Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 490 - Cam MacLeod

Episode Date: August 7, 2017

Actor and comedian Cam MacLeod returns to talk old Volvos, hotel amenities, and human rights....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka. And he's Graham Clark. And together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 490 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name is Graham Clark. And with me as always is a man who's enjoying a real summery drink, if I may say so myself. A lemon razz-raddler, Mr. Dave Chumka.
Starting point is 00:00:38 Hi. Hi. Guys, I just sent my wife a text to tell her I finished all the iced coffee. So don't expect any when you get home. Yeah. But. But I. This is how a relationship works.
Starting point is 00:00:53 This is how an adult relationship works. But that means I'm passing the energy on to you, the listener. Guys, here's what's up. We record these shows. We've been recording them for months with like weeks in advance because Graham was going away all summer. Yeah. But he wasn't going away all summer. There's like a two week window where he's back and we're in that two week window right now. I'm back from summer camp.
Starting point is 00:01:14 And that means that this episode is recorded on a Thursday. It will be released on the Monday. That's the shortest window we've had in months who knows who donald trump's communication director will be by monday but uh you know we could we could say i don't know who it is today i realized that way through i was like who is it is it that is that her sir sanders huckabee yeah she's kind of like the backup goalie She's the Tony Randall She's like Uh you You Yeah
Starting point is 00:01:46 I think he has Dr. Joyce Brothers Guys we don't usually Go so political But You know what It's the climate We live in
Starting point is 00:01:54 Um famously I don't know if this Was famous But once Last time You went away For the whole summer Two years ago
Starting point is 00:02:03 Yeah You said You were talking about Donald Trump And how he'll never run for president And holy cow, look at the size of that spider Right behind you Holy cow Yeah, that's a big spider
Starting point is 00:02:15 You know what, let's leave it Yeah, I don't want to see anybody get in a fight with that spider But the week That we put that episode out Donald Trump announced he was running for president i know and i still i'm still not sure that i'm still not convinced that i was wrong and so here here's i made a list of the two things that uh have happened while you were away oh yeah that we got wrong we talked about how there's never been a female doctor who
Starting point is 00:02:41 and then that week they were like it's only gonna be female Doctor Who. Duh! And then that week, they were like, it's only going to be female Doctor Who. From now on. Yeah. And the other thing was, we had Kevin Banner on, talking about how he just got engaged. And before that episode even came out,
Starting point is 00:02:58 he got a marriage. He got a marriage. He got a marriage. And it was a nice ceremony. Yeah, I was, I think, very caught off guard by his... Yeah. All of a sudden, now he's just a married guy. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:03:12 You know what? No present. That's what that means. What is this iced coffee doing? Is it great? Am I... Have I gotten... I think I've gotten all the information for the episode out in the first three minutes.
Starting point is 00:03:25 You're doing really great. Our guest today, returning guest, very, very funny man. He will be in the Edmonton Fringe Festival with a show called I Had Sex Until My Heart Stopped. I will also be at that same festival doing two shows. Two shows. Yeah. Instagram and Graham Clark's not here. That's right.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And also this guy, Cam, he's been running a show in Vancouver. In October, it'll be 10 years. 10 years. You've been running the Hero Show. That's right. And August 2nd? August 4th? August 14th.
Starting point is 00:04:02 14th is the second... Shiro Show, which is the all-female cast hero show. So, first female Doctor Who, now a female hero show. These women are out of control, guys. All-female... What other things were there? There was a remake of Ben-Hur that was all-female. Called Ben-Him for some reason.
Starting point is 00:04:26 There was Wondrous Woman Wondrous Woman all female Star Wars The Muppets all female all Miss Piggy's.
Starting point is 00:04:34 I struggle to come up with a second. Who's another female Muppet? Janice? Oh, the bass player from the band. Is that Janice? I think that's Janice.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Does Scooter have a sister? Skeeter? Yeah. I don't know which is which. Janice? Oh, the bass player from the band. Is that Janice? I think that's Janice. Does Scooter have a sister? Skeeter? Yeah. I don't know which is which. Scooter's the boy. Was she just a Muppet baby? Yeah, maybe she was just a Muppet baby.
Starting point is 00:04:55 That would explain why she made my dreams come true. Oh, boy. It's Cam McCloud, everybody. Hi, thanks for having me. It's an all-female Cam McCloud everybody Hi thanks for having me It's an all female Cam McCloud Well Thank you very much for coming back on the show
Starting point is 00:05:14 Yeah of course I think this might be the fourth time Sure Has it only been four times? Yeah Alright number four I feel like it feels like Possibly more than four It feels like the first time It It feels like the first time.
Starting point is 00:05:25 Yeah. It always feels like the first time. Should we get to know us? Yes. Get to know us. So, Cam. Cam. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:38 Let's get this out of the way. When were you last here? Two years ago? Yeah, probably about two years ago. That's right. When I found out all that allergy stuff. Oh, yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Yeah, yeah. Which plays into the show. Which plays into the show. And you're a summertime fan. I'm a big summertime fan. Yeah, yeah. So what type of summer fun have you been having? Well, I mean.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Oh, I just had a flashback to when you were last here. Or maybe the time before Was it eating a burger in the ocean? Oh yeah, eating burgers in the waves Eating burgers underwater? Yeah Well, I gotta say, in the past two days I'm really enjoying waking up every morning
Starting point is 00:06:18 And looking up at the sun And thinking that I'm in the beginning of the exorcist Because there is a blood red sun in the sky right now. Yeah. Yeah. We, for people not from this part of the world, we're in the midst of a heat wave. It's in the 30s. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:35 And there's also been forest fires. And there's been forest fires all around us. And so it has changed the color of the sky. And given a weird light to everything. And I feel like this is what the future is going to look like totally it's very mad max yeah it's just kind of going to be like hot and yeah and you like but it's nice like i mean no no it's a nice change it's not a scary sky i don't think like or maybe the sky is scary, but sometimes you'll just get a pink ray of sunshine through
Starting point is 00:07:06 your window and you're like, whoa, cool. And everything's really orange, too. Yeah, everything's orange. Wearing orange-tinted sunglasses. But it's weird. You can't see the mountains. You can't see downtown. You can't see any buildings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:24 You're an asthmatic. I'm an asthmatic, so I've been carrying around the old inhaler with me. It's been disgusting. This is not for me, this apocalyptic world. The other thing I've been enjoying this summer is sweating a lot, as usual. Yeah. I brought my own dish rag with me just to take care of my sweat problems. I forgot to bring my rag with me, but I've been doing the really dabbing myself.
Starting point is 00:07:47 We've got the fan going here, the up and down, side to side. An oscillation like I've never seen in my life. Yeah. Is it even oscillating if it's going in every direction? Seems like it's kind of doing what it wants. It's like an animatronic. It's like a hall of presidents.
Starting point is 00:08:03 A little bit. They took the engine out of one of those like bears that sings at Chuck E. Cheese and put it into a fan. But like what's your, are you a guy that goes to the beach? Yeah, I love the beach, but I've been like. Me too, love the beach. Yeah, Dave loves it. I love a secluded beach. You know what I mean? Oh, sure. Like you love the beach from the movie. I love a secluded beach. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:08:25 Oh, sure. Like you love the beach from the movie. I love the movie The Beach. Sure. And watching it alone. Now, when you say secluded beach, what are we talking about? Are we talking about some nudist action? No, just like somewhere, like going to the beach at the right time when it's not packed full of people.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Let's talk nudity and being packed. What are you packing there? Nudity or? No, just go on. Yeah. So like a secluded beach, there's no such thing around here. You would have to go. Well, I mean, if you go to like Third Beach, say at 9 a.m.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Oh, sure. So if you're like making a day. To like 11 a.m. Sure. It's a downtown beach and everyone's you know off to work yeah everybody's got their briefcases at the beach throwing some sand for the day so they can open it up at the office and just stare into it at their desk that's why they made uh like uh wallpapers for computers in the beach
Starting point is 00:09:22 because everyone was doing that with the sand. It was getting into the keyboards and ruining all the technology. It was ruining business. In Canada. I mean, we had that problem. No, I went on a good road trip up to Powell River to see a friend, which was really cool. Okay. We went to a place called Egmont, which I've never been to.
Starting point is 00:09:44 What is that? It's on the way. It's like past Gibson's. Um, Earl's Cove is kind of at the tip, like Sechelt. And there's Earl's Cove is where you take a ferry to go across to where Powell River is. Okay. But Egmont's kind of like around the tip of that. And what do you, what do you do on a road trip?
Starting point is 00:09:59 Do you camp? Uh, we stayed in like a little one bedroom cabin deal. Oh. Which is cool. Okay. Outdoor toilet? Oh Deal. Just cool. Okay. Outdoor toilet. No. No.
Starting point is 00:10:08 It was a real toilet. But not in the cabin. Sounds like it was a real toilet. This is a bad review. Yeah, a real toilet situation. But the woman there. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell me about the woman.
Starting point is 00:10:23 The woman who owned the place greeted us with her hands covered in dough which was very nice oh she was making a bunch of biscuits is this the mother that's often in sourdough people use the mother oh gross is that a thing that you have to use alive yeah you have to keep the mother alive. It's like kombucha. Oh, like kombucha. Yeah. Ah. Ah.
Starting point is 00:10:50 I didn't know that about sourdough. I wonder, I don't know where the mother comes from. Yeah. If it's been passed down for hundreds of years, if it's the same mother. Right. Oh, yeah. That generation. What generation of mother?
Starting point is 00:11:03 Yeah. Yeah. Ah. And so this lady had, she was like, oh, pardon me. I generation. What generation of mother? Yeah. Yeah. Ah. And so this lady had dough. She was like, oh, pardon me. I'm in the middle of making the most delicious thing in the world. Totally. Fresh made biscuits.
Starting point is 00:11:13 Fresh made biscuits. And then she was like, oh, sorry about my dog, because her dog kind of like barked. It was fine, though. But then as the dog walked away, I realized it had like a basketball sized growth on its back. Oh, okay. I thought you were going to say that it had a doe on its paws and they were making dough together. Yeah, exactly. Cats can make dough.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Cats do that little padding thing. The kneading. Yeah. Cats know how to knead some dough. Yeah. So like a goiter? So a big goiter. dough. Yeah. So, like a goiter? So, a big goiter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:47 Yeah, which was kind of off-putting. Here, goiter. It was a great dog. Great dog. But they also had these ducks that they put the responsibility, like they tried to pass on responsibility to us of like, so we have these ducks and they love to just go wander off and so if you see them going down the driveway to the road can you run down and like bring them back up to the house oh what you know it's like no deal and yeah what's the duck discount and there was like a bunch there's
Starting point is 00:12:19 a bunch of cabins and we were like at a point and there's other people we could see and at one point these ducks went down and they're like crossing the road and my fiance can't he's like oh my god the ducks we need to go get the ducks i'm like these people aren't doing anything about the ducks yeah are we responsible for the ducks was this a hidden camera show and then and then uh what's his name The documentarist You know what's his name Michael Moore Michael Moore came out of the bushes and was like why didn't you save the ducks Oh I thought it was going to be the guy
Starting point is 00:12:54 The give me a break guy from 2020 What was his name John Stossel I'm John Stossel and you didn't watch the ducks I thought it was going to be John Quinonez From what would you do We all thought it was going to be John Quinonez from What Would You Do? We all thought it was a different guy.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Why didn't you watch the Ducks? You said you would. Well, and the other thing is on the other side of the road was like a nice swimming lake and I'm like, the Ducks probably want to get to that lake. So let them go to the lake. Yeah, just put up one of those cute signs that has a picture of Ducks crossing a road. That's fine. People love that cute signs that has a picture of ducks crossing a road.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Exactly. That's fine. People love that. People love stopping to watch ducks cross a road. Yeah. That's like one of the best things about having a car. Literally, traffic will stop to watch ducks cross. Yeah. So, that's insane.
Starting point is 00:13:38 How were the biscuits? I didn't get any. What? No. Come on. Fresh made. Total tease. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:13:45 This is like plays when they have a biscuit in the first act. You better get eaten by the third act. This really didn't pay off. So, road trip. Road trip. It was great. What are you doing? Have I been to Powell River?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Maybe. What's the big draw there? Well, my friend and his wife and their kids is the main draw for me. There was a mill industry. Sure. Sure. But apparently there's 37 lakes like around Powell River. That's more than Minnesota.
Starting point is 00:14:18 Yeah. I think that's the right number. I could be wrong. But there's a giant lake called Powell Lake that has an island in the middle of it that has two lakes on that island. What? Yeah. Oh, my God. It's an inception island.
Starting point is 00:14:31 That's a lot of lakes, man. So did you? We went on a boat. We went on this boat into Powell Lake, which was nice. And then we went to a point that was called it was just like it looked like there was just a picnic table made of logs and then we like got off the boat and like went up to it and there's like a nice uh plaque that said like tony's point and then someone like made these really like like rock kind of paths to like this other area where there's like other kind of seating
Starting point is 00:15:00 and stuff but no one was around and so so we're hanging out on Tony's point. And I found on this rock down by the water, these like, like early nineties Oakley style shades that were like camouflage. Cool. And I'm like, I got to take these. It's amazing that you found them all with the camouflage. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:22 And I got to take these. And then my, my friend was like, you realize you're probably taking a dead man's sunglasses What? No one said Tony's dead No that's true And if these are Tony's sunglasses he probably left them behind
Starting point is 00:15:33 If it was an early 90's Oakley wearer It was probably you know Jose Canseco He's still alive Well uh That raises an interesting question can you name a thing a place after somebody who's still alive yes yeah i guess so hey i know uh of a place that's named after my some family friends oh really yeah and it's uh is it their last name? Because it's very rarely...
Starting point is 00:16:05 Yeah, they had like a bunch of acres of something of land, I guess. Of land. Some acres of land and a few acres of weed. And they made it into a park and it's named after them. Oh, okay. That makes sense. In Maple Ridge, there is not only a Larry Walker field. It's a baseball field.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Is there a Cam Neely? There was a Cam Neely Arena, which is now no longer there. Oh, yeah. There's a Michael J. Fox Theater. Yeah. Okay. All right. So we have a staff.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But it's very rare that it's just the person's first name, Tony's Point. But I think your friend was on the money i think tony's dead yeah but but don't but not everything at that point it is no that when i die spread all my belongings here in nature just my camouflage stuff because it won't affect my favorite sunglasses in my favorite viewpoint like I'm looking through the lens. I mean, sure, why not? So did you take the glasses? Yeah, I have.
Starting point is 00:17:10 Yeah. Do you feel like your life has been cursed ever since? No. Okay. Quite the opposite. Oh, you stole the luck of the camouflage sunglasses. Did you go up in your new car? I did. Yes, the new Volvo. What go up in your new car? I did.
Starting point is 00:17:26 Yes, the new Volvo. What year is this brand new Volvo? It's a 1990 Volvo 240 sedan. I see it outside. To describe it to the people out there, it looks like a Volvo. It's a Volvo. It looks like a Volvo from like 1990. But they don't make cars that are blocky like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:44 No, yeah. It looks like a car that a kid made out of like cardboard and spray-painted silver yeah and his dad worked at an automotive factory was like yeah well yeah this is the model yeah because i really like i really like volvos i think they're really cool and they're like you, you know, I, as a kid, I was like, oh, cool safety. They feel very safe. Yeah. And like, you know, you know, oh, my, some friends had the ones that had the seats that went backwards in the trunk.
Starting point is 00:18:18 Uh, and, uh, but now new Volvos are luxury cars. So if you wanted a Volvo now you're, you're dropping, you know, you know five figures how how many figures did you drop on this puppy uh three figures three a zero and a zero a three hundred dollar volvo and what was this uh a little lady only drove it to uh her satan worshiper circle on every saturday they don't make it on Sundays. No, it was like, it was a guy who was selling it for his father-in-law, who they obviously had as a work car, so it was just like
Starting point is 00:18:53 full of trash and not taken care of. But, once we cleaned out all the trash. Full of trash. Must take trash. You must take the trash to the dump. But, once we cleaned it all out it's like actually in really good condition
Starting point is 00:19:07 there's no rust well it had all that trash providing like a buffer you can't you can't really damage something if you're stepping on Burger King wrappers once we got all that out
Starting point is 00:19:18 we realized it's like oh there's like all this wiring for like someone put in like put in their own automatic locks like someone put in, like, uh, put in their own automatic locks and someone put in like a reverse, uh, sensors that like beep like a truck and someone
Starting point is 00:19:33 like put in, uh, like a car alarm. Like, so I'm thinking it was like somebody in the early nineties who like bought it and like did it out. Like, yeah. and like did it out like yeah yeah remember when that was yeah because i in my car i i wanted a uh cd player that could play cds that had mp3 files on them so you could fit like 200 songs on a cd right which is not something you would do anymore because computers don't have cd drives yeah but uh so that's like the only aftermarket thing I did to my car 10 years ago. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:08 But I remember in the early 90s, there were like stereo things people did. Yeah. Radar detectors were a big thing. Yeah. Yeah, right. And like I would drive in cars with people who had radar detectors and they would at some stores they would have to turn off their radar detectors because they would be like oh this this blockbuster has a really strong like anti-theft magnet oh wow i know car phones that was i remember like in the early 90s like a car
Starting point is 00:20:38 phone was like oh mama you are some important but it's But it still had a cord like a landlord. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it's just like a phone. My dad had that. Yeah. But it was, you could do speakerphone on it. And did it also have the numbers on the back of the handset? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Yeah, yeah. So you can just look down and do it and do the dial and then pick it up. Yeah. Very smoothly. He had it for 10 years and then switched to just a regular, uh, cell phone. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:10 But it's still in my phone. It's listed under dad car. I remember, I remember, uh, being in a friend's car and he was so excited because he was like, Oh yeah, I got an eight,
Starting point is 00:21:22 eight disc changer in this thing. And I was like, Oh cool. Like you can like listen to thing. And I was like, oh cool. You can listen to a bunch of CDs. That's really cool. But then he had to stop the car and open the trunk to go to the back to change the CDs if he wanted to change the CDs. Yeah, but I mean, you have eight hours worth of... Oh yeah, I mean, you know, you got your Counting Crows.
Starting point is 00:21:40 You got your Big Shiny Tunes 6. I just put like three Big Shiny Tunes in there for variety. Yeah. For non-Canadian listeners, Big Shiny Tunes were these compilations put out by Much Music in the 90s. They were all alt-rock, weren't they? Alt-rock, yeah. And then they had Big Shiny Dance. Dance Mix.
Starting point is 00:22:03 Oh, yeah. But the pop music was covered by the Now series. Now that's what I call music. Which they are still putting those out. Really? Yeah. I don't, I can't figure out what the Venn diagram of somebody who would be interested in today's pop music, but also would still have a CD player. I mean, they've got to exist because they're still
Starting point is 00:22:25 putting them out i need to stay up to date on this music with my five disc cd change it must be just that well like it's not like you're putting out new music you're taking music that exists yeah they must be like we'll take you know a 20 cut of whatever we sell and we'll you know we'll take, you know, a 20% cut of whatever we sell, and we'll, you know, we'll put out all the materials. Yeah. It's not costing the artists anything to be on these, and it's hardly costing them to make them. And it was a weird, there were a lot of them. In the 90s, there was like, there would be like one that was all women in song. Yeah, there was one that was all punk music.
Starting point is 00:23:04 There was Fat Records. Fat Records would put out one every year. one that was all women in song yeah there was one that was all punk music there was uh fat records fat records would put out one every year yeah survival of the fattest was one that i had yep and uh but like sometimes when you use a streaming service you'll see a song and it will be from one of those compilations so they somehow have used those compilations to do like an end run around buying the single from the album i don't know yeah no it's weird when you've like soundtracks are like that too i i i sort of find it hard to find songs that are on soundtracks on spotify yeah because they couldn't i get like we couldn't get All 14 songs So we didn't bother Putting any of them out Yeah so like
Starting point is 00:23:46 You can never hear A kiss from a rose You can never Well and that'll be On Seal Straight as well Sure Sure I mean bad example
Starting point is 00:23:54 Or that What was it Like Ice-T And Anthrax From Judgment Night The Judgment Night soundtrack Judgment Night Had a lot of
Starting point is 00:24:02 It invented rap rock Yeah Oh did it Yeah Wow I never I never thought about How influential that
Starting point is 00:24:10 That and Faith No More Invented rap rock What And now Kid Rock Is running for Senate Guys this is some Topical stuff
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yeah And So make sure to Cast your vote On Judgment Night Or he has expressed interest He hasn't Oh no Run But he's leading the poll.
Starting point is 00:24:27 What was, was Dennis Leary in Judgment Night? Yeah. Was it, did it come out in the same breadth of time as Heat? No, it came out the same time as Trespass. I don't know if I know what Trespass is. Tell me about Trespass. It's another like, it had like Ice Cube in it and like Bill Paxton maybe. What a cat.
Starting point is 00:24:53 And are they two cops? The kids seem to work out their differences. Yeah, it's like something's gone wrong and they're breaking into something. What is, like Ice Cube took a long time before he kind of got star power. You know what I mean? You mean, like, as a movie star? Yeah, I guess he was in Friday. I can't believe he wrote, I didn't know he wrote Friday.
Starting point is 00:25:11 I only know he wrote Friday because there was a scene of him writing it in, what's the end of it? Straight Outta Gone. Straight Outta Gone. And he was, like, having a real good laugh, too. He was like, oh, but babe, come read this. Yeah, there was, there was a lot of, like, inner promotion going on in that film.
Starting point is 00:25:28 Like, make sure that, you know, that at some point we say bye Felicia to somebody. So then everybody knows, like, yeah, that's where that came from. What was Judgment Night about? I don't think I ever saw it. My friend saw it, and I pretended I had seen it, even though my mom wouldn't let me watch it.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I feel like it's like some teens or something. They go to a party in the wrong... Dennis Miller plays a teenager. Dennis Miller's a crooked cop, maybe? It's not Dennis Miller. Sorry, Dennis Leary plays... He plays McLovin. You guys better run, Babalu.
Starting point is 00:26:07 This guy's running as fast as Jackie Joy and the Curses. And they shot Sir Hentz, Sir Hentz. Oh, boy. All I remember is there's a scene in a train yard. Train yard? You made up that? That's not a scene in a train yard. Train yard? You made up that? That's not a term. A train yard?
Starting point is 00:26:28 Oh, I think it's a trade yard. A yard where people go to trade things. It's an outdoor stock exchange. That's basically like a barter bazaar. A train yard. And was it at night in the train yard? Yeah, because I feel like... I don't know. Everything was at night.
Starting point is 00:26:49 It was Judgment Night. It didn't take place over multiple days. This was like a one crazy night after hours. And Ice-T is in this or Ice Cube is in this? No, no, no. That's Trespass. Oh, yeah, right. Who's in Judgment Night? Dennis Leary, for sure. Or Miller.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Or Dennis Miller. Was there another night movie that came out around the same time? I feel like it came out around the same time as Carlito's Way, because I remember a kid that I knew was obsessed with both Carlito's Way and Judgment Night. Judgment Night, starring Spencer Tracy, Burt Lancaster. There it is. Oh, no, it's Judgment at Nuremberg. Pardon me.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Judgment Day had iced tea. Okay. Trespass had iced tea as well. Iced tea and ice cube or just iced tea? Iced tea and Ice Cube. Wow. Judgment Night had Emilio Estevez, Cuba Gooding Jr., Dennis Leary, Stephen Dorff, Jeremy Piven. This thing isn't passing the Bechdel test, guys.
Starting point is 00:28:00 No, I mean, I guess not. I can't believe I got Bill Paxton right in the trespass. Oh, I thought that you were thinking that it was Bill Paxton, but it actually turned out to be Ice-T. No, Bill Paxton is in it. Bill Paxton is in this. As well as William Sadler, who I don't know. Oh, yeah, yeah. I know William Sadler.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Oh, and the soundtrack of Budgment Night. Yeah. Judgment Night. Budgie Night. Budgment Night in Yeah. Judgment Night. A Budgie Night. A Budgment Night in the Trade Yard. It was all collaborations between hip-hop artists and heavy metal artists. Yes. Cool.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Well, not heavy metal, I guess. Including? House of Pain and Helmet, Run DMC and Living Color, Biohazard and Onyx doing the title track. Oh, man. Those two, that's a wow that's aggressive aggression right there that's a lot of aggression slayer and ice tea ice tea's in everything yeah ice tea had a real hot run de la soul and teenage fan club so that's that's the non-metal uh cypress hill Youth. Oh, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:29:07 Sort of mix a lot in Mudhoney. This is getting less metal as we go. Yeah. I liked that it was all collaboration. Yeah. That was, yeah. Huh. Well, because the movie's about collaborating.
Starting point is 00:29:18 Yeah. With your opposite. Like, yeah. Cuba Gooding Jr. is Dennis Leary's opposite opposite in a lot of ways cuba gooding jr doesn't smoke uh he's never played a firefighter uh well i don't know i don't know look i know that his career has been a real roller coaster ride cuba Cuba Gooding Jr. The highest highs and some of the lowest lows. What was the one? Radio?
Starting point is 00:29:50 Yeah, but... Yeah. That was a tough one to come back from. But at least he did. He's back on top. I don't think Cuba Gooding Jr. I mean, critically, I think he's made some missteps, but I think he's probably fine.
Starting point is 00:30:11 Oh, all of these, when they're talking about like, oh yeah, this guy made a comeback, I was like, oh, this millionaire who was still a millionaire and was a millionaire for the whole time is making a comeback? He was just quietly being a millionaire. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Being in the spotlight. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:30:26 Oh, wow. Quentin Tarantino really rejuvenated Kurt Russell's career. What? Yeah. Kurt Russell's doing fine. That's even
Starting point is 00:30:33 the most doing fine guy of... Kurt Russell has just had a real smooth and steady ride. No real bombs. Just like... But like, every time you see him you're like yeah yeah people you just like him more and more the older he gets you learn that he was on that
Starting point is 00:30:52 baseball team what baseball was he in the battered bastards of baseball oh i don't know i don't know the netflix documentary i haven't. I haven't watched this either. Oh, it's a couple years old. But like when he was a youth? Yeah. Oh, wow. Of course, though. Kurt Russell's a guy, he to me seems like just charmed.
Starting point is 00:31:16 You know, like he just seems like he's just always, like if somebody's going to make the best movie of their career, Kurt Russell's just going to like just show up the last second and be in that movie. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Kurt Russell. I mean, he got me early on, too, with Big Trouble in Little China.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Right. Like, as a child, that was, like, my favorite movie. And it's so campy and hilarious, and he doesn't take himself seriously. It's like, now you can do whatever you want. I don't think that I've ever seen that movie start to finish. Really? Yeah. Big trouble in China.
Starting point is 00:31:47 It's, it's definitely like a blind spot for me. And he also, he's in escape from New York. Yeah. Yeah. Snake. I,
Starting point is 00:31:55 I, those are two movies that I haven't seen. Oh, like, like you, I haven't seen the full thing. So I kind of think they're the same movie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:03 They aren't not. Yeah. He has an eye patch in one and he's in new york it's the future yeah the other one he's dealing with like a mystic uh chinese like magician guy and and some dudes that look like raiden from mortal kombat cool. That sounds like big trouble. Yeah. Were they magicians or like wizards? Like warlocks. Sorcerers.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Sorcerers. Well, there's a difference, I think. What? Between Harry Anderson, magician, Harry Potter, warlock. Yeah. That's an easy guide to help you remember which is which oh pretty good
Starting point is 00:32:54 now you had mentioned very in passing that you are now you're engaged I'm engaged yeah you were a swinging single the last time you were here. Oh, yeah. No, you were in, I think you were with your fiancé. Oh, yeah. Maybe.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Oh, no. Yeah, I was. Because at the time before that, I was having a very swinging time. Oh, yeah. But when you were with your Katie. Yes. When you realized you were allergic to everything. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Yeah. She's still with me. Despite your allergies. Despite the horrors I put her through. So there's a chance for you, Graham. We'll see. We'll see. There's always hope.
Starting point is 00:33:38 When's the big day? We haven't put a date. We put a year. We don't want to put a label on it. No, no, no. What year? We're thinking like August, September 2018. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:49 To give us like, you know, a year. It's been almost six months since doing it. The first thing. Yeah, since doing it. All right. We waited until we were engaged. Nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:02 That's special. Not until we're married. Yeah. We engage. So it's okay with cool god all right you crazy kids but we the first thing we said like after she said yes and we kind of had that moment we're driving back uh to the place we're staying at and uh, uh, she was like, Oh, I guess we have to plan a wedding now. And I was like,
Starting point is 00:34:26 yeah, yeah. And the number one thing is we're not going to stress about it. And as soon as anyone tries to tell us what we should do, we do exactly the opposite. All right. So she's going to show up wearing all black. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:43 I'm going to be in swim trunks. Yeah. The number one thing people say is, don't wear a tuxedo made out of popcorn kernels. Well, that's what I'm doing. And be outside the bird sanctuary. Exactly. Or some kind of hot place where they all pop. You could just elope.
Starting point is 00:35:03 Well, that's still on the table. That's what we're trying to figure out. A real money saver. If we want to do something small or we want to elope and then just have a party, you know? Sure. So, we're trying to figure that out. We went to a really nice wedding last weekend for one of Katie's friends on Gambier Island at a kid's camp. Oh.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Oh. It's called Furcom, Camp Furcom. Oh, it's a Christian camp, or it was when I was a kid. Yeah, yeah, I think it still is. United Church of Canada, boy! But I think someone else took it over now because it burned down. Oh, that's right, that's right. Whoa!
Starting point is 00:35:40 Yeah. Act of God. 800 kids, gone. They wouldn't report it. Well, Alex Jones said it didn't really happen. Yeah. Act of God. 800 kids. God. They wouldn't report it. Well, Alex Jones said it didn't really happen. Yeah. But, uh... That his name?
Starting point is 00:35:54 Alex Jones? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Who was in... What was that crazy movie where they did, like,oscope and robert downey jr was in it oh alex jones is in the richard linkletter movie yeah yeah scanner darkly yeah oh scanner yeah a young uh you know he's an actor no he but he's like doing his conspiracy things he's driving
Starting point is 00:36:20 around in a car he used to do that like with a speaker on the roof of the car oh and just be like alex jones did that yeah that's kind of great like the fact that you can be a crazy guy shouting from a speaker in your car which i believe your volvo has a hookup for yeah yeah yeah and you and then you can work your way up to like famous. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You can. That's right. That's when he was putting in his dues as a, as a amateur crazy. Wait, so he was just driving around in real life doing this. This is apparently. Ah.
Starting point is 00:36:54 And that's why he's in the movie. Cause he is the government. And he didn't use to sound like this. He used to sound like just a regular, just like casually like, Hey hey, everybody, just so you know, the government's messed up. Like just saying that while he's driving down the street. We got traffic on the ones, government on the twos. What's the other rotoscope one? Life itself?
Starting point is 00:37:17 Yeah, something like that. I never saw that one. But the kid from Wiley Wiggins, who is the main kid from, I keep grabbing the bridge of my nose because that's what he does throughout the movie. Oh, yeah. From Dazed and Confused. I hate that guy. Oh, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:34 He's an animator on those movies. Weird. Hollywood. Man, you never know where you're going to end up. Shermanator apparently works at a sushi restaurant. It's a crazy town. For real? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cuba Gooding, still rich. know where you're gonna end up shermanator apparently works at a suju restaurant it's crazy town yeah yeah yeah you have a good thing still rich still rich shermanator not so rich put him in one of your movies quentin tarantino yeah let's see that yeah
Starting point is 00:37:59 let's see you rejuvenate that guy's career. Jumpstart germinator. Yeah. So would you, after going to a wedding in like a weird Christian camp, would you do something like that? Well, it was great. Like on the island and there was, it was like very mellow.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Like, yeah, go hang out on the beach. Is it still a camp at all? Yeah, yeah. It's still a camp. Like it got rebuilt. But then why are people having weddings in the summer when kids should be there?
Starting point is 00:38:27 Well, we literally showed up as, like, on the water taxi as, like, all the kids were, like, getting shipped out. So we had it for the weekend. Oh, okay. Like, Friday, Sunday at 3 until Sunday at 3. And they served, like, bug juice at the wedding. It was all cafeteria style. It was all, like, made by the wedding it was all cafeteria style it was all like oh wow made by the camp ah that's awesome enjoy this gorp at your table and they had the
Starting point is 00:38:50 like the triangle like the ding ding ding ding it was like fun you know 8 30 a.m you you're coming like you hear that and you're like i'm gonna go make a wallet today everybody's making their own wedding presents oh we got 40 wallets that's good because we're gonna do with all these dream catchers yeah all of these uh tambourines made out of two paper plates and beans in the middle of bean tambourines um so sometime in 2018 yeah And then that's it Then you're done And then that's it
Starting point is 00:39:30 I'm just going to hunker down You're going to buy three more Volvos Yeah we're going to get a family of Volvos Instead of kids we're just going to keep buying Volvos And just try and have like six Volvos Like a team of Volvos Yeah yeah yeah I get you I mean once you know once we get older
Starting point is 00:39:46 The Volvos can look after each other That's the hope And take care of us In your latter years Your twilight years Dave what's going on with you man Well I had a You and I haven't seen each other since
Starting point is 00:40:02 Well we haven't recorded since June It's currently today I'm looking at my watch there's no date On it had a week you and i haven't seen each other since well we haven't recorded june yeah it's currently today i don't have i'm looking at my watch there's no date on it it's august 3rd though if memory serves and um although we did see each other in toronto when we uh recorded that live show so much fun well so fun you guys should have been there yeah and if you weren't you can download the episode yeah that's true yeah and you know what well if you really want we'll send you a photo no we didn't we didn't take photos we'll send you an 8x10 with you photoshopped into the phone no we're not that's gonna be too much work um the one one big thing The big summer thing I've done
Starting point is 00:40:46 In the meantime Is my whole family, my parents, my sisters Their families My kids and wife We all went to a Soyuz British Columbia for a week That's like a desert area It's like a desert area
Starting point is 00:41:02 It is The day we got there It was 38 degrees which is like a hundred uh and it was it's it's not like desert you when you think of like you know sand and sand and you know yeah yeah uh non-stop sand it's sort of like cowboy movie desert when there's like cliffs and snakes like search for curly's gold the desert that one the most famous western of them all i was not a i was not a country slicker there believe me i was a city one yeah yeah um so we drove we got in the car uh we prepared the everyone for the drive. It's supposed to be like a four and a half hour drive.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Is this, this would be Poppy's first car trip? No, she's driven to Seattle. Oh, okay. All right. But this is like, the highway you take is the Hope princeton yeah which is very narrow and and curvy and there's no cell reception for like an hour and a half so if you if something goes wrong you're kind of out there by yourself right um and uh that's spooky it is a little spooky and i'm not that's like something you would build into a horror movie exactly yeah there's no cell reception from here to here.
Starting point is 00:42:27 And I'm not a highway driver. Like, I grew up in the city. I'm like an urban guy. Yeah, yeah, I'm driving here. Like driving a block at a time. Yeah, exactly. I don't... I never got, like...
Starting point is 00:42:42 I don't like driving fast. I'm so used. I'm so not used to driving on the highway that whenever my I'm on the highway, the car, the engine gets so loud. I'm like, is it supposed to do that? Well, it's going twice as fast as normally. So maybe it's a yeah, I guess that's the only kind of driving I ever did. Like was the highway driving. Yeah. City driving is just the only kind of driving I ever did like was the highway driving. Highway driving, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:05 Yeah. City driving is just like crazy making, you know? So, yeah, we got there after a very long drive and the kids were great. Oh, really? Like, considering what a nightmare it could have been. On the way home, they weren't so great because that was like, Poppy just started teething and there's nothing you can do. No.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Chew on things. Yeah. Drug her. Which we did. Yeah. But there's only so much you can give her. But we, yeah, so we got there and it's like, this was a testament to how much I love my family because I don't drink wine and it was like just full of vineyards. Right.
Starting point is 00:43:48 I don't play golf and we were right on a golf course and I can't stand the heat. Yeah. Oh, man. So it was just like, I'm here for you guys. Yeah. Was there at least like a pool? There was a pool. Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Nice. It was like, I spent the whole week pretty much at the pool, and it had a water slide. And there was an adult pool and a kid's pool, and I never went to the adult pool. I never saw the adult pool. So I was just around screaming kids the whole time. It was just fine. They had these big sprayers that would spray water up in the air and into the pool. And so many kids would just be sticking their butts on the sprayer.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Yeah. Just getting their first taste of an enema, really. Yeah. Their first taste of one. One of many. It's like fun to stick your butt on something until you move just one inch the wrong way and then that jet is just like now it's a part of it like why is that jet not spraying anymore matthew move that kid's stomach is getting full
Starting point is 00:44:56 oh no but a couple years ago we were talking about how you sometimes see like ripped kids. Like kids with just like six packs. That's all that we're here at this place. Really? It's all just like kids, like... Bunch of muscle kids. Like eight-year-old boys with like six packs. It's so weird.
Starting point is 00:45:21 How does that happen? I guess they're just moving all the time. They're moving all the time, burning up that energy. And like we stayed at this resort that was like, we had our, we had a kitchen in our room. Yeah. So like every room had their own kitchen and like a living room and a bedroom. So you could like put the kids to bed and then stay up for an hour before he passed out it took me three days to watch rogue one
Starting point is 00:45:48 um and then uh but like the one thing that was in our uh hotel room that i think every hotel should have was a plunger that's a good call we like you know when you need one it's you need one right away call down to the front desk all casual whenever are you ready yeah i'm looking to do a fun video where i have a plunger on my head. Yeah. Can I borrow one? I want to stick one to the ceiling. For art. And so, yeah. So, like, when you're like, oh, no, the toilet's clogged. Let's see if it unclogs itself. Oh, what's this thing under the sink?
Starting point is 00:46:37 A plunger. So nice. I don't think I've ever been in a hotel with a plunger. Isn't it, like, is that not the worst call you have to make at a hotel? Yeah. Hi, could you send up a boy? For a, you know, a muscly one if you have one. Preferably 10 years old with a six pack.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Super ripped little boy. I remember, speaking of like ripped kids, I remember being a kid and going to somebody's house for a pool party and finding out for the first time who had muscles and who didn't. I fell firmly in the didn't part of the pool. But just like I remember that moment being like, oh, no. Why isn't anybody told me that we were supposed to be working on ourselves? Yeah, because they're not like, they don't have big arms or anything. They're not like muscular. No, they're wires.
Starting point is 00:47:32 Oh, yeah. They look like a little bit cracked out. Yeah. But I just remember that feeling of being like, well, I'm going to wade into the pool up to my neck and just stand there for the rest. No, no, I'm not going to into the pool up to my neck and just stand there for the rest no no I'm not gonna wrestle no no I mean if we're gonna do chicken I'll be the guy down here and Mr. Ripped can go up
Starting point is 00:47:52 I'm picturing you as a 10 year old with this full beard just in the pool up to my chin oh boy and the other thing I don't know if this was the clientele or if I just haven't seen a lot of people in bathing suits that often but a lot of fake boobs. Oh, wait, where were you? This was in a Soyuz, British Columbia.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Yeah, I feel like Kelowna and Soyuz, Penticton has a higher percentage. Really? Penticton. But it didn't make, I don't know if it's like a regional thing But it was definitely a nostalgic thing Like growing up in the 90s It was a thing you saw all the time And I just don't see them anymore But maybe I'm not looking
Starting point is 00:48:33 Maybe I'm not watching TV shows Where people are like In a sexy costume for no reason I thought that they had gotten More subtle Yeah that's what I assumed had happened. But maybe that's not a look people want. No, I think...
Starting point is 00:48:52 Some people are like, I don't want them to look subtle. Yeah, you're like, if I'm plunking down... I want these things to plunk down. Yeah. If I'm plunking down a few thousand then i want to plunk up a few thousand what what um yeah it's weird because i haven't been to a beach or a pool or anywhere that people would wear a bathing suit for many many years so i do not it would throw me for a loop to to see people just wandering around in basically their underwear it is something where it's always kind of like that
Starting point is 00:49:31 oh like it's like a spotting you know it's not something that you see no all the time and when you and when it's obvious it's very much so like shh there's a deer don't disturb the deer the doe yeah and there's also there's there's kind of uh tattoos that are very uh era specific kind of kind of like styles of tattoo that you're like well that's leg leg band tattoos that right there, bud. Leg band tattoos. That's right. Celtic leg band tattoos. But a leg band, I don't know that I've seen a lot of them outside of you, actually.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Arm bands. A lot of arm bands. A lot of arm bands. I feel like. Barbed wire arm bands. Barbed wire arm bands. Tribal. Tribal arm bands.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Yeah. And then like, just like, you know. Asian character. Yeah. A little tiny frog. Or a. A, you know. Asian character. Yeah, a little tiny frog. A gecko. A gecko. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Or a dolphin. You know, these are all. Butterfly. Butterfly. Oh, sure. Yeah, or then there was just kind of this weird where you would get kind of, it looked tribal, but it was just a bunch of kind of like thorn kind of shapes. Like a bunch of Nike swooshes put together? Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:46 What is the current trend? I don't. What are some of the current trends? One trend that I've noticed. The one I have is Eminem's daughter's face on my arm. Haley. Oh, can we start a GoFundMe for people to pay for you to get that? To get Eminem's daughter's child portrait on your arm
Starting point is 00:51:08 that would be because you know how like my parents at my house they have old photos going up uh age-wise like if you every year you got a new hayley somewhere just a cheek the one thing that i've noticed like like cool cool kids having is tattoos that just seem very like randomly placed on the body like one on the forearm and then like one on the ankle and then one kind of up here and there's no con like. I don't see a lot of sleeves anymore. Yeah, sleeves had their time. Yeah. And now when people have sleeves it's a bunch of separate tattoos that are just covering their arm. Yeah. I think the trend might be
Starting point is 00:51:54 sort of like simplicity. Like just a few lines. Or just something that instead of being a portrait is now just like a simple drawing. Yeah. Just one color.
Starting point is 00:52:09 I saw one yesterday that at first glance I thought was the Canada 150 logo. And I was like, oh, brother. But then it totally wasn't. I was like. I mean, I have a poem on my ribs. Yeah. What does it say? It's so tough to be a baby.
Starting point is 00:52:27 Doer, doer, detra baby. I couldn't think of song lyrics except for that baby song. What were you going to say? Oh, I feel like that a lot of people are getting like traditional American. That's like the style of it, which is like all like thick lines and simple drawings and like like kind of sailor yeah yeah or more or like um uh like heritage brands like like heritage moments tattoos like yeah the invention of basketball i know i'm like that sort of like you know uh you know we're an authentic general store
Starting point is 00:53:06 founded in 2014 yeah but this is our old-timey font yeah I always like uh like when you see a thing that says established and it's something like 2005 and you're like well that is a stretch of time, but it's not fabulous. Like, it's not an amazing amount of time. Yeah, Von Dutch was big at the time. We were founded amongst a sea of Von Dutch hats. Oh, they'll come back. We came out of that sea. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:38 We're based on Von Dutch hats. Graham, what's going on with you? Well, like you say, I was a way i was in toronto where's that fringe uh where is that yeah uh in the east uh where the sun the mystic and uh and then i was in winnipeg uh doing the fringe fest now is it true that their provincial bird is the mosquito yeah yeah were there a lot of mosquitoes there in the summer no not in the city although there's a lot of dragonflies which are like big kind of this they're like they're kind of beautiful but also dumb enough to hit you in the face yeah they're
Starting point is 00:54:17 like a huge bug yeah and a lot of times there's two connected to each other i assume procreating yeah yeah and uh so that they've got those are everywhere and the thing about winnipeg is uh it's like very cheap uh and and so like uh you know the place i was staying gorgeous three bedroom less than what you would pay for a basement suite here you know so it's just like the standard of living is very different than you buy a sandwich and you're like you get so much change back and you're like oh i'll take another sandwich i guess but it's super cheap because uh it's the coldest place in the world yeah i mean the the winters are uh pretty this summer was fine the big headline a couple years ago was that it was colder than Mars.
Starting point is 00:55:07 Yeah. Like, it was like, in Winnipeg today, it was colder than Mars. And my parents came out to Winnipeg for a couple days, and we went and did, like, the big touristy thing to do in Winnipeg now. The Nutty Club factory? We did go past the Nutty Club factory. We went to the Human Rights Museum. Okay. Which is this crazy, it's like this crazy building.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Looks like a Frank Gehry type of building. Like walls going this way and that. And you walk up a ramp up to this very tall spire at the top. And you can like see all of Winnipeg or whatever. And you're supposed to do it in that order they specifically built the museum so that you kind of go through all this sad stuff then there's like a reflection kind of you know it's like a like a fake pond sad human rights should make people happy i know that's what i thought i was like this is going to be the most fun we've ever had to see people with so many rights so many right enjoying them yeah uh having them keeping them enjoying them um but we went up
Starting point is 00:56:14 to the reflection pond and then we went we're like let's go up to the top so we went up to the top and then worked our way back down so the last thing that we we walked out of just like this like war crimes exhibit and just like so drained it was so sad we did it the wrong way you're supposed to go up to the top and then have this nice view and enjoy the future and see i know about this building from watching the amazing race and they really don't let you know any of that. They just show them at the top, at the beautiful mountain. Oh. The Amazing Race Canada?
Starting point is 00:56:48 Yeah. How long have you watched this show? I mean, the only reason I watched it was because Ryan Steele was on it. Oh, that's right. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. A local comedian.
Starting point is 00:56:56 Yeah. Yeah, it's like, it's also kind of weird because you walk up this ramp the whole way up, and the first five minutes you're walking, there's no display. You're just walking up a ramp. There's no like things on the wall that say like in this year, this happened or whatever. So you're like, there's a lot of just ramp, just ramp space.
Starting point is 00:57:22 But it was really neat. It was really neat. I'd advise anybody that's passing through winnipeg yeah check it out seems like a bummer it is a bummer yeah like if you do it backwards yeah yeah it seems like a bummer along the way as well yeah that's true it's not it's not a light you know what like the museum of fudge or yeah do, then go to the Nutty Club factory. And then we were having a debate. I don't know if you guys both know Nutty Club?
Starting point is 00:57:50 I don't know Nutty Club. Nutty Club, you would know their logo. It's like a man made out of candy. Stripey candy. And what do they make? They have like, when you go to a convenience store, they have like pre-packaged like jelly beans and nuts. Oh, yeah. And it pre-packaged jelly beans and nuts.
Starting point is 00:58:05 Oh, yeah. And it's like a blue and white and red. They don't make Laffy Taffy, do they? No. But you know this logo? Yeah, I know that guy. Yeah. So do they make those things or do they just package those things? I do not know.
Starting point is 00:58:20 Okay. That was the big debate of the day. Does Nutty Club make jelly beans or do they import them and just put them into Nutty Club bags? Because they make such a variety of things. Yeah. They'll make mints and jelly beans and candy corn. And, uh,
Starting point is 00:58:34 I'm just going through, I'm just going Google image through Nutty Club. Yeah. And it's like, uh, uh, they're still located in like downtown Winnipeg. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:44 They have all their like, have you ever been? Yeah. I went to Winnipeg yeah they have all their like have you ever been beautiful yeah i went to winnipeg uh my buddy aaron murky uh and lauren his wife live out there they're comedians and we did a a pilot for a show that was about like traveling and doing stuff and like you know four guys and competition stuff right but so But so we. Sounds like the Amazing Race. That. It was before that and they stole the idea. But that museum was getting built at the time.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Right. And I saw downtown Winnipeg which is beautiful and super rad and old. Yeah, yeah. It's all old buildings. Yeah. And the old like painted
Starting point is 00:59:20 signage and stuff on the building. Oh yeah, like enjoy Pepsi. Like old. Oh, I love those. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Like, enjoy Pepsi. Like old. Oh, I love those. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was really cool. We also went to a go-kart track, which was sweet.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Yeah. And we went to an ice cream place that was like across a walking footbridge. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's like a bridge that has a restaurant in the middle of it. And then you come and eat. Yeah. I mean, why not? has a restaurant in the middle of it. And then you can eat. Yeah. I mean, why not? Right.
Starting point is 00:59:47 And so you had ice cream at the bridge restaurant. Yeah. Yeah. You had a real Winnipeg time. It was nice. And we drove around in a convertible Sebring. Cool. That's what Michael Scott drove on the office.
Starting point is 01:00:02 Yeah. Michael Scott drove on the office. I think when I, I years ago, I went to, uh, down to Los Angeles for a trip and that's what they gave me at the car rental. It's either that or a PT cruiser.
Starting point is 01:00:15 Like it was something where I'm like, what the hell? There's no way I reserved this. This is not what I asked for. I like, you're going to love it. was like yeah okay um yeah if the downtown apparent this is this is the legend is that there's a burton cummings theater and he's not dead no no he's not dead
Starting point is 01:00:38 uh but uh he it was originally called something else and then he made a deal with them either he bought it and then he was going to do x amount of free concerts to help pay off the renovations or whatever and legend has it he's only done one of the five that he agreed to uh he's to have to put in some time At the end of his You know Life Yeah I mean sure Yeah Before you die
Starting point is 01:01:09 Sing these eyes Yeah Who are your favorite members of The Guess Who Oh boy I mean I'm going to go with Burton Cummings He's
Starting point is 01:01:20 Number one More than Randy Bachman I think so yeah How about you Randy Bachman wrote all those Bach, yeah. How about you? Randy Bachman wrote all those Bachman Turner Overdrive songs, but on the downside he also sang them.
Starting point is 01:01:32 Not a good singer. How about you? Bachman? I gotta go Tal Bachman. Tal Bachman. So Tal Bachman, Randy Bachman, and Burton Cummings. And who was Overdrive? Tal Bachman So Tal Bachman Randy Bachman And uh Burton Cummings
Starting point is 01:01:46 Yeah And who was Overdrive? That was just No there was Turner Oh yeah Who was Turner? He was Bachman's friend Has he done
Starting point is 01:01:56 Did he do Um Stuff Elsewhere Oh he wrote a movie Called Turner and Hooch That's based on his real life Turner
Starting point is 01:02:03 Hooch Overdrive Hooch was originally Supposed to be Burton Cummings Then slowly Through rewrites wrote a movie called turner and hooch that's based on his real life turner hooch overdrive hooch was originally supposed to be burton cumming then slowly through rewrites he became could we just have a dog play this role okay turner and hooch yeah canine. Ooh. Ooh. Turner and Hooch. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hooch dies? Almost. Almost? Almost. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Okay. Hooch takes one? Hooch one takes one, yeah. But then the love interest, who's also a veterinarian, saves him. Oh, good. Whew. Does she give him mouth to mouth? You wish. No, seriously, I he give him out the mouth? You wish.
Starting point is 01:02:46 No, seriously, I'm into that. That's my thing. Does he get shot in his giant goiter? And then just deflates like a balloon? And he shoots around the room? Do we want to move on to overheards? How about business? Oh, business.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yeah, let's move on to business. Life can be fun. Don't get carried away. You got to do the things you don't want to do to get through the day. You got to shine your shoes. You got to sweep the floor. You got to clean your house. You got to do some more.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Take care of business. Oh, you guys. We've got some ads here on Stop podcasting yourself but well i guess we have some business is what we say in the industry yeah that's true uh we're uh you're now this is a peek behind the curtain this is kind of like variety presents uh the the top 10 secrets of the biz their annual top 10 secretsrets of the Biz issue. And this is one of them that we call ads business. You know that because we have a whole song on it.
Starting point is 01:03:52 That's what I was getting at. Anyway, first up this week, a Jumbotron. And this one, it could not be more cryptic. Yeah, this is for a group of people called My Linguist Pals. They're like the Justice League, but quieter. And this is from someone called Q, like the letter. Yeah, that seems like somebody who would have linguist
Starting point is 01:04:14 pals. And Q writes, Sorry I've been so far away, but the agony ends tomorrow. Hope to catch some good zeds tonight. Probably z's. And don't worry about the pasta probably pasta it's already out of the bag um do you think literally there's going to be pasta out of a bag is uh what do you buy your let's stop pretending we say pasta where do you
Starting point is 01:04:39 what do you buy your pasta in do you buy it in a hmm Do you buy it in a... Hmm. Well, sometimes it comes in a bag. Sometimes it comes in a... Or a box. Yeah, a box or a sealed sort of plastic thing that I wouldn't quite call a bag. No, you're right. But like a plastic coating. And then sometimes they have like fancy noodles. Have you ever seen those fancy noodles? They're like, there's like eight noodles curled into a circle.
Starting point is 01:05:01 And they've still got flour on them. Yeah. Yeah, that they were like made by by not a machine by someone's unknown and then sometimes i'll buy the past it's already cooked in a sauce and it comes in like a plastic kind of like a half box sometimes i'll buy the pasta that's already in a can and it's got a picture of a chef boy or something. Boy or something. Chef boy or something. I don't know. Guys, that was that.
Starting point is 01:05:30 But now it's time for some serious business about ZipRecruiter. Did you know that with ZipRecruiter, you can post your job to 100 plus job sites with just one click? Now, you can find out today why ZipRecruiter has been used by businesses of all sizes small extra small yeah sure medium 32 waist 34 waist this is a thing
Starting point is 01:05:55 sure yeah but uh boy's pants half off that's's an old joke. Classic. This is if you are a company man or woman or person. Yeah. Who wants to have a person hired at your company. You don't want to bounce around to all these different job sites. You certainly do not because you've got other things you've got to do. Right. Texting.
Starting point is 01:06:23 Meetings. Sure. Smashing through that glass ceiling. Yeah, you've got to put a chart that shows your profits. Uh-oh, you put it sideways and it looks like your profits are going down. This is business talk. So right now, our listeners can post jobs on ZipRecruiter for free. That's right, free.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Just go to slash stop. That's a new one. Yeah, that's a new address you gotta learn. So remember it. slash stop. One more time, to try it for free, go to slash stop. Business.
Starting point is 01:07:03 I'm Riley Smurl. I'm Sydney McElroy. And I'm Taylor Smurl. And together Sydney McElroy. And I'm Taylor Smurl. And together, we host a podcast called Still Buffering, where we answer questions like, Why should I not fall asleep first at a slumber party? How do I be fleet? Is it okay to break up with someone using emojis?
Starting point is 01:07:19 And sometimes we talk about bugs. No, we don't. Nope. Find out the answers to these important questions and many more on Still Buffering, a sister's guide to teens through the ages. I am a teenager. And I was two. Butts, butts, butts, butts, butts. No.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Far too many times Over and over again Over and over again The Dead Pilot Society podcast brings you hilarious comedy pilots that were never made, featuring actors like Aubrey Plaza, Andy Richter, Paul F. Tompkins, John Hodgman, Adam Scott, Molly Shannon, Busy Phillips, Tom Lennon, Anna Camp, Laurie Metcalf, Felicia Day, Michael Ian Black, Adam Savage, Paul Scheer, Ben Schwartz, Skylar Astin, Mae Whitman, Josh Molina, Ben Feldman, Nicole Byer, Jason Ritter, Sarah Chalk, Steve Agee, Jane Levy, Allison Tolman, Danielle Nicolette, Casey Wilson,
Starting point is 01:08:08 Anna Ortiz, Lorraine Newman, June Diane Raphael, Kiernan Shipka, Ed Weeks, Zach Knighton, Kerry Kenny Silver, John Ross Bowie, Jamie Denbo, Janet Varney, Alexander Torson, Eric Sommer, Natalie Morales, Matt Gourley, Heather O'Reilly, and many more.
Starting point is 01:08:16 Listen at, iTunes, or wherever you download podcasts. Overheard. Overheard. Overheard. It's a segment where we will hear something and we don't just keep it to ourselves. Oh no, we'll share it here on the show.
Starting point is 01:08:33 And we always like to start with the guest cam. Oh, well, this overheard, uh, it's a, it's a, it's a two partner very soon.
Starting point is 01:08:42 Yeah. Uh, it happened when I was in Regina for the fringe. First time ever being in Regina. It's a two-parter, very soon. Yeah, yeah. It happened when I was in Regina for the Fringe. First time ever being in Regina. It's a town. Yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Also, the first town that I had two teens on BMXs try and intimidate me while I was walking down the street.
Starting point is 01:08:59 Not the first town for me. But I was... What is it? Tell me about you tell me about these yeah i want to know about these oh they literally just like both rode by but like slowed down and then like looked me up and down and the one in the back just went and like barked at me i'd be intimidated tried to startle me and i just smiled and nodded my head but they didn But they didn't, like, keep harassing you? No, no, no. They didn't follow you for a little while? They were going down the street.
Starting point is 01:09:29 But they were like, let's just do a quick, let's try out our. Let's scare an adult. Yeah, we're working on some new heckles. That's one thing about, like, not many teenagers know, but adults are more afraid of you than you are of them. Ah, yes, like a poisonous snake. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well, when I was in Regina, I had a really good show at the
Starting point is 01:09:51 Fringe there, and I was celebrating, I'm going to take myself out for dinner and have a couple beers. So I went to this Chinese food restaurant that, when I was searching for it, it had a 4.3 star rating, but right underneath that rating in the Google search was man shot in cold blood, which happened like less than a year prior in this Chinese food restaurant. I'm like, yeah, 4.3 stars. That's pretty good. Yeah. of kind of like older, you know, like late fifties, kind of like just Regina type farmer, whatever, trucker dudes.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Right. Salt of the year. And their wife. And then behind me, there was these three Chinese guys, maybe like in their like late thirties. Soy sauce of the year. Yeah. Boo.
Starting point is 01:10:44 And I'm sitting there and this first overheard is quite upsetting uh more upsetting than that uh well it's kind of on the same uh so we're sitting there and i hear this one uh guy they're like big older dude and they start talking about trans people okay and you know i'm embarrassed i'm sure in a subtle subtle nuanced way they were talking about so this guy I'm like as soon as I hear them bring that I'm like I gotta listen to what these guys are saying just to like see what happens
Starting point is 01:11:14 and the one guy says well you can be a can I swear yeah okay I believe you can well well you can be harsh. Well, you can be a Becky and still keep your junk. But when it comes time to fuck, you need to just lie there on your back and take it like a woman.
Starting point is 01:11:37 What? And I was like, oh, my God. I was just like, this is so terrible and upsetting on so many levels. I feel so horrible right now. What was the first word there? You can be a what? You can be a Becky. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:51 And keep your junk. So he's referring to somebody named Becky? Or yeah. Or somebody from Quebec maybe is some sort of slur. I feel like this was like a thing that they used for a term for somebody well like in uh encino man all the women are he teaches encino man that women are betties oh yeah yeah yeah i feel like that was also maybe maybe in clueless you're so ready yeah yeah but it's just like so absurd that right away i'm like i was halfway done my meal and i'm just like okay can
Starting point is 01:12:25 i just get like the bill yeah yeah yeah like i don't want to be i don't want to be around this and they're like okay but you're not gonna like what's written inside that portion cookie so i get my meal i like boxed up and i go up to pay and the three chinese guys that were behind me they're standing and it's gonna be worse in worse no this is the best this is the best because i was so like upset just like oh god damn it i walk up and one of the chinese guys is holding he's like in his 30s and he's holding a big sprig of basil and he's like excuse me like he's talking like the woman at the counter and he's like excuse me what is this and she's like uh it's basil he's like oh it's very very good and she's like oh good glad you like it he's like where can i get this and she's like oh you can get it like down the street there's a couple
Starting point is 01:13:19 stores like tells him the story he's like okay thank you thank you. Thank you. And how much is it? I was just watching. So I was just like, so overjoyed to see like a man, a man discovering basil for the first time and just being so in love with it. Yeah. It's great. How much is it? This must be the rarest plant in the world.
Starting point is 01:13:37 So where do I have to sail around the world to find it? Yeah. Yeah. And how much is it? Millions of dollars. You accidentally put it on my plate. And how much is it? Millions of dollars. You accidentally put it on my plate. Although,
Starting point is 01:13:48 you know what? If I had never had basil before and then I like, like it was just in a salad or something, I'd be knocked out. It's a crazy, it's a crazy flavor.
Starting point is 01:13:57 It's like, crazy. There's nothing really else like it. Yeah. And either you like it or you don't like it. Oh, I like it. But a Chinese restaurant
Starting point is 01:14:04 might be Thai basil, which is slightly different ah because i think they were having pho too oh yeah that's what that yeah he was just having his mind blown left and right and was just like so excited i completely forgot about oh so this was a chinese restaurant that had vietnamese soup yeah it was it was chinese and uh vietnamese cuisine that's the thing that you see in small towns it's like all kinds of asian yeah or is it or my favorite is that it'll say uh chinese and canadian yeah yeah that's like yeah don't worry if you want some chicken fingers yeah we got you we got a cheeseburger yeah chip like the chicken fingers are honestly the same as the sweet and sour chicken it's like we just don't put the sauce on yeah yeah but you know what
Starting point is 01:14:50 if that's what if that's your taste you know we cater to two kinds of people uh dave do you have an overheard mine are all uh things my child said oh no i don't have one. I'm not going to stoop to that level yet. This is a piece of graffiti. It was written in chalk, 20 feet in the air, on a sky train, like going down Terminal Street, Terminal Avenue. The sky train goes above there. So like on an elevated track? Yeah, but like on whatever, these big cement pillars. And so up 20 feet in the air, it said, the film Earthlings changed my life.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Whoa. And then I kept driving and on the next next pillar it said the film earthlings changed my life and for like a dozen of these pillars someone had written this in chalk wow 20 so they had to have had a ladder yeah yeah and a lot of time like and also like a real passion for this movie earth which is what i think it's a documentary about veganism. Like about how animals are abused. Right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:12 I thought this was like chalk activism a little bit. Yeah, chalk activism. When you were saying Earthlings, I was picturing that movie with Will Smith and his son. What is that called? Romeo Must Die? No, but what was that one? The pursuit of happiness? No.
Starting point is 01:16:30 Well, that is Will Smith and his son, isn't it? Yeah, but what, there was one later where it's a sci-fi. Oh. And it was called the planet. Earthlings. Yeah, but something earth. The planet of happiness? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:44 What was that? The fresh planet? Yeah. What was that? The fresh planet of happiness. What was it? It was called like Earth 2 or Earthers. The one thing I know is that Will Smith don't got a cuss in his raps to sell records. He doesn't. But I do. So fuck him and fuck you.
Starting point is 01:17:01 I'm shocked. Dave, where did that come from? It came from this tattoo I got eminem's daughter it's a quote out of her mouth she was very inspiring to her father um i'm just gonna look up jayden because he hasn't been in as many movies ah karate kids yeah it was the karate kid after earth after earth after that's what i was picturing when earthlings changed my life after earth change oh that'd be pretty good um oh so this is a person that was being like probably pretty sincere i guess oh yeah yeah but i don't know maybe their
Starting point is 01:17:41 life was good beforehand and now it's bad oh yeah people when someone tells you like oh this changed my life you don't know how things were going for them before no that's true it could have been that they were eating all the chicken figures they could handle and then they're like what like oh your music totally changed my life i was rich and then i listened to you know know Under the bridge Yeah And now I'm poor And now I live under a bridge I don't know how it happened either
Starting point is 01:18:10 A song about an ogre Yeah yeah yeah My overheard Comes courtesy of Your ogre herd? Yeah yeah yeah Just answer my riddles And touch my magical hump Margot is uh really into uh the first 20 minutes
Starting point is 01:18:29 of shrek oh yeah but she'll get into the rest of it yeah i don't think a two-year-old has that attention span no no but you guys daddy look he's tooting it's great yeah daddy look he's eating an eyeball daddy look it's smash Mouth She'll get there She does whenever we play that song Which is every day It's my Alarm every morning She calls it the Shrek song
Starting point is 01:18:56 It's not not the Shrek song Well The years keep start coming and they don't stop coming Um That's what's great about kids I was listening to that song While watching Shrek Well, the years keep start coming and they don't stop coming. And that's what's great about kids. I was listening to that song. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:09 While watching Shrek. Sure. And there's a record scratch in it for one second. Yeah. That was a weird thing when music had record scratches in it. Sugar Ray. I think it all started with Judgment Night. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:19:20 It was, you know. But like bands that didn't have a DJ, like Incubus had a DJ. Oh, yeah. And they had to put a scratch in every song. Limp Bizkit had a DJ. Some bands would just have, oh, let's just put a record scratch in. Yeah, yeah. Well, it was cool.
Starting point is 01:19:33 It was of the time. It was, you know, it was like letting people see your G-string come out of your jeans. Like Limp Bizkit. They also did that. Sorry. Go on. No, no problems. I was on a... The one great thing about the bus system in Winnipeg is because it's so hot there, every
Starting point is 01:19:51 bus is air conditioned. Oh, okay. So nice. So I was... Our buses are colder than Mars. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So riding around on the buses there was a real treat. And one night, I was coming was coming home there was this old lady
Starting point is 01:20:05 who went up to the bus driver and she was like turn off this air conditioning it's cold in here and he was like no ma'am i'm not doing that and she's like well then fine let me off of this bus i'm gonna catch another bus as if the bus driver works on some sort of commission like that was gonna hurt his feelings so he did he pulled over to the side of the road and she got off and everybody on the bus applied and then the next bus she got on also had air but it was the most like uh like uh buster bluth destroying uh the housekeeper the kitchen because he thinks the housekeeper lives there like it's just like why do you think this bus driver cares if you get up there yeah yeah okay i'll let you off on the side of the road i heard about a famous woman who took a stand on a
Starting point is 01:20:56 bus one and i'm gonna be like her but it was like the air conditioning was so nice like everybody's just so in love with it and then this old lady's like i'm gonna make a stand that is the exact opposite of what everybody on the bus is thinking and uh and you know what i'm gonna catch another bus see how you like that see how you like not having me yell at you for the rest of your ship. And now we are not done with the overheards things, guys. Because people send us overheards from all over
Starting point is 01:21:32 the world. We can't stop them. We tried, but they kept coming. And they don't stop coming. Fed you the... Did it make sense not to live for fun? You're going against home. but you're hanging on. Don't rush the dance. Do, do, do.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Wiki, wiki. If you want to send in an overheard to us, you can send it in to spy at And this first one comes from Paul M. My girlfriend and I were at a Billy Joel concert at Dodger Stadium. And in the row in front of us was a kind of drunk guy about three songs into the show he started talking back to billy joel's stage banter do it so billy joel this next one is from an album that came out back in 1978 drunk guy yelling towards stage you old man and then billy joel says an album called 52nd street drunk guy turning to
Starting point is 01:22:29 his friend in the next seat good album though that drunk guy's all right he's just drunk enough to you know speak his mind but not too drunk to not like all right let's just enjoy the song now how dare you have written music before 1980 i'm good music though curious as to how old the drunk guy yeah because he's yelling you old but then he knows the album quite well yeah so it's like maybe he was maybe it was it was a self-reflective thing yeah yeah we old yeah you old when you point a finger then three fingers point back at you and the thumb oh my god that's right it's straight up to cool god cool god you old god it's true yeah what can i say guys i know anyways this album's called 50 seconds you had to be a big shot didn't? I don't know what's on that album.
Starting point is 01:23:26 52nd Street, for sure. How does that go? 52nd Street. Yeah. This next one comes from Catherine Y. From Boise, Idaho. I was walking past a coffee shop downtown. Downtown Boise. Where some live music was playing.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Some guys walking behind me were having a conversation. Guy one, what is this place? Referring to the coffee shop. Guy two, annoyed loudly. I don't know, man. I've been in jail for 14 months. I don't know. I haven't given up on what coffee shops are opening.
Starting point is 01:24:08 Yeah. Hey, have you seen these fidget spinner things? No, I've seen Bruno. I know how to make a shank. Have you seen any of these Instagram videos hashtag drive by dunk challenge what that's why i was in jail
Starting point is 01:24:32 a drive-by not a dunk challenge um and this last one comes from tim r uh parts unknown but last friday afternoon oh this is in victoria i passed by a couple of construction workers leaving their site yeah whistling at each other at their lunchboxes one guy is talking to the other and he says that's like one of those double-edged then he takes a deep exhale and continues, Sabertooth Tigers. Shirt. Something sharp. Something, I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:12 I don't know. It's like he forgot what the first half of this thing that he had started kind of thing. Or was he like, I'm going to switch this up and get a real good reaction. Oh, sure. And the other guy was like, what? Yeah. Why do we guy was like, what? Yeah. Why do we hang out outside of work? Like a step outside of work. Anyways, there you go.
Starting point is 01:25:35 In addition to overheards that are written in, we also accept your phone calls. You want to call us? Hey, do it, idiot. How do they call us? Oh, they got it in the phone number which i have memorized 1-844-779-7631 or one spy pod one like these people have hi dave graham impossible guest this is jen calling from philadelphia with anard. I was at a work dinner and there was a table next to us with two middle-aged ladies and they were just catching up and hadn't seen
Starting point is 01:26:10 each other in a while. They were knocking back the glasses of white wine and just getting like more and more excited about each other's lives as they went along. And I heard this little snippet. So the first lady asked the second one, so tell me about your new guy. And the other lady says, well, we met through mutual friends. And the first lady goes, ooh. Real nice way to meet someone. I like him already. You know he's good.
Starting point is 01:26:40 You know he's good. He's got a friend. You've got a friend. Yeah, this is sexy possibilities. It'll make it awkward for that friend when you break up. When you inevitably break up, Barb. Which one of you will the friend choose? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:27:04 I like that, too. The introductory line really is something that, like, exactly. I like that, too. The introductory line really is something that, like, okay, I've got to establish what's going on in these characters' lives. Oh, tell me about your new guy. That's a good intro sentence. And then just let the scene unfold before you're very happy. Six empties from white wine. Six glasses.
Starting point is 01:27:27 The waiter really should pick those up the wait staff is not hey do you want another glass of wine we don't pick up old ones but here's another one six empty glasses of wine candle burned down to the knob wax all over the table. Yes. Cigarette out in a piece of pumpkin pie. Pumpkin pie? This is Thanksgiving. I'll have an entire pumpkin pie. Or do you know what? I'll just have a piece to use as an ashtray. Thanks. Here's your next phone call.
Starting point is 01:28:02 Hey now, stop by and introduce yourself. Hi. Hi. This is Over stop by and introduce yourself. Hi. Hi. This is Overheard, actually an overseen. I was picking up Wendy's for my kid at the drive-thru, and when the guy handed me my receipt, through the window, I saw the tattoo on his hand. He had the really cool finger tattoos across his fingers said ebay
Starting point is 01:28:27 i really wish i saw his other hand uh do you think that he's one of those guys that got paid a little got paid a little money to get a website name on his knuckles is one of those guys well there was remember there was like a weird period of time when like i got like you know some kind of casino or whatever tattooed on his forehead oh do you not remember this i remember the like drake tattoo on the girl's forehead but well what is that that wasn't sponsored that was not sponsored but then there have been people who've been like i'll you know i'll any you know give me x amount of dollars and I'll name my child after your company. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:10 And there was this guy, I think he's a British guy. Anyways, there was a story about him not being able to get a job because he has tattooed on his forehead. But he has about 20 of them from different companies. Like all of his whole face is tattooed. It's like a NASCAR driver wearing a suit with a bunch of things on it. But almost all of the businesses don't exist anymore. And he also changed his name. His name is like something or other.
Starting point is 01:29:44 What if this guy's on his other hand, though, it said like burn or kill. Kill. Burn eBay. Burn eBay. I keep trying to commit arson to eBay, but it's virtual. Yeah, eBay is a good one. Yeah, eBay is, I'm trying to think of uh one time the classics are love and hate right love and hate i had uh one time a friend had um what do you call that stuff
Starting point is 01:30:13 that they do henna henna yeah and i did a reader's digest across my goals i thought that was a pretty cool did you spill that well it was like one would be there and then in between. Oh, for the short months. You don't have seven fingers. Yeah. No, no, not anymore. Yeah, I got that cleared up. You got them hennaed right off.
Starting point is 01:30:37 How does that work? Here's your final overheard, guys. Hey, Steve and Graham. This is my first time calling super excited we had an overheard i thought was worth calling in so i was at color me mine which is a place where you color pottery um super fun on a friday night and i heard this group of children talking and their conversations were pretty interesting but the tidbit i picked up on was donald trump once bought two children.
Starting point is 01:31:06 And the girl said, what do you mean he bought two children? And the other girl said, well, he bought a car. And the children were in the car. And then their mom was questioning why he was taking them. Absolutely have no idea where that story came from, but I thought it was fascinating. And then these girls kind of went on to talk a little bit more and i caught little bits here and there and another thing i heard was well all americans over 18 voted for trump and i thought it was pretty funny because they
Starting point is 01:31:35 obviously don't know how american elections were all americans over 18 yeah yeah sure all the blue states are the ones where the kids are in charge. That's why they have so many water slides. I do like the story of Donald Trump bought two kids. Well, they were in the car already when he bought a used car. A used car. That doesn't track. With the kids still sitting in the backseat. You bought a car that had a bunch of junk in it.
Starting point is 01:32:02 Did you check if there were any kids in it? Yeah, I have a kid now. Oh, congratulations. I found a kid. I found a pair of sunglasses. Oh, yeah. I put the sunglasses on the kid, took a photo. Left them on Tony's point.
Starting point is 01:32:19 Left the kid at Tony's point. It's your point now. Whatever your name is. Tony? Let's call you Tony. We're going to call you we're gonna call you glove box for where i found you that's why so many kids are named hospital um most common name in north america hospital you know it's muhammad is that right well i don't know what other american by
Starting point is 01:32:42 the yeah what was i wonder what the most common name in America is. Probably Madison. Yeah, Madison. Madison or, you know. You know what? Well, you know. Do you know, you know how like certain names used to be men's names and have become women's names? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:00 Like John Wayne's birth name was Marion. Right. And Leslie Nielsen, like there, you wouldn't name a man Leslie right and leslie nielsen like there you wouldn't name a man leslie anymore no there are a lot of gary's back in the day there were women i don't think it ever goes the other way from woman to man but now a big name in little girls is ryan really yeah huh that's yeah i guess it doesn't ever go Does it ever go A woman's name then becomes like a dude's I think
Starting point is 01:33:29 Cause of the patriarchy Tell me more You wouldn't want to give a boy a girl's name Because women are not Don't have a high status in the world So is that what that song Boy Named Sue is all about? Mm-hmm About the patriarchy?
Starting point is 01:33:44 Yeah I've got a Bone to pick? No, I got a boy girl name world. So is that what that song Boy Named Sue is all about? About the patriarchy? I've got a bone to pick. I've got a boy girl name. Cameron. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, right. But I don't know when you were born. I don't think there were very many female Camerons. Well, Cameron Diaz is older. That's true.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Cameron Mannheim spells it differently. Cameron Esposito. There's a lot of them They're taking over Wait could a guy be called Carmen? No Maybe in a different Culture Riley is like a guy or girl right?
Starting point is 01:34:18 Yeah There's a lot that are both Like a Darcy Yeah something like Riley. Anything that's like a last name can be anything. Like Riley, I feel, is someone's last name. It can be boy, girl, dog. Do you think that they'll ever have women named Chad?
Starting point is 01:34:40 Do you think? Chet. Do you think they'll ever have women named Chet? Do you? They? They. You know, the culture. The culture.
Starting point is 01:34:50 The industry. Them. The woman industry. Guys, I mean, no one's more qualified to talk about this than three white guys. Absolutely. And we're breaking it down. This week and every week moving forward. Yeah, here on Woke Boys. we think we're woke yeah are we woke
Starting point is 01:35:08 it turns out we're just swole we thought we were woke this whole time we're just swole oh we were yoked oh boy yeah we're not woke we're yoked woke and yoked oh boy that's when you wake wake up and lift a bunch of weights no that's the the morning zoo crew i listened to woke and yoke okay come on come along never um now cam yeah that brings us to the end yeah cam ds cam cammy d cammy d uh what would you to plug? You've got a lot of things to plug The mask Something about Mary Different one
Starting point is 01:35:53 Oh okay No yeah I've got I've got my one man show I had sex until my heart stopped At the Edmonton Fringe Running August 17th to 27th I've seen this show. It's very much worth your time.
Starting point is 01:36:07 It's full of laughs. Cam has amazing true stories about his life. Yeah. There are make me so uncomfortable. Yeah. Yeah. I use a quote of you on the poster, which is funny and intense.
Starting point is 01:36:19 Uh, and in Regina, I got the review of, it's like watching a really good comedy show on Netflix. Highly recommend. Oh, nice got the review of, it's like watching a really good comedy show on Netflix. Highly recommend. Oh, nice. Yeah. But yeah, so that's in Edmonton in August.
Starting point is 01:36:33 August, no, sorry, September 14th is the Shiro Show at the China Cloud. And on October 12th is the hero show 10 year anniversary uh nice which hopefully you guys will be on yeah it's going to be a two show night i'm going to do i'm going to do an early show in a late show whoa honkers yeah fun yeah oh and we're sharing a page in the beatroot magazine because i just released my first comedy album, which isn't really a comedy album. It's an instrumental album with me doing some weird voiceover sketch kind of stuff over it. Okay. It's called Icon of an Orange Juice Container, and you can find it on Spotify.
Starting point is 01:37:18 Icon of an Orange Juice Container. Cool. Wow, that was a thorough plugging. Yeah. You know, that was a thorough plugging. Yeah. You know, that was as many plugs as I think the show. Thanks for the plugs. Thanks for coming on the show. Yeah, I will also be in the Edmonton Fringe.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Two shows. When does that start? That starts on the 16th, 17th. Yeah. Yeah. And it runs through till basically the end of August. And then, you know what? Then it's back to school.
Starting point is 01:37:48 And there's lots of good back to school deals. Already. Yeah. You know, keep a lookout for your flyers. Because, you know, there's a lot of good deals in there. You need to get your duo tags. Yes. Your pens that have all three colors of ink.
Starting point is 01:38:03 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, boy. Full scap paper Half scap Half scap Quarter scap It's fool scap You fool
Starting point is 01:38:11 You need reinforcement You need Oh yeah Taps Taps Oh you need a Pencil case That has three holes
Starting point is 01:38:18 So you can put it In the binder You need You need a compass For stabbing You need a scientific calculator Yes Yes Oh boy I do like back to school shopping Yeah You need a compass for stabbing. You need a scientific calculator. Yes. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 01:38:27 I do like back-to-school shopping. You need whiteout. A new backpack. Uh-huh. Maybe with your favorite cartoon character on it. Oh, yeah. A fresh lunch bag. Yeah, my Fritz the Cat backpack and my heavy metal lunch sack. pencil crayon yes you need uh yeah what's the
Starting point is 01:38:52 what's the last name in pencil crayons in canada is it laurence laurence yeah i was gonna say faber castell but i i don't know what they make you need need a wooden ruler, but not one with the metal strip in it, because those are banned. Oh, no, I would get a plastic, yellow plastic guy that has the little bump in the middle for turning, for putting my pen in and spinning it. Yeah. You need charcoals to do your nudes. And, you know those all those things so keep an eye on your flyers hey everyone listening if you're still listening head on over to check out the episode recap pictures and videos of things we talked about on today's episode, Judgment Night. Yeah. Volvos.
Starting point is 01:39:45 Trust me. Ice tea. A lot of ice. Yeah, yeah. Ice tea and ice cubes. You know, radio. Nutty Club. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:55 Nutty Club. Ramps. We're not posting pictures of ramps. Only stairs. Yeah, stairs. We're an ableist podcast. But I thought we were woke.
Starting point is 01:40:10 Uh-uh. You found out we weren't. We were yoked. Sleepy time, boys. Huh? Woke boys. Oh, I get it. I get it.
Starting point is 01:40:18 All right. Well, everybody, thanks for listening. If you like the show, please tell your friends and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself.

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