rSlash - r/Bestof I Accidentally Slept With My Sister

Episode Date: November 12, 2023

0:00 Intro 0:09 Surprise siblings 11:19 Gender roles Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Your business has grown fast, from opening your first location to planning an expansion in no time. And with your business platinum card from American Express, you can access spending power and payment flexibility to fuel your growth. Sarah, the contractor is here with the plans. American Express, don't do business without it. Terms and conditions apply visit slash business platinum. Metro links and cross links are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Cross Town LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, this trains can pass at any time on the tracks.
Starting point is 00:00:43 Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. Welcome to R-slashBest of Redditor Updates, where OP impregnates his sister twice. Our next reddit post comes from R-slash today I F'd up. Today I F'd up by getting tested to donate a kidney to my wife.
Starting point is 00:01:10 I decided to get tested to see if I could donate my kidney to my wife of six years. We have two kids together, a four year old girl and a two year old boy. My wife got sick just after our son was born and now she needs a kidney transplant. We checked with her relatives and none were a match or a viable donor. Last week I got tested. I got a call the other day saying that I was a match. The doctor then said something about wanting to do additional testing due to some information from the HLA tissue test results. I didn't think much of it and agreed. Then the results came in, and I was shocked and confused. The doctor explained that because of how DNA information is passed
Starting point is 00:01:51 down through generations, a parent to a child could have at least a 50% DNA match. Siblings could have anywhere between a 0% to 100% DNA match. He said that it was rare to have this high of a match between husband and wife. I asked him, what does that mean? He said, you and your wife have an abnormally high match percentage. Long story short, me and my wife are related. No, I am not kidding. I was put up for adoption before I was born and placed into a family that moved across the country. I knew that I was adopted, but we didn't have any information about my biological family because it was a closed adoption. I met my wife by chance eight years ago. I was on a trip from work and she was working at the site that I went to. We worked together for a week. We exchanged numbers and kept in touch.
Starting point is 00:02:42 I was sent back there three more times that year, and each time we became closer. I was given the opportunity to be transferred out there in a new, higher paying position in a different department as hers, and the rest is history. I don't know what to do moving forward. I may be wrong about this,
Starting point is 00:02:59 but she's my wife and the mother of our kids. Then, two weeks later, O later, OP Post had an update. The way my adoption worked was when my biological mom gave birth to me, I was checked out and put in a different room. From what my parents explained, they were in that waiting room. They never met my biological mom in person. My biological mom only had a profile and my adopted parents picked them out as one of the candidates.
Starting point is 00:03:24 I called my adopted parents and told them as one of the candidates. I called my adopted parents and told them that I needed to know everything they knew about my biological mom. They told me they had limited knowledge. They said that she was a single mom who was 16 years old, that the father wasn't in the picture. Also, I was born in a hospital that's one hour away from where my wife was born. Like I said, they had limited knowledge. Growing up, I didn't want to find out about my biological parents. To me, my adopted parents were always my parents.
Starting point is 00:03:53 I knew that I was adopted and that it was a close adoption, so I figured that it wouldn't matter long-term. The doctor said all of this information to only me, not with my wife present. Some of the additional tests the doctor wanted to do was something called like a CM test. They said that it was a 1900 plus CM match. This basically confirms that at least one of my biological parents is also her parent. So I'm guessing we have the same father? I'm not going to bring this up with my wife, ever.
Starting point is 00:04:26 I might look at my father and all differently, but nothing will change, hopefully. I hope none of my family goes on Reddit and connects the dots. I'm still gonna donate my kidney to my wife. We've started the full process. It takes time and a lot of preparation. I plan on talking to my wife after the surgery and after recovery. We'll decide together what to do with our kids, if we're ever going to test them or even tell them,
Starting point is 00:04:51 I will not be leaving my wife. I love her and I'll always be there for her. I made vows and I will keep them. I love her more than I would have sister. Then about six months later, OP posts on an update. Okay, so first off, my wife and I did go through with the transplants. We're both recovering and have recovered well now.
Starting point is 00:05:12 My wife is the healthiest she's been since after our son was born, so I kept to my original plan. I didn't tell my wife about the possibility of us being related until after the surgery. Before the surgery, my adopted parents came into town as soon as they could. It really helps having a big family support system. The doctors were fantastic and laid everything out in a professional but relatable fashion. They answered all the questions and concerns that we had leading up to during and post-op. It was one of the best feelings seeing my wife hopeful for the first time in a long time.
Starting point is 00:05:45 I knew that I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I took that away from her. In the days leading up to the surgery, I decided that I was going to write a letter to my wife if things turned out bad for me. But we survived. I wrote her a six-page letter. In the letter, I told her how much I loved her, how much she changed me from the moment that we met, how she was my universe, but also how sorry I was for keeping a secret from her and lying to her. I went into details of what I found out over the past months, how we might be related, and I shared with her all the evidence. I gave the letter to my parents to give to her if something were to happen to me.
Starting point is 00:06:25 The surgery went well for both of us. The doctor said that my organs look mighty fine. The transplant worked out rather quickly for my wife, and her body accepted it. I ended up scratching my eye pretty bad, and they put an eye patch on me. So, when I saw my wife for the first time, her first words to me were, the doctors knew we were here for a kidney, right? Overall, recovery sucks. There was virtually no position that was comfortable. I felt like a whiny baby because my wife never complained and was healing well and taking it easy. Now onto what you guys really care about. During recovery, my wife got into TikTok and Reddit. Well, after a time, she found a little post that made it way bigger than I ever intended it to.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Looking back, I should have been more careful. During this time, she started to ask me more in-depth questions about my adoption. My parents answered all of her questions. My wife used the excuse of wanting to put a memory book together for our kids and wanted to include a family history of us growing up and including our parents who raised us. She knew most of the info already, but wanted more details. She asked her dad about more details about his childhood, how he met my mother-in-law, and if my mother-in-law was his first relationship. She knew some of the details, but I was learning a lot. Also, keep in mind that my wife was born when her parents were older teens, so I'm older
Starting point is 00:07:48 than she is. He said, no, his current spouse was not his first relationship. We ended up pulling out his old yearbooks from high school, and he showed us the girl who was his first real relationship. I knew that this woman was probably my biological mother. I could see features that I have in her. He told us fond memories that he had of her. He said that their relationship ended because of her parents, and he never saw her again.
Starting point is 00:08:15 He tried finding out what happened to her, but he couldn't because this was before the internet. Shortly after that, he asked out my mother-in-law, and here we are. Nothing about this was a red flag indicating that my wife knew my secrets, but after that, he asked out my mother-in-law, and here we are. Nothing about this was a red flag indicating that my wife knew my secrets, but after that visit I felt extremely guilty. She was healthier than she had been in years, out of the major danger zone, so I had no real excuse not to tell her anymore. It took me two additional weeks to finally build up the courage to tell her, and she noticed that I was acting off and finally asked me if I was okay. So I said
Starting point is 00:08:50 that I needed to talk to her about something serious, possibly life altering, and potentially a relationship ending topic. But I love her, and I'll do absolutely everything she's decided from that point forward. She told me that was not a good start to a conversation, and asked me if I wanted to try again. So I gave her the letter that I had written before the surgery. She went from curious to happy to crying to intense concentration to being unreadable. In my head, I thought that I had basically handed her divorce papers, and I would never see her or my kids again. That the life that we had built just got nuked! When I get nervous, I start pacing back and forth. When she finished reading the letter,
Starting point is 00:09:36 she took a moment, then came over to me, and stopped me from pacing. She said, look at me. Then she smiled a genuine smile and said, you're the dumbest smart person I know and kissed me. This started a long conversation. Turns out she did come across my reddit post ad for the surgery and found it oddly similar to our situation, even though I did change a couple of the facts. Still, she connected the dots. This started with her trying to find out if the post was really about her, or if I would eventually tell her or continue to lie and hide it from her. She reassured me that it changed nothing in our relationship.
Starting point is 00:10:15 She's my wife and I'm her husband. She'll always have a peace with me with her at all times. She said that she doesn't view our relationship as wrong because we didn't grow up together, we didn't know each other, and it's a bit late to back out now. We've decided to have our kids do genetic testing when they're more age-appropriate. We're not, for now, and possibly ever, telling anyone. We also looked up who we now suspect is my biological mom. What we found out is that she ended up passing away a few years ago due to a drunk driver,
Starting point is 00:10:45 but I possibly have two other half-sisters. So I have dating options down the road, if needed. My wife hit me when I made this joke. My kids are doing really well. All they know is that mommy is doing better and enjoying spending more time with her and extra energy and playfulness that she hasn't had in a while. They're doing really well. So all in all, the best case scenario happened. The only things I would change is if your doctor is telling you to take it easy and give you proper medical advice, follow it.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Also, if you're keeping a secret from your wife, don't. They probably already know, and they're just letting you keep digging the whole deeper. My wife and I are doing really well. We're probably the closest we've been in a long time. I asked her to marry me again. She said that she would think about it. She paused for like five long seconds and of course she said yes. Man, it's so cool.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Man, okay, the implication here is that blood is truly thicker than water. That even though these two people have never met each other, they have nothing in common in their life, except for this blood connection, they still feel drawn to each other. It's kind of unfortunate that that attraction turned into sexual attraction and not just friendship. Is it unfortunate? I get... It's kind of a happy ending so maybe it's
Starting point is 00:12:06 good they ended up together? I don't know how I feel about this one. I guess all's well that ends well I suppose. Our next red-to-post comes from our slash relationship advice. I'm a 25-year-old woman and my 33-year-old boyfriend suddenly told me that he wants to establish traditional gender roles once we get married. I've been with my boyfriend for three years now, and it's been wonderful. We've been talking about marriage lately because it felt right for both of us. Over the course of our relationship, we often talked about what our goals are and what we wanted our future together to look like.
Starting point is 00:12:39 I was always vocal about how I wanted a more equal, non-traditional relationship. We both work, and we both don't want kids. I expect to have a joint account with him, and pay our expenses proportionally based on our income. I do make more than him, but I don't mind because I believe us to be a team. And for the last three years, he's agreed with me. Or so I thought, these past two to three weeks, we've been setting up a timeline for our wedding plans, basically talking about all the concrete steps and little details. These past 2-3 weeks, we've been setting up a timeline for our wedding plans, basically talking about all the concrete steps and little details.
Starting point is 00:13:08 So I asked him again what he wanted our marriage to be like in more detail. Suddenly he tells me that he wants us to have traditional gender roles, and I was so confused because these past 3 years have not been that way at all. I'm so confused how he just expects us to change after marriage. I've been dating him and wanting to pursue something serious with him because I love our current dynamic and he seemed happy too. I've made it clear since day one that I want to maintain what we have now until forever. He has never once told me that that's not the case for him and now I feel tricked and
Starting point is 00:13:44 lied to. He told me that even though I make the higher income, he wants to be the man of the house. The leader, and so what he says, goes. He wants the final say in decisions, and I can't even question him. I told him this will lead to me not being heard and being miserable. It'll make me feel less valued. He says it's the best way to avoid arguments. Sure, we'll argue less because what I think wouldn't matter, but that'll just lead to resentment
Starting point is 00:14:13 and then I'll no longer be in a happy marriage. I have recently seen him binge watching alpha male podcast recently. And I don't know if he's always thought this way or if it's just recent. All I know is that my whole body is telling me that this is not it. I cannot marry him. It sounds like trouble, but am I correct for thinking this way? I don't know why, but the last three years have been so wonderful that it's so hard for me to wrap my head around
Starting point is 00:14:40 this. This sudden switch. please give me some advice. Then 3 days later, OP posted an update. Luckily, I don't live with them or have any shared assets. He also did explicitly say that he expects me to continue working, so I guess he wanted the best of both worlds. And before we started dating, I was hesitant due to our age gap. So my boyfriend came over to my house the night that I posted on Reddit, which isn't unusual.
Starting point is 00:15:07 We spend most nights together after work. I knew that I had to break up, but didn't know how to yet. I was still debating if I should ask him more questions, or just end it. And if I end it, do I tell him everything or keep it concise? As soon as he came in, he tried to initiate intimacy, and I said no since I wasn't in the mood. He got angry at me, which he's never done before. We've always had a very healthy, fulfilling sexual relationship. But now, he kept trying to convince me to passionately hug him and ask me why I was putting my needs over his.
Starting point is 00:15:43 That I should just force myself to do this for the sake of our relationship. I said that I wasn't feeling well, and he said even if I'm not feeling well, that's not an excuse. I was disgusted. I fell out of love that instant. I mean, I was already in the process of it, but this really did it. I also felt very unsafe. I stood my ground, told him that this is not consensual, and that someone's health is more important than his need for passionate hugging. I kept repeating it until he eventually stopped pushing, but he didn't leave my place until an hour later. I was afraid to anger him, telling him to leave, so I just stayed
Starting point is 00:16:22 quiet, doing stuff around the apartment until he decided to leave. Luckily nothing happened to me, but wow. I told my friends and family everything. They support me in my decision to break up and help me prepare my speech. I asked him to meet me in a public space the next day as one of the comments suggested. My friends were nearby keeping an eye. He was still angry at me because I hadn't been talking to him and I refused to passionately hug him. He asked me, how can you expect me to take care of you when you're unwell when you don't take care of me? I decided to not waste my breath explaining something so basic. I went on with my breakup speech as prepared where I told him everything,
Starting point is 00:17:01 how disrespectful he's been, and all the podcast stuff. He suddenly looked so scared and begged me to take him back. He said that he understands what I'm saying, and I'm right about the podcast, and he'll work on it. He was trying to convince me not to break up, but I didn't believe anything he said. I held my ground and told him there is no room for discussion. It's over, and I left. Now I feel a weight has been lifted, but I'm also heartbroken. I know this was the right thing to do. I just feel defeated. I wake up so anxious and I feel like crying constantly.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Thank you all sincerely. You helped me in finding courage and strength in my time of need. Yo, this guy wants to be an alpha male in charge of his family with traditional men or men and women or women gender roles, but then he also wants his wife to work. Huh? What? Huh? Excuse me? Buddy, pick a lane. What are you talking about? If you want to be an alpha male like in those podcasts, then you have to actually be an alpha male. You can't just say you're an alpha male and expect everyone to believe you. You gotta go work out and make lots of money
Starting point is 00:18:11 and all that stuff. You can't just expect your wife to make all your money for you. What a doofus, man. That was our slash best of editor updates. And if you like this content, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes
Starting point is 00:18:23 every single day. be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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