The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson and Robert Kelly - What's In The Background (feat. Brian Six & Kilah Fox)

Episode Date: July 21, 2021

Show Philadelphia favorite's Brian Six & Kilah Fox join the show! The gang watches subway fight and try to figure out exactly what part is fake. The crew admit to the songs they have playing in the ba...ckground to set the mood.Stream "The Bonfire with Big Jay Oakerson & Dan Soder" for 3 months free on the SiruisXM app! Offer Details Apply: us on all social media @TheBonfireXM@DanSoder

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey I'm Big J. Okreson and I'm Dan Soder and welcome to the Bond Fire Podcast. Yeah it's a podcast and it's also a radio show. You can hear our full show every day on Series XM. Go to slash Bond Fire for a special offer. And now the Bond Fire with Big J. Okreson and Dan Soder. Ugh, is this real amount hung me? Yeah it is. Fuck yeah. Right, he's doing Narls Barkley.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Oh, shh. Just let it. Uh-oh. Oh, he's so sultry. Christine, I would fuck a guy before I fuck you to this music. Oh, Jay, stop it. I'm having a flat out. And I'm just loving my plant-based diet. I would have aggressive, give-and-take gay sex. Oh Fuck you to the song. Well, that's maybe that's what I'm trying to get you to you That's what I'm edging you towards now you drive me over to you get a little ramal light rail among Tongue Let's welcome our guest to the show everybody. Oh, I'm so excited. They are here. You know I love everybody
Starting point is 00:01:00 It is the glorious actress Thespian buddy. It is the glorious actress, Thessbian, hilarious, Kyla Fox, and of course the hilarious Brian Callum Beezer 6. What's up, buddy? Thank you. We've been having a fun show today. Christine said she's never thought of Ray Lamontang music sexually before but I don't know now that I hear that I think she He just ruined that Charles Barkley song that Charles Barkley That driving crazy that driving soul crazy is what I
Starting point is 00:01:42 Would I lost my mind. It goes I remember him. No, that just don't make no sense. That song though. One of my favorite things of all time was Patrice. There's a comic that used to be named, I probably says on the show for, is a comic named Romi Rome. I don't know if he's around anymore. Very nice dude, but he was very like You know, he dressed that kind of like eccentric You know, I mean he was like where like you just dress like NBA players would on like the other days off And Patrice's description of me goes Rome he goes. I don't know man. Why do you dress all? I don't remember how to remember to have a gift card dude. It's the description of that. And I just knew immediately when he met when he said it. Or it was like that.
Starting point is 00:02:28 He dresses exactly like that. Oh my god. Yeah, but that was, yeah, that's not my kind of move. We've been talking about fuck music guys quite honestly. What gets you in the mood, what you put on, you know, the sensual. I'm, I've decided, right in this room of people that we have here, I'm telling you, I'm the only one right now who says they set
Starting point is 00:02:52 any kind of mood involving music. That means everybody else is either much more confident than me, or they really just don't know how to fuck right. I don't know. I don't know the answer. You give a shit about the fucking music? No, not every time, but most of the time. Most of the time. I got a playlist. Now,
Starting point is 00:03:14 Make it make a public playlist. Share that shit. Yeah. We want to know what you bone do. Well, I already played one of the songs and the whole team. The whole team scoffed at it. I already played one of the songs and the whole team, the whole team scoffed at it. Well, Jay's also shooting down all my ideas, like when I told him that I only fuck to the three tenors. Yes. Poverty gets me there. No, Dan did say though, he's fucked to Yacht Rock, and that's not fuck music at all.
Starting point is 00:03:40 You know what, I'm, I've done it. I can just, I've done it, I've done it. I can't lie That's relaxing and like you Christopher Cross will sailing Fuck to say to me wait Crazy Now look I grab you brothers great everybody's not gonna fuck the tool music like I do I get you Yeah, I'm sorry that you can nut to Ramstein. I don't think I can Ramstein I would not pick Ramstein
Starting point is 00:04:12 Never to me in the past I would do like I'd expect too much out of your performance Yeah, do that's that's by the way hard Six you make six you make a perfect You make a perfect point if you fucked a Ramstein you have to have flawless anal yeah I'm going to do anal that's the most I mean in German it's the well of course we make our music for you to spurn
Starting point is 00:04:37 in the box I think I'm a stacked last night that I cannot hold a German accent voice I can't do for more than one sentence and then it is over. What do it? I don't know. That it turns into like a talent or something. I don't know. Do it. I can't.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I can't. I don't have to do it. Yes, the Jews are very bad. They are. No, it starts to turn Asian. Yeah, it does. It goes to the car, watching cars. I'm not really getting closer. I'm in sleep for my house.
Starting point is 00:05:03 I walk in and just yelled at. Yeah. She're getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs.
Starting point is 00:05:11 I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs.
Starting point is 00:05:19 I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. I'm getting drugs. Shadily like we'll just pull out that he's like they're like perfect It's like that he's never done before and he'll like randomly do it. You're like what? I've never done it for you before but the meeting They prefer they call that the mother language. What if the shame? No is not the real shame
Starting point is 00:05:35 The shame you know is the fake shame so you guys do you guys have fuck shot fuck songs? Yeah, no you guys just watch bad comedy specials and it makes you feel so angry Yeah, we used to have we used to do this we used to this and we should bring it back again It was a lot of fun. I think our listeners ship so much bigger now We might have good thing people would send in Audio or video of them having sex, but we had to see if we could hear through the sex What is playing on the TV in the background? Has an old bit that was a fun game. That was a fun game though
Starting point is 00:06:11 We had a good time finding that when you when you got it right. I mean there was some Bazaar like out there shit that was playing Well, I'm saying they didn't just like put something on the background on purpose for us It was like oh our fuck session you can hear the something on the background on purpose for us. It was like, oh, our fuck session, you can hear the TV in the background. So it's got to be faints. You could kind of make it out. Man, that was a fun game.
Starting point is 00:06:31 For sure. That's when we met a trigger couple. We're just, you know, the lazy kind where it's like whatever is playing at the moment, I guess. Rocky Soundtrack. Nice. Yeah, you don't really. Lot of take me back, a lot of Frank Stallone.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Yeah, Dan said it's probably old, he said it was probably old Philly's broadcast. Yeah, I can only nut if there's like four guys around a burning trash can outside my window. Oh, take me back. I said, and Merrill Reese has to call it. He's just going in. He's pumping hard. He's going. He's going Or like the dirt bikes like
Starting point is 00:07:11 Reveying That'll send me that was sending the orbit did other like Jesus if the fucking four wheelers come by They call that they call that the waves breaking a philadelphia that the waves breaking a philadelphia. That's an ocean sound. Yeah, there's an ambiance setting for philiates. It's like, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, that's like sleep noise, like sleep and philiates. It's like you put it on and it's just like, derby.
Starting point is 00:07:35 It's like the most awful sound. It's just like the roughwriters just ride around. Oh yeah. Fucking boy. Shane said he listened to the, he's listened to the to the annihilation soundtrack is the right thing. Oh my god Yeah, I think I think I'm like a spa a spa channel if you put on a spa channel You can probably talk to that kind of music and yeah, yeah, I like that not so much Anya but just that crystally like just
Starting point is 00:08:00 Erie noises and shit you could fuck to that for sure. Yeah, but. But I said classic rocks a mistake if you unless you pick every song individually because it jumps too much classic rock, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're fucking to sit at one point you're having a good plow session to a good grimy old rock song and then, you know, there's just like, look me in, coach. I'm ready to play. Watch. I love inspirational songs when I'm fucking. I can play, Santa Fe on a flip over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Oh, Fogarty's going to make me lose it. I'm going to fucking lose it. I'm ready. Oh, God, when Fogarty talks about America, I'm going to fucking lose it. Well, you want the sottok? Look, you got the sottok? Fireworks.
Starting point is 00:08:44 What's fireworks? Yeah, I can the sardog? Look at the sardog fireworks. What fireworks? Yeah, I can only fuck. I can only fuck the pink houses by John Cougar Melon camp. That's pretty great. He has a black man on a black porch doing some black stuff. Um, he says the like a rock, the two of the guy. Bob Seeger. Yeah, dude, working on my night moves.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Yeah, yeah, working Seeger. Bob Seeger. Yeah, dude, working on my night moves. Yeah, yeah. Working on a horrible night. I like sad, I like sad desperate songs, I turn the page. I'll tell you what, the post-knot. I'll post-knot just being like, get off me. I'll tell you what, take, turn the page out of it.
Starting point is 00:09:16 You could fuck the Seeger. Yeah, but can you fuck the turn the page? No, here I am. I think turn the page out. You got to be willing to get up and skip one song, but if you put on a seeker's greatest hits It's good fuck. I don't know. Maybe not just take the mold Hammer yeah, you're gonna hit that you're also gonna hit I'm gonna pound you to cat man
Starting point is 00:09:43 I'm a pound you to cat me and do You fucking do you know what that's something that's to get a that's music to get a hand job from a fat lady in a bar bath Or you're just getting sucked off. Yeah, we sucked off all see her plays It's like one of your low moments. That's what you tell it in a meeting My penis was in her mouth. I was completely soft. Catman do was play. I realized it was my son's eighth birthday. It's fine. It's Biker funeral music Bob Seeger. Maybe a rock and roll never forgets. Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh. Seagrap-Fuck. Seagrap-Fuckin' Soxtind.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Well, the best song is Turn the Page. Turn the pages is best song. Parable. Six, I feel like you would be, oh, sorry, where do you say it? No, I was just gonna say that would be a good like, coast like cigarette, like after you fuck. Oh yeah. Maybe, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah oh for sure um I bet you would meet see
Starting point is 00:10:47 her in like a six see her yeah I bet he would take your salt to the earth and you'd be like you're pretty fun Brad lunch come on my tour bus I like Chevy's sock dude wow you'd come immediately with that you liar you would automatically like yo I'm best best friends with Seager. I'm all right This guy's a fucking door do you know He was dead he's not dead
Starting point is 00:11:15 Seager dispensary entire evening trying to win over six This doesn't does nothing for you. Oh, like a row. Nothing, nothing. I'm not gonna say it. It was hot or what man? Oh my god. I don't know what he was. Come on, come on, nothing more.
Starting point is 00:11:33 Nothing, Brian. How about this? Hang on a second, he comes back, he just is underwearing, he shows. Do do do do do do do. Eh? Hold on, stay right there. I'm a slide right by you. Do do do do. Come on man, I up stand right there. I'm a slide right by you
Starting point is 00:11:52 Come on man. I'm 65 years old. I did that come on that kind of bounce. So you're you know on a seagr Now I can't stand them. I hate him. Oconners always always playing him whenever we're going on I know it makes you hate him more Conner's go to it's so good To his cigarettes I don't know how to. Hunters go to. It's so annoying. If you go to a Seager hits, you'll be off. Go on here. It's like, Crystal Conner does have the energy of like a 45-year-old divorced dad.
Starting point is 00:12:11 He really does. He wears leather jackets to still have the material cuffs. Yeah, he's a guy out of a divorce that you're cheering for. That's how I was. That's how I was. He has like, highlight protective. He's like, in case your car breaks down in the back he is like the reflective like You are over the moon if your sister is dating Chris O'Connor. He's got the mill made me off face
Starting point is 00:12:38 The mill just laid off again. Yeah, yeah, man. We got to show him that video of that lady nursing We're talking about sex songs. We should also I mean we only you know speaking of speaking of hot Yeah, yeah, man, we gotta show him that video of that lady nursing. We're talking about sex songs. We should also, I mean, we only, you know, speaking of speaking of hot fucking six. Yeah, sorry to get you guys all soggy bottoms. Well, so we got a clear, just we got a clear, just we have a clear, um, Christine definitely wants to fuck to rail on tag knee, but she instead fucks the I guess stuff that only I like to make me happy. Dude are you kidding me? Sure.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I'll just peg you to any DeFranco. Yeah, you got. You're wrong. You're wrong about that. She was about two months ago. About two months ago, she was polishing up a fucking strap on. Is that a little kev? Dude, it should be, but I.
Starting point is 00:13:22 But it's his new movie with the rock. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Jacob. Oh But it's his new movie with the rock Jacob Jacob fucks the dead silence Now we told him he fucks the admin Fitzgerald I only I only fuck to jerky boys albums. Yeah It's Frank Rizzo all rise easy. Oh jackass skin right If you're fucking a girl to Gordon Lightfoot music that girl has hair on her legs and arms But also could probably do some cool hand job stuff. Oh take her axe throwing dude She's gonna win you free beers all night. Yeah, that woman can sleep outside comfortably. God damn right
Starting point is 00:14:04 She's gonna win you free beers all night. Yeah, that woman can sleep outside comfortably. God damn right The woman knows her way. I'll tell you what you get a deer. She'll take that skin off Yeah, I have to get it now that icky shit. Yeah, you'll drip dry. You worry about the ice You worry about salting it or preserving it And Lou DJ Lou just fucks to whatever and then black Lou only fucks ever for four minutes and 46 seconds Or under of the length of the song no ordinary love by shoday He doesn't you won't put it on a loop no front to back is how long you have to get yours off He's gonna pop right that fucking fade out. Yeah, that fade out dude. He busts right there the whole process Catapillar the butterfly
Starting point is 00:14:42 the butterfly for the 46 seconds. I pulled the frog. I'm telling you, Jacob, do you really fuck to know music over? They joke about the Edmund Fitzgerald. No, no, I don't have any. I told him, I don't have a stereo in my bedroom. You go silent. You know, be so jaded. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:58 You should just put on music through your eyes. Why is that weird? Yeah, the cup's terrifying. Yeah, well, also six. He also does acapella. Oh This is one of four though That's how you put that's how you get it to do a gang bang That's how you get it to do a gang bang as you have it. It's a barbershop.
Starting point is 00:15:23 He's got someone's got to use. Yeah, I'll say more missing babe. I noticed one your mouth is open and we don't have a false set. Do I do hold on. Hold on. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I don't know why I thought of the King's speech. Like when he's doing the speech, that would be the part that
Starting point is 00:15:44 should be like over everyone. King's speech like when he's doing the speech When he finally goes to do it Great Amazing scene, but that does make sense though because I'll only get head Al Pacino speech from any given Sunday One inch at a time Puccino speech from the beginning of it Sunday. Hey, God, they're right. One that is stretch. Hey, one inch at a time. Yeah, I don't got any. I don't get any. Start sucking your soft dick and you go, we are in hell.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Look around. Everything around you is soft. I'm talking on movies. I'm almost, where is this? What's your name? Movies on doing sex. I hate because I'll think of the part and I'll stop and be like hold on, there's this part coming out.
Starting point is 00:16:29 Yeah, if that were to come on. Me and Chris need to be on Sunday. I started fucking, me and Ben, we have been in bed getting ready to just like, we're just kind of in bed hanging out for watching cartoons and then we take the side to fuck and it'll be about two minutes into fucking around before you got to go I got to like pause this all by the
Starting point is 00:16:51 one where I got put the channel on because cartoons yeah in the background like there's nothing I want to hear worse than Christine Giggling with my wang in her mouth. Yeah. Come to the sides only. I've never seen this episode. Or you definitely don't want to hear me eat and pose you and go like do the last breath come out of my nostrils on your butthole? One time I Probably Tucson was around 21 this girl. I was very hungover and I hooked up with this girl And she's she slept over and she's giving me a blowjob in the morning And I reached over and I grabbed a bottle of water and I ended it with one hand and then took a sip and
Starting point is 00:17:43 Some of it dripped on her arm and looked up and I was holding the water and I was like, it's offered her some of us like, uh, you know, Christine will crack open her water bottle in mid-coitus like a fucking, uh, like a tour de France bike. Yeah. You fucking wall fucking scoops it, fucking takes a whack and pops it back down It's poetry She's like one of Christine's like one of the boxers that doesn't sit in her corner
Starting point is 00:18:11 She's standing up with her gloves on the ropes moving her legs Wets are whistle Yeah, I got it give me back in there. Yeah, I got it moved to the left watch out for that right Yeah, I got it give me back in there. Yeah, I got it moved to the left watch out for that right I got you test the jab Let's watch this video of the train I don't know why I said it like that. Let's watch this video Do you guys like sexy? This video Christine Christine you just saw this somebody somebody put it on reddit and the camp like the
Starting point is 00:18:39 Is that is that Philly that looks like the broad street line? No, it's New York like New York Yeah, we don't got that like that. That's what you do. The broad street line as the orange ones that looks like the broad street line? No, it's New York. It's like New York. Yeah, we don't got that. That's like the broad street line as the orange ones. That looks like the beer, the D train. Doesn't it? Mm-hmm. Okay. I think the next thing is pretty long.
Starting point is 00:18:54 It's a pretty long row of just those seats facing that way where I'm thinking it could not be New York. All right, let's see. The accent though, when she's like, bitch, when she gets off, She's above ground in the Bronx maybe That's a camo dress though, but this is crazy. This is crazy. They do this in public Decide for yourself if this is somehow set up or not. Yeah, I didn't know if it's I don't really know I mean Yeah, this point. Let's just yeah, let's just show let's show six and by the way
Starting point is 00:19:27 We'll tweet this out at the bonfire SXM and thank you to the camper group So it's a lady in a grown man with who's in Air Force one shirtless He's also in a diaper over underwear Oh wow, okay, and there he goes And he gets on her lap. They're playing mommy's son. First off, I'd be mad about the foot over the railing because you're
Starting point is 00:19:50 foot over the railing and the what? Yeah, like, come on, dude. So here you go. Here's the audio. He's just, well, he's just to be right. He's sucking on our tinny. Now, the lady who she's arguing
Starting point is 00:19:59 with is completely right. Yes. Yeah, uh, she's completely right. Yes. Yeah. She's completely right, but I just don't know, if it's these two thinking they're being like a jackass type thing. Yeah, is it a setup? Yeah, this is a setup. This dude, let me say something.
Starting point is 00:20:15 This dude's just naturally and in good enough shape that this isn't really how he wears his, he thinks he's being like, they're going to prank of some sort of this guy. Dude, I've never met a black guy He wears his like he thinks he's being like they're doing a prank of some sort. Yeah this guy like dude I've never met a black guy who wasn't Flamboyantly gay that would be like this is cool Even this he probably had some friends get questioned about doing this joke Yeah, I mean fresh air force ones on dude. He would have the best the best he got
Starting point is 00:20:41 Yeah, the best he exactly he'd be like yeah like he exactly. He'd be like, yeah, like radio. He'd be like a fucking black goof. That's what I was wondering when I first watched it because it was like, you know that show we watched with the adult baby girl? Yeah, I was wondering if it was like that. No, because even through all that, he won't take off his chain.
Starting point is 00:20:57 Sorry, Kyle, go ahead, what'd you say? No, I was just saying, I was agreeing with Dan. My first thought was it's one of those, like those people that like me, like whether it's a of those like those people that like need like whether it's a not like a What's it called like a sexy thing that you like to role play a cake? Yeah, like a fetish or something like a fish. Yeah. Yeah Oh, yeah, here's the thing it might be but her fighting with somebody over it
Starting point is 00:21:21 Also him not getting involved. I feel like even though it's a sexual fetish He would snap back into like real life and be like shut the fuck up. Fuck you mind your business Well, here's the thing. It's funny. He's still or the fact is he wouldn't commit to the diaper with no And he also has a gold chain like a nice gold chain I was neck so what this is right here is a guy thinking he's being funny because yeah, this is I'm telling you He's not like he's not giving into it enough like and she's just willing to like get people's faces but also here's the thing you wouldn't just be like if this was your fetish if you're real fetish you would like not be getting into almost fights over it like people who have
Starting point is 00:21:58 those fetishes know their thing is weird yeah I mean like they wouldn't do it on this train like this also though it goes zero to 60 in such they wouldn't do it on the train like this. Also, it goes zero to 60 in such a way. Yeah. Do you think the whole thing, like you think the girl that she's fighting with is a setup? I was just going to say that. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. Does it get physical or well, watch watch the end. And let's pump full wine. We'll show that they all have sex Oh my god, that's kidding. Oh, yeah, they were out So the audio sucks ass. I didn't realize the audio sucks. Tell us on it. You got to watch this clip She says she tells the guy to sit down. He's sucking his thumb. You can even hear her energy that she's giving. Oh, yeah, she yanks her own wig off unnecessarily.
Starting point is 00:22:49 She's touching her naked titties in the world, which is weird. I might help you on the next up there. This is positive. That's why I think it's set up. She's like, everyone else here is fine with it. You're like, I'm not cool with it. Yeah, I'm definitely not all right with that.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Also, I think if it did, we got the sit there like that. Dude, if you would have stood up though and like said something and that guy drops you, just a fucking right cross and you're just knocked out. Well, be funny. If they had like really close up, you can hear the black dude with her. It means over he goes, we stop now. Did you guys get it? Is that enough cuz I don't really don't want to do this anymore See and then he gets off right at the next stop What Have you ever seen that on the train cuz I was on a subway car one time and this these two heroin addicts were
Starting point is 00:23:38 nodding off but like Bang starting the bang. But a one girl took the guys dick out in front of it was packed. Oh, pack car. Do we're horrified? Yeah, because they probably thought they probably put in their minds. Jacob, you were seeing that, but really in their minds, it was risky business when he's on the train and Phil Colton's way.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Hot scene. That was him. The heroin addicts. That was what they were saying in their head. Absolutely. Yeah. I mean, That was him the heroin addicts that was what they were singing their head I disagree I disagree with you. It's awful, but like in the best way like I would I would not get off my stop To watch the man how that device. Yeah
Starting point is 00:24:32 Like I miss my stop so I'm taking the whole way. Yeah, I don't stop looking at that now. Come on. Come on. I record it. Of course you want to run a train. No, no, no, no, no, I give it two stops depending on how late I'm on it. If the train super full, if the train super full, I'd be, you're almost there longer for reaction. I'd be upset if Christine left and got off at her stop and missed what the ending of that was. But if she was the only other person on the train or, which is a few people on, I'd wanted to get off. That might concern me to be to get off. But if it was a full train, I'd be like, Christine, you better stay on that train. Report back to you. It happens. Yeah, please.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I think worst case scenario every time, like, I'll tell you another incident. No, I don't want any other sex juices like flying. True. Your biggest fear has always been subway rape. You told me that confided me once. Sex juices. That's a box juice.
Starting point is 00:25:20 You know what I'm saying? Sex juice. I got my sex juice out of my window. Jacob's song. Sex juice. I got my sex juice. I don't know my way. No. Spill it. Do you not sit down? Do you not sit down on subway seat, Jacob? No, that's not what I'm first.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Most of the time now, I tried to surf. Lou will back me up. He doesn't touch a goddamn thing. You try to stand just in the middle. You just stand there? I try not to attack your calves. Your calves and quads must be fucking fine. Of course, try to tighten.
Starting point is 00:25:53 They're nice. I mean, just stay there. Jacob, that's what you want to do with. I like to make it a workout. I train, that train hard starts and when it hard stops, I'm telling you, I will go flying down the aisle like a snapple bottle and then thinking around all over those poles. Jacob, we took-
Starting point is 00:26:09 One time I was asked to hold on to something because I did lose like plow into two-b. I didn't want to touch anything. And I had to give in there. But another time I was on the subway, there was a guy who clearly had like, he was out of his mind on drugs and had open sores all over his body. Oh.
Starting point is 00:26:31 He obviously had, I swear he had full blown aides it looked like. So you can just, you can just, I'm terrified. I don't know. Yeah, I had full blown aides. Because I had him up thick I had. You know those sores, I'm telling you that's what it looked like Hague last terrifying. Yeah, you are judging that fully off of Tom Hanks by the way Yeah, so makeup artist made your opinion of AIDS change you have to be there
Starting point is 00:26:56 It was a lot about AIDS now you have to be there what I was saying is you are assuming full-blown AIDS because of lesions And you think lesions there were leave one thing and one thing only the last five minutes of Philadelphia Ville Jacob's on the train and he's next to a guy with aids Maybe I need to educate my Darius six juices on his He's got dangerous six juices So with the guy with lesions was he like jerking off or anything or is he just being a regular dude? He was, no, no, no. He was getting into
Starting point is 00:27:32 people's face like, uh, from their face. Like terrifying. Like I was, I have full blown AIDS. That's why if you did that to me, I just go, I'd give a make out energy and go yeah Yeah, you want to spread it over here big boy You guys why I'm telling you they're listening to our thoughts and I go is how about their talent Huh, and then I'll suck his cock and then when he comes and he's weakened the knees. I'll knock him the fuck out Oh, you don't come and be like that bro. Whoa Come with me like that, bro dude King of New York Whoa, come with me like that bra dude King of New York. Yeah, King of New York dude What you're wreaking the needs for my sick ass sloppy two-hand blowjob? I'm gonna fucking drop your ass cuz you loved it, too. You're so gay. Do you guys ride the Jacob?
Starting point is 00:28:15 You got out psycho those guys The clock That was the one time I was like I'm up. I was I had a glove on that was the one thing I was gonna I was gonna put a glove on and then deck him a one time I was like I'm up. I was had a glove on that was a lick. There's a one thing I was gonna I was gonna put a glove on and then deck of one box and gloves Jacob Jacob always carries his dueling glove Jacob has his dueling glove for the challenging people. I hope it was a freak I hope it was a freesie freaky and then when you hit him the thing warmed up the You can see the design anymore. That's pretty that's pretty great. Yeah you see
Starting point is 00:28:47 these mountains now you know. Do you guys ride the Philly train a lot? Not recently. No. Now sometimes. I was wondering about that. Other cities mass transportation. I didn't know that the subway system. I don't know as a subway system existed until probably 1997 really yeah, we only have two trains. We only have the L on the broad street line and it's foul Yeah, it's not right. Is it dangerous? Yes, it can be on certain areas like you know the further it goes down to like bridge and plot or like you know Ken's in the Ken's again Yeah, well that's always crazy to me to be riding a train. You're like this is dangerous Yeah, so I moved to New York everyone was like is it dangerous to ride the subway?
Starting point is 00:29:36 Like no, it's actually real convenient and it works well. Yeah, yeah, I mean there's crazy shit You see heroin addicts about to fucking bang it out Yeah, I really I've never enjoyed the subway. I tried to avoid it at almost all costs. Don't mind it. I, if you have you taken it in DC, I looked in DC for 10 years. And to this day, I'll still say that is the best.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Go Redskins. No. Go football team. Go football. Go generic. Go generic for a multi. It's a good. It's a good. Yeah. Football teams. Go go go generic go generic for multi is because we'll be there
Starting point is 00:30:14 Dude bezers gone full crazy left on us. Yeah, it doesn't matter of color. They are all friends. He's a decent chain Yo, I'm ready to vote. Yo, I'm ready vote for one president. Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on go birds. Let's go hurry up go bird. Oh Man, yeah, that's gonna be weird to watch you guys without the post Carson Wentz era All you guys enjoy it. Okay, with them being good. I have no problem with the bro Are you kidding me dude? Yeah, I'm pumped for the new era this team good Lord. They're good. They have to be good You think so yeah,. Maybe not this season. Devon to Smith is like, they, oh my god, I cannot wait. Yeah, he's gonna be like that, huh? No break his leg in the first game. And so we're going to be doing it. Yeah, that's so right. I'm really really. Like, these are will you be mad? Kyla and be zero.
Starting point is 00:31:05 Will you guys be mad if Carson Wentz goes to Indianapolis and wins? He won't. I do. I think he is. I think you'll do good over there. Yeah. I think he's going to suck. And I'm going to afford.
Starting point is 00:31:14 I would laugh. I do. Don't give me wrong. I'm secretly hating on him immediately. I'm like, I hope you fucking stink over there. But then what if it just reels off a 12 and two record? You know, like, oh, yeah. Well, because there's 17 games this year
Starting point is 00:31:26 There's not 16 games Yeah for either coach or quarterback or what have you to leave the team and then to go win championship Oh, man I hope I hope I January they're like and the Indianapolis Colton Had an unbelievable season everyone calls them the ginger of Indiana on the ginger snap. Now, dude. Fuckin' what?
Starting point is 00:31:49 He's gonna suck. He's gonna get injured again. He ain't gonna get injured again. Arrested for fighting a Gino subs. Oh my God. Gino subs. Subs. To some fucking East Coast broadcast.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah, dude. I don't know. I always hate when we were talking about this on the Thursday show, or we were talking about this on the Thursday show, when athletes leave your team, just like when they're there, you love them. But then when they leave, you're like, you kinda hate them. I didn't hate you.
Starting point is 00:32:15 The only one I couldn't hate, but I had to treat it like, I was happy that an ex-girlfriend moved out of town, was Alan Iverson going to Denver. To Denver? Oh, I just kinda pretended just kind of pretended like I just pretended like Denver nuggets weren't even a thing I didn't check on him. I just I just try to pretend that it was all over and I was like, yep, he's just gone. He's at a basketball
Starting point is 00:32:35 because I couldn't. It was such a baller. I saw I saw him 45 minutes after they announced that I was really working up. Yeah, I was working up on city line Avenue and across you guys want to fuck a bivore. Well, he was always at the Hilton up there. Yeah, it's always there. It was the Adam's mark. It was the Adam's mark. Yeah, the Adam's mark. So I walked over there to get something to eat with the studio. I was working with a time and I saw the the Lambo with the you know, he always had the answer. Yeah, I, no, answer. Get it right. And I walked in and he was in the back of like this little tiny bar area with some girl and some dude I'm guessing is agents or managers, whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:12 And they had just announced it. So I was already pissed off and my buddies like, dude, there's Iverson and I turned around, I was like, holy shit. And I first reaction, I was like, do we jump him? I was like, you should. I was like, we can fucking take that. And the dude I was with actually had a prosthetic leg. I was like, you know, I was like, we can fucking take that. And the dude I was with actually had a prosthetic leg.
Starting point is 00:33:27 I was like, you're with your ass. And it's so fucking, he came up to the bar and he was just like, and he was talking to the bartender and he was like, hey, Dave, you know, he said, hey, Dave, this is yours. He was like, Alan, great, you know, great known. He was like, yeah, man, keep it, bubble bath. And I turned her, but I was like, I gotta say something.
Starting point is 00:33:44 And all I said was, damn, dude, say it bubble bath. And I turned to him and I was like, I gotta say something. All I said was, damn dude, say it ain't so. You just look, you just looked at me. I thought it was gonna be like some big moment. He's like, yeah, I'm outta here. I was like, all right, cool. I'm gonna say it. I'm gonna say it. So funny.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Oh man. I could have said anything in that book. You just look at him, you go, say it. So like I'm just a John Q. I could have a fucking lady's in it. That's so funny. You should have chased him down at the airport when he was boarding the flight to Denver.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I was just a guy talking to another guy with cornrows telling me a lot of guys. He's a natural two who shouldn't play one. I'm just a dude standing from a dude with cornrows and a bunch of tats. Yeah, when guys go to other teams, it really hurts. When I remember when Dion, he was only on our team for a year, but when he went specifically to the Cowboys,
Starting point is 00:34:31 it really stung, because he relied on all the cowboys. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. It has to do a lot with the team that go to. But I didn't mind when Ricky Waters went to the Eagles. I didn't mind. Because we're in the Eats. Yeah, him and Bill Romanowski. I was like, yeah, whatever.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Let him go play with, you know, but it does when they leave your kind of a weird time accepting somebody from a team I hated. Like, oh, when Rodney Pete was the quarterback, there was always thing in the back of my mind that was like, you know, I just saw a thing the other day about Philly fans. What was it? What do we watch Christine? I watched it with you. Oh, it was the dark side of football. That show.
Starting point is 00:35:12 They did a whole episode on Philly fan call not just Philly. It was like Philly and Oakland. It's up at the Philly one was pretty barbed. And I for I was at the game. I didn't realize that that was the last game of Irving's career. I don't know. He's the last time he ever played touch the ball again. I didn't I don't know. I remember and I was at that game as I said the thing I remember when like he was down They were all like cheering and it seemed like they were like
Starting point is 00:35:38 Cheering like they hope he's okay and then when he gave his thumbs up They all started booing him and shit. And it was the funniest fucking thing ever. Blast it, it's right. Boom. I mean, he hit the thumbs up and he never played football again, I didn't know. That was it. Oh my God, it's so sad.
Starting point is 00:35:55 I was there for why I always say I wasn't there for it. I've never been at anything that was like a major event. That's like an awesome thing in sports. And I was there when the Eagles killed Michael Irvin. Good riddance to to bad garbage I say. I thought you were there for the step over for some reason. No what? You thought I was at the NBA finals in the 19th. In 2000? Yeah I wish I was there. You thought that's where I was? I think you also did that in LA. Yeah. I think it was. I think you also did that in Out of the LA. Yeah, I think you were so I think you get a J you're out there sitting next to Jack Nicholson
Starting point is 00:36:28 Yeah, it was game one. I'll tell you what I could definitely Christine I could fuck you with the background thing being a Nine-minute recap of the game one NBA why not just game. Well, what about what about just game one? Oh? Yeah, I'll fuck you straight through game one. Oh, miracle, the metal lands double over time. I think I made Chris, I made Christine watch during pandemic NFL channel replayed Miracle, the metal lands to only put I only put it through the second half. But like, I don't want to say half and I did it horned me up. I wanted to make passion. That's all I feel about whenever I watch any of the catches
Starting point is 00:37:09 One two or three The catch that catches about to catch this weener Miracle the metal is all I lived all over again when we watched it. Oh, it was so horned up I need to have you I need to have you after that Oh, you have to. You got to lay pipe after watching American Madeline's. Those are the videos that get J. Go and Miracle of the Metalands and Donald McNabb's DUI video. That's a good blue shoe tabs.
Starting point is 00:37:36 It's just USB ports that you put them in a computer. Yeah, you know, because you want me to go all night, watch you watch this kick return. You know, Mick Nab in that DUI video is still the best. He's like, where were you at? He's like, my friend's house. He's like, where's your friend's house? And he goes over there.
Starting point is 00:37:57 There's points. You look on the side of a highway. Over that way. Right over there. Is that in Northwest? Yeah, then yeah, there. I can't imagine real Philly fans watching that too. It's like what else do you need officer? He told you where it is leave the guy fucking alone fucking running him down. Jesus Christ Side of the road. Yeah, it's a fucking frame job. It's classic frame job. Dude, that's
Starting point is 00:38:23 I love football because I love the NFL But I also I love it because it means they were closer to better weather like sweatshirt weather. Yeah It's always the most fun when you're like all right get a little chilly out footballs back an extra game I agree. We got to go to a game guys. I mean we do the nighters Niners play the Eagles, but I'm gonna be in Arizona You're not gonna be in Arizona. You're not gonna be here. You make sure you went to the first game of the season with people who are your close friends. Well it's also not also an stadium that's not gonna threaten
Starting point is 00:38:53 violence on me for simply liking the team. Oh, you're welcome. I'll bring my son. You're welcome. You're welcome for, uh, yeah, you're welcome for making a game exciting again. No, it's not exciting. No, I want to watch the game. I want to watch the game stop yelling at me You don't want to be called faggot by an 80 year old man who's had season tickets since the 50s. No, I kind of do though Yeah, you do. Yeah, you're right Man, I would love to have a beer thrown in my head the second I celebrate a good thing I wish you'd make a movie as San Francisco nitty-oh We sent our quiz to that city.
Starting point is 00:39:27 Breakfast lunch and dinner at the link is a great day. Breakfast lunch and dinner. What the fuck are you doing there for all three? You never got it like telegated like first thing in the morning. Oh, I thought you met your like in the stadium like walking around. Yeah. How'd you know? You said that, really?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Yeah. What's so funny? We went with like an Eagles trailer and I was like decked out with a tap on the outside So like and like pulled out with like the Morning, it was like totally hooked up. It was awesome. Yeah, we used to really go tailgate That was great for the one p.m. For the one p.m. Games you get there like nine a.m. And yeah, yeah, just start fucking I don't really drink it all even but it was just like Just eating food so as you'd grill
Starting point is 00:40:11 Man when you park a lot food. It's different. It does it really does and when you drink When I was drinking man football is a dangerous day because you can get that early game going Then you just move into the fucking afternoon game and then the night game. A little booze. Oh no, just mostly on booze. No, we're actually going to the game like tailgating and I love that. Yeah, tailgating. I still did it.
Starting point is 00:40:35 I tailgated without drinking. That's one. We're doing it again then. We're blowing it. Oh no. Oh no. Kyla, six. Thank you for coming on the show.
Starting point is 00:40:43 We love you guys. We're gonna say we go to Notre Dame and set. Oh yeah. Oh no, Kyle out six. Thank you for coming on the show. We love you guys. We'll say we got another date and set. Oh yeah. We got to have you guys back on where we're going. The show is extremely harshly right at 6.56. So we always have to say goodbye super quick. Thank you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:40:59 Kyle of Fox, Brian six. We love you guys so much. Thank you guys. Thank you. Good to see you. Thank you. You've been listening to... Brian 6 we love you guys so much guys thank you You've been listening to Syria 6M bonfire New episodes every Tuesday through Friday mornings and full shows always on Syria 6M you

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