put aside the clicks of high school or middle school, and really try to be someone who makes everybody feel included. To me, I think you'll feel the Lord's gratitude when you do that, right? No, no one wants me to feel. Yeah, that's a Zion thing to do.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And you know, I was looking on my phone for a verse that you're reminding me of, and it's not until we get to section 108, but this is saying what not to do, do not speak evil or do many harm. Section 108 verse 7, strengthen your brother and in all your conversations, in all your prayers,
Starting point is 00:04:04 in all your exhortations, in all your doings. And that's the other side of it, which you're talking about. That kind of person. I've seen you in action and you're always lifting people up. And so you live 108 verse 7 very well. Thanks, John. And so do you.
Starting point is 00:04:22 And I have never heard John gossip or say anything mean or, you know, just, hey, Hank, did you hear about going so? It's just not, it's not who you are. And my hope is that anyone listening will say, I don't want that to be who I am either. Right. And say, I want to, I want to have that kind of character. We hope you'll join us on our podcast. It's called Follow Him. Find us wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts and join us for our next episode.

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