rSlash - r/Entitledparents I GOT COVID, SO GIVE ME YOUR HOUSE!

Episode Date: February 11, 2021

r/Entitledparents OP's cousin is a single mother of a 5-year-old, and that kid was exposed to someone with Covid. Unfortunately, the cousin also lives with her grandparents, so it's not safe for them stay in that home anymore. So what's her' solution? She tells OP that she deserves to have his house because her 5-year-old "would just die without wifi and tv." So, her argument is literally, "We have Covid, so give me your house!" Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Shut up, Amazon, for last minute it's great deals for everyone on your list Gifts for moment, gifts for dad, even for your sister and your brother chat Ah shoot, we didn't realize you were supposed to get a gift for a dog, what a guy We almost forgot about it, then to start to curve, we didn't expect to get a gift from her Or our cousin might forget his name, he got us something nice, better reciprocate. For last minute deals on gifts of people you forgot, get past the free shipping at Amazon! Welcome to R-Slash, a podcast where I read the best post from across Reddit. Today's subreddit is R-Slash-Entitled Parents, where someone actually makes the argument, I have COVID, therefore, give me your house.
Starting point is 00:00:42 Our next Reddit post is from Wolfishmule. I just found this subreddit and I instantly remember this story because it happened very recently. A little backstory. I have a high voice from my age and my hair is kind of long for a boy. I was 13 when this happened. So I went to a grocery store with my mom to get stuff and we split up to get everything. I went to my aisle and I was singing one week in angel to myself like the nerd I am.
Starting point is 00:01:05 This man walks up to me on entitled Dad about 40 years old and goes, I didn't know girls know that song. I'm socially awkward but I had to speak up about this so I did. I took off my hood and said, I'm not a girl. It's fine, I get this a lot. The entitled Dad goes, no, you are a girl. You have the hair and the voice. I know what gender I am.
Starting point is 00:01:28 Please leave me alone. This isn't very comfortable for me. He gets really mad and yells, you are a girl. It doesn't matter if you like it or not. I got very scared by this because I don't like talking to strangers in general and this stranger was yelling at me. He terrified the life out of me. So I started to walk away without the items I needed.
Starting point is 00:01:49 He followed me and I became very scared, so I just kind of froze in fear. He walked up to me and said, you idiot, shouldn't be thinking about these fantasies. You're a girl just accepted! Luckily, a store employee noticed this and she was good friends with my mother and helped me out. She told him, Sir, you're gonna have to leave. He goes, not until this person realizes there are a girl. Then my mom walked around the corner and saw this. She was not having this. She walked up to him and said, He's a boy, you need to stop this. This is technically harassment. Her friend said, sir, if you don't leave right now, I'll call security. He left quickly after that.
Starting point is 00:02:30 I told my mom what happened and she was very mad about what he did. I haven't seen the man since and I'm happy. I can't remember the last time I was that scared. Alright, so here's my theory about what I think actually happened here. The entitled dad saw OP and just assumed that he was a girl because of how he looked. And when OP corrected him, the guy just assumed that he was a female to male trans and that made him angry because he's probably some kind of trans bigot. So instead of just being like a normal person and saying, oh my mistake, and walking
Starting point is 00:03:02 off, he decides he's gonna try to convert you to not being trans by yelling at you until you agree that you're a girl. Even though you're not a girl, you're just a guy who kind of looks like a girl. So I guess the TLDR is that he's a bigoted idiot. Our next reddit post is from Mary Rose Tudor. So this is a bit of an inside joke with my family. For some context, I have a dog named Anya. Well, one day when I was calling to her when she was still a young puppy, I said onion by mistake and she came running. So it's kind of been a running joke in my family that we'll call her onion instead
Starting point is 00:03:35 of Anya, she responds to both. This happened during Christmas. I was in petka with my dogs picking out toys for their Christmas and getting some kitty litter. A kid, maybe about 14 years old came up to me and he was picking out a toy for his dog. When he saw my dog, he asked if he could pet her. I didn't mind so I let him pet my dogs. He asked for her name and I said, oh the black one is onion and the black and white one
Starting point is 00:03:55 is pippin'. The kid says, onion, that's a weird name for a dog. Oh, did I say onion, her name is onion. When she was a puppy, I called her onion by mistake and it just became a running joke. That's really funny. Then we hear the clearing of a throat and caring appears. She was nice at first and she asked about my dog and we just chat for a minute. And then her kid tells her about how I call Anya Onion. Why would you name a dog after a vegetable? That is inappropriate.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Well, her name is Anya and I call her Anyan as a joke. And what kind of name is Anya? Whidden Princess do better. No, Anya is Anya. I have to leave now. I have a good day. No, you will name your dog Princess. It's a good dog name.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Well, if you really want to do this, her real name is Anastasia, which means brought back to life. She was found in such a state that you would have thought that she was dead. I thought the name to be more than appropriate, so if you'll excuse me. I turned away, and Karen continued to wind about how Princess was such a good name for my dog, and how my dog deserves better because I named you such a horrible Russian name. I paid for my things and left. No dogs were harmed during the making of this post. Our next Reddit post is from Mademoiselle.
Starting point is 00:05:12 My cousin is a single mother who lives with her elderly parents. Her five-year-old daughter was exposed to someone with COVID and is now starting to show symptoms. My heart goes out for them, but here's the thing. My cousin called me earlier to find out if there's a possibility that I can go stay with my parents for two weeks so that she can isolate with her daughter in my house. To be clear, me going to live with my parents would mean that I would have to take vacation from work. My cousin can
Starting point is 00:05:39 afford a hotel, and even if she couldn't, our government actually provides accommodations for cases like this. But no! Apparently, going to such a place would be restrictive to her dearest baby, and the child would just die without a proper TV and wife, I. Also, my backyard is nice and big, and they would love to use the pool during the hot summer days. And since my parents are elderly, they could probably use my help for two weeks. Believe me, they do not want me there. At this point, I can only just frown and shake my head because this woman really expects me to move out of my house and miss two weeks of work
Starting point is 00:06:16 because her precious child would just die without TV and Wi-Fi. Does anyone else think it's weird that this entitled mother is worried about her kid dying from no TV and Wi-Fi and not, you know, COVID? Our next reddit posted from Little Miss Bunnywoman. I'm a 29 year old Vietnamese born Canadian woman with an entitled father. I posted about a week and a half ago because my father, who I hadn't spoken to in several years, demanded a loan of over $150,000. I said hell no, so he decided to sue me for $85K. Well we had court today, and I had to phone in because of the quarantine. The judge basically threw it out immediately after looking at his evidence in mind.
Starting point is 00:07:00 But yeah, my father was almost laughed out of court. The judge spoke to me directly and advised me to get a restraining order and talked to me about my younger sister living with me. The judge asked if I was getting any support from my mother and father to help pay for my sister, and I said of course, my mother sends a thousand dollars a month for my sister and my father sends nothing. So I was advised to seek the council of a family lawyer because my father should be paying me support payments until my sister finishes university.
Starting point is 00:07:28 I just called one a few minutes ago, and well, it seems like my father will soon be forced to pay me money for my sister to live with me. I guess karma can really be a bitch. And then O.P. posted an update. So many of us think one day we'll find a way to buy our first home. But what if there was a faster way to turn one day into one day soon? Introducing the Questrade Tax-Free First Home Savings account. Contribute up to $8,000 a year, tax deductible, and watch your investment grow tax-free. Now there really is a faster way to save for your first
Starting point is 00:08:02 home with the new Quest Trade First Home Savings account. Learn more at Hi, I'm Pete Davidson, and if you're like most people, you may be asking yourself, well, hey Pete, are you here to up my hydration game? And I'd be like, hey you, that's exactly right, with new smart water alkaline with antioxidant. And you'd be like, okay cool, but there's no way there's a higher pH, right? And I'd be like, there actually is. And you'd be like, that's rad. I hope there's electrolytes for taste too. And I'd be like, you're not going to believe this. Elevate how you hydrate and keep it smart with smart water alkaline.
Starting point is 00:08:39 I just had a Skype conference with the family lawyer, my friend recommended and my friend said this man could talk Santa out of a box of cookies. According to my lawyer, he's going to find out my father's total earnings for the last five years and depending on how much he makes, I can expect between 500 to $1,500 a month backdated for every month that my sister lives with me to the better part of a year. Also, the payments will continue until my sister finishes university or until she turns 24, whichever is sooner. She's 18. I told my lawyer that I don't want the money to be paid directly to me, I wanted to be paid directly to my sister. This gave my lawyer the biggest evil grin. He said that makes it so much easier because I'm not trying to profit off of it, I just want my sister's life to be easier.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I won't even charge her rent. And most likely, if my mother wants to get down at two, we're looking at a total of five years of back payments from my dad. Today has been a good day. Man, this story is the definition of play stupid games, a win stupid prizes. He tried to sue OP for $85,000 on the grounds of what? Because they happened to be related and he really wants the money, therefore he just deserves it, I guess? Well, whatever. OP, I hope you're English history buys you dinner because she's about to get paid! Our next reddit poster from Latinis Cinderella. For the last couple of months, I've been working as an intern in the HR department of a middle-sized company, and while it's mostly been an uneventful job, there have been some really peculiar moments.
Starting point is 00:10:13 Most people up north may be suffering from a white Christmas, but down here in the equator we are melting from the heat, and in a highly humid town like the one I live in, it feels like the Amazon Rainforest. Well, maybe that's because we are actually on the board of the Amazon Rainforest. This would make you think that any building would have their air conditioning units working full time at full power, right? Well, not if Mr. Jeremy Johnson, our protagonist, could prevent it. Every day, Jeremy is the first guy to get in the building. He enters the office
Starting point is 00:10:45 he shares with five other guys and he sets the thermostat to a not-so-refreshing 25 degrees Celsius or 77 degrees Fahrenheit. The thermostat is right next to his desk so he basically has full control over it. When any of his coworkers complained about it being really hot, he would set it to 20 degrees Celsius or 68 Fahrenheit for about 10 minutes, and then return it back up to its sweltering levels. If anyone changed the temperature themselves, he would set it back once they returned to their desks. As childish as this may sound, this game lasted for about a month until an HR rep. That would be me, had to intervene because this was getting out of hand.
Starting point is 00:11:25 Formal complaints were made and the screaming matches were getting worse and worse, with people from other departments commenting on the issue too. So as part of the normal first step, I interview the five guys and they describe the problem I just told you about. Cut to the funny part, my interview with Jeremy. I'll try to recreate it as best I can, although I may be a little biased. Hello, Mr. Jeremy, I'm OP from HR. How are you? Fine. So, let's cut to the chase about the thermostat. What about it? I described the complaints against him. Having said this, we need to find a solution. A solution for what? The only problem here is that those little kids
Starting point is 00:12:04 can't handle a little bit of heat. A detail I forgot to include is that while Jeremy is in his early 40s, his co-workers are between 24 and 30. Yeah, but that's the reason we have the air conditioning, sir, so that workers can be as comfortable as they can. It's expensive! Our energy budget is able to cover for it. There's nothing you should worry about.
Starting point is 00:12:24 If we need to make cuts, we'll tell you. Well, I can't handle the cold, it triggers my allergies. Maybe we can arrange a seat chain so you're not too close to the air vent, and I don't know, maybe you can bring a thin sweater so you don't get too cold. I don't like sweaters. I'm fine the way I had the thermostat. Why should I change it? Because you're not alone in your office, Mr. Jeremy. We can't let this fight affect your work environment. I really don't get all this drama. I keep the same temperature at home and none of my kids complain or are allowed to change it. It should be the same here. I think at this point my face just made the most WTF expression imaginable because I couldn't believe the argument he just said.
Starting point is 00:13:05 Sorry, Mr. This is not your house. This is your workplace and those are not your children but your adult co-workers. Then they should act like it. Okay, that's all I needed to hear. We'll tell you what measures will be taken. Have a good afternoon. So after that weird conversation I talked to my supervisor and in the end it was decided that Mr. Jeremy had two options. One, change places in the office and leave the thermostat in the hands of the other guys, meaning he would have to deal with a cold. Two, he could move to our backup office which is basically an adapted supply closet normally
Starting point is 00:13:41 used for extra-numerary personnel we sometimes hired. It was occasionally used for file storage and it only had one small fan for ventilation and no windows. Surprisingly enough, Mr. Jeremy chose the first option, and while he's constantly complaining about his cold feet, at least they're not fighting each other anymore. In addition to this guy being completely entitled, he's also oblivious. He says that his kids don't complain about the thermostat at home, but based on the conversation that I just
Starting point is 00:14:09 read, I would guess they're too afraid to speak up. And yeah, I wouldn't blame them. Our next reddit postage from Crykicks. So I used to work as a security officer, and I was really good at my job. This was especially hard since I'm a woman, and so it's a struggle to be taken seriously in a job that's considered to be a man's job. Anyway, the story. I was serving as the gate guard for an outdoor public-owned entertainment area. While I was on duty, a man walked past taking his young son to daycare. The kid was three or four. He was in the process of explaining to his son that boys don't cry, only girls do. He sees me and he asks me to tell his son my name.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Instead, I tell the son something like, boys can cry too, only really strong men and boys cry. It's weak men that think only little girls can cry. If you cry, it's because you're a strong boy. Well, the dad wouldn't ridden the face, hurry to the daycare down the road, then came back to yell at me. I turned around and pointed out that I'm a female in the role of a man. I'm doing a man's job.
Starting point is 00:15:11 And that he's a show-vanistic pig to teach a son such toxic masculinity. He responded with, well, you're French and that's your culture. I replied, this is New Zealand and it's not our culture. Down in the comments, Doomweezle Level 5 has this to add. You're a security guard, not an insecurity guard. I don't know why it would have expected anything else. That was our Slash Entitled Parents, and if you like this content, check out my Patreon where I publish extra episodes.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put out new Reddit podcast episodes every single day. Also, be sure to follow my podcast because I put on new Reddit podcast episodes every single day.

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