WHOA That's Good Podcast - Courage & Faith to Do What No One Else Has Done Before | Sadie Robertson Huff & Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone

Episode Date: November 9, 2022

It's not every day Sadie gets to speak with a world record holder and Sydney McLaughlin just set the world record for the 400-meter hurdles in 50.68 seconds. Sydney reflects on the race, saying it was... only with courage and faith in God that she was able to accomplish what no one else had before her. Sydney and Sadie both talk about how no one can do it all alone and why community is so important for every single person. Sydney is also a newlywed and shares how she met her husband, their love for their local church, and how he was a specific answer to her prayers during the COVID lockdowns. Plus, how does Sydney manage to stay genuine, humble, and God-glorifying on social media? Sadie also asks for any how-to-run advice Sydney would give to the not-yet-running folks ... like Sadie. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 JLL believes you should expect more from your office space. So ask yourself, is your office space working as hard as you are? Does it foster collaboration, fuel productivity, and help build culture? Is it designed with intent? Is it a place you want to be? Your office can be a powerful asset, so put your office to work with JLL and see a brighter way. Learn more at jLL.com slash Spotify. What's up? Well, that's good, fam. Welcome back to
Starting point is 00:00:39 WoW That's Good Wednesday. I hope everybody is having a great week. As always, it's about to get a lot better because we have an incredible guest on the podcast today. In fact, whenever I posted on Instagram and said, who do you wanna see? There were several comments and Sydney McLaughlin and because you asked, actually before you even asked, I had already de-empted her
Starting point is 00:01:01 and I had asked her to be on the podcast. So when everyone said that I was like, score. So I'm so thankful you're on the podcast and that you said yes and just so grateful to get to have a conversation with you. Absolutely, I'm very excited to be here so thank you for having me. Yes, I have admired you from afar. Like I said before we've started, you're a huge inspiration in so many different aspects of life, but also I feel like we're really similar and a lot of people have said that Because you are just so unapologetically yourself on social media with with your faith with your goofiness with all of it Even here wisdom teeth video. I was laughing so hard because that is like I posted a wisdom teeth video that was laughing so hard because that is like I posted a
Starting point is 00:01:45 wisdom teeth video that was like so bad and it was just so just the raw untiltered wisdom teeth experience and so when I saw your like this girl is awesome we're destined to be friends. Well I love that because you know social media is a place where you don't always get the authentic self so I appreciate that there's someone else that is willing to do that and you know share the real truth of who they are. It's refreshing it's great. Well I can ask you the question that I ask everybody who comes on the Willets Go Pai Gas to start us off and that is what is the best piece of advice that you have
Starting point is 00:02:20 ever been given? Great question. There's so many things that I could say, but I don't even know that my answer would qualify as advice as much as it is like my husband phrased it. It's more of a lens that you view life through. And it's actually a sermon that my pastor preached last week that my pastor preached last week that completely changed my view just living from the place of the greatest earthly joy that we can have which is the assurance of salvation and through that lens of every day understanding that the joy to come is so much greater than the trials that we face that ultimately in every situation and every circumstance changes my view to one of joy regardless of what I'm going through. And I thought that was just like mind blowing to me.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So. That's so good. Gosh, that's so good. And such a different way to live your life, to see trials as joy. But the Bible talks about that so many times, like consider it your joy when you go through trials. And those are those verses that are a lot easier to read than to live right yeah it's like you're
Starting point is 00:03:28 like yes like that sounds so good but to live it is another challenge but living it and seeing God God's goodness in the midst of the hard things and the midst of the heartings like it's just a beautiful perspective to have so I love that so much and I love that your pastor said it. It's amazing how you're just going to church on a Sunday and they'll say something so pivotal in your life. And it's just like, wow, that changes everything for me. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Absolutely. Yeah. I love that. So one thing I wanted to ask you about, which kind of goes with this, is just how hard of a job you do is, I think people will see a a gold medal in Olympian and a world champion and Sometimes you can think well, it's easy for them. They're they just through the world record holder But that is so hard to do like that is so hard to do and I know like you work your butt off and so how do you?
Starting point is 00:04:22 How do you find the joy in your butt off. And so how do you, how do you find the joy in something that can be so hard and the strength to push yourself through the pain and through the hard things? One thing I love that you said on your world record, lap, you said that last 100 hurt. And when you said in your interview, I was like, that's actually so good to hear that like that was hard, that hurt. But what is it in you that pushes you to just like do the hard thing? Oh my goodness. I think just the understanding that God's given us the ability to do amazing things and I think in my sport especially you know this is what I love to do. There's so many limits that we've placed on ourselves as athletes and being able to every day when I go to the track
Starting point is 00:05:02 literally before every single workout I pray I'm like, I pray that you may get me through this workout because I know in my own strength, I'm going to quit after the first rep. I'm not going to want to finish this. I'm going to be crying on the floor, but just knowing that every job that a person may have, whatever it is that they do, is an opportunity to glorify him. That's really what pushes me is like, I'm not hurting for myself, right? I'm hurting so that when I cross that line and I have that opportunity to have the microphone in my face, I can glorify him. And just being able to like push myself through those bounds. Number one, like,
Starting point is 00:05:37 glorifies him. But number two, also there's a sense of accomplishment and knowing that I faced those fears and those trials and that pain. And I was able to reap the reward because those fears and those trials and that pain. And I was able to reap the reward because I didn't give up in that moment. Yeah, it's so cool. Gosh, it's so cool for for those who don't know Sydney and a lot of her story, just like shout out to you that you do actually hold the world record in the board of the hurdles. Like it's actually insane. You ran a 50. what is 50, 60. 60.
Starting point is 00:06:08 That's like, I don't even, without the hurdles, I can't even come close to that. So that is just insane. I've actually never been a runner, never like running, but I appreciate and respect those that do. And so watching you do that is just incredible. What is that? What was that feeling like? Because you just looked in some sense, you looked so peaceful after it, you just sat there, and it was like taking in this moment. What did that feel like?
Starting point is 00:06:36 Like I said, and like you said, it hurt really bad. To go and do something that someone, no one's ever done before, right? Like under 51 seconds, it's a different mental beast. And you know, a lot of people ask me like, why don't you smile before the race? Everyone else is smiling when the camera comes on then. And I'm like mentally, I'm preparing to do something that no one's done before. And it takes a lot of courage and it takes a lot of faith in God
Starting point is 00:07:02 because I don't know if my body's going to be able to handle those last 100 meters, those last two hurdles, whatever it is. So for me, being able to really put my faith in trusting God and be able to execute the way that I did crossing that line, I felt this sense of accomplishment, a little bit of let down because I obviously you always want to go a little bit faster. But just I was very, very just grateful. And I remember just saying like thank you God because the nerves and the energy and everything that went into that for months, that was a very anticipated race. You know, when you pray about it so much, being able to see it really come to fruition under his guys, like I just, I had to sit in that moment. Number one, because
Starting point is 00:07:45 I couldn't move, but number two, just because I really wanted to soak it up. That's real. That's so good. God, I'm so glad you said that, because I was actually thinking that I was watching the race and everybody else, the camera's on there and they're like, hey, they're doing everything. And the camera gets on you and you are so focused. And you're almost like talking under your breath and I was like, I wonder what she's thinking and feeling in that moment but that's such a good insight to say that that actually is a moment that takes so much courage because it does and to do something that no one's ever, it really requires
Starting point is 00:08:20 faith and for you to say, you know, in that moment, I needed the courage and the faith to believe that God's strength was going to shine through me and to run with me. It's really just a really cool thing to then see what you were able to do with that. And you really give him the glory. It almost makes more sense even. I mean, obviously, you're going to give God the glory, but it shows why you're so quick to because you're so dependent on him. Absolutely. And I think when you live in that place of dependency on him, you can't help but give him the glory because you look at it and you're like, no, I really could not have done that in the whole strength.
Starting point is 00:08:56 Yeah, absolutely. And the whole time leading up my husband, he's so instrumental in this process. And we picked a verse that was the verse of this meet, which was Hebrews 416, let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There will receive mercy and find grace to help us when we need it most. And I felt that that race was me coming boldly to his throne and just no fear being able to just approach him with all that I had. And he worked through me. And it was just a beautiful combination of all that. So that's awesome.
Starting point is 00:09:25 I love it so much. Gosh, I have so many different directions I want to go. Eventually I'm going to ask you about your husband and how you all met because you're so cute. The first just take us back to like what life was like before, you know, your an Olympic champion and World Champion and World Record holder. Like what was it like growing up? Was your family like and how did you even get into track in the first place?
Starting point is 00:09:48 JLL believes you should expect more from your office space. So ask yourself, is your office space working as hard as you are? Does it foster collaboration, fuel productivity, and help build culture? Is it designed with intent? Is it a place you want to be? Your office can be a powerful asset, so put your office to work with JLL and see a brighter way. Learn more at JLL.com slash Spotify. Is your business ready to integrate live video chats into your app? The Vonage Video API makes it simple for developers to build custom solutions that make sense for your business. From providing faster tech support and better customer service to hosting more productive meetings and classes, live video enhances every conversation.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Go live on your terms with Vonage Learn more at Vonage.com Great question. I'm one of four kids and my parents both ran track in high school and college So we kind of all grew up in the track space They put us in all different kinds of sports and they were like you guys can choose what you want to do But honestly all four of us fell in love with track. It was kind of just that freedom of being able to just run and feel the wind and you know this sense of I don't know just lightness you know and and untouchability that kind of stuck with it and you know I grew up in a Christian household and that you know we raised into it, our morals, values, and our faith. But it really wasn't actually until just a few years ago that I really started my relationship with the Lord and it's kind of awesome from there.
Starting point is 00:11:34 It's cool. So what was that like really diving into relationship with the Lord? Because I've been talking about this a lot lately, how you can know who God is, but until you really know him personally, I think that's when it changes your life, you know. I talk about just this idea of whenever it becomes personal to you, when he becomes personal to you, that's whenever you really see your whole life change because you have a personal relationship. So therefore, every day is a day that you're walking with him. It's no longer just church on a Sunday or a scripture in your Instagram bio. It's all where you are. And so what was that personal moment like for you? When did it start to become super real?
Starting point is 00:12:14 Great question. So even growing up in a Christian household, growing up going to church my whole life, I never truly had that intimate relationship and I think a lot of it had to do kind of just with how, you know, church culture was growing up. And there was a lack of that intimacy. And I couldn't fully understand the, you know, I grew up in the legalistic part of it. And not so much the the relational part. And I decided I was like, if this is what it looks like and all these restrictions and rules, I was like, I'm going gonna wait till I'm older to get my life to Christ because I don't wanna be restricted from my freedoms.
Starting point is 00:12:50 So I went and lived a life of sin and I've tried to find all these things that I thought would fulfill me, including track and year after year, time after time, none of them satisfied me. And I would get more and more low trying to reach and grab for things like social media and relationships to try to fill that void and it got to actually COVID and I lived alone and it was just me and my dog and every day being in that space of just unfulfillment by myself. I was like there has to be something more to
Starting point is 00:13:23 life than this because even when I win races, I don't feel fulfilled. Even when I'm in relationships, I don't feel fulfilled. Even when I get the praise that I thought I won, I don't feel fulfilled. And I was very depressed. And it's not till now, I realize why I was so depressed because I was lacking that, that meaning in my life, which was Christ. And that's when I just slowly started grabbing for what I could find, which was trying to read scriptures that I didn't understand and watching sermons and just trying to fill myself with the word. And then slowly studying the Bible actually, it wasn't, it was my husband who really just started to teach me what it meant to have a relationship
Starting point is 00:14:00 with Jesus that completely transformed my life. So. Well, that's crazy. And it isn't it crazy that, because I guess that happened before you went on to do some of the most successful things that you've done in your career. And I do think that sometimes like, you know, when we make an idol out of something
Starting point is 00:14:19 that isn't meant to be an idol, not that it's not a good thing, it's just not to be the idol of your life, you know, like track or like a relationship or like social media or whatever we put in the place of God, whatever thing we put trying to get satisfaction other than really just a satisfaction of God's love in our life, it becomes an unhealthy thing and it does become, it's no longer satisfying, it's no longer fulfilling, even if it's what you used to love, but what's cool is it's like when we are totally saturated and satisfied by God, it seems like the order of everything in our else in our life falls so perfectly into place and everything else begins to elevate. You know, it's
Starting point is 00:14:55 like when you got things in the right order, all of the sudden things began to click, like physically, spiritually, emotionally, like, that's so powerful. And I think that's the story of most people when they finally give their life to Christ. And that looks different. Everybody's life to you. It looks like, you know, relational relationships and track and all your things. But to me, it looks like my relationships and my job and my things and whatever it is in your life, putting God at the center
Starting point is 00:15:25 everything else just falls into place no matter what those other things are and so that is so cool to hear that that was like at that time at 2020 and then here it comes 2022 and you go on to accomplish these things get married do all this stuff but first it was Christ and I just think that's super cool that's really cool cool. So talk to me about your relationship because one thing I love already just hearing you talk is that you keep saying my husband said this, my husband said this and everything your husband said is so spiritual and so inspirational. I'm like, we need your husband to come back with you on the podcast and hear him. Actually, let that his Instagram today just know when you're going to be on and the second post was like him preaching.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Let's open up the Bible, let's talk about it. Y'all both have that in y'all. Is that something y'all kind of cultivate together in a relationship or is that something that he brought into it from him being that way and you being that way to what did that kind of look like? That's such a great question.
Starting point is 00:16:21 It was so crazy too because during that COVID time I was really searching for deeper relationship with the Lord and Didn't really know exactly where to find it obviously church is weren't in person yet and he had DMed me on Instagram Sometime during the summer and just reached out and you know the first thing he did was invite me to a Bible study and Well at the time for me looking for me, looking for that community, looking for that outreach from a faith perspective, that was the perfect thing for me. And so our friendship was built upon that.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I would do the Bible study, which was an NFL Bible study. And then also, he would kind of just read with me through different scriptures. And we would talk about stuff. And he was definitely deeper and farther along in his faith when we first met but he he's actually applied to seminary which he's going to start in January. He has. Yeah he has a gift for the word like no one ever met so being able to be married to him and just have someone to really just leave me like a husband is supposed to through not only life, but through the word has been absolutely amazing.
Starting point is 00:17:29 So that's so cool. That reminds me of when me and Christian started dating because he DMed me as well. And I actually didn't, yup, and the Dio's, but I actually didn't see his DM until two years later when we actually met in person. And then I went to follow him on Instagram that night after we met and then I saw he DMed me two years before and I was like, what in the world? But it was like so sweet and it was about,
Starting point is 00:17:55 he had seen me preach at passion conference and he was like talking to me about that on through social media. And so I was like, okay, this is cool. Like he already, like some of the things he was saying was just so sweet and so kind and also like he loved passion. He was there, so like, okay, we have some things related on. But immediately when we started talking,
Starting point is 00:18:14 it was like, what script should you read? And what book are you reading? What's the Rm and are you watching it? It was like, we just were like back and forth, back and forth and growing. And I had never had that before in a relationship. Like, I feel like I kind of had, you know, my relationship with the Lord and they might or might not,
Starting point is 00:18:29 you know, have the bears and kind of talk about it, but it was almost unnatural, you know, because it wasn't like the, it was everything to us. Yeah, but for me at the time when I met Christian, God was so everything to me and so everything to Christian. And so that's all we could talk about. And that's like what we really built our whole foundation off of. And it's so cool because even in that season, we read in the Bible together and we were dating and just starting dating.
Starting point is 00:18:55 We read through Proverbs together. And we were in Proverbs 16 and we read about this verse that said kind words are like honey sweet to the soul and healing to the bones and that's actually where we ended up getting our daughter's name honey from and so it's so sweet like I think when you date intentionally like that and you date reading in the word it sets your marriage up so beautifully and so much
Starting point is 00:19:18 fruit comes from things that you know y'all so did you all's relationship before you even had the ring on your fingers. So that's a cool y'all are built on such a firm foundation. What has it been like just being married and doing what you do, but now bringing a spouse into it? Because I feel like in our culture, a lot of people are very independent and don't see the full beauty of marriage.
Starting point is 00:19:42 And I think that it's such a beautiful thing though to bring someone into what you're doing and you get to be a part of what they're doing. So what's that look like for you bringing your spouse into the full picture of your life? This episode is brought to you by Likinta, by Windom. Wherever your work takes you, you know it's going to be a good time because you're staying at Likinta by Windom. They have free breakfast, fully equipped gyms, and free high speed Wi-Fi to help you take care of any last minute business, or help keep you in the know on all things sports. Tonight, Lakinta, tomorrow you triumph. Book your stay today at lq.com.
Starting point is 00:20:21 Absolutely. Andre, I mean, he played professional football so he completely understands my world and what goes along with it, which is honestly one of the things I prayed for and a husband with someone who could understand, you know, my career and what I do. But being married, I, we both say this all the time, it's the biggest sanctification tool in the world. Yeah, telling me. Having someone who can really just hold up a mirror in front of you and show you all of the areas of yourself that aren't like Christ is just like, so mind blowing because it really shows you just like how selfish you actually are.
Starting point is 00:20:55 We're only six months in, but I can just see so much already just the fruit of our marriage and the union that we have, which like you said, is rare these days. People want to be independent, especially the modern age of, you know, feminism and stuff that we live in. But I just, there's such a beauty to understanding your role as a godly woman with a husband who's a godly man that just it alleviates so much of the tension that our world brings, you know, so being able to have him with me daily at practice or at meets and whatever it is, not only as my husband but also guiding me spiritually has helped in all of those areas, you know, and he's my best friend and, you know, I'm his helpmate, so it's a no better thing, you know. I love it so much. I'm like, I'm like
Starting point is 00:21:44 smiling because I was thinking about just prepping for the pike as I was watching some of your YouTube videos. I was watching whenever you and him went to do like, y'all is food tasting and y'all's last minute. And it was like so sweet to y'all. And it was so funny. He said something like cheesy and sweet and you just like, didn't answer.
Starting point is 00:22:02 You're like, okay. And you're like, oh, am I supposed to say something about you y'all's relationship was just so cute and so sweet and I just I love it so much and it's so true like mirror just such a gift and whenever you are under that just what God designed for you it does alleviate so much of the tension in the world. It really does. You step into fully who you, you know, who your calls are, who you're created to be, what it was designed to be in so many different ways. So I just love that. I'm into social media earlier, and I want to talk about it because you really do
Starting point is 00:22:37 such a great job with your social media. You have this great balance of this professionalism of like here's what I do and what I'm really good at. And I'm gonna show you all because this is incredible and inspiring. And then super fun, like fashionable things because you're so fashionable. And then here you are at, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:54 a fashion week in Paris. And it's so cool to follow. But then you're also like so real. Like you post just like, you post it a picture that they're like, and here's my, that's overseeing its welcome. Like so authentic and so real and your relationship is so sweet and so talking about that oh and another thing that's so important your faith you never shy away from sharing your faith on social media you
Starting point is 00:23:16 think pop on and not only just you know say one thing but you'll go through acts you'll go through books you'll talk about I just that. Has that been something that you've been intentional about? Is it something natural to you or like how do you view social media and how have you, you know, thought about the things that you're going to post? Great question, I love that. It's changed, I'll be honest. When I first started out, after like the real Olympics and stuff, a lot of it was just about what's cool, what's trendy, what do people like? How do I get the most likes? What kind of hair make up should
Starting point is 00:23:49 I do kind of stuff? But after being saved and you know my world's completely shifting and my lens being changed, a lot of it has, I've always wanted to be authentic and whatever it is that I do, but I think it's truly been more about sharing my honest truth about my faith and where the Lord's taking me. You know, not so much my truth, but his truth and whatever that looks like, you know, and just showing people the reality of life
Starting point is 00:24:18 because I think social media is a place where you can be whoever you wanna be for as long as you wanna be and you know, all for as long as you want to be and you know all of the filters you can do in Photoshop and all those different things. I really think there's a beautiful, authentic aspect to it when you, you know, you show your zits and you show the hardships that you're going through and all of the bad parts of your life as well because everyone's going through that, you know, and if I can show that I'm going through a trial or tribulation, but also share how the Lord's carrying me through that and what he's teaching me through that,
Starting point is 00:24:54 that helps somebody who may not be as far along in their faith through something such as social media, which normally just portrays the beautiful things in life to have something to go off of, you know. So I love being able to show the goofy side and the fun side because that's genuinely who I am. My husband will tell you that for sure. But at the same time, like my agent says all the time, you know, social media is like a digital business card. So obviously, brand posting, track posting, all that kind of stuff. Very important. But I want to make sure it's genuinely who I am. And ultimately that whatever I post glorifies the Lord. So yeah, you do a great job at that. The balance is so great. Because I do
Starting point is 00:25:39 think, you know, both are important. It's great to share what you do. And it's great to share it that like I said the professionalism of that and people want to see that because that's But people one of the things that you know draw people to you, but then at the same time to be like, but that's not all of me like I have a relationship that's a huge part of my life and my faith that's the biggest part of my life And here's the funny things because this is just me on a daily basis. And like, I think you do such a good job of well-rounded in yourself. And I think so many people on social media, it's like they get pegged as this like one thing.
Starting point is 00:26:13 And like they just like own that space because that's what's working. And I just think it's so important that like, if it's our profile, it really shows like us as a person. Like who are we as a person. So not that you have to share everything. I think there's wisdom and also you know being like okay that is actually just for me my family. I'm a friend. You know there's a balance to it all of it but you do such a great job with that.
Starting point is 00:26:36 I want to read this this quote that I had from your mom in an interview and she said she's ahead of her time and born with a natural gift and that gift has to be nurtured. And I just thought it was so beautiful. Like I just love my mom like things that they my parents say for me just like hold so much value and wait because they walk through all of life with me. And for your mom to be like she has this natural gift, but the gift has to be nurtured. Like I know over over so much of your life, like you have nurtured this gift, and not a lot of people get to see like the nurturing of it. I think that's one thing with social media that everybody gets to see like the medal,
Starting point is 00:27:13 but not like what the day-to-day process of nurturing something looks like and stewarding something. So what is like your day-to-day look like, you know, when you're training for something like breaking a world record? And is that something like, once know, when you're training for something like breaking a world record. And is that something like, once you did that, is it something that you're still pushing yourself to do more, do something different, or where are you kind of now in the process? Yeah, doing something such as that and just the nurturing of the gift, it takes a group, it takes a family, you know.
Starting point is 00:27:42 And I think that's the number one thing that I have around me is quality people to help nurture. And I always say like, and I tell, you know, young athletes whether looking for a new coach or whatever it is, I'm like, you need someone who's going to care about you as a person before you as an athlete. Because if you, the person is not okay, you, the athlete will not be able to perform. And I think it's good. nurturing really starts with you as a human being and whether it's spiritual, internal, mental, whatever it is physical, just from a normal human being standpoint, that's really where it begins. And I have so many quality people in my life and in my circle
Starting point is 00:28:21 helping me do that. That helps get to a place of breaking a world record. It's not just me. that helps get to a place of breaking a world record. It's not just me, I promise you. There's a plethora of people, whether it's my trainer, my therapist, my coach, my husband, my agents, whoever it is, my family, especially all of us. It's all of us doing it together. And I think that's the number one thing that anybody needs is community. Even in our faith is that spiritual community to help grow with us and lean on each other, you know.
Starting point is 00:28:54 So cool. It's so good. So true. Like so many times, you know, you see one person, but if one person's out there on a platform moment, they have a hundred people behind them that got them there. It's so true. I love the idea of just the body of Christ being a body. Actually, I interviewed Jen Johnson earlier today for the podcast. I don't know if that won't be out yet, but what she said was so good. She said, the body is built up of many parts, and some parts are meant to be more outward features, and some parts are meant to be inner things with our body like our heart and our mind.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You can't see it, but it's so there and that function is like literally bringing life to your body. But then there are other parts of your body that are your hands like me. I talk with my hands is so express your facial expressions and those are such huge parts of the body too. And it's not that one is necessarily good and the other they all need each other to make up the body and it's the same way when it comes to a sport when it comes to a work environment when it comes to somebody somebody's success you know is really can be
Starting point is 00:29:58 credited to so many other people's gifting behind them and so I think that's awesome that you know you point that out and shout that out because so many people in this culture on this like one track mind of like I want to be the best, I want to do the thing, I want to get the credit, but it's like you really can't do it alone. And so you're not going to go as far as you want to do until that's for sure. Um, do you have anybody that you look up to like in your field or maybe it's in track or maybe it's just something Completely random that you look up to and it's kind of like mentored you through life That's a great question in terms of a mentor. I don't I don't say I don't think I would have one
Starting point is 00:30:38 But right now I've truly been loving Elizabeth Elliott and her podcast and her books and just the wisdom in which she speaks, you know, especially, you know, as a godly woman and, you know, the messages in which she shared. I really feel the spirit just coming off of her and how she presents herself and being able to learn from, from you know elder godly women I think is something that I've really started to step into and I'm starting to you know Really look and search for someone that I feel like can mentor me in that way because I think that's such a crucial part of your
Starting point is 00:31:17 Christian walk is being able to have someone a little bit older to Lena So I that's something my whole life. I've honestly felt like I've never had just one genuine person that I've been like this was my mentor But I definitely think that's one area of my life. I'm A little bit lacking in right now, but I would love to feel for sure, you know, that's cool I think it's really cool that you are so mentored by so many people and I say that not knowing you but knowing that because you always post like Here's the books I'm learning from even I think have a highlight on your Instagram of books that you read and learn from and you know Elizabeth or someone that you look up to that you
Starting point is 00:31:53 dive into their messages dive into their books that I think that is a gift in our generation with social media and books that we have and preaching and conferences and stuff is that we get to be mentored by so many people from afar. Like you might not be when it takes her and be like, hey, let's go to coffee, but like you can read a book and be mentored by the life that she lives by her sharing it. And so I think that is beautiful. Not that I think it replaces someone,
Starting point is 00:32:19 you know, who's speaking into your life. I think you can have several mentors. My mom is a mentor to me. You know, women in my church too, I look up to have several mentors. My mom is a mentor to me. I've women at my church too. I look up to, but we don't talk all the time, but I can go to them. I know that, but I think also if you don't have that, it's such a great thing that we do have so many people that we can learn from. The world, because people are doing great things.
Starting point is 00:32:41 I think people doing great things gets overshadowed by so many people doing doing great things. I think people doing great things gets over shadow by so many people doing not great things, but people are doing great things and there's a lot of good out there too. So it's encouraging. For sure. I couldn't agree more like the little bits and pieces that you learn from everybody that you're around,
Starting point is 00:32:56 even sometimes strangers or family or people in your church. I couldn't agree with that more. That's a great point. Is so true. I want to talk about church because you brought it up from the very beginning. Like what's the best piece of advice? Like, what I heard this had church. What do you all feel like as the importance of church? Because, you know, I have some people come on the podcast and they'll be like, church is so important you need to get plugged into a local
Starting point is 00:33:18 body and then have some people that are like, you know, I don't really go to church, but I love Jesus. And so there's this, you know, is the y'all go to church? Y'all love church. What's y'all's views on the church? Great question. I'll be honest, the church we're at right now, Grace Community Church out in the valley with Pastor John McArthur, um, changed my life, changed my life, honestly. It's cool. Just the sense of community, a godly community, and being able to come in with other believers weekly,
Starting point is 00:33:49 it's not just a service where you go sit down, and then you sit there for 90 minutes, and then you leave. They actually have all of these breakout fellowship classes that you can go to. So we go to a nine o'clock service, and we hear the main word, and then we break off into fellowship groups,
Starting point is 00:34:03 which are smaller where you can come in with people and make relationships and build friendships and hear a second word. So you're really being cool. And you're communing and you can eat and have lunch. There's a bookstore like all of these things that the body is supposed to be for one another. I really feel that sense at this church and I think that's the beauty of the you know the local church is it's a place where you do get filled up. And you know, there's things all throughout the week. So it's not just a once a week thing. But you're being able to communicate with believers who are living the same way as you, thinking the same way as you, and you're able to build each other up. Like you said, we all different parts of the body,
Starting point is 00:34:41 but we make up one whole. And I think that's the place where that is unified and exemplified. It's so true. I love it. I agree. I think church is so important. I just think the fellowship, the coming together, the encouragement that you have when you're around other believers. And we recently just walked through some of the heart and our family and just the surrounding of the church was so beautiful like of all generations People that don't know us super well, but are just church family and people that have a lot of life with us
Starting point is 00:35:10 And it's like in those moments you're like wow This is why I'm so thankful for a church for a body of Christ that comes around people and just loves people well And it's also good like even when you're not going through hard times and you're just going through life Just to have people in community and worship and a word. I mean, I think it's so important. And so I love that, right? When you said that from the beginning, I was like,
Starting point is 00:35:32 so cool, love it. So, I mean, I hate to say what's next because when people ask me what's next, I'm like, well, what's now is good, you know, like, what's going on now is fine. But what are you working on? What are you dreaming about? After accomplishing something so big, how do you even find the inspiration to keep dreaming?
Starting point is 00:35:53 Are you one that's like, let's go hard, let's go further? Are you like, we did it. Like, where is your heart? It's a little bit of both, I'll be honest. It was a little hard after that race kind of just to come back and be like, okay, what is there left to do, you know? But there's always more to do. And that's the coolest thing about not just sports but life in general, it's limitless. And so for me right now, I'm really just
Starting point is 00:36:20 fundamentally just starting my season back up and figuring out in terms of track at least, you know, where do we want to go from here, you know, do we want to stay in this event, do we want to switch events, do we want to try something new, all of that is still kind of up in the air, but just continuing to grow in that aspect and push the bounds of what's possible, I think. But right now just relationally with my husband, we're just settling into our new married life and for that place, I think everything else will kind of fall into place over time. It's right. Hey, when you get your priority straight, everything else flows. Everything
Starting point is 00:36:56 else flows naturally. Okay, my last question to you is, I need your advice from me because I mentioned to you earlier that I'm not a runner and I said it I was like I wish I was like I wish I wish I was not not a runner I wish I was runner and my husband just got me running shoes recently So I think that was his encouragement to me that I should He's been running lately. He's actually been pushing himself to do this goal That's been really challenging for him. He's trying to do a 500 pound back squat in a sub five minute
Starting point is 00:37:30 mile in the same day. So he has been like pushing his body so hard and he's at the point where it's like, okay, I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this, but proud of what he's accomplished, even in the training of it, which has been really cool to just watch him push himself and, gosh, he's got the 500-pound back squat. He's at like a 520 mile and he's doing so good. And I'm like, babe, even that is so impressive.
Starting point is 00:37:53 But for me, I get to watch his discipline every day. If someone is not a runner, what is something you would inspire them with to start running or just, what's the beauty of running that you've found when you just strip it back? What's the beautiful thing to you about running? Well, well first of all, your husband is amazing for this attempt. Like I need to, if this takes place, I need video of this because this is unreal and I like to see it. I know, I definitely am so proud
Starting point is 00:38:24 of him. He's like, but I didn't do it. I'm like, but even that you're doing that is so impressive. Yes. So, it's like, yeah, I can never. But I think to start off running is really just, I, what I do every season, kind of just to start moving again is I power walk. And then I work my way up. So, you know, whether it's on a treadmill,
Starting point is 00:38:46 whether it's outside or finding a nice little hoe that you like, it's starting off small, which is walking and then speed walk and then adding a little jogging, you know, and making sure I think number one, a lot of people have discomfort with running, it's because the shoes that they're wearing. So making sure you have the right running shoes, but starting small and then slowly inching that end goal line a little bit further each time to build up your capacity. Because I think sometimes people just want to jump in and dive like deep from the beginning and then they get discouraged when they haven't reached that goal. But it's really a process. Rome was not built in a day and you have to progress yourself to that point.
Starting point is 00:39:25 So I would say start small, whether it's jogging for five minutes and then six gives all the way up to 10. And then by the end of it, you might be a 20 minute to 30 minute run and you're loving the natural ability that your body was made to do, which was release in Dorfins. And just that high that you get from running and exercising. You feel accomplished afterwards. And I think exercise is a beautiful thing
Starting point is 00:39:50 that everyone should try to get those on stage. That's cool. I love that. It's actually so encouraging because I love the exercise. I just have never been a runner, but I love to go on walks and I like to power walk. But every time I've, this is like, when you were saying this was like, that is so me.
Starting point is 00:40:05 Every time I've been like, I'm gonna start running. I just go outside and try to start running. And then I'm like, dying. You know, this is not fun at all. So I just, you know, work my way up. And that's actually really encouraging. And that is, that's true for all things in life. Life's a process.
Starting point is 00:40:20 So many times we want that instant gratification of accomplishing something. But most all accomplishments take time, they take process, they take really going through the training and the hard work, but man, that's what makes it, you know, such an accomplishment. That's what makes it so beautiful. And so that's so good.
Starting point is 00:40:39 You truly are such a inspiration. And just even talking to you has made me appreciate who you are so much more. I have love getting to know about your relationship and your love for the word and just your discipline to your sport and to your job and I'm so grateful people are going to get to listen to this. It's so cool to just get to know the person behind all that you do and I'm just so encouraged. But you said thanks for being on the podcast. Thank you so much for having me and it's been a pleasure getting to know you as well. So thank you. So good.
Starting point is 00:41:19 you

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