Stop Podcasting Yourself - Episode 603

Episode Date: October 7, 2019

No guest this week as we take time to remember grampa, and talk about Eric Clapton, New Brunswick, and flying in the middle seat....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi, he's Dave Shumka and he's Graham Clark and together we host Stop Podcasting Yourself. Woo! Hello everybody and welcome to episode number 603 of Stop Podcasting Yourself. My name's Graham Clark and with me as always is a man who's feeling a little under the weather. The whole clan's feeling under the weather. Mr. Dave Shumka. Yeah, sick family. Sick day.
Starting point is 00:00:38 We're recording this at home. Margot has missed two days of school now. But she's caught up on two days of The View. True. So Annette's worth something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, she's caught up on two days of the view so and that's worth something yeah yeah yeah um she's she really likes megan mccain well she's the most kind of child friendly yeah she's the most muppety yeah people would say joy bayhart people would say whoopi goldberg yeah i mean uh what i wouldn't give for a muppet version of the view i bet they do and they call it the um the u and the letter u yeah yeah yeah yeah that's pretty good
Starting point is 00:01:11 that would be a parody so lost like it's like who would that be for for it'd be for me basically well basically i i don't know there was a lot of um like i remember they did a version of let it be that was letter b yeah it was i i mean i guess kids like the beatles sure but uh at a certain point these are just for the grown-ups yeah yeah the funny thing like uh should we get to know us? Yeah. Get to know us. The past guest, Charlie Demers, was a voice on a show that was based all on Beatles music. Yeah, still is. Yeah. But when you watch the show, you're like, I have no problem imagining that these songs were written for kids.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Right. Like, there's not a lot of stuff in there that, like, a kid couldn't sing along to. I mean, they do. I thought Charlie was joking when he said they did a version of Why Don't We Do It In The Road that was about traffic safety. And there is a version, there's a song in one of the episodes, this show is called Beat Bugs. Yeah. If you're, if you don't have Netflix. There's one called, there's one where they all get captured by a guy who's got no friends and he won't let them leave. And they're stuck in like jam.
Starting point is 00:02:42 And he's singing, say the word and you'll be free uh it's like they have to come up with the word the word is love i uh i watched i don't watch a couple episodes but i watched one where it was no nowhere man he was uh he was a worm that uh that hung out by himself that's uh speaking of children's music nowhere man is a song that used to make abby cry when she was a kid she's like sad it's yeah yeah he's got uh you know nowhere nothing to do yeah or i i always get it confused with the fool on the hill i don't think i know the fool on the hill day after day alone on a hill a man with a foolish grin is keeping perfectly still well maybe is that white album is that like later maybe it's magical mystery tour but that might be nowhere man no nowhere man i feel
Starting point is 00:03:36 i don't know i don't know i was watching a documentary about eric clapton oh yeah yesterday Eric Clapton yesterday. And... The birds. Nope. Yardbirds? The Yardbirds. Yeah. He like, he unceremoniously quit like three bands. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Without telling the members.
Starting point is 00:03:55 He just joined a new band. What a dick. Is Eric Clapton a dick? Oh, totally. Yeah. And there was like a... He was... And there was like a, he was, when George Harrison's wife, Patty Boyd, was married to George Harrison, there were like eight years where Eric Clapton would call her up every day and say, are you leaving him yet for me? There's something about that era of music that like, I don't hear those type of stories about the current like post
Starting point is 00:04:27 2000 there's not like a lot of stories like that but there's like a ton of stories like that rock and roll starts from the 70s yeah and just like I watched it because I was like I don't like the blues I feel
Starting point is 00:04:44 like I find him so boring except for like five great songs. Yeah. But maybe his life was interesting. Was it? Yeah. And he was super on drugs and alcohol. And there was this thing that was like they kind of glossed over it when he was super drunk. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:06 He like had this racist rant on stage oh yeah and he would have been canceled today totally but like they kind of gloss over it and i i wasn't really paying attention because it was like a minute of the thing when i was doing other stuff and uh i went and so i just googled uh eric clapton n word i i didn't even google the word yeah and he didn't say it but he did say because i just assumed that that was the word he used yeah but it wasn't that it was just like a long like drawn out on stage rant about if you're not white go back go where go back where you came from jesus britain is white keep britain white wow yeah i the thing about uh man i shot the sheriffs pretty good oh wait he didn't write yeah he didn't write that he uh it was the whole thing about him when i was uh growing up is that he released that unplugged album that was the first time i ever heard of him and i was like i don't care for this
Starting point is 00:06:13 and uh and then he had a song about cocaine and i was like huh like they're not even trying to you know it's not a lucy in the sky with diamonds or anything just like literally like cocaine yeah and like what if it was a song about heroin but he's like no but i'm gonna say cocaine but and he's like it's the famous recording of it is the live one yeah and the whole audience goes okay yeah what a cool decade yeah yeah it definitely like i can see why so many filmmakers and stuff make movies set during that time because everything's filthy it was before power wash or something that's true so it's like everything's very textured you know but it's like uh yeah just like it feels like it was before uh people were like oh yeah you shouldn't uh you shouldn't do that it feels
Starting point is 00:07:15 like it was the last decade where people were doing crazy shit and then the 80s was like a lot of paying back for that bad behavior oh yeah the 80s was don't do drugs. It was don't do drugs. Say no to drugs. And there was, you know, like a lot of the AIDS epidemic. And there was a lot of things that in the 70s, if they existed, the 70s wouldn't have been as freaky, I guess. Yeah, sure. But the 70s seems really freaky. Yeah, they were a freaky, I guess. Yeah, sure. But the 70s seems really freaky.
Starting point is 00:07:46 Yeah, they were a freaky time. It was a one-long, like, Freaky Friday came out in the 70s. It was the first time that, like, the culture at large was really experimenting with body swapping. Yeah, from wife swapping to body swapping. It was quite the decade. But, yeah, like, it's so funny too like uh that there was actually a time when one of those vans that had like you know the the spray painted like a pegasus on the side or whatever like that was my whole life that was a punchline
Starting point is 00:08:22 yeah but like there was a time when it was like. There's now a bar in town that is styled that way. Oh, really? Like it's got the van doors on it. Oh, cool. And it's got like, I don't know about the inside. But I think it's like shag carpeting and bench seats. I'm not entirely sure.
Starting point is 00:08:40 The windows can't all be like diamond shape, right? Yeah, probably legally. You have to have some square windows what's it called uh uh i want to say it's called the boogie van that's a great that's a great name for a bar great theme for a bar i like a themed bar you know that um and i'll have to check this out it'll become my although it's hard to make a theme bar your local, you know? Yeah. Like, a theme bar is, like, fun to check out once in a while. But would you go to the Boogie Van every week? Maybe.
Starting point is 00:09:12 Maybe. Hmm. It seems to be called Boogie Van, but it's part of another restaurant. I'm confused. Anyway. So, like, in the Eric clapton documentary uh what bar is a uh the back of one oh cool yeah it's pretty cool like the actual bar itself and there's like sci-fi fantasy i love it i love paintings on the wall yeah it looks good yes about eric clapton You there? Did he, was he like famous as a guy in bands or did he become famous once he went solo?
Starting point is 00:09:51 He was. Yeah, it was all like, he was one of these kind of mythical talents. Right. Where he was like, you know, he was the best blues guitarist in Southern England. um you know he was the best blues guitarist in southern england it does when you put it that way it does seem like a low bar like like who uh who else yeah well it was like all the all the famous bands from the time were from up north yeah and so but that can't be right like aren't the um rolling stones like london yeah yeah i think so i'm not sure but he was like the best guy who wasn't who wouldn't like sell out
Starting point is 00:10:35 right like the yardbirds put out a hit song and he left the band right joined the blues breakers and then formed cream because they were just crazy good musicians. But they had hits, and then they were fighting, and so he left and played with other people. Right. Is he in Faces? No. No, okay.
Starting point is 00:10:55 And then Derek and the Dominoes. So he was in a bunch of bands that didn't have his name on them. Right. And then just like... And then eventually he was like um got an acoustic guitar yeah yeah yeah i don't need you guys i'll i'll do was he the first the first big unplugged yeah i remember i got like a best of mtv unplugged album by the way there's no guest this week um a best of mtv unplugged cd and he wasn't the first ever no no but like but like the big because there were only like a handful of big
Starting point is 00:11:34 ones yeah there was that and then nirvana maybe that was it maybe lauren hill yeah i remember Yeah. I remember Dennis Leary did one. But they did, he said the first, or one of the first bands that showed up to do it was Squeeze. Oh, yeah. And they brought electric guitars. They didn't get it. No one explained it to them. So they had to go to a music store and buy a bunch of acoustic guitars. And they hadn't practiced doing acoustic.
Starting point is 00:12:11 Oh, man. Just imagine being the clerk working that day squeeze walks in uh we need a bunch of acoustic guitars what's your return policy like what's the best guitar I can return tomorrow? Yeah, the, I haven't watched, I think I watched a music documentary. I did, I watched a music documentary about the guy who wrote the Lion Sleeps Tonight. A whim away? A whim away, yeah. From Away Luggage? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:48 It's written by a guy. Like, it's not an old folk song. Okay. You know what I mean? Like, it hasn't been passed down through. No one's tallying any bananas about this thing. No, yeah, yeah. Yeah, he wrote it. And then, but like, when it came to America, people thought that it was like a folk song.
Starting point is 00:13:03 It does have that feel. Yeah. And then, so he never got any royalties off of all the versions of it so they thought oh so everyone was just like yeah traditional yeah traditional we don't owe any money exactly we can just everybody can record it wow yeah and then the documentary was about a guy trying to get the disney to oh is it in the lion king yeah yeah uh why uh that's a fair question because it's not a jukebox musical and it's not in the jungle or do they sing it in the jungle part is there they sing the whim away part i know that but like but do they sing it on the Savannah? Hmm.
Starting point is 00:13:47 Hmm. That's a good question. That's right. It does take place mostly in the Savannah. Yeah. Hmm. Is the Timon and Pumbaa part technically the jungle? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Well, they seem, yeah. I've only seen the 2019 version. And I haven't seen it. So I don't know. I don't know what takes place where. I watched a bit of the updated Aladdin on the plane. Oh, boy. No part of that worked, you know?
Starting point is 00:14:17 We've been watching the original. Yeah. Great. It's dicey. But it's a career-defining role for Robin Williams. For Scott Weiner, the voice of Aladdin. It's also, before Robin Williams, I don't think anyone, well, I might be wrong about this. I'm by no means a Disney file.
Starting point is 00:14:42 I don't think the actors and singers were the same person. Oh, yeah, that's probably true. In general. Yeah. But Robin Williams sang the songs and did the acting. It was a triple threat. And then I... He could dance as well.
Starting point is 00:14:58 But then, yeah, like all the new ones are, you know, Kristen Bell and Mandy Moore and... Yeah, yeah, yeah. new ones are, you know, Kristen Bell and Mandy Moore and... Yeah, yeah, yeah. Adele Nazeem. Is, uh, yeah, yeah. I don't, because I went to a restaurant once, and there was, you know, like, signed headshots on the wall. Uh-huh. And there was a signed headshot from the guy who did the voice of Jiminy Cricket.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Sure. Yeah, exactly. But I wonder if he, I wonder if he sang. Oh, yeah. I don't know about like, I have no idea about any of that old, old, especially the old timey stuff. Yeah. But I feel like in the old times, like you couldn't be an entertainer that just did one thing. Like you.
Starting point is 00:15:44 There was no such thing as a single threat yeah yeah you had to so i feel like if you were doing voiceovers they would be like okay now sing this song in c minor and you would just know how to well it's like if you uh like now there's people who are just famous for being famous yeah uh the The idea of, I guess, like, Zsa Zsa Gabor was kind of that. Yeah, but I think she could act. She was the sister of Ava Gabor. And was Ava Gabor the one that could act? Well, she was on Green Acres.
Starting point is 00:16:15 Oh, okay. I think. I might be getting all these details wrong. I don't care about black and white TV shows. I never saw a second of Green Acres. But I know, so, so like especially back then it must have been tough for like uh you know fred astaire singing dancing and acting yeah like i i couldn't get a reservation because of jaja gabor yeah i mean no talent like zero threat yeah because uh even like i was reading uh an autobiography by wc field uh-huh and uh he like juggled he was like one of the best jugglers in america and he could
Starting point is 00:16:58 also do trick pool shots and uh and then he was also hilarious like so he could do that was but that was what you needed to have an act like you couldn't just be hilarious and you couldn't just be good at pool shots how could you what like what's on his rider he traveled he traveled by train with a pool table but how did it was it on an like how did he show the audience was the audience all above him that's a good that's a very good question i never thought maybe there was a mirror involved oh that makes sense yeah but like also imagine going to like going out on a friday and like oh there's a guy who can do pool shots that would be great though yeah it would like that's what america's got talent yes should be they should disqualify singers yeah no singers uh only a dance group if they've got a
Starting point is 00:17:57 really sad story yep uh and then yeah just like weird. That like, I want to do a show in Vegas because I can do this thing no one's ever seen before. Yeah. Like, I like, I like the idea of a vaudeville show of like going and then seeing like the pool trick shots, then like a monologue, uh, you know, written by Abraham Lincoln. And then a monologue uh but you know written by abraham lincoln and then a monologue written by abraham lincoln oh hi there i didn't see you yeah four score and seven beers ago and then uh you know some uh sword swallowing some knife throwing you know fire uh and then just round it all out with like what would be what would be the headliner of a show like that i guess pool pool tricks yeah um yeah it's a weird
Starting point is 00:18:56 it's like a weird wild stuff man yeah well in the in aladdin it's it of, I mean, the first like 10 minutes, you're like, this movie's canceled. Because like in the first song, they're like, isn't it barbaric over here? Yeah. And then they go to the bazaar and it's like, these people, they're all sword swallowers and walking on fire and lying on beds of nails. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:24 Yeah. I mean, was there a time when that was what the market was i mean how would how would i know would i read a book about this maybe a guy yeah that's true there probably was just the one guy but everybody was like this is going to be part of the stereotype forever. I'm just imagining like, okay, well, the brainstorming session. Yeah. We got a sword swallowing guy. We got a snake charmer.
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yeah. Yeah. Totally. That would be a great headlining set. Guy that charms snakes. I haven't seen that on America's Got Talent. Not sure it's a real thing that people actually ever do. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:10 Yeah. Like seems really dangerous. Yeah. Indiana Jones was not a fan of it. Yes. Yes. Correct. Did not like snakes.
Starting point is 00:20:20 If he was one of the judges. Uh, what do you think indiana um dr jones dr jones um so uh how's it going what's going on well guys it's gonna be we did some goofing around and we hope you enjoyed it but this is going to be a sad little bit uh because um we had to put down my beloved dog grandpa yeah he was 15 years old um so yeah so so uh this isn't gonna be the whole show we'll talk about it for a little while. But yeah, we're going to talk about it for a bit. Feel free to interrupt. It's still a show. It's still a comedy show.
Starting point is 00:21:13 But we had to put him to sleep. He was 15 and his health problems just kind of piled up. Yeah. And he had this infected tooth. Yeah. And if we corrected it, like if we we would have to put him to sleep to to we wouldn't the vet would yeah yeah yeah that would be very rude of the vet to be like you bring him already yeah you want a discount on this so we can
Starting point is 00:21:39 you bring him already knocked out yeah and then we'll take care of the tooth uh so yeah they would have to pull the tooth and even then like there's no guarantee he would recover right and if he recovered it would take a while and he wouldn't be 100 of what he was and what he was was only a shadow of what he used to be anyway and he like it it also wouldn't correct his like breathing problems and digestion and he was having seizures as well so so we um yeah so we decided that we should uh put him to sleep very hard to it is and they like you only ever hear people say like i just we waited too long No one's ever like, we did it too soon. Yeah. But I mean, God, it's so hard. Yeah. You know, my parents had to put down their dog a couple of years ago.
Starting point is 00:22:37 Same thing, you know, just like mounting problems. And like, it's like you say nobody ever uh yeah nails it like this was the exact right time it was it's always like oh yeah yeah or well i mean i guess you could nail it if it's like he's super healthy and then one day he's just like uh got inoperable right something yeah yeah uh yeah but it's so Yeah, but it's tough. It must have been so tough on you to decide because it's like, do we wait another week? Yeah, so we got the diagnosis that that's what he needed. That was going to be the surgery.
Starting point is 00:23:21 And well, first, we brought him in and we've been bringing him in like once a week lately because he would just have like a lump show up and we'd be like is this lump okay and they'd be like yeah it's just a fatty lump or like we'd be feeling him and his stomach would just be crooked right like one side would be really hard and packed and the other side would feel normal right and they would say it's just another fatty lump but it's just like it's totally healthy but it's just it's just this is what's happened yeah he's just what he is now yeah uh so we brought him in because he wasn't eating and they and we he wouldn't let us look at his teeth so we brought him in and they were like
Starting point is 00:24:02 yeah it looks like his tooth is infected. We'll give him antibiotics for a week. We'll probably have to pull it after that. And so we started feeding him like canned food, wet food. Yeah. He'd never had it before and he loved it. Yeah. It's gross.
Starting point is 00:24:21 It's so gross. Anything that gross, a dog's going to like. Yeah. Want to eat it, roll around in it. Yeah. Yeah. Just want to be in it 100%. And yeah, so we did a week of that. We brought him back and they said, yeah, it looks like we're going to have to pull the tooth.
Starting point is 00:24:36 So we can fit him in on this day, but let us know what you want to do. So we talked it over and then we gave him like another week so we could just like like alicia was here last week and we wanted her to be able to see him one more time and um abby's parents were visiting for margo's birthday we wanted them to see him one more time uh and then we had to decide like we don't want to do it on margo's birthday And we had to decide, like, we don't want to do it on Margo's birthday. No, that's probably a good call. And then Margo's birthday party was on the Saturdays. So we didn't want to do it that day.
Starting point is 00:25:11 So we had to do it in between. And, yeah, so we picked that day. And I'm sure it's like, it's probably hard for people to hear this because they, you know, they, they just know him as this goofy dog that I had with a goofy name. But, um, uh, and like you, he's my Twitter avatar and it hasn't changed like 12 years. Yeah. Yeah. So, uh, you just think of him as this four year old dog, but, uh, yeah. You just think of him as this four-year-old dog.
Starting point is 00:25:50 But yeah, seeing him deteriorate over time was, it was not that sudden for us. No, yeah. But yeah, so it would have been nice if the vet was like, this is your option. You have to put him down. But they really just put the ball in our court. Yeah. option you have to put them down but they really just put the ball in our court yeah but i mean i guess that's like maybe that's like something that vets have to do like they have to give you the choice even if the choice is like you could spend fifty thousand dollars or um um so yeah it was uh we we've like that the last few days were kind of hard to
Starting point is 00:26:26 hang out with him yeah because knowing what we knew and although he was like he wasn't ever since he had his eye removed a few years ago and he went deaf and he just like his activity went way down he sleeps so long like you couldn't really like the dog that you wanted to say goodbye to wasn't there anymore yeah so yeah yeah it was just a weird like let's you know go to dairy queen and give him a some some wet food from dairy some wet food an ice cream cone yeah like just fed him all the the stuff he shouldn't have yeah um yeah so we uh yeah so that last few days wasn't like meaningful time with him or anything no it's just like let's uh let's let's have some people say goodbye to him if they want yeah i always wonder like, cause you know, dogs and cats, they say really pick up on, uh, body language and, uh, and that kind of thing.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I wonder if they sense something is about to happen. Yeah. I don't know. Like, is it, or, you know, not that they would know what is going to happen, but they know that everyone's sad around them. Yeah. All of a sudden people are petting him for longer or, you know, maybe tolerating his horrible farts. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, um, well, it was like he, because of this infection, there was like, his breath was so bad.
Starting point is 00:28:02 Yeah. The last few days. And people were like, I'd love to give you like, like we're giving him a little hug and, uh, walk away and be like, he smells so bad. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like different than his normal bad smell. It like sticks with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yeah. I do wonder that like about death, death and dying in general is what is the smell situation um because you know i like i feel like i i smell terrible after an eight hour plane ride i can't imagine days in a and on a in a hospital yeah you know what i mean oh i do feel bad like you think of all these little kids who are like i love animals i want to be a vet and you think about like how much of their job is just putting animals yeah yeah also being a vet lots of school lots of school you gotta go to it's not the same it's not the same as being you know just getting a bachelor's you gotta go get that extra time yeah yeah it's not just being a dog walker yeah you want to be a dog walker is
Starting point is 00:29:05 what you want to be yeah or you want to be the person that's at uh you know marine land feeding seals i think they have a lot of school too oh yeah oh maybe i guess i'm thinking of just like the trainers yeah yeah i'm just thinking like somebody who goes in with a bucket of fish oh the slot bucket guy yeah yeah yeah so on the day we went to the vet and uh there's an empty parking lot we parked in and we were early so we gave him a nice walk around yeah uh which we haven't done in years just like abby the dog and i walking around yeah of course walking around and so we um so that was very nice and like it's it sucks when you're like he's like oh he's actually enjoying this walk he's really got to skip in his step or spring in his step and it's like oh maybe we should yeah maybe but i guess what do you want
Starting point is 00:30:01 to like have his last day be a terrible day when he's dragging his body around. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, it's so hard. Yeah, I mean, that's why they don't really book the day off. Yeah. But yeah, it's like. Actually, could we get him in by two o'clock?
Starting point is 00:30:20 I have to get an acoustic guitar this afternoon. Me and my dumb band Squeeze. It's a weird thing to make an appointment for. It's weird because then everything is counting down to that. Well, it was also like, yeah, we have this appointment to have his tooth pulled. We'd like to change that appointment. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And they're very understanding about that. And like, yeah, like just the whole process, because the people who work there, they must see a lot of people come in with their yeah their pets that are they know they're gonna put them down so that's gonna be very well we go so we walked them and we went in and uh they have it they've got a procedure for it so like you we had decided what we wanted to do already like but they have options of like do you want to get the ashes back do you want like a paw print the plate that we can make for you right oh well and we were like we've had plenty of opportunities to make this yeah we took a hundred thousand pictures of him yeah that's true. He's a very well documented dog.
Starting point is 00:31:45 Yes. But you go in, you pay up front so you can just leave when you're done. You don't have to be weeping while you're Oh my div, it's not working. It's not a tap.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And also, if it didn't work, if the payment didn't go through, would they be like, okay, well get out of here yeah yeah yeah um we can get you to wash some dishes in the back yeah um yeah i don't uh yeah i guess in in that way it's very much like the same kind of procedures that like a funeral home would yeah yeah so you go in with him and they've got like a bunch of urns if you would like him uh if you would like to get the ashes back and they've got the the paw print plate on display uh and then you you can decide we had already decided but they were like just in case you change your mind here's here are the options that mother of pearl urn looks really good yeah uh but we went with just uh
Starting point is 00:32:50 we're not going to spread the ashes anywhere no uh no it's okay yeah yeah yeah i mean yeah some people would want to i guess you know and um yeah and and like uh i imagine there's people who would like you know there are there's like pet cemeteries oh totally you know people would buy a headstone yeah um spooky what i know about pet cemeteries spooky spooky stuff yeah and they're spelled wrong they spell with an s well that's the one that you don't go in. Oh, is that right? Yeah, that's how you know. Huh. So I, yeah, so we went and they give him a shot to just knock him out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And they give him another shot to stop his heart. And we were there like right next to him and it was very fast and very smooth. And we were crying. Of course. And then we walk out and say goodbye. And because they let you like stay in the room with him as long as you want okay we were like we don't really want to be around a like it very seemed very much like the separation between a live dog and a dead dog like yeah yeah it seemed like okay well we've we've gotten everything we need to out of being in this room. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:07 And so we left and we were crying and Abby was like, well, let's go back to the car and I get it if you don't want to drive right now. We can just stay in the car. And by then the parking lot that was empty when we got there was so full. Right. And I was like, I am not going to just cry in a parking lot in front of everyone. Yeah. fall right and i was like i am not gonna just cry in a parking lot in front of everyone yeah so let's drive somewhere find somewhere like secluded that we can go make out that we can go cry let's go to crying point yes weepers plane yeah um and then uh i drove a couple blocks found a spot and and by that point it had passed it was like
Starting point is 00:34:46 losing a sneeze right yeah that's the funny thing about a cry yeah once your mind goes into the driving safe driving yeah you're just like well i'll see you later and it will it'll come up at the weirdest time yeah yeah, yeah, exactly. So, yeah, now it's very weird to be in a house without a dog. Because it's been not only this house, but previous houses. Well, we didn't go back to the other house to see if he was there. No, but he's been with you through so many life changes. And there's like a place he would always sleep um right by the stairs and just passing by there and not smelling a fart yeah it's very strange do you want me to sit there
Starting point is 00:35:31 and fart no i'm good like yours are not the like his were special mine are special no not to me uh and just like you would hear his nails on the wood floor yeah yeah and you and sometimes i'll hear like a button in the washing machine sure clicking and i'm like oh oh that's not that sound so it's it's a little bit of just like withdrawal yeah right now but it's phantom dog phantom dog but it's it's nice to not have to worry about what's like any poo in the backyard yeah yeah what what are your uh kids do they they are no help at all they because they never cared about him at all right they were he was an old piece of furniture by the time they were up and interacting with the world. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:28 And so, but then the day, like, as we were about to leave, Marco goes, are you taking Grandpa to the vet? And he's going to go to sleep and never come back? And we were like, what are you doing to us? Like, we had explained what was happening. Yeah. But they were, and they were like okay sure but then they're now they're just like torturing us like poppy every day now poppy says
Starting point is 00:36:53 where's grandpa and we'll say he's he's you know where he is and she says yeah he died jeez thanks kids yeah so thanks for that um but uh yeah so it was very hard uh and we haven't put anything on the internet yet at the time of recording this right so but yeah i think abby's going to so thank you to everyone who will have written nice things sure Sure. Um, and yeah, he was, he was the best dog and I really, uh, like we had, I've never really owned a dog. We had one in my family for about a year.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Yeah. Growing up and just having them for 15 years and, uh, walking them every day and like his routine of every morning he used to sleep on the floor and then at five in the morning he'd wake me up to go outside. Yeah. And then he'd hop in our bed and spoon with me
Starting point is 00:37:52 until I got up. And then we, he had so much energy before, like. Yeah. Yeah. He was a real rascal. He would play at the,
Starting point is 00:38:01 but he'd chase down his Frisbee for an hour every day. And he like, we used to have to take him for the vet because his, he would play, he'd chase down his frisbee for an hour every day. And he, like, we used to have to take him to the vet because his, he would just, like, go too hard. He would throw at his shoulder, like, exercising too hard. That's what Grandpa and I share. Yeah. Yeah. And, like, if you listen to the earlier episodes of this show, we talk about him always.
Starting point is 00:38:26 When the guests got here, he had these like large stuffed animals that he would bring out and hump in front of the guests. That's right. Yeah. He was a real horndog. The floor show, he called it. And then he would just chew on them for hours and just like knead, like a cat kneading dough, just massaging yeah his stuffed animals i remember that but he
Starting point is 00:38:48 was yeah so he was so sweet and charming and he was like great around other dogs and if there were dogs fighting he would get in the middle and just like lie on his back and show everyone his belly yeah check this out guys such a cool calming temperament yeah he was so dumb like he never missed the chance to drink seawater um but yeah he was just a sweet wonderful dog and uh yeah we miss him yeah oh yeah some too if you um, if you want to like look at pictures of them or anything, there's a ton on my Instagram on Abby's Instagram, which is Abby Shumka, I think.
Starting point is 00:39:33 And, uh, Abby used to run this Tumblr that was everybody loves Grandpa is spelt G-R-A-M-P-A. Uh, and I was looking through those and there's like literally tens of thousands of pictures yeah yeah yeah like it was very well as well documented as josh akabor yes he had a wonderful life and he was well loved for uh all of it and uh yeah it's uh it's sad but
Starting point is 00:40:01 and if you have a pet out there, you know, go play with it. Yeah, go squeeze it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So, yes, this concludes the sad portion. Yeah, it was very well said, though. Very, yeah. And I'm sorry. I'm glad that you guys are okay.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And, you know, I know that that's a very, like, it's a very hard thing to do. And no matter what the stage is, it's a very hard thing to do and no no matter what the stage is it's a very hard thing to do so thank you um uh what what's uh what's up what's going on with you uh i uh i had to end also how are you gonna maneuver out of this um watch me uh i uh had to travel to canada's east coast again again this time to new brunswick right uh which is a province i had never been to before really yeah you have you been no okay all right i've haven't been i. I've only been to Nova Scotia of our easternmost provinces. Yeah. I'm slowly making my way through them.
Starting point is 00:41:12 What have you been to? You've been to PEI. No. PEI I've never been to. Been to Newfoundland. Been to Nova Scotia. Have you been to Labrador? I have not been to Labrador.
Starting point is 00:41:21 But you've been to Newfoundland and Labrador. Yeah. And I've been to now New Brunswick. Uh-huh. And it's- What else is left? PEI? PEI.
Starting point is 00:41:30 That's it. Yeah. And maybe someday. Maybe someday I'll get to see the red sand that they have. The red dirt that they have. Dirt. Yeah. Mud red.
Starting point is 00:41:42 They've got red dirt and they've got potatoes. They grow potatoes in their red dirt And they've got potatoes They grow potatoes In their red dirt Yeah Are the potatoes red? Maybe They've got red dirt And green gables
Starting point is 00:41:51 They've got green gables And That Those are the two big things They've got Maybe lobster I feel like everybody Out there has lobster
Starting point is 00:42:00 Yeah Is Stompin' Tom Connors From there? Nobody did write A song called Bud the Spud bud the spud by the spud right yeah red mud um yeah no i'm where's stomping tom from all over uh i think he's from all over i was reading his wikipedia page and he left home at 13.
Starting point is 00:42:22 And he left home at 13. Well, he was from Charles Dickens time. Yeah. But just like he was, he wasn't from a time when that would happen. No. Yeah. But he was the type of guy that that would happen too. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Was he born in the twenties, thirties? Yeah. Cause he died in 2006 or something. Am I going to Stompin' Tom's Wikipedia page? Absolutely, you are. I mean, it's already my homepage. Mm-hmm. He, for listeners who may. 1936, so he left home in 1949 1949 weird yeah yeah and he like uh it was just
Starting point is 00:43:12 like this very colorful red potato yeah yeah he was just a real strange character and the reason that he's called stomp and tom is he brought a' Tom is he brought a board. But before he brought a board, he used to kick a hole through whatever stage he was playing. And then in, I think it was in Peterborough, somebody was like, you better bring a board. Like, you're not kicking a hole into my stage. And it was just a waiter
Starting point is 00:43:37 in Petersborough that gave him that nickname. He was just Tom Connors before. And the waiter was like, what about Tom Stompin' Connors? And then he was like, nope, close. It's a good, like, it would be a good wrestling nickname. Yeah. He could have been a wrestler.
Starting point is 00:43:53 I think. Yeah. He probably, he had kind of, he was kind of Canada's Forrest Gump. He kind of was. Bunch of jobs. And then wrote songs about every one of them. Yeah. And he wrote a lot of songs about
Starting point is 00:44:06 specifically about canada about well his most famous song is about hockey yep and then he's got you know songs about drinking your sudbury saturday nights yep and uh he had drove his own tour bus and uh he was when conan did like a week of shows from toronto he was the musical guest uh and i'm sure he had no idea who conan o'brien was or what was you know it's just another gig he he returned his junos that he won because he didn't feel that they represented Canada Oh Good for him Yeah he didn't fuck around I'd like to see past guests Dave Merhaj and Ivan Decker Return their Junos Do we have any other past guests that have Junos?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Maybe Steve Bays Maybe Steve Bays maybe Craig Northey Yeah maybe Hoxley Workman yeah maybe yep um look at our catalog they're they're all they're all
Starting point is 00:45:11 deserving yep yep uh but yeah uh so went out to the but they don't represent Canada for whatever or whatever or whatever reason anyway you went to New Brunswick
Starting point is 00:45:23 the birthplace of Stomp-a-Domp Connors. Is that where he's born? Well, according to his Wikipedia. A lot of people, or by reputation, New Brunswick is like they say, it's the drive-thru province. Or that it's that. And I guess maybe it was like 20 years ago or something. Is it an island?
Starting point is 00:45:47 Or is it attached to land? I think it's attached to land and, uh, but it's on the coast. Sorry to my grade three teacher, social studies teacher. But, uh, a lot of people say that it was not a pretty place.
Starting point is 00:46:02 It's very nice. Yeah. It's a, you know, this time of year, the foliage, changing colors, gorgeous. Yeah. Sweet November. But as is the case with a lot of these small towns or smaller towns, I was going to the town called St. John. That's the birthplace of Stompin' Tom Connors.
Starting point is 00:46:24 St. John, New Brunswick. Mm-hmm. going to uh the town called saint john that's the birthplace of stomping tom connor's saint john new brunswick um it uh is uh like i guess maybe it was manufacturing at some point they still have plants there um that are like uh mccain foods yeah mcc Foods. I think there's like a Popsicle warehouse. You know, like Popsicle brand Popsicles. Oh, boy. What if the power goes out? It'll be a flood. It's well insulated.
Starting point is 00:46:56 But like everybody there is like super duper friendly. So walking down the street, like people are not only saying hello, but they're like trying to engage you in some sort of banter. And Vancouver is very, not like that. No. And I'm from Calgary, which is kind of middle ground in that way.
Starting point is 00:47:21 Like you will say hello to somebody when you pass by them, but you don't engage in some sort of right well you're not from around here and do do do do do do yeah yeah i heard a lot of that but i first of all i didn't i kind of didn't clock that of course i don't have a maritime accent and so everybody knows that i'm not from there can you do a maritime accent uh no i mean i know they say bye for as in like fella yeah and uh they say car for car yeah bye bye is boy yeah but they call someone that you would call your friend a bye a bye yeah and uh A bye.
Starting point is 00:48:01 A bye. Yeah. And, uh, it's like buddy. Yeah. Yeah. Like buddy or man. Um,
Starting point is 00:48:09 but, uh, they say, um, uh, D diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly diddly didd the cruise the cruise ships park at St. John and everybody gets off so the the town also was
Starting point is 00:48:28 flooded with people from Boston oh yeah yeah so a lot of a lot of fun accents going on
Starting point is 00:48:35 where do I get the popsicles where's your popsicles show me your historic popsicle factory and yeah like i went and ate uh dinner at a place and then the what's the uh vegetarian situation it was really good yeah there was a a vegetarian restaurant like right near the hotel so you were there for the debaters. I'm assuming. Yeah. Yeah. CBC radios,
Starting point is 00:49:05 the debaters. Um, and I, so he ate at this vegetarian restaurant and then the, the waiter was like instantly clocked me as an out of towner and started giving me the rundown. Trying to get your names. You should call your beardy Graham Clark.
Starting point is 00:49:22 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Big city Clark. Um, you should call your beardy graham clark yeah yeah yeah big city clark um he gave me so many recommendations of things to do and then i didn't ask i didn't say like oh boy what am i gonna do like he he said what are you gonna do with the afternoon i was like i don't know go back to the hotel and nap yeah uh but he said go check out the new brunswick museum and i was like all right so i did my friend works
Starting point is 00:49:49 there yeah i went to the new brunswick museum and there were entire exhibits where i was the only person there just walking through there was no guards there was nobody saying don't touch things you touched them i touched a bunch of stuff a bunch of boats what's in their boats yeah there's a whole exhibit about boats exhibit about whales ah uh the boats of the natural world sure and um a cod uh yeah there was some stuff about fishing there was some stuff about i skipped over the minerals section. Oh, Graham, you fool. That was my, when I went to, um, uh, when I was like 12 and I went to Drumheller, Alberta to the, uh, dinosaur museum. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:39 A lot of minerals in that too. Cause they're, they're focused on like the, you know, the levels of. Sediments. Sed sediment and shale and and it's like and kids who love jurassic park just came out kids are dinosaur crazy yeah let's learn about shale but at least teach me about amber yeah the uh i think there's a lot of space in a museum you got to fill it up somehow uh so why not a room full of rocks easy easy to maintain you know you know there's more where that came yeah because i feel like in museums a lot of times they fill out space with like a giant diorama right and um those can either be really great
Starting point is 00:51:27 or they just don't age very well you know you can tell like boy this was made when plaster was really yeah in in demand um so uh you know room full of rocks is easy that's timeless you never have to change that display well every million years or so yeah and uh then i went up into the there's like an art gallery on top of it so the two floors were museumy stuff and the top floor was an art gallery and there was a i was the only one up there and then there was a woman up there who i think i don't know know why, but she thought I was a docent. She just kept asking me questions like, who is this guy? And I'm like, oh, I don't know. I don't work here.
Starting point is 00:52:14 And then another couple of minutes would pass, and she'd yell from another room, like, what is this award that is? Who, me? Yeah. And she took pictures Of every Painting She would just Walk like Take a picture
Starting point is 00:52:31 Walk two feet Take another picture Walk two feet This is how I want my house I want paintings On every I want pictures of boats A lot of pictures of boats
Starting point is 00:52:40 Oh sure A lot of paintings of boats A lot of paintings Of people That were In charge of boats I mean They're pretty of boats a lot of paintings of people that were in charge of boats i mean they're pretty easy to paint like even as a kid yeah draw yeah a little like a little u-shape yeah line on top triangle yeah sails yeah there is uh you know that the one that's on the wall of the simpsons house. Yep. Yeah. That was there.
Starting point is 00:53:05 That was in this museum. Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A graining. But I think, like, I quite like the museum. But when you're by yourself, there's not the feeling like you have to kind of hang around and you can just walk right through the exhibit. It's very freeing.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Yeah. Like, you just kind of walk right through.'re like i get it boats yeah i get it room do i care about boats i don't yeah there's a big you know big model boat little model boat yeah uh paintings of boats there's a in in stockholm i think we went to this boat museum that's literally just about this one boat uh that was very what's the story with this boat i'm gonna get this wrong but i think it was just like a very um like ambitious boat that they had built and it sank in two minutes or something and so they pulled it up and built a museum around it. And it's very cool.
Starting point is 00:54:07 You can get. Oh, that's cool. The boat never got to live its destiny as a boat, but is now a museum. Yeah. Huh. Like when they make a restaurant out of a train car. When I was a kid, I went to a restaurant that used to be a boat Oh a boat
Starting point is 00:54:26 Boat-staurant And I think the novelty I want to say wore off in 12 seconds Awfully cramped in here Yeah Lots of anchors and such on the wall I get it But yeah
Starting point is 00:54:44 So it just kind of really breezed through the museum yeah that was pretty that was a nice treat um unless you like unless it's you know a fancy 35 museum oh no that was the other thing 10 bucks nice yeah but i also for some reason i thought that there was a museum dedicated to potatoes in this town and i looked it up and there was a museum dedicated to potatoes in this town. And I looked it up and there is a museum dedicated to potatoes, but it wasn't in St. John. Oh, where is it? It's kind of like in a small, like that's what the town's claim to fame. Oh, what is it? What goes on there?
Starting point is 00:55:17 I don't know, but I really wanted to go. I think it was called the World of Potatoes. Is it like, oh, I bet it's everything potato. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fries, mashed chips the shape that like oh this one kind of looks cool oh this one's folded over yeah yeah yeah this one uh yeah it kind of looks a little bit like winston churchill and then you know famous the the munchies guys are there when you got the munchies nothing else will do um you know who else is a famous potato mr pringle mr pringle i mean uh tom has a whole wing for ireland yeah yeah uh a whole section about the famine um yeah i don't uh know i have no idea
Starting point is 00:56:03 what was in it but i wanted to go and I was super bummed out to find out that it wasn't. Well, just take another. How long was your flight? Uh, it was a two flights, two flights, five hours to Toronto. And then, yeah. And then coming back, uh, my flight got delayed. So I missed my connection.
Starting point is 00:56:20 So that was five hours in the airport. Uh, yeah. 14 hours of traveling yesterday. Yesterday? Yeah, yeah. Worth it. All my troubles seem so far away. Boy, if you had an extra five hours,
Starting point is 00:56:33 you should have that five-hour layover in New Brunswick. Then you could go to that potato museum. How big an island is it? Could you have driven? I bet you. How big an island is it? How's that oh no you got the you got the accent you could pass how big an island by that's pretty good boat uh
Starting point is 00:56:54 um i uh i don't know but the the uh it's enough it's a small enough place that a lot of the cabbies only take cash and that there's a lot of restaurants that are cash only which is something you don't see in the bigger centers right and the places here that are cash only mention it five times before you sit down yeah yeah whereas this is a town where there was a lot of still, still cash. Yeah. Um, and also the cab that I got from the airport had been smoked in pretty thoroughly. Was it a big smoking town? Uh, I didn't see very many people smoking, but that was, if I only based it just on the
Starting point is 00:57:43 car ride, I'd be like, wow, New Brunswick loves cigarettes it's weird they yeah it's it's if they had discovered canada the other way like from west to east yeah like you and i might live in different provinces yeah even though we're just a few blocks away. That's true. Like they really overestimated how or underestimated how big the country was going to be. Yeah. We need to make all these small provinces. And then just all of a sudden they make a huge. Because our New Brunswick values are so different from the PEI values. That's a really good point.
Starting point is 00:58:22 That we can throw a rock to. that's a really good throw a rock too and it's the same in the states with all the like there's like you know three states along the west coast and 13 along the east coast i never thought about that that's crazy but yeah of course because everybody was like well this is as much as oh shit this destiny is pretty much manifested um yeah so it was a it's a really it's a nice town really pretty lots of old buildings there was a church for sale never seen that before how much uh i guess i didn't ask you didn't go on or whatever. That's a movie. But yeah, I've never seen that before. And their main street is super steep, which is another thing. Because usually main streets, pretty level.
Starting point is 00:59:15 Yeah. Not theirs. It's like out of breath steep. Wow. Yeah. Which is hard when what you're going for is the subway. Yeah. Which is hard when what you're going for is the subway.
Starting point is 00:59:30 And it's hard because you wear those Healy shoes. So you keep slipping down the hill. It's true. But that's my own doing. So I can't blame that on New Brunswick. No. But yeah. And also, this is a thing that I've noticed.
Starting point is 00:59:42 Uh-oh. Here it comes. Here comes your racist rant. Is that it seems like the smaller the town, the more detailed the airport bag searches. Oh. I feel like I breeze through a bigger city airport. They just throw it through the x-ray machine. But then small towns, they're pulling everything out and going deep.
Starting point is 01:00:09 I don't know why that is. Do they think that I think that their point of entry is a weak spot? Yeah, and you're trying to exploit it? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is that that they're like, well, we're the- My point of entry is a weak spot. I'll have you know. Thank you very much, sir. I get, every time I travel for the podcast,
Starting point is 01:00:31 I get a secondary search in my bag because the recorder we use, I don't know why, I use two pieces of equipment that they've never seen before and they need me to explain. Right. But one of them is the recorder. It's a Zoom H4n. Nice. two pieces of equipment that they've never seen before and they need me to explain right uh but
Starting point is 01:00:45 one of them is the recorder it's a zoom h4n nice uh and they they've never told me why but they always have to look at it and they say what is this and i say it's an audio recorder and they go up and like look under it think as if they're gonna see and then they lift up their shirt what is this that's a third nipple uh and then this most recent time going through calgary the guy said oh it looks like a taser oh so that's why it gets pulled aside i'm not allowed to taser on a plane yeah since when yeah yeah uh the thing that because this backpack that i that i had with me i also you know i give away stuff every week at the laugh gallery sometimes uh there's a silly there was a lot of silly stuff in my bag like traveling with carrot top yeah there was a and the thing that they ended up looking for was a little race car they thought that it was a knife but it was a, and the thing that they ended up looking for was a little race car.
Starting point is 01:01:48 They thought that it was a knife, but it was a little race car. Yeah. So it was very standing there watching them pull out all this silly stuff. That was kind of fun. Yeah. You know, there was the regular stuff, your toothpaste, the toothbrush and whatnot. Yeah. Your, your gallons of water that you didn't know you weren't allowed to bring on. I didn't see a sign anywhere.
Starting point is 01:02:04 I haven't, I haven't heard the news or seen a standup comedian in the last 15 years. Um, and yeah, then, uh, also I flew in a middle seat. Oh,
Starting point is 01:02:17 Graham, all the way back, all the way back. Um, and I, I think the rules are, and I'm pretty sure is that middle seat you get the armrest yeah yeah the guy on the guy on my left side had not got that memo no they never do yeah the woman on
Starting point is 01:02:34 my right she seemed to she knew right away she was she adjusted and uh by the guy on my left i think we were touching elbows the whole five hours back. So touching elbows. He didn't just take the hint. He was like, I'm not giving up this. Yeah. I'm not seeding this territory. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Like he's playing risk, but he watched the live action version of Aladdin. I was like, Oh, he's dumb. Oh, I get it. He's a stupid person.
Starting point is 01:03:01 He's just a stupid guy. So that's fine. It is cool. How you can just like pick a thing to judge someone on. And you're, you can, any conclusion you come to is completely validated if you already don't like them. Yeah,
Starting point is 01:03:16 exactly. And it's, uh, you know, I'm not in charge of a court of any sort. Uh, so it's just going on in your head. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:23 I'm just like guilty of being a dumb. And yeah. So you know what? If you happen to be on the east coast of North America Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:35 Stop into New Brunswick. Why not? Yeah. Take a cruise ship up from Boston where you parked your car in the yard
Starting point is 01:03:42 of Harvard. Go see that popsicle factory Gotta see the popsicles Gotta have them popsicles Gotta have my pops Is Popsicle Pete still a guy? I don't know I'm not sure what that is You
Starting point is 01:03:59 Is this not Have we not talked about it on this show? I guess not Popsicle Pete was In my youth He might have been like There On this show I guess not Popsicle Pete was In my youth He might have been like There might be Different eras of Popsicle Pete
Starting point is 01:04:09 But Okay Popsicle Pete in my youth Was a superhero Whose body was a popsicle Okay And his legs Were two popsicle sticks
Starting point is 01:04:16 Oh good Cause I was thinking That the popsicle stick Would be like Look like a wiener No no It's the It's the guy
Starting point is 01:04:23 It's the The kind you break in half on the countertop. Oh, yeah, yeah. On the edge of the countertop. Popsicle classic. Yeah. And he's got human arms. Right. And popsicle stick legs, I think. And. I do not, yeah, this does not ring a bell.
Starting point is 01:04:37 And then you suck him. Yeah. Until you've. Until completion. Until you can read the answer to the riddle that was written on his leg right yeah yeah um yeah i don't i remember i don't remember being advertised popsicles like i remember just like wanting them yeah like the perfect perfect product really it really is. Because, you know, what's the environmental impact? It's just a stick. It's just a stick, man.
Starting point is 01:05:10 And the wrapper. Oh, yeah, that wrapper. But there must have been a time when there were no wrappers. I feel like the wrappers were papery before. Yeah, that's right. Like a waxy paper. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Now they're maybe even plastic. Come on, Popsicle. Go back to the old days. Yeah. Now they're maybe even plastic. Come on, Popsicle. Go back to the old days. Yeah. Make Popsicle great again. And my favorite thing when I was a kid was the, you would get a Popsicle that was supposed to look like a pop culture thing. And it would look, it just looked like a smushed.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Yeah. Like an amateur made it. Yeah. Like a picture, like a child's drawing of a boat yeah it would be like a ghostbuster symbol and you'd be like with gumballs for eyes they still do that oh yeah yeah spongebob minions yeah the spider-man um yeah but uh popsicles number one man best yeah What was your favorite? Like a rocket?
Starting point is 01:06:07 Oh, rocket pop is great. I still have memories of, there was this store that was right by my elementary school, and you could either spend your 65 cents that your parents gave you for the bus on bus fare, or you could stop at the store and get stuff. Or... Like, not much. No. But you could stop at the store and get stuff. Or. Like, not much. No. But you could.
Starting point is 01:06:28 Because there was never a time in our lives when 65 cents was a lot of money. You could maybe buy a bag of chips. Maybe. And maybe. Yeah. Maybe. Like. But it wasn't like you couldn't, like, buy a kazoo, then go to the movies.
Starting point is 01:06:38 No. Yeah. And buy a bunch of flowers for your mom. Like. No. But you could. If you took a couple days worth of walking home, you could save up. Yeah, you could buy something nice.
Starting point is 01:06:52 Or if your parents gave you $5 to buy a hot lunch, then, well, I mean, I didn't use it all. Yeah. But my favorite Popsicle, and I think I only ever got it once, was root beer. Yeah. But I still think about it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Root beer Popsicle, and I think I only ever got it once, was root beer. Yeah. But I still think about it. Yeah. Yeah. Root beer Popsicle, out of this world.
Starting point is 01:07:10 Also, I remember going to the zoo and them having, you know, it was like candy sticks. Uh-huh. Like. Pixie sticks? Not pixie sticks, but like they're like. Honey sticks? uh pixie sticks not pixie sticks but like they're like sticks they're kind of yeah like uh um they're like what the candy would have been in the old west like a peppermint stick okay oh yeah yeah and there was a candy cane that's not okay yeah yeah yeah and it was i remember the root
Starting point is 01:07:38 beer one and i remember going to the zoo the next time thinking about the root beer thing the whole time and then uh like begging to go to the gift shop they didn't have it no they had it but you know really missing out on what the zoo had to offer because i was just thinking about this delicious and did but did it did you get you got it i got it and was it good oh i thought you were gonna say it just never lived up to your fantasy. No, no, no. I still think about it. It's, uh, that's the thing about kids is, like, you could buy them the really expensive
Starting point is 01:08:13 thing, but really, like, the cheap thing, they will, that'll do. Yeah, absolutely. Always remember that. If your kid's like, I want this thing, be like, here, I'll buy you a sticky hand that goes on the wall this is 50 cents i'll take it i'll take it and i'll play with it four years yeah i'll find it when i'm leaving for college i'll bring it with me yeah yeah fun fun memory of
Starting point is 01:08:40 the past but give it to my kids. Do we want to move on to a little bit of business? Yeah. Oh, hey, everybody. Did you know that Stop Podcasting Yourself is brought to you by ZipRecruiter? Yes, it is. Okay. What are you doing here? Who are you doing here who are you oh i'm just uh i'm just a poor sap that
Starting point is 01:09:08 needs to hire people for my dumb company well hiring can be a slow process and let me tell you all about it you don't have to i know all about it but tell me anyways okay well you know what maybe i won't oh oh no cafe alturas cafe alturas coo dylan miskowitz needed to hire a Oh, no, no. Café Alturas. Café Alturas COO Dylan Miskiewicz needed to hire a director of coffee, DOC. So he went to ZipRecruiter, posted his job, and found the best person for the role in just a few days. J-F-D. How'd he do this? Well, thank you, fellow listener.
Starting point is 01:09:52 ZipRecruiter's technology finds people with the right experience and invites them to apply to your job. They got a lot of nerve. Yeah. They have to have a lot of nerve to apply for your job. Yeah. What's your job you're hiring for? You know those guys in the old cartoons that wore barrels with straps around it and maybe played a ukulele or something?
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Starting point is 01:10:26 slash S-T-O-P That's slash S-T-O-P ZipRecruiter, the smartest way to hire RIP ZipRecruiter. Now, Stop Podcasting Yourself is also sponsored by
Starting point is 01:10:43 HelloFresh. HelloFresh? Is that your character? Yeah. I'm just a guy that, my name's Fresh, so whenever you say hello. Oh, so hello. We're sponsored by HelloFresh. Hello.
Starting point is 01:10:55 Oh, hi. Fresh. Hello. Sorry, no. Fresh pre-measured ingredients and easy-to-follow recipe cards are delivered to your door each week in a special insulated box, Fresh. Hello. Your subscription is flexible. Schedule a new delivery day or skip a week anytime.
Starting point is 01:11:14 Get cooking with World Cuisine's family favorites, top-rated vegetarian recipes, among so many more delicious options available fresh hello now i got hello fresh yeah i've i've uh hello uh i also have had it and uh you've got more on the way yeah and you know what delicious easy convenient i've uh we decided to get the veggie box this time we've never had it before what'd you get uh well we got a We got a, uh, some kind of, uh, I don't remember the name exactly. It was food. It was like a food. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:52 Vegetables in it. A box of food. No, it was a, uh, we got this tomato kale risotto. Ooh. Uh, we got, uh, a halloumi and watermelon salad. Yum. And a peppers and beyond meat nice so so far so good and it's my favorite of the things we've ever gotten and i'm no veg but that's uh that sounds like i'm a
Starting point is 01:12:17 vegetable you're a vegetable i'm a vegetable oh i i don't think so you're out there You're no couch potato No no I'm in a coma Oh no Yeah it's true It's just the fact of the matter David in a coma I know It's serious Fine
Starting point is 01:12:36 But yeah it's delicious Easy Nutritious and easy And it comes with all the Directions of how to do it There's little pictures of how it comes with all the everything you need directions of how to do it yeah there's little pictures of how it should look at the end so you know if you've succeeded yeah exactly for 50 off your first box of hello fresh hello go to hello fresh slash spy 50 and enter spy 50 that's 50 50% off your first box of HelloFresh
Starting point is 01:13:07 by going to slash spy50 and enter spy50. Goodbye, Fresh. Bye. There's nothing quite like sailing in the calm international waters on my ship, the SS Biopic.
Starting point is 01:13:26 Avast! It's actually pronounced Biopic. No, you dingus! It's Biopic! Who the hell says that? It's Biopic. It's the words through biography and picture. Alright, that is enough. Ahoy! I'm Dave Holmes. I am the host of the rebooted podcast formerly known as International Waters,
Starting point is 01:13:48 designed to resolve petty but persistent arguments like this. How? By pitting two teams of opinionated comedians against each other with trivia and improv games, of course. Winner takes home the right to be right. What podcast be this? It's called Troubled Waters, where we disagree to disagree
Starting point is 01:14:06 overheard a segment where uh boy oh boy there's so many great things that you can hear out there in the world and uh you trap them in your brain and then you let them free here on the podcast and we always like to start with the guests. Aww. I guess no guests. But, so we'll start with you, James. Sure. Mine is an overseen.
Starting point is 01:14:33 This is outside Margo's classroom. So Margo's in elementary school now. Kindy. Gart. Gart. And it was a picture. It was a someone had written graffiti and this i witnessed this on the first week of school yeah written graffiti right outside on a sort of post right outside her kindergarten that just says kid prison you know wow i wonder if that was like
Starting point is 01:15:02 is that a kid trying to signal to the world? Or is that someone's nickname? I'm Kid Prison. Good rapper name. Kid Prison. Lil Prison. Lil Prison, yeah. Yeah, I mean, they are.
Starting point is 01:15:20 I mean, you get to leave at the end of the day, but very much it is, here's an institution you must spend time in as a kid. It's weirdly, yeah, it's weirdly, no one is shackling you. Not anymore. They feel like there was a time when they were allowed to hit you or something. Definitely. Yeah. But also like you're not, like your parents make you go yeah and your teachers make you stay yeah no one is physically holding you there no but if you leave you're
Starting point is 01:15:55 gonna get in trouble yeah you have to do time in solitary um my i think, not my junior high, but I think my high school was designed by a firm that also designed prisons. Oh, sure. And if you saw it, you would be like, oh yeah, that, that definitely looks, it could be a prison. Yeah. What, what era? Like what era building? Was it a new building when you went to school? No, no, it would have been from like the 60s.
Starting point is 01:16:25 Yeah, I guess like, yeah, I was thinking like, oh, because like modern, I don't know what modern prisons look like. Yeah, that's a good question. I don't know what modern prisons look like either. I guess they're just very big concrete buildings. Yeah. Square-ish. But old-timey prisons look a lot like old-timey schools. Like, you know, the Shawshank, uh, redemption prison.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Shawshank. Yeah. Uh, it looks like it could be, you know, the school you went to. Yeah. Particularly the school yard was like a lot of gravel. There's a lot of, and that I feel like that same kind of thing cement and then basketball hoops like it looks very much like a prison yard yeah there's often a fence there's often a little kid pumping iron there's very there's a lot of your drop tattoo just because you cried in front of your
Starting point is 01:17:18 friends it means something different uh going dropping margo off at her school, there is a lot. There are like, I forgot how many kind of versions of hopscotch there are. Oh, yeah. There's like one that's a spiral. Right. There's ones that are just like, use your imagination. You could also, that's why kids can draw their own hopscotch on the ground. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:17:41 And make any shape you want. I never, I think there was like a three week period in grade six where we're like oh is this like technically a sport yeah yeah this is athletic yeah and then you know kids are uh they're interested in things yeah and four square like i only played four square for a few weeks and i loved it it's very cheap thing for a school to do like i'll just paint this thing on the ground and make kids but now kids just want to do spike ball yeah spike ball they also want to do the backpack kid dance they want to floss yeah if they need peloton bikes
Starting point is 01:18:17 yeah kids love fuck kids love peloton uh they just want to participate in a uh in some kind of cycling class that's taking place in new orleans yeah and they want to pay 2300 for a bike the uh when when that first came out like that i was like uh isn't the whole purpose of having a bike at your house? This would be the solitude. Yeah, the solitude. Yeah. Isn't that the whole buy-in? Like, if you want to take a class, they have them. They have them everywhere.
Starting point is 01:18:56 Yeah. Yeah. And then they're like, yeah, but it's the convenience of a bike at your house with the horribleness of being in a class. Of being yelled at by a very fit person. That being said, never have I ever done a spin class. I don't know. Maybe it's great. We're playing that drinking game?
Starting point is 01:19:19 No, never have I ever either. The only, oh boy, I don't think I've ever taken an organized fitness class of any kind except maybe prenatal yoga. Yeah, I've done some prenatal yoga. Good joke. Yeah, I also did some prenatal weightlifting and I joined the prenatal jogging club. I've done some prenatal yoga and some post malone yoga oh yeah and that's why you have that barbed wire tattoo across your forehead because i'm always tired you're always tired um yeah i definitely definitely yeah why did i say that i think i've got jeff daniels on the brain oh yeah um and that happens you know when you watch uh enough of the
Starting point is 01:20:06 newsroom oh boy uh that show i've only seen two episodes and they were both hilarious oh no funniest show on television yeah it was good it really like the the um the uh the ads for it made it seem like oh this is an important show yeah yeah this is aaron sorkin soapboxing yeah aaron soapbox over here um yeah a couple weeks ago uh as of when this podcast will come out a lot of people have been posting clips of the newsroom on twitter uh and man it is the funniest show not on purpose yeah what what sticks out uh there's uh uh the season or the series finale okay uh there's a scene where uh jeff daniels like jams with a garage band. Yeah. At a wedding or something?
Starting point is 01:21:08 Yeah. But not ironically. And the garage band's really into it. And they start singing along and backing him up. And he's playing. I believe he had just been on the cover of Guitar Aficionado magazine. From the makers of Cigar Aficionado magazine from the makers of cigar aficionado yeah as a kid who grew up reading guitar magazines yeah this was not available to me cigar aficionado no guitar aficionado yeah oh i read cigar oh yeah sure yeah who's cindy crawford was on the cover oh my god oh yeah sure my friend's dadford was on the cover oh my goodness oh yeah sure my friend's dad
Starting point is 01:21:45 bob was on the cover once the only cigar smoker i knew um yeah it's funny to see somebody smoking a cigar in in modern times like outside of a group of guys who are obviously at a wedding or bachelor party or whatever like or in vegas or something but just like seeing a man out on the corner smoking a cigar you're like well hey and where from what time did you arrive yeah like get me to your uh corner cigar dispensary that being said i love the smell you love the smell of cigars? I love the smell of cigars. I love the smell of pipes. I love the smell of pipes. Cigars
Starting point is 01:22:27 can go pound sand. Yeah, they can pound sand. Am I over her? Please. I was in St. John New Brunswick in a vintage store. And a woman was talking to the store owner and she was looking
Starting point is 01:22:49 at a pair of boots and she said well these boots would really work for my current look but i'm kind of thinking of switching over to androgynous alien they got that they got that over there absolutely oh wow yeah her current look was kind of country western but she was thinking of making the switch to androgynous oh yes sure just like david bowie yes you gotta every couple of years you gotta switch it up you gotta keep people guessing well you know what is uh sus to? Well, was it Susan Powder? It was Susan Powder. And she was trying to.
Starting point is 01:23:27 She's kind of an androgynous alien. Yeah, she was trying to reinvent herself as a Peloton teacher. Oh, I can see that. Yeah. Yeah. She, I read an article about her recently. Susan Powder? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:44 By the way, she did not stop the insanity. Things are getting insaner. That's right. I forgot that was her slogan. Mm-hmm. But she. That was. What else do you remember about her?
Starting point is 01:23:57 Her haircut. Yeah. Yeah. And that. She was very fit. Was it a fitness program? Yeah, it was a fitness program. But it was also like a just eat uh regular foods don't don't go on a fad diet like just eat like a good salad and uh maybe a
Starting point is 01:24:14 soup you know but don't uh just eat broth right sure yeah don't go insane stop the insanity right yeah she was not wrong um But I can't remember. Like, I read an article about her. Like, whatever happened to Susan Powder? I can't remember what happened to her. Sure. She's got longer hair. What happened to Ron Popeil?
Starting point is 01:24:34 He's still around. Yeah. Still rules. Kicking it. Yeah. Spraying on hair and rotisserie-ing chickens. Yeah. Ronco's still going strong.
Starting point is 01:24:44 He's probably got a drawer of ideas that have never... He's too old now, though. He's an old dog. When he dies, it'll be like Prince, where they go and he's got all these products that have been released that are not... You know, because he was picky about what he released. Well, Prince wasn't.
Starting point is 01:25:02 Prince was quite prolific. But Prince apparently has... Yeah, he wrote picky about what he released. Well, Prince wasn't. Prince was quite prolific. But Prince apparently has... Yeah, he wrote a million songs a day. Yeah, decades and decades of material. The Ron Popeil product, I think at a certain point they just licensed their name and bought up other people's ideas. I mean, I like to think of him as a mad scientist inventor dehydrating food in his basement, but he probably just took other people's ideas and infomercialed them. His first, like, the thing that put him on the map was the pocket fisherman. Right.
Starting point is 01:25:35 And that was like a fold-up fishing pole. And, you know, not like a great idea, but a great enough idea to put them on the map i guess but you see yeah i still see the um the name ronco when i go through airport security it's the brand of gloves that they that's right yeah they're just selling so many blue uh selling so many blue latex gloves. Yeah. I can't wear them. I got a latex allergy.
Starting point is 01:26:08 They, uh... Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. Oh, I got so many kids. See you. Ha, ha, ha. Ha, ha, ha. Um, now we also have overheard
Starting point is 01:26:22 sent in from people around the world. If you want to send one in you can send it in to SPY at I knew a guy in college who Had a latex allergy Or so he said I think he just wanted to Talk about condoms and Said he had to use sheepskin condoms
Starting point is 01:26:38 Which are they really sheepskin Or are they just made Oh yeah well at one point They were And who's like letting you penetrate them with the gut of a sheep somebody's got it well so are they tied off at the end like i don't know what i i was there a polyurethane foam he could spray on there? Yeah, yeah, like that ceiling foam? Yeah. And then you just wait.
Starting point is 01:27:09 He was a character, man. He once went to a... He described going to Virgin Megastore as visiting Mecca. And he once referred to as a... Was he a big Richard Branson thing? He once referred to going a uh was he a big richard branson thing he once referred to a going to a tori amos concert as a religious experience wow this guy really was a character yeah did it was he uh a musician-y guy he was an artsy guy an artsy guy yeah huh yeah like i never i didn't ever live in residence so i never had that experience of just
Starting point is 01:27:47 like knowing to be around a random guy um but that's funny all kinds of random the most random guys like do you have any idea what that guy's up to now no no just went off the grid following Tori Amazon tour. Yeah, don't know. Works at a Virgin Megastore. These are leads I've gained. Are there any more Virgin Megastores? I don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:28:15 I mean, I thought there were no more HMVs. You go to a mall and there's one cranking it out. This first one comes from Phillip in Cleveland. There's one cranking it out. This first one comes from Phillip in Cleveland. I was in a bookstore and overheard a conversation between a little girl, maybe three or four, and an older man, maybe her grandpa. The little girl wanted something from the store but couldn't pay for it. The grandpa went on a long rant about how she needed money if she wanted something, that she had to work for it. Once the man was done talking, the girl responded, I don't need money because I'm cute. It works.
Starting point is 01:28:52 Life lesson. The sooner you learn it, the better off you'll be. That's right. That's what the whole model of this podcast is. That's right. And we're doing great. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:03 The cuter we get. No, it's please donate to our podcast because we are not cute and it's not cute anymore um yeah it's like uh who had the longest career being cute gary coleman longest career of being cute oh not danny bonaduce no uh what's her name uh little kid black and white movies oh shirley temple shirley temple yeah i feel like the culkin family oh yeah is coasting off of macaulay's early cuteness yeah but not macaulay himself no the uh the olsen twins they have they quite a quite a run cute wise they really did yeah they built quite an empire yeah out of just like being like two cute twins
Starting point is 01:29:54 too cute for you yeah um the jonas brothers still at it still at it still cute yeah i mean it's a renewable resource yeah yeah if you treat it right it'll never run out but don't abuse it right exactly because then anybody duchi yeah anybody duchi is our uh prodigal son uh this next one comes from adrian in bedford massachusetts oh you gotta get the popsicles construction worker in his 50s gruff looking guy heavy boston accent uh going to see a fucking hoot is friday where fenway buddy got a whole orchestra in front of him and all that shit gonna be playing tammy and all that shit uh wife's gonna be driving home if you get what i'm getting at brother wow hooters
Starting point is 01:30:52 hooters uh the who oh yeah you're gonna go see the who at fenway they're gonna to be playing Tammy. Tommy. Oh! I thought it was like the Philadelphia band, The Hooters. But, uh... I want to see The Who at Fenway Park. All right, yeah. Still original lineup of The Who? No. Two of them are dead.
Starting point is 01:31:22 Oh, okay. No, I mean, yeah, of the surviving. The surviving two, sure. They're still at it. It's not just one guy. No, it's Pete and Roger. Yeah. They're still.
Starting point is 01:31:33 They might be, you know, a famous drummer's son is also maybe on drums. Cool. Zach Starkey or Jason Bottom or Ricky Moon. Yeah, these kids today, that's all they know. They only know the kids of these famous... They know the kids of the drummers who also became drummers because they had drums in the house. Yeah, and a famous drummer name. So, why not?
Starting point is 01:32:00 If you're out there listening, you have a dad who's a famous drummer consider getting in the family biz if any uh if simon collins is listening wouldn't that be funny if it was a kid of a rock star and the kid's just like i want to own a corner store i'm not like you yeah accounting has always spoken to me yeah i don't want to spend my life on tour, drugs and rock and roll and such. I watched a documentary about you, dad. You're racist. You never told me you did a racist rant.
Starting point is 01:32:38 Even the documentary didn't say how racist it was. You were using words I've never even heard before. I don't know if I'm allowed to repeat them because I don't know how, what they pertain to. them um uh this final one comes from josh in uh north hampton uh it's in england uh yeah maybe yeah is that in England? Maybe. Or Vermont. I work in a pub that has live music nearly every weekend. I was clearing the pub one day and found a set list from a band that played the previous night. Oh, I love it.
Starting point is 01:33:28 Please bear in mind that these songs were performed at a wedding reception held at the pub. The songs were Plushie Bukkake, Quality Rolling Paper, Mr. Backpack, Ramp With Me Tings, Regular Slinky, Good Good Ganja, ramp with meetings regular slinky good good ganja ids hello c word evening shatters and digging graves evening shatters that was the Burt Reynolds sitcom Right? Fleshy Bukkake? Yeah Fleshy Bukkake
Starting point is 01:34:08 Oh boy That was the first dance Yes But that was the Father Fathered son Whatever Maybe
Starting point is 01:34:14 I follow an Instagram Called Hockey Bukkake It's very good It's a lot of Like trivia And stuff That's fun It's a terrible name
Starting point is 01:34:23 Yeah But you know what you don't get to choose your instagram yeah that's true yeah you just assigned one at birth in addition to overheards that are written in uh we also accept your phone calls my number my number is not the dave hotline yeah you call the dave hotline. I want to talk to you now. I'm sexy and I'm so hot for you. Bring over a popsicle or something. In the meantime, call 1-844-779-7631. That's one.
Starting point is 01:34:54 Ugh. SpyPod 1, like these people have. Hi, Dave. Hi, Graham. Hi, guest. I'm going to hope that it's Paul F. Tompkins because he's pretty great. But I'm sure if it's not, whoever's there is also great. This is Adam from the New Hampshire Bumper calling in with an
Starting point is 01:35:07 overheard. I was walking down the street yesterday, walking down the sidewalk and I came upon a mother and two children, a boy and a girl, and we were on a crosswalk and the boy points to the lady and goes, Hey, look, Mom, that's a new street lady.
Starting point is 01:35:24 And the daughter goes, Yeah, that's a new street lady and the daughter goes yeah that's a new street lady the mom goes kids she's called a crossing guard the boy goes yeah but I'm gonna call her a street lady and the mom very defeatedly just went no yeah I mean that kid for sure is just gonna call that lady street yeah yeah yeah I mean until the kid for sure is just going to call that lady a street lady. Yeah, yeah. I mean, until the other kids in class are like, who are you talking about? You know, the street lady. And then they're like, let's go make fun of her.
Starting point is 01:35:54 And then they'll all point at her, street lady, street lady. Did you, at my daughter's school, they have, like, the older kids are at the crossing guards. Oh, yeah. Did you ever have to do that? No. Oh, we did it. I thought it was a very big responsibility. I mean, life's in your hands.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Yeah, that's true. No, we didn't have that. Going up. You pretend your arm was a robot arm. I don't think we had any crossing guards. Too cold. Yeah, it was too cold. It was just freestyle.
Starting point is 01:36:25 Yeah. Freestyle kid crossing every which way. But yeah, maybe we should have. There were roads. And there were kids run over every day. Yeah. Huh. Huh.
Starting point is 01:36:38 Huh. Huh. No solution presented itself. Yeah. Callers, if you want to not say the guests you wish we had, that would help the guests we do have in general. None this week, but it doesn't make anyone feel great. And your batting average so far has been zero.
Starting point is 01:37:00 So let's try to avoid that. Next phone call hi this is megan calling in from vancouver with an overheard um my daughter was turning 10 and for her 10th birthday i took her to paris and uh we were planning the trip and i um was telling her it's really great we're gonna arrive in paris on bastille day and it's a big deal because there's a parade and it's a holiday for them. And then I overheard her talking to my parents, so her grandparents, and she was telling them, oh, it's going to be so awesome, we're arriving on Bastille Day. It's going to be the best deals on croissants, the best deals on macaroons.
Starting point is 01:37:42 She thought it was Bastille Day and that we would save so much money, which I thought was really cute. You know what? Probably, there's probably going to be a couple sales. Yeah, probably. Although those French, they'll probably just take the days off. They'll be like getting a croissant.
Starting point is 01:37:58 Yeah, the, who goes to Paris for a 10-year-old birthday? I mean, I think I was told that I would be a crossing guard, and that never materialized. For my 10th birthday, I believe I went to see Home Alone with my friend. Nice.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Nice. Yeah, I mean, fun. It's better than Paris. I've never been to Paris. Actually, for my 10th birthday, we went to see Forget Paris. Oh, the Billy Crystal class?
Starting point is 01:38:29 Starring Billy Crystal and Debra Winger. That's as good. Yeah. He played an NBA referee. He did? I think so. Was George Mirosan? Did they make an early Billy Crystal Mirosan appearance?
Starting point is 01:38:44 No. That's too bad. Have you been to Paris? Yes. Is it good? Yeah. Yeah? I'd like to go.
Starting point is 01:38:53 It's what the great poet Jim Morrison called City of Lights. I visited his grave. Yeah? Pissed on it. Yeah, spit on grave. Yeah. Pissed on it. Yeah, spit on it. Yeah. I mean, look, you did what you had to do. I think I've been three times.
Starting point is 01:39:13 Really? Well, yeah. I think I went when I was, my family went when I was seven. And then I think I went when we were 15. When I was 15, we just went to France. and I think we went to Paris for a little while. And then when I was 21, I get no, but I haven't been in so long.
Starting point is 01:39:33 So it just changed there. It's probably all, you know, have a Euro Disney's California adventure now. And, uh, yeah, we never got to do any of the good stuff.
Starting point is 01:39:44 What is the good stuff eiffel tower yeah no we did the we did we did eiffel tower uh although i remember once when i was 15 my dad was like oh there's this really famous restaurant that we should go to and went with me and my sister and he wore like like, you know, a sport coat or whatever. Yeah. And I was like, can I just wear a t-shirt? And he said, fine. And we went.
Starting point is 01:40:11 And it was like literally the entire staff is wearing tuxedos. And I'm wearing my Hootie and the Blowfish shirt. Would you, Monsieur Hootie and the Blowfish shirt. Would you Monsieur Hootie? Here is Monsieur's chicken fingers. More ketchup. And here's your final phone call.
Starting point is 01:40:40 Hey gang, this is Christian from Seattle calling in with an overheard. I was at the cat shelter yesterday adopting kittens. When you adopt kittens, they want you to put them in the bathroom or a small room and just let them get used to your house in there for a while.
Starting point is 01:40:56 14-year-old boy on hearing this... Boy, I'm so out of breath. 13-year-old boy on hearing this news says to his dad, what am I supposed to do in the bathroom for all that time his dad says well bring your laptop in there and watch Netflix for a couple hours 13 year old boy says
Starting point is 01:41:12 you guys are always telling me not to bring my laptop in there for 2 hours that's all bye guys that is probably a modern teenage problem like stop taking your computer into the bathroom. Why?
Starting point is 01:41:27 I have business. It's just a room. I never thought about that until, because of course that's what a teenager would be doing. Just like, hey, where's the tablet? would be just like, hey, where's the tablet? As opposed to like my teenage years where it's like the family computer is in a central place.
Starting point is 01:41:51 Yes, yes. And it is immovable. And if someone's on the phone. Yeah. There was no laptop. There was, you couldn't, you'd have to drag the computer and the dial-up modem into the bathroom.
Starting point is 01:42:05 Yes, we had to, it was tough for us growing up. We had to jack off uphill both ways. Just that you would just see all these cables coming in from under the bathroom door and hear, Beeeew! Ahooga! Oh, wow. But also, what am I supposed to do in the bathroom with these kittens? Play with the kitten.
Starting point is 01:42:31 Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's why we're getting you kittens. That's a, I didn't know that. I didn't know that you're supposed to, I don't know why the bathroom. I guess so they're just not tearing everything up. Yeah, the door closes. It's easy. It's washable. Yeah. So they're just not tearing everything up. Yeah, the door closes. It's easy. It's washable.
Starting point is 01:42:46 Yeah. It's true. Just hose her down. Yeah. But yeah, like, is it the same with a puppy? Because that would be great. Great. Two hours in the bathroom with a puppy.
Starting point is 01:42:58 No. Hooray. They, yeah, they, you know, you're supposed to like keep, I mean, it's more just, uh, from a, like keeping your rugs and carpets alive. Yeah. That's right. Just keep them in a, in a place where they, they won't make too big of a mess. Do that thing with a puppy where you hold them near a faucet and then they start pretending that they're swimming. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:20 Yeah. Yeah. That's the best. They learn it in the womb. Cats don't do that though they just freak out if you put yeah near a faucet um and this has been cat and dog talk um well that brings us to the end of the episode yeah have a good october everybody yeah the spooky one go see the joker uh don't be influenced by it to become a spooky guy.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just enjoy the story of a spooky guy like, you know, like Jack Skellington. That's what this month is for, is to celebrate the creeps and weirdos. You celebrate the pumpkin. Yeah. You spice it up. Everyone have a pumpkin spice latte on me. Tell them Dave sent you.
Starting point is 01:44:02 Yeah, and, you know, go sit in a pumpkin patch. Wait for the great pumpkin to arrive. And also watch Autumn in New York with Winona Ryder and Richard Gere. Oh, yeah. Treat yourself. You know what? Treat yourself to any of the Richard Gere films. Yes.
Starting point is 01:44:21 I'm talking Runaway Bride. Pretty Woman. Officer and a Gentleman. Officer and a Gentleman a gentleman officer and a gentleman and faithful too steamy uh very steamy but keep you warm in this uh brisk october weather arbitrage the arbitrage what's the one that it's not a richard gear movie it's that french movie but it's about like a ski disaster it's got a name similar to arbitrage until i find out it doesn't oh yeah hermitage i want to say it is called oh we can't end the episode no no let's see getting close no if i googled french ski movie french ski movie huh oh boy um i don't even know hot dog the movie yeah hot dog the movie that was the one you were thinking was you thinking of ski school was it eddie the eagle was it the movie starring uh alan thick and jim carrey that i watched recently from 1981
Starting point is 01:45:28 well this is a terrible way oh it's force majeure force majeure not a richard gear but still a class but it's like it's a it's so close to arbitrage yes um and uh thank you all for listening uh if you like the show tell your friends or you know what you leave a review on iTunes say Richard Gere brought me here rhymes, it's fun
Starting point is 01:45:54 and everybody have a good day and come on back next week for another episode of Stop Podcasting Yourself. Comedy and culture. Artist owned. Audience supported.

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