Goes Without Saying - The 'Short King' Controversy: Justice for Peeta?

Episode Date: July 4, 2024

THE SUMMER BONANZA BEGINS. podmothers sephy & wing enter the chat: spiralling on stereotypes and romantic types, attraction, beauty standards, peeta mellark and zendaya. ✷see more ✷ www.youtub...e.com/@sephyandwing ✷ www.instagram.com/sephyandwing ✷ www.tiktok.com/@sephyandwingshop ✷ www.sephyandwing.co.uk Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Goes without saying our YouTube has dropped finally we have been filming non-stop, hijinks ensued and now the Sephian Wing cinematic universe is alive and ready for you to come and enjoy. There'll be videos all through July and hopefully ongoing as well but come and just see what's going on. Till the end of time. Yeah. Oh wait where can they find it? Type in Sephian Wing guys you know how to use YouTube. Yeah and it's also on our instagram sephianwing. it's also linked below if you need if you need some help yeah yeah
Starting point is 00:00:34 okay welcome back for another day of the sephianwing summer. welcome bloody back we've barely left. wow it feels nice to be doing this um every day these are coming out. Every day. Yeah this will be really nice. Are you, I know you probably just heard a little thing about our YouTube but are you loving the YouTube? Oh my god it's today the day of the Naina video. Yeah. Oh my god okay so guys this is actually a big day of the second summer. I feel sick. There's a video on our YouTube with us and Naina Florence, queen queen queen. Queen queen queen. It's like a proper, it's basically a podcast episode,
Starting point is 00:01:10 like it's a full chat about like social media. It's so good. Maybe we should just say like how amazing she is. Naina is. Yeah. And I feel like she brought a lot of you guys here so I feel like a lot of you know Naina. And if you don't, I'm confused. You definitely, you do and you will. I almost don't believe you. Yeah, exactly. But a lot of, I do feel like she sent a lot of girls to us. A lot of the nicest people.
Starting point is 00:01:40 We would always be like, thank God Naina shouted us out and not some evil witch. Some meanie. Yeah, because, thank God Naina shouted us out and not like some evil witch. Yeah, because the audience that Naina has is literally the loveliest. So sweet. Yeah, so sweet and lovely and really like kind and genuine, decent, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Do you know what I mean? Like quite loving people, which obviously is how we feel about you guys. Which is all because, surprise surprise, you're all from Leina. But yeah, I hope you're enjoying the YouTube. It's really nice and she was so nice. We've met her twice now. She was amazing.
Starting point is 00:02:16 She bought us Sefi and Wings beans. Yeah, Sefi's beans and Wings beans. So good. Yeah, she was just, she's the best. She's actually the best. The best. It's a bit like how does she exist? Yeah, truly But she came to the studio a cast and yeah, we did like an episode then we went for lunch Oh my god, we had dosers. Yeah, and then I both got a dose. I showed her the famous dose
Starting point is 00:02:36 So you did you did and you both conquered them? I believe yeah Yeah, they were delightful. Yeah, and she was actually really laughing when we were ordering them It was a really embarrassing moment because like obviously we're in the little shop while you're buying them and you and Freya were at the table still I think or maybe you were getting your casso I don't know. And I was like saying like they're the best I just love dosage and I think Naina was being like kind of like it's a bit of an overselled like with the guy Listening like the guy who makes the dosage is there and you'll be like They're amazing round of applause for this guy So you get like a little doll with it and then it's like a big dosage filled with potato two dips And it's like yeah, it says it on the sign
Starting point is 00:03:19 So she can read the sign No, but there's a lot of enthusiasm, there's passion behind the dozer. There is, I love it. And there was passion and love and all good things behind the vid so enjoy. Yeah so I hope you go over now, like pause this whatever. Yeah leave us in the dust, who cares about us. Please go and watch that like I just really really think we had such a good conversation. same same the best it was really fun. also i feel like seeing the conversation is so cool. yeah it's really nice it's really nice. and what are we saying? are we talking about peter malarck? yeah of course
Starting point is 00:03:56 we are. which is a great topic for the day. yeah. short kings romantic types and peter malarck. that's the draft so we'll see what comes up. But yeah. Go on. I think it's only fair that you take us away. Well the weird thing is I've got absolutely nothing to say. I read Mockingjay last month. Oh yeah. Which was the first time I've ever read Mockingjay. Obviously seen the movies, both of them, millions of times. Countless times. Definitely the worst of the lot I would say. They get quite atrocious. But I really enjoyed the book and my only critique is not enough Peter. Like, absolute king. Could you take us through your journey with Peter? Starting right from the beginning. It's actually like there isn't really
Starting point is 00:04:39 like... Go on. It's weirdly embarrassing to be like this is the most I've ever loved him. No no but go on. So your first introduction to him was the Hunger Games movie and I felt not a lot towards him. I kind of thought, who's this guy? When I truly was like, oh my god, Peter Malark, I think I would always identify. I think the weird thing about Peter is I'm always someone that I would be like, oh my god, Gale though, like, hotty. But then I think it's like, I think it was Catching Fire, that was the most insane experience of a film I'd ever seen.
Starting point is 00:05:15 It was the most packed out cinema, I had to sit on my own even though I'm with my family. But I remember being like, I hope this never ends, this film is so insane. And this guy, this guy, and I loved more than anything, I think it's even less about Peter and more about the dynamic between them that I was just absolutely obsessed with. And then I forgot all about him. I was kind of like, okay, I'm James Strunker.
Starting point is 00:05:38 You managed to live a normal life for a few years. Yeah, whatever. Despite your ailment. Yeah, exactly, just like whatever, Peter. I'm really, really, you're not one of, in my mind. You're not in the forefront, yeah. And then Josh Hutchinson seemed to have some kind of the resurgence in recent years with this whistle edit,
Starting point is 00:05:58 and I was thinking, Josh Hutchinson, okay, weird name, weird guy, I don't really think about him. And then I think it really kicked off with when we watched Five Nights at Freddy's and I thought, oh my goodness. It's kicked off, because I feel like at that point you were quite in something already. That was definitely.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Well I think it was like, okay, the new Hunger Games had just come out and we were like, I was in Hunger Games, I'd read both the books. You were reading them. I was like, oh my god, Peter. Yeah. And then I think Five Nights at Freddy's,
Starting point is 00:06:22 because also the problem with Peter is that like, it's a young boy You kind of having to age them up in your mind of course It's a good matching them. Yeah. Yeah, it's kind of when you watch Harry Potter. It's like These people are always always older than you and your mind is so weird But then yeah, I think at Five Nights at Freddy's was like, oh my god It's like him as a man and you liked. That was fun actually. I love what I saw. That was a fun. He looked amazing in that. I think you can even acknowledge. Yeah he did he was wearing like a
Starting point is 00:06:51 little hoodie maybe. Yeah like a really grubby old hoodie. Yeah and I thought that might be an issue for you. What? As in like too good. Yeah no yeah it was an issue in that way. Yeah I was thinking like, I don't know how she's gonna handle this. And I had a really sad moment where after we watched Five Nights at Freddy's, I followed him on Instagram. I was like, okay, I'm following Josh out to see him
Starting point is 00:07:14 on Instagram. And I was like, why do I have a nervous tummy like waiting for the boy to sort of reply to me? And it's like, well, he's got millions of followers. Like, he's not gonna see around and follow him. Almost like a bit checking of like, has he followed yet? No. Yeah, I did have a few moments of like, I wonder if he's followed. He's like, millions of followers. He's not gonna see everyone follow him. Follow you back. Almost like a bit checking of like, has he followed yet? No.
Starting point is 00:07:26 Yeah, I did have a few moments of like, I wonder if he's followed. He's like, why would he? What the hell is wrong with you? Well, if he knew, if he only knew, I think that's the frustrating bit. That is the frustrating bit, you're right. Yeah, he's just like, you don't even know.
Starting point is 00:07:37 If he only knew. I know, it's devastating. It's annoying. It's like, oh boy, let me sit you down. And that's the problem with celebrity crushes, because I mean, he's by no means the biggest celebrity crush I've ever had, or like, he's nowhere near, he's nowhere even near.
Starting point is 00:07:50 Who's the biggest? I don't know, I feel like I've been dyingly in love with so many celebrities. I do feel like he's definitely, he's maybe not the biggest, like 100, I don't know, you know, you're ins and outs, but I've seen the pain. You know when you get, I know but but I've seen the pain you know when you get I know we've all been there when you get the sadness of like
Starting point is 00:08:08 loves it she doesn't know I exist and like almost you're watching the videos of them on like Ellen in 2014 yeah I feel like I've had more like the I remember the worst pain I ever had was literally so excruciating. When I was going to, I think I was going on guide camp, I was really young and I remember being in the car and being like Nat Wolfe does not know who I am and I don't think I'll ever be happy. I was probably about 14, 13, maybe younger. I was like I will never be happy until I'm with Nat Wolfe.
Starting point is 00:08:43 So what's the point? And I went to the whole guide camp so devastated about Nat Wolfe and it's like there's no pain like that. No there is no pain like that but what I find specific or what I find interesting about the Josh Hutchinson Peter Malark thing is that it's very specific. I feel like he is a specific kind of character. Yeah and he's not I don't think I often you would have predicted it necessarily no no he's definitely not my usual type that's what's so weird about it so what would you describe as your usual type? I know I know I don't know he's definitely out of nowhere I think also like with the title being short kings
Starting point is 00:09:19 yeah that is something that my mind has changed on. yeah go on. which i think i mean i think i definitely was kind of going with the crowd of like i think you have to be above six foot like six foot is your is the cutoff sort of thing. and almost like didn't even visualize like what six foot would be sort of thing. yeah i think i think i'm six foot and i'm five foot. i know you're six foot. well we had a funny moment the other day where you were like saying that you looked in the mirror with your friend And he's like six foot something and you were like, oh Jesus there is a difference and then even the other day with me You were looking in the mirror and you're like, oh Jesus there is a difference It's crazy when I see the reflection. That's me
Starting point is 00:09:58 I know but it's really like a child looking in the mirror for the first time of like what like you're just so weird It's just when you I walk next to you and I think oh we're probably like the same height. I'm not like noticing a height difference even yeah with my friend he's six six foot six one I don't know I'm walking being like where with the same height and I see a reflection I'm like oh my god I'm a shrimp I'm a tiny shrimp. Yeah baby. This is so weird. But then it means that we were saying the other day that it opens up the pool like if you were looking for someone taller than you the good news is most of these boys are. yeah. that is weird. weird because because I identify as
Starting point is 00:10:37 taller than someone that's five six. well that's crazy. yeah That's purely insane. I can't explain it. But yeah I just think the type has changed recently of like I definitely weigh more I think there's a real silliness with like the sort of boys height thing I think it's like a real way that women sort of cut out a pool of like really kind of hot guys by like this weird thing i don't know i do think if you're looking for someone taller than you if you are like for example like five six five seven it's like yeah i am looking for someone over six foot yeah no that makes sense and i think you know if your average height it's like yeah you probably are
Starting point is 00:11:18 looking for someone kind of six foot ish maybe it's just i'm realizing my height for the first time i think that is kind of it which is good news for all the short kings out there the window has opened up I think that is it maybe, it's a bit more about realisation of I'm not 6 foot 7 yeah no you're not, you're definitely not, yeah slender man, no no no, and thank god I thought I was looking down. We've been through this.
Starting point is 00:11:45 I know. I thought I was looking down, but it turns out I'm looking down. But it is fascinating. Well, we do also get, we won't stay on this for long, but interesting messages. We've had messages over the course of doing the pod where people will be like, yeah, it's Sefi, I thought you were not short sort of thing.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Yeah, so weird. So there we go, you know. It's just- You can't argue with that reflection in the mirror. It's so strange. It's actually the most, I if anyone can relate to that's most jarring experience. We actually did meet a Group of beautiful girls and very recently we do. Yeah, I'm one of them Betty. Hi Oh, hi Queen all of them, but Betty was saying I really relate to that Like she was like I'm sure I feel like one of the first things she said and it was like yes
Starting point is 00:12:24 Thank you. I do also think it is an interesting thing. I mean, it's fascinating just generally in life just because there's so much of like the connotations of different traits that we associate with tallness, shortness, whatever. Then think of it in a gendered sense of what it means like for a boy to identify as tall or know that he's short or whatever blah blah blah. Totally. I also would like to invite you to reflect once again on Tom Holland who knew he would be such a star of the summer. Whoa summer star. I just always remember you saying and also cast us back to brighter days in history of
Starting point is 00:13:01 Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner. Yeah. Just short men with these beautiful, gorgeous women who are taller than them. Yeah, so iconic. Yes, go on, take it away. I just think it has such a power behind it. I just think it's just a breaking of this weird idea that the man has to be taller than the woman and the woman has to be this small,
Starting point is 00:13:23 pretty little accessory. I just think it's really cool to be this small pretty little kind of accessory. I just think it's really cool to be like... Not emasculated. Yeah, you're not emasculated by looking up at your girlfriend. You're confident. I think that's so cool. And not being like, can you not wear heels? It's like, you know, fucking tower over me.
Starting point is 00:13:36 I think that's so cool. I literally think it's so confident and cool. Yeah. Yeah. But also speaking of Tom Holland, there was a part more important idea for this of like do you remember the casting yes so go on just as a quick tiny thing it's not a big thing but make it be the whole thing crazy realization the other day that if Hunger Games were to be made who would be cast as Katniss would probably be Zendaya. I'd love it to be Zendaya. Who would be cast as Katniss? Would probably be Zendaya. Who would be cast as Peter?
Starting point is 00:14:06 I mean there's one looking right at us. He's just been mentioned. Tom Holland. He's been perfect for it. And who, weirdly, would be cast as Gael? Would be Jacob Elordi. I do think the role of Gael isn't big enough for Jacob Elordi. At least in the first time for games.
Starting point is 00:14:19 He looks perfect for it. But also Gael actually is kind of a bigger character than... But in the first... Oh in the first one he's just in the mind sort of looking around. Yeah, being a bit sad. Looking at screens. It's Resmite Katniss, yeah. Yeah. But just like, guys isn't that a bit crazy? They are a beautiful duo. They're so cool. Tom and Zendaya. They're so cool. Yeah. Well what's your physical type then do you think? Or does it not even come down to physical? Definitely tall, definitely tall.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Like I just couldn't, I wouldn't go there. I also have the thing where Timothee Chalamet is my son. I don't know if I- Yes you do don't you? Yeah so like I'm just, he's too, I'm too big for him. Like we're not, in a way that I think I'm always Kylie Jenner, I'm not. But like if there's something about that that is like,
Starting point is 00:15:08 I'm not coming with the Lily Rose depth energy. I'm not a teeny, beautiful, fairy girl. You are though. Not really though in that way. It's a bit more like pushing into, yeah I'm a bit taller and almost like the dark hair, I don't know, there's dark hair, dark eye, there's just something happening here and he is a skinny legend, skinny mini
Starting point is 00:15:34 and he is my son. Like I appreciate he's a beautiful boy but I'm not attracted to him, he's my baby, I birthed him. In the same way that I birthed Daniel Radcliffe. That's crazy. Why are you giving birth to all my husbands? What's going on? I'm your um, I'm your daughter-in-law. Yeah, I am your mother-in-law, which would be great. I'm sure No, you don't want to get married to my son No, I don't. That's alright. Not at all, let alone to yourself. I know. Well, no
Starting point is 00:16:01 No, I don't. That's alright. Not at all, let alone to yourself. I know. Well no, I think I've... It's a bit of a res made. I can imagine I had a son, you tried to marry him. Crazy, crazy. I've never thought about that before, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Pretty crazy. God, wow, that's an oothul. Pretty crazy, in the last one, talking about the universe or sort of poles, it's like pretty of a crazy way for it all to... Invisible string. That's the way it played out. That's fucking nuts, I've never thought about that before, but yeah, that would be a plot twist and a half.
Starting point is 00:16:29 It would be utterly- It's a bad ending. Insane. Yeah, it's not a good way to go. It's the Mesmer, you imprinted on my daughter. And you named my daughter after the- You named her after famously the Loughness Master. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:16:43 But yeah, tall, but just because I would like, you know, I kind of, yeah, that's it. Just tall. I feel that is a big one we're missing. For both, I think it's, we always say sense of humour. Well, that's what I was about to say. There's something in the charisma. There has to be a funny charm and a roost ruling energy where you are holding a crowd and being hilarious and amazing. Yeah, yeah, there's something about power, I think. There's something about power and being funny
Starting point is 00:17:15 and intelligent and tall. That's it, really. But no hate. Mine doesn't, I don't think leader like being like But they're so funny that they lead Do you know what I mean that I think sense of humor is so powerful because you make people Yeah, it's like a sort of quiet confidence. Like I don't want like a showman sort of energy. Like I do want like a Quite I think I like sort of
Starting point is 00:17:40 Just quite understated Confidence, I think when I was was younger I thought I liked the idea of a loser but I think, do you know what I mean, like a bit of a nerdy, yeah kind of quiet but that's absolutely what it looks. Well I think there's also like the thing I fear at all with men is any insecurity from them because that often comes out as, in quite a fearful way, like it will come out as like anger and like sexual violence. Just any sort of jealousy, any of these things.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I feel like anger or like when a guy is insecure, you are the one that ultimately pays the price. Yes, yes. It's horrible. It is horrible. So confidence maybe is an important one. It's a really big one. But not burgeoning on arrogance.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Do you remember what I always say? And I feel like I was trying to explain this to Freya as well. Yeah. Real like professional conversation you'd be having with your manager. I was trying to be like, so my type is, I was trying to explain.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Yeah. Like almost about the like instinctual thing that I always talk about. Oh yes. That I really like when someone is instinctual like I don't like to see them like over analyzing or like thinking about how they present I love love love I find it so attractive when someone is just like fully themselves like whoever that is just like they are just fully them with like yeah just like a sort of it's like they're hungry so they eat, they're tired so they yawn. There's no like, pretense or like, I just think that's so like, hot.
Starting point is 00:19:08 That's really the bars on the floor in the depths of hell. They're tired so they yawn. They yawn. But like, not in like a way that's like, yeah, they're true. They get hungry. There's something raw. There's nothing like elegant about it. It's raw and unfiltered.
Starting point is 00:19:23 That's what I love. It's a bit of an animalistic sort of thing. Yeah, I like that. I think that comes from a confidence of like, I don't want to, unfortunately, as very patriarchal, I don't want to see, well look, obviously like, take one thing here with a pinch of salt. Yeah, like it goes without saying that-
Starting point is 00:19:38 The whole thing, the whole podcast please. Ultimately, you just wanna be there for the people that you love, whatever, blah, blah, blah. But yes, in a type sentence, or what's comfortable for me is I can't see, I don't wanna feel stressed. I don't want to see your stress. Yeah, pretty much.
Starting point is 00:19:54 I want you to feel, I want to feel confident. I want to feel confident in your confidence, and your confidence is the most kind of desirable thing to me. I think it's like if you are stressed, you own it. Like it's not an embarrassed stress. Like it's just, you are, you are who you are. I think that's just the, that is the best thing
Starting point is 00:20:14 for anyone to be. The best thing you can be. Yeah. Yeah. So you've opened up the pool to the short kings potentially. I don't, I don't, I don't even know what I've done, but for some reason I'm just being like I'm not having that cut off and I think there's like an immaturity in that cut off
Starting point is 00:20:30 almost. There is. I don't see that as relevant anymore. Yeah perfect. I obviously think the main thing is that I'm attracted to all this stuff and I just think I've stopped being so binary about it. I feel like I don't need to see a six necessarily. I mean for you if anything the six is a bit like okay there's gonna be a big height difference. Yeah but that's what it's always been before I've never felt it. I felt the same height difference with all these people. I know but then you look to the mirror with thingy the other day and it was like oh yikes. I just don't just stay clear of the mirrors. And don't look at the reflection.
Starting point is 00:21:07 And you won't realize that you're literally up to their ways. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Weird. We did also have an interesting conversation about almost like, oh, I don't know. They got your thoughts, but like almost a guy being like, you're so cute to be little and cute. And thoughts on that, almost like, is that a kind of thing being like, you're so cute, to be little and cute. And thoughts on that, almost like,
Starting point is 00:21:26 is that a kind of thing of like, almost you don't wanna play into the thing of like, you're with a tall guy and then he gets to say, I haven't just got all that, even whatever. This would never, yeah, you don't want some guy to be like, want a short girl. I don't, I do not want a guy to want a short girl, no. I find that really disturbing actually and a real alarm
Starting point is 00:21:46 Bell from a man. Go on. Tell me more. I want you to go in on that. You want your women small you want them small and cute ie babyish young youthful immature naive I find it really alarming. Mm-hmm I think I would be alarmed if I if that was a real identifier of what a man wanted in a girl. Is a short girl. Someone small and yeah, I don't want that. Oh my god, you know what it reminds me of and this is kind of, I don't feel it in height necessarily, I've always been average above average, well probably just whatever.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I've never been a short girl when I was a kid but I was definitely a hairy mammoth girl as a kid. This goes out to the hairy mammoth. And this goes out to the hairy mammoth girls and it reminds me of that bit in Euphoria if you haven't seen it I'll explain it scene for scene where they're describing what Nate Jacobs likes in a girl who is played by Jacob Lordy. I literally, my skin's crawling. And one of the things that they say is he wants a girl with no hair past her eyelashes or something like that. I don't know how they say it but basically it's like wax your entire body or something like that. Yeah, just be completely hairless like a little dolphin.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Oh my god. Yeah and I do feel like that is the kind of thing where it's like, oh damn. It's horrible. Yeah, it's, also's why I think. You want a baby. Exactly, but this is the whole thing with like, especially like pubic hair. I do think I would be extremely alarmed, extremely, extremely alarmed if. Pubic hair. Pubic hair, if that is a thing that a guy
Starting point is 00:23:20 was not comfortable with, I would be extremely alarmed. It is a bit alarming. It is a bit alarming. It is a bit like, look at the state of things. The state of things, sir? It really is the state of things, sir. It's the state of things. It's terrifying. Like, the amount of, I don't know, the idea of young girls shaving their vaginas, like trying to make their... yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:47 it's really horrible actually. Like I find there's something very... Insidious. Unsettling about the whole thing. Yeah. Because when you look at what it's rooted in... also I know the experience of shaving your vulva and bloody hell it takes a long time and it's really quite like a not a nice experience. yeah it's it's not of all the things that like a kind of 14 year old girl could be doing. it's not nice. I'd rather you be playing sims I'd rather you be out on a field getting drunk with your mates like
Starting point is 00:24:18 I'd rather you be. and I'd rather you were having sex with someone that knows that you're an adult and is comfortable with the fact your body looking like an adult woman's body. right. I think there's something really scary about... I mean that's kind of the crux. Yeah, that's the whole... I mean we've taken this to a turn but yeah it is absolutely terrifying. Yeah it's really scary. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:39 Cool, summer. Summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer, summer. Summer. Go Summer!

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