Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Andrew Santino

Episode Date: July 3, 2019

JRE Review of episode 1317 with Andrew Santino The Whiskey Ginger podcast guy! A very funny comedian and star of the Showtime series “I'm dying up here” Where he plays the best character in my op...inion. He's awesome and his conversation with Joe is great. Loved to review this very funny podcast of theirs.. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Verano, verano, reciclar es tan humano Esa lata de aceitunas que te tomas a la una La crema que se termina cuando estás en la piscina El enbase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa La voy a usar en las patatas y del refresco la lata Un enbase de paella y del agua La botella, como ves es muy sencillo
Starting point is 00:00:24 Los enbases del verano Siempre van a la amarillo Hey guys and welcome to another episode of the JRE Review. I'm reviewing Joe Rogan Experience 4, the Andrew Santino episode which is podcast 317. Podcast 317. Andrew Santino was on not that long ago for those of you that are listening to every single Rogan that like I do you will know this of course but he was on recently and I like it actually when a guest comes on they're very funny they're good obviously Joe and him working together a lot they're on tour and boom boom, he's back on again. I kind of wonder why Tony Hinchcliffe doesn't come on
Starting point is 00:01:08 more for that reason. I'm not really sure why that is, but maybe Tony's busy or whatever, but it's great to have Andrew on. Good friend of Joe's, of course, again highest fucking and probably drunk and just having a blast. Right out of the gate they start talking about amazing foods, which is always an education that they might be quite stoned when you start talking about the delicious food and you're hanging out with Joe Rogan it might be something that's just happened but anyway let's start this review Yeah, so Andrew, becoming one of my really favorite comics at the moment, I just love watching his stuff online. More and more of his videos are popping up here and there from the last factory and
Starting point is 00:02:03 other places of the film. And it's just so good to see. His specials are always good and a perfect guy to be opening up for Joe. Like Joe always does. He wants the best people. You know, he wants people that he either feels better than him or just as good or you know, but he's not having any any weak comics come with him on the road. And having Tony Hingecliff and Santino open for him, it just shows how good they are and how good they must be. I've seen, I don't know if I've seen Santino live. I think I have a couple of times at the comedy store. I've definitely seen Tony at Bunch of Times and Joe at a bunch of times and they are they're superb. Tony Hingecliff, especially one of my favorites, he did Jeremiah Watkins stand up on this spot show, Tuesday nights, like every couple of weeks. It was the first time I saw him do stand
Starting point is 00:02:58 up on the spot. So basically they just throw topics out at the comedians. You would just say whatever comes to the top of your head. Tony was hilarious and ridiculous and a very different style. He was being very silly. He was doing impressions. Things that I'd never seen him do nailed it. Absolutely crushed. It was so impressive. Really, really good. Anyway, that's enough. All right, obviously I'm a big fan. Yeah, we're talking about food, talking about Italian food and great restaurants around Beverly Hills and LA and good places to go. There are so many good restaurants out there.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Getting into really good food is fantastic. I know it's expensive to go out to eat, but if you can, treat yourself once a month. It's so nice to sit down and just eat some really amazing food. It just makes me so hungry hearing people talk about it too. They quickly jump onto the Bob Lazar stuff. I guess Santino didn't pay attention to that podcast
Starting point is 00:03:55 or he didn't know too much about it, but they were talking about Bob Lazar and hanging out with him. I guess Bob Lazar said some things to Joe that he could mention on the air, which I thought I would love to know about. But Joe promised him and that he wouldn't, so he's gonna keep his mouth shut on it. But of course Joe gets a bit more in inside Scoop. Of course he's allowed to, but God, I would just love to know what that is. Joe said he doesn't think the guys full of shit. He said he's very convincing. And Santino did say that Joe's bullshit meter is good.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Joe kind of backed off from that and said, you know, over and over. Look, you know, I'd like to say that, but that's also a bit arrogant of me. And that that's how shit slips through the cracks. But he just didn't get a like a bullshit feeling about him. And that's really interesting. What does that mean? I don't know. But that was a, the Bob Lazar podcast was a huge one. I love that. It's so much about that.
Starting point is 00:04:52 It was awesome. They move on to, to kind of what it's like being a celebrity and what it's like to have to respond to texts or calls from people you don't really want to chat with. Right? And it's interesting because we can all relate. We don't, when you get a call like that or a text like that, everyone has their own strategy for it. A lot of people just go quiet, being quiet
Starting point is 00:05:14 is kind of like a polite way of saying that I'm busy or I don't care about what you're saying, but it doesn't really hurt people too much. You can't really say the honest thing when it comes to that. You can't turn around and say, dude, I just do not have time for you right now. You're a waste of my energy. It's all for it hurts too much every time.
Starting point is 00:05:35 I guess it just means that blatant honesty like that is not always the right policy. Sometimes, maybe this is where the white lies come in, right? This is kind of like a white lie when you just go quiet and say you were busy. Maybe you weren't busy. You know, Joe even says I'm sorry I didn't get back to you. He doesn't say I'm sorry, I was, but he tries not to lie. He just says sorry I didn't get back to you. But when you're making a conscious effort not to get back to somebody. Are you really sorry? I don't know. I guess that's the ploy to wait of doing it. But it must get really annoying
Starting point is 00:06:10 when you're a celebrity. I think people all like across, you know, out of nowhere, you know, out of the woodwork, if you will, are just hitting you up to just ask a question or just to connect, just to keep that that connection and you know that when you're famous You don't have time for that. You don't have time to get back to to everybody in that sense Joe and Santino brought up something interesting about meals and food Again, they were high so they went back to eating, but it was like what is your death row meal? It's always an interesting question because because a few things are happening when you answer that question
Starting point is 00:06:48 You're saying to yourself. What is the last meal I ever eat? Right, so you want it to be really spectacular like you're not going to exist as a as an earthling as a human being anymore And this is the last time you eat in this form So what do you eat of all the choices you made of all the things that you like? What do you have? But when in when Santino as Joe, I think Joe went out from a different direction. He wasn't thinking about that. He was thinking about the impending doom of being basically murdered and he said to himself,
Starting point is 00:07:18 I am not eating shit and I love that. He goes, what I'm thinking about is taking someone out And then of course he brought up the idea of him being innocent in there too. And I think he threw that in because he couldn't imagine committing a crime heinous enough to put you on death row. But yeah imagine if you were in there. You're innocent. The government's killing you. He never did anything wrong. They want to give you a meal. And Joe's just like, I'm taking one of you motherfuckers out. I thought that was hilarious.
Starting point is 00:07:46 He just, it just warrior to the end. He just changed it from what delicious food would you like to, I'm going to kill someone. Dude's an animal. Funny though, funny way of thinking. It's in a way that's like a comedian's brain. He like, switch that around. I like, I thought that was great. Obviously, they were getting a little too high for this podcast. They jumped into some story about the Boy Scouts. I thought that was interesting. I guess Joe did that
Starting point is 00:08:15 kinder. He did like some sort of camp where he saw some kid get like tied up and dragged into the woods as fucking brutal. Like, you know, and if you try and think back to like how kids were especially boys when you were younger, I think we almost forget how cruel we were to each other or a lot of people were. Like, you know, being young, we just don't know what we're doing and it's so brutal. You know, the parents aren't fully involved in how we're communicating to each other. And kids, boys, girls, I assume too, they can all be so mean to each other. I didn't do any of that organized group stuff like the Boy Scouts or anything like that.
Starting point is 00:08:57 But yeah, kids will torment each other. And it's pretty, pretty tough times, especially to be on the receiving end of it. And I guess the giving end too, because it just turns you into a bully. Andrew Santino brought up a funny video recently of Justin Trudeau, the president of Canada, or the prime minister. I think they call him prime ministers up there. I should know this. I'm gonna say Prime Minister. But he fucks up this answer about not using plastic. They ask him, oh, are you not using plastic anymore? Watch the video. It's very funny. He just blunders all the way through. It was kind of dumb, to be honest. And, you know, that dude's not a bad guy, but, but what a
Starting point is 00:09:42 flop. And Joe makes the point that like, that if somebody asks him a question about the UFC or something he should know the answer to, like if he fucked it up that bad, people will be on his case. And he's not running a country. So the fact that we let these politicians get away with these blundering answers,
Starting point is 00:10:00 and we wouldn't let, you know, a celebrity or like a Joe Rogan get away with it. Like Joe would never answer anything that dummy would actually think about it and come out with something. And we wouldn't let, you know, a celebrity or like a Joe Rogan get away. Like Joe would never answer anything that dummy would actually think about it and come out with something. But it's funny to see it. Watch that video. They play the clip actually on the podcast and it's silly.
Starting point is 00:10:15 But I pulled it up afterwards and I'm just like unreal. Yeah, silly, silly, silly. Talking about more silly things, they end with that recent tweet from Bieber talking about how he wants to fight Tom Cruise. Obviously that came out as a joke but people were all over it. McGregor even sent a thing out saying his production company would put the fight on. Dana White was like fuck yeah let's make it happen you know he's seen crazy and things go down. I think it would be fucking epic. My money's on Cruise I know he's old but i've just got a feeling he's an animal and he's got a lot of pent up scientology aggression
Starting point is 00:10:52 uh... he's gonna be a freak with training and i think he would take it so seriously that he would turn everything else off whereas i don't know i think bivo would just i don't know what he think Bebo would just... I don't know what Bebo would do. He's probably too busy. Fucking supermodels to be training too hard. And he might get his ass knocked out. But man, would you watch that? That's the question. Would you freaking watch it?
Starting point is 00:11:16 Fuck yeah. Fuck yeah. And Joe Rogan should commentate that. That would be amazing. Especially if Tom Cruise comes out to like a top gun soundtrack, you know, that would be, it would be so epic. I mean, as ridiculous as that matchup is, you know you'd fucking watch it. That's not loud yourselves. Anyway, guys, as always, thank you for downloading, thank you for listening and giving me even 10 minutes of your time. I really appreciate it, check out the conversation with Santino and Joe.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Up next is a Joey Diaz podcast, so really looking forward to that, I absolutely can't wait. And also, at the very end of the conversation, Santino and Joe do get into a lot of me-to-stuff about forgiving, Louis and then what Kevin Spacey was up to and Cosby. I'm just kind of tired of stuff about forgiving, Louis, and then what Kevin Spacey was up to and Cosby. I'm just kind of tired of talking about that. So forgive me for not going over it. You guys make your own mind up about where you are with that stuff, and that's it for
Starting point is 00:12:14 now. Appreciate it. Bye. A ver, ¿cómo es posible que llegues a casa de trabajar y bajes tan contento al trastero? A mover una bicicleta a rastrar dos cajas de libros y levantar un orden microondas. Para coger una chancla. Vale, vale. ¿A dónde vas? ¿Tú con ese chancla, sí? ¿Dónde vas tru? Llega al mejor momento del año. Llegan tus vacaciones.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Este uno de Julio sortió extraordinario de vacaciones de Lotería Nacional con 20 millones a un decimo. Lo terías de recuerda que juegue con responsabilidad y solo si eres mayor de dad. y de refresco la lata con el mace de paella y de la guana la gotella como veces muy sencillo los el mace del verano siempre van a la amarillo eco-emés

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