Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - A Thing That Happened To Daniel

Episode Date: August 8, 2023

Soren finally meets his boss, Daniel has exceptional mouth health, and the audience chimes in on polite penises. Plus Daniel has an insane run-in at Griffith J. Griffith Observatory. Thanks to Factor ...for sponsoring this episode. FACTORmeals.com/qq50 and use code qq50 to get 50% off Help us grow the show by following us on socials and doling out some sweet, sweet engagement: https://www.linktr.ee/QQPodcast  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? I wanna hear your thoughts, I wanna know what's on your mind I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright? The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight So what's your favorite? Who did you get? What do I be? What was it I could wear? What are we not? I'm sorry, baby, Daniel O'Brien When will I be remembered? Was it out there? Worded all the time Oh, forget it Saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien
Starting point is 00:00:28 Two best friends and comedy writers If there's an answer, they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here So hello again and welcome to another episode of Quick Question with Sorn and Daniel, the podcast where two best friends and comedy strikers ask each other questions and give each other answers. I am one half of that podcast, senior striker for last week tonight, author of How to Fight Presidents and new type of guy alert uh dentist fan guy
Starting point is 00:01:08 daniel o'brien joined us always by my co-host mr soren booze soren how you doing oh man wait hey okay so i'm good i'm great uh but it does remind me that i canceled a dentist appointment recently because i had fucking Lyme's disease. Right. I need to reschedule. Uh, I need to reschedule my dentist. We want to give a quick thank you to factor for sponsoring this podcast. Factor delivers delicious, fresh, never frozen meals that are ready to heat and eat in two minutes. Head to factor meals.com slash QQ 50 and use code qq50 to get 50 off uh tell me tell me why you're liking the dentist dan i i got a brand new dentist yesterday because we famously you and i shared a dentist when when i lived in los angeles and we both thought she was uh kind and capable uh but a bit of a uh
Starting point is 00:02:03 an aggressive saleswoman i think we would agree yes then i bounced around after la was in new york and had a dentist there and then covet happened so wasn't going to the dentist so it's it's and then i've moved two different times in jersey since then so it's it's been a minute since i've been to a dentist and i've been like dragging my feet on it and i finally went to my new dentist yesterday and i don't know maybe i've always had bad dentists or maybe there's something in me that's changed but it was like the the the x-rays the cleaning the everything was just a totally meditative experience for me like the first of all my my hygienist we just have phenomenal chemistry there's there's no way around it we got along really well we made each other laugh she was more um hands-on and and gentle than any hygienist i've ever had in my life
Starting point is 00:03:02 and not in a in a sexual way but in a very like maternal way she would like put her hand on my chest and she could see if i winced when she missed with her fucking the the dentist hooks that haven't been updated in 200 years when she would like nick my cheek or my gum and i would wince she put like a hand on the side of my face and she was like i know sweetie i'm sorry you're sorry. You're doing great. And I'm like, thanks. I'm 37. But it's, that still feels very reassuring and nice. And so she was very pleasant. And I'm like completely reclined on my back while she's doing whatever it is that hygienists do to your teeth. And she kept checking in and she was like, you're doing okay. You're doing okay. And I was just like, I'm doing so great right now. I'm
Starting point is 00:03:46 okay and i was just like i'm doing so great right now i'm disassociating i'm staring at the ceiling i'm totally calm they uh checked my resting heart rate before they started and of course it was perfect like it always is why and i just maintained it the whole why do they check it yeah why they they checked your fucking blood pressure yeah okay go on yeah that was new for me too but like i i'm i'll take any opportunity to show off how great my resting heart i get it i get it they would have been like hey soren you we need you to do 12 pull-ups before this would be perfect that sounds great that sounds absolutely right and good uh but i don't know what it was about this experience that I was just like, this is nice. This is like going to a mouth spa. I'm very relaxed. Wow.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Okay. I mean, first of all, I'm just reeling because this has never been my experience at a dentist in my entire life. I have a lot of questions about this. How old is she? The other funny thing about this dental experience is, well, two quick things about this. This is the first time the hygienist did everything. She took all the pictures, did all the x-rays, did the cleaning, told me about a filling of mine from when I was a kid that probably needs to be replaced. And did like 100% of the dentist stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:03 And then the dentist came in for like two minutes introduced himself and then just repeated things the hygienist had already done and then he left that's never happened before the dentist has always been more involved in my experience except this time he didn't do she did everything and the other weird thing funny-ish thing is uh both the hygienist and dentist asked me what i did and i'm like well nothing right now i'm a writer i work for a comedy political tv show uh but we're on strike right now and we talked about the strike for a while and when they heard this political comedy show the dentist and hygienist were both like all right have a good weekend but uh hey if you get back to work don't
Starting point is 00:05:38 write about us don't you write about us i want to be like yeah don't fucking worry about that but i am going to talk about you at length on my like yeah don't fucking worry about that nobody cares about you but i am going to talk about you at length on my podcast yeah a thousand percent um how old was this woman 50s would you say that she was attractive uh not unattractive okay here are the reasons I'm asking is that occasionally you're, and this is no fault of your own, Daniel, this is like biological imperative.
Starting point is 00:06:11 You are swayed by women who remind you that they're women. Like you, you are, whether you're, you're attracted or not. It's just like, you're like, you really like women who are like at every turn is like
Starting point is 00:06:25 reminding you like with whatever they say hey also i'm a woman i'm a woman there was a cleaning lady at our old business uh at our old company where we used to work as well as esmeralda who was probably about that age and you were like so you you would swoon for Esmeralda. And it was because Esmeralda would, the clothing that she would wear would remind you, hey, I'm a woman. Okay. I would say this hygienist was dressed in medical scrubs
Starting point is 00:07:00 and a face mask. I don't know if that- But she was touching you a lot, like giving you a lot calling you sweetie a lot i i don't i don't i'm not saying that that's like that's that seems actually very nice like that seems wonderful um but i was that's why i'm checking it i'm just giving you like some context for why i'm asking these questions now i've been to a, I've gotten my hair cut before where after I got my hair washed and everything, she sat me down in this chair and I was also completely reclined, which is a very vulnerable position to be in. And when someone takes care of you in that vulnerable position, you sort of fall in love with them.
Starting point is 00:07:38 She did this, like she would do this ear massage. She would like touch my ears. Oh yeah, you told me about that. After she dried my hair, she would touch my ears for a little bit and i was just like well well we're in love right yeah this is just it's just you and me now right and uh and so i there's something about like when you are in such a vulnerable spot physically and somebody embraces that and takes care of you and like understands that it's invulnerable for you, like you're sitting there with your mouth open. She's got these big sharp tools and she's like, I know, I get it.
Starting point is 00:08:18 It's not fun. It's not an easy situation. And I would just want you to know that I'm here for you. And just like a little crest of the face, I might break into tears yeah it's nice it's pleasant and i'm trying to to think about the the feminine energy that you're talking about because the interesting thing in this case is that there was a bit of the opposite because like i have a chip in my tooth from from when i was a kid and she was asking me about that and then telling me uh how she chipped her own tooth when she was a kid and i was like oh how did you do that and she was like well i i i have i grew up with three brothers i i it was i was the only girl it was just brothers so there was just a lot of roughhousing and i learned a lot from them i could drive stick shift i could a motorcycle. I got hit in the face.
Starting point is 00:09:05 I got, I fell down. I got stitches on my chin from falling flat on my face and eating shit on something like she was not that, uh, violence or hurting yourself or roughhousing is strictly the purview of men. But for the purposes of this conversation, especially draped in the context that she is using,
Starting point is 00:09:23 she was driving home the point that she is using she was driving home the point that she is uh one of the guys essentially yeah this sounds great by the way that was awesome um yeah but your experience of having the dental hygienist do the majority of the stuff i don't think that that's a regular now i think that's pretty common no i i it's been my experience mostly that and with my children when i bring them that the dental dental hygienist does all the heavy lifting and then the dentist comes in at the end and just like oversees the work and it's like yeah okay this is pretty good oh we're gonna do a little extra cleaning right here um
Starting point is 00:10:00 that kind of thing but like for the most part they're doing all the x-rays and everything that's a shift that happened in our lifetime, right? It does seem like it, yeah. I mean, I can vividly remember. I know exactly who my dentist was when I was growing up. And I honestly don't even remember a dental hygienist. I just remember going to the dentist. You sat down.
Starting point is 00:10:17 The dentist was right there, did all the shit. Yeah. Yeah, it's different. Oh, I had a very surreal experience where occasionally i will while i'm driving if i don't want to just deal with my children for a little while or i have to keep gilly awake i will give them my phone and they can watch youtube kids and uh i hear them watching youtube kids are you familiar with blippy Okay, Blippi is a YouTube sensation for children.
Starting point is 00:10:47 He's a guy who wears a blue shirt and an orange overalls and an orange cap, I think. Or maybe just orange glasses, but he also has this golfer's cap type of thing. He's very silly looking. The voice that he
Starting point is 00:11:03 chooses to use is rough.'s very grating it's like a haha now i'm going to go see the miniature golf course yeah stop and it's yeah it's like he's doing like a really bad mickey mouse impression um but and he it's the stuff that he does is just like there's no creativity to it at all it's it's rough but he he's a youtube sensation he's a very big deal if you saw pictures of him you'd be like oh maybe i do recognize that guy yeah anyway i mean he's big enough that the name blippy has like penetrated my pop cultural consciousness even if i don't know what he looks like or sounds like yes now my kids were watching him and i hear him saying i'm gonna go
Starting point is 00:11:39 to the doctor today or the dentist today and he goes the dentist and i hear my kid's dentist on there and i'm like what give me that phone okay pull over and he had gone to visit the same dentist that my children go to and i was like whoa this is this is crazy my dentist is famous wow yeah very exciting uh i don't know why the i know that i went to dentist as a kid uh but just hearing you talk about your kids going to the dentist now that that seems impossible i hear that and i think oh we shouldn't make kids go to the dentist the dentist is horrible for everyone we should just let kids be kids their teeth are gonna fall out and then when they when they're like 12 just be like all right you you should here it's it's time kennedy was shot the towers fell you're going to the dentist this is
Starting point is 00:12:34 this is you've reached that stage of life now because it just seems like you must be are you pinning the kids down like haircuts or how do you, how do you get them to do it? Great question. Uh, you hear kids screaming in those offices, um, going absolutely ape shit and Nick young kids.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Cause you're supposed to bring them in at two years old. As soon as they start getting teeth, you're supposed to bring them in and kids are going, they're maniacs in there, but you know, my kids are great. Sure. My kids. And you know my kids are great sure my kids and you're also supposed to start brushing their teeth uh as soon as they get them and so we got them really familiar with the idea of somebody having uh somebody else with like a brush and some stuff
Starting point is 00:13:17 doing shit inside their mouth and like how they have to keep their mouth open and then with my son because he's a big rule follower, he was, he's like every dentist dream. He would go and like, they would, they knew him. They would be so excited when they saw him. Cause he was just like, he'd sit there. They have a television in there for them that they prop up over their heads. And he just sits there and watches TV and does exactly what they say. He keeps his mouth open when they ask is like, they're like, suck on this sucker thing. He does all the good stuff. And he they're like, we this sucker thing he does all the good stuff and he they're like we've never had a kid like this it's incredible and i was like yes he's he's different um and
Starting point is 00:13:50 then we brought his sister she's not like that but she did get to watch him do it first before she went and so she was very good um she saw how it was like supposed to go and she was used to having implements in her mouth and so she was like she was pretty good uh but she does get bored it's like she's having it done then she's like i'm done we're like no no there's some more that needs to be there's more than these happen you still have eight more of these fucking teeth on the bottom that they have to deal with um but both of my children have it it's good that they're good at the dentist because they both are going to need orthodontics.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Oh yeah. Like, yeah, badly. They both of them have very small mouths and it's clear. My son's teeth are coming in and there's just the real estate doesn't exist. Right.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Like he's, it's going to, his mouth's going to be a mess. Sure. That's, uh, that's unfortunate. Um, I had a nice little humbling moment when the dent, the hygienist was asking me about my history of teeth. She was like,
Starting point is 00:14:54 you have braces as a kid. And I was like, no, I had a palate expander and I never had braces. But a few years ago I did Invisalign, but I wasn't happy. It didn't do what I wanted it to do. So I wasn't happy with the results. And she cut herself off mid-sentence. She said, what was the result? Was it that gap in your front teeth? I'm like, yeah, yeah. Don't point at it.
Starting point is 00:15:16 Yeah, that's the thing. Yeah, that was the thing about our old dentist and who also gave you your visalign i think right yeah yeah yeah she was just like a she was a real salesman and it sucked it made me not trust dentists and then i heard i read these articles about like how dentists famously start giving people a bunch of mouse shit that they don't need right and taking over somebody somebody other doctor will take over that practice and be like oh you've got like six crowns and you didn't need any of them yeah this doctor was just making money off of you and i started to
Starting point is 00:15:49 think oh that might be our our dentist yeah that might be what we've been dealing with and like like certainly i don't have the straightest teeth in the world uh but once i learned that she also pushed hard for you to get invisalign and like And like, we loved our dentist. So we recommended a bunch of our other friends to go to this dentist. And she was pushing Invisalign on all of like Alex Schmidt, who has like perfect teeth. Yeah. She was just like the, like very clearly in the pocket of big Invisalign and just wanted to push that on everyone. I was like, oh, I thought you were like doing what was in my best interest.
Starting point is 00:16:22 But no, you're getting clearly some kind of kickback on this are you a good flosser uh yeah okay so when you went she's like looking at your teeth she's like she's you're not having that horrible moment where you can tell that both of you are thinking you're not flossing enough yeah Yeah, certainly. Like when my old dentist in our old dentist in LA, when I first started going there, it had been like truly five or six years since I'd been to a dentist, because when I went to college, my parents were like, you're in college now. So you decide when you go to the dentist. I'm like, great. Never. I decide when I go to the dentist and church. All right. I'll see you guys later. This is a great new chapter for me.
Starting point is 00:17:06 So it had been a while and I knew like, you know, even if you brush every day multiple times, if you don't go to the dentist in five years, it's bad. It's going to, you're going to need some cleanup. And the comfort that I have lying to the hygienist. And they're like, how often do you floss? I'm like, every day, sir. And he's looking at my mouth and he knows and I know. But just like, what are you going to call me a liar? I fucking dare you.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yeah. The minute my gums start bleeding, I can see them kind of like tisking and shaking their head. I'm like, yeah, all right, you got me. I don't do it man that never happens when i floss every two hours what is it what's a normal thing yeah you're just doing it real hard you're doing it weird i take it easy on those gums of mine um speaking of gums do you deal with with gum recession at all, Daniel? No. Fuck, you got a perfect mouth, dog.
Starting point is 00:18:09 Oh, thanks, bro. Yeah, you're doing great. That's like a, you have like these underpinning worries that just sort of carry you throughout every single day of your life. And one of mine is that every single time that I go to a dentist, they're like, your gum recession is really, really bad. Part of that's have been having braces. Do you know what gum recession is? No. Okay. I mean, I feel like I could put it together with context clues. I know what those words mean. A post in the ground and
Starting point is 00:18:36 you're shaking that post over and over again, and you're just like loosening it. And like the ground is moving away from the post. That's basically what's happening to your teeth when you have gum recession is that you've been grinding your teeth and when you grind your teeth, it moves like it dissolves the gum around it. So you're like, you have like a bunch of more of your tooth is exposed.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Okay. If you like open your mouth all the way up. So every single time I go, they're like, your gum recession is really bad. Do you use bite guard? I'm like, yeah, I use it. I think I'm done with the recession. I don't think it's getting worse, go they're like your gum recession is really bad uh do you use bite guard i'm like yeah i use it i think i'm done with the recession i don't think it's getting worse but they're like uh still we'd like to do the surgery and the surgery of how do you fix gun
Starting point is 00:19:14 recession is that you know the wrinkly skin at this roof of your mouth yeah you have a lot of it that's why it's wrinkly yeah so what they do is they go in there and they take some of that skin and then they graft it over your teeth in the areas where you have gum recession so it's extremely painful like i my dad did it when i was a little kid and it was like the the most helpless i've ever seen him first of all the whole roof of your mouth uh that's all in a lot of pain and stitched up then every single one of your gums over your teeth where you had the recession that's also like it's it's like it's been through something catastrophic it's got like stitches in it and stuff and so you can't eat you can't drink you can't talk you can't do anything and you're just in like pain for like a week so that's that's awful and and it doesn't i mean
Starting point is 00:20:07 i don't know how anything works but it doesn't feel like like the top the roof of your mouth that that crank skin that's not gum material that's a different that's a whole different thing isn't it it does seem like it yeah i mean i i don't i never understand this shit because people when they get like bad burns and stuff they'll take skin from your butt cheeks and put it over that area. And I'm like, well, but then I got butt arm. Right. Surely, right? That's not supposed to go there.
Starting point is 00:20:32 No. But I don't know. I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm not a dentist. My dad also did say that after he had that done, that the roof of his mouth was very smooth and that took a long time to get used to. Yeah, I'd be playing with that with my tongue for a very long time. Yeah, I would too. I'd be like, get in there, get in there, get a feel of this. Put your tongue in there. Check that out. It's amazing.
Starting point is 00:20:56 You know, if I found a magic lamp, my very first wish would be, Jeannie, take meal prep out of my hands. I am sick of it. It's hard trying to jam another decision into a day that's already chock full of them. And I could just, what I want is just like a convenient, wholesome meal option that varies every single time I want to eat. That's it. Well, I can find that. Thankfully, there's Factor, America's number one ready-to-eat meal kit. It can help you fuel up fast with chef-prepared,
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Starting point is 00:22:59 Do you have any strike updates? Um, I, yes, I have a huge one oh it's over it's not over not that big um you know i've been at american dad for six seven years now i don't even know six i think yeah no i famously have never met seth mcfarlane uh-huh i met seth mcfarlane on the lines yeah i met my boss dan that's really cool it was so exciting there was a family guy um strike day i went to it because i have a couple of friends at family guy and jennifer tilly was there jay farrow was there and seth was there and so i was like, everybody asks. And that's the question I always get when I talk about my job.
Starting point is 00:23:48 They're like, and what's Seth like? Or have you met Seth? And it's always so demoralizing that my answer is no. So I was like, I'm just going to go say hello. And so he had like this down moment where he wasn't surrounded by people. And I said, hey, Seth, my name is Soren. I just want to say hello. I'm a writer at american
Starting point is 00:24:05 dad and he goes oh yeah people seem to love your show what i know it was the fucking bewildering i like and that was the end of our conversation he was whisked away immediately and do you think that was a joke i don't know i i think about it now a lot. And I tell a lot of people, cause I'm like, you got to help me. I need to know if this was real or places like if he, yeah. Cause,
Starting point is 00:24:31 uh, he didn't say, uh, he didn't say anything that would like, uh, make me assume that this show belonged to both of us or that it was his fucking show. His name is at the beginning of every single episode or that he's in
Starting point is 00:24:43 every single episode. He's most of the people in the show. Yeah. People don't love American Debt. People love Sexton Farland. That's a crazy thing to say, which maybe that leads me to believe that it was a joke. The way that he said it did not feel like a joke. It just felt like casual conversation and also felt like, here's the other way I took it was, I don't get it, but people seem to like it yeah and i think that that's probably more accurate was uh like a he was like a oh yeah that one
Starting point is 00:25:13 that's not really my cup of tea but people didn't really enjoy it man that is so confusing yeah i mean do you think crazier thing to me do you think now my hat's in my hand and i'm like kicking up dirt i'm twisting my little toes into the into the into the floor being humble as pie do you think when he says people seem to love your show he's talking about this one this one he could have been oh man stephanie carlin was listening to these oh no i mean like he's not listening to it he's just all right he just hears yeah there's there's so many steps that would need to happen of someone coming to his office one day and being like hey just keeping you up on news uh one of your writers at america dad soren buoy he's got this podcast it's really lighting up the airwaves i people if you ever run into him people in northern europe seem to love it it's doing very well in sweden um speaking of our listeners uh a very quick aside
Starting point is 00:26:19 because we're putting the show uh this show quick question Question, is on YouTube. Sometimes like a video, like you can see our faces. It's a video episode. But we also just put the audio up on YouTube as well. And you can find it at QQ Podcast on YouTube. I checked the comments because now that we're on YouTube and I can see comments again, I'm remembering that I'm a pathetic little worm who needs to see what people say about us.
Starting point is 00:26:45 And I wanted to call out some comments from a couple episodes back that made me laugh. And if you didn't hear the episode, these comments will sound insane to you. But Raymond underscore memo wrote, maybe I haven't been as sick as Soren, but my penis and testicles are the same when I'm healthy or sick. And then Towley710 responded to that person. I mean, I'm only halfway through the episode, but I hope there is no mention of this in the episode, but in fact, something you felt you needed to reassure the internet about. I just think that's funny. We got some funny listeners. I'll say that after that episode, I got a lot of people on Twitter who came to me and like in my DMs and stuff to be like, I get it.
Starting point is 00:27:25 I have this exact same thing. Everything is the same way. Also, when I'm hung over, when I've done a lot of drugs the next day, it's the same thing. I have a very polite penis. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you for letting me know. I do care.
Starting point is 00:27:38 Great. Let's move away from penises for a little while. Oh, yeah. My strike update. It's barely an update. When I was out of town, my brother and sister-in-law and niece and nephew were staying in my beach home. And when I got back, they had collected a bunch of small seashells for me as a little, like, thank you gift. It was very cute. Kids collecting seashells. It's's adorable and I held on to them for the longest time and then I saw some uh crafts you could do with with seashells on Pinterest and so I did one I had
Starting point is 00:28:17 all these seashells and I took I bought a piece of like canvas and i uh hot glued them into just like a simple rectangle shape of all these seashells together and i put it in a frame it's like a perfect uh beach decoration and i'm very proud of the way it came out and i took a picture of it and i sent it to my brother and sister-in-law i was like hey tell tell your kids that uncle found a home for the seashells they collected and now it's art for the walls. And my brother was like, wow, you look like someone who doesn't have a job right now. Yeah. Now that I've fully entered my crafting phase of the stream.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You're a retired guy. Living in a beach town with a bunch of other old people that's right where you you have your routine set in stone and then occasionally you make stuff out of seashells uh all right i guess we should do the show yeah we'll get into the show uh this is uh we've had some soren dominated episodes for a while and uh i'm gonna let you hang back while i just talk about a thing that happened to me which is a version of this show that we do um so a few weeks ago i was in la famously you were there you remember um and we went to shay and i hiked griffith observatory uh this is for anyone who doesn't know it's an easy hike in los angeles that ends on the top of a hill mountain that has a massive telescope and a bunch of other artifacts.
Starting point is 00:29:47 It's super fun. And it's a free museum thing that is cool if you like stars and care about space, which I guess I don't. But I can make an exception for hiking. And so the first part of it is we get to the top of this thing and we're just hanging out. There's like a very open outdoor space around the museum and telescope it's like a courtyard in front of a building an open field to take it in a lot of movies it's been in like a shitload of movies sure and there's this oh i'm i'm what i'm trying to stress about the courtyard is that it's not narrow i'm not blocking anyone's path uh i'm also not blocking anyone from seeing an important thing. I'm not standing in front of art or anything. Everyone is milling about in a courtyard and there's plenty of room
Starting point is 00:30:29 for everyone. And a woman, which I'm going to put her in her late forties, who is like well put together, designer hiking clothes, beelines straight for me, gets in my face and does the kind of dance you would do if someone was blocking you from something where it's like are you gonna move am i gonna move that little that whole dance and then she sort of sneers like i did the wrong thing and sidesteps and walks away from me like deliberately moves like makes a big show out of i gotta walk away from this person and immediately internally even though i don't know what i did i'm like oh, sorry, you're right. I shouldn't have been here, I guess. And I should have been four feet in either direction or I should have stayed home. I don't know. And my friend Shay walks up and she says, I want to fucking hit that woman.
Starting point is 00:31:16 Like she saw it from a distance and recognized that the woman was being weird and wrong, which is, it's very validating to me for another person to agree that an event didn't take place in my head and actually happened and was strange. But anyway, that's part one of this little play. We continued exploring the museum for like easily an hour. There's a whole lot to see at Griffith Observatory. I learned, among many things, Sorin, that it was named for a person whose name was Griffith J. Griffith. No. That sucks, right?
Starting point is 00:31:52 No, come on. That's insane. That's not a name. I feel like we make fun of a lot of parents for naming their kids after Game of Thrones and stuff, but Griffith J. Griffith is like divorced of context dumb fuck i really hope that the j in the middle is also for griffith somehow griffith yeah yeah i was i was talking to my buddy nate about this uh because as soon as once you learn that someone is named griffith j griffith you tell everyone and nate was like yeah that's stupid but griff griffith is pretty tight and like yes damn it it is griff griffith i hope he knew that he should have that
Starting point is 00:32:33 he could go by that he was going by griff yeah yeah so anyway we're at griffith griffith uh observatory and then after our hour of exploring we headed down the hike and the woman from act one showed up she came from like around a corner on this hike the woman uh also must have been hanging out for an hour and went straight for us and she said let me ask you something oh what do you think about the holocaust and human experimentation and, thinking quickly, said, against it. I think it was a bad idea. It shouldn't have happened. Wouldn't have happened on my watch.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Good answer. And she agreed. And then she was like, so what do you do with these people who are still doing it today? Oh, no. Now, I know what I did, but I wanted, like, what are you doing in this situation i'm gonna ask you like several times in this this whole story yeah what you do with this move uh i will
Starting point is 00:33:32 first of all i'm not stopping walking i'm continuing to walk as i'm giving whatever answer and i'm gonna be like uh i wasn't aware that it was happening anymore but i also don't like that and then i would have kept walking. I stopped as soon as you started talking to us, first of all. So already I'm doing the wrong thing. But my move here, like I've been around the earth a few times that when someone says something crazy, crazy i like to give them a little bit more space to see if they're gonna like walk it back or or double down to a hundred and then then i'll know what i'm dealing with so i've got to say you're the you're like one of the most generous people i know with strangers that's incredible that's why when we would go to like conventions and stuff people would approach you like people would come
Starting point is 00:34:24 up to you and they would just stick around you you were the sun and there was this orbit of weirdos yeah well i appreciate that um so i gave her room to to speak and uh she talked about the holocaust and human experimentation being bad and we agreed with that and she kept going she's like and she's and and it's happening now you know what's happening now look into it and i was like i don't understand and she pointed to me and she said now you're you and she pointed to shay and she said to shay and you're you oh and then she said but you would never switch right uh what do you think that means oh body switching okay this is so exciting i did not think it was i we still don't have complete confirmation but in my brain i thought oh this
Starting point is 00:35:15 is someone who has this this is about um gender affirming care this is someone who has mainlined oh fox news or some alternative string of fringe conspiracy nonsense that conflates gender affirming care with human experimentation not a brain swap which is yeah which is like a million miles away from true uh gender affirming care for our listeners is a necessary and human and beneficial uh and and progressive pick one word it's it's it's good and i'm i'm i'm for it and it's safe and it's uh fox news is not to be believed but that's where what i assumed she was talking about and because her question is i'm because i'm a uh uh male presenting and shea is woman presenting
Starting point is 00:35:57 and she is saying but you would never switch and uh once i assumed that this is where she was going i said not us personally, but I think the difference in this case is that no one, as far as I know, is forcing us to, if someone was forcing people to, to switch, then yes,
Starting point is 00:36:17 I agree that that would be bad, but I don't actually think that's happening. And that's what I'm saying to her because, because my thing is, how do I end this conversation is fucking shea helping you at all here like you're getting thrown under the bus yeah i want to end this conversation and make sure this woman doesn't follow us down the mountain screaming at us like i'm tamping down my actual thoughts i'm i'm completely comfortable discussing
Starting point is 00:36:39 the importance of gender affirming care and debunking myths about it uh but not with a lunatic right i don't and i don't want to and i don't want to be on the news because this woman is like scratching us we have so much more mountain to get down and if i like genuinely stood my ground and try to to quote science on it uh then this could like turn into a whole big screaming fight so i'm just trying to like shut the conversation down and not make an argument out of it. And,
Starting point is 00:37:08 and to your question, Shay, meanwhile is like a master at disengagement. So while I'm trying to find the path of least resistance, she is not looking up from her phone and just saying, I don't know what you're talking about. And I think the combination of my worthlessness and her refusal to engage was enough to send this woman on her way.
Starting point is 00:37:25 But the woman was just like, human experimentation, it's still happening. We should figure out what we should do with the people who are doing the human experimentation. Look into it. Go out and read about it. Good day. And then she left and we never saw her again.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Okay. When you first encountered her do you know what the offense was that you committed no but i won't like so it sucks that she's uh absorbed a like fundamentally incorrect view of the world and i don't know if she's reachable um but to that point very selfishly i was i was like oh that's why she beelined for me in the middle of the courtyard it wasn't because i did something wrong it's because she's crazy she's like a crazy person and if i had to guess i would say um she was testing the waters to see which one of who would Griffith Park is too polite to not tell me to fuck off when I say something insane. And it's this it's this asshole in head to toe.
Starting point is 00:38:34 Lululemon who apologized when I got in his face. This guy will listen to whatever nonsense I want to throw at him. I mean, she knows her audience. she knew that's on her part like great job picking that guy out yeah she's just wandering around the observatory and like and like sniffing people to see who will politely listen to her nonsense you found him you found the guy it's uh this never would have happened if if shea was standing next to me at the time but you caught me and are so are you now confident that it was a gender affirming thing that it was like a this was a person who was against uh the trans community i mean i have no we'll never know the truth i have no additional uh information to go on that when i that's why
Starting point is 00:39:28 i was was hoping to bring it to you because shay didn't pick up on that vibe uh and anytime i've mentioned this to other people uh they didn't have the same like jolt of realization that i did at the moment that i had it. So when you said body switching. Yeah, I thought it was like a get out situation. Which if that was like if a stranger, if a middle-aged stranger stopped me in nature and was like, would you guys ever do a Freaky Friday? I would love that.
Starting point is 00:40:01 I wish that's what was happening. Yeah. But I don't think people but I don't think people I don't think a Freaky Friday conversation starts with how do you feel about the Holocaust no you're right god damn it I think you're probably right about what it is
Starting point is 00:40:16 the only reason I went there was because I was as soon as I started to understand that this woman was crazy that she had approached you once and then like ambushed you on the trail from some bushes. This is somebody who's like dealing with something much, much bigger than I will never understand.
Starting point is 00:40:33 So the minute she started talking about the Holocaust and like, would you guys ever switch? I was like, I'm my, immediately my brain was like, there is no reason here. There's no logic. This could be a,
Starting point is 00:40:43 yeah, this is a freaky Friday thing she's talking about. Would you guys be willing to switch brains? Yeah. I mean, I've had a lot of fun thinking about this woman for the last couple of weeks. I mean, first of all, this reveals a terrible bias that I have where I I'm in Los Angeles it's a Sunday morning and I'm choosing to hike to an observatory I'm assuming everyone else who is doing the same thing so yeah here's my my horrible liberal biases. I think making the decision to wake up early on a Sunday and hike is a good and healthy thing.
Starting point is 00:41:30 I think it's a healthy thing, and I equate healthy with good. And I think, I guess I also equate healthy and good with uh liberal progressive ideas i feel like i'm pretty safe on this mountain that uh i'm not gonna see let's go brandon t-shirts or anything like that which is a bias of mine i think you're right like public spaces hiking is not the purview of of progressives with the left or anything like that but but i'm i'm out in my lululemon and i see other hikers in like their stupid overpriced hiking nature attire and i'm like ah we all like the same things look at us you're in southern california you're doing an outdoor oriented thing that doesn't involve atvs or hunting like correct i think you're within your your purview here like that's i think you're absolutely You're doing an outdoor oriented thing that doesn't involve ATVs or hunting.
Starting point is 00:42:27 Like, I think you're within your purview here. Like that's, I think you're absolutely right. That that's the type of people you're going to run into. Yeah. The other fun that I've been like mentally having with this, this, this woman for the last couple of weeks is just, I'm trying to think, I have to assume that she's, she's tried this before with people and it didn't work that she just went right up to someone and was like what do you think about human experimentation that they're doing right now and like wasn't getting enough mileage out of that so she had to workshop it and settled on like I'm coming in too hot too fast let's start with an easy one what do you think of the holocaust that's gonna get my foot in the door and then i'll like then once we're all on the same page then i will transition to
Starting point is 00:43:10 the meat that i really want to talk about you're probably right i mean you think about the people in front of grocery stores with the clipboards like they don't start with the they know that they can get you with a question that's like, Hey, would you like to end child hunger? Yeah. And you gotta be like, yeah. I mean, I'm not going to say no, but I'm not going to let you believe. No,
Starting point is 00:43:31 even though you're a stranger, if I just walk away. Right. So yes, I would. And I can't say, I can't say I did. And then the conversation,
Starting point is 00:43:41 you won't buy that. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, you don't like the Holocaust, do you? No. No. I was against it.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I still am. I love Shay's reaction. Yeah. Shay was not going to give her the time of day at all. No. She already wanted to fight this woman. I don't know what you're talking about. She already wanted to fight this woman.
Starting point is 00:44:04 I don't know what you're talking about. That's that's I wish I had the guts because that is. Like a devastating thing to say to a stranger who is telling you something they think is important. Yeah. If they're just like someone just gives a speech and then I just go, I have no what the fuck you're talking about it just deflates the entire situation so effectively on that um and then how did this end did you guys just keep walking and was she talking after you or was that just like the end of the conversation that was the end of the conversation and she like the way the the mountain goes is there's like switchbacks and there's like curves so you
Starting point is 00:44:47 i she will like round the for lack of a better word because i understand it's a mountain round the corner and moving quickly and we never even saw her again for the rest of this hike like we're all going in the same direction and she moved quickly, rounded a corner, and then disappeared. Wow. Is it possible that she died 10 years ago? Certainly. 100,000% possible. She's been haunting this mountain.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Or died in 1964 or something like that. This would have been more hot button. And now she's really still concerned about it, this ghost. Yeah. And that's her her unfinished business is making sure that you know that there's still some nazis down in south america yeah then i should have told her it's like oh you hadn't heard no we took care of that i mean they were still they're like there are still nazis in america today but they're not like the worst ones actually yeah uh yeah i i wonder what she was i i guess that maybe that would have also been my answer is that
Starting point is 00:45:53 when she said that what would you just say that like what do we do about the people who are doing that and i would i would have said do you mean nazis right i because we're trying to do something about that yeah uh i also wonder if and this this is again liberal bias coming through if if your job if you genuinely think in good faith that people are forcing some kind of gender surgery on people who don't want it in this country and you are trying to alert people and recruit them to your side i don't know that you pick a sunday morning hike in los angeles just that was also going through my head as i'm walking down this this mountain and looking at the other people who are out today and you can you can identify where someone is politically often by the clothes that they're wearing whether it's like explicitly at graphics on a t-shirt or just like the style
Starting point is 00:46:54 and the wear of clothes i'm just thinking she doesn't have i don't think there's anyone that's going to be receptive to her ideas here i don't know why she thought anyone would be. Yeah. I'm like, to come in angry, like to go on a hike angry, like to go out and experience the world, to be like, and now I got to go find some people on this trail
Starting point is 00:47:18 and pick them off and make sure that they know that this isn't right. Yeah. It's just every bit of it is so headfirst wild that i'm yeah i'm really having a hard time getting a picture of this woman in my brain well i'm sorry that you dealt with that dad that's okay it was a while ago and it's and uh i think there are a there are several worse ways it could have gone yeah and i'm glad it didn't go any of those ways there's a part of me that will always,
Starting point is 00:47:48 I think about you in moments like this. You and I were walking down the street when we worked together one time. We were going to lunch, and there was a woman some yards ahead of us, and some guy in a truck drove by, and honked and catcalled at her. And I'm sure I made a face, but I was also like,
Starting point is 00:48:07 like very in my head. It was like, Oh, that's a bad thing that happened. And you yelled at the guy. You were like, you can't do that anymore or whatever. Like,
Starting point is 00:48:14 I don't know if you said you can't do that anymore. We don't do that anymore. We're not allowed. Um, listen, you're right, but you can't. No,
Starting point is 00:48:24 you said something to, to try to put him in his place and he got mad and like drove around the block to to yell at you some more and you were you were yelling back didn't like turn into a physical confrontation but you were just like trying to let him know loudly and publicly that's not a thing that's not cool to do you can't catcall women you can't honk your horn at them uh and he drove off having not changed but uh i'm sure you slept better than i did that night and that's the kind of thing that i think about where i'm so driven to uh end awkward conversations and also even if i'm dealing with someone who in my heart and bones and guts, I feel like this person is misinformed and wrong and bad.
Starting point is 00:49:12 I'm still like, well, I want to, I would like to exit this conversation, maximizing the amount of people who aren't upset. amount of people who aren't upset so like even if i disagree with this person i the the thing that overrides my brain is is i got to make sure everyone's having a good time and so that's a thing that will stop me from talking about things that i actually believe in and and and care about and and i i i don't know if if my my innate need to be a people pleaser is the wrong thing to do in a situation like that because like like certainly i could talk to anyone any day of the week about trans rights me and some co-writers wrote an entire fucking episode about it last season for last week tonight we're we're in this world and we know it and uh i would be happy to debate someone on it uh but i didn't in this moment because i was still just thinking like i don't want this to turn into a fight i don't want to to i don't want anyone to think i'm an asshole which is also a huge part of it but i don't know i i i don't want anyone to think I'm an asshole, which is also a huge part of it. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:50:25 I don't know. These opportunities where you can stand up for a thing and try to reach a stranger who's wrong, they happen a lot. And I'm almost always choosing path of least resistance. And that could be a problem. I don't know. I don't know. I feel like those are – I think those are different circumstances. This is,
Starting point is 00:50:45 you're dealing with someone who is like probably crazy here. Yeah. And so like getting out of that situation is the best thing for you. Like, it's like, you don't want to escalate it. You don't want to do things that are going to escalate anything with this woman.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Cause you don't know, you don't know what her deal is. And then also, uh, I think that you're not going to convince this person, this person who got up early to go to the getty to tell people that the holocaust was bad and that people are still swapping brains like you you're not going to convince her of anything so like yeah i think
Starting point is 00:51:13 that that's yeah that's certainly a part of it like my instinct is like i'm not going to win this by saying aha but madam uh perhaps you didn't see this at article that I read because she has already found her news and yes. And, and believes it. Right. She's not there to be convinced of anything. She is there to proselytize.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Yeah. And it was different in the other circumstance. It was a guy who was cat calling woman because that's what he'd always done. And what he'd seen his dad do and like what he'd seen other guys do. And he needed some people in his life to say like he needed now to see other people in his life who are saying hey don't be an asshole we don't do that yeah and so here's maybe one maybe he'll get another one and then eventually he'll be like oh fuck maybe we don't do that but she's not going to change i think that it's just a different circumstance i don't think i
Starting point is 00:52:03 would have engaged this woman either. I would have tried to have moved on as quickly as possible. Yeah. Maybe in another life I'd be like, that's a really good point. Um, counterpoint. And then I just take out my phone and load up a 33 minute last week,
Starting point is 00:52:20 tonight episode about trans rights. And I'm like, just, just while I, while I got you here, I mean, he articulates it better, better than I could, but there's like, there's jokes there's jokes and clips like you'll you won't be bored just like just hang out and watch this i'm sure watch your show and they'll be like did you
Starting point is 00:52:33 did you like that joke yeah because you didn't i didn't see a smile or anything but like that's a pretty good joke you gotta admit i was mine uh all right well i think we can end our show here okay great all right uh well thanks for listening everybody uh this has been quick question but you know that you can follow daniel on twitter at dob underscore inc you can follow me soren underscore ltd on twitter you can follow our show at qq underscore soren and dan the show does not have a blue sky account yet but daniel and i do and we're very easy to find on there. I think Dan, are you just Daniel O'Brien on there? Yeah, probably.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Do you think we'll ever say you could find us on X? Oh, fucking X. No, I completely forgot that. I had a real moment where, because I'm terminally online, I think, and then my wife was looking through her phone the other day and she, and I, she was looking for something else, but she goes, what is X? And I was like, Oh, you poor thing. You poor precious little, little fawn in the wild. Like you have no idea what happened.
Starting point is 00:53:39 It's a, I mean, it's, there's, there's no point in getting into it, but, but, but Twitter sucks so bad. It's been so bad for so long. And then when it made the change from Twitter to X, even that was like, this is the kind of thing a few years ago that we would all have a lot of fun with. We would just do silly jokes about it,
Starting point is 00:54:03 and I tried to do a few, but that's just not the the flavor of of twitter anymore it's like no we're only dunking on elon musk and we're doing it self-righteously it's like okay but like but oh it's funny it's it's x is we could like let's just brainstorm for a while we can we could talk how X, the letter, sounds like X, how you would refer to an ex-girlfriend, and think of the misunderstandings that could happen in a spoken conversation. Just riff with me, Twitter.
Starting point is 00:54:34 We used to do this all the time. Yeah. I think we'll have to agree, Dan, that there are bad people on both sides. Very bad people on both sides. Yeah. It sucks. it sucks hard and it's amazing that uh x or twitter continues to find new and surprising directions in which to suck every single day okay so you can email us at qq with soren and daniel at gmail.com we're on instagram at qq underscore with underscore soren underscore and underscore daniel okay so we'll thank thanks to
Starting point is 00:55:08 our sound engineer and editor gabe harter we also have a patreon which is patreon slash quick question you can watch some of our episodes on youtube you can find those at youtube uh youtube.com slash at qq podcast and if you liked theme song, you can find more music from them. That's me Rex. You can find that anywhere you stream, but you can also find their albums at me. Rex. Stop band camp.com.
Starting point is 00:55:38 Hey man. Great chatting with you. It's really good to talk to you, Dan. Yeah. See you next week. All right. Bye. Bye. Bye. So what's your favorite? Who did you get? When will I be remembered? What's it up to?
Starting point is 00:56:05 Word it all up Why do we not? Oh forget it I saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers If there's an answer they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here you

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