Mark Bell's Power Project - Power Project EP. 15 - Carnivore Diet & Your Questions

Episode Date: March 5, 2018

In the first ever Power Project live stream, Mark Bell goes educates us more on the War on Carbs, specifically the Carnivore Diet. Mark also answers your questions from instagram and those who watched... the live stream. Live Stream can be seen here: ➢Subscribe Rate & Review on iTunes at: ➢Listen on Stitcher Here: ➢Listen on Google Play here: ➢Listen on SoundCloud Here: ➢SHOP NOW: FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter: ➢ Snapchat: marksmellybell

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Oh my God, we're live. I was afraid this was going to happen. You know, I spent years and years building all this stuff up and got mad and booted everybody off the team and now here I am by myself. Anyway, we're going to talk about the carnivore diet. Thank you guys so much for tuning in. I appreciate all the people that are watching live right now, which is probably like one, anywhere from one to four people. But Mark Bell's Power Project is going to be around for a long time.
Starting point is 00:00:34 We're going to do some really awesome shit. Today's topic, we're going to talk about the war on carbs. We're going to talk about the carnivore diet. And I'm basically just going to kind of walk you guys through how some of this got started, the evolution of the diet. A lot of times a ketogenic style diet will start out one way and will end up completely another way. So the same thing happens with vegetarians when they go from being a vegetarian to being a vegan to all of a sudden being all in and to being meticulous with every little thing that they eat, over a period of time, you start getting more and more into the diet that you're on. What I really love about the war on carbs is the longer that you do it, the more used to it you get,
Starting point is 00:01:18 the more willpower that you build up. It becomes easier to deny yourself of the donuts that Krusty Kevin found in the gym today. It gets easier and easier to, you know, people are like, hey, do you have cravings? Of course I have cravings. It's your job as a human being to steer yourself away from some of these desires. Not all of your desires and all your impulses are healthy for you. You guys know what I'm talking about. You know what I mean. Sex is probably the worst of them all. It can lead you down a path that has you unfaithful and things of that nature. And so a lot of times the things that are going on in our brain, when we see something
Starting point is 00:02:01 that's sexy or attractive, or we see something that we just think it registers in our brain, like, holy shit, man, that's going to taste really good. The second that we start thinking that way, the second that our mind starts drifting that way, what happens next? Next thing we know, we're pigging out on something that we shouldn't be eating. We've talked ourselves out of what we originally planned to do. So let me just kind of back up a bunch here. You guys heard me talk about it many times before. When it comes to a ketogenic style diet, the way that it started for my brother and myself
Starting point is 00:02:37 was probably in about 1994. And for some of you, that might be before you were born. 1994. And for some of you, that might be before you were born. 1994 was the start of it. And we had a friend named Ron Fedko. Ron Fedko was a powerlifter. And he was a really good powerlifter at the time. I think he bench pressed around 550 pounds. He only weighed 220. He would get in tremendous shape. He competed at 220 and 198. He really knew how to manipulate his body weight. What's so interesting about Ron Fedko is, and we will have him on the show. I've talked about him many times before in the past, but we will have Ron Fedko on the show at some point. He was a professor at Stanford. He might still be there at Stanford. I'm not even sure. I still he might still be there at Stanford I'm not even sure but Ron had a PhD in applied mathematics and physics and he would study like nuclear reactions and all these kind of crazy
Starting point is 00:03:35 things he ended up actually winning an academy award the son of a bitch won an academy award he's a power lifter he's got a PhD and he was a damn good power lifter. And he won an Academy Award. It's like, how the hell did he do all that? Well, he did it because he was really smart. He was really driven. He was really locked into what he was doing. And he just worked his face off.
Starting point is 00:03:57 And he ended up winning that Academy Award for special effects and graphics and things of that nature. I don't know exactly 100% what it was for, but I know that he helped with special effects and graphics and things of that nature. I don't know exactly 100% what it was for, but I know that he helped with special effects and he helped with the movement of water in film and things of that nature. Everything going good over there? We're rolling pretty good?
Starting point is 00:04:16 I got my techie guys over here checking the cameras and checking everything out. We got six cameras pointed at me right now on Mark Bell's Power Project on YouTube. You can also view us at Stitcher, view us at iTunes, view us on Google Play. We are all over the place. Today we're talking about keto. And to just tell you the story, it started back in 1994.
Starting point is 00:04:38 Once I started the diet years ago, because I was never on a diet before, it worked like hell for me. And this is a long time ago before people were talking about this style of diet. So nobody was talking about keto flu and all the stuff you hear now. I actually kind of think that keto flu is a myth and I'll touch upon that. I know that when you go on any diet, it's going to be a rapid change for you. It's going to be an extreme change for you. But I also think that there's other factors at play here. It's not just the ketones. You don't all of a sudden get flooded with ketones out of nowhere and your body becomes
Starting point is 00:05:19 ill. Because if that was the case, we would have an androgynous ketone supplement and we'd puke all over the place. My thought process on it is that what is happening to people and why they don't feel well and why they feel sick is because of their blood sugar is part of it. And I also just think they're not eating enough in general. Everyone's concept of how to lose weight and how to get lean and how to get jacked and how to get in shape, it's always the same thing. What do we do? We just eat a lot less, right? That's what you see everybody doing is they just decrease their calories. And how long can you decrease calories for? If I drop my calories by 500 and I did that for several weeks, how long is
Starting point is 00:06:08 that going to last for? And if I teach my body just to continually eat less, I mean, what kind of message is my body getting? If I teach my body that we're going to do cardiovascular training, we're not going to build up any muscle and we're not gonna feed ourselves. We're not gonna be nutritionally charged, circle C, TM. We're not gonna be nutritionally charged enough to make it through these workouts. What's our body gonna do? Our body is gonna go the opposite direction of the way that we want it to.
Starting point is 00:06:39 It's gonna refuse. Now you can force yourself to lose weight, but are you losing good weight? Probably not. If you're not eating properly, you're not eating correctly, you're not fueling yourself, then I think you're fooling yourself and the weight that you're losing is not good weight and you end up looking what I call, I've been talking about this for a while, I say that people look like a melted candle sometimes when they start to lose a lot of weight. I say that people look like a melted candle sometimes when they start to lose a lot of weight. We all have that fat friend who lost like 50 pounds and you really can't tell that they lost weight, but you don't want to say anything to them because it would crush their soul. But really all that happened, it just looks like their shoulders are slumping more than
Starting point is 00:07:18 usual. They just look smaller. They don't look like they lost weight. They don't look good. And so when it comes to this kind of thing, our strategy can't be just to decrease calories. We need to have other things have to be at play. And I think it's important. What we put into our bodies is very important. And there's some people that will talk about flexible dieting and some of these other things, and those people are
Starting point is 00:07:41 successful with some of those diets. But I'm not a fan of those personally. They never worked for me. And that's probably why I'm not a fan of them. Use what you'd like, when you'd like, and kind of see how it goes. But in my opinion, a low-carb lifestyle is important. We are flooded with carbohydrates right now. They are everywhere. They're hard to get away from. When it comes to something like a keto flu, I think that's just an excuse that people are looking for.
Starting point is 00:08:13 People are looking for an out very quickly. I've been working with people for the last 25 plus years on their strength training and their nutrition. Anytime I bring up something new to them, the first thing they bring up is something that I did not even talk about just yet. So I might even say, you know, something to the effect of, okay, you know, Fred, you know, you never, you never been on a diet before. You're 50 pounds overweight. Let's just have you, you know, add in some 10 minute walks throughout the day. Let's just have you work on your sleep. Let's have you do, you know, work on getting hydrated better. And let's have you do
Starting point is 00:08:51 a couple other things like maybe just no calories at all come from a liquid. You know, you just have them do those couple things. Right away, you start hearing excuses, you start hearing complaints, three 10 minute walks a day, I you know,minute walks a day, it's like, hey, did you just ask me the question on how you can be more fit or not? Did you just ask me a question on how you can be better? Now I'm trying to answer you, and right away, you're refuting the information that I have. The resistance I get when I talk about a ketogenic diet, when I talk about my war on carbs, which you can get March 2nd at We never have any commercials over here at Mark Bell's Power Project.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Those are the kind of things that, you know, people right away, they want to ask the question, where's the science behind keto? Where's the science behind the war on carbs? And what we've learned talking to guys like Andy Galpin, talking to guys like Rob Wolf, we've learned that there are just not a lot of great studies on a lot of these things. There are studies that have been done.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Some of them show us some of the things we're looking for and some of them don't. But dietary science is, it's really hard to lock in. It's hard to have, people are not the same as dogs. There's been a lot of studies, a lot of research on ketogenic diets for cancer. And when it comes to a dog and their diet, you just feed them what you want. When it comes to human beings, we are, you know, we have decisions, we have choices as human beings, and we can drive to 7-Eleven and get a hot dog and get a Snickers bar, right? Even when you try to lock people down, there's going to be some people that are cheating on the diet and not following it and stuff. So
Starting point is 00:10:36 it makes the science pretty tough. So having, being somebody that's been on the war on carbs for many, many years and being somebody that's followed it for a long time, I've always reverted back to it. Every single time I need to lose weight. And that's why in my book, in the beginning chapter, before the book even really starts, there's an area there for you to sign. You're signing an agreement. You're signing a contract and you're agreeing to yourself and agreeing to the
Starting point is 00:11:05 people around you that you are not going to fart around anymore. You are not going to be like everybody else. You're not going to eat like other people. You're not going to be lazy like other people. You're trying to turn over a new page in your life. You're trying to enter a new chapter in your life. And every time you enter a new chapter in your life. And every time you have the opportunity to do something that you're not supposed to do, you go the complete opposite direction every single time. And you work on building that willpower.
Starting point is 00:11:36 And I know I talk about this time and time again, and I have these messages, and you guys sometimes are probably like, I can't take this. I can't see Mark Bell post one more picture of his alarm clock at 4.20 AM when he wakes up. I can't see him blending up his coffee or blending up his bone broth one more time. But I'm doing that because I'm showing you guys, hey man, if I was faking that, that would be a really, really difficult life to try to keep up with.
Starting point is 00:12:06 I'm just filming what happens every day. And I'm trying to be proactive with getting the message out there and helping you guys to understand what I feel is the right way to do it. The War on Carbs is a dedication to ditching carbohydrates. And I'll just lay some of the diet out right here for you. The gist of it is, and something that I've done for a long time, I don't like vegetables a lot. I don't, I just never have, uh, you know, throw some, uh, butter on some, uh, you know, on some broccoli or throw some butter on some spinach and stuff like that.
Starting point is 00:12:40 And it's, you know, I can handle it. Um, vegetables are important because they have fiber in them, but we've been lied to on how much fiber we need. The government recommendations for how much fiber that we should have in a given day are probably three or four times the amount that we actually need. And I believe, I believe that to be true. I haven't seen any science to show me one way or the other. It's just my belief, my personal experience in helping people with their diets. I think that we've been told that lie because they want to try to sell you on grains. They want you eating their oatmeal.
Starting point is 00:13:17 They want you eating our cereals and various things like that. And so I think that's a lie that we've been told. I'll get into the carnivore diet in just a moment for those of you that are asking some questions right now about the carnivore diet. I'm just trying to stick to the progressions that I've been through in my life. So at various times, I utilized a ketogenic style diet. The reason why I say ketogenic style is style diet. The reason why I say ketogenic style is keto is the hot word. And keto, you know, it basically means that your body's producing ketones. And depending on who you go to,
Starting point is 00:13:56 they'll say, hey, it'll register this amount of millimeters or whatever. So I've done all that shit before. I've weighed food before. I've kept track of every meal. I've weighed food before. I've kept track of every meal. I've kept track of every time I took a piss. I took track. I would pee on the keto sticks and see if I peed purple or whatever it was. I pricked my finger hundreds of times. I've done all these things before. And you know what I found out? Is that it really doesn't fucking matter.
Starting point is 00:14:20 What matters is that you are becoming a stronger person on a daily basis. You're not the same motherfucker you were the day before. Cowards talk about what they will never do. And I see people time and time again, just walking in a fucking circle. They keep cutting corner after corner, corner after corner, and they're doing the same old shit every single day. I feel like I'm fucking trapped in a room at like an AA meeting or something where you have these people that are falling into these same pitfalls that they did yesterday and the day before that. And in some ways, because I feel like I'm on a, I feel like I'm on a mission right now in my life. I feel so far removed from that,
Starting point is 00:15:06 that it's sometimes hard for me to understand it. And sometimes hard for me to have empathy towards people that are continuing to be fat and they're, they know what they're doing is wrong. And I'm not here to fat shame or whatever, or however you want to say it, but I've been fat before I was 330 pounds. and I decided to do something about it. Every single person I ever talked to that has been fat. Same thing. When they decided to lose weight, they worked on it and they lost weight. And I know it can be difficult. I know the struggles. I love food just as much as you guys. And I'm fat. I am fucking fat to the bone. Trust me on that. I fucking love food. I love peanut butter cups. I love ice cream. I love pizza. I like tacos. I like burritos. I love all that shit.
Starting point is 00:15:53 I really, truly, I'm not even saying that I like it. I love those things, but I've chosen to abstain from those things because I'm trying to make myself better. I'm here to make the world a better place to lift. And the only way I'm going to be able to do that is if I'm able to attract attention. And one way to attract attention is just to be shredded as fuck. And that's what I'm working on. I'm working on being as lean as I possibly can. I've had somebody recently asked me what the goal is nowadays. That is the goal.
Starting point is 00:16:25 had somebody recently asked me what the goal is nowadays. That is the goal. The goal is to be undeniably jacked and ripped to the point where people are like, Hey, look, man, I don't really know the science behind what this fucking guy is doing, but Jesus Christ, just look at the guy. Right. And so that's, that's what I'm, that's my focus. And I want to be able to perform too. I don't want to just look the part. I want to be able to fucking lift the part too. I don't just want to, you know, have a six pack or whatever. I've done that before and I have a six pack now. I don't care that much about that, but it is important towards getting leaner. But I still want to be able to move some weight.
Starting point is 00:16:59 My goal right now is to get down about 230 pounds and I'd like to still be able to handle some weight in the bench press and in the squat, like to squat over 600 pounds. I'd like to bench over 500 pounds and keep that deadlift movement too. I haven't deadlifted much in a while. So, you know, keep the deadlift up over 600 pounds to just have some sort of numbers, you know, just to kind of always rely on because there's something really important that i think gets lost in the shuffle of things and um i've lost sight of it myself before but guess what the weight always matters the weight on the bar always fucking matters doesn't matter if you're hurt doesn't matter if you're sick doesn't matter if you've been in a gym for a long time it doesn't matter nothing matters other than the weight on the bar it It's really important. It's important to me.
Starting point is 00:17:45 It's connected to my fucking DNA, it feels like. And I feel like I let myself down. I feel like I let my team down. I feel like I let my fans down. I feel like I let my family down when I'm not able to push as hard as I wanna push. Plus I'm just having less fun. It's fun to stack on some weights.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It's fun to try to take it to the next level. So just back to the diet. I'll go through it quick. When it comes to your proteins, you got red meat, you got chicken, you got eggs, you got cheese. Cheese is great because it's portable. You can, and even eggs, you can hard boil some eggs and you can get around with those pretty good.
Starting point is 00:18:23 You can, and even eggs, you can hard boil some eggs and you can get around with those pretty good. When it comes to, when it comes to, I'm sorry, you got fish. I'll just, I'll wrap up all the protein. You have pork. I like bacon quite a bit. So those are, those are most of your, those are most of your proteins. To make things easier and have some, what I call portable protein, if you need to travel or you need to be away from the house for a long time for that particular day, you have
Starting point is 00:18:52 two, you have a couple options. Option number one is utilize intermittent fasting. And then your meal prep looks like this. Ta-da! All I did is put my hands to the side. Those of you who are listening on iTunes or Stitcher or Google Play. Your meal prep is nothing if you're utilizing intermittent fasting. And I would advise that for a lot of you. You can fast for 8 hours, 10 hours.
Starting point is 00:19:20 You're not going to die. It does take some time to get used to. What I would advise you against, do not fast and jump into a ketogenic diet all at the same time. Do not fast and jump into a ketogenic style diet at the same time. Also, don't decrease your calories all in the same thing. So now we got three things that we just fucking did out of nowhere and you probably weren't training that hard either. And so now we have four things to deal with. Now you're going to probably mix in some cardio. Now we have five things to try to fight against. And you're going to try to tell
Starting point is 00:19:52 me that you got keto flu. You have fucking idiot flu is what you have. You're not paying attention to what's going on and you're not nutritionally charged and you don't have enough of what you need to get you through these workouts. So that's the protein sources. Fat sources, we got various oils. We got olive oil. We have coconut oil. I think I personally like coconut oil. It's good to cook with. It can handle some high heat. Ghee butter is also pretty good to cook with. It doesn't taste as good as regular butter, in my opinion. Butter itself, you can use a lot of butter. Egg yolks is something I've been doing more recently. I've been eating raw egg yolks.
Starting point is 00:20:36 I know it sounds disgusting. You guys are like, oh my God, this guy's getting to be so weird. I can't fucking handle it anymore. But raw egg yolks, if there is a superfood on this planet, it's meat, it's liver, it's heart, and it's egg yolks. Egg yolks are full, chock full of a lot of nutrients. So I've been doing that. Once you heat them, I guess some of that gets damaged and that's some of the theory behind it. I've heard Dominic D'Agostino, I've heard other people say that they eat the egg yolks and they feed the egg whites to their dogs. Pretty funny, but it kind of gives you a good idea of the thoughts on the value of egg whites.
Starting point is 00:21:14 They have a lot of protein in them, but the egg yolk itself has a lot of nutrients and a lot of calories as well. Those are most of your fat sources. There's got like peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter. Now I would say to talk about the evolution of the diet, at first use any and everything you can. Go to It's a website that was developed by a guy who was really heavy. And I thought, I'm like, what a stupid name. What the fuck is this about?
Starting point is 00:21:50 So then I read the guy's profile on there. And then I feel bad because he was really fat. And he said food ruled him. And I was like, damn it. That's actually a really fucking cool name now that I know the history of it. So has tons of great information on the ketogenic style diet. And it has amazing recipes. You can make fathead pizza.
Starting point is 00:22:13 They have like burrito combinations. They got taco. I mean, you can make anything you can think of that you're missing and that you love. You can make through Now, I will say this. In my opinion, this is still cheating because this is not, when we start to talk about a paleo diet, or we start to talk about a carnivore diet, or we start to talk about the war on carbs or whatever diet it is, all these things are too artificial to really truly be part of our diet and to really truly be
Starting point is 00:22:48 part of our plan. We don't go on a paleo diet to have a paleo bagel, right? We don't go on the war on carbs to enjoy almond flour. Almond flour is not that great for you either. It's not that it's bad for you. It's just not as good for you as the other options that you would have when you eat eggs and steak and various things like that, right? So we try to abstain from these things. These things are not going to help you lose weight. They could possibly be in your way. So we got protein, we got fats, and now we're down to carbohydrates. So
Starting point is 00:23:28 when it comes to carbs, we don't eat any. It's a war on carbs. And the war on carbs came to be, me and my brother were sitting down and we were talking and we got into this discussion about how we're like, you know what, man, like we're, man, we're just, we're wavering. We're back and forth. Like we're not doing great with our diets, you know? And we're like, man, keto has always worked. You know, remember we used to do the body opus diet from Dan Duchesne. And at the time we were hearing more and more information about some other various diets that were keto. Vince Gerunda, you can look up Vince Gironda's diet. He did steak and eggs at every meal.
Starting point is 00:24:09 And he had a particular reason for it. But anyway, steak and eggs diet was really a thing for him. And he really liked the diet. The diet kind of resurfaced and some other diets came back up again. And my brother and I started talking and we're like, man, we're not really that dedicated. We're just fucking around. And, uh, I was, uh, coming off of my 600 pound bench goal that
Starting point is 00:24:30 I never reached. Son of a bitch. 578 is what I'm going to have to spend the rest of my days, uh, liking, and I'll just have to deal with it. Um, I, at the time when I was trying to go for that 600 pound bench, I did have one opportunity to hit the weight in a contest and slightly tore my pec with the 600 pounds. Unfortunately, 578, I crushed it and everything was looking really good. But at the time I worked my way up into the 290 range. And shortly after the meet found myself weighing about 300 because I was hurt and I was unmotivated. That's right. The people's coach unmotivated. And part of the reason I was unmotivated and part of the reason why I was, I was, you know, it was a weird time. One day, one of these fucking days, I'll write a book about that. And you guys won't even believe what the fuck's in there.
Starting point is 00:25:28 But anyway, part of the reason why I was feeling like shit was just I was eating like shit. I was not taking care of myself. On a scale of 1 to 10, my eating was a 4. It could have been a lot worse. And it certainly could have been a lot better. And I needed to get, I need to get refocused. So I'm sitting there with my brother. We're at Makuni, my favorite place to eat in Davis throwing down some sushi and we're just about to order and everything. And we're talking about
Starting point is 00:25:57 keto back and forth. And he's like, you know what, man? He's like, we need to just, you and I need an agreement. We need to just, we need to stop fucking around. We need to stop like saying, oh, we're doing, you know, no carbs or 20 carbs a day or whatever. He's like, we just need to go all the way in and just be no carbs. And I think my brother, my brother is very creative. And I think he's the one that actually came up with the name. And then I ended up trademarking it. You like that? You see how, you see how things in this family work? My brother comes up with all the ideas and I swoop in and I pick them all off. And he's like, yeah, man, he's like, it's like almost like a war against carbs. And we're like, that's it. War on carbs. Then we did the Braveheart handshake where you shake each other's forearms. And it was on from there. And I think we were like getting ready for the Arnold or for the Olympia that year. And we're like, yeah, you know what? It's always nice to be in better shape when we get out in front of these people.
Starting point is 00:26:50 We see people that are fans of Bigger, Stronger, Faster. And I don't want to be fat as fuck in front of fans. I want to look good. I want to feel good about myself. You tend to smile a lot more. There's that photo of us shaking hands like that. Those of you watching on the YouTubes. And so that's how the War on carbs came to be. And the actual carbohydrates that are in the diet
Starting point is 00:27:13 are slim to none. We don't really eat carbohydrates. There's not anything intentional that we eat that has carbohydrates in it. So for example, something like milk would be out of the question because it has quite a bit of carbohydrates. Milk actually has more carbs than it does anything else. It has like seven, eight grams of protein, might have seven, eight grams of fat, but it's got like 13 grams of sugar per serving. So that would be out. Yogurt, things of that nature.
Starting point is 00:27:43 A lot of things that you wouldn't think about until you went down this rabbit hole. You wouldn't normally think about these things until you were faced with it, until you started reading food labels. A really good quote that I like from Rob Wolf is, he said, you know, we're so concerned about our food labels and what's on them, but the truth is we should be eating foods that don't have food labels. And I thought that that was a remarkable comment because I do know that they package your meat at the store and they'll put a food label on it. But I'm mainly just saying that our food shouldn't be processed, shouldn't be packaged, and it shouldn't be, you know, something that has a shelf life of, you life of three years or whatever.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Even some things can just lay around for longer periods of time. There's just some things that haven't been shared with us throughout our history. Grains and I just heard this the other day, and you don't know what's true. Different things pop up here and there, but cereal is like a waste by-product from, from what I've heard. Farmers were just looking to you, looking for a way to utilize some of the excess stuff that they had and they started to make cereals and that's, everything always boils down to money. And now we have a, you know, I've heard also that insects and rodents and things like that, they won't touch cereal because they're like, it's not good enough for them. It certainly shouldn't be good enough for us.
Starting point is 00:29:15 So as far as the carbohydrates go, if we're going to eat any carbs at all, we are going to stick with some vegetables. I'm not a huge fan of eating a lot of vegetables, so I've always kept the vegetables really low. What I've noticed from this diet, as I was mentioning before, if you're going to be a total savage and you're going to be all in, we're going to take something like a and all the stuff that's on that website, and we're going to consider any of that stuff kind of like a half cheat. You know, how many of those do you want to do? Do you want to do three of those a week? Do you want to do one every day? If it helps you to continue on your diet, then it's a successful
Starting point is 00:29:55 plan because that's what we need. We don't need you to be so militant and so crazy about your diet that you just don't even come out of your house and that you're worried about what gum you're chewing and everything. We don't need to jump into all that in the beginning. In the beginning, it's going to be what we're trying to do is we're trying to remove carbohydrates from our life. We're trying to get rid of carbs for a little while. And we are trying to just see how long we can go without them. And we're trying to have enough fat in our diet and enough food in our diet, supplying ourselves with enough food in a given day to where we don't feel like shit. Now, if you really feel like crap and you really feel like you're up against the wall, then I would advise maybe bringing something with you, something like an apple.
Starting point is 00:30:41 And I know an apple, of course, it has fructose, has carbohydrates in it, but an apple is going to have maybe about 20 grams of carbs. And it's, if you're really feeling like crap. And again, if we can stay on the diet and stay on the plan, other than that apple, as long as the apple doesn't lead into a Snickers bar and some other things, then we're good to go. If you want to stay on the plan and you need something close by, you need to travel with something. Cheese is good. Almonds are good. any sort of nuts really would be a good option. And then there's also like meal prep companies, you know, there's a lot of meal prep companies around, you can hit some of those guys up, it can help make your life easier. You might think at first when you look at it, you might think, oh shit, this is really
Starting point is 00:31:21 expensive. But I think like an average meals from some of these meal prep companies, uh, average out to be cheaper than a meal from Chipotle a lot of times. So it might be something to look into and maybe it is something you can afford. Maybe you just get like three or four a week and it just helps you get through lunch for the day or helps you get through something while you're at work. So as the diet starts, you start to go deeper and deeper into it and your willpower becomes stronger and you start ending up in some different places. And so what has happened to me is we had Dr. Baker come up here and Dr. Baker is a proponent
Starting point is 00:31:59 of the carnivore diet. The carnivore diet is not anything new. It's been around for a long time. carnivore diet. The carnivore diet is not anything new. It's been around for a long time. There's a website called I believe it's H-E-A-L-S, And that's a website that was started by a couple who I believe was on this diet for many, many years. And there's tons of information. They share a lot of the information that I'm going to share with you in just a second of their own personal quest and their own personal information. There's a lot of great information there.
Starting point is 00:32:36 So I'd check that out. Carnivore diet. So what we're doing is we're taking a lot of information from a lot of different places and we're utilizing it for ourselves. That's what education is supposed to be for in the first place. We're trying to make things better, right? We're trying to make things better. So you take the war on carbs and you look at how many, how many different ingredients do we have in the war on carbs? Let's say that if we were to try to figure out all the variables and keep the carbs low uh that we're talking about um let's just throw out a number random number and say we have
Starting point is 00:33:12 300 options right from all the way from steak all the way to almond flour all the way to pepperoni all the way to cured meats is something i forgot to mention as well you can have cured meats on the diet and those can be very handy. Pepperoni, salami, and so on. I love that shit. So that helps quite a bit. But if we're looking at the carnivore diet, the carnivore diet just goes, and it brings everything in and it brings everything in real close.
Starting point is 00:33:39 And you end up with a very vertical diet as Stan the Rhino Efforting calls it. There's not a lot of different foods. You have red meat in the form of steak or burger. Maybe you have a couple different cuts. Maybe you have a couple different fatnesses of the burgers themselves. And then for me, it's been bacon, butter, and the bacon is like a treat. It's rare for me to eat bacon. So for me, predominantly, I'll go in order of what I actually eat, and then I'll narrow it down to some of the smaller things that sneak in here, here, and there.
Starting point is 00:34:18 I start with steak. The two types of steak that I choose to eat are a filet and also a ribeye. If you are trying to keep costs down, then there's a lot of options that you can look into when it comes to cost because that's a big question I get while on this diet. The next thing that I eat other than steak, I would say is bone broth, steak, bone broth. Um, we also have, uh, in addition to, in addition to those two, we got butter and now here's where things start to get narrowed down. I don't eat that much of this stuff, but it is still part of the diet.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Eggs. I mentioned more recently, I'm having, uh, uh, egg, just egg yolks, raw egg yolks, um, and bacon. Sometimes sausage is part of it. And I also use utilize a website called, am I going to remember the name? It's got heart. It's got liver. It's got beef. They have beef patties that have heart in it. I know it sounds weird. I know it sounds a little crazy, but it's good. I bought it. I ate it. I thought it was delicious. You may think otherwise. Bone broth. One of the reasons for bone broth is because it has, bone broth has collagen protein in it. Collagen protein is supposed to be good for your skin, your nails, your hair, your ligaments, tendons, and connective tissue. In addition to that,
Starting point is 00:36:01 it's supposed to be good for the lining of your gut. Those are mainly the foods that I have on the carnivore diet. I have gotten rid of cheese. I've gotten rid of cured meats. I've gotten rid of this. I've gotten rid of that. 4.30 a.m. this morning, I look at my phone and there's a text message from some dude named Joe Rogan. And, uh, he's been asking me a lot of questions about the carnivore diet. And, you know, this, this happens quite a bit. People, people want to know about the science behind it. Um, I don't know the science of any of the diets I've ever followed.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I've followed bodybuilding style diets in the past. I've ever followed. I've followed bodybuilding style diets in the past. In my opinion, there's way too low of fat in a bodybuilding style diet, although it did get me very lean. In terms of the carnivore diet, it appears to me, just through some of the research, some of the information I've looked up via Google and via YouTube and via talking to Rob Wolf, Stand the Rhino Efforting, and some other people that I consider experts in these areas, that a human being can thrive, a human being can thrive greatly on just a diet of predominantly red meat. greatly on just a diet of predominantly red meat. Now, having said that, I don't know how much sense that makes. To me, it doesn't really make that much sense. Since we have other options, maybe we should eat other options. Now, here's the weird part, though. What I've noticed is the more that I
Starting point is 00:37:42 stick to just eating red meat, the leaner I get. Like I'm getting very lean, like I'm getting veins through my legs. I'm getting veins through my stomach. And a lot of things are happening that haven't happened before. I have really good energy. I feel really good. I feel youthful. I feel strong. As a matter of fact, as soon as I switched to, once I talked to Dr. Baker and I started going into the carnivore diet further, I started to feel better and I started to feel stronger. And when I came into the gym one particular day, I was like, you know what? I was like, this feels really, really good. I think I can bench over 500 pounds at 230 doing this diet. Right now I weigh
Starting point is 00:38:22 about, I'm still in the 240-ish range. Lowest I've been is two 36, uh, still working on bringing that weight down. The goal is to be, uh, under two 35, uh, for the Arnold classic and try to remain there. I want to get down to about 230 in case anybody care about any of my goals. Can't always be about you guys all the time. Um, okay. So a huge question that pops up all the time is about fiber. People want to know about fiber on the diet. I think that fiber, I think that fiber has been kind of overdone. And I mentioned that a little bit earlier today, but I don't think we need nearly as much fiber as we used to think. Now, for some reason, maybe I'm just a little bit earlier today, but I don't think we need nearly as much fiber as we used to think. Now, for some reason, maybe I'm just a poop machine.
Starting point is 00:39:10 You know, this is home of the poop stories over here, but I don't have any problems with any of that. Now, something else to consider. I get people tell me all the time. They're like, hey, man, I tried your diet. This is what you guys sound like, by the way. Hey, man, I tried your diet and I haven't taken a shit in a couple of days. Here's what happens with that. Think about it, man.
Starting point is 00:39:33 You're fucking living off of 7-Eleven food and Burger King and In-N-Out Burger and whatever other fucking junk you're eating. And you're just you're sludging down tons of foods that you shouldn't be. And so of course you're shitting yourself all day. Of course you're gassy. Now, when you switch to a diet like this, what you're going to notice right away, your significant other will notice this quite a bit too. Farts are going to be gone. Farts are going to be a thing of the past pretty much. Unless you really have a hard time digesting meat, which occasionally happens to people sometimes. But as soon as we get like, because we're not having anything, when you're on a carnivore diet, you ain't allowed to have nothing. It's the only like condiment that you
Starting point is 00:40:15 can use, even if you want to call it that, I guess it's more of a spice or something. I don't even know. Pepper and salt, pretty much. So I don't even use garlic. I don't use any of that shit. and salt pretty much. So I don't even use garlic. I don't use any of that shit. Those are your only options. And so those things, for whatever reason, at least for me, in my experience, my brother's experience as well, that has been working really well for me. I feel really good. It's not hurting my stomach. And again, the more that I've stuck to just eating meat, the leaner I've gotten. Another question that pops up quite a bit is, so in terms of the fiber, like I don't think I'm missing out on anything because I'm going to the bathroom regularly and everything feels good.
Starting point is 00:40:56 You're going to notice that you go to the bathroom less though when you start to switch over to a diet where you eat better. You could, if you wanted to try the carnivore diet and you were kind of like, oh, I don't know how safe that is. Just have a fucking serving of spinach every day too. Just throw it in there. Spinach, I'm not here to try to promote or to tell you that vegetables are bad for you. I think that's actually a really shitty thing that we've developed in this country is to try to tell people stuff that's good for them. We're trying to tell them that it's bad for them. You know, people have, they've even gone as, this is how fat our fucking country is. We've gone so far as to study the
Starting point is 00:41:36 negative side effects of cardiovascular training and people like, oh, it rips off muscle, man. You can't do that. It's just asinine. Man, if you want to do some cardio, go ahead and do some cardio and just realize that it may not be the most efficient thing. You might, sprints or something like that might be more beneficial. There might be a better way to spend your time. But, you know, the 10 minute walks
Starting point is 00:41:58 and all the different stuff that I'm doing, it's really had a tremendous impact on me. It's really helping me a lot. People will also, they've done the same thing with stretching. You know, maybe my life would be a lot different. Maybe I'd be a lot more comfortable. Maybe I wouldn't be as banged up and as fucked up as I am if I didn't, you know, hear at a young age
Starting point is 00:42:19 that when you're in a power sport, you're not supposed to stretch. I mean, let's just face it. I didn't stretch just because I'm fucking lazy and I didn't want to stretch. I'd rather lift. It's more fun. Um, but had I, had I, you know, tried that more when I was younger, maybe I wouldn't be as much pain. Maybe I would have never torn my pec in the first place. And maybe I would have benched 600 pounds. It's all highly possible. And that's what I'd like you guys to do. I'd like you guys to think, you know, before you go and just read one article from Lane Norton on and get all excited that you know shit and you start throwing stones at other people that are trying
Starting point is 00:42:55 other things, you're not the smartest. I'm not the smartest. I'm still learning. I'm still, and one way to learn is to actually do, actually try some of these things. All I can tell you is I've tried the diet and I'm leaner than I've ever been. And I feel, I feel fucking awesome. I feel really good. I can come in here and podcast. I can go into a bunch of different meetings talking about a bunch of boring business shit. I can still go out in the gym and I can still fucking kill it.
Starting point is 00:43:20 And you know what? I wake up the next day and I do the same thing. Boom, four o'clock. I'm up before my alarm clock. I don't even need it to go off anymore. I'm up. I'm ready. I'm attacking the day. I'm having my bone broth or my coffee. I'm creeping at some coffee shop and I'm getting my day ready. I train at around 7 a.m. I've been training over 300 plus days in a row. I feel fucking awesome. Now, one thing to keep in mind, and I didn't mention, throughout this whole process, a really key point is to
Starting point is 00:43:53 try to keep yourself hydrated. Electrolyte balance seems to be confusing when it comes to this style of diet. You want to try to add salt to a lot of your meals. Um, you can add salt to some water throughout the day as well. Uh, I would just be careful. Like if you add a shit ton of salt, um, you might find yourself, and this is weird. This happened to me. You might find yourself peeing like all the fucking time. But I think what I've noticed from that experience is that that's a good indication that you're actually burning fat and you're actually losing weight. That is the way that we excrete the fat that we burn is it ends up turning into a liquid and we end up fucking pissing it out pretty much or it comes out sweating it out or something like that. So
Starting point is 00:44:41 hydration is not an easy thing to figure out. If you just take your half your body weight, or they sometimes recommend 60% of your body weight. And yeah, you multiply your body weight by 60%. And that's how much you should drink in ounces of water. If that made any fucking sense at all. But that's the recommendation. That's a good place to start. And I don't weigh anything. I don't count anything. I hear people ask this all the time. We got a couple of questions. I'll crank through some of those. But people ask the question all the time about, do you weigh anything and do you do this and do you do that? I don't weigh anything. I don't prick my finger.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I don't do any of that stuff anymore. I used to do it all. I've done it all. And I just learned that it doesn't, it doesn't, it's not, I think that you guys are kind of searching for the answers to be in some sort of hidden thing. And more important question, a more important question to ask somebody is how many days in a row have you been doing this for? When somebody tells you they lost 20 pounds rather than asking them, um, you know, some tiny percentage of, of the results, uh, such as how many ketones are they producing? Cause I don't, I, for the record, I don't even think being in ketosis matters. I honestly don't.
Starting point is 00:46:03 It's just a word that's associated with some of these low-carb diets. I think the low-carb diet, I think, can really help you lose weight because it can help you to get away from some of those crappy foods you were eating before. I think I've answered most questions. And so now to kind of rein everything back in, I'm going to open some things up for some questions. And one of the first ones I'm seeing here is people asking about pre-workout supplements while on a ketogenic style diet. I, you know, for years I'd have like monster energy drinks and I'd flood myself with pre-workouts and I would do all these different things. And then you've kind of heard people going back and forth and kind of demonizing pre-workout. And, you know, I would say, you know, do what you need to do to get into your workout. I'm a person that likes to work out. I like to feel, I like to feel good. One of the reasons why I train Monday,
Starting point is 00:47:02 Wednesday, Friday at seven o'clock is because actually I do it on the weekend as well. So Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, I train at about 7 a.m. Andrew, this fucking question is obviously from you. You fucking piece of shit. Andrew's asking questions for himself over there to get some answers. It's supposed to be from the fans. His name is Drew. What's up, Drew? Any fucking way. Yeah. Pre-workout. I mean, go for it. You know, if it's low enough in
Starting point is 00:47:33 carbohydrates, then listen, the bottom line is don't hang your, don't hang your beliefs on anything that I say. Don't hang your beliefs on anything anyone says. If, if you already feel good about something and it's already working pretty well for you, if you've been taken pre-workout and you notice that your workouts are kicking ass, there's, I can't tell, I can't say shit to you. I can't say anything to you that should make any difference in you changing your mind about what you're doing. Even as I'm sitting here talking about the carnivore diet, if you're like, dude, I gained 15 pounds of muscle last year doing a bodybuilding style diet. Well, then don't try what I'm recommending.
Starting point is 00:48:22 Continue to do what you're doing if it's feeling like you're making the correct progress. If you're somebody that's really struggling to lose body fat and you're somebody that just doesn't feel good overall, give this diet a try. I wouldn't really recommend diving full blast into the carnivore diet. It's a crazy change. I recommend going with just a ketogenic style diet, aka a low carb diet. Even in your attempt to do a low carb diet, the War on Carbs, the book itself suggests that we try to go as many days in a row, keeping the carbohydrates really low.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And that's usually just because shit happens. People have a wedding, people have a celebration of some sort. Something pops up somewhere where they decide to go off the diet. They decide it's worth it to celebrate with buddies or friends or whatever, and they drink, and various things come up, and so boom, you're off the diet. A lot of times for me, 20 days, 30 days would be typical, and I'd end up with a cheat meal. I'd end up with a pizza. I'd end up with some ice cream. It wasn't because I was going crazy or anything. It was just, I tried to keep it my own choice.
Starting point is 00:49:28 I tried to keep it to where it wasn't because we can celebrate anything. We can celebrate every two or three days, right? Hey, it's fucking Tuesday. Hey, it's this day. It's that day. And we can just get all fired up and excited and start celebrating the shit that we shouldn't be celebrating. So just be a little cautious with
Starting point is 00:49:45 that and realize that that break in momentum can really slow you down and it can really, it can really throw you off. And so, you know, try to stick, try to stick to the plan as long as you can. You can also do some stuff too. Like if you just, if you, if you feel like just eating something, as long as that pulse doesn't hit you all the time, then maybe you can find, you know, in CrossFit, I know everyone hates CrossFit, but I like the word. CrossFit, they try to find a way to scale something. So again, with that website,,
Starting point is 00:50:21 if you feel like having a pizza, maybe rather than having real pizza, maybe you make yourself a fathead pizza. So you're still at least staying on the plan and your carbs are low enough. Or another option is maybe you just have a slice or two of pizza. Maybe you just, you go into a pizza place, you have one or two slices. And then when you leave there, you're not bringing anything home with you. I sometimes do that at the movie theater. I love eating while I watch a movie. Who doesn't love that? One of my favorite things in the world is a fucking pretzel. Go figure, right? It's pretty plain, pretty simple. I love pretzels. So a lot of times when I go to a movie, I'll eat a pretzel. I also love the Icon popcorn. And any
Starting point is 00:51:02 of you guys listening that has ever had that shit, shit's like crack and I'll sometimes sneak that into the movie theater speaking of being fat by the way because that's what this is always about I snuck an entire box of pizza under my jacket I probably looked like I had a fucking well it's not even funny to joke around but it probably looked like I had a shotgun or something underneath my jacket going to that movie theater. Uh, because I had an entire, my son was like, he's just like purple. He was just beet red. He's like, dad, you're so fat. I can't believe you have a box of pizza in your jacket, literally a box of pizza. And it wasn't small. It was a large anyway. And that was magnificent by the way, to eat a fucking pizza during the movie. We got a bunch of other questions to get to. One question was about a herniated disc. So
Starting point is 00:51:51 when it comes to injury, really, really important thing to listen to. People always say, listen to your body and you never know what the hell that really means. So in this case, People always say, listen to your body and you never know what the hell that really means. So in this case, when you're hurt, I would use a level of three as an indicator that something hurts too bad. So if you're doing any sort of exercise and you have a herniated disc or you have the herniated disc doesn't really matter. I know that sounds insane. But if you went to get an MRI, like your back's hurt for five years, you went and you got an MRI
Starting point is 00:52:26 and now the doctor confirms what you already knew, that your back fucking hurt. So this news of a herniated disc doesn't really matter. And it's not really news because you know that your back's already fucked up. So while you're training, it's important to understand the herniation of the disc or the medical term for it doesn't
Starting point is 00:52:45 really matter. What matters is you work on getting yourself to feel better. Let's not forget that's what diet and exercise is supposed to do for us. And that is why I tell people all the fucking time when you go on a diet, you don't just restrict calories because we're trying to make ourselves feel better. When you go in the gym, you don't just train as heavy as possible all the time because we're trying to make ourselves feel better, trying to feel better and be better from the day before. So anything that hurts on a level of three or more is out. It's fucking gone. And if you're like, I can't do this, you find yourself saying,
Starting point is 00:53:19 I can't do that. Well, what can you do? I can chop that T off of that word and you have can, right? Just get rid of that shit. What can you do? I don't give a fuck about what you can't do. There's a lot of shit that I can't do. So focus in on the things that you can do while your back is hurt. It might be good idea to focus in on some single leg stuff, some lunges, some step ups. And also the word can't, it's a really powerful, it's a powerful word. And when you say that you can't do something, can you actually not do it at all? Or does your back just kind of hurt and you're not sure that you might need to use a lot less weight while doing it? And that could be the case. A lot of times that is the case. My brother,
Starting point is 00:54:03 my brother's been up here many times, a super training gym. He lives in Los Angeles. He comes up and he's full of can'ts every single time. And I show him every single time that he can. Occasionally, there's some things that he has trouble doing, but he can usually do them with a lighter weight. Or sometimes he's even done some of these things
Starting point is 00:54:22 with no weight. He told me last time he was up here, he couldn't do a lunge. He said he couldn't do an overhead press. He's got two fake hips and he's got a bad shoulder. I showed him very quickly that he could, and he was often doing lunges just like everybody else. Um, the overhead press gets how much he weight, weight he used. He used the weight of his own arm and he was just moving his arm in whatever direction he can. So if you're saying that you can't squat or deadlift because you have a herniated disc, I would say that you can't squat or deadlift because you're being a pussy. You can do those movements. You just might have to just use the bar. You might just have to use,
Starting point is 00:55:01 there's so many options, so many options. You can use a band. You can put a band around the back of your neck and do a banded good morning. You can YouTube that. You can look it up and you can find a new exercise that you can do. I would say that it is important. Strength is never a weakness, right? Am I correct? Everybody following along, we're on page fucking 43 here.
Starting point is 00:55:23 Strength is never a weakness. So make your back stronger so you stop being in pain. How do you handle post workout meals when fasting? Yeah. Um, so when fasting, we just, we ditched the bro science and, uh, we just, we just stayed true to the fast. Um, fasting can be kind of a tricky thing. It's going to be a learned, it's going to be something that you're going to have to learn on your own. You're gonna have to mess with it yourself. And it's going to take some time for you to get that one down. But in the case of fasting, you just wouldn't eat. Now, guys, again, pay attention to how you feel. If you get done with
Starting point is 00:55:58 a workout and you feel sick, or you feel like you're going to hit the ground, or you got to eat something, even if you had a plan to fast, it's like, okay, the first time you fast, you know, you went to eat, you went to do something, you feel like you're going to pass out. Well, then something that's not really correct. In my opinion, that passing out feeling has to do with getting used to your blood sugar being low. Your blood sugar should not be so low to where you're feeling stuff like that though. You have to really pay attention to where did you come from? What were you doing before? What are you doing now? The only way that you're ever going to be prepared for anything is to prepare yourself for each thing that you're about to do. You can't just
Starting point is 00:56:41 jump into stuff. If you've done stuff before, then you might be able to jump in. I don't think I've shared this before, but when I first started boxing a few months ago, I was boxing at 6 a.m. And it was kicking the shit out of me. Out of nowhere, I was doing all these bodyweight exercises. I was doing a lot of boxing. I was doing a lot of drills. doing all these body weight exercises. I was doing a lot of boxing. I was doing a lot of drills.
Starting point is 00:57:10 We're doing, uh, burpees and we're doing, um, even some, uh, a little bit of lifting during the class. We're hitting a heavy bag, the speed bag, uh, we're doing like, um, wall sits and, and, you know, fucking body weight squats and lunges. And I mean, just all the stuff that you would see in a boxing class, jumping rope. It was too much. It was out of nowhere. And, you know, I went to my wife and I said, you know, I don't know. I was like, fuck. I'm like, you know, this has been going on for about two weeks and I don't know what's wrong with it. I don't feel right. And she's like, well, what's wrong? I was like, I got weird pain in my chest. It was on the left side of my chest. And I was crying when I told her, cause I was kind of scared. I'm like, I don't understand what's happening. I, I, I got my blood work done. I've been on this diet for a long time. I lost 40 pounds. I quote unquote feel really good,
Starting point is 00:57:59 but I don't know what the hell's going on with this. This does not feel right. And she just said, Hey, you know what? She's like, I think you got to ditch that boxing. I think it's too stressful for you. She's like, we have so many things going on with this. This does not feel right. And she just said, Hey, you know what? She's like, I think you got to ditch that boxing. I think it's too stressful for you. She's like, we have so many things going on with our business. We have so many other things going on right now. And she's like, you got to pull yourself out of it. So I had to pull myself out of it. Sometimes you're going to be hit with some resistance that you have no control over. Sometimes you're going to go to do something and have the best intent ever. And you're going to try to do something to the best of your ability. And you're going to tear something or you're going to get really sick or something is going to happen.
Starting point is 00:58:36 And, uh, it's going to slow, it's going to slow you, slow you down a lot. And so just, you know, pay attention to how you're feeling. If you're not feeling right, then you're feeling wrong. Let's just have it. Let's just put it that way. Let's just keep it that fucking simple. Is there any other questions, ladies and gentlemen? We're wrapped up in those terms. I think, I want to say, I think I nailed just about everything.
Starting point is 00:59:04 The War on Carbs book and the Slingshot Push-Up come out March 2nd on I want to thank Mariel Tagg for helping me with the book. Mariel has been working for Slingshot for quite some time now. She's been part of Super Training Gym. She comes in and trains trains the team. She's also been, she pretty much just by herself runs power magazine and yes, power magazine still exists. You motherfuckers. And she does a great job of it. And you know, we're always looking for contributors to power magazine. So if you feel you have something to say that's of importance in terms of power
Starting point is 00:59:45 lifting, we're always looking for suggestions on who to put on the cover. It's really hard right now to pay attention to. There's so many strong lifters out there right now. It's kind of hard to figure out who deserves a cover shot and those things. We've had everybody on the cover. We've had the thing for four damn years or so um anyway so that's a lot of my experience with the carnivore diet um in terms of uh the science for it and where to find it i think there's some websites you can bounce around you can look at some of those things i mentioned you want to check that out and also check out dr baker i want to say his first name is steven is that correct? His first name is Sean. So check out Sean Baker. He's on Instagram.
Starting point is 01:00:31 He's on Twitter. There's a lot of information from him. He was on Joe Rogan's show. I had him on my show here and tremendous amounts of information. Have we aired that show yet? We have not aired that show yet, but we will air it very soon. Anything else? If I can take her in for a landing. I'm having fun, man. I feel like just talking forever. You know what? The other day I was watching, I'm just going to keep going. Yeah. The other day I was watching TV and there's every once in a while, a movie will come on that you just have to keep on.
Starting point is 01:01:09 You can't, you just, it's almost like you'd be breaking a law if you change the channel. And my wife and I have a few of them, obviously like any Rocky, any of the Rockies pop up. You got to leave those on. Even if it's Rocky five,
Starting point is 01:01:23 you got to just leave it on. And the fugitive is another movie like that. I I've probably seen the fugitive about 4,000 times. It's just on all the time. Tombstone, Braveheart, just to name a few. And, oh man, we, we were just, we were laughing so hard. We, and my son started to watch it with us too. Coming to America with Eddie Murphy. Oh my God. So in our gym at super training gym, we have my boy Nsema, AKA the Natty professor and he's Nigerian. And so as soon as I saw that pop up, I sent him the clip where Eddie Murphy goes out on the balcony and he's like, I forget what he's yelling. He's just, he's like yelling how much he loves it.
Starting point is 01:02:09 He's like, I love this place. I love New York or whatever. And a guy yells, fuck you. He yells, shut the fuck up. Fuck you over and over again. And he goes, yes, fuck you too. That's just so good and then of course the uh barbershop scenes like how eddie murphy never won an academy award is beyond me like i know comedy is not even usually
Starting point is 01:02:33 like recognized but god damn that guy is fucking talented that's a great movie him and arsenio hall when arsenio hall's dressed up uh like a chick and he says, I'm going to tear you apart and your friend too. And they spit the drink out. That is just fucking hilarious. That's some really good stuff. And the barbershop scenes. He kicked Joe Louis's ass.
Starting point is 01:02:58 I love that shit, man. Rocky Marciano. Rocky Marciano. There they go again. Pulling a white man out their ass. Every time I talk about boxing, a white man's got to pull Rocky Marciano, Rocky Marciano, there they go again, pulling white man out their ass, every time I talk about boxing, a white man's gotta pull Rocky Marciano out their ass, anyway, I'm not gonna do any of those impersonations, any sort of justice, but I was just thinking about what a fucking great flick that was, and you know, some of those movies
Starting point is 01:03:18 from that time frame, oh, we're pulling up some pictures of it now, this is so funny, some of those movies from that, from that time, you know, kind of just had a certain feel to them. And I feel that a lot of stuff that we see nowadays has, has kind of lost some of that. Um, however, I think that, uh, uh, I think that the show stranger things, I think kind of brings you back to that timeframe. And I know that the, you know, because the movie is kind of like set in the eighties, but I think that's a good combination of like, uh, you know, it's just somebody who's super creative, but it kind of reminds me of like a back to the future, you know,
Starting point is 01:03:53 type of movie. What's that? Yeah. Yeah. It's kind of like, yeah, it's kind of Spielberg-y, uh, maybe even almost like Stephen King-esque. It's somewhere in that mode, but I love watching that show. Anyway, I'm going to shut the fuck up. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Hope you guys learned a lot about the carnivore diet. Make sure you check us out on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play. Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel.
Starting point is 01:04:19 Check out all the shit that we're doing. Strength is never a weakness. Weakness is never a strength. Bye.

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