The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Aliens Exist (w/ Sean Donnelly)

Episode Date: May 25, 2021

Sean Donnelly joins The Bonifre and does his best to convince Big Jay that maybe Aliens do exist. Stream "The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson & Dan Soder" for 3 months free on the SiruisXM app! Offer D...etails Apply: Follow us on all social media @TheBonfireXM@DanSoder

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's Dan Soder and Big J. Oakerson. Welcome to the Bonfire Podcast. We'll have new episodes every morning, Tuesday through Friday. If you want more Bonfire, you can always hear our full show every day on Series XM. You can go to slash Bonfire for a special three month offer. The Bonfire! The Thumb Five. Our guest back on the show, you know from the BYM podcast with our good friend, Merck Face Andy, it's Sean Donnelly.
Starting point is 00:00:34 Hello everybody, how are you? Sean, your name got brought up because... Sean, by the way, can I say before we start, I said it all fair, but I'll say it again. It's looking good, man. Real good. Thank you, buddy. Thank say before we start I said it off air but I'll say it again it's looking good man real good thank you buddy thank you so much I believe the term that J used was noise yeah yeah fine he is not going Sean Donnelly looking that's a first for me nobody calls Sean Donnelly noise but what you couldn't see Sean was I breathed in through my teeth that's how hot I thought you got. I went, ooh. Oh, daddy looking nice.
Starting point is 00:01:08 You signed on, I was mid-read, how do you go? Hachi Machi, who is this? Who turned the heat in the kitchen? Oh my god, who's this professional skateboarder coming to a munch butt? I'm blushing right now. Well, welcome back to the show dude Thank you. We were we were lightly talking about aliens either last week of the week before and Jays against of jays is not form illegal immigrants doesn't believe in open borders. Thanks
Starting point is 00:01:38 We got to handle our problems domestically first We handled domestic problems and then you know know Jay's an American first guy and you know, he doesn't influence our friendship, but his college is going to be coming from. He wants to make this country great again. Yeah, but he was saying with aliens. Well, then you could hat. Guys, I'm just spitballing here. I'm thinking white letters on a red hat. Guys, I know we're looking to get into the merch biz here a little bit and try and make a suggestion. I don't watch a lot of news, but this is just jumping out at me.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Well, 60 minutes finally did a piece on aliens. Here's the thing. I want to stop you right there really quickly, really quickly, because they didn't do a piece on aliens. They did a piece on UFOs. Which are different, because UFOs are the on aliens that is a piece on UFOs which are different because you have a different yeah the alien technology that is being reverse engineered by the american government well that's one of the theories but i was wondering does jay not even believe
Starting point is 00:02:34 in the sixty minutes piece he thinks it's all all bs or what is the story that they've seen things they uh... unidentified in the air sure not just seeing things they're tracking them with like their infrared heat cameras. That's the video that they're going by. And like all sorts of instruments that go way beyond any kind of technologies that we use every day. All this military style technology is picking up these things that these people are paid to be observant can't identify.
Starting point is 00:03:03 So you're talking about the laws of physics. What's the saying? Our laws of physics. Exactly. Guys, hold on. I don't mean to interrupt, but not to get to Andy Rooney, but what happened to you, Trace? I remember when I was growing up, everything was hot. The sidewalk was hot, but we didn't trace.
Starting point is 00:03:24 We just had lemonade. Sorry, that's your point. I was like, Andy Rooney, some things up. That's a killer impression. Oh, that was great. That was fantastic. No, but you're saying that they are these people in Jacob, you got a hot tag in. Jacob was fucking ready to rip. But they also add that these people are tracking that but you're saying that these people that work for the government can't even identify What the hell they're seeing so So there was a there was a group the reason I got into it and there was an article in the Times about They they basically proved the New York Times proved a group within the Department of Defense called a tip
Starting point is 00:04:06 The New York Times proved a group within the Department of Defense called ATIP existed and they were tasked with studying, these pilots, these military pilots would send these videos, right? And this group was able to identify like 90% of these things, right? And there was a hundred different things. It wasn't just like one, like, oh, another plane. It was like, another plane, ball lightning, Chinese lantern, swamp gas, weather phenomena, all this stuff. But 10% of the videos, they could not identify.
Starting point is 00:04:32 And this was like, their job to identify these things. And they were like, do they do it in a way that I give up on stuff where they're just like, I don't know, I'm not gonna know what that is. It's like, dust on the camera, to burn. To what, another weather balloon, whatever, I'm out of here. Yeah, yeah, no, I don't think so. I think they were like had all sorts of identifiable instruments and all sorts of stuff.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I would love to believe that these government workers are like, I need to know what this is, but we also need to be honest with the fact that these are government workers. So it's just a job. So like five really good point. Cutting out, they're like, listen dude, it's happy hour. I would say, like if the post office was tasked with doing this, I'd say, yeah, you're right. Yeah, it was, yeah, department motor vehicles. They're like, I don't know what it is. It's a blob of light. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:05:19 It's 5 PM will close. Exactly. But every, have you ever met a military guy? They take their job super serious. And this is what the, that was. The pants on the military guy. I've met the military guys also where it was like, my choices were J or the military. Yeah, because those are the guys that are given
Starting point is 00:05:37 the alien technology to, to go, excuse me, razor. Can you take a look at this video? Yeah, there he goes. I know that, I know that guy. Yeah. You remember me guy, dishonorably discharged? He didn't give a shit about the job that much. But these 10% that they can't identify at what point,
Starting point is 00:05:54 because I've watched the podcast, and there was a documentary on Netflix called, on Identifiable, what was it called? It was called, yeah, Unidentifiable. That was it called? It was called Yeah, unidentifiable. Yeah, that was one of them and then I watch that one and that one actually made arguments where I was like Oh damn, so they like there's washed You want to sound now. Here's the thing man I started to believe that when when you had a lot of people there's a there's so much of this stuff out there And here's the thing a lot of it some of them are actually sensible sounding people who are saying, we're not saying it's aliens, all we're saying
Starting point is 00:06:28 is these things happen and we don't know what it is. We have no idea what it is and we're trying to figure that out. That's what got me intrigued by it. That's an acceptable answer, right, Jay? Yeah, absolutely. What do you say, Jay? I say that Sean, you're not fat anymore. You don't have to dig into this shit
Starting point is 00:06:49 Just go fucking be handsome man. Look at you wearing a shirt from a mall Just go hang out. J's right. You got to do more outside hanging and stop studying UFOs The frig yeah, dude Listen, I think they just I think it's things they haven't identified. I said anything from like I know you're saying that they've Discovering I just don't understand why Then why like no content. What's the point? Well, okay, so I I when I was talking to Christine and she was asking for stuff there It's not okay. So what well the thing that's going on now is like stuff that can be they think that can be proven So like these videos are
Starting point is 00:07:26 Being confirmed by the military and they're saying this is all real and the military is admitting it So that's why they're saying as far as we know this is this is all for real But there's a documentary that came out like in December called the phenomenon by this guy James Fox Which to me was like the most believable information about all this stuff I've been reading for the past three years. And in that documentary, they do talk about an encounter called the Ariel School Encounter that happened back in 1994 in this school in Africa, where these like 60-some-eyed school children saw this craft
Starting point is 00:08:01 landed and these two beings on top of the craft, and they were quoted as saying that they were Communicating with them telepathically so people do have encounters Could it ever be somebody though that's not like a school of African children? You say it or a hillbilly Why can't it ever be a city council member like the most trusted city? Yeah, that's what I mean. Why is it would not even just that just genuinely like why is it just like a person like you know Just don't know you don't be fun like rich retired baseball player moistes hallu. Why can't he
Starting point is 00:08:35 Salute would have been I would have taken his word for it He started being like this you go you know the rocket Roger Clemens met some grays and he's pretty out of it that they're here for Hard was there a lot of there's tons of celebrities that have had like UFO sightings like Jimmy Carter saw one back in the day with a group of people No one's gonna trust that peanut farmer the director. Oh that wasn't with the director friend he's from Spain He's got a question Jimmy Carter said he can't he encounter an alien before yeah, then how didn't that consume every minute of his fucking life moving forward? Yeah, or a presidency especially You got some juice you can look into it and the you know who wasn't to it was the Clintons and John Podesta who was like there chief of staff. Yeah, cuz they're just trying they're hoping their kids that they can fuck and that's what they're hoping
Starting point is 00:09:25 Just take a weird angle on Podesta. I don't I don't give Hello visitors. What is the age of consent where you come from? There are a bunch of bucks and me blondes and a little dish. Are you like fem bots? I mean you know harm I want to fuck your children Hillary and I have a deal if you're out of the solar system, I can plug you. No, what I'm trying to say is with the stuff that I believe is the one that seems the most believable and all this military stuff, these guys have a lot to lose by saying they're seeing these these crafts, right? Yeah. I mean, that's going to be a thing with the guy with a buzz cut coming into your office and being like what did you see and you're like?
Starting point is 00:10:06 Yeah, I saw a triangle that moves sideways So the way it used to be apparently in the Navy was that if you said you saw one of these things You either got sent to a psychiatrist or you got let go from the Navy Damn, and then only now is it changing where they're having all these like Sessions of Congress with it. It's closed door sessions where people are where Servicemen are coming in and explaining what they've seen like they're changing the reporting methods on how you report these things This is how I know I wouldn't be good at the military I would just lie to get out of work and say that I saw one so I could go stay at a hotel in DC and talk to a panel of senators
Starting point is 00:10:43 Was it one of those great saucers we keep seeing? Yeah. They go, what were you doing? And I have my dunking coffee. I go, I was checking it out. I was washing the deck and they flew over me. I saw it. And then they were all like, you're pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:11:03 And I was like, hey, it's nice to meet you. Just so you know, you've made first contact and I was like, what? What was all, huh? It's chill. What, I was all, can you let me talk to my dead dad, like, Jody Foster in contact? They're all like, no way.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And I was like, peace out, Cubs out, and I took off, dude. Yeah, you're right. I want to see someone very intelligent actually having an encounter where it's like I never knew that I mean like a person that why can't they meet a scientist that knows this shit? I just like yeah, that's what I'm saying also about like I mean science We'll tell you the odds are in the grand expanse of the universe Sure, I'm sure there's other kinds of life out there completely I'm sure there's other kinds of life out there completely.
Starting point is 00:11:50 I just like the teardrop head people, and I don't know. Do you mean like the, I think you're referring to the grays, you mean like the traditional alien head people? Yeah, it's always like so sinister looking even. Now, Sean, I love this this shit i think there's definitely aliens and yeah want to know your thought on do you think that there are multiple forms of
Starting point is 00:12:13 aliens and we are just a zoo for all of them just you know for instance shan let me tell you that dan at this core is a rube from rural calirado absolutely jay is one thousand percent correct i love it i love them to death four is a roo from rural Colorado. Absolutely, Jay is 1000% correct. I love him to death. 100 years ago, I would have been struck with a light in the field.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And my family would have never heard from it. Yeah, but you've been certified for a while. You've been in this a city boy for a long time. Oh, dude, I'm into it with this man. I'm into it with this man right here. And let me tell you something. Nah. No, I'm not city this man right here and let me tell you something nah No, I'm not city at all, dude. I'm still the roar to the Korra. I love it Go ahead and cancel me. I'll go manage a cricket store in Aurora The only successful is the only cricket the phone store. Yeah, I'll run a cricket phone store
Starting point is 00:13:03 Cricket cricket the phone store. Yeah, I'll run a cricket phone store Only successful actor and or comedian slash actor who has milk with dinner the only one I promise love It also found out a little science today for all you fucking haters on the milk drink in life Christ I sent you guys an article. I think Christine or black., you guys might have it. Drinking a glass of milk a day helps with heart disease. You know what an apple a day does? Keeps it, Dr. Roy. Yeah, why doesn't yours fucking rhyme better? I don't know, because it's more thick with mucusy. Dan?
Starting point is 00:13:38 Dan. Dan. They used to have advertisements that told you smoking was the coolest and most awesome thing you do for your body. And it was, and it is. And now listen, now where the other could be right twice. No, I mean, anyways, it just seems like that seems like a real what was that publication? It was from the milk times. It's from dairy weekly. You have milk with dinner every day? No.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I don't. I know. He's got to look a woman in the eye sometimes while he's eating dinner. I did. I did growing up, Sean. I did until the age of 18. Dan would dunk a cheeseburger from McDonald's
Starting point is 00:14:17 in a glass of milk. I wouldn't do that, but I would have a nice cold glass of milk with a hot plate of lasagna. Oh my God. That is a healthy amount of dairy. You're not supposed to have a marina. Oh, there's gonna be crusted marinara
Starting point is 00:14:32 from your lips on the cup by your first sip. Oh yeah, if it's a plastic green one. Oh. That is just unsettling. Well, let's talk about it. Yeah. What? There's cheese about it, I guess. What? There's cheese in the milk. I just milk in the cheese.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Whatever, dude, all my milky's know what's up. All my milky's do. All my milky's do. All my milky's do. Oh, for all the millions and millions of milky's do up there. All my milky's know the three rules, put it in your cereal, put it in your coffee, put it in your tummy during dinner, and you'll always be healthy.
Starting point is 00:15:05 You should be like, I'm sure me and Jay are family the same way. It was like a three liter of soda with dinner every fricking night, right? No. I weirdly, yes, there was definitely soda was big when I was with my mom and stepfather. There was a very big soda family for sure. Big soda, but milk also, actually very big milk family. You bust out that safe way, gallon. Let's get nuts.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Let's bust out that. And then what you do is you take the gallon of milk when the milk's empty and you got a fucking hot water at down hard. I mean, real heavy hot water, then you get a funnel so you can start throwing in the scoops of, without making a mess, you can throw in the scoops of without making a mess you can throw in the scoops of powdered iced tea
Starting point is 00:15:48 That's very smart. That's very smart. I then and then when you make the iced tea Do you know I just it just dawned on me the fattest thing I've ever done so I used to when we play basketball every day after school I would go and I'd always grab a gallon of water and just bring it for everybody to drink and then I started going like oh That's right You could make it in the Gambling bringing a gallon of iced tea to play basketball I must look like it was like what is this kid doing? Yeah, it's guys gonna go into some sort of shock if he just has that much sugar and no Hizer Asia is so much. Why is he bringing ice tea?
Starting point is 00:16:20 We are ice tea. You slow. All right. I still like motor oil I was we used to put as much powder as we could in the ice tea, which is so dark. Oh yeah, it'd be great. Oh my god. But again, that's why that's the flavor of ice tea. That's why I like diet peach snapple ice tea. Anything that tastes like sun tea,
Starting point is 00:16:38 is what it would be called when I was younger, when someone actually did tea bags ice tea. It is so weak and gross. You could have shur suffered enough. I don't like the flavor. I hated it, hated it. And then in 2015 I successfully quit soda for like three months and I was like, I'm just going to learn how to like unsweetened iced tea. And I just kept fucking out and make like some sun tea like you were talking about Jay and I was like, it's good, it's good. I just keep drinking it. And finally, I made some lovely herbal essence peach tea
Starting point is 00:17:09 and some iced tea out of it. And I really enjoy it. That's what I make to this day. Why shampoo? Yeah, that's crazy what you're just saying right now. Yeah, dude, I'll show you the picture I make it in. Boston. I make a picture of herbal essence iced tea.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Yeah. You're gonna speak up in your kitchen for 15 years. Not any more dog, I'm moving out of that place. No, I know, but that same guy who accepted that without making a stink to his landlord makes herbal essence homemade pitcher iced tea. Is it a glass pitcher, Dan? No, it's plastic.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Well, there you go. I knew the award would come out of the story at some point. No, it's a reusable plastic. Oh well there you go. I knew the award come out of the story at some point. Now it's a reusable plastic. Now it's all it's got different colors stained on it from the assorted juices I've made. Sean with back to aliens. Do you think that there are multiple versions? What's going on with aliens? Yeah. I think that there's a whole bunch of theories about it. So I'll tell you what they are. One is that what these things people are seeing is terrestrial, which means that it's China or Russia. One is that it's extra terrestrial, which means it's aliens from far away. And one is that it's interdimensional, which means that they're coming over from another dimension. And that's why you only see them very quickly and then they go away. And then that's just David Lynch's theory though. Yeah. And then the other thing people are saying is that they're here all the time and you're only able to see them at certain, like they're here and they make the presence known at certain times. So yeah, I think I think that they definitely exist and I don't think that whatever this stuff is, I don't think it's from here.
Starting point is 00:18:46 There's another theory that they might be from, there are oceans because these things interact with water all the time and they go, they're transmedium, which means they go between air and water. Sean, water kills them, dude. I thought this guy knows about aliens. Dude, learn your alien history.
Starting point is 00:19:04 You keep watching. Is this our alien guy? Is this the only guy we got for aliens because I don't know this guy watches the filmography of Mel Gibson But water sort of the thing that hurts them also you jacuzzi before the blowjob You should but you get a blow him before jacuzzi or you get very violent That's what some of the pilots said right right? They saw stuff like these giant things underwater every day for two years. Every day for three years. So that knew this video, that knew his video, but the the thermal, whatever the image thing, whatever you want to call it, that object floats around like a ping pong ball and then just disappears into the water. And they say they call it like splash damage, means that it went below the surface of the water.
Starting point is 00:19:46 And the fact that it's a craft that can do be in the air and water with, and there's no wreckage and there's no problems, is so far beyond what we have as far as humans, that's why you don't think it's from here. So as far as like UFOs go, like this has been, this is not even a question anymore, these things exist. But as far as aliens go, that's the
Starting point is 00:20:09 leap you have to take. Like is it aliens? Is it, is it, you know, is it us from the future coming back? That was the one that was coming back. That was the one when I was smoking weed in high school that made my mind melt. I was. I'm just sitting in a car. My friends like, I actually think aliens are humans from the future that are coming back to look at us and that's why their eyes are so big and their brains. Dan? Oh. Dan, look at me right now and tell me he's a friend. And right now, because I'll tell you, I don't believe you're this person anymore.
Starting point is 00:20:39 And I wouldn't, I won't judge you for something you've done in your past at all ever. Yeah. After you saw the Matrix, did you say to somebody else really makes you think? Yeah, of course it is I don't like hearing that. I respect you, dude. Yeah, okay. Well, I'm sorry. I'm so open-minded, dude Make sure I'm so open-minded. Doesn't make you think that the Jay, I don't think I want to tell you about my 32 page dissertation on how this is all Simulation so yeah, if you don't want to if you don't want to read my which has watch a toast ski paper
Starting point is 00:21:12 No, I think I watched I think I watched the matrix and I was like oh cool I think that's I think I was walking around Walking around I remember it came out and I was doing comedy and Philly, so I was gonna be on South Street. And like two or three stores I went into is people were talking about it as randomly, and they wanted to talk to everybody about it because every knit with them at the go goes, makes you think, Riley, this is all just a simulation,
Starting point is 00:21:36 it goes, don't conduct your life like that. Like, don't. Either that or tell, yeah. I mean, the alien thing, as far as them being in the oceans I've been screaming from the rooftops that the dolphin people war is coming and that they have just been I've never heard you mentioned the people what the modern day Paul revere for the dolphin revolution yeah I won't let you do not on my own show while you just try to be like that. But this is I have been saying forever that when they march up the shores, we must be ready. California is the most vulnerable.
Starting point is 00:22:12 He's just watered too cold in the Atlantic. This is our Normandy. Yeah, when they storm the beach, I'm going to be right there in a gun turret just fucking taking out Kunefish. Fucking walking fish. Later flipper. I'd like to ask what Sean thinks it is, but also I want to jam in here that speaking of the matrix, when I was in acting school 100 million years ago, there was this kid, he was dating the hottest girl in the school and they started living together in the apartment. I went over to the apartment one time and on the wall he wrote, there is no spoon. That's the dumbest thing.
Starting point is 00:22:53 That is the dumbest thing. Jacob, I thought by the way, I thought you were gonna see you in over there. I think I said you brought the hot screw from school home and then you showed up one day. I thought you were gonna see wearing a trench coat and fucking dark glasses. That's exactly what I thought.
Starting point is 00:23:04 I thought you were gonna be like, it's like, so I went over there and turns out Matrix isn't, we're not a Matrix. I couldn't kick his door down, I couldn't do flying karate. No, turns out I couldn't stop those bullets with two in my head. Yeah. It made me mental. That he wrote that. That's probably why he got that girl because he wrote that on his wall. Like that was she's the same thing
Starting point is 00:23:25 It's their symptoms of the same thing. I mean of the same whatever his personality is got that girl is the same guy that would Yeah, you're right. Yeah, yeah, the confidence the confidence to write a corny movie line on your fucking wall is the same confidence to be like And then when she read it he came up behind her and grabbed her shoulders. Anyway, it's not And she went, oh my god. Both the people who made that movie by the way, both became women, right? Yeah. The Wachowski brothers. It'll all go on.
Starting point is 00:23:54 So turns out he changed your character in the Matrix, I guess. Aliens living in the sea, I am way on board with though. That's great. What do you think it is? the sea. I am way on board with though. That's great. What do you think it is? What I think it is is that I think the one that makes the most sense to me is that they're here, like they're here all the time and it probably is from somewhere else, but that they're ever they're present here all the time and then they're able to just make themselves. Here's my question at some point. I think that it's good to think.
Starting point is 00:24:25 One of the points, I really quick, one of the things somebody brought up that that really made me think almost like that guy with the Matrix was really makes you think was that, well, there's all sorts of different, they're like, maybe the life you think it is is not the same kind of life that you're, it's not just human life.
Starting point is 00:24:39 So planter or human life, right? So they're like, this type of life could be here all the time, but it's silicone based and you don't know that it exists or it's, or it's like it's in the oceans, like we just said. So I think it's something like that where it's closer than you think. We just aren't aware of it. Like I also think it's like, it's like they live and, uh, yeah. And you're, you're gonna turn, you're gonna turn soda first and the mean
Starting point is 00:25:01 him or gaff to have a fucking alley back. Dude, I'll tell you what Jay after we have those fucking that fucking pure 17 minute fight I mean just fucking knock the dick off each other all around this place We're gonna be the best of friends will never be stronger allies after that day that'll be it But my question to you Sean is my whole argument is gonna be like Dan I don't look good in regular sunglasses. I go, I know, just put them on. Jay, you need to put these on for me, because I'm on an aviator.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Aviators hug my face better. I have a wide face. And if this was us, you'd be like, hey, dude, can you not do that bubble gum line? You've already done it twice when we walked in. I go, I know, but it's a killer. He's gonna be like, Dan, like, I understand I'm hearing it every time too.
Starting point is 00:25:43 So it's like, all right. It's not new for me. And I understand what'm hearing it every time too. So it's like, all right. It's not new for me. And I understand what material is. And I want to throw that a bus. So I got to keep walking behind you acting like, oh, I guess you guys hear it. Everybody get it finally. But with all this different, I think you're right.
Starting point is 00:25:57 I think Sean, I kind of subscribe to the same idea that if they're so advanced from us in a different life form, then they can probably hide in our, but my question to you is, do you think they understand, like, are they smart enough that they can translate what we're saying, or we just like simple little fucking chimps being like, and they don't, they can't listen to the bonfire is what I'm trying to say. I think they have serious I think in all the
Starting point is 00:26:26 serious exam. I mean it comes loaded into it like it's a do that would be great if we just we just pissed off a fleet of grays because Kavino and Rich got canned and they put us on and then they're like bro grays you know Yeah, bro. You just put a whole lot of pressure on Sean I feel like with that question he even goes do they have belly button Sean please your take I don't know No, so he's got an answer Jay you gotta ask I don't don't get out of me cuz I'm asking the questions that you don't want to ask Are there sinus systems the same as ours Sean please take it away?
Starting point is 00:26:59 Shower the color system is very complicated. Let me go down the line What do they what system is very complicated? Let me go down the line. What do they come? Go. Just berries, just berries coming right another day. Go fuck. What you're called? So no, that's actually one of the things is the Anhill theory, right?
Starting point is 00:27:18 So the way that ants probably see us is that, they see in one dimension, they see one dimensionally. So they're not seeing us like we see one dimensionally. So they're not seeing us like, like we see us three dimensionally. They're only seeing us in flashes, the one-dimensional parts, right? So it's just like lines to them, right? So this would be the same exact kind of thing. They're so far advanced. They're not even, and that's why they haven't made contact because they're not interested in what's going on because there's no no consequence to them. So yeah, we're just like tiny little bugs to them.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Exactly, exactly. Uh, I'm kind of comforted by that. I like the little bug. The thing that you can be comforted is like the, uh, even though all these, one of the politicians, oh, Marco Rubio or something, when all this stuff started happening, and I think he's right, he goes, you better hope it's not us, though these UFOs, because that's a problem. That's way more of a problem than if it's extraterrestrial,
Starting point is 00:28:07 because all the years, this is going on for decades, right? Say, since it's like Roswell Times, none of it's ever been aggressive. Ever. There's like one story about a guy that got shot back at or something. And it was when I ran and there was this fighter jet that was chasing after one, and it kept going, going, going, and going, and finally the thing like shot back at him or something. But it took this he went as high as he could
Starting point is 00:28:28 go. The alien guy. The alien guy's explaining it to his co-pilot and he goes, you see he was following me. I'm trying to do some fucking you. You see he was following me. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following
Starting point is 00:28:43 his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following his guys. He was following weapon systems. I was on my ass. I mean, he's tailing me the whole way. It's my first week going to this stupid rock. He's just fucking following me. At one point I threw a pen at the window once and see if he would take the hand but nothing. These fucking skin sacks are following other derogatory terms for humans. He's fucking, he's dumb fucking freckle monsters. He's fucking meatfeats. Yeah. Yeah. There's no you don't you don't call us that you don't call us meatfeats. No, I'm sorry. I want to ask. What? Have you seen the project Blue Book Alien video and do you
Starting point is 00:29:21 think that's fake? Because that was one of the scariest things that I ever saw, but then it came out that it was I forget the name of that one. Yeah, I okay, so I'm sure do you think the aliens would like beach rock? What do you think aliens feel about sublime are they? Bradley died or do you think that do you think it's less chill? Do you think he's the king one of their holidays? What is the day he just became one of the holidays? That's actually one of their holidays. What is the day he died? It is one of their holidays. I think that the blue book alien video is, yeah, I don't think it's real. No, I come just short of, I'm kind of the same way where there's things that I'm skeptical
Starting point is 00:29:58 of. And only now am I coming around on this aerial school thing because in the phenomenon they have a whole section talking about it. And it wasn't just the school children saw it. They were seeing these things for days within that area and there was all sorts of witnesses from it. And I don't know, man, they interviewed these kids like whatever is 30 years later, 25 years later, whatever it is. And they had the same exact stories and they have nothing to gain, none of them ever
Starting point is 00:30:26 made any money off of it. That's the way I kind of, how I gauge it. So like all the ancient aliens guys, I think are bullshit. Yeah, those guys we could tell by their haircuts. Like, yeah, exactly. They'd immediately come on and they're like, is this actually, was Moses an alien? So they can do it. And then they just, you know, don't you? Yeah, exactly. was Moses and Helian. So they can do it.
Starting point is 00:30:45 And then they just, you know, don't he? Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It's all they're making decent money, I guess, for those shoes. They keep me on the history channel for a good 90 minutes on the road when I'm stoned. Exactly. But so when you have like, if you're not making any cash off of it, like, I tend to believe it.
Starting point is 00:31:02 Like, what's the, what's the motive, you know, like what's the thing. So these, that aerial school thing you just shown, that was one of the drawings, one of the kids did right after it happened. So basically they had this guy, John Mackie, and he worked for Harvard and he came out and he interviewed these kids separately and he says they all saw what they say they saw.
Starting point is 00:31:23 And he also they separated these kids and all had them draw what they say they saw. And he also they separated these kids and all had them draw what they think they saw and all the drawings were the same. Pretty much the same. I would have fuck that up as a kid. I would have been my own drawing. I put fucking Legion of Doom spikes on his shoulders and been like, yeah, and he's got a six pack.
Starting point is 00:31:41 I'd give him a six pack like Elliott Page. And I'd say what I would. I'll tell you what I would have done. I'd give him a six pack like Elliott Page. And I'd say what I would. I'll tell you what I would have done. I'd have thrown some eyelids and eyelashes really softened the thing up a little bit. They don't blink ever. They're just gay black eyes always. Give it a real cum hither me, a cum hither stare.
Starting point is 00:31:57 No, just shut up with something a little more approachable. I'm here, you could talk to me. Like there's always a thing. I'd be some crazy fucking wide eyed wide eyed like just I don't know. You know, John, I'm like a Kate Winslet in Titanic. You just would have a hole. Yes, and good luck hitting me up in middle school aliens. I would have put some big old boobs on you. Oh, I would have given you some first things first to sing a big hoots. I mean just just a set. What would be your frame of reference for the boobs what movie would have been it's got it?
Starting point is 00:32:27 Oh just grab it really yeah, I want to give those aliens just grab it body if I I think it would have been just just one of the guys boobs Those are amazing great. Those are surprise boobs though. You really had to take away from her guy face Her over it. It was a very confusing jerk like the one Jacobs gonna have later to Elliot Page with the shirt off. Isn't it still Ellen Page's nipples? It is Jacob. It is, but those washboard abs are not. It's still Ellen Page's nipples. Oh, do you, I mean, are those any boobs?
Starting point is 00:32:57 Do people draw aliens with boobs is so funny? Drawing sexual aliens is very funny to me. Which brings the next question. Sean, what are their pluses like? it away Sean do they get wet do they get gooey what are they do they vibrate I want to know they yeah they glow in the dark it's crazy well I listen to a great episode of last podcast on the left where they talked about a lot of the like they went over the sexual encounters the aliens have with you. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:25 And it's always very aggressive. It's always medicinal. Yeah, there's there's always probing going on. And then they say all these guys, these these eyewitness accounts when they when they meet the female, they know it's female because the way they treat them. I think these guys just have an alien finish going on kind of. Not generous lovers. I'm right here.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Yes. Oh, you just, I guess you just take your turn and then you put me back down and wherever you pick me up, whatever parking lot you put me in. Yeah, hello. On Earth, we make each other come. Yeah. Dude, that, that fucking, those aliens talking,
Starting point is 00:34:04 or they're like, do you want to go to earth and just pick someone up and fuck them And like yeah, dude, I'm bored. Let's go. Let's go. That's great. Wait a what if we're what if they're fucking Tijuana That's what I heard someone had a joke like that though that we're there to you Tijuana fuck someone to just stand up joke about that And I was like man that really would make sense on why we're all whoever I stole it from oh would make sense on why we're all. It was whoever I stole it from. Oh, oh, you talk about my joke where I said that aliens use us like Tijuana.
Starting point is 00:34:32 Sean cows. Why do they cut them up? Go. That I think might be like that's experiments in medical testing, whatever they're trying to figure out everything. Yeah. Why is where they land such a complicated design? You mean the the the the the corn maze thing? Yeah, the the um, I don't know. I didn't look too much into that. I looked more into like, well, after that time, Zartakai looked into all these military accounts of what happened and the most that was the most believable stuff. I wonder if circle is what you're saying. Crop circles. Yeah, I wonder if crop circles are just like tire marks for us. You know, like they're like, oh, that's got some good tread on it.
Starting point is 00:35:11 Like if an alien sees it, like an alien detective is like, oh, yeah, they just, they put their chains on for the winter. They can identify the car just by the crop circles. Yeah. I don't know what you think them. Motivation is what are they? I think it's probably just it's probably just an observation. It's got to just be observation because There's all these all sorts of stories of them people interacting with them. There's even a video that I forgot to tell you about Christine that This is guy Stephen Greer who people think half people think you're crazy half people think he's for real
Starting point is 00:35:44 But they have a video of them in like I figured it was like North Carolina or something and they're shining these like military grade lights at this guy in this one spot. And these things are, the, whatever's in this guy is reacting to their lights at them. Like you can, if you look up Steven Greer and maybe it's like, look, I'm stealing your hair. So he was flashing like a high powered flashlight at them and then they were reacting. They're all on the speech. And the video is clear as day.
Starting point is 00:36:12 It's the things are reacting back. They're flashing their lights bright back to them. Now maybe it's all edited, but I don't think it is. But what if it is just two Russian pilots? And they're just like, it is very possible. This people do not know what we are doing quick hit lights. And they're like, look, this Southern United States people
Starting point is 00:36:32 are so dumb. They're so amazing. The reason why they don't think that it's like, that it's from Earth is because there's these things called the five observables, which is like, oh, how you can identify, how this group called ATIP identified this thing, why they couldn't nail down what these things were. And it's like hypersonic speeds,
Starting point is 00:36:53 no signs of no wings or no signs of propulsion and stuff like that. Yeah, so this is it right here. They do this stuff. Sure. Real quick, while we're looking at this, what does this mean? What? Okay, we're going at this what does this mean what
Starting point is 00:37:16 That means uh was up like that but like oh yeah they're just trying to say what's up to us they love that commercial they love it you've been listening to SiriusXM's bonfire! New episodes every Tuesday through Friday mornings and full shows, always on SiriusXM!

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