Who Are These Podcasts? - Ep183 - How Did This Get Played

Episode Date: December 8, 2019

This week we listen to SJWs get lectured for not being SJW enough for an SJW. Joey Clift was concerned that his appearance on this podcast could end his career. God I hope so. Andy joins the show thi...s week and listens to an entire episode of Opie Radio (sorry Andy) and an entire episode of the Stuttering John Podcast (again, sorry Andy). We also talk about No Agenda and my brother calls in.  Support the show if you feel like it (and get exclusive episodes): http://bit.ly/watp-patreon Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Man, I want to suck some dick. Slapperoonie. Cause. Cause a rule. Cause a rule. A call has one of my favorite podcasts ever. Who are these podcasts? It's called Run By.
Starting point is 00:00:14 A guy called Carl. Who are these podcasts? It's a podcast review. I'm a big fan of the podcast. I was on Who Are These Podcasts yesterday. It's a great show. Have you ever listened to it? I have not it's a quality show They have good ideas. It's kind of like joktober
Starting point is 00:00:30 But with with really no redeeming quality what so you guys are concise and brutal Yeah, I just mercilessly rips on people some of this quite hilarious You don't have to listen to shitty podcasts. You do it for us This guys are making some fucking points here. I like what they say it's hilarious the show is hilarious W-A-T-P! W-A-T-P! W-A-T-P! Hello, back slappers and cousin ruse, welcome to another episode of Who Are These Podcasts, the only show that's hosted by a proud Native American.
Starting point is 00:01:20 That's me, Carl. And in my guess today, Andy. What up, big slappers? What up, Andy? We wanted to have you back the last time you were here, not too long ago. I fucked up. The show started like shit.
Starting point is 00:01:33 Yeah, we're gonna get it right this time. Go to whoarethese.com, get our email address, a voice mail number, link to our subreddit, link to the Discord server, which is down today, so we're not doing the show in front of anyone live. Link to our merchandise, your one-stop shop for all of your holiday gift giving needs
Starting point is 00:01:51 and link to our Patreon where you can get bonus episodes, including our latest bonus episode, where Crojan I talked about American crimes, a Patrick Michael podcast, and also recounted the fun story of when we were both assaulted by the drummer of the band the miss bits I never even heard that full story before it was fun was a long time ago We went through every single joke that was played and it was fun to listen to also We encourage our listeners to give us a five-star review and iTunes and then shit all over us in the comments Is this still iTunes? Is there an iTunes? Yeah, I don't have iTunes anymore. I upgraded my operating system and now it's Apple podcasts or something. It's called
Starting point is 00:02:32 My app and my phone. Give us a five star review on whatever the fuck it's called We're reviewing a podcast. Some of those we never do. I know. They're piled up. They're fucking pile up I'm gonna do it if we don't read them. Well, maybe we'll just do a separate Patreon that's just me reading reviews. You have to donate additional money. Sounds boring. To get the... Today we'll be reviewing a podcast called
Starting point is 00:02:55 How Did This Get Played? Yeah. This is a suggestion that came in from both Andy and Eddie this week, two people suggesting the same episode. So I was intrigued. Yeah. Andy and I both listened to the show separately. We have not discussed it with each other beforehand.
Starting point is 00:03:11 Let's get into it. This is a show with host, Nick Wyger, Heather Ann Campbell, and they had a special guest for the episode that we elicit to, a man named Joey Cleft. Yes. So Nick Wyger is from the Joe Boys. Yeah. So he was Nick Weiger is from the Dole Boys. Yeah. So he was on the episode, the Hollywood Handbook.
Starting point is 00:03:29 Ah! So that we did. He was a guest on that one. Interesting. And then I knew I heard that name before. Right. He got a lot of pronounce it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:38 And he's the host, one of the co-hosts of Dole Boys, which you know I like. Yes. So based on that, I listened. So that's why you knew about the show. I didn't even heard of it before. Right, it's kind of new. There's only. So the 23rd episode.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Right. That we'll listen to. And I found it via Doe Boys. And I like Nick on that. And I like Nick on the show. The show is. Wow, okay. Can be interesting.
Starting point is 00:04:01 If you have you say so. Well, you was. I mean, you say so, Andy, I'm out. See, this is the problem with this show, Carl. I mean, everybody that's ever been reviewed on this show says, you listen to one episode. I don't know what the rest of the show is. You don't know all the jokes.
Starting point is 00:04:19 If I were to put out an episode, this fucking terrible, I would hope everyone would hate who are these broadcasts. Listen, that would be well deserved. That's why when I heard this one, I texted you instantly. Alright, I said we gotta do this. Let's get into this disaster. This was the most successful teaser we've ever had in the history of the teaser on this show.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Is that right? We teased it last week and I had multiple people tell me I had to go and listen to this episode just based off of the teaser. We had Uncle Scam post this AV Club article and our subreddit about it was written by Joey Clift. I don't want to get into. Oh my god. Yeah, this fucking guy. There's a lot to get into. Let's just get right off the bat for people who didn't hear the teaser last week. Don't know what the fuck we're talking about. Let's figure out what this is. This is a show that reviews video games. Correct. Like shitty video games.
Starting point is 00:05:11 So weird one. It's a ripoff of how did this get made. On earwall, only about, instead it's about video games. It's like, yeah, and they don't have funny comedians on it. Like, they do on how did this get made. But I understand what you're saying. So this is the clip that we played a little bit of last week where Joey Clift is bummed out that he
Starting point is 00:05:32 was asked to be on this show. He's the guest on this show. Actually, I mean, like talking about this me, me specifically being on this episode of this show, a thing that like it'll be hard for me to be on this episode of this show, I think it would be hard for me to be on this episode of this show without talking about something that I think is kind of an elf in the room for me at least. And that's like tokenization. Sure. And what I mean by that is, and like I'm being like,
Starting point is 00:05:57 this is like not a bit, it's super serious. I think I'm the only Native American guest you out on the show, right? Yes. So you had me on an episode to talk about a video game with a whole point in the game is for General Custer to rape a Native American woman. And it's for the Thanksgiving episode.
Starting point is 00:06:14 That's like, not, I'm not saying that's not as bad, that's fucked up. Like, and I guess, what the fuck? Why, what was the thought process in putting this episode together? Okay, so they're reviewing a game called Custer's revenge. Yeah, have you ever heard of that game? I hadn't before this. Oh, I went and checked it out It's an old Atari 8 bit. No, not even 8 bit. I didn't know it was back It looks like jungle hunt it accepted instead of you wearing a loin cloth you have a hard on yeah
Starting point is 00:06:42 Yeah, yeah, it looks terrible the is ridiculous, and it's a joke game. Right. You go around fucking Native American girls. Yeah. It was, it's a joke. It was notorious when it came out, and it's been notorious over the years. I had heard of it.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I never played it, but it wasn't what it was. It wasn't a game, but. Right. I think it was like a, it wasn't really sold in stores. I think it was just like a bootleg. It's like a pirate. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so They asked this guy Joey Clifto is a Native American to come on and talk about a game That is offensive offensive to Native Americans right because there's a
Starting point is 00:07:21 Indian woman that you're trying to chase down in rape as you're playing Custer's Ghost. I guess, yeah. Right. It's not even a woman. It's maybe 20 little blocks. Yeah, so it's whatever. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:07:36 Even the boulder is just like squares that go up to a 45 degree angle. Everything's ridiculous. Three off set cubes. Yeah, it's ridiculous. So he calls them out like, why would you have me on this show? What were you guys thinking? And of course, the host hold their ground
Starting point is 00:07:53 and they stand up for themselves. I mean, you're right to call us out on it. I guess we didn't think about the tokenization of it that much. We thought of you as a gamer and we figured we'd want a native perspective on something so grim and so dark But you're right. It is fucked up to
Starting point is 00:08:10 Put you in that box and say like hey, this is your responsibility to come in and talk about this fucked up thing So this is a lot of fun right off the bat Why the fuck would you book me on this show? You're right or assholes. We. We suck. I know. We're the worst people ever. Great. So much bagped-fattling happens. Andy, do you want to get into some clips? What's you're gonna talk about? Obviously that is the meat and potatoes of that episode. So that happens about 20 minutes in or so and then it's just fallout for it. Right. It's a nuclear fallout from there. But it sucks even before you get that far. Oh, yeah, so Let's play the my show sum up the clip number one. This is just them They might as well be speaking a foreign language who the fuck knows what they're talking about here or just like any type of
Starting point is 00:08:57 Roke like so you know things like Ftl Yeah, it's a really great game. All right. I have the same clip But I'm gonna play my version. Okay, because I wanted to point out the fact that we're gonna make fun of them for being so self-righteous. Yeah. And so high in mighty about their stupid tokenization and whatever the fuck they're worried about
Starting point is 00:09:15 in this episode, but I wanna back it up and say these guys also suck at podcasts. They're not funny or interesting and they're terrible broadcasters. So this is, I just put in a little sound effect every time they say the word like. Oh, because it's annoying, but it's the same clip that you had here. Like my like jam for indie games is probably like post-apocalyptic roguelikes. Or just like any type of roguelikes.
Starting point is 00:09:41 So, you know, things like FTL, which is a really great game. Man, I played the shit out of F.T.L. I used to not like rogue likes at all. Like when I was young, I was always like, but I want to finish a story like or like I don't, but then I die and then I have to restart all over but now I like I love them. They found the very absorbing.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Who gives a shit, who gives a fuck? I don't know what the fuck they were talking. Oh, nobody would. And it's Dick Masterson Southern California level likes in there. Oh, yeah, it's pretty bad Well, this guy Joey talks like a fucking idiot. He says you know like he's stuttering and stammering through the entire fucking thing Oh, yeah, and he thinks he's like the super talented comedy writer. I've seen zero evidence of this. Hey There's not one funny thing sad. I know I'm your fucking time All right, sorry. I already I told you you could have it
Starting point is 00:10:26 Okay, well even more so they have More conversations about shit that is irrelevant to everyone I think I have a clip called nerd talk where they're talking about celebrity encounters Okay, if you let's say you met I could think maybe if Michael Jordan walked in the room, I'd be like, oh my god, there's fucking Michael Jordan. And these guys start talking about video game developers, who I've no idea who the fuck they are, and they're reduced to tears.
Starting point is 00:10:57 Dork freaks out. Celebrity nerd freak out, yeah. You have numbers out there. Can you tell me the fucking number? You've been to the last time, too. You got to try, you got to think about can you tell me the fucking number you this to me last time to or you got Trying to figure out what the fuck you're talking about. Yeah, I uh the mo like the most freaked out I was by a celebrity it is and I've been in the same room as a president Obama But was was seeing Shigeru Miyamoto at E3. Oh no, I swore he made eye contact with me. Yeah, it was like, could not handle it.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Oh, yeah, like, for me, it's like, uh, pro wrestler, the undertaker and shaguramoye moto. Are the two people that I would like, cry if I'm at? If I'm at. So this is what they're trying to do, Andy. They're trying to show off how nerdy they are. We're the biggest nerds for video games, yeah, which is fine. I can't compete with that.
Starting point is 00:11:44 I'm not as big a nerd for anything in my life Mm-hmm, but I want to point out right before that they're talking about meeting celebrities Just how heck their fucking jokes are cuz all these people consider themselves comedians right they talk a lot about the comedy scene They're in the comedy scene they're comedians. They have these credits normal celebrities don't phase me at all share BAH Tom Hanks more like Tom Hike. Take one. Boo!
Starting point is 00:12:10 Be Mark Bunny! That was, uh, Tom Hanks, more like Tom Hike. Take one. Do you want to take that one back? Yeah, try again. Listen to the credits that Joey has going into the show. You see what a fucking hack this guy is. Hey talking right now is this week's guest a writer and comedian whose credits include Camp Nick on Nickelodeon
Starting point is 00:12:30 Lego Ninjago Dakota on Cartoon Network any short film telling people your native American when you're not native Is a lot like telling a bear you're a bear when you're not a bear? Joey Cliff what a clever fucking name that is. Yeah telling people you're a native American when you're not a native American Is like telling people you're a bear when you're not a bear Good one rolls right off the tongue fucking good one The Elizabeth Warren story. Yeah fucking cares who who does care? So let's get back to this terrible thing that these two hosts did your buddy Nick and Heather and Campbell they asked a person they know who's of Native American
Starting point is 00:13:10 descent to come on and talk about a video game. Yeah. During Thanksgiving. Yeah. And as they're apologizing up and down for this atrocity, they finally come to their senses a little bit and now they start getting confused by their own bullshit because they're realizing they're like, wait, this isn't actually that bad,
Starting point is 00:13:27 and why am I apologizing? But maybe I should be. Listen to how confused they get with their own BS. Yeah. Well, this is a game that is dealing with something that's fucked up about Native Americans and about the way they're represented in media. And we figured we wanted a native perspective
Starting point is 00:13:42 on that because otherwise, you know, is it, it feels like it's talking about elephant in the room and it would feel like the elephant in the room if there was a native perspective here, are we like not, you know, are we not having the person comment on it who would be, have the most relevant perspective?
Starting point is 00:14:01 I think it's, you know, and again, this is not to minimize your feelings in any way. I think a lot of podcasting and a lot of like booking guests is thematic. Yes. It is. You've done nothing wrong. It's thematic. If I was talking about the Boston Bruins, I wouldn't have an inner city youth thought
Starting point is 00:14:24 the show. Hey, what do you think about the Bruins chances of the Stanley Cup this year? What's a Stanley Cup? We got a show with that! That's okay to book this guy for this episode! It seems appropriate! He's mad that he wasn't booked for another non-native related game. Carrier to this. If he had done an episode of this show before he did this one, everything would have been fine. All right, this is where he talks about how it bums him out that he was booked for this show.
Starting point is 00:14:50 Yeah, and I mean, it bums me on a lot, and once again, apologies for actually not not gonna apologize to that. These are my emotions. You know, there is this thing oftentimes, especially like with natives in the entertainment industry in the comedy community and that I'm one of very few and it's sort of like Yeah, you're one of very few and he's upset that they hadn't had on a Native American before him which No shit there aren't a lot of Native Americans. Yeah, he even says it. Yeah, right? I
Starting point is 00:15:22 Guess that like that this is the first time that you've had a native on the show. Right. Feels kind of weird. It's episode 23. What presents in the population do you make? Yeah. All of the other native comics that they could have had on. I know.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Within the first 20 episodes. So let's get back to their backtracking. She says, well, actually it's thematic. The reason why we booked you on this show is it kind of makes sense of what we're doing here. So if it was a show about Midget Wrestling, they would have had We-Man out of it. Right, of course.
Starting point is 00:15:55 Yeah, I think we should do that. So this is now Joey explaining that what they've done is wrong and they need to understand that. I think that, unfortunately, for the sake of packaging, it's like, well, what would be the most interesting conversation to have about this game? And it would be with somebody who has legitimate thoughts about Native American representation and is a Native American? But I mean, I get what you're talking about, but I guess that like where,
Starting point is 00:16:30 where it kind of like bumps me a little bit or like burns me a little bit is that like that's not what the show is, like you haven't like, you know, you, you guys don't often tackle this kind of stuff. And you know, you didn't necessarily have like a black performer on this show specifically for Martin Luther King day to talk about some game specifically about the black experience. Right. I want to play all the same clips. I want to play something out. Sorry. I don't mean to like steal your thumb. It's fine, but I want to play something out with that clip. He got lucky. How the fuck would he know whether or not they had a black guest time for Martin Luther King day?
Starting point is 00:17:04 No one's ever heard this show before I know he got fucking lucky. He's like right? You guys didn't do that right? So in other words, it would have been fine if they would have had an Irish man on when they were doing their St. Patrick's Day show And a black guy out from Martin Luther King Then I'd be like, oh yeah, you guys have token guests all the time. All right. That's cool. Then I'm good with that Yeah, that's not the point he was trying to make now he's backing into this whole other point. Oh, I know Your show works and I don't understand. Maybe I shouldn't be so fucking offended And also he's like, I know you guys don't tackle this kind of shit on this show. No, we're not trying to have a serious
Starting point is 00:17:37 Discord about the way natives were treated everybody knows it's fucked up You're supposed to be making fun of a shitty game right That's the whole point not getting on your fucking soapbox So I'm just gonna play the last thing from this little bit and then I'll let you have the floor again So after he says well the reason why it's fucked up because Heather actually came to her senses there for him And I was like well, no, we thought this would make it for an interesting conversation You'd probably be pissed off about this game and we could talk about it. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:07 And he goes, you're supposed to be pissed off about this game. Right. And he goes, yeah, but you didn't have a black guy out. So then, of course, Nick, who's a little, I don't know why you like this guy. I've never heard him say a funny fucking thing. He's an idiot. He starts backtracking and listen to how much stuttering and stammering. There's a giant gulp in the middle of this.
Starting point is 00:18:25 It's fucking hilarious. Oh, like, why is it just for natives? Well, I don't think we were just going to discuss, to speak to that specifically. And you mentioned having a good discussion before we got into this topic. Our idea wasn't like, hey, we're going gonna talk exclusively about Custars or Venge. Like, we wanted to get to know you as a gamer and you're, you know, beyond, and like, like, like, like, have you, your perspective as a, as a comedy writer, beyond just the native perspective in this particular game. Let me, let me ask you this. Is this like, like, like, what do you think is the way to address a game, like, Custars or Venge? Is that a thing a thing like, hey, let's just not cover this?
Starting point is 00:19:07 I want to point out a few things there. I put together just from that clip, a little stammering super cut. You're, and you know, and like, like, like, like, don't know this particular, and let me ask you this, is this a, like, like, thing like, like,
Starting point is 00:19:22 hey, let's just not cover this? Yeah, I did zoom in on the GoPro quick. Beyond just the native respect on this particular ambi- Let me ask you this. Is this a like like- I don't know what to do with a guess like this. This guy comes in- Oh no!
Starting point is 00:19:36 Oh rev-dop. Oh, ready to go. Like you guys are fucking assholes for asking me to be on the show. I was like, oh, you should have just said no. Yeah, we could have just done this show with someone else. Or not at all. Yeah, that would have just said no. Yeah, we could have just done this show with someone else, or not at all. Yeah, that would have been fine too.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Right, they're perfectly, I have a clip on there called what the show should be. This is what the show is, I mean, and this is annoying too, but this is what the hosts expect instead of what they got. Nice. That's crazy because like, those real Pac-Man sounds are so pleasant and fun. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:08 This fucking sucks. This would break me and get most so fast. How are you supposed to track what the ghosts are? They just literally blink in and out like the rig? Yeah, it's basically Unplayable because they couldn't display all these sprites and they couldn't they couldn't animate these sprites on screen at the same time Yeah, so the the ghosts are just erratically flashing across the game board. Yeah, it fucking sucked So bad
Starting point is 00:20:41 That's how the show starts. He beats them so hard by doing all this game talk and being pleasant. And then they finally get to the top. And it's just a total sandbag, hey maker. I had the next thing on there. I mean, he won't let it go. He calls them out. They apologize.
Starting point is 00:21:05 So many times. Yep. And then just he has to lay on the guilt. Hey, maker. I don't know. This is like, this game is about the Ghost of Journal of Custer raping a Native American woman. I think that you need like a native perspective to say that that's bad. Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah. So it's sort of like what, like what do you want me to say about that other than to give more like,
Starting point is 00:21:26 really sad context about, you know, like, I mean, it'll just be real. Like, Native American women are like raped, murdered, and go missing at a rate far greater than any ethnicity. And this is something that like, still happens a lot today. So it's like, I don't know, I guess I can offer that perspective,
Starting point is 00:21:42 but also like, that's probably not the most fun thing to talk about in a comedy podcast, you know. hilarious! I thought it was great. This guy must be so much fun to hang out with at parties. I could just imagine. What a fuck up on it. Sir, the soapbox is located right over to your right.
Starting point is 00:21:57 If you want to step up on it and lecture all of us for the next hour, that'd be great. We really want to hear about Native Americans getting raped again. What a fun topic. I want to point out the fact that they apologize up and down. There's a 25 minute span where it's just them apologizing to this guy and this guy saying, yeah, but you're fucked up. Yeah, but you guys are wrong. Yeah, but this is fucked up.
Starting point is 00:22:19 At the end of all of this, he admits how much he loves the fact that they're apologizing to him. Yeah, this is a great just, and we fucked up. Hey, we'll say that more. Yeah. It's like syrup to my ears. Say that more, it's like syrup to my ears. And we fucked up, we were wrong. That's right, it's right you were.
Starting point is 00:22:41 Say it again, say it again, he, say it again. He does it three more times through the end of that fucking Christ. Yeah, what I think there's a there's a good one where Heather tries to say that she had no idea you were native American and that she totally steps on her own dick. Hold on. I have that clip and then if you have something Different, no, it's probably the same. This is great. When we booked you for this episode I did not know that you were native America. I is great. When we booked you for this episode, I did not know that you were Native American. I don't think I'd ever come up in our relationship,
Starting point is 00:23:09 obviously. You fucking know all about this shit. What a fucking liar. I mean, that was the next idea to even book you. I didn't even know I just thought you were a funny cow. No, I don't know anything about that. By the way, he wrote for a fucking Nickelodeon show. That makes that one a funny comedy writer.
Starting point is 00:23:26 You know for a kid's show? Making kids laugh is easy. Making kids laugh is you just fucking jingle your keys for a while. It's not that impressive. Yeah. When we booked you for this episode, I did not know that you were Native American. Like I don't think it had ever come up in our relationship, obviously. I thought of, I thought you were the wrestling guy.
Starting point is 00:23:45 That being said, one of the things that we talked about prior to this, like when we were like, hey, what kind of things should we talk about in this episode? One of the things that I wanted to ask you is, are there any good representations? I think I even worded it this way. Are there any good representations of indigenous people in film or television?
Starting point is 00:24:13 Cause I couldn't think of anything. Oh, so you did know that he was a native American. When we went, why did you, I had no idea you're new to America, but what I wanted to ask you was, as far as Native Americans go. I would ask you all about Native Americans. Right! Heather, you're not fully anyone.
Starting point is 00:24:28 Plus, the email this guy got, it's well documented in the article that he wrote, said, we know your Native American, we want to have you want to talk about Custer's Revege for our Thanksgiving episode. They were well aware of that, it's fine. Heather, it's fine, it's not a big deal. You shouldn't think that you're the worst person. She's trying to let herself off the hook. Because you can tell in her voice,
Starting point is 00:24:50 she's so upset because she's a gay comedy writer. So she thinks that she has all the car blanche to be offended by everything because she's a marginal, she's gay woman. So she's allowed to be offended by everything. So the fact that she's the person that offended somebody else, she can't handle it. Oh, they don't know how to deal with this shit.
Starting point is 00:25:11 They're like, but we're the woke people. What are you? We fucked up? I never been told that before. I tell other people they fucked up. You're telling me I'm fine, but I don't like these rules anymore. I like the rules when I was controlling the board. Sorry, man, you got the royal flush
Starting point is 00:25:26 of lib tart guilt here. Native American. You're four of a kind, so I could have fucking do what he figured out, was it? Dabby, and I love that Joey has to explain that he's not normally like this. You know, I just want you guys to know that this isn't, I'm not like Mr. Callout. think that you know in the time that you guys have known me. I'm pretty mellow, dude
Starting point is 00:25:49 But like that's that's I don't know You're not sure this reminds me of that boy girl rain on the day them theirs podcasts Yes, who was pissed off and everyone that she goes and I don't know why people don't want to hang out with me I'm not gonna call a jack. Yes you are. It's why people don't want to hang out with you You with Joey Cliff you're not fun. You're not fun people to be around Just get over yourself come the fuck down. You think they're gonna have you back now? Oh they have to the problem He'll probably become a permanent fucking co-host Because they have so much white guilt around this whole fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:26:26 She's insane. These guys are... They cannot stop explaining how they fucked up and how terrible people they are. We fucked up. We fucked up very bad. No! Nick, you didn't. You didn't.
Starting point is 00:26:38 It's fine. Yeah. There's nothing wrong with this. I think my clip 15 is everybody... Everybody at the end sufficiently being doled out, you know, a hearty helping of white guilt and all copying to it. Um, I've certainly learned my lesson. I mean, I will never make do something culturally insensitive again. I mean, I feel, I feel, I, I will feel bad about this for...
Starting point is 00:27:05 Maybe the rest of my life. I mean, honestly, for the foreseeable future. Oh my God, please don't. Relax. Because this is what's so annoying about this. This guy, like you said, sandbagged, he could have just said, oh, I don't wanna do that. And maybe he's typing email back to him and say,
Starting point is 00:27:22 guys, I feel like this is a little bit insensitive. I'd love to come out on a show where it's not about Native Americans. I'd like to be known for my comedy writing. I'm into wrestling. I'm a gamer. They would have been fine. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:32 They would have been on another show and they would have been talking to him. Instead, he decided to take this fucking opportunity to blow everything up because he knows that he can't lose this argument. Right. And he makes a point. He's like, oh, we're friends.
Starting point is 00:27:43 I know you from this. I know you from that. We're all blah, blah, blah. And he spends the whole first 20 minutes letting them all believe that he's their friend. Yeah. Until he gets his opportunity. This guy's a fucking asshole. I read. So he wrote an article for the AV club. Okay. And this was posted by Uncle Scam in our subreddit. If you want to check it out, I just have a couple of I underlined here. For Sentence. Last week, I'd guested on the popular Earwolf series, How Did This Get Played, a weekly comedy podcast dedicated to reviewing the world's worst
Starting point is 00:28:13 and weirdest video games. Now there's something extremely incorrect about that sentence. Did you pick up on it? No, I wasn't listening. I guested on the popular Earwolf series. No, was it a heard of the show before? Is that popular? All right.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Second paragraph, he talks about how he got this request that came in to be on the show. And he says, I have two options in responding to this ill-conceived invitation. I could say no and kick the can down the road for the next unsuspecting native guest, passing on a legacy of microaggressions for future native comedians to deal with from here to eternity, or could go on the show and risk my career. This fucking guy is a lunatic. He thought that if he said no, he was kicking the can for these, what does he call it?
Starting point is 00:29:01 A legacy of microaggressions? All of the other native comics I can't come out there. There aren't any they have to deal with it from here to eternity He had to put a stop to it now Andy. This guy is the Martin Luther King of Native podcast guest hosts. Yeah, thank God He was the first one to step in and say we will not be tokenized anymore. Freelast! Fucking idiot. All the fives and fives of listeners really, really.
Starting point is 00:29:30 I didn't even get to report to Joe! You're not gonna Joe Rogan, you fucking moron! I had to put my foot down or you could have just emailed back as I'd rather not do that episode. I know all about Custard Revenge, not a fan of that game, let's just move on. Yeah. Alright, another paragraph down, he goes on to say, the natives who are regularly asked to guest
Starting point is 00:29:49 on popular comedy podcasts can be counted on less than a single hand. If I didn't approach this conversation exactly right, I could be destroying a small but crucial keyhole that we have in the mainstream media. He is taking out this burden for an entire race of people. I'm going to be the one to get us through this. What a fucking douche. What a pompous, pompous douche. I'm so frightened. Just can you fucking see. It's so self-righteous.
Starting point is 00:30:20 They even talk about it at the mainstream media. the end. They're like, oh, what other native things could be support And he's like, there really aren't any. Yeah There aren't a lot of you left. It's not a good thing. I'm up celebrating it. No one's just about it. It's fine All right, so then he goes on. This is like the fourth paragraph So he says the easy and all too common thing to do when confronted with this type of racial misstep would be to screen cat the invitation posted on Twitter and bathe myself in internet mob justice like a hot shower on a cold morning. That was his thought process.
Starting point is 00:30:58 I'm going to get them in trouble. What I can do is I can take this invitation. I can let them know that they're marginalizing me and I'm being tokenized and I can do is I can take this invitation, I can let them know that they're marginalizing me, and I'm being tokenized, and I can put it on Twitter, and everyone's gonna know, you guys suck. That's where your brain goes. What are you gonna asshole? Yeah, yeah, say it's here, yes. The hard thing to do would be to calmly educate Nick Heather
Starting point is 00:31:16 and their listeners about why what they did was wrong. This was the decision that he made. I'm gonna calmly educate them. And what they did was wrong Actually, what you should have done was educate them in a funny and entertaining way as a comedian You could have done all this stuff. You could have said that you didn't feel good about it Yeah, I still had a little bit of fucking fun with that. Yeah, I don't think there's an ounce of fun in this guy's body now Now and I'm gonna prove that too because remember this guy is a
Starting point is 00:31:45 quote unquote comedy writer. Yeah. He wrote this piece. Listen to these sentences right here. I'm assuming he's going for humor. The second option to have a serious dialogue is harder than beating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania with my hands tied behind my back. What? That's not funny. Do you know the wrestling is all stage? Yeah. You know the convince the writer to let you win that match. Would Nick and Heather even engage in this difficult conversation or would they brush it off?
Starting point is 00:32:18 Like the millions of internet commoners who treat even the smallest amount of criticism like Dracula treats garlic. What? Like Dracula treats garlic. What? What? Dracula treats garlic. What kind of fucking reference is this?
Starting point is 00:32:31 This is what his comedy mind goes to. They're gonna brush it off like Dracula treats garlic. They get burned and Dracula gets burned by garlic. You're right, he doesn't brush it off. You're burning them. It's a problem. You're ruined their show. It's right, it's not even a good metaphor. Doesn't make fucking sense. You're burning them. It's a problem. You're ruined. They're show. It's right It's not even good metaphor. Doesn't make fucking sense the whole time I was listening to it
Starting point is 00:32:49 I'm like talk about the fucking game. I know. All right. I'm going on here's more of his hilariousness I had one shot at this and if I wanted the conversation to be anything less than a total disaster I had a thread a needle the size of an anthel with a piece of thread thicker than the golden gate bridge. Oh my god. What's the fucking pie? This fucking guy goes out in there, stutters and stammer's all over the place, and acts like he pulled out this brilliant maneuver that saves entire culture. Seriously, that's what he's saying.
Starting point is 00:33:18 He's fake say. Come the fuck down, douchebag. You're not funny or interesting, and you did nothing for Native America. And you put all this thought into doing this, when if it was my podcast, I would never wanna put this out. Well, if they didn't put it out, it would have been an even bigger deal.
Starting point is 00:33:35 What are you hiding? And this guy could have had a fucking tape recorder in his pocket, so you didn't wanna put this out, cause I got about it to bullshit. What they should have done is had a preamble. They should have put it out with a preamble that said this. The podcast you're about to hear had a guest on that we'll never talk to again. He's a super douche who thinks he's saving the world and he's not.
Starting point is 00:33:54 He's just an asshole and annoying. Anyway, enjoy the show or never listen to it. It's terrible. Yeah. That's really what should have happened. All right. Last thing I wish they had done that because I would ride his whistle. That we wouldn't be having all this fun. All right, last thing that I want to read, he says later on in the article,
Starting point is 00:34:13 casually asking me to review a game about the rape of a Native American woman for the Thanksgiving episode of a comedy podcast without a hint of understanding as to why that's a ridiculous thing to ask someone is the email equivalent of covering me in a blanket made entirely of cockroaches. What? I thought you were going to go a small poth.
Starting point is 00:34:33 Yes, I was just going to say. Of the cockroaches. You don't even know your own culture. What are you talking about? This is the podcast equivalent of a small poth's blanket. That would have been a funnier joke. So this is the thing that I wanna point out about all of this. They're talking about this video game
Starting point is 00:34:51 that's not a serious video game, it's a joke game. These are all comedians who don't get the joke. They're widely offended by it. They even talk about another game that the same company Mystique put out. Oh right, called beat him in EW. Yeah, this is the description of that game. Can I talk about one of the other games that Mystique developed, uh, beat him in E.M. Players control two new women on the street who must could, Mims and Steeke's developer
Starting point is 00:35:18 of this game, who must catch Simon and their mouse that comes from a masturbating man on a rooftop. It is so fucking disgusting. What is wrong with these people? Why are they offended by everything? It's a fucking video game. There are some actual victims in here. It's supposed to be disgusting. It's supposed to be for dumb kids.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Right. In the 80s, how are they not understanding this? Yeah. And now you're a podcaster in 2019 that has to be responsible for all the ill-conceived Rachel injustices No one's blaming you. You don't have to comment on this. No, no one gives a shit
Starting point is 00:35:55 Responsibility you don't have to take it all to heart just because You have to feel like oh god. I can't say anything or else They're gonna hate me for life. They even, they love when these fucking assholes, they don't realize that everyone can be offended by everything. Yeah. When you boil it down. So they'll say shit and then catch themselves.
Starting point is 00:36:15 When they're talking about this video game where you play a homeless person. Yeah, I mean, that's why I love like, you know, games like Papers, please, or like, there's a game called like, Change, the homeless game where you play as a homeless person, but it's not like fun, it's just sad. Okay. And it's like, the game game called like change the homeless game where you play as a homeless person but it's not like fun It's just sad
Starting point is 00:36:27 It's like the game is just like busking and I don't know it's a game of fine homeless Oh, I love it. I show it's okay for a Native American to laugh at the Situation of a homeless person because they get free-rooted board right and then the basic reservation gets to grow up on You're welcome Want to pay taxes? No, I don't fine don't This is a junk people these are jokes. I don't realize my buddy Jay. I'm sure he's listening right now It was also a date of American probably western murder me right now
Starting point is 00:36:57 No, but how funny is that thing I go I've been playing this game here a homeless person and you got a boss Can I it's a game of fighting homelessness and oh shit? I'm a bad person a bad person the girls like it yeah yeah see you see what's going on here next week I can have a homeless guy on this guy they fucking butter I would listen to that all right here's the thing that I want to point out guys you're talking about video games this is not a serious subject it's not herming anyone in any way matter what they program into the video game whether you're pissing out a Prostitute or whatever goes out in video games. It's fine People are not going on pissing on prostitutes because they played grand theft auto right
Starting point is 00:37:34 Just understand that this is not a serious topic. It's not being so fucking serious about it. You're supposed to be comedians fuck Good and they're not comedians. It's a very beginning, there's this catchphrase they have. Hello everyone. Oh, you familiar with us? Yes. Listen to how much fake laughter, fake over the top laughter there is, to just nothing comments. I've heard that, you know what?
Starting point is 00:37:59 Interestingly, someone got a tattoo that said hello everyone is the best catchphrase of all time. And sentiment is widely shared Oh, that was actually that was me that was my Yeah, that's your full chance Yeah, it's written written in fire Skulls in it because I think it's real punk. I look it looks great Yes, it's such a doughboy show. We'll just say random shit. It's funny, right? No
Starting point is 00:38:30 He's supposed to be witty. That's what's funny or yell to the microphone Whatever works for you Carl's torn all his hair out listeners That's what the player rock show tonight is. It's gonna be on fire it up. Andy, what are you going to put off? I mean, anything else we haven't touched on yet? Not really.
Starting point is 00:38:52 We had a lot of duplicate clips. That's so glaring what the worst shit is. Mix kind of like throws out the, that they did the Custer's Revenge of Podcasts. You could play the Custer podcast. It's ironic that we've kind of created the Custer's Revenge of Podcasts, you could play the Custer Podcast. It's ironic that we've kind of created the Custer's Revenge of Podcast episodes. Yeah, I was like so offensively booking you for this.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Yeah, yeah. I disagree, Custer Revenge is a fun game. There's nothing fun about this. I don't know, I'm never playing it. I watched it on YouTube, it looks like it was fun. I don't know. So the whole point of this is that it's the tokenization. Yeah. That sucks, right? This is what Joey's all upset about. I've been tokenized. He says,
Starting point is 00:39:30 and like, you know, for anybody listening, uh, tokenizing people sucks. And like, right, like, you know, it genuinely bumps you out. So I have to apologize to Andy because I've, I'm guilty of this. I don't know if you remember, but the very first time I had you on as a co-host, I'm guilty of this. I don't know if you remember, but the very first time I had you on as a co-host, I picked out a podcast that I thought really aligned with who you are as a person. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:51 I fear that if the LGBT movement is any indicator, there is a long, long, long road ahead for Zeus, possibly without end. From the most part, we have to keep our sexual orientation secret hidden and socially reserved to online communities where we can remain mostly anonymous. Just thinking about my own life, if I were to publicly announce I'm a zoo sexual, it would profoundly change my life, but not in a good way.
Starting point is 00:40:17 Those who love me would still love me, but I would immediately be drenched in the stigma that comes with such an extreme departure from quote the way things should be unquote. It would affect one's variability to walk down the street without people avoiding, shunning or harassing you because it's okay to be like that to an animal fucker. That's what we are to the majority of non-sus. We are not seen as animal lovers, we are animal fuckers. Remember that, Andy? You felt really uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:40:46 because I was making fun of it. And you're like, oh, it's everyone you teach their own. I don't remember that episode. I don't think I put it out. Oh, hey, if people can marry lamps and the Eiffel towers, you can fucking animal. This is a pot now. By the way, that podcast, it's called Zueer than Thou.
Starting point is 00:41:03 This guy Phil Bernel sent it to me and it's two hours long on YouTube I started listening to it. I think they're serious. I think it's I think it's two people talking about fucking animals in a serious manner I couldn't tell and I started getting upset and I emailed Phil back and I'm like is this is this real and I haven't heard back So it's gotta be real. I think it is. I don't know what the fuck is going on. It's okay to fuck everything now. I don't want to talk about fucking animals for a long time. I just wanted to use this as a quick bit on this episode. We'll never talk about it again, Jesus. All right, so everybody can feel sufficiently,
Starting point is 00:41:35 you know, are we all standing with standing rock yet? Are we all sad that the Indians crying over the litter? Can we all stop feeling bad about that one time you went to your Asian friends house and their family portrait was crooked. And you said, that picture's the fullest glance. Jesus Christ. And now that you can't forget it
Starting point is 00:41:58 and you can't live it down and you can't hang out with that friend anymore. Oh, fuck it, I guess we're all doomed to feel bad. The last one because we're white for the rest of our lives. The last clip I want to play is just again, they don't understand the joke behind this game. The fucking game sucks. It sucks for it sucks for Native Americans. It sucks for women. Like if like. It sucks for women like if like Heather It's a game lighten up. She's tried it. She's trying to say I'm with you. I know I'm a woman
Starting point is 00:42:30 I know he's raping a Native American women your Native Americans. I'm a woman. We're on the same side Please stop attacking me Yes, and I would agree with her stop attacking her don't call the show next time all right Joey you fucking suck. And you're not, your self righteousness is unjustified. Yep. Calm down, get over yourself. But as far as...
Starting point is 00:42:53 Why it's something funny? This way I told Carl this needed to be the cringy of the week. I just wanted it to be like one little clip. Yeah. And then I listened to it a little more and I was like, this needs to be its own show. Yeah, because they just hit on it and then moved on it would have been cringes of the week Yeah, but it became the whole fucking podcast was about like you guys are assholes. Yeah, I know you keep telling me that I know I got it. I feel terrible
Starting point is 00:43:16 So our friend are we ready to move on? Oh God, please let's cool I got a lot of things to talk about today. Our friend, PJ Filium. Okay. This guy has been writing some songs for us that we've played on the show before. Yes. And he came out with a new track that is about our buddy Patrick Michael,
Starting point is 00:43:35 aka Sheamus McKillian. Yep. And Sheamus McTod. It's a delight. Yep, so Todd does a podcast. Well, he does lots of podcast out of his trailer home and This is a fun little ditty the PJ put together for us You like to talk about sucking cock? Does that need tons of fags? Yes, I can take it.
Starting point is 00:44:05 He knows Carl talks about him. Does that mean he slaps bags? Todd is in the closet. At least we talk on Mike. While his kids are in the other room totally unsupervised. The ad comes up on a podcast posted by some random man. You should start a new podcast sponsored by IncarethVam. He sets it down though.
Starting point is 00:44:27 He's episode to be as good as gold. A podcasting my trailer home. And a closet in my trailer home. I'll make 20 shows. About what? No one knows. An attrition of the Anklass. A podcasting my trailer home.
Starting point is 00:44:42 Plenty of shows. But nothing's safe. Maybe y'all in it. I was just shows, but nothing's safe. Maybe I'll admit I'll be out there. We just like a title, maybe how much stuff? Going on in my life, going off on an adventure. Gary, I'm not so sure. The rest of it be scary enough, so I made my girlfriend dry. The thought of those Indiana's made me fall down to the ground.
Starting point is 00:45:03 Before we even got halfway, I made my girlfriend turn around. You just have to download too much at stake to make a debut, go. Gary, Indiana. Gary, Indiana. Tazelire. Gary's a place he never drove.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I know something's going to be here. Tazelire. It is a lie. Tazelire. Tazelire. Tazelire. Tazelire. Tazelire. The brilliance of PJ is some people would have gone back and said I could probably do that better I'm gonna take out a penis like no that's perfect. It is perfect. It's perfect. Fucking down it. The outro to that song is Nothing short of genius. It's an earworm. Oh sure is man. It's stuck in your head fucking all day. Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta Ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta So much love, so much respect to Carl today. Very special at song for Carl. It's amazing how many people flew in for this. I keep on hashtag reasing Selling out of t-shirts every day
Starting point is 00:46:39 Carl reels my beta Well, that means that there's money to make I'm making lots of money For me, these two shirts are flying off of the shelf I hope Anthony dies next Man, I bet those shirts were really sell I really like this penthouse That I have overlooking central park
Starting point is 00:47:04 So I'll keep on re-using This is the best penthouse that I have overlooking central park So I'll keep on reasing I'm monetizing the depth of my best friend and car It was amazing! We're off to Bonn I don't think I have enough toys Record a show with the candy Even though he's retarded and gay, fly out to Gaiviere, Recording tension was in one day,
Starting point is 00:47:31 The rollabout covered wist, I'll keep on milking this thing dry, I'm making more money. It's amazing! With Carl dead, then when he was alive, Yahoo needs more votes. It's amazing! So much love! So much respect! I hate that! He definitely paid your salary for quite a while. I like that. I think I forgot to play that.
Starting point is 00:48:11 Someone will tell me. I've never heard that. Oh, it's awesome. Yeah, I feel bad that I forgot that, because I was brilliant. And that brings us to our next segment. I'm the man, I'm the good of that! I'm the man, I'm the bad! Bum, bum, bum, bum, bum, bum! Bum! We listened to OP radio.
Starting point is 00:48:37 He put out a brand new episode, wandering New York City Instagram Live question. He's on fire. It's amazing. Because he gets back on the Instagram live and he's just standing in Central Park, rambling about nonsense, reacting to people's comments. Yeah, it's a great. He's a commenting live and he's just talking about whatever anybody throws up on his screen.
Starting point is 00:49:00 It's Obi-Unfilter, which is my favorite type of office. Yes, yeah, this is one of the best ones. It just says the dumbest shit. Yeah, which is my favorite type of yes. Yeah, this is one of the best Just as the dumbest shit. Yeah, I'm gonna start off really tame Really out on the show he's talking about because they're talking about caraway shocker Yep, and he talks about what happens when you die. Yeah, and nobody knows. Sorry, sounds of us don't tell me you know what happens No one knows What do you think happens when you die? Do you go back into the soil and then your fertilizer for this fine tree right here in Central Park
Starting point is 00:49:30 or the grass? What happens? Do you think you're kind of hanging out on a cloud with people that died before you? Is that what you think? What do you think? What do you think? What do you think?
Starting point is 00:49:43 Can you explain how stupid that is? So deep. He says one thing that is 100% factual, and then the other thing that no one knows. It's not one or the other. He goes, what do you think happens when you die? Do you think that your body becomes fertilized? Or do you think you're going to happen?
Starting point is 00:49:58 Like, it's maybe both. It's one thing that it's likely to be, and then one thing is definitely not. Are you sitting on a cloud? Are you sitting on a cloud? Or does your your body this is not up for debate no all right and then my first clip is he starts speculating about reincarnation and if Carl were to come back as a pigeon there was an afterlife Carl would come back as a pigeon and shit on my head that my friends I could tell you would prove to me
Starting point is 00:50:25 there's an afterlife. Hopefully someone will shit out his head. I don't have to come back for the dad. I'll shit on your head right now for free. So after he talks about is there an afterlife or not? He does something that is the epitome of the difference between OP and his former co-host, Anthony. You wanna be fed to the pigs when you die? What movie was that? What movie was that with Brad Pitt where they fed the dude to the pigs?
Starting point is 00:50:54 I forgot the name, I love that stupid movie too. It's been many, many years since I've seen it. Snatch. Bodies. So this is the difference between... Like an idiot. OP and Anthony, OP brings up a movie reference. Doesn't even know the title of the movie.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Anthony, if you bring up any movie, he'll know dialogue from it. He'll do the impression spot on. He'll talk about the problem with the third act. Right. OP is just like, yeah, what was that movie? There was a scene that I liked. I don't remember what it was called.
Starting point is 00:51:21 That's not an interesting conversation. You're not a good podcast, podcast. I want to hear Anthony doing stathom. What else you got out of this episode? I just didn't have time. I wanted to do a super cut of every time he brought up the fact that Carl died. But he's somebody suggests that he goes back to the shaman because that was a running gag for a long time, and he's got to keep it running. Someone saying, I need the shaman again. I gotta tell you, since Carl's passing,
Starting point is 00:51:53 I've been thinking about dipping back into the shaman, dipping back one more time, because one of the times I was with the shaman, and we were in deep meditation, and he was doing raky and he was brushing me with leaves and tree branches and we were snorting the Peruvian shit. He said that I had a lot of enemies.
Starting point is 00:52:15 And in deep meditation, he was shooting arrows at all my enemies. And he was cupping my balls and fighting my ear. He's saying it like it was so erratic. Can I point something out? I don't know anything about shaman or this deep meditation where they're also snorting shaman. I just really clipped his probably gonna contact us about this now.
Starting point is 00:52:36 So I don't know anything about this, but within meditation it's all about self-realization, understanding who you are, shutting everything out, in his world, his shaman, is murdering his enemies. That's the opposite of becoming one with yourself. Right, and whole. Not realizing what you've done and what you could do to improve yourself. No, you want a mystical man to magically kill your enemies for you.
Starting point is 00:53:08 And not for nothing, it might be Cuban. You might be getting all your enemies laid. Yeah. That was a stupid joke. I don't know what I'm talking about. All right. He's in love with this shaman. So OP, the reason why I haven't been talking about OP a lot lately
Starting point is 00:53:21 and people have been giving me shit about it is because he's just been on this fucking Crowey's tribute tour. Yeah. He's been doing it for a month but thank god he's ready to move on. And finally two months later I think we're done with the memorials and I'll be honest with you I'm relieved I need I need to kind of put that behind me and and uh you know move forward. Yeah I think I think it might be a good idea to stop talking about your friend who died back in September and figure out the fuck you're doing. Yeah, he even says he has no idea what he's doing. Yeah, I had a radio show. I've had many radio shows which brings me to this point. I'm not really sure what to do next. I really, really enjoyed doing the podcast with Carl, but now I got to figure out what the next move is. Anyone have any ideas? A little star too, weier than that to everybody. I don't really mean that.
Starting point is 00:54:28 It's a joke. Obviously one of these two narcissistic to do that. It's a joke. We never hope you were on the Keep Putting Up Podcasts. He's had multiple chances to figure out what to do next. And it's probably same old bullshit. Because that's what you've done every other time you got fired from Westwood one or you got fired from Series XM.
Starting point is 00:54:50 By the way, I got to point this out. I'm sorry. I hit the interrupt you like that. I cut you off. Last week I played this clip where he was playing the Patrice tribute. Yeah. And he says, oh, they're telling me I got to say this thing. And I was like, well, who's telling you?
Starting point is 00:55:06 You have to show now. Who's telling you? No one's telling you. And it was all produced, everything. And there was opian Anthony. So that was all from opian Anthony. He didn't even put anything new on it. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:17 He just took all opian Anthony stuff. And there was a person who reached out to me through DM, his name rhymes with Bego. I don't know who it was. But he was the one who put all of that together. Okay, he created 16 hours of Patrice Tributes for Open Anthony back when they were on Serious XM. OP is not using that with permission, he doesn't even own it. Ha, ha, ha, this person opined that perhaps
Starting point is 00:55:39 OP ripped it from the internet and just put it out in his feed. He's already put out another one since that. Oh my God. He's putting out Patrice Tributes from the old Opie and Anthony show that he has no permission for. Yeah, and he talks about it. They asked him to be a part of some documentary about Patrice and he wouldn't do it
Starting point is 00:55:56 because they wanted him to do it with Anthony. Oh, what a douche. Yeah, so we can all look forward to more of the same fucking nonsense. And I mean, this might, it really might be the death rate. It sounds like he really doesn't know what he's doing right now. That's for sure. He never is.
Starting point is 00:56:13 Maybe we can get Mike Saffel back on the show and figure out what's next. Right. But before we get too far away from the Carl Memorial stuff, he talks about seeing Carl's mom and how he didn't know what to say to her. How tough was it listening to Carl's mom? My god, every time I see her, every time I see her, I say to myself, oh, go up there and say something that'll take all her pain away. something that'll take all her pain away. Say something. And every time I tried, it was very obvious to myself. And of course, you know, Carl's mom, that nothing was gonna help.
Starting point is 00:56:55 He was just talking to her the way he would talk to Carl. Hey, I brought this fish. Will you cook it for me? You ever tell him how fished on at my house? You're gonna love this, Carl's mom. I have a name. Whatever, Carl's mom. Is it Ola? I don't know where the Ola is. Oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:57:17 I'm gonna piece of shit. All right. Well, then he goes on. It comes up multiple times on the show about... I mean, it's gotta be all anybody ever asked him about, because they only want to hear about the ONA days. So, there's a bit of a super cut about every time the ONA reunion comes up. Sorry about Carl, K-A-R-L, but the time is right for an open-and-through reunion. I looked at this text message like you're
Starting point is 00:57:45 fucking insane. If we could have just figured out our issues, me and Anthony back in the day we would have taken over Howard and then like it quickly just went back to pretty much not liking each other unfortunately and through that whole time we are nipping at Howard's heels. As soon as Carl died We are nipping at Howard's heels. As soon as Carl died, Anthony's company compound media reached out to me to try to figure something out. And I just could not do that. For myself, I couldn't do it.
Starting point is 00:58:14 I couldn't do it for Carl. I wouldn't be able to look at my fan base. They'd be like, oh my God, you're this desperate that Carl dies and you run back to Anthony? Fan base. I know I said some shooting things earlier on the podcast about Anthony, but I'll say this. I think after doing that show for so many years,
Starting point is 00:58:30 we just wore each other out. Basically, they wanted me and Anthony to do our interview together. And I haven't seen Anthony in five and a half years. I don't intend to see him anytime soon. And I certainly know that that would be impossible to sit next to him. We get it. You're not going to do it. You know what I do it. Well, last bit was about the pretries thing. So, Opie is still, and you would think
Starting point is 00:58:59 with the shaman and all of the therapy he's been in. He wouldn't be blaming other people for where he's at in life, but he's still doing it. He explains that he's very pissed off with Jim Norton. Oh, Jim Norton, a very, very bitter unhappy man. I don't know why he's still bitter and unhappy. He literally took the Opian Anthony show away from me and Anthony. Some day Anthony will understand that too. Literally took it away from us, took it from us
Starting point is 00:59:28 right under our noses, doing a terrible, terrible version of the Open Anthony show. Now, Open, what are you talking about? Anthony was fired and then it was you and Jim. You both shot yourselves in the heat. Right, and he was either one left to pick up the pieces. Of course, he didn't steal the show from you. It wasn't a diabolical scheme that he had and of course Opie goes on to explain after he just talked all this shit about Jim what Jim's doing on his show.
Starting point is 00:59:55 Scott, what's left of our fan base over there at Sirisexam and he still obsesses and takes his dumb stupid shots at me. Oh, good. I don't think Jim's obsessed with OP. No, not at all. Jim was just in the Irishman. Yeah, he's in an obscure sazy movie. He's not worried about OP. He's doing just fine. He's doing just fine.
Starting point is 01:00:19 And I love that he's going, Jim Nords a fucking asshole. And you know what he's doing? He's taking shots at me. What's OP? Do you have do you know self realization at all how could he not your fucking joke and then he goes on to talk shit about Sam Roberts and this is surprising because Opie hates Anthony and Opie hates Jim but did you know who the worst person is? I honestly could tell you that I think Sam is the worst at all of them.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Got one on vacation with my family. He was at family functions. He was in the hospital when both my kids were born. And for him to do what he did a few years ago is just unforgivable to be honest with you. I think it's a very very damaged person. A little projecting there, Opie. Sam's a damaged person. Opie, you're removed from the morning show and given an afternoon slot. Sam was offered the job and he said yes. I know. This fucking guy is the worst ever. Because he accepted a job offer. He distanced himself from somebody who's professional cancer right Oh, but you guys are so fired for taking a picture of someone shitting at work. You fucking idiot
Starting point is 01:01:32 I love that you think it's everyone else's fault. It's not it's not everyone else's fault I'm surprised you're not on his side on this one that he was shaming somebody for shitting at work Yeah, I mean I would prefer you don't shit at work, but I promise y'all never take your picture while you're doing it. You have like a microphone with a camera on the stall. Every time somebody walks in there, they're like, what are you doing?
Starting point is 01:01:56 No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I don't think that's a very good idea. Don't be turned to the round. I see what you're up to. Go trade yourself. Kagle your asshole. Uh, do you have anything else you want to talk about? Sure, yeah, I have a whole thing that I want to get into but it's gonna be a little bit of a package
Starting point is 01:02:10 Okay, well he does Just two or three more things he has a story About how he just can't handle being nice to cancer kids And then this woman I'll never forget it. She goes she leans down. Oh hold on. Okay, that's part of my packet Oh, okay, should I just get into it because this is a bombshell. I have a bombshell here. Okay, this episode has something that was so Egregious and you wouldn't pick up on it if you weren't paying close attention and I'll admit that I had Someone right into me and before I listen to the show tip me off to this. Okay. It helped me understand what was going on here. OP is talking about when they used to be in Boston.
Starting point is 01:02:50 OP and Anthony were in Boston on WAF. Right. And they got fired when they did a Napier Fools prank saying that the mayor died in a car accident. Right. OP has now revised history in a number of ways, one way in saying that that was all his grand plan to get them out of Boston and in New York. And that's when I decided Anthony, we're moving on to the big time.
Starting point is 01:03:17 And that's when I got ourselves fired. And it got us to New York City, and I've been here ever since. Yeah, he decided, he's like, I'm sick of this place, I'm gonna get this fired, and we're gonna get an amazing job in New York. That's not what happened at all! They got fired, they were fucking panicking, they know what was gonna happen to them. He's trying to take all the credit. He's taking all the credit for this grand scheme that he had,
Starting point is 01:03:40 and he goes on to talk about it again. I needed to make more money, there's one reason why we blew our shit up and said the mayor died so we could, you know, go to a much bigger gig. Okay, so this is why he said that he wanted to go to a bigger gig. So they said the mayor died knowing that they would get fired for doing that. Why would you know that you would get fired for that?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Either way, why would it be? Why would everybody just be like, oh, there's the mayor on TV. He's not dead. Right. who cares? Oh, that was a lame bit. It's weird that they got fired for it. So Bruce Mittman was the programming director at WAAF. And he came up with a scheme to get the mayor to forgive him.
Starting point is 01:04:19 And he came up with a scheme that they could throw pies at opening it in his face for doing this, you know, the mayor died bit. Bruce Mittman, I guess I'm telling all this, I didn't mean to, this was going to be quick. I mean God bless Bruce Mittman because he was trying to save our asses, but he was trying to save our asses because we were making him so much money up there in Boston. So he's like, all right, I got to figure out how I show Boston that these guys are really, really good guys. So he calls the mayor's office and he goes, look, the boys are sorry. Let's have a little fun with what happened.
Starting point is 01:04:54 We'll put them in stocks like the old days because it's Boston in the middle of Fanniel Hall and you could throw pies at their face and then their fans could line up. Everyone that's mad and bossing can line up and just throw pies in open Anthony's faces all afternoon. So this is the solution to this problem, because the program director wants to keep open Anthony
Starting point is 01:05:16 and their popular show, and there's all of this fallout from this April Fool's prank. Right. This is a true story. I found a news report from Boston talking about this specific thing. Now the Mayor plans to file a complaint with the FCC and he may even sue the radio station. W-A-A-F management says they've offered to let the mayor throw pies in the DJ's faces to raise money for charity.
Starting point is 01:05:40 But tonight, Opie and Anthony told me they will not go along with that. Sean. All right. Thank you. So according to everything we've just heard, the mayor's pest, he wants to file a complaint, sue the station over this for false information or fake news. Remember, they called it back then. And the remedy is you can throw pies in open air, which sounds ridiculous, but it's real.
Starting point is 01:06:02 It was reported on by the news. He was really the thing that this guy came up with. Yeah. He openly said, no, we're getting pines on our face. So what are you retarded? Of course we're not doing that. It's funny that a bad idea was new. A bad idea that didn't, they didn't go through with.
Starting point is 01:06:16 Yeah. Was news. It was, yeah, right. That was a weird piece for the news. Oh, you're mad and you want to throw pies at him? No, okay. Right, I'm not even being brought up him no okay Conversation that was had so in opi's retarded brain He's made up this entire story that goes along with this that the pies were already purchased now
Starting point is 01:06:35 Remember only the heavy hasn't even agreed to that and neither did the mayor say like that's a great idea Let's throw pies at these guys and then all is forgiven But according to opi the pies were purchased and they had to do something with them So then Bruce is like, well, how do I spin this and I just spend all this money on pies? And the holiday is right around the corner. This could be more great press. Did you hear that? This is an April Fool's prank. The holiday is right around the corner And I can get the Boston hurled and their
Starting point is 01:07:07 photographer and they can take all sorts of pictures with opian Anthony and their pies. And we can give it to a charity and then everyone in Boston is like, oh, they're just wacky shocked, jocks. They fucked up. But look, their hearts are in the right place. So we went along with that and brought the pies because he now had the pies to a hospital for very, very sick kids, very sick kids. So OP is making up this entire fucking story. This never had any sense. This doesn't make any sense. So apparently they get up with an idea, we'll buy pies and you can throw them at OP and Anthony. No one's agreed to this, but the pies have often purchased.
Starting point is 01:07:47 There's all these fucking pies. By the way, you don't even actually have real pies, there's no pies at someone. It's just whipped cream. I feel like this program director Bruce's brother owns a bakery or something like, why would you have all these pies you have to get rid of? He wants to fix everything with pies. I'm ready to do it. Let's get more pies. We're not throwing the pies around guys. That's the problem here So this fucking dipshit says
Starting point is 01:08:11 We had all these pies and we wanted to try to get everybody back on our side because they were all pissed it Also, we decided to give the pies to cancer kids in the hospital at Christmas time in April And then it goes out and tell this emotional story that's made up because none of this makes any fucking sense This is so shitty and then this I'll never forget this little girl was singing her oh god I'm an emotional wreck these days, so hopefully you get through this but it's made up story So this this little girl is singing Christmas carols and she's singing her fucking lungs out and just picture like Cindy Luhu and I'm like wow this girl's got a beautiful or this little girl has a beautiful voice
Starting point is 01:08:57 and then I'm standing next to someone and they're basically saying you know it's got a great voice doesn't she you know like yeah really a wonderful great voice, doesn't she? I'm like, yeah, really? Wonderful voice, my God. How's she doing? And then this woman, I'll never forget it. She goes, she leans down, and what's worse to me? She goes, this is gonna be her last Christmas. And I'm like, what the fuck? None of that is true.
Starting point is 01:09:20 First of all, people work in a hospital, would that say that? Yeah, I don't know. Maybe, I don't know. Maybe, I don't know. But the end of that is he's just like, oh, I gotta get outta here. That's the only believable part of the story. As they're like, oh, this little girl really needs some emotional support.
Starting point is 01:09:34 And he's left. And he's like, fuck that shit. I'm outta here. Is that the dumbest thing ever, though? Oh, he says this shit, yeah, I ran into Kurt Schilling during spring training in Buffalo, New York. Opie, are you even listening to yourself? What are you talking about? Fuck it, idiot.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Andy, what else you got on Opie? Anything that I didn't cover just now? Couple of things. Cool. I think Sky Bruce is a real piece of work, apparently. Okay. Usually the pie guy. Yes. And usually if somebody does something horrible,
Starting point is 01:10:07 you don't recount it like verbatim. It was basically the minority veterans group. So basically black men and women that fought a Vietnam said we'll take your money. And Bruce comes in with a giant check, I wish I could remember the amount. It was a healthy amount. And basically said to me at after they...
Starting point is 01:10:28 He goes, thanks you guys. Once again, I can't play golf today because I gotta deliver this check to the shuggies. Exact quote. Jesus! This guy is still alive and he still runs a company. Opie! That's an asshole. What a fucking asshole! He's still alive and he still runs a company. Opie. That's such an asshole. What a fucking asshole. I didn't even know that I assume that's a slur.
Starting point is 01:10:50 I don't even know that one, but if it's not, why would you be like, well, this guy loves to call black people? Name says it's like, how is that open? Oh my god. It's just like, maybe don't say that. And what sucks is that now people are gonna know
Starting point is 01:11:05 we said that because we just played that our show. Yeah. All right. I think the very last thing I have, it's just, if you watch somebody set a trap for you, do you just step right in it? Usually not. Yeah, not, not Opie.
Starting point is 01:11:21 Been doing this since I was 18. That's a hater, everybody. Let's give a go gonzo Joe some credit for being a hater because that's his whole life. He needs to hate. What people say, been doing this since I was 18 because I've said that a lot. You sure have.
Starting point is 01:11:40 I don't know why that's a slam by repeating that back to me, but it's a slam because you suck at this I've been doing this as I think you should be good by now I guess it is but yeah, I've been doing this a really fucking long time I knew this is what I wanted to do when I was listening to radio shows out in New York when I was a kid And started practicing in my in my room It was kind of an escape for me, because we had kind of a crazy household.
Starting point is 01:12:09 So what do you do? You listen to the radio. And yeah, and all of a sudden, you feel like you're part of something. And then, you know, I was lucky enough to start doing this at 18. Yeah, I'm proud of that, actually. I hate you, I think it's so funny. So he's like, I've been doing this at 18.
Starting point is 01:12:24 And he's like, well, what's wrong with with that I'll tell it all over again. Yeah Well, he's reading the comments in his Instagram live feed. Yeah, you fucking suck. Oh, oh, oh Is that this person doesn't like me? You know shit don't read everything that's out there. They're mocking me. Oh, I'll just Roll right into why you're mocking me All over again. All right, the last thing I have, at the end he talks about Westwood Wann, he had a great relationship working with Westwood Wann, but there was one episode, they wouldn't let him put out.
Starting point is 01:12:53 Right, yeah. So he explains that story. They basically came to me and said, hey man, we don't want that episode out. And I'm like, what? It was going to be one of my best episodes at the time. And I really thought it was going to get, you know, a little bit of a buzz because at that time, it was like April, Alk's Jones was really, really hot. Let me set the story because we did review this show. He put it up on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:13:21 OP is walking around Washington, DC with his Zoom recorder and all of a sudden I don't know where Alex Jones is there with a megaphone. Yeah, OP stops and just records Alex Jones shouting like a maniac into a megaphone. Again, the difference between OP and Anthony. Anthony has Alex Jones on as a guest to talk about what's going on with him getting de-platformed. OP runs into him on the street, records him yelling and says, this is gonna be one of my best amount of songs.
Starting point is 01:13:50 He's not even talking to you, OP. You're not even interviewing him. This is how far you followed any fucking retard with a phone in their pocket could have said, I'm putting a podcast with Alex Jones on it because he's yelling like a lunatic in Washington DC. It's Alex's, Alex Jones's show, not in that show. That's right. Because he's yelling like a lunatic in Washington DC. It's Alex's, Alex Jones' show, not your show. And that Westwood one is just like, uh, Opie. Sometimes you actually have on celebrity guests.
Starting point is 01:14:13 This is embarrassing. That you're putting this out, can you not put that out as a Westwood one podcast? Yeah. We have real podcasters out our network. You're making us look bad. I'm gonna go to the comedy club and just record the comedian doing the set.
Starting point is 01:14:26 And then I'm gonna put it out as a packet to be like, this is my podcast. It's pretty much what he's fucking saying. I can idiot. We had a couple of shows talk about us this week recently. One of them being my friends over at the No Agenda Show. Yeah. And I want to thank Zachary McClain for donating to the show and calling out WATP. Yes, and then Zachary McLean comes in next at Cottage Grove, Minnesota, nuts, 200.
Starting point is 01:14:54 That's not a big group today. Thanks to the WATP for mentioning the show. Wait, WATP? Oh, who are these podcasts? Oh, okay. Who are these podcasts? Yeah, it's a very good podcastP. Oh, who are these podcasts? Oh, okay. Who are these podcasts? Yeah, it's a very good podcast. We were on.
Starting point is 01:15:07 We were on who are these podcasts? No, we were highlighted in one of their shows. That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. We were on it. They highlighted us. When did they do this? Oh, it was a while ago.
Starting point is 01:15:18 But I guess he just listened to it two weeks ago. I don't know, maybe recently again. I've listened to it on and off quite a bit actually that that show because it's very, although sometimes they go off with less high quality, uh, and that's hard to imagine because there's so much high quality out there. I can't. I can't. If somebody said there's something like 700,000 podcasts this week, that the number this week, yes. Of which 100,000 will be gone in two weeks. Of course. Well, a lot of people can't keep up to pace. Well, thanks to those guys out there. That's, you know,
Starting point is 01:15:52 yeah, there's a good podcast. I would recommend listening to it. I used to do that show on serious. We'd be promoting all the podcasts and we play little bits of them for two hours a day and until they saw the danger, and we're not really promoting podcast. I promote no agenda. Yeah, we always talk about no agenda. It's a great show. It's a great show.
Starting point is 01:16:13 And thank you, John and Adam for chatting us up a little bit there, even though you're a little bit confused. But the other person who talked about it is my buddy, Stuttering John. Oh, yeah. Okay. And I, I mean, this is what I brought. Okay.
Starting point is 01:16:26 Is it the same thing? So, let me probably have you gotten any letters in the mail recently? I am not. Oh, I am not insurved. No legal documents were presented to you. I'm waiting. In a formal way where you had to step out.
Starting point is 01:16:39 I'm still waiting. That's interesting to me. Why is that? Well, let's hear what clip do you have? All right, well, this is John talking about Jim Norton and what a great guy he is. And then I come up in the conversation. Jim Norton is by far one of the best stand-up comics
Starting point is 01:17:00 I've ever seen, which is why I put him on the road with me. He was the first guy I put on the road with me Jim Norton and Modi And Mel Roush, watch his car You know for the comedy I mean he could tell me the shreds I don't I don't doubt it in a minute. I mean he's that Sharp I mean Jim Norton is like really that quick and sharp, but like he doesn't you know like I mean He was nice enough. He had some idiot on who who loves to trash me and he was nice enough to call me
Starting point is 01:17:38 After after and go look I didn't know that this guy was gonna trash you so I hope you're're not mad. I go, don't, Jim, thanks so much. I mean, that's actually really cool. Yeah, I mean, that's, see, he's a match. I mean, that's a, you know, he's a really, really good dude. Keep in mind. What he's talking about here is when I went on the chip show and made fun of Stuttering John, Jim didn't take that out.
Starting point is 01:18:02 He just called John and said, I'm gonna put out the show where Carl trashes you. And John's going, what a great guy! Thank you. I mean, it's all still on YouTube with 45,000 views. But hey, it was really nice you to give me a heads up on that. Maybe we should email John every time we talk about him and say, hey, you know, we're gonna talk about you.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Hey, just so you know, WTP this week trashes you for sucking. Thanks, guys. Thanks for the heads up. All right. And what's your idea? What was that from? That was the Southern Genjo. Oh, is that Royce's talking? No, he's got a new co-host, I think.
Starting point is 01:18:34 Or maybe that was a guest, I don't know. Oh, okay. I'm not keeping up. You were the one who's pointing to me that he's changing formats and everything. Yeah, okay. Well, this one is from a couple of episodes ago. Royce is still the co-host. Okay, and he talks about the fact that he is turning over a new leaf
Starting point is 01:18:50 He's not holding grudges anymore. Oh, okay, so the starting John waves the white flag clip That's what I mean people trying and create and starfights with me anymore, which I know that's why you're not on Twitter But for me like I enjoy it but now I'm kind kind of like getting, I'm like I'm over it. I'm just like, I know what you're trying to do. Like some guy said, you know, Jim Florence, he was talking to you about you on this other show. I know he wasn't, because you know, one of the mleenders told me he was fine, like he wouldn't touch it.
Starting point is 01:19:19 And, you know, but they try and get me to fucking fight, you know, because yes, it's very entertaining To watch me fight. I mean I went when Anthony come in. I will have a Twitter war. I mean people will fucking I you know, it was we get two to three million impressions. I mean just from that like with me and already lying I had our Twitter were but see now I'm just like Like I'm like what Bill Marsette the Howard when you know when I was on that I'm getting to the point I'm just like you know what I'm done with grudges man Arty I hope you stay healthy if you want to trash me fine oh so I guess baby he's just gonna let it go so someone told him there's always a tablet out there so we're talking about. Well, right after this episode, they're doing their phase 3 bullshit, whatever plan they have,
Starting point is 01:20:11 Phase 1, go to terrestrial radio and do a lot less. Phase 2. Royce Bales on the podcast, didn't they cut it down to 1, and set it to a week? Yeah. Phase 3, glory days, interviews with people. So they had Florentine on right after this. Oh, he, Florentine finally went on his show. You got an email Florentine and asked him
Starting point is 01:20:30 how that went, I feel like. Yeah. We need an update from a Florentine. Definitely. What's going on? Have you listened to it yet? No, I don't know. I think they're just producing it now.
Starting point is 01:20:39 Oh, it hasn't come out yet. I don't think it's dropped. Yeah. That's hilarious because someone pointed out to me, I think I've talked about it on the show, that Jim Fordy, when his own art show said, oh yeah, John's asked me to come out of the show. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:50 So you came out of my show before you went on the show. Yes, yeah. Yep, and he just wanted to fucking do it on it like the very next week. Good, I can't wait to hear that. What's happening, John? He's gonna let it all go. He's gonna let it all go.
Starting point is 01:21:00 He doesn't care if we make fun of him anymore. So even that attorney that he has in New York who wants to do him a favor really bad? Yeah, he's not gonna come after me anymore So I wear free to make fun of him. So let's hear that last clip. All right, okay I'm hung like a fucking jalapeno and this guy's got killboss Thank you, Stuttering Judge. I mean that for nothing any we were always free to make fun of Stuttering John. I know we live in America. Yeah, we were always free to make fun of Stuttering John. I know. We live in America. And we're still gonna do it.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Yeah. I mean, I think in most countries you're allowed to make fun of Stuttering John Melendez. That's what you're supposed to do. That's what you're supposed to do. It's why he exists. All right. Well, that's fun. That's a fun update.
Starting point is 01:21:39 I feel like you bring a lot of fun Stuttering John updates to the show. I do come out. Yeah. It's fun to rip on him. Thanks, Andy. Let's keep the show moving I do come out. Yeah, it's fun to rip on him. Thanks, Andy. Let's keep the show moving. It's time for the... Grinch of the Week.
Starting point is 01:21:48 Grinch of the Week. This one comes in from our friend, Matt Lewinsky, who provides a lot of content to the show. We appreciate that. I have a feeling that he is a wrestling fan because he set me over a clip from a show called The New Day Feel the Power, an official WWE podcast. And apparently this is their first episode ever. They trip out of the gate so hard, they redo the intro for fucking times.
Starting point is 01:22:15 I didn't leave it all in. On the first podcast, I had to shrink his town cuz it takes up my three to half minutes. Awesome. Ooh! Ooh! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the very first episode of this brand new podcast. New day! Feel the power. It's actually the thing though, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:37 It's the new day. Is that art? Yeah, yeah, you can't start us off. Yeah, yeah, that's the art thing. Well, it's a thing. I mean, that's supposed to be the introduction. Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. You can't be kidding. That's how I expect it to be, that's the thing. I mean that's supposed to be the introduction Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this brand new podcast. The new day. Feel the power. Wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:23:06 It's weird though. It's weird though. Wow. It's weird though. It's weird though. Wow. It's weird though. It's weird though.
Starting point is 01:23:14 Wow. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though.
Starting point is 01:23:22 It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird though. It's weird yeah. You're weird though. Why'd you, you're, you're, you're like, and it wasn't, it was, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh,
Starting point is 01:23:34 and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh,
Starting point is 01:23:43 and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, oh, and then it just, That was my Twitter. Well, that's retarded. So that show's gonna suck. That you're cutting out this shit of them deciding to redo it? Yeah, yeah, I fast forwarded through a lot of that. And it's all in there? It's all in there. What the fuck are they doing? I don't know, Andy. I get the sense that even though he doesn't realize this, Howard Stern ruined podcasting.
Starting point is 01:23:59 Because he was the first one to say it's not gonna be polished. We're just putting it off. I don't know Andy, I get the sense that even though he doesn't realize this, Howard Stern ruined podcasting. Because he was the first one to say it's not gonna be polished, we're gonna just put it all out on the air, and the way he did it was entertaining and it was new and it was different, I'm talking about the 80s. I'm talking about the early 90s. These fucking assholes still think that that's fun and funny to do. Oh, look at us, we're just trying to work through this thing. Just figure it out, put out a show.
Starting point is 01:24:24 God, why wouldn't you edit out all of that until you got it right? Why wouldn't you edit it out? I don't know. I don't know. They think it's funny? Maybe. Who thinks that's funny? I don't. Matt Lewinsky didn't. Yeah. He thought it was current to the fucking week. He was right. He's right about that. All right. Well this has been a lot of fun. I do have one more clip that I have to play before the end of the show. It's a voicemail. And you know that I don't play voicemails in the show.
Starting point is 01:24:54 People hate that. People fucking hate that. But I'm going to do this because my brother called it into the show. Oh. And it's actually my brother. Hey Carl, this is your brother. and this is what I sound like. For the record, I didn't say your sound quality sucked. What I said was, I see your experimenting with the podcast.
Starting point is 01:25:12 And before I could make a B.C. boys what you want joke, you got all defensive. It's like you say, if it's on the internet, it's fair game. Isn't that exactly right? Call me back bro. So I mentioned on the show that even my brother was goofing out of me for It's fair game. Isn't that exactly right? Call me back bro. So I mentioned on the show that even my brother was goofy got me for how shitty our audio quality was on our episode And apparently I didn't let and walk her to do a fucking BC boys reference. Sorry Grant Next time I'll be sure to just sit back and wait for your zingers. Oh
Starting point is 01:25:45 Shit there will be no teaser. I can't do as good a teaser as I did last week. There can be no teaser this week. I actually popped. The real reason is because I've so much work to do for this isotope show tonight that I'm way behind in life. So there will be no teaser this week.
Starting point is 01:26:00 It's the ultimate teaser. Yeah, it could be anything. Yeah. It could be any co-host, it could be any podcast. It could be none at all. Fuckin' a busy time of year, who knows? Maybe the guy that was supposed to be on this week will actually show up.
Starting point is 01:26:12 Yeah, Addy, we missed you, buddy. It's funny that Discord shit the bet on us. We were supposed to have Addy on, but then he bailed out as anyone, so I don't think so. Right, even if it was a fully functional, he wouldn't have been here. Right, it all works out in the end. Andy, thank you so much all works out in the end.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Andy, thank you so much for coming back on the show. You're very welcome. Listening to an entire episode of OPRADIA, I can't thank you enough for that. I listed all that Stuttering John, just for that one 30 second clip. Thank you for doing brutal. It sounds brutal.
Starting point is 01:26:38 Is there anything that you would like to plug? Yeah, go see the ice tops tonight. I'm going. Well, this is not going up to anyone who will hear it. This is live, right? With this drop-son Monday, you'll be missed it by two days. Yep. So, it's our Christmas show. It should be a lot of fun, but thanks anyway.
Starting point is 01:26:56 I'll be there. Please join us again next week. It might be the episode we find out once and for all. Who are these podcasts? Leave well, everybody. Starting in the must- much this of morning radio shit okay great show good job everybody good job everyone I I
Starting point is 01:27:35 Think about it All great art alert great art alert glass this dude is fucking coin you're not carers mess For you! Uh-oh, Ray Tartelard! Ray Tartelard, flash! This dude is fucking corny! You're not Carousel Max! You know, who are these? Podcasts. I don't know. I don't get it. Makes no sense.
Starting point is 01:28:04 I honestly didn't know that was my brother. Yeah, and then I went to the phone and I'm like oh that actually is my brother This is what I sound like yeah, he knows the the tropes Fran dresser calls back in the shower Fran dresser cup flusser, huh? I'm glad that she's a big fan of WTP. She started to sound like Panty and Selba though, no great Hey there, Carly, who is me? Oh man, I just finished up that last podcast episode and oh you really got me going. That was great That was great. Oh if I did if I saw you in public right now I think I just oh
Starting point is 01:28:49 That was good Oh Call me back anytime you I All right, so I did call our bad. Do you want to smell my fingers? That's very disturbing. Did you, bro, was where you're standing now? Yeah, he live in studio this way.
Starting point is 01:29:15 He was very impressed with our setup here. I don't know why, fuck you. He was very excited about the bar, about the whole atmosphere that we had going on. Yeah. And somebody called in to say that he did a serviceable job. Hey, Carl, just got to get props to Digi, bro. I think he did a serviceable job this week, and I would also like to congratulate him on
Starting point is 01:29:41 guessing what I was doing when I was calling last week. Wasn't wanting to read Wacker, but I did have a leaf squawler going. Call me back now. All right, but it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows for Digi-Brown. It's shocking, please. Some people weren't thrilled with this performance.
Starting point is 01:30:01 Holy shit, Carl. Just when I thought there was nothing worse than some of those podcasts you listen to, you have fucking Digi-Bro back on the show. Oh, okay, it's probably not that bad because you're not talking about anime or fucking little 15-year-old drawn girls that he likes to jerk off to. But somehow, he still makes it more fucking boring than the shows you're listening to the fuck do i care about doctor de mento or what makes these guys actually talented did you know what the fucking show is have you ever listened to w-a-t-p it's not about complimenting people they can do great things outside of their
Starting point is 01:30:41 city pocket nobody cares the bar will freeze from you, Carl. What are we talking about here? All right, it's a good point. It's a good point. I was impressed with Digi Bros' research. He understood everything these guys were up to. I don't think your listeners are impressed by the amount of research.
Starting point is 01:30:59 I don't think so either. I was impressed. Nice guy. He was a really nice guy. I enjoyed him and his fiance We don't got some food afterwards with a John's text max. Oh talking about being a Famous YouTuber. Yeah, learning a lot about that lifestyle. It's good about good for research. It's pretty good
Starting point is 01:31:20 Hey purple is back purple Guess who's back mofuckers? It's purple purple with an extra little bit of Chism dying So I got some good news. I'm gonna be deployed To God knows where. Because of that, I decided to fuck it. I'm not as well say hi,
Starting point is 01:31:51 cause I'm been enjoying podcasts, especially with Dick and with Leccion, the last one that you put out, which made me want to cry blood because my ears hurt so fucking bad. Listening to their terrible ass goddamn audio. Other than that. So I'm letting you know all the things good of my foot up here. Also, I might have a chance to be in spin up into the state of new york some point if a do
Starting point is 01:32:27 i might send you a case of my favorite beer better bastard uh... net i leave you alone and uh... i guess i'm that i always do it fucking review please stop talking podcast. That furry fucking thing. I'm dying. Bye. Well, purple. I'm sorry to hear they're being deployed. So is he dying? Like,
Starting point is 01:32:57 he's dying health wise or he's being deployed. So he's going to die once he's deployed. Also, I'm very concerned. Why can't it be both? Yeah, also I'm very concerned that somebody that's that intoxicated is the best guy watching. It's always the best. As you should be. And the, you're the beer-efficient auto here. Dirty bastard.
Starting point is 01:33:19 What do you think? I saw your reaction. You were like, eh. I think I was thinking arrogant bastard. Oh, I was thinking too. I don't think I have had dirty bad. Dirty bastard. Okay familiar. All right. Well send it our way buddy. We'll check it out. Send it to Rochester. It's probably just arrogant bastard that purple dipped his balls in. Yeah probably. That would make it dirty. This is possibly the worst call in audio ever.
Starting point is 01:34:05 This is possibly the worst all the way up. Why aren't you know, it could be worse. It could be worse than it's this way, it's not the kids' way up. Love your show. It call me back sometime. You haven't called me back. Love you, boom. Alright, we'll call you back after we read our newest one,
Starting point is 01:34:23 Sarabius. I want to hear him collide into a bridge and punt. Now we'll call you back after we read our newest one, Syribs. I want to hear him collide into a bridge and put Jesus Christ into your bed with power. You have some like blood loss going over there. You want everyone to die. It's crazy. Okay. This is a voice mail from our boy Bradley coming back in
Starting point is 01:34:45 hey carl this is your boy Bradley great episode this week i'm just calling in the letter no that i hate that i don't like her at all we've got one girl listening to this podcast and everybody just slap in each other in the back trying to fuck her and i don't like her and i don't like australia
Starting point is 01:35:04 basically i just don't like her. And I don't like Australia either. Basically, I just don't like the new direction that the podcast is taking. There's not been enough OP lately either, and it's really a big upset. I've heard that. We fixed that. I'm gonna need to call me back. Bye.
Starting point is 01:35:16 All right, Bradley, we fixed that for you, buddy. Did a lot of OP today. Vic is a polarizing figure. You either love or hate her. She pushed herself out there, though, I like that. Yeah, I think the audience is 70% in sales, so you're gonna get a vice of opinion to the amount of women.
Starting point is 01:35:32 That's true. This next voicemailer talks about the top five worst voicemailers. Let's see who made the list. Top five worst to WATV voicem mailers. Number 5, 10 from Australia. No one cares that you're from Australia. Number 4, the guy from Iran. Imagine living in a third world country. Number 3, Boomer Guy. At least he doesn't call on us much anymore. Or maybe Carl just doesn't play as voice mails. Number 2, Vic, the definition of an intention or and number one, me.
Starting point is 01:36:11 I am the worst voice mailer. Pretty bad. Pretty bad. But again, Vic, lover or hater, I guess. Remember, Nico? Yeah. So Andy was on bonus episode number one and I encouraged people to spend the five bucks of month to get our bonus material and the most of us are a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:36:34 One more laid back. No. You want to hear that Nisvid story I'm telling you. It's funny, but we reviewed the vanished and they talked about this kid Niko, this 18 year old kid who went missing, who was, Oh, recently? Yeah, he was a rapist. And as you know, Vic was interested in meeting up with Nico,
Starting point is 01:36:54 and apparently that happened. And Collins, me and Nico, I just raped Vic. Yeah, I just felt like you and the rest of the blood gas you know that, that all of this was brought on because I was smart and I subscribed to patreon.com slash who are these blood gash? You! Anyway man, thanks for the pictures. Okay, bye.
Starting point is 01:37:17 It's fucking ass. Alright, this next voice-mailer is looking forward to the KKK cast. Oh, where is my white supremacist podcast? I'm tired of this other shit. I want to be educated. I want to know which ones are good ones. What the fuck, man? Come on. Chad. All right. Come on, we bet. What's funny about that is...
Starting point is 01:37:45 That's gotta be a Patreon. It could be. Kaya sent me this guy's show. His name is Nick Fuentes. And he said, we should do this podcast for our Waiys of Promises podcast. And then just a couple of weeks ago, Nick Fuentes was a guest on Dick Masterson show. Oh my god. Oh no, he's going everywhere now. He's like, holy shit. Just a couple weeks ago Nick Fuentes was a guest on Dick Masterson show. Oh my god. Oh
Starting point is 01:38:09 Everywhere now. It's a calling shit. So we gotta get on that. Kaya's been really busy But we're trying to coordinate that so that we can get on. I should have Kaya on me. Yeah, yeah bonus episode Kaya Kevin Carl. It doesn't have to be it should be I feel like Kevin's uncomfortable with us of course I think it's gonna be funny Well, I got me watching Kevin stretches collar at the whole time. Yeah, sorry Kevin, you have to do it. Andy said so. Just for the K. Oh, so there's a Scottish guy who sent me an email.
Starting point is 01:38:38 This is the worst voice I've ever heard of my life. Maybe I should try to find the email, because listen to this. Hi, Kyle. voice smell I've ever heard of my life. Maybe I should try to find the email because listen to this. Hi, Carl, this is thanks Scott Swell from Scotland's Florida and f**king pest. I heard that the old-played bloody playing the Patrice of the Neil Tribute, a piece of shit, that's like, they've called that back in 2011. It's not only a bit available on YouTube since 2013. That piece of shit is on this Opio Radio YouTube channel for since 2007. It's in several weeks of Mr. Carl Ruiz. Is this what Opio is going to be doing from now?
Starting point is 01:39:18 Find a cop, search, slide. Ah, fucking piece of shit. I hate that, I hate that hate that. I really do. Anyway, keep up the walk. I don't know if it's good work or bad work, but I find it entertaining. So we're out to the usual crowd of idiots. But whole weeb and big practice guys. Loving Kessies. Purchase later I'm on the fucker. Bye bye. and PICKING PACKETS! Loving Kessie's PACKETS, I'm on the fucka. Bye-bye. So this is from our buddy Big Scott's will who's called into the show before
Starting point is 01:39:54 and it turned out, it sounded like right at the end, I probably should have added it back. It's a big hint, listen to the bowl, but I really... It's a big hint, but I really... It's a big hint, but I really... It's a big hint, but I really... It's a big hint, but I really... The effect that they only have one G Verizon over there that's fucking raw. No shit. So, this guy is a big fan of Patriso Neal and he called into bitch about the fact that Opie's putting out these tributes.
Starting point is 01:40:13 They've been available on YouTube since 2013 and he's putting them out as if it's this new fucking show. He's a piece of shit. He's a piece of shit. Let's see what else he's saying here. Hashtag Patreasing. Whatever. Oh, last week we didn't know the difference between
Starting point is 01:40:29 in sync in the Backstreet Boys. And that was a prop. Agreeges. That was a big, so far. Come on, you're calling. Agreeges. Backstreet Boys, it has a... Oh yeah, the same goddamn back. Hashtag is no more... Fuck you. Call it back. I Kind of agree with the sediment. I wouldn't be that upset about that's the gag I guess always that the joke
Starting point is 01:40:56 Thanks, and he's a breaking on the fourth wall So right before you came over I received a voicemail and I was able to pop it into last minute and it's from I received a voicemail. And I was able to pop it into the last minute, and it's from everybody's favorite voicemailer, Beck. Hey, Carl, it's Vic. I just got to say that everyone's audio quality has been really amazing lately, and to just keep it up. I mean, you got a really striped to get to my fucking level.
Starting point is 01:41:19 It's amazing. Reef to beat, I've brought you. Yeah. Anyway, uh, keep it up, Carl. Uh, and I love you, Andy. You're my favorite. You're my favorite. Andy, uh, can you, can you do a laugh for me? Cause the fucking ridiculous. All right, guys. He did it. I like fake. I don't give a shit when anybody says Dude she had nothing there. That was the worst call thing ever had. Oh, I'm like Andy. What if I can bullshit take that as? Fuck nobody wakes Andy.
Starting point is 01:41:55 It's a stupid. I can't handle it. I can't handle it. All right, so this is For Andy Carl Singh slap Aruni So this is for Andy Carl Singh, slap a rune.

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