Quick Question with Soren and Daniel - Soren‘s First French Kiss

Episode Date: November 20, 2021

He finally got the movie! Soren walks us through the magical roller coaster ride that is the the film French Kiss.  And as always big thanks to our sponsors.  Thanks  Hello Tushy.  10% off + free ...shipping HelloTushy.com/qq . Thanks to Manly Bands. To get 25% off your Manly Band now through Cyber Monday, go to manlybands.com/QQ or use promo code QQ. Thanks to Everlywell, for 20% off your at-home lab test:   Everlywell.com/qq . Thanks Truebill.com/qq.  it could save you thousands a year.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So hello again and welcome to another episode of Quick Question with Soren and Daniel, the podcast where two best friends and comedy writers ask each other questions and give each other answers. I am one half of that podcast, author of How to Fight Presidents, staff writer for Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Dale O'Brien, joined as always by my co-host Soren Bui. Soren, say hello. Hey everybody, I'm Soren Bui and I, If I'm being honest, you sound like shit, Dan. I do? I'm a little sick right now. You're kind of like lost wind or you ran out of gas near the end of that. The part where you're supposed to be giving your accolades, it was like you were sick of them. Yeah. Author of How to Fight Presidents.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Am I getting bored in the middle of it? I think it's just because you might be sick but um yeah i'm soren buoy i'm reminded just hearing that introduction of the very first one of these that i think we ever recorded i'm not even sure it aired but i had said uh you're my best friend on it and you it was like somebody had told you that you love that they love you and you weren't sure how you felt yet and you're like oh that's okay that's cool uh and and i'd really put myself out there and at this point now what you know it's it's certainly better for the podcast if we're best friends uh so you've decided to start saying it and i'm just it was uh i'm just remembering what it was like when we began this whole process and maybe we became best friends during it.
Starting point is 00:01:30 Thanks to Truebill for supporting our podcast. From forgotten free trials to automatic renewals, when big companies keep charging you, Truebill is your secret weapon to save you money on subscriptions you don't need. Go right now true build comm slash QQ it could save you thousands a year thanks to Everly well for supporting quick question Everly well is offering a special discount of 20% off an at-home lab test at Everly well comm slash QQ thanks to manly bands for supporting quick question manly bands helps men find wedding bands that fit their
Starting point is 00:02:03 personality and their budget with unique and stylish designs. To get 25% off your Manly Band now through Cyber Monday, go to manlybands.com slash qq or use promo code qq at checkout. Thanks to Hello Tushy for supporting Quick Question. Make the restroom your best room with the complete Tushy system, including the Tushy bidet attachment ottoman toilet brush and tushy stand and tissues get 10 off plus free shipping at hellotushy.com slash qq it's still so the thing is it's it's weird to me that you uh like me that you consider me your best friend that that be the case uh it doesn't make sense to me i don't know why i bring nothing to this relationship that's not true at all oh damn this is what i've been trying to get you to realize for so long with women is like you you're a catch my friend like people
Starting point is 00:03:01 want to be your friend well we would go go to events for cracked back in the day. Not only were there women who would come to you shaking and be like, well, do you, do you drink coffee? Do you want to do that on me with me? Like that kind of like so nervous. And no,
Starting point is 00:03:18 yeah. Like shaking women were always asking me if I wanted to drink coffee on them. And then also every single person who came up to our, wherever we were, our podium or whatever, throne, thrones, anyone who came up to your throne was like, I just wanted to be your friend so bad, so badly, just from like what they had seen online.
Starting point is 00:03:41 And it was so clear that like they thought that you guys would be really good friends and it's because you are a very easy person to get along with and like that's very nice of you to say i don't think i necessarily agree with it but it does segue neatly into uh what i wanted to talk about at the start of this episode, which is you said I sounded like shit. Yeah. So it feels worth pointing out that Soren, your buddy, me, Daniel, I have COVID.
Starting point is 00:04:17 Oh my God. How do you feel about that? How do you feel about learning that about me? I'm just sort of reeling right now you are so careful yeah um obviously i'm reeling for selfish reasons like well if he can get it anyone can but also i'm a little worried about you uh that you hadn't had your booster yet then no and how are you doing i don't think think I was allowed to get a booster yet. I don't think. Okay, so when did this happen?
Starting point is 00:04:49 Give me a timeline. This happened, so to begin with, for anyone who is listening, I'm fine. Don't worry about it. It was, I went to a restaurant in New York with five friends, and we all got it. Every single one of us got it we were all vaccinated we all sat down in a restaurant in new york where you're not allowed to go to a restaurant if you're not vaccinated so it's presumably the safest place on the planet but yeah we still all got it okay
Starting point is 00:05:22 indoor outdoor seating where were you indoor seating because you on this fucking podcast you told me that i should go and live my life i really yeah i know and immediately you got confronted was your okay and does everybody did everyone like get it at the exact same time every single one of you was like no okay, okay, I got it. No, I got it too. I just got it too. Or was there one person who was like, I'm getting over it. There's five of us and two of us just thought we had colds.
Starting point is 00:05:55 And I'm one of those persons. I really thought, I didn't, it never even occurred to me to get tested because I was just like, oh, I met up with friends. And then a few days later I had a cold. I had like a stuffy nose. And so I took a few days off running. And that's the only impact this had on my life at all, which is like a few days not running and then i had uh a day where my friend texted me and she said hey uh i have covid and two of the other people that we were with also have covid so you should you should get tested and i i got that text after i'd run six miles so i'm like there's no fucking way that there's anything wrong with my lungs because six miles bro uh so i got tested uh rapid test was negative pcr was positive okay so the rapid test is antigens right that's like whether you've already got antibodies for it what do you mean uh i i don't know. Both tests, they put a thing up my nose. Oh, I think the rapid tests generally are measuring whether you have antibodies in your system.
Starting point is 00:07:12 So you'd have to have had it for a while and your body would already have to be creating antibodies for it. Like you can't go get that, I don't think, immediately after getting your vaccine because it'll show up as having antigens. Oh. getting your vaccine because you'll it'll show up as having antigens but oh um it's i i asked the doctor who examined me i was like if i get a negative rabbit test what are the odds that the rabbit test is wrong and i have a positive pcr test and the doctor was like very slim to none if if you have a negative rabbit test you're probably fine really okay yeah and you were in the slim to none group yeah damn i'm sorry that happened uh any other symptoms since then no just a cold uh oh well uh kind of so i uh i went back and looked at um
Starting point is 00:08:04 some jokes that I submitted for work. And it was very clear to me that I had COVID brain. I had like some kind of level of fog of incoherence. Like I looked at things that I'd written and submitted and it was like, oh no. Okay. So the jokes weren't worse. They were worse, not just like different.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Yeah. Because that can happen too. Where I remember in college being in a play and one night going on when I had like a fever of 103 and thinking, this is a bad idea. This is a bad idea. But doing it anyway and just like leaning into the sickness. thinking this is a bad idea this is a bad idea but doing it anyway and just like leaning into the sickness and at the end people were like people who you know worked on the show where they were like whoa you went somewhere else completely today i was like yeah is that should i keep doing it this way should i just stay sick um so i think you could go either way but
Starting point is 00:08:59 that's that's very funny that it's like you come back to it later and you realize That's very funny. It's like you come back to it later and you realize, oh, no, this is. Yeah. These logic leaps don't make any sense. Oh, that's a bummer. Can you taste? I can taste.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Yeah. So the people that I was with, they had like really bad symptoms. There was muscle soreness and fever and loss of taste and smell and uh just like like a really bad time and i had none of those things i'm very lucky that i got through it without any of those like horrible symptoms yeah and so are you just locked away yeah that's one of the things that um i want uh i want covid to be normalized a bit more i think the future that we're heading towards is covid is as normal as getting a cold or getting the flu where like you wouldn't you wouldn't isolate someone who got the cold. That's just like a normal part of life. Right now, it's not that. I reach out to friends and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:10:11 hey, I know we were planning on hanging out, but real quick, I got the novel coronavirus. Is it cool if he comes? Do you want to still hang out? They're like, absolutely not. No one wants to see me. I'm a leper right now. It's's very sad it's like having a friend in town who everyone else hates in your friend crew yes oh yeah is it cool if they if they tag along oh oh no i mean absolutely not i'm sorry
Starting point is 00:10:36 um that's that man that sucks you can't run, they told me. You know what they told me? They told me to wear a mask around Jackson. What? Yeah. So that he... Wait, dogs can get coronavirus? Yeah, apparently. How is this not news? Wait, I must...
Starting point is 00:11:00 Wait, can we get it from dogs? Yeah. Oh, fuck. Dogs. Have you been kissing get it from dogs? Yeah. Oh, fuck. Dogs. Have you been kissing a lot of dogs? I mean, just the pretty ones. Oh, God. I didn't think about that possibility. Why is nobody talking about that?
Starting point is 00:11:20 I don't know. Okay, so I wonder if my cat had corona. Okay, a lot of questions know. Okay. So I wonder if my cat had Corona. Okay. A lot of questions here. Yeah. Are you wearing a mask around Jackson? Are you just like, no,
Starting point is 00:11:31 I just, I just decided like, if he's going to get it, then he's got it. Yeah. And, and, and that's it.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Period. It's, there are times where we had over this whole pandemic where we've had scares. We're like, I just, I ran into somebody out in the wild who sneezed near me or did something crazy and uh uh or i wasn't careful about washing my hands and then
Starting point is 00:11:51 i touched my face or i found out somebody in proximity to me had covid and what you're supposed to do in those circumstances is start wearing a mask around your children and wearing a mask in the house and i tried that for a day and i was like this is just untenable i can't wear a mask in my house yeah i'm so so sorry i will keep my distance from you for as long as i can but if i've got it you're getting it yeah you know uh one thing about it is uh how embarrassing it is and like they they i've never had to knock on wood thank god i've never had to knock on wood, thank God, I've never had like a sexually transmitted disease that I've had to like go to
Starting point is 00:12:30 past partners and inform them about. But there was an element of that with this where I had to like reach out to people and be like, hey, I have COVID and I was near you, so you should get tested. It's super embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:12:45 It's very unpleasant. What are they saying? Are they, do they, they're trying to be nice about it, but also you could just tell that they're like, fuck, fuck, fuck. Yeah. They're like, we're, we're, we're walking right up to Thanksgiving. So it's, it's super inconvenient to anyone. Yes.
Starting point is 00:13:01 The possibility of having COVID is so unpleasant right now. Everybody's about to get on planes. Yeah. Um, and have you, since you got, got it, have you had,
Starting point is 00:13:15 were even wearing a mask? Were you like within six feet of another person since then? No, that was, that was a very humbling thing with, uh, so, uh,
Starting point is 00:13:24 New York is great with the the tracing sensation they they want to know where you've been where you're going what you've done and it was very humbling for me to talk on the phone with a professional and they're like so what have you done in the last two weeks and i'm like ah nothing like no but put like have you have you done in the last two weeks? And I'm like, ah, nothing. Like, no, but have you gone to restaurants or clubs or done anything? I'm like, nope. I sat in my apartment this whole time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:59 And what are you doing with Jackson? You got to take him for walks and you just cruising past people and trying to give him a wide berth? Yes. God, this wide berth. Yes. God, this sucks, man. Yeah. And how longer, how much longer do you have on this? I'm done. I'm out of my isolation window at this point.
Starting point is 00:14:15 Okay. Well, that's good. And you've had some negative tests since then? No, because you can't, you'll get a bunch of false positives if you get tested after you have it oh oh i guess that's right yeah they don't they don't recommend getting tested for like 90 days so my dad got it uh my dad has a disease that makes him fall down a lot and he fell one day and was complaining to my my mom that he had a sore hip. And she was like, well, you can barely walk. I think we should go to the hospital.
Starting point is 00:14:49 And he was like, no, it'll just heal up overnight. I'm like, gargoyles from gargoyles. And then he, the next, in the middle of the night, he was like, I have to go to the hospital. It hurts so bad. And she had to kind of like carry him to the car. They went there. He had broken his hip right before Christmas. And then while he was in the hospital, got COVID from the hospital.
Starting point is 00:15:13 And was stuck in the hospital in like a special room. Because they still need to treat him for this secondary thing that's going on. They can't release him because he's got covid and it's torture for him he's in this bed where if he gets out of the bed he's on there's a monitor attached to him that will start beeping incessantly to let them know like you're not allowed to leave you're not allowed to leave this room this is a quarantined room and he's getting these terrible meals and styrofoam containers that are just like cold eggs cold watery eggs and stuff like that there's a a tube television in the room that has like six
Starting point is 00:15:51 channels and he said it was just like prison like it was just complete torture because you're not allowed to do shit and there's con you can't sleep for very long because there's constantly people coming in in a bunch of ppe to tech to on you. He's supposed to be starting physical therapy, but he can't do any of that. So he's doing it over his phone where he's holding his phone and somebody's telling him what to be doing for physical therapy. It was just a complete nightmare for him. And it made me think of like having COVID is bad. It can be very, very bad. But for most of us, I think the worst part about having COVID is that you're done with society for two weeks.
Starting point is 00:16:29 And that's really, really tough to take. Yeah, it is. And it's not normalized enough at this point that it's not embarrassing. Like, I felt so embarrassed that i got it even though i didn't i did i'm not taking crazy risks or anything like that i went to dinner with a friend of mine and five people sat at a table in new york were all vaccinated and we all got it so there's no reason to be embarrassed but i was still like fucking humiliated by it because previously the only people who got covid in my brain were uh morons and now i'm one of the
Starting point is 00:17:16 morons there is part of it having been politicized yeah which is a very much a negative is that it's considered basically a moral failing yes on the left it's like if you get it you fucked up because we all got vaccinated vaccinated and like these breakthrough cases are just happening man and you don't you can't explain all that to the people who have you've seen previously like i saw you yesterday i have to let you know first of all all, I'm vaccinated. I'm on your team. Everything's fine. But I did still get it and I wasn't being reckless. It just happened. Yeah. It's hard, man. Sorry that happened. That's all right. Do you know why free trials renew without your consent? Because it's a business scam. That's part of that. It's baked into how they make make money they want you to forget that you have a subscription because then you will keep
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Starting point is 00:23:10 that you loved, but you're not sure if it holds up, and they watch it for the first time and see if they like it or not. The last time we checked in, I watched Monster Squad, and I liked it. Soren, I have asked to watch the movie French Kiss he is now doing
Starting point is 00:23:30 what I can comfortably say is Daniel O'Brien cosplay which is to say that he is hanging out in libraries asking for French Kiss that sounds terrible yeah it's this game has turned into like cricket where it's like multiple days it should take two hours to play this game yeah and and like really get solid
Starting point is 00:23:52 answers and this has taken us weeks to play because i ran into so many so many problems getting a hold of the movie french kiss it's it's crazy how hard it is to get a hold of in the world unless for some reason you're somebody who listens to the show and a twitter follower of ours in which case you're just taking pictures of your version of the movie on dvd and being like i have it let me send it to your home address correct nobody do that but have you have you found french kiss at this point yes yeah where i went okay so i went back to culver state library because i was in line for the movie and asked about it and they said no no one has returned it yet and i was like what what how long has anybody how long have these people had these
Starting point is 00:24:38 movie and they were like oh and they're like well looks like the longest one has been a few months so somebody's just got these movies and like they fucked off. And I think this happens constantly with DVDs at the library. And I don't know why they didn't just tell me this when I got there. But I was like, can you look at the LA County library system and see if any other libraries have it? And they said, yes, it looks like it's in Marina del Rey, which isn't super far from me. And I was like, okay, I called them. I said, do you have it? And they're like, well, let me go check on the shelf. Yes, it's right here. And I said, please hold it for me. I'm coming to the library. And I look at the library on Google Maps and it's
Starting point is 00:25:19 not too far off of my running route. And I was i'll just run and get french kiss this will be great and ran to the library uh had a library card in my pocket and everything i was like all prepared for this with the exception of the fact that i would have to run home with french kiss in my hand sure so just like and i want someone to say just like you running with your phone in your hand because that's even less uh that's even more conspicuous i ran home holding the movie french kiss yeah no one said anything that was nice of them and then i watched it i watched it last night so for people who don't know yeah now tell us the plot of french kiss yeah french kiss is about a woman who's at like this precipice in her life where she's about to get married. She's got a house in mind that she wants to buy. She is kind of like planning the rest of
Starting point is 00:26:11 her life in this moment. And these very big events are coming about. Now, she has a husband who's got a quick trip to Paris before their wedding. Not a husband, a fiance who's got a quick trip to Paris before their wedding. She hates flying. He wants her to come with him she doesn't because she's so scared of planes he goes there and he meets someone else he meets another woman says that she's the love of his life and leaves his fiance so she braves the plane gets on it and goes to paris to win him back and in doing so she runs into this uh jewel thief who from france who uh is boorish and snooty and rude at first, but then the two of them start to plot together
Starting point is 00:26:50 to win him back, and in doing so, they fall in love with each other. That's the basic premise. As far as the game goes, Dan, I will say that this movie is a motherfucking banger.
Starting point is 00:27:08 It's so good. And it holds up so well. Like, I was laughing out loud, which I just don't do in movies or shows when I'm alone. I was laughing out loud at parts. And with the exception of a couple of little things that are a little dated like sluck gets used as a pejorative in the movie and like um the the our our protagonist kisses a sleeping woman while she's dreaming of her husband uh that kind of stuff like this movie is so good and everybody in it is wonderful oh i'm so happy that you feel that way it's like all the best romantic comedies it's uh it excels because i think the two main characters are like fully realized individuals
Starting point is 00:27:57 who have goals and and games to play yeah it's that you you really see the two of them working in the movie too i mean i don't know i don't know if that french accent is good or not because i just don't don't know these things did it seems like his accent bother you because i know it's completely believable to me okay i had no trouble believing that this guy was french and then she was doing things that were there was just like so much work behind what she was doing she shows up to find her husband she shows up the hotel and the clerk won't help her. The concierge won't help her. So she tries tipping him and she just grabs this fistful of French money and she starts pulling, she pulls out a bill. And before she like starts to hand it to him, she pulls it back and just like
Starting point is 00:28:36 looks at it to make sure this is an okay amount to be handing somebody and then gives it to him. It's not like played for a joke or anything. It's just her being a real person in a foreign country being like, well, hold the fuck on. Okay, 100 frames. I think that that's okay. Giving it to him. There's all kinds of little stuff. On the plane, on the way there, she's
Starting point is 00:28:58 kind of like a square, you would say. She's wearing a collar white shirt that she wears the rest of the movie because her luggage gets stolen. It's buttoned up all the way to the top. He makes a comment about that and how she's wearing a collar white shirt that she wears the rest of the movie because her luggage gets stolen but she's it's buttoned up all the way to the top and he makes a comment about that and how she's probably bad in bed because she's so buttoned up literally and
Starting point is 00:29:13 then he goes off to the bathroom and when he comes back there's very little detail her top button's undone she really took it to heart and like well fuck him and she undoes her top button and then gradually throughout the rest of the movie because she's wearing the same fucking outfit the whole movie the buttons gradually more and more buttons get undone on the front of the shirt now that's
Starting point is 00:29:35 not to say like her breasts are hanging out or anything she's got a little crop top underneath but she's undoing after a little while there's like two buttons are undone and then as the days go on like three buttons and then four and then the otter shirt comes off and gets tied around the waist and it's just essentially these great little details that never no one ever talks about in the movie but it's still like wonderful to see yeah ah i'm so glad you like it um i know why you like it too i know exactly why you like it tell tell me why i like it there's so much in this movie of people saying you know what your problem is and then isolating their problem for them that happens like six times in the movie and i'm like oh that dan wants that so bad in his life here's a thing that uh is a quote from that movie that i say in my life all the time is ah
Starting point is 00:30:31 beautiful and it's it's meg ryan walking around paris and looking at nice things and just saying ah beautiful she first of all she reminds me so much of katie stole in that movie yeah like the way she moves her mannerisms um she has like a a friend of the show katie stole from yeah as well um she looks just to the way that she reacts to things and moves around is just so katie stoll and uh she does this thing throughout the movie where she does play like kind of like a he's at one point comments on the fact that she walks like a uh a combination of a woman and a child or something like that and then she walks away from him kind of like swinging her arms and it's she's doing such a good job of being this kind of sexless person until she does there's like this moment where she has to flip a switch because she
Starting point is 00:31:30 runs into her ex and she has to prove that she's come through this like crazy emotional um uh wormhole to get to the other side of and being become a better person from it and when she flips she's so good like she's so good. Like she's so good at playing both roles. And it's so subtle in a way that like it's hard to pinpoint exactly what she's doing differently. But God, she's phenomenal. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:56 There's one other thing that I really, one of the lines that made me really laugh out loud was when she's on the plane with him, with kevin klein and kevin klein says how do you get around she's terrified of planes like how do you get around and she's like like nature intended in a car and i was like that's a good line love it love it uh anyway dan this movie is a banger and i encourage everyone to uh brave your library and and go get it because there's literally no other way to watch it yeah i do think uh normally i don't uh pay attention to any social media engagement for the show whatsoever but as soon as we mentioned french kiss a lot of people on Twitter were excited about it yeah there this is apparently a movie that means a
Starting point is 00:32:50 lot to a lot of people yeah in a way where I didn't anticipate that they so many people like turn this on on rainy days and they're like no this is my go to comfort movie which yeah. That's good. There's also the guy from The Professional. What's his name? John Reno? Yeah, he plays a cop in it who has a history with Kevin Kline that is never fully explained,
Starting point is 00:33:17 but sort of loves this team. Is he not his brother? He's not. He's a man who's... At one point, Kevin Kline saved his life we're not really sure how because this cop has a bullet hole in his neck a scar in his neck from where he was shot and somehow Kevin Kline is related to that and Kevin Kline
Starting point is 00:33:36 did something to keep him from dying but we never ever get the details on it and And because he saved his life, this cop really has a long leash for this jewel thief. I thought they were brothers. Nope. No, his brother. So he goes, Kevin Kline goes back to the town where he was born, this bucolic little wine vineyard community.
Starting point is 00:33:58 And his brother approaches him there. His brother's rich and owns the vineyard. And they have a fist fight immediately in the street. This is my brother. Is that good? So that's where his brother is. No, the cop is not his brother. The cop is just a guy who likes him a lot.
Starting point is 00:34:26 no the cop is not his brother cop is just a guy who likes him a lot and helps helps him like continue on going on believing that he got away with this crime of stealing this necklace the the sub story of this is that kevin klein is trying to start his own vineyard he has a place in mind picked out he needs to buy it but in order to get the money for it he has stolen this priceless necklace in the united states and is bringing it back to france to for it he has stolen this priceless necklace in the united states and is bringing it back to france to sell it he has put it in meg ryan's bag while they're traveling he's using this woman uh and then it ends up getting lost and he's following her around trying to get a hold of it trying to get a hold of her bag while pretending to be her friend until he ends up falling in love with her yeah but uh he's he's believing up until the very end of the movie
Starting point is 00:35:08 that meg ryan has helped him get this money and she said that she would take it into the store for him the jewel store that buys and sells i guess and that she would uh she would sell it for him she comes back out with $45,000, but it turns out that she has made a deal with the police officer in which he makes it look, he gets the necklace back, no questions asked, but he's made it look like
Starting point is 00:35:35 she's actually traded it in for money. Instead, that $45,000 is her nest egg that she was planning to buy her house with, and she's giving it to Kevin Kline. That part of the movie, in a lot of ways, pissed me off. One, because... It's all superfluous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:51 One, because he is... Kevin Kline doesn't ever realize, he doesn't ever learn, like, oh, don't steal. Stealing is bad. Which you don't have to put in your movie, but come on. He's a thief who's just going to keep being a fucking jerk. Brett, if you set up movie but come on he's a thief who's just gonna keep being a fucking jerk if you set up in act one there's a thief in act three you should say thieving is bad yeah you have to make that kind of uh kind of let that message for the audience but also
Starting point is 00:36:17 the she in the beginning of the movie shows this house that she really wants to buy to her fiance and she's like i didn't tell you this earlier, but since I was 20, I've been putting away money specifically to buy a house someday. And I've got, and she does this big reveal, $45,000. And I was like, oh, fuck you. You're gonna buy a house for $45,000? Manly Bands helps men find wedding bands that fit their personality and their budget with unique and stylish designs. You start the process with Manly Bands by getting their manly ring sizer to ensure that the fit is exactly right on your ring. You can't just order a ring and let's be honest, guys, you do not know what size ring you should
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Starting point is 00:41:00 and get 10% off plus free shipping right now at hellotushy.com slash qq hellotushy.com slash qq uh can i ask uh what is your favorite rom-com quick question favorite rom-com yeah it's um it's actually another one that you turn me on to it's about time that's not a rom-com wait in time in time no about time is is the name of the movie you want to say yeah it's not i don't think that's a rom-com i think that's a movie about uh love between a father and son uh kind of okay i mean so much of the movie is not about bill nye though so much the a lot of it is about him trying to find a woman and using his powers of traveling through time to gain the love of a woman sure what does your what does your wife think of that movie i don't think she's seen it um i i'm not allowed to choose about time but what is yours don't say love actually why because that movie fucking sucks dan okay speak a different that movie is bad it's bad
Starting point is 00:42:24 in a lot of ways that's not a banger that's a movie you would go back to and you'd be like oh no this is pretty problematic i think then if i'm not allowed to prove to to pick love actually i think i would pick uh you've got mail uh okay i'm only like peripherally aware of that movie i I've seen pieces of it because I had HBO as a kid. That's a good one, huh? Have you not seen it? I've seen pieces of it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:55 I know a lot about it. I know that they're bookstore, rival bookstore owners, that he's putting her out of business, that he's got this ability to, when he's angry, that he's putting her out of business that he's got this ability to when he's angry to be as uh uh cutting as as you as you could possibly want to be against your enemy like his words he can say exactly the thing that will cut you down and she doesn't have that ability and then he says well count yourself lucky because you end up burning a lot of bridges that way i know the scene where he introduces his son to her and the son does that that little kid wave and i love it and i'm charmed by it and that they meet on a bridge at the end yeah i don't i don't i don't what do you mean they meet at a bridge at the end yeah they
Starting point is 00:43:38 meet on a bridge they the bridge i don't i don't think they do that's where she finds out who he is right she doesn't she's only been exchanging letters with him. I think they hang out at a park. Oh, shit. Well, like a little bridge. A little like a... over a stream. Why are you trying to salvage this?
Starting point is 00:44:00 Because I fucking think I'm right. I don't know why it matters it doesn't i don't know why i'm hanging my hat on this i have not seen the movie okay um so that's a good one okay i but you don't so so so you don't have a lot of fondness for romantic comedies it sounds no no i've seen a lot of them i've seen a lot of them that i do not like yeah and very very few that i that i think are great um does roxanne count yeah okay i love that one that's uh steve martin right yeah yeah that's a good one i think i like the truth about cats and dogs that's genie graffalo and genie graffalo yes uh but yeah in general i they just don't i i wouldn't
Starting point is 00:44:56 ever start scanning through a streaming service and be like okay let's settle in for a movie what am i in the mood for let's do a rom-com it's never occurred to me have you ever wanted to write one well yes yeah yeah i have but but it would be crossed with another genre okay it would never just be a true rom-com i don't think i'd i don't know there's just like this you have to get over the cloyingness of it just to like take it seriously enough to make it good. And I don't think I could ever do that. It would always be very tongue in cheek. Doesn't the love seem silly in those? Doesn't it seem like we're projecting some idea onto the world without ever actually perceiving it?
Starting point is 00:45:47 I guess. I feel like rom-coms are a wonderful space where you just accept one major truth, which is that love is like a real magical thing yeah that supersedes everything and you don't you don't get that kind of latitude in any other movie that you do everything else is earned everything else is is x leads to y leads to z but in rom-coms it's just like no this they're in love and love is magic period so everything else in the movie is either an obstacle to love or something working
Starting point is 00:46:33 the protagonists to their end game of getting married in a dramatic fashion that's really well put Dan is it yeah that's not something i'd ever really considered before but you're absolutely right the conceit of love is more powerful than anything and the the goal of a main of a character doesn't ever have to be earned in a story it's
Starting point is 00:47:01 always just implied yeah no love is the best that's what you have to reach for and we're all just audiences are like no no we get it we don't need a a huge backstory on why love is important for this particular person yeah that's did you did you see uh there's a a trailer for a movie called marry me that came out today did you see that trailer? Obviously not. Really? No. It's a Jennifer Lopez, Owen Wilson movie. I have not seen the trailer for this. And I watched the trailer, and the trailer fucking breaks its neck getting me on board for a movie where Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson marry each other.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I'm like, you don't need to do any of this. I'm fine. It's okay. I want to see these two people get married and work it out. Have you heard of a movie called Practical Magic, Dan? Is that Sarah Michelle Gellar? No, Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. Wow.
Starting point is 00:48:06 It's a movie about, you know what? I think it's the same writer as French Kiss. Let me see. Writer Adam Brooks. Let me see what else he's done. Yeah, I'm pretty sure this is the same. Let me see. Definitely, maybe.
Starting point is 00:48:24 What else have you done are they they're they're cooks right practical magic no that is the sarah michelle giller one that you're thinking of and that's like love is like chocolate or something like that no practical magic is a story about these two women who are cursed these sisters who are cursed that uh any guy who i can't remember if it's they fall in love with or who falls in love with them will immediately die wow and yeah and the world will just conspire to kill this guy and it's not like they just drop dead it's like things actually it's like final destination type of deaths like the world finds a way to kill this guy that's what
Starting point is 00:49:02 those movies are about well not love that i mean those movies are people have escaped death and they they didn't get on a plane when they should have and death is like okay well you're you was still your turn so now i will find ways to kill you and it kills them in the order in which they should have died on the plane okay but so so does uh does the protagonist of practical magic find love at the end yeah yeah they find it lasting love yeah it's it this the elevator pitch is two witch sisters raised by their eccentric aunts in a small town face closed-minded prejudice and a curse which threatens to prevent them from ever finding lasting love and by the end of the movie uh sarah michelle geller i can't remember if nicole kimmon does but sir i'm sarah michelle geller fuck you dude uh sandra bullock does
Starting point is 00:49:55 fall in love and i think breaks the curse and it's a great movie yeah i think you should watch it okay and come back to me tell me if it's a great movie. I mean, but then what do you qualify a movie like Closer as? Closer? Oh, this is maybe a weird thing about me. Closer, in my brain, is a... Maybe a weird thing about me. Closer in my brain is a play. I know they made a movie of it, but it's a play,
Starting point is 00:50:36 and that puts it in a separate category in my brain. Yeah, they don't have to play by the same genre rules. Fuck, that does work really well as a play. That's good. That's good. This is why we're friends, Dan. Yeah. You've given me lots of reasons today.
Starting point is 00:50:55 Okay. Well, I think that's our show. I think I can go here and find our... How to contact us. Tell us how much you like French Kiss. On Twitter, you can follow Daniel at DOB underscore Inc. You follow me soren at soren underscore ltd um you can follow quick question and also ask them any questions at qq underscore soren and dan you can email us at qq with soren and daniel at gmail.com and you can perhaps catch a glimpse of our sound engineer and editor and producer, Gabe, out in the wild. But don't bother going to GabeHarder.com because it has not changed since we started doing this podcast.
Starting point is 00:51:34 It actually has changed now. Not in a good way. I just got an email the other day that I no longer own the website again. You lost it again. You lost it again. Slipped through your fingers the second again. You lost it again. You lost it again. Slipped through your fingers the second time. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:49 Oh, Gabe. I'm sorry that happened. It's okay. One of these days. Finish that sentence. All right, bye.

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