rSlash - r/AmITheA**hole For Telling My Snobby, Rich Coworkers That I'm Poor?

Episode Date: March 26, 2021

r/AmITheA**hole In today's episode, OP works as an assistant at a big fancy company with lots of highly paid specialists. OP's coworkers gathered around to talk about how great it is to have money and... how much they don't respect people who are poor. OP said that she's poor, so does that mean they don't respect her? Amazingly, her coworkers responded by saying that she was being disrespectful. What is wrong with some people? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:27 Please play responsibly. Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from a cross-reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash and my the butthole, where rich co-workers mock their poor co-workers. Am I the butthole for calling my wife a helicopter mom after she called the place my son applied to? My son, James, just turned 16 this month and he decided he wanted to start working a part-time job. You know, just to have some extra spending money and start saving up.
Starting point is 00:00:54 He hasn't had much luck. I doubt that many places are interested in hiring a team with limited work experience. James started to get a note with my wife after he found out that she submitted a few applications for him. James started to get in with my wife after he found out that she submitted a few applications for him. We had a whole talk about that and reminded her that James wanted to job on his own. Over a week ago, James applied at this local floating story like to shop at since he's familiar with the place. He was told the usual line when he spoke to the hiring manager. We'll review your application and give you a call. He was really hoping to get this one,
Starting point is 00:01:23 but after a week he figured they were gonna call. Earlier when I got home, there was some tension. James was locked in his room, and my wife seemed upset. I spoke to my son first, and he told me that my wife called the store earlier, and berated the hiring manager for giving my son false hope, and lying to him about giving him a call when they clearly weren't going to. James heard the call from upstairs because she was yelling, and when he confronted my wife, she said that she was just angry on his behalf. That they should have called him anyways to let him know that he didn't get the job.
Starting point is 00:01:55 But obviously, they were only going to call applicants they actually planned to hire. James is angry at my wife right now for interfering, and now he's going to be too embarrassed to go to that store again since they know who he is. I also confronted my wife and she kept saying that she was only looking out for him. However good her intentions were, I told her she has to stop being a helicopter mom here or she could ruin opportunities formed by interfering. My wife went to our room and shut the door. James wounds an apology from her for embarrassing him and my wife says that she did nothing
Starting point is 00:02:24 wrong and has mad at me for calling her that. She said that I was the one being a butthole for not caring for her son finds a job, and it's not fair for me to criticize her when she at least cares. With the way she's being right now, I have to ask if maybe I went too far and was a butthole for calling her a helicopter mom. But it's true OP, she is a helicopter mom. I don't blame your son for reacting this way. What's your wife did is extremely embarrassing. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes here. Normally in this circumstance I give your wife 2 out of 5 buttholes,
Starting point is 00:02:57 but let's be honest, hiring managers do deserve to be chewed out. You have to bend over backwards to apply and then they just ghost you for no reason. So for that fact alone I'll deduct one point, I'm giving your wife one out of five buttholes. Am I the butthole for refusing to move? I'm a 42 year old woman and I've been married to my 44 year old husband for 21 years. We have two adult sons who are 22 and 24. One is in college out of state and the others in the Navy. When we first got married, my husband was in the Navy and we spent the first 10 years of our marriage moving from place to place to wherever his new duty station was. I found it hard to make friends and I couldn't keep a job, so I made the difficult decision to be a stay-at-home mom.
Starting point is 00:03:38 When my husband left the Navy 11 years ago, he took a job and we moved. Three years in, he had offered a job in a different part of the company, however, it wasn't another state, so we moved again. We stayed there for six years. I went back to college and got my degree and began looking for work. I found a job that I liked in my field
Starting point is 00:03:56 and six months into working. He said he was offered a job with a new company and wanted to take it, but that would require moving almost 2,000 miles from where we lived to a new state. I reluctantly agreed because the new state would have more job opportunities for me and we would be closer to our family, which is something that we haven't had in many years. Last night, my husband came up to me and said that there was a job opening in his company and he wanted to apply for it. It would mean a pay raise
Starting point is 00:04:21 in better hours, but the caveat would be that we would have to move again. We've been living in our new state for three years. I love it here. I have an amazing job and I'm making great money. I finally have friends and I'm able to socialize. I told my husband that I am not moving again. Anytime we have to move, he's always the one to leave first and I end up being responsible for selling and packing the house and I am NOT doing that again. Our son's college is only two hours from here and we can see him twice a month. If we move, that would mean we would have at least a full days drive and we would only be able to do that once or twice a year. Now my husband is upset with me and guilt tripping me because he claims that I don't support
Starting point is 00:05:02 him. I told him that was BS because I spent most of my life moving her place to place to support his career. He told me that I'm selfish and that he's just trying to provide for us. I told him that we're more comfortable where we are now and that it truly wants to take this job he'll be going alone. Am I the butthole for refusing to move again? Nah OP, your husband had his turn and then another another turn, and another turn, and another turn, and another turn.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Now it's your turn. You've been dutifully supporting your husband for 21 years, doing whatever you can to support his career. But he can't make one sacrifice, one time to support your career, and your social life. OP, your husband is a selfish entitled hypocrite. I'm giving him 3 out of 5 buttholes, I'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes. Am I the butthole for losing it after my wife went to my daughter to stop using the bathroom in the house?
Starting point is 00:05:57 My wife and I have been together for 3 years. I have a daughter for my previous marriage, she's 14. I also have a stepson who tends to be rude at times but civil enough around adults. He's 16. He and his stepcester get along well. No arguing or yelling, they're even better than most siblings I know, which is great, and it's quite a relief to see them loving and respecting each other. We have two bathrooms in the house. My daughter only uses a smaller one since it's always available, unlike the main bathroom that me, my stepsonon and my wife often use.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I recently received some money and I decided to renovate the small bathroom that my daughter uses since she complained about things that need to be fixed. I started the renovation two days ago and meanwhile my daughters started using the main bathroom. There's been no issues until my wife pulled me aside saying that my daughter's been leaving period products inside the bathroom and it wasn't right because my stepson would see them. I asked my wife for more clarification and it turns out that my daughter got rid of her used pads by putting them in the trash can inside the bathroom. I told my wife there was nothing wrong with
Starting point is 00:06:57 that, so what's the problem? She gave me a look. She called me ignorant, then dropped it. This morning my wife looked upset and she told me my steps on when inside the bathroom after my daughter got out and probably saw her use pads in the bathroom. I asked if she met the trash can and she confirmed it. She then proceeded to tell me to ask my daughter to stop using the main bathroom even though the small one is still in the process of being renovated. I absolutely lost my mind and told her she was making a ridiculously unreasonable demand. I told her that it's my daughter's house too. Where is she supposed to go if she can't use either bathroom? We started arguing back and forth
Starting point is 00:07:33 until she said that she talked to her, but I told her to stop it. She just kept giving me the cold shoulder for hours now, even though my stepson has said nothing about the issue. My wife said that she was trying to be a parent and that I treated her as an outsider compared to my daughter, but that's not true. I might have been harsh on her, but in my opinion she wasn't trying to parent, she was being unreasonable. I might be wrong, I just don't see her point. Am I the butthole here? Yeah, OP, I'm just as confused as you are. What if instead of your wife trying to parent your daughter by telling her where she can and can't put her pads, she instead parented her own son and taught him about the basic realities of female anatomy.
Starting point is 00:08:14 It's like you said, OP, it's your daughter's house too, so just because your wife is grossed out by pads doesn't mean your daughter needs to be. OP, you get 0 out of 5 buttholes. I'm giving your wife 1.5 out of 5 buttholes. Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express,
Starting point is 00:08:40 you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply if it slash business platinum. Metro links and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful, as Eglinton Cross-Town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful
Starting point is 00:09:15 along our tracks and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware and stay safe. Am I the butthole for bluntly telling people I work with that no, not everyone in the office can afford to buy a house? My co-workers are usually pretty good to work with. The average salary for them is over $100,000. I'm their administrative assistant and I make about $32,000. Anyway, some of the things they say are kind of weird.
Starting point is 00:09:45 For example, this one woman was shocked that I'd never had any of my clothes tailored before. I think they're just really caught up in their own reality, you know? Like in their world, everyone is beautiful and skinny and rich with purebred dogs and perfect white teeth. I was helping organize, and someone announced that they finally bought their first house. The conversation continued, and they started being kind of rude, saying things like, I don't get why people think no one can afford to buy a house. It's not hard. And someone else was like, yeah, I can't imagine being in my thirties and still ranting. I feel
Starting point is 00:10:22 like such a failure. And they all agreed. I don't usually get upset about the stuff they talk about, but I'd had enough and I said, I'm 38 and rent. I don't think I'm a failure. One of them was like, oh well, we weren't talking about you. It's just that all these people go on and on
Starting point is 00:10:40 about how it's impossible to save for a down payment. I was just like, yeah, it's pretty hard. It was obvious the whole atmosphere in the room changed, so I was like, anyway, and got up and left to go to the main office to get back to work. Later on, one of the other women in the office came up and was like, hey, I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to offend you, it got kind of awkward in there. I said, yeah, it was pretty awkward listening to them talk about how they'd feel like a failure if they were in my shoes. She said
Starting point is 00:11:09 that's not what she meant. That she actually meant that it felt like I was trying to call attention to the wage gap like it was their fault. And that if I wanted to better myself, they could help me figure out how to apply for schools and work my way up just like they did. I said I kind of half-hearted, thanks. It's been weird in the office since then. I know that money is one of those no-no topics, but it's not like it's a secret that I'm the only one who makes this little in the office. Am I the butthole?
Starting point is 00:11:35 OP, are you the butthole for calling the mountain they're entitled Snappery? No. Your co-workers are rude and condescending, and after you called them out on it, they came to you and said, oh, we can help you better yourself. If bettering myself means becoming like you, no thanks lady. This story reminds me of probably the most interesting science experiment that I've ever heard about. Basically what they did was they had two people play a game of monopoly, but they intentionally rigged the rules. They basically designated one player as the rich player, and that player just made way, way
Starting point is 00:12:10 more money than the other player. Like, they started with an extra thousand dollars, and every time they passed go, instead of getting 200 bucks, they got like 500 or 1000 bucks or something like that. And then, you know, surprising no one, the player who was designated as the rich player, eventually won the game. But the crazy thing about this experiment is the experiment wasn't really about Monopoly, it was about how people behaved differently when one of them has special privileges and the other one doesn't. What they discovered is that the player who had less money who was playing the game normally
Starting point is 00:12:41 became more polite and agreeable. Whereas the player who got free money was becoming more rude, obnoxious, and I want to say that there was like food on the table, that person also ate more food than the person who was playing the game normally. Then this is the really crazy part. After the game was over, they interviewed the players to ask them why they thought that player won. Naturally, the player who didn't have any special advantages said that the rich player won because they got extra money, so of course they're gonna win. But incredibly, the player who got extra money, and
Starting point is 00:13:13 even though they knew that they were basically cheating at the game, that they got extra money for free, these players tended to say that the reason why they won is because of their skillful playing of the game. Like, they were playing a rigged game and they thought the reason why they won was because they're just talented at monopoly. Anyways, I'll let you draw your own conclusion from that. Am I the butthole for telling my rich parents that my lower class friends and their families
Starting point is 00:13:41 are better people than they could ever dream of being? I'll start by saying that I'm a 17 year old guy. Both of my parents are very successful lawyers and we live in a super nice house. They've given me everything that I could ask for, but they're not exactly there for me emotionally. I can't even remember the last time that we ate dinner together or had a decent conversation. Most of the time they're not even home and it's just me. I feel like a ghost in my own house. We moved to a new town not too long ago, and my parents enrolled me in an exclusive private school in the area. I've gone to private
Starting point is 00:14:14 schools my entire life, but my experience at this school was horrible. I'm sure it's a feminine looking and obviously gay. The only reason why I didn't get my butt kicked was because my parents are rich. I begged my parents to switch schools, but they were hesitant because the only other option was public schooling. I finally escaped the private school of circle jerking and enrolled in a public school. I guess I should mention that a few years ago, this school district expanded their enrollment zone to slightly cover a lower income area, which resulted in a handful of students from low income families being enrolled. My first few days at this new school were brutal, with a lot of the same problems following
Starting point is 00:14:53 me. That is, until I ran into Garfield, it's his family name. I swear that he's not named out for the cat. Garfield spoke up and said that he would love to be my lab partner when no one else would. We quickly became friends, and he introduced me to a childhood friend Eduardo who was also attending that school. Since my parents are so distant to begin with, they never noticed me spending so much time with my new friends.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Garfield's mother is a waitress and his dad is a construction worker. Eduardo's mother cleans houses and his dad works odd jobs such as driving for Uber. Both of their families are amazing and they're involved in their kids' lives. I started dating Garfield and I had real friends for the first time ever. Both Garfield and Eduardo have come over to my house about twice and met my parents. The other day, my mother pulled me aside and casually mentioned that I was spending a lot of time with that blonde boy, Garfield, and the Hispanic kid. She asked what their families did and where they lived and I told her. She immediately became upset and said that I was aiming way below my abilities and that these were not the kind of influences
Starting point is 00:15:53 I needed in my life. I asked why, and she said that we just lived different types of lives and I'll understand when I'm older. I freaked out and said that my friends and their families have been there more for me in the six months that I've known them than my parents have ever been, and that my parents are cold, unfeeling snobs. My mom started crying and said that public school has changed me for the worst. I've never seen her cry before, and I'm starting to feel horrible. Am I the butthole for saying that their rich hypocrites and that my friends' families are better?
Starting point is 00:16:23 So honestly, OP, the whole well thing in my opinion has absolutely no bearing on this story whatsoever. Your parents are rich, their parents are poor, whatever, not relevant. In my opinion, what matters here is that your parents are absent and your friends' parents are very involved in their kids' lives. Your mother made a choice that she doesn't want to be involved in your life. That means she doesn't get a say in who you hang out with. You can't just ignore and abandon your kid and then get upset at that kid when he goes out and finds his own family. So no OP, I'm giving you zero out of five buttholes. Your parents
Starting point is 00:16:59 get three out of five buttholes. If you're not going to be in your kid's life, why have a kid? That was our slash of my the butthole and if you like not going to be in your kid's life, why have a kid? That was our slash at my The Butthole, and if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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