Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Dr. Cornel West and Rico Verhoeven

Episode Date: July 30, 2019

Dr. Cornel West is an American philosopher and a super interesting speaker. Joe and him get into so much from the genius of musicians to the philosophers of the past.. Rico is the Glory world champion... kick boxer and a seriously bad ass dude. He will straight up kick anyone head off.. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Alright, and welcome to the Joe Rogan Experience Review. For an end of the week review, Joe finally got back and doing some podcasts. I'm joined today as I'm going to say as always, this is going to be a for an end of the week review. Joe finally got back and doing some podcasts. I'm joined today as, I'm gonna say as always, this is gonna be a permanent fix joke by Mark, my buddy Mark say hi Mark. Boom, I mean, as always now, this is awesome. It's a big promotion.
Starting point is 00:00:37 It's no pay or insurance. It's a lateral move. I bought you a hat. Oh, really? Because I am going bald. I could use that. Yeah, that was my polite way of just reading like markets. You need to do something about your head. It's disgusting. There we go. We got that. It's happening to me too actually I think that Instagram picture of both of us at the comedy store Yeah, that really highlighted it for me. I'm like man. We are going bold Yeah, I mean I feel that and the fact that I have no hair on top of my head that highlights it for me too That highlights it even more. Yeah, yeah, that's it. I'm a look
Starting point is 00:01:22 I'm sorry it's, light and reflection. And it's funny, because like two years ago, I looked in the mirror and I was like, I think I have about two years left of this, this head of hair before I, I'm gonna have to do something about it. And here we are right on track. There we go.
Starting point is 00:01:37 It keeps up on you. One hair at a time. You almost don't notice. I'm the follicular nocturnal. Fantasy. Well, thank you for being here, Mark. You'll get your hat shortly in the mail. Joe, it turns out, was not away hunting. There were rumours that he was, and he alleged that he would be... he was talking about going hunting when Jocco went, but it turns out that he went to Italy. That's Necki Birch. He ran off, went to Italy,
Starting point is 00:02:07 looked at the sights, he loves to do that, and that's it. So now he's back. He only got a couple podcasts in this week. It was Dr. Cornell West, legend. Yep, from Harvard. And Rico Verhoeven, which I've been a big fan of for some time and I love watching Steve Wixing fights. And would probably win in a fight with Cornell West. Yeah, I would say, I mean, you know, unless Cornell had, he could like just out-filosify him and be like, you don't even need a fight. The fight's internal. Probably not.
Starting point is 00:02:47 No brother, no, that's not how we're gonna do it because when you kick, what you really doing is kicking society. And then he'll throw off. And we're gonna be like, ah, I quit. He's like, excellent. Yeah, that's a good point actually. Yeah, it's coming together now. Right, so let's start off with podcast 1325, Dr. Cornel West. What a treat. This one was nice
Starting point is 00:03:10 in a lot of ways because obviously Dr. Cornel West is such a fascinating person. You really listen to it. I love how he whispers a lot and it you find yourself leaning in like there's a secret and you've got to listen harder. It's a very clever tactic but it seems very natural when he does it. And Joe even said this is one of his favorite podcasts. He's a big fan of the knowledge and wisdom of that guy. And I won't say it's a criticism because how dare I but one thing I found funny is that Dr. Cornell will call everyone a genius now the people he was talking about oftentimes were very very Talented musicians
Starting point is 00:03:56 So maybe they are but it takes a little bit away from the word genius when you're right if everyone's a genius A genius like thought that was that was funny on this one. They open up talking I guess Dr. Cornell saw a picture of Richard prior that Rogan had in his office and said that he never met him but obviously that guy was a genius so that was the first genius reference he makes. But then Joe talks about how he opened for prior for five weeks of the comedy store. Could you imagine that? No, shit. Right. Wow. That would be, I, that would be terrifying to be perfectly honest. He's the, he's the greatest. He's the Muhammad Ali of, of comedy. I mean, he just is like that. Which was coincidentally the second genius that Cornel talked about. Okay, well, he is too for two on that one.
Starting point is 00:04:52 He's nailed it. He's nailed it. I'm only wasn't genius. Who would be your version of a prior to follow now? But in the same sense of like a legend that you've always known, but also terrifying to have to follow. Dave Chappelle always. Yeah. Dave Chappelle is to me what Richard prior was, you know, in the 70s and the 80s. To me, at least, I think Dave, I think Dave Chappelle, the 70s and the 80s to me at least. I think David, I think David Chappelle, he's not just, because you and I have talked about this a million times, when it comes to comedy, there's different, there's different styles. There's your good writers, there's your good performers,
Starting point is 00:05:37 there are those who are both. And then there are people that do sociopolitical comedy. They do storytelling comedy, some do breakdown comedy. Dave Chappelle is all of those. He's D, he's all of the above. He can do all of it because he'll do sociopolitical comedy. And then he'll just do stupid story shit about a son like Smoking weed and then He'll get really serious and the dude is so well read. I mean that dude is so well read He will come out with some knowledge at the end of one of his specials. He will drop on you
Starting point is 00:06:15 I mean like what the fuck did you learn that and I mean he's so damn intelligent and then he can deliver a joke better than anybody in the world I think I mean his voice is just kind of like how some singers are just like melodic. It's like silk coming out of their mouth when they're singing and he's like that for comedy. He can tell a joke. He can say something. I mean we've all said I'd watch Merrill Street read the phone book. Dave Chappelle could read the phone book and make it funny. That's how amazing he is to me at least. For sure. And that's it, leaves no energy.
Starting point is 00:06:52 No energy in the room to follow. I think, I mean, it would be, I mean, obviously, Chappelle would be phenomenal, but like a God-level person of comedy would be as if Eddie Murphy got back into stand up and then you had to follow him. Dude, I read, um, I read a rumor of an Irving. I read a rumor that he's talking about it with Netflix to get back into stand up to doing some specials. That's right. And he's got to be, he's got to start working out in the clubs. So there's a good chance we get to see him because he's going to be in LA.
Starting point is 00:07:21 Oh my god, we have to. We have to. We absolutely have to. And then to. We absolutely have to. And then we'll do special podcast first. Right, of course. We do a special audition. But that's it. So Joe talked about opening for him.
Starting point is 00:07:33 For that long, obviously, Joe explained it was the end of prize life. So he wasn't doing great. The sound was cranked up. He was mumbling a lot. So it was in a way he had to follow, not that the room had been killed and the energy had gone, but it was like almost a little depressing. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You know, I made Joe stronger, Midsie put him up there and Midsie knew that, hey, you know, Joe's willing to always go in the deep end, and that's what's made him good. It's what he needed. Yeah, you have to do it. I mean, he's bold in that sense, and that's made him strong.
Starting point is 00:08:06 But, fwuh, imagine that five weeks, it would be so sad. Dude, I love that Joe is so open about shit that scares him. I think it's really cool, because he's a tough guy, you know what I mean? The fact that he opens up about that stuff is really, it's really badass actually. Yeah, I mean, I think what's interesting about it and what, at least I didn't notice before I started listening to so many of his podcasts is that it actually makes you tougher to be able to be honest with yourself. Like being that honest and like saying it with strength,
Starting point is 00:08:38 like, that scared me and I did it. Yeah. Like, oh, that's how you can get stronger. It's not just this stiff up a lip and you either always have to be strong or you always have to be confident or you're nothing. There's like a learning process that's very real and very valuable and rarely talked about. Well, it's true because confidence is learned and earned. False confidence is arrogance and we all know that's bullshit, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:09:06 And the only way you can really get confident with something is just, you do it if you face it. If I've learned anything in my 30 plus years on this planet, it's that, yeah, you earn your own confidence by facing shit like that. But I think it's really cool how opening is about it Because he's got a wide audience. I think I think that's important. I think it's important for Masculinity for people to hear this shit and go yeah, it's okay to talk about the shit. I'm afraid of like right after the earthquake
Starting point is 00:09:38 Somebody came up and they were like oh, we scared we scared. I was like yeah, I live in the third floor It felt like my apartment was about to slide off my building. Bet your ass I was scared. I'm not scared. Now it's over. But I feel like it's important to acknowledge it. Yeah, that scared me, but I'm human. We're designed to be afraid of things. Like, that's how we're alive. I think it's cool to talk about it. I don't think there's anything wrong with saying. And it's not about not, you should be afraid. People that are not afraid, it's bullshit. I want to hear it. I'm like, I be afraid people that are not afraid. I did it's bullshit. I want to hear it It's complete bullshit. You can be brave in fact
Starting point is 00:10:08 I I want you to be a I will respect you more if you're very afraid, but you are still brave You still kept it together You didn't freak out and you made it work when I hear people that are like on the I have no fear and you know You know people like that and some people in particular it's it's not we do it And they were like afraid because you even said it the fact that you even just randomly said this is because you afraid of something I love it when they're like make any sense when they're like I have no fear. We're like okay come do this open Mike with us and they're like uh Yeah, no chance. We're gonna make a lot of money betting people on that
Starting point is 00:10:44 I think about $50 this month weeks I'm gonna quit our day jobs. We're just gonna go around places. We're like bet you won't do this open mic Talking to people that think they're they have no fear while they're drinking be like right tomorrow 50 bucks. Yeah, yeah away. It's like you told this one guy about the the vulnerability Yeah, yeah away. It's like you told us about the vulnerability portion of like that honesty I love how since dr. Cornell is philosopher of course brings up Socrates right how can you not in a sense it like he brings up Jesus to like in a sense I guess Jesus is a philosopher of types. He says Socrates never cried is a philosopher of types. He says, Socrates never cried. Never. There was not an account of him doing that. And he makes the point that he loved the wisdom, because I love people. Because if you don't cry,
Starting point is 00:11:41 you don't love people. I had never thought of that in that sense. It's very strange, but it's like, wow, what does that mean? Where he, you know, where in contrast, he said, Jesus never laughed. There's no laughter. Jesus cried a lot though, you know, because that's different. It's different in that sense. That's true. Jesus is loved on people, people and he's he can get angry and he can get sad but the comedy is is something else. Exactly. So is Socrates' associate path? What is he saying? Good bin. You know, I know he says that but I remember vividly in Bill and Ted's excellent adventure, Socrates becoming overcome with emotion. So Cornell may have to check it out. Oh, that's a good point, actually.
Starting point is 00:12:31 It was a very emotional scene. We know that that movie is factually accurate. Well, technically since it's time travel and they just changed the past, it is. It is. You believe they're making a third one. I can't. Like real rumors. And he's I'm just like, whoop.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Oh, no, they're shooting it. They're shooting it right now. They've been shooting for like a month. Oh, dude, if they could pull that off, is anyone going to take that shit seriously? Like, it would have to... What would it take for you to go watch it? What would you have to see in a trailer for you to be like, yep, I'm gonna fork out probably 30 bucks and two hours of my time and watch these old guys do this. Very little. I will be first in line to go see that movie. Bill and Ted. Bill and Ted's excellent
Starting point is 00:13:23 adventure is one of my absolute favorite films. I do love him. I do. I just can't imagine bringing myself to go watch it. You know, I don't go to movies much though. It takes a lot from me. No, it takes a lot from me too. Because you're right, it's like a $30 venture. Especially if you're going to go to like one of the more bougie, expensive theaters that just cost you an arm in the leg. And it's like, you know, and that's the unfortunate thing for those smaller films. It's like, you just don't wanna go spend $30
Starting point is 00:13:55 to see a smaller film. You're like, it'll be on HBO or Netflix in three months, six months, something like that. Drives me crazy. But, you know, I don't want to drop that much money to go see Smaller film, but I will drop it for Bill and Ted because that shit can't be bomb Yeah, get a highs you have to be very stoned when you watch that too. I can't wait. I can't wait Well, it's not gonna be the same without calling though. is it? No, it won't. It really won't.
Starting point is 00:14:27 They, how are they going to, I wonder how they're going to work that in? I don't know. They figure out a way. That's smart. They are smart. It's the original right. It's the original writers. I mean, everybody, everybody, everybody from the original movies that are still alive, I think are coming back. So that's great.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Yeah, I think that is great. They bring up Colin too on this podcast just about like how prolific he was with his writing like a new special every year all the way up until he died and still performing. Yeah, and they make a good point like the he said that the the arts are really what bring us together. You know, it's true. It's true. It's things to fight over, but there's a very important thing with this like creative endeavor that we have. And in a way, it's almost like with YouTube and a lot of people doing that, making their own channels and like what we're doing with podcasting and also when we do our comedy. In a sense, it's like, do you feel like more people are, but you know, things are getting automated, right?
Starting point is 00:15:26 Other stuff's getting easier. People are working for themselves. And it's almost like there's more creative endeavors. Maybe this is like a beautiful thing of the evolution of people. Like we just all start to become very creative. I think it is. I think it is. I, I, how I keep, I feel like there has been a rash of people being like wanting to pursue
Starting point is 00:15:52 their art and creativity and their imaginations more. I mean, how many times did, have we heard from our parents and other people's parents like, Oh, please don't go into the arts, get a real job, blah, blah, blah, blah. But I feel like there's, you know, as our society has, I don't want to say matured, but evolved. There's a lot of people who are like, you know what? I don't want to just slave away and be miserable at some desk job or whatever when I feel like I at least need to see this through.
Starting point is 00:16:24 And there's a lot going on in the world. And a lot of people have a lot of things to say. And art is a great way to express that. So I think it's great. I think it's great. Yeah, and it's definitely one of those types of jobs that's like, it doesn't feel like work. Or at least you have a really good opportunity
Starting point is 00:16:41 to possession yourself to where it does. And it doesn't, don't get me wrong. It doesn't, whenever I do my podcast thing, or you know, as we get ready to do any comedy shows at any level, really, it takes up your mind and it's not always a good feeling. Like sometimes it's scary. Sometimes you're not feeling organized.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Sometimes you've got a bunch of podcasts you've got to organize and edit. And I mean, it's work. But it's like work for you and it's not work for some asshole. And it's whatever it's worth to you, it's worth that amount. You know, you ever do work in your life? You're sure about it. I only get 10 bucks for this.
Starting point is 00:17:19 But if I do anything, even comedy and I like, let's say I only get $5 for a show, it's happened. I'll be like, that's fucking $5. You know what I mean? It's like, in your mind, it has a better value structure. I look at my brothers, for example. One of them is like a crane operator, drives a big crane operator in England. Another one, does like plastering work mostly, but another brother of mine is a tattoo artist in Barcelona.
Starting point is 00:17:52 Cool. That is a very artistic creative endeavor. Incredibly. Creativize is the happiest in that sense. And there's definitely a pattern there. You just are going to have more passion. Now people could say, well, not everyone can do that. But I think a lot of people can and you definitely won't be able to do it if you don't focus and practice and slowly
Starting point is 00:18:17 get better and put yourself out there and gamble it all and and go in that direction. Well, even as a, even as a hobby, I think. I mean, artistic expression is so great. So even as a hobby, if you like to draw, draw a little bit every day, if you like design, watch HGTV, watch one episode, fix your upper or something like that. I mean, I fascinated with architecture and interior design.
Starting point is 00:18:41 I'm never going to be any of those things, but I like learning about it. And it's fun to just kind of get tips and tricks. People take painting classes, cooking classes, culinary arts are amazing. There's so many different arts that you don't have to devote your whole life to it to still enjoy these things and have purpose. And I think that's something that people are starting to kind of really wise up to as well. Like, oh, I can go take a little painting class and do this on the weekends or do it at night because there's nothing quite like the feeling of accomplishment when you have
Starting point is 00:19:19 a project. That's the best, you know what I mean? Like there's nothing quite like finishing. Whether, you know, made films in the past and when you're locked on that, you're like, wow, I did that, that's fun. I took something from nothing. It was simply an idea and now it exists as this thing,
Starting point is 00:19:36 same with painting or drawing, music, design, cooking, anything, the idea of just something coming from nothing, pouring what you know, what you have in yourself, pouring that into that art, into that project, and then it's being finished. And it might be shit, but you know what, you did something, and that's fucking cool, and that feels good. That's good for the soul, man. It's really good for the soul. And it probably will be shit at first, and that's okay, too., it feels good. That's good for the soul, man. It's really good for the soul.
Starting point is 00:20:05 And it probably will be shit at first and that's okay too. Always it. It's okay. You know, you're doing it for you. Oh, you're shit. You're doing it for you. You're gonna get better. But you hit the nail on the head with that.
Starting point is 00:20:14 You start as a hobby. I think that's the key. If you jump into it saying this is gonna be my new job, my new business, you're like whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on, hold on, slow it down. Exactly. Slow it down. Exactly. Slow it down.
Starting point is 00:20:26 You don't know how to do this at all. Just do a little bit of this and stick with you whatever job that you hate right now and slowly get better at the things that you do that you want to do. Keep working at it. Find the time and slowly get there. Yeah. Well, also, it's like the 10 minute a day thing when people like I have no time at all I never used to have a lot of time
Starting point is 00:20:47 It's so that's why when I started this podcast it was just me speaking and I would do about 10 15 minutes Sure, but I would do it a lot. I would do it four five times a week now It's not the ideal setup you want this long form Conversation back and forth hopefully with somebody smarter than you. Thank you Mark It's it's one of those like that that is better to listen to you form, conversation back and forth, hopefully with somebody smarter than you. Thank you, Mark. It's one of those. That is better to listen to. If someone's on a drive, I always got those messages that I should go longer and have more
Starting point is 00:21:14 guess. I appreciated that and thank you and I knew it. I just didn't have the time. But I was slowly getting better at it. And now we're in a space where I have the space and you do too, the way we can chat for longer and expand on it and, you know, work into that. And shit, if I can do it with this podcast, knowing, I didn't even know how to turn my fucking computer on a year ago. I swear to God. I was like, I had it for six months, I just sat in the corner of my bedroom, and I'm like, I don't think I know how to use this.
Starting point is 00:21:46 It's fucking seen from Zoolander. It's in the computer. You're banging it like a monkey. So true, I hated it. Just the idea that I would be editing anything and chained, but you know, just a little bit at a time, I just kind of desensitized my own phobia. It was kind of a phobia too.
Starting point is 00:22:02 So, we did. Sure. And then that's it. And then you start doing something and it's like no means am I good at it But it's a lot better than my first day. Right. We're only gonna get bet. I mean, there's the whole thing you know But old coach of mine always used to say stand You know get on a tennis court stand at the end stand, you know, get on a tennis court, stand at the end, and you can have any of the tennis grades, you know, jug of it, vat, or serena, because they're going to serve it to you.
Starting point is 00:22:35 If they serve a thousand, you'll eventually hit one. It might not be pretty, it might not be good, but you will eventually get to hit one back eventually, because if you see it enough, you will adapt, you will acc be good, but you will eventually get to hit one back eventually, because if you see it enough, you will adapt, you will acclimate, and you will get better at this, because you just gotta keep seeing it, same with baseball or anything like that. It's like any other art. Just gotta work on it enough. What did they say? It takes 10,000 hours to become an expert at anything. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, it's something. It's hard to know what the catalyst is, though. hours to become an expert in anything.
Starting point is 00:23:09 Yeah, I think so. Yeah, it's something. It's hard to know what the catalyst is though. And what is the thing? I think people struggle with finding out what it is they actually like. I agree. I think they know. So many ways. I think it's like just pick something you kind of like. It's better than having nothing. Yeah, I agree. If you're a little bit into something, then just start focusing on it. What's nice is there's just so many spaces now for something. You know, you two are the best example.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Look on there. They're absolutely specializing. I don't know, like collecting rocks, or no mushrooms, they, after a rain, they like to go pick mushrooms and they film it and they show it and they have a following and this is like a thing they do. And it's like, what?
Starting point is 00:23:52 Where was that space before? Exactly. Like you, it's limitless, but at least they went out and did it, even though it's ridiculous. Did you ever read the story to this? I'm about this woman, she was a single mom. She built her own house.
Starting point is 00:24:08 She, she and her children learned how to do it on YouTube from tutorials and they built their own house. I did hear about that. It's pretty amazing. I read up on that a lot. I was like, that's amazing. That's a really cool space I got a YouTube to find figure out shit all it was a real shame when their house collapsed on them
Starting point is 00:24:30 And yeah, I mean yes, they did die. They didn't do a great job They live they're fine. They're fine. They're out there. They're kicking they're doing the thing and No, it sounded like an impossible task. I mean, it's not just a great accomplishment, but I mean They're kicking, they're doing the thing in LA. No. It sounded like an impossible task. I mean, it's not just a great accomplishment, but I mean, it must be cheaper, obviously. Oh, it's not how all the stages and steps and you need planning permission and like,
Starting point is 00:25:00 where are they living when it happens and how are you getting the money for each of the pieces? Was it alone? How many fucking mistakes do you make poor and concrete the first time? I just, it almost didn't make any sense. Obviously, I'm being a bit negative with it, but when I read that, I was like, I think it doesn't seem like a thing. Well, it's pretty, yeah, I mean, just the foundation alone.
Starting point is 00:25:22 Leng foundation, it's like, you can't screw that up. It's like your brother is a tattoo artist. There's no returns. He can't, he has to be good, because he can't screw that up, because that shit's forever. Yeah, there's no eraser. Yeah, no eraser.
Starting point is 00:25:35 It's the same with like, you can't fuck that up. I guess you learned on YouTube. I mean, I'm sure there's step-by-step instructions on how to lay foundation on how to you know, but I mean I was curious one day got on YouTube found out how to put up drywall. I was like wow that's actually not nearly as complicated as I thought it was. Yeah, they were just really our good videos on there. I've done some things that were pretty awesome because of YouTube as well. Working on vehicles is
Starting point is 00:26:01 really good. Yeah, so many specific things that like this is how to pull this and this is this and what's really nice is they throw in my motorcycle wasn't working recently. Part of the reason I didn't get to that when they show last week, but I got it all cleaned out. But while looking on YouTube videos, it was like, oh, you want to use a guitar string for cleaning out the tiny little holes in the carburetor that get damaged because the inner coating is brass and that's a soft metal. So if you use a metal that's harder than that,
Starting point is 00:26:33 it will damage, scratch up the, and I mean, these are the, these are really good bits of information. I mean, oftentimes in the past, when you would like, okay, what else would you have done in the 80s? You go by one of those motorcycle car books that were not terrible They were so difficult to follow unless you were a mechanic and it wouldn't tell you things like that
Starting point is 00:26:54 They were like clean out the hole. They don't tell you how Or what to use or the other bits. I mean they just wasn't the space for it It wasn't the pages who is so lucky to have that knowledge It's wonderful to have that knowledge. And then the problem is you get real educated people like Dr. Cornell that have facts that went to amazing schools like Princeton and Harvard and have learned so much information. And then you get other people that are actually mistaking YouTube as like the truth behind things. Right. So yeah, you get great videos to learn about drywall and stuff, but don't tell me you've
Starting point is 00:27:31 done research into physics. No, exactly. Yeah, there's also videos that tell you that we have a subterranean lizard like race waiting to take over the earth and chip when we die out. So you know you take the good you take the bed That's it. They love that. They're so into it. Those people scare the shit They do they are hey, you know what good for you be terrified of it It doesn't matter even if it's true like whatever I can't do anything about it I wonder what the appeal is.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Is it just that they love the idea that they know something that no one else does? I think so. Or that they see a truth that no one else sees. Right, that they're so smart that they, I mean, I think you said it's saying it. You see that across the world. And I mean, in any religion, everybody always has kind of this feeling is like I
Starting point is 00:28:27 know something you don't I have a perspective that you don't that makes me interesting that makes me unique and all of them all of them I mean I mean you and I are in Los Angeles we spend a lot of time in Santa Monica and I'm a people do we see with just like a self help book and they're like this is it this changes everything once you read it like my mom does that. My mom will get on some kicks, she'll read about like, tumor, apparently, tumor will make you immortal.
Starting point is 00:28:52 I'm like, I don't think tumor makes you, now I read it, it makes perfect sense mark. Now that you see it, when you finally hear it, you're like, oh, it all makes sense. Like, tumor is the missing piece of like a universal happiness. It's so interesting too. It doesn't matter what you stuff in your system.
Starting point is 00:29:09 Like, obviously there are unhealthy ways of living and super healthy. But there's so many other factors that are just these variables that are random that it's like, you have no idea. You can be the healthiest person that will get hit by a car. If you want to increase your chance of living the longest yeah be healthy
Starting point is 00:29:28 eat salads and things but it's not like somebody will live twice as long as an unhealthy person like it's still within plus or minus 5 10 years and it's like 10 more years of being super old because you spent 70 years only eating salads and super healthy shit. Now look, I'm not trying to downplay being healthy, okay? No, it's a lot of fucking work for maybe just a little bit of payoff. I don't know, not about it. Don't listen to me, but I'll hold on a second. I'd have finally drink more and how much more. Right. I'd have friend whose grandpa had like never touched anything. His like whole life and he turned to 80 and he literally went over to his house. And his grandmother was like beside herself.
Starting point is 00:30:15 She's like and he's like well grandma what's going on? She's because your grandfather is outside. He's smoking and he is drinking when he runs out. And he's like,, what are you doing? He was like, I didn't do this shit for 60 years, so I could get to this place. Well, I'm here now and it sucks, so I'm going to start drinking and smoking.
Starting point is 00:30:37 I thought that was hilarious. Funniest fucking thing I've ever heard. Why not? It's true. I don't know why I'm here. And it's... I mean, this is an adventure, right? So it is.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Try a bit of all of it within reason. Hey man, it's the journey. It's the journey, dude. If his knees are killing him and his back is hurting anyway, and now he's got some other ailment and he's like, I can eat so many carrots for this. I could have been eating in and out burger the whole can time. The whole fucking time. Whatever makes you happy.
Starting point is 00:31:13 Yeah. Yeah. Let me do it in an out burger every day guys. You'll feel like shit. Don't eat it a lot of days though. It's so good. So good. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:22 One of the big points other than like a lot of the music that Dr. Cornel brought up, which it was beautiful stuff And really check out a lot of the bands honey honey is one they talked about With Gary Clark Jr. Honey honey. I saw an albacokey. They're fantastic. One of Joe's favorite bands and They really are a lot of fun But then they moved on to they moved on to like this new immigration issue and like how the people are being treated and those sorts of things now. I am a first-generation immigrant. I've been in the US for like 24 years, long time. I'm citizen now, but it wasn't always easy,
Starting point is 00:31:59 you know. I've been asked to leave before and I did politely, but I was able to come back on a visa. It's difficult, stressful. It's very hard. It's something that people that don't immigrate in understand. And I feel like it's very, so of course, I feel very sensitive to, to, uh, you know, Hispanic immigrants and people struggling to, to sort themselves out. And I know they're not all bad. They're not all criminals. And when I see them in these cages
Starting point is 00:32:26 and these guys were talking about it, I mean, it is a kind of weird, inhumane thing. And it makes me sacks, I think America is better than that. Just it should, like it should, like we, I think we set a lot of examples for the world. Some, and we do a good job a lot of times. Yeah, but that's not us doing a very good job at the moment. Sometimes I wonder if we're better than that.
Starting point is 00:32:52 Sometimes when people come out and they say, this isn't who we are, I'm like, cut. I feel like maybe it is who we are. I just happen to, I fucking hate it. Yeah, kids and cages, and's, well, and I want to go back to a point you made earlier. And I feel like this is never discussed. Immigrating is very difficult and incredibly costly. It's not like just going to the library. And I feel like people have Americans, because I'm born here in natural born citizen.
Starting point is 00:33:29 But I have so many friends who were immigrants and did it quote unquote the right way. But they were talked about how incredibly difficult it was, how costly it was. I think a friend of mine spent something around fifty thousand dollars to do this and she lived here she immigrated from Lebanon when she was five she had no choice she just came away with her family and wanted to end up being a citizen and she had a green card but he was a fucking bureaucratic nightmare. So when people talk about immigration doing things the right way, some of these people
Starting point is 00:34:11 are fleeing horrid conditions, whether it's genocide, whether it might as well be economic genocide because you have such unrest like in Honduras. They don't have that time, they don't have the money, they don't have the inclination to go spend that much time and do that, go through that much red tape. It's so fucking difficult, and they're just trying to get a better life. I don't know, I love the scapegoating of immigrants.
Starting point is 00:34:37 I just like that. Well, but it is that they're hard, and they are people, just like people, because I am one of them. And it was just like that. It was really hard and stressful and sometimes they would come back to me and they would be like you filled these forms out wrong. And I'm like wait a second, I'm English, I can read English, I clearly understand this,
Starting point is 00:34:57 I have a degree like a difficult one and I can follow forms and I was very careful, but that question is kind of ambiguous, so I had to fill it out this way, and they were like, I'm sorry, we had to reject this whole package. Please send it in again, this puts your documentation back four to six months. And then I'm thinking, hold on a second, what happens if you're not educated,
Starting point is 00:35:20 right, because you came from a poor town that was like, all torn, and now you're a victim of that and you don't speak English as your first language. If I was gonna miss it, how the fuck are they gonna get those forms? And then I realize, oh this is kind of just a bit of a way of really slung people around. If they're like, you know, and I don't want to talk conspiracy theories and I'm not trying to give the you know the I and S Too much shit because I'm sure they got a lot of work to do
Starting point is 00:35:50 But you know you could easily imagine that they're like okay, well we need to we've got too many Forms at the moment. So definitely check out section five question 4b section 5, question 4B, 12A, and 9C, which are generally set up to be pretty ambiguous and they're a pretty easy way of being able to deny a lot of forms. Like why the fuck not? That's not out of the realm of possibility for me. Right. And that's like you said, people doing it the right way. So you've got the wrong way on the other end where they're just desperate and they're coming over. The desperate.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And then what? We was sticking them in cages? We're putting in human beings in cages. They didn't commit, well I guess they committed a crime but not really, they're not jailed, they haven't had a jury, they haven't had time in court, they haven't been convicted of anything, they just get put in there. By the way, illegal entry is a misdemeanor. So they're being held without bond, inhumane cages, by the way. If we saw that on the news in another country, we would go, first of all, our American arrogance would go, oh yeah, well, you know, that's what happens there.
Starting point is 00:37:03 But we'd also be horrified. We'd spend that, we throw 10 minutes of outrage at that. I mean, not that there aren't plenty of people outraged by what's happening. I'm not right. I'm not rage. But I'm almost like, with the litany of shit that goes on to every day, I'm almost outraged out. And I hate that. I hate that I can like spend 10 minutes a day, not outrage by the horrors that are these people are going through. But at the same time, there's nothing I can do. I vote, you know, I give money to candidates I like that I feel like will really do change. But it's fucking horrible. It's fucking hard. I never. Yeah, not cool. Not cool. And to be honest, here's the thing, it's easy to blame it just on one person like the
Starting point is 00:37:47 president because that's his kind of narrative. Sure. But, you know, I was, in a sense, almost deported under Clinton. So these guys are, these guys go and after people all the time, you know. Absolutely. And when it comes to really what's happening, I don't think that, I think it's been pretty rough for immigrants for a long time. I don't think it's ever it's been pretty rough for immigrants for a long time. I don't think it's ever time. I'm sure he's ready to get in and it definitely got harder after 9-11.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Very. And it's just like they're just people and that's what Dr. Cornell West was talking about. He's just he wanted to make that point. I think it's an important factor to think about. Especially if you find yourself not really giving a shit about it. Fine. I'm not telling you to give a shit about anything. Do what you want. You know, it's totally up to you. Do what you want. But just think for a second, oh, imagine if that was me, because Joe does that a lot. Always do. And it's good reflecting like that. And he's like, man, imagine if that was
Starting point is 00:38:40 me and my kids. Yeah, imagine if your child was ripped out of your arms. And you fled your country for whatever reason you get to what we tout is the greatest country on earth. You can never go five seconds without a politician jerking off to America. And if you're not jerking off to America, then you obviously don't appreciate where you are and you have to go back where you quote unquote came from. Because America is pretty great.
Starting point is 00:39:13 So I understand why they say that. It is, I mean, I like it. I'm not gonna lie. I appreciate it. You live here. It's fucking good. Try living some other places. I've done it.
Starting point is 00:39:23 This is a fucking great country. But then we throw these people in cages. Yeah, that's fucking good. Try living some other places. I've done it. This is a fucking great country. But then we throw these people in cages. Yeah, that's not great. They are, you know, they're coming here because we are, because of what is afforded, because you can walk down a street a lot of times and not be worried it's what he's gonna gun you down or anything.
Starting point is 00:39:42 These are wonderful, it is a wonderful first world country But we often take for granted and they're They are pursuing that and we take their kids from them and they don't know if they're ever gonna see them again And by the way those kids those kids are ruined for life They're gonna be angry. Oh, yeah, they're gonna be a russ, but they're done a good way Look maybe maybe it's just an impossible fucking situation, but it's, it's something we should talk about. They shouldn't hide from it. If this is the only way to do it, then we should all know about it.
Starting point is 00:40:12 And hopefully then at least that we can all be accountable then. It's not like we don't know. It's like we got a pay attention and be like, okay, this looks fucked up. All right, we can't find another way. Maybe let's work on it because it doesn't seem great. It's true. Oh, it's enough of that. It's stressing me out. It's sad. I know. It's sad. Let's move on to MMA show 71 with Rico for Hover and I'm excited about this. It's a little bit more positive. We're changing spin on this one. We're getting sad. I got a tear. Yeah, sorry. I'm starting to bring you guys down. Oh, no. We got to talk about
Starting point is 00:40:44 it though. We got it. and it was it. It was really important for a doctor. And I was too. And since it since it's close to me and it touches things I've gone through, you know, I like to get into it. I really do. I think it's important. But yeah, Rico Rico is the kickboxing, glory kickboxing champion. Right. So if you guys are MMA fans or into fighting and you haven't seen a lot of him but you like the podcast with Joe as I did, definitely check out some of his videos. You've got a huge fight coming up and like Joe said, it might be the biggest kickboxing
Starting point is 00:41:18 fight in the world. And kickboxing is a sport that I wish it got more press. I wish it was like as popular as the UFC because it's so fun to watch and it's It's incredible It's unbelievable. I mean to me it's more interesting the boxing most of the time because it's more dynamic you can kick They still get tight up for it. You know rocky room boxing for me Well, the heavy weights are getting interesting again, finally. And that's kind of fun.
Starting point is 00:41:46 That's been gone since, like, Lennox Lewis. I feel like we haven't really paid attention since Lennox Lewis was the heavyweight champion in the world. Very true. But the last couple of years, it's opened up. That's great. Yeah, it's just been a bunch of Russian dudes for a while.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Not that there's anything you've got. Oh, that was awful. Yeah, the Klischkoz. They weren't doing shit. They were so boring. It was like watching people play chess. But now we've got guys that are just knocking people's heads off, which is what we want to see.
Starting point is 00:42:11 But you get that in kickboxing all the time. It's always happening kickboxing. I mean, a kick to the head, forget a punch to the head. A kick to the head by a world-class kickboxer will change your ability to read. It's just well. It's so tall. And it's huge in Holland, right?
Starting point is 00:42:32 So a lot of the greats come from Holland, they're Dutch fighters, and I don't know why kickboxing is so big out there, but they've just got great people, and now it's just kind of perpetuating itself. That to me is pretty fascinating, you know, it's just kind of perpetuating itself. That to me is pretty fascinating. And yeah, it's huge there. So it has the interest. It just doesn't have the exposure. And I think it's gonna start getting it. And Rico is excellent because he's a giant.
Starting point is 00:42:58 Right. Six, six, he's a beast. He's like 250, but looks lean. He's got great endurance It just unbelievable and he presses the fight to like he just keeps moving on you and when he was coming up And was a bit of an underdog, but still started to you know beat people the way that he was winning was really fascinating Because you could almost see it on the other fighters faces They were they couldn't believe that they were getting just outworked by this fucking
Starting point is 00:43:25 dude. And I love that. I know. Anytime you see that stuff, badder, harry, all these guys, they're just like getting busted up and such great, great power, great energy. There is actually they talked about on this one Dynam dynamics MMA is in Santa Monica. That's where I live and Anthony hard dog is there. He's one of the best trainers in the world dude. I didn't even know about this gym at all Yeah, you were telling yeah, you've just mentioned that before the podcast that you you've never heard of it I couldn't know everything. I was like what else do I I obviously don't know a lot of shit But I thought that I like at least knew what the good gy everything. I was like, what else do I, I obviously don't know a lot of shit, but I thought that I like, at least knew what the good gyms are in my area. I want to go over there.
Starting point is 00:44:09 What a great opportunity. People fly in from all over the world, especially from Holland to train with this guy. So it got great trainers out there, but I mean, it really shows how good that guy is. And you can just go up there and do classes with no experience. And he's just showing you had to throw hands Like how and and kicks too. I mean, how can I not take advantage of that? I'm gonna have to do Psychopaths that you are you have to You'll walk in there, but like everyone here to kill me. I will not leave until I'm there equal
Starting point is 00:44:42 Yeah, it's like I'm gonna figure something out. I don't know. It stops me. It stops me wanting to kick anybody when you when you actually start kicking. But oh my god. Yeah. It's just it just fascinates me that that this area in particular and the LA area obviously you got Eddie Bravo's 10th Planet main school, the flagship school. And it's just, there's so many great guys and trainers out here. It's so lucky. So I'm gonna go. I'll go, I'll let you guys know how it goes, or I'll just get knocked out. And then please, or you'll die and I'll have to find a new co-host. Adam got kicked in the head and can no longer speak.
Starting point is 00:45:26 Can no longer speak or read. The podcast then just blows up. Like thank you all that great. I'm going to share Australian, Matt. So I will now be doing it with Jerry Lewis impersonator. Hey, lady! The boom numbers through the roof. So good. One of the more interesting things about this portion of the, of his podcast was,
Starting point is 00:46:02 was when Rico was talking about, like he, it seems like these fighters are always pretty nice and calm, and they're always very introspective as well. They don't just come on with a bunch of like bullshit provider, like he knows he can knock everyone in the world out. And nothing just... Nothing quite like that confidence man. No one you can see. Yeah, but it was, you're not showing it off.
Starting point is 00:46:19 No, you don't need to. You don't need to, you don't need to strut. It's so important. But it's almost like part of it. You have to have that in order to be these champs maybe. You have to get past this point of view. It's like if you're constantly trying to make yourself sound as good as you are or more than you are, you'll never allow yourself to actually get that good.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Yeah. No, it's true. That could be part of it. And they're very calm, too. They have an excellent outlet. I love how he made fun of Joe a little bit and called Joe small. That's a little bit tiny.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I feel that was quite funny. But yeah, of course, he can speak to people like that. What the hell is anyone going to say? Right, exactly. No, I'm not that small. The dude's a giant. Right, exactly. The fucking piece of the... I'm so lazy. I'm so lazy. the dudes up giant right exactly The absolute
Starting point is 00:47:06 It's a good killer giraffe Joe asked if he wanted to go over to MMA. I thought that was a good question Yeah, he ever would wasn't interested. He said no obviously specializes in Cake boxing he did have one MMA fight He did take the guy down to which is odd, but I think that highlights the fact that most fights one MMA fight, he did take the guy down to, which is odd, but I think that highlights the fact that most fights go to the ground, even if that's not what your training is. Like you're likely to stumble and it just happens. Um, he said if, if an offer was big enough, he'd do it.
Starting point is 00:47:38 And that, that's just the universe, baby. Like that is. That is. Money talks. I mean 100% the fact they con have a record like switched over to boxing. I thought it was pretty. I think I'm I couldn't remember that ever
Starting point is 00:47:52 happening. Could you? No. Again, the money. All the made he made over 100 million doing that. Yeah. Like a pretty shit. Connolly with done ballet for a hundred million. But I let floor Floyd Mayweather beat the shit out of me for a hundred million.
Starting point is 00:48:10 No problem. And by that, I mean, I would take one punch fall. Because it wouldn't be throwing the fight. Don't get me wrong. I would not be throwing the fight. It would just take one punch and I'd be done. Yeah. I'm like, oh, give me my million.
Starting point is 00:48:24 Some down bitches. Connor stood no chance, but but a lot of people were born into it and I was too. I don't know what happened in my brain, but it just it just means that I really don't know anywhere as much about fighting as I thought I did because I was like there might be a chance. He might have a chit- No, he never did. What the hell was I thinking? As soon as that fight started, I was like, Oh, he's fucked. He was, oh Floyd wrapped him around his pinky. He just made him, he was like,
Starting point is 00:48:52 he just made him tie himself out. He was like, no problem. Yeah, which is kind of like a spying day for. Yeah, it really was. Yeah. By what I was, six round Connor was done. He was just like throwing his arms for spaghetti. Yeah, by the 10th it was just a mess.
Starting point is 00:49:10 And then that was when I mean, uh, may whether just smell blood and just went on this offensive. There was just quite beautiful. I love that. Just took him right out. He didn't, he really just didn't have a chance. Yeah. But that's how it goes.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And for that money, yeah, I mean it the same thing I mean would Rico go over if Dana was like listen You've been the champion kickboxer for god knows how long we want you now you're a beast You're a massive heavyweight heavyweights like we were saying with boxing You're always the most exciting fights and the heavyweight division in the UFC is not all that stacked right now It just isn't. Right. We got DC is the champ, we've got over, no. We've got Francis and Gano is there.
Starting point is 00:49:51 I mean, there's a few other guys, but it's just, it's not that heavy and I think that he could come in and do some real damage. And the advantage with like the wrestling portion for their heavyweight is they're all really heavy so they can start leaning a lot and if you can just somewhat stay on your feet and maybe not get take you know you can kind of work around it I think
Starting point is 00:50:15 smaller wrestlers can do worse things with you because they can throw you all over the place it's harder to do when some ways like 260 pounds yeah for real but he could come. If the money is there, the UFC has the money. They absolutely have the money. They're flush with it. They have to be interesting to see. That'd be interesting to see.
Starting point is 00:50:33 It's always fascinating to see champs from other sports crossover. Well, that's some of the best thing. You really get to see how good they are then. Absolutely. We have karate world champions now in the UFC. We got Olympic wrestlers, gold medallists, which is really cool. And often they have becoming the champs as well. I mean, these guys are very good. They're so good at one particular area
Starting point is 00:50:58 that if they get okay at others, they can really capitalize on that one area. Yeah, they can do some bad stream with his wrestling, even though he got completely demolished recently in the fastest KO of all time, by you in the UFC with the need of the face. But that just also shows another thing. You can't just come in with a gold medal in wrestling and expect to beat everyone.
Starting point is 00:51:21 The UFC is the UFC. These guys are well-rounded, they have lot of tricks, and they might know what you won't know. And they will absolutely exploit you for that too. Well, as you say, as you are so fond of saying, they're killers. These guys are killers, mate. They kill us.
Starting point is 00:51:39 You got to be a killer. It's like, what a nice shiny little metal that you had with a referee near you in your little spandex. I'm a killer. I'll kill you. It's amazing too, because Rico was talking about his diet a little bit towards the end.
Starting point is 00:51:55 And like how he eats, he has kind of like, I don't know a chef, but like a guy that like preps his meals, he eats a lot, obviously big dude. And then he talks about things for recovery. You know, it does a lot of massages, kind of daily. Cryo is getting into. That's big now, man. Soreners are big.
Starting point is 00:52:12 Yeah, soreners. I've done cryo, yeah. We get a discount with my gym. So I only have to pay, with my Jiu-Jitsu gym. So we only have to pay 30 bucks to go there. Nice, nice. I like it. It's, I can't really tell what it's doing.
Starting point is 00:52:25 But you get in the room and it's your whole body and it just ices you down and it's like being in a fridge in a wind tunnel. It's really intense. Like you feel like pumped when you get out because your giant is kind of going and there is that thought that like fuck, this is only three minutes, but if it was 10 I would die die that's weird
Starting point is 00:52:47 Fucking died and it's like super cold, right? I mean, it's like particularly cold. It's like I get it Once kinder. I did it once after I trained you did so so I was still a little sweaty It's a warning to anyone that is not gonna cry out don't go in if you're a little bit sweaty Because one man that sweat will freeze on you. And that's really bad for you. Also, I, well, I kind of had sweaty. It was like, you know, when you, it was like my eyebrows, my eyelashes, my fucking eyelids froze together in there.
Starting point is 00:53:20 No shit. I got out and they were frozen and the lady was like, hold, shit, she didn't know what frozen and the lady was like, hold shit, she didn't know what had happened. She's like, you okay? She was thinking there was the machine, like something had gone wrong. I was like, no, no, no, I just came for you. Just who was sweaty. But you got to, you definitely need to just get the room temperature before you head in there. It's too intense. That was a lesson that I learned the hard way. And I'll tell you what, my panic level went up real high real fast
Starting point is 00:53:46 That was not fun. Yeah, it was scary stuff That's not gonna fuck around with man But anyway, generally I think it's good a lot of people are using it I would say for injuries and stuff. It was a sauna if I prefer because it's more chill I think sauna is is really beneficial. You ever get in the sauna? Yeah, absolutely Yeah, it's great. Do 20 minutes like 180 I think I might go now. I don't know if I have time. Maybe I will yeah, I think I'm gonna go now We you know, I have a mutual friend
Starting point is 00:54:19 Eddie he I'll go to the sauna with him every now and then he covers up the thermostat So it gets so the steam keeps coming in because he wants it hotter and hotter so probably gets to more like Probably it gets above 180 I guarantee you it's probably oh wow. Oh, I'm like oh I mean it's like Florida in there. It's so I would like you psycho bad because we're burning calories We're gonna die I'm like you psycho bad because we're burning calories. Oh We're gonna die Yeah, you know, I don't know I don't think harder and harder is the wind I think it feels like it didn't feel like it was it didn't feel like I enjoy this
Starting point is 00:54:56 Yeah, I think you want to keep it. I don't know. I don't know where the perfect ranges, but it's To wait when you're feeling dizzy. It's too hot Yeah, yeah, I was I was like and there's just so much steam it just kept going in and then like you've got to take a cold shower I'm like I don't want to I'll freeze my ass off right so that's a steam room or a dry sauna what are you guys using? Uh yeah I guess it was a steam song right oh the steam room okay yeah yeah there's like all the yeah so the dry song is usually about 180 and there's no like fog in there the steam room would be around 120 they're not as hot but they feel hot because of the humidity oh I see I got you all there anyway and sometimes that's like it's almost like claustrophobic or overwhelming because of the intensity no it can it can be. But it's good stuff.
Starting point is 00:55:46 You should get in there as much as you can. I think it's very, very good for you. Especially after you've been hung over, or maybe you've had a weekend of binge-in and just treating yourself like shit. I think it's very good for you, boys. Sounds like me right now. I know, right, after this weekend,
Starting point is 00:56:03 I think that's why I'm heading up there. Ooh, it's good. All right, buddy. I think we're covering for this weekend and this is going to be it moving forward. So I appreciate you guys for listening and staying with us. As always, follow us on Instagram with a Joe Rogan experience review. You can message us on there and get updates to the podcast, ask questions, all the rest of it, and suggestions and so on. Thanks for tuning in. We're going to try to hit these hour long ones just a couple of times a week, probably release them on Wednesday and Saturday depending on where Joe is with his podcast and chunk something together so
Starting point is 00:56:36 you can get it all in one go. I appreciate it. Thanks as always Mark. Cheers guys. is always mark cheers guys later guys bye you

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