2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer - Ep. 142 | 2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Mark Bell

Episode Date: July 18, 2022

On this week’s episode of 2 Bears, 1 Cave, Tom Segura is joined by lifter, podcaster, and entrepreneur Mark Bell. Tom and Mark discuss weight lifting injuries, Mark’s extreme weight loss, Tom’s ...workout routine on the road, improving sleep, squatting 1,000+ lbs, diet, motivation, using PEDs and more! Mark and Tom share the story of how they became friends, they talk about how to help Bert Kreischer “be less fat,” and Tom also reveals the time he was most nervous speaking in front of an audience. https://tomsegura.com/tourhttps://www.bertbertbert.com/bertyboytourhttps://store.ymhstudios.com/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys, there's a bunch of new two-bear's YMH stuff in the store. It's our summer line. It's available right now. Go to store.YMHStudios.com and scoop something up. Let's get me on some gear, dude. Let's get me some wind straw decka. Oh, you're not already on some shit? No, man. When I came in today, you had a kind of a chest pump going. Look at that shit, dude. You did some push-ups before I got in here. No joke. Look at this shit. 100% BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM BAM excited to so you really can't make it in he's done I'm excited to tell you that today you're watching a podcast we wanted the strongest men that has ever
Starting point is 00:00:54 walked the planet and also I have a guest named Mark Bell here Mark thanks for coming I appreciate it thank you I thank you. We have befriended one another. I was doing a show in Sacramento. Befriend it sounds like it were turning into enemies, I think. It does it? It sounds good. It doesn't sound good. Sounds like someone turned on somebody else.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Shit. I will visit my the source later. But my new friend, Mark, is here. And it was great. I was doing, you know, I'm very blessed in many ways, This is my the source later, but my new friend, Mark, is here. It was great. I was doing, you know, I'm very blessed in many ways, but one of the things that happens a lot of times when I travel, people reach out. Sometimes it's like, you know, people in sports teams will be like, you can come check out
Starting point is 00:01:38 the facility or there's like, someone's coming to the game or coming to the show, I mean. Then you're like, hey, if you wanna come work out on this day with your show, you can come. We got into Sacramento late that day, and we had two shows that night. And so I was like, I can't make it to the gym, but I'll see you at the show. And you come to the show and we're talking afterwards. And you're like, so what's like your schedule?
Starting point is 00:02:02 I'm like, well, we're gonna go in the night. And then tomorrow, we're gonna leave. And I just happen to tell you, I think we what's like your schedule? I'm like, well, we're gonna go in the night and then tomorrow We're gonna leave and I just happen to tell you I'm like, I think we're leaving like at one and you go, oh, so your morning's free And I was like, yeah, and you're like, well, I mean, want your come work out in the morning? And I was like, all right, motherfucker. So I'm actually pulled the excuse and like, yeah, yeah, then then he's like, then he's like, just come check out the gym. So I'm Yeah, yeah, yeah, then he's like, then he's like, just come check out the gym.
Starting point is 00:02:28 So I'm like, oh, okay. So I go check out his gym and he's like, hey, see these fucking plates, put them on that sled and wrap this around your waist, let's do laps. So I end up having actually, you don't even know, you don't know how much I enjoyed that experience with you. It has been, because we've been,
Starting point is 00:02:54 I don't know why, but that just clicked, and it like worked really well. Like the workout was good, but I think you and I clicked on like a little bit different level. We did, but also, also you threw something kind of hard, and I saw like, I don't know how much people know about like being a high level standup comedian,
Starting point is 00:03:11 like what it takes, but I saw on that workout kind of what it takes, because I could see in your eyes that you were driven to do what we were doing. It wasn't like the craziest workout ever, but it wasn't easy, it was difficult, and I could see that you wanted to push more and more into it. I was like, oh, it's obvious. He has this and other disciplines in his life.
Starting point is 00:03:30 Thanks. I felt that too, and I left that place because you gave me a great workout. I also had always heard about the slingshot, which is like an invention of yours, that people put on their, basically on their arms and they do bench presses or pushups. And it's probably, yeah, it is probably a bench press. Pushups, dips. But like it's this, you know, comes like a compression band
Starting point is 00:03:56 that gives you like an assist, the way that you, and I've always seen these. And I've seen them in gyms. I'd never had one or bought one. And obviously they're all over your gym. So we got to work out with those, which was awesome. But I left there super, like super motivated man, super inspired.
Starting point is 00:04:14 And I think I've only, I think it's only been like a month, something like that. And I have been, we've been on the road, because you met Sean Nick's who I brought with me. That they have brought, Mark. Sean and I have been working out've been on the road, because you met Sean Nick's who I brought with me that day, I brought Mark. Sean and I have been working out on average two days, two times a day, every time we've been lifting in the mornings and doing cardio in the afternoon,
Starting point is 00:04:33 almost every day, and we've been really on top of our diet, and like really focused, and I also realized something that from talking to you that day, because there's a lot to talk about, but so I realized that as the guy who's on tour, that's kind of like, I'm in charge, and I have a crew, that what I say I want to do will set a tone. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:05:00 And so as soon as, you know what I mean? If I go, I realized I was like, I left you like long message, a bunch of long messages. Oh I go, I realized I was like, I left you like long mess at bunch of long messages. Oh, you did, man. But like, I actually realized it too, that like if I go not only anything to drink, like I'm basically randomly, right? Everyone will be like,
Starting point is 00:05:16 well, we're good. That's the tone for the whole day. And then if I go, I want an old fashioned or something that it was like, I'll take it all fashioned. And it's like, it hit me that happens with like, I'm focusing on lean prots, I've been doing that since I saw you. So I'm down like nine pounds.
Starting point is 00:05:32 What? Yeah. And I've just been like, really into these workouts. That's great. And I credit you with like, setting that tone and that motivation. But I want to talk about so much. But I also, one of the things that we talked about
Starting point is 00:05:47 was sleep, right? And I always thought about sleep as something that happened to me, meaning like, you wake up, how was your sleep? You go, it was good, it was shitty, it just happens. And talking to you, I realized, no, like I should have some accountability for my sleep. In other words, that can still happen, but it should be like, I'm putting my effort into making
Starting point is 00:06:10 it good. Not just like, yeah, dude, it just sucks. You know, like you are in charge of getting ready to go to sleep. You can't just be like, sleep just sucks. You know, you have to think about, think about like with your children, you know, you give them certain a bedtime, you give them a curfew. No, not my two, the fuck has. They're always, yeah, but yeah, that's true. They're up until midnight, right?
Starting point is 00:06:34 Yeah. You know, it's, but we don't do a lot of that stuff to ourselves. Right. We know that that's in our best interest, but we just, we don't, we want to push it off. It's really easy to talk yourself out of doing things that are good for you, in place of doing things that are like entertaining or loungy or comfortable. Like I'm just gonna sit here and chill with my wife
Starting point is 00:06:56 and watch one more show. But the one more show doesn't do anything for you or for your wife really. Yeah, the best thing to do would be to just like brush your teeth and go to bed. But it seems like a boring lifestyle sometimes. But I think that we can find balance. If you watched one show and you spent 40 minutes
Starting point is 00:07:14 an hour watching a show, that's probably good. And then you should be able to go to bed and say, I want to be able to do that same thing tomorrow. I want to be able to exercise. I want to be able to spend time with my family. I want to be able to exercise, I want to be able to spend time with my family. I want to be able to write or work on a podcast or whatever the things are that you're doing during the day and have that good balance. Yeah. And feel really good about that. But it's hard to have balance. If you're not sleeping, you're throwing a bunch of bricks,
Starting point is 00:07:38 you know, 10 pound bricks in a backpack every time that you start to miss sleep. And so every decision that you make every day is just that much harder. And then it's linked to Alzheimer's and dementia and like all kinds of crazy shit and they are estimating by about 20, 30, about half the population will have Alzheimer's or dementia. So it's like, let's try to, I highly mitigate some of that, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:01 One of the funny things about hanging out with someone like you though that has like, what I would call a specific knowledge, a specialized knowledge, right? In body, fitness and these things, is it does become contagious. You talk about some of those things, and then the people you tell start telling other people,
Starting point is 00:08:19 like I have been telling people, because I got the tape right over my mouth tape. I'm not a tape. People are, the fuck are you talking about? Not good if you're throwing up your sleep. That's definitely not good. But tell, will you give some, I know I saw this post, a theme posted about, hey, go check out these podcasts with these, I think, doctors that really explain it, but why you do this? It's just supposed to be more efficient to breathe in and out of your nose
Starting point is 00:08:46 So this is like and the people it's not it's a gentle tape. Yeah, but it does keep like your lips Together it keeps your lips together if you wanted to pop it off You just simply open your mouth. Yeah, and the tape is off. There's many different types of tape that you can get The way that I look at some of this stuff is like, why not try it? I'm not, it might seem like a dangerous endeavor to tape your mouth shut. It sounds crazy.
Starting point is 00:09:10 Let me first mention it to you. You were like, what the fuck? And it's, Why you thought it was some real fucking juice head shit? Were they like, are you taping your mouth shut? And I was like, what? And I was like, what are you talking about? And I thought you guys were just like ripping duct tape
Starting point is 00:09:23 and like, I shook my head over your mouth, and like, you fucking do you gargle with formaldehyde and like, now, like, what are you talking about? I think you guys were just crazy. But then, when you explained it and I looked it up, I was like, oh, and then the thing that almost made the most sense to me was like, somebody says like, if you are in a general sense of panic,
Starting point is 00:09:42 you are told to go into your nose and it's like a calming thing. And then as somebody who, like I have, I sleep with a mouth guard. And the point of the mouth guard is that yes, it prevents the grinding, but it also, it has these bands. It keeps your lower jaw forward from dropping, right? It puts your tongue to the root for your mouth kind of, right?
Starting point is 00:10:03 Right. And then that lower jaw going like this, like I said, from dropping, right? It puts your tongue to the root for your mouth kind of, right? Right. And then that lower jaw going like this keeps, like I said, from dropping and it prevents some snoring too. But that tape on top of it actually does force the nasal breathing. What, actually I felt more rested. The first time I did it, I felt more rested. You'll get more out of less sleep, just put very simply.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Now, if you have like sleep apnea or something or have other conditions, then you might be shit at a luck. But even people that have sleep apnea that use the nasal passages, they can use the mouth tape effectively. Under their device. Right. Yeah. And there's also like with, you know, on the note of sleep apnea, sleeping with your mouth open and breathing in and out of your mouth is just, it's not super, it's just not great for your body, you know, you're, you're, you're gasping for air. And when people have sleep apnea, they actually are stopping breathing at times. And I heard some of the stuff that Bert was talking about on the show and it
Starting point is 00:10:59 like, it had me concerned in a way, because I was like, man, like, oh, really? He said something that concerned you There are a number of things that he says that does that to people Right now he's on a so Bert is a your typical I guess your your binge and purge or type so what he does is he's on the road He's a fucking psycho. You know he he goes out every night He drinks he eats like a fucking lunatic I don't know how much sleep he gets. He's up the next day. He's running while he's drinking and then he Goes on the raft down a ravine and grabs a fish with his hand and then you know, he's just a fucking maniac
Starting point is 00:11:40 Then he gets real unhealthy Everybody's like Jesus Christ, you're so fat up though, you're Asian. And then he's like, I got to get my shit together. And he gets on these like health kicks for a minute. And of course, everybody that knows him and loves him just wants it to be, you know, a different baseline for him. Like he's not going to be, you know, lifestyle, self-summs sort. Yeah, yeah, still like a little bit. It's almost like you said, when we're talking about food,
Starting point is 00:12:07 you're like part of, of like, even if you're healthy, eater, and like you eat, you're gonna, like part of that is still enjoying like a donut, or a cheese, or whatever you like. I think everybody that knows and loves Bert wants to go like, yeah, dude, you can still indulge in some of these things
Starting point is 00:12:25 sometimes, right? But he's trying to like peel it back. And honestly, this is like, you know, I talk a lot about Bert's my best buddy. I love him. Talk a lot of shit. The dude is an active guy. He's an athletic guy.
Starting point is 00:12:39 For a guy his size, he can move. I mean, he really will go run four miles. He'll work out with a trainer and like, lives in like he's an active person. He doesn't at least doesn't live a sedentary lifestyle right? He's not a guy sitting on a couch. He is at in a caloric surplus every day and So he should be fatter than he is. Oh, yeah, right? Yeah, because he said he was like two, six years on the market. Yeah, just not even that fat.
Starting point is 00:13:08 No, I used to be three, 30. It's crazy. He should be about 455. But he, like, yeah, he had, it's just like. He's got a belly, yeah. Yeah, it's a, but it's like, that's called visceral fat, right? So it's just, it's just like booze and fucking rib eyes. And his stories are so crazy
Starting point is 00:13:29 because he was talking about throwing up in his sleep and then he was like, I went to the doctor and I got some things checked out and they checked this, they checked that and they said that I was fine. So that's pretty healthy. I was like, that's the end of the story. I'm letting the story. This is the beginning of the story.
Starting point is 00:13:42 Dude, he went, he saw a cardiologist. I'm fine. And then she called me and she was like, I don't know how you did it, but go have a drink. I'm like, what kind of fucking cardiologist tells you that? So, but here's the thing. As somebody, I know he's not here right now, but if you know, athletic, honestly, active guy,
Starting point is 00:14:04 who just really is, he is, he'll tell you, he's like, I'm imp guy, who just really is, he is, he'll tell you, he's like, he's like, I'm impulsive, like a child. And it just indulges. I mean, it feels like the obvious is just to go, like, you just gotta pull that back. But there's gotta be another way of getting that message across, right?
Starting point is 00:14:21 Like, how does somebody like him, like, you know, restrict something? Yeah, for me, it starts with like pulling excuses away from people. And sometimes with people like that, I can just tell him, Hey, be less fat, figure out a way, figure out a way to just be less fat. And you know what that means? Do you know what you just did? Every comment on his Instagram is just gonna say be last fact. Yeah, I hope so. I hope he steals. I hope he makes a
Starting point is 00:14:51 fucking t-shirt. I hope he starts a business and starts a podcast on. Oh, man. But honestly, if you think if you think of things in reverse, because I'm dyslexic and have been told that I'm not very smart since the time I was in school. And so I've always kind of looked at stuff in reverse. And it's been really helpful to me to unpack things with health. So to pull excuses away from people,
Starting point is 00:15:12 can you go for a walk every day? You should be able to figure out how to go for a walk every day. 10 minute walk, one 10 minute walk. Yes. Get some sunlight, get some sleep. Those are the baseline starting positions. I've been sharing this by the way with people.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Kid, yeah. The sun is a remarkable thing and we can go down these like giant rabbit holes but they just, they lead you to starting to examine stuff that's just like way too out there. When you start to talk about mouth tape, well then you just have to start to talk about how we don't eat things that are hard,
Starting point is 00:15:44 we don't chew things that are hard and that's why our passages aren't as wide as open as they should be, and that's why we have to forcefully tape our mouth shut. Normally, we should have access to be able to breathe in and out of our nose, but through evolution and through time of eating processed foods and eating things that are soft, you can kind of see how it starts to get a little tin hat, and you're just like, fuck, man, you lost me, I don't care anymore. So that's why I'm just like, hey, just tape your mouth shut. When it comes to things like walking, when it comes to things like sunlight, they just have a profound effect on the
Starting point is 00:16:13 metabolism. Getting sunlight is one of the best things that you can do. And if you know some people that are staying inside very often, I mean, people get depressed, they get seasonal depression. Absolutely. That is a real thing. The real thing. There's not a ton of information about the sun and your metabolism and how you metabolize carbohydrates and stuff, but there's more and more information coming out about it all the time. And we know that the sunlight helps to provide your body with vitamin D. We know how important that is to your immune system. So there's many, many things that
Starting point is 00:16:42 are going on when we get sunlight. So I just try to keep it simple for people. Get outside, hit up a walk. So with someone like Bert, walk, get yourself outside, sleep. If we can figure that out, then we can start to talk about. See, I think he already does the almost like the simple activity part of that. I bet you without knowing for sure, but I bet you his sleep is garbage, for sure. Bert somebody, this is when you know somebody parties too much, is if you're like, well, how do you feel today with this change that you made and he'll be like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 00:17:17 And you're like, I mean, we ate this today. He's like, well, I always feel pretty bad, so I don't know in something. Yeah, is affecting me. He always feels bad. Yeah, he's like, well, I always feel pretty bad, so I don't know in something. Yeah, is affecting me. He always feels bad. Yeah, he doesn't know, like he can't be like, oh yeah, I feel like a simple, he's like, I always feel sick.
Starting point is 00:17:33 A simple rule for him or for just about anybody else is like be as fat as you want until it negatively impacts other stuff. If it starts to negatively impact your sleep, well, now you're really in trouble. Right. Because impacting your sleep is gonna, now you're really in trouble. Because impacting your sleep is going to negative even just like one night of bad sleep has been shown to have people have readings that show that they're pre-diabetic.
Starting point is 00:17:54 Just one bad night of sleep, just for that day. So it's an, it's crazy how it chemically. How much sleep do you get a night? I've been working on it a lot. I've been like just blocking off nine to 10 hours every day to just try to make sure that I can actually fulfill some of that. Like I went to bed last night at like 12.30.
Starting point is 00:18:11 We went to Soto, Sushi and had some drinks, had a good time, ate whatever I wanted. It was awesome. But trying to get to bed after eating that much food just wasn't happening. So I got to bed a little bit later, but I just woke up later. So I'm trying to really adjust to it. I can see how someone that has like a
Starting point is 00:18:28 nine to five or even like a somebody works really early in the morning, how difficult that could be or some of these people have swing shifts and stuff like that are for yourself getting getting home from a show. Yeah. 12 or two or whatever the hell time it is after you eat and celebrate and do whatever else it is that you do. Yeah, it is definitely a challenge. And that's the thing is I think I empathize a lot with any other person in my field because I realize what they go through.
Starting point is 00:18:55 One of the things I also remember that you said, we were there and we were talking about the fact that out like, you know, a lot of people don't even know how to work out. You know what I mean? Like I meet people. I've been in hotel gyms, and you see it where you go. You see somebody and they're like touching the dumbbell
Starting point is 00:19:14 or the machine and they're like, do you know what to do with that? And they're like, no. So some people don't know. But you brought this up when we were at your place, which is that some people, you're like, man, they're not even lazy or shitty. They're, like, they're in pain. Like, they don't even, they're, they don't want to try doing the thing because everything hurts on them, which I think is a very like sympathetic way to look at people
Starting point is 00:19:42 out. There's not just be like, oh, you're a fucking loser, you sit on your couch. Right. Some people just don't, they're in a painful place. And they need help or encouragement or like somebody that can like gently get them into being active. Need to almost take people's hand and say, it's going to be okay. You can do this. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:00 Most people can run. Most people would say, oh, I can't do, if they saw you run and they would say oh I can't do if they saw you run and they would say I can't do that but If they just go really really slow and take their time and only run for 10 feet at a time like I'm sure they can figure it out My own mother, you know she she died about four years ago and She was very heavy most of her life. She was also abused mentally, she was abused sexually from the time of being like a young child. So there's a lot of emotional pain
Starting point is 00:20:34 that people are walking around with. Absolutely. My mother was so amazing and incredible though, at instilling confidence in me and my brothers, to the point where we're kind of blindly confident for some stuff. But my mom wasn't confident in herself enough to take steps to do certain things, even something simple like going for a walk.
Starting point is 00:20:54 The last couple years of her life, she was on a walker and I got to see that firsthand. So that's why I'm so passionate about this stuff. I want to help people, I want to help the people that are really stuck. They're stuck in their own mind. I believe you. On their thoughts, they're in a lot of pain. And I empathize with that, but at the same time, I also really think that just about anyone can take that first step, but it does take a lot of courage.
Starting point is 00:21:20 Does take courage. And because I've talked to, you know, I've had my own struggles, and then I've talked to so many people that have, where you do realize that nobody can do it for you, right? Like, we all have had friends or somebody who you're like, fuck's going on, man. And you just realize that like, I can't make you eat well. I can't, like, I can't. I remember with my dad, I can't make you eat well. I can't. Like, I can't.
Starting point is 00:21:45 I remember with my dad, I was like, this is well before he got sick with cancer and everything. Like, he had a stint. One time, like, he was overweight and he goes and he gets a fucking emergency room. And they're like, oh, yeah, he had like 98% blockage. I was like, I was like, I was a wake up call, right? And he's like, yeah, yeah, he got this stint.
Starting point is 00:22:03 And like, a week later, I'm like, where are you right now? I'm on the phone and he's like, I'm having McDonald's. I'm like, you eat McDonald's still? And he's like, fucking Egg McMuffin. Distant will handle it. I'm like, bro, like, didn't that scare you? Then he's like, well, it opened me up. Distant's wide open now.
Starting point is 00:22:18 I'm like, oh yeah. They say that people need to die nearly three times to like, in order to be in order to comply. Well, he's done. So I don't think he's coming back, right? He died for sure. But he doesn't have no chance. Yeah, there's no more chances for dad. But, uh, well, that's what can happen. You know, you can get hit. You can get hit by something hard enough that you can't come back from it. Yeah. It's a tough conversation, you know, I think there's a lot of people out there that are probably like Bert,
Starting point is 00:22:46 that are in that position of like, he probably used to be really athletic. He probably used to participate in a lot of sports. He did. And then when he graduated high school, at some point, you probably gained 20, 30, 40 pounds, 40, 80, 100. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:01 And then he never was able to lose it. And then now you're kind of stuck there. The awesome bird is like, here's the thing. And this is a personality type. Bird is the good time guy. Bird wants every moment to be the best moment. So like if we broke right now, and there was like, I wanna go have lunch, he'd be like,
Starting point is 00:23:22 so he doesn't need to have the greatest lunch of our lives. And you're like, like, I wanna go have lunch, he'd be like, so he doesn't know you have. Let's go have the greatest lunch of our lives. Right. And you're like, what do you mean? And he's like, let's fucking, let's get like, tequila shots, let's have a brink champagne. I heard there's this place with a set of fucking cake on, and you're like, for lunch, and he's like, why not? Like, that's his, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:23:39 And then you leave going like, that's a fucking greatest lunch I've ever had. That's Bert 24-7. He's just wired like that. It's amazing. And then a guy's like that don't have a lack of friends, right? No, everybody loves the people. Everybody loves him. He's high energy.
Starting point is 00:23:54 Yeah, yeah. And so you don't really see the effects of it. And then if he gets some blood work done and the blood work is okay, then he's like, I'm fine. But as we get older, unfortunately, you lose muscle. You start to lose testosterone, your growth hormone levels go down, and then it just gets a harder and harder to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:24:11 So the simple stuff that we're talking about now, where you can just go outside, go for a walk, handle some of the activity side of things, and just clean up some of your diet, because you have to clean up some of your diet. That won't be available as you get older and older. It'll be more and more difficult to be able to rewind the hands of time, the heavier that you get.
Starting point is 00:24:29 And not even just the heavier that you get, but the more body fat that you accumulate with less muscle mass makes it more and more difficult. So the people, let's say, Bert added this conversation, but the people that are like, you know, maybe they're watching this right now on YouTube. And they're just like, I'm overweight, you know, maybe they're watching this right now on YouTube. And they're just like, I'm overweight, you know, I'm, they're,
Starting point is 00:24:47 they're 50, 100 pounds overweight or whatever, right? I do think that like that best place, purse, my point of view is like, that best place to start is doing that simple walk, right? And because like that is, that's getting your body moving again. And doing a real evaluate, like you have to have an honest evaluation about what are you consuming? Because you can get into these like cycles of like,
Starting point is 00:25:13 just eating shit all day. Not everything's processed or like, you're opening a bag, you know, all right, and then like fucking, I mean, you meet people, they're like, I drink fucking three liters of soda a day and shit like that, where you, they're right, or then like fucking, I mean, you meet people, they're like, I drink fucking three liters of soda a day and shit like that, where you're like, bro, you gotta fucking, but making little changes,
Starting point is 00:25:32 like being like, you know what, I'll give you your one liter to start now, right? You eliminate those other ones, and you start moving. It can be the thing that, cause I feel like fitness things, especially if you're starting from out of shape, it's all based on momentum. Like you get momentum and then you just don't want
Starting point is 00:25:48 to slow down. There's some things that are really interesting, like for some people, the challenge has to be more and for some people, the challenge needs to be less. So for some people, you can say, hey, cut back on the 17 sodas that you have a day and see if you can have just like two or three. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:03 For some people, that works, but for some other people, they need stuff to be really black and white. Like if you were told you have until Friday to study for an exam and it's Monday, for some reason you're waiting till Thursday night. Yeah. Like we want to pressure ourselves, we want to paint ourselves.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Some people are just like that. We want to paint ourselves in a corner a lot of times. I can be like that. I can be a big procrastinator. So you have to kind of like a little bit know who you are, but the real simple things of nutrition, one of the simplest things anyone can do is just eat more protein. The average American consumes approximately like 12%, 13% protein. If that percentage was just brought up, that
Starting point is 00:26:41 would mean that would be consuming less energy from carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates and fats are the main energy source for humans. Protein is like an, sort of like an inefficient form of energy for us. It's not our main source. So protein is almost free. It's not really a free calorie, but it can be kind of viewed as a free calorie in some way. Yeah. So if people just eat more protein, and if they're protein-minded and they focus on protein, protein also is the most satiating, so it will keep you full for longer. The problem is it's not always the most satisfying. The carbs and fat together, that's the combo.
Starting point is 00:27:17 That's the combo that you're looking for, but if you think of that... That's the pasta with butter and sauce. Absolutely. You're like, oh my god. Pizza, ice cream, like the list goes on and on and it's fucking incredible. The problem is, is that overrides your body's ability to know when it's full and you wanna just continue
Starting point is 00:27:36 to eat it because it tastes so damn good. So carbohydrates and fats, interestingly enough, are also not found in nature anywhere except for in milk. And what is milk, you know, what does mother's milk do? It gets as big. Yeah, makes it, makes it large, makes it grow fast. And you're not, I mean, obviously you're, you're a gift to guy physically, but you have been through, you're not just talking, you've been, there's, there's this photo you posted the other day, but you're like three, how much are you handsome as? Yeah, you look super handsome, but aren't you like, oh yeah, look how much you weigh there. I'm well over three bills right there. Yeah, but so, but you're also a power lifter here, right?
Starting point is 00:28:13 Yeah. So you're a real strong guy, lifting a lot of weight, squatting over a thousand pounds, benching over 800 pounds. Way in 330. So I was a fat fuck, but I was not just a fat fuck. I was fat and strong and it was kind of for a reason. And are you eating like anything and everything? Eating a lot. Yeah, eating, I would eat what I would consider to be fairly healthy kind of during the day and then at night I would just kind of eat whatever I wanted.
Starting point is 00:28:44 I'd have second, third dinner. You got you, uh, we got you on a bench. I think one of your, your bench presses from here. I don't know what if you will immediately recall which one this is, but we, um, show on a clip back in this is a, yeah, this is, uh, how much is this here? Probably. Oh, only five 75. Okay. Oh, this is a, how much is this here probably? This is probably L.A. 575. Only 575, okay. Oh, that looked pretty easy.
Starting point is 00:29:09 That did look pretty easy. Damn. Unfortunately, I tore my pack with 600 pounds. That was the goal as I was trying to bench 600. And this is without a bench shirt. So I also, I competed, you know, I've been competing since I was 12, I'm 45 now. Yeah. And when I was competing when I was 12, I'm 45 now.
Starting point is 00:29:25 And when I was competing when I was younger, people wore like bench shirts and squats suits and stuff. So that's the 1080 squat that I did, the 854 bench I did, those were in power lifting gear, which is supportive. And then later on, the sports switched and people took off their power lifting gear and lifted raw. And I did a 578 bench and a competition and I went for a 600 and tore my pack. I tore my pack three times and that's how I ended
Starting point is 00:29:49 up coming up with the invention with the sling shot. Cool, I remember when I got 600, I want to ask you this about crazy lifting though because you know, like when you go to gyms, you see, everyone knows like that guy, like that dude bench is like 400 pound. You know, everyone knows that guy kind of stands out. If, how much of that of getting to like crazy weight is like great genetics?
Starting point is 00:30:20 For, like, in other words, if we all started, you, me, and three other guys, and we'll all start training like day one. Do we all get here if we train right and everything, or you're like, well, no, some people will just plateau at like 300 and the rest of us. You know what I mean? Or is that something that is just like by chance
Starting point is 00:30:41 that what happens? What's the coolest thing about being human is that like the interpretation that we get from anything is different for all of us. So the inputs that we get is so much different than the output that we get. You can have some people that are super positive, anything negative that comes in,
Starting point is 00:30:56 they're just super happy about it and they turn into a positive and you're like, what? How do you fucking say to do that? Yeah. So some people with training, they would, their body would handle the training as a negative. For other people, they would handle it as a positive.
Starting point is 00:31:10 Some people would gain tons of muscle mass, some people would gain tons of strength. You might have one guy who like, doesn't really go hardly anywhere. You know, maybe he's worked out in that same group for six years and he gained, you know, three pounds of muscle and lost a pound of fat. Meanwhile, the other guy's gained, you know, 15 pounds of muscle and lost a pound of fat. Meanwhile, the other guys gained 15 pounds of muscle.
Starting point is 00:31:26 So there's basically, the variables are too great and we just don't know. The variables are massive. We all would like to pin our success to hard work and no matter what it is, but there's a lot of statistics that point to, not just things like genetics, but our zip code being like one of the premier things
Starting point is 00:31:45 that still has to do with how successful people are. It doesn't mean that you handicap yourself and say, well, I grew up in a shitty neighborhood so I can't do anything. However, it does mean for some other people, someone like myself grew up in upper middle class, I did start out a little bit further on the, track, the race track of life, you know,
Starting point is 00:32:05 than other people. I'm sure. I'm not ashamed to admit I had two amazing parents. They were there for everything. Kiss my boo-boo's, give me hugs, give me love. I didn't need to go outside and externally search for that. So in short, when it comes to like training, the training for one person is going to be massively different for another.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Who the fuck knows why? Yeah. Genetics play a big role. I mean, look at Enseema. Like Enseema's on my podcast. Yeah. He's 6'2, 240, 250, hung like a goddamn horse. We can only imagine. And extremely muscular.
Starting point is 00:32:40 I mean, it's like 5% body fat or something. It's a really crazy physique, that guy. But that's, I mean, that some of that is obviously his genetics, but he works really hard too. Absolutely. Yeah, 100%. That, I mean, the horse part is not from his hard work. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:54 It's just, it's from the bib hanger that he's using. Yeah, that dude is. And he's also a super competitive in Jiu-Jitsu, right? Yeah, he is, yeah. When it comes to the lifting side of things, so there is a, there is like a mindset, you know, of believing in yourself, believing in you. That's not fair.
Starting point is 00:33:11 That's not fair. That kind of fascinates because you said this about your brother, I also met your brother, Chris at the show, and then at the gym the next day, he's insanely strong. And you're like, he can just like, go pick up 500 pounds. 725 pound deadlift, see if you can pull it up on his Instagram, 725 pound deadlift or maybe 735 for two reps the other day, completely out of nowhere. He's a monster. Now he is
Starting point is 00:33:36 using a trap bar and the range of motion is a little shorter, whatever. And he's a short stock, stocky guy. We can make whatever excuses we we want but he's his nickname is the bore for a reason. He's right there. Yeah, you go He's a show Too fake hips knee surgeries when he was young as well. He's gonna be 50 coming up in November. Okay, that's birchage And guess what burrow be 50 in November. Yeah, look at that Fucking animal. Yeah, and he one rep wasn't good enough, so he had to do another. Okay. Now, interesting with him, he's in tons of pain all the time.
Starting point is 00:34:11 And you would think, like, okay, well, it's from the lifting, but yeah, get the baby in that toy. We've done all kinds of stuff with him, where we've had him back off from lifting and stuff. He just, we all have our own problems. We all have our own issues, and we're always trying to figure out ways of solving him. And for him, he's had chronic pain since he was a kid. lifting and stuff. We all have our own problems. We all have our own issues. And we're always trying to figure out ways of solving them.
Starting point is 00:34:27 And for him, he's had chronic pain since he was a kid. So he's still working on trying to figure out that. Is kind of interesting though, your records and your history with lifting and you have a sibling who's five years older, who's like, I, I'm just casually deadlifting 725 times. And he's always been really strong in high school. I think he squatted like 675, which is 745 pound plates on the board. I mean, but I do think there's this thing that you said
Starting point is 00:34:54 because you hear about this that like, people who could really, really strong a lift, like about like turning it on, like saying like, here's the weight and then it's just like, I don't know what happens in the head for you or when that happens, but you know, I've never had like a crazy lift like that, like the, you know, the most I ever lifted was thing,
Starting point is 00:35:14 usually like trying to get reps of 225, right? Like with squats, with bench, I mean, I've pulled with dead lifts, you know, close to like 400 when I got into it, which was not even that long ago and then I got injured. So I never, I've never had, but when you see that, you go like, that person's brain must do something different, or they go like, this is 700 pounds. The brain literally does something different. I think that strength is a form of genius in some way. It's very much connected to how you can fire your central nervous system. And I think that's a kind of a,
Starting point is 00:35:45 people don't think about that that much when it comes to training. They're always thinking about the muscular system and people building up muscles and bodybuilding, but your central nervous system is what's responsible for being extremely explosive. And I've seen certain guys just be able to demonstrate in ways that it doesn't, wouldn't matter how I trained.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I would just never be able to, even with the strength that I had. There's a guy that lives in our area named Jeremy Avila, and he picks up 800 pounds for a deadlift faster than you can get up out of a chair. I mean, it's in the blink of an eye. Have you seen this dude? Like what the fuck? On Instagram, Swole, there's a lot of insane.
Starting point is 00:36:21 There's a, but this dude, I am something, whatever I think. This guy, the guy who does the heavy zircher squats and all that shit, there's a lot of insane. There's a, but this dude, I am something, whatever, I think. This guy, the guy who does the heavy zircher squats and all that shit, there's a bunch of dudes that are crazy strong. The strength of the female athletes has really come up a lot too. And that's embarrassing, because like I was working on my deadlift a while back
Starting point is 00:36:44 and I did like 525 for a set of three or something. I was like, this is kind of cool. I'm like, I'm going to post this and I was about to post it. And I saw that this powerlifting girl, she did 525 for like a set of five. I'm like, I'm not going to post it. And that's a Steffi Cohen who's, you know, hold multiple all-time world records, just not a lot. Okay. This handle is ITS, DR-EM. Oh yeah, yeah, Dr. Yeah, this guy's insane.
Starting point is 00:37:15 What in the fuck, man? No, it doesn't make sense. People throw him stuff as he's like, got a bunch of weight on his back. Bro, he catches a water bottle of drinks and so on. And he'll also do like, I think this one on the, like he's walking around doing this shit, like a mama phone.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Yeah. Talk about Tex-Nec, right? I mean, it's unbelievable, you know, again, these, obviously this guy's been training for a long time, I mean, look at that, that's just insane. I mean, that could be you, Annie. See now, as I would, it's hard for me to say
Starting point is 00:37:47 because of the weights that I lifted, so people are like, oh yeah, whatever. I don't think I'm anything like that guy. No, I don't have, like, whatever that guy has, I don't have, I don't know. I just don't, I don't think I've known here. No spotter. No, is that five, six plates?
Starting point is 00:38:05 He's got no wrist wraps, no elbows for use. No! And he's just there, you know, benching it like it's nothing. This reminds me talking to old NFL guys about Reggie White. You know, Reggie White? They were like, dying in the sleep of sleep,
Starting point is 00:38:18 I mean, that's true. But they said when you're on the field, Reggie White played, Oh yeah. No tape, like everyone, you in the nose all taped up. He's just like, ah, like just jogs out of the locker room and would throw offensive tackles, like they were children.
Starting point is 00:38:33 With mom. Yeah, he would take the whole thing. To call it the hump move, you go, oh, I just fucking throw them and you're like, oh my God, and it was, I mean, it was demoralizing, I'm sure if you're like, I'm an NFL offensive tackle. And this guy is fucking tossing me around. Just crazy.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Yeah, that's a Super Bowl there where he's diving right there. And it's got to be insane to feel that kind of power. No fucking tape on the wrist. Just, just like tape for what? Unreal man. Yeah, I mean, you know from like like doing your stand up act, I'm sure like when you get off stage, you're probably thinking like that was, that was like pretty good, but I can tweak that a little bit.
Starting point is 00:39:16 Yeah. And maybe you watch it, maybe you hear it back, you record it. You record it, yeah. A criticism from a friend, that's a positive criticism and you can kind of work on it. It's the best actually when that happens. And you keep tweaking and tweaking and tweaking. Lifting is just feels to me like no different. Really? Like oh man, I could have done that a little bit better my timing. Could I wonder if I did it this way? A lot of it for me was practice. I would practice and practice. And I think because my experience in school, where I was putting like specialty classes and I was always considered to be slow,
Starting point is 00:39:46 my slowness later on became a huge asset. Like I don't care how long this takes, I'm just gonna figure this out. Yeah, that's really interesting. That's really interesting. And that mindset contributes to what you do. Oh, it was huge because I would practice the lift over and over again. So I might get done with a workout.
Starting point is 00:40:08 And then I would say, I wonder how it would feel if I wore those shoes. I wonder how it would feel if I went with a wider stance, a closer stance, or what if my hands were wider or further apart. I would try all of them. Let's spend hours doing it. Look how fucking jacked we look today. We look great. You know what? That polo, I mean, I need bigger fucking arms. Should we, I think we should swap polos
Starting point is 00:40:30 and just kind of see what it looks like. That's a nice looking polo, what is that? It's really expensive. It's, it's, it's canali. It look great. Thanks man. What is that? This is a Lulu.
Starting point is 00:40:43 Oh, those are super nice. I think these were in the pecs. Yeah, those are made for guys like you. I Think mine won't look the same Yeah, nice packs though. Thanks brother Hey, you know what they say what more packs more sex. That's what I'm talking about. More packs, more checks. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I'm trying to get there, man. Big, big checks.
Starting point is 00:41:07 I'm trying to get there, dude. I'm, I'm, I'm telling ya, I'm motivated. One of the things I also wanna point out, because I, it's actually the reason I had them pull that picture of you when you were like three over 300 pounds, is the show. Yes, you were probably, if you're an athlete there, but you're overweight, like you're very much so.
Starting point is 00:41:26 And you got to hear. So what got Mark Bell from being that big? How long did that take and what kind of changes did you have to make? I always tell people it took 10 years. It didn't literally take 10 years to lose all that weight, but it took 10 years to kind of figure it out and to stay in better shape. Look at you, man. Yeah. It's been, it's been an awesome journey.
Starting point is 00:41:47 So in that other picture there, yeah, I'm probably about 325 or 320. Fucking three. That's so big. But I was also very, I was even imagine, I was very unhealthy. Like I got my blood work done and what I was trying to do
Starting point is 00:42:01 is I was trying to gain as much size as I could while still having some of my blood markers be okay. But why do we have more? They weren't. They were going to be cute. Why? Do, like, because I saw that one documentary on Netflix where they were talking about, like, it's called something about strength, and they were like, they go the physiology, they go, they're, because people were like, how come the strongmen are all also like, they have big bellies?
Starting point is 00:42:28 Like they're all humongous? Right. And somebody explained it very well, which obviously I don't recall, but said that like, yeah, there's a certain, once you get to a certain, if you're trying to push around a certain amount of weight, you just have to consume,
Starting point is 00:42:43 there's no such thing as being like a lean guy who's also like, dragon 700 pounds around. In my world, we say there's no skinny champions. Yeah, really? That's what we say. Yeah, it helps. You know, weight moves weight.
Starting point is 00:42:56 So the more that you weigh, the easier it is to be able to move around more weight. It's probably actually the simplest thing. Like for somebody that's listening that wants to get stronger. The fastest way to get stronger is to gain weight is to be in the Chloric Surplus for a little while.
Starting point is 00:43:12 However, it's like that can be unhealthy, but if you're a younger guy and you're really thin, it's like that might be the route you wanna go for a little while because lifting heavier will help you to have a lot more muscle mass. And so those pictures you're seeing of me being 300 plus, I also had a ton of muscle mass. So it made my dieting.
Starting point is 00:43:31 It made everything from that point easier. So when you go from that, like wherever you see there, real big, 325 to that, I realize it's a process, but a big part of this is just getting into a caloric deficit. Like, you know, I mean, like, is it, I mean, is it, is it also, you're not trying to bench 800, right? So you can start going for like, maybe more reps stuff as opposed to just like, three reps and trying to get the big, I think the, the, it's, you know, kind of considered an energy balance equation, youories, calories in, calories out. I think it's a decent overarching theme
Starting point is 00:44:10 for people to have in mind. Like, yes, you do need to figure out a way to probably eat less. The problem with eating less is it can make you want to do less because you literally have less energy. Our energy doesn't come from coffee or energies and come from energy drinks. Energy drinks, zero sugar energy drinks don't have any energy. They just have caffeine in them, which is a stimulant for this
Starting point is 00:44:29 central nervous system, but it's not really given us true energy. Food gives you energy, but it can get confusing because sometimes you eat and then you feel tired. So to try to figure out the energy equation can be a little bit difficult, but in short, I'm more a fan of food selection, food choices rather than really worrying too much about calories. If, in my opinion, if you eat meat and you eat eggs and then you trickle everything down from there, I think you're in a really good spot.
Starting point is 00:44:57 So any types of meat, eggs, maybe some dairy and some fruit. Now even with that, you can still figure out a way to not lose weight, and you can still figure out a way to gain weight through that, then you might have to chop out dairy or math to chop out, cut back on. I mean, fruit's not really going to be offensive. You might have to chop out some dairy just because it makes it really easy to eat. Was there a day or a moment that you went from being the 325 pound guy where you're like, I'm done, and I'm moving, there was. Yeah, I fell with a thousand eighty-five.
Starting point is 00:45:29 So that's how small these lines are of being able to do a certain weight and being able to not do a certain weight. I squatted a thousand eighty and I did it in a competition and then maybe like six months later, I was kind of lined up according to my training and stuff lined up to a little over 1,100 pounds. And 1,085 was my second attempt in the competition. You get three attempts. And so the last attempt was going to be like 1115 in training and stuff.
Starting point is 00:45:58 I smashed an 1,100 pound squat. I felt really good. So 1,085 wasn't even anything I thought was gonna be any problem, but as I was going down with the weight, my weight shifted a little bit, and they can pull up the video of it. It's not too horrifying, but I did fall with a 1085 on my back and it was,
Starting point is 00:46:21 it was definitely life altering in a lot of ways. I didn't break anything, but I was fucked up for about three months. And from that point, I was like, hey, you know what? Now I'm just kind of fat. You know, I don't have the ability to demonstrate my strength. So is it this money getting better shape and let me see? They're muted. Will you mute it?
Starting point is 00:46:43 Yeah, it's for you. See what I can do. So, and this is competition or no? This is a competition, yeah? Okay. And so you're about to... So this fucks you up. Do some of this money. All right, all right, all right, all right, all right.
Starting point is 00:46:55 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, I think I believe this first squat, I'm not sure if this is the one where I fall, but this one might be the 1036 that I do first and then the next one
Starting point is 00:47:09 might be the one where I fall or this one could be the one where I fall. I'm not sure. Hello, we go. Man, it's probably a good, you know, 10 years ago or so. Yeah, and see, even on that one, my weight shifted kind of weird and like it got a little fronky recognizable there. Well, yeah, with that much weight compressing my spine. And you know, I have my buddy spot me back there, Taco Truck, the tallest Mexican in the
Starting point is 00:47:40 history of the world. If you watch, you know, he just does a horrible job. I think he just, you know, he was just like, fuck a man, like he's, I'm not gonna help Mark with the fuck, 85. I'm sick of his fucking jokes about my height. Yeah, exactly. It takes a long time, the kind of even like,
Starting point is 00:47:58 just line up under these weights. It takes a lot of prep. And so you see me like digging my feet in and moving my body around. And lots of wiggling going on and All kinds of weird stuff and you see the squat suit. That's that thing that I'm wearing them all wrapped up tight in And here goes the tumble Yo
Starting point is 00:48:20 And when I sprung up out of this like one of my guys comes up to me and he's like, hey, you know And when I sprung up out of this like one of my guys comes up to me and he's like, hey, you know You know use my you know use my arm. You know walk on me And I was like fuck you get away from me. I'm gonna walk away like I want to be a walk away out of my own power Even though I was I was pretty fucked up by probably I probably should Should I take it? What is this stuff? This is a mineboat. This is cratum Cratum down the hatch Probably fixed my cold at mine. This is a product I saw, you can get at mineboat.com.
Starting point is 00:48:51 It's, what's up, motherfucker? I see how it changes, you like that right away? Yeah. It's putting a good mood, chopping heads off today. That's horrifying. So you said, when you say you were fucked up from that, do you mean mentally fucked up from it or physically fucked up or both?
Starting point is 00:49:12 Yeah, all the above. So at that time we lived in a house that had our bedroom upstairs. I had to sleep downstairs on like a pull out couch for a couple of weeks because I just couldn't get up the stairs I couldn't bend my leg enough to go up the stairs. Yeah, you had a thousand pounds. Yeah My legs were really swollen. My knee was swollen. My ankle was swollen and this was the turtle point though
Starting point is 00:49:36 It was I was like, you know I need to take better control my health and I need to get in better shape and so Did your diet was that the first thing that changed though? First thing that changed, yeah. I immediately shifted into what I would call like a paleostyle diet, which is basically just meat, fruit. I got rid of a lot of other excess carbohydrates. The hard thing for me is I've always had a sweet tooth.
Starting point is 00:50:03 And that was a hard one to control, around seven p.m. and beyond, is where I just wanna like eat ice cream and cookies and like a bunch of shit. Well, that's my toughest window too, is that like I was trying to pay attention on like, all right, what are you doing every, you know what I mean to myself?
Starting point is 00:50:18 Yeah, you and I were talking about that. Yeah, I was like, my breakfasts are great, like exemplary. Lunch, you know, it can be a challenge on the road, but at home, it's really not. I'm like the only time that I feel like I'm really like, oh, this is where the work comes in is like the evening. They say idle time is a devil's playground, right?
Starting point is 00:50:38 So you finally fucking did everything for the day. And in your mind the night before, you're like, I gotta do this, I gotta do this, I gotta do this. And then you're checking those boxes all day long, you're kicking ass, and then you get home, and you sit down, and you finally have a chance to eat. And you might even make a pretty good decision with dinner. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:50:58 But now you're just totally chilling, and you're totally relaxed. And in boxing, they say, protect yourself at all times. And I've always liked that mindset for life in general. Like, yeah, man, just keep your hands up, pay attention, like pay attention to what's going on around you. So even at that time of day, if that is an issue for you,
Starting point is 00:51:18 it's good to just try to see like, what's reasonable for you to do? Like, is it reasonable for you to completely get rid of ice cream? Probably not realistic for some people that really enjoyed a lot. Can you switch to eating ice cream two or three times a week? You probably can. That sounds pretty good.
Starting point is 00:51:38 How about every time that you buy a thing of ice cream, a carton of ice cream, or a Ben and Jerry's, that you just buy one, and when that runs out, don't buy it again for a couple days. Right, go back to the store, buy it again. Oh, right, buy it again. Don't have the stash. Yeah, yeah, don't have a plethora of fucking ice cream to dip into.
Starting point is 00:51:56 It's good. It can be really difficult to have, you know, cooking these and all these different things around. For some people, so for some folks, the answer is just, like, don't buy it. For some people that doesn't really still do the trick because then they're like, well, what about my kids?
Starting point is 00:52:13 And it's like, well, your kids don't need processed food, either, like none of us need processed foods for survival. So you want to try to give your children better options, too. And that can be a pain in the ass, because sometimes you're going to have to supply like fresh food, like what's the option when you don't have processed foods, the other options are to have fresh foods.
Starting point is 00:52:33 So then you have to have fruit out. You might have to slice stuff up for them. You said something to me, to try and pay the ass. That I shared, and then my friends, and like Sean says this to me all the time He goes you're not six. You don't need a fucking snack. Yeah, cuz you That's my big one. I said that to me. You go you're not your kid. You don't need a fucking snack
Starting point is 00:53:02 Right. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, you don't need to like you know, you don't need a baby yourself at the same time It's like we do need to suckle, we do need to pass it. Yeah, we do, we do. We do need to pass it. But I think the message is, it makes sense. It's like, you don't need to satisfy everything. Like one of the things I realized the other day, I remember, whole day had gone by, I was home.
Starting point is 00:53:19 And I, I think I had checked on my boys, and I'm just walking back to my room and I open the fridge. I'm just like looking inside the fridge. And for a second, I just go like, oh, I'm not even hungry. Like right now, I'm not hungry. I'm just looking in here to be like to like fill this moment. Yeah. So I just shut the fridge and I was like, you're not even hungry.
Starting point is 00:53:41 I'm not even like disappointed that I'm like, you're just go back to the bedroom. Right. Went back in there and it was fine. But I think a lot of times there are those things of like mindless consumption. Where you're like, well, I'm walking by a pantry. You're never gonna find what you need at the bottom of a bag of chips.
Starting point is 00:54:00 Yeah. You're never gonna find what you need at the bottom of a tub of Ben and Jerry's. It doesn't have the nutrients in it that your body needs. Your body needs macro nutrients, it needs micro nutrients, and obviously potato chips and ice cream and stuff is full of macro nutrients, but there's hardly any micro nutrients in there. And even worse and more offensive to the body's metabolism is the fact that it doesn't have
Starting point is 00:54:22 protein in it. All living things are in search of protein. When we as humans go to eat, to retos and things like that, it really bypasses and overrides our ability to recognize when we're full. You start eating those chips and eating those chips and they don't really, they're not anything that's going to fill you. So a lot of people don't realize this, but people that are heavy, people that are gaining weight, they are actually nutrient deficient when it comes to certain types of nutrients.
Starting point is 00:54:50 And they have a surplus of nutrients in other areas. But that's again, it's an over consumption of carbohydrates and fat usually, and it's an under eating of protein. So if you just jack that protein up, like that is the ultimate hack. Like anybody that's listening to this right now, if they were to consume maybe two lean sources of protein every day, that could make a enormous change for lean proteins for people, chicken breasts, like ground turkey, they could have any type of fish basically, maybe like bison, bison, maybe some types of red meat because there's like 96, 4, a lean ground beef.
Starting point is 00:55:26 There's some of that meat that I had sent to you. That was awesome. That was really good to feed Monte's stuff. That's a great option. It's almost like, it's kind of a hybrid in between a chicken breast and a steak, but still tastes tender, it's still taste good. Now let's get another fun.
Starting point is 00:55:40 Let's get me on some gear, dude. Let's get me some wind straw deck. Oh, you're not already on some shit. No man. I came in today. You had to kind of a chest pump going. Look at that shit dude. You did some pushups before I got in. No joke. Look at this shit. Huh? Uh, can you hook me up? You got this? This is a this is a really interesting topic, you know, because I've been on performance enhancing drugs for like 20 plus years. I forgot to celebrate with my birthday cake that was gonna have 20 syringes in it, but.
Starting point is 00:56:13 But. Oh, it's fucking awesome. You know, Louis Simmons had a great statement about steroids. It was really interesting. He was my mentor. He ran the strongest gym in the history of the world,
Starting point is 00:56:25 West Side Barbell. Louis Simmons said, I didn't create steroids. I'm just smart enough to use them. And I always thought that was like an interesting, fucking talking about. I know, I always thought that was really interesting. But when it comes to making the leap into that, it's an interesting thing because I almost don't know
Starting point is 00:56:44 what to tell people Tell me where to get it right. Yeah. Here's where you want to go now On a more serious note. I do feel like it's a It's it's a big decision for a lot of people Maybe for folks that are like in our age group. Yeah, it's not a big of a deal, because it's like, oh, you know what, you can just use some TRT and you can see if you like it, it's not gonna, I'll tell you this, it's not gonna hurt anything to experiment with it, especially at our age.
Starting point is 00:57:12 At a younger age, that's where it's more dicey. It's like, I don't know, man, like if you were on for a couple of years and you wanted to be real big and then you weren't able to have kids later on or something, it's like, I don't know if I would blame the steroids or not, it seems like your sperm count. What's the best one though?
Starting point is 00:57:28 What's the best steroid to take? Yeah. Because there's like so many names out there. Yeah. What's the thing that like, the thing that moves the needle the most is testosterone. Yeah. Just flat out testosterone. Flat out to, flat out testosterone.
Starting point is 00:57:40 And taking like mild to amount of testosterone, it'll jack your testosterone up, which will help you gain more muscle mass. It won't have too many negative side effects. We start to take larger amounts of testosterone. That's where you're estrogen and other those other things, those other hormones can kind of push up as well. What about HGH? That's what all the ball players were doing for a while.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Is that a good one? What happens with things like growth hormone and insulin, like if you were to just take growth hormone and insulin, you would probably look phenomenal. You'd probably be like big and jacked and everything. I'm in. I'm fucking in. Stop talking.
Starting point is 00:58:15 The issue is that, I mean, there's several issues, especially when it comes to insulin, but there's some issues with, you just have to take it often. You gotta pin yourself pretty much every day. Some of these bodybuilders are painting themselves multiple times a day, taking shots multiple times a day. They're using different types of insulin to shuttle carbohydrates and nutrients into the muscles.
Starting point is 00:58:36 So you get into this thing where you all the sudden, like, become like a chemist, and you become like a scientist and you're sitting there trying to figure out. And when you get off that stuff, everything. So then you end up with the NN1. So if you and I were like, hey man, let's figure out a way for you to lose 40 pounds and we're just gonna get you just super dialed in. We wanna do a photo shoot or something.
Starting point is 00:58:58 Yeah. You end up in that same spot, you end up in that spot. And then what? What's your recovery gonna be like from that? It's going to suck because we're going to have you lose too much weight too fast. You're going to pull off muscle mass as well. And then so on the back end of that, when you go to come out of that, it's going to be very difficult for you to... You're just going to look flat.
Starting point is 00:59:20 You're going to look kind of skinny fat and all those kinds of things. So you always have to kind of think in life, in business, in the gym, any of these things, you gotta think, fuck. And then what am I gonna do? So if you tell me is to take the long road and do the work, like a fucking loser, there are some good companies out there that can help a lot when it comes to like getting blood work done
Starting point is 00:59:40 and examining whether you should take that leap. But steroids won't do for you. They won't make your decisions for you. You know, like you said earlier, like you got to do it yourself. So there's not a steroid or a pill currently that I know of that is going to encourage you to make better decisions all the time. Although potentially there could be certain things that do that, but one thing that Sistachrom does that is undersold is it does give you a lot of zip
Starting point is 01:00:10 and a lot of just like motivation. So one time on my YouTube channel, I was looking at somebody had a comment and they said, well it's easier for you to do all this shit and to be fired up every day because you're on steroids. And I read it and I was like, I don't know if that makes, and I was like,
Starting point is 01:00:27 I think it does make sense. I was like, this guy's right. So for somebody that's kind of down, and I've heard of some doctors even handling depression. I'm not a doctor, so I'm not prescribing this, but I've heard of some people saying that it could be something that could help certain people with certain types of depression.
Starting point is 01:00:44 So, well, and there you have it. We did not tell you what to do, of some people saying that it could be something that could help certain people with certain types of depression. So, and there you have it, we did not tell you what to do or whether or not you should do it. This is all your choice. Talk to your doctor and don't think that you can actually hold us accountable for your failing health. Go back to where you're sitting. How am I doing as a second bear today?
Starting point is 01:00:59 You're fucking phenomenal. I'm a power bear, right? First of all, you haven't made up one thing yet. Is that all a bird does he makes shit out of him? phenomenal. I'm a power I'm a power bear right? First of all you haven't made up one thing yet. Is that all Bert does he makes shit out? You've allowed me to complete multiple sentences. He's full of shit most of the time. You're not drinking beer, antichela, and red bull, and whiskey, and you know what's in here? That's true. I don't. You don't know me bro. That's true. That's true. What is that? It's a coffee. This is good. It has steak shake in it. It does. Yeah. I mixed up some steak shake
Starting point is 01:01:29 and some coffee. Steak shake is, uh, it's got liver, kidney, heart, spleen. You don't taste any of that shit in there. Do you? I don't taste great. That's what I want to do. I feel better. There you go. And I love that. Crate them. Cratum, it's unbelievable. Yeah. It's got some weird, like, laws around it. So if people go check out the website, they'll see that you have to pay with some sort of weird e-check thing. Why?
Starting point is 01:01:54 I just think anything that works, the government wants to try to, like, regulate it. Yeah, like meth. Because you can smoke meth, and you'll fucking get your tasks done. It's great. It's great. It's great. Is it illegal? I don't even know. But if someone's giving you a hard time on your mouth,
Starting point is 01:02:11 it's great. I feel fucking dialed in right now. I'm serious. Yeah, no, it does give you... For me, I use it before podcasts. I use it a lot before workouts. People are always worried about, like, shit being a dicking, but I mean, people are sucking down coffee all day long. I think that if
Starting point is 01:02:29 Cratem is a dicking, it's just in a simple fact that it's super effective. Yeah. And that you're going to want to go back to it because it feels good. So it feels great. So you already got into lifts today? I didn't. I actually, I lifted yesterday and today I got in some running. I ran around the the capital building over there There was some hills nice and it was hot as fuck super hot. I had a Texas sun beaten down on me run around the lake That's kind of a nice. I haven't done that but I need I need to give that a try because a couple people were pointing out to me And how long do you stay till when do you leave? I leave on Thursday. Okay, which is tomorrow Do you know Nick Bear?
Starting point is 01:03:05 You know him by chance? No. Nick is a runner. He just finished a marathon. He does, he's a runner and a lifter. He's fucking jacked. He's local. He's close by.
Starting point is 01:03:15 You should do some stuff with him. I think you guys will get along really well. Oh, that'd be cool. Super motivating, super inspiring guy, former military guy. I see. So I'm gonna. Oh, he looks just like me.
Starting point is 01:03:23 Yeah, I'd like to meet that guy. I'm going So I'm gonna. Oh, it looks just like me. Yeah, I like to meet that guy. I'm going to hop on his podcast tomorrow. So you are. Oh, you are. Nice. And it's just, it's awesome that there's a lot of information out there that can help people. It's the best part of having this kind of access to people
Starting point is 01:03:39 in the internet. It is that you get to learn things. You're like, I would never know this without. You were mentioning earlier about people not knowing how to work out. Yeah. How did you learn how to work out? Well, I mean, you have a trainer now.
Starting point is 01:03:50 Well, yeah, so my dad was a competitive Olympic weightlifter. So, and I never took really to the Olympic, and he was a fucking terrible coach, but he was a multiple time state champion. So he was a state champion at 14. And then again, and like 19. And then I think this last time was at 27. So that was in Ohio and Kentucky.
Starting point is 01:04:14 So weights were always at the house. And like I said, you know, he was doing power cleans. Snatch was like his favorite thing. He was like, he was like, I'd be like, how much do you bench? He's like, we don't bench. I was like, what? And he was like, we don't bench.
Starting point is 01:04:30 We're Olympic weightlifting. I was like, all right. I didn't even know what that meant. That was the original name of my website was how much you benched. Yeah, how much do you benched? Because Snatch, I don't know if I saw it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:04:40 They would have people call in. Yeah. And they would say, how much you bench? And it was all guys with just crazy jacked up her bodies and little skinny legs. And one guy called in, and he's like, so I was benching 225 the other day, and they hang up on him.
Starting point is 01:04:53 They'll like give us some real numbers to work with. That's hilarious. It's farly in those guys from back in the day. Yeah, I think it was like a combination of him giving me some of it. And then, I don't actually play sports. I was always on a team, especially football. So football was like, my favorite sport as a kid,
Starting point is 01:05:10 and I played from fourth grade through high school. So there was always, you know, at least weight rooms associated with most of that time, not the Peewee stuff. So we were always in gyms, and then even when I went to college, I didn't play, but I would go to the school's gym. And I never went, I would say,
Starting point is 01:05:29 I never got obsessive to the point where I'd take it to the next level. But it was always a maintenance kind of, and I can actually think about times in my life, like getting to LA. When I first got to LA, I moved to Hollywood. And the first, one of the first things I did was join the Hollywood Y.
Starting point is 01:05:50 And I would play pickup basketball and lift. And I was actually, it's probably one of the most healthy times in my life physically, right? I moved there at 22. I weighed 185, 190. And I was super active. I mean, I was at that Y, like probably five days a week. It was a social place for me,
Starting point is 01:06:11 and then I said, you know, I'd get in the cardio from all that basketball and the lifting. And I can even, like, if you go like year by year, I can tell you, like, I got this gig in post. I started working the graveyard shift. I stopped working out. I started working the graveyard shift. I stopped working out. I started eating shitier. I put on 25 pounds on during one show, like a show meaning like I'm working on posts on
Starting point is 01:06:33 a show. And like also, I'm 225. I'm unmotivated. And like, and that stuff like just snowballs, you know, like you just go like, oh, now I'm in a routine of not being active. And then it was like getting road work as a feature act, meaning you're the middle act in a show, and the club.
Starting point is 01:06:54 And this kind of the stress of that lifestyle, and just getting into like being up till three in the morning every night, you're eating at the club, you're eating chicken fingers and moths, and you just, you fall into the cycle of like, somebody goes, do you work out? You're like, I fucking used to work out. Yeah. And then you kind of embrace it. That's the weird thing is you go like, no, I'm an unhealthy guy. You're supposed to. It's stress mitigation, right? Yeah. but if you kind of think about it, like just like man to man or as a man, you think about it.
Starting point is 01:07:29 Think about it as a challenge. Yes. Like why do you have to react that way? Like if you see someone react, like overreact and they fucking blow up and they yell at somebody, they get really pissed at an employee or something and you're like, wow, that's a crazy way to treat somebody.
Starting point is 01:07:43 I can't believe I can't even believe I just saw that type of thing, right? But that is a similar reaction that we have with ourselves in our own body or kind of internal stuff of like, you're trying to reward yourself, but you're actually like, you're doing a lot of, I hate to kind of sound like the fitness freak on that side of it, but you're doing a lot of damage to yourself. And you think about what I try to wrap my mind around often is, I think that everything is kind of a skill set. So if somebody was to come out like Joe Rogan and try to take him down, it's like,
Starting point is 01:08:13 good luck with that shit. Like he's a trained fighter or something like Enseema who's training Jiu-Jitsu. Yeah. They have a particular skill set. And can we start to do a little bit better with our skill set of how we're managing our stress? Like how dope is it to have your stress mitigation be like you know what fucking this this day sucked.
Starting point is 01:08:33 This happened this happened. One of my you know I got a call that a friend died or all these different things happen. I'm going for a run. Yeah I'm out of here man. I'm gonna go I'm gonna go punch the heavy bag and kick it for a while. I think one of the things that's super powerful that people can do is to look at nostalgia. Like what are the things that are nostalgic from your past, you mentioned basketball. I know you have that accent with basketball, but it wouldn't happen.
Starting point is 01:08:59 You know, you have that boom box behind you, you know, like nostalgia's super powerful. I bet you get, I bet you people come in and comment on that thing a lot. There's probably a lot of people are like, oh man, I remember. Yeah. And they get all hyped up. So what are the things that you used to like to do that are maybe healthy, maybe you used to like to ride your bike?
Starting point is 01:09:16 Dude, can I tell you the truth? I think one of the reasons that I've been motivated, especially since I worked out at your gym, I'm not exaggerating. You think I'm handsome. Is that you're super hot? been motivated, especially since I worked out at your gym. And I'm not exaggerating. You think I'm handsome. Is that you're super hot? I know it. You have, it sees glutes.
Starting point is 01:09:32 Well, your eyes are gorgeous, your skin is soft, but it's the sled. Because the sled honestly brought me back to football. I swear to you, like I remember that day, pulling the sled and pushing the sled and all that stuff. We went in deep water that day. We did, we did. And we did a lot of laps.
Starting point is 01:09:55 I had a cramp on my flight that my entire tour crew was like he is having a heart attack. I thought I was dying. A leg cramp, dude. It was also a strange one because I'm used to calf cramps, and I've had, I've had hamstring, but this was inside hamstring into the quad, into the groin, and I was like, and everybody was like, he's dying.
Starting point is 01:10:18 They all thought I was dying, but that sled stuff was like, it really did, it's like why I wanna get, we talked about that, the tank, the tank. It's like I want that because I, it's one of those kinds of activities, I go, I really enjoy this. I like pushing this thing. I like pulling it, you know?
Starting point is 01:10:36 My son, he told me, he was like, I like to sled because my son's 18, he's been working out too. He's like, I like to sled a lot because it's just a form of advanced walking. And I was like, that's fucking genius. That's been working out too. He's like, I like to sled a lot because it's just a form of advanced walking. And I was like, that's fucking genius. That's all that it is. So it's simple.
Starting point is 01:10:49 It's like, what are the things that you can start to implement into your life that are, you know, some type of activity? When it comes to lifting weights, the unfortunate thing is like, I'm a big proponent of lifting weights. So I think that it's important for everyone to explore some type of lifting. But how much lifting do you really need? I think like two or three days a week is a decent start. But again, remember what I said in the beginning, sometimes too small of a challenge is not a challenge enough,
Starting point is 01:11:16 so you might have to encourage yourself at the jump to say, you know what? I'm going to work out for all of the... I'm going to go to the gym all of July. Yeah. The other thing is that we can stop looking at working out as going to the gym. So you can just do push-ups or squats, but again, if you lower the bar too much and that challenge isn't great enough, you might not hold yourself responsible for it. So you have to be honest with yourself about what is a challenge or what's right, too passive almost.
Starting point is 01:11:45 But some really simple things that people can do, if you have access, if Jim has access to any type of sleds, that would be amazing to do some sled work forward and backwards dragging it. You don't have to run. A lot of gyms in the country have sleds, they have turf at this point. Most of the gyms have kind of converted over into looking a little bit more like an athletic college style gym rather than like the You know the planet fitness type thing
Starting point is 01:12:12 So if you have access to that that would be great if you don't have access to those things Partial range of motion work can really be beneficial something like a deadlift out of a rack Yeah, going with very, very light weights to start and an overtime progressing, but you're really just trying to send a message to your body. So something like a farmer's carry is great. And you could do that with dumbbells. You love that, I love that.
Starting point is 01:12:34 I love that. It doesn't take, it's nice to have stuff that doesn't really require a lot of skill. That farmer's lock is another nostalgic one for me. It also puts my mindset in like, for whatever reason, it just goes to like football. Yeah. And then you kinda like, I don't know,
Starting point is 01:12:48 it feels exciting or some, you know what I mean, like the sled, you go, it feels exciting. Find a way to do some squats in your day, find a way to do some what's just called hip-hinging, which was something that would just look like a deadlift. And for people that are out there who are like, oh, you're already, you're talking about shit
Starting point is 01:13:04 that is too advanced for me. And you know what I mean? Like, immediately hear that, like, you and I worked out right together. Well, you haven't trained for 30 years. You've been training for 30 years, but I mean, like the person who's like, I can't do a push-up, you could start
Starting point is 01:13:17 with like a wall push-up. Yeah, absolutely. You could start leaning, like pushing against the wall. If you're like a floor, that makes sense. Like start a little, just like get moving, get moving in some way. I always say that motion is the lotion. When you start to move, it actually is motivating. Yeah. So people, though, wait around to get motivated, but it can work that way sometimes. Sometimes you can listen to David Goggins and you can get all fired up or listen to a speech
Starting point is 01:13:41 from Rogan or something and get all pumped up, I watch all that stuff on YouTube. I get excited from that. But what you'll learn is that when you actually start moving, once you've talked yourself into going to the gym and doing like one thing, it's absolutely ridiculous to go to the gym and only do one thing. So if you talked yourself into going
Starting point is 01:14:00 and doing tricep push downs, you're there and you're like, ah, fuck it, I'm out, I'll do some other things. For sure. So you can get the fuck it's in either direction. You know, you're there and you're like, I fuck it, I'm also gonna do some other things. For sure. So you can get the fuckets in either direction. You know, which direction do you wanna go on? You can get the fuckets in the correct direction, which is hopefully aiming you towards a lot of your goals.
Starting point is 01:14:16 I hope this podcast serves to like, you know, motivate some people, inspire them in some way. Like I said, I've been very excited and stuff since since we met and worked out. I hope Bert watches and listens and decides to explore a caloric deficit. What does your wifey do for working out? My wifey, she does a Pilates. She does that a few days a week. Have you ever tried it with her? I have not tried it with her.
Starting point is 01:14:47 I went to her Pilates instructors place when we were in LA, because that's where she seems hard. Bro, it's like stretching the weights, right? Flopped me up. It was so hard, it was so, because you realize that a Pilates instructor or a person does, their core is incredible. So they're like holding positions. Yeah, it's not about they can't throw up 300 pounds,
Starting point is 01:15:13 but they can just hold their body in positions where you're like, I'm ready to tap out and they're holding that for like two minutes. Yeah, it was very challenging. I was super impressed by it actually. I was I was super impressed by it actually I was gonna ask you do you still get Do you still get nervous when you go and do stand-up? It depends it depends you always have you even ever get nervous I guess yes for sure when you do I think it's pretty standard now that if you have like a really big show like when I do an arena You have like these butterflies. You're kind of, you're pacing a little more, your head is more like kind of running through some things
Starting point is 01:15:48 because you realize that you're at, you know, a lot of people there, you know, I mean, some of these shows I have coming up are, you know, 10,000 plus people at a show. So you're like, that's so cool. 10,000 people are spending their money. It's crazy you, like they earn, they earn their money. They got their paycheck.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Yeah. They're pumped because I bought tickets to your show a few months in advance and we were all hyped up and we kept talking about it as a family. It's like, oh, we're going. We're going. It's wild. I mean, you do feel, I tell somebody that the moment they go, can you believe this? I go, you know the thing that always gets me is I can't believe somebody gave me their
Starting point is 01:16:24 time. Yeah. It's not the money. You go is I can't believe somebody gave me their time. Yeah. It's not the money. Yeah. You go, I can't believe somebody goes, I'm going to spend my evening like I'm going to leave the house, park, go to like sit and I just want to spend my time. Yeah. Watching you do this.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Those butterflies definitely come on those big shows. I always say too, I think most stand-ups agree that if you are completely relaxed, that's not a good thing. You need to have like just a hint. You don't want to be in a panic, but you want like a hint of anxiety. Spity senses are not a bit. Exactly. A little bit. The best thing to do too is like if you have a joke that you're not 100% sure on, like this could go poorly, If you have a joke that you're not 100% sure on, like this could go poorly, those are also the most exciting. Where you're like, this is either gonna,
Starting point is 01:17:09 it's like jumping off and you're like, I think this parachute is packed, right? And it's like, that's like my favorite thing for something new. So it's like, you jump off and you're like, this is either gonna land amazing, or this is gonna fucking fail. But if you don't have that
Starting point is 01:17:25 thing that it could fail horribly, then it's not high risk enough to like be exciting. You can still get a laugh. But to make it exciting, you know, so that will give you butterflies too, like, oh shit, I'm coming up on that joke that might go fucking terribly, you know, I'm sure you've had every possible scenario happen at this point. Yeah. I would imagine like your goal probably in the beginning, like when you first start is to let me just see if I can like land these first two and then you maybe get into like a little bit of a flow,
Starting point is 01:18:01 but you probably also had it happen where you hit pretty good in the beginning and also run. It's all happened. Yeah. I mean, it's all there's, it pretty good in the beginning and also wrong. It's all happened. Yeah, I mean, it's all happened. There's been like, you open so terribly that you're in a hole that, and people are like, this guy is not funny. Oh, yeah. I mean, yeah, so everything's happened
Starting point is 01:18:18 where you've started off in a hole and you work your way out of it, which is kind of exciting, because you just keep working. And you have a hole that's so big that you just can't get out of it, and you just eat shit, which is just a devastating feeling. And yeah, there's also been this thing too, I've talked to where when you start to get a fan base,
Starting point is 01:18:41 you can come on stage where the crowd is so amped up that they can't keep that level of energy for your show. So it's almost like your reception was bonkers. And then it's almost like they're like, woof, ah man. We gave you everything we had. You're like, don't fucking do it at the top. Like, you know, like there's crowds that are like so excited.
Starting point is 01:19:06 But I've had it all happen where things have gone sideways. Things you can recover from, can't recover from. People boo, people, you know, threaten you, people come towards the stage. Like, all of it, it's all happened. I mean, it's thousands and thousands of shows at this point. Yeah, it's been, I can't believe I've only been doing it 20 years, it feels like I've been doing it fucking 50 years.
Starting point is 01:19:31 It's amazing after watching you speak, I was like, and you probably don't think this is true, but I was like, I think this guy could get up and talk about just about anything. I think you could be like, almost motivational. Like if you went to, like, I don't know if you ever done this, like went to like a high school or something like that. I think a lot of people motivational. If you went to, I don't know if you've ever done this, like went to a high school or something like that, I think a lot of people, eat if you're just talking
Starting point is 01:19:49 about your story and not even necessarily thrown in jokes. Now that's an interesting thought. I mean, I think somebody who has a lot of experience in stand-up probably could, probably could just give a, just kind of to polished speech, you know like cuz you have you have so much speaking experience the hardest thing is to like Keep it serious, you know, which you you don't have to obviously you could pepper it in with some humor
Starting point is 01:20:15 But you probably could I remember My cousin asked me to speak at our wedding not speak. I'm sorry like do a reading And I was so fucking nervous. This was like only a few years ago. I would do a standup at that point. There's different. Man, I'm sitting there in the church and the aisle, and I'm like, I think I'm gonna throw up.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Like, I had just done a show the night before. And I'm like, and everyone's like, they're like, oh, this is easy for you. And I wasn't even telling them, I'm like, I'm so fucking nervous because I'm not gonna do stand up. I'm gonna read from the Bible. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:51 So I got up there and I was like, well, you can't like crack a joke, but I just, I just did something with my face where I just like looked at it and I went like that and everybody laughed and then I relaxed. Oh nice. I had to do something. I had to get a laugh and then I relaxed. Oh nice. I had to do something. I had to get a laugh and then I was like,
Starting point is 01:21:08 I'm fine, I read, I'm fucking Jesus and then I wrapped it up. But the idea of like, you must be serious. Like if you were like, those are the parameters that actually does make me nervous. Do you sometimes have any concern about being taken seriously? I mean, it's called two bears, one cave, like, and you're a comedian, but at the same time, like, or do you not, or is that like the whole point of being in comedians to fuck around your whole life?
Starting point is 01:21:34 I mean, it's actually, it almost goes the other way sometimes. You know, like, sometimes I'll do an interview. Oh, why are they taking me so, yeah. No, like, well, they'll be like, hey, man, do an interview. Oh, why are they taking me so yeah. No, like, well, they'll be like, hey, man, you know, they'll just like ask me a question like, what do you know, what do you think about the this movie that came out or like, what do you think about this? There was a fight that happened down on whatever six-treet and I'll just be like, yeah, you know, I'll just answer it like you would answer a normal question. And you can see the person going like, are you joking? And I'm like, well no, you asked me a question. I'm answering it. And they're like, oh, they're like waiting for the punch line. They're waiting for you to be a comedian. Yeah, and I'm like, oh, okay, sorry. And then they go to
Starting point is 01:22:23 their next question, which is also a straightforward question. And I answer it like you would, like try to answer it thoughtfully. And then they're like, when's the, when do the jokes start, you know? And I'm like, what, this point, they're never gonna start, cause I hate you. And yeah, I mean, I was just,
Starting point is 01:22:44 like you see a lot of radio guys getting nervous, radio, especially like the traditional radio guys, because they're, they have this thing of like, something funny needs to happen. It's been 15 seconds. Podcasts, we've been, you know, I've been podcasting over a decade. We realize that you can have a long form conversation
Starting point is 01:23:01 and there could be hilarious things, but they don't need to happen every 30 seconds. They can just happen when they happen, you know? And I think that most comics probably appreciate that, because you kinda, I don't know, you get in the practice of like, hey, I like to have real dialogue. Like, I'd like to have a real conversation
Starting point is 01:23:22 about any number of things, and yeah, well, jokes will just naturally happen, but they don't have to happen on the mark, you know? Is all this stuff just a byproduct of just you, just being interested in being a comedian? Like this is a crazy studio. Like we'd walk in this crazy studio. I think you're building something at your house
Starting point is 01:23:43 or something, right, a studio or something like that. I heard her. No, I used to do the house stuff. And then I was like, oh, I hate having people at my house. Yeah, so, but she have kids. Yeah, so then we started the studio thing a while back.
Starting point is 01:23:55 We did that in L.A. first. And then we moved here. It was like, we realized we're making a commitment, a commitment to Austin, to this as a business. We realized we had multiple podcasts that were all has like some type of fan base. So yeah, it just became, I mean, I'm so glad we started when we started and that we were able to build something where like, there's
Starting point is 01:24:18 a fan base that really enjoys what we put out. So we just committed to it. You have any idea like what you're trying to do. What I'm trying to do, or like an end goal of any sort? No, I don't think so. Just going. I think it's just going. I mean, I remember years ago talking to somebody about stand up and they're like,
Starting point is 01:24:37 how do you get to arenas? They're like as a comedian. And I go, you don't plan for it. It just happens. You can't be be like I want to do arenas like you have to just have a fan base That grows to the good enough. Well, yeah, or just like the the demand for you has to Either exist or not and it's not about Writing the right joke or doing stand up. It's like that's either gonna happen and you maybe have to not care about it. I see either.
Starting point is 01:25:07 I see, yeah. I mean, the first time I got an offer for one of those, I was just like, what? This sounds crazy. But, you know, either that fan base is there or it's not, I don't think you can put, you can't be like, that's what I did this for. You know, and it's absolutely with podcasts.
Starting point is 01:25:23 I mean, people get really married to like, where they're at on the rankings of like, these are the biggest pot number. Yeah, I don't look at those. I don't look at the charts. I rarely find out what downloads are. I just like, we just keep doing them. Somebody tells you something, you're like cool.
Starting point is 01:25:42 I'm like, that's cool. We just keep doing them and we put you something. I'm like, cool. I'm like, that's cool. We just keep doing them and we put them out. And we're just like, we're thrilled that people enjoy them. And we try not to start new ones, unless there's like a really clear idea for it. We think it's gonna be like, we start one with Danny Brown, who's a rapper and like super funny dude. But it was a natural thing.
Starting point is 01:26:04 It was totally organic of him, like him being a funny guest, and I'm being like, dude, you could definitely do this, and then him saying, well, I'll do it if you guys do it, and then that's how it happened. It wasn't like a meticulous plan of like, here's what we're gonna do, you know. Does this situation and set up,
Starting point is 01:26:22 sorry to ask you so many questions on your own show, but does this situation and set up, sorry to ask you so many questions on your own show. But does this situation and set up, does this help provide you with a little bit more family time? If I didn't tour, this would be fantastic because I could come here, do work, make a living, and you know, that will be the case. For instance, when this tour ends that I'm on right now, for me domestically, it slows down as the year, like, end of November. And then I should be able to spend time at home, but still be like a productive person by doing podcasts. I have some international
Starting point is 01:26:57 stuff coming up after that. But I'm not going to do a big tour again until at least a year or so later. So I'll take time off, which having this will provide me the ability to like, like I said, be productive and work, but not be on the road. So cool. Yeah. I think we hit it all. We did. Nidav.
Starting point is 01:27:23 Yeah. You live? Yeah. Did you want to weigh in on? I think we hit it all. We did. Nadav. Yeah, you live? Yeah, did you want to weigh in on interest rates or anything that you've been thinking about lately? Yes, Tom, I think you made a great investment in the studio. I think it's all really paying off, and I can't wait for you to come off,
Starting point is 01:27:42 pour and spend more time with us. That's a great message and he did a great job there. He did a great job. Hopefully we can get any the bald guy there to start picking up some weights too. He's got, he's really naturally strong. He doesn't lift weights. Yeah, we got to get him doing it, right? Yeah, we got to get him picking up some heavy ass shit.
Starting point is 01:28:03 I was actually going to ask after the show what you thought I should do because I've never been able to gain weight I actually tried lifting weights when I was a kid and I just I never gained weight no matter how I eat like I Actually calculated it this year I've eaten a hundred and seventy six pizzas And that's like just normal 176 pizzas. Yeah, I calculated it also when they do when they do like burger runs He'll get five You know how bad the people hate him for saying like he can't gain weight, right a lot I think I think I actually Tom might punch me up to this. Yeah, it's always face when I said that
Starting point is 01:28:37 Yeah, you know gaining weight is It's it can be it can be a really difficult thing It can be a really difficult thing. There was a lifter years ago named J.M. Blakely, who was a power lifter, a huge, huge guy, and he treated his bulking like he treated his training. So he would eat dinner, and then after dinner, he'd have a full pizza. And he would eat a couple bites of the pizza, and was like, oh, fuck man, this is disgusting. You know, this is like, I'm eating way too much food. And he's like trying to gag it down and stuff.
Starting point is 01:29:11 And so he would pace back and forth. And he'd be like, this is what you need to do. Like you need to get bigger. So he would, he just took it very seriously. So I found that with people that are trying to get bigger, they got to take their kind of bulking as serious as you would take anything else. On the other side of it is you want to make sure that you're not consuming foods that might be irritating your stomach that don't allow you to eat later. Oh, do you want to tell them part two
Starting point is 01:29:35 to your special question? No, loud and clear, I will take your advice. Pizza makes you bloat. I'll tell you some cool, any trivia. P.T. makes a bloating farty and then makes it hard for you to get to your next, uh, your next meal. What do you have some sort of major blowout? No, you want to hear it? You want to see a food story? Oh, yeah. Oh, good.
Starting point is 01:29:57 He shits once every two weeks. Really? So where is it all going? This is amazing. I think it's in his dick. I don't know where it is. He shits once every two weeks. Wow. Is that real? Yeah. Yeah. 100% yeah. He hates to shit. Oh, mama. Wow. That is very irregular, but maybe maybe
Starting point is 01:30:20 Maybe it's regular for him. Oh, it is regular for him. Is it like a mom's stir? Is it like the size of this table? Once I go, yeah. But it's also like, I feel like wherever it backs up into, it's almost like there's a certain amount of it that comes out at a time. We don't need to talk about this. Why don't we talk about this? Maybe some reverse parasitosis going on
Starting point is 01:30:39 coming out the mouth. I, he always says that it's like a punishment for like white America. It's just this whole thing. It turns racial. It gets really racial with him. Yeah. I can see that. I oftentimes get hit by the second wave. You have second waves sometimes. Oh, you take a shit. And your whole body is an agreement that it like, it's over. Yeah, it's done with, right? Yeah. And then all of a sudden, you're like, oh my god, I gotta go again. Can I tell you? Because I actually thought about you the other day. You take it.
Starting point is 01:31:08 While I was shitting. While I was shitting. It's that I'd had like this, like I told you. I was on the road. I was saying you the message. I was like, man, killed it all week. We worked out twice a day for five of the six days. All the eating was great.
Starting point is 01:31:24 And I go out for lunch and I was like, I have a salad and then I go, I'm gonna have a burger. Bro, but I hadn't had one in a minute. I ate that burger. I got back to the hotel. I was in like, I was like, oh my God. Like it fucking wrecked me. It wrecked me.
Starting point is 01:31:42 It was like, almost like the message was like, yeah, dude, this isn't for you. Like, yeah, these foods don't like you anymore. Yeah, this high fat or high sugar stuff, immediately. It's the attraction and then you go like, oh my God, what a disaster. It was a disaster. You're like, that was a huge mistake. Kinda felt like, yeah, this morning,
Starting point is 01:32:02 so I had my morning coffee and that always pushes everything out. Yeah. Clear as you're right out. I go to use the bathroom and I'm at the hotel, but I was using the, like the lobby bathroom. I don't like to blow up my own hotel room, you know? Yeah. So, but I made a mistake and I went into the stall
Starting point is 01:32:21 and like apparently the gun was still hot, you know, because the guy just took a shit. It hot because the guy just took a shit. It was clear the guy just took a shit in there because I went into the bigger one, the handy cap one, which I always poop in, which I probably shouldn't do. But I could tell that he just shit in there because the ripples and the water was still going. And then I was like, ah, fuck it, who cares?
Starting point is 01:32:40 And then I was thinking, my dick touched the toilet. Wow. And I was thinking, my dick, my dick touched the toilet, you know? Wow. And I was thinking like, you got a nice piece on you. Well, I was thinking like if my dick, like, would I be against like touching my dick to that other guy's dick that was just in here? Yeah. Versus touching the toilet. And I was thinking of like what's worse?
Starting point is 01:32:57 Cause like a lot of other dicks have probably hit that thing. But your dicks have, yeah. So it's like, am I better just tapping that one, going tip to tip? Or. Yeah, that's true. I always feel like whenever my dick touches the poor, so I's like am I better just tapping that one going tip to tip or yeah, that's true I always feel like whenever my dick touches the poor so that I'm like I'm having a good hang day, you know because Sometimes I'm like, there's some days where it's a little beefier than it is it is Yeah, if you ever try to penis pump. No, they're fantastic really. I'll have one sent to you They actually they actually work wait, so you're not just sending these stakes and work out equipment
Starting point is 01:33:24 You're gonna sound we working in a penis pump. So our whole relationship just jumped a couple other levels. It's not gonna work in terms of like making your dick a lot bigger, but when you get hard, you'll be harder. Wait, so but just that, like, helps with circulation. So wait, just that moment. In other words, you use the pump,
Starting point is 01:33:41 let's say 30 minutes before you wanna get hard, is that what you're talking about? You can use it kind of whenever you want, it's almost like just like workout for your dick. Really? I mean, that's serious. Of course you're into this. I didn't mean to get into it, it's just something I can... How often do you use your penis pump? By every two weeks or so?
Starting point is 01:34:00 You can get that blood, you gotta train everything, right? You know I'm into training the feet, training the hands, You can't fucking get that blood. You got to train everything, right? You know I'm into training the feet, training the hands, train the dick, right? You're gonna send me one for real? I will. I won't send you mine. I'll send you yours.
Starting point is 01:34:13 I'll send you a new one. And it really works. It does really work. You'll be pleased and you're gonna want to take pictures because you're gonna be like holy fuck. Really? Yeah. And then you'll be impressed.
Starting point is 01:34:24 Now after you pump and it goes back down, you're saying that like you're good. You can over pump, you gotta be careful. Oh, I'll over pump. Yeah. But you don't do it right before you need perfect. You could. You could do it right before you do it as maintenance.
Starting point is 01:34:39 I just do it as maintenance, yeah. Okay. It's kind of massage that area, keep it going. They're really fascinating. Send one to any too, he'd like that. On my podcast, we'd generated $100,000 or something like that in just a couple of months because we started talking about it.
Starting point is 01:34:57 Pena's Bumps. And then people like this is bullshit and all these young guys are like, I don't need that shit, but you know they're clicking that lane. Of course they are. They can't click it fast enough. They're open up many windows.
Starting point is 01:35:07 If any of you penis pump companies would like to give it a shot at two bears, mm-hmm, we're down. Mark, let's give them a flex. Show them the guns, dude. Look at those things. Oh my God, I think I tore something. Whoa.
Starting point is 01:35:21 You know, I tore, I've torn a lot of stuff. You broke some stuff. Did you tear something to? I tore my patellar tendon, that fucking sucked. But my kneecap was just floating. Was that when you were going to dunk? It was. And then, yeah, I broke the arm, but I've never,
Starting point is 01:35:37 I can't, I've seen, holy shit, there was one that was real clear. It was Larry Wheels with spot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. For a toy's guy. He was a young guy, I was real clear. It was Larry Wheels with Spotin' for a sort of young guy. It was a young guy, it kind of was like 24. And he was inclining like four, five, something. And you just see a gop.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Like that, it's gnarly. And then the shot from the hospital where everything's like super bruised. Oh yeah. Deep, deep bruised. Black and blue all the way down into your forearm. I've had that before. And when you're like, you've torn pecs, do they?
Starting point is 01:36:08 I'm string. Do they reattach that? Is that a way that works? Or how does that? I didn't have to get mine reattached. I don't know. I come. Your body just, no, I just, I don't ever go to the doctor.
Starting point is 01:36:18 That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. I get up off the bench. I'm like, that's going to take, I don't know, two months to recover from. Yeah, I'm like, that's gonna take two months. That's it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:29 But I didn't also have like a complete rupture like that dude did. Okay. Like that one year, you might be in an ambulance. He was at the hospital. Yeah. He went to the hospital. Yeah, you got surgery. I think you have to go to the hospital.
Starting point is 01:36:40 And I've seen, have you seen that one on TikTok? Oh. Is on this bicep rolls up. And he's doing the barbell. And he's curling like this and both go at the same time. Oh shit. Both biceps go like both. You see it's like two little balls.
Starting point is 01:36:58 So he tore both of his biceps and the same movement. You're like, oh my God. That's a surgery too, right? You gotta wear. Yeah, I mean, sometimes it's aesthetics. Wait, is this the one? Sometimes it's just an aesthetics thing. Other than this, yeah.
Starting point is 01:37:13 I mean, it's not, he's obviously a workout guy. Yeah, preacher curl. That's an interesting thing, having your arms fixed in that position. Oh, he's going up. This sucks, you know, you're trying to do something good for yourself. And then bam, you fucking. Oh, man. Oh, oh, that's both. It's hard to figure out sometimes why. Sometimes why we get hurt.
Starting point is 01:37:48 Yeah. Like, I've had some injuries recently where I'm like, where didn't I held this come? I had a shoulder thing that happened like two, three months ago that kind of came out of nowhere. I've had my left hip has bugged me for like a long time. And obviously the hip is like, it's more understandable because it's like, okay, it's just years and years of squatting and deadlifting.
Starting point is 01:38:10 So I said, yeah, totally get it. But my shoulder was fine for a long time and I just woke up one day and my shoulder was totally dead. All the way to the point where I had to move my arm to like open my car door, I had to move my left arm with my right arm to put it on the steering wheel. And there was no, I didn't like bench the day before or like I had no, I'm just like shit man, it's just, I went to, I was working out, it was like a couple years ago.
Starting point is 01:38:35 And I was like, you know, I remember we did a heavy dumbbell chest day, where for me it was 85s and each and I was like it's heavy, you know? That's good. And I was I was doing reps with it. And I remember that like the next day I was like, fuck, my left shoulder hurts so much. So logically I go, you know, that was a lot of weight for me. And that's my pain. And it's like, you know, hey, let's not do that for a couple of days. Right.
Starting point is 01:39:07 But then it's like the next week and where I'm like, yeah, dude, it like it still hurts. Right. So we're just like not doing that again. And then it's the week after that. And they're like, is your fucking chest, like your arm, you're sure I'll go, yeah, it still hurts.
Starting point is 01:39:23 So we're doing other things. And I noticed that when I do strict press, right? So I'm just standing there, doing the bar over the head. I'm like, it's not even heavyweight, it's lightweight. I'm like, it's not a lot of weight, but it fucking hurts. So I finally go, I'm gonna just get this checked out. I get an MRI, and I see the orthopedic surgeon,
Starting point is 01:39:43 he's like, oh yeah, you have a torn acy joint. Okay, he's like, it's torn. And the best is I go, so what do I do? He goes, well, if you were 21, I'd be like surgery for sure. I go, okay, well, I'm not 21. He goes, yeah, just live with it. Shh. I'm like, what do you mean?
Starting point is 01:40:03 He's like, I mean, I could give you some, like a cortisol shot. It'll make you feel better for a little while, but yeah, it's just, I go, so just live with the torn joint. He's like, well, yeah. Does it still hurt? So like, right now, no, but there'll be weird things. Like, I know this sounds strange, but like,
Starting point is 01:40:21 oh yeah, you can do like a sliding glass door. That's like heavy, like a wavy one, where I'll just go like this and I'll be like, oh shit, it'll be that movement that hits it. Or we could be benching and I just load a lot that day and then at the end of it, I'm like, oh, I feel it again, I feel it. So the answer is, it doesn't hurt me daily, but there are certain movements where that, it just triggers that.
Starting point is 01:40:49 And there's probably more of your bicep, but especially like the injury and the surgery and different things you had. You broke that arm, right? I did break it, yeah. But that pain did happen before the injury. Of sure, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:41:01 Have you ever had any body work done? Do you kind of know what that is? Like where people like kind of work on you. Like it's not a massage, it's like fucking hurts. Yeah, I've had it done not in a while though. That kind of stuff is really effective. I found somebody after we talked or we messaged about it that does that here.
Starting point is 01:41:15 I haven't seen them yet, but I found some. That's huge. There's also local, there's a stretch lab. Have you ever heard of that? That's the place it just like stretches you? Yeah, it just stretches you. I heard some good things about it from a friend of mine. But when it comes to like soft tissue injuries like that, like those injuries, you basically
Starting point is 01:41:32 have, it's not necessarily like a muscle, it's not necessarily a tendon. Sometimes it's like the fascia, which is the stuff that surrounds the muscle. And there's no, like you can't like stretch that away. You can't stretch it. You can't exercise it away. You can't stretch it. You can't exercise it away. You can't just do flies and then have it go away. There's literally mangled tissue in there. Someone needs to go in there and grind it out.
Starting point is 01:41:53 Or they might need to go into a different spot. They might need to go into your neck or the back of your shoulder or something like that. Different spot to alleviate. All right, I'm gonna try the bodywork person I found. It'll help a lot. All right, we should wrap it up. Anything you wanna plug?
Starting point is 01:42:09 First of all, I did get to try a slingshot and that's the thing with fucking awesome. So especially if you're into weightlifting or if you're trying to get into pushups, you haven't done them much or you're, dude, this thing, it's so cool to try to do those exercises with it on. As somebody who just, you know, tried it for the first time, fucking rad.
Starting point is 01:42:30 So I would say, try a slingshot if you haven't, but anything else, like you have a podcast that you do. It's called Mark Bell's Power Project. Check that out. It's available where all other podcasts are available. Yep. And then the steak shake that you're drinking, it's the first of its kind. It's got liver, kidney, heart, spleen. It also has the most bioavailable proteins in it. It has beef, whey, collagen. It's got everything you need.
Starting point is 01:42:56 Plus, it tastes good, right? It tastes great. Drank the whole thing and Bert, we're gonna try to get you to have some of that. Can you put it in his T-dozen soda? You know, just on that note, again, what's reasonable for somebody to do? I recognize that you're saying
Starting point is 01:43:12 like he's not reasonable. He wants to have an amazing time all the time. But then you just kind of say, like can we figure out ways to have amazing times without, without all the excess celebration, can instead of after this podcast, instead of going to eating a bunch of junk food,
Starting point is 01:43:35 could we potentially go like work out and still have a great time together? Stuff like that. It's not easy to trade them out. I recognize that, but that's the kind of stuff I try to encourage people to do. We're gonna get them on it I promise This was a blast. Thank you for coming
Starting point is 01:43:48 Appreciate it. Yeah, and I'll get to see you this summer too. That'd be fun. Oh, you know what? Yeah a For a drop out. I got one more thing to plug. What's that smelly's kitchen? Yeah, I started I started a cooking show. It's on my YouTube channel, which is Mark smelly Bell And we're really proud of it is something that we've been we shot like 20 episodes and we weren't sure I started a cooking show. It's on my YouTube channel, which is Mark Smellie Bell. And we're really proud of it. It's something that we've been, we shot like 20 episodes and we weren't sure how we're going to do it. So we worked out all the kinks and just started releasing episodes. But it's just simple, easy, effective ways of cooking because people ask me all day long how I cook, how I prep my meals, how do I do all this stuff? And I found ways that are super simple, and I'll give people just a really short glimpse
Starting point is 01:44:29 of what it is I'm doing. I take 96% ground beef. I take something called pork panko, which basically kind of gives you almost like a bread-like substance, but it has no carbohydrates, because it's just pork rinds. There's a company called Porking Good Pork Rinds. I pour that in a pan with some ground beef.
Starting point is 01:44:50 And it's an Italian seasoned. And then I'll dump in some marinara sauce and then some mozzarella. And it turns into like these crazy, like, deconstructed meatballs. Fucking phenomenal. Like there's so many little things like that you can do. I love them. And then you go to eat it and you're there's so many little things like that you can do. I love them.
Starting point is 01:45:05 And then you go to eat it and you're like, fuck, so every meal that you have, that's something that you and I did talk about. Like the meals that you have. Just because you're following a nutrition protocol, you have some sort of nutritional intervention of some sort, doesn't mean that all your foods are bland and all your foods don't taste good anymore.
Starting point is 01:45:22 So. Still have good food. That's the point in some of these kitchens, so that way... So, he's kitchen. I know the dog would love to see you do a Matsu Ball Super episode, and maybe we can get another one for you soon. I love it. I love it.
Starting point is 01:45:33 I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. All right, we'll see you guys next time. One goes top and swall the other, wears a shirt Tom tells stories and birds the machine There's not a chance in hell that they'll keep the clean Here's what we call, two bears one cave No scripts to bed a booze amateur, for topology
Starting point is 01:45:57 Dirty jokes, ronchy humor, no apologies Here's what we call, two bears one cave.

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