Mark Bell's Power Project - The Most Efficient Way To Lose Fat And Gain Muscle || MBPP Ep. 1033

Episode Date: January 22, 2024

A live Q&A from YouTube just before it got shut down answering questions from the live audience about losing body fat, gaining muscle and the most efficient ways of training.  Official Power Project ...Website: Join The Power Project Discord: Subscribe to the Power Project Clips Channel:   Special perks for our listeners below!   🥩 HIGH QUALITY PROTEIN! 🍖 ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save up to 25% off your Build a Box ➢ Piedmontese Beef: Use Code POWER at checkout for 25% off your order plus FREE 2-Day Shipping on orders of $150   🩸 Get your BLOODWORK Done! 🩸 ➢ to receive 10% off our Panel, Check Up Panel or any custom panel!   Sleep Better and TAPE YOUR MOUTH (Comfortable Mouth Tape) 🤐 ➢ to receive a year supply of Hostage Tape and Nose Strips for less than $1 a night!   🥶 The Best Cold Plunge Money Can Buy 🥶 ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save $150!!   Self Explanatory 🍆 ➢ Enlarging Pumps (This really works):   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off supplements!   ➢ Code POWERPROJECT to save 15% off all gear and apparel!   Follow Mark Bell's Power Project Podcast ➢ ➢ ➢ Insta: ➢ YouTube:   FOLLOW Mark Bell ➢ Instagram: ➢ ➢ Facebook: ➢ Twitter:   Follow Nsima Inyang ➢ ➢YouTube: ➢Instagram: ➢TikTok:   Follow Andrew Zaragoza on all platforms ➢  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How long should a 5% cut last? I kind of almost want to say a lifetime because I want this to be a lifelong journey for you. How to use pre-fatigue for strength versus power versus hypertrophy? Jay Cutler, he would do five sets of 10 to 15 reps on leg extensions before every squat session. I turned 21 and can now go out with friends. How can I balance a social life and not lose progress?
Starting point is 00:00:24 There's nothing good that alcohol breaks. Do you guys still follow any sort of training split? I usually pick like a thing, try to get that thing accomplished either on that day or sometimes it ends up going to the other day. I know that you want to really have a concentration on training, but don't forget that, you know, the huge part of this process is through recovery. You know, a huge part of this process is through recovery. Paraproject family, we've had some amazing guests on this podcast like Kurt Engel, Tom Segura, Andrew Hooperman. And we want to be able to have more amazing guests on this podcast. And you can help it grow by leaving us a quick rating and review on Spotify and iTunes.
Starting point is 00:00:58 If you're listening to the podcast, just go ahead and give us a review. Let us know how you dig it and help the podcast grow so we can keep growing with y'all and bring you amazing information. Enjoy the show. Okay, and we're live for reals this time. We were talking about junk food? We have a junk food video? It's a clip from one of our podcasts, man. Do I need to re-click?
Starting point is 00:01:20 Were we talking about how addicted we are and that we can't help it? How addicted we are to junk food. Dude, you know what, though? You guys are forcing me to drink today oh my god okay crack open on fide over here we got 30 people in here now i don't normally do this and oh is that fide ooh it's 3 p.m somewhere dude i've been such a about caffeine like i'm i really want to drink it but i'm just like my hrv has been so good and like i don't know i don't know what i want to do at least like that's nothing i have a little bit in this tea so but coffee i want it but i'm just like everything's
Starting point is 00:01:56 so good it might throw you off fuck you know hey it's going good it's going good okay guys those of you that are here hello um since i think you guys can hear me now right okay cool you guys can hear me so um we're gonna answer all the questions that we can uh we have some super chats from the last live that we went on and we weren't able to answer those so we're gonna answer those super chats first then we're gonna answer the questions in here we're gonna give away some cool stuff from within you. CP Beef, which is the beef company that works with us, and a year's supply of hostage tape. And if you win at the end, if we answer your question and you win,
Starting point is 00:02:34 you have to be part of the Discord and you have to message me because we're going to pick the winners at the end. So your name gets called, message me on Discord, in the Power Project Discord, and we'll get you your prize. Imagine how many people would uh flock to the lives if we're giving away penis pumps you know we should give away a whopper yeah we actually should maybe the new electronic one dude i don't even have that one yeah we need it we need to get that shit uh i shouldn't i'm sorry about that shouldn't say
Starting point is 00:03:02 anything he's like they sent me three already. But let's quickly answer. Got hooked up to my car battery. Whoa. I'm surprised your dick isn't blowing off yet. Yeah, you want that extra bump, you know? It's like one of those, like, wacky arm flailing fucking two men. I love those things. Get me every time.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Power Project Family, if you guys want to get in on our next live q a join the discord down below because this is pre-recorded and we answered a bunch of your fitness and nutrition questions we also gave away some goodies from our sponsors so if you want to get on the next one join the discord below and enjoy the show all right what we're going to do is we're going to hit up the the super chats from the last live that we were on the the super chats are people who paid some money and they asked a question so we're going to get those questions done real quick and then we have one super channel on this live we're going to answer then we're going to get to all these other questions so the first question from you guys want to guess who it's from uh you guys know the guy that wins everything gunpowder team
Starting point is 00:03:54 my phone's about to die come jesus okay uh his question uh use this to stock up oh my god here we go. Gunpowder's question, the best leg training program recommendation. I've got to charge her for my phone. Best leg training program recommendation. Hmm. Oh, man, there's lots of routes you can go. I mean, shit, there's like programs where you can squat every day.
Starting point is 00:04:19 So if you like to be a masochist and like to do something really crazy, you can try a program like that. For programs in general, I advise a lot of people to try 5-3-1. I think it's just a great program overall. That's from Jim Wendler. It's a book. You can check it out. He has a lot of great ideas on training period but when it comes to leg training specifically i think like the real mf or the whole situation is that you know you have to kind of go in deep into those legs to
Starting point is 00:04:51 kind of get the results that you want and uh that can really suck you probably need probably need three or four exercises for the front of the leg kind of like the quad and you probably need you know a good three or four exercises for the hamstring, and then you need a little bit for the calves. So that's quite a bit of work. That's a lot of different sets and reps and all that kind of stuff. For myself, though, my legs didn't really grow well until I was done powerlifting. Powerlifting, I think, helped with the, with the
Starting point is 00:05:26 development and the strength of like the hamstrings and stuff. Um, but it was when I was done with my powerlifting career, when I started to kind of focus more on hypertrophy and bodybuilding and that kind of stuff, and just maybe slowed the reps down a little bit, um, did a little bit more eccentric work. That's when I noticed some good gains for the quads. And SEMA's got some massive quads and massive legs over here, so I'll have him fill you guys in on some really good information. But I do want to finish by saying that one of the most effective things that I've ever done for the lower body period has been sled work.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I absolutely love it. It's not complicated to do. Anyone can do it. And I just really love the feel of it. And I also have found that it doesn't seem to come at much cost. Like it doesn't hurt. Whereas sometimes some of the other movements that you might do, stiff leg deadlifts and just deadlifts in general and squats and stuff like that, great exercises, uh they can kind of beat you up a little bit yeah they they definitely can beat you up um i'd say there are three concepts that i'd keep in mind for training the legs the first concept would be
Starting point is 00:06:36 frequency so trying to train your legs more than once a week even though initially it might be kind of hard so initially you might want to start with once a week because leg fatigue is a different type of fatigue especially when you're working with a good amount of volume but if you can get yourself to doing your legs quads and hamstrings calves tips twice a week that i'd say was ideal and when you become super advanced and you can handle more training volume maybe you go for a few weeks and you do three leg days that's gonna you up but just i'd say keep it at two. The second concept is deep ranges of motion when it comes to the different movements you're doing, whether it's squats, leg pressing, unilateral movements like the ATG split squat, or any type of single leg like lunges, et cetera, try to get to a deep range of motion. The main reason I say
Starting point is 00:07:19 that is when you start doing that, it will be very uncomfortable, extremely uncomfortable. And obviously go to your best range of motion, but over time, try to push the range of motion with the load you're working with versus trying to increase the load you're working with and limit the range of motion. Because the more range of motion you can get to with your legs, the more you're going to be able to activate more muscle fibers, you're going to get more growth. more, you're going to be able to activate more muscle fibers, you're going to get more growth. So that's why sometimes things like these, if you're looking specifically for hypertrophy of the quads and the legs, something like the Smith machine squat and the leg press can be pretty great because, and the hack squat can be pretty great because your torso is in a fixed position
Starting point is 00:08:01 and you can get deep into them quads very full range and again into a deep range of motion but again i would personally and some people may disagree with this i would focus first on range of motion and then increasing load with a good range of motion rather than just increasing load um number three number three i think dude i forgot number three it'll come back oh maybe something like tempo or something like that. Tempo is good. Tempo is good. But trying to do more unilateral work, I think, is also going to be beneficial.
Starting point is 00:08:31 And, oh, yeah, this is what I was going to say. Not just focusing on your quads and hammies because we got things like the squat. We got things like deadlifts, stiff leg deadlifts, lying hamstring curls, but also making sure to get on the adductors and those muscles on the inside of your legs, doing things like the good girl, bad girl machine. You can do horse stance squats. Sumo deadlifts can be good for that too. But those muscles can grow quite a bit also. So if you don't ever attack them, you're going to notice there's a big weakness there. There's literally a big physical weakness, but a weakness as far as the way those muscles look. And the last thing I'll say is on the grappling side of things, if you're a grappler, it's actually somewhat disadvantageous to have
Starting point is 00:09:10 huge legs, even if they're mobile. I noticed this when I'm trying to hit triangles and certain positions that need me to like compress. I can cause a lot of compression and I have great mobility in my legs, but I noticed guys with slightly smaller quadriceps, they don't have to be super small, but slightly smaller, they can kind of spindle their legs in a much better way and tighten their legs in a much better way than I can just because my legs are so big. So my large legs are somewhat of a disadvantage when it comes to certain movements and grappling. when it comes to certain movements and grappling. I compare myself to a guy like Mason Fowler, who has big legs, but they're not as big, so he can still get in a lot of really cool, crazy positions that I can't get into just because of the sheer size of my quads.
Starting point is 00:09:51 And even just the simple act of just kind of holding them up a bit and maneuvering your legs around, it's like your stomach needs to be stronger for that. Initially, yeah, initially that was an issue. It's no longer an issue. But, yeah, I did have to be strong enough to fucking foil my legs all over the place when playing guard so yeah yeah no you're good yeah okay next question it's another super chat from hayley neil mark phenomenal talk on the genius
Starting point is 00:10:15 life podcast how long should a five percent cut last going from around 20 to at least 15%. Any advice helps? I mean, this can depend so much on your goals and what you're really trying to do. But in general, I think, let's say someone's 50 or 60 pounds overweight, and they want to remove that body fat, and they really feel like they'd be more comfortable at 200 pounds. They currently weigh 260. I think that you work on weighing 200 over the next five, six years. Sounds like an incredible, ridiculously long amount of time, but I would like to see people lose the weight slow. Like they might lose the 60 pounds in six months. Like that's fine. Like you can lose the weight kind of in
Starting point is 00:11:11 whatever way you want, but you need to be kind of cautious. The faster you lose it, sometimes the faster that you kind of lose control because it's literally a mathematical equation. The calories in, calories out, all that stuff. But if you just, you know, realize that a pound of fat is about 3,500 calories approximately, how much, you know, how much of that can you like eliminate from your day-to-day food intake? Like 3,500 calories is a tremendous amount of energy. So most people will say that you can, you know, bring your calories down by maybe 200 or 250 or so per day and have it not be too excruciating. As much as I'm not like really into the counting calories and paying super close attention to that, I do think that
Starting point is 00:12:00 when you get into like eating less food, that it can be just a pain in the ass. It can be really difficult, really challenging, and it can lead you to binging and it can lead you almost into a place where your diet habits are just as bad as they were before. So for example, someone might eat a shitty meal once a day, every day. They might do that all the time. But someone that goes on a diet, they might diet five, six day. They might do that all the time. But someone that goes on a diet, they might diet five, six days, weekend comes, and then they binge. They binge and eat like crazy on the weekend. That person's diet is probably just as bad as the person that's really not hardly on a diet that just eats a shitty meal every day. So
Starting point is 00:12:40 have the process just take a long time. I don't think there's any sort of real rush. You're mentioning the podcast I did with Max Lugavere. And yeah, I was stressing that, like, just take your time with all this stuff. Like what's, there's really no, I understand you want to feel better and look better, but there's really no rush to it. And let's not forget, there's other habits to pick up along the way. Like we need you to do a bunch of things along the way to make all this stuff work. And one of them is obviously lifting, consuming more protein. These, these habits, they take a long time to ingrain. And I would love to see, like when someone says, how long should this take for me to get the body I want? I kind of almost want to say a lifetime because I want this to be a lifelong journey for you. Yeah, I think you killed that. I just say,
Starting point is 00:13:28 don't rush yourself. Don't rush yourself towards body fat percentage, especially if you're resistance training and you're training with a good amount of volume, there's a chance that you're going to be gaining a little bit of muscle over time. So the thing is, is you won't be seeing the differences on the scale as fast as you made like,
Starting point is 00:13:41 but you will be seeing, you'll be seeing differences as far as like, you know, your measurements, your visual, your visual body fat, like you'll see differences in the mirror over time if you're eating at maintenance or a slight caloric deficit while resistance training. So just give it time. Don't rush towards that body fat percentage. If you give it time, it'll come and it'll come with minimal stress. People should be able to see that you're dropping some weight
Starting point is 00:14:05 probably in the beginning, maybe the first month or two. You maybe get a compliment here and there, and then the compliments from that point will probably be slow because your body composition changes are going to be slow from there. If you look at Wyatt, you know, Wyatt got pretty heavy for a little while. He's back around 245 pounds which that kid holds his weight really well he does he's able to be he's able to be a little thick which is which is kind of nice but um you know he's lost about i think like 30 pounds and so he did did so in a
Starting point is 00:14:38 fairly short period of time and now he's saying he's like well my body weight is sort of you know it's slowed down quite a bit and i like, this is a great place to be. Let's just work on getting you towards around 230 pounds. And that might take until the next five, six months. And that's fine. We're not in a super big rush for it. The key is that he's back training in the gym. He's got consistency there.
Starting point is 00:15:02 And so hopefully he keeps that consistency. And he's only 19 years old. So hopefully he holds onto that consistency with lifting. And regardless of what he decides to do in his diet later on in life, if he just keeps the lifting around, he should be able to manage his body weight. All right. Okay. And there's 81 people here. So again, I just want to update the new people in here because I saw someone ask how do you win prizes or how do you get your question answered um to win we got to answer your question we're going to give away some stuff at the end we'll put it in a fucking barrel of protein and pick five people um so we have to have answered your question right now we are answering our super chats that we missed because we went live and there were some technical
Starting point is 00:15:41 difficulties but like eight of you guys sent us super chats. So we need to answer those questions first. And then we need to answer the super chat questions here. And then after we're able to answer all the super chats, we'll get to all the other questions. So just give us a little bit, let's get all these questions answered. And then at the end for the winners, just join our discord.
Starting point is 00:15:59 The link is in the description. If you win and just join the discord anyway, there's a community of almost 3000 people in there. And that's where you'll be able to message us. And if you win, you join the discord anyway there's a community of almost 3 000 people in there um and that's where you'll be able to message us and if you win you'll get your prize but yeah join the discord anyway next question from elliot harris this is an interesting one how to use pre fatigue for strength versus power versus hypertrophy considerations for isolateral movements prior to bilateral compounds or vice versa. Okay. Sneaky one.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Yeah, pretty cool question. Normally what people will say is the exercises or the things that you're about to do, the ones that have the highest skill, that require the highest skill level, those are normally ones that you're going to want to do first. So it kind of also depends on how long you've been training for i mean there's many bodybuilders and stuff like that that will they'll do some walking lunges towards the end of a workout um walking lunge obviously doesn't take a tremendous amount of skill set but it does take some balance and coordination if you've never done them before you might feel kind of awkward
Starting point is 00:17:02 but if you're trying to do like explosive movements and movements that require some athleticism, med ball stuff, plyos, jumps, one-legged hops, and all these kinds of things, normally those are things that you would do after a brief warmup. You'd normally try to start your workout with that. A lot of times from that that point you would move into like main exercises or main movements that are a little bit more strength based and then from there you might kind of polish off the whole workout with just some sets and reps for hypertrophy or um even some sets and reps to like bulletproof a certain area or something like that yeah um you know if you are a strength athlete and you're focused on power lifting, it's,
Starting point is 00:17:46 you know, you're the main thing you're looking for performance on that day is making sure that your lifts are good. You know, your coach might have you lifting something at 70, 80%. Maybe you're going to be doing some singles. It's probably not the best idea to do a lot of pre-fatigue work before you're hitting a heavy single because you already got a warm up to that load. So if you're a power lifter, it's typically, you know, you're going to do your compound heavier lifts first and you'll do your accessories after.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Now, if you're someone who's focused on hypertrophy, the same concept kind of still holds true where, you know, you want to do your heavier type of movements, the movements that are going to take way more out of you first. But the thing is, is you don't have to do that because when you're aiming for hypertrophy, you're aiming for stimulus. You're aiming to fatigue all of those tissues as much as you can with any given load. And that's also, you'll see like a lot of bodybuilders, they don't need to work with the heaviest load to get great amounts of hypertrophy. There's some bodybuilders that never squat over 315 and they have huge fucking quads because when they're doing squats, they'll do a lot of high repetitions. They'll do tempo. They'll do a lot of things to bring fatigue and sensation and stimulus to that area. They're not focused on necessarily the load on the bar. So with that being said, if you wanted to, you could do, I think it was Jay Cutler.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Did you already mention him? Yeah. Jay Cutler, he would do five sets of, uh, I think 10 to 15 reps on a leg extensions before every squat session. There's also the great Lee Haney who utilized pre-fatigue in slightly different way. I think he did more like super sets and drop sets and Sergio Olivier, uh, did giant sets, which, which which is kind of funny because like you start to look at each guy and start to look at their physique and you're like oh that's cool that guy did like he did two things back to back and then you're like well this guy did three things back to back and then sergio olivier is like kind of the biggest of all like he's as one of the best physiques in the history of bodybuilding he supposedly did like five things in a row
Starting point is 00:19:43 like i'm writing that now and like i'm gonna do that and he had an amazing physique there really wasn't i don't know if there's anybody ever liked that guy before or or since i mean it's just ridiculous yeah and he was bald bald and handsome bald and handsome and black all right anyway but you know um his son's a good bodybuilder now he is yes oh yeah i've heard his name his son is jacked as hell sick looks amazing so yeah yeah again you guys have those options um for most people i would still say though do your harder movements first for most people but you know if you want to spice things up yeah and go the other way just a little bit more on that
Starting point is 00:20:20 it's like you know you don't you don't want to get yourself in a there we go so yeah just junior yeah Sergio olivio jr yeah there he is he's insane can they see it on screen or not yeah they can oh they can okay yeah jesus just as an example like it probably wouldn't matter too much if you did some like leg curls before you deadlifted probably not gonna it's probably not gonna be you're probably gonna be like man i'm way too tired to do these deadlifts however if you did a bunch of like lat pull downss or something and then you try to deadlift, your grip might be kind of shitty. Or if you did a bunch of lat pulldowns and then you moved on to trying to get something out of like a bent over row. So those are the kind of things you just want to pay attention to, the areas that you're fatiguing.
Starting point is 00:21:01 You could always work different muscles within a training session that works really good and then the order doesn't matter as much so you could potentially do a bunch of leg extensions leg presses hack squats and then you could deadlift because the deadlift is a little bit more of the hammies and glutes and lower back and stuff like that and you really didn't hit any of that with the other movements. But it takes time to kind of develop that knowledge and to know how to train that way. Yeah, my favorite part of pre-fatiguing is just how safe you feel, you know, how safe you are, right? Because, again, just for simple numbers, if your max squat is 225, but then you pre-fatiguing, you can throw half of that on the bar.
Starting point is 00:21:43 And then you're still going to get a grueling workout, but you're safe. You're completely safe. Have either one of you guys really messed with some squats where you're not sure if you're going to get back into the rack or not? Yeah, with you often. When I was younger. When I was like 22, 23. Yeah. You're like, I'm not sure how this is going to play out because you're like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:22:04 23 yeah you're like i'm not sure how this is gonna play out because you're like i don't know you're you're on like rep 9 and you know you're like i should probably do like 12 or 15 and you're kind of going and legs are real tired but the the nasty thing about some of that stuff is that all of a sudden your power just goes yeah and you learn you learn you learn like you're like i'm not i'm not really messing with that again yeah um it's just weird because you're going and going and you're like man i got plenty of strength i think i could do like two more and then all of a sudden no more strength so while it is good to push just be careful the exercises that you select to do stuff like that with yeah y'all be smart please power project family we talk about beef and meat all the time on the podcast. That's why we partnered with Certified Piedmontese Beef.
Starting point is 00:22:48 But did you know this? That 85% of all grass-fed, grass-finished beef in the United States is imported from other countries? 85%. Damn. But Certified Piedmontese is made in the U.S. of A. America. America. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:03 So go ahead and get some of the best tasting some of the leanest some of the best beef from piedmontese andrew how can they get it absolutely uh so you guys can head over to and check out enter promo code power to save 25 off your entire order and if your order is 150 or more you get free two-day shipping again links to them down in the description as well as the podcast show notes fuck yeah all right from kale ritz hello i'm a student in college and have been serious in the gym for three and a half years congratulations dude i turned 21 and can now go out with friends how can i balance a social life and not lose progress thanks oh man i'm not sure i'm not sure we're the ones you want to ask this Can I balance a social life and not lose progress? Thanks. Oh, man. I'm not sure.
Starting point is 00:23:46 I'm not sure we're the ones you want to ask this one. It's all about those gains, bro. No more drinking. To be – okay. There's a – I think we all have some interesting stuff on this one. But I would first off say, Kale, assess alcohol a little bit more because when you're in your early 20s and you're in college that's a big part of what college students typically do to have fun and it's rare you know it's it'd be great if you could find a group that didn't drink an excessive amount and drinking
Starting point is 00:24:17 wasn't the only way they'd have fun but that's what your friends are doing I just like I'd assess your relationship with alcohol and just make sure that you're being as responsible as you can be because there's other than like the feeling of camaraderie with drinking with people there's nothing good that alcohol brings you physique wise health wise long-term mental health there's literally nothing good that alcohol brings you um so that's the first thing i'm going to say about that. Let's just like, let's, I would say, you know, it's hard, you know, being an adult, what comes to mind, you know, if I was talking to somebody that's 30 or 40, it'd be different. You know, I'd say, Hey, you might want to look into like Kava. You might want to look into Kratom. You might want
Starting point is 00:25:01 to look into some nootropics. You might want to look, I might like rattle off a couple of things, but when you're 18, 19, 20 years old, like I don't want to see you getting like too dependent on anything really. Um, I, I'd never had that happen to me luckily. Um, and, uh, I would hate for that to happen to my own children. I got a 16 year old daughter and 20 year old son. And so I would hate for them to be dependent on, you know, anything other than maybe a cup of coffee or something. Um, so I would try, you know, try your best, uh, to like, you're like, uh, and Seema saying, try to surround yourself with maybe some like-minded people. Like maybe you can find more people that are into lifting more people that are into, you know, while it might not be
Starting point is 00:25:45 the most enticing thing, it might not be the funnest thing. Like, Hey man, why don't you come over? We'll have some protein shakes and play some video games. Honestly, that sounds great. Yeah, I know. I know. Yeah. See if you can find some bros and like, you know, maybe participate in some different stuff here and there. But I also don't think that you can't enjoy the college experience. I think that you could, um that you could occasionally drink and you could occasionally get involved in some of these parties and some of these other things that you might be doing. But to try to do so responsibly is probably very difficult. It's probably very difficult once you get going, have a drink or two, next thing you know, you're doing a keg stand.
Starting point is 00:26:24 You know, it's probably really easy to kind of fall into those pitfalls and then have the whole weekend just friday saturday boom you just every week that you're messing up i guess that's not an exaggeration by the way like that shit if you get like wasted if you get wasted and you're someone who's looking for progress as far as in the gym that's to fuck with your recovery for like not just a few days. It'll fuck with you for quite a while. So if you do drink, try not to drink to get drunk. Try to drink to get tipsy.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Yeah, have fun. To get kind of warm. Yeah. That's tough because, right, like if he's lifting, he's probably going to be in better shape than a lot of dudes that are going to the school. And it's like, why wouldn't like, oh, my gosh, I wish I could go back in time and be somebody that was addicted to exercise, to be in shape, to show up to these parties that I was going to. But I was like skinny and scrawny. But if I could have been one of the better looking dudes at the party, holy shit, would that have been fun? Right?
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yes, it would. So for many, many reasons. yes it would so for many many reasons so it's impossible for me to be like yeah no dude just focus on you know whatever don't don't worry about that stuff that'll come later but you know so what i'm what i would like to say though is to help like moderate and help control some of the the drinking and stuff is maybe look into whether it be like i don't know some form of competition. So if you are lifting heavy, then obviously like a powerlifting meet, because what that's going to do is it's going to keep you focused on like your end goal. Again, don't know about like school schedule and stuff,
Starting point is 00:27:56 but like a bodybuilding show or something. Great recommendation. Jump into some jujitsu or some shit. Just something because now all of a sudden you have a a higher priority than getting hammered right like you can go have a drink but then you have to realize it takes one time to get hammered and then go try to do the thing the next morning when you're can you imagine trying to do like jujitsu or something that way yeah and then you know like your sweat smells like alcohol and shit you're like so that like you'll get you'll do that probably like once and then be like dude i'm never doing that again sema's just robbing this is quite exciting yeah wear this shirt that so yeah just uh having a priority above just drinking and having fun like like
Starting point is 00:28:37 again not really celebrating anything it's a good fit look at that i love that shirt by the way but yeah so yeah put a put a prior higher priority than just partying okay you guys want us to sell these shirts let us know i just made a couple of them kind of just messing around having some fun do you want to say what it means if you don't lift you don't count if you don't lift you don't count yeah i was talking with a friend of mine and uh he was we were talking about a bunch of different like influencers and youtube people and you know this health guy and that health guy. And I said, you know what? That guy doesn't lift. And if you don't lift, you don't count. I'm like, so I'm not, I'm not listening to that guy.
Starting point is 00:29:11 And my friend kind of looked at me, nodded his head. He's like, if you don't lift, you don't count. He's like, that's right. Can I get an amen? Amen. All right, let's roll. All right. So, man all right let's roll all right so so yeah man um kale kale kale kale kale yeah yeah just be careful with alcohol when you're young man um try again i'll just say this just try not to build a dependence on it and try not to let it be i guess like the only way you learn how to have fun because i i still know a few i still have a few homies from like back in the day in college who it's like they still drink an excessive amount and that is their way of fun they all their friends it's their way of fun and they're in the group so they find it hard to leave the group because the group loves to drink to have fun yeah so it's there are people that don't drink but it's probably like you know you're probably in this bubble where you think everyone oh yeah
Starting point is 00:30:04 everyone at college you know everyone at your school or whatever. I think like everyone drinks and that's like the cool thing to do. And that's what everyone does at a party. But I'm sure if you're really paying attention, it's probably not everyone. Yeah. Probably a lot, but it's probably not everyone. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:20 Next question from Ryan. I recently built a home gym and this is another super chat guys. Again, we're going to get to all these Super Chats first. I recently built a home gym, so I've gone from having short and focused gym sessions to having an unlimited time to lift. What should I take into consideration when spreading a workout over time? Unlimited time. That's great. Did you write this, Mark?
Starting point is 00:30:44 Yeah, really. unlimited time that's great did you write this mark yeah really yeah one thing i'll say is like especially if you're focusing on hypertrophy um you can spread out uh you know you can spread out your session through the day especially since you have all your equipment but a part of hypertrophy is fatiguing a certain muscle group to the point that like you're getting very close to failure and you're getting all of those fibers lifting that load right and you're typically gonna be able to get there after doing a few sets so if you do one good set and then you go into your house you do some shit then you come back and do another set an hour later like it'd probably be better if you did three or four really good sets and then you when you did your other stuff later on. So that's just a consideration from the hypertrophy side of things.
Starting point is 00:31:28 Yeah, like when we talk about microdosing stuff, we usually get done with something in there. We might work on something for 15, 20 minutes. And then a lot of times when we're done with a podcast, I might go back to something. But as Nsema's pointing out, it's not like I did one set of bicep curls and then came back three hours later and did another set of bicep curls. It would be, I would do some stuff for biceps. And then when I go back in there, I would do something, start to work on something else. I think a huge, you know, there's some advantages and disadvantages. I believe that everyone works really well off of a schedule. And so sometimes when you don't have a schedule, like Andrew, you might have found this for yourself.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Like on days when you have jujitsu in the morning, your whole day and everything else, and you have a podcast scheduled, those are probably like your best days in some ways. Because like everything's sort of like preset. When you look at the calendar and it's blank you're like oh what should i do where should i go you know and then you end up wasting a lot of time so i think that for this guy in particular i think it'd be a really good idea for you to schedule i would still schedule your workouts um and and try to try not to use words like might or maybe. Just actually write it down. Workout 10 a.m. or whatever time you want to commit to. And maybe you do get some double sessions in here and there, but I don't think there's any real need to get double training sessions in every single day. So give yourself a little bit of reprieve and some grace with that. Give yourself a little bit of reprieve and some grace with that. day, it's going to take you all day to do 10 exercises. But if you put the time parameters of it, of like, all right, I have an hour and a half to work out. You will get the same workout in, in that timeframe because you set it and that's what you're going to do. Cause I mean,
Starting point is 00:33:33 it happens all the time with like, you know, like productivity and stuff, like however much time you have, you know, that's going to help, you know, determine how long it's going to take for you to complete the job. And so I believe that with a workout, it's the exact same thing. Yeah. All right, next question. Leviathan lifts. How should I prep for a powerlifting meet? Oh, my goodness.
Starting point is 00:33:55 Prepping for a powerlifting meet, you usually want to have at least six or eight weeks minimum. It's not an easy thing to like figure out it's not an easy thing to give someone advice on because it's just it's kind of a long-winded thing but i think rule number one is you need to know the rules and regulations of the competition that you're competing in um you need to be aware of like you might need a singlet you know you see all these like little things like if you've never competed before, these are all things that you want to try to check and make sure of. When prepping for a powerlifting contest, I think it's important that you go into the competition with the mindset of you want to really try to make a lot of lifts. I don't think anyone's going into the competition trying to miss lifts, but you see people be way too ambitious
Starting point is 00:34:47 with the selection of the weights. So in Empowering Meat, you start out with a squat, then you go to a bench, and then you go to a deadlift. On each lift, you're not allowed to go back down and wait. And so sometimes people choose an opener that is way too heavy for them. And then they start to, you know, they have three attempts to try to get the lift right.
Starting point is 00:35:08 And sometimes they bomb out or sometimes they just underperform. And what I usually suggest to people is the first attempt that you have on bench squat and deadlift, it should all be things that you can handle for about three repetitions. The second attempt should be something that you know you can do for like an easy double. And the third one should still be like an easy single. And part of the reason for that is because powerlifting is about your total. It's not about the single lift. So none of those lifts on that day should really be a roll of the dice.
Starting point is 00:35:40 If you watch the good lifters, they almost always make their lifts really clean, even when it is a third attempt. It's because they're really trying to pile up that total at the end of the day. And also a competition, even though you are competing and you are going for it, there's still not really a lot of reasons for you to do like 101% of your max. I think it's okay to kind of leave the powerlifting event with a little bit left on the table and you know that you can kind of do more. In terms of actually programming for it, again, there are so many different ways that you can kind of go about doing something like that. But normal circumstances, people are going to use some sort of progressive overload. They're going to squat
Starting point is 00:36:25 bench deadlift one time per week. And over a period of time, as the contest gets closer, they are going to do the specific lifts that they're asked to do in the competition. And they're going to progressively work a little heavier. For me personally, I never trained that way. I trained differently. I utilized the conjugate system and the west side method and did like box squats and all kinds of different stuff. But that was also partly like, I don't know, I power lifted for so long that I just, I kind of knew the weights that I was capable of and all that kind of thing. But the real basics of it are that you're going to utilize some sort of progressive overload. that kind of thing. But the real basics of it are that you're going to utilize some sort of progressive overload. You're going to utilize low amount of reps, a higher amount of sets. And through all your training, you should make your lifts look really clean. And again,
Starting point is 00:37:16 I always recommend to people 5-3-1. I think it's one of the better books written on powerlifting. And lastly, I'll plug my own book, which is Jacked and Tan, which is a, written on powerlifting. And lastly, I'll plug my own book, which is Jacked and Tan, which is there's an insane amount of information in there about powerlifting. But I always forget that I wrote it a couple of years ago. I will say, you know, if this is your first meet, I'd say it's a good idea to find yourself a coach that will help you prep for a meet. Because if you are just training right now and you're just training to get stronger, a lot of times working with a coach for a meet or two can give you a good idea how to structure your training outside of a meet and then how to structure your training getting ready for a meet. Obviously, but you should probably get yourself a coach. I would also say for most people, do not worry about cutting for a weight class for your first meet.
Starting point is 00:38:04 worry about cutting for a weight class for your first meet because if you're cutting for a weight class and you haven't been used to training at this weight and lifting heavy at this weight, and then you're suddenly like, I'm going to do 84s, but I'm 95 kilos. It's like, you will be much weaker going into that weight class, um, versus just focusing on where you're at lifting as well as you can and having the best meat performance. Um then, yeah, conceptually though, it's just like, usually, you know, a lot of people start trying to lift a lot of heavy singles multiple weeks before the meat. And that comes because maybe a lack of a lack of structure when it comes to what they're doing in the gym, but that's probably what you don't want to do. You don't need to be lifting 95% loads or true one rep maxes before
Starting point is 00:38:46 your meet. You want to be lifting loads, especially as you're getting closer that again, are triples, doubles somewhere within like the 90% to give you an idea of where your true max is so that you can then express the true max or as close to your true max on the platform. But the week before meet two weeks, three weeks, this isn't the time to be doing balls to the wall singles you don't need to be doing that but a lot of people feel that they need to because of a lack of structure it's not the time to change your shoes and everything else too you see people do that they're and because it's all because uh they're training too heavy they're training way too heavy they miss a lift in training they're like oh heavy. They're training way too heavy. They miss a lift in training. They're like, oh, man, maybe I should change my stance.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Maybe I should change my grip. Maybe I should do a hook grip. And it's like, oh, man. We need to do the whole training program 10 weeks out at least with the same exact parameters the whole time. Yep. All right, Jonas Dahl. Do you guys still follow any sort of training split or with all of your physical endeavors outside the gym?
Starting point is 00:39:48 Do you just train based off of feel? For me personally, I usually pick like a thing and I try to get that thing accomplished either on that day or sometimes it ends up going to the other day. But just as an example, a couple of days ago, I wanted to do some deadlift, deadlifting. So I worked on some deadlifting a couple of days before that. I wanted to work on some bench pressing. And so I did some bench pressing, but it's really like, I'm like, let me do like a couple sets of five. It's a little casual, but I've kind of have always been that way. The only difference is that I had a structure previously when we had a team because we were all sort of lifting together. So we would – Tuesday we would do lower body. Thursday would be upper body and then same thing on the weekend.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Saturday would be lower body and Sunday would be upper body again. and Sunday would be upper body again. But, yeah, I just kind of do stuff by the way I feel, but I also am a huge fan of just try to pick one thing because I found that if I pick one thing, that's something really easy and manageable for me to get done. Okay, nice. I'm aware this beanie goes well with this color. Andrew, you can go next if you want.
Starting point is 00:41:04 Sure thing. Yeah, so obviously jiu-jitsu is going to be three days a week, It goes well with this color. Andrew, you can go next if you want. Sure thing. Yeah. So obviously jiu-jitsu is going to be three days a week. And then the other days, if I am going to get like a lifting session or I'm going to like, all right, let's go, it's still going to be the break 20. So I still just do a lot of cable movements or pretty much only cable movements. I feel good when I do them. I chase the pump. I feel awesome. and like I don't
Starting point is 00:41:27 it's only steps forward like there's never an incident where like I kind of not bash but like always reference bent over rows because those hurt me the most but like alright cool we're going to go super light on bent over rows and it's like oh those are still uncomfortable you know I didn't
Starting point is 00:41:43 get much benefit out of it so with the brig 20 movements i still get just pure benefits from them so i'm just going to keep doing them and i don't get bored of them either so there's that yeah so i'm doing jujitsu right now anywhere from five to some weeks it's every day um and i still get around three to four good lifting sessions in but i depending on the day, I'll do something then. This is actually in the UNTAP program where I call it like a flow day. Because I'll go into the gym on some days and I'm feeling really tired, like really beat. But the thing is, is like getting blood flow to all of your tissues, getting a pump in tissues is going to help you recover. those, those like getting a pump in tissues is going to help you recover. So even if you don't lift a hard day, it's still beneficial to go in, do some squats, do some ATD split squats,
Starting point is 00:42:31 do some light seated good mornings to get movement and blood to these areas. Because I know that that's going to help me recover faster so I can have more like better jujitsu sessions during the week. So I'll always have flow days during the week. I'll have one of my days, one or two of my days during the week is going to be a fairly high volume day in terms of like I'll do a lot of the movements that I haven't untapped. But I'll also do some classic bodybuilding type movements because I dig hypertrophy. And I'm also working on some different movements that I'm going to be putting in a dense program that's going to be more, I guess, for individuals that can handle a little bit more training volume and that are looking for a bit more stimulus. So, yeah, like I don't go by feel. I still have a level of structure because there are movements that I know are going to progress my movement ability for jujitsu. But I still do a lot of movements that are going to like help me maintain and still gain some tissue. I still go to failure on certain things cause that feels fucking good.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Um, and yeah, that's kind of how I go about it. Do you have anything sort of like written out usually, or is it like real? Is it more like general? Like you did those Zurcher, uh,
Starting point is 00:43:39 deadlifts the other day and, and yeah, like, but is it done on a specific day no um now it's like okay so obviously we have the benefit and the hangs like the arm hangs and stuff you do yeah i'm hanging every day that i get into the gym so i'm hanging pretty much every single day and i do uh like you know 60 90 second hangs i'll do those multiple times and that's just for shoulder health because again when it comes to jujitsu sometimes you're going to get mounted sometimes you're you're going to be here and some people tap from pressure because they
Starting point is 00:44:09 can't they're not comfortable with their arms being over their head or being in this position but since i have good shoulder mobility i never want to be in those positions my arms over my head but if someone forced my arms over my head yeah imagine someone's so good yeah imagine someone's leg was underneath your quad and keeping it. Yeah, that shit is uncomfortable. I'd say, I hate jiu just progress to a place. I can do that. Like I can do singles at three 15 now. Um, and I could probably do a few reps at that, but I've been slowly progressing it because when you're lifting someone and there are certain aspects in grappling, when you're going to be pushing someone or lifting someone from certain positions, you're doing that with a rounded back
Starting point is 00:44:57 bent position. You're not hip hinging down and keeping a neutral spine and lifting. Give me a second as I put my lifting belt on, you know, you're lifting with a rounded spine and lifting these individuals as i put my lifting belt on yeah you know you're lifting with a rounded spine which is why i think zurcher deadlifts are great if you have access to sandbags sandbags are awesome sandbag walks but the thing is most people don't have access to those so i don't program those in but i think if you did and you're a grappler do sandbag carries do sandbag walks those are going to be really good as far as like deadlift type movements but deadlifts with a rounded spine which is what you're going to be doing when you're grappling kind of thinking of uh when someone picks up a stone would that be pretty decent as well because you end up kind of like you know and again i know people don't have tons of access to stones like
Starting point is 00:45:40 crazy but they're here and there stones would be good but i'd go for sandbags because like the the malleability of the bag and the uh i feel like the inconsistency of the bag is much better than than a stone um but stones if you if you if you have stones and you don't have sandbags use the stone do some sandbags do some stone walks or stone carries um that's a good thing you can do yeah i like uh kind of mixing stuff up the way in sema's describing i have a few things that i really kind of enjoy doing i like doing a heavy sled pull i'll do sled pulling for distance um i have been doing the hangs as well the zurcher thing is something i probably should work on because i was trying to mess with it today and i'm so what i'll need to do is i'll need to kind of almost start from the top down.
Starting point is 00:46:28 I think I need to start like take it out of the rack the way that I used to do Zurcher squats quite a bit. And then I probably need like a certain amount of weight on there and bring myself down to like a pin or something like that or stack it up a little bit off the ground because it was funny. I was trying to get in position for it. I'm trying to push my feet out super wide, and then I'm kind of low, and then I kind of get under here, but I can't quite get all the way. And I could figure out a way just to cheat the whole thing and do it,
Starting point is 00:46:59 but I'm like, I'm probably just going to hurt myself, so let me just abandon this. But, yeah, I have a lot of fun with just like literally just mixing up training. I, you know, I run about three times a week. I lift about four times a week. And I just, the one thing that I am conscious of is I just make sure that I don't work out twice a day for a bunch of days in a row. Yeah. That's like the only thing I'm kind of conscious of.
Starting point is 00:47:26 And I just won't allow myself to do it regardless of how I feel. So I do a lot of stuff by feel, but even if I feel good and I lifted and ran like two, three days in a row, I will not let myself do that on like the third day. Cause I know at some point there's going to be a price to pay. Yeah. And this is the,
Starting point is 00:47:43 this is one thing I'm gonna mention uh for any athletes whether it's uh grapplers or two sport athletes who are like you're doing running and lifting you're doing i don't know soccer and lifting because like some people when it comes to to the gym they're like you know but i want to progress as much as i can in the gym and i want to progress as much as i can in grappling the And the thing is, is you got to think about, you got so much energy, dog, like you have so much energy and you can progress in the gym, but you just got to be smart with the amount of volume you're doing in the gym. Cause you got to realize like that fatigue will, you know, that will affect some of your grappling sessions and you can be okay with that, but don't fucking try to do, if you're focused on becoming
Starting point is 00:48:23 a better grappler, don't destroy yourself in the gym because you want to progress as fast as you can in the gym. You're going to be strength training for years. You're going to be strength training for decades. It's not something you're going to stop when you're 30, 40, 50, 60, 70. You're going to be doing this for decades. And if you can do a manageable amount every single week for decades on end, the progress you're looking for is going to come. for decades on end, the progress you're looking for is going to come. But if you go too hard and you destroy yourself and then you like injure yourself because you've been doing too much and then you can't fucking grapple well, you can't lift well, it's just not a good recipe for long
Starting point is 00:48:55 term success. So just realize that you got so much energy, use it wisely. Trying to do either one to the detriment of either one, the best that you can. Now, if you're picking one over the other because you want to be a better jiu-jitsu athlete, then that's fine. And if you're in competition and stuff like that. But I don't think you really want to come in the gym wrecked from jiu-jitsu like every day. And just like, I don't know if I'm going to be able to lift today. And then doing the same thing at jiu-jitsu. You burn yourself out in the gym and then you go to jiu-jitsu. You're like, I don be able to lift today. And then doing the same thing at jujitsu. You burn yourself out in the gym, and then you go to jujitsu.
Starting point is 00:49:28 You're like, oh, I don't want to roll today. You're just getting yourself. I did the same thing with running and lifting. So do your best to keep some balance going on there. It's not a good place to be. All right, Roger family, it's time to step up your barefoot shoe game. Now, we talk about foot health all the time on the podcast, but the winter months are coming, and Vivo's come out with some slick boots. These are their Gobi boots and they have
Starting point is 00:49:49 different colors on their website. Now these have a wide toe box. They are flat and they are flexible and they're stylish and sexy as boots. But obviously Vivo is awesome because they not only have boots and casual shoes like their Novus right here, which again, wide, flat, flexible, so that your foot can do what it needs to do within the shoe. And you're getting the benefit of having your feet improve while you're walking around in shoes. But they also have shoes for the gym, like their Modus. Again, flat, flexible, wide toe box, along with their Primus Light 3s and all the classics that you know. They also have shoes for running and running on their website. So again, for all barefoot type shoes, Vivo is your one-stop shop for pretty much all the types of kicks you need. Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, you guys
Starting point is 00:50:33 got to head over to slash powerproject. There you guys will see a code at the top. Make sure you guys enter that code and you'll save 15% off your order. Again, slash powerproject. Links in the description as well as the podcast show notes. Do you guys know what Imodium? We got a super chat from Elliot Harris. Imodium AD? He used this to stock up on some pre-podcast Imodium. What's Imodium?
Starting point is 00:50:53 Yeah, because when we were saying that Mark was taking a poop. Oh. So it's to kind of like help with diarrhea and that sort of thing. Kind of like Pepto. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah, that was a long ass poop, Mark.
Starting point is 00:51:02 I am always pooping, yeah. Yeah. All right. Super chat from Alex Hicks. Can I train tibs and calves every day? Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah, that was a long-ass poop, Mark. I am always pooping, yeah. All right. Super chat from Alex Hicks. Can I train tibs and calves every day? Oh, my God. Tibs and calves might just get to be way too jacked.
Starting point is 00:51:14 I don't know. I've never done that before. I don't know if you need to train them every day, but if you're having fun with it and you like it, why not? Yeah, you can do, like, I do a version of, I do some tip work every day. I do some like calf raises like every day, but it's not like it's always loaded, right? So I think you can, but there'll be certain days,
Starting point is 00:51:37 maybe two or three of your days where you really bring them to a level of fatigue. You know what I mean? Where you're working with load and you're bringing them to fatigue. But like on other days, it is good to get your tips going and get your tips activated. It is good to get blood to all these areas. That's why I mentioned like, I call them flow days. Ian Danny has certain days that he said he's programmed for people where it's
Starting point is 00:51:56 like, if you don't have as much energy, do this type of workout. I think it's good to get blood flow to all of your tissues every single day. The thing is, is just how much fatigue are you causing as you bring that blood flow to those tissues every day get blood flow to your tissues but certain days fatigue the out of those tissues that's how you can do that every single day i think some of it too is like a question of like why you know like if you enjoy it and you're trying to jump higher or you have some end result that you're looking for, it does seem to make sense to train the shit out of stuff. I mean, we wouldn't question somebody playing basketball almost every single day. We wouldn't question somebody doing a lot of their sport every single day, and that would train the shit out of you.
Starting point is 00:52:39 I mean, playing soccer, playing basketball, playing a lot of these sports is training the shit out of your calves and your shins and all these different spots. We wouldn't like discourage that. But I think sometimes you got to kind of ask yourself why, like maybe your legs do need a little bit of a break here and there, and maybe it needs a break so that you can actually load it appropriately. Because honestly, if you train something the right way and you one of the results you're looking for is hypertrophy, then it's nearly impossible to train them every day because the load and the recipe for hypertrophy is too much. And therefore, you might have to back off and train it like three times a week. I want to add on that note too. like three times a week. I want to add on that note too. Like I have been doing hangs every day, but they're like, there was two days ago or three days ago. I was like, damn, these tissues are feeling sore as fuck. Almost like they want to rip. And I was like, I know
Starting point is 00:53:34 they won't rip, but that's a sign that I need to just maybe reduce my intensity of hanging for the next few days. So that sensation can go away so that I can start hitting some new PRS. So we'll reduce the size of that. Or reduce the size of that ass. Or reduce the size of the ass. That ass is pulling on them shoulders. Dude, if I was 210 pounds, I swear things would be easier. But what I'm saying here is pay attention to your body because when you're doing any sort of new workout routine or any sort of new movements, you're going to get a lot of fatigues to issues that you haven't been working in that specific way. you're going to get a lot of fatigues to issues that you haven't been working in that specific way um and when they're giving you the signal of hey i'm really fucking sore i'm really fucking
Starting point is 00:54:09 beat up don't beat it up as much as you possibly can again drive blood flow there in any way you can but don't beat it up give it time to recover and that blood flow will help recovery unless you fatigue it too much all right now also we got 103 people in here nice nice if you guys are in here it'd be good if you gave us a quick thumbs up because that helps the video go out to more people but yeah yeah help us out brothers out all right let's see do you see any utility in in daily low dose toalafil other than the obvious? Tadalafil is pretty much a Cialis. Pump, energy, testosterone improvement? Some people say like five milligrams a day is supposed to be good for your prostate, but I think it's an excuse to run around with a boner. I think so too yeah i i take two and a half milligrams i think because they come in the circle so i take a fourth of the circle hey merrick health said i should take it hey and i do like the pumps hey why not be ready all the time all the time but that that's
Starting point is 00:55:18 like okay maybe if i was taking 10 milligrams a day i'd be walking around with like a perpetual burner burner but like 2.5 milligrams i feel the pump when i'm in the gym in my body but my dick isn't just going off at like the thought of pussy or something you know so we all thought about what did you guys think about pussy even the word just transfixes me for a second yeah okay all right the next question is another super chat from the other any personal anecdotes with joint pain improvement from the carnivore diet thanks world carnivore month yeah i know some people say that um but i think you know i think, but I think a lot of that has to do with people just losing weight and also has to do with people removing junk out of their diet. Yep.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I'm not really – I don't know. I have a hard time kind of buying. that shows anything that eating meat is going to help you with arthritis or some of the pain. People have tons of pain. Now, again, it can help if somebody has a really poor diet. They're eating a bunch of junk food, and they're causing a lot of irritation and inflammation and all these different things. But I don't like the idea of trying to sell the carnivore diet to people to help get them out of pain because I just don't think it works that way that well.
Starting point is 00:56:52 However, it could help you lose weight, and by the removal of a bunch of junk food, it could help you reduce pain because you're not eating a bunch of bullshit anymore. Yeah, what I was going to say is so the carnivore diet was the first diet that I was like 100% all in on everything else was like anywhere from 50 to 75%, right. I would do it, you know, nine times out of 10 correctly, or, you know, weekends would come around and he's like, Oh, here we go. Or, you know, I'm with family now. I have an excuse. When we had Sean Baker on for the first time, I was convinced like, all right, let me give this a shot because he was talking about like lowering inflammation and of course yeah it was majority
Starting point is 00:57:29 because it came from just reducing all the things that were you know supporting me being inflamed and when i when i did go on the carnivore diet it was the first time where i was like whoa like i actually am feeling way different just based off of what I'm eating. Maybe it was just based off of what I wasn't eating. But I, so yes, I, you know, you can't,
Starting point is 00:57:50 can you have one without the other? Like maybe, but I think it's just a, not so much a combination, but I think it's just majority of not eating the stuff that was kind of setting you back. All right. Cool.
Starting point is 00:58:03 Cute. It didn't help me with any joint pain i'm just gonna say that it's not like i don't dig it carnivore diet's great but then i know help the petersons jordan peterson michaela peterson they both you know so yeah anyway next question luis argueus i probably said your name wrong i'm sorry people say my name wrong all the time too we're brothers in christ training bjj seven times a, purple belt and lifting three to four. What routine or exercises do you recommend for grapplers scared of doing too much BJJ specific exercises and losing muscle? Should I? Question mark. LOL. So I'll plug untapped. It's on the ATG app. I made that specifically for grapplers. It has a lot of movements that are going to be beneficial for gaining muscle. Like you're working arms, you're doing pull-ups, you're doing dips. You're doing a lot of movements that are going to help
Starting point is 00:58:53 you gain good range of motion and mobility through long ranges of motion, but you're using load. So you're not only going through long ranges of motion, but you're also gaining strength in those ranges of motion because in jujitsu, you're putting on a lot of these positions. Grapplers, a lot of times they injure their groin, they injure all these different areas. You want to strengthen these areas. And I go into that in that program. Should you be concerned about losing muscle with jujitsu? Yes, you should be, especially if you're not eating enough food. Like you're doing jujitsu seven times a week and lifting three to four times a week. If you're lifting three to four times a week and you're eating enough food and getting enough protein and you're at least bringing stimulus to those different muscle tissues, right?
Starting point is 00:59:36 You shouldn't be losing muscle. You'll be losing muscle if you're not eating enough food. So the biggest thing I'd tell you is eat enough food to be able to maintain the amount of muscle you have on your frame and to be able to maintain the energy you're putting into all the sessions that you're doing. And then keep in mind, if there are certain areas where you're like, I really don't want to lose muscle in my arms, then just be purposeful about increasing your arm volume and doing more type of arm work. Or if you really don't want to lose muscle in your chest, you can do the same thing. But along with doing that, you can also just make sure that when you're doing chest work, you're not just coming down here for chest presses. You're going into your fullest range of motion that you can get into because that's just going to help your movement ability as a grappler. You can absolutely gain all this
Starting point is 01:00:18 muscle in all these different areas while improving your ability to move into your personal longest range of motion so that you can express that on the mats. I would say just to add to that, just make sure you're recovering. Make sure that the lifting that you're doing and the jiu-jitsu that you're doing, make sure it's not compromising your sleep. And sometimes all that work can compromise your hunger. It's probably a good sign that you like kind of overdid it. You come home from like a practice and you're like, I don't even want to eat.
Starting point is 01:00:50 That's real. Yeah, like that kind of shit happens sometimes, right? You just really kind of like just knocked yourself silly. And so I know that you want to really have a concentration on training, but don't forget that, you know the a huge part of this process is through recovery and the recovery process is important and everybody kind of hates it but you know if you're i think i just picture somebody like they're going to jujitsu every day like i'm gonna go every day there's no compromise going every day and what's the intention of going every day like we know that the person's trying to
Starting point is 01:01:25 get better yeah and what if somebody was to come along and say hey man you know what it would be absolutely amazing if you went five times a week but but but but every day imagine if you were a little quicker a little faster defend yourself a little easier you know and and what if you could put more into your lifting dude you know what i mean like you get a little balance i'm not discouraging i love when i love the people that want to do every day i'm a huge fan i i dig it myself sometimes but i think we've got to cool it sometimes a little bit too i want to like stress that important point you made there about recovery i think everyone who listens to the podcast a lot already knows how much recovery is important but if you're new to this live, like you need to be getting good sleep
Starting point is 01:02:07 every single night. Um, because like you're learning all these things in terms of in jujitsu and you're doing all these types of movements in the gym, but then when you're sleeping and recovering, your brain is kind of replaying some of these things that you were learning while you were grappling. And if you're not getting good sleep, you're literally slowing down your grappling progress, you know, versus if you were getting good sleep, you're literally slowing down your grappling progress versus if you were getting good sleep. And you're also slowing down the rate of muscle gain that you can have because your recovery isn't as good. You're slowing everything down because you don't want to slow down. It's kind of sad.
Starting point is 01:02:37 You know what's interesting is like when I was wrestling, I was doing professional wrestling, there was about maybe about 30 of us or so that were consistent. And the whole, everyone would get better. Like everyone, you would literally see everybody would get better. But there was always a couple of guys that really struggled to get better. They would forget things or they wouldn't do the right move at the right time, or they'd be a little slow on something. And like, it wasn't, it wasn't because they weren't athletic enough it was just because they were overdoing it there these were guys that like they loved the gym so much they
Starting point is 01:03:11 trained pretty hard in the gym and they would kind of go like almost every practice they would like go all out but you show up to practice and you're just like you barely have anything left and then you and i are supposed to do like a series of things together and i'm just like behind i can't i could barely pick myself up to like do half the move so even though i haven't done jiu jitsu to that capacity i have i've felt that before i know what that feels like and it there's like nothing there like you're trying you're trying to keep up with the other guy you're trying to dig deep but there's it's like someone uh took a chunk of your spirit away to dig deep but there's it's like someone uh took a chunk of your spirit away you're like missing that little that little extra thing and you're just you're weakened and screwed up a little bit just from your own uh you're you're super fired up and zealous to get better it's like a gravity
Starting point is 01:03:58 for whatever reason for you is like multiplied by two yeah like you're just a little bit slower it's like everybody's a little bit heavier it's like fighting somebody in your dream it's yes yes or yeah but um like uh author of why we sleep i think that's what the book is called matthew walker you know he goes on to explain you know when we get good sleep we take uh information from our short-term memory just through my pen into uh long-term memory and you, you know, same thing with jujitsu, right? Like if we go to class and then we get shit sleep, like it's going to stay in the short term and could eventually just go right away. You know, it could flush right out as opposed to getting some awesome sleep and then turning that information into long-term memory. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:04:40 you can pull that back out later when you need it. Something that happened to me is I took some time off, came back and all of a sudden that stuff in the long-term memory, I was able to pull it right out and start doing some really cool techniques that I wasn't able to do two weeks prior. So it was a really rude awakening, but one that I really needed. Yep. All right. Next question from Boaz. This is biblical. Do you use any apps for time management?
Starting point is 01:05:05 Nope. Google Calendar for me, that's really it. Google Calendar is good. I use Opal. Opal is the annoying app that I have on my phone that's like, it's every time I need to pull something up from Instagram, I go to Instagram and it's blocked. TikTok is blocked. And sometimes like I do have to go to Instagram because, you know, whether it's checking something on the Power Project or posting something. But a lot of times I have to go on Instagram because I'm like just fucking scrolling.
Starting point is 01:05:37 And that's not a good habit. It's a very big waste of time. I mean, shit. I don't know about you guys, but I've been on like a 45 minute doom scroll and after 45 i'm like what the fuck was i doing here dude well it's nasty and you feel nasty too you're like shit yeah or like you're just you're in a hurry and for whatever reason you have to sit around for wife to get ready or something and that's only gonna take like a couple minutes but it's like oh well i'm here and then now you're you're scrolling and then she's ready to go but she sees
Starting point is 01:06:08 you not like moving so then it just slows everything down it's like dang why do we just waste 15 minutes for nothing like fuck stupid phone me and my girl will be watching a fucking movie right we're sitting there we're watching movie and she's like you know i gotta go use the bathroom so she goes to the bathroom i pull up my phone exactly and then i'm like in the few in the minute that she's gonna go urinate i immediately want to go pick up and look at instagram or what the fuck is wrong with me so that's why i downloaded opal it's so frustrating because yeah yeah because it keeps it blocked and yeah you can turn it off and get on it but the thing is is i usually don't end up turning it off because when i when my hand does the fucking you know fucking sim thing right away right i'm like wait why am i
Starting point is 01:06:49 doing this and it's already kind of hard to get to so that i don't end up doing it so opal has saved me a lot of fucking time because it stopped me from doing the thing that my body just wants to do which is waste time on social media yeah we uh do it like we're getting paid for it yo yo it's crazy yeah imagine if you did maybe yeah well i mean we do we do have an excuse but still it's not an excuse because we are fucking around on it i know i'm fucking around on it fucking around i don't need to be i agree i think that one's decent we're all going to hell i mean not today you don't used to fuck me up as a kid my cousins would be like all liars go to hell fire that was like something that we'd all sing
Starting point is 01:07:30 right it's just all liars go to hell fire and as a kid you're just like oh no don't lie i don't want to go burn in hell for all eternity the lake of fire you're like but there's different sizes of lies right yeah all lying bro all right but what if it's a little timeline still going to the lake of fire gonna burn with the heathens 5 a.m whole body routine better than splits oh man um i don't know i've never really i haven't done like a lot of like full body, I guess, like workouts. But I guess I don't even really think about stuff as like a split.
Starting point is 01:08:12 And I never really have either. I've always liked doing like whatever sort of comes to me and whatever I think I need for the day. So even when I was power lifting, yes, I did have like a focus of like, oh, I'm going to do lower body. But if I didn't get to something from a previous upper body workout, or I thought I needed more like shoulder work or something, I didn't have any problem doing that on like a lower body day. So I think both can be really effective. There are some like, there is some information like there's some people are built particular ways because they follow a protocol where they do more full body often. And you might see that someone might have a more aesthetic look and maybe they're not hypertrophied in one area the way a bodybuilder might be. But those are people that are lifting super specifically for a particular outcome. you know, really work out their legs. And then they do that. Do they really have the energy after they've just destroyed their legs to do a really good upper body session, right? So that's
Starting point is 01:09:31 why for some people doing upper lower splits or push pull legs type splits are really good because you can segment your intensity into a specific group of muscles. And then when you've actually fried those muscles like it's hard to tell yourself i'm gonna go do some leg extensions now that i fried my upper body like it's you you might and that's a good thing if you're able to do that maybe then doing full body splits is something that you're good with because you have that ability but many people it's like it's hard to do multiple full body splits, especially when aiming for high quality hypertrophy. Um, because like the amount, the amount of fatigue you need to build yourself to actually build good amount of muscle in a quick amount of time, it hurts. It's, it makes you sore.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Um, most of my workouts do not look like that, uh, nowadays, but the thing is I'll still bring myself to a good level of fatigue, but not to the level of fatigue I would in the past. So that's just something to keep in mind. There's a benefit in splitting up sessions because of your fatigue level. I would say in bodybuilding, it's less common to see someone do full body workouts. When it comes to sports, and when it comes to like, if you, you know, watch Christian McCaffrey workout or any of these guys, top high level athletes workout, um, you're going to see, they're going to do like, they're not thinking upper body, lower body split. I mean, they're like jumping over hurdles and they're doing pushups and then they're doing like pull-ups and then they're
Starting point is 01:10:59 doing box jumps. I mean, they're doing like, you're like, whoa, I don't even know what the hell's going on. I don't know. Like they're not training anything real specific. Towards the end of the workout, you may see their coach might have them do TKE or they might do real specific stuff or maybe injuries or things like that that they have. So bodybuilding, when you're talking about bodybuilding, you're talking about hypertrophy. When Nassima said it was really well said because it takes so much work. It takes X amount of sets, X amount of reps, X amount of times per week. It takes a dedication. It takes, you probably are looking at, like if you're trying to get your chest bigger, you're probably looking
Starting point is 01:11:38 at like 30 minutes of work or so. You know, like it's at least that amount of time, about 30 minutes of work to hypertrophy your chest. And now you're going to try to do 30 minutes for like your legs. Like it just doesn't really seem to make a lot of sense. It seems like it pulls way too much energy from you. But when it comes to just about anything else, even powerlifting, there's not always a split like that. Like a lot of powerlifters will squat bench and deadlift in the same day. And some of the best powerlifters in the world right now, they will squat bench and deadlift like really often.
Starting point is 01:12:12 In some cases, three times a week, sometimes guys will, and girls will squat bench and deadlift, uh, on particular days. And they just rotate which one they do first. And they do that three times a week.
Starting point is 01:12:24 This is fucking insane. And on top of that, they'll do like but but it's different they're managing the fatigue in a way like they have a coach and the coach is like you're gonna use 60 of this and they they they get it figured out but so you can do it you can do full body workouts but they probably need to be managed well so you're not like just totally annihilating yourself. But also when you think about a sport, sports are full, like a sport's not thinking like, Hey, we're only training the calves today. So only behind your toes when we're doing the exercises, like doesn't make any sense. Right. One thing to think about real quick is also, if you look at whether you're looking at the top level natural bodybuilders or you're looking at even IFBB pros, and I know they're on PDs, but the thing is when you look at these physiques, these are bodybuilding physiques.
Starting point is 01:13:12 There are athletes who are large and who are muscular. You got like Anthony Joshua, Christian McCaffrey. You got many NFL football players. You got all these track athletes. You got all these track athletes. The thing is, though, you look at their physiques, they can be muscular, but they're not. You know that they would be amazing bodybuilders, but they don't have that look. They're not like fucking X-framed, extremely muscular everywhere because they need to be able to move at the same time.
Starting point is 01:13:45 So they need enough muscle where they're strong, they're resilient, they can handle the stresses of their sport, but they can also sprint hard multiple times and not fatigue right it's a different physique you're thinking like tyreek hill or aaron donald i mean they look amazing they're just they're they're so they're super jacked and you're like man if that guy did bodybuilding everybody else better watch the out but but they have a different physique yeah i would just add that like add that for just general overall health, if you are limited on time, maybe full body workouts once or twice a week would fit in very, very easily in almost any one schedule. And if you are just thinking about just general health,
Starting point is 01:14:17 you're not trying to step on a bodybuilding stage, you're not trying to step on the platform, and obviously you're not in the NFL. So it's just something to keep in mind that you can make time for everything if you are doing nothing right now all right cool all right there's two more super chats and then we're going to get to other questions uh mark will the stealth sled hold up on grass oh yeah of course yeah the stealth sled's great it's a sled that we sell over at You guys can check it out.
Starting point is 01:14:48 I've pulled it on a bunch of different surfaces. If a surface is really rough, I've found that it will degrade. It will get beat up. It will still be functional, though. So it will scrape up, and it will get a little messed up. We did upgrade it. We did make some adjustments to it. We did make it stronger.
Starting point is 01:15:10 But at some point, if you're pulling it on certain surfaces, concrete or blacktop, the blacktop here works great outside of our gym. But I don't want to just tell everybody, like, hey, go pull it outside and it's never going to break. Um, over, over time it will wear down, but it will be a good product for you for at least a couple of years, I think before something totally blows out on it. Yeah. I would say on grass, it's probably like perfect. Should last forever. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Last super chat. And then then we're gonna get some more questions for some people they're like are you guys even answering questions yeah we just had to answer the super
Starting point is 01:15:49 chats first so sorry anyway ogre meets you like yoshi meets you thoughts on hemorrhoids and lifting any healing tips oh if you ever i've never experienced a hemorrhoid while lifting have you guys i have you have yeah yay it was ding ding ding let's go okay so it was rough man it was a deer and deadlifter squad uh i think it was during a good morning you know those chains suspended good mornings i used to do all the time good uh and i you know i did a couple sets and everything was going good and then i went to do another one. And I was like, oh, my God, I think I just kind of shit myself a little bit. And I told the other guys, I was like, I think I shit myself.
Starting point is 01:16:36 And I went to go to the bathroom, like, see, you know, like the wipe or whatever. And I wiped and it hurt. And I was like, oh, I'm like, i'm like oh shit i'm like what did i i was like whatever i just wiped over like it feels like there's something there i'm like that feels fucking so weird and gross and so it's like this little like lump you know i guess it's like you're inside they're coming out of you which sounds fucking out of your asshole right sounds disgusting they're escaping but uh yeah that's that's what happened and i actually just i left the gym and then the next
Starting point is 01:17:10 time i saw everybody like a couple days later like where the fuck did you go i was like i told you guys i like shit myself i was like i wasn't kidding around i told you i blew out my butthole i'm like yeah we thought you would be back i was like there's no coming back from that i'm like i can't lift that way so anyway uh if you have a hemorrhoid um that like preparation h stuff like that stuff works um this is super weird and graphic but you do need to try to like you know they have like those tux pads like you need to literally try to like tuck that thing back up underneath you uh um if i mean you could have a situation where it's way worse and there's no and you might need something else to happen like a surgery or
Starting point is 01:17:57 might need a doctor look at it luckily i've never had anything like that um you need to be really careful you really can can't, you really, you know, when people say, hey, you got to take a couple of days off, like you can't lift, like you can't lift that way. You can't handle like any pressure. It's, it's almost as if you had like a surgery or something like it, your body is like open in a way you can't fuck with it. What's going to happen if you try to lift, it's just going to get worse. And so you need to be really cautious of that. And also hemorrhoids happen quite often in people that are unhealthy, people that have high blood pressure. And so, you know, being a power lifter,
Starting point is 01:18:39 like it's definitely right up power lifters's alley, I guess you could say. I don't have any experience with hemorrhoids personally, but I remember my brother was telling me about a dude he used to work with that one day they're just working or whatever, and then he was just like, ah, shit, I'll be right back. And he's like, dude, they're about to go work on something. He's like, I got to go put my hemorrhoids back in. And he's like, so he would just go to the bathroom, stuff them back in his asshole, and then get back to work. So I guess maybe some people can just deal with it.
Starting point is 01:19:14 I don't know. Well, it doesn't necessarily hurt all the time or anything, but it's super uncomfortable. And when you have to go to the bathroom, it's when it can hurt. Let me tell you guys, um, I, I have had a hemorrhoid and it was when I was either, I was like 1920 or 21. And this is why you shouldn't forcefully push poop out. Cause I remembered that I'm like,
Starting point is 01:19:37 what, what happened was I was pushing poop and it was weird. Cause it kind of like just went back in, but I was like, I went to wipe and I was like, that's moving. So I, I, I kind of, you know, when you look at them, you go in between your legs to look in. But I was like, I went to wipe. And I was like, that's moving. So I kind of, you know when you look in the, you go in between your legs to look in the mirror.
Starting point is 01:19:51 So you put your head in between your legs to look in the mirror. Did you get on the counter? I had a long mirror that I was able to use. I looked underneath and I just saw this red shit in my butthole. I was like, what the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? And sooner or later, it just kind of slowly went away but at that
Starting point is 01:20:06 point i was just like i was pushing too hard because i had i had diarrhea and i was pretty sure there was more like but there was no more there was just me you know it's just me coming out so don't this is why we did that episode with uh the cadaver expert gil headley gil headley you should be letting that shit just flow out of you you should be breathing out of you don't push your shit get out of the habit of that or you could push you out of you you don't want that don't blow that butthole out it's rough keep everything in yeah improving your sleep quality is as easy as shutting your mouth and what i mean by that is putting some tape on, breathing through your nose
Starting point is 01:20:45 will increase your sleep quality. It's no longer just something that only the bros do. It's now been researched and people understand that if you can breathe through your nose while you're asleep, you'll have better sleep quality and you will wake up more rested. Hoss's tape is also really awesome because I know what I used to do.
Starting point is 01:21:01 I used to use a little bit of a cheaper tape and every time I'd wake up in the morning, the tape would be somewhere else on the bed or on my face, but it wouldn't be on my mouth anymore. But hostage tape, if you have a beard or if you don't, will stay comfortably on your mouth all through the night. And if you're someone who has a problem breathing through your nose, hostage also has nose strips. So you can place those on your nose while you're asleep or if you want to be like one of those Hermosi guys, you can wear it during the day. Andrew, how can they get it? sleep or if you want to be like one of those hermosy guys you can wear during the day.
Starting point is 01:21:24 Andrew, how can they get it? Yes, that's over at hostage tape dot com slash power project where you guys will receive an entire year supply of mouth tape and the no strips for less than a dollar a night. Again, that's over at hostage tape dot com slash power project links in the description as well as the podcast show notes. All right. We got we got one more super chat. I remember. OK, I saw this profile picture. I'm like, I recognize that. Christopher Orr. Hey, old coach in SEMA, I'll be 40 in June. How should I approach training into my 40s? What kind of cardio should I gear towards now? Best wishes. Used to coach Chris back in the day. He's an awesome dude. Yeah. So, well, I'm not fucking 40. I'm 31. But what kind
Starting point is 01:22:06 of cardio should you do? And how should you approach training in your 40s? I think you should still try to train hard on Sundays, but you should be smart with, again, how hard you're training and getting your amount of recovery. We talked about sleep. That's important. So everyone in here should be trying to recover well so that you can train well for a very long time. But I would also say try to do some zone two during your week, a really good, and it's not necessary, I know, but it's something that I think would be good for everybody. It's a heart rate monitor called Morpheus. You don't need any type of membership. You just get it and then you're able to use the app. But if you're trying to aim for certain heart rate zones, it makes that very simple. and it also has really cool workouts set up to put you in
Starting point is 01:22:49 certain heart rate zones um so i'd say do some zone two and then do some things to get your heart rate higher in that and like i think they call it like maybe zone three or whatever just like into your 70 80 or 80 to 90 do some things to get your heart rate up there during the week because it's rare, especially if you're someone who only does stuff in the gym, it's rare that your heart rate's ever going to touch that. And as you get older, that's not necessarily a good thing. You don't want to be doing an excessive amount of that work, but it's not good if your heart rate never gets that high because it's good to be able to express that level of intensity cardiovascularly. And if you can't because you never do, that's something you'll probably just lose over time. I think the Assault Bike is pretty nice.
Starting point is 01:23:33 I don't really know a lot of people that can't use it. Almost anyone can get on there and give that a good go, even if their joints are beat up or even if they're banged up for whatever reason. So the Assault Bike is nice. You can try some protocols for like VO2 max type training. You can probably just look that up on YouTube and check out. Like Peter Itea has some suggestions on some sprint work and some things that you can do that are really easy.
Starting point is 01:24:01 But even just quickly, I'll just say sprint for 15 seconds, give yourself maybe a minute off, sprint 15 seconds, give yourself a minute off, just some sort of training like that. And then over time, you can shorten that period of time that you have for your rest. And maybe you can go 15 and 30 and stuff like that. And you can do more sets and stuff, but keep it really simple. I think the ability to do some sort of sprinting I think is really important. I'd also say maybe try to work on developing some skill sets. I always think that the ability to be able to do Metcons, the ability to be able to do some CrossFit-type stuff
Starting point is 01:24:38 is a really awesome capacity to be able to have. Jason Kalipa can go and do those like 12 minute workouts, um, where he's doing, you know, um, like a kipping pull up mixed with, uh, like a deadlift or something, or some of these workouts that you see people do where they do 21, 15, nine, these are really great, um, examples of, of conditioning workouts that nearly anyone can do because you could scale it a particular way for yourself. So I really like, I think a lot of that kind of stuff is really important. Then also develop a skillset in terms of like running or biking or something, you know. Jiu-jitsu. Yeah. Like, yeah. Yeah. Jiu-jitsu, trail running, walking, you know, hiking, like any of these
Starting point is 01:25:23 things, rucking. there's so many options like if you go out for a run you're like man running sucks kills my knees and this and that throw on a weighted vest and go on a walk or you know hike however whatever way you can manage uh some consistent uh cardio that you're gonna actually enjoy yeah i was gonna say a weight vest but also uh just like sleds you know like, like the sled setup that we did yesterday with like the whole vest setup. The harness. The harness, there you go. That was amazing.
Starting point is 01:25:53 We'll have to explain that later. But yeah, sled work is pretty low impact and get your heart rate up really high. All right. Now some normal questions. All right. Now some normal questions. Kangaroo Koala, as someone who recently lost 50 pounds, thanks to this podcast, over the past year, how can I get over the mental hurdle of gaining weight when I bulk? Every time I gain weight, I want to start cutting again. say maybe um i would say maybe don't necessarily like think in terms of like that you need to get bigger you know like obviously with a bulk you need you are working on getting bigger and i think a typical prescription for bulking is like hey you know don't mind don't worry about if you gain a little bit of chub but maybe in this particular instance you're feeding yourself
Starting point is 01:26:44 enough to where you feel like you have the fuel to gain some muscle mass. And maybe some of the goals in the gym change a little bit. Maybe you're, um, maybe you're going a little more performance based. That is something we've recommended on the show many times before. So you're not, you're not like looking at your belly every day going, man, is that thing getting bigger? You're kind of more focused maybe in on your progression with your deadlifts or some other exercise your pull-ups or whatever the movement might be have some movements that you want to actually see your strength go up because the fastest way to get
Starting point is 01:27:16 strong which for some reason is always kind of like left out but the fastest way to get strong is to gain weight it is the fastest way to get strong is to gain weight it is the fastest way to get stronger is to gain weight so when you're in this mode where you are giving yourself maybe a little bit more calories and so forth i would say you know a couple things recognize that this is for the better you're trying to gain more muscle mass in an effort to recomp yourself when you're done with this, however many weeks or months you're going to go through this process. Also, you know, maybe just a little bit more focused on, you know, rather than look at it in the mirror all the time, maybe a little bit more focused on the weights that you're moving and your performance in the gym. Yeah. I'd say, again,
Starting point is 01:28:02 the big deal is to focus on performance and you might just be one of those people who it's probably a good idea to think about the idea of main gaining, rather than just bulking and putting weight on the scale, which again, Mark mentioned, you'll feel stronger, and you'll be able to move a little bit more weight. Focus on performance and actually maybe focus on increasing your performance while keeping your weight around the same spot for a little bit. Because gaining muscle isn't necessarily a super fast process. And if you're someone who's around 13 to 16, maybe 17% body fat, you're not at a place where you need to start focusing on seeing the scale go up. You're at a place where you want to, this is where I think maybe if you can track what you're doing each week in the gym, this is good to make sure that maybe you're just trying to move a little bit more training volume. Maybe you're trying to see if you can get more sets. Maybe you're trying to see if you can get a few more reps here and there. It's not going to be perfectly
Starting point is 01:28:56 linear every single week, but you're looking for some form of progress. And if you're making a consistent form of progress over months, right? You're making progress in the gym, that's a sign that you're going to be able to be – you are putting on muscle. But I wouldn't say that you should focus on seeing the scale go up. Actually, I wouldn't even – I'd say that's not a thing you should focus on. Focus on main gaining. Focus on performance and maybe staying within a weight range. So for the next six months, can you stay within six pounds of where you are currently? I think that's a win. If you're able
Starting point is 01:29:32 to do that five to six pounds within the next six months, that's good. Especially if your performance is increasing in the gym, that's a sign that you've definitely gained a lot of muscle or a good amount of muscle and you haven't put on too much body fat. I dig it. Very well said. Next question. Actually, that's not a question. Oh, my God. Someone wants to know if we're going to get a live Q&A with David Weck at some point when that crazy bastard's here.
Starting point is 01:29:57 That would be so fun. That would be super funny. He's not crazy. He's just a genius. But the podcast would be crazy. The podcast would be. I'm wearing his vest right now But the podcast would be crazy. The podcast would be. I'm wearing his vest right now. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:30:06 Yeah, yeah. The podcast would be something else. With busting out 160 push-ups in 10 minutes and doing 20 push-ups every hour for eight hours, give me the same result as what? I don't know. Okay, see, this is where going through the chat for questions is a little bit tough. Lots of reps and push-ups. Yeah. is where going through the chat for questions is a little bit tough lots of uh lots of ramps and push-ups yeah yeah so you're just saying shotgun all of it at once or spread it out throughout the day do it like over time yeah spread that out yeah whatever way you
Starting point is 01:30:34 get it done right it doesn't matter spread those waters richard rectien serious question how do you convince the significant other to get healthier with you i'm down 40 pounds congratulations got another 40 to go but i'd like her to get healthier too instead of saying things like you're wasting away she's telling this man he's wasting away no he's not he's saying that he he's not gonna tell her that no no no it too instead of saying okay no no no look but i'd like her to get healthier too instead of saying things like in quotes as an example you're wasting away yeah she's telling him he's wasting away he or she he he is richard and he's asking i'll yes let me say this question again serious question how do you convince the significant other to get healthier
Starting point is 01:31:22 with you i'm down 40 pounds and i have another 40 to go, but I'd like her to get healthier too instead of saying things like, to Richard, you're wasting away. He's lost 40 pounds. I'm wasting my way out of this house. Just kidding, man. Just kidding. Just kidding, man. Just kidding. I think being someone that's been married for a long time, I think it's important that you give people space and you let them come to their own conclusions their own way.
Starting point is 01:32:01 But I do think that there is easy encouragement. Some of those – like like look you might have got all fired up about like lifting you might got all fired up about your diet but you have to understand that that's you and that's not the other person and that that's you you really can't like you can't force that there's really nothing you can do to force that most likely if you can impact some people that are around you, it most likely at some point will boomerang back to impacting your wife. So maybe go after her sister or something like that. But just try to just – Don't do that.
Starting point is 01:32:42 Yeah, try to invite her on a walk and things like that. Hey, babe, you think your sister is going to want to go on a walk? Yeah, exactly. Just try to be encouraging. And I think what happens, though, is sometimes one person is like, oh, I'm doing this no-carb diet. But that person made up their mind that they're cutting out this macronutrient. You can't just expect the other person to be like on board with that. And, uh, but what you can do is you can say like, Hey, like I want to make these changes and this is what I'm
Starting point is 01:33:17 going for. And so, you know, when we cook dinner, I'm not really, I'm going to cook, we can cook things separate sometimes, but you don't have to make it so strange that you're eating your own meal and then everybody else is eating something completely different. I think it's important for you yourself to be compatible with the person, just as you're asking them to be compatible with you. And so really just try to encourage over time, you know, and maybe there's more like add-ons you can give rather than like, nah, you shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be doing that. You know, that's wrong. And that this maybe it's like, hey, you want to try this with me?
Starting point is 01:33:57 I bought this today. This is really good, you know, yogurt or whatever the hell. Insert healthy-ish thing here, you know? Yeah. Yeah. We were going back and forth in the chat when we were not quite live yet. But, you know, because he was saying that even with like dinner, she doesn't want anything to do with the stuff that he makes because one of my suggestions was like, oh, just like have fun cooking stuff together
Starting point is 01:34:19 because you're going to learn how to make really tasty, healthy food. And he's like, she just wants to eat like Mac and cheese and stuff. And I'm like, okay, well then even if it's the fattiest like ground beef ever, add that to her Mac and cheese, it's going to taste better. And she's just going to get full quicker. So you're going to do these things that are just going to start altering, you know, the, the way that the household like operates, you don't have to be like, we're eating healthy. It's like, no, just start adding stuff in just like you said. And then also with sometimes, and maybe there's a conversation that, that needs to be had, but some people are just very like they neglect or they are very, uh, they have like a negative view towards like exercise, right? When you exercise
Starting point is 01:35:00 because of whatever happened in their past. And so don't even word things that way. Hey, let's go for a walk. Hey, remember we used to go hiking. I can't wait to take you to wherever let's go explore. And so like doing things together as opposed to working out together might just be an easy way to do it. I gave the example of like for my daughter, it's really hard for me to get her to like exercise. And even though it's a net negative or net loss in in calories total if you're looking at calories and calories out we'll go walk for two miles a two mile round trip to go get like some frozen yogurt it's like okay yes right she's gonna get way more calories than she's gonna burn from the walk but we're outside she's talking like we're connecting again getting sunlight and you know
Starting point is 01:35:46 getting away from screens she's having to you know walk and she's having to use her eyeballs to like you know searched and looking around you know the uh the area and stuff so like there's a lot more things that are positive that are happening but what happens is we get that and she gets her ice cream but she doesn't realize that she did have to just exercise for it and then yeah that that's a lot of good stuff there but when i was personal training in the past and i had both men and women um that were like yeah i'm doing this and they were getting in better shape and then their significant other was trying to do things to sabotage their progress um was trying to discourage them from that, from going to the gym, from getting in better shape. And for a lot of people, and I'm not saying
Starting point is 01:36:31 this is your girl, Richard, but it's just something that may happen naturally. You're dropping weight. You say you got another 40 pounds to go. You're inherently going to become a more attractive human being. You will be getting more attention. I don't know your situation and how out of shape your significant other is, but with four of these clients, because I remember distinctly seven of them, but with four of these clients, after about five months, the significant other started coming and training with them because there is a big change in that period of time. And in they just kind of didn't want to be left behind you know because it's it's cute when you guys are sitting together and eating your shit together and having like it's cute but then when the one person isn't doing it anymore and now they're eating their ben and jerry's alone
Starting point is 01:37:17 while watching fucking mean girls it's not as fun anymore i love mean girls it's a great movie but that's the thing it's like you do this long enough, you're bettering yourself long enough, she's going to see the positive change in you. Oh, yeah. And then she's going to want a piece of that. Not just you, but a piece of that progress. Yeah, you can be the example. And then also what happens is family members, when they come over or you go to them, they're like, whoa, what's going on here? And then she'll be like, well, shit, I want some of that attention, too.
Starting point is 01:37:44 Wow, look how much weight you lost. And then you just stare at the other person Richard you did such a great job a movie I'm gonna suggest to everyone in here like pause and look at the person for a second and then they look back and go oh are you guys do, what are you doing? Watch the movie Sick of Myself. Watch the movie Sick of Myself. I think it's either on Netflix or I don't know what it's on. But watch it. It's in another language, so you're going to have to read subtitles. But it's an amazing movie that kind of goes over just a real, it's just a great movie.
Starting point is 01:38:19 I don't want to ruin it, but I think it's probably going to be one of the better movies you guys all watch this year. Sick of Myself. to ruin it but i think it's probably going to be one of the better movies you guys all watch this year sick of myself i would say uh push your wife not off a cliff but push your wife towards uh dr gabrielle lyons information you know what you most likely you got caught up in like the dude uh dude world of listening to like joe rogan listening to us and yeah and you got influenced into you know carnivore or some sort of um and your wife is probably just like, that's for guys. I'm not going to do that. And people need to be influenced different ways. I mean just think about the way that we're influenced.
Starting point is 01:38:58 You have to kind of just recognize that the only way to truly get influenced and to get yourself to have your mind changed, it has to be over a period of time. There's a lot of layers to break down. It's like with something like politics. You're not going to turn someone who's right wing over to the left in a conversation. It's never going to happen. And vice versa. It's not going to happen from the left to the right. It's just not going to happen in one conversation. So there needs to be a lot of influence. And if you can
Starting point is 01:39:30 just encourage your wife that you, you know, would love for her to be healthy or to be on this, some of this journey with you or to try it in some way, or maybe don't, maybe you don't even come at her in that way. Just tell her how important it is for you and explain to her, like, I really want to do this. I really want to make this change. I'm really feeling, really feeling great. And just see what some of the reaction is. And if, and if she is saying negative things, say, I would love to talk to you about that because it, you know, you, you've, you've said that to me a bunch of times that I'm wasting away. And I feel that you're trying to like make a joke of it or make light of it. And I want to know why, like, is this me losing weight?
Starting point is 01:40:15 Is it like hurting you in some way? Or is it like, is it, is my attention that I'm getting? Is it, is it hurt? Sometimes you got to get really serious with people and it's, you know, someone you love and someone you care about. And so the conversation is worth it. You've been getting great sleep. You've been handling your nutrition. You've been working out in the gym. You may have been running and doing all the things that you believe are helping you get in better health, but you haven't gotten your blood work done. That's why we've partnered with Merrick Health because you could be doing all these things, but underneath the hood, there might be some deficiency or something small that could be the thing that moves you in the right direction. And without understanding what that is and how to
Starting point is 01:40:52 change it with your nutrition or your supplementation, then you might just be spinning your wheels. So get your blood work done with Merrick Health, work with one of their patient care coordinators so that they can give you the ideas of what you may need to optimize in terms of your supplementation or your nutrition or potentially hormone optimization. And they can help you move in the right direction by helping you from the inside out. Andrew, how can they do it? Yes, you guys got to head over to slash PowerProject. That's slash PowerProject. And at checkout, enter promo code PowerProject to save 10% off the PowerProject panel panel, the Power Project checkout panel, or any individual lab that you select on their entire website.
Starting point is 01:41:30 Again, slash Power Project. Links in the description as well as the podcast show notes. All right. Next question. Jake Denning. I just got test levels done through my insurance and they're somewhat low. I'm wondering what I should do if my local pcp refuses to prescribe people uh going through their insurance like getting their testosterone checked and stuff
Starting point is 01:41:52 it's kind of funny why i don't know it's just funny to me like they're like i was listening to power products the other day you got to test my blood and check my you know trying to get it uh approved through like your insurance and all this stuff's kind of interesting um you know trying to get it uh approved through like your insurance and all this stuff's kind of interesting um you know with i think he says when when refusing to prescribe what prescribed trt i think that's his most likely yeah okay okay yeah just dude go hit up bobby he's at the gym monday night you know where he is you know who he is 6 30 meet him over by the incline bench he's always there he's always having, quiet conversations in the corner. We all know Bobby. And then people are getting a little bigger all of a sudden.
Starting point is 01:42:30 Everybody around him. Magically. Yeah, he has those bags under his eyes, right? He looks always fatigued. He looks fatigued, but he always has hella energy. It doesn't make any sense at all, Bobby. I would say the first thing to think about whenever you're getting blood work done and you're looking or searching or trying to kick the tires and try to figure out sort of what to do next is, like, do you have symptoms? You know, you're mentioning that your testosterone might be lower than you would like, but are you experiencing anything that's, like, bothering you?
Starting point is 01:43:01 Because testosterone, I think, is really tricky. like bothering you because testosterone i think is really tricky i don't think we can look at testosterone and see that it's you know at 200 and and say like oh well the guy definitely has ed or the guy definitely uh can't lift you know more than 100 pounds or something like it doesn't equate the way that we think it does and so the first thing to kind of examine is like do you have symptoms or is this just something like where you want to just be more jacked if you want to be more jacked i would take i would honestly say i would take measures into my own hands and i would just uh i would get stuff whatever way you need to get stuff and i would get blood work done to make sure that you're healthy is what i would suggest it's it's
Starting point is 01:43:43 not it's not hard to do like that's the route i would go yeah don't get it however you need to get it like because the internet means necessary you can find some that could you up on the internet but i know what you mean yeah i know what you mean yeah um just real quick going on on the symptoms thing um you know the one thing is like oh'm tired. I don't have energy or whatever. It's like, okay, yes, those can be symptoms of low testosterone, but also are they symptoms of poor habits? Like are you not getting sleep?
Starting point is 01:44:14 Are you – no, I'm getting good sleep. Like, okay, but are you on your phone right before bed? Is your nutrition on point? It's all this nerdy,dy boring square shit that you have to like really look at before if you are doing it because you think that you are deficient in testosterone if you want to just enhance and optimize as best as you can then yeah i would say i don't know if maybe find a different doctor dude go to go to Merrick Health. Dude, get your blood work done. I just didn't want to make it seem like, oh, if you go to Merrick.
Starting point is 01:44:48 No, I'm not saying it's a TRT clinic. It's not a TRT clinic. Go get your blood work done with Merrick because then with the patient care provider, they can literally go through all of your blood work and help you figure out what you're deficient in and what else is going on outside of your testosterone because they're not just going to see your testosterone is going to be low and say, here's TRT, even though I don't know if that's what you want, but they're not going to necessarily do that. They're going to look at a bunch of other things that can bring your testosterone way higher. I know Chris Williamson said that he went to Merrick. He's not on TRT.
Starting point is 01:45:14 He started with like six something, and now he's at a thousand and something deciliters. I'm not saying you need to be at a thousand, but I'm saying he did a bunch of things outside of getting TRT and his test went up by 400 nanograms per deciliter. So the thing to think about is there's a lot of stuff that could be going on outside of just getting TRT, right? And I would say, shit, that's a good thing. If you could do a bunch of things, take certain supplements and fix certain things in terms of your nutrition and habits and your testosterone almost doubles rather than having to inject, that's a plus. Then you don't even need to worry about that. You can push off TRT until later on.
Starting point is 01:45:49 I agree. Fuck. So just go get your blood work done with Merrick. But if you don't want to do that. You don't want to do that. If you want to be much cheaper and get much bigger, go to Bobby. How many more questions do you guys want to take? Three more.
Starting point is 01:46:04 Three more questions? Okay. This one's going to be quick, so guys want to take three more three more questions okay um this one's gonna be quick so maybe we'll take three more after this but uh jason fitch asks opinions on horse stance and how it affects the buddy i've never tried it never tried it no okay i mean like other than like a sumo stance i don't know yeah like yeah i haven't really like uh and you just stay in that stance for like a 10 years if you can do that with time yeah you can do that with movements or you can do that statically i know you've done a little bit of horse stance stuff what's your opinion uh it it uh it it yelled at me and told me how much mobility i don't have with that you know movement um and so i'm like well shit no wonder why my groin's messed up from
Starting point is 01:46:45 jiu-jitsu um so yeah no it just it showed me that i was very deficient in range of motion i think it's just like kind of like a sumo stance right yeah but you squat down yeah you know it's like that uh like that tai chi stance in your arms or yeah yeah exactly yeah but i think the horse stance is great um i do horse stance with load. So I'll do horse stance squats with barbells. I'll do horse stance squats with dumbbells. And I think horse stance squats are amazing because it'll strengthen your adductors. It'll strengthen your whole groin area.
Starting point is 01:47:17 And then with weight, you're going to be able to push yourself deeper into that position over time and become more mobile with the horse stance squat so i think if you can use weight i think that's even better because it'll allow you rather than just trying to get deep like getting to a better horse and squat with body weight you can get stronger with weight i think you should do that with load um yeah i do mess with that's the first one yeah i actually do something similar. But you know what's interesting about that stance is that I feel that a lot in my shins, like the side of my legs. I feel that a lot in here. Probably from running often. You feel that there when you get into that movement?
Starting point is 01:47:59 Oh, yeah. Where are your toes pointed? I'm just curious. They're usually straight. Straightish, yeah. Okay. See, when I do it, I put them straight out. are where are your toes pointed i'm just curious usually like straightish yeah okay see like when i do it i i put them like straight out like if i'm kind of like up against a wall like just to
Starting point is 01:48:10 try to get more range in there yeah because if i go toes straight i get less range so maybe maybe i should be doing that you can try to you can try to improve both yeah that's what i mean mobility then your toes are going to be able to point it but the reason why i say with load rather than passively is because any type of movement that you can add load to and move in and out of that position and become strong in you now have access to that like you you'll begin to have access so i think i think it's a great idea so yeah that's it doesn't i don't feel it that much in the shin area right now but a lot of times when i do that i do feel that we'll do it after oh you'll do it after okay i've never tried it with weight though i need to try that too it's
Starting point is 01:48:49 nice with weight sean baker's episode drops tomorrow somebody just asked that so y'all need to tune and i think what time are we going to put it up 7 a.m pacific time 7 a.m pacific not eight we're gonna put up at seven yeah okay so 7 a.m pacific is episodes out come and watch it as soon as it comes out because uh that's a good one oh yeah a lot of great uh research on cholesterol and all that good stuff in the oreo study oh yeah yeah dylan burnett would you prioritize barefoot training slash shoes or would you wait to implement after nailing down other habits? I think they're great. I think it's great to get some barefoot shoeing going on as soon as possible. Yeah. You have to say something?
Starting point is 01:49:32 Yeah, like in conjunction with everything else. It's not one of those things like, I don't know, I'm going to focus on getting my bench up and then work on my squat or whatever. You can just kind of do it in conjunction with everything. Yes, yes. Yeah yeah there's there's nothing like i think if you can get some good barefoot shoes with you at this moment in time that's just going to help it be easier for you to just like do like walk in that way every single day so i'd say have a good pair of barefoot shoes good pair or two then also have especially if you're new to it have a pair of of like maybe ultras. Oh yeah. Because ultras have a bit more cushion because if you're
Starting point is 01:50:09 new to barefoot stuff and you've been using really cushioned kind of stiff shoes for a long time, when you start using like Vivo barefoot stuff every single day, you're going to notice your feet are going to start feeling sore, fatigued. It's not going to feel great. So on those days where you're feeling kind of fatigued, it's good to pull out your ultras or some shoes that have a bit more cushion so that you can give your feet a rest and then when your feet feel good again you can start stressing them out with the walking and all the other stuff that you're doing mm-hmm I love these shoes I'm wearing right now these are Icarus pretty good company they make a white pair and a black pair they don't
Starting point is 01:50:42 have a lot in stock all the time because they're guys doing a pretty good job of uh moving the product but they also have toe spacers on there and just wherever you can get toe spacers from i mean you can get them on amazon or wherever i would also suggest getting some toe spacers and preferably ones that you can wear um while moving around as well i think it's more effective i don't really wear toe spacers much anymore i don't think there's really i don't really have a need to like just turn my foot into like a hand basically, but it was really effective and helped a lot in the beginning. All right. Okay. Ooh, from tacos nachos. If someone is morbidly obese, over 50 BMI, with a sedentary lifestyle, does it really matter what diet or exercise they commit to? I don't think it matters too much on anybody what diet or exercise they commit to.
Starting point is 01:51:39 What do you mean? What do you mean? Anybody looking to lose weight. There's like, I'm like unaware of, I'm kind of unaware of diets that are like trying to make people fatter other than the standard American diet. And I'm unaware of diets like that literally are like trying to make people unhealthier. And I'm unaware of exercises that's trying to harm people. So as long as you feel it's safe and it's something that you can do and that you can manage, I would go for it. What we share here all the time is you want to try to figure out something that's going to be manageable, something you're going to be able to balance with your lifestyle and that you're going to be able to do for a long time.
Starting point is 01:52:27 But I don't think somebody's size matters. They could start start out with i mean you're seeing it happen all the time where there's people that are obese and they're starting out with a carnivore diet yeah that seems to be like a pretty extreme diet like there's bodybuilders who are like i would never try that um it's it's a different type of diet right it's it's not an easy thing for everyone to execute and so whatever whatever way you can figure out to start getting on some sort of nutritional plan and whatever way you can figure out to start moving, I would try to implement it ASAP. Okay. I dig that. All diets can work. I quickly want to respond to this one thing, and then we have one last question.
Starting point is 01:53:02 Ace Boogie said, insomnia. Oh, God, there's a last super chat okay so we'll have we'll do three quick ones but ace boogie says in sema bjj is kicking my ass i keep getting injured i hold you responsible for this uh an ace dude just uh you know give your body time you know when you start jujitsu your hands will hurt because you're not used to doing all that gripping your ribs will hurt your skin will hurt because you're not used to doing all that gripping. Your ribs will hurt. Your skin will hurt because like, just like all the pressure that's being put on your body, it's abnormal, but you're going to get used to those stressors over time, but just make sure to give yourself the time. Like we talked about rest. So you don't fatigue yourself
Starting point is 01:53:37 too much. Don't bite off too much more, but don't bite off more than you can chew initially when you're doing jujitsu, give yourself time to progress at it and you'll be okay um now the super chat awesome to see dr baker coming on he mentioned digestion with an os an ostomy he and i did an entire episode on that topic as i have an ileostomy from ulcerative colitis history thanks for all you you do. This is from Bruce Wilkie. That wasn't a question. That was more of a statement. But the last question is, in general with Joe Rogan,
Starting point is 01:54:13 in general with Joe Rogan's, the Gary Brekka, the Tony Huges, with nutrition, supplements, training, overall health, who the hell do you believe and follow?
Starting point is 01:54:20 Okay, now I get the question. So, well, what do you think of Brekka? Because Brekka gets a lot of flack from like lane norton and like the uh the science-based crowd because he says sometimes some outlandish shit but what do you think of gary brecca i think he's got a lot of great information i think that um you know he's uh talking to people about red light he's talking to people about red light. He's talking to people about cold.
Starting point is 01:54:49 He is saying, you know, some pretty drastic things when it comes to maybe some like supplementation, like, you know, methylated B vitamins and things like that. But I think sometimes you have to realize when people are talking in that way, he's, you know, I mean, he is like, you know, he's promoting stuff and so on, but he's mainly know i mean he is like you know he's promoting stuff and so on but he's mainly talking from the experience of him working with people personally which is important yeah which is a big deal like so it's it's it's tough to watch a podcast and to be like i'm going
Starting point is 01:55:17 to get those methylated b vitamins and i'm going to like feel better or feel different, he hasn't assessed you or you haven't gone to his – I think he's legit. I think a lot of these – Tony Hughes is legit. He's got legit information. He has real information that people can go and absorb some information from the guy. He's different. He's very different. He's got information.
Starting point is 01:55:40 Gary Brekka is somebody that I think has good information. Uh, Gary Brekka is somebody that I think has good information. Um, a lot of, a lot of us, I would put myself in this category. Like I think a lot of us, uh, oftentimes can be guilty of the worst sin of all. And that's to say, speak in absolutes, but we get excited sometimes. And so we say this, Hey, I know this works, you know, And you're trying to sometimes be convincing or you're pumped up or you're excited. And from what I've seen from Gary Brekka, I just see that he seems to be enthusiastic. And then you also have like he has like a side mouthpiece in Dana White who is speaking on it from a, like, almost like an evangelistic standpoint. Like he's been healed.
Starting point is 01:56:30 He's been saved, you know? And so he's fired up and he, Dana White kind of reminds me of my brother. They get my brother fired up and excited on something. He's going to like go profess it to the whole world without giving it a beat, without giving it a minute. And I think if I've learned anything from this podcast and from trying to absorb information from other people is to give stuff a minute. You're going to tell me some outlandish stuff that's going to help change my life. Let me implement it. Let me try it for a little while. Okay. It's been like three
Starting point is 01:57:03 weeks. Oh shit. it actually is kind of working that guy was right fucking a okay and then three months go by and then a year goes by and like i'm still doing it you know i'm still doing these things i'm still trying to make this work this way and it is improving stuff for me so i think the way the way to evaluate whether stuff is working is to sit back and just watch and just take your time and the greatest company probably or one of the greatest companies in the history of america is nike with the amount of money that they made over the years and they do it better than anybody else they just sit back and they just watch yeah like oh that's kind of cool oh that's kind of cute they don't copy anybody they just keep back and they just watch. Like, oh, that's kind of cool. Oh, that's kind of cute. They don't copy anybody.
Starting point is 01:57:45 They just keep watching and watching and watching. And they watch people waste money and waste time. And then as soon as you have a good idea that starts to kind of infringe on some stuff that they're doing, like a fucking laser beam, they come in and they execute. But they not only execute, they execute better. Hard, fast, and with volume. And better than anybody else can do, right? So it's nice to sometimes just sit back and watch all the work happen and watch people go through these different diets. Like what's going to happen with the carnivore diet?
Starting point is 01:58:17 Like we just still don't really know. Seems like it's working really great for a lot of people. and really great for a lot of people. Will there be people that are on the carnivore diet for 11, 12, 15, 20 years? It'd probably be like a really small subset of people. But will there be a lot of people that follow the carnivore diet periodically? And even for someone like Andrew and someone like myself,
Starting point is 01:58:43 I don't know if Enzima's in this category, but the carnivore diet has kind of changed my life in a lot of ways. Even though I didn't really, I did the carnivore diet for 100 days. The year before that, I did it for the month and I've had some experience with it and I don't really continue to do it now.
Starting point is 01:59:01 It has changed the way that I eat forever. It changed the way that I thought about food. I don't snack. Well, it's really rare for me to snack. It's rare for me to cheat on my diet. It's rare for me to like eat a bunch of crappy food. I'll still do it here and there, but my compliance is so much better. And I didn't understand that when first couple of times Stan came around, the first couple times Sean Baker came around I was like what are these guys talking about like who eats like this and how do they eat like this for so long like I can't you know barely make it like a week without you know wanting to have a pizza or have like I was pretty good at some of the stuff but I wasn't nearly as
Starting point is 01:59:40 good as I am now and so I think we sometimes have to take a beat on stuff and see how things work. And I think something like the carnivore diet is something that is like proven to be like, seems to be working pretty damn good for a lot of people. And I know you asked, how do you determine, how do you determine if something is true or not? And the thing is, is like, you know, as much as I like love Lane and I've been paying attention to Lane's content for years, there are many things that I've implemented in my life that Lane would be like, that's not evidence-based. You know what I mean? It's anecdotal.
Starting point is 02:00:15 And the thing is, is even though anecdotes are to each person, you can't just take, oh, fasting changed the way I eat and changed my life. And it quite literally did. It changed the way i eat and changed my life and it quite literally did it changed the way i manage my hunger cues i can i can choose certain days just not to eat for a lot of time and i'm not frustrated or angry or feeding for food like i used to be because i built the habit of fasting it's not something i do every day now but it's still now a tool that i have and that has literally changed my life but lane would be someone to say the research shows and the evidence shows that fasting doesn't really do much for weight loss or this or that. But we know, and we know so many people, not just ourselves, that fasting has helped change the habit of the way that they deal with food, right? Again, anecdotal, but that anecdote changed my life. Now, same thing with
Starting point is 02:00:59 fucking coffee, right? I've been, my HRV has been higher than it's been in years and the only thing that i've done recently was i just took away coffee out of what i do because i realized that i love coffee it makes me feel fucking amazing it makes me feel like i want to kill the day but i also feel a level of dependency on it because every single morning when i was waking up i'm like i need to have my cup of coffee before i do other things and you usually only have like one just one i'm one of those people who's like no don, don't want too much caffeine, blah, blah, blah. And that's true. Not too much caffeine. But I was just like, you know what? Let me just see what I can do. Let me try having some tea instead and go for a while without drinking coffee.
Starting point is 02:01:36 Took coffee out. My HRV numbers have been perpetually high, even when I do jujitsu in the evenings and then go to sleep. I still have higher HRV numbers in the morning. And I have never seen these numbers before. And the only change has been taking out coffee. Am I now going to say everybody needs to stop drinking coffee? This is what, no, maybe just coffee. Like, even though I'm someone who could drink coffee at 7 PM and still go to sleep at 10 PM, it's not something I'd ever do. I used to think, oh, caffeine doesn't do much to me, but actually coffee was doing a lot to me, and I didn't realize it. So again, this isn't evidence-based. This isn't something where I'm like, everyone needs to stop drinking coffee.
Starting point is 02:02:12 But it could be something that you try for yourself where you end up finding, damn, actually, maybe I should just try drinking tea instead of coffee all the time. Maybe this is actually going to be beneficial for my health. Or you're on the side of, it really didn't do much. I'm going to drink my fucking coffee, which is perfectly fine. That's why with Gary Bruck and his anecdotes, I think they are very strong because he's working with these people. He sees the changes it's making in their lives. And sometimes he might say some broad, you know, broad stroke shit where it's just like, Gary, are you sure? But it could be something that
Starting point is 02:02:43 changes thousands of people's lives because they took advantage of it. So if you're someone who's interested in trying something that you hear, you need to treat yourself like your own experiment sometimes. You can't look at lame stuff and be like, well, the research shows that this is most people because you're not most people. You are an individual and you need to treat yourself that way. And that's how I look at it for myself. I'm assuming that's how we look at it for all of us. You got to try stuff, you know, the toe spacers and stuff. I know some of the stuff seems weird or whatever, but just commit to it.
Starting point is 02:03:11 You know, put them on for X amount of time. And do your feet feel better? Do they look different? I feel like for myself, I feel like it's made a difference. There's been a bunch of other things that I've implemented. Head over foot, you know, when i run um nasal breathing um we could probably do a whole show on like all these different things that we have kind of picked up but like sometimes even certain things people have said on the show or something that one of you guys say it pops up in my head here and there and i'm like oh yeah i
Starting point is 02:03:40 just needed like like and sema sometimes says sometimes say, well, why not just do both? Like, that seems super reasonable. Like, oh, a low-carb diet can work, but so can a higher-carb diet. Why not occasionally do both? Why not – and I think when you start to have that flexibility in your life of, well, maybe all the options aren't a bad idea. Like, maybe they're all actually good ideas. It's just a matter of doing them for a long enough period of time. Shake it up. Shakeness.
Starting point is 02:04:12 Now we're going to pick people to win. We're going to pick five people. The first person is going to win a $75 gift card to Within You Supplements. Remember, you need to join Discord, message Transcema, that's me, and send me your email address and your name and your physical
Starting point is 02:04:33 address, because one of you guys is going to win a year's supply of hostage change. And your height. And your height and your penis size flaccid and bricked up. Jonas Dahl, you are the first winner. D-A-H-l jonas doll within you bang get some get yourself some steak shake our second winner gunpowder tea ladies and gentlemen gunpowder tea gunpowder tea fucking guypowder tea. Fucking guy. You're going to win a gift card to Piedmontese
Starting point is 02:05:07 because you cannot win hostage tape again. You already have your here supply of hostage tape at home. Okay, so gunpowder tea, please. We're going to have to figure out what to do with that. You win a $150 gift card to CP Beef. Yeah, or Good Life Proteins. Pretty much you can get salmon, salmon beef all that kind of good stuff there you get fucking lobster you can get crab you can get fish eggs i think wagyu a5
Starting point is 02:05:32 wagyu fish eggs i love fish eggs all right our third winner is gonna win a gift card to within you ryan that's the username ryan this is gonna fuck me because there's gonna be someone who's like i'm ryan really yeah oh my god so why ryan i remember ryan yeah yeah on uh on youtube can you just select like like whatever username or does it have to be like a unique one because if he just got ryan that's fucking cool no i think it's like i think it's a name that they choose to show okay right oh god but his username isn't ryan but the name within the chat is ryan so ryan i like uh no ads that's pretty cool and if one of you motherfuckers is named ryan you try to take this man's prize i will find out and i will well you're gonna send me your address. I know where you live, so be careful. All right. So I'm going to save it without that. Okay. Our next winner. Okay. So Kale Ritz,
Starting point is 02:06:31 you win a year supply of hostage tape. So if you can, please again, add me on discord, message me, and we're going to get your year supply of hostage tape sent your way kale ritz hostage tape one more winner is going to win a gift card to cp beef nick which one uh the nick that asked the question i wonder if i can click his username channel activity open a new tab i think some of these people just fart into this uh keto pro bottle and send it to them. But all three of us. It's a top order. We have to be really quick.
Starting point is 02:07:11 Alright, so what you guys will have to do. Alright, yeah. Nick, your username is Hayes32. You win a $150 gift card to CP Beef. Okay, so text, message me on Discord. Add me. Send me your Just you win a $150 gift card to CP Beef. Okay. So text message me on Discord. Okay.
Starting point is 02:07:28 Add me. Send me your email address, your full name and your address. And then we'll get that sent your way along with a screenshot of your account and your question, please. Just for, you know, make sure the right people get their prizes. But yeah, that was good Q&A, guys. Thank you very much for listening. Strength is never weak. This week is never strength.
Starting point is 02:07:49 Catch you guys later. Bye.

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