Joe Rogan Experience Review podcast - Joe Rogan Experience Review of Eric Weinstein

Episode Date: July 8, 2019

JRE Review of 1320 with Eric Weinstein Eric is a brilliant mathematician and a very interesting guest to have on Rogan.. An original member or the Dark/Dork Web and had some very complicated things t...o say on Rogan's podcast. Check out my review. Enjoy my review folks! Follow me on Instagram at Youtube: Please email me here with any suggestions and questions for future shows..

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Verano, verano, reciclar es tan humano Esa lata de aceitunas que te tomas a la una La crema que se termina cuando estás en la piscina El enbase de ese polo que no se reficla Solo hay una lata de caballa que te coves en la playa La voy a usar en las patatas y del refresco la lata Un enbase de paella y del agua La botella, como ves es muy sencillo
Starting point is 00:00:24 Los enbases del verano Siempre van a la amarillo Hey guys, welcome to another edition of the JRE review. Today I'm reviewing Joe's conversation with Eric Weinstein, and as Joe says not to be confused with Weinstein or any of the other Steinstein combinations. This is podcast 1320 of Joe's show. Again, so many podcasts. The dudes just a fucking podcast make a machine. Love it. This is a heady one guys. If you've heard Eric before, he's part of what Joe calls the
Starting point is 00:01:07 Dork web or the Dark web as Eric likes to call it. And that's like Sam Harris, Jordan Peterson, Joe Rogan, Eric Weinstein, Shapiro, I think maybe a couple of others. I don't really know too much about all that, but just a group of thinkers that try to stay open-minded and think differently about things and, you know, is a lot of white men, but, you know, good guys. Anyway. This one's a lot to take on. It starts out light and Eric's entertaining and obviously very intelligent and they're having some fun and they're going back and forth. And then Eric gets into his math and goes deep and, you know, I mean, there's always a
Starting point is 00:01:55 disconnect when someone is just so super smart and talking about such complex issues. You can't, you almost can't dumb down some things, right? I'll put it that way. But, um, you know, let's try and make some sense of it. Anyway, let's get talking about something interesting. Eric says that the way that he's thinking, it's almost like less sexual thoughts as a man. And when you turn 40, you know, or around there, your testosterone starts to drop significantly. I mean, it's really dropping after your 18, but it's much slower.
Starting point is 00:02:48 And, you know, I remember what it was like all through my 20s, early 30s, and definitely teenagers. I mean, sex is like 80% of what you're thinking about. You're obsessed. This is why you porn as like the most popular fucking website in the world. It just obsesses all of your thoughts. And then he's talking, I mean, he's in his 50s now that it's, you know, that slowed down. It's testosterone is slowed down and it's like almost frees up some of his thinking. And I find that kind of fascinating. Like I wonder how much of our brains are taking up by thoughts
Starting point is 00:03:26 that in time will drop out. You know, and it's not just the desire for sex in that sense, but it could be, you'll desire for stuff, you know? I know when I was in my early 20s, like the next car was a big thing, the next this, the next that, what house I get, or just items I can buy. I'm far less concerned about that now in my late 30s. It's about, it's far
Starting point is 00:03:51 more about the connections I make and just the things that I learn myself. Like stuff, just is not as appealing. And I don't want to say that like in this, oh, I've learned this in light and way. I just kind of let things go naturally. You know, I'm not pushing it. I'm not trying to fight against urges. It just slowly became less important to me. Maybe I just noticed that I just wasn't all that happy from certain things that I would purchase.
Starting point is 00:04:19 You know, saying that though, I still buy a bunch of shit from Amazon. So maybe I don't know what I'm talking about. Some good news coming out of Canada that I think Joe didn't take any credit for but he mentioned it that they have banned Orca and Dolphin captivity in Canada. And in no small part to probably Joe having, you know, his one buddy on the work to Sea Land or... Damn it, I should really should remember that. But recently, his friend on who's great and my apologies for not remembering his name, I thought I had it.
Starting point is 00:04:58 But he, he, Marine Land, that's it, he worked there and then there was some warrous that he bonded with and basically he's just making the point that you know that place is fucked up and now they've got rid of it so maybe they do that in the US too and you know these things are a smart even Eric talked about how the Orcas don't eat us there's like no recorded, um, almost none. I guess one surfer got bit once, but like the whales leave humans alone. They're like, no, we're not, not having a part of it, you know, and it's not like they're not ruthless. They jacked fucking great whites. I mean, unbelievable. And that's a thing I didn't even know about till that, till that other guy
Starting point is 00:05:40 came on from marine land. I didn't know the Orcas could take out these whales. But yeah, good job Joe Rogan and his podcast for helping that stuff. That's a major animal conservation right there. It's very impressive. Joe talks a little bit about doing edibles, what it does and how it works. Edibles are interesting. Now marijuana is legal, at least in California, California recreationally and getting more so in other places. You know, people need to know what they're taking because edibles are definitely the scarier one potentially. Like you can smoke a shit ton and you probably just fall asleep or you'll feel weird for an hour and then you're okay. You know, you can survive an hour. Edibles are more of a journey. You do some mega edibles and you're out and about, you can survive an hour. Edibles are more of a journey.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You do some mega-edibles and you're out and about. You might be in a bad way for four or five hours that wouldn't, you know, that's not unreasonable to say. I mean, it can be a mess. And it's because it changes the, basically, your body produces this 11 hydroxy metabolite that Joe often references, shout out to Joe's chemical knowledge, well done Joe, and it's five times more psychoactive than THC, which is pretty intense.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I mean, that, edibles are psychedelic, you know, they really are. They're not like a shrooms, but I mean, you're tripping. You're in a different place if you've done some heavy, heavy edibles. Really good for the float tank. I've taken some, so I've gone down to float lab in Venice where Joe references a lot and knows crash, the guy down there, and I've taken some pretty strong edibles one time and Crash just kind of left me in there.
Starting point is 00:07:30 It was hilarious. My girlfriend ended up calling down to float lab just to see if I was still alive or what was happening or if I'd freaked out edibles and ran down Venice Boulevard or... But no, I was fine. I was just in there. I was thinking for a while that it was taking a long time like time was going maybe slow but I was I was determined to stay in for the what I thought was the two hours until crash or the other employees come wake you
Starting point is 00:07:57 up or get you know get you out of there and no it ended up being almost four hours I was in there it was a wild time. I really enjoyed it. If you guys haven't tried that, I know he bangs Joe bangs on about FlowTax a lot. Check it out. That's so good. They really are just fantastic. So, what was Eric talking about when was he working
Starting point is 00:08:20 into things? So, he kind of opens it up with saying that he almost doesn't feel like he's all the way here. Like he's kind of checked out a life a little bit. And I don't really know where he was going with that, but he... Oh, excuse me, my alarm. Oh, dear. Sorry. Frick. Why did I have that on? Anyway. Oh, yeah. Yeah Yeah, sorry guys, I was icing my shoulder for my shoulder injury that I have and then I put a timer on like an unprofessional idiot. But yeah, he was talking about like the interactions of people, right? So men, for example, when he went over
Starting point is 00:08:57 Brian Collins' house, he tells the story about how everyone was shitting on each other, making fun of each other. Like, there were a lot of comics, a lot of fighters, a lot of masculine man, a lot of people that just know how to talk shit. But he said it was nothing but love. And you know, no one of us like to be picked on, and it is difficult to deal with. And when we're a teenager and growing up, especially, it's very hard. And then some adults get into adulthood and there's no real kind of like hazing, you know, and everyone's like,
Starting point is 00:09:25 oh, hazing needs to go. Well, yeah, to some degree, but you need to build a thick skin and you need to be able to laugh at yourself. You need to be able to not take yourself too seriously. It's a way to kind of test each other and make sure that we're not being too sensitive, that we're strong. At least among men, I think it's important. I have a good group of friends that I work with that I'm really close to and we talk so much shit to each other. Constantly, straight to our faces. I mean any chance we get to bash the other one. And it's fucking hilarious. Honestly at first it was a bit weird to get used to, but now that I'm on it, it's like wow, you just, you know, you'll call yourself out for being an idiot before you give them a chance to. It's brilliant. It's
Starting point is 00:10:10 like, you don't try and hide it because you're like, well, they're going to figure it out and then they're going to hit me and you just got to own up. It's like, it's an accountability thing and I find that great. And it was cool that he brought that up. Now why did he? Well he talks about the idea of telling this portal story and what he calls a portal story is a story that's told over and over again throughout human history and it's kind of like Alice in Wonderland or even like the Matrix. It's like life is normal and then you find this thing in a secret way of getting in like in the matrix. It's waking up in the matrix. And now you know the next thing or where the next journey is going.
Starting point is 00:10:54 And it's like these are stories that we just love. We love this like hard left. This portal into another life, another dimension, another level of truth and It's almost like the next realm, right? So then he starts to get into the crazy math and some of it he calls the Octonians It almost sounds like a different race of people like an alien race But I guess it's just a certain subset of numbers that are very strange and each time you kind of, I guess, integrate them down, which is like go to the next level of what they are. Yeah, you have to give up these rules that kind of govern regular numbers that make them
Starting point is 00:11:35 consistent. It's all very strange. I had never heard of it and I'm far, far too done to make any sense of it, but I wanted to try and pull out where he was trying to go with it And it's almost like a universal theory of all things It's like he wants to know what the portal of this life really is Like what happens if we go beyond Einstein's theory of relativity and the E equals MC squared and and get something that's almost more
Starting point is 00:12:05 and the E equals MC squared and get something that's almost more encompassing, which Einstein was working on, like, the theory of everything, I think he called it, or the complete theory of everything, towards the end of his life, which he never really got to. And for a few reasons, like Einstein didn't really like the idea of quantum mechanics. He said that it sounded too random and that God doesn't play dice. And, you know, so there was some rejection of the more modern physics that he didn't encompass. But I also think accidentally he discovered either dark matter or dark energy, though that wasn't really given to him after his life. But there was just some part of this constant that he used in some of his equations that just happened to lead to this information, which is fascinating.
Starting point is 00:12:51 So don't, if you're a mathematician out there, don't throw any of your math out. Some of it might come back, even if it looks like junk. Who the fuck am I to give math, mathematicians advice? I don't know. I don't, sorry, I apologize. He talked a little bit about how IQ tests aren't really a measure of intelligence. And I'd have to agree with that. It's just like, you get good at taking tests or you can, you can practice it. Like the intelligence is all different kind of ways. And you know, they even talk about Kanye
Starting point is 00:13:20 and how smart he is in the sense of like his level of intelligence and it's very creative and it's and it's interesting. But yeah, so so what Eric is trying to say is he wants to save the world, right? He's not a big fan of Trump, you hear that, he's worried about that and says things are coming apart that like stabilize our societies. I don't know if he's been a bit doomsday with this, but he's a little concerned. So he's starting his new podcast, which is the portal societies. I don't know if he's being a bit doomsday with this, but he's a little concerned. So he's starting his new podcast, which is the portal podcast. I'm sure it'll be very heady,
Starting point is 00:13:50 but he's gonna have some great guests. And if you'd like listening to this conversation with Joe and you follow it well, you know, check out his podcast for sure. He's definitely a very, very smart dude. And he gives a shout out to Joe at the end, just saying that he loves Joe from powering people and Joe helped his brother Eric's brother go through a difficult time
Starting point is 00:14:10 Which is really fascinating and and super nice and just you know again It just shows what Joe does and what he's capable of and he takes no credit, but Eric ends on Quote that I really liked and he goes, we are gods but for the wisdom. And he gives the example of splitting the atom and diagramming the cell. Like we can do amazing things, god like things, but we just don't have the wisdom. We're just still a bunch of apes with all this knowledge. And that's a little scary in some ways. And it's kind of amazing that we do keep things going. And the power is on.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And you wake up in the internet works, and the TV is doing what it does, and there's fucking food in the grocery store. So shout out to the human race. Let's keep this shit rolling. Anyway guys, thank you as always. Please follow our team on Instagram at Joe Rogan Review, Joe Rogan Experience Review, God I don't even know my own Instagram. And thanks as always for
Starting point is 00:15:12 downloading. You guys are awesome and I'm gonna keep trying to give you the best show I can. Peace! you

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