Going Deep with Chad and JT - Ep. 72 - My Queen, Stoicism, Game of Thrones Finale

Episode Date: May 29, 2019

What up stokers, in episode 72, we dive deep into the Game of Thrones finale, the awesomeness of GOT reddit threads, learning how to bone because of porn, the sounds we make during boning and go pro c...ameras. It's fricken dank and you'll get stoked. Dive on in! We have new Going Deep t-shirts at www.chadgoesdeep.com!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 what's up stokers of stoke nation this is chad kroger coming in with going deep chat jt podcast um i got my compadre what up what up dude boom clap stokers hope you are living abundantly in the world of stoke guys welcome to going deep with chad and jt this is the number one podcast in southern california yep um it is i know so uh yeah number one podcast what's up that's awesome man that's such a great distinction that um we came up with together yeah and i'm so proud to put that on the podcast me too and it's gonna become part of our branding it's so fun we are the number one podcast in southern california yeah yeah the ratings came out and uh and a lot of other podcasts get recorded in southern california
Starting point is 00:01:06 but they're not southern california oh for sure they're more like um just general america yeah it's usually the standard american accent as well and i've tried to run away from southern california at times but it's just always you always come back home. You know, I think that happens in every SoCal young man's life. The paradise is so overwhelming. The paradisical details of living here that, you know, you're like, I need to run away. I need to experience something else. And then you move away and you're like, oh, I like palm trees.
Starting point is 00:01:46 Yeah, you got to flee the bubble and like see other trees. Yeah. Like oaks and evergreens and acorns. Weeping willows. But then at some point you're like, palm trees are pretty radic. Dude, when I went away to a different state one time i believe it was um a state called nevada yeah for sure um i got in like a tussle with an oleander tree and it like i got a splinter from it and they're like dude oleander's poisonous i'm like
Starting point is 00:02:18 it never ends get me back to socal that's ve Vegas in a nutshell right there. Yeah. Oleander. Beautiful to look at, poisonous under the surface. Mm-hmm. But, you know. Give me a taste. But then you come back to SoCal and you're like, get me to a treadmill. Get me next to a golden retriever.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I need to run. Dude, classic Joe Rogan running with Marshall. That's my favorite Instagram, Marshall's. Oh, yeah, he's got yeah he's got his own right yeah it's like the best instagram yeah yeah that is one of the best ones because uh he's such a cool dog ridiculously cool dog always smiling always in a good mood yeah just creamy i don't even know what my second favorite dog account even is yeah i don't think i have one dude my buddy dated a girl who's a influencer with her dog i remember this yeah and he says the dog wants to die yeah but it has like 15 million followers so she just keeps jacking it up for photos and like it's starting
Starting point is 00:03:18 to come through in the pictures you're like dude this little guy wants to go yeah but you know it's needed for business dude it's a hard life she's probably gonna have to like stuff it and like just put it in like positions yeah she's not gonna tell anyone that the dog's dead yeah it's gonna turn into like a psycho thing yeah she's like no he's fine everyone's like dude the fucking dog's dead they're like dming the dog they're like why isn't this dog responding to the dog like he looks dead in all the posts. You can tell he's dead. No, he's not. He's fine.
Starting point is 00:03:47 Say something. She makes a noise. She's behind it. She moves the paw. I'm alive. She has, like, a puppeteer thing, and she's, like, moving it around. It's like, it starts talking. I love biscuits.
Starting point is 00:04:01 I love biscuits on Instagram. I love that bacon, that fake bacon that people give me. That'd be fun. That's like a movie in itself. Yeah. We just wrote that screenplay. Dude, we're leaving for Cabo tomorrow. Cabo Wabo.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Travel days are tough. Like day before travel. Yeah. I've been prepping all day. Yeah. I got a GoPro. Yeah, dude. I'm looking forward to that
Starting point is 00:04:25 that's gonna be awesome i was scouring the town i should have gone amazon before but it was the last day so i couldn't order from amazon but i was scouring for a mouthpiece mount you know because you see those videos where people like they'll have a shot from like inside the barrel it's like a point of view shot that's they have like a mouthpiece it looks like a a freaking um snorkel piece in there and it's just so i got one of those so you basically have the camera pointing out from your mouth whoa yeah so you get a nice close up of your face while you ride no it's opposite way oh okay i thought you should see you filming yourself being like... Yeah, dude. That's what I'm going to do, actually. Yeah. Just my face.
Starting point is 00:05:09 No, it's so you can see your point of view. I wear that while I make love pointed at me, and then I send the video to my GF. Yeah, that's what I do, too. So when she's bored at work, she can just pull up my face while I'm in the heat of passion. You just show your face? Yeah, it's just my face.
Starting point is 00:05:24 So you don't get too... You don't move your face much? I guess I do more than I think I do. How expressive are you during bone making? Hyper expressive. Borderline cartoonish. Do you want to go into detail? Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:05:40 I'm like... Fuck, that feels good. damn it fuck god i love you that is so nice my fucking marry you right after i nut it's pretty expressive that was nice yeah it was fun that was really authoritative but caring at the same time yeah and i bruised my shoulder the other day because now i bite myself to keep myself from coming and i'm bruising myself which i think is kind of hot that's cool i look at my bruise in the mirror i'm like how'd you get that oh yeah you were boning dude i um one time a girl told me i was like too quiet it was like in college or something she's
Starting point is 00:06:25 like you're so quiet when you bone it's weird and i'm like i'm too chill she's like yeah i'm like all right i gotta amp it up so i started watching porn and started watching what the dudes are doing and i took i just i was like a whole new dude in the sack i stole that biting move from a porn star yeah yeah sometimes start saying the word cock more yeah you just said last week you I stole that biting move from a porn star. Yeah. Yeah. Ah! Ah! Oh! Oh! Sometimes. Start saying the word cock more. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:48 You just said last week you don't like the word cock. Yeah, but I forced myself to say it in the B room so I can let girls know that I'm a passionate guy. Yeah, this is a cock. Yeah. It's good positive self-talk. Yeah. This is a cock.
Starting point is 00:07:04 You like this cock? you ready for the cock yeah girls love that and then um what was i gonna say i lost my train of thought fuck um yeah i was trying to yes in the cock thing i fucking fucked up um what about during the comic oh oh yeah oh oh i i used to not make noise when i came with uh my ex before my ex and uh she's like you're like a russian soldier yeah and it was because we had a lot of mutual friends and i was afraid to tell them i sounded dumb when i come I would just be like... Aaron. What do you sound like when you calm dog? Oh, I'm... I didn't have a lot of privacy growing up, so I'm very quiet.
Starting point is 00:07:57 Smart. How many siblings did you have? Just an older sister. My bedroom was like heavily trafficked. Nice. I could see you being a very stoic comer that's how i've been described yes nice dude yeah i remember my wife salutes my dog my dog dude i uh you remember one time this girl was like um
Starting point is 00:08:22 yeah she's talking dirty to me and i was like kind of weirded out you know but in retrospect i'm like i should have played along you know what i mean what was she saying i think i was too self-conscious to join in at the moment i wasn't mature enough you know she was she was expressing herself she was being open and she was you know she's like oh fuck and just all this stuff and i was like all right dude i like it when my girlfriend tells me i'm like worthless when we're fucking i like like negative self-talk yeah she's like you can't make me come i'm like trigger some low self-esteem stuff um dude we just had a call too with um we had like nine calls
Starting point is 00:09:03 today yeah lots of calls we were doing we're getting cally dude we're had a call too with um we had like nine calls today yeah lots of calls we were doing we're getting cally dude we're getting lots of people are hitting us up yeah i was too hard on the uh guys who wanted to help us with that brand thing i was just trying to like be my dad and i was like i know what questions to ask and then i called my dad afterwards he was like i don't know it sounds like a good idea i was like fuck yeah yeah you were being like very business i was trying i was like damn dude because i met the guys and they're like super good looking dudes from like socal just tan you can tell they work out and surf the guy's like i did a triathlon yesterday i'm like i like these
Starting point is 00:09:37 guys i like them too yeah they're good dudes i was just worried about like the profit margins oh yeah but then uh i talked to my dad he and he was like, no, that seems about right. But he did have some questions about, he was like, no, people should pay for the shipping. You shouldn't pay for the shipping. Oh, okay. And I was like, all right. But maybe he's wrong. No, that does make sense.
Starting point is 00:09:57 When you order something off Amazon or something, you pay for the shipping. Yeah. Yeah. So that should be included. Yeah, I guess so, yeah. That makes sense yeah and then he was like for the scale of how many you guys are probably gonna sell yeah you probably it's okay to be doing it by hand yeah i was getting ahead of myself yeah but it's interesting it's cool stuff yeah and then And then, dude, what else?
Starting point is 00:10:26 I watched the Game of Thrones series finale. What did you think? Honestly, kind of boring. But that's just because I haven't. But I watched the first three seasons, so I have an idea of what's going on, but not in great detail. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:10:44 I thought Daenerys was so hot you know and i was like it's a shame she went mad yeah uh i was mostly just bummed about that i was like come on writers like let's make her the queen please because like she's the hottest yeah dude what but uh and then out of john snow's punishment i just thought it was like kind of like maybe it's too happy of an ending yeah like not there wasn't a big body count yeah and i've been calling for that but uh i liked it i just i't, I thought it was kind of clumsy storytelling for like the whole last couple seasons. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But in terms of where everyone ended up, maybe I was just being sentimental, but I was like, yeah, it all kind of makes sense. I mean, Bran is king. I liked it just because he's so smart.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Like he sees the entire past. Yeah. Does he see the future too? I don't know. I was like, well, you want someone who's got, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:43 good knowledge to be your leader. Yeah. I heard someone make an argument that he might be an evil genius, and this was his plan the whole time. Wow. So he sort of, because he can see the, the guy was saying he could see the future, so he lured people into these situations to, like, gain his power. He's been playing them.
Starting point is 00:12:02 But, dude, the best part about the series finale was the reddit threads after do you read those no so funny dude how mad people are people are no just like they're they're like um sort of their reactions to like the episode like when tyrian goes brand the broken then guys like yeah wait uh are we sure on that name and then this whole sunset thing like i did his dick is broken yeah when she says that about him what um yeah i'm not all for it his dick is broken yeah it's like my mouth works babe yeah and he just looks over like kind of hurt he's like it's not that broken right doc says i could come back in a couple years and let's not just cancel it from the rest of my life dude yeah i have a pretty decent dong when i'm that raven damn it salsa you just talk about my life in front of everybody like that well you
Starting point is 00:12:56 know i think it's something that should be addressed i think your dong is broken yeah but you could have like just been a little more delicate dude all these freaking chicks are here and now they know i got a broken dong my mouth's not broken girls sorry now you got me being all you're talking about you're talking about julie and donna they know your dong is broken how do they know that because i told them bran sansa what are you doing to me dude well when you got injured You fell from that tower The first thing I said to the family I was like Starks listen
Starting point is 00:13:28 The doctor was like Starks listen First things first his dong is impaired That was the first thing you said Do you even know if I was alive I didn't say it The doctor announced it from like the speech podium Yeah the doctor's it from like the speech podium yeah the doctor's just like he's jealous because i've seen his dote and it's miniature he's got dr randall dr randall's
Starting point is 00:13:55 got a dick like freaking um one of those carrier pigeons very funny brand everyone knows dr randall has a hog well i haven't seen it hard so could be true yeah maybe he's a shower not a grower no maybe he's a grower not a shower look all i'm saying is like you know i'm kind of next in line you know the north is chill but like what about like the whole shebang like you're gonna get like i can actually like you know give birth and you your dong doesn't work so jesus how many times you're gonna tell me my dong doesn't work is there anything else you want to talk about in terms of my leadership capacity i think you're in denial you bought a whole manscaped gift pack leadership capacity i think you're in denial you bought a whole manscaped gift pack oh so because it doesn't work it can't look good well who's gonna see it the raven some people have show horses that doesn't mean they ride them into battle well who are you showing it to my dong
Starting point is 00:14:58 yeah like i don't know people i date and stuff i date who are you dating you don't know, people I date and stuff. I date. Who are you dating? You don't know them. She lives in Dorne. Dorne? Yeah, you haven't met her. She lives in Dorne. She's hot. You've never been to Dorne.
Starting point is 00:15:17 The hits just keep coming. Excuse me. Yeah. Samuel Tarly here. Oh, what up, dude? I cure dragon scales. Oh, nice. And I'm working on something with stem cells.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Yeah. I think I can fix you right up. Whoa. What? Whoa. Dude, I think I'm getting a stiffy just hearing that. Thanks, dude. Aaron, nice assist, bro.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Dude, did you see this Magic Johnson stuff? No. Did you send me? I didn't see a topic no i didn't because i thought we just free flow basically okay yeah cool dude magic johnson uh quit his job with the lakers you know and then today he went on tv and he was like my co-worker rob who i worked with at the lakers talk shit on me all the time really yeah i heard that's why i quit yeah i heard he read like an email chain yeah oh i didn't even see that but he was like really yeah yeah i heard he stumbled
Starting point is 00:16:11 upon like an email chain that like where he saw everyone talking shit on him really yeah it's funny though because i'm like he's like he's like look i told genie bus when i took the job that i have a lot of businesses so i can't be there every day then i start hearing from everybody at the office that i'm not there all the time and they're talking shit saying i'm not there i'm like you just said you weren't there a lot magic it's kind of a big job you might have to show up to work a lot yeah yeah i do do you think they're like sending emails like damn dude magic's a great guy and like props to him and all his humanitarianism stuff. But he fucking sucks at this job. Did you just CC Magic?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Yeah, they accidentally CC'd him. Oh, hey, Magic. My bad, dude. JK. That's happened to me. I think I knew someone at this old office job I had was like, like message like, man, why is this girl such a bitch? And he sent it to her. And then she was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:17:09 And he was like, oh, that was a joke. I went on a date with a girl. And then my friend was like, dude, how was the date? I was like, dude, she's got a secret rock and rig with huge bobos. And then the girl was like, what? And I was like, oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. And then she girl was like what and i was like oh my god oh my god oh my god and then she's like what was that i was like i meant to send that to a friend you always admit it's so funny i was like i was saying you had a nice body
Starting point is 00:17:35 she's like i feel like a real piece of me i don't want to see you anymore i was like i understand yeah that sucks yeah it was a bummer i was at work when i came back she was like what and i literally threw the phone in the air i was like oh my god oh my god no yeah my co-worker was like what happened is someone dead i'm like no no this chick i hooked up with she just found out i said she had great bobos i'm trying to think if i've ever done that i don't know if i have aaron have you ever sent a message to the wrong person uh i had two stephanies in my phone with no last names uh i called the wrong one uh was going to ask her out but thank god it went to voicemail and i realized my mistake because i wouldn't probably wouldn't have known oh that would have been hilarious
Starting point is 00:18:29 what if she would have said yes and then y'all would have gotten married oh no no this is a girl i was not not into at all well so it would have been bad if she would have said yes um yeah yeah the wrong stephanie for sure she is she is married with a child now so she's fine that's good yeah um I'll do it yeah there was this one time I was like texting with like a group no I was like I was texting my dog uh we were texting about Andrew King Killy and I was like dude are you gonna are you freaking gonna play the bongos
Starting point is 00:19:14 with those bitch tits I sent to Andrew King Killy wait so was he like hurt? yeah does he have bitch tits yeah yeah but i've played i framed it like hi dude like yeah are you gonna play the bongos right right dude it's a fair question yeah yeah that's smart yeah i was just asking dude it's hilarious
Starting point is 00:19:41 you have bitch tits i think it's funny and cool and sexy. Yeah. Dude, like, if I had them, I'd totally play the bongos. I got bitch tits, too, man. Yeah. Yeah, we all got bitch tits. You got to have fun with them, right? I always got bitch tits. Yeah. Bitch tits.
Starting point is 00:19:55 I got to get water real quick. Yeah. I'll tell the Stokers one more story of a miscommunication. I would have these girls over in high school and they would come over and they went to another school and they were all very cute. And we would party at my house. And at a certain point, every time we were partying at some point in the night, they'd be like, hey, can we invite over Duval and like these other guys? And I'd just be like, sure. Because I wanted to be nice. And then these guys would come over and um hook up with the girls and then the girls would spend the night with the guys
Starting point is 00:20:28 at my place and then in the morning i would drive the girls home and i would just stare out the window and be like man i'm horny but we'd have the nicest drives like just listening to like disney songs just rocking out but uh one time they brought over a couple of guys, and one of them, Josh, was just like extra not cool. And so they left. And then one of the guys called me. He was like, yo, is it cool if we cruise back over? And I was like, everybody can cruise except for Josh. He's a douche.
Starting point is 00:20:57 And then the guy went, fuck, man, that's not cool. And I was like, who is this? He's like, it's Josh. And I was like, oh, dude, I it's josh and i was like oh dude i knew it was you i was messing with you and then um uh they ended up coming back over and it was all good and that guy that josh guy what was most annoying about him is that he kept acting tough he took pictures in the bathroom and he's like talk shit get hit and he wasn't like a tough kid flash forward 10 years later he goes to jail for murder really yeah whoa yeah damn like what kind of what first degree shot somebody yeah i think he was he was a drug addict
Starting point is 00:21:33 and i think but i think it was like the same thing like him acting tough and it went so far that he freaking killed somebody wow is he in jail i think he's in jail for life now yeah that's weird is that weird you out that someone you called a douche accidentally is in jail for life it just weirds me out that when you looked at him you're like this kid should be in like n sync like he was like a really good looking like just kind of uh sort of flamboyant nice but annoying kid and then like and then he flashed for 10 years and he's like a killer you're like whoa did he look different i haven't seen what he looked like since then but i have to imagine he did yeah it is weird when people you you know went to prison
Starting point is 00:22:14 yeah go to prison you're like like fuck man well it's just like they just make choices you know what i mean like he was like i want to be tough i want to be tough and he just kept making choices yeah that would like put him on a trajectory to be tough. And then it's like, yeah, you're tough, dude, but your life is fucking way worse than it had to be. Yeah. But yeah. Dude, so maybe we'll talk about something like political. And then if we don't like it, we don't have to keep it but uh
Starting point is 00:22:45 this abortion ban in alabama yeah um it's a little too uh a little too uh harsh yeah it's they really went extreme no matter what you believe it's sort of like i feel like it's gonna happen you know people are gonna get abortions so why not make it safe um why not give people an option for like a safe procedure yeah and you can work to minimize it and to like um you know have better preventative methods and whatnot and like early detection so you can do it like very early in the process yeah but yeah i think to uh just take it all away is a recipe for disaster yeah it's just it's too unrealistic and and i yeah i mean you know for like kids growing up in some circumstances like it's just a lot for a lot
Starting point is 00:23:52 of time especially with like rape and incest and stuff i mean how are you gonna like outlaw that but uh what was i gonna say too i don't know i think that's pretty much all i had yeah i don't i don't have much to say about it really oh yeah i was like i was watching a show and then like one of the characters got an abortion and like just like the whole thing it just sort of like it did kind of like irk me a little bit the whole process but it doesn't change my opinion no i mean in a sense that when you think about what's actually going on it does sort of like i think like morally it's a complicated hurt you it's a big deal yeah and i understand why people make it seem like not a big deal you know what i mean because they want to destigmatize it so that people aren't ashamed of doing it yeah but i think also like you know
Starting point is 00:24:43 treating it like a big deal is good because you don't want people to be like willy-nilly about something like that yeah like i do think you want to keep that number as small as we can make it but yeah but to make it illegal is not the way to do it what else um we're going to cabo tomorrow yeah. Yeah. I'm pumped for that. Stay at the Cabo surf hotel. You're going to surf a lot? Yeah. How are the waves looking?
Starting point is 00:25:11 They're looking good. Really? Yeah. Nice. How big? Like four to six. Ooh. What's the break there?
Starting point is 00:25:17 Uh, there's zippers, then the rock, the rocks, a little more advanced ones. I'm going to hit the rock and then I want to hit monuments, which is, um, I think a little bit south of it. Uh, and that's a left. So I'm goofy. So that's perfect.
Starting point is 00:25:33 Yeah. I'm going to hit monuments. Do the waves there barrel or are they like, I don't think they really barrel that much, but maybe a little bit. Do you prefer one or the other? Uh, barreling or like crumbling?
Starting point is 00:25:46 Um, probably barreling, but like crumbling? Probably barreling. But I like trestles, you know, because you can do turns and it's like a skate park. Yeah. But, I mean, there's nothing cooler than a barrel, so. Yeah. Dude, we should give a shout out, too, to the guys from Hurley. Oh, yeah, yeah. And they sent their new mission statement.
Starting point is 00:26:08 Yeah, so big shout out to Sean and Tony. Thank you guys for showing us around. That was a tremendous day. They got a great compound over there. Yeah, dude, that was awesome. The technology is state of the art. Yeah, it's like the whole Hurley. It's in Costa Mesa. It's like the whole Hurley, it's in Costa Mesa.
Starting point is 00:26:28 It's like the whole Hurley, it's like a campus. Yeah. And they have like the showrooms and then like all, like the marketing team is cool. It's badass. The design team. Yeah, Sean and Tony, super nice guys. They're stokers. Showed us around. We got sort of the history of Hurley, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:26:46 And Bob Hurley sounds like the man. He did sound like a cool motherfucker. I'd like to meet him sometime. It is interesting. It said, like, board shorts didn't come out until, like, the 80s or something. Yeah. Which is interesting to think about. Like, a world without board shorts.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It bothered my mind. Yeah. It's like, how do you, do you go to the beach with jeans? Yeah, how do you exist? Yeah. So, and then some, like, noble dudes, like Bob Hurley stepped in. They're like, no, we don't have to live this way. We can have stretchy shorts that work well in water.
Starting point is 00:27:26 People are like, what? He's like, like, like like board shorts idiot and that's how it was made thank you bob thank you bob you're a titan among men you know i interned at billabong um briefly for about a month for about a month nice and uh it was fun as i was at the marketing team i just moved product from box to box i didn't really learn much but it's cool to be in the environment because i was like you know what i was in college and i'm like you know what after college there's no way i'm getting a job where i can't get a tan. You learn from it. Yeah. Yeah, dude, real quick too. I think we, I put up an Instagram post saying we were looking for a booker for the podcast.
Starting point is 00:28:12 Yeah. And that might be a little slow on the follow-up guys because we're just doing a lot. But, and I don't want to be like, I know a ton about how to do things, but like when you're sending in your resume or when you're sending in your job application, I don't think it's a good idea to like say like, hey, I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'd like the opportunity to try. I would just lie and be like, I love to do this. I know how to do this.
Starting point is 00:28:39 I can't wait to do this. Because it just will give more confidence to the person you're interviewing with. And also don't, if you're applying to work for creative people, I don't think you should say you're a creative person too. Yeah. Because they don't really care. Like I've worked for other creative people and the smaller you can keep your own creative
Starting point is 00:29:03 ambition, the more they like you. Yeah. Like if after a year they're like, wait, you want to do the thing that I do? Cool. people and the smaller you can keep your own creative ambition, the more they like you. Like if after a year, they're like, wait, you want to do the thing that I do? Cool. They'll like you a lot more because they'll be like, thank you. All they want to hear is, I don't have any dreams. I just want to help you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:17 I'm very type A. I like Excel. I like PowerPoint. And I like scheduling things. I love emailing people. I email relentlessly. Email. I love sending emails. I love setting meetings. I love emailing people. I email relentlessly. I love sending emails. I love setting meetings.
Starting point is 00:29:29 I love making calls. And I love getting coffee. Exactly. Dude, I fucking would hire you on the spot. Yeah. That sounds nice. People are like, dude, I'm hilarious. I love to party.
Starting point is 00:29:41 And I kind of like email. When do I start? Well, to be frank, you sound like a liability. Exactly. Dude, Hurley hit us with the new mission statement. They have a new mission statement. Let's hear it. We create things to help you have more fun in and around the water.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Simple. We give you the opportunity. Because I think the whole idea behind it was like a lot of the whole surf culture uh or just the surf industry felt kind of exclusive you know like it's like oh you have to be like a really good surfer to you know enjoy the culture and they're like no dude we just make products that make you want to like go around the ocean and like have a better time when you're there you know we want to give you nice board shorts we want to give you more steez you know we want to give you something that's not tiva sandals um so i think that's the the mission which i think is cool it's simple it's to the point i love it yeah they're great guys i had so much fun just just shooting the shit with them yeah then we got bear
Starting point is 00:30:45 flag pokey the best restaurant in america yeah bear flag i kind of under ordered i'm like i'll just get a thing of pokey and i was eating i'm like i should have gotten way more yeah i went big yeah i was like yeah i'll get because so yeah i'll get that thing of pokey and i was like yeah i'm like god damn it i got the salmon platter yeah they got the best wild salmon there we'll go back in like a day or two yeah we should get sponsored by them if you're open to a bear flag that'd be a dream come true should we get into some questions um i was gonna say oh dude and i forgot green juice today i know it's yeah i was i had it was like the last thing it was in my fridge i was gonna grab it and then and then i forgot it yeah yeah it's all good i i i plowed through uh
Starting point is 00:31:35 three flying dutchmen today whoa yeah that's six patty stokers i love doing that would you would would you use as your condiment nothing i just i i can just get it from the cheese baby no dude i think that's the way to do it too because then you're not getting that sugar and carbohydrate yeah from the the sauce the sauce yeah you know i i would put the sauce on sometimes but i'm like i think the cheese gives me enough flavor it does work on its own yeah yeah but sometimes i need it's like my dessert. I need the spread. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know what I've been doing lately is just one slice of cheese between the two patties.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Oh, you can order that? Yeah. How is it? It's a pain in the ass for the person to punch into the keyboard. I know that for sure. It's good. It's good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Do you get, do you miss that other slice? I think I cut off a lot of the cheese. So for me, it's better. Okay. Nice. Aaron, have you tried the Flying Dutchman yet? I'm not a big in-and-out guy, for one. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:32:31 Yep. Gauntlet thrown down. I can't believe we got 72 episodes in before we found this out. Well, I haven't been here for all of them. Yeah, I think it's way overrated and the fries are garbage hot garbage what's a flying dutchman though i don't know the secret menus you know aaron i love when you add to the show but i did not like that
Starting point is 00:33:04 yeah you asked I love when you add to the show, but I did not like that. Yeah, you asked. I mean, it hasn't been my focus. I love the fries. The fries are great. Jesus. All right, guys, we're way off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I get why people don't like it, but there's something genius about the way they make their fries. Because it's just straight potato. And the salt. And the ketchup, too. Do you know what I mean by straight potato? I do. I just couldn't disagree more.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Guys, am I a schmole? Nah no you're entitled to your opinion even if it sucks just breaks my heart when people don't like in and out but i get it yeah but i get it i love i love five guys that's my favorite dude five guys is good five guys really good they have that good seasoning all right questions yeah let's do the questions. Sultans of Stoke, love the pod and everything you guys do to raise America's Stoke levels and bring awareness to the coral, Paul Walker, and Britney Spears. I've reached a crossroads in my life and seek the advice of the Stoke Lords themselves.
Starting point is 00:34:19 I just graduated college, and I'm really bummed to see all my dogs move back to their respective parts of the country and start the next chapter of their journey. My question is, what's the best way to keep up contact with the squad now that we're not together every day? I know group texts and Snapchats are an obvious solution, but wanted to seek the advice of the experts on how to maintain my stoke without my dogs. Dudes, set up a yearly retreat. Go to Vegas. Go to Scottsdale. Go to the Grand Canyon.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Go to Hong Kong. Go to the Amazon Rainforest and do Ayahuasca with Troy Casey. You know, because that will, one, it's a year reunion. And then since you guys are away from each other, when you come back to see each other, the whole bond is going to be so much stronger and the love is going to be there. So when you guys see each other again, it's going to be awesome.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And it's something to look forward to. It's not like, oh, when am I going to see the squad again? When are we going to get together again? It's like, oh, July 4th. I forgot we're hitting Newport Beach together and Ass Clown's going to get arrested. Yep. Yeah, if you hitting Newport Beach together, and Ask Clown's going to get arrested. Yep. Yeah, if you guys go on a trip,
Starting point is 00:35:29 like fun shit's going to happen, someone's going to get arrested, and then you guys will want to keep hanging out. Yeah. I like that. Yeah. You looked happy when you said that. Yeah, you got to keep building new experiences
Starting point is 00:35:43 to get nostalgic on, you know? And that takes some risk. And a lot of time carving. Aaron, you don't like In-N-Out? No, I don't. Well, guess what, Aaron? I don't like the Cardinals. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:36:01 Oh, you're out of here. Shutting this thing down. We just get hurt dude yeah you get hurt um what up council love the pot and all the positivity and advice you bros choose to spread anyways i got an issue with my girl let me start off by saying that this girl is super sweet and i love the shit out of her and she treats me how i feel like i deserve there's just one thing i can't get over every time i go down on her i feel like i just entered the chinatown fish market like i'm no pansy i can handle a little aroma believe but believe me when i say this bros it's like nothing i've ever smelled before it just smacks you in the face
Starting point is 00:36:35 he's being serious though oh dude i fucking, dude, I fucking feel you, dog. I fucking feel you, brother. That sucks, man. Is that it? No, it really keeps going. No, dude, keep going. It really sucks because I really feel like this girl, and I really like this girl and care about her and don't want something like this to be a deal breaker, but at this point, I don't know what to do.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Do I confront her about it and risk hurting herself a seam and try to fix it if possible, or do I cut it off and say let's and say it's for some other reason as to preserve her overall stoke in herself and not hurt her i really do care about this girl and want the best for her i just can't help feeling like someone else may be able to appreciate her for who she truly is i don't want to hurt her and make her think i don't care dude this dude is suffering my dog you're suffering and you're suffering uh there's more to it i'm sorry i just simply think i may not be the one for her your thoughts and wisdom
Starting point is 00:37:31 would be appreciated much love brethren signed turd ferguson damn dog um you're suffering bro and i can tell you really love this girl so you you know what you got to do, dude? You just got to own it. You got to talk to her and say, honey, I love you so much. And I genuinely want to keep loving you and think you're so perfect in so many ways. But when I go down on you, I think you need to clean yourself better or get some products to help with the smell. I'm sorry, honey. I didn't want to say that but i feel like i gotta tell you and maybe if you're a little too my dog i'm so sorry that you have to you know chinatown's not a good smelling place if you're not up to uh you know saying it outright you know
Starting point is 00:38:20 maybe you could just like you know just be like hey how about tonight in the b room what if i douche you yeah that dude that is good build it into the sex play or if you get something from manscaped be like look i'm putting on ball deodorant is there some kind of like lady part deodorant you should use like baby i love you so much oh man i can't wait to do all this nasty stuff to you babe oh you know what i'm gonna do because i just feel like being dirty i'm just gonna fucking take this loofah and just clean your fucking vagina yeah oh baby you like that you like when daddy loofahs your vagina she's like i love it you're like perfect yeah done deal aaron what do you think?
Starting point is 00:39:05 He's got to tell her, right? He can't just keep suffering like this. Yeah. And you know, we don't know how old he is. Maybe she doesn't know. Maybe it's the only guy she's ever been with and she doesn't have a clue.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Oh, interesting. Yeah. Do you want, do you want to play it out? Sure. Yeah. Hey honey.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Hey. Um, you ready to get freaky? Yeah, I'm always ready. I think you're so hot. But, babe. I can't wait for you to go down on me. Well, then, in this version of it, I'd just bone you, and then I'd wait to tell you another time. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:39 So, oh, oh, oh, babe. That was such fun sex. Wow. You fuck so well, babe. Oh, thank you. I babe. That was such fun sex. Wow. You fuck so well, babe. Oh, thank you. I really. You really got into it. I'm super into it.
Starting point is 00:39:50 I love you. I just can't get enough of you. But. I like the way you grunt. And then I'd be like, babe, do you want to watch a movie? Are you asking me that? Yeah, yeah. Uh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:02 You want to watch You Got Mail? Perfect. Okay, so then we watch You've Got Mail. And then then two hours after that movie and then after that movie's over i'm grabbing another thing of popcorn i go hey baby you want some popcorn is that all the red boxers yeah extra buttery yeah thanks babe didn't you think it was weird in that movie how like so much of it was just about like those characters needing to be honest with each other um sure right i think that's like it's kind of just a goofy rom-com but i find that to be true and so that's why i think i should be honest with you my love um okay what do you have to be honest about i um i think you need to
Starting point is 00:40:41 clean your vagina a little bit better. What? No, I'm sorry. Please don't get mad. I'm really sorry. It was a hard thing to say, but I think you got to clean your vagina better. And then daddy's going to want it even more. Daddy's going to be getting freaky on you all the time, baby.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Don't try to do dirty talk with me right now. You just told me to clean my vagina. I'm going to take you to the best dinners, babe. Just quit trying to bribe me right now. I'm going to make the best dinners. What did you just say? I'm saying I love you, and I want to marry you, and I want to have kids, and I want to have a family, and I want to raise them with our shared values,
Starting point is 00:41:15 and I want us to progress in our careers, and I want to love you forever. But to do that, babe, to do that, I need to tell you the truth. You got to clean your vagina more. Aaron, is this effective? that, I need to tell you the truth. You got to clean your vagina more. Aaron, is this effective? Well, how about I tell you something, Mr. Tom Hanks? You have dick cheese.
Starting point is 00:41:37 What? Yeah. What? You have dick cheese. What do you mean dick cheese? I saw dick cheese on your dong piece. Oh, my. Wait, i'm trying to think how would i really feel someone told me i had dick cheese and i haven't known fuck fuck and you want me to suck that and i'm like am i destroyed yeah oh fuck yeah
Starting point is 00:41:59 well now that i know this i'm not as upset at you about your stinky vagina well now i now i accept you because i know you accept me and i didn't know that until we got honest with each other so while it breaks my heart that i have dick cheese and it's fucking nasty as fuck when i go down on you you're in this with me well guess what chief i don't want you to accept don't do it don't do it i don't want to accept your dick cheese don't do it why don't we clean each other i've been waiting for you to come in okay i thought you were gonna break up with me i was fucking destroyed i've been waiting for you no just shut up all right just shut up all right just shut up all right i Just shut up. Alright.
Starting point is 00:42:46 I've been waiting for you to come in and just douche me like the man you are. Instead you have to take me you have to wine and dime me with oral Redenbockers and you've got mail and say that my vagina smells. Okay. Well then just douche me then. How did you know my plans so well?
Starting point is 00:43:03 Because you know me. I'm going to douche you. I'm going to douche because you know me i'm gonna douche you i'm gonna douche you girl and i'm gonna i'm gonna douche you because i love you you're gonna douche me i would douche you every day if you asked me to you mean it yeah i just want you to smell good down there because i want to love going down on you because i love going down on you well you know what i'm gonna do for you baby i'm gonna take a cheese grater to your dick. Ah! No. Ralphie Cifaretto?
Starting point is 00:43:28 No. No. That's why the fuck I... Aaron, do you think this will work? Do you think this kid... Dude, you got to tell her. You got to tell her. And you know how to do it.
Starting point is 00:43:38 You just saw it happen. Yeah. It's fun. You've got male Orville Redenbacher. She's going to be like, why don't you just douche me? You saw it play out. Douche me, Amadeus. You guys are going to get married after.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Douche her. Just douche her. Yeah, because you can't keep living with that. I can't believe there's people who do that, who are just like, no, I'm just never going to tell her the thing that bothers me the most. It's like, are you just going to suffer for the rest of your life? You've got to tell people the truth about some stuff. I mean, you do it carefully, but you do it yeah sorry no you're right what up dogs me and some bros went
Starting point is 00:44:12 to see the avengers endgame last thursday the movie was lame but we had a good time my question is how should dudes go about sharing the armrest i was in the middle of my dog and his brother my dog didn't put up a fight brothers but his brother was constantly battling me for my armrest. Should I have asserted my dominance and laid my whole arm on it or constantly battle throughout the movie for comfort? Preach my dogs love the pod. I think Uncle Joe Mauricio would be fantastic for this question. But I think you need to establish some rules up top be like all right
Starting point is 00:44:47 we're gonna crush this movie together we're sitting like this here's the armrest rules i get this right one you get that one you get this one yeah just lay it up top up top you sit next to gonna go dude right now what's it gonna to be? You or me? Are you asking? No. I'm just like, I've got nothing else on. No, no. Or you or me.
Starting point is 00:45:14 I was like, what are you talking about, dude? You know what I'm talking about. The armrest. Who's it going to be? Because it's fine if it's you, but I just don't want to be doing battle with you the whole time. Yeah. It's me respect yeah i think i think if if you go in there i like to do this i go uh i go hey man uh do you mind if do you want the armrest and if the
Starting point is 00:45:34 guy says yes i respect his dominance that he was assertive about it and if he says no i have full permission to take it yep what's up stoke nash i sent a picture of my butt to my bro over snapchat thinking it would be a funny picture shared between two bro two bros he screenshotted it and sent it to the whole squad my glutes look pretty tight in it but i'm not stoked that he shared it with the squad because a butt pic shared between eight bros is a butt pic shared with everyone not really sure what to do or if I should be pissed at my bro for violating the sanctity of Snapchat. Thanks, bros. Did he know who else showed their butt?
Starting point is 00:46:14 Brad Pitt and Troy? Yep. Daniel Craig and Laura Croft Tomb Raider? Yeah, own it. Like, yeah, of course he's gonna share it. That's what you do when you send a butt pic to your guy friend depending on the guy friend some people respect that code but you know the people who don't yeah and just yeah own your ass yeah that's your ass man i got some ass photos floating out there yeah that's not what i'm embarrassed if it comes out
Starting point is 00:46:38 yeah i'm good with that i love it you gotta do you got ass photos tons should we take an ass photo in cabo tons my dog what's up dudes i've been to when you you rode jet skis naked yeah where'd you get the jet skis i rented them we got to do it again on this trip yeah i was actually thinking about that can we do that again yeah yeah yeah where but where um where were you jet skiing naked like in the main beach in cabo yeah in the main beach yeah no so i okay so i rented the jet ski i told my friend i was like yo come out there and we'll take some photos of me jet skiing naked yeah and then he was like joe pelas on he's like all right yeah i'm down so we drove out there and they have like a back
Starting point is 00:47:23 compartment and i just put my phone in a ziploc bag and drove it out there yeah and then when we got out pretty far in the ocean but there were still boats coming around yeah i uh i just gave him the bag and i was like all right dude take it out now and i'll just do loops around you and take some photos where'd you put your swim trunks in the in the little compartment okay yeah yeah let's definitely do that yeah and i just rode around like fucking just doing like little aggressive turns and stuff yeah yeah that's awesome yeah it was fun and then a lot of people saw me naked and everybody was like pretty psyched yeah yeah do you worry about that do you worry about now with a little bit of clout to your name no no no that's good no i worry about other stuff but that's like that's always going
Starting point is 00:48:07 to be an easy one yeah i mean the videos of me like having cam girls say awful things to me that would be a little more embarrassing because i'm like i'm like talking about that my bully from high school like boning my girlfriend that's gonna be pretty weird yeah what's up dudes i found myself severely down in the dumps as of late i'm in the military and was out in the desert in california for a six-week exercise and on the last night myself and a couple other dudes decided to head into town for some celebratory drinks i got a little carried away and ended up being pulled over and got a dui there were a bunch of opportunities for us to stop but i was too incoherent to make a sound
Starting point is 00:48:43 decision to call it a night my stoke level is at an all-time low and a long road of legal nonsense and other punitive action awaits me how can i revive my stoke and maintain it through these trying times how do i keep my mind off the past and stay positive that pause the podcast has helped me a lot but it just isn't enough thank you dudes you guys are legends love steve yeah i mean he fucked up but you know this is just another part of your story and uh thank god no one got hurt you know it's something you can learn from you made a mistake and you're owning up to it and um now best thing you can do is just get back onto a path of progress you know keep making positive changes in your life so that, you know, you can be like, yeah, I fucked up,
Starting point is 00:49:33 but you know what? Ever since then I've been dominating. Yeah. Yeah, dude. It's just a, it happens to a lot of people. It's super normal. I mean, you definitely fucked up, but you'll figure it out. You're a good dude. Yeah. Like just, uh, just make sure it's the last one. Yeah. Sounds like a great dude. Yeah. It'll take a year or two before you feel like, you know, no, maybe it won't, but it should take you a little time before you feel totally right.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah. Like if after a day after DUI, you're like, the party goes on. It's like, all right, buddy, easy.
Starting point is 00:49:56 Yeah. But if like 10 years later, you're like, I got that fucking DUI, then it's a little overkill. But I don't know, maybe feel bad for six months. Once the six months are over yeah all right yeah i feel good again yeah i felt bad now i feel good again yeah back to being stoked yeah how long should the dui impact your stoke
Starting point is 00:50:17 six months six months aaron how long you think i mean i still like in and out Six months. Six months. Aaron, how long do you think? I mean, I still don't like In-N-Out. Put the camera on me. Thank you. I want you to see my disappointment. There, double. That's what I wanted.
Starting point is 00:50:44 Aaron. You're killing me dog chad just destroyed a water bottle that you know i'm gonna recycle later yeah squid hello love the podcast and what you guys are doing in this space. I'm just curious if you have looked into the cryptocurrency project Dollar Sign Bolt. It appears to be a unique and practical use case in crypto with a ready-to-deliver product, video app for sports highlights delivered on the blockchain and official partner at Cricket World Cup. I've checked Twitter posts from at Bolt Global and I'm super impressed with their partners, Binance and Zill.
Starting point is 00:51:25 See their Medium page. If only recently hit exchanges and the token price is a bit beat up, but the fundamentals appear to be great. I'd love to hear your thoughts on $Bolt or a podcast about it. You can find more info on their website. Keep up the great work. Thanks, Scott. So is his stoke level low or i don't know he seems pumped he's pumped yeah he's jacked on whatever it is he's doing crypto yeah crypto i've been hearing about that yeah i talked to a dude and he's like you should buy bitcoin i was like for sure dude great i bought one you got a bitcoin i got a bitcoin bitcoin nice dude
Starting point is 00:52:07 maybe i'll get a bitcoin yeah i don't know what to do with it i gotta yeah i just haven't been like into it yeah but maybe it'll be chill well i just don't know what it'll it'll buy me yeah can you buy stuff with bitcoin ramen i think you can buy lots of ramen good well then you won't be hungry anymore yeah what up council me and my bees from age boys from home have just recently graduated from college and are feeling pretty unstoked about it most of the bros are beginning to abandon the flock and are not nearly bronzing enough and becoming pasty they are adding seconds to their beer bong time and don't rage nearly as much anymore any advice for how we can get the boys back chilling again so we can raise our overall stoke and continue to chase tail
Starting point is 00:52:49 so they're not hanging out as much and they're just not like partying anymore like they don't have their fastball anymore when they party dude mother nature's a motherfucker you know partying is like being an athlete you have a short prime yeah i mean you know people change it's it's just a reality of life you know um like my buddy rich he used to down a beer bong in 1.69 seconds that's like 2.3. Yeah. And I had to talk with him about it, but I accept him. Yeah, dude, it's tough because I get so mad at my family members when their beer bong times drop. I'm like, do you even care about what it means to be a part of this family?
Starting point is 00:53:39 Do they? Probably not. But, dude, you know what you got to do? You just got to set the tempo. Get these guys out. You got to be the guy getting everybody going. Falls to you, man. You know, pour out the shots, bring on the fire play mix.
Starting point is 00:53:54 You know, get them talking about things they don't otherwise talk about. Yeah. Like, what did Van Wilder do? He stayed in college. Dude, yeah. Just tell your friends, like, dude, if you stop now, you'll always regret it. Mm-hmm. I went for, like, a little hiatus from partying for a bit.
Starting point is 00:54:14 I missed out on so much. Me too, man. Yeah, I haven't partied in a while. Yeah. Are you going to party in Cabo? I think I was going to party on Thursday. What are you thinking? On Thursday? The last night yeah yeah something i want to what are you thinking uh i want to surf
Starting point is 00:54:33 and i want to be in good shape for surfing yeah but i do i mean it's in cabo you're in mexico i want to hit mango deck all right so you want to get after it. I wasn't sure. I wasn't sure either, but I mean, it's, you got to hit mango deck at least once, right? All right.
Starting point is 00:54:51 No, definitely, definitely hit the mango deck. I mean, I was going to go. I just don't know how hard I'm going to drink once I'm there. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I might just be like, just play it by ear, I guess. I think once, you know, here's the thing though. Every time I go to Miami to visit my dad, I don't think I'm going to party.
Starting point is 00:55:03 And then once you get in that Miami atmosphere, all your plans change. You know what here's the thing, though. Every time I go to Miami to visit my dad, I don't think I'm going to party. And then once you get in that Miami atmosphere, all your plans change. You know what I mean? Who I am now is not who I'm going to be when we touch down in Cabo. I go into vacation mode. Yeah. Yeah. What do you think, Aaron? Don't, dude.
Starting point is 00:55:23 I mean, do they have In-N-Out there? I knew you were going to just push that button, dog. They have senor frogs. You're trigger happy, dog. They have senor frogs. Aaron, this shit just escalated to full-blown disrespect, dog. I mean, maybe I am a schmole. Don't get down on yourself.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Yeah, come on, dog. Yeah, dude. No, you're not. You're not. Now I feel bad. I'm like, no, you're the man, dude. Dude, you're the man, but your opinion about In-N-Out is fucked, dog. Yeah, dog.
Starting point is 00:55:59 Damn it. What's up? He got us. Yeah. What's up, my dogs? Huge fan of the podcast. i've shared so many people your content and everyone loves you guys i'm currently driving home from hangout music fest in golf shores alabama i've created a habit when i'm on the molly at a music festival i will ditch my
Starting point is 00:56:15 group and just go on an adventure i've tried explaining this to the boys that it's nothing personal i just chase pretty lights and house music should i start going by myself to end the tension of when i ditch my friends or just keep doing me i love music festivals and i love my freedom there thanks guys love the show thank you dog dude i love it man solo adventures you know um i would just you know not come in with like this sort of understanding i would have the understanding with your squad like look you know i tend to break off and just you know go on my own rainbow road um that's a mario kart reference right um so just so you guys know if you're looking to bond i won't be there yeah dude i think you got to do what's
Starting point is 00:57:00 best for you in that situation you don't go to festivals it's like a big deal so you kind of got to be a little selfish. Yeah. Yeah. If you worry too much about the group, you'll just resent them. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:09 You got to get after a dog whirling dervishes into the night. What up, Chad and JT? I'm, this guy, my impatience is like low today. This person's being friend zoned a lot. Mm-hmm. And they, but they're boning the person. My impatience is like low today. This person's being friend zoned a lot. But they're boning the person.
Starting point is 00:57:31 So they're not really being friend zoned. They just want to be more. Like in a relationship? Yeah. I don't know. I mean, the person's not going to give you what you want. You just got to move on. Yeah. Like you can either stay doing what you're doing
Starting point is 00:57:47 doing the boning and not dating or you can move on try to find somebody else it's tough should we move into the beefs? yeah dude what is your beef of the week? my beef of the week is with Veep the show just cause they ended the show
Starting point is 00:58:03 I'm pissed cause I want more of the show I love the show just because they ended the show i'm pissed right because i want more of the show i love the show it's so good i i really enjoyed it julie louis-dreyfus she's the sweetheart of america america's sweetheart she's the best um i think only she could have pulled off that role because this is a pretty nasty character but yeah she's so charmed i think she with her subtle charm underneath you're like i love her she stays likable yeah yeah so that's an amazing talent props to you and i love what they did with the jonah character you know he had in towards the end of the season he had an anti-math platform as congressman and he's running for president and um as you guys may know i'm also anti-math
Starting point is 00:58:46 because it prevented me from seeing britney spears uh live so um i really identified with that but uh i just want to give a shout out to the show veep like you guys did an amazing job and he kept the show up all the way through to the end and um i thought they ended it really well. So I just want to give them props. Super fun show. Made me want to run for Congress. And I'm just amped on it. Nice. Yeah, what about you?
Starting point is 00:59:15 Dude, my beef of the week is with all the whiners on the internet about Game of Thrones. Guess what? I didn't think it was that bad I thought it was pretty good that's what I thought so just separate a bit you're a monolith well said thank you dude aaron what'd you think my dog i liked it oh there it is dude they did a pretty good job all right dude chad what is your who is your babe of the week my babe of the week is robin quivers nice uh howard stern's howard stern's uh i get what do you call her a sidekick co-host howard stern's co-host on uh
Starting point is 01:00:17 the howard stern show she's been with howard for 38 years professionally and they still have an amazing relationship which i think is pretty awesome you know howard i'm reading his book right now he's like how many people can say that they've had a 38 year long professional relationship and they're still like that's insane yeah he described howard described her as courage on the his courage on the air she helped him explore innovative ideas and concepts also a cool thing about her, she was a nurse. She served in the Air Force and acquired the rank of captain. Whoa. She's a beast.
Starting point is 01:00:50 And then she just joined Howard, and they just took over the radio. And she's a great addition to the show. She knows exactly when to talk. She has a great soothing voice. When she delivers the news, it's just freaking dank. soothing voice she when she delivers the news it's just freaking dank um and uh she also beat cancer in 2013 after having a tumor removed from her bladder and continued to do the show from her home via an isdn line nice which is sweet like um she's still doing the show from home and went through like a pretty painful procedure apparently and kept trucking fucking
Starting point is 01:01:25 beast so shout out to robin dude good babe yeah what about who's your babe 38 years man yeah we could do that yeah let's go when we're like 70 welcome to the going deep my uh friend at the uh senior citizen home doesn't want to blow me. I love her. Should I move on? Or should I wait for her to come to her senses? My dog. My dog. My dog?
Starting point is 01:01:54 My dog. Just give her some space. Give her some space. Focus on improving your own skills. Jabou. Dominate dominoes. Jablown stokers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Dude, my babe of the week is Stevie Wonder. Oh, whoa. I love Stevie Wonder. He's a great singer-songwriter. Living just enough. Living for the city. Jesus Christ, Children of
Starting point is 01:02:24 America. My Cheria city. Jesus Christ, Children of America, My Cheria More, Superstition, Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours. That's the best one. Signed, Sealed, Delivered, I'm Yours. Like a fool, I went in straight too long. Dude, he's just a man. He was good at that stuff when he was 11.
Starting point is 01:02:44 He still sounds great. He's man. He was good at that stuff when he was 11. He still sounds great. He's blind. He overcame that. About as big as you can overcome something. So yeah, he's my baby of the week. Epic. Dude, who is your legend of the week? My legend of the week is Marcus Aurelius, the Roman emperor.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Dude, beast. From like two millennia ago. aurelius the roman emperor dude beast from like two millennia ago um yeah as you may know um i'd say probably one of the most philosophical ideologies uh that gets me most amped is stoicism um i'm just really amped on the stoics um stoicism basically some key points of it are that virtue is sufficient for happiness and a sage would be emotionally resilient to misfortune so basically you roll with the punches i like the idea of having like a vision that you work towards and you just sort of keep working keep trucking just keep climbing that ladder and you just sort of when night when a life knocks you you it's like you're
Starting point is 01:03:43 like john wick with your bulletproof suit you get hit and you just keep moving and just keep killing henchmen along the way. Four virtues are wisdom, courage, justice, and temperance. Marcus Aurelius practiced stoicism, and he was a pretty dank dude. He also had a great role in Gladiator. Props to him. I'm glad he got the recognition he deserved as an actor.
Starting point is 01:04:11 He said, Very little is needed to make a happy life. It is all within yourself and your way of thinking. I.e. find the stoke within. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth. You create your own reality.
Starting point is 01:04:29 Just shout out to Rome, you know. They're just legit. And, you know, I like Russell Crowe. Dude, he's great. Yeah. He gets hammered. Does he? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:42 That sounds like I'm talking shit. You're the man, Russell. Who's your legend? Dude, my legend of the week is the band the replacements they're uh fucking dudes from minneapolis and uh they just get after it yeah listen to their song unsatisfied it'll set you on fire dude you'll hit the town they're good and then you read stories about them like they get too drunk and so like 50 of the shows you went to they were terrible yeah which isn't you know which is cool yeah but you know sucks if you went to the concert yeah like they couldn't air their snl uh performance because they were too hammered but then they have really sensitive songwriting that like you're like
Starting point is 01:05:24 oh these guys are like morons but then they have songs like they had a song about like gender dysmorphia from like 30 years ago and you listen to it and you're like oh my god this is like what everybody's talking about now so i mean maybe they were talking about it then but i don't know i think they were a little ahead of their time yeah yeah that's sweet yeah dude chad what is your quote of the week i don't really know yet i was thinking maybe of going with john snow you're my queen i love that just because it's so uh i want to say that one day it's romantic dude yeah you're my queen you're my queen dude tell caroline that you're my queen just look at her and go you're my queen my queen is that fun maybe i'll do that tonight
Starting point is 01:06:01 Just look at her and go, you're my queen. My queen. Isn't that fun? Maybe I'll do that tonight. You could say it to me. That's what it's basically like. You're my queen. You're my queen.
Starting point is 01:06:13 I'm your queen? Well, like, I mean, just back at you. Oh, you're my queen. Yeah, it's like, I love you. You have to say it back. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen.
Starting point is 01:06:22 You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen. You're my queen.
Starting point is 01:06:34 You're my queen. You are my queen. What up, dude? You're my queen. You're my queen. Dog, you're my queen. Mango deck. dog you're my queen mango deck dude i love that say that to somebody yeah i like that what's your quote my quote of the week is uh from the meredith brooks song bitch i did all i did all music today because um a lot of stokers have been asking me like what
Starting point is 01:06:59 music i like and it's it's so hard to answer um so yeah meredith brooks song bitch i really love and there's a part where she says i'm i can't believe i had to write this down because i know the song pretty well i'm a bitch i'm a tease i'm a goddess on my knees when you're hurt when you suffer i'm your angel undercover i like that message you know i love. You know? I love it. Yeah. Yeah, that song's so fierce. Yeah, it's badass, right? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:30 My sister used to read Bitch Magazine. Really? Mm-hmm. Yeah. I came in. It was in my room. I'm like, Bitch Magazine? I was like six.
Starting point is 01:07:39 I was like, whoa. Whoa. Magazines were the shit. Yeah, dude. I love magazines. Yeah, dude. I love magazines. Yeah, I read like GQ. Yeah. Made me get super into like cologne.
Starting point is 01:07:51 Yeah. Yeah. I'd read GQ. I'm like, I should grow stubble. Yeah, I'm like stubble, cologne, and a fucking leather briefcase. Yeah. That's the ticket. And a sweet sweater.
Starting point is 01:08:01 Yeah. GQ. This was a fun episode. Yeah cute this was a fun episode yeah this was fun yeah anything else? nah dude let's have a good trip to Cabo and Stokers
Starting point is 01:08:11 we'll see you when we get back you know dude stay stoked Stokers stay stoked yeah please stay stoked episode 72 of the Goin' Deep with Chad and JT podcast
Starting point is 01:08:21 thanks for being stokers. Yeah, thank you guys. Oh, maybe do a review. Yeah, let's do a review. Aaron, do you have anything you want to say before we go on spring break? I was just curious what your sister's thoughts were on In-N-Out.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Dank. Not to speak for her. Okay. William Brock, deserving of fame. Chad and JT continuously bring positive energy to you with their enticing conversations and philosophical discussions. Every time I listen, I leave with only happy thoughts. Hands down, this is the best podcast I've ever listened to in my life. The only downside is that I wish they posted more.
Starting point is 01:08:59 I'm honored to say that both Chad and JT are both my legends and babes of the week. Chad and JT, keep up the good work. Keep the stoke tanks filled. Keep living life to the fullest. And keep advocating for our corals. Love, the Stokers. It was beautiful. I can't thank you enough.
Starting point is 01:09:14 Yeah, thank you, William Brock, you legend. Thank you, dude. And thanks for tuning in to Episode 72. See you guys next week. Yeah, we'll see you soon, guys. Later. All right. That was fun. Well, if you want to sing out, sing out.
Starting point is 01:09:36 And if you want to be free, be free. Because there's a million things to be. You know that there are. Cause there's a million things to be, you know that there are. And if you want to live high, live high. And if you want to live low, live low. Cause there's a million ways to go, you know that there are. You can do what you want The opportunity's on
Starting point is 01:10:08 And if you find a new way You can do it today You can make it all true And you can make it undue You see Ah, it's easy Ah, you only need to know Well, if you want to say yes, say yes
Starting point is 01:10:39 And if you want to say no, say no Cause there's a million ways to go, you know that there are. And if you want to be me, be me, and if you want to be you, be you, cause there's a million things to do, you know that there are. things to do you know that there are you can do what you want the opportunity's on and if you find a new way you can do it today
Starting point is 01:11:19 you can make it all true and you can make it undue You see Ah, it's easy Ah, you only need to know Well, if you want to sing out, sing out And if you want to be free, be free. Because there's a million things to be.
Starting point is 01:11:50 You know that there are. You know that there are. You know that there are. You know that there are. You know that there are. Thank you.

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