The Adam and Dr. Drew Show - #1830 No Apologies, That's the Answer!

Episode Date: February 22, 2024

Today, Dr. Drew continues to join in from Cabo San Lucas, as he continues sharing his obsession with the control of information and lack of correction. Adam then explains the overreach that's happened... in society, the fear from the expected opposition, and the constant baiting for apologies. Plus, the LA Times goes off the cliff, and the grievances of neighbors. Please Support Our Sponsors: The Jordan Harbinger Show - Available everywhere you listen to podcasts

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everybody. Good news. We're doing the Comedy Fantasy Camp again. Jay Leno's going to be there. I'm going to be there. John Lovitz is going to be there. Caroline Ray is going to be there. Many, many other big comedians are going to be there. February 29th through March 3rd, tickets are going to go fast and it's all going to culminate at the world famous Hollywood Improv. So come and join us at the Comedy Fantasy Camp and work with the pros. Get your tickets at Pluto TV is TV the way it should be, free.
Starting point is 00:00:37 With over 300 channels, thousands of movies and TV shows costing zeros of dollars. So if you want to watch shows like Ghost, The Walking Dead, CSI, Star Trek, or The Price is Right, well, The Price is Right, it's just me, Perez Hilton. is also free. Pluto TV. Stream now. Pay never. Oh, that's just me, Perez Hilton. Drinking all the tea that goes on in this world. And with the way social media is, I just can't get enough. I'm obsessed. It's like every day something new and scandalous comes out and I want it all. I'm the OG of entertainment gossip. And if you are like me and have an unrelenting thirst for all the drama that's flying around,
Starting point is 00:01:32 you should listen to my podcast, the Perez Hilton podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts. recorded live at corolla one studios with adam corolla and board certified physician and addiction medicine specialist dr drew pinsky you're listening to the adam and dr drew show yeah get it on got to get on the judge dr drew's board certified physician this section c-section specialist over there in uh mexico what part of mexico you in uh cabo baby and uh i learned something interesting uh it's a well-kept secret down here you know how cabo seems to be safer than the rest of mexico i suppose yeah well it i mean you hear about stuff in cancun you hear about stuff in the yard you hear about things happening you
Starting point is 00:02:30 know and of course you know you hear about the cartels here and there apparently all the resorts down here are owned by russian oligarchs and the cartels won't screw with the russians won't screw with the russians that's interesting right yeah yeah yeah so we've learned um what else you thinking about well mostly i've been i've been very obsessed like we discussed on monday with uh the control of information and this whole notion even say monday which i think you mean wednesday wednesday i beg your pardon the last show um it's just the whole world of of this notion even of misinformation and how i don't know that's like all creativity and all critical thought and all proposals of new ideas and new thought has become somehow threatening to people and everything everything is thought of as misinformation disinformation and when in fact so much of what you know the new york times reports which is the source of quote legitimate
Starting point is 00:03:40 information ends up being actually incorrect or wrong. And then, of course, no corrections and no adjustments and continued attacking. And we talked on Wednesday about where some of the organized attack comes from. What I've been obsessing with is, you know, what do we do about this? I think I told you last week that the ultimate source of the ultimate sort of example of a historical figure accused of misinformation, disinformation, or in fact, if you look at any historical figure that was accused of that, that usually ends up being some of the greatest advancements in the history of science, whether it's Einstein or Galileo. And Galileo in particular was somebody who was threatening, you know, literally the church and the political system and literally where man,
Starting point is 00:04:31 God himself and where the man thought he existed in the universe. It all had to be readjusted, the interpretation of the Bible. And so, yes, they accused him of disinformation. And do you want to be a part of the group that that silences great advancements or interesting ideas it's just so opposite of how we grew up yeah you know i'm not any ideas or go ahead i'm not really worried about it like um well tell me about that because i because i am and and i want to know what to do about it this sort of really what i'm obsessing about and the fact that we're here is just so astonishing to me.
Starting point is 00:05:07 But go ahead. My consistent take on this is they pushed too hard. They got over their skis. And they did to their structure and their sort of organization what black lives matter did to their their thing did you see the law in france now there's a new law that if you raise any objections or concerns or say anything negative. So the law reports about MRNA vaccine technologies, thirty five thousand dollar euro fine, three years in prison. Yeah, but no one's going to pay it and there's going to be a result, a revolt. And that's what I'm saying. What I'm what I'm saying is, is
Starting point is 00:05:58 you have to look at something, you know, let's just take two. We'll take three very popular subjects of the day. Right. You've got COVID. You've got Black Lives Matter. And you've got the trans community. Right. You go back about a year ago. You don't have to go back any real amount of time historically.
Starting point is 00:06:27 You know, historically, you measure things in decades, you know. Right. In the past. We used to do that. You measure things in decades, not 14 months ago. You know what I mean? Yes. But you go back 14 months ago and you bring up something about, you know,
Starting point is 00:06:49 But you go back 14 months ago and you bring up something about, you know, transing, transitioning kids and gender affirming. You know, remember, I always tell you about the euphemisms, you know, what they're, you know, gender affirming care and stuff like that. Hold on. Hold on. You go back about 14 months, right? Most people were sort of like, listen, I don't want to get into this. You know, that's between the kid and this doctor. And I don't know, I guess they shouldn't, I guess if the kid wants to do it and the parents don't, they should just let the kid do it, you know, whatever it was like. Things have swung pretty fucking dramatically in like 14 months, right?
Starting point is 00:07:21 Yes. And now to the point where you're hearing studies and voices and in Europe, the Netherlands and Sweden, they're outlawing these things now. Even the New York Times is writing articles about this and not wanting to cut off healthy breasts from a 12-year-old, 13-year-old girl and stuff. It's swung hard, right? 13 year old girl and stuff. It's, it's swung hard, right?
Starting point is 00:07:44 And the reason it's swung hard is because they pushed too hard, which they always do, which they can't, they cannot prevent themselves from now. All right. That's the trans movement. People are off. People are saying,
Starting point is 00:08:02 look, remember 14 months ago, two years ago, when Leah Thomas went out for the girls' swim team. A dude is on the girls' swim team. What happened? None of the girls on the swim team spoke out. Why? They were scared. They were all scared. team spoke out. Why? They were scared. They were all scared. None of the girls said a word. None of the parents said a word. Leah Thomas just won out, whooped up on them, took gold and went home. Okay. That's not happening today. That wouldn't happen today. People are, because they went too far with it because they do what they always do where you go is there anything wrong with a man a biological man living as a woman and then your answer is I don't care
Starting point is 00:08:52 that's their business you know and then you go and what about that biological man living as a woman is he you think they should be gainfully employed and stuff and you went like yeah fine and what should they be able to marry or love who they want? Like, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Fine. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Well, what if they joined the volleyball team and start spiking the ball on the head of biological women? And then you went, uh, I think that might be too much. That might be too much. That huff phase again, huh? Huh? No, no, that's too much. And then they went, you're bigot.
Starting point is 00:09:31 You see? You're giving away the progress all right that's the beginning of the huh phase two years ago now all of america is going wait a minute there's a canadian volleyball team that has all men on on a female team like come on now okay so because but it's because of them because they wouldn't stop, which is what I say all the time. They should have stopped, but they didn't. And black lives matter. There was a time a minute ago everyone was scared shitless not to put a black box on their Twitter file for black whatever, whatever.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Of course, I said no. I said no, don't do this. And I didn't because I'd like to be historically correct. Everyone else is a coward, Drew. I said, I said, no, I'm not doing you all. You also have a crystal brain. And we're right. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And now you got Black Lives Matter and they're buying three million dollar houses in the Hollywood Hills and they're pro Hamas. And now everyone's like, OK, fuck these guys. and they're pro-Hamas, and now everyone's like, okay, fuck these guys. Ten minutes ago, politicians were painting Black Lives Matter in the middle of intersections in downtown Manhattan, right? Are they trying to do that today? Do you hear them talking about them? Not so much. What is there?
Starting point is 00:10:38 Is Nike and Apple getting in line and cutting multimillion dollar checks to Black Lives Matter? No, they're not. And you ask the average person and they're like, no, I'm not down with that cost because they went too far. They went too far. And COVID. Where are we at with COVID? Where are we at? Where are we at with St. Fauci?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Where are we at with big pharma? Where are we at with these people? They went too far. It took people a little while to sort of wake up to it. Now they did. They did it to themselves. And there's no turning back. And I feel that way with media.
Starting point is 00:11:19 I shot Tucker a text a couple of days ago. I just went, you know, whatever you're doing, it is not, we're never going back. We're not going back to the old way. And he just went, I hope not, because the old way was like too expensive and too broken or whatever. I said, no, no, we're here. This is the new way. And we'll never get back. You mean the way of looking at the world, really.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Not just the way media is done. Yeah, I mean, I was, I mean, well, the reason for media is to shape the way we look at the world. Yeah, yeah. So, however you want to break it down semantically, but what i'm saying is is there's no more going back there's no more there's no more listen whatever when the election
Starting point is 00:12:12 comes and there's some new virus that comes out and they're telling everyone they need to vote by mail because they can't leave the house or something, people aren't going to go for it anymore. When the New York Times chimes in and says, whatever the plot du jour is, like whatever they need to be backed, and Brenner from the FBI says it's legitimate, everyone's going to go, fuck off, old man. And by the way, and rightfully so, because you're only allowed to get caught lying a couple of times before we just go
Starting point is 00:12:46 fuck this guy or fuck that publication well and by the way they've been lying lying lying pushing pushing pushing lying lying and and i saw a really interesting uh tweet by jordan peterson that summarized he was talking about some transgender stuff and he he it summarizes exactly what you're saying and i thought oh this is such a nice synthesis of this he says it's always the case it repeats itself through history that eventually the fringe of the fringe eats the fringe right the fringiest eats the fringe you know i'm saying like it just keeps going fringier and fringier and fringier and they consume the more reasonable fringe outliers along the way and they never know
Starting point is 00:13:30 it's shocking to me but they never really know how to run their business you know what i'm saying and so what they do, listen to me. They do is they go like, I want to open a restaurant, you know, and you go, okay, good. And then you go, I want to hang a gay flag out in front, you know, and you go, good, good. Seems inclusive. That's good, good. And then they go, you know what? I want some of the menu items to be named after famous gay people. I want the Harvey milkshake.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Oh, man. Drew, you really should appreciate that more than you just did. I got it. I got it. Okay, nice that you took it in with no expression change. But either way, I want gay drinks. The Harvey milkshake. Okay.
Starting point is 00:14:25 All right. Thank you. And then you go, okay, okay, okay. That sounds good. And then they go, I want separate seating. Like I want black seating over here and then gay seating over here. And I want the blacks. If you're gay and black, you can get a seat but if you're
Starting point is 00:14:46 heterosexual and white you need to stand and eat and then somebody needs to say stop it now that's a bad idea and no no no I'm moving along you know and you go you don't get it you're going to upset people you need these straight white people to buy shit here they're a big
Starting point is 00:15:02 part of your clientele well what's wrong with telling them to stand for all the historical injustice? It's like, I could just stop it. You had the gay flag. Madam, we got work to do. You got the Harvey milkshake. We're just getting started. You got the gay flag and the Harvey milkshake. Now stop it. Hey, Black Lives Matter.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Yeah. Don't support Hamas. It's not a good plan for you to show the flag of Palestine in a hang glider it's just not you're hurting customers you're going to lose your base
Starting point is 00:15:32 but they don't but they can't which I'm happy for because they have to expose themselves they don't have to you wouldn't have to Black themselves. They don't have to. You wouldn't have to. Black Lives Matter could have sailed off into the sunset.
Starting point is 00:15:50 Yeah. But they can't stop. All right. Do a piece of your business there. When I finish, I want to sort of talk about this in a frame, like understand what this is, why it happens, and what happened. You know what I mean? I want to understand it.
Starting point is 00:16:07 But first, I want to remind you, this show is sponsored by BetterHelp. And of course, I'm a fan of therapy. I've been a patient of therapy. I've been involved in mental health for quite some time. BetterHelp does a great job referring family, friends. And it takes work. You've got to go to therapy. You've got to do the work.
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Starting point is 00:17:03 slash adam and drew today to get 10 off your first month that's better help slash adam and drew all right now your thoughts drew well what i was saying was i my my thoughts were i i want to understand this better i mean you you keep saying they can't stop and sort of my natural kind of you know my my brain goes why why not? Why can't they stop? You know, why can't we, why does it have to be like this? And what is it that really happened here? Do you have a way of kind of thinking about it? Yeah, I know exactly what happens.
Starting point is 00:17:36 But I don't want to talk about your mom and your grandma. How dare you? I understand that they can't stop. I understand it. But why can't they stop and what would why does this always i have told you this two fucking hundred thousand times drew all right maybe maybe maybe it's too scary to me i don't want to accept it but go ahead let's hear it the mission isn't what they say the mission is it's the grievance it's the grievance they say they want to stop
Starting point is 00:18:05 COVID spread well they're shutting down beaches so is it COVID spread or is it control you see and once they tell you you know Black Lives Matter
Starting point is 00:18:21 whomever the gay movement whatever the women's movement it's grievance once they run out of the actual subjects which they're out of now they move they keep going because they didn't want look you have a shit neighbor right yeah and the shit neighbor's like hey your olive tree it's it's hanging my yard. Could you send somebody to trim? Shrub, could you trim this shit? And you go, oh, okay, yeah, yeah, I'll get the gardener to come trim up the tree.
Starting point is 00:18:55 And then 10 minutes later, it's like, hey, your dog was barking yesterday. And you go, yeah, but it was noon, and it's only because the UPS guy rang the doorbell. Well, I could hear the dogs barking. You know what? I'll leave a note that says for the UPS guy not to ring the doorbell just to leave the package on the front. You know what? OK. Then it comes up again.
Starting point is 00:19:17 You know, hey, I noticed that I saw I have a little rat vermin infestation. I think it's coming from your Ivy. I think your Ivy. And you go, okay, now you have a beef. I thought we were talking about these subjects. We're not. You're a shitty, fucked up neighbor with a grievance and a beef. I've had a million of these people.
Starting point is 00:19:40 They have a beef and a grievance. It's not the thing they're talking about do you remember the guy next door to you of course you do with the the spray there was some spray on the car or something and what i reason i bring him up is i what was it you finally told him what was it he said that put you over the top what did you finally tell him um because i have a feeling it's pertinent to the present moment whatever you you said. I had, I had the one neighbor and his shrub, the son of the shrub neighbor, her son. Well, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're trans pollinating two neighbors. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:17 I had the one neighbor who had the shrub issue, the shrub height issue. I had the other one that had some overspray on the car issue. I've had many neighbors with many, many issues over the course of my life. Now, which by the way, magically ended when I moved to La Cunada. Because La Cunada are kind of conservative, sort of God-fearing and kind of happy and regular people. Not a peep
Starting point is 00:20:52 out of La Cunada. Many, many, many beeps in the Hollywood Hills. Many. Interesting, isn't it? It is interesting. I live... It's the grievance world.
Starting point is 00:21:08 It's the world of grievances. It doesn't limit itself to politics. They have grievances in the Hollywood Hills that they don't have in La Cunada. I had issues with all neighbors for my first three houses over there. Moved to La Cunada, lived in three houses. No issues with any for a decade.
Starting point is 00:21:30 So is it all childhood abuse that the grievance sticks with them their whole life? Whatever it is. I'm trying to understand your friend. But it's not the olive. It's not your branch of the tree that's hanging into the yard. That's not it. It's grievance oriented. I don't know that they know it
Starting point is 00:21:46 do you know what i'm saying yes no i don't they would deny it a category if you try to bring it to awareness but but what did the guy with the overspray you finally told him something and was it i'm wondering if it was go fuck yourself well i eventually i eventually had to say to all of them to go fuck themselves i think that phrase i i went when elon musk uttered it to bob eiger and the the uh you know the other people that had pulled their their funding from x i he just went go fuck yourself and i thought man first of all i'm like cartman he's like he's that kid is cool number one number two i'm thinking that is something i need to cultivate well i have told you it's the only answer for the grievance culture because the answer isn't the shrub
Starting point is 00:22:38 it's the grievance and that's what they're that's what the race hustlers, they're in the grievance department. They're not in the fix the problem. But but and we think they want that, but they don't. Well, and they kind of if there is a problem, I kind of want to fix it, too. But but with the point in which you say, go fuck yourself, it has to be when the grievances are clearly that you have to have declared yourself. The grievances. when the grievances are clearly the you have to have declared yourself the grievances listen when when tucker carlson was interviewing me in my other warehouse seven years ago and he kept saying what's the answer what's the answer i just said no apologies that's it that's the answer apologies i agree with you but it's different than go fuck yourself no it it it leads to go fuck yourself. And it's a version of go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:23:26 It does. But I guess I but if you were to say, you know, go fuck yourself too soon, you get crushed. And it's it just you won't get crushed now. It's just that's it. That's where we're at. You're dealing with grievance. You're not dealing with subjects. And that's the mistake you all got baited into
Starting point is 00:23:46 but this is so interesting to me because how many years now i've been saying to you adam when's it gonna end when's it gonna end and you're like i'm not sure it's gonna be you know safe spaces and octagons now you're saying it's over cultivate go fuck yourself well that's all you can do and you have to have somewhere that's a different that's a different that's a totally different thing you've you're me than two years ago. Shut up. I'll explain it. First, I'll tell you about Jordan Harbinger. You're about to hear a preview of the Jordan Harbinger show with the investigator who solved a serial killer case that had gone cold for decades. There was a definite spike in serial predator crime in the 1970s. Joe D'Angelo was a full-time law enforcement officer.
Starting point is 00:24:29 He's breaking into houses in the middle of the night, raping women or girls that are home alone that he's binding up and sexually assaulting. He ended up committing 50 of these attacks in Northern California between 1976 and 1979 and just disappeared. The last thing I did in my career before I retired was I drove up and parked in front of his house. I didn't know he was a Golden State Killer, but I debated, should I just go knock on his door? This was such a brazen, brutal predator. He absolutely had to be caught.
Starting point is 00:25:02 To learn more about how Paul Hulls puts himself inside the minds of serial killers, check out episode 725 of the Jordan Harbinger Show. All right, listen, it's not a totally different thing. I've been saying, okay, I've been saying stop apologizing the entire time because they don't care about the thing they want you to apologize for. They want you to apologize. Yes, they want control. And it will not want you to apologize. Yes, you said that. They want control. And it will not end,
Starting point is 00:25:30 and it just opens the door to more apologies and more grievance. I've also said that as far as their grievances go, whatever the subject they claim to care about, they don't care about. If they really cared about black people not having photo IDs, then they would come up with a plan to get black people photo IDs, not have a grievance. They don't even want black people not having photo IDs, then they would come up with a plan to get black people photo IDs,
Starting point is 00:25:45 not have a grievance. They don't even want black people to have photo IDs because they want the grievance part. Right. They don't want to scrub CO2 because they want the CO2 to stick around so they can grieve. Right. They want grievance.
Starting point is 00:25:58 So with that, with that in mind, understand what they're doing. I said safe spaces and octagons, because if California is going to keep going down this path, people are just going to have to move to Florida or Nevada or Texas or something like that. Who have a strong disagreement with this? All right. So I'm consistent. Safe spaces and octagons. Do not apologize and tell them to fuck off. And by the way, everyone is in
Starting point is 00:26:22 fuck off mode. And then there's a third part there needs to be an economy there needs to be a place once you tell everyone to fuck off you've got to go somewhere and work yes you can't just tell your foreman on your job site to fuck off and then go home you have to go to another job site no that's where the parallel economies are coming. Right. And that job site will be made up of people who are very good at what they do, who told their previous foreman to fuck off. Well, it's literally why I'm down here at TWC. Right. I mean, this is me creating products creatively and for people that want it that didn can help them because the rest of them need to go fuck themselves. Right.
Starting point is 00:27:10 So that's where we're at. They created this. Nobody wanted this. They couldn't stop themselves. They can't stop themselves because they're grievance oriented. They're not solution oriented. And they kept going. and that's on them but they created it and they shall be burned by it cnn and new york times you know la times just laid off what 150
Starting point is 00:27:37 writers la times is going to take their politics and their grievance and they're going to go right off the cliff into the abyss that's what they're going to do and they're going to end up with what they're going to like playboy when we think about people that you and i know who attach themselves to the grievance world if you were to give them this construct, would they understand it? Would they just defend it? The people we know that are connected to the grievance world do not care about what the grievance is or what the outcome is. The neighbor with the grievance is their boss. Right. Right. And they're not going to take your side in this,
Starting point is 00:28:32 in this equation because that guy's signing checks. Right. And they're going to be, as long as their checks are getting signed by the neighbor with the grievance, they will either take that person's side or they will remain silent. And even if the neighbor is not signing their checks, if the neighbor has the power to remove them from the person that is signing their checks, if they start taking your side on this occasion or the equation,
Starting point is 00:29:01 then they shall side with the neighbor. That's what we just experienced. If you were interviewing Gavin Newsom today, when he said things like, where are you going to go? Would you just go fuck off? Go fuck yourself. I mean, I guess there's a certain amount of prudence. No, you don't tell everyone to fuck off all the time. You just go, idiot.
Starting point is 00:29:29 Oh, my gardener just waved to me and i still want to fuck himself fuck you i guess that's what the question i'm asking is where do you where do you use it you say uh well you can move anywhere now and the people are and if you take a look at how much a u-haul costs going from here to texas versus texas to here you're going to see about a 40 percent or sorry 40 fold price difference so obviously it's something that's happened it's not it can't be sustainable for your economy what's the plan and then he would spout out some nonsense and then i would hammer him and i guess that's the point is rather than saying, go fuck yourself, you at least come back at them hard. Well, I don't even know why you're obsessing on the go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself is for when people tell you what to do.
Starting point is 00:30:20 OK, you don't tell everyone to fuck themselves. No, I get it. That's the kind of look i i've never been somebody that said go fuck yourself and so it means confusing to try to figure out how you how would you use that how do you say now now you've made it clear people tell you to go do something you tell them no and if they tell you again you then you tell them to go fuck themselves. Listen, when I wrote my controversial tweet about what COVID was, who COVID was killing, I had a lot of people tell me to take it down. Then I said no. That was it.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I didn't tell them to fuck. I didn't tell Judd Apatow to fuck himself. I just told him no. I get it. So that's the new world order. And here we are. tell Judd Apatow to fuck himself. I just told him no. I get it. So that's the new world order. And here we are. Adam, maybe it feels natural to you.
Starting point is 00:31:15 It feels weird to people like me. It feels very, very weird. And so I have lots of questions about it. I don't really know how to do it. It's weird. Well, listen. I was in an uber last night you know and the guy was driving the uber was familiar with me and he kept telling me i was brave you know for stances i took you know and i kept saying uh it's not brave it's just accurate or it's not
Starting point is 00:31:46 accurate if it's accurate then I'm then I'm that's what I say and then he goes well but it's still brave you know and I go I don't not to me it's not it's just it is or it isn't I don't look at it any different than you know saying uh if you want to span 10 feet, you're going to need at least a four by 12 header. Oh, that's brave. No, it's not. It's accurate. But I would argue, though, that it's what I would say is that we're we're having to use words like brave and courage to describe people who are just having conversations in public. You know what mean like when rfk jr i interviewed him and he told me i was so courageous and brave for talking to him that struck me that's thunderstruck right what but just bravery to have a conversation with another adult
Starting point is 00:32:38 another professional yeah so it's not it's not that he's wrong it's that that's how that's how odd times are that those kinds of words do occur to people for just merely speaking that's wild well it's the time we're living in and we can never go back to the old way and we're now across the deep part of the river and we're heading toward the shore on the other side oh yeah all right tonight over jimmy kimmel's comedy club doing two shows over there so come on out and say hi what do you got drew uh please sign up for the rumble channel look uh ask dr drew and uh it's dr drew i guess a rumble and then keep looking for that store i'm gonna have a lot of interesting stuff there for sexual health and stuff you can't, you
Starting point is 00:33:25 can easily get that you should have access to, but outside of my store, it may cost you a lot of money, so I'm going to make it easy. So, until next time, I'm calling for Dr. Drew. Say it! Mahalo. PlutoTV is TV the way it should be. Free. With over 300 channels,
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