The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - Vedderman (feat. Nate Bargatze)

Episode Date: November 22, 2022

Nate Bargatze meets Eddie Vedder and could care less about it! ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On Big J. Ocarson, you can listen to full 2-hour long episodes of the Bonfire 2 Hours. That's a real commitment to us. Well, it's on Series XM or with the SXM app. It's easy, just go to slash Bonfire for a special offer. And now, the bonfire with Big J. Okreson and Dan Soder. Well, I know that's not Toto, but isn't it though? I don't know. Is it on B.O. Radio? If I told Dan this was Toto, he would just go with it. No you'd live life like that Why would I why would you nothing it's Toto you would be like this is the Steve Lucather
Starting point is 00:00:56 He hit the one guy Kimball dude 38 special, but I did a show and met This is 38 special, but I did a show and met Eddie veteran and then it was a charity event and You don't understand what you just didn't know you know lose like you know spend the more Proof of those like lose my little twice as many than Joe really. Yeah, I met him. How is he? He was a super nice super super nice super a little Ray D. But yeah It was but I'm though, you know, you know, I'm the worst with music
Starting point is 00:01:31 I met Roger Roger Dottry was it was like it was a benefit and then He's like you're hitting everybody's that is Jacob's favorite band. Who yeah? He goes I met him. I thought it was his event. I was like hey, thanks for having me man And then Laura was in the and she's like that's the guy. He's like a pretty big deal He's pretty big. Hey nice place. Hey man. So what do you do? I got a little accent there, but Guess you doing the Madonna thing where you have your English and your friends. I don't have to couple songs, mate.
Starting point is 00:02:07 I was, yeah, I'm the worst at, I mean, I, but I'm ignorant to it. I'm not aware that they're who they are. But what, but I think with Eddie Vetter and like the people you're meeting, I think that probably is very refreshing to them. They're probably like, I was guy, doesn't know who I am and I like this.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Well, I didn't talk to him much. I leave them alone. Eddie Vitter, I just was trying to tell them how much Joe Liss loved them. So that's the only thing I talked to Eddie about. Is I was like, I never, I didn't talk to them at all except I was like, what did you say to of? Well, I was telling Laura, I was like, I just got to tell them because Joe is, I know Joe's. I mean, Joe just, you know, Soda met Eddie Vetter and didn't say a word about DJ Lou Well, I also had about two seconds. So I know just trying to kick me under the bus. Yeah, didn't have a chance to really talk to him He goes he brought up running
Starting point is 00:02:55 I don't know that is He I just said Joe. I actually told him about will lose brother twin. Yeah, that doesn't care about Pearl Jam as much Sure Eddie gets this all the time. So you did the right thing. What freaky twins Saying that my friend is the biggest fan. What did you how did you say? I said joe list close friend of Lucy K and No, I didn't say that because these I leave No, no, no, Joe was they he's I leave I don't know man the way you trap those girls and beat off and from I go no no no Joe was there He wasn't as bad as it seems stood from the Joe was there. He made the girl stay I go you might I wait are you hearing me wrong?
Starting point is 00:03:32 Joe's a door blocker. Yeah, it was just jerking off those were kept trapped by Joe Your biggest fan the guy was physically keeping him there is this guy that loves your So many of you guys. I'm getting away from this. The paper's got that so wrong. Joe very aggressively kept these women where they were. He goes, oh my goodness. And then he would tell Louie that they wanted him to do that.
Starting point is 00:03:56 And then he would do that. And he would also hold them there while reciting Pearl Jam lyrics. So that it's in their head. That's how he would get them. He'd get them playing your music. He played my crazy's that dude. Play my apology and then He would get him for the horse. He get on playing your music. He played my crazy said. Played my apology and then he would hold him there.
Starting point is 00:04:08 Jacob. Nate is so inherently just not into music at all. So casually. Nate's in the music, but Nate's in the music that they played during cosmic bowling. I've always said this. I'm yes. Top 40. I'm like, but I'm in the music the way you make a plant grow. Or you just it's on and you're like, I think it helps. Yeah, look at that. He's growing. in the music the way you make a plant grow. Or you just, it's on and you're like, I think it helps. Yeah, look at that. Yeah, he's growing.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Okay, I'm just gonna throw, it gets me through it. Well, hang on, Jacob, and they complete casual tone, just blue both of your, just knock both your dicks in the dirt with an amazing thing. He just met recently at a charity event, Roger Daltry and Eddie Vetter.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, no shit. And, you're Peter Farr. Honestly, the whole thing played. The, no shit. And Roger, my name is Eddie. Oh, honestly, the hoot played. The hoot played. You may have texted these video. It's not Roger Doltry, it was his event. It was the hoot cares. And so it was in LA to this doot house.
Starting point is 00:04:56 And it's at a guy's house. This guy's house is very good. Well, it wasn't Roger Doltry. Green Day performed. Oh, dude, you're such a globalist now. A preview of Thursday show. You have a Drenacrome. Damn, Soros. Damn, we're such a you're such a globalist now. A preview of Thursday show. Yeah. You have a dream of Chrome. Damn, Soros. Damn, we're super into conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:05:09 There's a meeting. Damn, you're a loser. Just me. I don't think I would be allowed in that meeting. They were talking about everybody. You go, you go, oh, guys, I forgot my robe and horn mask. Yeah. You guys have the the skull of a bull I can put on with some sheet shit to the best part of knowing Nate is if he was ever in an illuminati meeting you go Hey, can we get like a good coach at Vandy? You all swing that I would they I wouldn't be loud. They I show up in a fueled car
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yeah, like what are you doing you go what that thing runs on gas? Yeah good to I've raised man What if you don't believe in global war? I'll sit back and just go ahead. So we got to stop it in a never-waite net. Are you serious? Yeah. Wait Nate, I'm sorry. I've just given a lot of my money that I've made in Pearl Jam. So climate change and you don't believe in it at all. That's all. Summer's hot winter's cold. I don't know. What do you want me to say? It's pretty cold out today. Last time I checked it's called global warming, not global cooling. I love these gold Roger Dolcey has a lovely home
Starting point is 00:06:08 and a place is not is. This place is great. I go this nice, I go thanks for having me. They didn't have me. I mean, you guys didn't even know I'm there. I did comedy to, I mean, just people standing and taught just nothing. Oh, you like the rumors lost?
Starting point is 00:06:21 It was outside. And so it was, but then they do this big concert. They raise like five million dollars for, it's a good thing like for UCLA Health and Who Cares and kids cancer and stuff. And that's the other thing. When you do those events, you don't know what the raising money for.
Starting point is 00:06:34 You know, like I won't be a part of it. Kids cancer, you guys. If it's kids money, we're gonna lose kids cancer. Yeah, because you don't understand no we're giving kids cancer. You know, especially if kids cancer. Billy Eidl's stop Eidling, do you?
Starting point is 00:06:44 Billy Nevar Eidl's. He said something that sounded like he was rooting for cancer. Really? giving kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids kids You guys but nothing pumps nothing pumps me up all right like a bowl I love when I can see that Christmas isn't gonna be in there future I'll bring a bag full of bad dance for the little boy There's a guy outside waiting in this car I killed kids with cats. Yeah. He goes, that is a guy outside waiting in his car. Yeah, the idoling. How fucking it? You already did a whole campaign.
Starting point is 00:07:27 In New York. In New York, it was out of the league. It was Billy Idol, doesn't idol. Billy never idols. And it's him being like this. Don't idol. Yeah. He's like, tell you coffee to feed a jam.
Starting point is 00:07:38 That was as big. It was at a nowhere. It was just off the play on words for sure that the campaign was written before they got Billy Idol in front of. I was trying to convince the who to move kids close to the power lines. Yeah, there you go. It's play it. Hello He's so funny looking too now No, this is good. I'll describe to everybody and then I don't have any damage it And then it says something about Bullocks and you try to choke or so And then as if there's a statue and then why you smell the real chair they want to like you
Starting point is 00:08:11 Hey, New York Billy Idol here rock star and environmentalist if you're not driving shut your damn engine off You're better New York Billy. Yeah, you're never driven in New York. It's not a lot of driving. It's mostly idling It's all yeah, it's all I've been yeah, I like an environment What is I'm gonna say I'm on that I'm that now. I'm an environmentalist. You know how little I give a shit Do you know that I give a shit about the idling being some sort of a problem pollution is my car the default setting When I get in it and start driving it I notice almost every time when I get to the first stop light It shuts off the car engine shuts off and then I push that button so that never happens again the rest of the trip I'm like don't make my car start every time I take my foot off the brake. I hate I do a half full bottle waterway in front of Eddie
Starting point is 00:08:57 Vitter and he had one of those yeties As I got him dumb in it. Hey man, I kind of noticed you're too I was like, I think I'm dumbin' it. Hey guys, hey Mariner, kind of know this, you wanna do it too soon? It's pretty rough. But there's a bunch of more over there, so I'll just get more. Yes, man, every time you do that,
Starting point is 00:09:10 it hurts me a little more and more, but I just wrote a new song for your friend. Was it Joe Lister goes, your friend is a prick. He's meant to song hating Nate. Tell your friend Joe Lister next time I see him on my punch him in the mouth. Nate's like, I just threw a bunch of food away.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Whatever. There was, I talked to one guy that I guess was like a two-manager with the who, and John Foward, he was there to you. Oh yeah, that was it. Come on, dude. And then he was awesome. He was, he was, like his, his, it was awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:38 Green Day had a ton. Green Day had a lot of security with him. And you're like, we're back, say, you know, like, any veterans by himself. Really? Yeah. And then like green days got like their own security on top. I mean, the security was obviously they're raising $5 million.
Starting point is 00:09:52 This is some ridiculous. Well, any vetter can afford security when only lose paying his tickets. He goes, but they told one guy. You know, Lou went to Pearl Jam with COVID because he had the first ever non-transferable tickets that have ever existed. Oh, yeah. When we were running them down for going to the concert, he was like, I had the tickets on my phone.
Starting point is 00:10:14 It's like, yeah, but you can transfer those. You go, not these. First, I've ever heard that. Someone transferred the tickets to him, but that was the only time. Very well, you can do it. Like, give them to someone else. Right. Yes, we went with COVID.
Starting point is 00:10:28 With COVID. And we'll go with that lie. What, the other one has anything to do with the other. The fact is I was super spreading, but I wore a mask outdoors. Crazy. That's cool, man. So next time you see Eddie, next time you're I'll bring that.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Next time you're at a weird house in LA. And one of your cape and mask parties. You let Eddie know that Lou is out here actively trying to take out his fan base. You know, also was there weirdly enough still? Andy Dick. Like, he's also there. And John Loveitts.
Starting point is 00:10:56 How was John Loveitts there? I think he's Andy Dick now as in trouble for beating up a gay guy who hangs out with. Yeah, he got, I think he got like arrested recently for like squatting. Yeah, I, he got, I think he got like arrested recently for like squatting. Yeah, I think, no, I think, well maybe, but the new thing was, did we watch it on here? The kid that was like, we didn't watch it.
Starting point is 00:11:14 It's wild, this kid goes, I slept at Annie's last night and then he gave me a drink and I passed out and now, there's something up my butt, and he was like, what do you mean? And he was like, you know, someone's else's stuff. He's like, what do you mean? He's like, he's trying to tell him, there's like, come in his ass.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Oh. Or, you know, like, condom juice or something. Whatever it was, he's trying to tell another guy who's like, you know, his boy who he just hangs out and he's like, I think something weird happened. There's like a video of it. It's like, cause it's like, cause they're live, it's one of those like, buses that live streams everything, you know. There's like a video of it. It's like, cause it's like, cause they're live, it's one of those like buses
Starting point is 00:11:45 that live streams everything, you know. That's like a bank ice that you leave one of the guys there. Like, what are you doing here? What are you doing here to go? He goes, I was, I was taking stuff. That was the thing he goes, that was taking. I wanted to take stuff.
Starting point is 00:11:58 You forgot your main other guy, you go, yeah, yeah, we did forget. Son of a bitch, where is Richard? Yeah, how'd you get caught? We left one of our guys with the mask on there. We tried to inside man, but we didn't build the fake wall like they did Do you have the video of him? Black love him, but Nate of you have you had one of these bands yet come up to you and be like Nate Bargette? Someone that you know no there
Starting point is 00:12:22 Is that he like is that he like oh? No, they're, uh, is that he like, is that he like, I like your, the killers. That's, uh, Brandon Flowers texted me once. That's awesome. Yeah. That's awesome. I know like, uh, I'm, I'm, I'm on the countdown for Shane getting so famous he meets Drake because that will be the one where like,
Starting point is 00:12:38 when I met him at Helium and Philly, he like loved Drake and he had Jack Hardelo texting him. He's like, oh, you're super funny and I talked to Shane and I was like, you're close. You're like two degrees on. Shane goes had Jack Harlow texting? Yeah, Jack Harlow was like, oh, you're hilarious. Yeah, I was like, he's two degrees away from Drake
Starting point is 00:12:55 being like watched Gileon Keaves, I love it. And that when that happens, that'll be like the crazy. Like I saw, but you must have, like, they had the flou-bren in flowers, but he was fucking nuts. Yeah, yeah, him on must have like, dear, the flower, Brendan Flowers, that's fucking nuts. Yeah, him and Joe Walsh, because, but yeah, none of these guys, I didn't talk to anybody.
Starting point is 00:13:11 I mean, this is not my scene. Yeah, I didn't want you to watch your set. Did anyone watch your set and be like, oh shit. No, my set was so chaos. I mean, I would honestly, I was on stage with the one point with Karima, Julia Barks, we had to do an auction. He would not know, exist.
Starting point is 00:13:28 I just stood behind him. He did his thing. I mean, like John McRose and like the front road, like he doesn't know. There's it's any Crawfers there. My dad says he won't really try very hard until the playoffs. And then he goes, you tell your old man, the man on the court, lambie, you're all dead. Yeah, I did. If you dropped an airplane thing, it would be far. on the court's land beer all day. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, if you dropped an airplane thing, it would be fucking great.
Starting point is 00:13:47 I and I've talked to like to the people that worked there more. Like you just end up, you know, as a comic, I take you just like, out of what do you go talk about? You're outcast, you know. Yeah, you just want to talk about how like, you want to talk to the caterer. You're like, how long do I take you stuff those takers? I've got to talk about, yeah, like recycling with the other people.
Starting point is 00:14:01 We're talking about how like weird this is at this moment. Yeah. You know, I mean, you want somebody else to how like weird this is yeah this moment. Yeah, you know I mean, you want somebody else to be like this is con Zimmer. That's crazy. I'm just remember yeah, but I didn't know who he was I mean, but I know who he is. I know his music. Yeah, obviously, but I don't know him It would be funny to see any better be like to you like elbowing you be like man dream of dudes bar Crazy You're any veteran than you guys I know but I'm basketball I think if everything's over he goes hey what are black people you're in there crazy but we're in the hills because that's how they make a
Starting point is 00:14:37 little tall out here because we can see them because it's like James worthy he was only like basketball players all of I have all of them were. He was just everywhere. Everybody. Is it just me or is there something in the water that makes the black people hit bigger? Yeah. It's just like a crazy, it's like a so disconnected racism that you're like, how did you even come up with that? Yeah. If we build that wall,
Starting point is 00:14:56 who's going to bring a shrink to parties like this, right? Isn't it crazy to know that they're keeping kids in cages right now? How are those pigs in the blanket? They're all right, Eddie. They're fine're fine. I know those kids, those cages. Bet you 10 bucks. I'm gonna legal immigrants. Bet you make me sick. Bet 10 bucks. You won't ask anyone in the who about those child porn things. Was that someone else? That was the hell. Was it?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Pete Townsend. Oh, yeah, he, no, but his thing was the hill. Was it? Pete Townsend. Oh, yeah. No, but his thing was the best. So take a, yeah. Here's the who's. Jacob loves him. He's all the who's. Jacob loves him. He likes, he likes, Jacob must love his music as much.
Starting point is 00:15:35 He's a big fan of Peter of, Pedos. Peter writing. He's a favorite of the PT. He's a favorite. Well, do you remember what happened when he got, so they found years ago, he got, when there was like a three it was Jeffrey Jones is that his name?
Starting point is 00:15:48 Who's the Jeff who was like Howard the duck and Ferris Bueller's they they caught Is when everyone when people were having porn but they don't understand how computers work just yet so people The principal and computers would break and then they'd go take it to a place to get fixed And then when they get it fixed You people would go through the computers and be like oh there's a lot of child pornography on this thing Yeah, and Pete Townsend was one of those but he his way of getting out of it somehow he got out of it his description was he goes No, no, I'm writing a book on like people who were doing this kind of stuff. So I'm just doing it I'm just doing research. You're like, okay, well, you know what? You get right, Bobo Rylah.
Starting point is 00:16:26 They just gave him a pass. They were like, we're gonna, we're gonna, we wanna believe that. So we're gonna believe that. Look, I don't, I don't agree with what he did, but in his defense, he said, he told him ahead of time, he didn't have anything on his computer. He accessed the site.
Starting point is 00:16:44 He wanted, his point was I'm gonna show you how his computer. He accessed the site. He wanted his point was I'm going to show you how easy it is to access the site. So he told what I think the equivalent of the FBI in England. I'm going to do this. And they said every side didn't. Welcome back Peter. But yeah. So his car his car was on fire. But I don't think he had anything. I'm going to do this eight times. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. I'm going. I'm gonna do this eight times. Yeah, it's crazy. I'm gonna do it until you guys look. Yeah, it's crazy. I have a favorites tab.
Starting point is 00:17:11 Yeah. This is stuff makes me pop quick. Yeah, dude, that's gotta be crazy. We go, hey, FBI, I'm gonna look at kid porn. Yeah, he called ahead and said, I'm gonna do this, but he never actually, yeah. What a job to go through people's child porn. Yeah, you called ahead and said I'm gonna do this, but he never actually put a job to go to people to go through people's child porn I think oh god, I do call the FBI one 800 FBI. Hello, speeder thousand. Hey, it's FBI. I speeder tells me to go. Let me put you through Yeah, I got you go right through it. Uh, we sort of the
Starting point is 00:17:42 What terrorism? No, no, no, you go to the department of a You know, who's younger than teenagers who watch his little kids? Yeah, you'd like to learn about child pornography Please say please hey Teenage teenage wasteland in a book right in magazine is a magazine. I'm writing I'm just job pornography. Well, we have need here to be fun because we were just talking on the break. I was in a Miami, tomorrow, in Prove, Great Club. Nate was saying he loves that club also.
Starting point is 00:18:18 And I was like, man, it's a hard draw city. It's just in general Florida. Yeah, Florida is a tough Miami. Well, like Florida is a toughy and I was telling that's where Jacob's favorite place is and it just so happens that Black Lou pulled three stories today about floor crazy. Florida's dumb. Do you have them over that you get into both of us or just
Starting point is 00:18:37 got them? What do we have? We got three or three stories? I mean, Florida man arrested for allegedly selling 11 year old girl LSD and marijuana edibles is just that's every state. Yeah, that's and he was 19 by the way. It's not that crazy. Growing up in Tennessee, did you look down on Florida?
Starting point is 00:18:57 Uh, no, I think I don't think so. If the Gators were good, you didn't. It was all about. Well, I'm a Vanderbilt fan, but obviously Tennessee, the Tennessee fans hate Florida. I mean, that's the rivalry. Did you think of it as the South Florida? It's so funny that it's so South and I never even over think of it as the South. It's like, it's own thing.
Starting point is 00:19:17 Yeah, but you got in Miami, I don't think it is, but it's up in, you go to like Destin. The Tallahassee and Pipsicle and shit. That stuff is like, it's very and yeah, you got like destined. The tala has the impency of cold and shit. Yeah, like that stuff is like, it's very Southern. Yeah. Yeah, but Miami you're almost like, it's just like this sexy little fucking bubble. But Tampa doesn't feel Southern to me, or Lando doesn't feel Southern to me,
Starting point is 00:19:34 because all those things are such dead, Orlando's all built around Disney World. Yeah. Tampa's all built around retired wrestlers and Saki Tilly's all, let's see what I'm it's all just dudes that used to do steroids and chicks with I don't have to firm bodies. I don't have to scribe it as much as I love Tampa and it is a
Starting point is 00:19:52 asshole of a place. 100% I and side splitters now is so much fun. Yeah, it's such a fun club but also you're like I've never been called brother more to Starbucks but other white people, where they go, hey brother, your ice coffee's ready brother. You got it, thanks. Why is your new brother? Wait, this coffee is ready for you. Why are we getting your brother?
Starting point is 00:20:15 Yeah, it's a- Do they have a green room there now? Sides putters? It's an office. It's just the office next to the, remember Bobby Jules office? It's like the one there. He's not there though, right? No, no, no, they got a new owner and it's fun. It's just the office next to Bob. Remember Bobby Jules office? It's like, it's like, they're there though. No, no, they
Starting point is 00:20:25 got it. They got a new owner. And it's fun. It's great. It's like, I remember having to go hang out like you go hang on the parking lot. Yeah, like in between shows, you just with people, you're just sitting walking around like that. Even the back one, I'd go out the back door out of the back of the kitchen. And then these people are walking to the show and like, hey, hey, hey, hey, it was like bananas and has Hasbrooke Heights where you just have to sit at the airport at the fucking hotel bar while the shows were turning over and they're like, good job, you know, thank you. You're not even staying in
Starting point is 00:20:53 that hotel. Yeah, you can't walk through Pleasantry of walking through a kitchen at a comedy club and the people who are doing like the shittiest work there just stuck in the, they can't even get the year to show it. And's walking about do walking by them And I was giving like I always give some sort of I'm like all right guys hell yeah, man. Good week everybody I can't I can't know you're the comic. Yeah, I'll count down. I'll go two more shows Yeah, then we're out of here all out of here. We're just slaving to get off the clock Also, I'm gonna need that case to deal like yeah, we're gonna get you guys out of here Also a lot of breading on those shrimp
Starting point is 00:21:25 Not a lot of shrimp inside Yeah, let's shrimp more shrimp less bread if possible again for mine. Even just remind hey Viva resist all I'll be in the back. Oh, he's scared of cocktail sauce back here I'm gonna go you can order off the menu, but you can get whatever you want Oh, then can I get a good burger instead of the bullshit you're gonna bring out you want. Oh, then can I get a good burger instead of the bullshit you're gonna break out? Should we do? Should we go to the fan part, boy? Should we do our last break? Come back and do these four stories? Yeah, sure. Because we got Nate and I don't want to do the thing where it's like all of a sudden we have to do like 12 minutes of commercials because
Starting point is 00:21:57 we've got it. Nate Bargitzi hanging out, especially on Netflix. Go check out all the specials on Netflix. We'll be right everybody, and we'll take this thing all the way home. It's the bonfire. You're the sun, man, get bowed. Ah, no! You're the sun, man, get bowed. John Fogarty confirmed a good guy. Confirm just good dude. It was a good dude.
Starting point is 00:22:22 Any better was a really good dude dude. I mean, they all were for a racist For a holocaust in there for a holocaust in Thanks, they're just hitting them with a crazy one. Yeah Well, yeah, he even believes in eugenics so yeah any better is pretty cool for someone that thinks Polish people should be a raced off the planet What is eugenics eugenics was like a perfect human. Yeah, it's what like no other's idea. It's like what Nazis did.
Starting point is 00:22:48 I thought I was like, something you take now. It is commercial. It's for the Frank Thomas Doug Fliety one's called like new genics. Oh, which by the way, little too close. Yeah. Hey guys, little board really.
Starting point is 00:22:58 Like we already printed the labels. It's like too late. Yeah. Dude, what's funny is the eugenics commercials just Frank Thomas walk it through a neighborhood going like you should fuck your wife more You should fuck your wife more. Like Hitler is still alive today and he goes what would you say? That's, that is this new genics.
Starting point is 00:23:13 Is it like a news form of the Eugenics? Yeah, we're being sued for copyright by Hitler. Third Reich Productions. Third Reich LLC is up our out of someone kicked fucking hitlers uh... tits again because he's all worked up i'm just saying i built a brand and send you a gone size is a new genix of an ion vats all genix i'm new genix that was my
Starting point is 00:23:37 favorite old uh... a young skinny joe mackie that was i love that bit of the bank code No, wasn't that the line was about Hitler He's like the I don't know. He's like a cheese of Hitler. Yeah, Hitler convinced us that people with blonde hair were superior wise Blunt when he had brown hair and brown eyes He goes to miss the blonde hair blew up people were the superior race. Yeah, he had brown hair. He was going to miss the blonde hair blew up, he wore the superior race. He had brown hair. He was short too. Yeah, Hitler. I just went to Rockfrile Illinois. If you ever go there, they have a historic autumn museum and they have a Hitler's car there that he rode in. Really? They have a bunch of stars. It's way close to steering
Starting point is 00:24:18 wheel. Yeah. I just I can't touch the petal So it makes me sorry my Hitler drove silly Dude, how is there not a cartoon called mini Hitler? His seat boy, he would lift his seat up and they'd put a box and so when they drove through He would stand on the box. So in the car it looks like he's really big really so goddamn funny I'm gonna stand up. I'm just a big boy. Well my face five foot nine. It's not terrible That people look up and Frank's height. A lot. They weren't enough that you can take her one on one.
Starting point is 00:24:49 They just want to know if they can back her down under the basket. It's just Germans going like, y'all good, she's five four. I said this. I looked her up, I go, is she a beast of a wall? Of course she was,
Starting point is 00:24:57 of course she was good at hiding. She was tiny like a mountain sea. I said this on skanks. Yeah, they, but it bears repeating for this, but I said Hitler's mustache was made for An angry dictator frown face every picture of Hitler smiling that mustache is so then it's super funny Yeah, like it's so vicious looking in the beginning But bring up do Hitler laugh do Hitler smiling or
Starting point is 00:25:23 Laughing Hitler laughing. I don't know if I want to see what's standing behind him that he's laughing. Yeah. You're just, just silly looks. Yeah, he's like, oh, that's fun. He looks like he's in costume. Oh, thank you.
Starting point is 00:25:36 They're good. I still love that fucking bird joke where he talks about the Jesse Owens beating him. And he goes, oh, the way Hitler talks shit on the way there. He's like, see Kyle. On the way back, being the guy that's with Hitler and being like, it wasn't so bad. I like knowing he's like in Burr also, though, and he goes, no one was like,
Starting point is 00:25:54 hey, is it me or this guy a little crazy? Yeah, dude. Yeah, that's actually a cool thing to see though. Hitler's car and the little fucking- It's very weird. And you stay at Staling's car. I'm there like Elvis's car. Like, it's actually a cool thing to see though Hitler's car. And it's very weird. And you stay at Stalin's car. I'm there like Elvis's car like he it's this collection. This dude's in Rockville, Illinois.
Starting point is 00:26:10 It's all just evil people. You know, I have Charles. Man, the big foot that are a big foot to the the monster. Hell yeah, original light in the mood a little bit. You go see Stalin's car. Then you're like, oh, big foot.
Starting point is 00:26:20 Then you're a Hitler's car. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. There goes. This is the car that that lady drowned her four kids in the lake. And you gountlet, the thing that chopped someone's head off? Gettin.
Starting point is 00:26:48 Gettin. Gauntlet. That's where you had to go through before you got to the Gettin. I think that might be. That's what's called the gauntlet off. They had one, that one in a lecture chair that they go was used quite often.
Starting point is 00:27:01 And they had to get rid of it because it just was too weird. Like if you're near it, people were like, I don't like this. Also John Wayne Gacy's ice cream truck, we're you murder all those children and truck us or it's right. And it's also funny that they're doing that where they go. They always name like electric chairs. They always have like fun name for them, like old zappy killed seven people. This son of Sam, they get that letter from him and he wrote a letter to the sky Peter and at the end of it, he goes, don't forget me Peter.
Starting point is 00:27:32 And you're like, well, you became this son of Sam, like, yeah, you could kill that last person. He was like, I don't want Peter to forget. We gotta do something big. What if he gets, what if he gets Peter? I know he gets gonna get mad. He sees Peter afterwards. He goes, I don't, Peter's like, I just don't.
Starting point is 00:27:45 You know what you're saying? You go, oh my God, your son of Sammy goes, yeah, Peter, we met before he goes. I feel like I remember that. It would be like me with some, it would be like me. Is that what you're letters that don't forgive me? It would be like, you wrote me a letter.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Son of Sam wrote me a letter. It would be crazy. It would be like when I saw Sebastian outside waiting for Lou and I went nice to meet you and he's like, I was on your show. You think you'd be a little more kinder to Jose Mang and who does it to you constantly? I mean he does it as a bit now. I think he's doing it to literally piss me off. This guy is serious.
Starting point is 00:28:15 He's ahead of something now. He's a pretty big up the ladder. Pretty big guy but back in 2007 when I moved here I tried getting a job and I met him. He went to you of a same rock and roll guy Same college rock station. We worked at he was like all right man you a Okay, and every time I see him he's like he knows Jay because they did like a metal cruise together So every time he's like big Jay there's the man the myth the legend. Hey, man. I'm Jose Dan it's nice to me. We've met actually before and he goes, right.
Starting point is 00:28:47 And then every time I meet him, he goes, hey, man, I'm Jose and I go, yeah, it's Dan again. And then we were in LA and he was like, big J. Hey, I'm not doing this. I just stopped it. I go, we've met like five times. And he's like, I'm scared to go scared, Dan. Scared, Dan? Scared, Dan? You might be familiar with my work on 90-point
Starting point is 00:29:08 three and a scared Dan aka soda on K rock. It's so funny. So we could, I know we have such limited time. Should we just read terrible things that happen in Florida? Yeah, Jacob always wants to go back to Florida, but Jacob, you're wrong. Jacob, stay here.
Starting point is 00:29:25 A Florida man arrested for allegedly selling a 11-year-old girl LSD Ameriwanda Bills trash garbage. Doesn't shake it off. You're fine with that. You're fine? Get out of here on mic. Defend your fucking state, dude. The good with what is the good?
Starting point is 00:29:39 Sunsets? You have nieces and nephews, dude. He defeated, he defended Peter Townsend So you think this you think this even wakes him up. I mean come on Nothing black was did he fuck a kid or something because you got to get me yeah Just get the emotions up in me. I'm gonna pay for him then let me know A 19 year old Florida that does take the sting off for some reason to me the kid himself was 19 What's still? It's fucked up. That's 11 year old flower. And that does take the sting off for some reason to me the kid himself was 19. What's still?
Starting point is 00:30:06 It's fucked up. That's an 11 year old. Inarguable, but 19 isn't that far removed. I don't know, to me, it's more nefarious. That was like a 50 year old guy or something. If you're already selling LSD at 19, I think you're pretty removed from 11. You're like a dog, you're 40.
Starting point is 00:30:23 Now for sure, you know what it's not you're 11 and two. You're right. You're right. You got to. That's a dog in each criminal. Yeah, you're right. You're right. The 11 is crushing either way for sure, but I for some reason thought the guy was over
Starting point is 00:30:36 at 19 year old making a decision that bad isn't a mind blow to me. I should say it's what it is. If it was like a 45 or 50 year old. It's like what it would you in college. Yeah, black it was like a 45 or 50 year old, what would you in college? Yeah black loose going The last two lines of the article or what throws me it's Detectives identified that he was trying to sell her the drugs online and then They had conversations where he drove to her house to give her the drugs. So really there's an 11 year old out
Starting point is 00:31:01 They're asking for these things damn dude. There's an 11 year old that can party. Yeah, she goes I don't know. I'm trying to trip balls watch dark side of the moon. Yeah, they go Maybe Google child porn. Did you sell LSD to an 11 year old? They were like you got to meet this 11 year old That would be like you got to see this 11 year old before you start getting up So if you try to do it at 11 with all your stuff You'd be like okay. Yeah, like you would be I was saying when you're talking about the therapist thing if you got a therapist I think they would double up. I think like one therapist couldn't handle everything you've been We got to get you to check you hold on real quick. Yeah, hey Mike come over here. We need a team in here for this
Starting point is 00:31:34 Hey Jay run that last part Yeah, yeah, I do just do uncle Tommy just stay Tommy front the back leave the door open. I ever need to hear this Mike. I any dear to it. Mike, I'm gonna need you to get Marsha. I'm gonna need you to bring them all in here and guys bring your notepads. Yeah. Uncle Tommy, we gotta talk about that. No, don't talk to me.
Starting point is 00:31:51 Yeah. Um, uh, uh, Florida man blames paranormal activity for driving car missing two tires. Woo, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Um, he pulled over a driver, deputy's pulled over a driver at 4 AM. When they noticed the car was missing two tires. When the deputy asked about the damage to the vehicle, the driver stated someone had put a curse on him and that he hit a curb a little hard. Oh, so I thought he was going to say like when he was stopped at a light, ghosts took his tires off. So funny.
Starting point is 00:32:21 Sometimes ghosts are in this neighborhood. I go to a terrible neighborhood. Some ofire so far. You know how to go stire? You know it's crime in this neighborhood. You know it's terrible neighborhood. Some of those criminals stick around. You know it goes ghost crimes up 50% since the quarantine. That's all I'm take off. Just they flew right away. I thought he was going to say that he goes,
Starting point is 00:32:37 I thought I'd have tires on. Must've been a spooky ghost took her tires. I've seen this happen a thousand times. You didn't see that? Normal. Normal. Officer, what's the problem? I don't think I was speeding. Yeah. You didn't see that? Normal. Normal. Officer, what's the problem? I don't think I was speeding.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yeah. It didn't seem like I was speeding. And then finally, Florida man captures 28 Burmese pythons to win top prize and state annual challenge. And Jacob, it's a half to see. No, I understand. That's my problem though. You shouldn't be so excited to live in a place
Starting point is 00:33:03 that has an infestation of Burmese bifan. Yeah listen to rock dinosaur hunter. I don't know why you're fucking they go that there's capturing fuck I don't know your capture and all these but they're letting them go so much. They're invasive. Oh dude. That's what happens. It's not even supposed to be there and then that many people in Florida bottle they bought so many. Yeah they had to just go just put them in the swamp. They go, who's giving it?
Starting point is 00:33:26 Who's selling you all these things? Yeah, so Jacob's life. He's passing them just like the American. Jacob's life, Jacob's life outside of doing radio here in New York as he goes down and hunts iguanas with a pellet gun and then is very aware that there's a Burmese python issue. Yeah, he gets makes them big quatch. Yeah, he goes, I just saw Burmese Python issue. He gets makes me quite... He's right there. Yeah, he goes...
Starting point is 00:33:47 I just saw Burmese Python in the bathroom and he goes, I'll go get the trap. Yeah, mom, mom, mom, bring me my iguana gun. Oh, no, no. Oh, no. Yeah, the... The putter, what's the click actually? Yeah, he goes...
Starting point is 00:34:00 It's out of a bitch doesn't even see me. And it's lights out and three two one we're at break Nate Park at see I mean we love you Nate. I love you so happy to find out that you're just gonna come in and hang out at the lawn I know I'm very excited. Yeah, special the greatest average American streaming as we speak on that flicks check it out Possibly a new one on the way soon. There is a new and coming out Hell yeah on fire We love you guys Peace out it out. It's basically the same thing. Go to slash bonfire for a special offer.

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