The Flop House - Ep. #244 - Unforgettable

Episode Date: November 11, 2017

Our love (?) affair with Katherine Heigl continues, as we discuss the crazy ex-wife thriller "Unforgettable." Meanwhile Elliott leans deep into dad jokes, Stuart discourses on the racism of a Mexican, and Dan''s covered in chili. Wikipedia synopsis for Unforgettable Movies recommended in this episode The Shop Around the Corner Thor: Ragnorok Crimson Peak The Lost City of Z LIVE SHOWS Dec. 9 –  San Francisco, at the Marines Memorial Theater

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Starting point is 00:00:00 On this episode we discuss unforgettable. Wait, what was this movie about? I forgot. Oh, I'll Dan McCoy. Hey, party over here, it's me, Stewart Wellington. And I'm Elliot Kaelin from what sounds like the bottom of a well. Hey everybody. Elliot is recording in a different room
Starting point is 00:00:52 than he normally does and he's very concerned about it. The bottom of a well. Oh, okay. Yeah, I found an ancient Roman sister in my backyard and I decided to climb on in there and turn into a recording studio. Yeah, you're like a real Lara Croft. Lara? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:07 Lara Lara. Remember? It's pronounced Larry, Larry Croft. Oh no. Not bad. They wanted a boy. Yeah, Larry Croft, tomb buyer. He's just a realtor, is that what you're saying? Yeah, yeah, he buys and sells tomes. He's in the tomb real estate business.
Starting point is 00:01:27 Because here's the thing about tomes, Dan. People are dying to get in. Oh, okay. I'm a dad. So when you become a dad at the hospital, they go down a list of the types of jokes you can't tell anymore, and they're like funny jokes. Can't tell them anymore.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Whitty jokes? No. Relevant jokes? No. And I'm like, well, what kind of jokes can't tell anymore and they're like funny jokes. Can't tell them anymore. Whitty jokes? No. Relevant jokes? No. And I'm like, well, what kind of jokes can I tell? And they said, hold on to your hat. All the bad jokes.
Starting point is 00:01:52 And I was like, all of them. And they said, mm-hmm. And they give you a book called the Thousand One Terrible Jokes for dads. And I just been memorizing that stuff, you know? Now, what about dirty jokes? I guess you can tell them quietly to like someone's uncle in the corner of a adult party Yeah, you have to make sure your kid is far enough away that they don't think you're talking to them
Starting point is 00:02:12 But close enough that they can overhear it right all right, and you can tell dirty jokes if your daughter's friends are in the house too Just to embarrass her All right, it's all it's all in chapter one embarrassing your child, which is also chapters two through a hundred. Well, there's a lot of chapters in this book. It's really more of a multi-volume set. Robert Carroll wrote it. Yeah. So now that we know what we know about Bill Cosby, I guess you can take over the dad humorist
Starting point is 00:02:41 mantle, you can start doing all this dad material now. I mean, I think Dave Barry has that lockdown pretty hard. I don't feel like he talks about dad stuff so much as like a local man does crazy thing. What? Two names, two words, Ray Romano. Okay, sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Ray Romano has it locked up. If you've ever seen the video of him performing at the White House press dinner, he's doing his regular routine. So he's said, how is kids dream about candy? There's like no laughter in the room. It's like, this is not the material that's going to hit well with these Washington insiders. These beltway boys, come on. Yeah, they don't have children.
Starting point is 00:03:24 They reproduce with spores. Mm-hmm. They reproduce through leaks. So this is a podcast where we watch a bad movie. Oh, fuck, we already started. And then we talk about it. And hey guys, we're just coming off a run of real fun shows. We did some live shows recently, and now we're back to doing the podcast the way we do
Starting point is 00:03:43 it nowadays, which is you and Brooklyn and me and Los Angeles and all of us tired. Yeah, yeah, it's real weird. Luckily, we watched a bad movie that got us all fired up. So, now I don't know when... What do we do on this podcast? I said it already. Have you already forgotten? Jesus. No, so I don't know when Elliot watched this movie. You watched this movie recently Stuart. Yeah, yesterday. I watched this movie.
Starting point is 00:04:08 We were going to record this to pull back the curtain a little bit. We're going to record this in a- That was me. That was you pulling back the curtain on me taking a shower. Yeah. We were going to record this in Los Angeles, but you threw your back out so we couldn't record it there. And I had watched the movie already by then.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Yeah, so I wrote it. Ironically, this movie called Unforgettable is largely forgotten because it was like a month ago that I watched it. So Stuart, you're gonna like, you're gonna take up the map. Oh, it's my time to shine. Yeah. Okay. I will say I watched the first hour of it a month ago, and I watched the last 26 minutes of it about a week ago. So that was a pretty fresh in my mind. All right.
Starting point is 00:04:48 I refreshed myself by looking at a plots and obsis to that help. Not really. Not really. Not really. Yeah, I mean, that's a thing that's a thing that's great about doing a movie podcast is watching the movie as far an advantage as possible.
Starting point is 00:05:04 And then spending the whole time trying to remember what happened. Yeah. So do you do it? You want to take the reins and I'll just chime in when I feel like it? Oh, man. Let me consult my complicated note system. So we open in a, sure, why not? So this is a movie called Unforgettable. Okay. Starry. Based on the song of the same name.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Yeah, Starry. Now, I'm, oh, no, you're sorry, it's, see what you keep going. I'll introduce my fact when you're done with telling who stars in it. Okay. So it stars Rosario Dawson and La Pius Fave, Catherine Hygol. In fact, we should, we should call this the Hygol house, I think. Should we take a vote on it now that I've put the motion on the table?
Starting point is 00:05:53 I think I've got a second, this motion, Stu. Oh wow, okay, okay, Dan, so call up iTunes and change everything. Call up all of our iTunes. Tell them to put a new name in there. Yeah, Hygolography. Well, this is our new, is this our new theme month of high-gall-vamber?
Starting point is 00:06:09 Yeah, it's our poorly puned theme month. High-gall-vamber? Yeah. I was gonna say about this movie that I didn't realize till after I watched it and I was looking up, this is directed by a woman named Denise DeNovi who produced a ton of movies. Like she produced heathers, who produced a ton of movies.
Starting point is 00:06:25 She produced Heathers, she produced a ton of Tim Burton's movies, like she knows movies. And this was her directorial debut. And so I'm glad I didn't know that going into it because I think I would have expected a different, perhaps better movie than I got. Okay, you're showing your hand a little bit, but that's all right. So. So I'm saying this is this is there's powerhouse people behind this. So we're punching up. So it's okay to say terrible things. Dan, go for it. Say something terrible. Um, Rosario Dawson is wasted in this role. All right, Jean shallot. Great. Okay, so the movie opens Rosario Dawson, who is not wasted in this role, is covered in blood in a police station being interviewed by the actor who played bunny Colvin on the wire.
Starting point is 00:07:17 Yeah, he's good at being a cop. So he's like, hey, who's this dude? We found him dead in your house. What's going on? And why did you send him all these pictures on his Facebook? So they have a pair of her panties too that they say she mailed to him. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:37 So at this point, it looks like she's going down, cut to six months earlier. And we're in San Francisco, which we're gonna be in soon, more on that in a little bit. December 9th, get your tickets now. We're in the offices of Chapter Pad. Wait, I think it's called Chapter Page. No, it's Chapter Pad. No, Chapter Pad. Really? Yeah. Well, Stuart and I both have had it.
Starting point is 00:08:01 I don't know. And you're trying to remember a movie a month old, so. I watched this yesterday. No, Dan's probably right on that. So we're introduced to Whitney Cummings. Wait, hold on a second. Let's take a moment to talk about what chapter pad does. Chapter pad appears to be some kind of a storytelling website. And what that means is never totally clear if it's fiction or nonfiction.
Starting point is 00:08:24 And whether Rosario Dawson is a writer or an editor or what? Yeah, I had a problem with this because I immediately assumed like okay chapter pad is probably like just like a Blogging side like a place where people can upload whatever stories they want to Upload and like that makes sense kind of as like A thing that could maybe make some money, but then later on, Rosario Dawson has to edit a story that someone submitted. So then I'm like, okay, well, is this like a literary magazine?
Starting point is 00:08:56 Because there's no way this startup works as that. And then later on after that, Wendy Cummings is like, Rosario, you gotta get in that story that you promised us. It's like, wait, you're a writer for the site now too? Like, I don't understand what's going on in this, this internet company. It doesn't make a lot of sense. It's almost... Let me explain, guys.
Starting point is 00:09:17 I want to say to it. I'm just going to say, like, is the reason that they're a startup based around like story stuff and she's a writer is because that's more feminine or something? I don't quite get it like. I think, well, the story reason for it in the movie is that this is a job that you don't really, nobody knows what writers do or what editors do. So you can just kind of have her not doing her job and it's no one cares. But here's the thing, Dan, and Stuart. Chapter Pad is disrupting the way we read stories. By bringing together the internet
Starting point is 00:09:51 and a lack of those gatekeepers who are keeping you from reading the hottest, hardest, hardcore erotica with my amateurs around. You wouldn't know it from their squeaky clean offices, or the fact that it seems to be almost entirely staffed by women, which to be honest is fairly accurate to the publishing industry. But Chapter Pad said, hey, who says Moby Dick can't have hardcore sex scenes in it? Who says that a tale of two cities can't now be a bondage story?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Because that's what Chapter Pad does. It takes the great works of literature, puts them in the hands of fanfiction amateurs, and turns them into the 50 shades of grays of tomorrow, and them in the hands of fanfiction amateurs and turns them into the 50 Shades of Grees of Tomorrow, and you can read it on your phone with the chapter pad app. Hi everybody, I'm Elliot Kaelin for the chapter pad app. Have you ever been on a bus before waiting for a meeting, and you've wanted to read a version of Dante's and Ferno that's lighter on the Catholic theology and heavier on the sex? Have you ever been in public and wanted to get a boner?
Starting point is 00:10:45 Oh, time, guys. I'm not even hailing for is your place for things that you can look at in public safely, but will still give you a boner. Well, it depends on what you're turned on by. Are you turned on by maps of countries you've never been to? In that case, is the place for you. It's mainly public domain maps of places I assume you've never been to. In that case, is the place for you. It's mainly public domain maps of places I assume you haven't been to. But chapter
Starting point is 00:11:09 pad, it's disruptive. It's disrupting the way we read. It's disrupting the way we think. Disrupting the way we disrupt and disrupting the way we disrobe. Dan Stewart, would you like to invest in this new startup? I need a couple of unicorn investors, some Pegasai, if you will. I don't think this is not technically a unicorn, but whatever, let's just go with that. So wait, what's a unicorn investor? A unicorn investor is like someone who's gonna give you all their money
Starting point is 00:11:34 and expect nothing in return. It's called a unicorn investor because much like a unicorn, a virgin needs to sit down in the forest to attract the investor. The investor lays its head in her lap and then we murder it, split it open, take the money that's inside, and use it to invest in our business.
Starting point is 00:11:49 What I'm talking about guys is a Bafo IPO. I just need your money to help get Chapter Pad off the ground. Then we go IPO, we release a Zillion shares for $3Zillion, and we're so wealthy, we can escape to the moon. So, that's the chapter pad promise. Look, look, so look at you tell me. I wasn't realizing that this was like a plot to get off world. I didn't know we were doing the jumbo trance already.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Guys, guys, have you ever wanted to make enough that you can finally move to Elysium? Because that's what chapter pad offers with this investment opportunity. I think instead of doing that, I want to get some kind of terminal brain cancer and then get a robot exoskeleton and then fight my way to Elysium. Sure, that's the traditional way to get to Elysium. Sure, but I'm offering a shortcut. Invest in ChapterPad, help people read public domain fan fiction sex versions of the classic works of literature. And we all win.
Starting point is 00:12:46 That's LA Kaelin for chapter pad. Dan, you got a lot of money, right? You're always bragging about it. Yeah, that's the key personality trait. I mean, I don't need to tell you the listener. You've been listening to 240 some episodes now that you know that I am Rich Uncle Pennybags from the... No, but you're always bragging about it off air. You're always like, those rubs that listen to our podcast don't know that I'm swimming
Starting point is 00:13:13 in the bucks. Dan actually has a solid gold hankerchief and it's gold doesn't absorb mucus. So he just blows his nose into it and then throws it away. It is active. It is. Yeah. It is poorly designed. If it absorbs the mucus, he'd hold on to it for future. And if Dan, when he throws it away, if he hits a homeless person in the head with it, he goes,
Starting point is 00:13:34 caching bonus points. Look, I'm doing a homeless person a favor. They can sell that goals. Thank you, the hangar shift for big bucks. Bafo Bucks. Yeah, that's. Maybe I should get them to invest in my, in chapter pads.
Starting point is 00:13:49 So anyway, yeah, they work at chapter pad, a storytelling website, and they give Rosera Dawson a birthday party thrown by her friends last boss. It was a going away party. Oh no, you're right. It's a going away party from her friend,
Starting point is 00:14:00 slash boss Whitney Cummings. Whitney Cummings gets her a hat as a birthday present. And oh no, it's a going away present. They really spend a lot of time talking about that hat. Creator of two broke girls Whitney Cummings. Yeah, talk about someone you can get into and invest in something, like she's got the money.
Starting point is 00:14:17 So she gives her a hat, which is awesome because Rosario Dawson loves hats. Yeah. And the way they're talking, you realize that she's leaving San Francisco to marry a man. Marry a fella and that she had just come out of a bad relationship. I don't know if you saw that. In abusive, she was the victim of domestic abuse with her ex-boyfriend. And now she's leaving all that behind.
Starting point is 00:14:44 She's going to Southern California, and she just drives there. And at a certain point, in the opening credits, driving trip, her suitcases open up and all her clothes fall out while she's driving. And you just have to assume she never gets those again. It's a weirdly muppet moment. If this otherwise very serious, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:01 like, love triangle thriller. At that point, that is the butterfly shedding its chrysalis and moving on. I also like that, I also like that the street that she drives away from in San Francisco that she was living on is Servante Street. Guys, do you get it? Name after, name after, name after Servante's
Starting point is 00:15:21 from the Soul Calibre video game. Oh, okay. I was wondering where you were going with that. It was just like, yeah, this really is a modern day Don Quixote story. I don't know anything about that, but Soul Calibre, what a game, dude. It's a modern day Soul Calibre story. So, one other thing in the opening credits is you get that moment where there's an executive producer credit for Steven Manuchin, Secretary of the Treasury,
Starting point is 00:15:50 who's a real piece of garbage. So that's a nice moment when you're like, oh, when I rented this on iTunes, he got a penny from it. I don't like that. Yeah, I don't like that at all. Oh, man. So that's basically where my notes end. No. Okay, well, I'll take over from here. Yeah, you can take over. I'll jump in. Okay, we cut to Catherine Hygol is putting on makeup and the allowing. Oh, I love this part. She is allowing her daughter to put on a drop of her perfume and then she says, now you're perfect. Just like mommy.
Starting point is 00:16:23 I want a great introduction. She's a real, and so she's the ex-wife of Rosario Dawson's fiance. And she's being kind of polite, but the music tells us she's very creepy. She's very controlling. She's a real robo lady, a real step for ex-wife. She's an ice queen stereotype, basically. Yeah, and not the fun type of ice queen like in Frozen, where she has ice powers and sings songs about letting it go.
Starting point is 00:16:48 She does never sings a song and she does not have ice powers. It's not the power to freeze Rosario Dawson with fear. And give audiences the chills. Yes, Dan? And we say let it go. What is it? The restrictions that she's had through her life before then. I mean, the song makes a lot of sense in the context of the film, Dan.
Starting point is 00:17:08 Up until that point, she's been told she can never use her powers in public. She has to pretend to be someone she's not. And now you know what? She's already in trouble. She's often a frozen wasteland. Let's just make an ice castle for herself, all Dr. Manhattan on Mars and Watchman, and who makes a castle out of glass sand.
Starting point is 00:17:26 And, uh, he's just like, let it go. I mean, the lyrics of you ever listened to it are not, if you've ever listened to the movie version are all about, I have these powers, and I'm just going to see how far I can go with them. The Demi Lovato radio version is not about that at all. It seems to be about a relationship gone bad. Well, I ask a stupid question, get a serious answer, I guess. Yeah, that's the old al-jaffe department at Mad.
Starting point is 00:17:49 And serious answers to stupid questions. We're like, it would have someone being like, good Friday. What's so good about it? They crucified them. And this person would be like, well, it's a different understanding of the word good than you're using right now. It embodies, you know, the good news that mankind can be redeemed of their individual
Starting point is 00:18:09 sent an original sin through the blood and the suffering of Christ. And the person who asked the question is like, I just kind of wanted to make a joke real fast. I'm in the answer. I don't know if you noticed this. I'm a dad making jokes over here. And the answer was like, oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize you were a dad.
Starting point is 00:18:24 Go about your business. You just show your dad license and you're allowed to make any dumb joke you want. So anyway, Rosario Dawson and Herfiance, who I don't remember his name, he is like the blandest, dullest, white man type of character. He is like, and he used to be an upused to work in finance. Now he's achieved his dream of opening up a micro brew. And it is. He's fucking hate this guy.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Everything about him is so hateful. He's like, you know that he was like a fucking college lacrosse player or some shit. And like had a ton of fun with his buddies, chat and goober back at the frat house. And probably was terrible to women. And now he's just a winner all through life. He never has to shave. He always has a little bit of stubble.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Because you know what? It looks, if he's a little disheveled, it looks super sexy. But not enough stubble. I watched this with a friend and she was very adamant that anyone starting up their own micro brewery should have had a full beard. Like that was the thing you found least believable about this movie. Yeah. You don't never really see him,, you don't ever really see him, you also don't ever really see him like work. No, nobody ever has to work in this movie. They have so much time to just wander around eating lunch
Starting point is 00:19:35 and just talking to each other and getting into tension. They never seem to have to do anything. It's even as parents, because the herfiancé has again, this like almost tween daughter with Catherine Hyggell, they don't ever have to do that much parenting, but anyway, there's a moment, so they're taking the daughter for the weekend. And there's a moment where the daughter, I guess,
Starting point is 00:19:55 I don't know if she had a bad dream, but she crawls into bed with her dad and her stepmom to be, and it cuts to Catherine Hygell in her bed at her house. And she briefly awakens, because her paranoia sense that she might be and it cuts to Catherine Hydele in her bed at her house. And she briefly awakens because her paranoia sense that she might be being replaced, like triggers something. It's amazing, yeah. It's one of those moments where you're like,
Starting point is 00:20:13 is she like an otherworldly creature? Like is it possible that is it possible that Catherine Hydele is actually like a dry ad or something like that? Like I don't know. She certainly possessed by some kind of demon and we'll get to that more later. Oh yes.
Starting point is 00:20:29 So yeah, at that point. I was up. So at that point, the dad can't make dinner. Catherine Heigel shows up on an ounce at dinner where Rosario Dawson is cooking and she is kind of shitty to her. She makes pasta because Rosario Dawson's food is too spicy for her daughter.
Starting point is 00:20:47 Too spicy because her daughter is only been exposed to the most Caucasian of foods, I assume. And the hint of an ethnicity that comes with Rosario Dawson is just too much. It's this macaroni and queso is just too spicy, I guess. Sure. This is a very, what's weird about this movie is that you could totally see this movie.
Starting point is 00:21:07 Maybe it's the Stephen Manuchin connection, I don't know. But it's like, you could totally see it as a kind of Trump movie where it's like these non-white women are coming in and stealing our white husbands from our white selves and our white daughters and they're cooking them spicy food. This is outrageous. Her hair isn't even the right color.
Starting point is 00:21:25 Like, there's a, maybe it taps into something, you know, a real sense of anxiety that the Catherine Higles of the world have now in Middle America. And in the wealthier enclaves of the suburbs. What do you guys think? Yeah, I mean, they keep talking about how this is a small town.
Starting point is 00:21:42 But the only houses we see in this small town are really big. All right, enormous. And I don't think a small town, but the only houses we see in this small town are really big. All right, enormous. And I don't think that small town has the labor to run a brewery like that. Well, you don't know, they actually live in Galt's Galtch from the Atlas Shrugged books. We're in all the creators Atlas Shrugged books. The one book, I thought it was,
Starting point is 00:22:04 because they made that movie that I've ever liked. It's like trilogy. It's yeah, the Atlas Shrugged books. The one book, I thought it was. Because they made that movie that a bit like. Trilogy. Yeah, the Atlas Shrugged trilogy. They live in Galt's Gulch, where all the makers and creators went to get away from all the takers and the leeches. So that guy, I assume, all the rich people just kick in and help each other clean their own houses
Starting point is 00:22:22 and run their own breweries. But everyone in the movie seems to be super just wealthy and have no cares in the world, except that their lives might be stolen by this woman from San Francisco. Something we learn. Rosario Dawson's restraining order against her abusive ex-boyfriend has expired.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Because she gets a piece of mail that tells her this. And also, Rosario Dawson makes it clear, she's not on Facebook. Why would she be on Facebook? She only works at a website. She only works in the world of social marketing and online media. Why would she be on Facebook?
Starting point is 00:22:53 I mean, I was under the impression she was on Facebook because after this abusive relationship, she deleted all that shit. That's probably it, that makes sense. I mean, that's... You know what? I retract it, movie, make more sense than I thought. So it moves after this situation, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:08 Rosario Dawson's explaining that she wants to be, she wants to be good at being, you know, a mom in this case. So she is working on, she's working on this big activity board, which is the real lesson of the movie, guys, activity schedules. That's the thing that's really unforgettable. Am I right? No, it's very forgettable. That's why you need the boors. Oh, okay. So cut to a scene of Catherine Haigel doing some angry horse riding. Yeah, you skipped right angry 3D. Yeah, you skipped the part where in the middle of the night,
Starting point is 00:23:44 Rosar Dawson hears a creepy noise. No, it's just the daughter's hamster. No, wait, that's her boyfriend at the window. Oh, no, wait, it's her fiance at the door. And he likes her food. And it was like the movie just didn't want to commit to anyone jump scare. It was like, it kept coming up with new ideas
Starting point is 00:23:59 and just throwing them out at you. But it was the rare moment in the movie where up to this point, anything was really happening. It felt like a movie that was content to kind of like sit around and wait for something to happen. Yeah, yeah. It was just kind of interact and be around real cinema. Are you including the jump scare where he eats some food and you're, and he likes it and you're like, Oh, no, that was the food. Carthorneigle made. And then he's like, No, it's your
Starting point is 00:24:21 food. I would like it. I would like it. The movie just continued like doing jump stairs, scares after the guy came home. Like it was just like, oh, something's on the porch. Oh, it's a raccoon. And then like she goes to bed and she like does that thing where she closes the mirror on the, on the, what do you call it? Above the sink. Yeah. And someone standing behind her and it was just like, oh, my mom came to visit. Yep. And she picks up some mail and she's like, oh, no, it's a bill. Oh, no, it's for someone else. Because bills are the really scary thing. Am I right guys? Yeah, yeah. The Buffalo bills are a scary football team. So and end of scary serial killer. Yeah. So now we're introduced to we have what a dedication ceremony for the
Starting point is 00:25:08 Brewery and that's where before that it's parent before that it's parents day at school Uh-huh And I was I was watching the scene with my wife and she described Catherine Hegel gives her daughter what my wife described as the least affectionate hug I've ever seen and Hegel sees them all like leaving without her. And it was at this point that I was kind of curious as to why Katherine Hygol didn't get to spend any time with her daughter, but we learn why later. Go to the, okay, the brewery is opening.
Starting point is 00:25:34 Stu, what happens? Uh, yeah, I don't know. That's where you're introduced to what this guy does for a living. And yeah, I just don't like this guy, man, like, uh, and we're also introduced to the idea that Katherine Hygol, I guess don't like this guy, man. And we're also introduced to the idea that Katherine Haigle, I guess, is still a partner. I'm assuming she was part of the, she owns part of the brewery. They make jokes about how she won't even drink beer.
Starting point is 00:25:54 And- She takes the microphone at the ceremony and says, she wasn't thrilled that he was chasing his beer dream, but she wishes him the best. And it's very clear from her tone that she does not wish him the best. And it's very clear from her tone that she does not wish him the best. And she's also wearing the white dress that Rosario Dawson had tried on earlier that day
Starting point is 00:26:13 to be a possible wedding dress. That's, yeah. Rosario Dawson stopped at Katherine Higle's favorite dress shop and tried on some dresses. She bought one, but she didn't buy that white dress. And I should mention, we know that Catherine Haigel wishes only the worst for everybody and is a bad person because as you mentioned, we saw her intensely riding a horse. And for some reason that I
Starting point is 00:26:33 can't quite understand, riding a horse, a woman riding a horse in the movies has become shorthand for a, she's a bitch. Like if a woman is riding a, if a woman is in jobpers and a riding cap and is riding jumping a horse over some hurdles, it's like, oh, damn, she must be a total, she's a total shrew. Well, she should be interested in communing with this animal for a moment. That's how I felt when I'd watch Mad Men and I'm like, now that's, I get why Don draper is such an asshole to people. Yeah, because he's got to come home to this horse writing lady.
Starting point is 00:27:04 It's true though, like I mean, I assume that the shorthand to this horse riding lady. It's true though. I mean, I assume that the shorthand here is like, oh, she's a rich person. She's from the upper classes. That's what most horse riders are in culture. I mean, not really, probably, but it takes a lot of money in what Western culture, right? In Western culture? Not like Yeah. In Western culture. Not like Wild West, but like, I was like, what, I'm assuming there's cultures
Starting point is 00:27:30 where like everybody rides horses. Yeah. Yeah, and also sometimes a woman is just riding a horse off a diving board because wild hearts can't be broken. Yeah, she's not a bitch at all. But I feel like especially in, I think it's real more of an East Coast thing
Starting point is 00:27:46 where people cannot afford to ride horses unless they're wealthy. It's like, up, she's riding a horse, either she's a real jerk, or she's like the prim daughter of a rich man, and some scruffy guy from the streets is gonna have to teach her the ropes of life. And it's how she's dressed.
Starting point is 00:28:02 If she was wearing like a fucking flannel shirt and just some jeans, people'd be all about it, right? People'd be like, yeah. Then she just assumed she's gonna go O's for on HGTV show where she like, she's doing all the construction herself with her O's of a husband. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:18 I wanna say, I'd be called that Don't Impress Me Much, right? Ha ha ha. Yeah. Dan, you assume? No, I want to- But just a mistake because when you assume- Well, you assume that I said- You assume because I said I want to say, which sounds kind of like assume, but not
Starting point is 00:28:37 really. I miss her. Okay, I'll save my dad joke for later. Dan, you wanted to say. Dan, as Dave Matthews once said, what would you say? I would say that I, even though she's being coded very obviously as being a villainous, true woman, I, I had a lot of sympathy for Catherine Haigel early in the movie because, you know, she's being replaced by a new woman in her old life.
Starting point is 00:29:07 She's saying her daughter looked to this new mother figure. And a woman with, I mean, Rosario Dawson is rightfully so, she has a mysterious past, like she's not super comfortable sharing all that information with other people. And if you're trusting this person to basically be a big part of your child's life, I could see you're nervous about it. And I sort of, I sort of like enjoy that the movie spent a little time sort of giving this villainous character a little depth. Yeah. Like, you know, a reason.
Starting point is 00:29:46 Yeah, I agree. Yeah, I agree. She is, this is the kind of movie where the mother, a mother sings aloe weta to her daughter and it's presented as a chilling moment. This should be, this should haunt your dreams till the end of your days. Is that more like upper class coding? It's just like oh this woman knows French. She's no good.
Starting point is 00:30:11 I think so. Yeah. But I would yeah she is this new woman's coming into life that she doesn't really know is going to be taking care of her daughter. And this woman, Rosario Dawson from San Francisco, best case scenario, she's a full house. Where's case scenario? She's a zodiac killer. Yeah. I, come on so
Starting point is 00:30:28 this So that you know this party goes on Rosario Dawson is dancing with her her fiance and Catherine Hygge, but she'd left her phone sitting out of table, which is crazy. Why you do Rosario Dawson did yeah and She's receiving text messages from I'm assuming Whitney Cummings. And the whole since there's since since no other human being has been established in the world in this movie, you have to assume it's Whitney Cummings.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Yeah. And the she, of course, is getting the text messages and the whole text is popping up on the screen, which is crazy. Why you be doing that? Why don't you fix your phone? Fix your phone. So, Katherine, I will see these texts and realize, oh my god, they're engaged, they're going to get married. So, she steals the phone and has sex with, has angry sex with one of the guys who works there. Yes, I'm dude. But it's a stranger in a car in the rain. Yeah. And then she lets him out of the, she's having used and abused him. She lets him out in the rain, refuses to drive him anywhere and speeds off.
Starting point is 00:31:34 She goes, she dismounts and then goes, go now. Yeah. And it's raining very hard for Southern California. I'll just say that right there. Mm-hmm. It's one of the rare sex monsoons that we have. When someone has angry sex in the car, huge rains. It does terrible damage to property. I don't know if you saw in the credits, but they snuck a little Easter
Starting point is 00:31:55 egg in there for real fans. That character's name is. Real millions of what? Unpregettable. Yeah. The character's name is for the, for the, for the, for the forget ahead. Yeah. The character's name is Horace, which sounds a lot like Horace because she rides them when angry. And I just made all that up. So his name is not Horace? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:32:18 It was a joke. Come on. Life a little. I thought you were positive in some sort of unforgettable Louis CK cinematic universe or that's Horace from Horace and Pete. Uh-huh. Louis CK's sadness show. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:33 And unforgettable, just as funny as Horace and Pete. Or he's Mickey's friend, Horace Horse Feather. The horse character. I thought his name was Horace Horse Collar. I think it's Horace Horse Fe feather, but we can look it up later In either in either case, it's funny. Well, you know, just laugh. It's funny listeners right in the right and and way in on the horse feather horse collar debate send in your questions We'll be doing a live debate on CNN in three weeks and I will be answering some of your questions about this
Starting point is 00:33:01 Oh, you're right. It's a horse collar I look so happy. Well, Lizards, don't send in your questions. The debate is over. I won. Oh, yeah. I'm now the president of, I guess, a Disney characters. Ellie, it's dabbing over there.
Starting point is 00:33:16 That's crazy. What? Oh, wow. You are a dab. Don't even worry. Yeah, I don't know what that means. What do that mean? Well, so she, the only thing Stewart, the only thing I'm dabbing is paint onto this old
Starting point is 00:33:32 car that I'm restoring in my garage, because I'm a dad now. The only thing you're dabbing is barbecue sauce off of your, your, what, the college sweater you're wearing? Like my apron that says, kiss me, I'm'm Irish and the joke is I'm not Irish. So anyway, Catherine Hygel goes to one of my favorite things, which is a really fakie internet search engine. She goes to and she gets the password to Rosary Dawson's phone and links the phone to Rosary Dawson's computer. Now guys, I don't wanna call you guys out right now,
Starting point is 00:34:09 but do you guys ever use the digits from your birthday as a password? Because that seems crazy. Yeah, that does seem crazy. I don't really wanna talk about what I use as my password to use the digits on my birthday. Okay, but so it seems like it's not obvious. My password is 1, 2, 3, Elliot.
Starting point is 00:34:34 Oh, wow. You change your tune pretty quick, Elliot. Well, you know, that's just, okay, well, let me tell you what my password is. Burrio, okay. My password is... The daily up. The daily up. Oh, you know it already. Yeah. But, Dan, what's the second password?
Starting point is 00:34:53 There is no second password. Damn. Okay. You got through my system. All right. Well, I guess welcome to my mask, Torji. How's it going? It's just the two of us. I guess I am. Yeah. I'm kind of waiting for other people to show up. I was like, I believe. I guess the password is because I was getting pretty bored just sitting here naked in a mask eating to stitos by myself.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Yeah, I guess until anybody else shows up, we should just play some part cheesy or something. Yeah, that is the sexiest of the board games. Yeah, let's set it up. I don't know how to play it, but okay, or you could just have some of these olives. There's just bowls of olives everywhere. That's a pretty sexy snack, right? Yeah, you eat it with your hands. Yeah, and you can pretend it switches eyeball.
Starting point is 00:35:33 I mean, most snacks eat with your hands. Okay, unless you're bobbing for olives. Yeah. So, that's either incredibly difficult or incredibly easy. Depends on the olives to water ratio. Yeah, it's the brine really gets in your eyes. The traditional story of L.A. It's a game bobbing for olives.
Starting point is 00:35:58 Now the hard part too is when you're bobbing for the olives and your mask keeps slipping off. So I've learned your identity of the secret, the latest orgy. But Dan, you guessed the password. So I guess you go first, take off your clothes and start bobbin for olives. Okay. So I love when they pop open, I love it when they pop open,
Starting point is 00:36:17 Rosario Dawson's phone. She just has all of her important documents on it. She has her documents on her phone somehow. Like, do you guys do that? Am I doing being an adult wrong? Yeah. Like, right now, I need to- You just to keep it all in one place.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I need to get a new watch band for a watch that I love. And I don't know how to do that. So what do I do? There's like a nice like watch, a repair shop on Vanderbilt actually that probably could hook you right up. But uh, guys, oh, wow. Okay. You know, right there local Brooklyn, uh, promotion of local Brooklyn businesses.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Let's save it for your podcast, Clockers, which is all about local watch repair shops. And we'll go on to, or your other podcast, The Build Boys, where you talk about businesses on Vanderbilt, Brooklyn. Let's talk about that later. Now, Clockers is different than Clock Stoppers, my podcast where I just talk about the movie Clock Stoppers. Yeah, very different. Now, Catherine Heigel finds a selfie of Rosario Dawson in bed with her fiance, and she reacts to it physically.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Like it shakes her to the core. So no wonder that she looks up this abusive ex-boyfriend on Facebook, and then contacts him pretending to be Rosario Dawson. Buh, buh, buh, buh. I was watching this with, I was watching this with Charlene, and she was talking to the movie at this point. She's like, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:37:49 She's gonna connect to him on Facebook, which is a really weird option to have in that background check website. I mean, I guess if you're using that background check, what, wait, background, what's the fucking name of the website? Yeah. I guess if you're using that background check, wait, background, what's the fucking name of what sound probe? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:06 I guess if you're using background is a way to like find old people you went to high school with that for some reason you didn't immediately just go to Facebook for. I guess I see why you would have a connect to this person on Facebook hot link on that page, but that's seems weird. Another thing about the movie that actually makes a lot of sense when we dig into it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:31 I guess the movie is perfect. It's like a steel trap. It's so tight. So anyway, Catherine Higel is setting things up. She, Catherine Higel's mom comes to visit and she's played by Cheryl Ladd. She is, you see where Catherine Higol comes from because she is a kind of brutally critical blonde wealth bot. She is to Catherine Hygol, what Catherine Hygol is to a normal person. It's just exponentially more critical and emotionless and wealthy and
Starting point is 00:39:02 blonde. And she must ride like seven horses at once. Like, that's what I get from this. Or maybe she rides like a giraffe, I don't know. I had to slam on the pause button and then go to information on this movie because for a second I thought, did somebody, did the TV just change to the movie The Granny, which is a horror movie about an evil monster
Starting point is 00:39:26 granny? But you know what? No, I was actually watching the movie unforgettable, which is what we're talking about today. That's amazing. You're fine. Glad you spun that yarn for us. So her mom is, she's, Catherine Higle says, I think I'm going to have to get a job. And her mom is like, no, you don't.
Starting point is 00:39:43 You should just get a new David. You ruined your last I'm gonna have to get a job and her mom's like, no, you don't you should just get a new David You ruined your last marriage you have to get a new one and Catherine Higle sadly watches her wedding video as she overhears her mother Criticizing her daughter and it's like and it's another moment We're like, okay now I kind of sympathize with Catherine Higle like she's it she wasn't born a monster. She was made a monster This is you know what I have sympathy for this devil. Who, who? Oh, wow. Yeah, the song's out. I love it. And yeah. Resort your Dawson meets with some of her fiance's friends, and they all talk about how they like coming over to the house now that Katherine Hygol doesn't live there because before when they would come over they'd always have to be walking on eggshells. What is the music parody of?
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's not parody of walking in Memphis. Okay, because I would have I would have not do walking on broken glass. I guess. I mean, that's not in song. It's not not my range. Dan, what song about walking would you have used? I'm like, I'm like when you sang it where you were pitch perfect on that one. Perfect pitch.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Because I also, you also got to go, I'm walking on egg shells. Whoa. And don't feel bad. Yeah. Just no song for like, I go out walking on some egg shells. After midnight. No, wait, but guys. to high girls house guys, but I'm walking on eggshells Okay, you know what I don't recognize once shame on you don't recognize the song twice shame on me. That's on us. Oh Man, okay, you're on eggshells
Starting point is 00:41:33 It's not a walking song. I guess we do it a lot as a human being it's a common human experience. Yeah So we now cut to a scene where there's a lot of songs about love. Why is that? I mean, we don't say, you know, we're seeing a lot of songs about breathing other than the air that I breathe. And every breath you take. Okay, that's true. And what's that, what breathe by Pink Floyd?
Starting point is 00:41:58 Alright. Fine. But there's not a lot of songs about pooping. Why is that? Let me introduce you to a bunch of heavy metal songs. There is a YouTube video where a little girl sings a parody of Let It Go called Let Me Poop. And she literally, there's a new verse for every verse.
Starting point is 00:42:16 Like, she really goes all out with it. So if you want to hear something about poop, that's one. Anyway, so what, is this one we learned that, that Katherine Heigel actually cheated on her husband, David, and that's why the marriage broke up? Yeah, that's somewhere around here. Is that where they, when they go to that Mexican restaurant that is very well appointed? Oh, maybe that's earlier. Yeah, I can't remember. Yeah, the, uh, Katherine Heigel has lunch with Rosaria Dawson at a, at a Mexican restaurant where they think they both just have green salads.
Starting point is 00:42:46 And it's still an in-bridge. And by green salads, you mean, a ton of margaritas, baby. Yeah. Yeah, well, they are ladies, buying expensive dresses in the middle of the day with nothing to do. And I couldn't take my eyes off of the statues
Starting point is 00:43:00 in this restaurant. There's all these sombreros and sleepy guys wearing some braero statues in the restaurant. Like there's all these some brairos and like, like sleepy guys wearing some brairo statues in the restaurant, it's really great. So it's called PJ Racists is what you're saying. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I mean, I don't know. It's in Southern California. Isn't there a lot of great Mexican food in Southern California?
Starting point is 00:43:19 Yeah, I'm sure. There is. They tend not to have sleepy some brairo statues in restaurants. So yeah, yeah. Listen, my, I know I've only been here for a few months. Maybe I haven't been to most of the restaurants. I mean, this seems like a pretty affluent white town. Like I feel like most of the restaurant's are racist caricatures.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I have to assume this is my backstory for that restaurant. Much like David, the the fiance quit is job to open a brewery. There was some young stockbroker, who now he's not young anymore. Now he's approaching 40, or he's in his early 40s. He's like, I always wanted to open a Mexican restaurant, but he doesn't know anything about Mexico or Mexican food, so he fills it full of some brairos,
Starting point is 00:43:58 and they just serve like hot dogs and salads, but they call it Mexican food, because you can have a margarita with it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, technically, if they get taken to kids court, but they call it Mexican food because you can have a margarita with it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, technically, technically, if they get taken to kids court, they can prove it. It's called the name of his Jose tequila shots, and that's the Mexican restaurant in town. So around this time, around this time, we're introduced to the idea that Rosaria Dawson is obviously freaking out.
Starting point is 00:44:21 Somebody, she's missing her engagement ring. She's getting a lot of anonymous phone calls. Mm-hmm. And her engagement ring is missing. And, and we also see a mysterious, but gloved person, uh, steal into the home while Rosari Adossens about to take a bath. In the middle of the day. I don't know what her lifestyles like, dude. Sometimes you just need a bath. She's super stressed out. And she's super stressed out. She almost goes back to smoking cigarettes, which is a sign of being stressed out.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Haven't you taken a shower in the middle of the day, where you're just like, the morning has gotten away from you, you're just like, slabbing around the house. I guess so. So here's the setup. You're right, you're making a big, slabbing around the house. The end was eating a so. So here's the setup. Dan was making a big slapping around the house.
Starting point is 00:45:05 Dan was eating a big bowl of chili. It got all over himself and he's like, I can't go out tonight covered in chili. I might as well take a shower. Okay, fair point. Yeah, because he's got it all in his hair. He was also, he was also a real chili boy.
Starting point is 00:45:19 Yeah. Is that, is that, Dan, that's the dating type that you are that you list on dating websites? Yeah. I'm a real chilly boy. I'm a real chilly boy. I'm looking for a single woman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:33 I'm spicy and messy. I'm a real chilly boy. Looking for somebody who can stop me up. Oh, gross. So. Okay. So, sorry, I'm not gonna almost smoke cigarettes, but we also see cut to Catherine Hygol when she's in her like evil lair using the computer
Starting point is 00:45:48 and she's vaping it up because she's a bad guy or she's just really fancy and refined, right? Is that what vape is code for? It's code for fancy and refined, like Java, the original vapor. Sure. I would like to say, I would like to think that like there's pot in there
Starting point is 00:46:05 and like she's a secretly like a pot head. I mean, maybe it's, you know, the SoCal lifestyle. Yeah, sure. But you think she wouldn't be so uptight? Yeah, no, but that was a constant pot head. That's the thing, like she has the kind, she just keeps getting the kind of pot that gives you a lot of anxiety.
Starting point is 00:46:21 Like she's got a really bad. A bizarre pot, the kind of pot that they grow on bizarre world. So was this one? Is this one we have the that that montage, the weird sex montage where Rosario does. Yeah. Has sex with her fiance in a lady's
Starting point is 00:46:36 room. That's a little bit later. Let's well, we'll quickly get to that. Rosario Dawson is bonding more and more with her future step daughter. She's having nightmares about her abuse of ex boyfriend that scene where she was going to have bonding more and more with her future stepdaughter. She's having nightmares about her abusive ex-boyfriend. That scene where she was going to have a bath that ends with her finding flowers from the
Starting point is 00:46:50 serious stranger on the front door, and she has a very hostile interaction with Katherine Heigel, who just stops by to drop off some mail. Also, I'm motivated, body double butt alert, and that seemed to... Would you check that out on Mr. Skin? No, I remember it from the fucking movie. I watched the movie unforgettable And I noted the unmotivated body double butt shot. Okay. How do you know it wasn't? You know it was a result. It's not gonna get naked for unforgettable. Okay. I did for that for that Danny Boyle movie, right? Yeah, but Danny Boyle is Danny Boyle. Wow, harsh critique of Danny Boyle for Mel. So anyway, Catherine Higel spends forever making a fake Rosario Dawson Facebook page and chatting
Starting point is 00:47:36 with the abusive ex boyfriend, really getting it turned on, sending her Koi Rosario Dawson pictures. She stole from her phone. It's kind of hoping it would turn into like a weird episode of that show. Catfish at this point. That's when they have their lunch at the Mexican restaurant. Catherine Heidel says, I had an affair that ruined the marriage. I have in my notes here, they have huge drinks. And Catherine Heidel says, the problem is that David, her ex-husband and Rosario Dawson feels like, is sexually insatiable.
Starting point is 00:48:02 I thought we might get back together, but we didn't. And he just always needs sex. and Rosario Dawson's face, I'd say, is sexually insatiable. I thought we might get back together, but we didn't. And he just always needs sex. And she goes home and has to have those home and males a pair of Rosario Dawson's underpants to the abuse of ex-boyfriend. And a key to the house. Yes. Rosario Dawson is under such stress right now
Starting point is 00:48:19 that at the local carnival, she loses the daughter for a split second. She turns her back thinking she's being followed. The daughter has run off and this is, to be honest, if I entrusted my son to somebody and I showed up, I was like, where's Sammy? And they're like, oh, I lost him. I would be fucking pissed.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Like I'd be so mad. But David starts doubting Rosario Dawson's sanity. Like he just doesn't seem much about her past. He's always. Keep in mind that this is a carnival where every person is either covered in face paint or wearing a hat. So like, yeah, it's like some kind of nightmare hellscape.
Starting point is 00:48:56 It's a basic carnival. Yeah. It's all terrifying. Rosario Dawson and Catherine Heigel have a fight over the daughter. Well, Catherine Heigel is forcing the daughter to ride a horse. She's trying to force her into that mean ice-queen lifestyle. The daughter just doesn't want it. The daughter chooses Rosario Dawson in front of the grandma shaming
Starting point is 00:49:17 Catherine Haigle particularly and it's like oh damn now it's gonna get really bad. Here is when we get now we've caught up to the scene through what it's talking about. It's an investment dinner with investors of the jewelry. And Rosario Dawson seems to go into a fugue state obsessing over Catherine Higel's former sex life and she pulls her fiance into a bathroom and they have incredibly intense sex
Starting point is 00:49:41 that neither of them seem to enjoy very much. We're just smashing furniture over and stuff, slamming into walls, and the looks on their faces are like, both of them thinks the other one wants to do this, but neither of them want to, so they just look really grim and upset the whole time. It's terrible. And this is intercut with shots of Catherine Haigle having, what like, chat, chat sex with. It's called cyber sex. So sorry. She's cybering with the ex boyfriend.
Starting point is 00:50:10 So she's cybering with the ex boyfriend. Well, pretend you have your ex boyfriend. You said boyfriend, while it pertained to be Rosario Dawson, while pleasuring herself. And yeah, it's just a whole sad scene, which was made more enjoyable by watching it with my wife who kept complaining that you don't get to see the guys butt. The, here's the thing about this scene.
Starting point is 00:50:33 There's a, this movie up till this point is kind of like, is kind of halfway dull, halfway has potential to be a crazy movie. And I feel like it's this scene where the movie is just like Fuck it. We're going all the way. This is a crazy movie Yeah, and you have this like double terrible sex scene where Rosario Dawson and her husband are Engaging in this grim unenjoyable bathroom trist where they're like tearing at each other. It's almost like it like They are they both hope that they're gonna wake up from this at any moment, it's just gonna be a terrible dream that they had. And Catherine Hygel is basically doing what happens in showtime TV shows, like the
Starting point is 00:51:16 show or Cinemax TV shows, like it's that, the movie's just like, you know what, why are we hiding anymore? Let's just be a crazy movie. Guys, guys, let's stop pretending. We're crazy. It's gonna be crazy. Yeah, but a crazy movie that's unwilling to show this fellow's bottom.
Starting point is 00:51:34 Hey, it's crazy, but that doesn't mean it has to be vulgar. It's double-strander man. This is the show in Masaru Dawson's butt. Come on. So you said it was a double-dan. I'm using shorthand, Ellie. So you'rero Dawson's butt. Come on. So you said it was a double, Dan. I'm using a shorthand, Ellie. So you mentioned that we were expecting some kind of fallout from the daughter shaming her mother in front of the grandmother.
Starting point is 00:51:59 Right. And boy, do we get it? Because Catherine Heigel then uses this as an opportunity to cut her daughter's hair very short, revealing that this little girl's either wearing a super bad wig at this point, or the first hair was a super bad wig. I can't tell which was which. You don't think they shot the movie in sequence and actually cut her hair? And died it? Because it's like she's a burnette at this point. because it's like she's a bird net at this point. Yeah, I mean, that's possible that that's what happened.
Starting point is 00:52:29 So which one do you think of the wig came in? I think it was always a wig. I think it's a wig now. I think that little girl has naturally very blonde hair. So would you say that Katherine Haigler at this point is wigging out? I mean, I would say that yeah. It's a dad joke again. A joke from a dad. So it's bad. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that.
Starting point is 00:52:48 I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that.
Starting point is 00:53:04 I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. I'm not sure if I can say that. four lines. You've mutilated her. Yeah, you took one of her fingers in the form of hair, which will grow back. And that's introduced in a scene right before Rosaria Dawson is backed up the stairs by Catherine Heigel, and then when she gets to the top of the stairs, she does a little bit of play acting and then falls down the stairs as if Rosaria Dawson pushed her. Yeah. And everyone assumes Rosario Dawson did it. Clearly, he gives her the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, this is one of my problems with movies like this is, um, you know, these ostensibly loving relationships as soon as someone starts getting gaslit, like the husband
Starting point is 00:53:40 always like is like immediately doubting this guy is such a fucking idiot asshole. Like at the, at this is clearly the point where Rosario Dawson would go to him and say, look dude, your ex-wife is fucking with me. Deal with it. She threw herself down the stairs. He knows his ex-wife is crazy. He doesn't like, he knows that. That's the thing. Does he? Like he's such an oblivious fucking He doesn't like, he knows that that's a thing. Does he like he's such an oblivious fucking moron that like he is like I don't want to get political again. But this guy is like the movie embodiment of white male privilege where he just kind
Starting point is 00:54:16 of he just kind of hovers through life and does whatever he wants. Never the fact that he is a daughter and his fiancee comes in from San Francisco and he immediately is like take care of my kid I got to go do some shit like that's crazy He like he never does anything. Yeah, like does he just assume he's like yeah, you know my ex-wife Yeah, she's high. She's got high standards or something like what? She's clearly like he dated her since college, right? They don't look that young, so he's known her a long time.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Like, I don't think they ever spent that much time together, though. Yes. One of those couples where they were always kind of like doing different things, and they just kind of came together to have joyless bathrooms, sex at investor dinners, and they had a daughter once,
Starting point is 00:55:03 and they were like, oh, he's like, now this is your job. You take care of her. I'm going to go drink beer for a living and never shave. Anyway, got to go for that mountain hiking trip with my buds. See you. Hey, money. Can you take care of making all the food and doing all the shopping and buying the clothes
Starting point is 00:55:21 for her? Because I'm spending a lot of time pricing out camping gear. I really need to get the best sleeping bag. Well, this feels like it's coming from a really real place inside. Yeah. Is it here to for a untapped my well of like bitterness on all the things? You can go camping if you want.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Yeah, it's okay. It doesn't make you a bad dad, dude. You can go on a camping trip if you want. No, I can't do it. I can't do it because it would make me a bad dad. No, but he seems like the kind of guy who spends a lot of his time talking to his friends about expensive things to buy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:56 Either watches or suits or sporting gear or like, he's really into sports, but he likes to talk about the equipment more than anything else. Yeah, yeah, it's the he's like a lifestyle brand type guy. He is like a walking lifestyle brand. He's you he like walked right out of a bonobo suit catalog like a like a GQ one of those pages where it's like, what's the best type of fountain pen to buy? Something like that. You know he watches Mad Men and he's like, oh, if only those were the days, right? And totally doesn't get what the show is about.
Starting point is 00:56:37 You all like to think of myself as a real Don Draper. What an asshole. Anyway, so he doesn't believe Rosario Dawson. And it's this, at this point that her voice gets more and more gravely as the movie goes on and she gets sadder. It's like, you can track where her psyche is by how much vocal for I, as she's admitting. And this is where she brings in a little bit of reinforcements. Her friend comes down from San Francisco and they do a little bit of internet hacking.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Right? That's right. They start hacking the mainframe. They ride the Nexus into the hyperloop. Yep. And so she, they find, of course, Katherine Heigel's got a couple skeletons in her closet. That she has what? What's the skeleton?
Starting point is 00:57:21 She's kind of a house. She burned down. She found out her dad was being unfaithful to her mom, and she burned down her dad's house, but she was a miner, so the records were sealed. Yeah, yeah, we got sealed records. I feel like sealed records of a miner is now like all-purpose thriller go to like plot device.
Starting point is 00:57:40 Well, it's so easy to look up somebody's background online now. Like it used to be that you could have a whole thriller, and then at the end, it turns out, oh, she spent time in an insane asylum. I never knew that, but now you just find that stuff really easily. So it's got to be sealed records. And while I found this movie's handling of something like this a little bit insensitive, or seal records, or seal records, like Kiss by a Rose. Anyway, Dan, I'm glad you made that chip.
Starting point is 00:58:04 And I don't know what the name of the record is, Kiss by a Rose. Anyway, Dan. I'm glad you made that chip. I don't know what the name of the record is, Kiss by a Rose, I think that's just the song. But I feel like this movie's a little bit insensitive with dealing with a minor who is clearly the product of a bad situation and using that as in crimining evidence against her, whereas on a show like Crazy X Girlfriend, I still find, I still like the way that show handles it,
Starting point is 00:58:35 which has some eerily similar plot elements to unforgettable. Well, I mean, the tone is different and the Crazy X Girlfriend is the protagonist of that show even though she is a sociopath. Yeah. And it's performed by the very charming Rachel Bloom. And the songs? How many new songs do they have every episode? It's amazing. Yeah, this movie, no songs. Yeah. Stuart Wellington gives this movie one star.
Starting point is 00:59:04 And as a review, he says, this is a star in his review. He says this is produced two words no songs. It's no crazy extra all-friends. Stuart Wellington gave the movie Zanadu five stars. He said lots of songs. Yeah, I'm basically writing I'm writing movie reviews just so that Amazon movie reviews will retweet me. Now you wonder, you're like how she should talk to David, her fiancee about what she's just learned. Clearly. He's on a business trip. He'll deal with this Catherine Heigel situation later. Honey, I know you're being gaslit right now by my ex-wife.
Starting point is 00:59:42 I got to go on this business trip. So I'll see you later. But then Rosar does and comes home one day from somewhere and who does she discover in her house, her ex-boyfriend, bump, bump, bump, bump. They have a confrontation. She escapes by stabbing him in the leg. She moves out.
Starting point is 00:59:59 And we know at this point that this guy's gonna die. Like this was in the opening of the movie. Yeah, if we were in the movie... Yeah, if we were in the movie, opening of the movie. Like this was in the opening of the movie. Yeah, opening the movie. I was opening on the movie. I thought it was unforgettable. So I was a little nervous when this character showed up because I was a little nervous that this abuse of boyfriend was gonna show up and just get accidentally killed
Starting point is 01:00:19 by Rosario Dawson. Like she had been so gaslit that she just killed him upon seeing him. Yeah, but luckily he's given a chance to be, because I would have sent a fucked up message that this abuser doesn't deserve, you know, whatever happens to him kind of, but luckily he is a fucking total asshole before he dies. So I don't know. I was just a little nervous that the movie was going to try and say something like, you know who the real monster is,
Starting point is 01:00:46 not this abusive boyfriend, but Catherine Haigel. It was gonna be a real witch hunt for abusive boyfriend. But no, he slams her into a wall and is a real jackass. Let's just say that. And she's that. I think that's a wild piece of a weak term. So we go with Jesus.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Let's call the jelly, it's really brave of you. He's being violent. What is he? Let's just say he's a week term. Yeah, let's go to the jelly. It's really brave. Yeah, he's being what is he? Let's just say he's a real he's a real piece of work. Yeah, what is he going to go camping? Yeah, she runs out and Catherine Haigel walks in and is like, she's in full super villain mode. She's like, oh, you ruined it.
Starting point is 01:01:22 You screwed up and stabs him to death through the chest. Thus killing him. Thank you. Yeah, she basically like hits the off switch on him. Like as soon as that knife goes in, he's done so. And so she, the police pick up Rosario Dawson because as a new person in town who is not fully white, she's the first suspect. Has to be. Yeah. It's all the evidence is circumstantial so she's the first suspect, has to be.
Starting point is 01:01:45 Yeah. It's all the evidence is circumstantial, so they can't hold her, but they clearly think that she did it. Meanwhile, Katherine Heigel brushes her hair and puts her ring back on like an evil robot. And her fiance shows up to the police station, the police give them, give him all this,
Starting point is 01:02:04 the like messages that Catherine Heigel had been sending this guy. And it makes- It makes it look like Rosary Dawson was grifting him and was going to steal his money and then go back to her ex-boyfriend. The guy, of course, being an asshole totally believes it. And- He is so gullible.
Starting point is 01:02:22 He believes it. He goes back to Catherine Heigel's house where Catherine Heigel is burning the evidence and wearing the wedding ring. He literally walks in on this and he's like, wait, I figured it out. Yeah. It's not like, yeah, like,
Starting point is 01:02:39 Catherine Heigel herself is the evidence that he's such a dumbass. Like I hate this guy so much that he figures everything out by walking in on it. Yeah, good work. Good work, Faro. Like, that's the only way that he's going to believe that Rosario Dawson isn't a bad guy, is by walking in on the evidence. I'm surprised they just didn't have him walking in on her, stabbing the ex boyfriend, and then was like babe
Starting point is 01:03:05 What's going on, huh? What's happening this guy giving you trouble like and she would have to be like I'm an evil person Framing your fiance for murder. I killed this man. He'd be like, but what's going on babe? It's like what's like moms You know moms get worked up That's what I'm saying moms Moms care about their kids. Is this like a period thing? Is that what's going on? Cause I don't need to know about that. Oh wow.
Starting point is 01:03:31 That's the kind of stuff they say. Wow, Elliot's impression of this jerk really got under Dan's skin. I just like, even putting that in like the voice of another person, like, disturbing you. That's the thing about real art, Dana, sometimes it sounds like LA, it's really cool, I don't know, but yeah. And Ardison, just about reconfirming the things
Starting point is 01:03:55 you already love, Dan. Ardison about challenging you and shaking up the world. Yeah. So anyway, he walks in on her and Captain Hagel's, like Rosario Dawson is stealing my life. And David's like, I'm out of here. And so Catherine Higle, what can she do? She hits him in the head with a fire poker
Starting point is 01:04:11 and knocks him out. Like, and fucks him up. He is seriously injured. Like for a while, I'm worried that this guy's dead. Like I was like, this could have came to scull him. Yeah, yeah, cause blood's coming out of every part of that head. Yeah. Even the hair follicles, blood's just seeping out of, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:30 Not like he's got scurvy or whatever. Yeah, his eyeballs are bleeding. What if it was that, what if it was the case that she actually missed him, but he had scurvy. And it was at that point that he passed out and was just doing it. Yeah, it's possible. What we know about him is that he drinks beer all day.
Starting point is 01:04:44 I don't know what kind of vitamin C he's getting out of that beer. I mean, I think I make it like you could probably survive off beer for a while. Maybe he's drinking, you know, like a wheat beer so they put in orange slices in there. He's getting some vitamin C. Yeah, or maybe he's drinking,
Starting point is 01:04:59 or maybe he's drinking Guinness back when they still used fish bladders before it was vegan. Fish bladders. Yeah, they use like fish bladders for some shit for a while. I'm not making this up. You can't make this stuff up. Yeah, it's truth is stranger than fiction, Dan. Literally.
Starting point is 01:05:16 Where they strained up air for fish bladders. Name one. Yeah, I think one fiction that's stranger than truth. Name one stranger than fiction. Okay. Good point. Okay. It hosted me on my petard, name one. Stranger than fiction. Okay, good point. Okay, it hosted me on my petart on that one. Well, it was so obvious, I like it. It makes sense that you would overlook it.
Starting point is 01:05:33 I didn't think he was going to, yet it was like the pervoin letter just hiding in plain sight. So, okay. So, Rosario Dawson sneaks in Splinter Cell style and she avoids the patrolling enemy of Catherine Heigel. She finds. She gets the daughter, Lily, and puts her in the car. Which I kind of like, I like that her first instinct is,
Starting point is 01:05:54 I gotta get the little kid out of here because shit's gonna go down. Yeah. Yeah. And also because worst case scenario, she has a great daughter instead of a crappy husband. Yeah. And I mean, at this point, she's like,
Starting point is 01:06:06 I don't want this little girl to see me beat the shit out of her mom. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Woo! Yeah, world star, all that stuff. So anyway. He knows world star, but not dad. That's pretty surprising. Anyway.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Rosario Dawson, so me and my Catherine Haigel makes some tea and then tapes up David's mouth and hands. And Rosario Dawson, so me and my Catherine Higle make some tea and then tapes up David's mouth and hands And Rosario Dawson is trying to call 911 and Catherine Higle is like nope and rips the phone out of the wall and then hits Rosario Dawson with the fire poker And she gives a speech about how you're worthless. You're worthless. You're trying to steal my life And at this point the whole time she's holding her up against the wall with this fire poker and I'm like You know that's not a sword, right? You could just grab it a whole time she's holding her up against the wall with this fire poker. And I'm like, you know that's not a sword, right? You could just grab it. You should just push it.
Starting point is 01:06:50 It's not sharp just on the side. If you grab onto it, it's fine. Like then she won't be able to swing it at you. Well, but at this point, Rosary Dawson's been broken down to the most basic fundamental elements of her personality. She's shattered and she's hitting rock bottom. And it's that rock bottom that she's able to push off of. Yeah. She gets her berserk her strength and goes, I want my life, not yours. Pushes her away.
Starting point is 01:07:13 They're grappling. They're shoving each other. They break a lot of nice stuff. They're knocking vases over. It's just like that bathroom sex scene, except now it's fighting. But they actually seem to enjoy it a lot more than they did in the bathroom sex scene. And they're like choking each other. They're scratching each other. now it's fighting, but they actually seem to enjoy it a lot more than they did in the bathroom sent to him.
Starting point is 01:07:25 And they're like choking each other, they're scratching each other, they're smashing Catherine Higles head into a glass frame. Yeah, head to those wild, yeah. Like, this is not even a cat fight. This is like a saber tooth tiger fight. Like, it's crazy. Yeah, I bet. And finally, I bet it's fun for the actresses to do that.
Starting point is 01:07:42 I bet that that's a fun scene to do. What to do like physical stuff like that? Yeah, like an all out drag out to do that. I bet that that's a fun scene to do. What to do like physical stuff like that? Yeah, like an all out drag out fight like that. I mean, I would imagine it's fun to, yeah, I don't know. Like, are you talking like how like military guys talk about that like, you know, they might not like the act of violence, but like their train for it.
Starting point is 01:08:00 So they might as well like the act of being able to use what they're trained for. Yeah, that's really rewarding. That's what I say. Catherine Haigle is trained for this kind of violence. Well, I mean, I'm sure she took like, first leg combat. She was personally taught by Gremlin Battler.
Starting point is 01:08:14 Yeah. Yeah. On the set of the ugly truth, he was like, listen, you might hopefully you'll never have to use these skills to battle a Gremlin for Rosario Dawson. I'm gonna teach him to you. And while she was shooting this movie, it was like, oh, my training is coming.
Starting point is 01:08:27 It was just like in a in Karate Kid. She's like, jarred Butler, why do I have to wax your car? You're gonna learn from it. Trust me. And then while she's fighting Rosario Dawson, she's like, oh, I'm using my waxing hand motions to fight her off in this stage combat.
Starting point is 01:08:40 This is amazing. Yeah, she's like, Gremlin Baller, why are you always making me make fires in your fireplace with this fireplace poker? You'll see. Eventually, Rosario Dawson had managed just to knock Catherine Haigel out. And she moves to another room. And they have the most incredibly lazy villain returns from seaming destruction vanquishment where Catherine Hyde will just walks back into the room very casually. Yeah, like it's like a the moment in every horror movie where you thought they defeated the bad guy But then the bad guy comes back here. It's literally like
Starting point is 01:09:17 Catherine Hyde will walks into the room as if to be like is the movie over yet are we done? Oh, I mean, I'm a bad guy now It just is very lazy. Uh, but then Catherine Heigel sees herself in a mirror with scratches on her face. Her, her perfect face has been ruined. She's not perfect like mommy anymore. Yeah, exactly. And she looks in the, in the reflection. She says, why do you always ruin everything? And she's got a knife in her head.
Starting point is 01:09:40 Now she's reached rock bottom. She's looking at herself in the mirror. And you know what? She doesn't like what she sees. Rosarid Dawson is holding a knife that she's taken from Catherine Heigel and Catherine Heigel, like a Greek tragic hero of old or a samurai having failed her master, which in this piece is her perfect mommy walks onto the knife,
Starting point is 01:09:58 impaling herself, and she says, and she says, don't let my daughter remember me like this or something, right? Yeah, she's like, don't tell my daughter remember me like this or something right yeah, she's like don't Don't tell my daughter that I did this or something. She's like it last the nightmare is over Which is like I wish I've been gone got she had impaled herself and they're like free at last Yeah, the curse dies with me. Yeah, I'm not sure how they're gonna keep this from the daughter I mean the fact that she's like dead of knife wound from oh no, they're gonna pull a weekend at Bernie's and it's just
Starting point is 01:10:30 Mommy stopped by yeah, Mary and Eddie and her dead body around but this is also the point of the movie where I'm just like I was I was actually getting like legitimately worried about what was happening in the movie because like Catherine Higle walked on to a knife that Rosario Dawson was holding and the police already think that Rosario Dawson is a bad guy. So I was like, we don't know what that guy's brain is gonna be like. Exactly.
Starting point is 01:10:55 I was like, you better pray that that guy does not die because he is the only witness that could corroborate your version of events at this point. To be honest, if that's the way the movie ended, here's the better ending of this movie,
Starting point is 01:11:07 where the police show up. Better ending story. What? It said better ending story. Yeah, just like the hit film, the better ending story. Where a kid reads a novel and he's like, this novel didn't end very well. Let's put a luck dragon in there.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah, let's have the rock fighter drive as fucking big wheel through. Yeah, super star. Yeah, I like it. It would be better for police. I'm glad that your better ending is Roseanne. Yeah. The one. Your better ending is Roseanne is what I said.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Curse, curse this technology that we're using. So if Rose, so the way it ends is cut to after the wedding, they live in San Francisco now. Everybody's happy Whitney cut Whitney Cummings brings in donuts and then Catherine Higel's mom shows up. Uh oh, and she brought a gift basket to yeah, and she's fucking. Scary part. She fucking turns to the camera and her fucking eyes turn into cat size. She fucking turns to the camera and her fucking eyes turn into cat's eyes. It's it. She turns into what's her name from Peewee's big adventure. What's the trucker lady's name?
Starting point is 01:12:11 Large March. Large. How do you not? That's like the easiest. Large March is the easiest name to remember. I was I wanted to say big bertha, but I knew that wasn't it. Here's the ending the way it should have ended. The police show up.
Starting point is 01:12:27 They see Rosario Dawson's fingerprints on this knife. Rosario Dawson, they think already killed her ex-boyfriend. Rosario Dawson's fingerprints on the fire poker because she was struggling with it. She knows, and they're like, clearly, Catherine Higle discovered what you wanted, what you were trying to do in destroying this family, and you killed everybody.
Starting point is 01:12:44 No, it wasn't me, it wasn't me. And she shows up and they take her away and then the grandma comes comes by, takes the girl and says like, well, I'm going to raise you right from now on. Cut to the sequel, unforgettable two. We're the grandma's the bad guy. But no, they didn't do that. Instead, they still have a grandma coming by, I guess setting it up for the sequel unforgettable to Granny's in town It's but everybody's living the life great in San Francisco. So I don't know everywhere you look. There's a smile. That's San Francisco All right, but it's so funny. It's like the movie is like it's so funny how The movie was just like Everything's okay, right?
Starting point is 01:13:25 No, it's not. And you as the viewer were like, I know it's not okay. Cause if it was, the movie would be over. It's just like at the end of Casino Royale where Daniel Craig and his girlfriend are just jet setting around and you're like, I know it's gonna turn out there's a problem because otherwise the movie would be over.
Starting point is 01:13:40 Like you wouldn't be spending five to 10 minutes showing me them having a great time. That's not what movies do. Yeah, it's like at the end of Red Dead Redemption where you're like, I guess, I guess I'm just going to go hang out with my family now that I beat all the bad guys. Spoiler alert. I mean, it's an old game, but man, you're like, I guess, I guess I'll just teach my son how to go hunting. Nothing bad could ever happen. Yeah. All right. We've gone way, way, way long on hunting. Nothing bad could ever happen. Yeah. All right, we've gone way, way, way long on this. So let's quickly do five.
Starting point is 01:14:09 It turns out we didn't forget that much. Yeah. It's two final judgments, whether this is a good bad movie, a bad bad movie, or a movie we kind of liked. Stuart, what do you think? I don't think there's necessarily a good bad movie because it's not inept. And I don't think there's a lot to laugh at.
Starting point is 01:14:25 I also don't necessarily like, I guess it's closer to a bad bad movie than to a movie I kind of liked, but I thought it was all right. It was better than I expected it to be. If that's anything. Yeah, like in the grand scheme of things, it wasn't the worst one of these we've watched.
Starting point is 01:14:44 I'm gonna qualify it as good bad. It's not quite right. It's not like laughably bad. Like you're going to have fun, you know, drinking beers and making fun of it with pals or something like that. But it's like one of those lifetime network movies, like, but a big budget, you know, big stars version of that. And there's something strangely compelling about that shit, you know, like the campiness is kind of fun. So I actually kind of enjoyed watching it. Yeah, the more it leans into like the campiness is the best stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I would also call it a qualified good, bad movie. Like, like you're saying, it moves a little too slowly to be like a pop it in and and rag on it. Type of thing, but it is, it does get
Starting point is 01:15:30 crazy and it is super-toddry. So I would call it good bad movie. Oh, sorry about that. Just had to dispatch some goons real quick. Hi, I'm April Wolfe, lead film critic at LA Weekly, and when I'm not kicking butt, I'm hosting the new Maximum Fun Podcast Switchblade Sisters. Do you love genre films? Do you love female filmmakers? Do you love discussions on craft? If your answer is yes, you'll love Switchblade Sisters.
Starting point is 01:16:03 Every episode I invite one female filmmaker on, and we talk in depth about their Fave genre film, and how it influenced their own work. So we're talking horror, action, sci-fi, fantasy, bizarro, and exploitation cinema. Mother's, lock up your sons, because the Switchblade Sisters are coming for you, available at,
Starting point is 01:16:21 or wherever you find your podcasts. What's up, I'm James, the cohost of Minority Corner. And look at that, I'm a neck-aid, the other cohost of Minority Corner. Girl, guess what? What? We just hit our 100th episode. What? And what do you think is gonna be in store for the next 100th?
Starting point is 01:16:38 Probably some more fused with Jennifer Hudson. And I'm telling you. We'll probably do more investigative reporting too, like we did with the Kodak and their racist film. Not to mention exposing the truth, like how we did with the ugly history of the Texas Rangers. But we always lighten the mood with the splash of pop culture. Olivia, pop's new wig. Have you seen that?
Starting point is 01:16:58 Yeah, it's poppin. Just like your lip gloss. And Janet Jackson? And we know we like to put our nerd glasses on and talk about things like Marvel. That's true. That's it. I don't speak about TC. That's what you just did.
Starting point is 01:17:13 What? All through a perspective that's black, queer, and lady-like. So come on over and learn, laugh, and play and join the corner. It's a lot of fun. I'm having fun right now. My ner in corner. So we've got multiple sponsors for the podcast today. Keep in the lights on.
Starting point is 01:17:35 What's that ringing noise that I hear on your end of the... Oh, that's just... Elliot. Water going through the pipes. Oh, okay. I think. Did it turn off just then? Yeah, it just turned off. Yeah, that was water going through the pipes. Okay. I think Did it turn off just then yeah, just turned off. Yeah, that was water going through the pipes. Yeah, it sounded like almost like a doorbell or something It was not
Starting point is 01:17:53 Well, I actually don't have a doorbell fascinating stuff for the podcast. Mm-hmm But you don't have a doorbell. How did people announce their arrival? Do you have a herald? Yes, I have a I have have a Harold named Harold, who stands outside. Let me tell everybody, hey, hey, you, hey, the food, the foods here. Hey, and I'm like, okay, thanks. Speaking of food, blue apron. Nope. Oh, what a pro.
Starting point is 01:18:21 What a pro. Blue apron is the number one fresh ingredient and recipe delivery service in the country How it works as you get a box full of fresh ingredients and directly to your home Portion out perfectly with instructions on how to make like three recipes And yeah, yeah, yeah, go on and you have them for food you eat them for your meals Yeah, so if yeah, go on and you have them for food. You eat them for your meals. Yeah. So if I have them for food, yeah, my wife and I, I mentioned this before, my wife and I make blue apron kind of regularly.
Starting point is 01:18:52 And yeah, we dig it. It's, it's nice to get a lot of all your ingredients, not having to go to the store and pick out. I don't know. End up buying way more than what you're gonna need. And I also- You're gonna end up with like a whole package of Zantham gum.
Starting point is 01:19:09 Yeah, exactly. You're gonna use again, but you're gonna do all this. Zantham gum. And I also like that they portioned out the meals a little better because I know when I cook at home, I'm like, oh, there's, I'm gonna have rice tonight. I'm gonna have so much rice you'll never,
Starting point is 01:19:24 I can bury myself in all the rice I'm about to eat. But if they have specifically things like starches and stuff, they're a little bit more controlled with. You guys know, the thing I hate most about cooking is the measuring. Yeah, yeah. So I'm glad to have that taken out of my hands. I find that weird, but I'm glad that Blue Apron can solve that problem for you. When it says, like, put in a pinch of this, and I'm like,
Starting point is 01:19:48 my fingers aren't the same size as the person who wrote this probably. My hands are small. They're not like, you're large like yours, as Joel said. It's like, I need your hands. Your hands, your hands, are small, I know. But they're not yours. They are your own. What's that? It's a Tore-A-M with song, I think. Now it's jewel. Jewel, that's right.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Like I just said. The same, from the same time period of songs. Is this a fucking ad for jewel or a blue egg? Yeah. It's an ad for jewel culture, new book of poetry. It stores now, I assume. So it's blueprints great because you don't have to measure anything. You just dump it in out of the containers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:31 And then you get to do that fun thing where you slice open the cold packets and watch all the goop come out. Yeah. Whole goop. Well, listen, check out your, check out this week's menu and get $30 off your first meal with free shipping by going to slash flop house. You will love how good it feels and taste to create incredible home cook meals with blue aprons, so don't wait.
Starting point is 01:20:58 That's slash flop house. Blue apron, a better way to cook. We're also sponsored in part today by Casper, a sleep brand that is dedicated to creating an exceptionally comfortable sleep experience one night at a time. Their mattresses are affordable, because Casper sells directly to you, the consumer.
Starting point is 01:21:23 Casper brand mattresses combine that multiple supportive memory foams for a quality sleep service with the right amounts of both sink and bounce. And you can be sure of your purchase with Casper's 100 night risk-free sleep on it trial. So if you- You're so good. Yeah, you're doing really good. You can, so if you don't like it, you can return it as long as it's not been 100 nights. It's like, give us your cast for testimonial.
Starting point is 01:21:52 You use a cast for mattress. And you said, you sleep so well that ghosts can't wake you up, which I guess is why they call it cast for mattress. I sleep so well that Archie can't wake me up, climbing over me as he does constantly during the evenings. But does it give you when Archie's climbing all over you? Do you have like really weird dreams? Yeah, I'm covered in spiders or I'm being did you ever dream a cat was walking on you and when you woke up your pillow was gone? That's right. I woke up when I was married
Starting point is 01:22:26 to my pillow. It was weird. It's very weird. How would you find a pastor or a priest that would perform that ceremony? Elliot, you give someone enough money. They'll do anything. Interesting. I see the thought balloon forming above Elliot's head. Interesting. Start sleeping. I didn't mean that to be dirty. It sounded dirty. Yeah, you're gross. Start sleeping ahead of the curve with Casper.
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Starting point is 01:23:20 about it. Well look, what if hiring could be easier hiring high-speed is pretty hard Yeah, it's a baby. Yes What if it can be easy to what if it can be more streamlined and less time-consuming? I love it with zippercruder you can post your job to over 100 job boards with just one click And zippercruder doesn't depend on the right candidates finding you, it finds them a turn about, but actively notifying qualified candidates about your job. Now under 80% of employers who post on Zippercuder, get a quality candidate through the site in just one day.
Starting point is 01:23:58 Right now, our listeners can post jobs on Zippercuder for free. Just go to slash flop house. That's slash flop house. I realize you could live a whole life using just the things that sponsored us today. Lil'apron, there's your meals taken care of. Casper mattress, there's your bed, maybe your home, if you want to live in a 10 feet out of a mattress. Yeah, I mean you might have that like Japanese minimalist lifestyle Where everything serves multiple purposes in your home and you only keeps those things that give you joy Yeah, like Casper's and blue aprons Ironically not a DVD of the movie joy which gave no one any joy Throw it away and then Zipro Cruder
Starting point is 01:24:41 It's like hey, I need a job to afford this fancy blue apron, cast for Matt's lifestyle. Maybe I'll hire somebody and then they'll hire me. And they go to Zip Recrooter and you do it. Yeah. Yeah. It's a perfect, it's what's as we call a perfect try-head. I guess we call it that now. I guess I'm like, I'm like, I'm locked in. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:25:05 Something witty. Just a bunch of words I said with a ballad is stumbling at the end that I wish the audience could have seen Stuart's look of disgust when I reach the end of that interminable sentence. After. Okay, guys, we also have us a hot jumbo tron. Yeah. Oh, steaming jumbo tron. Yeah, from...
Starting point is 01:25:25 Oh, steaming jumbo tron right out of the jumbo. Yeah, let me get my pot holders, because this one's coming in super hot. Okay, are you ready? Okay, let's start. Do you? Okay, now let's start over. Do you like... Sorry.
Starting point is 01:25:44 Okay, I'll's start over. Do you like... Sorry. Okay, I'll start over again. Do you like movies, pickle babies, and tiny apple pies? How about current events? If you like the first three and you're willing to put up with the fourth one, try decades podcast. We talk about movies from the olden times, versus movies from nowadays, and drink weird cocktails. You like drinks that look back at you? We've got them.
Starting point is 01:26:13 Learn about great and terrible movies you've never heard of, like Gabriel over the White House, and the Silent Command. Listen to the pod and read the blog at So that's it. Listen to decades podcast wherever you get your ear candy and read the blog at How's ear candy drugs that you take through your ears? Yeah, yeah. It's audio cocaine.
Starting point is 01:26:47 Like, comment, subscribe, and imbib. I like that tagline. That's quite a call to action. Gabriel over the White House is a crazy movie. I haven't seen it. I'll have to check out the pod. I just want to quickly give a shout out to our friend Chuck Bryant, Chuck Bryant.
Starting point is 01:27:09 Of the stuff you should know, podcast. Chuck, you should know. Usman of Lane Bryant. Oh, he's not a Max Fund. And grandson of William Jennings, Brian. Okay, anyway, I'll keep talking. Not a Max Fund personality, but certainly Max Fund adjacent Jennings Brian. Okay. Anyway, I'll keep talking. Not a max fund personality, but certainly max fund adjacent as he's been in a lot of max fund cons doing things like running the trivia with John Hodgman.
Starting point is 01:27:36 Yeah, and he's just a great guy. And he just launched a new podcast on November 3rd called Movie Crush, where I'll quote him, I sit down with awesome people to chat about their all-time favorite movie. And he's done shows with people like Technitaro, John Hodgman, Kevin Pollock, Ken Jennings, Roman Mars. Is Kevin Pollock's favorite movie a movie with Kevin Pollock in it? I have to assume it's Grumpy Oldman. Yeah, it's just, no, his favorite movie is just him doing a Colombo impression.
Starting point is 01:28:09 It's weird. Now, technically a movie, but all out. So just check out movie crush on behalf of our buddy. And before we move on, there's two things that we should mention about ourselves. Okay. First is, let's tune our own horns. Guys, get your horns out for some tootin'. We have got a live show coming up December 9th.
Starting point is 01:28:31 That's a Saturday in lovely San Francisco, home of Rosario Dawson's character, and unforgettable, that's a surprise. Oh, near Survante Street from Soul Calibur. I don't think it's on Survante Street. It's at the Marines Memorial Theater. That's the night of Saturday, December 9th. Tickets are still available
Starting point is 01:28:49 but for how long it's going to be our last live show of the year. Yeah. Yeah. And the last one scheduled right now to for the future. We're looking into other ones, but we don't know where when those will be just yet. So get on this last chance to the foreseeable future to see us in person. All three
Starting point is 01:29:08 peaches together, unless one of us hurts our back or our knee or dies in an avalanche or something. But then we dedicate the show to them. Yeah. And it should be a lot of fun. So that's San Francisco, December 9th, 2017. It's a Saturday and tickets are available. Go to slash event and you'll be able to, it'll take you right to the link for it. Another thing you should go to the flophouse podcast website, if you go to slash comics is our current round of comics. They're based on the theme of love and every every proceed that goes to it, all the profits from it, go to hurricane relief for Puerto Rico. It's crazy that it's been so long and they're still struggling with the aftermath of the hurricane and buy these comics and that money
Starting point is 01:29:59 will go to them. Yeah, we're talking about we're talking about American citizens here. Yeah, American citizens who are living a unthinkable calamity right now. And you get something out of it, you get great comics by Dan, me, and soon stewards will be available. Yeah, I think mine's coming out soon. I mean, getting previews of the art and it looks super awesome. I can't wait to see it all finished. I know Dan's really proud of his story. I'm extremely proud of my story. These comments are coming out real great. If you haven't read them, go read them and know that you're helping your fellow Americans or if you're listening to this and you're not an American, that you're helping
Starting point is 01:30:37 an American. And we need all the help we can get right now. So that's slash comics. And if you don't live in San Francisco, you should probably just buy plane tickets and go there for a live show. Yeah. I mean, it's not unheard of. It's happened before. Sorry, I just got a concerning text message that just says, so much cat puke. Oh, no. Time to get to the bottom of this mystery. puke. Oh no. Time to get to the bottom of this mystery. Hicks question mark. Okay. That does sound more like the kind of mystery that encyclopedia round would be dealing with. Sure. Bugs mean he's trying to sell cat puke to people and passing it off as Dan's chili. And he has some fact about something that happened in the 19th century that proves
Starting point is 01:31:30 Bugs' meanies wrong. Now what we do next. Now it's time to answer a few letters from listeners. And the first letter is from Kyle Lastname with Held. Katarn. Who writes? Yep, the Star Wars character with Kyle Katarn. I was delighted to hear Stuart mention the 1990 classic ski patrol on a recent episode.
Starting point is 01:31:54 I probably watched that movie a hundred times when I was a kid, but I hadn't seen it in so long I assumed I had made it up. I looked it up on IMDB just for shits and grins and discovered that the character of Stanley, the awkward but levelable weirdo of the group, was played by fucking Paul Fee. Is this common knowledge that I just acquired or did I just blow your goddamn minds? My question is this. If only factoids about ski patrol could still blow my mind. I mean. My question is this, have you ever discovered someone from a favorite movie in an unexpected place, or have you ever realized someone from the current zeitgeist was in a childhood favorite, but you had no idea.
Starting point is 01:32:37 Thanks for the hours of entertainment. Keep up the great work Kyle last name withheld. Yeah, I think the closest I can think of to that, it's not like a favorite that was it, neither of these are favorites of mine, but that the in the movie Mack and me, there's a scene with a dance number inside of a McDonald's. And there's a moment where the camera zooms in on this little girl that is dancing her heart out. Like, she's dancing so hard. And I always felt bad for that little girl because it was like, she thinks this is the beginning of like a huge career. Like, that she's going to be famous off of Mack and me.
Starting point is 01:33:14 And I always wanted to be like, oh, that poor girl she didn't know. And then I fed out years later, it was TV's Nikki Cox, who's had quite a fine career for herself. Yeah. So it was like, oh, there was a happy ending to this story. I was really happy. And that dancing, that dancing role in Mack and Me did work out for her. So I guess anyone who was in Mack and Me dancing and has not had a long TV career, you ruined it.
Starting point is 01:33:36 So you screwed up somewhere else. It wasn't Mack and Me that did it. Yeah, you can't blame Mack and Me. No, don't blame Mack for this. Maybe me, I don't know, but Mack certainly not. I mean, after, you know, after 30 Rock came out, it was fun to rewatch National Ampune's vacation and realize that Jane Krakowski's in it. She's great. I love Jane Krakowski. Yeah. Who does she play in it? She plays what Randy Quaid's daughter or something
Starting point is 01:34:04 in the, they're like cousins that live out in the country. Yeah. Oh yeah, I didn't realize that was her. I haven't seen that movie the long time. Why don't you just go run it from the blockbuster and pop it in and watch it with the family, am it? Maybe I will. I think Sammy would like it.
Starting point is 01:34:20 He definitely like hearing holiday road. Well, he would probably like that song. I don't know they could really get the rest of the movie, but he'd be like, where are the muppets? Why are there no muppets? I think he'd probably be like, wow, Christy Brinkley, what a babe. But look at that car she's driving.
Starting point is 01:34:35 Yeah, he would. That's a pretty good impression of your son, right? My son's always talking about babes, yeah. I don't have any answer to this specific question, but as long as we're talking about ski patrol, I want to bring up a story about ski school that I can't remember what I've brought up on the podcast before, but I was in a play in college. You were in ski school the musical. And as a playing college with a woman who is Dean Cameron, the star of ski schools sister. And I found out why you just qualified that. I think everybody knows that
Starting point is 01:35:12 Dean Cameron is the star of ski school. Well, I found out that he was that they were that she was his sister blew my mind. And I'm like, the star of ski school, and ski school too, and summer school. Yep. And the star of ski school, and ski school too, and summer school. Yep, and the- Not a lovey's the star of summer school. Shane Saw. I would take issue with that. Shane Saw is the breakout star of summer school.
Starting point is 01:35:32 I mean, I don't know, the breakout character, but not the star. Yeah. Is it best the third lead? But, yeah, I just, I just enjoyed saying like the look of Donning Horror as I was able to pull all these semi-imscure kind of exploitationy films out of my brain and list her brother's credit store and her sort of mentally backing away from me.
Starting point is 01:36:00 Yeah, the look in her eyes is she's scanning the room for possible exit. Exactly. So moving on, this name, this name, this name, the name of the next person is Nathan last name withheld. Nathan Lane. Sure. And he writes, hello, peaches! On the Monster Trucks episode, I heard Elliot make an offhand reference to the FireSigned Theater. My dad introduced me to the further adventures of Nick Danger, and probably ruined me for life. They're one of my favorite obscure comedy references, which I try and introduce to introduce friends to any chance I get.
Starting point is 01:36:42 My question is this, what are some obscure comedies you've tried to introduce friends and family to? And what do you do when they don't laugh at the classic line? Open up and there, your door knocker fell off. Yours, Nathan last name withheld. So, have you tried to introduce people to your comedies?
Starting point is 01:37:04 I've been trying to, there's a lot of, uh, there's a lot of lower tier 30s comedians, like Wheeler and Wolsey, that I find very funny in the movies. And I've kind of given up trying to share those movies with people because it's like, forget it. Never mind. You're not going to like this so much. Um, the FireSign theater, uh, it's great. But you kind of have to, you have to be in peed into that into the wavelength for them. And that's been one that I've tried to do is people too, and they're like,
Starting point is 01:37:29 eh, there aren't very many jokes in it. I'm like, it's full of jokes. What are you talking about? I don't know why that wasn't a very interesting answer, but it's the truth. Normally, a response like yours opens them up to comedy at that point, where you're like, there's tons of jokes, and they're like,
Starting point is 01:37:44 oh, you make a good point, I should like this more. I mean, I know when my wife and I first started dating, I think I definitely try to introduce her to like, this was years ago, but to like Graham Lennahann comedies, like Father Ted and Black Books and, don't know the IT crowd. And this was years ago before Graham Winnihan became a problematic like. But Charlene just did not take to it. It was far too British for her. Yeah. I think I may have related this story on the podcast before. It's so hard to remember after so many episodes
Starting point is 01:38:26 what I'm boring people by reiterating. But, but this is- Well, I mean, if the question is, are you boring people than just assume yes? Okay. That's, you know, that brings a lot of freedom with it, Elliot. Like, I- Yeah, exactly, they do. I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Starting point is 01:38:42 Um, yeah, it's not an obscure comedy group by any means, but I remember exposing a female friend to the Marx brothers and the scenes where Harpo runs after women through the scene. Don't play quite as well in this modern world. They seem a little more sexual assaulty than they played perhaps at the time. And my explanation that Harpo is kind of a sexless amp who wouldn't know what to do with a woman was not taken on on value. Yeah, I mean, that sort of thing is weird. Because it is, obviously, it's, I mean, that's sort of things weird.
Starting point is 01:39:25 I mean, because it is, I mean, obviously, it was a different time. And it's harder to use the argument of like, they should know better. I mean, they fucking should have known better. But it's not like the first season of Brooklyn 9.9 where they had Joe LaTruboe's character being like a weird creepy stalker to who'd call time. And you're like, you guys should definitely know better than this at this point. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:48 What are you looking at, Elliot? Elliot Scanan is what's. That's the thing about a movie I'm gonna recommend later. Yeah, okay. And by the way, going back, I did not mean to mention like those shows were what like unknown or under appreciated faves, they're just the experience I had
Starting point is 01:40:10 was very similar to what the writer described. The moment of me looking at the joke, laughing, and looking for recognition, and mild annoyance was all I got. So last letter is from first name with held, Joseph Flas name with held. And what a complicated name. He writes, tear floppies. Firstly, it's always a pleasure to hear all of your voices every time a new episode comes
Starting point is 01:40:40 out, whether it be the smooth base of Stuart, the midwestern drawl of Dan, and then there's Elliott. Who's saying trouble? Recently, I rewatched Darren Aeronofsky's controversial movie Noah. It's taken on the classic story of the flood divided many people, both religious and non-religious alike, and I was one of them. I'm not a religious man myself, but I found the film to be initially tone deaf with its bizarre sci-fi themes in such a religious tale.
Starting point is 01:41:12 After rewatching it, however, I found new joy with better understanding what the movie was about. Aaronovsky was going for a much bleaker take on the flood, and the more bizarre moments of the film, like the rock monsters and Noah's in the beginning tale, really make this biblical adaptation stand out. My question is, what are some films
Starting point is 01:41:29 that made you go from hating it to actually liking it? And how did you feel about Aaronovsky's know, if you saw it, in general? As always, keep on flopping in the free world to the first native Muthal, Joseph Lastname withheld. What a complicated name. Yeah, I don't like it. I mean, I think I think an example of a movie kind of similar was seen from
Starting point is 01:41:55 Ethias in the theaters because there's a lot of things that I liked about it, but it felt like I'm like, wait, this is supposed to be prequel to alien. Why isn't this better at being a prequel to alien and being really frustrated by it? But the more I thought about it the more and then seeing it a second time, I totally came around on it and was like, I don't give a shit if it's prequel to anything. Yeah, I'm having a hard time with this
Starting point is 01:42:19 because I'm not saying that I'm like, I'm always right. And so my opinions never change. But I rarely have an experience like this. I don't, and I'm like, nothing's jumping to mind. You're old stick to your guns McCoy. That's what we call you. I am old stick to my guns McCoy.
Starting point is 01:42:37 I mean, it's much more likely that a movie, I liked initially than I reevaluated. I'm like, oh, this isn't so good. You talking about monster squad? I'm talking about something I'm like, oh, this isn't so good. Like, you're talking about monster squad. I'm talking about something like a forest scump, which the first time I saw it, I was swept up in kind of like the emotion of it and like how technically proficient it is. And then I'd, later on, I was like, oh, this is a weirdly like conservative movie
Starting point is 01:42:59 that really celebrates like a go-along, get-along attitude that I'm not sure that I agree with. But I mean more likely I'll try and watch a movie that I know is gonna be good and I'm just not in the mood for it. You know, like I remember I tried to watch the movie repulsion the first time and I was like I'd heard that it was this great horror movie and I wasn't in the mood at the time for like a slow burn like someone becoming crazy over time movie and then I watched it. Let's talk about the We're talking about the early grindcore band repulsion. Yeah, I'm talking about the grindcore band before they're out of horrified
Starting point is 01:43:39 Yeah, I get it. It's it takes a couple listens You know, but I mean like that was just a pull of like the first movie that I thought of that, like, I tried to watch and wasn't in the mood for. But then later on, I was like, this is very well made. And that happens more often than me, like, re-evaluating something. I think it hurt, it's when a movie is not super obvious with what it's trying to do. It can have that effect on me sometimes. Or if it's an abrasive character sometimes. As much as I love most of Wes Anderson's movies, it took me a long time to get into Rushmore,
Starting point is 01:44:14 which I feel like otherwise in our generation, people loved it so much. But I found the main character so abrasive and hateful. It took me a while to like get into liking the movie despite not wanting to spend time with this character. But then there's a movie like young adult, which I haven't watched again yet. I'm curious to watch it again, because the first time I watched it, I like didn't really know what the movie was until very late in the film, and I'd already kind of decided I don't like this movie, but watching it now,
Starting point is 01:44:44 knowing what I'm in for, and like what the movie is trying to get at, and I'd already kind of decided I don't like this movie but watching it now knowing what I'm in for and like what the movie is trying to get at and I might appreciate it more I don't know I haven't tried yet. I'm very worried that my saying that repulsion is a good movie is like gonna be taken as an endorsement of Roman Polanski or something by the way who is obviously a horrible human being. I mean monsters can make good things. I mean, it's on a very certain level. Like, no one can be such a horrifically evil person that Chinatown stops being an amazing movie. You just have to be like, this is an amazing movie
Starting point is 01:45:19 that was made by a terrible person. Yeah. Like a truly terrible person. Yeah, like, you can agree that you like something and not want to support that person. Yeah. Yeah. Like a truly terrible person. Yeah, like you can agree that you like something and not want to support that person. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, like that's a debate that people have and I'm not sure. You can say, I like Chinatown, but you know, if I met Roman Polanski, I'd punch him in the face. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. There you go. But I'm just amazed that old stick to his gun's McCoy is suddenly back and away from an opinion that he's proffered
Starting point is 01:45:47 Very clearly well seems like he's not sticking to his guns anymore Yeah, I mean it's that sounds like his hands are covered in something slippery so the guns can't stick to Yeah, you they used to be covered in honey. So the guns stuck very well. Yeah, yeah But lately he's been you you've been working on a car and your hands are covered with grease and oils. The guns just slip right out. Old slippery guns, McCoy, they call me. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:46:14 That's a debate we can have in another time, but how okay is it to like something created by a monster? Like, I feel like any debated pop culture is certainly Now more than ever That that topic comes up a lot and I'm sure we've talked about it before here Oh, yeah, I mean, it's like we're living through this time when it feels like we're living through bad times because we're learning all these bad things and I think it's it's part of her meant remembering we're not, this stuff didn't just happen, it's not like things were great and then it turned bad. Like this, the bad stuff has always been around
Starting point is 01:46:51 and now we can see it and that's a better world to live in where this stuff is not hidden anymore. I've been thinking a lot about how like, it's not that we're living through this crappy time, it's that people are kicking over the rocks and we can see all the ants and the rot that was always there and that means you can go about trying to fix it and do something about it. And that's a better thing. Yeah, you can also say, you can also say, I like
Starting point is 01:47:15 Roman Blancy's older movies. I don't want him to ever be able to make another movie again because he's in jail, which I think is another suitable attitude to have. Yeah, that's another option. Okay, well, let's move on from serious matters to recommendations of movies that you might want to watch before you watch unforgettable. There's a finite amount of time in human life and maybe I'll make some hard choices. The grains in the hour glass just slip away. Yeah. Uh, that's, uh, I mean, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 01:47:50 wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,
Starting point is 01:47:59 wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, okay. He's like, no, the one he has thinking. Let's get a jump in with a movie recommendation. I can certainly go first. Yeah, do it. So I watched recently, I rewatched a movie that I had enjoyed very much in the past, but forgotten most of the details of. I'm saying you called on for a long, free get to the film.
Starting point is 01:48:26 I watched the shot. Dan, is this like, Dan, what you're doing right now, it's you're the kid who's like, I can't play this video game till I sit down and read the instruction manual all the way through. Yeah, which I used to do in the bathroom. I got to know the names of all the bad guys before I start fighting them. I need to tell us about the movie. I need to know the history of Waluigi before I can battle against it. I need to know the powers of Carubo's shoe. I don't even know what that is.
Starting point is 01:48:51 So I watched the shop around the corner, which is a great movie. Great Ernst Lubisch movie. It's what you've got mail was very loosely based on. And also that the stage musical she loves me is based on that. Yeah, I wasn't even aware that there was such a musical. But that's a good musical guys. Guys, I can confirm that was a lot of cat puke. Okay, you got a photo. Oh, you've got photographic evidence.
Starting point is 01:49:20 I'll just put those up on the wiki. And as so. So Ellie, are they in Budapest that word set? Where's where's the yes? I believe so it's in I think it's Budapest at that time a Number of Hollywood movies especially those light comedies were being set in Eastern Europe because the people making them were from Eastern Europe right and Budapest had this Reputation for being kind of like one of the glittering cosmopolitan cities of your life. Right. But everyone in the movie, the only thing that really makes it like it's Budapest is that everyone has kind of Hungarian names.
Starting point is 01:49:53 Otherwise, it could easily be Spokane or Hansa City or something like that. Right. But the plot is simple. Jimmy Stewart is corresponding with a woman that he's following him love with. Meanwhile, he doesn't realize that the shopgirl that he is constantly sparring with is the person that he has been corresponding with. And all sorts of romantic complications in Sue. But it has what the people call that Lubich touch. It's a delight, it's charming.
Starting point is 01:50:28 And it's also, you know, it's a wonderful life is, you know, Jimmy Stewart's Christmas movie. It's considered a Christmas classic, even though only the ending really like habits at Christmas. And Shabaram Corners also said it Christmas. And I guess he goes to the town as a Christmas movie. Yeah, it's no die hard says Dan McCoy. It's Grumlin's did it better says Dan McCoy.
Starting point is 01:50:50 When it takes, when it comes to Christmas movies, I'll take a look at it. I consider it a thin man, true Christmas classics. I consider it a Christmas movie definitely. I was just fending off any possible argument against it, but, Dan, you have been so hedging everything you've said in this podcast. What is going on today?
Starting point is 01:51:08 Why are you so fearful? I don't know. I just want to make it clear. I don't like Roman Blansky. I just want to make it clear. I know there is a huge amount of actual Christmas and it's a wonderful life. I've also been outside clipping the hedge
Starting point is 01:51:22 in front of my apartment building. So I've been doing that hedging as well. I also like hedging. No, but it's just another Jimmy Stewart Christmas movie that deserves to be remembered is all I'm saying. Yeah, it's a great movie. That was one of, as a favorite in, it's a favorite in my family. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:51:40 I'll go next. I'm going to, I'm going to do two quick recommendations. The first one is a movie that I think needs all the love it can get right now because it's crushing it at the box office. That's right. I'm gonna recommend Thor Ragnarok. Check that shit out. It's great. I mean, I knew I was gonna love it. I like Tyco with TD's other movies quite a bit. It definitely feels like a comedy with some action thrown in. All the performances are great. And particularly, I really love the Valkyrie character that is portrayed by Tessa. Valkyrie. Valkyrie, yeah, she's great.
Starting point is 01:52:21 It's one of the first times that I feel like Marvel put a female, like a female superhero on screen who is enjoying being a superhero. Like actually seems to be having fun doing this stuff, which is nice to see. I don't know. I feel like her character is, in any other movie, is the character that would be played by like the fun, like Kurt Russell character. Okay, so I like that, check it out. And I want to recommend a movie that's a bit of a qualified recommendation, but when I was in Toronto, I was lucky enough to get over to the Art Gallery of Ontario to see
Starting point is 01:53:02 the Guillermo del Toro exhibit, which is just a portion of Guillermo del Toro's personal, like museum, like his personal collection of both books, original comic art, as well as props from his movies and other movies, like they had the mask from fan of the paradise there. Yeah, that was pretty great. And the helmet, the Dracula wears
Starting point is 01:53:26 and the opening of Bram Stoker's Dracula. That was awesome. And some original pages of Bernie Wright's in Frankenstein, which was amazing. But going to that exhibit made me excited to go revisit and gear model Torres movies. And also to finally check out Crimson Peak, which I'd been put off from kind of the negative reviews. And I like Crimson Peak a lot. It is,
Starting point is 01:53:54 I think it is a little bit messy and I feel like he repeats himself a little bit, but Guillermo del Toro makes beautiful looking movies and Crimson Peak is no exception. So yeah, if you're looking for a period piece that might not be the most original story, but is filled with kind of beautiful visuals and some cool ghost design, check it out. It does also feature Guillermo Altoutoro's habit of sticking in occasional moments of CGI that looks like shit, but you know that's okay. Everything else looks great. Speaking of period films with beautiful visuals, that's the kind of movie that I'm gonna recommend. I recently saw the
Starting point is 01:54:41 Lost City of Z. Oh wow. James Gray movie about the true life story of Percy Fawcett, who is an ex, and a British explorer who. And it also features Charlie Hunham, who is in Crimson Peak. Yeah, that's right. You know the original, yeah, the original son of Anarchy.
Starting point is 01:55:02 Charlie Hunham is the star of it and the new Spider-Man is in it later on and CNN Miller's in it. It's true story about a British explorer who found this or believed he had found this ancient city in South America that proved that the South Americans were capable of feats of urban engineering and architecture and civilization that at the time Europeans assumed they were too primitive to ever attain and then spent the rest of his life trying to find evidence of it that he could use to prove that he was right.
Starting point is 01:55:38 And in the process ends up sacrificing his relationship with his family members, sacrificing his public image at times, sacrificing eventually, possibly his life. You'll find out if you watch the movie. And it's very, very kind of old-fashioned classic style filmmaking in a way that was really like refreshing to watch in a way. Like this is the way they used to make prestige movies in the 70s, 80s or earlier. And I thought it was really good.
Starting point is 01:56:11 At times, Charlie Hunum is a bit wooden, that's kind of how he is. But Robert Pattinson is in it as his kind of psychic assistant and he's surprisingly really funny and sprightly. I mean, his character. I think Robert Pattison kind of gets a bad rap because of the being in the toilet. That's not my movies. But like almost everything else I've seen him in, he's been pretty good.
Starting point is 01:56:36 Yeah, I got a new appreciation of him in this and it was just like a really good jungle exploration movie. And a movie about stuffy British people being confronted with the dangers of the wild. And about family and how family falls apart. Anyway, I thought it was really good. The Lost City of Z. I recommend it. All right. Well, we've all got places to be. So why not why
Starting point is 01:57:08 why I don't you know, I thought I was going to hang out here all day. Just like the dorm. Thank you for narrating that color tag damn. Yeah, this is the radio. Well anyway, well, I have I have some big Hollywood meetings I have to get to with some Hollywood hot shots. Perhaps you've heard of the star of hot shots. Charlie Sheen. Oh wow. I haven't heard anything about him for a while. I think he's due for a comeback. He kind of dropped off the radar on the back, but he's people love him. People just love him and we're gonna meet and work on a project. Okay, well that sounds great.
Starting point is 01:57:46 Okay, I think Roman Blansky is gonna direct it. Okay. Again, another guy you don't hear a lot about these days, and we've got Harvey Weinstein on to produce, so I think it's got a real chance at success. Oh boy. Just great guys, the whole group. Anyway, so the movie is gonna be called bad idea the movie Wow, I'm glad that you're you're bringing back the the movie subtitle
Starting point is 01:58:13 Well, we were talking to the theater owners and they thought if they what people walked up to a marquee that just said bad idea They'd be like you're right It is a bad idea to waste my limited time on this earth sitting in the dark watching someone else's creation I'm gonna go do something in my own life and then the theater owners don't get money It is a bad idea to waste my limited time on this earth sitting in the dark watching someone else's creation. I'm going to go do something in my own life and then the theater owners don't get money and the movie doesn't get money. So we got to call it bad idea of the movie. The same way that people were worried that someone would walk into a theater and say, one hot dog please and they didn't sell hot dogs at the time.
Starting point is 01:58:38 Now they do in theaters. Now if you walked into a theater and said one hot dog please they'd say, here you go, that's $17. But at the time they didn't sell that. So people would not know it was a movie called hot dog the movie yeah it is yeah when the when the alamo draft has did a screening of hot dog the movie they made a special menu that did not feature any hot dogs and people burned the place to the ground all right um right fully so it's like like Catherine Hygge and her dad it's like when people bought tickets to the emoji movie thing he was going to be a movie and there was just a giant emoji on the screen and
Starting point is 01:59:08 they're like we want our money back and that's why the movie didn't do that well. Yeah that's the story anyway. It's the world history of that. That's been our show. Thanks for listening. Go to Max Fun to listen to a lot of other great podcasts and check it out. And we'll be back at you sooner than you think. Actually, probably exactly when you think. I don't know why I said so. Yeah, every two weeks.
Starting point is 01:59:34 Pretty much when it happens. It's off schedule. Or are we going to release like a secret episode? Like when a band is playing a secret show at a club somewhere? We'll just be visiting you in your dreams. But before that happens, let's sign off. I've been Dan McCoy. Hey, I'm Stuart Wellington.
Starting point is 01:59:54 Elliot Kaelin here at the bottom of an ancient Roman sister. Remember that joke? I made it earlier. See you later, guys. Bye. See you later guys. Bye! I've got you should see my setup over here guys. I'm like a regular Rush Limbaugh. I got my microphone, I got my computer, I got my other computer for looking up information, I got my notes and my notepad I've got my phone for staping with you guys. It's like a regular pump up the volume over here I've got your oxy cotton. I've got my oxy cotton because I'm addicted to it
Starting point is 02:00:34 I got my complete lack of decency or moral values. I got a solid gold microphone. I've got like 300 extra pounds I'm like brushlin' ball right here. You Uh-huh. Do you got a hot cup of Java? And an evening? You know it. Hotter cup of takes. I just worried that I'm accidentally gonna drink my cup of takes. And that happens. Good.
Starting point is 02:00:59 or comedy and culture, art is owned. Listen or supported.

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