Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - Mack & Manco’s Mind Palace

Episode Date: August 29, 2023

The guys discuss food that reminds them of home, Soren’s mind palace accident (don’t worry, he’s rebuilding), and where to get a good Steak Dianne on a heavy tablecloth. Follow us on socials an...d dole out some sweet, sweet engagement: https://www.linktr.ee/QQPodcast

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hello again and welcome to another episode of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel, the podcast where two best friends and comedy writers ask each other questions and give each other answers. I am one half of that podcast, senior writer for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, author of How to Fight Presidents, the book, and guy who has never used a mind palace, Daniel O'Brien, joined as always by my co-host, Mr. Soren Bui. Soren, say hello. Hello, everybody. I'm Soren Bui. I am a writer for American Dad. I am a frequent visitor of my mind palace to remember things,
Starting point is 00:00:51 although a whole wing of it burned down recently. Oh, shit. Yeah. It's tough. There was someone named James, and he was a redhead, and I was remembering flames, and that was just like this whole wing went up. That's tough. And so, yeah, there's a bunch of stuff that's gone at this point.
Starting point is 00:01:05 But I'm rebuilding. That's good. And so, yeah, there's a bunch of stuff that's gone at this point. But I'm rebuilding. That's good. Things are looking good. Yeah. Yeah, I had to bring up Mind Palace because before we started recording, you were explaining what a Mind Palace was. And it seemed stupid to waste that on not content. So do you not know what a Mind Palace is?
Starting point is 00:01:22 My damn understanding of it is from pop culture like uh benedict cumberbatch in sherlock when he needs to solve a mystery visualizes a bunch of things which i took to understand he is entering his mind palace where where math lives well it doesn't live in mine i can tell you that much math is not invited um no fucking squares honestly in my mind palace it's only cool people um so what the only time that i use in my palace the only reason that i created one it sounds so fucking shitty the only reason i have them i have a mind palace is because when i'm going to sleep, I have thoughts where I'm like, ah, that's good.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Like for an episode or it's just like something that I want to write or sometimes even as like as petty as like a tweet that I want to make. And then in the morning I'll wake up and it's just gone. And I'm like, how do I hold on to this? And so the way that I've done it is that you have a place in your mind. For me, it's my friend Nick's house because I knew him so well when I was young and I know exactly the layout of the house and how it looks. And in each room, you can put something. You can put like – or like I'll put something at the base of the stairs when you first walk in the door. And so if I want to remember something about uh octopi
Starting point is 00:02:45 i guess it's octopuses i think we decided it's octopuses at this point um i will put an octopus there and then something else that the octopus is doing to trigger the the thought i'm like oh yeah i want to talk about uh that it's octopuses and not octopi whatever it is um and so you put these things in different rooms and then you all you have to do is like picture yourself going into that room. It's like, well, what's on the bed? Oh, right. There's an old My Pet Monster on the bed. I know what this is.
Starting point is 00:03:11 And you can get there to that. Now, a lot of people, what they'll do is to like remember people's names. Like that James thing that I was just doing is like, James, James has red hair, flames, James flames. Like then you're, it's essentially using a mind palace. You're just thinking of a fire and that's taking you right to their name um and there's a lot of magicians who use it like magicians will figure out you can connect like up to like 50 people to an object and you're using the same sort of process where like it can be something completely unique like a for if i'm doing for gabe Gabe and there's a beach ball,
Starting point is 00:03:45 then I'll just come up with some sort of circumstance in which Gabe is playing with a beach ball or is on a beach even. And I'm like, I know that when I open this door to Nick's parents' room, I'm going to see Gabe in there on a beach. And I'm like, oh, and then beach ball. And you can get there the rest of the way, usually.
Starting point is 00:04:04 You just need that jump start to to get there what's the other how do you get from beach ball to gabe i'm just saying if you have to connect to like a disparate object like magicians have to do this shit all the time okay they're like they remember something you're somewhat of a magician i was uh yeah it's not even fair to say i I would just steal amazing Jonathan bits and do those. But yeah, so if you have to remember, you have to tie somebody to something. That's a very, he's not invited. You've never seen. Okay. Um, but I, I use it frequently. The problem with it is that if you use the same space too many times, like I used to picture stuff at the bottom of the stairs and like, that's where I would put important things. And then the problem was, is that too many important things that sat at the bottom of the stairs. So like I would get there and I'd be like, Oh fuck. I don't know if this is the thing yeah yeah i have
Starting point is 00:05:05 to sift through some shit now um but yeah that's more or less like the very basics of a memory palace okay yeah well we learned something today yeah so get yourself one just for when you're going to sleep sure otherwise just write things down they so they did the test with memory and like they they showed people pictures and they had to memorize as much as they could from all these different pictures like five pictures and one group of people were allowed to take a picture of the pictures um and then they could look at that but they couldn't like later reference that when they're asked the questions about the pictures like well where was the stamp from and stuff like that and what they found was the people
Starting point is 00:05:43 who didn't take the picture actually did way better because so frequently we rely we find these things that like we can rely on as our auxiliary hard drives for like remembering things so like i know my phone has most of the answers and that's why i can't remember a single celebrity's name anymore yeah and i also have you in my life um and so these you just have these things that sort of like cover your blindnesses and then you never bother to get better at them yeah and uh i and so i'm trying to be better about like not relying on my phone as my as my backup brain yeah you're great at it by the way i should say like get get comfortable on the we'll call this the compliment couch we finally it finally made an appearance get comfortable on the compliment couch you are so good at recalling information without looking at your phone uh thank you i was wondering if there was a way to do as a cruel joke to blindfold you right this second and ask you to
Starting point is 00:06:37 describe the items on the walls in this room that we've now been in total i don't know five or six hours yeah good podcasting to describe things that you're visually seeing yeah we'll figure it out for another episode um maybe i'll try a mind palace i i need a centralized i don't write enough stuff down yeah which is very it's a very frustrating system that I have, and I have no one to blame but myself, but you can see my phone and there are a bunch of, in the notes app, different quick question folders, just specifically for like episode ideas. Instead of one folder, there's different ones. And also there are other notes in my computer. Yeah. When I have those ideas, there's no central location. And there is yet a third tier of quick question ideas that are like this is so good i'll never forget it and we'll never know what those are they're gone there's
Starting point is 00:07:31 nothing that's ever been more relatable than that moment on mad men where that guy is like staying there all night thinking of it like the best ad and he's like i fucking got it and he goes and like gets some coffee and he's like i fucking lost it where you're just like you know you had something that was like it felt profound and world-changing and then it's gone yeah and how can that happen really a really cruel thing that my brain is was like where i'm like should i write it down no bro this idea is so fucking good there is no way in hell you were ever gonna forget this take a run or something yeah think about something read a book think about something else that's how good it is and then it's it's
Starting point is 00:08:09 gone forever it never made the wrinkle in the brain that's why uh none of our episodes have been good is that the reason that's the reason yeah it's because it's because of my hubris this whole time that was the reason because i was trying really hard and it just wasn't happening. It's you, you have to try. Um, yeah. So I, I do it now in names too. Cause I've always been, I haven't like for a while there, I went from like 2008 to about 2018 where I never learned a single person's name where like, they would tell me I would shake their hand and it was immediately gone. And now I like really make an shake their hand and it was immediately gone and now i like really make an effort to try and remember their names and now that i've done that it's like it's a really kind and valuable thing to do like when you mention when you when somebody you see
Starting point is 00:08:55 somebody you haven't seen in a long time and you say their name like that means more than like hey bud yeah or like when you're just talking to them and you reference their name as you're talking to them it's like i don't know. It feels really nice. I realized. And so I started trying to do it for people. That's why I really beat myself up or when I pronounced Jacob's name, Jacob Weinstein. Yeah. Fucking fuck.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Soren. That's tough, man. Especially you'd think you of all people who's had your last name mispronounced your entire life. The whole time. Yeah. Thanks to David Bowie. Yeah. Thanks for that and nothing else.
Starting point is 00:09:31 Let's just get on with the show. I guess, yeah. Quick question, Soren. Yeah, go ahead. What is a food that makes you think of home? I'm going to throw a bunch of caveats in here because we've talked about, there's like this list of sandwiches that have been determined to be our state, every state's sandwich. Uh, mine was, I think pork roll, egg and cheese.
Starting point is 00:09:53 Yours was some weird, it's like footlong jelly beef monstrosity, whatever the fuck that thing was that you'd never heard of. That's what they call it. The footlong jelly and beef fucking monstrosity. But it's not that. And it's also not home cooking. It's not like my mom's tomato soup or anything like that. It's something that... So this isn't a Ratatouille game?
Starting point is 00:10:12 No, no. It's something like whether it's a restaurant, like a very specific restaurant from your hometown that is like, ah, I'm home, or a type of food that you just very clearly and strongly associate with home okay and i'll go first and there's a lot to say about it go ahead um growing up in new jersey uh we would take all of our vacations on the jersey shore on the boardwalk and we would get snacks and uh there's
Starting point is 00:10:37 so much wonderful greasy fried bullshit and and sweets that you can get on the boardwalk uh mine's not a sweet if you want to guess what you think it is i want to guess okay i think it's mac and manco's pizza it's not mac and manco's pizza okay it is and i don't know because you've been to the jersey shore a bunch so i don't know if you experienced this it is a bucket of fries on the boardwalk, a bucket with vinegar to dip them in. Yeah. That is, I know you can get it other places, and in fact, the technology exists. I can make it at home, but it's very specifically like if most months out of the year, if I'm
Starting point is 00:11:19 eating fries, I'm dipping them in ketchup. That's my thing. But when it's summertime, it's boardwalk, it's a big bucket, they're fucking hot, and there's a little tiny ramekin of vinegar that you dip them in, or you pour the vinegar on top of it. And it's so specifically linked to, I mean, it's a positive memory because if I'm eating french fries with vinegar, it means it's summertime. It means school's out. I'm on vacation. I'm on the boardwalk. I'm having fun. I'm playing games. I'm living on the beach. And it's wonderful. And it's summertime. It means school's out. I'm on vacation. I'm on the boardwalk. I'm having fun. I'm playing games.
Starting point is 00:11:46 I'm living on the beach. And it's wonderful. And it's so specifically tied to that nostalgia for me. And it's not something that I see typically offered elsewhere and else times. It belongs to this one place and time. I do remember those buckets, but I remember them always being like people eating from those and being swarmed by seagulls. And I may be sure because they would like,
Starting point is 00:12:09 there were so many fries that by the end they were just like, fuck it. And there's like throwing them up to seagulls. But in my mind it's like, Oh, I know exactly where you get those. And there's lots of seagulls there. The seagulls will steal them.
Starting point is 00:12:20 It's not even about throwing them. They'll take them right out of a kid's mouth. They don't give a shit. It was a couple of years ago. They'll take them right out of a kid's mouth. They don't give a shit. A couple years ago, I wish I knew how the story ended, but seagulls were becoming such a problem in Seaside on the Jersey Shore
Starting point is 00:12:33 that a company came in with larger birds of prey to scare off the seagulls. Just hearing the beginning of the story, then you're going to need to bring in snakes to get rid of the big birds. Then you're going lions to get rid of the snakes like but like you have to see how this ends you can't just keep introducing more villains into the story well do you know what the birds were no oh that's so exciting i wonder if they were actually hunting the seagull
Starting point is 00:12:57 sleaze side heights that's what we called it me and the kids sleaze side sleaze side heights yeah rude it's not i mean come on it has earned that reputation the setting for mtv's jersey shore you think that's sleazy it's no ocean city dan dry ocean city Buttoned up Ocean City. Yeah. I do actually have like a lot of very specific tastes that are tied to the Jersey Shore and all of them I absolutely love. That's why I was like, I would be very excited to guess. It's Reed's water ice. It's Mac and Manco's pizza. It's Coors custard. Like it's like, those are things I only ever get there.
Starting point is 00:13:39 This is another thing like the bird story where I only half remember what's going on uh you know mac and mancos split right what mac and mancos was like the the premium the best pizza in new jersey by like everyone's estimation uh south south jersey mac and mancos uh and then there was a split where one place was max and one place and another place was mancos holy shit and you'd think it was one of those things where it's like, oh, they figured out a way to double their business and create a fake feud. That's smart.
Starting point is 00:14:10 But no, there's some bad shit went down in that family. It might have been embezzling. It might have been worse. But it was a very dramatic turn of events. Oh, man. I would be down with having a whole podcast where somebody explains to me the story of how Mac and mango split. That was the idea I had.
Starting point is 00:14:28 I'm not going to write it down. I would also, I'm very curious because I only have like peripheral knowledge of like what happened to Zanku chicken. And I know that there was murder and it was within a family that I'm like, I need to know that story over again. Is Zanku still around? Zanku is around and it's great. Still great. But there's like a crazy dark history to zanku boy are we gonna get sued by zanku um i should add allegedly that always helps right in these circumstances um so
Starting point is 00:14:58 mine is from my hometown it's still a taste that I can get because I just went back there and the place is still there. But there's a restaurant called Pepino's, which is, yeah, it's like a pizza place. And it has been there since my birth. It's like it's been there the whole time. It's great. It's this very, very small pizza shop. It's where we go after school every day. And like you get a slice there and the slice has a very specific taste to it.
Starting point is 00:15:24 But the real like the gold standard there is they have a sub sandwich, a Turkey sandwich. And I'm big on sandwiches. Sandwiches mean a lot to me. And this one was, this was a seminal sandwich for me. Um, and the way that I first had it was I had just gotten a slice of pizza. My brother had gotten a sub there on those little shitty paper plates plates and i had gone to the bathroom i came back my brother had that first like triangle of my pizza like the very best bite of pizza and i was so angry as a kid he's like just have some of my sub and i was like no i don't want it i don't oh my god that's the best sandwich i've ever had in my entire life it's a turkey provolone but it's got like vinegar and um and oil on it and it's got mayonnaise it's got shredded lettuce
Starting point is 00:16:05 provolone oh yeah and like the bread they bake there and it's like it's just like the perfect sandwich i love it so much and i had a lot of memories as a kid of us getting those and i couldn't eat the whole thing so i would eat half of it at night and then the next day i would have like this thing to look forward to whether we were like we were about to go up to one of the cab like one of the huts in Colorado, I would bring it with me. Like, there's just a lot of memories tied to that specific taste.
Starting point is 00:16:30 And was Pepino's far from home from my house? From your house? Everything was far from my house. You, I had, so it's like, it's a trip and it's a treat. It's a,
Starting point is 00:16:38 it's a whole. Yeah. Yeah. You had, and it was like, we weren't just going to get that for no reason. And as a child, I couldn't just buy a that for no reason and as a child i couldn't just buy a sub like i could get a piece of pizza because they were like a dollar but i couldn't get
Starting point is 00:16:49 a whole turkey sandwich because i don't have the funds for that sure so it was like i was dependent on my parents to get it and it had to be some sort of special event yeah and i would get these and it was every single time i was like pumped the whole day for two days because I had the sandwich two days in a row. And I went back there just the other day and like the place has gotten a little bit bigger. It's gotten a little more polished, but the sandwich is exactly the same. And I'm so happy. I, I threw my head back and rolled my eyes. I do. I am really trying by how much you love sandwiches and, and seeing it in your eyes and your smile
Starting point is 00:17:26 and like having had sandwiches with you specifically when we would go to Bay Cities in Santa Monica for lunch
Starting point is 00:17:33 that was a thing that would be a special it's expensive so we wouldn't go there every day but like every couple of months where one of us
Starting point is 00:17:40 would just be like Bay Cities it was a real we were very excited it was a big deal I would get a nice big sausage sandwich and you would get probably turkey sandwich. A turkey sandwich. So it's so funny. I'm willing to accept the fact
Starting point is 00:17:51 I can see objectively that as a sandwich lover, it's crazy that I am a turkey sandwich lover. Like the most basic of sandwiches there is. Like the most pedestrian there is. But if you get a turkey sandwich right, it's so good. And honestly, I feel like it's so easy to get a turkey sandwich right. So it pisses me off that so many people get it wrong.
Starting point is 00:18:10 Like there's so many places where I think turkey sandwich is inedible. I should not keep shitting on like really specific places in this podcast. So let me just say in general, there are a lot of like chains that like just can't fucking figure it out. And when they do, it's like, yes, it was so easy so easy it's this easy you just have to have like the right ingredients and you're fine and the right ratio yeah i could go on and on about turkey sandwiches oh but bay cities was like the very best one and then pepino's my hometown was like that was it was such a good sandwich um that like and just like you know you have like a little bit of provolone sticking off the edge that you just that's a nice little bonus you just peel that
Starting point is 00:18:49 right off you eat provolone by itself oh man what a treat anyway you took me back there yeah glad i'm really happy about that uh i have a pepino shirt that last time i was there i was gonna i was gonna ask yeah is there the last time you were there, can you... Would you ever let the owners know like, pretty big deal now. Got this podcast, work on this show.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Upwards of 120 people will know about Pepino's if I mention it on our show. No, I've never talked to them about it. I think I'd be too starstruck to like talk to the manager is it do you know if it's if it's if it's like the the family like like mr pepino i don't actually know the ownership so there were eventually what happened was there's another town right next to us called basalt and they had pepinos too and there was a guy who
Starting point is 00:19:41 worked at the original pepinos uh who had been there since i was a child and he was like he had these massive popeye forearms because he was like hauling pies in and out all the time and then he would also he's famous for when he would deliver them he would ride his bike and he would have them in each hand and just be riding without uh the handlebars that would drive me fucking crazy he was the coolest he was the coolest guy and then he started his own so when he the popinos and basalt started I think, bought that version of the franchise. And so now it's called, it's named after him. I can't remember his name, actually. It's like Steve or something like that. um he's uh yeah he had his own version of it it was basically identical but it was still like his and i don't know what happened or if the original pepino has ever changed ownership or not but it's like they didn't change a thing so if they did change ownership this is how it should be done
Starting point is 00:20:35 like this is like if you're ever gonna buy zazloff like everybody pay attention when you buy something new go back and look at like everybody who's loved it and be like, okay, let's keep everything that the people really liked about it. And then it will continue. It will persist. Anyway, both of our networks are screwed. There was a restaurant that we used to love growing up. This is such a silly, bonkers story. We would pass it on the bus ride to school
Starting point is 00:21:06 in high school. And it was a building that was clearly another building before this. You know how you can sometimes tell that used to be an IHOP because of the roof or whatever. Pizza Hut is a good giveaway.
Starting point is 00:21:17 Taco Bells, yeah. A restaurant with a large column coming out the top and a giant P, the letter P. And then way down below there's the signage for the restaurant itself which is a not exciting name it was called olin's place and if you're 14 or 15 years old olin is a very funny name to you because you've never heard it before and you're driving to school and the first time someone says, the P stands for Olin.
Starting point is 00:21:47 We laughed our fucking heads off. And we would say it every day on the way to school. And it was like such a small restaurant. It doesn't exist anymore, which is a shame. But it was like next to a tire place and a pit or something. It was just like not a good spot for a restaurant. And one day, as a bit, me and all of my friends decided we're gonna walk six miles to olin's place chanting the peace dance for olin the whole time and we're gonna like as a bit get food there and we went there and we were like i'll take the world famous chili
Starting point is 00:22:17 fries from olin's place and i'll take a burger from olin's place and then the first bite oh fuck this is incredible this is so good and like olin was there the chef it was like such a small thing that was like yeah i'm olin this is olin's place i'm here every time that we're open and i'm cooking the food and the waitress i think was either a lifer or also a member of his family and we would go there all the time and uh they obviously knew who we were because no one else came to this restaurant and it was such a great experience for us of like coming to this restaurant and then a period of time goes by we come back we're like oh the waitress is pregnant period of time goes
Starting point is 00:22:56 by we come back and there's a little like crib set up for the baby to play and we're like this is a real good like good bookends for the seasons of television that is our lives it's a beautiful montage we're creating and it was like legitimately we went there full ready to ready for full irony and to be like yeah assholes basically to eat at this restaurant once and then joke about it and it was so good it was yeah yeah that's in in culver city there's a restaurant called dear john's that if you look at it from the outside, it's got this old ass sign. It looks like the type of place where you and your buddies will get a steak Diane. Like it's like, you know, like those old places.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Nobody knows what you're talking about. Those old steak shops or not steak shops. I mean like a steak restaurant. There's's no windows like you can't see inside it's just like a big building that windowless building this is not clear this is not registering with you is it registering with anybody else no no one knows the fuck i'm talking about because you jumped into a whole voice like that was a voice we all heard before you said steak diane which I'm sure is a great comedy specific. But everything you're describing is alien to me. You know, it's one of those caves.
Starting point is 00:24:09 You walk in a cave and there's like a tiny guy with giant hands playing a little kid's piano. You know, one of those places. That's Dear John. Fucking bugs coming from the ceiling, but they don't touch you. It's like these holdouts, these old steak restaurants that are like these holdouts of an older time. But like there's still enough of an appetite for that, that people are going to them. And they're these really dark places with like heavy tablecloths. And I can't believe that this is specific to me.
Starting point is 00:24:40 Surely someone knows I'm talking about. No windows. I can't stress that enough. Like completely dark in there and and like you go in there and yeah you get you get like a fucking i don't even know what a snake diane is but it's such like a sure it feels like a like a something no windows capsule heavy tablecloth the floor legos your hands snakes um like that and you probably have to wear like a blazer in these places and there's there they feel so dusty to me in my mind because i don't go to these places and and so like i referenced
Starting point is 00:25:11 dear johns is like a throwaway joke in one of our um writers rooms as like uh these silly old places that still exist and everyone stopped me and they're like dear johns is incredible have you not gone to dear johns i'm like no of course not and they're like well you got to like it's it's like one of the best restaurants i was like okay sorry and like and they wouldn't let it go like they wouldn't let it go that i use this is my like look at the everything used to be so fucking weird it's like a um like goodfellas type of place and i was like everything used to be so weird like we don't want that in a restaurant anymore that atmosphere is weird and like dusty and everyone's like stop stop like this is a don't disparage the name of dear johns it's incredible so apparently dear
Starting point is 00:25:54 johns is beloved should we go i guess we have to we've got to go yeah i don't know if we can get a reservation it sounds like everybody loves it yeah it also sounds like the place you know like one of those places that doesn't have phones sounds like that kind of place it's also one of those places that is in a in a spot it's like location is is sucks it's like it's next to like a a boxing gym and then i think on the other side of it is maybe either a freeway entrance or a gas station great it should not be there and i don't even know if you can park there but apparently people love the hell out of it so i can't wait to look it up i guess that makes sense these places that are these holdouts are holdouts for a reason yeah they don't just stick around because everyone has like a love for old school mashed potatoes well that i i i've always
Starting point is 00:26:41 wondered because like in la one of the more famous old holdouts is a place in Hollywood called Musso and Frank's, which is one of the first restaurants in Hollywood or Los Angeles, something like that. And even if it's not, it is certainly one of the oldest that has just persisted. And what also has persisted is its menu. It hasn't updated its menu from its its birth there's still like welsh rare bit and and one of those meals where it's like a stick of celery with cream cheese and raisins on it and that's like your meal it's all like madman stuff and and you go in there and there's there's uh very old school maitre d's they're they're like mostly lifers like elderly gentlemen yeah maitre d's and waiters and there's information that's like hemingway sat there fitzgerald sat there this famous you know marilyn manson did did this over there and uh marilyn
Starting point is 00:27:36 manson did this over there there's only one thing we all know marilyn manson. That's not the one. Yeah, Marilyn Manson removed his rib over there. That's the, and I went there with my brother once and it's fine. I think that's a place that is just It survives on nostalgia. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:00 I think it's probably just for people like me where it's like, I'm 23 years old, my brother's visiting, where should we go in Hollywood? Yeah, after an award show once... This is how we walk. Get a stick to your hand!
Starting point is 00:28:13 After an award show once, we all went downtown to a restaurant that was in a train car. Do you remember that? Oh, I wasn't there for that. That was after the Streamy Awards that I missed. That was Pacific Dining Car you went to. Yeah, and streaming awards that I missed. Yeah. That was, you went, uh, Pacific dining car. You went to. Yeah. And it was, it had like that same feeling where it was, I'm feeling so self-conscious that I got Marilyn Monroe and Marilyn Manson confused that I'm
Starting point is 00:28:33 overcompensating by telling you where you ate when I wasn't there. I mean, it's helpful. I wouldn't have had it if you didn't. Um, and that was a place that has like that same feel where it's like, Oh, I think people like this
Starting point is 00:28:47 because of like the ambience feels like it exists in a time different than our own um i don't even honestly remember what the food was like but i decided from the moment i got in there i was like oh i get it yeah i get it's fine um but yeah pepino's not that place dude no no i think the train and the musso and frank's those places survive because uh it's really hard to recommend restaurants to people like people that i don't know super well who's like hey i'm gonna be in la my go-to is gonna be something like well where can i send them that's that's different than what they're used to and it'll be a musso and frank's or something like that or someplace. It won't be my favorite sushi place because I don't know you like that. It's going to be like
Starting point is 00:29:30 well, you're in New York there's a ninja restaurant or there's a restaurant where the lights are out the whole time and like yeah, the food sucks and yeah, you'll realize about five minutes in that you actually prefer the lights but this is an experience and that's what you're getting. I realize that i do
Starting point is 00:29:46 that with los angeles all the time i send people to places that i hate myself because i'm like it's part of the experience you have to do it because everyone's gonna ask about it you gotta go i of course would never go there but you should wait in line and pay too much money you have to go to the ruby tuesdays in over in fucking uh man's chinese theater area i will never go to either of those places but you should probably go um yeah god i love thinking about the food of my childhood it actually is really a treat it's like when you get that smell that you haven't smelled in a long time and you're like and it just all of your memories flood back yeah yeah okay well i think we can end there great
Starting point is 00:30:32 you can follow us on twitter if you'd like or if you have more questions for us don't look at me you can follow daniel at dob underscore inc you can follow me soren at DOB underscore Inc. You can follow me, Soren, at Soren underscore LTD. You can follow our show at QQ with Soren and Dan. There might be some underscores in there. I don't know. Yeah, just look it up. The QQ one. And you can email us at QQ, no, Gmail.
Starting point is 00:31:01 No, you don't start with Gmail. You never start with Gmail. Gmail, backslash, backslash. Nobody has the address. It's crazy. You can follow us at, or you can mail us at quickquestionwithsornanddanielatgmail.com. It might be QQ.
Starting point is 00:31:24 Is this going well? I think so. And you can, oh, our theme song is by Merex and you can find their music anywhere.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Just type in Merex or you can find them at merex.bandcamp.com and all, if you're watching this or you're listening to this, all the work that isn't Dan and I,
Starting point is 00:31:42 so basically all the actual work was done by gabe harter and jacob weinstein they laid every one of these bricks they did it's true uh and that's everything yeah no fuck i didn't do the youtube yeah go ahead and smash that bell uh like and subscribe you can find more of these videos at quickquestion.youtube.bandcamp.com. I love that in an earlier episode, we like joked that one of these episodes, one of us would be on mushrooms and it'd be a game to guess. Everyone at home was like, oh, I got it.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I got it. It's fine. At youtube.com slash quickquestion. QQ podcast. That's our YouTube URL quick question. QQ podcast. That's our YouTube URL. Okay, you can find it. If you just go to Cracked and go to After Hours,
Starting point is 00:32:31 you'll find it all. It's all there. All right, bye. I've got a quick, quick question for you, all right. I want to hear your thoughts. I want to know what's on your mind. I've got a quick, quick question for you, alright The answer's not important, I'm just glad that we could talk tonight
Starting point is 00:32:51 So what's your favourite? Who did you get? When will I be remembered? What's it up to? Where did all that go? Oh, forget it I saw a movie, Daniel O'Brien Two best friends and comedy writers
Starting point is 00:33:08 If there's an answer they're gonna find it I think you'll have a great time here I think you'll have a great time here

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