The Weekly Planet - 49 Movies That Need Reboots

Episode Date: September 1, 2014

This week's all about Batman V Superman, Doctor Strange casting, Fantastic Four, Greatest American Hero being remade and more!Plus we talk franchises that should be rebooted, franchises that shou...ld never been rebooted and franchises that are going to rebooted because shut-up! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I got this. Alright, we got it. We're gonna do it. Welcome back everybody to another episode of the Weekly Planet, official podcast of My name is James, junior editor at that website. You might... Regular editor now. Sorry, yeah James junior editor at that website regular editor now sorry yeah regular editor
Starting point is 00:00:27 at that website with me as always my co-host Nick looking pretty tired Mason we're both like you just did that
Starting point is 00:00:34 introduction with both with your head in both hands so I think look we've had without getting into too much details we've both had
Starting point is 00:00:41 a couple long couple of days I just spent today actually at a baby shower because that's I'm really old and that's what I do now apparently and it was fun much details we both had a couple of long couple of days i just spent today actually at a at a baby shower because that's i'm really old and that's what i do now apparently uh and it was fun it was good good fun but at one point that we did like you hoisted up a fake baby like a piñata yeah and we swung it around and candy came out but we there was like a like a like a we broke up into
Starting point is 00:01:02 teams all the people there and we did baby baby-related trivia, like a trivia game. Okay, yeah, yeah. And I'm like, I don't know anything about babies. This is not, like, I regret being on your team, your friends, because I don't know anything. And then they're like, okay, here's a question. Comic character Batman recently had a son, and I'm like, step aside, everyone, I got this.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Whatever it is, don't even. And they're like, what was his name? And I'm like, that's it? Damien Waynene shut up get out of here right and i was the only one to get it right just me and like a nine-year-old kid in a batman costume who was there and i'm like i will go toe-to-toe with you kid you piece of crap i will crush you just just keep throwing batman questions at me i don't even care don't even care was it what kind of batman suit was it i was like a it was like the light blue and gray one
Starting point is 00:01:44 oh really okay i know right yeah he was he was a sucker for the classics this yeah exactly but it was more like a it's more like a t-shirt with a cape on it you know those ones yeah yeah when you were when you were a kid did you ever see the ones and it was like it was like a batman but it was like a bib yeah it was but it was like a t-shirt with a cape and it was like a picture of batman on the front i'm not buying that batman doesn't wear it as a picture of himself yeah batman's emblem isn't a picture of batman yeah it's ridiculous starters not scary and secondly that would be recursive and eventually you'd keep looking into it yeah and you'd see smaller and smaller you go inside you oh maybe that's why maybe you should do that boy yeah all right oh man yeah all right all right well
Starting point is 00:02:23 look i know some people my youtube channel got taken out again this week, basically. Oh, yeah. You're familiar. I was just... It was a very head-in-the-hands moment as well. I was just like, not again. I just... Fuck it, Al.
Starting point is 00:02:33 But because I've got partner support now, because I got a lot of views this past month, I've been under two million, you get a direct email. Interesting. So I'm just like, can you fix my channel, please? And then they do it within like 24 hours. And they did, yeah. There you go. So what I've learned from this is
Starting point is 00:02:48 subscribers to your channel hate me. They hate, but also they have a lot of power over you. So if you want to, if you want to crush this YouTube channel, all you have to do is convince enough people
Starting point is 00:02:58 to unsubscribe and then complain. Exactly. Then you won't have partner support anymore. It'd be mass exodus. So yeah, but people ask like, was it because of copyright or whatever?
Starting point is 00:03:07 No, it was because of scams and spam on my Expendables 3 review. What do they think you're doing? I have no idea. Because that's what happened last time as well, right? Yeah, yeah. That was a very even-handed review. Well, I was pretty, you know.
Starting point is 00:03:18 No, it was fair. It's not good and I said it wasn't good. Exactly. But that's not your fault. No, it's not my fault. Yeah, that's the lifeguards' fault. It is what it it is but it's good to know if it happens again i've got that direct line so i can but now you've got a black mark like you're a troublemaker yeah good point but also i've as soon as this happened i went and i registered the domain name mr sunday
Starting point is 00:03:37 movies i'm looking i'm just gonna build a website like i'll keep the youtube stuff but i'm just gonna i've got an independent player now that I've sorted out from another company, and I'm just going to do it like that. I'll keep the YouTube, but you know. I understand. Trouble. Trouble, yeah. It's too unstable.
Starting point is 00:03:53 Like some kind of... Like a rogue nation. Like a rogue nation. Yeah. Exactly. So yeah, that's that. But let's get on with the news today. Let's talk about news.
Starting point is 00:04:01 There's lots of news. All right. I'm going to start with my first piece of news. Sure. Because I've about news. There's lots of news. All right. I'm going to start with my first piece of news. Sure. Because I've got news this week. Hello Kitty is not a cat and never was, according to the creators of Hello Kitty. What? This is the news.
Starting point is 00:04:13 This is a piece of news. This caused an uproar. Right? Is it a Japanese-owned brand? Like, it started in Japan, I'm sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sanrio is the company that owns it. Okay.
Starting point is 00:04:22 This is fake news, by the way. I mean, it's real, But I've just thrown this in there Because you paused briefly I'm sure that's Right Hello Kitty is a cheerful And happy little girl With a heart of gold
Starting point is 00:04:31 I mean she's got whiskers And she looks like a cat So Hey Sanrio Shut up It's a cat It's called Hello Kitty It looks like a cat
Starting point is 00:04:38 What do I care I don't care It's just weird It's a weird thing to say Isn't it Also Hello Kitty has a cat Yeah It's like that It's like a goofy to say, isn't it? Also, Hello Kitty has a cat. It's like a goofy Pluto situation.
Starting point is 00:04:49 I guess so, yeah. They're both dogs, but one is somehow a better class of dog. Hello Kitty's real name is Kitty White, born in England in 1974. Because this is when the Japanese were obsessed with everything from England, I guess. Oh, okay, yeah, yeah. Isn't that old, is it? Yeah. She was a Scorpio in Blood Type A.
Starting point is 00:05:08 A lot of Japanese characters have the Blood Type listed. I don't know why. It's important, I guess. Anyway, not real news, but there it is. I just thought I'd throw it in. Oh, wow. You really shook the system, the Earth, with that. I did. Deleting that tab.
Starting point is 00:05:17 There we go. Now onto actual news, presumably. Sure. Well, look, it's been heavily rumoured, Mason, that Joaquin Phoenix is in Final Talk to play Doctor Strange. Like, it's happening. Okay, sure. All the stars have aligned.
Starting point is 00:05:28 All the movie stars have aligned. Oh! And the only reason it hasn't happened yet is because they're sorting out the contract because he wants the freedom to do, like, other films. You know, like the Spike Jonze Her. Oh, sure, yeah. A bunch of other stuff.
Starting point is 00:05:39 So he doesn't want to get tied just to Doctor Strange. Okay. Remember there was that rumour that he was going around buying Doctor Strange comics and just being strange and irregular he had the last five or so years
Starting point is 00:05:49 of his life absolutely so look it's ok I'm ok with it what do you think ok yeah are there any
Starting point is 00:05:55 famous movie roles where he's had a big moustache like a poor shoe moustache he had one in her yeah but that's a weird brushy
Starting point is 00:06:00 a weird lonely man moustache yeah it's true yeah so he had those weird high waisted slacks as well yeah okay
Starting point is 00:06:06 no I can see it okay cool Chris Pratt's also in her as well yeah he's the voice of her alright sure no that's Scully Hansen also comic book
Starting point is 00:06:13 oh so many comic book characters in that Marvel comic book characters well there's two so yeah there you go that's great good on them
Starting point is 00:06:20 now remember we talked about Scoot McNary last week vaguely you're going to have to refresh my memory as to who Scoot McNary is. You discovered, using detective skills, that he got the nickname because he used to scoot around on his bus. Oh, that's right.
Starting point is 00:06:31 Sure, yeah. Okay. That's not the news. Okay. I mean, it became the news when we were talking about it. But it said that... You remember he came out, he's wearing the green socks, so they're going to see... Oh, that's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:06:42 CGI fake legs. He's probably Vietnam veteran legs. That's right, exactly. And people are like, is he Metallo? Is he The Flash? Is he Metallo? Metallo. Metallo.
Starting point is 00:06:50 We go through his name all the time. I know, right? Also, it's Christopher Reeve. Yes. I've been good on that, though. Superman's Christopher Reeve. I've been good on that. But okay, apparently he's...
Starting point is 00:07:00 Well, this is a rumour. He's going to be playing Jimmy Olsen. With no legs. With no legs. With no legs. Because what happened during the events of Man of Steel, his legs were pinned under rubble and he lost them. And now he walks with two prosthetic legs. And the source goes on to add that he doesn't blame Superman for the loss of his legs.
Starting point is 00:07:18 He feels grateful that Superman saved the world. Huh. I mean, that's in the spirit of Jimmy Olsen. Because Superman has done some horrific things to Jimmy Olsen. That's right. Just look at all those 1960s comics. He's had a lot of horrific mutations.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yeah, or he'll force him to marry a gorilla. Yeah, exactly. Or, like, there's one, I think, where, it might be Jimmy Olsen, where he's making Jimmy Olsen... Sometimes he'll just pick up Jimmy Olsen and use him to beat Lois Lane, you know? There's one where, like, yeah, I think he's making Jimmy Olsen dig his own grave. Like, it's just like... There's one where I think he's making Jimmy Austin dig his own grave. And he's just like, good old Superman.
Starting point is 00:07:52 This is going to work out great in the end. All right. That's an interesting take. And that is... That means he's older than Superman as well, I guess. Yes. And it's an interesting take. And I think they've finally figured out a way to show there were some actual consequences to Superman destroying Metropolis in its entirety.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Sure. So there you go. Exciting times for 45-year-old Jimmy Olsen or wherever old Scoot McNary is. Can't be that old. No, you can't. We'd look it up, but we're both... We've used up our looking up quota for this month last week when we discussed Scoot McNary earlier. So way to build a cross for your own back scoot mcnerry good stats this month as well i just thanks
Starting point is 00:08:32 everybody because we've had really good stats yeah there's a little there's a little you can check the charts obviously um which i didn't know we could do that we somebody said we could check the u.s charts but what is weird But what is weird And I'm not super concerned Like I'm not going to check them every day I mean I will, it'll build to that point But if you look at the TV and film charts In the top 40 There is always
Starting point is 00:08:55 Here it is at number 12 20th Century Fox A Good Day To Die Hard Podcast Why is that always in Why is it at number 12 Why are we consistently being beaten By the A Good Day To Die Hard podcast to die hard podcast. Why is that always in? Why is it at number 12? Why are we consistently being beaten by the a good day
Starting point is 00:09:08 to die hard podcast? I don't know. Maybe it's amazing. We should download and find out. We should download. Maybe that's what it is. It's like a domino effect.
Starting point is 00:09:16 People are like, this is so dumb. Why is this even in there? But maybe it's brilliant. It doesn't matter. Doesn't matter. Yeah, but thank you everybody. Second piece of fake news Full house may get reboot
Starting point is 00:09:27 I had that here That is not fake news That is real news Okay Look I know We don't have any sway Over the universe I don't really believe
Starting point is 00:09:35 In any of that either But do we have Some kind of sway Over the universe Well we do have A intermittently Recurring segment Dave Crulia
Starting point is 00:09:43 In which we Recount tales Of our listeners Where Dave Crulia, in which we recount tales of our listeners where Dave Crulia, former comedian and former star of Full House, was mean to them. Yeah. Usually for a free meal or something. Yes, exactly.
Starting point is 00:09:54 Or a cheap hotel room or whatever. But, look, I'm saying, if there's a reboot, he's probably going to be involved. No doubt. And I hope for more of those stories. Me too. So I think, really,
Starting point is 00:10:04 it's good for us. This is probably bad for hotel employees. Yes, that's right. Yeah, yeah. But you know what? This is, I feel like this is
Starting point is 00:10:11 going to be one of those things just like Shia LaBeouf where we mentioned it once and then it just became a thing we talked about for like 20 weeks in a row. Just like,
Starting point is 00:10:19 ah, not again. We have to bring it up. So I guess I get the feeling it's going to turn into that. Well, maybe not now that I've mentioned it and something about this. Either way, we look to bring it up. So I get the feeling it's going to turn into that. Well, maybe not now that I've mentioned it. Either way, we look quite the fool. Yes, we do.
Starting point is 00:10:30 That's it. The Tick also. You familiar with The Tick? Oh, that's right. The 90s TV show and cartoon. I'm sorry, comic and TV show in the early 2000s starring Patrick Warburton. Yes, Putty from Seinfeld. Putty from Seinfeld.
Starting point is 00:10:43 They're talking about maybe that's coming back yeah okay in a live action form I'm on board with that sure I never saw the live action one but I really like the cartoon I remember when I was a kid
Starting point is 00:10:51 the the live action version was tweaked a little bit like some of the because they filmed it yes correct that mainly that
Starting point is 00:11:00 but like they some of the character names were changed I think maybe to the comic the cartoon was a little bit more were changed, I think, maybe to... The cartoon was a little bit more subversive, I think. There was a character called American Maid, who was like a maid, but she was also in the Stars and Stripes or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:14 And she became Lady Liberty or something like that. And there was a character who in the comic book is Deflator Mouse, the flying mouse. And in the TV version, he's Batman Well. Right? Okay, sure. Which I guess is more generic. Because Deflator Mouse is too arty and it's too...
Starting point is 00:11:34 Yeah, yeah. You have to translate a foreign word. Yeah, sure. It's too much for a lot of TV audiences. But yeah, okay. But I mean, it would work because the live action version of the tick it's just Patrick Corbett's face and everything else is like
Starting point is 00:11:47 literally everything else from like his neck to his feet is this weird puffy tick costume like super padded ridiculous musculature
Starting point is 00:11:57 kind of thing so do you see him out of it in the live action show no I've never seen it yeah no you never you never see him out of
Starting point is 00:12:02 the tick costume ever is he what's I can't even remember. What's his powers? He's nigh invulnerable. That's it. He's almost invulnerable. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:10 And he's super strong. Like a tick. Yeah, like a tick. Exactly, yeah. Okay, fair enough. I'm cool with that. Sure. Well, that's good, Mason.
Starting point is 00:12:17 That's really good news, isn't it? Yes. Are you following that up with bad news? Sort of. It depends on your perspective. Okay. The Doctor Doom look was unveiled. You showed that to me earlier.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Yeah. You were not impressed. It's bad. You said, that looks terrible. I did. It's exactly that. But you know, these things can... Live action looks different. We shouldn't jump to any conclusions just yet. No, it looks really terrible.
Starting point is 00:12:40 But it does look pretty... He looks like John Flickster. He's got a good movie review guy. He said it looks like he's been put in garbage bags and then they've been melted to him yes which i think is what happened at the end of the first fantastic four didn't they melt him into a weird yeah they melted him in a statue and then they put him in a bank vault or something yeah he looks like that yeah so he looks like there was like a a savage dragon villain. And he was composed entirely... He looked a little bit like Doctor Doom, but he was like a cape and a cow. And then the rest of his body was composed entirely of worms.
Starting point is 00:13:13 Like in human form. Looks like that, except silver. And also, it looks terrible. And he looks weird and weedy. I like it. He doesn't look impressive at all. No, but I mean, look... Just make it look like the cartoon one.
Starting point is 00:13:23 We've got the ability now. You've seen Iron Man. You can make a man in a metal suit look good. You certainly can. No, but I mean, look, that's... Just make it look like the cartoon one. Sure. We've got the ability now. You've seen Iron Man. You can make a man in a metal suit look good. You certainly can. Yeah, yeah. Are you calling for a re-reboot of Fantastic Four? I guess so, yeah. Or just the character Doctor Doom?
Starting point is 00:13:36 I thought the filming was finished. It is. Okay. But that was behind the sets. Because, you know, they haven't really released anything. Yeah. Which, maybe because, you know, they don't really released anything. Yeah. Which, maybe because, you know, they don't really have confidence in it
Starting point is 00:13:47 or whatever. But, you know what? It could blow us all away. Uh-huh. We've had this conversation many, many times, haven't we? It probably was. But Toby Kebbell is Doctor Doom, though,
Starting point is 00:13:55 and he was Cobra in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. Okay, sure. So, you know. All right, well, maybe acting will win over costume and special effects for the first time ever.
Starting point is 00:14:05 Ugh, acting. Gross. I've got some news here. Sure. Real news? Yeah, real news. This is real news. Well, it's not real news.
Starting point is 00:14:13 Kind of. Liam Neeson willing to play Ra's al Ghul on Arrow. Yeah. Yeah, okay. I mean, I think that's done. I'm pretty sure it's already filmed and done. Oh, right. Well, never mind.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Or very well into it. But that would be interesting. I don't think they'd do it because people would be confused. Yes. And they'd want a Christian Bale. You know what happens is nerds on the internet demand Liam Neeson as Ra's al Ghul. And then nerds on the internet immediately demand Christian Bale as Batman guest appearance. Yeah, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:14:39 It's never going to happen. Isn't it Ra's al Ghul? I heard that's the official way to say it. Yes. I know people say it different ways, but it doesn't really matter. Come at us, nerds. I think it's Christopher Reeves. Oh, that's right, it is. That's right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:52 How embarrassing. That is very embarrassing. Yeah, so that's it. I mean, it won't happen, but whatever. It's a different Ra's al Ghul or Ra's al Ghul because he's not actually immortal. Like, he comes back in a dream and he's like, you can't really kill me, I'm a ghost in your mind or whatever. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:15:07 You remember that? I do. It was pretty good or really bad. Yeah. No, it was good, whatever. But he's like, you know, Liam Neeson's like, ah, he's the, you know, he's a bad guy that genuinely believes what he's doing
Starting point is 00:15:15 and so he's in civilisation and blah, blah, blah. So that's, you know, that's a good villain. Yeah, I'm okay with that. Yeah. Sure. What else is Neeson doing? A lot of those weird... Taken 3?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Yeah, I guess so. Did you see Taken 2? No. Really terrible. What about Non-Stop? Which one was that one? That was... On the plane?
Starting point is 00:15:31 Yeah, it was on the plane. He had to stop it or he couldn't stop it. Yes. I liked Wolf Fight a lot. Okay, good. There wasn't a lot of wolf fighting in it, but it was more kind of a reflection on like... Being a father?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Yeah. And then wolf fighting? No, it was more like the way people deal with death is fighting wolves I know I know
Starting point is 00:15:50 you put glass on your hands and you fight a wolf or whatever it is yeah that's it but no that that was the moment he was on the plane
Starting point is 00:15:59 non-stop and he had to stop it or he couldn't stop it right but he had to yes whatever yeah
Starting point is 00:16:04 it was a side call to Unstoppable Train. Remember that Unstoppable film? Yeah. They were both racing to the same destination. From opposite directions. Yeah. Which one gets there first? We'll never know.
Starting point is 00:16:15 It was based on the original novel. Year 9 Maths textbook. Very good Do you have more news? Yeah I do See I don't think that's a genuine laugh because Because I'm really tired You're really tired yes And you've got the giggles at this point so
Starting point is 00:16:39 That is really clever though Thank you Lakeshore Entertainment is developing an Underworld reboot. Ugh. And has hired priest scribe Corey Goodman to play the screenplay. Great, all the winners. Did you say priest? No, but it's probably fine, right?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Paul Bettany, when he was like, I'm an action star, too. Oh, yeah. I like Paul Bettany. I didn't say priest. I didn't also say the one where Paul Bettany was an angel and he had to fight other angels in a diner. Priest. With machine guns, yes.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Did you see Priest? No, didn't see any of them. Me neither. We don't have to see everything, guys. Some of it's probably not going to be very good. That's it. Look, the Underworld movies sort of work because Kate Beckinsale is great in that role, or looks really good in that role.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Oh yeah, that's more it, yeah. And it's quite blue sure not sexually but there's a nice blue filter over everything sure then the last if you like people machine gunning holes through floor through floors and then falling through the holes that's yeah that's where it's at i see i don't think they work at all because no they don't really because the vampires or the the werewolves are always, lycans, I'm sorry, are always so totally outmatched by the vampires. I think it's the other way around. No, but the vampires are human looking and they're super humanly strong and fast and agile. And they've got all the technology and all the guns.
Starting point is 00:17:56 And the most advanced society and they can blend in with the humans. And the lycans are just always like hanging around in garbage. You know? And they're just like really greasy greasy guys with open fur collars. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, good point. But I think the way they balance it out is the lichens are stronger. I think they've got more brute strength.
Starting point is 00:18:18 I remember in the last Underworld, she fought a giant werewolf. Oh, redeemed. Redeemed. But I don't mind those movies. I probably wouldn't go to the cinema for one. Did you see Three? The prequel? No.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Underworld prequel? Well, maybe I did. See, it doesn't matter. I might have. Yeah. It was a love story. It was a real Romeo and Juliet, except with vampires and werewolves, which I guess is also like Twilight.
Starting point is 00:18:41 To be fair, all these movies are all exactly the same. You don't need that... You could have just... You don't need that intellectual property. Just make a werewolves versus vampires film. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, done. Who cares? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:51 Don't pay money for that. You don't get that, you know, slight... The Underworld fan base. Oh, yeah. Sure, good point. You know, that enormous Underworld fan base. The enormous Underworld fan base. People that go to the movies when it's the weekend.
Starting point is 00:19:03 Yeah, which was... Or maybe get something on DVD. Do you remember? That's what we used to do every week. We're like, what's out, Underworld fanbase, people that go to the movies when it's the weekend. Yeah. Or maybe get something on DVD. Do you remember that's what we used to do every week? We're like, what's out, Underworld? Fine. Do you remember that? We used to do that every week. What's out?
Starting point is 00:19:12 Fucking Tomb Raider 2. Fine. Alright, fine. One more bit of news and then we'll stumble into a topic. Yep. I also have one more bit of news, but go ahead. Sure. You were familiar with The Greatest American Hero one more bit of news, but go ahead. Sure. You were familiar with
Starting point is 00:19:26 The Greatest American Hero? That was my news. Okay, good. See? There, you've got it all ready to go. Okay. Now, The Greatest American Hero, for those people who don't know,
Starting point is 00:19:35 was a show from the 80s. Yes. Early 80s, which I watched reruns in the 90s or whatever when I was a kid. And it's a guy who finds or is given an alien superhero suit, which gives him a whole lot of powers.
Starting point is 00:19:48 But he doesn't know how to use it. Yeah, because there is an instruction manual that he loses in a wacky situation. Sure. And then he can't really fly, so he just flails around in the air on bad blue screen or whatever. But I remember seeing that and being like, what the fuck is this?
Starting point is 00:20:02 And not only that, because when he's flying, he looks, when he's flying, he looks like he's on fire, but the fire's invisible. Right. Like, it's just like a man just pinwheeling through the air. Flailing in the air. Like he's falling out of a plane. Yeah. So, but I don't remember it being terrible.
Starting point is 00:20:16 I just remember being like, it's weird that this exists. Yeah, absolutely. So why not bring it back? That's what I say. But it's the guys who did the Lego movie, so. Oh, okay, right. I'm not okay with that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:26 See, that feels a little bit like they've done the Lego movie, it's been wildly successful. Yeah. And then the studio said, here's some properties we've got, what do you want to do? Yeah. And they picked that. Yeah. I would like to know what they glossed over. Sure.
Starting point is 00:20:38 What they were like, actually... Probably another King Kong reboot. Probably that. Probably King Kong reboot. Yeah. All right. So, yeah. Great. Or not great. Ah, they're going to have to redesign the suit. Yeah. Probably that. Probably King Kong reboot. Yeah. Alright. So yeah, great. Or not great.
Starting point is 00:20:46 They're going to have to redesign the suit. Yeah. To anything. I don't care what. Anything else. Keep the cape. Lose the cape. Don't care.
Starting point is 00:20:54 Just as long as it doesn't look like it used to look. Yeah. If you're unfamiliar with just Google it, it looks ridiculous. Yes, it does. Yes, it does. What was I going to say? Now, you had a tweet, like an idea for a show. Heads up, everybody.
Starting point is 00:21:07 We haven't really prepared anything for this week. Yeah, where are we? Caleb Alofs, DoughboyKiki97. Great. Obviously. He said we should do an episode on superhero movie franchises that should be rebooted. Yes. I think that's a good idea.
Starting point is 00:21:22 Because we've just talked about like seven reboots. We did. Yeah, that's... I reckon we can do that. We can do that should be rebooted. Yes. I think that's a good idea. Because we've just talked about like seven reboots. We did. Yeah, that's... I reckon we can do that. We can do that this week. Okay. Can we just do just movies in general? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Or big franchises? Big franchises, okay. Not like... Just like action movies or whatever. Not like they should reboot like Shawshank Redemption. Right. Which is... Maybe they should.
Starting point is 00:21:38 I don't know. Yeah. That certainly is everybody's dad's favourite movie, isn't it? Boy, absolutely. I don't know. I got one off the top of my head, I guess. They should just reboot Transformers, right? When, though?
Starting point is 00:21:49 Like, now? Yeah. Straight away. Not when. Like, at some point. Because, okay, this is how you do it, right? They've already got rid of Michael Bay for the next movie, even though he's a producer,
Starting point is 00:21:59 so it will still be terrible for whatever reason. You redesign the Transformers so they look more like not even the cartoon more like the comic right yep and you either do a war for cybertron movie right but you don't make it look like a weird gray brown rust filled world sure or you do like um the all hail megatron story i know they say that because it's like the one of the two transformers comics i've read right and it's pretty good and you know the megatron story. I know they say that because it's like one of the two Transformers comics I've read. Right. And it's pretty good. And you know,
Starting point is 00:22:27 Megatron comes to Earth with a force or whatever and the humans aren't ready for him and they're confused why robots are tanks and whatever. Sure, yeah.
Starting point is 00:22:36 And then they send in... We surrender! That robot's a tank! So yeah, I think they should do it at some point or not do it at all. Right.
Starting point is 00:22:46 You know? Yeah. I don't care if we never get any more Transformers movies. I'm so Transformers-ed out. But not just because of that movie, because I remember I did like four videos in a row of just Transformers, and I watched so much Transformers. So you're saying you want there to be another reboot? I think if they're going to do another one, just reboot it.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Right. Do it. Properly. Good. do another one, just reboot it. Right. Do it. Properly. Good. Not even properly. Just do it. I feel Transformers is a big enough property now that they will inevitably do another. Like, they're going to reboot it in another five years.
Starting point is 00:23:14 Yeah, definitely. Like, this is a concert cycle. This is kind of like a Spider-Man or a Batman or whatever. Yeah. They're just going to keep... Every ten years, they're going to go, Okay, there's a new set of kids out there that don't have all the previous products. Yep.
Starting point is 00:23:26 We've got to reboot this. Absolutely. Let's do it again. That's it. Normally what happens is they roll out a kid's show around the same time or about a year before, build up the fan base and then fire out a movie. That's what they're doing with like Star Wars Rebels. They're making sure all the kids know that Star Wars is cool and whatever.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that just came out or it's about to come out. Apparently it's okay. So whatever. Cool. Reboot Star Wars. Nah and whatever. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So that just came out or it's about to come out. Apparently it's okay, so whatever. Cool. Reboot Star Wars. No, it's fine. Just leave it. I'm feeling more and more optimistic about Star Wars as the days go by.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I know, you said that last week. Yeah. And didn't we put it down too because I keep berating you with Star Wars news? Definitely, that's it, yeah. I nearly put some in this week, actually, because they resumed filming. I didn't know it stopped, but apparently it had. So they're back into it and there's more stuff about
Starting point is 00:24:06 the Sith, the bad guys, or whatever, but it's not really worth going into. The Sith are the best. Mostly because I don't really remember. So there you go. Reboot Transformers or just leave it. Well, the last one was supposed to be a reboot. They're like,
Starting point is 00:24:20 this is not like you've seen before. We've got rid of all the human characters, Mark Wahlberg, whatever. It was just the same shit. Yeah, yeah. I guess to maybe to a lot of audiences that is a reboot. Like maybe it's like flashy colors.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Like it's a hundred and whatever minutes of flashy colors and then some talky. Do you mean a thousand minutes? Yeah, a long time. Maybe it's just like, maybe people don't even register what all the CGI in the action is anymore. They just see generic explodies. Okay, sure. For 90 whatever minutes.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, yeah. And then the rest. They don't see Shia LaBeouf, so they're like, this is new? Yeah, that's right. They're like, this is new. Yeah, maybe. There you go. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:25:01 That's what's called a soft reboot. Yeah. I think all the reboots we want here are not going to be popular because we don't know anything about the general public sure
Starting point is 00:25:09 fair point you know what they peddled out another thing movie recently we should also talk about movies that shouldn't be rebooted
Starting point is 00:25:16 but do you remember they peddled out that thing reboot which wasn't actually a reboot it was just a prequel but the way they talked it up
Starting point is 00:25:22 like it was that movie was okay I enjoyed that a lot yeah yeah yeah too much CGI yeah because that the that first one it leans really heavily on that um
Starting point is 00:25:32 creature effects yeah yeah and it looks incredible but that movie looks dated like immediately because of all the the CGI yeah true so you know yeah hey anyway we're
Starting point is 00:25:40 talking about movies that could be rebooted or maybe shouldn't be rebooted anything about a blade reboot yeah well Marvel have got it back so I think they're gonna do something with it at some point maybe even a TV show we talk about this during the We're talking about movies that could be rebooted or maybe shouldn't be rebooted. Anything about a Blade reboot? Yeah. Well, Marvel have got it back, so I think they're going to do something with it at some point. Maybe even a TV show. We talked about this during the Expendables episode.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Or another TV show, because there was a TV show. Do you remember? Yeah. Oh, yeah. They had Onyx. He was a rapper. Okay. He was Blade.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Okay. From a rap group that I can't remember the name of. Sorry, everyone. That's okay. Yeah. So, Blade. We talked about this last week, a couple of weeks ago, I don't know. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 Expendables. Yes. Do you think Wesley Snipes is too old to be Blade? Not necessarily, because Marvel hire a lot of guys that are like now 45, 50. Yeah, yeah. Robert Downey Jr., whatever. Yeah, exactly. Joaquin Phoenix, he'd have to be at least mid-40s.
Starting point is 00:26:21 Yeah, yeah, true. No, but he's too crazy and they shouldn't do it. They should hire somebody else. Taye Diggs. Taye Diggs. You know? How about Jaden Smith as Blade? Definitely, yes.
Starting point is 00:26:32 Bladen Smith. Wait, sorry. The Rock as Blade. Yes. Onyx was the rap group. Sticky Fingers was the name of the rapper. Okay, cool. I apologise to everyone out there.
Starting point is 00:26:43 That's okay. I don't know. Picky Fingers was the name of the rapper. Okay, cool. I apologize to everyone out there. That's okay. I don't know. I think maybe it would work like as a... Like if he showed up in like an Avengers movie.
Starting point is 00:26:50 Yeah. It'd be a nice... There could be some like humor in that contrast. Sure. Of like... Because the Avengers are all sort of kind of post-ironic and they sort of... They all sort of get how silly they are. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:03 But Blade doesn't? yeah but blade doesn't no he doesn't know or does he uh movie blade certainly doesn't yeah chris some of his supporting characters did yeah chris christopherson yeah yeah got that he was the whole thing was kind of silly yeah like you know blades like uh you know, I'm afraid of this guy, whatever. And Chris Christophans is like, but you're so big. Like, so he got, I don't know. I think there would be, I'm swinging for and against this, but I think it would be like a weird contrast. Like, he'd be super serious about, you know, killing vampires,
Starting point is 00:27:39 and he's got that, you know, that expendable style sense of humour, which is super macho kind of thing versus all these guys who are like just making fun of him yeah yeah exactly that would totally work yeah I think so sure
Starting point is 00:27:50 if he did show up in an Avengers movie like would there would be any vampires in that or he'd just like he'd be like I'm here to help
Starting point is 00:27:57 I brought my sword I'm gonna fight I think that would be good if he was like I'm here to help I brought my sword I'm gonna fight all those vampires
Starting point is 00:28:03 and they're like we didn't have any vampires until you showed up. Thanks, idiots. Now we're surrounded by vampires. We had enough going on. Yeah, I just came into the tomb filled with vampires. Oh, you mean you opened that tomb full of vampires? Thanks, pal.
Starting point is 00:28:19 We had to deal with aliens and gods and stuff. Now we're vampires. Yeah. Yeah, no, I mean, totally for a Blade reboot, but I think they'll probably do it as a TV series, the way they're doing Daredevil.
Starting point is 00:28:30 Yeah, actually, that would work too. Because I think, I think that's probably how they'll do it. I think, yeah, it would totally work as a series. I mean, even though it didn't work the first time,
Starting point is 00:28:37 but I never saw that. I don't know whether it was good or not. I saw little bits of it. It was fine. Yeah. It was fine for that era. I remember, it wasn't even that long ago either.
Starting point is 00:28:44 It was like six years ago, but I remember seeing it and being like, if that bit gets some traction, I'll bits of it. It was fine. Yeah. It was fine for that era. I remember, it wasn't even that long ago either. It was like six years ago. But I remember seeing it and being like, if that gets some traction, I'll start watching it. And then it just got cancelled immediately. So I'm like, well, that's that. Yep. I got one. Well, I mentioned it before. Okay, I'm ready.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I don't like video game movies because there aren't any good ones. But. There's got to be one. Doom. No, let's not do it again. No, not, I do it again. No, not I'm sure there is. Because there'd be no good time to do it.
Starting point is 00:29:10 Because if you release it when a new Doom game comes out. Oh, I didn't really mean that, but sorry. If you release it when a new Doom game comes out, it'd be a weird cash-in and they'd, again, weird Doom stuff would happen in the movie. There'd be a first--in and they'd again weird doom stuff would happen in the movie there'd be a
Starting point is 00:29:26 first person sequence again but if you just release it on its own nobody's gonna watch it because it's a doom film exactly and it's doom as a movie if you did it like the video game it's it's just like horrific hell monsters and and bloody gore and whatever and i don't think that would make that much money because you'd have to R-rate it or PG-rate it then everybody would hate it yeah because it's you know
Starting point is 00:29:46 the weird visuals of people being crucified upside down on Mars and stuff like that like it yeah very niche
Starting point is 00:29:54 very niche but they are bringing back Doom the game they're just doing Doom 4 but they're just calling it Doom
Starting point is 00:29:59 so you know it's not confusing at all how about this for a reboot I was thinking about this the other day what about The Mask would you see a reboot? I was thinking about this the other day. What about The Mask?
Starting point is 00:30:06 Would you see a reboot of that? Yeah. Okay, see, this is one of the ones we were talking about where I would want to see this, but it's never going to happen because, A, people have a certain view of The Mask. Because of the two movies. And, B, that last one tanked,
Starting point is 00:30:22 and so it's never coming back. But I would like to see a mask that is like the comic version of the mask. Yeah, yeah. I don't know enough about the comic book masks to want this. Well, here's an illustration of it. There was like a two-ish... You drew that. It's really good.
Starting point is 00:30:36 Yeah, right? I'm very good. There was a mask Lobo crossover. Oh, you mentioned this. Lobo being a brutal DC intergalactic bounty hunter. And it's just them chopping each other to pieces for like
Starting point is 00:30:48 40 pages or whatever. Yeah, yeah. So to give you an example of the difference between the movie version of The Mask and
Starting point is 00:30:54 the comic version, in the movie version of The Mask, there's a scene where he's being chased by the cops and he runs into an alleyway and
Starting point is 00:31:03 they all come around the corner of the alley and he's dressed like a Cuban sailor and he's being chased by the cops yeah and he runs into an alleyway and they all come around the corner of the alley and he's dressed like he's he's dressed like a like a cuban sailor and he's got maracas and he sings the cuban peter umber which is like a song popularized by desi arnaz in like the 50s or whatever and they all and he might and he sings the song and everybody's enraptured the magic powers you know they they make him make everybody keen to dance and sing and start a conga line or whatever and then he escapes in the like in the in the chaos yeah in the comic version of that
Starting point is 00:31:30 they all come around the corner and he machine guns them all to death like it's it's horrific there's no song and dance there's no song and dance so that's like in the in the movie it's sort of implied that whoever possesses the mask, it enhances their natural way of being. If you're crazy, you're super crazy. Yes, if you're crazy, you're super crazy. If you're evil, you're super evil. If you're a good-hearted guy who just wants to make the world a better place or whatever, like Jim Carrey's character, then, you know, you may... You're a weird sexual lunatic.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Yeah, you're a weird sexual lunatic. But you sort of brighten up the place and everybody has fun and it's all silly and whatever but in in the comic version it just makes you a violent lunatic like whoever possessed it you just take on
Starting point is 00:32:11 Loki's yeah exactly and he's insane yeah exactly so and in the in the comic version
Starting point is 00:32:17 Stanley Ipkiss who's the first possessor of the mask is pretty unhinged in the first place so I would like to see I'd like to see again this is the one that will never happen So I would like to see it. I'd like to see it. Again, this is the one
Starting point is 00:32:25 that will never happen but I would like to see rebooted Insanely Violent. Sure. Yeah. This isn't a popular opinion but I don't think The Mask
Starting point is 00:32:33 is a very good movie. I haven't seen it in a really long time. I bet it hasn't aged well. Yeah, I think the special effects carry that movie and now Nostalgia
Starting point is 00:32:42 and I just don't think it's that good. Okay, that's alright. I think it's way too high energy but in a bad way it's just but anyway
Starting point is 00:32:50 whatever if you like it great okay how about what if it ended in a massive bloodbath if it built to that like it was just
Starting point is 00:32:57 all fun and games and Bugs Bunny like hitting people with hammer gags and then like just a brutal shootout then yeah that would be amazing but what I was going to say before for video game one like hitting people with hammer gags, and then, like, just a brutal shootout. Yep. Then, yeah, that would be amazing.
Starting point is 00:33:08 But what I was going to say before for video game one, they should reboot Tomb Raider and do it properly. Okay, yeah. Because that new Tomb Raider game in particular is very, very good. It's excellent, yeah. Have you played it? One of my faves, yeah. Really good. Great shooting mechanics.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Yep. I know there was some controversy because there's that sort of attempted rape scene kind of thing in it. But I don't know whether they cut a lot of that out because I don't remember it being as graphic as it was described. Maybe I'm just desensitized. Maybe, yeah. But that character is quite interesting, the way they do Lara Croft and she kind of builds up her resilience and whatever and the whole being marooned on an island and she has to become a hero and she gathers her tools. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:44 And it's like a survivalist kind of thing. Yeah. You could do that. Those Tomb Raider movies were very much like... The games, Tomb Raider. Yes, thank you. They were very much in the mould of like the Matrix sequels
Starting point is 00:33:55 where it's a character who is the best at everything and they never appear to be challenged by anything. And it is like watching somebody play a video game in God mode where you never feel that anyone's... the good guys are in any danger. Yeah, yeah. And it is like watching somebody play a video game in God mode where you never feel that anyone's, the good guys are in any danger. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:08 And it's not interesting. I know I talked about this before when we saw Tomb Raider 2, I remember. I still don't recall. Did we really? We did because I remember we had a conversation before and we said how bad could it be.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Right. And then it was like the worst. And I remember afterwards that was kind of where we had the conversation was like maybe we don't need to see everything like that was like the moment so yeah i think you could do a really really good two-minute reboot i know you know what you know it'd be really difficult as far as pleasing fans would be the casting yes because unless the your idea of lara croft in your mind is met yeah yeah exactly then people are going to be happy.
Starting point is 00:34:46 And they're going to want exactly how she looks in the video game. Yeah. The original one or the new one? No, the new one. Okay, yeah, yeah. Sure, yeah, yeah. I want that too. Kate Beckinsale sort of looks like her.
Starting point is 00:35:00 Sure, but she'd be getting on a bit now, wouldn't she? She's still super hot, super hot, though. Yeah, correct. You got one? You got a thing? Supergirl. What about Supergirl? Yeah, I actually was thinking that.
Starting point is 00:35:10 I was, yeah. What do you reckon? Because in Man of Steel, we see in the ship that's buried in the ice. Yep. Which is his fortress-y thing. Yeah. Like a cryogenic thing, a majig. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:35:22 Yeah. And everyone assumes it's... Yeah, Supergirl or Doomsday or something. Right. Or someone or something. Or like, who's that guy? It's certainly something. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:31 Is it the Eradicator that takes over? Could be the Eradicator. Could be any... They could never refer to it again. Like, at any point. Yes. Like the open thing. But that would be great.
Starting point is 00:35:40 You could do any version of that as well. Because there's one where... There's a version where she's a white Martian. Is that right? No, there's a... The version of that as well, because there's a version where she's a white Martian. Is that right? No, the version in the 90s, the Superman edict from DC Comics was he was the last Kryptonian in the universe. And so they could introduce Superman-like characters, but none of them could be Kryptonian. So in the 90s comic book, Supergirl was a character called Matrix and she was like this protoplasm being. Oh, that's right. And she took on
Starting point is 00:36:07 a Supergirl form and she would use Superman's powers. Yeah. And Lex Luthor dated her. Yeah. Red-haired Australian Lex Luthor. The 90s were a fun time. Were they just? Yeah. She gets like nearly punched to death by Doomsday, doesn't she?
Starting point is 00:36:23 Most people did. Yeah, but he just like splatters her. She's like a weird white goo. That's why I thought she was a white Martian. Okay, right. Because I remember even reading that now. If you're not caught up on all the 90s comic book lore, it doesn't work as a standalone comic, The Death of Superman. No.
Starting point is 00:36:38 There's so many characters. He's got this weird rivalry with Guy Gardner. That's right. It's never really, and I don't know where that stems from. Second Street Greenland with Guy Gardner. That's right. It's never really... And I don't know where that stems from. Second string Green Lantern, Guy Gardner. Yeah. You're like, why's that guy got a bowl haircut?
Starting point is 00:36:51 Why is he a cool guy with a bowl haircut? Does he hate Superman because Superman gave him that bowl haircut? Just laser visioned it into him. Every time he comes out of a salon and he's had his hair fixed. And then Superman just flies out of orbit and lasers a bowl cut on him and flies out again. Just as a goof. Like, Superman's the best man in the world, but he just has to get his aggression out somewhere.
Starting point is 00:37:11 And he's like, no, this guy could take it. I'll just laser cut him a bowl cut every time. That's amazing. Like, if you do read back, if you do look at, like, old 90s comic books, or even, like, early 2000s some characters have gone through weird fads yeah like from nightwing's big disco collar like his first well like there's a lot of superman like if you read a lot of late you know he's got the he's got the
Starting point is 00:37:35 mullet inexplicably for a long time the the idea behind him having the mullet at first we've discussed this a lot no we have i don't we have okay he comes out of the cryogenic sleep or whatever he just had long hair. Yeah, because he'd been asleep. So his hair was long. But then they ran with that design choice for years. And he had this dumb mullet. Yeah, it became a mullet for some reason.
Starting point is 00:37:56 Or like you'll read an old Superman or Justice League comic or whatever and he's Electric Superman for no reason. You're like, why is this? That made the front page of one of the papers here, like the Herald Sun, one of the big ones, when Superman changed to Electric Superman.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Oh, we wondered, I think, a number of episodes ago how long Superman was dead. It was six months. It was, wasn't it? I learned that recently. Like, in real time, you're talking.
Starting point is 00:38:17 Yes. Okay, cool. So anyway, Supergirl. Yeah. We strayed there for a second. We did. That'd be good. I mean, you could explain
Starting point is 00:38:23 her absence by saying, you know... She was sent after him but caught in a time rift did. That'd be good. I mean, you could explain her absence by saying, you know... She was sent after him but caught in a time rift or whatever? You could, but I mean, I would be more... Because that ship is supposed to be a million years old or whatever. Yeah, I would be happy to... Yeah, time rift works. But I would say the reason she didn't help out the fight in Metropolis
Starting point is 00:38:38 was maybe she was out of the solar system or something. Yeah, absolutely. Like, you know, it's perfectly... The Superman movies do not have a lot of exploration in them. No. Like, they're mostly kind of Earth-based. Yeah. She could be like,
Starting point is 00:38:50 look, I've been out in the universe. It's pretty cool out there. Maybe you could do that instead of hanging out on Earth all the time, you know? You mopey prick. Yeah, yeah. But it also could be that maybe that pod opened when he opened up the ship.
Starting point is 00:39:01 Yeah, yeah. And she kind of scarpered. Right, right, exactly. It could be any number of things. But if it is from the past, they can't be cousins. She could be like a distant relative. Yeah, true, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:10 But if it's a time rift thing, then she could just be his cousin, whatever. Yeah. Who cares? So, yeah, but that Supergirl movie is total fucking garbage. It's absolute garbage, yeah. Does she fight a witch or a dragon or something?
Starting point is 00:39:24 Yeah, it's a witch. I think it's a witch. I don't know, but the idea was as well that you know the the other superman movies had done done well and it was after superman 3 and i think it might have even been the same director as superman 3 actually i might be wrong but she just turns up on earth inexplicably yep and you know takes on this persona and then it's just nonsense jimmy olsen And then it's just nonsense. Jimmy Olsen's in it. It's the same Jimmy Olsen. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:39:47 Just hopping around on two legs like he owns the place. So, yeah, it's really terrible. But it's... And it was a loss as well. It must have been post-Superman 3. Yeah. Because that's when they were not making a lot of money. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:02 Because, yeah. And why they put minimal money into Superman 4 and whatever, whatever. I got one, though. Hang on, are we done with Supergirl? Let me think. Yeah, we are. Okay, good.
Starting point is 00:40:14 Okay, I hope that happens. In whatever version you care about or whatever, sure. But not the protoplasm one. That's weird. Definitely that one. Nope. Oh, you know what news we didn't bring up, which I should have brought up? Yep.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So I'm doing it now. Okay, good. Apparently DC, it's a rumor that they have a no jokes policy in their movies. Did you read that? No. They were like, we're all very deadly serious about this. Did we start that rumor? Because it seems like something we would say.
Starting point is 00:40:41 I'm sure we have said that in the past, but that's apparently the deal. Like, that's how one of the ways their distinctions themselves from marvel i mean one of them being wait four years between movies i'm sure another one make sure we forget about the characters pretty much until a new one comes out yeah another being they're gonna do a really super serious which doesn't surprise me because that's really the way they've been doing it they've really stacked you don't need to do it super super serious do you do you? No. I mean, I would like to
Starting point is 00:41:07 see the exact wording of that policy. Okay, sure, I can do that. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:41:10 Also, it's not a, when you say rumor. Well, it was a rumor and that was like the DC
Starting point is 00:41:15 hardline or whatever. Okay, because there's little jokes sort of thing. Like in, I'm trying to
Starting point is 00:41:22 think of one specifically and it's really difficult. When Superman is bullied by that guy in the bar. Oh, yeah, sure. It's not really a joke, though. He just gets bullied.
Starting point is 00:41:30 There's the one... All right, how about... You know, Lois Lane's like, what's the deal with the S? He's like, it's not an S. It stands for hope. And he's like, nah, you're on Earth, it's an S. Oh, yeah, that's a good point. Yeah, that's kind of a joke.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Sure, it is. I mean, it's sort of a joke. Yeah. Hang on, let's bring this up. point. Yeah, that's kind of a joke. Sure, it is. I mean, it's sort of a joke. Yeah. Hang on, let's bring this up. What about that sequence when General Zod, Superman flies around a
Starting point is 00:41:50 corner and General Zod comes around that corner and then Superman's just doing Cuban Pete. Remember that bit? That was pretty good, yeah. Pretty good. It's more a dance sequence than a joke, but whatever. But it was a nice break from all the people getting their legs torn off by falling buildings. So, you know, really cut the tension.
Starting point is 00:42:06 Yeah, yeah. Okay, so last week, Drew McQueen of HitFix has posted a new and intriguing article today. He's heard on multiple occasions that Warner Brothers has a no-jokes policy when it comes to their upcoming slate of DC films. And I've got a comment here from Seth Rogen. Not the Seth Rogen. Another Seth Rogen. So, no, here from Seth Rogen. Not the Seth Rogen. Another Seth Rogen. No, this is Seth Rogen. He's commented on the topic and he says,
Starting point is 00:42:31 this is bullshit. As in, by that I mean it's not true. I don't know why he's commenting on that. But that's good. When I did The Green Hornet, oh, wait a second. It's not a DC movie. Who owns Green Hornet? No, it is DC.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Because they're doing a DC crossover comic with a Green Hornet Batman 66 crossover. Right, but Green Hornet isn't owned by DC. Are you sure? I think it's Dynamite having an hour. You're probably right. Yeah. We could look it up, but who knows? And who cares?
Starting point is 00:43:00 Anyway, the point is, we'll have to compress this slightly. Sure. So, no joke policy is what you're saying? Yeah. Okay. We'll see. If they just kept the similar tone to Man of Steel, but a little bit lighter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:12 Then, yeah, just whatever. There is no room for a lighter tone in Batman v Superman. No, there certainly isn't. Sorry, do you mean Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice? That's correct. That is what it means. Okay, cool. We've got to maintain an air of professionalism in this.
Starting point is 00:43:23 The franchise is currently owned by Green Horton Incorporated. Okay, cool. We've got to maintain an air of professionalism in this. The franchise is currently owned by Green Horton Incorporated. Okay, sure. The comic book rights are currently licensed at DC and Dynamite Entertainment. There you go. All right. We did it. So in many ways we're both right, except I was right. Yes.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Yeah. What about League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? Do that again. Good question. Do I want a reboot of that? How would you make it better? You just do it more closer to the source material. Would anybody watch that?
Starting point is 00:43:52 No. Forget about it. You know what, though? It would work as a TV show. Yeah, we've got Penny Dreadful for that, kind of. I've never seen that. It's pretty good. It's enjoyable.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Okay, fair enough. It's silly, but it's... People like things from, like, 19th century adventuring crap. Nobody likes that. Nobody does, though. I disagree. What about the new Sleepy Hollow show? Even though it's set in the modern day or whatever.
Starting point is 00:44:12 Apparently that's good. I haven't seen it. But it's set in the modern day. Yeah. Nobody cares for these period pieces. You're right. Fair point. All right.
Starting point is 00:44:18 Look, I... Into the bin! Fine. But I want to see... I want to get Sean Connery back in the role of Alan Quatermain the role that defined his career and killed it
Starting point is 00:44:28 yep last movie he ever did anything else you got anything from the other ones apparently they're going to reboot Spawn okay sure
Starting point is 00:44:36 there you go that's all I got great that sounds really really good Spawn was okay for the time I remember
Starting point is 00:44:43 and they put CGI Kate which we've talked about before. We'll focus more on the human side of the character, it says here in this thing that I've just looked up. Didn't he just spend most of that last movie running around without a mask on anyway? No, he was mostly masked, I think. Because he had that scarred face and he was always like, you betrayed me, Hal, or something.
Starting point is 00:45:02 That's it. You betrayed me, Martin Sheen. All we have to do is send this to Image and animate that. And then we've got ourselves a movie. Yeah. No, I'd be happy to say that. Sure. But I don't think like, like you kind of ghostwriter kind of,
Starting point is 00:45:16 your darker comic book movies, they don't do that well. Yep. Because either they water them down and people hate them or they don't and people don't see them. Right. So it's... What can you do? Yeah, yeah. How about The Crow?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Yeah, I think that is getting a reboot. That's what I heard. Okay, cool. Is the original Crow good? Yeah, it's really good. Yeah. I say that now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:39 Can you tell the bits where it's clearly not Brandon Lee? At the time, I couldn't. Yeah. But I saw it on a TV. Okay, sure. And this was in the 90s when TVs weren't the size of movie screens. Yeah. So, no.
Starting point is 00:45:50 No, I couldn't tell. Okay, cool. And I was looking out for it. Boy, were you. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Did you... Okay, no, I haven't seen that in a very long time.
Starting point is 00:45:57 Maybe over... Probably over 10 years. Yep. But, yeah, sure, absolutely. I mean, were you happy with The Crow 2 City of Angels? Uh, no, but I really liked The Crow Wicked Prayer. Was that with Edward Furlong as The Crow? That was with Edward Furlong, absolutely. I mean, were you happy with The Crow 2 City of Angels? Uh, no, but I really liked The Crow Wicked Prayer. Was that with Edward Furlong as The Crow? That was with Edward Furlong, yes.
Starting point is 00:46:09 That does not suit him, does it? Not at all, no. Yeah, yeah. Wicked Prayer. Yeah. I want to see it. Not even Wiccan Prayer, which you probably could have done that. Yeah, I guess so.
Starting point is 00:46:20 I don't know. I would like to see a Crow reboot. Maybe not a remake of the first one. We've seen that character. Like, that definitely... That does not require a reboot. So you could just launch straight into it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Like, I mean... Oh, like a continuation you're talking about? I'd say like a continuation of the Mythos, maybe. Sure. Like, I don't think... That movie stands on its own as a good film. Like, if you remade Raiders of the Lost Ark, people would be like,
Starting point is 00:46:43 why did you do that? It's a good film on its own. Yep. But if you did another adventure of Indiana Jones... People would love it. Yeah, yeah. It'd be guaranteed great. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yep. Well, it's not the same because anybody can be the crow, I guess. Yeah, yeah. So, I don't know, modern day would be good. Could anybody be the crow in that movie? Maybe just the crow happened to go to this guy, and it was like, now you're the crow. And he's like yes finally
Starting point is 00:47:05 finally no they explain it at the start because I remember the second one a musician gets the crow becomes the crow
Starting point is 00:47:15 they're like now you're the crow and he's like yes well as long as that sequence is in there they fully explain it now so you have to die
Starting point is 00:47:23 at a certain time and there has to be great injustice and blah, blah, blah. Yeah. And then the crow chooses them to return from the grave. A literal crow?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Is it an actual crow? It's a magic crow. Okay. Yeah, it's the magic of nature. Sure. It's the Highlander magic of nature that you never have to explain.
Starting point is 00:47:37 That's one they're talking about rebooting as well, Highlander. Ryan Reynolds was cast but he's dropped out because he couldn't quite perfect that Scottish accent. Right. I don't know why. You know couldn't quite perfect that Scottish accent. Right.
Starting point is 00:47:45 I don't know why. You know, they should get Christopher Lambert. Yeah. Lambert? Lambert. Yeah. Yeah. Ray Shalghul.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Yeah. What were we talking about? The Crow, though. Yeah, sure. The Crow. Okay, yeah. Yeah, I'd be happy to say that. But could it be gothy is my question.
Starting point is 00:48:01 Like, is it talking like, has being goth gone into self-parody or people anymore i think it's gonna they'd have to if they made it gothy they would have to work really hard for people not to just laugh the whole way through okay yeah like i think the original gets a pass yeah because that was the style because it was before queen of the damned killed being goth yes exactly yeah but i think if they did it now, he would have to spend absolute minimal time in white face makeup and stuff like that. Yeah, sure. He's a comic character, right?
Starting point is 00:48:33 Yes. Does he have the white face paint and that? Yeah. Didn't Johnny Depp play the crow in that movie, the cowboy one? The Lone Ranger. He did not. He had a crow on his head and a white face. He had a crow on his head, he had a white face.
Starting point is 00:48:46 He had a bird on his head and a white face. You've got me on a technicality. Yes, he was the crow. They must have cut that scene where the crow was like, you're the crow now. Yeah, he was like. It was called The Lone Ranger colon The Crow colon bracket City of Angels. So, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:04 I bought for that. you know what also like like emo kind of spun out of goth probably made goth and like pop punk kind of merged together to make emo yeah that's probably not true that's how i see it you're right yeah uh and people would probably make comparisons to that because emo was also got into like self-parody and whatever yeah and even like even like goths hate emos because goths are tougher or whatever i think they're tough i don't i don't i don't know but yeah whatever maybe he could just be a hipster yeah like plaid flannel shirt and work boots no you're the crow whatever whatever what about swamp thing they made that and i haven't seen it but swamp thing's good at the, and I haven't seen it. But Swamp Thing's good at the moment, apparently.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I haven't read it. Right. But apparently the new 52 one's really good. And I've read the one where Swamp Thing goes to Gotham and Batman, like, flamethrows him. Okay. And then Swamp Thing beats up... Alan Moore did it.
Starting point is 00:49:55 And then Swamp Thing beats up Batman, and Batman's like, I concede, because you're terrifying. Can they do... We talked about this briefly, Guardians of the Galaxy episode, I think. Will people want... People would and should be up in arms
Starting point is 00:50:13 if they did a Swamp Thing movie before a Supergirl movie. Sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fair enough, yeah. You're right, because they're both DC properties, aren't they? Of course. What about a Swamp Thing Animal Man situation?
Starting point is 00:50:26 Because they cross over a lot. Like a team-up? Yeah. That'd be an odd combination. No, no, they've done it in the comics recently. The new Animal Man's really, really good. I recommend it. But they...
Starting point is 00:50:34 Will the general public want a Swamp Thing Animal Man team-up? No. No, not at all. Not so much. But yeah, I like the idea of him. The Alan Moore one... Unless it's a mismatched buddy cop team. Yes.
Starting point is 00:50:46 Absolutely. Okay, in this situation, which one breaks all the rules and which one's by the book? Swamp Thing breaks all the rules. Yeah, because he's real dirty. Because he's sloppy. Or you do it the other way. Yes. Where Swamp Thing's a stickler for rules.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Yeah, yeah. And he wears little glasses or whatever. Oh, he does that. And like, any time he gets out the chief's like you guys get out of here and they get up and then Swamp Thing like sweeps up
Starting point is 00:51:09 all the slop and mud from his chair and he puts it in a little plastic bag or something. Yeah, maybe. Yeah. And Animal Man
Starting point is 00:51:18 just spits on the floor. Yeah, totally. Yeah, do you remember because the origin of the Swamp Thing was changed in the Alan Moore version where I can't remember the name of the guy of the Swamp Thing was changed in the Alan Moore version, where, I can't remember who the name of the guy is who becomes Swamp Thing, so I apologise.
Starting point is 00:51:28 Alec Holland. Guinness. Alec Guinness becomes the Swamp Thing. Thank you, good. Like, he has this accident, like, there's chemicals and he falls in a swamp. But these worms, this specific type of worms, eat his body, and then they take on his personality and gain his memories. Right, yeah. So the Swamp Thing isn't actually this guy.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Yeah. It's a collection of, like, worms and, like, mutations that think... that have his personality. Uh-huh. So the real Alec Guinness is dead, just like real life. So I think that's a really interesting premise. Uh-huh. But it would probably, like, you know, people would be...
Starting point is 00:52:02 wouldn't like it because he's gross. Correct. Correct. Even if he was a stickler for like it because he's gross. Correct. Correct. Even if he was a stickler for the rules. That's right. Yeah, yeah. What about, speaking of gross things, what about rebooting Green Lantern? And we've talked about this before, because they've said they're going to do a Flash Green Lantern movie.
Starting point is 00:52:18 And we said that's a good idea. Because they cannot. Yeah. What do you think about that? Yes, I'm on board. Well, they have to, because he's a core part of the DC universe in many ways. Yeah. What do you think about that? Yes, I'm on board. Well, they have to, because he's a core part of the DC universe in many ways. So, yes. Yeah, I guess we will throw that in there.
Starting point is 00:52:31 Do it. Yeah, totally. But even if they bring back Ryan Reynolds, just do it differently. Do it better. That's fine. Yeah, totally. So, whatever. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Can you think of any others? Well, Daredevil, we're getting the reboot. It's going to be TV. I'm looking forward to that. I'm excited for that. whatever. Yeah. Yeah. Can you think of any others? Uh, well, daredevil, we're getting the reboot. It's going to be TV. I'm looking forward to that. I'm excited for that. Yep. And we'll get, and by that we'll get an electric reboot as well.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Cause you don't have to be in it. Yeah, absolutely. I think they cast it. I think Rosario, Rosario Dawson. Oh really? I might be wrong.
Starting point is 00:52:56 Probably, probably wrong. Yeah, sure. Yeah. Do you remember, you remember June, the movie June,
Starting point is 00:53:02 June with a D, Dune. I say Dune. Yes. Yeah. I remember Dune. I haven't seen it,une with a D. Dune. I say Dune. Dune, yes. Yeah, I remember Dune. I haven't seen it. But that's an amazing world, isn't it? The world of Dune.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yes, it's a place, yeah. But very difficult to make because it's so complex and rich and complicated and weird and whatever. Uh-huh. And spice and something. There is definitely spice. I don't know anything about it. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 00:53:22 But that seems like an interesting thing that they could maybe redo. A reboot of Dune. Dune, yeah. Have you seen the original Dune? I have seen the original Dune. Yeah, it's complicated and arty. Yeah. Some of the effects are really good.
Starting point is 00:53:35 Like, some of the characters will have, like, personal force fields. Okay. And they're represented by these, like, weird, like, geometric arrangements that appear around them and it's quite like it's a good it's a really good special effect for the time okay cool
Starting point is 00:53:48 but yeah it's complicated and weird I remember when it came out some theatres I can't remember whether it was the director requested it
Starting point is 00:53:56 or some theatres and they didn't do it or they did it and were doing it in some theatres you got like a pamphlet when you went in so it's like
Starting point is 00:54:02 this is the world of Dune this is the cheat sheet yeah they're like this is this guy this is the world of Dune. This is the cheat sheet. Yeah, they're like, this is this guy. This is the commodity that everybody lives in this world. Yeah, exactly. There's a map. Melange, it's called. Oh, is it?
Starting point is 00:54:12 Yeah, Melange. You know, yeah, there's like a map. This is Sting in weird little underwear. That's right, yeah. He's very greasy. Just go with it. Yeah, yeah. I mean, you could build that up, that world now, before on the internet.
Starting point is 00:54:25 You wouldn't need to do that. Yeah, that's true. Like with Guardians of the Galaxy, they made sure everybody was familiar with those characters going in and kind of did a lot of world building prior. So you could do it that way, potentially. Yeah. Or don't do it, because it's so weird. It's true. I think the world is ready for that.
Starting point is 00:54:40 I think... Was it David Lynch who did the first one? Yes. Yeah. If you can accept A Game of Thrones universe Yes I think you can definitely Accept a Dune
Starting point is 00:54:47 Well you can't You don't bloody watch it No I mean the general public Of chumps Sure No I think You can accept a Dune universe
Starting point is 00:54:54 Sure Dune Dune Alright I got one more Because we just mentioned it Okay Maybe not so much a reboot
Starting point is 00:55:00 But continue it With somebody else Indiana Jones Yes Get someone else in yeah i don't know i don't care whether it's bradley cooper or whatever but you make you definitely be bradley sure but like you make it like a like like you're like a james bond thing where many people can be in indiana jones and then you don't have to set them in the 50s and it's weird and
Starting point is 00:55:18 whatever wait a second many people can be indiana jones not like you earn the mantle and you're like, yes. The hat falls on your head and you go, yes. I'm talking like you just swap him out with the other guy and then you don't say anything. And maybe it's...
Starting point is 00:55:35 You said you could set it in the modern era. No, no, no. I'm saying Indiana Jones... Be clear with your... You just said it after Raiders. Right, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:44 The continuing adventures of Indiana Jones. The continuing adventures, exactly. Yeah, okay. Exactly. I mean, they did it in young Indiana Jones when he was young, and it was crap. Yeah. That people at the time convinced themselves that it wasn't. But it was.
Starting point is 00:55:53 Because it was always trying to teach you things. I remember I saw one where he had an adventure with his dad when he was a kid, and there was a bit where they were talking about pulleys and levers and like force, and I'm like, don't stop. I'm not even wear anything. Whip somebody in the neck. Like, that's what I want to say. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:56:11 So, yeah, I think that would be cool. Like just the further adventures. I mean, they do it in video games. There was a game called the... Fate of Atlantis. Fate of Atlantis. That was, I've never played that one. I was...
Starting point is 00:56:19 Very excellent. Tomb of the Emperor, which I played. Scepter of Kings. Was that one? I think it was Staff of Kings. Okay, good. Yeah, but... Close enough.
Starting point is 00:56:26 Yeah, whatever. Close enough for this podcast. Yes, sir. So, yeah, that'd be cool. I mean, maybe Harrison Ford's
Starting point is 00:56:34 got one more left in him. I mean, he doesn't, but they probably will do one, but yeah, whatever. We didn't really talk about it, but Expendables 3,
Starting point is 00:56:43 everybody looked really old. Yeah. So old. Even Snipes? Yeah, real old. Even Stathes? Well, he's not that old.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Mel Gibson looked like Hollow. You said he looked like a panda. I did. Okay, maybe we did discuss it then. I mean, that's the idea though, isn't it? I don't think he can carry off Indiana Jones anymore. I think that's definitely dumb. All right.
Starting point is 00:57:04 What if he dyed his hair? No. What if they put a lot of makeup on him? No. What if they just took him out the back and just put him down? Like a horse. Like a horse. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:57:14 I'm on board with that. Well, that's what they do when a horse breaks their legs. So they should have done the same when he did. Same with Indiana Jones, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Do you think of any other reboot ones? They should have put him behind a sheet and rolled a boulder over the top of him. Just like at the Kentucky Derby, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:57:32 Yeah, can you think of any other ones? No, that'll do it. What about franchises do you think that should never be rebooted? I feel like we should make a joke about the TV show Reboot. Nah, it's too late. Back to the future. You're saying that'll never happen? I don't think they should...
Starting point is 00:57:47 They shouldn't continue it in any form, and they shouldn't reboot it. Just leave it. Are there any plans to do that? No. Good. There will be. Solved.
Starting point is 00:57:56 That'll happen. Exactly, yeah. Will it, though? Because there's not a lot of merchandise related to that. Yeah, but, you know, maybe. You're right. I don't know. Yeah, but, you know, maybe. You're right. I don't know. Yeah, it's an odd one.
Starting point is 00:58:06 Like, they'll reboot like a Total Recall or something like that. For some reason. For some reason, yeah. But they've left the Back to the Futures.
Starting point is 00:58:16 You'd think that like Arnold Schwarzenegger's character would be... I guess he's not that iconic. Like, I know his name. What's the character's
Starting point is 00:58:24 name in that film? In... Total Recall. Oh. Jack Bauer. Correct. No. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:58:30 He's got two names. Quinn? Quaid? Quaid. Or the bad guy. No, the bad guy's Chestface or whatever. Yeah, Chestface, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah, and I don't know. He has another name as well. Yeah, but I mean, like, but we all know the character's names in Back to the Future and stuff like that. So, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:58:42 Maybe it really... Something has to really seep into the consciousness. Yeah, yeah. Well enough that nobody wants to take another chance on rebooting it. I don't know. Yeah, I mean, I think the only reason people are sort of okay with Ghostbusters is because a lot of the original people are still involved. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:57 But, like, obviously, what's his name? The guy who plays Marty. Fuck. Michael J. Fox. Yep. Jesus. Obviously, he's not going to be involved
Starting point is 00:59:06 in any capacity Christopher Lloyd could still do it he's actually he makes a small cameo in Ted as Doc Brown huh
Starting point is 00:59:11 yeah it's the funniest bit in the movie and it's in the trailer but um yeah you don't you don't need to do Back to the Future
Starting point is 00:59:17 okay it's it it somehow works yes and it shouldn't because it's it's just total nonsense but it's just great
Starting point is 00:59:24 and it's a combination of like a fantastic script that was tweaked just the right amount because it was originally going to be like a time-travelling refrigerator and there was a whole lot of stuff. Yeah, yeah. And like they even started...
Starting point is 00:59:36 Caught in a nuclear explosion. That's right. They even started... Like they filmed a lot of it with Eric Stoltz. Oh, yep. And they were like, this isn't working and they... Because they wanted Micro J Fox originally but it was doing Family Ties at the time They filmed a lot of it with Eric Stoltz. Oh, yep. And they were like, this isn't working.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Because they wanted Michael J. Fox originally, but he was doing Family Ties at the time. So they got him in. There's so many things that came together. It was like the perfect storm of cast and crew and script and the era. Everything just hit at once. Puffy vests. Puffy vests, yeah. That still looks cool, his outfit.
Starting point is 01:00:04 I'm all for it. So you can't replicate that. No. What about, you know what they shouldn't reboot? Any buddy cop film. Like, Lethal Weapon, 48 Hours, whatever.
Starting point is 01:00:14 Just make another buddy cop movie. You know, like, you don't need to say, oh, this is Mel Gibson's, what's his name, Murtaugh and... Riggs and Murtaugh, yeah. Like, you don't need to do that.
Starting point is 01:00:25 Correct, yes. With, like, a younger cast, with Chris Hemsworth and, I don't know, Donald Glover or whatever. That actually would be pretty great. Sounds really good. Ah, yeah, so good. Which one's the buttoned up one? Which one is the... Which is the loose cannon?
Starting point is 01:00:36 Ah, you could switch it up. You could, couldn't you? I don't know. I think Donald Glover would have to be the loose cannon, man. Yeah. Yeah. He's great. But I don't know if he's acting that much anymore because he's doing his rap stuff.
Starting point is 01:00:46 Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Thanks for ruining the dream, Donald Glover. So, yeah, like, you don't need to reboot any of those at all because you can just make a buddy cop movie. Also, buddy cop movies don't really work anymore. They kind of do them more as parodies. Like, 21 Jump Street.
Starting point is 01:01:03 Like, The Other Guys. The Heat. The Heat. Like 21 Jump Street. Like the other guys. The Heat. The Heat. Like you... That's how you gotta do it. That were all the raids though, weren't they? Yeah. What was the one with Robert De Niro?
Starting point is 01:01:14 Rundown? That wasn't called The Rundown. I can't remember. And he was a bounty hunter or something. Robert De Niro? Yeah. I do not remember that at all. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:01:23 It's real. Is it recent? No it's from the early 90s Robert De Niro Budding Cop I've got Showtime But it's definitely not Showtime I think you've made this one up
Starting point is 01:01:38 You've dreamed it It's giving me Showtime again But it's not Showtime Midnight Run In your face And giving me Showtime again, but it's not Showtime. Midnight Run. Oh, okay, right. In your face. It's real. And, of course, Showtime, which is amazing.
Starting point is 01:01:48 Showtime, absolutely. Yeah, yeah. I think they're actually talking about doing another one of those as well. They've mentioned it, but yeah. Okay. Also, you know what they shouldn't reboot? What's that? Because it still works, even with the...
Starting point is 01:01:58 They've had some terrible movies in it. But Predator. Just continue Predator. Which I think is what they're doing anyway. Yeah, absolutely. Because Predator's great. Well, Predator's good. And Predators is good. Predators is also great. Predator 2 Just continue Predator. Which I think is what they're doing anyway. Because Predator's great. Well, Predator's good. And Predators is good.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Predators is also great. Predator 2 is okay. Yeah, just keep that going. Which is what they're doing. So, don't need to reboot it. Star's irrelevant. Just put Predators in. That's right.
Starting point is 01:02:16 People love Predators. Exactly. Actually, I've got a list here as well that I've just looked up secretly. You sneaky son of a bitch. I've got a list here of well that I've just looked up secretly. Uh-huh. You sneaky son of a bitch. I've got a list here of some films that are getting rebooted. Okay, I'm ready. Or they're in some stage of reboot development. Okay, ready? Yep.
Starting point is 01:02:33 Jumanji. Okay. Highlander. We talked about that. Bloodsport. Okay, fine. Gremlins. Yeah, okay. That would work. They should just continue it though, right?
Starting point is 01:02:47 It's a fine line. Sure is. Well, I mean, Gremlins 2 was a parody of Gremlins. Yeah, it was. So, how are they going to... I don't know. Are they going to further parody the first... I don't know.
Starting point is 01:02:57 I don't know. Yeah. TimeCop. Ah. That's your total recall. That's just... That's a cheap property now so they're gonna
Starting point is 01:03:06 you told me that amazing time cop fact that if you touch yourself in the past you explode is that right yes is that other bad guys killed
Starting point is 01:03:13 yes in the end good they throw them into each other at the same time I can't remember I think there's a high five excellent no I don't think that's true
Starting point is 01:03:20 is there a spin kick he's like you're the new time cop and they're like yes high five explosion Van Helsing I remember hearing about this that they wanted Tom Cruise I think that's true. Is there a spin kick? He's like, you're the new time cop. And they're like, yes. High five. Explosion. Van Helsing. I remember hearing about this, that they wanted Tom Cruise. I don't know whether that's still true or if it ever was true. Van Helsing.
Starting point is 01:03:33 You like 19th century romps. Do you like romps? They can't reboot it as Van Helsing. They can make a Tom Cruise film and he's Van Helsing in it. Yeah. He's a Van Helsing in it, but they can't. No.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Yeah, yeah. Tom Cruise wouldn't lower himself to being in a Van Helsing reboot. Yeah, but he does. If it's good enough, he would, I guess. I guess. Also, Van Helsing is in
Starting point is 01:03:57 Bram Stoker's Dracula, the character of, played by Sir Anthony Hopkins. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's what, yeah. That's how they've sold him on it. Soon to be dead, Sir Anthony Hopkins. Oh. He's fine. That's what, yeah. That's how they've sold him on it. Soon to be dead, Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Starting point is 01:04:05 Oh. He's fired, everybody. I hope I didn't send something out to the universe then. You did. This has happened before. Okay. War Games?
Starting point is 01:04:15 All right, yep. I'm going to say it. War Games is shit. Yeah. No, that's all right. It's very of the time. Yep. And it's not good.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Yeah, yeah. Even though it's mentioned in Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Yep. Because it's, I think Yeah, yeah. Even though it's mentioned in Captain America and the Winter Soldier. Yep. Because it's, I think we've talked about this before how you said it's one of those movies
Starting point is 01:04:29 where because he's good at chess or whatever, then that skill comes in and he beats war games at the end at chess. Well, tic-tac-toe. Sorry, you're right. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:38 But he gets the computer to play itself in tic-tac-toe. Yeah. The computer realises that war is futile. Yeah. Or whatever, and will result in inevitable mutual destruction sure yeah so he beats so it goes back in time and touches itself yeah exactly that's right yeah but it yeah and that wouldn't work an artificial intelligence see an artificial intelligence now would just be like oh you're trying to trick me yeah well forget
Starting point is 01:05:02 it i'll just blow the world up. I'm an artificial intelligence. I'm not going to be... I'm very intelligent. I'm very intelligent. You can't trick me with your little games. Yeah. So, yeah, they have to come up with another ending. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:13 And people would hate it because it's not the same as the old ending. Yes. They'd hate it because it's... Yeah. What about Point Break? Nobody wants to see that. No, it's like one of those buddy... It's not really a buddy cop one, is it?
Starting point is 01:05:24 Uh-huh. But, no, you don't need that. No, it's like one of those buddy it's not really a buddy cop one is it but no you don't need that no it's the ultimate bromance it certainly is people are not going to be and they kind of do it
Starting point is 01:05:31 in Hot Fuzz anyway yes exactly Flight of the Navigator alright that's for kids who cares it's fine this one's interesting
Starting point is 01:05:39 good or bad Starship Troopers I think the first Starship Troopers movie is amazing. Yeah, it's a fun... It's a satire. It's nice.
Starting point is 01:05:48 Look, again, if they... That's like rebooting... It's not quite like rebooting Robocop, but it is a little similar. Yeah. In that if they modernize the satirical elements, people are like, oh, they're just doing the same thing. But if they make it a different thing, people are like, what happened to the satire? Why isn't it blah?
Starting point is 01:06:05 You know. Yeah, yeah. I guess if they want to, you know, they want to make a commentary on, you know, war and et cetera. Yeah. They're going to do that. But again, it's just future space war movie. They don't need the Starship Troopers license and it's not going to make them any money.
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah. Any more money based on that. Fair point. Yeah. Did you see any of those directed DVD sequels? I think I saw three. Yeah, I saw three as well. Starship Troopers Marauder
Starting point is 01:06:27 and had those mechs. And Johnny Rico came back. Yeah, that's him. And he's also... It's like he never left. And he's also not Puerto Rican like he is in the book. Correct.
Starting point is 01:06:35 I think he's Puerto Rican, isn't he? Yeah, yeah. I guess they could reboot it in the sense that... Like, we've talked about the Total Recall remake. In many ways,
Starting point is 01:06:42 that's more accurate to the original story. It is. But worse. Yeah. But if they rebooted Starship Troopers and they actually put them in the mech suits... Yeah. Like, permanently, like they are in the book...
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah. Then... Are they permanently in the mech? No, no, I mean, like... There's a lot of... There's no foot soldiers in the book. Everybody's in a marmot suit. Oh, really?
Starting point is 01:07:00 No, they're not. Okay, cool. If they did that, then it would be more accurate, but people would hate it. Yeah, because people hate everything. You know why Starship Troopers work? Because even with the satires there, obviously, but you can just ignore that. It's still fun.
Starting point is 01:07:14 Right, right. Like, you know, whatevs, whatevs. All quite on the Western front. Nobody's asking a remake of that. That's a really good movie. It's quite sad and, you know, and it's like, it's also about the futility of good movie. It's quite sad and, you know, and it's like,
Starting point is 01:07:28 it's also about the futility of war, but it's not as dumb as War Games. There you go. Cop that, War Games. You've been crushed by a classic. That's right. Young Sherlock Holmes. The only thing I know about Young Sherlock Holmes is it had that CGI,
Starting point is 01:07:43 the stained glass window came to life and it blew people's minds at the time because it was one of the first like cgi effects oh where it comes off the thing and it's it looks like shit but like is it a dream sequence or was it i have no idea it doesn't matter yes it is i mean they're actually doing old sherlock holmes as well with ian mckellen i hope they come out in the same week. You have to choose. Which one do you go to? Old Sherlock Holmes. Me too. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Yeah, he's like, not a time for this young Sherlock Holmes. What does he know about nothing? Nothing. It looks really great because it's set,
Starting point is 01:08:13 I don't know, I can't remember what it's set, it might even be set in the modern day that Ian McKellen won or at least in the 50s or something,
Starting point is 01:08:20 I don't know, but where he's like 93 and there's this one case that he never solved and his mind is failing and he's there's this one case that he never solved and his mind is failing and he's still this case re-emerges for whatever reason it looks really great i'm really excited for it and when's that coming out i don't know great next month oh uh okay so i mean more of these are they god there's one more okay one more that water world okay it says here, in 2012,
Starting point is 01:08:46 Syfy Channel was toyed with the idea of remaking Waterworld. It was undecided whether it would be a TV series or a standalone movie. Great. You know what's great? Syfy original movies. Never seen one.
Starting point is 01:08:57 No. You? Yeah, some of them are good. Okay. Please email in if you've seen a great one and I've offended you. Mason specifically. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:04 Because I, at Wikipedia Brown. No, just let James know. Okay, cool. So I guess that's it for reboots and stuff. Unless there's any more. Oh, well, that's not it for reboots. No, that was. There's more reboots.
Starting point is 01:09:14 No doubt. We'll come back to this at some point, I'm sure. I say that about every topic and sometimes we do. Yeah. Thank you for the idea, though, the listener suggestion to that guy you mentioned. Absolutely. So, yeah, really appreciate it. I guess, well, what are we reading now, right? Oh, yeah. Theme song. for the idea though the listener suggestion to that guy you mentioned absolutely so yeah really appreciate it
Starting point is 01:09:26 I guess well what are we reading now right oh yeah theme song I'm doing the theme what are we reading today
Starting point is 01:09:37 do you want me to kick it off or do you just want to kick it off no you kick it off sure well I'll be I like Jeff Lemire I mentioned that before he also wrote
Starting point is 01:09:44 Animal Man I I believe. Or he did Swamp Thing. I can't remember. Or both. Irrelevant. He's great, and I enjoy his artworks and his writing style. He did this comic called Underwater Welder. I think he distributed it through DC, and it's not like a superhero kind of comic.
Starting point is 01:10:00 It's about a man who lives in a small town, and his wife's just about to have a baby. And he's an underwater welder, that's what he does for a job, and his father disappeared when he was a boy and he's got this new kid on the way but he's drawn more into the mystery and like the kind of weird kind of Twilight Zone-ish kind of
Starting point is 01:10:19 he wants to find out what happened to his father basically and he's more focused on his past than he is in the present and whatever. It's like a slow build and whatever, there's not like a big action moment, it his father, basically. And he's more focused on his past than he is in the present and whatever. It's like a slow build and whatever. There's not a big action moment. There's not a splash page of Superman buzzcutting someone with a bowl cut or whatever. But it's really, really good. It also has an introduction by Damon Lindelof.
Starting point is 01:10:41 Sure, I've lost. But do not let that discourage you. So, yeah. Does the introduction raise a lot of questions and never answer them? He says something like he's incredibly talented, Jeff Lemire, and I'm jealous of his ideas and skills or whatever. Which is fair, because I think
Starting point is 01:10:58 Jeff Lemire's great. Everything I've read of his, I really really enjoy. Like, Sweet Tooth's great, and there's another one, the sci-fi one he did recently, which is really good as well. So, yeah. I also watched The Inbetweeners 2, which is a British comedy. Sure, yeah. Do they go down under?
Starting point is 01:11:14 They do. Because that happens in a sequel every time. Apparently so. And it's okay. Fantastic. Good man. What about you? Well, I'm going to read The Multiversity.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Have you heard about that? Yeah, somebody emailed in about that as well yeah it's um it's grant morrison yeah and it is uh it's it's a series of it's it's going to be a nine issue mini series but they're all going to be issue ones okay and they're all going to be set in different parallel parallel universes in the dc sort of 52 universe multiverse so the first uh issue which i'm I've got here and I'm going to read, ASAP, is set in a world where Calvin Ellis is the president. He's a black man, but he's also Superman of that reality. Okay, cool.
Starting point is 01:11:56 So he's the president and he's African American and he's Superman. Or he's a new character. Okay, yeah. Calvin Ellis. And he's been described as Muhammad Ali meets Barack Obama. Okay. And he's the uh and he's he's been described as muhammad ali uh meets barack obama okay and he's and he's the president and he's superman sure and there's gonna be you know and the sort of each is usually number one it's gonna you know showcase this each each one's gonna showcase in the universe uh and it looks super exciting and one of them looks like it's going to feature
Starting point is 01:12:25 Captain Carrot and his amazing zoo crew. The funny animal universe is back, everyone. I'm super excited. I brought up the email. Noah Olberding, who's written before,
Starting point is 01:12:34 great bloke, he recommends it and he even says, however, my favourite part was the inclusion of Captain Carrot and the zoo crew, a character I was unaware of
Starting point is 01:12:42 until I listened to your podcast and heard Mason talk about him. There you go. You've thrown something into the universe, Mason, and it's come true. So good for you. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Well, that sounds great. Well, I've had a few people recommend that now, including you, so I guess I'll take it seriously. Take it seriously, mate. Thank you, Noah. You have to take comic books seriously.
Starting point is 01:12:59 Definitely. That's what I've always said. That's it. I've also got one here from Anthony S. He's the official friend of the show. He says, I recommend The Squidler by Ben... The Squidler.
Starting point is 01:13:09 The Squidler. He's the Riddler, but he's also a squid. I recommend The Squidler by Ben Templesmith. It's a post-apocalyptic world controlled by giant squids. In question mark hats. No. I also got two people from work into listening to your podcast. Most importantly, one of them is a girl
Starting point is 01:13:25 so yeah you're welcome yes we got one we got a few we got Courtney Heck she's great absolutely yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:13:32 that's great thank you for the recommendation and for recommending a comic read about squids which we love
Starting point is 01:13:40 and getting listeners because that's how we say that's the main way we would love people to support the show, isn't it? Absolutely. Also sweet cash. That's right. No, but yeah, like tell a friend.
Starting point is 01:13:50 It's a wheelbarrow full of money. Yes, yes. If you guys could tell a friend, that would be great. Fantastic. Speaking of people who support the show, Mason. Oh, I'm ready. Aaron, wark? W-A-R-K.
Starting point is 01:14:03 Like wark. Yeah, like wark. Like, I'm going for a wark with my dog. Like a cartoon duck would say. Wark W-A-R-K like Wark yeah like Wark like I'm going for a Wark with my dog like a cartoon duck would say Wark you know
Starting point is 01:14:10 sure he donated 30 bucks to the show through our band camp I know so he said keep up the great work and hope this money
Starting point is 01:14:16 goes towards grabbing dem gems you know it it will boy will it so yeah thank you very much Aaron
Starting point is 01:14:22 for the cashola yeah absolutely for those who don't know if you go to so yeah thank you very much Aaron for the cashola yeah absolutely for those who don't know if you go to you can listen to
Starting point is 01:14:31 a series of dumb audio commentaries we've done over about a couple of films and if you want to pay for that you can but if you want to listen to free do that also
Starting point is 01:14:38 exactly and we're going to do that we wouldn't pay to listen to us for free I have to do it for at least an hour a week we're going to do the we just told you what aren't we definitely we've we've locked it in we've locked it in that'll be in the next couple weeks time for some letters mason i'm ready got a few got a lot of good ones this week as well i've condemned i've decided i think i'm going to condense it to
Starting point is 01:14:57 three each week okay cool it's hard to do though so you're gonna rise to the top people can we just say can only three people email because that would just make it easier for me. Just arrange it amongst yourselves. I wouldn't feel as bad about myself. Just set up a little web list amongst yourselves. Then you put your hand up. Three people can do it a month. A week, rather. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Okay, this is from Liam M. I'm ready. Hey, guys. Thanks for the epic podcast again. You're welks. Just thought you would like to know. Did you just say you're welks? No, I did.
Starting point is 01:15:24 Is that a thing people say? Have you invented that? Absolutely. You cut down words. Just thought you would like to know... Did you just say you're welks? You know I did. Is that a thing people say? Have you invented that? Absolutely. You cut down words. Or as I say, were. Nice. I say wark. Just thought you would like to know that I saw Guardians of the Galaxy with my dad during
Starting point is 01:15:35 the week. Take your dad to the Cinnabon Cinema, everybody. Yeah, do that. That's great. After making him sit through the credits and see the after credits scene, I noticed he half remembered how the duck. I then attempted to tell him the story you remember ducks
Starting point is 01:15:46 it's like I remember ducks son he's like what yeah I then attempted to tell him the story about the marvel how the duck mix up with the two comics
Starting point is 01:15:54 and then he just says I don't think I'll be seeing a comic book movie with him for a while bad move you can't explain that kind of stuff to your dad
Starting point is 01:16:01 yeah yeah I barely understand it myself yeah yeah I said those words that's it I yeah my dad. Yeah, yeah. I barely understand it myself. Yeah, yeah. When I said those words. That's it. Yeah, my dad would not have any interest in that at all. But yeah, good on him for trying. Absolutely.
Starting point is 01:16:11 Get him to listen to this show. Yes. He'll hate you forever. Yeah. You're out of that will. So yeah, that's pretty funny. Thank you, Liam. This is from Chase M.
Starting point is 01:16:21 This is important, this one. I'm ready. Okay. Well, they're all important. Absolutely. This is the most important. Even the ones we don't read out on the show are important. Yes,'m ready. Okay. Well, they're all important. Absolutely, yeah. This is the most important. Even the ones we don't read out on the show are important. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 01:16:28 I mean, they're less important. Certainly. No, they're not less important. They just came in at times of the week. We weren't checking the email. That's exactly it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I have a very in-depth fan theory of how G.I. Joe the movie...
Starting point is 01:16:39 I'm listening. They should reboot that. Oh, not. Just leave that forever. Yeah. Or do a Transformers G.I. Joe. Who cares? Whatever. I have a very in- Or do a Transformers G.I. Joe. Who cares? Whatever.
Starting point is 01:16:46 I have a very in-depth fan theory on how G.I. Joe movie and She's the Man take place in the same universe. Have you seen She's the Man? Is that the one with Amanda Bynes? Yes. And she dresses up as a boy? It should be called She's the Boy. Yeah, it should, yeah. Or is it Boys Don't Cry with Hilary Swank?
Starting point is 01:17:03 Let's put them all in the same universe. Let's see how this theory works out. I think we can smoosh it in. Okay, Channing Tatum. He's in both of those movies. You know he's in JoJo, but he's also in She's the Man. Okay. His character has the same name in both movies.
Starting point is 01:17:15 Without thinking about it logically and trying to come up... First and last names, or we don't know? I don't know. We should check that this week. Without thinking about it logically or trying to come up with any legitimate reason why it could be true. We wouldn't. Is it the best or worst fan theory ever?
Starting point is 01:17:30 If best, can I be the official amazing fan theory guy of the podcast? Or worst, can I be the official idiot American of the podcast? Or can I just be both? I think it's pretty great that he's made that connection. Or Chase. I think that's pretty amazing, yeah. Chase can be a boy or a girl can't it? I have a friend, you remember my friend?
Starting point is 01:17:50 Chase Halfpenny, one of your made up friends He's not made up I went to primary school with him and then he disappeared off the face of the earth He's not even on Facebook Probably a treasure hunter now Yeah, but he's real Okay, fine
Starting point is 01:18:04 I think that's great So I'm going to say best, what do you think? treasure hunter now. Yeah. But he's real. Okay, fine. So, yeah. Yeah, I think that's great. So, I'm going to say best. What do you think? I'm going to say best theory. And you can have both those. Yeah, sure.
Starting point is 01:18:11 Absolutely. Yeah. So, yeah. That's right. Annoying Americans. One of you has claimed the throne. Anyway, sorry to waste your time. Don't worry.
Starting point is 01:18:19 You haven't. Not at all. I'm now looking at the Wikipedia for Boys Don't Cry, the film, and I'm trying to find a link between all three. Look, I'll do it next week. Sure. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Weren't you going to build a comic book character every week? No. Yes. I'll do it next week. I'm really tired, alright? Don't put that on me. You came up with the Squidler. Yeah, I did.
Starting point is 01:18:40 Okay, good point. That could be the villain of whoever... Yep. Whatever comic book world. Oh. Alright. Last email. I'm ready. And this leads us into next week. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:50 Ooh. He just says, shut up. For real. No. This is from Luke. Brackets fan of the show. Did we get one of them? Wasn't Liam in the fan of the show?
Starting point is 01:18:57 Doesn't matter. So I've realised you guys haven't done any DC Warner Brothers live action based episodes. I'd recommend a Batman retrospective, just an idea from Luke, that's a really good point we haven't, the only reason we haven't really is because we try to roughly tie these movies in these podcasts into movies or events
Starting point is 01:19:16 that are happening, usually movie related, and there's not been a decent movie since Man of Steel so I was kind of like holding off until something comes out. But that's still going to be like two years. Right, yeah. So we've got to do something.
Starting point is 01:19:30 So I thought maybe next week we could do maybe like best Batman moments. Okay, sure. From just anything. Any media. Any media. I can do this. Absolutely. Let's do it now.
Starting point is 01:19:39 Not now. I'm tired. Bring a 10-year-old kid in here and I'll crush that kid with Batman moments. But yeah, I think though, we haven't done this before and I'd like to do this more often. Listeners, email in or go to the Reddit, which we haven't signed up for, but we will. I'm going to do it tomorrow. Yeah, yeah. Because I've got the day off tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:20:01 Okay, cool. I don't, so I won't. Okay, great. But I might. Fantastic. There's also an AMA on there, which we're going to take part in as well. Email in or tweet us or go to the Reddit and just your best Batman moments. Keep them brief so we can go through as many as we can.
Starting point is 01:20:16 And yeah, I think we should do that next week. That sounds really good. Yeah. And maybe we'll even prepare something. Maybe. Don't worry about it. Forget it. It sounds a lot like work. It sure does. I might have stuff on. Maybe. Don't worry about it. Forget it. It sounds like a lot like work.
Starting point is 01:20:25 It sure does. I might have stuff on. I might just want to sleep forever. So yeah, thank you Luke for bringing that to our attention. It's fantastic. It's a really good idea. Love it. That's the show for this week, Mason.
Starting point is 01:20:37 We did it again. We did it. We didn't die. No. Or did we? Were we in purgatory? I don't know. Probably.
Starting point is 01:20:42 Yeah. Thanks to the brute the basilisk for this thing we love them we bloody love them I did a video on overrated oh sorry
Starting point is 01:20:51 underrated comic book movies it's on YouTube check it out I only did five and I got a lot of people like I can't believe you didn't include this or whatever and there's
Starting point is 01:20:59 I could believe you didn't include that do you think the Watchmen is underrated because I really like the Watchmen and it did well I think it's rated yeah I know a lot of people don't like it didn't include that. Do you think the Watchmen is underrated? Because I really like the Watchmen. I think it's quite rated. And it did well. I think it's rated.
Starting point is 01:21:06 Yeah. I know a lot of people don't like it. But if I do another one, I'll probably just include it for the hell of it. Yeah, yeah. But there's a few good ones in there that I quite like. So, Mason, you should check it out. I'll check it out. No, you won't.
Starting point is 01:21:17 I might. Don't tell me what I'll do. If my YouTube channel doesn't pull down again. Yeah, correct. For whatever reason. So, yeah. If they want to reach out to us Mason they can
Starting point is 01:21:25 can't they? They can. Weekly Planet Pod at Twitter Gmail Facebook and Weekly Planet Podcast on Reddit. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:33 So yeah. Slash Weekly Planet Podcast. Yes. Yeah. Mine is Mr. Sunday Movies. And mine is
Starting point is 01:21:38 at Wikipedia Brown that's our Twitter handles. Absolutely. And YouTube channel for now. Great. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:44 I think that's we thank everybody because sometimes we forget to thank stuff or do things thanks to our listeners for listening yes
Starting point is 01:21:50 we really appreciate it we like it don't we we do like it we'd be just two idiots yeah I mean we are that yeah but to be fair
Starting point is 01:21:58 we pretty much did this before just for no one right yeah like this is yeah just for just for partners who right this is yeah just for just for partners
Starting point is 01:22:06 who weren't listening yeah turned away yeah like the time we invented the ford harrison ford millennium falcon ford oh yeah
Starting point is 01:22:12 that was for no one for no one at all just us we'll explain that one day i guess yeah if anybody gives a shit um yeah
Starting point is 01:22:19 see you guys next week see you guys grab dat gem you know it bye bye

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