rSlash - r/AITA My Husband Tried to Kill My Dog

Episode Date: September 14, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:07 Liar 4:02 Baby name 7:13 Comment 7:52 Name suggestion 8:11 Took the money 10:07 The basics 12:05 Naan 15:03 Cheater 16:21 Top comment Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So you think you know sports? Points vet is the sportsbook for you, because we've got the features for true competitors. Like live, same-game parliades. Use your sportsmarts to make picks live on the players and teams you're watching. And qualified vets can use our early cashout feature. So you could take your winnings to play live blackjack
Starting point is 00:00:20 on the same points vet app. The platform that gives you everything you need. You know what to do bet on it. Point Spets Sportsbook and Casino. Welcome to R-Slash. Am I the butthole where OP discovers that her husband tried to kill the family dog? Am I the butthole for checking my husband's dashcam footage on his car without his consent? I'm a 34 year old woman.
Starting point is 00:00:44 I live with my husband who's 37 and our seven year old daughter. My daughter and I recently went on a short trip out of state while my husband stayed home because he had worked to do and he was supposed to look after our dog. On the last day of our trip, we got a call from my husband who was acting distraught and said that our dog Ellie had run away and that he couldn't find her. He claimed that she had just bolted away from him in the park into some bushes and he couldn't find her. Our dog is quite small, a mini-poodle mix, and almost 13 years old. She's still active, but it's really unlikely to run away from us, and I was suspicious, but chose to believe my husband
Starting point is 00:01:21 and me and my daughter were in grief, but didn't want to blame him. When we came back home, my husband seemed surprisingly okay, unlike us. Ever since the pandemic, my husband started working from home, and he's always been annoyed at how much attention we gave Ellie, and hated how Ellie begged to sit on our laps and his while he worked. A few days later, we got a call from an animal rescue in a neighboring state quite far from us that she had been found. I picked up the phone and it was our landline, which we almost never used these days, but it was the contact on the microchip.
Starting point is 00:01:55 I told my husband and he just said, that's great, I'm so happy, but it felt kind of blunt and insincere. I said it was strange that she got that far, and he responded that someone must have stolen her and then abandoned her. This made little sense to me as to why that would happen. When my husband was out drinking with his buddies, I copied the videos from his dashcam for the days that I was away and saw that he had indeed taken Ellie far out of state, and clearly dropped her in front of his car, and then through a frisbee-like object into a field, yelled fetch, and drove off without her. I was livid and confronted him, and he just stupidly muttered how he dropped her there so that
Starting point is 00:02:37 she could find a farm and have a better life. And then the next day got really angry at me for viewing his dash cam and called me and my daughter Buttholes. Yo, me and the daughter, what did the daughter do? What did she do? Yo there are so many red flags in this post, Opie, what you should do is drive your husband out of state, throw a beer into the field and tell them to go fetch and then just drive away with you, your dog and your daughter. Maybe he'll find a nice farm to live on. Straight up, what your husband did was cruel, manipulative, and I think it's fair to say evil, right? I mean your dog's 13 years old,
Starting point is 00:03:16 this is not like a spry, young, athletic dog. A dog that's been 13 years inside probably doesn't have much of a chance of hunting in the wild. So more than likely he just would have died, got hit by a car, starved to death, something like that. So this guy basically condemned his dog to death, I mean, luckily she didn't die, but there was a good chance of that happening. Condemned his own dog to death and then lied to his family about it. And then gets mad at you for checking the dash cam.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Yo this guy, this guy, okay, OP, you get zero out of five buttles, easy, peasy. Your husband gets four out of five buttles. And if I were in your situation, I think I would honestly contemplate divorce. This level of manipulation of blaming the victim of cruelty, I just, I don't think I could look at my spouse the same way after that. Also, this is super depressing to me
Starting point is 00:04:01 because this guy has a dog who loves to spend time with him. However, my ungrateful brat of a dog, you go, doesn't want to spend any time with me in the basement. Because anyone who's ever had a dog and a two-year-old at the same time knows that a two-year-old will constantly throw food at the dog. So as a result, every time I bring my dog downstairs in the basement with me when I work, all he does is just go to the top of the stairs and then why and to be let upstairs because there's a chance that the baby will drop some morsel of food for him. That ungrateful bastard!
Starting point is 00:04:32 Am I the butthole for calling my daughter's father, Spineless, and his girlfriend creepy over their name choice for their daughter? I ended up falling pregnant with my now ten-year-old daughter during a drunken hook-up with a friend in my mid 20s. It's not the most glamorous or flattering truth, but it's the truth all the same. When we found out, we decided to keep the child and co-parent while remaining friends. We were never a couple and we didn't want to be one either. Four years ago, my baby's father began to date his long term girlfriend and they moved
Starting point is 00:05:03 in together last year. She felt pregnant, and I've been supportive to both of them as much as I could without crossing any lines. I've encouraged my daughter to help out whenever she's staying with them during their pregnancy and to behave. I have also made it clear that I want the children to have a close relationship despite having different mothers. I've even said that, if they're comfortable with it, on nights when I have my daughter, all babies said that way they can get a loan time and my daughter can spend time
Starting point is 00:05:29 with her sibling. All in all, I thought that everything was great, and I was excited for my daughter to have a sibling because she's always one at one. But I had no interest in having another child. Three days ago, my daughter's father and his girlfriend had a daughter and they asked me to bring my daughter to the hospital to meet her little sister yesterday alongside some others of the family. So I did exactly that, but when they introduced us to the baby, I was shocked. They had named their daughter my daughter's name. My ex's girlfriend didn't seem to have any issue with this when she introduced the baby bold as brass. My ex seemed uncomfortable and wouldn't look at me directly.
Starting point is 00:06:09 I asked what they were playing at, at which point my ex's father said that he would take my daughter down to the cafeteria to get something to eat and left me with her. My ex told me to calm down and not overreact while his girlfriend told me that she didn't see the issue and it was a pretty name. I asked them if they had named the baby after my daughter, but his girlfriend said, no, it's just a pretty name that I like. I then asked if they planned to use a nickname or a middle name when addressing her on a daily basis and her response was, I don't see a need for that. I told them that they were being ridiculous and they couldn't do this.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I then told his girlfriend that I found this frankly creepy and I told my friend that he was being spineless if he was happy to go along with this. He tried to claim that our daughter could use a nickname or something, but I shut that down immediately. Asking why it was more reasonable for a girl who's used her name for a decade compared to a baby who had no concept of what a name even was yet. His girlfriend told me that I was being a B word talking to her like that after she just gave birth, and she asked the nurses to remove me saying that I was being disruptive.
Starting point is 00:07:16 Maybe my temper is running a little too hot, though I was too harsh on her when she just gave birth. It's just so effing weird. Yeah, I agree with you, O.P. it is weird. What I can't figure out is why is the girlfriend doing this? Clearly this is intentional. This is not just, oh I think the name is pretty. She has some sort of malicious reason for it. I just can't wrap my brain around why. Oh, the top post. Okay, this might make sense. From parsymynosalid, he says, from the outside, it sure reads like
Starting point is 00:07:45 she wants to replace her partner's affection for his first daughter with the new baby. Of course it's creepy. Ooh yeah that's uh that's a possibility and that's repulsive if so. The funny thing is since it's the same father and both situations, it's the same first and last name. How could your friend, your ex, whatever you want to call him? How could he even call him a friend at this point? How could he be okay with this, insulting his first daughter and causing these weird like identity issues between his two daughters?
Starting point is 00:08:16 This is bizarre, this is creepy, I'm on your side OP. Fly one away says, I suggest you look into changing your daughter's last name into your last name. At least then they won't have the same full name and she can get some distance from her creepy father. Plus, this would act as some kind of like revenge against the father because if he's going to allow this kind of disrespect, then his daughter doesn't deserve to have his last name. Only at SWISH.LA. Visit for contest details, while supplies last. Hi, I'm Pete Davidson, and if you're like most people, you may be asking yourself, whoa, hey Pete, are you here to up my hydration game? And I'd be like, hey you, that's exactly right, with new smart water alkaline with antioxidant. And you'd be like,
Starting point is 00:09:24 okay cool, but there's no way there's a higher pH, right? And I'd be like, there actually is. And you'd be like, that's rad. I hope there's electrolytes for taste too. And I'd be like, you're not going to believe this. Elevate how you hydrate and keep it smart with smart water alkaline. Am I the butthole for taking $2,000 to get off the plane and come home late? Delta gave me $2,000 to skip my flight. This is 2k cash! The flight looked like it was going to get canceled anyway, and it did. So now I have $2,000 and a hotel stay, but my fiance has mad at me because I chose the money over coming home, but it looked like
Starting point is 00:10:06 the flight was going to be canceled. Not to mention I called once and texted once to ask her opinion and she didn't answer either, so I had to make the decision by myself. She claims that because she's been in a semi-depressed state the last days that it's crazy of me to ever make that decision. She hasn't communicated to me very well just how bad she is right now though. Last night when she spoke, she seemed better. Okay, this is a super short post and there's not a lot of context so it's kind of hard to judge. It kind of feels like one of those situations where she's expecting OP to
Starting point is 00:10:38 be a mind reader and just because OP wasn't able to magically read her mind that she would prefer him to not take the money then he's at fault of that, which it's just completely unreasonable. Also, I gotta say, $2,000 OP? If my wife were in another state and she said, hey, so I took a later flight and they gave me a $2,000 voucher that I can spend anywhere, I'd be like, that's so awesome! What do we get to spend the money on, sweetie? I say we, even though I know that would be her money because she's the one who earned it
Starting point is 00:11:07 by suffering through the endurance, but I'm completely on your side, OP. $2,000 cash, and your fiance's a little bit sad. You know what, cheers up a depressed person? A free $2,000. OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I think I'm giving your fiance 1.5 out of five buttholes. It sounds like she was just having a bad night and she took it out on you. My guess is that once you
Starting point is 00:11:29 get back home and she sees you face to face and you're flashing that 2k, she'll be in a much better mood, so I think it's just a stupid petty pointless fight. Am I the butthole for telling my brother it's pathetic that he can't do the basics of what his wife did? I love my brother and his wife. They have two kids, and my sister-in-law, Rachel, was kind of a stay-at-home mom. She worked from home part-time, but also took care of the kids and did all the chores. I was over to her house multiple times, and the house was spotless. Really, I thought that she was just cleaning extra when she had guests, but no.
Starting point is 00:12:03 When I had my kids, she showed me her schedule. She would be up at 5am to meal prep for the whole day. Like, she never stopped working, and a lot of her tips helped me with my own home. Then, my brother lost his job, and it was decided that Rachel would go back to work full time, and he would stay at home. The kids are in kindergarten in first grade, so he has this on easy mode. I've been over to help sometime since he just sucks at it. The house is always a mess and the kids are usually late to school.
Starting point is 00:12:34 He actually asked me to drive them to school after the school scolded him about it. He doesn't even cook, it's just sad. He got into a huge argument with his wife since dinner wasn't done and she had to make it. He was ranting about how it's unfair and that he's trying. I told him it's pathetic that he can't do the basics of what his wife did. He has 8 hours of free time and he can't keep the house clean. I told him that she'll divorce him if he doesn't stop being lazy and figure things out. He left after calling me a jerk and my mom is now on me for what I said. OP, you're right. She is going to leave him. What exactly is this guy bringing to the table?
Starting point is 00:13:13 Not cleaning, not childcare, not cooking, not money. Being a stay-at-home dad is basically this guy's job now, and the way that he's performing as a stay-at-home dad gives me a pretty good idea of why he lost his last job OPM giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving your did-beat loser brother two out of five buttholes Now let's go to point five Am I the butthole for not letting my girlfriend eat the nann bread that we ordered? And I know the title of this post is super super mundane, but this has 17,000 of votes so I guess the story's interesting. My girlfriend and I got take out from an Indian restaurant we like. The place is
Starting point is 00:13:49 really the only good Indian place anywhere near us but it's very pricey so we try to keep our order small. One entree for me, one entree for her and a side of non-bred that we share. The thing is the side of non-bred isn very much, and the entree just isn't the same without it. So it seriously annoys me when she eats the bread without dipping it in her curry. It's such a waste of the little bread that we get. I told her this before, but she says it's not my concern how she eats her food. Except it is my concern, because she's wasting a shared side!
Starting point is 00:14:22 Whatever, I let it go each time. This time, she didn't order curry like she usually does. She got Briani, which is rice and meat, so I was happy that I would get the bread to myself. While we were eating, she reaches over for the bread and eats a piece on its own. I got annoyed and moved the bread away from her and told her she doesn't need the bread since she isn't eating a curry and doesn't need bread, whereas I am eating curry. So I do need the bread. Also, that her entree comes with rice and she can eat that.
Starting point is 00:14:51 She got offended and ended up threatening not to pay for her share of the food next time. She also called me a greedy butthole and took her food and ate the rest in our bedroom. My friends are split. One of them says that I'm in the right and it's too much carbs for one meal for her to have bread and rice. But the other friends essentially also called me a greedy butthole. It's been hours and she's ignoring me. OP, you ate her non. Look, I know people on Reddit tend to jump up to 11 and say divorce, break up with them, but this is getting into divorce territory.
Starting point is 00:15:24 If my wife ordered Indian and ate my non, I would be outraged. You know what non stands for? Non-negotiable, I want my non. Look OP, I understand your enthusiasm for non, of all the amazing foods to come out of South Asia, non is probably at the top of the list. But come on, this is your girlfriend you're talking about. One of the purest expressions of love is sharing your non with your significant other. I'm completely on your girlfriend's side, OP, especially since she literally paid for half
Starting point is 00:15:52 of it, so she's entitled to literally half of the non. If I were her, then you'd be going from my boyfriend to my non-boyfriend. OP, you get one out of five buttholes. Your girlfriend gets zero out of five buttholes. You guys, this is Indian restaurant near me that makes big non. The thing comes, it's like the size of a pizza. It's like a 10 inch pizza.
Starting point is 00:16:11 I order two. Every single time we go there, I eat it all and I regret it afterwards. But in the process of eating it, I regret nothing. I'm not even exaggerating. I'm not even exaggerating. When I know I'm going to this Indian restaurant, I skip lunch and breakfast so that I can eat more of that non.
Starting point is 00:16:27 Like I said, like I said, going to an Indian restaurant, eating non, it's non-negotiable. Am I the butthole for telling my son that he can't stay with me after I found out why his wife kicked him out? My daughter-in-law is pregnant with my first grandchild. She's suffering from placenta pre-Avia, so she's on bed rest. I looked it up, placenta previa is when the placenta attaches too low in the
Starting point is 00:16:52 uterus. As a result, it would be dangerous for her to passionately hug, so my butthole son decided that he should cheat. She found out and kicked him out of the house. He came to stay with us because my wife is having crazy pregnancy hormones. Every time he called her they would fight. After a couple of days we told him to go see if she had calmed down. My daughter-in-law's mother is staying with them so we weren't worried about her. My wife called her to check in on her and we found out the truth. I am very upset.
Starting point is 00:17:23 When my son got home from work, I told him he needs to get out of my house. He wasn't someone I wanted to associate with at that moment, and it would be best if he wasn't near me. My wife tried to say that I was being too hard on him, that I should just give him a chance to work things out. But I can't even look at him. I don't want such a stupid boy in my house. My wife and I are still fighting about it, but I'm willing to die on this hill. I agree 100% with a top common from bureaucratic drift. Not the butthole.
Starting point is 00:17:53 You're never the butthole for such integrity. Your son most definitely is the butthole, and I suspect his enabling mommy is as well. Kudos to you for doing the right thing. Yeah, OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. I'm giving you cheating son, 4.5 out of five buttholes. Cheating is bad enough. Cheating on your pregnant wife who can't get out of bed
Starting point is 00:18:14 is doubly, triply worse. That was our slash of my the butthole. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. should have followed my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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