Leah on the Line - Bonus 56: Regretting uni, how much filler I've had & is Jamie the one...

Episode Date: September 14, 2023

Hey babes! Welcome back to another episode of Leah on the Line. Thank you so much for all of your love and support on the podcast, it honestly means the world to me. I hope you love this one!Head to l...eahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions. Love you! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 hello hi everyone just kidding that threw everybody off didn't it wrong podcast let's do that again let's do that again I'll try to get closer to you. Hello. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to a brand new episode of Leo and the Line. Happy Friday. Oh, I can actually sing. I'm actually really good. How are you guys? I'm currently staring at my boyfriend stood in a t-shirt, boxers, so far so good, socks, football boots, stood in a bowl of hot water. Apparently it helps mould them to your feet. I don't know. Whatever. Do you know what I mean? The things these boys do. I'm just going to sit back and ignore it, pretend I can't see it. Has anyone ever witnessed that before? Not sure how to feel
Starting point is 00:01:03 about it. Is there an echo in here? Feels like a bit echoey today. Hello. Hello. Hello. You're an idiot. You're an idiot. You're an idiot.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Name that movie. It's almost that time, guys. It's almost the time. Christmas is approaching. Is it too early to mention that word? I don't think so. I think September. Well, let's talk about Halloween first.
Starting point is 00:01:29 What's everyone's plans for Halloween? Have you got costume ideas? I wonder how many Barbie and Ken's there'll be this year. Soleil to all the blonde couples, because I would, I would if I was blonde and Jamie was blonde, I would do it as well. But I'm not blonde. So I don't know. I don't, to be honest, I don't even have any plans for Halloween. Did I even do anything last year? I don't think I did. Oh, no, I didn't. We just went to Hallow's Green, but that wasn't on Halloween, yeah, no, I didn't dress up and go to a party, I really wanted to, I had a party, I was invited to, but I didn't, and didn't end up going to it, so, yeah, I don't know, I don't have any plans, Halloween's one of those nights, kind of like New Year's, like, it's just one of those nights where I feel pressure to be like, come on, you've got friends, have a good time, and I just feel the pressure you know it overwhelms me and then i end up going i
Starting point is 00:02:09 ain't going anywhere i'm just gonna leave it this year and then i just think oh i wish i went out but then when i go out i think god so overhyped but then to be fair you do have some sick halloween nights out like i've had some really good halloween nights out yeah i don't know what are your guys plans tell me actually send me a message with you oh we're gonna do a Halloween themed episode duh we did it last time oh should we bring back the ghost stories you guys remember that right but only if you listen to it on a late night drive to get the full effect like I did yeah I listen to my own episode I don't listen to my own podcast like on the reg I literally don't listen to my episodes back okay but I obviously edit them and then I was like adding all these sound effects and I was like oh this sounds kind of creepy and then it was I think it was the first episode that
Starting point is 00:02:56 Jamie spoke in I can't remember so we were doing a late night drive and then I was like oh do you want to hear it like do you want to hear what you sound like on the pod played a bit to him and I was like it's kind of it's actually kind of creepy it's actually kind of creepy so we should definitely bring back the Halloween episode so if you missed it last year this is your time to send in your ghost stories or scary stories whatever if you have any if I didn't read it out last year send it in again or if you didn't get if you weren't around this time last year send them in babes it's never too early I maybe I should make a link on the website for Halloween stories for horror stories yeah let's do it let's do it but anyway what are the themed episodes oh we did a new year special I will obviously do that again this year where I'm going to reflect on my yearly tarot reading.
Starting point is 00:03:46 Remember, I did it last year. So I'll reflect on that. Guys, I had a really good idea for a podcast episode. I want to get a psychic medium on as a guest. I'll have to figure out how to do it like over Zoom or something. I'm sure my manager will be able to help me with that. But I really feel like that would be sick. Like you wait,'s it called it's Ella and Dom's podcast you can sit with us I think it's called they had a psychic medium on I was like this is genius like I this is all a bit of me you guys know I've told you all about my psychic medium experiences so I was like you guys were obsessed with that I had so many emails messages being like who was the guy like where can I find this person so I feel like doing one live where you guys can
Starting point is 00:04:31 hear it kind of exposing like very do you know what it is though it actually triggered me a little bit obviously I've got fear of death so like going to a psychic medium who talks to people that have passed a little triggering for me a little bit triggering especially when they're psychic and I start thinking that they're looking at me and they can see like everything wrong with my health because he did tell me to go to the dentist about my tooth and I still haven't yeah I still haven't gone for for this parent tooth problem that he said that I had um this was quite a few months back now so kind of scary but it freaked me out like I was crying all night thinking that there was something wrong with my mouth and like why would he tell me that if it wasn't serious you know but then he did say to me like it's the
Starting point is 00:05:15 second one from the back and the problem the problem I was having with my teeth at that time was my wisdom tooth coming through and it was quite painful and I thought maybe it's impacted but that pain has now gone touch wood and it hasn't come back for a long time um so I'm not sure if that was quite accurate but yeah I feel like it would be so cool to get a medium on to give me a reading live on the line like wouldn't that be sick but if imagine they're like your relationship now uh-uh not good imagine I'm like this girl is shit then she'll be like I can just see so much success for you and I'll be like she's fucking amazing this girl's bang on mate but yeah honestly I have done a bit of reflecting on my reading I
Starting point is 00:06:01 tend to do it in chunks because the reading comes through in in monthly chunks so it's like January to March or April and then it'll be like May to September I can't remember the exact chunks but yeah and then at the end of each period I'll go back and I'll be like okay how much of this was was right or how much of this is making sense so I have been doing that but I will save it for that episode because I'm not going to ruin it you know otherwise what else am I going to talk about in the new year special hun I mean to be fair we do our new year's resolutions our new year's goals and stuff like that and we can now this year talk about how many of them we ticked off um I need to
Starting point is 00:06:42 reflect on those because one of my favorite things to do is like write goals out and then sort of just come back to it at the very end of the year and look at like how many of them happened how many of them do I actually think oh I'm glad that didn't happen you know things like that um so yeah that's gonna be so fun but anyway I'm going off on the right tangent today this episode is going to be all chatty catch-up Q&A vibes I asked you guys what episode you want and quite a few of you asked for a catch-up Q&A so we're just going to do that it's not going to be like all about me there are some about me that you guys asked but then a lot of them are just like certain things you want me to chat about things you want to gossip about whatever so yeah thank
Starting point is 00:07:26 you guys so much for tuning into this episode whatever it is that you're doing today thank you for letting me be in your company thank you for being in mine today and let's get into the episode thank you so much for listening to leah on the line head to leahontheline.com to send in your dilemmas and confessions remember to follow on socials to see visual clips and get involved with the weekly debates. Enjoy the episode. Love you. Okay, everybody, let's get into it today. Thank you to everybody that sent these in. Really love you. Really appreciate you. Okay, I'm just going to scroll and just stop on a random one. Okay. Would you ever go on a solo trip? Do you know what? I went through a phase where I was like fuck it mate I'm gonna go I'm gonna just go abroad on my own it was it
Starting point is 00:08:12 was a very short phase I think it lasted about 15 minutes but it's not really me to be fair I did do it technically I went to Miami alone if you guys remember the story about the cruise ship I flew to Miami alone, I was meant to be working out there, well on a cruise ship, but starting in Miami, working in Miami for six weeks, and then working on a cruise ship for like seven months, but obviously COVID happened, so I got flown home after like two or three weeks, but that was technically a solo travel it wasn't a trip it was for work but that was solo so I don't think I would enjoy going on like a travel trip alone I don't think I would enjoy it because honestly my favorite thing to do when I travel is spend time with people I love that's literally my
Starting point is 00:08:59 favorite thing about going away so yeah I don't know probably not probably not I'm envious of everybody that can do that though you I feel like you're a type of person and I love that I wish I was like you okay good date night bars or restaurants in London so my favorite date nights are bars if we're talking like first dates I spoke recently about to be fair you said bars or restaurants so this is kind of irrelevant but I spoke recently about like I know this you said London I'm going to throw it in while we're talking about it going to the beach in the evening even if it's winter and it's cold and you wear a big winter coat it's so cute you can go to the arcades like it's such a cute date so I thought I'd throw that in there again but in London I think
Starting point is 00:09:45 a date where you can interact so there's a lot of restaurants especially Asian restaurants sushi restaurants where it's you order on like an iPad or order on the table and it's like interactive and it's more chill and fun you don't have to do the awkward like when the waiter comes over and you're like oh what are you having like it's just a bit less awkward that's really fun um uh restaurant r's in london is nice it's romantic i think i've said this recently actually i think i did but bars i would just go some hotels do really nice bars um so like the savoy hotels are if this is fancy okay if we're going fancy the savoy has a really nice bar there um it depends if you want like a chill vibe i will shout out the place i used to work the oiler bar it's a boat on the docks in east london and it's
Starting point is 00:10:43 so cute it's so chill it's more of a warm day thing but it is still open in the evenings in the winter and it's really really nice like it's just cute and cozy there's people that are doing what's it called i can't fucking remember what it's called i literally weren't there wakeboarding that's what it's called people that do wakeboarding next year i think that they're probably closing pretty soon the wakeboarding thing but it's really fun you can get the cable car over you know it's that's a cute day so yeah there's a couple okay um did you go to uni and what do you think about academical pressure love you I did go to uni um the pressure is, it's on to be fair. Like I have spoken about this before, but I went to uni because I was at a college where they basically were, they made you feel
Starting point is 00:11:34 like you didn't have any other option. So it was like, it wasn't, if you want to go to uni, fill out your UCAS, send your submissions. It was okay, guys, it's time for the uni submissions. Like it wasn't an option. It was part of the course. And I just ended up going like it just it just ended up that way. I didn't think it through. I didn't think about which uni I went to. It was really impulsive, complete out of character move from me. Like I'm not an impulsive person at all. So yeah, I did go to uni I have said this a few times so sorry if you've heard me say this a million times but yeah I didn't enjoy uni I had a rough time at uni the best thing that came out of my uni experience was the uni I went to provided
Starting point is 00:12:19 free counseling to the students and my counselor was just so good like she really changed things for me in my brain and she really helped me um and I loved it that was my favourite experience about uni and it wasn't about uni stress it was about my personal life and my health anxiety death anxiety it was all about that and then you dive into your childhood I was like whoa I'm here I'm here about my anxiety like whoa and yeah and it was just amazing and that was like my best most like incredible experience I took out of uni I'm so grateful for that opportunity I wouldn't ever change anything like I I believe you you are you go on the path you're supposed to go on like why was I impulsive god knows I just was because the universe made sure that I went to that uni for whatever experience, for whatever lessons. And also I went to a show. So this is the story. I went to obviously this random impulsive uni. It was at the top of the list.
Starting point is 00:13:15 I just applied for it, got straight in, unconditional offer. I was like, great, I'll go there. And then in my third year, somebody posted on our university group chat saying there's auditions for a small company that are doing in the heights in an off West End production in London. Auditioned for it, got the role. And then in that performance on the opening night is where agent, an agent saw me and signed me and I had my first agent and then I moved on to my second agent. I moved on to my second agent so I wouldn't have had that experience in uh performing in London and getting my agent and stuff if I didn't go to that uni because I wouldn't have heard about the auditions but in the heights and I wouldn't have got my agent so it all just leads you down a path even though it's not connected do you know what I mean so yeah I did go to uni. Academical pressure um it's difficult because at the same time, I can appreciate that I went out
Starting point is 00:14:07 of pressure, but at the same time, I don't know what else I would have done anyway. So yeah, that's a difficult one. But I truly believe if you don't want to go to uni, you will 1 million percent have so many other chances and opportunities and whatever it is that will get you where you want to be without uni uni is not compulsory in a lot of careers obviously in a lot of them it is medical blah blah blah like all those ones where you need a degree it is compulsory but there are so many careers opportunities life paths that don't involve a degree and for me performing arts no one's ever asked me if i had a degree they care if you go to drama school they don't care if you've got, performing arts, no one's ever asked me if I had a degree. They care if you go to drama school. They don't care if you've got a performing arts degree. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Also, another note, no one asks you what grade you graduated with. Let me tell you that. No one's ever said to me, what did you get? They say, did you go to uni? And they'll go, oh, cool. They won't go, oh, what did you get? Okay, next one. Thoughts about partners significant significantly different amounts of
Starting point is 00:15:06 money that's really funny because me and jamie had this conversation the other day and like i was saying like isn't it interesting how some couples like say the woman is making more than the man or whatever it's like it makes some men feel like demasculated and stuff and it's like why because you're a man are you expected to earn more money than me like that's not to be honest it is actually how the world works in some management I actually worked in a pub where I found out all the men were working for like a pound more an hour and I was like I my manager was a woman and I was like but why and she never gave me an answer it made no fucking sense to me so sadly that does actually still
Starting point is 00:15:44 happen bearing in mind one of these guys getting paid more than moves younger than me so it wasn't about age but whatever yeah i just find it really interesting how it's like what because you're a guy you're you're expected to be on on a higher wage than than your girlfriend do you know what i mean so i know you're not talking about gender you're talking about like one making more than the other but yeah i just thought that was interesting so I was having that conversation the other day but um yeah I don't think it matters as long as that you're um in some sort of mutual agreement you know because some couples it's like right well I'm earning a lot more than you so I'll cover more than you when it comes to the mortgage bills rent whatever it is that we're covering together some couples are
Starting point is 00:16:24 like look i'm making a lot more than you you're making a lot more than me but we split 50 50 and the rest is irrelevant i might treat you a bit more because i've got a bit more disposable income whatever and as long as you're in a mutual agreement it's kind of irrelevant to anybody else that's what i think as long as it works for you um do you have filler or Botox? Oh no, what filler or Botox do you have? You're so stunning. Oh, thank you so much. So I have forehead Botox. So the lines where you raise your eyebrows and you get the forehead lines and I have it where you frown. I also recently got it for the first time on my crow's feet and I have lip filler so yeah I
Starting point is 00:17:06 just have upper Botox really um but I still have movement in my face like I can still raise my eyebrows and stuff the first time I had Botox I couldn't move my face at all and it made me feel really claustrophobic I didn't like it but this time now where I go I go to Jessica Rose Aesthetic she's insane she does it so that I still have movement in my face I just don't get the lines basically it's all prevent preventative you know babes one sec I need to cough sorry about that so yeah um and the crow's feet yeah I had this for the first time recently at first it felt really weird like I felt like I had a shelf like my cheeks were like a shelf when I smiled but it's actually settled really nicely now and it feels completely normal um I love the crow's feet botox because the lines
Starting point is 00:17:52 at my eyes like right in the outer corner was something I was actually kind of insecure about not kind of I was actually very insecure about I've had them a long time like when I looked back at my photos and I was literally a child like I've always had these creases there they're not wrinkles I guess they're like smile lines they're creases because they're only there we smile but yeah I started to get really insecure about them especially filming videos and stuff I was like oh it's just not making me look youthful and I was just like oh whatever and I just thought the more you know they're just going to get worse as you get older so I was like let me just try it you knowox, especially the first time you get it, it dissolves quicker. So yeah, I was like, if I don't like it, it will dissolve and I won't get it again. But I do like it. And I feel like
Starting point is 00:18:32 I'm probably not going to get as many wrinkles there if I'm not creasing while I'm young, you know, but not there's anything wrong with wrinkles, to be honest, like, it doesn't that doesn't stress me out at all.'s more about just like when I smile I felt insecure about it because it was like the thing that I fixated on but like when I had four headlines as if I'm not concerned about wrinkles it's more that I'm my face and naturally fell into a position where I always looked pissed off because I had like a constant frown so I wanted to sort that and yeah it just makes me look more awake it makes me look fresher so it's not so much about looking younger it's more just about looking more like fresher and more awake and yeah um how do you get over an ex please
Starting point is 00:19:16 struggling girl here okay number one tip listen to the breakup episode on leah on the line honestly I would just say it's hard just straight off the bat with just that little information because I don't know who ended it with who what the state of the relationship was like so that's why I say listen to the breakup episode because we cover it from all angles but I would just say don't let it don't don't let this experience um change how you view yourself and how amazing you are and how worthy you are of love and a good relationship because you will get one and spend this time now enjoying being alone because being alone is also a very beautiful thing and you know when you do meet somebody in the future hopefully they're your forever person you'll never be alone again so enjoy it
Starting point is 00:20:06 embrace it love yourself learn about yourself make sure that you're happy with who you are work on all the things that you're not happy with so that you can go into a relationship in the future sure of yourself proud of yourself happy with who you are happy with what you have to offer happy with how the way that you present yourself and the things that you carry and more importantly just for you you know what I mean um do you regret going to uni no I mean to be fair I already I already answered that so I don't know why I wrote that out no I don't just like I said it honestly just leads you down a path that I feel like is so meant to be that I don't regret anything there's things that I wish I'd thought about but I don't think about it enough now in
Starting point is 00:20:52 in a way to be like oh fuck I wish I went to drama school because I just didn't and it's just that's it now it's too late now so there's no point thinking about it because it's just the way my life is and I'm still really grateful and happy for where I am in my life regardless of the decisions I made about my education and stuff like that okay um how are you that is a lovely question thank you so much for asking I am actually pretty good at the moment to be honest guys I've got some things I'm looking forward to which I've realized I'm actually someone it's kind of sad I need something to look forward to I need it like if I don't have something to look forward to I can really be down in the dumps honey like I've got even if it's something little I'm going to centre parks on the weekend next weekend it will just get me through
Starting point is 00:21:39 the week on a bit more of a high and then I've got my holiday in October and then I've got Halloween and then I've got Christmas then it's New then I've got Halloween and then I've got Christmas then it's New Year's January February always a difficult time for me not ever really my best self in January February but right now I am feeling good thank you I love you I hope you're feeling good as well um a lot lots about the uni experience, actually. I feel like I've kind of spoke about it. So I'm worried I'm going to repeat myself too much. Um, any exciting autumn or Christmas plans? So this is the thing, right? Traditionally, for the last, I say traditionally, literally, we've done it twice now. Me and my family like to go out on Christmas day. Do you know why?
Starting point is 00:22:23 It's fucking sick that's why the vibes are just unreal like when you go to a nice restaurant it's just good vibes there's no washing up no cooking and then you come home after there's no mess it's just good vibes get the music on get the drinks going get the snacks out it's easy it's just chill good vibes but this year we just can't find anywhere that looks good to go so we are doing it at home this year which I'm kind of excited about because it's nice to go back to the traditional ways but yeah that's all we have planned really I what do you guys have planned for new years I'd quite like to go out for new years I like to do something I don't like to be sat at home on new years like last year me andie went to a hotel like it was so random it was
Starting point is 00:23:06 southampton i think like it was just somewhere that we hadn't been and where we didn't know anyone and we just was like fuck it let's just go there we went to there was like a new year's eve event in the hotel bar we just got absolutely fucking smashed we actually got so drunk jamie's doing roly polies on that floor outside it was so random and it was just the two of us and we just got really drunk did the countdown was dancing all night chatting all night like and we had a really good time but I got way too drunk to the point where I woke up on January 1st the way that no one wants to wake up I had the panic the anxiety panic where you can't breathe and you're like where am I what's happening what did I do like what's going on it was awful and I wish I just drunk a bit less but I did nonetheless have a really good time so I don't know what I'm gonna do this year I honestly don't know um
Starting point is 00:23:56 if you weren't working with the pod or social media what do you think you'd be doing oh okay that's a really good question i okay i when i was in school i was really fucking shit most subjects to be honest like i did i don't know if you guys do this like all over the uk but we had sorry we had two sides of the year you had foundation and you had higher the higher you can get your a stars foundation you're capped at C if you get top marks on your tests you've got C you cannot get higher than a C and basically all of my subjects apart from three of them which is English Spanish and drama were capped at C that's how they were like yeah she's got no chance and anyway all my friends were in foundation as well i was like
Starting point is 00:24:45 what is going on here but anyway so what's the question oh yeah when i was in school i really liked b-tech science yeah i did b-tech science because that's that was a really bad subject for me but i loved it because we used to do really physical things like one of our assessments was like a crime scene investigation and it was where one of the teachers had been murdered right and my teacher set out this whole crime scene there was like white tape on the floor where the dead body was there was hair on the scene you had to pick it up put it in the in the evidence bag take it back to the lab put it under the microscope like look at the um suspects folders match the identity like it was it was so fun and we used to have to properly learn about like crime scene investigation and
Starting point is 00:25:32 stuff like that and I was like I want to fucking do this obviously I knew I was like well I want to sing and act first but I was like this is so fun like I love this and I used to say like if I didn't do performing, like I'd probably go into that. Realistically, it's the most stupid thing that I would ever think because I have a fear of death. So like being on a scene with dead bodies, that's not really ideal. So I obviously wouldn't have done it. But yeah, I just was so interested in it. But other than that, I think anything maybe in psychology, I would have loved, I would have loved to study maybe like counseling, like I would love to have properly studied it, and I don't know,
Starting point is 00:26:13 yeah, I love a bit of psychology, yeah, I don't know, probably just something that really interests me like that really, okay, next question, how many mil would you say you have in your lips they're perfect oh my god thank you i i feel like the next step with my lips may be dissolve and start again because we've we've got a little bit of migration going on but that's just it happens over time you know build up a filler it happens to the best of us so it's hard to say how many mil i have just because it obviously dissolves over time and then you get it topped up so there is no real way of me being able to say but I will say I think I started filler in 2020 so three years ago and I've had about four or five mil in three years bearing in
Starting point is 00:27:03 mind the first time I had it, I let them fully dissolve to nothing to the point where when I went to get them topped up, she said there is no filler left in these lips. So I had one mil then and then I had another mil. So that was just one mil at a time, then mil, one mil, oh my God, one mil at a time, fully dissolved. And then I had one mil and then I let it mostly dissolve. And then I had a mil. So I'd say I probably have like just maybe like one and a half mil in my lips at a time. But because when you get migration, they look bigger because it's giving dark from some angles. So yeah, they look bigger when you have migration I think so it's hard to say really um what's your dream proposal this is a great question I honestly don't know I actually
Starting point is 00:27:55 think I've spoken about this as well and we discussed how he just can't really win to be honest because I don't want it in a really public place but if it was underwhelming and private in an underwhelming scene I'd be like let's fucking re-roll with this okay because I'm gonna need a rain check because that was boring but so I guess somewhere in the middle I'd'd like a videographer, so that I can keep that moment forever, I would hate, because the thing is, I feel like you'd be so overwhelmed, and so, especially me, I'll be so over-simulated, I'm like, whoa, whoa, whoa, what the fuck's going on, mate, I'll probably get down on one knee as well, I'm like, oh shit, okay, I'm supposed to stand up, and I would forget what he said, how it went down. I'd forget it all. So I'd want him to hire a
Starting point is 00:28:47 videographer, hide away so I don't see it come in. I don't want to feel it come in. I really don't. I don't want to be like, oh my God, like we're going here. He's going to propose to me. I don't want to feel it coming. Cause if I do, I'm going to be like, I know you're going to propose to me, by the way. So you better call it off, mate. I'm joking. I wouldn't. To be fair, maybe if you feel it come in, that it would probably be a lush feeling because like all the butterflies would start and you'd be like oh my god this is it somebody actually wants to spend their life with me what the fuck but yeah I feel like maybe on like a holiday like on a beach bit cliche maybe Tommy Tommy and Molly's
Starting point is 00:29:20 vibe is a bit of my vibe. Like maybe without the hired singer, that would, I would probably be a bit embarrassed then. I'd probably be a bit like, oh God, I can't fucking deal with this. Do you know what I mean? It's just too much. It's too much. I think I'd like a videographer hidden away
Starting point is 00:29:37 so I don't spot him. But if I do, it's not the end of the world. And a beautiful beach. Hopefully you can time it well with the sunset. Big fat rock in a box you know get down well actually first tell me like how incredible i am like you're the woman of my dreams like everything i ever wanted like i can't believe i'm so lucky that i get to call you my girlfriend it's just a dream of mine that when i can call you my fiance so on that note will you spend the
Starting point is 00:30:03 rest of your life with me and be my wife you know that just like something along those lines give or take a couple of words that's probably my dream proposal but i'm actually kind of peed off now because if he just does that i'd be like well that was fucking creative wasn't it i wrote this play is this fucking play about us i wrote the script i literally just wrote that i'm annoyed i've just literally given it to him well he can he can make it a bit more special than that can't he all righty um um okay if you could give your younger self advice what oh this is a great question I would probably say something like oh my god I really don't know I really don't know I think most importantly I would give myself a hug
Starting point is 00:30:56 and say you're you're doing amazing, sweetie. The thing is, I'd want to say to her, like, stand up for yourself, but she wouldn't because people already told me that. So it'd be useless for me telling me that. I think I would say, oh my God, that's a tough one. I think I would just say, socialize more. think I would just say socialize more you fucking loner you fucking loser no I wouldn't because I'm just you know back then I was I was a introverted girl and and loving life introverted babe um do you know what there is nothing I would say to her because I truly believe that nothing would have changed and you know as I said already your life is on the path it's supposed to be so if I said something to my younger self things might have been different I might not end up here I would probably just give her a bit of reassurance and just say everything's gonna be good you're gonna you're gonna meet someone who's gonna love you you're gonna live a life of fun and happiness and you know there's gonna be some bumps along the road
Starting point is 00:32:15 but you have the strength to get through them just remember whatever comes your way you have the strength you've got the people around you, just keep, keep doing what you're doing, and I'm proud of you, and you're, you're amazing, that's what I'd say, yeah, fucking killed that, okay, um, do you think Jamie is the one? Do you know what, I'm gonna say this of my chest yeah I actually do and I say that with my chest like I'm very confident um don't hold me to that if in three years time there's a breakup episode part two but you know in this moment I'm saying yeah because he's actually a really amazing boyfriend like he's an amazing person but just as a boyfriend like he's he's a really great great one and yeah I I hope so at least um okay let's do one more what is your tanning routine you're always glowing oh my god thank you so much okay so
Starting point is 00:33:26 my current tanning routine I switch between three tans or I mix them together so they are sun kissed um Saint Tropez or Bondi Sans the color technology one I love those three um and i i won't lie and say i like to exfoliate my tan every time make sure i'm going on a fresh you know fresh layer of skin no sometimes i'll just fucking whack it on and on and on but you know when it starts getting a bit tiger bready that's when i'll i'll get the salt scrub out i actually bought a new salt scrub today sanctuary spa yeah guess how much 15 quid this scrub cost me i don't know what fucking came over me i was like that is that is a bloody bargain that is going in my basket 15 quid don't mind if i do absolute fuckingute fucking joke, mate. It better be good. Better be good. It's just because it said sea salt and coconut oil, I thought, oh, you've got me there by the balls.
Starting point is 00:34:31 So yeah, I will be doing a salt scrub probably tomorrow. I'm re-layering the tan. But I always moisturize my knees and elbows like the classic. And yeah, that's it really. My face tan, I like to either use a mist all over and do a contour over top with a mousse or spray with a brush or I'll just do the mousse contouring or spray contouring my favorite face contours are the Saint-Tropez face mist I like that one but if you're using a face mist use a headband that will cover your hairline because it will make your baby hairs go orange or blonde or whatever color um and yeah the bondi sands express one hour express face mist I like spraying that in the lid and using my brush
Starting point is 00:35:22 to uh contour with that if I don't use like the body mousse whichever I'm in the mood for really I have like a fake tan drawer and I just open her up and see what I'm in the mood for so yeah that is the end of the Q&A today everybody thank you so much if you listened all this time it was I hope it wasn't boring to be fair I feel like I spoke about things I've already spoken about I hope it wasn't too, to be fair. I feel like I spoke about things I've already spoken about. I hope it wasn't too boring, guys. But if you made it all this way, thank you. Don't finish yet because we've got to do an outro yet. So get off that back button right now.
Starting point is 00:35:54 I've seen that. You're about to click off me. Relax. We haven't even said goodbye yet. Okay, you have to wait for the love you buy. All right, let's wrap up the episode. Bye, yeah. Okay, you have to wait for the love you, bye.
Starting point is 00:36:04 All right, let's wrap up the episode. Okay, everybody, if you made it to the end, thank you so much. If you stayed for the outro, I love you. Thank you, I appreciate you. So Tuesday, send in your dilemmas, leerontheline.com, send in your confessions any dilemma updates send them in um i don't really have anything else oh weekly debate make sure you're following the instagram
Starting point is 00:36:31 at lear on the line to put in your say what you think i love your opinions that was very valid very useful very eye-opening for me and yeah i love you guys I hope you'll have an amazing weekend whatever it is that you're doing and I'll speak to you on Tuesday for a brand new episode all right I love you bye

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