WHOA That's Good Podcast - How to Set ATTAINABLE Goals & Make a Difference | Sadie Robertson Huff & Housefires' Nate Moore

Episode Date: April 26, 2023

Nate Moore is a writer and artist with Housefires, plus he's a worship leader, a songwriter, and a pastor and today he's talking with Sadie about making music and making moments with people that you l...ove, why doing a FEW things well is one of the best pieces of advice he's ever received, and how to turn "have-to" into "get-to" in your faith walk. Nate admits his early years as a Christian were a "check-the-box" version: read your Bible - check, go to church - check, pray - check  — but an experience in college changed all that and his outlook transformed to a "get-to" attitude in his walk with God. Sadie and Nate share different ways they experienced the call of God on their lives and reiterate that when God's calling you, it doesn't have to make sense to anyone else! Nate remembers the early days in Atlanta where Housefires began and the moment he says was "the most special moment in worship he's ever seen" when "Good Good Father" was first spoken — and he has Sadie saying, "That's SO good" many times when he explains the origin of his first tattoo and how a two-degree shift can change EVERYTHING for you in your life!  https://www.trymiracle.com/whoa — Get 40% off + 3 FREE towels with code WHOA at checkout! https://athleticgreens.com/whoa — Get a FREE 1-year supply of Vitamin D & 5 FREE travel packs with your first purchase! https://www.auraframes.com — Get up to $30 off on Aura’s best-selling frames when you use code WHOA at checkout! - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The Council of Franks on behalf of delicious Oscar Mayer 100% beef Franks has declared its official position. Oscar Mayer 100% beef Franks are 100% beef Frank delicious. This summer, choose delicious, choose 100% beef. Keep it Oscar. Oh What's up there welcome back to whoa, that's good Wednesday. I hope everybody is having a great week You're I'm so excited for today's podcast y'all are gonna be so excited too if you've ever listened to house fires And maybe so if you don't even know you listen to it But you listen to it because when I went to Spotify
Starting point is 00:00:45 typed in house fires, I was like, oh my gosh, these are like the songs that I listen to all the time. And so they just have incredible songs out. We actually have Nate Moore on the podcast today from House fires. They have a new album out. I love the name of it, How to Start a House fire. And I'm just excited to dive a little deeper
Starting point is 00:01:01 into the meaning behind all of these things and hear his story. So welcome to the piecast. So excited to have you on. Great for to be here. So grateful. Well, I asked him before the podcast started. I said, so are you prepped with the world?
Starting point is 00:01:15 That's a good question. And he was like, nope. And I was like, you're better. Well, I'm not going to prep you because, you know, here's the thing. I asked this question at the start of every one of my podcasts and it's so funny because you can tell who was prepped and who wasn't Because when I say this question, some people like act like, oh, I'm gonna think about for a second And then it's just like boom like clearly you thought about it and some people are truly like I literally I literally have never thought about this.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Okay, so the question is simple, but it does put pressure because it is, what is the best piece of advice that you've ever been given? Now, that's loaded. There's a lot of good advice you've been given, but just give us a good piece of advice that comes to mind when you think about things that have influenced you in your life. Gosh, well, I'm not faking it.
Starting point is 00:02:04 I'm really having to think about it. Not the best piece of advice I've ever been given. That's really good. I love that. I think one of my mentors in high school, actually, my youth pastor back in Atlanta, where I grew up, told me, years ago, I won't date myself, how many years ago this was, but he said,
Starting point is 00:02:28 this is when I was just first getting into leading worship, leading ministry, he said, Nate, do a few things and do a few things well. And so like just keeping it simple, you know, I think there's always that pressure, there's that temptation to be like, oh, I wanna say yes to this, I wanna say yes to that.'s that pressure or there's that temptation to be like oh, I want to say yes Do this I want to say yes to that as a recovering people pleaser. I still feel that struggle
Starting point is 00:02:50 Yeah, I feel that temptation of like there's all these amazing things especially living in Nashville Yeah, you know where there's so many amazing ministries and churches and opportunities and open doors But that one is stuck with me for almost 20 years do a few things and do them well That's good. You know, I want to bring my whole heart my whole gift all of my passion But that one is stuck with me for almost 20 years. Do a few things and do them well. That's good. Because I want to bring my whole heart, my whole gift, all of my passion to everything that I do. And so I don't want to be spread to thin.
Starting point is 00:03:14 You know, I don't want to bring half of myself to it. I want to bring all that God's made me to be. I love that. That's so good. You see, what that answer should do is lead me to say, well, that's good. And that's it easy. well, that's good moment because that really is so good.
Starting point is 00:03:29 I mean, I think about my life, and I used to just say yes to all these things, you know, I lived in Nashville for a season, and you get in this excitement of, that's such a collaborative opportunity, and yes, yes, yes, and, you know, all the sudden you're doing all these things, but you can't do them well
Starting point is 00:03:43 because you don't have the capacity to do them well. And some of these things that you're doing, you're not even gifted in to do. You just said yes because it was cool. And now that I've gotten more specific with my yeses and more specific with my nose, I just have seen the fruit that's come from that. And I told the store in the podcast before,
Starting point is 00:04:00 but when I was young, I used to eat apples, and I would go outside and I would plant my little apple seeds. But what was funny about this is I would never remember where I planted the last seed. And so I didn't know where to go water. So then I would plant another seed and then another seed and a joke that I have all these apple seeds in the ground, but none of them ever grew to be a tree because I didn't even know where I was planting. So I could not continue to water. I could not do that very well.
Starting point is 00:04:29 And so now I think about that a lot in my life, like am I scattering all these seasons in the ground and not being intentional with the water and not being intentional with the garden, not being intentional with the group because if I'm not intentional with that, then these things are never going to grow. You can say, yes, all day long, but if you don't put the work behind it, you don't have the heart behind it, the prayer behind it. If you're not really all in, then you will not see the fruition that these things got placed in your heart are really meant to go.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You know? And so I love that advice. It's what a great way to start this podcast. I mentioned you're a part of House Vires. And tell us a little bit about how House fires started where this comes from and how you got to be a part of it. Yeah, so it originated at a church in the heart of Midtown, Atlanta, back in 2013, late 2013. The church is called Grace Midtown, still a thriving church in the heart of the city.
Starting point is 00:05:26 It's wedged in between Georgia Tech and Georgia State and Emory and all these amazing universities and so it's kind of this young, vibrant culture to it. And yeah, some of the leaders of the church actually were praying and they were like, God, what is the next season of our church look like? They were opening their hands and their hearts and saying, God, would you form our church? We wanted to be your church, not our plan, but like your divine vision and your purpose, your dream for this city.
Starting point is 00:05:54 How can we bless our city and the people you've entrusted to us? And the very simple vision that came to them, the picture was houses on fire and they felt like God specifically said, plant 50 houses on fire, like go after seeing 50 houses on fire in the city. And by this, you know, at this time, the church was already relatively big, probably a thousand itch. And there were a ton of college kids. And, but you know, and, you know, in the college season, it's just like everybody wants to do everything together all the time. You know what I mean? Like, you know, there's just all this free time. I know that's my story, even where I went to school. And so, you know, there
Starting point is 00:06:37 was, there was the gathering on Sunday mornings and Sunday nights, but the vision was to like tap into this early church model, you know, as we see in the book of Acts, like it says the disciples, the apostles went from temple to home, home to temple. And so it's not just about the big gathering, I mean, that's amazing, like we shouldn't forsake gathering together, like Paul said, but also it's like, you know, we can't get all we need, just on a Sunday or a Tuesday or Wednesday night or whatever, you know, at church. And so really the vision was just to have people meet where they lived in the common homes that they lived in. Living rooms, like nothing special about it, you didn't have to decorate it. People were like, oh, we have to go to West Elm
Starting point is 00:07:20 and get all these fancy new couches. And it was just like, hey, you know, the invitation was bring who you are and what you have, you know, and we'll do the same, you know, so it was just to prepare that common table at common meeting space, you know, like in Acts 242, it says, you know, that the, that the believers gathered to pray to fellowship, to break bread, to share all things in common.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And so that was really the heart as they heard this 50 houses on fire. the believers gathered to pray, to fellowship, to break bread, to share all things in common. So that was really the heart as they heard this 50 houses on fire. And that was already happening, but I think it brought some more purposeful vision. And honestly, back when God spoke that, we never knew it would turn into a ministry, into a band that God would send around the world and to bless the global church. It was just like, hey, this is for our little community, our little ethos that God has entrusted us to. And, you know, so we were like doing house church
Starting point is 00:08:13 as we called it, and it's semantics really. People are like house churches, so interesting. Like, you know, small group, community group, home group, it's all the same, like just gather where you live with your neighbors, invite people that you live around, and commune with God, and with one another. It's a beautiful, simple thing. And so we continued to do that,
Starting point is 00:08:35 but the song started to come out. And not all, I mean, most of us weren't proper songwriters. We didn't have record deals. We were just like worship leaders at our church. Most of us weren't even on staff, you know, salaried any of that. And a big part of my story was actually hearing God invite me into this when I was in college doing house church stuff. Wow. Maybe more on that later. But anyway, these songs started to come out and it was just beautiful. I mean, people were weeping and like giving their lives
Starting point is 00:09:06 over to God and people were gonna heal them. You know, we were seeing miracles in front of us. You know, people were like, I don't have enough money to like pay my rent or this or that and like people would just, like that's a miracle too. Yeah. You know, like when we give, when we become the provision,
Starting point is 00:09:24 you know, through the grace of God that we're crying out for. I think that's a beautiful part of community and just these churches, you know, church and spaces like homes and living rooms. And, you know, like one of the first songs we ever wrote and house church was actually a good father. And, which is just funny to say because I know like people would be like, oh my gosh, you know, not a lot of people even know kind of the genesis of that story, but I remember we were singing in a living room. And there was this girl who I believe her dad had a terminal illness. I don't remember specifically, but it was like getting close to the end.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And she was just crying out to God, like, how could you let this happen? God, like, this doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel good. And the room just like surrounded her, you know, holding her weeping with her, crying out. And this very simple tag, this very simple refrain, of course, came out that you're a good father to you are to you are. And that's one of the most special moments I've ever seen in worship. And there was nothing fancy about it. There was no plan like this song is going to go around the church and Christophe was going to do it and this and this and that. There was none of that. It was the purity and the simplicity of a moment of just when the anointing of God comes upon a moment and a people that are open and broken enough to receive and You know language he gives language to speak his heart to reveal who he is to those who are ready to see it and hear it
Starting point is 00:10:56 But yeah, so songs just started to flow like that, you know, and I mean And it was it was messy and out of tune guitars and people were couldn't even play an instrument We're jumping on the gym, and shaking the tambourine. I mean, this is the beauty of Pentecostalism, right? Of the carousel. Great. That's great.
Starting point is 00:11:13 That's great. I remember whenever I was little, just my bedtime routine with my mom and dad, my mom would love to read his books and tuck us in and all the things. And it's just the best feeling in the world. Now I get to give that to Honey. It really is the best feeling.
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Starting point is 00:12:39 at home in your own bed. So go to trymiracle.com slash woe to try miracle made sheets today. And with Mother's Day and Father's Day around the corner, this is the perfect opportunity to give them a gift that they will love with luxurious sleep. So save over 40% off and be sure to use our promo code woe at checkout to save even more and you'll get three free towels with that. Miracle is so confident in their product, it's back to the 30 day money back guarantee. So if you aren't 100% satisfied, you'll get a full refund.
Starting point is 00:13:09 Upgrade your sleep today with Miracle made, go to trymiracle.com slash woe and use the code woe to claim your free three piece towel set and save over 40% off. Again, that's trymiracle.com slash woe to treat yourself today. This is so cool. I have to say because Chris Tellam was actually on the podcast a couple months ago and he told that he told the story of I think and I don't I mean, I don't know exactly, but that Lauren
Starting point is 00:13:39 heard good good father, I guess, from you guys. But I didn't make that connection until you're saying that. I'm like, that's crazy because it was saying Lauren heard it and was like, Chris, you have to hear this song. And he was kind of just like ignoring her, ignoring her. And then he's like, no, Chris, like, you need to hear the song. And she plays in the song. And he's like, I have to do this song. Like it just moved him in such a way. So it's so cool that you're here telling the story of actually what happened in that worship room. And I mean, that is like the beauty of that is true worship. Like you're sitting there in the mess of these big questions saying, like, God, how could you do this?
Starting point is 00:14:14 Like, are you really good? But then speaking over the feeling, speaking over what it looks like and saying, this is the truth of who you are, that you are a good, good father. And I just heard David Platte recently speaking, he said, you know, you have to ask yourself the question, do you really believe God is good and powerful and holy and all of these things when you don't see any of the attributes of those things playing out right in front of you? And he's like, you have to come to knowing God in such a way that yes, this is true about him, even though right now, a displayed in front of me
Starting point is 00:14:50 by my earthly perspective, it doesn't look like that. This is what I believe. And so knowing that that was kind of what was happening in that room, that there was this honest doubt because of real life circumstances, but then this declaration of truth over a situation. And then for that house church moment to go across the world, that is like the coolest story ever. I did not know any of that. And I just love that. I have like so many questions from everything
Starting point is 00:15:19 you just said. We're going in like, I'm like, okay, what do I even, where do I even go first? I think one thing I do want to ask you, because okay, so this all, did that all start in like 2013 to 2014? Yeah, and that good good father moment was even pre-2013. I believe that was maybe even closer to 2011, 2012. But yeah, house fires, we did our very first recording. Yeah, at the end of 2013, and that record came out January 2014. Wow, so this has been about 10 years So what I love though is like this morning. I'm listening to you all's news album and you still get that
Starting point is 00:15:56 pure authentic Worship almost just freestyle, but I mean clearly you've thought it out But it was freestyle spontaneous. It's just like declarations and it's just this beautiful form of worship. I want to ask you because I think sometimes, you know, things start with such pure intention, things start with this house church true worship, all these things. And then unfortunately things get big, things blow up. I mean, you guys were just on Fox and Friends, which was incredible and just huge success. But how do you maintain that original purity
Starting point is 00:16:34 that it started with? How do you maintain that house fire, house church, kind of mentality, acts as you're getting to such a level of success. That makes sense. Yeah, it's a great question, Sadie. I think core values that lead into that and help cultivate that are just like, stay humble. Yeah. Don't take yourself too seriously. That's always been a core value of our band, of our ministry. I love there, there's this quote that Matt Redman has always said and it's like,
Starting point is 00:17:10 even after all we've seen, and I'm going to butcher it, this is my interpretation, it's like, even after all we've seen, how many times we stepped up to lead worship, to see God do amazing, powerful, miraculous things, we need him just as much as we do when we first began. And to stay dependent, right? Like that is the core of worship, is to trust and to rely on a God that is in control, even when we are not. That sees it all, even when we don't have the sight. Like house fires launching 10 years ago, it's like we had no idea.
Starting point is 00:17:42 But God had already had that dream in his heart and saw the end from the beginning, right? And we trust in a God that leads us through that. And so I would say, yeah, trust and dependency, staying like a child, I mean, I'm about to turn 35 years old this summer. And I just the older I get, I want to become more and more childlike. Not childish. You know, I have a three-year-old daughter and so I get an image of that every day like, oh my gosh, my beautiful daughter, Hazel Clementine, like she is an example of what it looks like to be a childlike follower of Jesus. So just be a child to revel in the wonder and the wide openness of life and the goodness of it and the purity of it.
Starting point is 00:18:25 And so I would say like, we've always tried to keep that child like this, you know, and with that, like I was saying, don't take yourself too seriously, you're not that big of a deal. But I have to tell myself that all the time, oh, I won this award. Okay, it's, you know, like to be proud, to feel honored, to be grateful, is amazing,
Starting point is 00:18:40 but at the end of the day, like, you're not that big of a deal. That's so good. Like it didn't come from you, like, remember your source, remember, you know, the f end of the day, you're not that big of a deal. It didn't come from you. Remember your source. Remember the fount of every blessing, our Father, our God. And I would say with house fires, we've always just aimed to cultivate and create what we need.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You know what I mean? Just like we need a place that feels free and feels like authentic and open to worship and to commune with others You know, it's of course we want to create what we need to see in the world But it's like this is also for us too. Yes, you know I don't want people to miss a interpret that is like oh selfish But it's like you know what I need to be filled with the spirit for sure I need to hear God's voice like I need to write songs that I can come back to as prayers that were birthed in tears and in mourning
Starting point is 00:19:29 and then crying out to God, you know what I mean? So I think, yeah, we've just always tried to cultivate and maintain the purity of when it first started. I love that. That stay humble and stay desperate for the Lord, honestly. And like an honest desperation. I'm not just saying I need you God, like I truly fully, humbly understand
Starting point is 00:19:49 that I am in desperate need of you. If I don't have you, don't have anything. And I think also a lot of that has to do with, in your mind, what is success? Is it hitting all these big markers, or is it truly like house is being on fire? And I feel that way with the things I'm doing like, you know, you mentioned getting these awards and how it's you're grateful.
Starting point is 00:20:09 But it's not at the end of the day. And I had this funny moment this year where I was like nominated for like podcast of the year for Caleb. And I was like, this is so cool. Like I'm so excited. I was so honored, so grateful. And I honestly, I really wanted to win it because I was like this is like something that I've put my heart into This is what I love and it was a fan-boded thing
Starting point is 00:20:31 So I was like how cool that like your people would rally behind you So I'm just like been thinking about this. Well, I was I won the award and I was so grateful I was so excited and it was just so funny because I get out there and they hand me you know the K and I'm thinking everybody I'm just so excited and I literally had this thought like oh I can't wait to put this in my office and as I walked up the stage and the lady immediately came and grabbed it from me and she goes sorry this isn't the real one we'll send you one later or whatever and it was like just such a like good picture of like this is not what it's about, you know like These things don't last like don't store up your treasures where you know
Starting point is 00:21:11 Rust and moss all this stuff that I love that verse. It's like this is not weird treasures like yes You're grateful. Yes. It's an honor that people you know Love the podcast and voted and more it and more than that. The fact that this podcast has impact, the fact that people are being led to Christ, the fact that one person's listening and would come up to me in the airport and say, when this person was on the chair,
Starting point is 00:21:36 they're sort of, that's exactly what I was going through, that's exactly the word I needed. And so when you start to redefine what success is or make sure your heart is pure and success, then I think it does keep you humble because you realize it is not about you. It truly is about keen to work. And in that case, you can, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:54 knock yourself down 10 degrees and see if you're what it really is. And so I just, I love what you said. I think that's so beautiful. And truly like so much of what I'm putting out It's the same for me like all these podcasts that I have as I'm sitting here listening to you I learned so much. I'm taking in so much. I need these conversations. I need this wisdom And so that's just super cool to see us perspective and your core values last for such a long time and Lord willing for for years and years and years to come and it's cool
Starting point is 00:22:24 We all are building something that just outgirds y'all too. It's just awesome. So I got to ask, you kind of hinted at your story a little bit in the midst of all that. What's your story of faith? How'd you come to know God and what made you decide, you know, with your life? You're going to write songs for the church. Yeah. Thanks for asking that.
Starting point is 00:22:43 I'd love to share. So I grew up in a very contemporary non-inominational church. You know, back when people were like, is it hands or is it modern worship? You know, I mean, it was like this hot topic. Yeah, yeah. And I didn't grow up in the pews. I didn't grow up singing hymns. You know, we grew up in a I grew up in a very non-enominational modern church in Northeast Atlanta. And it's actually the same family of churches that Grace Midtown was a part of. So I was a part of that family of churches and ended up pastoring there for five, six years and so most of my life and which is a gift to
Starting point is 00:23:20 say like I grew up in the same place. I mean, a lot of people transplant and, you know, just as parents have to move and family stuff happens, you know, they're just moving from church to church. But I'm blessed to just say I grew up in the same family in the same house. And the same house of worship. And they had a very big emphasis on discipleship. It was always, you know, quoting the song that said,
Starting point is 00:23:44 so the next generation might know that even the children that aren't yet born wouldn't turn no God and worship Him. And so I just grew up. We would recite that every Sunday. And because of that culture, always had mentors, always had people discipling me, pouring in to me, encouraging me for better or for worse. You know what I mean? Like when I wanted to get out of line and act up and party, people were like, you're better than that, Nate. I'm like, oh, these people tell their to me, like, if you keep me in love, you're guiding me. So I grew up in that church, and it was beautiful.
Starting point is 00:24:18 It was amazing with parents who love Jesus. And you know, most of my experience was still, and this is not on the church, just as just my interpretation was, you know, that I was worshiping a far off God. That one day when I would die, I would go up in the sky and I would really know him, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:24:38 And most of my framework for worshiping and loving God was like, I just don't wanna upset him. Yeah. My view of God was he's already angry. So like, just don't want to upset him. Yeah. You know, my view of God was he's already angry. Wow. So like I don't want to push the button even more. So it's a fear-based theology and mentality of like don't upset Zeus in the sky.
Starting point is 00:24:54 Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? And not this good tender loving father as we see revealed in the life in the ministry of Jesus. And that's not to say like love doesn't go hand in hand with you know judgment or All of these other things like we have to hold the tension of that right there's nuances. We see that all throughout scripture But most of my framework all that to say was I was afraid of God I just didn't want to get struck down like I just thought if I sin if I do anything I could die and
Starting point is 00:25:22 So you know I checked all the boxes. I was a good youth group kid, leading small groups. I remember I started leading worship when I was 15 because my youth pastor was like, hey, you got a pretty good voice on you. Would you be down to like lead worship Sunday mornings? And you know, I just picked up guitar and I wanted to impress the girls and I was like,
Starting point is 00:25:41 yeah, like, so like, you know, it was the most pure thing, but I just remember being like, I guess I could help out, you know what I mean? And so started leading worship. I just remember just being so nervous. And like every time I would get up there and, you know, the beauty is, it isn't all dependent upon us. Like, when we tap in and we're reliant on a source that is greater and more powerful than ourselves It doesn't matter if I've missed the mark. It doesn't matter if I missed a chord or I said or saying the wrong thing Like the grace of God supersedes all of that And he can use anything right his grace is sufficient like second Corinthians says So all that to say I started leading worship then, but I was just kind of like living this check the box Expression of Christianity. Okay, I journal today. I prayed. I don't think I may got that mad, you know I read the Bible because I
Starting point is 00:26:32 Should have yeah, you know what I mean? And you know, so I went off to college back in 2006 went to University of Georgia go dogs And It's a good couple of years for us. I'm happy. I'm grateful. But I went off to school and most of the people I went off to school with, you know, that new Jesus and we're living for Jesus, kind of started to decide to party and go the
Starting point is 00:26:58 other way. And you know, I dabble a little bit in that, like in high school. And so I just, I knew the fruit of that. Like I knew what that led to. And I kind of came to this crossroads with the Lord. My family loves this time of the year because we love to be outside. We love to be plantinists, swimming, doing some kind of activity. And it's just really important for Christian and I that we make sure we're making good
Starting point is 00:27:23 decisions for our bodies and our minds and just overall health. And that's one reason why we love A.D.1 by Athletic Greens. Christian puts one scoop in his water in the morning and he loves it because it's so quick and easy with no handfuls of pills or any complicated steps. A.D.1 was actually designed with ease in mind so that you can live healthier and better
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Starting point is 00:29:22 And I battled loneliness and depression most of my life. Wow But I just remember like weeping in my dorm room like God I have no one like I feel alone in this brand new place And there's all these opportunities to meet people, but it feels like the wrong way to do it and I Just came to this crossroads where it was like, God, I either want all of you or nothing. Like, I don't want to just live this like, you should type of Christianity, this beautiful thing. Like, I want to do it out of delight. And I feel like God turned my duty into delight. Right. It's like not have to, but get to like want to. There's this deep
Starting point is 00:30:01 desire that the spirit waters and rises up in your heart when you say yes Yeah, when you open up, right? So I just remember crying out my dorm room like God send me people like Use me like I want to know you just like a friend that's sitting right beside me, you know like and I was reading the book of Acts at the time and I had actually just started to read about all these revivalists You know in the 18 1900s and just these mighty moves of God. And I just remember, like, feeling the dissonance of being like, why haven't I seen this stuff? Like, if we believe like the same spirit that raised Christ Jesus lives in us, you know, we're under that same mandate, that same vision as the early church, like, what's the disconnect?
Starting point is 00:30:43 It's good. You know, and, um, good question. that same vision as the early church, like what's the disconnect? It's good. Yeah. Good question. I don't say any of that on my church upbringing, because like I said, it formed me. That's where I started leading worship. That's where I learned how to lead and to love people. But I just started crying out out of a desperate heart.
Starting point is 00:30:58 Like you're saying, an honest desperation. Like I needed God. I was like, God, I want all of you. I don't want to play these games anymore. These religious checklists. And I say to you, like, I just remember it was like the spirit fell upon me in my room. Wow. Like the day of Pentecost. You know what I mean? Like, I don't know. Like, I wish I could have like a third person video view of what happened. But I just remember it was, it was messy, right? Like God met me in my mess. He met me in my questioning. He met me in my like lack thereof. And I just remember like being filled with the spirit and God feeling so close, like a friend, like a lover, like a father, everything
Starting point is 00:31:36 that I needed. And I remember just like picking up my guitar because it was the only thing I knew how to do, you know, and gosh, I probably knew four chords, maybe three. And I just kpo up like 10 fret as far as I could go to get into the comfortable key and I just started singing what was in my heart. Wow. And I didn't know what I was doing. I had never written a song in my life, but I just started to sing my prayers. And I just remember God sending me from that place.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Like I want you to do that very simply that same thing. And I'm going to like use it more than you would ever know. And of course, I had my doubts along the way. This is my freshman year of college. Like, I didn't know who I was or what I was going to major in. But I just remember God kept knocking on the door of my life and on my heart. And I knew it was him because he said, I'll open doors and only I can open. This is not of your own effort.
Starting point is 00:32:26 Like bring your gifts, bring your passion, bring your skills, but I'm gonna multiply it like the loaves and the fish. You know, and so I've always looked at songwriting and worship leading as like singing your prayers, singing what you need and you want to see, singing who you know God to be, declaring, I mean, there's all these aspects of worship and of praise. But for me, it just started with the desperate
Starting point is 00:32:48 cry of like, God, I need you. And, you know, I felt like God sent me from there. And he was just very strategically like, I'm going to bring people into your life that you can run with that I want you to create beautiful things with for me, for my kingdom. And so, you know, I'm a sociable guy. I love people, and so meeting people has never been hard for me. But God brought a few brothers and sisters into my life and college that first year, where there was just this deep
Starting point is 00:33:18 connection. It was just like we had felt like we grew up together, but we had just met. Wow. And isn't that beautiful? The spirit of God can do that. I mean, I'm not knocking on like relationships that have stood the test of time.
Starting point is 00:33:30 And you know, there's something beautiful about old friendships, but it was just like, you meet these people and you just feel like kindred spirits. And I met like five or six people like that. And we just started gathering in our living room and in our dorms. And you know, we were part of churches there.
Starting point is 00:33:47 We were part of campus ministries, but we just felt like there was something more to God have birthed in us. Yeah. And, um, I wanted to see a safe place and open place for people to come. Like that felt disenfranchised from church, because you see that so much your first couple of years of college, like, oh, I can do whatever I want. For better or for worse.
Starting point is 00:34:09 Like, I don't have to live my parents' expression of religion or Christianity. Like, a lot of people are rebelling because they've been rule followers or whatever, or they're disappointed, or you know, they just are curious. But I wanted, you know, with some of these friends just to create a space
Starting point is 00:34:24 where God could do whatever he wanted. It's great. And he would use and equip unqualified people. We were so unqualified. Like I said, I didn't know how to lead the perfect worship set. I was like, hey, piano player, play this chord and look at this transition. We're gonna take it off for you. It was like, no, like that stuff was so dang messy.
Starting point is 00:34:42 But it was beautiful. There's so much beauty and power in the mess and the surrender And you know what we started with five of us in our living room Just crying out for our city for Athens Georgia God would you come would you would you renew us? Would you bring people to you? Would you heal people? Would you save us fill us God send us? We need this just as much as anybody else and by the end of that first semester We had almost a hundred oversliding out of our house. And it wasn't because we're doing anything special. It was because of that simple little repeated yes. Like that. What faithfulness
Starting point is 00:35:16 to God looks like just show up. It could be the weakest little quietest whisper of a yes. God still uses that. It could be the mightiest like, like yes God I'm all like he takes what we give him like so to expand it supernatural and use it more than we could ever know and You know we we had the homeless and the houseless coming we had families with kids coming You know we just we had college students of people who weren't in college It was just like bringing everyone like that's the invitation of God. Yeah, everyone is included and invited, right? And so we just prepared a place. We just kind of set the table. Like I love to say, and we've said this in house fires, like worship so much,
Starting point is 00:35:54 they're so often is like hospitality. Yeah, you're just kind of setting the table. You're open in the door. You're like, come on. And God does the rest, right? It's so good. And so these were these house church gatherings and it was beautiful. And this is where I felt like God really came upon my life
Starting point is 00:36:09 and anointed me and sent me to do this the rest of my life. And gosh, I didn't know what it was like. I remember people like, Roto's being like, you know, what internships you got set up and I'm like, nothing. Nothing. Nothing. I just leave my question for the glory of God.
Starting point is 00:36:24 He's using it though like like you're crazy man. I remember even family members being like, what do you do? This is not a good life plan. And sometimes there's wisdom in the practical approach. And, but I just remember being a fool for God. Like, same. And that's actually one of the Hebrew words of praise
Starting point is 00:36:42 is to be a fool for God to literally just revel in the freedom and the grace. And it's actually one of the Hebrew words of praise is to be a fool for God to literally like, just revel in the freedom and the grace and. It's good. I don't know, like I always want to err on that side. That's so good. You know, the wisdom of God is above the wisdom of man. And it's oftentimes when we live life of faith and trust and God, it will look foolish to the world.
Starting point is 00:37:03 It'll look foolish to our culture. People who like, I don't understand. That's not a good retirement plan. That's not a good this or that or exit ramp off of your major in college. And I'm not saying don't take practical advice and wisdom, please do. But I just think like when God has a plan for us,
Starting point is 00:37:20 it won't always make sense to everybody else. If you just keep trusting what you've heard, keep walking and that, keep showing up to it and saying, yes, God will do more than you could ever ask or imagine. And that's one of my favorite verses and Ephesians, just like more than we can ask or imagine. It's so true. God said, so good.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Everything you just said, I hope people just even go back and you brought us right into the story. I feel like I was there. I was like, yes, we're growing. I feel like we're at the beginning of this time, starting this house thing, seeing the worship expand. And it's like so exciting, but also you said so many solid life lessons
Starting point is 00:37:55 within that, solid things about God, about his character, about what it looks like to say yes to him, what it looks like to actually be qualified to do, what God's asking to do. It has nothing to do with your earthly qualifications, but more so just the fact that you're called by God. And if you're called by God, you're equipped by God.
Starting point is 00:38:14 If you're called by God, he'll send the right people and your life to do the things that he's asking to accomplish. He's not gonna ask more of you than he's willing to give, you know, to you, to do what you have to do. And a lot of times people are like, okay, God, you said I'm going to do this. So, so where's the platform? So where's the thing? It's like the things in your house, you know, like the thing is in your voice. It's in your three chords. It's just starting where
Starting point is 00:38:40 you're at using what you have and doing it with full faith. And I think you're so right about that practicality. Yes, there's wisdom to some to some practicality for sure. We're not saying, you know, don't be practical and just go quit everything and do whatever. No, but at the same time, there is a part of faith that just is not going to be practical. There's a huge part of faith that is just not going to make sense. And I remember
Starting point is 00:39:05 when I hired the first person on my team, now she's worked for me for six years. We are teammates through and through. Man, if I did not have her, I would not have anything that I'm doing right now in the ministry. Our team is such a solid team. But I just remember going to hire her and the second person who's been with me for six years where I came to them and I was like, look, I don't have anything solid here but I got a lot of faith and a lot of vision and let me just share with you the vision and I think it can be accomplished but I'm gonna need you guys, I'm gonna need a team and we're just gonna need to start saying yes and to be honest I truly did not have any of the things
Starting point is 00:39:48 I was saying set and stone, I had any of the things I was saying that made a whole lot of sense, even with what I was coming from, but I just had this vision from the Lord and I just had this faith to say yes and to desire his will over my own. And I remember what was so cool about it
Starting point is 00:40:06 is both of the people I was hiring one had like a legitimate opportunity to go be a tour manager for like an actual legitimate artist. The other one had a solid marketing job at a very well-known college. Like these people are doing great things and here I am asking them to do something that would require so much faith
Starting point is 00:40:25 Payback like I mean cut back in their salary all these things and Their faith to say yes knowing that they too or not Qualify for what I was asking because none of us knew how to do what we were about to do Plus they were taking steps away from the security and the thing that made sense actually like encouraged me so much And in just my faith to know, okay, God, you are moving in this because this literally has to be you or we're really a fool, you know?
Starting point is 00:40:52 But we'd rather be a fool for you. And here we are six years later, doing so much more than we could have even thought of, dream of imagined, things we never thought of in that initial meeting, things we couldn't have even thought to imagine. It's like, when God says Abraham, like go out and look at the stars. Like, there's a lot bigger picture here than what you can see right now.
Starting point is 00:41:12 And so yes, there's so much, so much more than you know with that initial yes, but that yes and that willingness and that commitment to sit, to actually, you know, go for it. Man, it takes you such a long way, because you have the wind of God behind you. And with that, I mean, there's no small thing attached to that. And so that's just so cool to hear your story and to hear everything that God's done. I want to ask you, I heard about the tattoo you have two degrees, I believe. And it's a really cool story. Can you share a little bit about the meaning behind that? Y'all, I have so many pictures on my phone. It's actually ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:41:53 I definitely need to clean through some pictures because I have years worth of pictures that I'm just like, what am I even going to do with? But then I also have mixed in there like once that I actually want to frame, I'll just stop. But just don't have time for it right now. I don't know about y'all if y'all are sitting there with millions of pictures on y'all's phone too and how you do that But what if you could put all of your photos from random camera old pigs to high res
Starting point is 00:42:15 Wedding album onto a gorgeous frame But what if you could put all of these photos from the random camera old pigs to the high res wedding album pictures that you have Into one gorgeous frame, well, you actually can do that, would just be connected to a frame like aura. This is an awesome gift, y'all, so if you're not ready for mothers to yet and you don't know what to get your mom,
Starting point is 00:42:34 look no further, this is it. The aura frame was named the best digital photo frame by Wirecutter and also selected as one of Oprah's favorite things. So aura frames are guaranteed to make your mom or your grandma smile for sure. If you haven't seen them, or a frame are digital frames that let you display your favorite photos
Starting point is 00:42:51 without having to print them out. They hold unlimited photos and videos that you can upload from anywhere just with a Wi-Fi connection and your or a app. Setup literally just takes two minutes, even for someone who is not tech savvy and they're never any fees at all, which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:43:06 So what's so fun about this too is horror frames will just let you preload the frame with personalized messages and memories, and they show up as soon as mom or grandma plugs in her frame. I have a big family, so I love the horror frames. It lets you actually invite as many people as you want to upload pics to your frame. So my aunt's uncle's cousin's friends,
Starting point is 00:43:23 whoever can send their photos to the frame and all for free with no limits on storage. But you still have complete control over who has access to your frame. Using the app is more secure than sending it by text or email, no party crashes will allow y'all, which makes you feel safe about all your pictures. Or friends really is so fun.
Starting point is 00:43:41 I personally think it's just so fun for our family because like I said, we can all send in pictures and put it onto one frame. It's just a great gift for your mom where she can fill out all of her people and her life and see all of her favorite memories. Every frame comes packaged in a premium gift box with no price actually. You can actually save her wrapping paper. This awesome gift is ready to give right in the box. So stop stressing about what you're going to get your mom in your life. This is this is it right here right now or has a great deal for Mother's Day. Listeners can actually visit or frames.com and get up to $30 off their best selling frames. That's a you are a or frames.com plus listeners get free shipping with the code. Whoa, check out.
Starting point is 00:44:21 So this deal is going to end on Mother's Day May 14th. So don't wait for friends in terms and conditions apply. Yeah, absolutely. So I don't know if you've heard of onsite workshops, but it's actually it's in North Nashville. It's like an hour outside the city. Yes. And I'm a big believer in just like listening and paying attention to the things that keep coming up in your life Yeah, like and thank God that like the first time he knocks or he kind of pokes us on the shoulder is not the only chance, right? like I really believe that like things come back around, you know, I'm not saying that like Sometimes we can miss things, but the grace of God brings it back around, right?
Starting point is 00:45:04 But I just remember so many people in my life that I love Respect and trust being like dude. I think you should check on site out. I went and it changed everything for me and Like I'm coming off like a few years ago of like a Mental breakdown of anxiety and depression and just all this stuff like hitting the fan like oh my goodness things that I ignored for years You know and then just going through the pandemic like having to like reckon with all that was like oh my goodness. Wow so Needless to say I've been in therapy. Thank God that you know that he sent me up well and people to be you know
Starting point is 00:45:43 Sages and voices of wisdom in my life that can lead me and guide me and call things out when I can't see fully myself. But I'm, on site, it's just really like a therapy counseling center and so many friends have gone. So I finally decided to go. And I was a bit reluctant. Like being vulnerable is not hard for me.
Starting point is 00:46:01 Being open is not hard. I love to share as you've seen. I love it. But it just not hard. I love to share, as you've seen. I love it. But it just felt like, I don't know. I just wasn't sure what it was going to look like. And so anyway, showed up at OnSight and they say it's like seven months of therapy in four days, which is so dang true. There was so much breakthrough and transformation that happened that week in my life and that jump started all these things
Starting point is 00:46:27 That week and so I'm so grateful, but one of the little teachings every morning Before we'd break up into our groups or you I didn't individual track So I had my own therapist all day every day, which was amazing Because I can get distracted by groups. I get goofy and I'm like, oh which was amazing because I can get distracted by groups. I get goofy and I'm like, oh, I'm loving this. It's like college all over again. Like, yeah, it looks potty and it's like, no, like focus Nate. Like God bless. I'm so good. HD, it's some special setting. But anyway, so all is to say every morning there's like a little
Starting point is 00:46:58 teaching to kind of just meditate on and send yourself. And the teaching one morning was very simply like the two degree shift. And I don't remember who originally came up with this idea. Somebody much smarter than me. But it just stuck with me because I've always had a hard time with discipline, like God bless us, spacey artists that are just visionaries and dreamers and are like, all up in the clouds all day. Just this and that. You know, discipline has always been hard for me, especially because every week of my life looks different.
Starting point is 00:47:31 You know what I mean? It's on tour. It's in the writing room. It's in the studio or it's getting lunch with somebody I want to connect with the kind of dream ministry stuff about or whatever could be anywhere in the world, right? And there's beauty to that. But it's not very conducive for discipline. And anyway, all this to say, the teaching was a two degree shift over a long period of time can change your whole trajectory. So it's not even always about the big changes. Like think about New Year's resolutions, where it's like, I'm giving up gluten and dairy and meat. And you know, oh my gosh, I've tried that so many times. Whole 30, I'm more like full 30. I'm like eating it all for a month. Sorry, I'm dumb.
Starting point is 00:48:13 But I always had trouble. Like, you know, I always have these big dreams and these big goals, but it's just like, it's so easy to get discouraged when you don't set realistic, attainable goals. And so this teaching so connected to me, like little changes over a long period of time, the rest of your life, inspectorum will change the whole trajectory. Like think about it, just two degrees on the map. You can end up in a completely different place in the world or in the country or whatever. And this just changed how I saw everything.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Like it's no longer about the big changes. It's like, okay, I want to get healthy, like mentally, physically, spiritually. I just need to start integrating these in my life in very attainable ways, simple. So true. And I mean, that's like such a good piece of advice too, like set attainable goals,
Starting point is 00:49:00 or else you'll stop showing up to it, because you'll get disheartened and discouraged and we all miss the mark. You know what I mean? But it's like, okay, I got a little off track. Okay, just keep with the small changes. Yeah. I mean, it's kind of that piece of advice
Starting point is 00:49:12 that I shared at the beginning, like do a few things and do them well, right? Like we don't need to, it's impossible to change everything at once, like 15 or 20 things, like start with the one or the two things, start chipping away at that iceberg, you know? So I got this tattoo. It was my very first tattoo. I love it. With a group of people that I got close with at onsite, we all got it together. Just to remind ourselves
Starting point is 00:49:37 what we had learned and what got it done that week. And yeah, I just look at it and I just remember small changes. Now keep chipping away at it, keep going like, so encouraging and so doable. You know, I think that's like the biggest thing because so many goals that we set can almost be discouraging because you know, you're not gonna do them, you know? But knowing like, no, actually I am capable of doing this. I'm capable of doing this small thing
Starting point is 00:50:01 in the right direction, which could actually set me up on the right path from our life. And gosh, that's so encouraging. And I just encourage whoever's listening today, like, you might already know what that one degree shift is. You know, you might already know what that one little thing you can shift is and start doing that today. Start implementing that in your life. You don't have to wait till January 1st or the next fast at your church or whatever it is. Like start now doing that because it'll set you up great and just even thinking about that practicality thing. I think it's not so much practicality, but when you do have faith and discipline, you know, not always practicality,
Starting point is 00:50:36 but discipline and real work and real steps on it because it does require that. Man, that's whenever you just see so much fruit because God is good and God is capable of doing anything God wants to do. But God has also put the things in you to wake up in the morning, brush it to you and get to work on, you know? And I think sometimes we want, you know,
Starting point is 00:51:00 God to just do all the things for us. When God's like, there's a reason I actually put breath in your lungs You know is to do the work that I put in you to do to display my glory to to be an image bearer of me to to allow People to be an all wonder of who I might be as your creator And so I just love that pairing is not sitting around and just saying all right guy We believe you're gonna do it. Well, yeah, we believe you're gonna do it But we also believe you're gonna do it. Well, yeah, we believe you're gonna do it, but we also believe you're gonna do it through us.
Starting point is 00:51:25 And so, I think that's really cool. And I wanted to go back to some of you said earlier how you grew up in a non-denominational church background and you had to come to this point in your life where you were like, God, I just want you, all of you. I'm desperate for you. And you mentioned that. It wasn't your background that kept you from them.
Starting point is 00:51:46 It's really just your own, you know, you hadn't had that personal full moment yet. And I had a completely different background as I was in a super traditional upbringing in church. We only sang hymns. We sat in pears. We had the hymnal book. And, you know, just really traditional. and I had to have the same moment as you
Starting point is 00:52:07 Where when I was 17 years old I said God like I am putting you out of the box that I built Around you like like you bust through that box shatter that box like I'm sorry for the box I want to know you at same prayer. I want to know you as a friend I want to say yes to what you're asking me I don't want to hold back from a life that you would have me to live because I have such a small view of who you are. All these different things. And from that moment on, my life just began to completely change. And same thing. And just like the first time I ever got a vision from the Lord, the first time I felt really the Holy Spirit because I'd never felt like emotional and like worship like that before. Like everything just kind of shifted for me. And so I just wanted to the first time I felt really the Holy Spirit because I never felt like emotional and like worship
Starting point is 00:52:45 like that before like everything just kind of shifted for me. And so I just wanted to say that to say like for the person listening like you might have grown up in a church background super traditional you might have grown up in a church background that was not an initial you might have not grown up in church at all you might be here in this podcast you're like this is the closest thing of church I've ever been to. It doesn't really matter how you grew up. Everyone has to have the moment where they say, this is my personal faith. Where God, like I want to know you personally. Not just what I've heard in Sunday school,
Starting point is 00:53:14 not what I haven't heard, not whatever is my past is my past, but right now for the rest of my future, I wanna know you like that. And so just encourage the listener, like it's different, your relationship with Christ is different than your relationship on Sunday morning at church.
Starting point is 00:53:29 You know, like it's not like you said to check the box thing. It's a true relationship I want to know you as a friend. So I just want to go back to that because I think that's super relatable for so many people no matter what their background is. Everybody has to have that moment. I want to ask you specifically about this new album.
Starting point is 00:53:47 So I'm a YouTube person. I've been doing YouTube for a while. I'm not a YouTuber, I just put up high-casts on YouTube. But one thing that's true about it is that the how-to YouTube videos always do the best. So if you ever are titling a YouTube, you wanna try to be like, how-to-dot-dot-dot, So if you ever are titling a YouTube you want to be like how to
Starting point is 00:54:11 Duh duh duh because people search most how to and so when I saw those albums I was like this is so great how to start a house fire and the reason why how to is so wildly search is because People really want to know how to do stuff like how do I actually move on from a breakup? How do I start a garden? How do I start a garden? How do I put on makeup? It's like all these wide variety of how to's. So what led y'all to the how to thought? And on that note, how do you start a house fire? I guess that'd be the best way to end this podcast.
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Starting point is 00:55:03 Plus free shipping with the code SoldaGenero10. Yes, I love that. And I am a personal believer and searcher of how to videos. I'm such a man. I'm such a man too. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man.
Starting point is 00:55:18 I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm such a man. I'm all over that. How do I fix my golf swing, right? I can't see. Hello, gosh.
Starting point is 00:55:26 So I'm a huge believer in that. And thank God for YouTube and just the accessibility and people are just sharing all these ideas. What a beautiful gift. So yeah, the name, how to start a house fire, kind of came up throughout the years of us traveling and being on the road. And oftentimes when we do tours of worship nights, there's always a Q&A, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:55:50 And those honestly have been some of my favorite moments in ministry the last decade. Because it's just like face to face with real life people, laugh and cry and just share and heart to heart. And I love the unfielded questions where people are just honestly like, hey, what do you think about this? How did this happen? Like, what do you believe about this? And all that to say, like, the most frequent question
Starting point is 00:56:17 that we've gotten throughout the years is like, how do we start a gathering like you guys have? Like, because we would do back at Midtown, we would do a monthly house fire's worship night up until the pandemic hit. We do it every month since 2014. Wow. And it was free.
Starting point is 00:56:33 People would come from all over the Southeast, drive in from their colleges wherever. And so people would see that and we've always just oriented our music around that, right? Like we want it to be raw, we want it to be vulnerable. You know, you can tell, like you're saying when you listen to it, when you see it on YouTube. So the question we've gotten when we've been on the road, the most author of the years is like, how do we start a gathering like this? Like how do I start this in my little Baptist or Methodist or Anglican church in the middle of nowhere? You know, Mississippi or Pennsylvania
Starting point is 00:57:06 or wherever or England. And so, you know, we just thought it would be cool to put together a record of like how to start a house fire that would encapsulate and include songs that we felt like told the story of that throughout the years, you know, the songs of adoration, the songs of desperation, the songs that invite the more of the spirit in our life and his movement. The spontaneous unplanned moments where it's like, you know, we just kind of got caught on this little thing and we're going to chase it. You know what I mean? This was totally off the cuff, which those are some of my favorite moments throughout the years. Not even that we've created, but just so many friends throughout the world that
Starting point is 00:57:49 have kind of just like created space for God to breathe and to speak in a wide open, live moment, which I love. You know, we, one of my mentors, Jason Upton, has always said, like we worship and we serve a living God. So we should come to be very familiar with the spontaneity, you know, the spontaneous moments. That's cool. It's just a living, breathing God. Life is spontaneous.
Starting point is 00:58:12 Now everything could be planned like so much as far beyond our control, right? Yeah. And so like a lot of the beauty, a lot of the power and the brilliance comes when we lean into those unplanned moments, right? So why not incorporate that and integrate that in our worship and our praise? I love that. And that's not to say like, gosh, Sadie, back, you know, 15, 20 years ago when I was leading house church, I used to err on that side. I used to be like, I'm not planning to set it
Starting point is 00:58:37 all like step up in house church and you could do that a little bit more in house church than in regular church. But, ashamedly, I've definitely shown up to lead some church conferences where I'm like, we don't need a plan We don't need a set list like we're just gonna follow you on the Lord and it's like oh boy And then I also like over corrected and then like everything needs to be planned a program to a tea and that's not me Hating on that God is in the programming. He's in the strategy. He's in the planning. But I think the beauty that we even see in the life of Jesus is we need the boat.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It's the boat. It's the boat. We need the spontaneous. We need the planning. And like we see that with Jesus. Like, you know, he'd be like, my time is not yet. I need hop over a wall and be like, no, he'd escape the crowd.
Starting point is 00:59:22 You know what I mean? Like, and they're like, oh, I don't know if that was planned, but he would improvise. You know what I mean? And there were other times where it was just like, this is the plan. This is what God's doing this moment. So I'll let this say, like, we need the strategy. We need the programming, the planning. We also need the living, breathing spontaneous.
Starting point is 00:59:36 You need it all. So I'll let this say, how to start a house fire is just our simple stab at. How did this thing get kicked off? What kind of songs tell you about that? It's great. Carry the spirit of that original movement in our little church in Atlanta. And it was just such a such a gift and a privilege to invite so many friends to collaborate with us.
Starting point is 01:00:01 As you've probably seen there are a bunch of new names on this record. You know, people we just love to make music with people that we love that we respect that we're inspired by like all of these artists. I'm just like blown away by. I love it. You know, and yeah, make, make music, make moments with people that you love. It's great. That's kind of our approach to this record, but how to start a house fire is just Yeah us wanting to share that that heart with the world. So good. Well y'all did it
Starting point is 01:00:29 I'm doing it. I mean truly it's such a good album and I was telling my husband on the way to where today I was just like it is truly just so worshipful like I'm sitting in my living room by myself Just worship with you guys like a collective like a church and in my living room by myself, just worst move you guys. Like a collective, like a church. And man, that's what you get when you truly let the spirit move in a worship room. And you guys did that. And so that reaches through the screen.
Starting point is 01:00:54 It reaches into people's cars because it's the living and breathing God. And so you guys are awesome, Nate. It has been a pleasure getting to know your story. You did your own podcast, you're hilarious. And you're driving into some balls. I will speak it. I will speak it.
Starting point is 01:01:10 I'm listening to it too. But I appreciate you being on the podcast. It's a major, well, that's good. And I'm just thankful for your time and your stories. It was awesome. Likewise, thank you so much, Serif. you

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