The Weekly Planet - 45 Guardians Of The Friggan Galaxy!

Episode Date: August 4, 2014

This week we discuss the higly anticipated and critically acclaimed Marvels Guardians Of The Galaxy.Also, we touch on Mad Max, Fantastic Four, Interstellar, Ghostbusters 3, Deadpool and more!Grab dat ...gem everyone. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of My name is James, editor at that website. With me as always is my co-host, Nick Mason. That's me, James. Last week we did an episode that was mostly about the San Diego Comic Con, all the news from last week. I remember.
Starting point is 00:00:28 When I left, like immediately after I left, I thought of a Comic Con joke. And rather than wait an entire year to roll around and do the joke, then I figured I'd just do it now. Okay. Okay, so ladies and gentlemen, thanks for listening. Here's the Comic Con joke. If you could insert a drum roll. Or don't and make me look like a real idiot, it'd be fine. Oh, man, people will cheer anything at Comic-Con, won't they?
Starting point is 00:00:52 I mean, I heard that they played some footage of a Ku Klux Klan rally, and people were like, woo, is this a new Moon Knight film? And that is the Comic-Con joke. How do you like that? That's pretty amazing. Thank you. You had me worried there, where that was going to go. Because he wears a white.
Starting point is 00:01:11 That's it. It totally works. Okay, good. Well played. Thank you. I mean, the context doesn't make sense. Not at all. But it's still brilliant.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Yeah. That is the official Comic-Con joke. I like to think so. And I was just saying last week that nobody tells jokes anymore. But you've done it. Have I? Yes. Anyway,. I like to think so. And I was just saying last week that nobody tells jokes anymore. But you've done it. Have I? Yes. Anyway, it's good to be here.
Starting point is 00:01:30 It sure is. It sure is. So, Mason, straight into the barely the news, roughly the news. Absolutely. Let's do this. Let's do it. All right. Well, last week, pretty much just after we stopped recording.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Yep. A few hours. Some Deadpool test footage was leaked. Yes. Some mo-caption. Mo-caption. Yeah. CGI kind of an affair from 2012
Starting point is 00:01:48 with Ryan Reynolds in the title role, which he's been attached to that pretty much since, well, a long time. Maybe since 2007 or something. I think somebody influential on the internet said, hey, you know who'd be good for Deadpool? Ryan Reynolds. And that's sort of stuck forever since then.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I kind of get the sense that that's why he got the role in X-Men Origins. Yeah, sure. Absolutely, yeah. Because the room is piled up. Yeah, yeah. And normally the case is when people say, oh, this person would be good for the role, and then they don't get it.
Starting point is 00:02:15 But that's actually a case where that actually... Yeah, yeah. That completely... And it was terrible. So there you go. So it was. I mean, he wasn't terrible. He would be a good Deadpool.
Starting point is 00:02:24 I'm not a massive Deadpool fan. I think small doses for me work. Yes, absolutely. But what about you? Yeah, I prefer a guest appearance probably. I mean, I'll read the series every once in a while. Yeah, yeah. He's all...
Starting point is 00:02:40 As shown in the footage, he's all catchphrases and pop culture references and whatever. And stuff like that, for me, gets really old. That's why I feel like Shrek, say, doesn't age as well as other animated movies from around the time, like Toy Story 2 or whatever. Like Antz. Like Antz. With his head. A Bug's Life.
Starting point is 00:02:56 Because you've got your Matrix kicks and your whatever, you know what I mean? Yeah. Daniel Tonks has written in, and he says, We should embrace the fact that the test CGI Deadpool footage costume is better than the full-budget CGI Green Lantern costume. Absolutely, yeah. So what is the deal with this test footage? Well, I'm assuming, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:03:14 It's real studio footage. It's a real studio footage. It's like that Ant-Man footage that was produced. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. The official Beta Ray Bill of the podcast, he also says that it's almost Identical to the Leaked script
Starting point is 00:03:26 From 2012 Yeah yeah okay So yeah But now that Guardians of the Galaxy Have come out though People say that Peter Quill
Starting point is 00:03:33 Chris Peter Quill He's out doing Like what Ryan Reynolds Does now Like he No They're snarky In the pop culture
Starting point is 00:03:41 No no I think Deadpool's A whole couple of them I agree They're completely different But they're both Kind of culture and whatever no I think Deadpool's a whole other level I agree they're completely different but they're both kind of like no I think I think that's
Starting point is 00:03:49 I think that's overreacting I think that's I think that's the Marvel character archetype yeah is a bit like Spider-Man yeah
Starting point is 00:03:55 you know doing some action a bit snarky yeah having fun with it that's kind of it and I think people are
Starting point is 00:04:01 you know people like that and they just want to attribute it to everyone but I don't I think Deadpool's the whole he's way above that okay
Starting point is 00:04:07 did you play the video game? no I didn't well it's the people who did the Transformers games the good ones the High Moon Studio apparently we've talked about this haven't we?
Starting point is 00:04:15 maybe apparently it plays like as a Deadpool game the character's dead on but it's very clunky combat and samey yeah I've heard that it's
Starting point is 00:04:23 I've heard it's fun and it sort of pokes fun at a lot of the video game conventions. Yeah. But it lays it on real thick. Okay, yeah, yeah. So, would you recommend it to me? Yeah, let's all watch it. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:04:34 Let's watch it on YouTube. Absolutely. That's what I mean. Yeah, I know what you mean. Somebody else play it. Yeah, yeah. Somebody also, I can't remember who said this, but somebody made mention that if this is leaked,
Starting point is 00:04:43 does that mean that this is dead in the water and this is like a move from somebody to kind of get interest going again? Ah, yeah. Ooh. Yeah. Because why now? And how else did it get out? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I mean, it's just a thought. It is, but it's a good thought. Is it getting, is it too far along? Do people care enough for this to get off the ground and do well? think dead paul is always going to have a lot of yeah very rabid fans so yeah they should just put him in an x-force movie like you said have him as a as a character yeah have other people because i think yeah on his own he's pretty yeah hard to take yeah yeah yeah well there you go we're gonna get letters from that. Yeah, I know. But that's all right. It is what it is.
Starting point is 00:05:26 But I think we've reached... No, I don't hate him at all. And I think we've reached the kind of level in comic book movies where he could exist. Because if you put out the first phase of Marvel movies and then a Deadpool film, people are like, why is this film so self-referential? Yeah. And so meta. But now I think we've reached that level where you could have a
Starting point is 00:05:45 guy who is in a comic book movie commenting on the fact that he's in a comic book absolutely yeah and it wouldn't and it wouldn't seem like you know a superhero movie epic movie kind of yeah zucker brothers whatever terrible parody thing yeah yeah oh god why why don't the hulk's pants rip i don't know i've never seen one of movies. I'm sure that's a joke in it. Absolutely. It would be, yeah. Yeah, yeah. The Fantastic Four, though.
Starting point is 00:06:08 You're familiar with that movie. We saw that picture of the thing from last week. We sure did, yeah. The thing thing. Uh-huh. It's wrapped filming. Huh. I didn't even know it had started properly.
Starting point is 00:06:17 Exactly. And I'd not seen any... Like, that one head and shoulders bust of the thing. There was no on-set footage. Nope. There was no people walking back and forth in their trailers and their costume. Production days. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:30 There was no guy, you know, wearing the Doctor Doom mask and covered in ping pong balls because they're going to animate this whole body or whatever. Like, we didn't see any of that. No. Because nobody cares. I don't know. I would say that's it. I'm keeping it really under wraps.
Starting point is 00:06:41 No, why would they? Because I would just... Yeah, good point. Well, I was just talking about last week. I'm like, maybe they won't even make this, but they have. Completed. It's done. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:49 So, obviously, you know, CGI, that aside, but, well, there you go. So, they've tweeted a photo of the cast. We did it, guys. Dreams can come true. They tweeted a picture of the cast just all shrugging, like, oh, yeah, okay, all right. I mean, so there, we'll see it. Josh Trank's a good director. Yeah, okay., oh, yeah, okay, all right. I mean, so there, we'll see it. Josh Trank's a good director.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Yeah, okay. The one that he's made. The Chronicle guy. The Chronicle guy. Great. You did it. Yep, I remember. You did it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:07:13 I didn't have to explain it to you. Nope, I got it. All right, all right. Paul Feig. You familiar with him? He's the director. Bridesmaids. How do you say that?
Starting point is 00:07:21 The Heat. Paul Feig? Yeah. I think it's Feig. Thank you. Like Feig. Like a delicious Feig. Like a delicious Feig, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:27 He's in negotiations to direct Ghostbusters 3, which will be a female-focused reboot. Possibly. Rumored. Okay. But, all right. I'm confused. I'm on board with that. Sure.
Starting point is 00:07:44 How many scripts... Isn't there already a script for Ghostbusters 3 or something? There have been multiple, multiple scripts. Right, okay. So they're starting from scratch again. Possibly. I mean, a reboot can also be set in the same universe now. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:54 With an all-female cast. And I guess it doesn't... Like, you don't really have to... You don't really have to change anything about the script. You can just make the male characters female characters. It doesn't really... Like, Ghostbusters especially doesn't rely on anybody
Starting point is 00:08:06 being any particular gender. No. So it doesn't really matter. I guess, yeah. Okay. Sure. I think they should set it in the same universe
Starting point is 00:08:12 but you don't need to focus on the old characters. Have them there. Just have some of them there. Have some of them there. The ones who are dead and want to do it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:08:20 Who aren't dead and want to do it. I mean, you know, like 21 Jump Street worked. Yep. I mean, that's not female-focused, but it's the same kind of premise. It's new characters come in,
Starting point is 00:08:28 and that's still set in the same universe as the TV show. Yes, yeah. Which is weird. Yeah, but the whole universe... It's the whole... All of society's taken a weird slide towards parody. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's still the same universe.
Starting point is 00:08:40 So that's it. So, yeah. Is Johnny Depp in 22 Jump Street? Or was he killed at the end of the first one he was spoiler alert he was killed in the first one yeah
Starting point is 00:08:48 and another guy from it I can't remember which one not Richard Greco not Richard Greco that's disappointing and I haven't seen the second one yet so yeah apparently it's good though
Starting point is 00:08:55 I've heard alright alright and speaking of alright alright Matthew McConaughey there we go trailer 3 came out the way that you initially had to get it,
Starting point is 00:09:05 you went to the Interstellar webpage and you had to enter a code which would then give you access to the trailer. I hate all that shit. That's very 90s, yeah. That ended in 1999. With Blewidge? I was going to say The Matrix.
Starting point is 00:09:17 The Matrix had an amazing website and I'm all websided out. Just give me the trailer. Put it on YouTube in HD and I'll watch it. Otherwise, shut up. Yeah, I'm not working for it on YouTube in HD and I'll watch it. Otherwise, shut up. Yeah, I'm not working for it. No. And especially I'm not working for this trailer.
Starting point is 00:09:29 Because you know what? Interstellar, I've yet to find it interesting. That's right. Still boring. Still boring. Do you remember when the Dark Knight, one of the first images from the Dark Knight Rises was of Bane
Starting point is 00:09:43 and they released an audio clip and somebody... Oh. Yeah. Was that the audio clip? It was the chant. Oh, yeah. That Bane chant. Bane, Bane, he's our man.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Yeah, that one. If you can't destroy Gotham Stadium, no one can. Except for Superman. Oh, yeah. He did that. But, yeah. Magneto, also. Also Magneto, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Then you decode that audio and that was a link to a website, which was then the first picture of Bane. Yeah. And obviously somebody else went and did that, but I'm not going to do that. No, I... I'm happy never to see Bane ever. Yeah, yeah. And not do that.
Starting point is 00:10:17 I guess it's... I like the idea of a puzzle. Yeah. But I've got... How many pieces, maximum? Two. I've got little to no interest in actually doing that myself i like the idea that somebody figured that out absolutely but i got no interest no i'm glad those people are out there but the code was actually the date i think of the lunar landing i believe okay yeah i actually put the date in because i went to the website and then
Starting point is 00:10:42 i'm like oh and then i went back to the link and was like oh yeah put this code in all right good i'm like you're you're lucky i'm already there yeah you're lucky i got the tab open but yeah not impressed though were you not look i'm not unimpressed it'll probably be pressed yeah i'm depressed okay but look it'll it's i'm pressed for time certainly so sure sure it'll probably be a good film but nothing about this is making me want to see it yet
Starting point is 00:11:08 what about the bit where it says from the director of Inception and the Dark Knight trilogy I like those films but again
Starting point is 00:11:14 fine also Tyler Stoneham who is written into the show he actually predicted that there's going to be that bit about the daughter
Starting point is 00:11:20 aging I called him out last week by saying somebody said that and that looks like that's the way that trailer's going the head of Alchemax Alchemax? the future bit about the daughter aging. I called him out last week by saying somebody said that. Oh, right. Tyler Stone. And that looks like that's the way that trailer's going. The head of Alchemax.
Starting point is 00:11:28 Alchemax? The future. It's Tyler Stone. It doesn't matter. Marvel Universe is the future of the Marvel Universe. Alchemax is Tyler Stone. It doesn't matter. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:11:36 It matters to someone. Yeah, it does. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. You and one other guy. Yep. So, yeah. So, we're excited.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Yes. And we can't wait. What? For Interstellar. Oh, yeah. Sorry, we're excited. Yes. And we can't wait. What? For Interstellar. Oh, yeah. Sorry, I forgot what we were talking about for a second. Also, we failed last week to mention the Mad Max trailer from Comic-Con. Fury Road.
Starting point is 00:11:54 Fury Road, indeed. But that was because also the, what was it? It wasn't released online when we were speaking about it. But we can speak about it now. Yeah. Did you like the two-headed lizard? I didn't notice the two-headed lizard. At the very start, there's a lizard.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It's got two heads. And then Mad Max steps on it. When I start watching a trailer, I look away for a few seconds just to brace myself for adventure. So I must have missed that. Look, Mad Max looks like how I remember Mad Max looking. And if you go back, it doesn't look like that as much. Yeah, exactly. But it looks good it doesn't look like that as much. Yeah, exactly, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:26 But it's good. It looks good, doesn't it? I think this era is very good at taking old properties and making them look like how you remember they look. Like they take
Starting point is 00:12:34 all the positive parts and they put them together and it makes it look like you have a certain memory, like a golden memory of whatever the TV show or the movie or whatever.
Starting point is 00:12:43 And then you go, oh, I remember how good that was and they've made a trailer that looks like that. But if you actually go back and you, the movie or whatever. And then you go, oh, I remember how good that was. And they've made a trailer that looks like that. But if you actually go back and you watch the original, terrible. Yeah, exactly. I think Doctor Who was like that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:52 I think they've taken all the positive memories of people, you know, people's childhood of watching Doctor Who. They're filling the blanks in their brain. Yeah, there's scary monsters and there's amazing worlds and what have you and story arcs and whatever. And they've made this new version of Doctor Who. But if you actually go back and watch Doctor Who, I mean, don't do that. Because your eyes will explode.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Your eyes will explode, exactly. From adventure. Okay. But anyway, that's all I'm saying. Okay, yeah, sure. But yeah, it looks real good. Yeah. Tom Hardy looks like he's...
Starting point is 00:13:20 Oh, you don't really hear him, but he sounds like he's got the Australian accent. He would be good at that. Yeah, I reckon he would yeah yeah it's uh on the mad max a lot of people chained to cars yeah driven around in mad max tradition yep yeah yeah i i think this is a continuation but it also kind of looks like a remake of uh two mad max two right yeah like the kind of road train kind of yeah where it started to go off the rails like the first one was kind of just... The first one, I understand why it was good for the time,
Starting point is 00:13:48 but I watched it a couple of years ago. It's very dated. It's quite slow. Yeah, and doesn't really line up with the other one. There are good parts in it, don't you think? And it's a really great directorial effort, especially for the time. Low budget Australian movie.
Starting point is 00:14:00 And the apocalypse is quite... It feels quite vague and distant, I thought. It looks like a country town. Yeah, it looks like it's it feels quite vague and distant i thought country town yeah it looks like it's it looks like it's just some sort of weird violent cop drama taking place in a country town yeah like the idea that there's a fuel crisis and the world is falling to bits it seems quite distant yeah in two everything really falls a bit two two is easily the best yeah three goes a kind of a bit peter pan yep in the end uh but it does have tina turner it does have tina turner the the theme song from that film is we don't need another hero boy yeah
Starting point is 00:14:32 which is a great song i think it's a great pop song but i'd never noticed before that she hit like it's been on like one of those classic fm stations recently a lot like where we live and i've noticed that she clearly had to stick a reference to Thunderdome in there. Like there's this weird shoehorned in Thunderdome reference just at the end of the chorus every time. Like it would be... Like how do you explain that in decades to Cowboys? Does she say in brackets Thunderdome?
Starting point is 00:14:59 Yeah, she says, yeah, yeah, yeah. By the way, Thunderdome. She says that. Yeah, yeah. If you're going to go back and watch it, watch two. You don't really need to watch the other ones. No, exactly. Also, there's a character in two who's a pilot.
Starting point is 00:15:10 Yeah. The actor who plays him reappears in part three as a pilot of a different kind of aircraft. One's a helicopter, one's a plane or a gyrocopter or whatever. I can't remember. But they're different characters. Huh. And I don't understand why you just wouldn't have him be the same guy. Yeah, well, see, he's...
Starting point is 00:15:28 I'm like, why doesn't he recognise him? They should recognise each other. No, no, this was the 80s Rob Schneider. Oh, yeah. Like, he was your... He keeps showing up in, you know, them films. Yeah, yeah. All the Happy Madison films.
Starting point is 00:15:40 Absolutely. He's a different guy. Okay, now I get it. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, well, there you go. Yeah, no, it looks really good. And we were talking about how he's got... They tattoo all his kind of vital statistics on his body.
Starting point is 00:15:51 They tattoo his rookie card on his back, yeah. And it says, like, genitals intact and, like, organs and... And what his blood type is and all that stuff. What his blood type and all that kind of stuff. Which may have been in the other films. We were discussing it. We can't remember. We can't remember.
Starting point is 00:16:02 And I didn't watch them that long ago. But I know he does have some scars. He's got, in the second movie, he's got a little knee brace. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which he doesn't then have in the third one. Yeah. But anyway, I don't know. Yeah, I'm looking forward to it.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Me too. Yeah. A lot of shooting. A lot of shooting. Looks good. A lot of dust. So much dust. There you go.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Well, Mason, that's the news for this week. Cool. Brief look at the news. Well, you know, there's other stuff probably Who cares Who gives a shit Did you see Guardians of the Galaxy this week Nope gave it a miss
Starting point is 00:16:32 We're getting it later than the rest of the world This time around But it was still previewed this week Which is odd You know what I'm a little bit annoyed that it's not in wide release for another couple of days because i want to see it again like right now why aren't we watching why are we watching it right now i was talking about going to see it tonight again
Starting point is 00:16:53 sunday um for those listening but yeah i can't i can't say it yeah think about that yeah god damn it all right well we might we may have tipped our hand as to whether we like this film or not i hated it yeah i just wanted to make sure i I just want to bring other people and be like, yeah, you hate it too, right? Look at this shit. Yeah. So, yeah. Now, the initial opening estimates for this film was $65 million, which is massive, right? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:15 But now they're predicting upwards of $90 million. Wow. Which is, this is US, by the way. Yeah, yeah. Which is like the biggest August released ever since like the Bourne Ultimatum, but by like quite a lot. Right, right. Because a lot of August films, it's still summer, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:17:29 In the US or the Nordhams. Yeah. Yeah, because it's winter here. They don't do as well. They're kind of like the summer dies down, people go back to work and school and whatever and it dies off. But for some reason, and I'm not exactly sure why, I mean, it's reviews, positive word of mouth,
Starting point is 00:17:44 you know, marketing of mouth you know marketing campaign you know you've got some lovable characters in there absolutely but this movie is doing exceptionally well for a property that nobody knows anything about so yeah yeah make it that what's marvel magic touch marvel I guess iron man did the same thing yeah true good point I guess yeah it's got to be word of mouth it's got to be comic con buzz it's got to be all that sort of stuff yeah yeah sure
Starting point is 00:18:07 yeah let's talk about the movie alright well look as always we're going to go spoilers and non-spoilers you mean non-spoilers
Starting point is 00:18:13 then spoilers no okay spoilers first I did not misspeak okay good no yeah no I meant the thing that you said
Starting point is 00:18:18 right yeah so you know we'll discuss some elements and then if you haven't seen it very clearly we'll say this is spoilers this is the bit with the post-credits and whatever. Sure.
Starting point is 00:18:28 So, yeah, we'll get into that. So, Mason. Yes? What did you think of Guardians of the Galaxy 3D? I didn't see it in 3D. Once again, I don't care for 3D. I went to a cinema with unallocated seating so I could sit wherever I wanted. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:41 2D, with the good Lord intended. That's how I watch a film. Okay. I like it. That's how Adam and Eve watched it. That's right. Yeah the good Lord intended. That's how I'll watch a film. Okay. I like it. That's how Adam and Eve watched it. That's right. Yeah. That's right.
Starting point is 00:18:48 That's how our forefathers, that's how the founding fathers watched a film in 2D. Whoever established this country of ours. No glasses, wooden teeth. That's how you do it. I actually went to IMAX 3D,
Starting point is 00:18:59 which I've never, ever been to before. No, so I went to an IMAX. We have the third largest screen in the world in Melbourne. I don't know if you know that. I love how it's on an IMAX. We have the third largest screen in the world in Melbourne. I don't know if you know that.
Starting point is 00:19:07 It's probably the third largest screen in the southern hemisphere. Well, that's what I thought, but apparently it's third largest. And it's pretty big,
Starting point is 00:19:12 but as soon as I walked in there, I'd been there as a kid and seen like this shitty 3D kind of presentation. It was not good. But I went back and
Starting point is 00:19:19 the glasses are like as big as my head. Like enormous. And you've got a big head. Enormous. Ridiculous. I look like Krang, but like just the brain.
Starting point is 00:19:26 You look like the villain from Green Lantern. Yes. The big head. But I was going to say, they hand me these giant glasses. I'm like, okay. And I go in there and I look at the screen. I'm like, I'm going to vomit during this. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:37 Because I'm too old for this. Yeah, yeah. We've had this discussion where I didn't go to IMAX for many years because I thought I'd go in and just start vomiting uncontrollably. But it didn't go to IMAX for many years because I thought I'd go in and just start vomiting uncontrollably. But it didn't... It was immersive and whatever, but you don't really notice it after a while. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:19:51 You're just kind of in it. And it was a great experience and whatever. I didn't notice the 3D. Nothing was kind of coming out at you, which I appreciate. That's good, yeah. But if I'd have seen a movie like, say, Transformers, like the new one,
Starting point is 00:20:04 it would have killed me. I couldn't have sat through it. Just in IMAX? Yeah. I mean, I don't know. I'm never going to test that out. Right, right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:14 It didn't help, but it didn't hinder. Yeah. James Gunn apparently worked really hard on the 3D to make sure it wasn't incredibly distracting. Yeah. And I think with a film like Transformers, there are probably people who work really hard on the technical aspect of it, but I do think it's just a case of you just flick a switch and it's converted.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Okay. Yeah, yeah. Apparently also with Transformers, the aspect ratio changes quite a bit during it. Hmm. So, like, hmm. And I didn't notice the aspect ratio change at all when I saw it for the Guardians. I mean, not that it may have, but I didn't notice. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:47 What did you think, though, Mason? I bloody loved it, mate. Yeah, you bloody loved it. Bloody loved it. You sent me a message as such. Yes, I did. Similar. It's good.
Starting point is 00:20:53 Yeah, yeah. Well, look. I would find it very... I get the sense that people our age especially, it would be hard for them not to like it. Yeah. I'm issuing a challenge. I'm sure there are people who are going to watch it and hate it. But I feel it's, you know, maybe there's some nostalgia attached to it.
Starting point is 00:21:11 But I think, and we'll talk about this, but I think, you know, great characters. It's very well written and well paced. It's just a fun adventure. It's well Lee-paced, who played the villain. Oh, there we go. Yep. We'll get to that. Trivia.
Starting point is 00:21:22 But yeah, I defy anyone not to like this film. Okay. Wow. Yeah. There you go. There's the challenge. There it is. Email in if you watch this film and hate it.
Starting point is 00:21:31 Mason specifically. James will refund your money. No. Mason specifically at Wikipedia Brow. Oh, God. I don't want to hear the complaints. Yeah, the story, it was a very familiar story, though, but not in a well-worn, I've seen this a thousand times way.
Starting point is 00:21:44 It was like a like a star wars or an indiana jones well it's a it's a it's a it's got all the character archetypes you might feel a friend of mine uh on facebook he's named michael williams is a comedian he said guardians of the galaxy is like star wars if han solo played luke skywalker a raccoon played han solo chewbacca was made of wood princess leiaia was a Twi'lek. The droids were a tattooed strongman and John Williams was a jukebox. So I think elements... Who said that? My friend Michael. That's amazing. You've got to ask
Starting point is 00:22:11 Twitter him. I should. What's his thing? What's his Twitter handle? It's at me and my easel because he's a comedian. He does drawings and stuff. Brilliant. But yeah, no, there are definitely archetypes that I guess Star Wars sort of pioneered in the fantasy sci-fi kind of genre. I mean, not that those archetypes didn't exist before or whatever, but they kind of brought it to light in a big way.
Starting point is 00:22:32 Sorry, go on. No, that's it. Oh, yeah. Good. But yeah, it's a, you know, he's a man out of his world. He's a man out of time. Are you going to say time or world? I was going to say world.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Yeah, yeah. Time has continued normally for him yeah no but I mean out of time in the sense that all his references are from the 80s because he left in like 86 or whatever
Starting point is 00:22:51 88 or whatever it was yeah apparently James Gunn it was intentional somebody paid the compliment that it was like watching a movie that you remember from the 80s like say
Starting point is 00:23:00 you know like a not the Goonies but you know like the last starfighter like the last starfighter which has a kid abducted from earth yeah exactly by your thing but uh but yeah like you said you remember it's like that except it it looks like you remember those movies in your head which was a really good way of putting it yeah so essentially we've got um peter quill played by chris pratt who is abducted from Earth as a child just after his mother dies.
Starting point is 00:23:26 Is that the spoiler? Yeah. No, that's like in the first two minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think the rule is if it's in like the first five minutes you can... Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:31 And then he's abducted by some sort of alien beings. Yeah. And then cut to like a quarter century later. Yeah, but... And then he's become this sort of what he thinks is sort of a space outlaw
Starting point is 00:23:44 but he's sort of this petty thief. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And he's on the hunt for, what he thinks is sort of a space outlaw, but he's sort of this petty thief. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And he's on the hunt for an orb. Yes. An orb of power. Very Indiana Jones-esque.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Yep. The whole opening scene is very kind of Indiana Jones-esque. Yeah, yeah. Not a mistake. No, deliberate. But yeah, did you like the world that he built? Yes. Pretty incredible, eh?
Starting point is 00:24:00 Yeah, yeah. It's our first taste of the... Well, it's... Aside from that very... Aside from Asgard, which I guess is yeah. It's our first taste of the... Aside from that very... Aside from Asgard, which I guess is an... That's an alien realm. As we've talked about, though, Asgards are like the Space Mormons.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Not the Space Mormons, sorry. The Space Amish. Right, exactly. Because when they appeared in the Collector's Room at the end of Thor The Dark World, the Asgardians are very different than everything else. Yes. Like weird space knights compared to everything else, which is just insanity.
Starting point is 00:24:27 Right, right. You know? Yeah. And Asgard is sort of set apart from the rest of the universe in some sort of dimensional way. Yeah. That's never specified. No. We don't need to know.
Starting point is 00:24:36 It's fine. Not important. Yeah, not important at all. But do you like the, you know, there was an emphasis on real sets and locations. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you've obviously got your green screen, a lot of the background, but a lot of the stuff they were actually standing on, like real proper sets. And that really shows.
Starting point is 00:24:52 Oh, definitely. I think... I was going to say this at the top, but I forgot, because I'm not good with memories and words. But Star Wars Episode VII is going to have to work really hard to do Star Wars better than Guardians of the Galaxy just did Star Wars. and that's that's not to say that guardians of the galaxy is derivative i don't think it is but i think it's taken these fun space adventure elements and put them together really well yeah and they've certainly done it better than at least three of the star wars films
Starting point is 00:25:21 yeah they've done it better than 50 of of the Star Wars films. Absolutely. And some would argue Return of the Jedi also, which is good in part. I like Return of the Jedi, but it's got some flaws. Yeah. And I said this in my review, how many films have tried to do Star Wars since Star Wars? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Way too many. Yeah. And every one of them, except probably Serenity, has fallen short. Yeah. I'm sure there are other examples. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:44 But most of them are pale comparisons that are difficult to watch and don't hold up over time yeah and i think serenity shares that kind of you know it's it's you know cowboys or samurai or whatever warriors in space yeah but it's on a much smaller scale and i think guardians of the galaxy has brought the scale up again yeah like because in star wars films you have, you know, the Force and you have, you know, planet-destroying spaceships and all that sort of thing. Midichlorians. Midichlorians, precisely. Dexter Jetster.
Starting point is 00:26:14 All the classics. Yep, yep. But this one, you know, this has equal stakes. The universe is at stake in this one. Yeah, yeah. Okay, great. Yeah, I'd agree with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:26 The budget apparently on this was $170 million, which is a lot. Yes. But Josh Wilding, the guy who's on, he's great. He does a lot of reviews and uses and whatnot. He says that- Who's better at reviews, you or him? Him, definitely. Oh, okay, right.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Without a doubt. Okay. He said it feels like a bigger movie than that. Yep. And I'd agree with that. It feels bigger in the sense that you don't even notice the budget. It's just the world exists. And it's the same with the CGI, which I would also like to talk about.
Starting point is 00:26:57 Groot stands out a little bit more because he's clearly a very CGI character that we've never seen before. And he's noticeably CGI in the sense that you know that he's obviously not there. Yep. He could not possibly be there. He could not possibly be there, yeah. Not that he looks bad, because he doesn't at all. But that raccoon, you don't even think about it. Not at all, never.
Starting point is 00:27:15 That's right. It's like the apes in Planet of the Apes. Yeah. He's there, and for a second you're like, how did they get the raccoon to do that? Yeah, yeah. Well, speaking of the team, you're obviously a fan. Yes. The dynamic worked well.
Starting point is 00:27:30 I like the way they came together. That opening scene where they all kind of meet, except for Drax, is pretty entertaining. It is. Yeah, yeah. On Xander, is it? Xander, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:40 And that's pretty interesting. And it shows off pretty early without being like, this is this guy, and this is the angry guy, and this is the muscle, and this is the angry girl. Nobody has to say their name or what their powers are. Yeah, exactly. Except for Star-Lord, but that's kind of like the running joke that he wants to be known by that,
Starting point is 00:27:57 and people kind of don't even realise that that's a thing that he's trying to do. So, yeah but it's funny right yeah like some people calling it the funniest movie of the year as of so far oh yeah i mean i haven't seen all the comedies as mentioned i haven't seen 22 jump street which is probably good yeah did you laugh out loud yeah a couple of times yeah it's it's funny but it's not overwhelmingly funny yeah i think like thor the dark world is probably there was there were so many jokes in that that it that it stopped being an action that's why i think we talk when we talk about thor the dark world it never felt like the entire universe was at stake but nobody ever really
Starting point is 00:28:36 felt like they were in danger i think it's because there was too there were too many jokes too many jokes and i love jokes yeah i love jokes bloody do. Yeah, in the wrong places. And I think they tried to do that from the distract from the fact that Thor is ridiculous. Right. And this is also equally ridiculous, but they just kind of go with it. Like, this is exactly what it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And this is, again, this is something maybe the new Star Wars films might want to learn from this. Be good. Be good. Be better films. That it's okay if your characters are in a ridiculous situation to acknowledge they're in a ridiculous situation. Yeah. Right? That's what the prequels are missing is a Han Solo character.
Starting point is 00:29:23 Absolutely. To be like, what is this garbage? Yeah, exactly. I don't want to do any of this. I hate all of you. Everything here is dumb. Right, right, right. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:29:33 The villains. Now, we'll talk about two in particular. There's one we'll talk about in spoilers. Okay. Nebula and Ronan. What did you think? I think power-wise, Ronan was very impressive. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:49 But character-wise, he didn't seem... He started off like kind of... I thought his reveal was interesting, how he was kind of in that thing. He's intended to be sort of a religious zealot. Yeah. But I didn't think it really came across. No. I think he had kind of a vague motivation, but I don't think it really ever came across. No. I think he had kind of a vague motivation but I don't think it really ever came across
Starting point is 00:30:08 so much. But he was menacing. He was menacing. You don't want to get near him. Yeah, and physically quite imposing. Yeah. Given that it's Lee Pace
Starting point is 00:30:16 who is probably most famously known as Ned from the TV series Pushing Daisies. Oh, is he? Who is like, he's a guy who owns a pie shop
Starting point is 00:30:24 and he can talk to dead people and he sort of wanders around with like a Zooey Deschanel kind of character and they solve
Starting point is 00:30:30 little twee mysteries that's what that show was about I only knew him from The Hobbit really okay I haven't seen that okay who is he in The Hobbit
Starting point is 00:30:36 he's um Legolas' father and he's actually younger than Orlando Bloom I was going to say he's very yeah if you see some photos of him
Starting point is 00:30:44 he's very young yeah yeah what about Nebula ah yeah good He's actually younger than Orlando Bloom. I was going to say, if you see some photos of him, he's very young. Yeah, what about Nebula? Yeah, good. Good character. Kind of faded away towards the end. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Not specifically why. Yeah, I thought Karen Gillian. Karen Gillian, is that right? Karen Gillian, I think. Apparently she didn't even need to shave her head for that. Well, I was going to say. Because people were like, James Gunn James Scott you prick what have you done what have you done
Starting point is 00:31:07 to a beautiful did your hair you son of a bitch well exactly because she's got if you look at that character she does have a bald head
Starting point is 00:31:13 but there's enough like cybernetic bits and pieces that you could have just given her a bald cap and like put on some plates and stuff
Starting point is 00:31:21 and nobody would have noticed yeah absolutely bad move bad move Gillian. Maybe she wanted to try the jaw hair. Yeah, exactly. It's one of those things that, you know,
Starting point is 00:31:27 I've shaved my hair to case once maybe. You do it. Yeah, yeah. You're in the skinheads for a while. You know it. Yeah. And people are like, is this a new Moon Knight film?
Starting point is 00:31:37 Is this? Sweet callback. Thank you. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. So serviceable. But I said this again in my review.
Starting point is 00:31:46 The thing with the Marvel movies are with the exception of probably Loki and maybe Red Skull to an extent. The emphasis has always been on the
Starting point is 00:31:52 heroes more than the villains. Yes. The Batman movies in particular, they're all about who the villain is. Yep.
Starting point is 00:31:57 That's always the case. That has been the case from day one of Batman. Even the TV show from the 60s. Yeah. And I think that's
Starting point is 00:32:04 probably why Dark Knight is the highlight because Heath Ledger like really nailed that bloody nailed it yeah absolutely but then yeah the Marvel movies are more about the heroes definitely yeah and I think and they just they burn through villains as well yeah and that and it's the Marvel movies it's more about sort of waves of villains. Yeah. Like so many, you know, fighter jets or so many Chitauri alien creatures or whatever. And it's just, you know, they're there to wear down the heroes until they find their resolve. Yeah. And beat the bad guys or whatever.
Starting point is 00:32:37 Yeah. Yeah, there's not a huge number of great... Yeah, you're right. There's not a huge number of great villains. But again, they're not terrible, but like... Yeah. Malekith is fine. Yep.
Starting point is 00:32:47 I think the guy in this one is better than Malekith. But a lot of Malekith was cut out from that movie. Red Skull I quite liked. I was just going to say Red Skull, yeah. I thought he was great. And Loki, obviously. But he's kind of... He changes allegiances and whatever.
Starting point is 00:33:01 He does. He's more of a kind of a... He's just a Marvel character more than he is a villain, I think, at this villain i think i mean he got a lot of innocent bystanders killed in new york that time he did like hundreds more thousands probably yeah yeah as far as the action goes how did what did you think great solid super solid again the the sort of the meeting of the team where they all um uh you know interact yes without spoiling anything yeah there's some super solid action in that. There's some creative action, I thought.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Which part in particular? Well, there's a... If you've seen in the trailer, Peter Quill has sort of jump jets in his costume, and he kind of... There is creative use of that, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:33:38 Those jump jets are great. They're great. I like the Peter Quill character because he's supposed to be, you know, just human, as far as everybody is aware. That everybody else is kind of super powered and strong around him. And he just has to use his gadgets and his cunning and his wit to stop somebody killing him. Everybody's all cyborged out the wazoo in these films.
Starting point is 00:34:01 I think he's got a little bit. But compared to everybody else, he's kind of very underpowered. Yeah. Maybe he wanted to go into space because he had some cool bionic stuff, right? Just get up there. Yeah. There's all sorts of good stuff. Yeah, I thought the action, it was more kind of a giant CGI battle kind of thing, which I'm not in favor of generally.
Starting point is 00:34:18 But this I found engaging because it intercut with enough of on the ground kind of action kind of going on. because they're intercut with enough of on-the-ground kind of action going on. But I still thought that the action in Captain America and the Winter Soldier was better than this because it was more kind of grounded and people really hitting each other and well choreographed. Not that this is bad. It's a different kind of action. But I think I prefer the Captain America style action to this.
Starting point is 00:34:43 Talking about characters, Bradley Cooper and Vin Diesel. I think in the past I've said I'm not in favour of just getting a celebrity to do a voice. Yeah. Because oftentimes they don't know what they... Like, you need a professional voice actor. Yeah. But I think they've done very well here. I think Bradley Cooper is an excellent
Starting point is 00:35:05 yeah I wouldn't have picked that yeah exactly it was kind of like a John McClane kind of yeah apparently he's modelled off Joe Pesci as well in Goodfellas okay sure apparently there's a bit of that in it so you like both of those then
Starting point is 00:35:19 yeah I think well Vin Diesel has done he voiced the Iron Giant yeah as well and of course Riddick in the video game Riddick. Of course. And probably the cartoon Riddick.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And in the movie, the live-action movie, he also voiced Riddick. He voiced Riddick. Yeah, there was a cartoon. Great. Yeah, and I mean, he can only, obviously, if you've seen the trailer, Groot can only say, I am Groot. But there's a fair amount of nuance to it, I think. There's a lot of range in that that he gets out of it. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:46 He also recorded all the lines for the international versions. Oh, really? So normally, you know, they go... Das ist Groot. You know... Je suis Groot. What's that? I am Groot, yes.
Starting point is 00:35:58 French? Yeah. Cool. Good for you. Thank you. You're good at stuff. I'm very good at words. What was I going to say?
Starting point is 00:36:04 Yeah, often they'll swap out actors. And normally it's the same actors as well, like the same person who dubs Tom Cruise has been doing Tom Cruise for so many years and whatever. But yeah, I've got here as well, Bangin' Soundtrack. Yes. Do you agree? Yes. Well, we might talk about that in spoilers, actually. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 00:36:20 But I'm on board with it. Because your ringtone is the Pina Colada song. Correct. There we go. As we established last week, oddly. Yeah, I'm surprised that nobody has done this before, given how well it worked. But just some...
Starting point is 00:36:32 Because, again, if you've seen the trailer, you know that the soundtrack is... Peter Quill's only remnant of his life on Earth. Or one of. He's got a few. He's got a couple of trinkets and stuff like that. It's a a few. He's got a couple of trinkets and stuff like that. Uh, it's a,
Starting point is 00:36:46 it's a Walkman or not in that Walkman. It's a cassette, uh, of like pre 1988 hits. Yeah. Classic pop hits kind of thing. And that sort of soundtracks. And he's, he,
Starting point is 00:36:55 he desperately wants to, it's like Indiana Jones's hat. Yeah. He desperately wants to hold onto that. Yeah. Cause it's got some memories of earth and that's as a result, it sort of soundtracks a lot of the stuff that happens. There is a score,
Starting point is 00:37:06 which again is good in the so far as you don't notice it. Yeah. I feel bad when I'm like, you know what, the best thing about a score is you don't notice it. It doesn't hit you over the head with how annoying it is. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:15 But yeah, it's a good score. Yeah. But the star is obviously the pop songs, I think. Yeah, absolutely. And when you see the various action sequences, how well those particular songs work in it, you go, oh, why did nobody do this before? Yeah, good point.
Starting point is 00:37:30 Well, that's the thing. James Gunn, he's only... I was surprised he's only done two other movies from this. But he can take a genre, like he slithers like the horror kind of genre. Super's obviously a superhero kind of thing. But he can really twist something on its head. Yep.
Starting point is 00:37:44 Maybe that comes from him because he works for Troma. Yep. He was a writer for that. Lloyd Kaufman cameo in the film. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's pretty great. Not so aware, but he's in that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:53 The head of the creative of Troma. That's it. Looks like Mel Brooks also. He does look like Mel Brooks. I'm like, is that Mel Brooks? Yeah. Did they CGI Mel Brooks in? Well, what I remember him from recently,
Starting point is 00:38:04 he did an episode of the Angry Video Game Nerd, actually, where they played all these games, like the Toxic Avenger and all that kind of stuff. Oh, like Corfin was there. Yeah, yeah, it's pretty great. And he's, because he's a pretty good sport. Like, he's a guy who obviously doesn't take himself too seriously. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:38:15 And he's up for whatever. Yeah, yeah. So, yeah, that was pretty great. Yeah, I guess he's made a career on going, hey, this is really dumb. Yeah. Will you enjoy this really dumb thing with me? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:38:24 Have you seen Tromeo and Juliet? No, I've seen The Toxic Avenger. I have seen Kabuki Man PD. Okay. Which is about a New York cop who gets infused with the power of Japanese kabuki. Some others, I don't know. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So I know that I only mentioned Tromeo and Juliet because James Gunn wrote that one. Ah, yeah, okay. So I might actually go back and watch that. So, yeah. That can be in what we read in today, mate. Absolutely. And we get, of course, James Gunn's good luck charm, Michael Rooker.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yeah. In this as Yondu. Yeah. A complete departure from the comics. Yeah, he's got elements. Yeah. We'll talk about that later. Well, why don't we go spoilers for now?
Starting point is 00:39:01 Anyway, best movie ever. I'm going to call it now. Well, you know what we don't do is we don't say whether we like the film. We say that right at the end. Okay. So people who are just listening for a review will have no idea. Right? Sure.
Starting point is 00:39:14 Yeah. I'm going to say best movie ever. I agree with that. Let's talk about spoilers. Well, now I have to cross this off my list of things to ask you. You've really thrown out the... I have, haven't I? I've thrown a spanner in the works.
Starting point is 00:39:23 What were you going to say, though, about Michael Rooker in particular? Good luck, Charm. Yeah, because he's been in Slytherin. He's in Super as well. I was going to say, this character, Yondu, he was one of the original Guardians. Yes. And obviously, he's completely different. And I said this again in my review.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Like the original Iron Man, because nobody knows about this as Iron Man was at the time. And I know people say, of course I know who Iron Man is. Right, right, right. Yeah. Like, more so now. Like, I know more about Iron Man now I know who Iron Man is. Right, right, right. Yeah. Like, more so now. Like, I know more about Iron Man now because of the movies and then I went and read stuff.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Like, I knew more than most at the time, I'd say, but it gets you interested in these things. Yeah. But the point is, the reason why nobody cares that Jarvis is now a robot butler is because nobody knew at the time
Starting point is 00:40:02 anything really about Jarvis. Yeah, yeah. And then you do the Mandarin twist. By the time you get around to Iron Man 3, people know that world. People are on board for those characters. And that's more of a slap in the face. Correct, yes.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I mean, you hated that regardless, because you've always been a massive Iron Man fan. But I think it's the same with Guardians. You can change stuff like Yondu. He's in the older Ancient Guardians or whatever. Not Ancient, but the first team. Well, he's in the 30th like in the older ancient guardians or whatever not ancient but well he's he's in the 30th century guardians yeah oh sorry not yeah ancient but as in the 60s but the future yes and he's an ancient like the 90s yes yeah but he's like a savage warrior kind
Starting point is 00:40:37 of thing yeah and he in um in the original yeah he's a savage warrior and he the people of his race are as warriors they have their archers. Yeah. And they have these arrows that if you whistle at them... After you've fired them. After you've fired it, it will... I thought that was a nice little touch. Yeah, but instead of having these vibration-controlled wooden arrows, he's got this super- super technological arrow of some sort of unknown origin
Starting point is 00:41:05 that seems to be his his signature weapon he can control with a missile yeah yeah and we don't see it employed until right
Starting point is 00:41:11 at the end and then boy boy do we like clearly everybody in the film like everybody he knows is terrified by it like Peter Quill
Starting point is 00:41:19 does not want to get on the wrong end of that and we're like what's the deal with it it's just a pointy thing yeah yeah why couldn't he and then bang kills like 20 people yeah yeah yeah that's one i remember that scene in particular i remember that's some of the first leaked set photos yeah yeah of yondu with a whole
Starting point is 00:41:34 lot of those warriors which is why i thought that he was not what i called their saccharines which is why i thought he was more of a bad guy in this but he's not i mean he's got his own agenda but he's not a bad guy. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah, so they've tweaked Yondu. And at this point, nobody knows who the Guardians are, so that's fine. But I mean, by the time they get to Guardians of the Galaxy 3, they better not mess with Martin X
Starting point is 00:41:55 or Charlie 27. You know what I mean? Starhawk. Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. Not those favourites. Can we talk about Thanos? Yes. What do you think? Looked good.
Starting point is 00:42:08 I was a little bit worried. Yeah. Looked good, sounded good, I think is more important. It was weird seeing that he had an American accent. Right. It was odd. You assume that all intergalactic villains will have a British accent. Yeah, that's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:42:24 That's not me. That's not me. That's my fault. But somebody wrote in the comments of my review that he looked like a California raisin. Yeah, okay. All right. Now that's in my head. Thanks. Thanks, commenter.
Starting point is 00:42:36 I think he looked good. He did look very Josh Brolin-y. Yeah, yeah. Which I guess makes me think that Josh Brolin looks quite Thanos-y in real life. Sure, yeah. I've nailed this.y in real life. Sure, yeah. I've nailed this. He does have that. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:47 That kind of look. Had that floating chair. He did. We've actually talked about it on the show. Where does he hang out? Is he just hanging out in a floaty chair all the time? Yeah, just on an asteroid. On an asteroid, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:58 The guy with him as well, you probably noticed this, that's the Chitauri leader who's in the Avengers. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And Lee Pace just snaps his neck or whatever. Yeah, right. I was like, oh, that's a cool little hook to the Avengers. And then dead. Right, right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:10 There you go. That's actually Alexis Denisoff. I had to look it up. Who's he? He is in Buffy and Angel. Yeah, yeah. He is Wesley, who is sort of the... He started as like this super buttoned up kind of...
Starting point is 00:43:24 He's a member of the Watchers who look after the sky. The guy with the glasses. The guy with the glasses. He's super buttoned up and then over the years he becomes like a diehard action hero kind of guy. Oh, cool. Yeah, good arc on that character. I didn't know that. Yeah, there you go.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I also didn't know. I found it in the Wikipedia article. Sure. You know what? Maybe it's not him. Who knows? It's Wikipedia vandalism. Maybe Alexis Denisov wants some more heat.
Starting point is 00:43:48 So he's like... But that would make sense because he's a Whedon. Yeah, exactly. He's a Whedon guy. One of those guys. Yeah, yeah. I would have liked to see how big he actually was because you didn't really get a sense of scale of him
Starting point is 00:43:59 because he was away from... Yeah, yeah. Because he's enormous. He's whizzing about. Yeah, he's like eight feet tall or whatever. He's maybe even bigger. But yeah, I found it a little bit jarring that the reveal was just like, here's Thanos.
Starting point is 00:44:13 It wasn't like a build-up. I felt it was just like, and this is Thanos. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which was like, what? Because, you know, at the end they have like, he has a conversation with Ronan and he's in a hologram. Right, yeah. Not always with an image on the wall.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I thought they'd start with something like that. And then build to that. And then he would appear and people would be terrified. But it was just kind of like, he's here. Yeah, yeah. I guess he did have a certain air of menace. Yeah, oh yeah. Like, you are wondering what he's capable of.
Starting point is 00:44:39 Yeah, yeah. And we know what he's capable of, essentially. Yeah. So. Bad stuff. Bad stuff. Did you like how they changed Drac to the Destroyer's origins, where Ronan killed his parents?
Starting point is 00:44:49 Yeah, yeah, that's true. Yeah, as opposed to Thanos. That makes more sense, though, for why he would want to go after him. Because otherwise, he's so singular in what he wants to do that he wouldn't even go through Ronan. He'd go... Straight to Thanos. And that would be either a much shorter movie or a much longer movie.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah, that's it. I notice also, in terms of character design, Drax is not as green anymore. Straight to Thanos, and that would be either a much shorter movie or a much longer movie. Yeah, that's it. I notice also, in terms of character design, Drax is not as green anymore. I think when you've got Gamora, though, you can't have too... Too much green. Also, and I think that's probably a good sign that there's going to be a Guardians Avengers crossover. That's exactly what I thought. There you go. Because you've got Gamora, Drax, Hulk.
Starting point is 00:45:20 You can't have three green guys. Yeah, exactly. Too many green guys. And especially because they're of comparable size, sort of. Yeah. It'd be weird, you know, confusing. He's kind of a more grey-y kind of green. Did you like him, actually?
Starting point is 00:45:33 We haven't talked about him at all. Drax the Destroyer. Thought he did well. People thought that, you know, people calling him like he's the breakout performance for the movie or whatever. A lot of his lines, he kind of, the way he delivered them, deadpan and low, I missed a couple of them. Oh, okay, right. You know the bit where he says metaphor at the end, he pulls that guy's...
Starting point is 00:45:49 Didn't know what he said? I had no idea what he said. Neither did I. Yeah, okay, good. It wasn't just me. No. Yeah. So that was, you know, that was sad. Yeah, but I thought, yeah, it did well. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:59 Good, good, good action guy. Yeah. I don't know if he'd be good good in any other roles in particular he's suited for this yes and he's actually in Riddick the last Riddick movie right and he's quite good in that
Starting point is 00:46:10 as the voice of Riddick as the voice of Riddick and he's good in that as well but yeah they all work just thought we'd touch on that yeah emotional moments though there's a little bit of that
Starting point is 00:46:18 I liked Rocket's kind of breakdown yep when he was drunk and whatever because that kind of that hints at his backstory. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:25 And we like damaged heroes in the Marvel Universe. Absolutely. They're all demarged. Yeah. Yeah. Like the bit at the start with his mother, I guess. And there's a few other bits like that, which kind of makes them more compelling characters than just...
Starting point is 00:46:37 They've all, like they said, they've all got something that they've lost and whatever, which makes them kind of more endearing. Yeah. Collector's room. Yeah. What'd you think? A lot of stuff in there. A kind of more endearing. Yeah, yeah. Collector's Room. Yeah. What do you think? A lot of stuff in there. A lot of stuff.
Starting point is 00:46:48 Give me some examples. Dark Elf. Oh, yeah, okay. Chitauri. Yep. There's the Adam Warlock cocoon, which is also in Thor. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:58 Cosmo. Oh, the space dog. Space dog. Somebody said... Who appears in the post-credits sequence. We'll get to that. Yes. Who I like to call Spaniel L. Jackson
Starting point is 00:47:06 he's the new one I think he's going to appear in the post credit seconds of all these new movies yeah apparently people have seen
Starting point is 00:47:15 Beta Ray Bill in the background or someone who looks a lot like I didn't remember because I was now I'm like I'm going to remember
Starting point is 00:47:20 all these because I'm doing an easter egg I've got to get all these in my head before I there's a slither thing from the movie Slither. Great, okay.
Starting point is 00:47:27 Those little slugs. So yeah, a lot of stuff like that. That room had heaps of cool stuff in it. Heaps of stuff. The Collector didn't play a massive role in it, though, did he? He's going to appear in other movies. He's signed on for quite a few. Yeah, he signed a multi-picture deal.
Starting point is 00:47:40 That's interesting. Because his role hasn't really become clear what his deal is. Is he collecting them for thanos well the comic book collector just collects yeah like that's his that's his reason for being i think we discussed this there are there are certain and it's it seems to be quite different like in the in the comic book version there's certain they're like primordial beings yeah and they all have a purpose. There's the runner. We talked about that. He just runs. He runs around the universe for some reason. And the Collector just
Starting point is 00:48:09 collects things to have them. He's fascinated by individual elements of the universe and he wants to have them just to have them. Kind of like a nice Erbraniac sort of. He's neutral, I guess. But also,
Starting point is 00:48:27 these primordial beings in the comic book universe are basically indestructible and immortal. So clearly the collector isn't in this. He's just a regular guy who, for whatever reason, wants to collect stuff. And he's rich or powerful in some other way, which is how he gets these things. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Hmm. Yeah. Interesting to see how that plays out. I think he's just going to be a background character. way. Yeah. Which is how he gets these things, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Interesting to see how that plays out. I think he's just going to be a background character. Sure, okay. It's weird that they get...
Starting point is 00:48:50 Or I think... Because he has one of the other Infinity Gems, right? He's got the Aether from the Thor the Dark World. There we go, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Which I guess is space? It's... I think it's demand... No, I think it's reality. Okay, right. Because you can destroy realities and whatever. Right, right. I thought it was power, but this one's power. This you can destroy realities and whatever. I thought it was power, but this one's power.
Starting point is 00:49:07 This one's power, yeah. And they're called stones as well, not gems. Yeah, yeah, okay. So that's interesting. I'm done. I'm done with this. Close my iPad. Close my iPad. Stones, how dare they.
Starting point is 00:49:19 I was going to say something else. I can't remember. Yeah, they kind of briefly touch on where they come from as well. All the gems. They haven't really talked about their origins or what they're used for or whatever there's like a brief kind of like oh this is from this and this and rock and records or whatever it's like who gives a shit yeah that's right uh we do see a celestial though yeah what appears to be a celestial annihilating entire world with it yeah which
Starting point is 00:49:40 is nice and i think we do get that and nowhere of course which is the celestial head yeah yeah we do get a sense of uh the stakes and i think it's well paced in the sense that we we figure out that the entire based sorry yeah good i expect at least one more so it's well based in the sense uh you know we we we're aware of the stakes from that moment yeah yeah absolutely uh funniest moment for you uh oh uh the bit where they're all it's it's the it's the tension-breaking moment where they're all they all decide they're in to save the world and they all stand up and rocket raccoon's like all, all right, look, I'm standing up. Here we are. Five jackasses all standing up.
Starting point is 00:50:30 Yeah. That was... That was... I had that one down as well. That's apparently Sean Gunn, who's James Gunn's brother, who's one of the Ravagers. Yep. He's...
Starting point is 00:50:39 He's the stand-in for a lot of the CGI sometimes. He's the stand-in for Rocket. He improvised that line, apparently. Oh, great. I love it. So that's cool. That totally works. Yeah, great. I love it. So that's cool. That totally works. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:46 I'm calling it He's the New Andy Circus. All right. No, not really. He's good though. Yeah, yeah. I think the first moment because a lot of the clips
Starting point is 00:50:54 I'd seen or a few of the clips I'd seen like the bit with Peter Cool at the start when he drops the orb or whatever that whole thing's funny
Starting point is 00:51:00 but I'd seen it before. Yeah, yeah. The bit where Drax has the knife on Gamora is quite funny but I'd seen that before but there bit where drax has the knife on gamora it's quite funny but i've seen that before but there's a bit just after that where he goes i'm keeping a knife and the guy's like it's my favorite knife yeah it's my favorite knife yeah that was really good yeah yeah yeah so there's also that scene where uh where we've discovered that drax doesn't
Starting point is 00:51:20 understand metaphors yeah it's the same guy i think where. And it's the same guy, I think. Yeah, no, it is the same guy. It is the same guy where he's like, why would I touch his throat? He's like, no, that's for slicing the throat. It's a metaphor, right? We all get that. And the guy's like, no. They don't like metaphors in space, apparently.
Starting point is 00:51:36 They sure don't. Well, Gamora didn't get it either because it was the stick in the butt, Kevin Bacon metaphor. I like the John Samus reference as well. Yeah. I love a John Samus. And the full, yeah,
Starting point is 00:51:44 the entire thing about this, here's a story of a hero. People enjoy that aus reference as well. Yeah. I love a John Samus. And the full, yeah, the entire thing about this, here's a story of a hero. People enjoy that a lot in the cinema. Yeah, yeah. I've never seen
Starting point is 00:51:49 full of those. Oh. Yeah. You? Yeah. Classic? Yes. I've also seen a
Starting point is 00:51:53 stage version of it. Oh. Also pretty good. Okay, cool. Yeah, it's fun life. I'll get around to it. Well, the post-credits. Hang on, have we
Starting point is 00:52:00 talked about the rest of the movie yet? I'm sad that Peter Serafinovich died. Yeah, me too. I thought he was going to be around. Me too, he's great.
Starting point is 00:52:06 I liked that big net. That was fun. And again, one of the things that they've tweaked in this movie is that the Nova Corps in this are just sort of space policemen. They're like the Coast Guard, but for space kind of thing. The National Guard, I guess. They've got the fighter jets, but nobody has the Nova suit. They have the three-point star thing, but nobody has...
Starting point is 00:52:28 Maybe we'll see Nova in the next one. Well, James Gunn apparently doesn't like Nova because of the helmet. He's like, it's a dumb helmet. But I reckon he'll bring him in. And there was rumour that like... He could go helmetless. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Well, that's what they do for Thor. It's rumoured that Nathan Fillion is... Is Nova. Love it. No, for this one. Oh, okay, right. But he ended up being the voice of the guy who Groot picks up by the nose. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Right, there you go. That was pretty good. Did you think Groot was dead? No, because I've read the comics. Yeah, yeah. Actually, what I thought... I think they may have tweaked the... I'm going to say Danumont again, the bit at at the end after the action, the wrap-up bit.
Starting point is 00:53:07 Because when you see them all getting prepared for the final battle, you see Groot grow some extra bits and he breaks one off. And then it cuts directly to John C. Reilly and he's preparing for the battle. But he's, there's a lot of plants. He's tending to a lot of plants. And I assume that what would happen is Groot would die. Yeah. And we'd expect him to be dead. And then John C. Reilly would receive like a package.
Starting point is 00:53:32 Yeah. And would have like a cutting from Groot. And then he would grow back. That could have worked though, because the bit Rockets holding that pot plant. Yep. That could have been a bit that was cut out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:43 Yeah. So I actually thought that maybe the flower that he gave to the girl would have. All right. Could have been a bit that was cut out yeah yeah so i actually thought that maybe the flower that he gave to the girl would have all right could have been the way but i think you just you obviously just picked up a bit yeah yeah because you can't in the comics you can pick up any part of him is that how it works and you can regrow or uh yeah i guess so yeah yeah but yeah but i i think they were like well actually let's have some more human moments and that's why john c riley meets his family yeah and stuff like that yeah yeah I think every time we mention a beloved
Starting point is 00:54:06 character actor on this show they die so John C. Reilly I hope you live forever I'm just saying I'm throwing salt over my shoulder
Starting point is 00:54:13 doing all sorts of stuff don't die John C. Reilly you're the best in real life in real life in a movie either yeah it's pretty great
Starting point is 00:54:20 yeah yeah they're not really kind of yeah they don't work for the Nova Corp in it do they at all so i guess that that's something that will come later yeah maybe and the name was bestowed upon them by the what's his name the ronan yeah yeah uh yeah that's it'll teach him yeah so did you like the finale how i did like the family and i think that family that is that's
Starting point is 00:54:41 something that i guess they attempted to do with the fantastic four movies yes like we're a family and all we use our powers together and blah blah blah yeah but because we don't care about those characters and they're all idiots in those films we got it doesn't work at all but in this they have learned to work together and they are yeah they're all excellent characters and then when they finally team they've all learned that they need to overcome their you know love for money or their whatever yeah or you know, or their need for revenge or whatever. And they all need to team up and then it totally works. Yeah. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:55:09 Yeah. And again, if we're talking about how the soundtrack works, when it all winds up and he opens the present that he had from his mother and it's another tape and he puts it in and it's Ain't No Mountain High Enough. Yeah. I'm like, that's the best. Yeah. That's the best.
Starting point is 00:55:22 That was my favorite moment in the film, I think. Yeah, that was the best. And they're all like, and then Gamora's like, okay, maybe I will get my dance on. Yeah, enough. Yeah. I'm like, that's the best. Yeah. That's the best. That was my favorite moment in the film, I think. That was the best. And they're all like, and then Gamora's like, okay, maybe I will get my dance on. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And in a dumber film,
Starting point is 00:55:31 that doesn't work as well. Doesn't work at all. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. Well, there you go. There's a soundtrack for the second movie, which is cool.
Starting point is 00:55:36 Yeah. So, yeah. That's pretty, which they have confirmed. We talked about this last week. Yeah, yeah. That's pretty awesome. Post-credit sequence?
Starting point is 00:55:43 Yeah. Okay, so we know Groot's coming back obviously do you think they're going to sell like dancing Groot's somebody asked
Starting point is 00:55:50 James Gunn that and he said I would if I was in Toymaker they'd have to they should I'd buy one of them
Starting point is 00:55:59 and I don't buy anything nice yeah that couch you're sitting on yes stole it wow good man
Starting point is 00:56:04 okay so post post credit post credit sequence we see i didn't know i knew going in that this is somebody a few people that tweeted at me i knew going in that there was going to be something because there always is yeah and there's a character that's going to be the focus and you're like you know what's going to happen here and of course we go we see what's left of the collector's collection yeah all the things are broken we see spaniel l jackson sort of commiserating with the collector people were sad he didn't talk as well yeah me too i would yeah yeah just a regular dog that's yeah that's a shame and then we see of course someone who's escaped from the collection it's howard the duck
Starting point is 00:56:36 he's back cult character cult favorites one of my faves is he really the duck yeah he is i didn't know that well back in the day I was a fan of the She-Hulk comic book okay and he made a lot of guest appearances in that yeah
Starting point is 00:56:51 and so it really worked because there was this guy Howard the Duck from this from you know another universe who didn't fit in paired up with She-Hulk
Starting point is 00:56:59 who's a comic book character who's aware that she's a comic book character yeah and they kind of worked together and they were a good team I wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:57:04 picked them as a good team. That's awesome. You're a fan of the movie, obviously. Never seen it. Really? Yep, never seen it. It's baffling. I'm not surprised.
Starting point is 00:57:11 I saw it when I was a kid. There's no way he's going to get his own... Although... Nah. Nah, he won't. I think people... I think this is like... Somebody said this in the comments,
Starting point is 00:57:20 one of my comments as well, that it's like Howard the Duck is like the Rick Roll of the Marvel Universe. Right, okay, yeah. I think it's a joke. James Gunn has a pretty good sense of humour. Right, right, right. And I think it's just to annoy people.
Starting point is 00:57:33 No, that makes sense. Yeah. See, I have mixed feelings about it. I love Howard the Duck. Yeah. I think it was great that they put him in. I like to see people know about Howard the Duck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Howard the Duck was created... Okay, so do you want... Have we talked about the great Howard the Duck switcheroo? No, we haven't. Okay, the great Howard the Duck. Yeah. Howard the Duck was created... Okay, so do you want... Have we talked about the great Howard the Duck switcheroo? No, we haven't. Okay, the great Howard the Duck switcheroo. Anyway, so basically
Starting point is 00:57:49 Howard the Duck was created by Steve Gerber in the 70s for Marvel. And of course, back in the day, Marvel... If you created a character for Marvel,
Starting point is 00:57:57 Marvel owned that character. It didn't matter how much work you did on it or blah, blah, blah. Marvel owned it. They're better now. Do you get rights for a certain percentage
Starting point is 00:58:05 of the profits from sales? No, you just did the job. You got paid for the issues and that was it pretty much. I mean now they have Icon which is creator owned stuff. But anyway there was a, but apparently Steve Gerber may have had some sort of other like a different ownership contract or something like that and there was some, there was a
Starting point is 00:58:21 lot of trouble over that like Steve Gerber broke with Marvel like his contract and wanted to get out of it there was a lawsuit involved blah blah blah uh there was some concessions made but marvel own howard the duck now okay uh and steve gober has since died which is why i think they've put him in because they're like well we do whatever we want now yeah but the great the great how the duck switcheroo is he stopped working for marvel forever and in order to fund the lawsuit, he created another character, Destroyer Duck. Oh, yeah, yeah. And that became a new character.
Starting point is 00:58:51 He hadn't written a How the Duck story or a Destroyer Duck series in years. And then Marvel contacted him a few years ago. And they're like, hey, do you want to write a How the Duck story? He's like, not really. And then Eric Larsonarson who created the savage dragon contacted him said hey do you want to create do you want to write a savage dragon destroyer duck crossover and he's like well not really but then he got an idea and he did both of them at the same time basically and he's like look i'll write them on the condition that i can put them together like
Starting point is 00:59:21 i can cross them over together like i'll do two crosser i'll do a spider-man marvel team up with how the duck yeah and i'll do a savage dragon destroyer dark crossover and they're gonna cross over like they're gonna meet together in the middle right and so he released they're released both at the same time in the same month and basically uh the villain is a character called the elf with a gun he's like a magic elf he's got a gun that's he's been around for a while i don't want to explain it but anyway basically he puts like he he puts in all the characters like do you know how the duck's girlfriend beverly is in it uh all this other stuff it's a it's a big thing it ends both both issues end in a warehouse with this action sequence that you see from... It's both issues in the same way, but from different perspectives.
Starting point is 01:00:09 And what happens is all the good guys and the bad guys go into this warehouse. In the Marvel Team-Up episode, you see the Elf with a Gun. He uses his magic powers. He creates like a thousand clones of Howard the Duck. And they all swarm Spider-Man and the Savage Dragon and Howard the Duck, and then it's this massive battle. At the end of the Marvel team-up issue, Spider-Man, the good guys beat the bad guys.
Starting point is 01:00:35 They all go their separate ways, back to their separate universes. But in the Savage Dragon Destroyer Duck version, there's an extra couple of panels, and in those panels, Destroyer Duck finds the original Howard the Duck and Beverly and grabs them and takes them back to the Image Universe. That's not in there. But in the Marvel Team-Up version, a different Howard the Duck.
Starting point is 01:00:57 A clone. A clone goes back to the Marvel Universe. So essentially, the Howard the Duck that is in the marvel universe is not the real howard the duck he's a clone and steve gerber took back the original howard the duck who took the assumed identity leonard the duck and went back to the image universe that is genius and then he died so he wins because they can't take it back anymore. They would have to make another story where they go back into the image universe and take him back. Which would be a total dick move.
Starting point is 01:01:33 See how that works? That is brilliant. That's the best. Yeah, that's my favourite. Absolutely. Where did this story come out? A couple of years ago. Steve Gerber put it on his website just before he died.
Starting point is 01:01:44 Fantastic. Yeah. What a bloody legend. on his website just before he died. Fantastic. Yeah. What a bloody legend. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There you go. Also, if you read both issues, you'd be like, what the hell? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:50 Absolutely. So did Lucasfilm own the film rights to Howard the Duck? Yes. Because they made the movie. Yeah, but I guess... And now that Lucasfilm owns Disney, Lucasfilm owns Marvel. I guess so, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:00 It all comes together. So here's this panel. Yeah. Anyhow, one of the clones ran out that way. They'll never know the difference. Got him. And I like Marvel a lot.
Starting point is 01:02:10 Yeah. You also like people getting one over. Absolutely I do, yeah. I love a sweet heist, especially if it's a weird meta heist, which is just over intellectual property.
Starting point is 01:02:20 Sure. That doesn't even make any sense. So you'd be all in favour of a Hell of a Dark Solo movie or something or a reappearance in some form or another. Sure. That doesn't even make any sense. So you'd be all in favour of a Hell of a Duck solo movie or something or a reappearance in some
Starting point is 01:02:27 form or another. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Definitely. Yeah. I'd be very surprised
Starting point is 01:02:32 if anything massive comes of this. There won't be a solo movie. There will absolutely not be a solo movie. But to see him pop up again and you
Starting point is 01:02:39 know done properly because the only reason people hate him is because of that movie. Yes. Exactly. Which is a very difficult film to watch. Yeah. And I mean. done properly because the only reason people hate him is because of that movie yes exactly which is a very difficult film
Starting point is 01:02:47 to watch yeah and I mean and just way off in a lot of little ways that are very upsetting the character design
Starting point is 01:02:55 itself is quite upsetting it's a weird looking duck yeah it doesn't even look like the comic version of the duck that movie cost more to make than Return of the Jedi
Starting point is 01:03:02 wow yeah how does that work I don't know it doesn't or it does and the fact that they needed to make than Return of the Jedi. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. How does that work? I don't know. It doesn't. Or it does? I don't... And the fact that they needed to make, I assume, dozens of Ewoks.
Starting point is 01:03:11 Yeah. But only one Howard the Duck. Yeah. Why did that cost more money? I don't know. Right, exactly. I mean... And it's set on Earth, mostly, right?
Starting point is 01:03:17 Yeah. Yeah, well, there's some interdimensional travel. The principal from Ferris Bueller's the bad guy in it. Okay. He's also the bad guy in real life because he was arrested with child pornography so okay well it's art sometimes imitates life so it does there you go so more how the duck or less how the duck more how the duck but yeah they're not i i understand they're not going to do how the duck before like nova or black panther or a scarlet um or as you know i was going to say scarlett hansen or a black
Starting point is 01:03:44 widow no absolutely not. Like, people would lose their minds in how the duck goes first. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Do you remember in Australia? You remember in Australia. I do.
Starting point is 01:03:52 But there was some magazine or newspaper or something like that. Yeah. And they're like, we're going to do a Sportsman of the Year and a Sportswoman of the Year. And for Sportswoman of the Year, they picked a horse.
Starting point is 01:04:02 Do you remember that? No. There was an uproar. Why would you pick a horse? This is the same thing. This is exactly the same thing. Anyway, yeah, but there's a certain boldness attached to... Did that really happen?
Starting point is 01:04:16 That really happened. I think it was Black Caviar is the name of the horse. That's amazing. That's not that long ago then. Yeah, it wasn't in the 70s. This wasn't in the 50s. No, this was like two years ago. But yeah, so there's a certain boldness with regard to Marvel
Starting point is 01:04:29 where I think they'd be like, if now is the time, if they were going to make a Howard the Duck movie, they would do it now. They shouldn't. Yeah. But that's the origin of Nick Fury. Like back in the 60s, Stan Lee and Jack Kirby made a bet. They're like, okay, Marvel is doing so well right now.
Starting point is 01:04:48 I think it was Stan Lee and somebody. It doesn't matter. They were like, Marvel is doing so well right now, we could make a comic book about anything and it'll be fantastically popular or whatever. And so they're like, and Stan Lee's like, how about we make a war comic book, which are incredibly unpopular right now. Nobody wants, I bet I could. Because it was the 60s.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Yeah, but like a World War II era. Oh, okay, yeah. And like nobody's been buying those for years, but I reckon if we put one out, people will do it. And not only that, I'll give it a really dumb name and people will still buy it. And this bet was made and he created Sergeant Fury and his Howling Commandos. Yeah, yeah. And then it became popular. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:23 I feel that if, that is the, that's the Marvel ethos, I think. That's the level of popularity where the films are at theos. Yeah, yeah. And then it became popular. Yeah. So I feel that that's the Marvel ethos, I think. That's the level of popularity where the films are at at the moment. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I feel like this is the moment, and I don't want to jinx it, that Marvel could now just go off the rails. Potentially, yeah. I'm not saying because they've done anything wrong. They haven't.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yeah, yeah. But this has got to stop at some point. Yeah. Right. I hope not, but yeah. Yeah. You're right. But anyway, yeah, that is the boldness.
Starting point is 01:05:46 They were going to make a How the Duck film. Their level of hubris right now, this is it. Yeah. But they shouldn't. They really shouldn't. Make a Black Widow film first. Yeah. There you go.
Starting point is 01:05:57 I've got some opinions here on How the Duck, actually. I'm ready. Hello, James and Mason. Yeah, hello. I'm Danny. Hi, Danny. All the way from England. I'm the official British Mason of the podcast.
Starting point is 01:06:07 That's pretty good. Big call, but good. I'm a big fan of the show. I've been listening from day one. Just wanted your thoughts on Howard the Duck joining the team or the Guardians in their future sequels. I was going to do research if they already had it in the comics, but in the spirit of the show, I decided against it.
Starting point is 01:06:20 I just wanted to read that out just because even though we already talked about it, but I like how he has taken on the spirit of the show by not researching or looking into anything. Why would you? Yeah, that's pretty great, yeah. I think we've made our opinions of Howard the Duck clear. Yes. Yeah, put him on. Nah, don't put him on the team because I've already got one animal. You could have him in it, but maybe not on the team. He could just be hanging out
Starting point is 01:06:37 nowhere with Cosmo or whatever. Yeah, totally, yeah. That's fine. This is from Juan Pablo. Hang on, before you get to that. Hi, Juan Pablo. Can you before you get to that Hi Juan Pablo Can you just hold on just for a second? Just hold on the line The one thing that I didn't think was really addressed in the movie Was why Peter Quill doesn't or cannot go back to Earth
Starting point is 01:06:58 Like it's been 25 years He has a spaceship Yeah, he has a spaceship He could conceivably do that Earth is not lost It's not trapped in some sort has a spaceship. Yeah, he has a spaceship. He could conceivably do that. Earth is not lost. It's not trapped in some sort of force field or anything like that. Why doesn't he?
Starting point is 01:07:11 Yeah, I don't know. But that's fine. He doesn't want to. There's nothing there for him. Well, I guess so. Painful memories and blah, blah, blah. He could go back for more sweet tunes, right? He could, yeah, yeah. But I guess he doesn't need to, though.
Starting point is 01:07:21 His mother, the only person he really had any attachment to, is dead. Yeah, that's true. And he didn't really seem to have any attachment to anyone else. His father's in space, which we should talk about. Oh, yeah, though. His mother, the only person he really had any attachment to, is dead. Yeah, that's true. And he didn't really seem to have any attachment to anyone else. His father's in space, which we should talk about. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. His father, who is Jason. Of Spartax, yeah, potentially. Potentially, yeah.
Starting point is 01:07:34 Well, they mention that he's a being of pure light or something. Oh, his mother thinks that. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I guess so. So that's interesting. I think he's just going to be... Because like, Jasson of Spartax is not a huge character. He's never been, really. I suspect he'll just be alien royalty of some sort.
Starting point is 01:07:53 That'll be it. Yeah, yeah. But that gives him the power to hold the stone and stuff. Oh, yeah, true, yeah. He's got all sorts of stuff going on. So he's not completely human, as mentioned. Getting back to Juan. Thank you for holding, Juan.
Starting point is 01:08:04 Thanks for your patience. Your email has been placed in a queue. This is a question which I was going to throw to you anyway. How the duck blew me away. So do you think it's going to happen? And he says, also, who was your favorite Guardian member? I'll tell you who mine was. Not Drax.
Starting point is 01:08:20 That guy was boring. Loved the movie. Can't wait for a sequel. Powerful words. But yeah, who was your favorite? Yeah, Peter Quill. Yeah, me too, I think. Or Rocket.
Starting point is 01:08:32 I like Rocket a lot insofar as I thought he was going to be incredibly annoying, but he wasn't. Yeah. Well done. Yep. Yeah, yeah. There you go. We haven't really talked about Gamora. I thought she was great.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Oh, yeah. Of course. She does that kind of stern, kind of like, like you know fighter kind of woman thing thing pretty well she's done it in star trek and uh the losers she's in the losers yep avatar she's yep she's an avatar yeah she's great she should definitely be in more things and she is in a lot of things so correct yes all those things you mentioned all those things so yeah yeah no she's fantastic so more things where she's just an actual human yeah that would be good also. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:06 But she has done some good drama stuff. I'm trying to think of... She's in a movie called The Words with Bradley Cooper, which is quite good in that, where Bradley Cooper steals a book and then he's Dennis Quaid in the future. Oh. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:16 So there you go. You think of frequency? No, I'm not. It's a different... Different film? I like frequency though. Yeah, it's a good movie. Wow, maybe. I don'tquency, though. Yeah, it's a good movie. Wow, maybe.
Starting point is 01:09:25 I don't know. Questions for Mason, Mason? Also, it's Martin X. My favourite character is Martin X. Oh, okay. No, I don't know what that is. I can't even remember who Martin X is. No, it's Charlie 27, because he's got a big blocky head.
Starting point is 01:09:36 Yeah, yeah. Cool. This is from a listener whose name I haven't got down here, so I really apologise. James Gunner said he's going to add one more to the sequel. One more Guardians member. Uh-huh. Who would you like to see? Oh, Nate.
Starting point is 01:09:46 Yeah, Nate Parish. He's got some suggestions. Do you want to do yours or do you want to... I sort of like Captain Universe. Yeah. But... He's from the future. Oh, no, it's a different guy.
Starting point is 01:09:59 You think of Ancestro. The thing about Captain Universe, though, is he's a character that's sort of omnipotent, but for whatever reason, that didn't carry over to Guardians of the Galaxy. Like, he used to be... Captain Universe sort of was this force that would appear and imbue a random person with... Lee paste. Nice. That'll do.
Starting point is 01:10:22 But he'd imbue a regular human being with these incredible powers in order to avert some sort of disaster. And Spider-Man had the powers for a while and he could do anything. Like he could beat up all those dudes. Yeah, he could turn like webbing into adamantium and like fly and do it. Like, you know, knock buildings over by thinking about it or whatever. But when Captain Universe became a member of the Guardians, he was just kind of like a little energy blast and stuff like that. Oh, okay, yeah.
Starting point is 01:10:50 They mess with his power set. They could have used a different character. I would like to see Nova, probably. Yeah, I'd agree with that. Like an actual Nova. Yeah, sure. We've got some suggestions here. Or Captain Marvel.
Starting point is 01:11:01 Okay, yeah, yeah, sure. One of the Captain Marvels. What about Mar-Vell? Yeah, that's Captain Mar-Vell. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Okay, yeah, yeah, sure. What about one of the Captain Marvels? What about Mar-Vell? Yeah, that's Captain Mar-Vell. Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Just a combination, it'll be fine. Sure. Cosmo, I think we'll see. I don't think we will because we've already got one. Maybe it's a sporting character?
Starting point is 01:11:15 Yeah, I mean like as someone who runs nowhere or whatever. Yeah, yeah, that'd be better, but he couldn't be on the team because we've already got Rocket. Good point. Mantis, he's got here. Bug, though they don't have the rights to Bug, apparently. Bug, I think, is a fox. Adam Warlock, who's... Yep.
Starting point is 01:11:31 That's a good chance of that happening, I'd say. That'll be the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy crossover. Okay. I reckon Avengers 3. I heard somebody make mention that maybe it's Adam Warlock who turned out to be Peter Quill's father. Like, if they were going to change the origin. He's more or less a being of pure life yeah
Starting point is 01:11:47 yeah okay that works and uh Phyla Vell that's the that's the new Captain Marvel okay cool
Starting point is 01:11:53 uh she yeah she's um she also has the Quasar bands I think oh yeah were they in the collector's room maybe I didn't see them
Starting point is 01:12:00 yeah might be wrong uh yeah one of the Marvilles. Just quickly, do you think were you okay with them knocking down a city
Starting point is 01:12:09 in this one? Yeah, it was totally fine. Good looking city too. Great looking city. Yeah, yeah. Alright, Mason. I've got questions for Mason. I'm ready.
Starting point is 01:12:17 That was the first one. Who do you want to add to the sequel? And you nailed that. You said Nova. Wait, maybe I've got somebody else. Nah, that's it. Don't like Van Zastro? No, that's fine. I like Van Zastro Don't like Van Zastro? No, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:12:27 I like Van Zastro. I like him. We've already got a human man displaced in space or time, so we don't need another one.
Starting point is 01:12:33 Yeah, yeah. You know what I'd like to see when Avengers and Guardians cross over eventually, which they will, Peter Quill and Captain America,
Starting point is 01:12:41 Steve Rogers, they're both men out of time who wouldn't understand certain references. And I think there could be something done with that men out of time who wouldn't understand certain references. And I think there could be something done with that. Some sort of who's on first routine?
Starting point is 01:12:49 I don't know what. Yeah, exactly. When neither of them understands who Rihanna is, that'd be pretty great. So, yeah, yeah. Questions for Mason. I'm ready. They floated in space a lot without their helmets and suits, didn't they? They sure did.
Starting point is 01:13:02 Yeah. I think that when Peter Quill activates that mask thing, it's like a full body force field kind of thing. Yeah. Because he doesn't say, he's not like, I'm going to risk a lot by doing this and then he jumps out into space. Yeah. Like he just does it.
Starting point is 01:13:17 So I think. Well, I know in the comics his suit is kind of spacey proof. Yeah. Or he doesn't, like he he's maybe he's grown up with this weird half alien genetics he doesn't realize that normal humans can't do that yeah yeah that's a really good point i didn't even think of that he's because he's been doing for 25 years or whatever so yeah that's it but i'm gonna go with like it's like it's full body force field okay and but it's just the mask is the mask with the head up display and whatever and the
Starting point is 01:13:43 breathy breathe yeah yeah. Yeah, yeah. Question two. Were there enough red girls? Yeah, I think there were just enough red girls. Okay, good. Just to be clear. I think that red... That colour doesn't 100% work for me. Okay, fair enough.
Starting point is 01:13:56 I don't know. Something about it. You're against it. Yeah. Blue, great. Green, great. Red, maybe not so much. Beat it, red.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Beat it, red. Get out of here. What do you think? You think you are the red hulk? You think you are red she-hulk? You're none of those things. Get out of here, great. Red? No, maybe not so much. Beat it, red. Beat it, red. Get out of here. What do you think? You think you are the red hulk? You think you are red she-hulk? You're none of those things. Get out of here, mate. How is Drax going to kill Thanos considering he kept getting bashed by Ronan? Probably a big knife.
Starting point is 01:14:15 Okay. I think he punches out his heart in the comics from memory. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. But he comes back. Everyone comes back. Do you think... Oh, it's nice that his obsession immediately switched to Thanos.
Starting point is 01:14:25 Yeah. As soon as Ronan was destroyed, he's like, actually, it's Thanos. Now I'm going to go kill Thanos. Yeah, yeah. Do you think they'll actually get him to do it, though? The punch out of the heart. Well, not that in particular,
Starting point is 01:14:35 but do you think they'll get Drax to kill Thanos? Or do you think they'll all team up? I think it'll be a team effort. I think it'll be everybody. Do you think Stan Lee knew... It'll probably be an Avenger. It'll probably be Iron Man, to be fair. Oh, yeah, that's...
Starting point is 01:14:44 Or... Yeah. I reckon they'll all team up. I think they'll probably be an Avenger. It'll probably be Iron Man, to be fair. Oh, yeah, that's... Or... Yeah. I reckon they'll all team up. I think they'll all get in a line. Yeah. And hold hands. And punch him? And use the power of love.
Starting point is 01:14:52 Okay, good. And then a knife. A big knife. Do you think Stan Lee knew when he was making that cameo that they were going to be making fun of him? That's a good question. Yeah, I would say so, yeah. He'd be okay with it.
Starting point is 01:15:04 I think, yeah. But I can't imagine they'd put him inside and be like, listen, we're going to make out that you're cheating on your wife and you're a creepy old man. Right. You cool with that? Uh-huh. That's just a thought.
Starting point is 01:15:13 Last question. Should people be grabbing dat gem? Yeah, grab dat gem. I don't know, man. What if you're one of the chosen people? Why not? Don't take the chance. No, take the chance.
Starting point is 01:15:23 You're in space. What's the worst that could happen? I mean, explode. You might explode. But you probably, like, if you're in space, you find yourself in space, you're probably destined for a great thing. So just grab that gem.
Starting point is 01:15:34 Good point. Yeah. You got it. That's a new sign-off, by the way. Grab that gem. All right. Hashtag grab that gem. Nice.
Starting point is 01:15:41 It's better than eat them eggs. Absolutely. Because they enjoy your burrito. It's similar. Absolutely. And. Absolutely. Because they enjoy your burrito. It's similar. Absolutely. And I can't remember how I made that reference. This one I'll definitely remember. Definitely.
Starting point is 01:15:52 So we've said best or worst. Obviously best. Highly recommended for me. Where would you rank it in the other Phase 2 movies? I reckon it's the best one. Better than Captain America? Yes. You know what's interesting?
Starting point is 01:16:04 Bigger ideas, I think think and it's nice to see a world that we haven't seen before also it's very difficult to pull off considering that none of these characters have been in anything prior yes captain america we know who he is going in yeah not to i i don't know if it is better because i really enjoyed captain america yeah i'd have to see see this again but you know the weird thing is with this I'm compelled to go and see it again me too Captain America I haven't seen again but I want to but I wasn't like
Starting point is 01:16:29 I've got to go out and see that again straight away and I think this one to me for whatever reason is going to be much easier to recommend to friends
Starting point is 01:16:36 I think and I'm going to get different groups of people I think it's one of those ones where I'm going to get different groups of people to see it and just be in the cinema
Starting point is 01:16:43 staring at them going I hope they like the bit that I like oh they like the bit that I like oh they like the bit that I like, you know that kind of thing whereas you do you, going because it's difficult to say because we've seen all the movies in order, if you haven't
Starting point is 01:16:56 seen any of the other Captain America anything else with Captain America in it would you understand Captain America 2? I think so, I think it's made pretty clear, but I think definitely again Okay. I think it's made pretty clear. Yeah, okay. But I think definitely, again, given that we haven't seen any of these characters before, you could go in knowing nothing about any of the other Marvel movies.
Starting point is 01:17:11 Yeah, like the first Star Wars or whatever. And I think something like Avengers is very well told in that even if you don't know anything about Iron Man or Captain America or Nick Fury, any of those guys, it's well told enough that you can go in and you figure out. Yeah. Via context clues, you understand who all the characters are. But again, this one, entirely new cast.
Starting point is 01:17:31 Yeah. I think if anyone has ever, if you know someone who's liked Star Wars or anything like that. Nobody likes Star Wars. Yeah, I know, right? Then they'll get it. Also, something that I was going to mention earlier, but I forgot again. Yeah. and they'll get it.
Starting point is 01:17:43 Also, something that I was going to mention earlier but I forgot again. Yeah. Peter Quill is a child of the 80s and he's especially a child of movies from the 80s insofar as he's got a character trait and it saves the day at the end. Okay. And he really likes songs from the 80s
Starting point is 01:17:57 and at the end, Ronan's about to destroy the planet and he engages him in an 80s dance and he distracts him long enough to save the day. That shouldn't work, should it? No, it should not, but it did. But it totally does.
Starting point is 01:18:10 Yeah, that was great. I think if that had gone two seconds longer, it wouldn't have worked. But it did. It was great. That's it. And then they grabbed that gem. There you go. All right, Mason.
Starting point is 01:18:21 I've got some listener opinions just quickly. Now, glowing reviews all around for this. Nate, who I mentioned, loved it. Cameron Fuller loved it. They reached out on Twitter. This is from Daniel Tonks, and he has this to say, and I'll see what you say. Cool. I saw Guardians today, left feeling overly disappointed,
Starting point is 01:18:36 but I think I'll enjoy it more on the second viewing. I felt it didn't quite hold up to the level of the Avengers, which is set for ensemble films. Story felt a bit lacking, and I got lost easily in all the explosions and mindless killing, which I felt was extremely heavy for a Disney Marvel movie. Though I do realise this was probably nothing compared to what they'll do in Age of Ultron.
Starting point is 01:18:55 The How the Ducks scene was also pointless and a waste of a perfect opportunity to set up more about Peter Cool's father, which, after all that was set up in the third act, was where I thought it was going. What do you think? I think that's valid yeah that's fair enough yeah once again i defy you not to like it even though you've just said you don't like it that's fine yeah yeah sure we kind of like space adventures that's exactly it yeah that's fair enough i can understand that yeah thank you for writing in daniel i just wanted to share like another side of it because i knew we'd be like we love it so much all right you. You know what it's time for, mate?
Starting point is 01:19:25 Oh, no, no. I'm going to name my kids Rocket and Raccoon. Do you know what it's time for? What we read and what we're going to read? Correct. Yeah. Oh, there you go. I'm doing the thing.
Starting point is 01:19:40 What are we reading today? Do you have a what are we reading for this week? No, but I'm going to recommend you read Marvel Team-Up number five What are we reading today? Do you have a what are we reading for this week? No, but I'm going to recommend you read Marvel Team-Up number 5 and Savage Dragon Destroyer Duck number 1 and see how those go. Me? Yeah, you or somebody else. Oh, bloody, I am going to read that.
Starting point is 01:19:54 Please do, yeah. You better believe it. Also read some of the old... There are actually some good Howard the Duck... Read some Howard the Duck. Okay. It's quite fun. Okay.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Is he like a Deadpool-y kind of character? Yeah, a little bit, but he's a duck. There was a Marvel Max series in about 2007. Again, Steve Gover wrote it, and it's quite bizarre. He meets God, he goes to a haunted house. All sorts of stuff. In the one? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:20 Oh, that's great. But yeah, some of the ones from the 60s and 70s are super great. Okay. They'll be on Comixology at this point absolutely everything is right everything is
Starting point is 01:20:27 they should really start paying us for this I know right well not after I have something to say now Mason oh boy this is a what you shouldn't read because I got cheated
Starting point is 01:20:36 this week you got burned did you big time okay I'm ready now I've recommended multiple Guardians books before in particular like the reboot from 2008 I believe
Starting point is 01:20:43 you can kick off there if you want. Because, you know, they're a good read. And there's stuff where Iron Man meets up with them, which is all good and whatever. But there's an issue called The Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude. It goes for $14.99 on Comixology. And you bought that for $14.99?
Starting point is 01:21:00 You better believe I did, Mason. Do you feel you got $14.99 worth of entertainment? Absolutely not. Whoa. So I'm not a big fan of tying comics to movies. Yep. But I thought,
Starting point is 01:21:10 you know, I'm going to give this a go because there were some okay reviews. So basically, there's a kind of a stories that happened just before for Nebula
Starting point is 01:21:17 and Gamora, Groot and Rocket and The Collector. And they kind of set the scene for the movie. Right. And I thought they were going to go through every single character. And those stories, they're quite tight and they're of set the scene for the movie right and I thought they were going to go through
Starting point is 01:21:25 every single character and those stories they're quite tight and they're well told and you just find out where are these the movie characters
Starting point is 01:21:33 this is the movie universe right so not the comic book universe not the comic book universe so you find out where like more about Gamora and Nebula's relationship and where she gets
Starting point is 01:21:40 her metal arm from and all that kind of stuff who just disappeared by the way we should she just disappeared she just flew off yeah i assumed she was going to fall to earth but then she landed on rocket ship and then was that rocket ship was it can't remember yeah let's say it was yeah i love that bit when we had crashed through the but yeah she did disappear she got scraped
Starting point is 01:21:59 off at some point yeah and didn't come back yeah there you go yeah and then i'm reading i'm like i'm enjoying this and then about i don know, maybe not even halfway through, it just intercut. The whole thing is just then the origin stories, like the original comics for like Groot and Star-Lord and all these ones from like the 60s and 70s. Ugh. I was really pissed off. Uh-huh. Look, I'm okay buying what it was.
Starting point is 01:22:25 If that was like, this is six bucks, this is these stories. Right, right. I would have been absolutely okay with it. But that is bullshit. You feel it was a bait and switch. Absolutely it was. Okay. So do not read that.
Starting point is 01:22:36 Do you feel you learned something about those characters, though? No. Yeah, look, as I said, those stories are well told. If they're a dollar an issue, which is what they're worth. Right. Yes. Yeah, yeah. But other than that, stay away from that.
Starting point is 01:22:50 It's bullshit. Wow. So, yeah. But what I am going to read, though, Joss Whedon released a biography, I think, this week. And he includes a letter from Tom Hiddleston who thanks him, or an email, thanks him for giving the role of Loki and how he's really excited for it and whatever. So, I'll give that a read. Maybe not this week. So, it's a biography. It's a book. It's a giving the role of Loki and how he's really excited for it and whatever. So I'll give that a read. Maybe not this week. So it's a biography.
Starting point is 01:23:06 It's a book. It's a book with words and pictures. Wow. No pictures though. I mean, there's a front cover. Yep. But I would find that interesting, I think. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:16 Yeah. Is it called Weeding Out the Gold or something? Is that what it's called? It's called Don't Weed On Me. Wow. All right. Yeah. or something that's what it's called it's called Don't Weed On Me wow alright yeah I've got a listener um
Starting point is 01:23:28 friend of the show suggesting as well what we're reading if Mason gets around to reading any of the new 52 have you uh no but I will
Starting point is 01:23:35 okay I'd like to submit my recommendation for Aquaman this is a very popular ongoing uh from what I can tell
Starting point is 01:23:41 particularly while the fantastic Geoff Johns uh was still on it. Aquaman is probably my favourite superhero despite all the abuse he gets from the general public. He seems like a pretty swell guy.
Starting point is 01:23:51 Swell like waves, get it? Yeah, I get it. I get it. Yeah. Also, you say people don't tell jokes anymore. At least we all, you know, at least we have our puns, which is true. And that joke you told at the start.
Starting point is 01:24:03 It's pretty great. What do you two think about Aquaman I've read that though not all of it not where it's currently up to it is really good I feel he's got a lot
Starting point is 01:24:11 of potential and he's sometimes wasted in it I haven't read this one's good yeah it is good what's the premise of this one
Starting point is 01:24:16 the premise is it opens where he's already married I can't remember the name to his wife the redhead one Hera no
Starting point is 01:24:22 someone's saying something to me but yeah it's probably got myrrh in it yeah that sounds right i think yeah mirror mirror there we go yeah and um there's a few like amusing moments where he the very it opens where he stops some bank some people who were robbing a bank or they were robbing an armored truck and and it's it's away from the from the ocean and the cops are like what are you what are you doing here and they're like do you want a glass of water and it's kind of like they're
Starting point is 01:24:49 kind of like having a go at him or whatever so it's kind of a not acknowledge that people don't love aquaman i kind of think he's a bit of a joke like he gets interviewed in a restaurant and the the interviewer says to him like he doesn't want he just wants to eat his lunch and the interviewer says to him uh how does it feel to be everybody's least favourite superhero and all this kind of stuff. But it's, no, it's a really good read and maybe he gets his water hand,
Starting point is 01:25:11 which is your favourite Aquaman hand. Yeah, absolutely, yeah. But I haven't got up to that yet. Now, my favourite's Grappling Hook Hand, I think. Oh, okay, right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:17 There's an old, Marvel used to have an old parody comic book called What The? I think we've discussed that before. And there was one, it was a Justice League versus Avengers parody and they all team up and there's this huge splash page of incredible battles or whatever and it's just aquaman and the submariner just
Starting point is 01:25:32 drinking tea and they're like so how are things in your royal city of atlantis he's like i don't know i think i've been dethroned again i can't keep track how's your wife ah she's insane how about your wife dead i had to kill her after she went insane that's kind of that's pretty great uh uh that's it uh that's it i think mason keep keep calling people dickheads and james keep pretending to have watched movies euphony it's from barry dublin island three names so yeah i would i would say if you're going to jump into 52 people like the bat Batman stuff it's good but Aquaman is definitely
Starting point is 01:26:07 out there. Alright cool. With some of the best stuff if not the best. Oh that's what we're reading for this week. Were you going to read something?
Starting point is 01:26:12 Did you mention something already? Howard the Duck. Oh yeah. Yeah read old Dem Howard the Duck. Read She-Hulk from back in the day from
Starting point is 01:26:17 like the 80s or the 90s. Okay. Really good. Should I also read that? Yes. Does it hold up?
Starting point is 01:26:22 I don't know. It's been a long time but probably. It sure has. Yeah. Time does pass. Yeah. Now, remember last week you requested a segment called More Alan Moore or Alan Moore?
Starting point is 01:26:30 Oh, yeah. Sure. Yeah. That sounds like something I'd do. This is from our resident Alan Moore aficionado. He's written it again. Yep. His local comics bookstore refuses to stock Before Watchmen because it's a slap in the
Starting point is 01:26:42 face for Alan. Right. Which makes sense because remember he lives near Alan more. Yeah, yeah. Even though I was offering my custom to them. Also, my dad tells me at one point he had a wife and a girlfriend at the same time and they all slept in a bed, which probably would have been squashy because he is not a small man. I've heard that he's a big guy.
Starting point is 01:26:57 I've never seen that. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah. This is my favorite one though. He was also a guest lecturer at Northampton College but didn't accept that he'd ever written a single comic and he was great this would have been after watchman and before like stuff like that yeah and he was the guest of honor at my local comic book store convention and he wouldn't sign anything because he obsessed because he's obsessed with the badness of capitalism and thinks uh you will sell it which is a recurring thing apparently in his stories
Starting point is 01:27:24 where he's he hates capitalism. But that's great, where he just flat out refuses that he's written anything. Yeah, that's pretty good, yeah. I love Alan Moore. He's the best. And that was Alan Moore for this week. I've just thought perhaps if anybody knows
Starting point is 01:27:37 any other different character creators, we could have a segment about them. I'd like to see John Byrne. Okay. Comic book creator from the 80s, John Byrne. If he's ever given you a sweet Byrne. Like either literally or figuratively.
Starting point is 01:27:53 John Byrne's sweet Byrne? Yeah, yeah. Fantastic. If you could do that as well. So when people write in, do they have to have a pun that relates? I think so, yeah. Okay, yeah. Brian Michael Bendis? and like you saw him like bend something in a strongman competition you know that's all i want no puns not interested yeah beat it uh daniel martins the official grumpy cramps grumpy old cramps of the weekly
Starting point is 01:28:18 plan that's written in he says i need your help mason or both of us i'm a huge comic book movie fan and i've been able to interest my wife joanna in these movies especially the marvel ones for He's asking the right people isn't he for this absolutely if someone's marriage is the balance you go for two idiots on the other side of the planet well look if she likes thor specifically for chris hemsworth you just show the chris pratt shirtless boy do you that's all you need yeah that is that it i think so yeah it's a fun say Say, like, do you like Star Wars? And if she says yes, you say, then you'll love this. If she says no, say, it's better than Star Wars.
Starting point is 01:29:10 Right. Star Wars is for dickheads. Correct. Yeah. Yeah. So, yeah. Also say, hey, this might help save your marriage. As far as we know.
Starting point is 01:29:21 That's it. Good luck, Daniels. You'll be fine. Yep. Right? Or his marriage will break down. Now... But hey, it's out of our hands.
Starting point is 01:29:29 That's it. Entertainment purposes only. This is what this show is. This is from Camille Barowski. What are some of your favourite poor man actors? You know, like the poor man. For example, mine is Death from Supernatural. It was a poor man's Bill Nighy. That's a good one, actually. Do you know him? He's for example mine is death from supernatural it was a poor man's bill nighy that's a good one actually do you know him he's like a real skinny looking dude
Starting point is 01:29:49 yep okay yeah yeah he's the official speed racer distributor great i remember that reference yeah yeah love it he says in brackets i'm busy at water fuck off mason so yeah that's pretty good you got any poor mans there uh off the top of my head yeah no give me give me one skit all rich poor man's johnny depp oh yeah okay he's from scream and other things now this one is debatable nick nolte and gary bucey oh which is the poor which is the poor man yeah yeah do you have any thoughts on that uh let me think gary bucey is the poor man. Exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you have any thoughts on that? Let me think. Gary Busey is the poor man's Nick Nolte, right?
Starting point is 01:30:29 Yeah, that's the most... Unless you're going on craziness, in which case Nick Nolte is the poor man's Gary Busey because Busey is the crazy one, right? Yeah, by a long shot. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm trying to think of some other examples. I know, right? We know you're like, Christian Slater is a very poor man's Jack Nicholson.
Starting point is 01:30:41 Yep. Especially like a young Jack Nicholson in the 90s, especially. Steve Zahn has to be a poor man's something, right? I'd say he's a poor man's McConaolson. Yep. Especially like a young Jack Nicholson in the 90s. Steve Zahn has to be a poor man's something, right? I'd say he's a poor man's McConaughey. Yeah, okay. Even though we're in Sahara together. Though I like Steve Zahn. Yep.
Starting point is 01:30:53 That guy, Josh Gad, is a poor man's Jack Black. Yep, okay. Even though he is good. Yep. Scott Wolfe is the poor man's Tom Cruise. Yes. Yep. I would say that Tobey Maguire is the poor man's Jake Gyllenhaal.
Starting point is 01:31:08 Is that Busey and Nolte? Who does it say is the poor man? Okay, this, because I've looked. It says Gary Busey is like a slightly crazier and less expensive version of Nick Nolte. So there we go. Okay. Vindicated.
Starting point is 01:31:19 Good. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So I guess that's some. Christian Slater is the poor man's Jack Nicholson. Did I say that did I just say that did you say that
Starting point is 01:31:26 son of a bitch no you didn't some of these are just lookalikes though yeah yeah I'm sure Greg Kinnear is the poor man's something
Starting point is 01:31:33 right but now he's less maybe the poor man's Tom Cruise not Tom Cruise Tom Hanks yeah okay yeah kind of a family man
Starting point is 01:31:39 he's an everyman yeah yeah did you see the Into the Woods trailer this week with Johnny Depp no the musical the retelling this week with Johnny Depp? No. The musical.
Starting point is 01:31:47 The retelling musical. I've seen an amateur version of that. Yeah, I was there for that. Oh, you were there? Yeah. Yeah, it was really good. But Johnny Depp's the wolf. And he wears a hat.
Starting point is 01:31:56 Huh. Oh, Dennis Quaid, poor man's Harrison Ford. Yes. Because they always wanted to replace Indiana Jones with Dennis Quaid, right? I think I said that. Did you? Well, that's who I'm thinking right? I think I said that. Did you? Well, that's who I'm thinking of. I'm sure Dennis Hopper is the poor man's something before he died. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:32:14 Doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Good examples there. Great examples. Thank you, Camille. Have a great day at Warner Brothers. Yeah. James and Mason.
Starting point is 01:32:22 Would you say that Jason Statham is a poor man's Bruce Willis? Not at all. There you go. Is that one of your examples you got there? I would say Willis now is a poor man's Jason Statham. There you go, wow. Fuck Bruce Willis.
Starting point is 01:32:32 Yeah. I just feel like, when's the last time Bruce Willis put any effort into anything? Never. Yeah. Die hard. One.
Starting point is 01:32:39 Yeah, exactly. James and Mason, I wanted to know your thoughts on the best, worst of Alien crossover comics. Here are some examples. Superman v. Aliens. Batman v. Aliens.
Starting point is 01:32:49 Green Lantern v. Aliens. Judge Dredd v. Aliens. Alien v. Predator v. Terminator. I've only read Superman v. Aliens. It's garbage. It's because it's the weird premise where Superman v. Aliens is not a contest at all. Because he's got heat vision and super breath and he's acid proof. And I think he's Superman also. He's is not a contest at all because he's got heat vision and super breath and he's acid proof
Starting point is 01:33:06 and I think he's Superman also he's also Superman yeah and it's not but so they had to it's a weird situation he gets depowered by a volcano or something
Starting point is 01:33:14 I can't remember exactly no I look they're all shameless cash-ins yeah I think there are two great ones
Starting point is 01:33:20 and we've talked about them before Batman vs. Predator the original one none of the sequels yep because it's well illustrated and it makes sense
Starting point is 01:33:29 yep and Robocop Terminator kill humans correct because it's incredibly bizarre yeah the rest of them no it's just
Starting point is 01:33:35 these are specifically the alien one though yeah yeah yeah and progressively worse I think yeah is that yeah and weirdly contrived
Starting point is 01:33:44 yeah no I don't like them don't like them no I think you said Yeah, and weirdly contrived Yeah, yeah, yeah Don't like them? No You'd think something like Judge Dredd v. Aliens would work Yeah, I haven't read that one I haven't read it But like Green Lantern v. Aliens, why? Because space
Starting point is 01:33:56 Oh yeah Yeah, yeah But again, and I haven't read it But Green Lantern, like he's got the ring right? He could just build a little house that he could live in forever.
Starting point is 01:34:09 A little acid proof house. Exactly, yeah. Like there's very I bet there's a bit where it's like the acid is yellow so it breaks his defences. Right, even though
Starting point is 01:34:16 it's never been yellow in the films. Exactly, yeah. I think it is yellow. Also, Green Lantern's not susceptible to yellow anymore. I think that's something they got rid of
Starting point is 01:34:24 because that's dumb. In fact, I think Green Lantern's not susceptible to yellow anymore I think that's something they got rid of Because that's dumb In fact I think Green Lantern versus Aliens It was Kyle Rayner as well Who's never had the yellow weakness Okay So there you go You looking it up? Yes I'm looking it up
Starting point is 01:34:37 Good Here we go Maybe it's Hal Jordan Never mind But look the point is There's no scenario There's no alien scenario. Imagine any of the characters in Aliens had a green lantern ring.
Starting point is 01:34:49 There would be no problem. You know why? Because you just surround everybody in a big green bubble. You blast through whatever facility you're in. You go into space. What can the aliens do? Nothing. Oh, no.
Starting point is 01:35:01 Kyle Reinhardt is in this. Yeah. Oh, I see. You know what it is. It appears it's like a series of... nothing oh no Kyle Rayner's in this yeah oh I see you know what it is it appears it's like a it's like a series of it's a four issue
Starting point is 01:35:09 limited series and it's it's different eras so the aliens fight Hal Jordan and they fight Kyle Rayner and etc
Starting point is 01:35:14 well that's interesting I guess yeah yeah yeah look I'm gonna give it a chance okay good good I'm not gonna read the plot summary I'm gonna give it a chance
Starting point is 01:35:20 it's probably not very good okay maybe it's great I don't know sure Joe Lloyd has written it oh Ron Mars wrote it he's good who? Ron Mars okay there you go give it a chance, it's probably not very good. Okay. Maybe it's great. I don't know. Sure. Joe Lloyd has written it. Oh, Ron Mars wrote it. He's good.
Starting point is 01:35:26 Who? Ron Mars. Okay, there you go. So we've jumped on something there that we shouldn't have. Yeah. I'm going to find a tyrant of all the verses, verses.
Starting point is 01:35:35 Okay. Joe Lloyd's written in Mason. Yes. He was actually, coincidentally, he was going to get us the Andy Cubitt Predator sketch. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:35:44 He said he asked him and he was like, I'm busy, I can't do it at the moment. That's fine. You don't have to do whatever. It's cool. It's just cool that you know that guy. But anyway, he drove into the city the other day and he pulled up to the Comic Con. I parked next to the little secret side entrance to where all the guests walk in.
Starting point is 01:35:58 Oh, there's a secret side entrance. Apparently. I saw Kevin Smith and I told him to stop doing what you're doing. And he flipped me off. Great. That's pretty good. So I thought that was interesting. Just stop doing what you're doing.
Starting point is 01:36:10 Yeah, I like Kevin Smith, but that's an amusing story that I enjoyed. Yeah, yeah. Maybe he was, like, making a toddler smoke weed or something. Maybe that's why. Maybe this is a heroic act. Yeah. Actually, if anybody has cool... Because we obviously have listeners that went to San Diego Comic Con.
Starting point is 01:36:27 Well, I got a letter on that, actually. Yeah, so if you have some cool stories from that, let us know. How about this one? This is from Pete. I'm skipping ahead a few letters to tie this in. Pete Fultz. Do you remember him? He's a good dude.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Giant guy. Got a baby. The official Red Hood of the Weekly Planet pod. I moved to San Diego in March and still couldn't get tickets to SDCC but I did go down and check out the mayhem and it is mayhem there's tons
Starting point is 01:36:49 of stuff to do and see without getting without getting in I've included some cool pics and he has I'll show you after it's awesome however there's
Starting point is 01:36:56 nothing really better than sitting in a bar drinking a beer watching the winter soldier walk in then Loki then Iron Fist and then Spider-Man driving by
Starting point is 01:37:04 on the back of a car yelling like a mad dog. Plus, everyone on the train was discussing comics like I usually hear people discussing sports. Fuck sports! That's right. For a couple of days, it was like living in the best version of the world. P.S.
Starting point is 01:37:16 Next year, I'm going no matter what and would love to be your correspondent for you. Ooh. So there you go. I'd love to hear some. Absolutely. Some more stuff. That'd be great. I'd love to hear some Absolutely
Starting point is 01:37:22 Some more stuff That'd be great Yeah Yeah it's weird Any kind of Any kind of really large Sort of conventional Like festival vibe
Starting point is 01:37:30 Like it happens with the In Melbourne With the comedy festival Yeah There's a certain Area of the city It's just It's just
Starting point is 01:37:38 It's just mayhem And like everybody You know everybody Yeah In that area of the city Well you do Yeah I do Yeah yeah But like you can I've you know Walked that area of the city. Well, you do. Yeah, I do. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 01:37:49 But I've walked from one upper street and just high-fived six people in a row and we don't say anything because why would you need to? And then you step a block away from that and you look at somebody like, what are you looking at? And you're like, oh, jeez. I've gone too far.
Starting point is 01:38:02 Put your bloody hand down. Yeah, yeah. He also sent some comics over, some Saga and some Hawkeye and some Manhattan Project. Love it. Put your bloody hand down. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. He also sent some comics over, some Saga and some Hawkeye and some Manhattan Project. Love it. So that's cool. Thank you, sir. Thanks, Pete. Really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:38:11 Yeah, I'll be happy to do that next year. All for it. Yeah. Maybe we'll do some Comic-Con stories next year. Not actual, like, legitimate news stories. No, absolutely not. But like people writing. Just hearsay.
Starting point is 01:38:20 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Liam. If you could insult some celebrities, that would be great. Yeah, let us know how that goes. Get them on video. Yep. Yeah, yeah. Liam. If you could insult some celebrities, that would be great. Yeah, let us know how that goes. Get them on video. Yep. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:27 Weekly Planet exclusive. Liam, and my brother actually, he pointed this out. Remember last week we said that The Rock very rarely plays a villain or hasn't? But we worked out that he was a Scorpion King, also was a villain. Both of them pointed out that he was a villain in Get Smart. He was too. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:38:44 My brother said the reason he remembers, because he remembers thinking it was weird, that he was the villain. Get Smart. He was too. Yeah. Okay. My brother said the reason he remembers is because he remembers thinking it was weird that he was the villain in Get Smart. But also, I thought of this one during the week. He was the villain in Doom. He fought Carl Urban. Was Carl Urban the hero in Doom? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:39:00 I have no memory of that. We saw Doom. I've seen it. But, I mean mean things you gotta black out sometimes do you remember there was that bit where it was like this but it's just like the game and they're the terrible yeah why i don't know it's like not playing a game it's like watching someone play a game terrible anyway they're doing doom 4 though but they're calling it just doom just a doom great Just another Doom movie.
Starting point is 01:39:25 I meant the game. Okay. Stephen also said, he wrote it and said, he has been a bad guy in wrestling because you said
Starting point is 01:39:31 he hadn't been a bad guy. I say a lot of things though. Yeah. And that it's some of his best work.
Starting point is 01:39:36 Okay, cool. So he switched, he had a heel turn. That's it. Stephen sent us a novel that he's working on which
Starting point is 01:39:42 I haven't had a chance to read and I might not get a chance to. So Stephen, if I don't reply, it's not because I hate it. It's because I haven't got around to it. It's because you're too engrossed in the novel.
Starting point is 01:39:50 That's right. Yeah, yeah. There you go. All right. I have a challenge for you. This is from Siobhan. I'm great at challenges. Good.
Starting point is 01:39:57 I work with a woman called Siobhan. Is it the same woman? Might be. I'll find out. Okay, cool. I'll ask her at work. Great. I have a challenge for you.
Starting point is 01:40:04 Your mission, should you choose to accept it, and please do, is to create a completely original superhero character with a unique set of powers never seen before, design the costume, and create a menacing nemesis. If you complete the challenge, you will receive a sense of pride and achievement. That'd be nice. For once. And I will send you a box of cookies to Australia.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Not really. Keep up the excellent work. Do we have to do it now? no we don't now no we're not really you know why this is incredibly difficult to do i remember when i was a kid i tried to do this and i drew like a guy with a car and immediately when i do it i'm like this is junk okay if you still have that though we'll submit that i think i think he had a lightning bolt on his chest, which is the universal symbol of many other heroes. Yep, sure. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:40:49 And he had a car. Great. So that's good. I don't know what his powers was. You know what? I think we've got to the point where most powers have been done. Yeah, there's almost nothing that hasn't been done yet. And every...
Starting point is 01:41:00 I mean, we got Technopath. That was a new one. Sure, yeah. But that was pretty much it. And it's more about... Social media power. Yeah, exactly. Social awareness power.
Starting point is 01:41:11 Captain Planet. But I also... I was going to say... All the origin stories have been done. All the origin stories have been done. It's more about what you do with the powers than what they are, I think. And creating an interesting character more than the powers and whatnot.
Starting point is 01:41:27 Okay, what I'm going to do, I think, remind me to do this, is every week I will add, like I'll take an element, I'll create an element of a character. Okay. And like in like a year we'll have a full one. All right. Do you want to start this week? No, I'll do it next week.
Starting point is 01:41:41 I will remind you. Yeah, I know. Okay. Okay, good. I'll be ready for this. Thanks, Siobhan. I'll see you at work. I will remind you. Yeah, I know. Okay. Okay, good. I'll be ready for this. Thanks, Siobhan. I'll see you at work. All right.
Starting point is 01:41:47 Hey, guys. The other day, my brother and I were discussing how sometimes in order for superheroes to gain their powers, they have to make great sacrifices. Yep. My question is, how far would you be willing to go to get a superpower that would be equivalent to the amount sacrificed? And in the comics, who do you think sacrificed the most and gets the short end
Starting point is 01:42:06 of the stick for superpowers? So first question, how far would you be willing to go to sacrifice something to get equivalent powers? So would you cut off
Starting point is 01:42:13 your arm for a metal arm? Ah, it depends how good the metal arm was. It's okay. Then no. Also, is it just a metal arm? Yes. It's not a cyborg arm,
Starting point is 01:42:22 it's just a metal arm. No, absolutely not. No. Okay. I've thought about... Yep. I don't think I want any superpower at any point.
Starting point is 01:42:29 And I especially don't want superpowers like Superman. Yeah, yeah. Because what a burden. Absolutely, yeah. Because I'd eventually snap. Uh-huh. Because you can't...
Starting point is 01:42:37 You'd live forever and you'd just be constantly helping people. Like, it'd wear you down. Right, right, right. So, I think characters like Spider-Man would be a better
Starting point is 01:42:45 skill set to have because he still ages at a relatively normal rate uh huh and he doesn't have to go fly into space and fight aliens in a distant future
Starting point is 01:42:55 right right right but he does do that occasionally yeah I don't know would you be willing to sacrifice anything I don't know
Starting point is 01:42:59 well people often I think the standard question is would you rather have flight or superhuman strength yeah I think back in the is, would you rather have flight or superhuman strength? Yeah. I think back in the day, I would have said superhuman strength because, you know, angry young people. Sure.
Starting point is 01:43:11 You know what they're like. But I mean, what's the practical purpose of that? There isn't one. No, you're right. But flight is great. Good point. You could be like, hey, you know, I'm seeing this band, you know, in another state. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:43:20 You're like, I'll see you there in five minutes. I'm assuming you mean like speed flight without your skin tearing off and you don't get correct yes like all those things all those things yeah and the same with strength comes with invulnerability more or less yeah because if you just have super strength and no invulnerability you'd punch and your arm would explode correct yes like a burst sausage yeah yeah so yeah but i'll be able but you could jump far with because it's in your powers in your legs you've got stubby little legs. But you're right. Where would that come in handy, really? Unless you were a crime fighter.
Starting point is 01:43:48 Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. But how far would I go to fly? Chop your legs off? No. Chop my legs off? Yeah. It's a bargain when you think about it.
Starting point is 01:43:59 What would you give up? Your car? Yeah. Yeah, obviously. I could fly. That's what I'd give up. What was the second question? Who do you think's given up the car? Yeah. Yeah, obviously. I could fly. That's what I give up. What was the second question? Who do you think
Starting point is 01:44:06 has given up the most? Yeah. Daredevil. Yeah. He's blind. But I would argue that what he can do is better than saying.
Starting point is 01:44:15 Really? Yep. I mean, the only thing he can't really do is say colour. Yeah, yeah. He gives a shit. I love colour.
Starting point is 01:44:21 Yeah. How many of you watch Guardians of the Galaxy in black and white? You idiot. I will. Good. Yeah, I guess, yeah. It gives a shit. I love colour. Yeah. Try and watch Guardians of the Galaxy in black and white, you idiot. I will. Good. Yeah, I guess, yeah.
Starting point is 01:44:28 I've got here, well, like Superman technically has lost everything. Yeah, yeah. But that was as a baby. Like he wasn't a grown person or even a kid who lost that. So he doesn't have a memory of it. Obviously it still sucks. Yeah, yeah. But like, interestingly, all the guardians have lost something to lead them to
Starting point is 01:44:46 where they are so i thought that was interesting also but yeah also i thought about this on the other side of that you've got characters who have lost nothing and have amazing powers correct reed richards yep hal jordan yeah daredevil yep Sure. Everybody in the Fantastic Four except the thing. Yep. Stilt Man. Stilt Man. What an amazing set of powers he has.
Starting point is 01:45:12 I've got to send you that Stilt Man fanfic as well. Alright. Good. Yeah. Any other thoughts? No.
Starting point is 01:45:15 That's it. Alright. That's from XZNeil. P.S. Nick Mason is dead to me until he at least gets into Season 2 of Game of Thrones.
Starting point is 01:45:22 I am dyslexic so I have issues reading. I have that as well. Not the dyslexic but so I have issues reading. I have that as well. Not the dyslexic, but just the reading. The reading thing, yeah. Yet still I've been reading the book faster than you can sit down to watch what a one hour show. Man up, Nick.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Look. Shut up. I'll get there when I get there. All right, Mason. That's it? That'll do, pig. Love it. Sorry, Robert, the official Dark Jedi, told me to say that too. Next week, Mason. alright Mason that's it that'll do pig love it sorry Robert
Starting point is 01:45:45 the official duck jedi told me to say that to you next week Mason I suspect you're making up people who are rebelling in just to insult me
Starting point is 01:45:52 really nah honestly I would I mean I would do that yeah I know you would but I haven't you've got the email you can go through
Starting point is 01:45:59 you remember the password probably yeah yeah figure it out alright not sure about next week you thoughts nah we'll figure something out yeah yeah figure it out alright not sure about next week you thoughts
Starting point is 01:46:07 nah we'll figure something out yeah yeah if anyone's got any suggestions for shows been working so far yeah that's it where can they reach us you can find us at
Starting point is 01:46:15 weeklyplanetpod on gmail facebook and twitter I am at wikipediabrown on twitter yes and I am at
Starting point is 01:46:21 mrsunnowmovies and on facebook and youtube where I think I'm doing a Guardians of the Galaxy easter egg video love it which I'm behind on at the moment which I'm at Mr. Sunday Movies and on Facebook and YouTube where I think I'm doing a Guardians of the Galaxy Easter egg video. Love it. Which I'm behind on at the moment, which I'm still working on. Great.
Starting point is 01:46:30 Check it out, Mason. I will. That's the show for this week, everybody. Sure is. Eat them gems. What are we? Grab that gem. Grab that gem.
Starting point is 01:46:38 Grab that gem, everybody. Okay, bye. Bye.

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