Goes Without Saying - A Summer of Rest and Relaxation

Episode Date: July 1, 2024

THE SUMMER BONANZA BEGINS. podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on the Brat Summer, journalling, and being drained, exhausted, and burnt out. ✷see more ✷ www.youtube.com/@sephyan...dwing ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwing ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwingshop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.uk Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Goes without saying our YouTube has dropped finally we have been filming non-stop, hijinks ensued and now the Sephian Wing cinematic universe is alive and ready for you to come and enjoy. There'll be videos all through July and hopefully ongoing as well but come and just see what's going on. Till the end of time. Yeah. Oh wait where can they find it? Type in Sephian Wing guys you know how to use YouTube. Yeah, and it's also on our Instagram, sephianwing. It's also linked below if you need some help.
Starting point is 00:00:35 So the summer... The summer bonanza has begun. Wow. Wow. Okay, so we're doing it. Are you ready to have us every day in your ears for the whole of July? Every day. At your mercy, really. It's quite terrifying. Whenever you'll have us, we'll be there. When you don't want us. We're still there waiting. It's like Nanny McPhee, when you want us. Oh, I can never remember that thing. When you need us, I'll be there, and when you want us, I'll be gone.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Nanny McPhee, I never really watched. I know, and I'm not saying it right because that's not how it goes. Well I'm getting the gist. She's basically saying, you know, you'll see me around sort of thing. She's saying, when you want me, no she's saying, when you need me, I'll be here, But as soon as you want me and you like me, I'll be gone. Oh Nanny. No, it's when you, oh my god this is it. When you need me but do not want me, I'll be here. But when you want me but no longer need me, I'll be gone. That's it.
Starting point is 00:01:37 I'm gone. And then it's like quite sad when she leaves. Yeah, I definitely feel like, I feel like I've seen bit, I've maybe even seen it once. It's not in my repertoire, I'm not comfortable with it, I'm not bit I've maybe even seen it once. Yeah, not in my rapper I'm not comfortable with I'm not confident in the nanny McPhee law. I'm not really there was one holiday that we went on I can tell My brother watched for some reason he was young but like we were in a holiday house where they had loads of like DVDs And he watched nanny McPhee and the Big Bang three times in one day, which is like the second one
Starting point is 00:02:03 So she has sequels. There's one I've never seen that one, but he watched it three times in one day, which is like the second one. So she has sequels? There's one, I've never seen that one, but he watched it three times in one day, and I remember thinking that's quite weird. Nanny McFee. He loved it. He. Really summery conversation we've gone in with.
Starting point is 00:02:16 Yeah, what the fuck. That's the banging sort of, what a hitter we've started with. That's how you start with a bonanza. A strong start with Nanny McFee. Yeah. This episode is summer of rest and relaxation, is that what we deserve? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. We've got some intriguing episodes up our
Starting point is 00:02:33 sleeve I think. Yeah, oh my god. Well, you wrote an amazing list. Literally just the most... it feels a bit... how would you describe that list? Do you think you've probably read it now? It was quite insane. Like in the first title, the word Peter Malark is coming up and in the third title, Katniss Everdeen is coming up. Well I thought, how can I make this girl have some fun? This is what I can bring in, have faves. There's a lot of strong names involved in the list.
Starting point is 00:03:00 Yeah, yeah, and some strong themes I think. But we're starting off soft and gentle, nice and easy. Welcome to summer. Yeah yeah and some strong themes I think but we're starting off soft and gentle nice and easy welcome to summer. Yeah welcome to summer. I'm sorry if you're in Australia etc sorry about that. And then welcome to winter. Yeah. Saffion Wing summer is we're bringing the energy we're bringing the energy. We're bringing a bonanza as usual. Okay where to begin? Summer of rest and relaxation. Yeah so you felt quite cool to that title, why? Yeah well I think also because so Brighton Summer, as much as the summer is starting, Brighton Summer has just ended so I was there for June. It is actually a bit sad. It's really sad. I was sad leaving yesterday. I was actually a bit sad last night. It was really like I'm never gonna see you again. It really felt like I've just waved you off onto the train and like...
Starting point is 00:03:47 It was bizarre, wasn't it? It was like, how did that go so quickly? Yeah. We'll have to do it again. But it was such a nice month and we've prepped a lot of stuff that you're gonna see. It's basically you're gonna feel like I'm there in this month that you're hearing this, I feel like. Well, classically as well.
Starting point is 00:04:02 You will be, potentially you would have been watching our YouTube already. Yeah, exactly. God God crazy. Cute. The YouTube I'm so excited for. Same but yeah so rest and relaxation summer was calling. So yeah I was thinking when I was in Brighton I was I feel like I don't even need to say this it's so obvious I was obsessed with brat. Oh yeah because that's the case, brat summer. Oh my god. brat summer brat summer brat summer. The second I got home, Brat feels inappropriate. I'm suddenly like, I don't- Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:30 This morning I was trying to put on music and I was like, I don't want to listen to Brat. It's not calling me. Oh my god. Wait, so you weren't listening to Brat before you came to Brighton? You weren't listening to Charlie at all? I've liked Charlie for probably a few- But you weren't rotating kind of. I'm not an old fan.
Starting point is 00:04:47 Interesting. But I think Brat came out when I was in Brighton. Yeah, maybe it did. Yeah, I think it came out, I've been pretty hot off the trails with it. I was listening to 360 obviously in Bondi Punch. That's what I was gonna say, yeah. But Brat came out when I was in Brighton. But you were listening to 360. Essentially the Br gonna say, yeah. But Brat came out when I was in Brighton. But you were listening to... 360, I think. Essentially the Brats are my... That came out when I was on holiday and that was 360.
Starting point is 00:05:10 Like love, love, love. Yeah, yeah. And yeah, no, but then I came back here and I was like, I mean, I've only been back for one morning. One day. And maybe it's not morning music. I was like, this is the first day that I've not been called to listen to Brat and not in like a way, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:05:25 like I've, I just feel more cosy here. And I was really thinking like, okay, so I feel more like- Bringing peacefulness. And I was really in the chronically online mind thinking I'm not really in Brat summer anymore. I'm kind of in soft girl summer now. You are. Using the terms. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Which is, I feel neither here nor there about it, but I was like, I feel that's funny that Brad isn't calling me right now. So, we had a conversation a while ago and we then didn't pick it back up, but you had said that you were going to try and do, or that you liked the idea of, obviously you journal often, but the idea of doing morning pages every day in Brighton when you were here for June, did you do that? I did journal a lot actually, I did journal a lot. I didn't do morning pages every day, no,
Starting point is 00:06:12 but I did go and sit on the beach and journal every other day maybe. And have you journaled like this morning? Obviously you've actually been back one night, so no. I got up half an hour before we were recording. Okay perfect, yeah, okay, okay. We were recording at nine before we were recording. Okay, perfect. Yeah, okay, okay. We were recording at nine, I got up at half an hour. Yeah, perfect.
Starting point is 00:06:28 As you should, as you should. Okay, so yeah, just setting the scene of like the conscious reflections of, okay, I'm in a peaceful mood after I came back sort of thing. Yeah, yeah. It's kind of like first night in your own bed, it does feel a bit like it's not party girl,
Starting point is 00:06:46 bright Coke City. Yeah, and almost like last night my friend came over, we were in the garden, sort of all blanketed up with my mum, sort of like drinking tea, like until midnight in the garden. And it was like, it feels inappropriate to the morning to be like, when I go to my mum in the club, I want to hear the club classic.
Starting point is 00:07:03 It's like, I'm not really in that right now. Yeah, yeah. But also, as I just stated, I've only been up for half an hour. Yeah, and the summer is a permanent fixture in your life now. But you're feeling peaceful this morning, which is really nice, I think.
Starting point is 00:07:19 Yeah, I didn't feel clubbing this morning. No, yeah, fair enough. But weirdly, in Brighton, I was feeling I'll wake up club classic. You were feeling clubbing. morning. No, yeah, fair enough. But weirdly inviting, I was feeling, I'll wake up. You were feeling clubbing. Club, that's it. Yeah, good for you. How are you feeling?
Starting point is 00:07:29 What was the question? I don't know. But I am basically liking the idea of having sort of a restful, relaxing summer. Like that does sound really nice to me. Almost quite restorative. I do need to be restored. I wouldn't mind a bit. I need actually to be restored. Yeah. I do feel a bit of like, and I almost like, kind of, I'm an empty cup, but it
Starting point is 00:07:55 wasn't like I was pouring out my cup so lovingly for other people. I just kind of haven't bothered to like refill it in a while and I've kind of been spilling, I've got a hole in my bottom and it's spilling out. Like I'm kind of cracked spilling, I've got a hole in my bottom and it's spilling out. I'm kind of cracked up. I'm not necessarily doing anything particularly generous. I'm not being very, I'm giving, I'm just so busy and blah, blah, blah, blah. I just feel generally like I'm empty, yeah. Which is fine.
Starting point is 00:08:19 Part of life, I think, more so. It is. And also I feel like that's the whole thing with summer. It almost feels like because of of just almost the weird narrative. The narrative. That's a time for winter and then summer. That's when you should be full and like doing so much fun stuff and like you shouldn't need to be restored.
Starting point is 00:08:34 Well, like summer's not the time to be restoring. Aha. But then it is because it's also, I feel like obviously the natural, there's so much of the conversation around winter, et cetera, coldness, is like being internal, you're being hermit, you're being hermit card, you're being, do you know what I mean? You're restoring in that sense,
Starting point is 00:08:55 but I feel like there is something equally restoring about kind of if you are capitalizing on the out and about sunshine summer life, yeah. That kind of is healing just in its own way. Totally. Also it's more like, I mean, the idea of maybe you'll get a holiday this year. I mean, that's like, wow.
Starting point is 00:09:12 I hope so, guys. Yeah, touch wood for the guys. I would love, love, love the idea of people like, who would be on holiday listening? Who would be talking, was this with Freya? Yeah. Where I was like, no one listens to podcasts in June, in July, are we dumb?
Starting point is 00:09:24 And then someone was like, oh, but no, but picture it, like you're on a sun lounger. Was this with you and Freya? Yeah, Freya and Naina was there. And Naina, oh my God, the whole gang was there. Yeah, we even listed every beautiful girl and called her down for her thoughts on- On would you listen to a podcast in July?
Starting point is 00:09:40 A podcast in July, yeah. And turns out everyone would, and I thought, wow, okay, we're actually doing a good thing. Yeah. That people hopefully will listen to. Yeah it's kind of the it's like you're on the plane you want to you know you're traveling yeah you're in the car. Yeah. Yeah. By the beach. You go to the um on the weekend you go like to a park maybe lie there like a picnic you like coffee sort of vibe. Oh guys, I just wanna be there. Me too. Can't we go together?
Starting point is 00:10:07 Please, don't leave us at home. Honestly, don't leave us trapped in this little phone. Stuck in your phone, yeah. Yes, let us out. Let me out of here. Go show us some sunlight, guys. It would be so nice. It would be really nice.
Starting point is 00:10:23 So in summer, set the scene, feeling rest, feeling rest and relaxation, feeling restored, what would be, or what has been restoring you this summer? Ooh. God, I hate that this is so much of our brand sometimes when the sun comes out and it's like a really weird one but it's like swimming. Yes, yes. Is it weird that we suddenly get a bit swimmer about it all. Olympian.
Starting point is 00:10:47 Like I have to say, my swimming isn't really swimming, it's just kind of like plopping about in water, being kind of submerged. It's kind of treading water. Yeah, at max. Yeah. Go on. But yeah, I think that like, obviously I was swimming
Starting point is 00:11:02 in the sea a lot in Brighton, and then kind of towards the end, I hadn't done swimming for ages, then I went with my friends, and then instantly I was like, oh my god, I forgot about this. I forgot I could do this. This is insane. And then my mom actually this morning was like, river in the morning. So like, she was like, should we go? Well, last night she was like, should we go get up early and go to the river? And I was like, no, I want the hour in bed, sorry. Oh damn, but you will, you'll catch up tomorrow. Tonight, I'll go. Tonight, stunning. But like, I'm really excited for that,
Starting point is 00:11:29 like I really don't particularly like the term wild swimming. I feel like it's got a very pretentious connotation. I just, it's just not a phrase I would ever attach to that activity, but that is very much what it is, of like, I like being, I like swimming in bodies of water, not a pool. I do love a pool, I have to say. I mean, they are, they're important.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Pools are incredibly important to me. They are like, they're kind of my religious belief. I believe in chlorine so strongly. I need chlorine perfume And petrol perfume i'll tell you what a grade a grade 100 two best smells ever ever ever two most poisonous and perfect smells So delicious. Wow. A gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gug gu open the doors, unwind those windows, baby. Unwind the canisters. What was I gonna say? So what do you like about swimming? I would like to know. Oh, just in the sense that I feel like,
Starting point is 00:12:35 obviously in a conventional sense, it's kind of like, okay, that's an hour where you're not on your phone. In like a really practical way. The bare minimum of it is you're forced to look around you. You're like so present in the moment. Like you're so, even though your feet are not touching the ground, very submerged.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Like you're very grounded in like your real life practical. Yeah, you're- Yeah, it feels spiritual almost. It's like you're in nature. I think that's why it's like, yeah, I love a pool. Like, God, get me in the pool. But hands down competition, let's go. But also I love, I think what I specifically love is that sort of like, there are like reeds in the water, there's a swan near you and like there's like wildlife and like there's I don't know like your feet are in the sand and things
Starting point is 00:13:26 like that. I think I love the like it really does remind you of like oh my god I'm a human being it's like a meditation almost like I'm a human being on this planet and I'm enjoying like a very simple human pleasure that like all of my ancestors have also enjoyed like it's a huge it's like a human thing. Is it lying in grass or something or looking at the moon? I get the same thing of like, oh my God, like I'm a human being. Yeah, literally it's like, why didn't somebody tell me?
Starting point is 00:13:54 Literally, I forgot. Yeah, honestly. I'm doing weird things like sort of looking at emails and then suddenly it's like, God, the moon, the moon. When you're swimming, what are you thinking about? I'm kind of nothing really. I think it's present, the moon, the moon. When you're swimming, what are you thinking about? I'm kind of nothing really. I think it's present, you're in the moment. Because that's the thing, I feel like sometimes
Starting point is 00:14:09 when I get out of the sea or whatever, I kind of think like, I feel a bit almost like my insides are a bit shaky, like I feel a bit like, where have I just been? Renewed. Yeah, no, I do. Rested and restored. I do feel rested and restored and relaxed and all of those things. It does feel really like out of body and in body at the same time. Yeah it's kind of, this is kind of a weird example but
Starting point is 00:14:33 I played a netball match with my sister and my friend sort of a few probably about six months ago now and well it was supposed to just be me and my friend, but then we were really bad and that team wanted only my sister. She was really good. They were like, can you play? She was like, no, I actually don't live here. Oh, that's a bit gutting that you don't want us, the ones that actually want to join. Devastating moment. But we came out of it.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Obviously you're in there for like an hour or something. And we came out and we were like, I don't think I had a single thought that wasn't about the game for an hour. Like every single thought was like fucking wing attack fucking. I was so there yeah. Absolutely crazy like I don't genuinely think there was a single thought that wasn't about the netball game for like that long. It was just sort of I can't remember the last time that's happened. That's why I like swimming in the sea in Brighton because it's like I'm looking back at the coast. I'm looking back along the shore and I'm like looking at the buildings.
Starting point is 00:15:28 I'm looking at my house, I'm looking at the people. I'm almost like looking around like what else? I feel like an alien. The dog just walks past. Literally, I literally feel like an alien that's come to earth and I'm like, look at all these sights. Almost seeing them from a different perspective as well.
Starting point is 00:15:43 It's like I'm usually so in that. I'm usually in that bubble of buildings and people. And this is the, like, I think that's why the sea is so, also it's just so different from the pool because it's real. But also you're getting out of the place, you're walking out of the bubble that you're in, you're walking out of that life and then looking back in on it. Like, when else can you look at the land? From out of space essentially. Literally. Weird as fuck.
Starting point is 00:16:11 Yeah, really nice. Other than swimming what makes you feel restored? I feel like when you were saying about sitting with your friend last night, when you got back and with the tea like blankets in the garden, I've just been really thinking like it really is, it's the sacred text, it's people. It's like when you're with, when you're just, do you know what I mean, like in a good,
Starting point is 00:16:38 yeah, something really pure. Yeah. It just is so, also like just so, oh, I don't know, there's just such a security in it. Yeah, I think 100% it's actually everything. Mm-hmm. It is it's essential Because I think that's the most isolating feeling when you don't have that when you think like, oh my god I feel like loneliness. We always talk about it's the most horrible feeling when you don't feel your network or like your people it's the most horrible feeling. When you don't feel your network or your people close to you,
Starting point is 00:17:07 those have been the times in my life where I've been most distressed and upset. Honestly, distressed. Distressed. In turmoil. I've been distressed, S-O-S. S-O-S, somebody help me. Yeah. I hope that if you can't swim in the sea and you don't have a friend nearby,
Starting point is 00:17:24 that you can microdose kind of the pod, have a nice shower, just wash your face, like drink some water, just have a bit of restaurent, just take a minute. Wouldn't it be nice if we just had like 30 seconds where we just felt like okay maybe it's not all bad sort of vibe. Also connection I feel like those moments don't actually, what I've found anyway, in my years of research on this planet, I feel like I've found that connection doesn't just come from that feeling of friendship and like, oh my god, we're all here together, it can come from listening to Brat or something like that or reading a book or whatever.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Oh my god, so much. It doesn't actually, is does not require really two people to be in the same room it really doesn't. No we're doing it right now all of us look at us holding hands like this. We're holding hands as always. Hey Harry. Why does that sound like, who was that? Hey Harry. Oh my god that was um, who is that that says that? Hi Harry. It's the twins. Yeah. Hi Harry. Highlights of summer. Resting, restoring. Look, we're a bit tired, just to be real guys. We've just had a bonanza of a month and now we're doing another bonanza of a month.
Starting point is 00:18:38 We are a bit tired. Oh my God, what was the thing that I was thinking about? Should we talk about the fact we fucking saw Tom Holland? Yeah. What a weird moment was that? That was thinking about? Should we talk about the fact we fucking saw Tom Holland? Yeah. What a weird moment was that? We've seen a lot of people recently. We saw Nick Grimshaw as well. That was a highlight.
Starting point is 00:18:52 Cycling around in a little white vest. Yeah. He was having a brat summer. He was no makeup, white vest, in the sun. No bra as Charlie says. Yeah, no bra. And a bit gliter. Yeah. Queen.
Starting point is 00:19:07 But yeah, so Tom Holland moment. Go on. Jake is away. Okay, so Safie and I were so blessed to be able to go to see this musical next to normal in Windham Theatre, I think it's called. The Windham Theatre. Wyndham Theatre, I think it's called. The Wyndham Theatre.
Starting point is 00:19:26 The Wyndham Theatre. And it was so, so, so amazing and we highly recommend. Cried the entire way through. It's having us literally sobbing the entire way. To a weird level, I was like, okay, so my period is right round the corner then. Well, also, that's what I was gonna say to you actually, have you come on your period or no?
Starting point is 00:19:41 No, no. Because I'm kind of, I'm around the corner too, so. Wow. Yeah. But I was also thinking, no. Because I'm kind of, I'm around the corner too, so. Wow. Yeah. But I was also thinking, the whole time I didn't cry, and the whole kind of show is about this woman taking all this medication for being mentally ill. And I was really feeling the effects of all the medication from being mentally ill of not being able to cry
Starting point is 00:19:58 at this like really harrowing, devastating, gorgeous musical. Anyway, we came out absolutely like kind of um weirdly like as much as it was it's like there's a full list of trigger warnings on the actual like if you if you're actually seeking out like you know but it is really devastating but also weirdly I felt really restored coming out of that because it was funny as well like it was hilarious it was they just balanced the tone so well they did they were doing the whole Sephian Wing thing it was funny and devastating at the same time I just felt so connected to all those
Starting point is 00:20:37 same and then when we shared it no truly and then when we shared it on our story the next normal Instagram account replied saying welcome to our next normal family with a heart and a home emoji and it's like yeah no we are a family guys because we were really picturing like the fact is about a family yeah god i really feel like that was sent from the mum and dad almost like welcome to the family girls so we came out feeling very restored and then walked down the street and bumped into Tom Holland really. He was coming out of Romeo and Juliet and we kind of we saw the crowd and everyone was like Tom Tom sort of thing. We were like oh my god we've literally stumbled upon the viral TikToks with everyone waiting at the stage literally everyone waiting at
Starting point is 00:21:20 the stage door for Tom to come out. Zendaya wasn't there unfortunately beauty queen. Yeah people were waiting people were saying like do you reckon Zendaya's gonna do it? Like, run into the car? I mean, we were saying that. Yeah, yeah, we definitely were also leading that messaging. Guys, do you reckon that Zendaya will be here? But yeah, we saw Tom Holland and that did restore me. It gave me a big boost of adrenaline. I feel like it as well, like going back to what you were saying about like being peaceful, I feel like it is, it's the Bratz summer and the Soft Girl summer and the Tom Holland summer and the next to normal
Starting point is 00:21:50 harrowing musical summer. All these things tying in one. I think you can be equally restored and fulfilled from being really cosy and internal and slow and peaceful. And also that boost of adrenaline and like real fun and like movement is also really important. It's everything. It is everything.
Starting point is 00:22:13 The mix of it all is everything. It is. But finding that balance is hard. It's so hard. Especially going through. And it can be knocked off by the smallest thing. And literally and especially in summer when it feels like there is a bit of an added pressure
Starting point is 00:22:26 of how are you spending your time? And do you feel like, almost like, kind of like, am I the only one who's not really doing that great this summer, or am I the only one who's not really having the best time, da da da da da? Yeah, you're not the only one. No. Kind of, that's the default human experience.
Starting point is 00:22:44 I hope so. That's what we're bringing this month, I think. You're in for only one. No. It's kind of, that's the default human experience. I hope so. That's what we're bringing this month, I think. You're in for a month of like, kind of the whole spectrum, I hope. Yeah. Of just like, it can all, it's everything everywhere, all at once. I can't help it.
Starting point is 00:22:56 I wish I hadn't started saying that because it's a fucking film. It's like, why, we can't use that as our brand. We can, it's everything everywhere, all at once. I've never even seen that film. You should, you know they show the old pier in that film. Really? I was literally at the cinema watching it
Starting point is 00:23:13 and everyone in the cinema went, quickly it like flashes up at the end. It's like what the fuck. That is so weird. Really weird. As like a bit of a montage of Everything Ever All At Once and then you see the old pier at sunset and it's like, oh my God, that's literally like down the road. It was usually like, oh my God. a montage of everything everywhere all at once and then you see the old pier at sunset and it's like
Starting point is 00:23:25 Oh my god, that's literally like down the right. It was literally like oh my god. It's everywhere Harry I now speak directly to you. They turned it on me. They gave me a taste of my own medicine I was literally like what the fuck the world is mine Such a weird structure. It's like yeah, it is so strange. It is yeah It's like a burnt down thing in the sea that they've just left. I love it so much. What is that? I love it. I remember someone messaging me- It's got a haunted energy. Yeah, definitely. Someone messaged me being like, what is this thing in your stories? Is it an oil rig? Literally. It's like, no, it's not an oil rig. But genuinely, what is that thing?
Starting point is 00:23:58 I love it. I love it. It's kind of also, because that pier built down the history of bryton and they built a new pier, the pier that's absolutely popping off. penny push of galore. absolutely dreamy. but it's like the weird contrast between the one that's like really alive and like colourful and like loud music and it's kind of got... no no happy nanana playing like loudly. but weirdly i find that one more... Harrowing. More eerie almost. I think it's the contrast in Look Open is like the old burnt down line. Yeah and it's like I don't know it just says something yeah about kind of humans and our
Starting point is 00:24:38 tendencies to like push ourselves out onto the water. Rebuild. Yeah rebuild and like almost push our way through nature and like create these structures that were not there before and then they burned down and we just do it all over again yeah. I love it. I really love it. I love the pier so much like going onto the pier oh my god it was one of our first days at uni really we didn't know each other at this point but the peer party did you go to that? oh yeah yeah yeah that was great fun I was like let's go on the ghost train! which was really fun good times
Starting point is 00:25:13 so fun okay welcome to sephian wing summer welcome to sephian wings summer bonanza yeah see you tomorrow see you tomorrow oh should we think of something summery to say or is that is that gonna do our nutting for a month? We ended up with a really dumb one last time. What was our Halloween one that we did at the end? Just like, woooo. It was like, heeeel. And it was like, oh god, wish we didn't do this.
Starting point is 00:25:34 It's really embarrassing. Erm... It's kind of... Okay, well can someone send us a thing we can say? Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer. Summer.

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