2 Bears, 1 Cave with Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer - Ep. 155 | 2 Bears 1 Cave w/ Tom Segura & Bert Kreischer

Episode Date: October 17, 2022

We're halfway through Sober October and Bert Kreischer tells Tom Segura how he's disgusted with drinking now, the bears look at their sleep and recovery from Whoop, and Tom shares some VERY cool auto-...generated art of Bert made by artificial intelligence software. Tom talks about his recent incredible ayahuasca experience, Bert shares how often he thinks about death, and how bummed Bert is that he is madly in love with his wife LeeAnn. https://tomsegura.com/tourhttps://www.bertbertbert.com/bertyboytourhttps://store.ymhstudios.com/

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I fire host people and I tell them what's going on with me and then I deal with me and then I just walk away and I go that was good cup of tea. Dude, that's this podcast. 100% You are looking so much better. So Rocktop was really working on you. You're down to a feel. I gotta be honest with you, man, I feel like you. You feel like me. Like boring. Like, I do the things you're doing,
Starting point is 00:00:35 I'm doing what you're doing. But you do it when you can drink, I'm just going like, all right, I'm gonna go to bed. Yeah, everyone's like, okay, I'm gonna go to bed. You kinda feel somewhat happier though too. I'm not, I don't have to bed. Yeah. Everyone's like, okay, nice, good to bed. You gotta feel somewhat happier though too. I'm not, I don't have any panic. I feel very admitted. Like I feel, like there's no sparkle.
Starting point is 00:00:50 You really just skimmed out, you're like boring. I don't have any panic in my life. I don't have any panic. That's the one thing that I'll tell you what, you wanna hear something crazy? Yeah. Yesterday we were at Buffalo Wild Wings, my favorite place in the world to be.
Starting point is 00:01:03 I love Buffalo Wild Wings. I love Buffalo Wild Wings. I'll tell you this, they came at me to do a voice over. You're perfect match. Dude, it's my spot. Buffalo Wild Wings is one of the best places you'll ever go. They've got every football game on. They've got every fucking football game on. They've got like 40 different choices of wings you can have. They have the Buffalo Wild Wings challenge.
Starting point is 00:01:20 They have, it is one of their salads are great. Their tater tots are great. They're great. They're great. They're great. They've got like 40 different choices of wings you can have they have the Buffalo Wild Wings challenge They have it is one of the their salads are great their tater tots are fucking amazing They're not just come with chili on them and deliver Fucking full-diet coaks and then they got those tall pipe beers those those yards My mouse watering. Yeah, I can see why yesterday. I had the weirdest thing happened. I, your app up low, Buffalo Wild Wings watching the games. And I saw dude killing his yard and it made me feel sick.
Starting point is 00:01:53 I'm sorry? Killing his yard. Oh, I need a yard of beer. Okay, okay. And I went, ugh. And I did what like Andrew Zimmern does where he goes, who could drink a beer? Like Andrew Zimmer's, I just remember one time.
Starting point is 00:02:04 Zimmern. Zimmern, Zimmern. Zimmern. Is it Zimmer? Like Andrew Zimmer's, I just remember one time. Zimmerman. Zimmerman. Zimmerman. Is it Zimmer? Zimmern? Andrew Zimmern? Andrew Zimmern. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Yeah, oh Zimmern. Zimmern. From Food Network. Trave Channel. Oh, right, right, right. One time he was like, who can drink a beer at the airport? And I remember going like, the fuck are you talking about? Who can drink a beer at the airport?
Starting point is 00:02:21 So maybe the best place in the world to drink a beer or a cocktail early in the morning at an airport. I've never seen anything like it until I went to the airport with you. Yeah, oh, it's my favorite place to have a drink. Yeah. And next, Buffalo Wings. And next, Buffalo Wings.
Starting point is 00:02:35 Well, there's a lot of favorite places. But yesterday, I had a distaste for it. I had a distaste for it. And I looked at the woman ordering a corona and I went, ugh. Yeah. I was like, why wouldn at a woman order a corona and I went, yeah, I was like, why wouldn't you just get a nice glass of water or a diet coke and see your, your habits are changing. I'm not totally sober after this month. So I think my drinking is much deeper than just having a good time.
Starting point is 00:03:01 You do. Yeah. I think there is a humility to it. I think there is a denying of where I am or who I am, and I drink there to be even killed and be regular. That's very insightful of you to pick up on that. I feel like, I don't, I look at businessmen that fly and they don't drink and they get on their computer and I was like what the fuck do they think they are and then the other day I got on the plane and I was terrified obviously but I had my not panic because I hadn't drank it a while and I got on the plane and I said to myself started watching this documentary and this
Starting point is 00:03:41 guy Andy Roy's a skateboarder and he's dealt with addiction pretty bad. And I thought, my addiction isn't that bad. And I said, you need to, this sounds really weird, but I go, you need to claim your power and realize you've traveled the world, you fly every fucking week, you are successful. You're probably the most successful, successful person in this first class right now.
Starting point is 00:04:03 And yet you're the fucking loser that gets blackout drunk at eight in the morning because you can't handle it. Yet you've, and I'm looking around, I'm just being real. I'm probably achieved bigger things than, and it's a fucking small first class. But I go, I'm probably achieved bigger things than anyone in this first class.
Starting point is 00:04:20 And yeah, I'm this powerless loser. Well, well, hold on. I would say you're making really good points And then you're making you're you're not saying some things that make sense there the the say it so well I would lose the powerless loser What's going on playing interesting is the observation you made about yourself saying that oh, I think it's not just like, I like to have a good time.
Starting point is 00:04:48 It's that the drinking is doing something, it's kind of numbing the fact that you are, where you are in that moment, and you don't wanna be there. That's right. That is an interesting thought that I've never heard you voice. And it's more in line with how people talk
Starting point is 00:05:04 about substance being an issue. It's not just partying feels good. It's numbing something, or it's distracting you. Maybe you're able to deny the fact that you are either alone or feeling alone or don't want to be there. That is an interesting thing. I do not want to be on a plane. I do not want to be on a plane. I do not want to be on a plane.
Starting point is 00:05:26 Do you know that I had to start the other day? I was flying a helicopter, and I, we did auto rotation, which is where you kill the engine, and just descend, and I was like, I would pay so much money to have Burton the back of this thing, and have a camera on your face.
Starting point is 00:05:43 It's been like, ah! I mean, I just kicked the engine on right when you fired it. I've never been in a helicopter sober. Really? And I was in New Zealand one time, and the guy, I said to the guy, I said, hey man, is it cool if I drink in this helicopter?
Starting point is 00:05:56 He goes, absolutely not. And I went, I said, but it's, I'll be fine. And he goes, yeah, it's a very small space. And I do not need a lunatic drunk in my helicopter. And I went, okay, so I was like, fuck him. So I got six bottles of Jack. I got a little thermos.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I filled it with ice. I filled all the thing all the way with Jack. I started drinking before takeoff. And then we got in the helicopter. And we're flying over, I think it's called glass lake and in New Zealand. I forget what the name was, it's out in, see if there's a thing called glass lake in New Zealand. Yeah. Yeah, we're flying over glass lake in New Zealand. It's gorgeous. Yeah, you can see the bottom of it. It's really terrifying.
Starting point is 00:06:40 And so we're, we're flying over, we're going to sheer sheep or something and I'm drinking whiskey and I'm like this is fucking beautiful And they will have heads. That's all I think I go is it okay, man? I Can smell the whiskey And I go you can he goes I thought I told you not to drink I go don't worry. I'll be cool. He goes well We know a bunch of a choice now do we? Man, I I like that you didn't think that I would be able to smell it. I just feel like tight little compartment. You know somebody like, did you eat fucking garlic today?
Starting point is 00:07:11 You know everything. Dude, it's interesting. I don't have any interest in drinking. Like, if we're going to talk about sober October and we should talk about sober October. I think this is the first one that will really release in October, right? No, we're well into October now. Over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:27 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. This is seven more days sober than I thought I'd have. The, uh, I don't have an, I don't care to drink. It's interesting. So almost like a diet, you ever started diet and you find yourself opening the refrigerator or loss? Yes, yes. I know exactly. That's how I feel. So almost like a diet, you ever started diet and you find yourself opening the refrigerator or loss? Yes, yes, exactly. That's how I feel.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Like where you go, oh I get, oh never mind. But this is a very, that is a very interesting thing is to actually deal with that. The thing you got to do in those moments, the same thing is when you open the fridge, is actually acknowledge the moment, right? Like when you're, when you're dieting and you open the fridge, sometimes you do it mindlessly, but there's moments where you open it and you go, what am I doing? Why am I opening? Why am I opening it? What am I opening it?
Starting point is 00:08:12 Like it's the same shit that was in the fridge 20 minutes ago when I looked and I didn't find anything then. And that's the, that's the thought to explore, right? But for me, it's, it, it, for me it exclusively, this sounds crazy, exclusively happens in an airport. That is my weirdness. I have fucking never seen anything like that. When we did San Francisco, that game, that was so insane to me. You have no idea. You know that I needed a nap at noon.
Starting point is 00:08:39 At noon, I was like, I have to go lay down. I'm not going to make it through the day. And you go, I go, where will you be? And you go, I'll be right here, right at this bar. And I'm like, seriously? And you're like, yeah. And then we fucking, we drank so much that day, Bert. And the craziest part was, at the end of the night,
Starting point is 00:08:54 we got back from that game. We go smoke a cigar. And we smoked a cigar, and I'm like, all right. I'm going to bed and you go seriously? And I go, well, yeah, now it's like one in the morning You're like don't you want to keep this going? By the way, as you're telling this story, I remember going like this is the best time We're in the sweet spot right now. Yeah, I was like I am way past the sweet spot
Starting point is 00:09:18 I wonder I actually said last things my my schedule is Overwhelming right now. Hmm, same. And and I go last time I was like, they're like, all right, two shows last night. I had to work out at fucking one, one in the morning. We get done. We get back to the bus at two after showering to 230. We're sitting the bus and they're like, all right, 9 am flight into Austin. 22 bears one gave.
Starting point is 00:09:43 We have a phone call at 430, you have to work out it over and audit it at 6, and then what are we doing for dinner? And I just was like, I literally said, how did I do this when I was drinking? Right, like when I was drinking, how did I get through this? Because I did the same schedule.
Starting point is 00:09:58 That's crazy to me, because I have a very similar schedule to yours. Yeah. If it's super aggressive, and I don't drink like you, and I barely am able to find out. I don't know how I did it. And it kind of, I wonder if it is part of the reason I drink is that I go, I'm getting treats throughout the day. So I just go like, I'm looking forward to things. Yeah. I, I, when I walk into an airport, that is my trigger where I go. Today, we were in Charleston, Charlotte,
Starting point is 00:10:27 and I went to have these little minute rooms where you can go in for an hour and be away from everyone. So I got one. It's crazy my dialogue in my head. So I go in there, and normally what I do is I go in there and I empty out all the booze into my little growler.
Starting point is 00:10:44 And I make my drink in there, because no one can see me make growler. And I make my drink in there, cause no one can see me make a drink. So I make my drink in there, and then I have a drink in there, or I like go to duty free, get a bottle of wine, go in there. Like that's my little safe spot. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:56 So I go in there and just sit, and I was like, okay, I was like, I'll call my dad, I'll check in with everyone, I'll send some text. And then we get out, and it's like, I'll send some texts, and then we get out, and it's like, I mean, all the opportunities are open.
Starting point is 00:11:10 The bar next to the minute place is opening up, and they're like, hey, come on in, get a drink, and I was like, no, I was like, God damn it, man, if this was any other day, I'd be like, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and I just double-tied out of the sort of big last no line. Can I get a second one? I'm just gonna murder this one real quick. And then, and then all the bars were opening up almost like, almost like they were like tempting me, like, like bring out your dad. So then we get on the plane and the ladies like,
Starting point is 00:11:37 you want, this is really, and this is like, this is my brain. Yeah. I'm in seat one e by the way the gentleman I'm about to say this to I hope this doesn't sound insensitive. I but whatever black is what people call them So I Go to get I go to get my seat and the lady goes hey, would you mind switching with the gentleman from one f And will you sit by the window? And I want, yeah, of course, she goes, that is so sweet of you. Oh my God, by the way, that's where we're real different.
Starting point is 00:12:12 Why? Because I'd be like, you can get fucked. I would absolutely be like, that's not, I've said it. And I've, I mean, one guy wanted to assault me. I'd be like, it's not happening. I'd be like, it's not happening. I'd be like, it's not happening. I always would see. I mean, I make it a point.
Starting point is 00:12:29 I go, you should have booked the fucking seat you wanted, okay? I always get one E or one B, because I like being in the aisle in the front row. And I mean, I tell women with children have asked me, I go, get out of here. I've gotten, I've traded and gotten shit seats before too. I go, I go, son, happy. The last one in the row where it doesn't recline,
Starting point is 00:12:51 and I go, no wonder you wanted a fucking switch. Yeah, nah. So, so I switch with her, I switch, and I go, y'all switch, and the guy rolls in on a wheelchair, right? And he sits down next to me, And he's like, he's like, hey, I appreciate it. I was like, sure thing. And then my brain goes. You visibly did a solid for the plane. They're going to, there no one's cutting you off today. Like, oh, my God. Like, so like, I can drink as much as I want. That's what my brain did immediately. And she walked by, she goes, she says to this group,
Starting point is 00:13:26 she goes orange juice water coffee, orange juice water coffee, orange juice water coffee. Can I get you a cocktail to me? And I went nope. And I thought, man, what time was this? This is nine in the morning. I would have loved it. I would have loved a cocktail.
Starting point is 00:13:45 So I'm nervous to fly. So it really is, I'm nervous about takeoff. Once I got up in the air, I fell asleep, I was flying. And takeoff. But takeoff landing scare you? No, landing and then scare me at all. It's just takeoff. Actually, what happens is my claustrophobia kicks in
Starting point is 00:13:59 about having to be there for two and a half hours. So I have to gamify it in my head where I go, okay. Take off 15 minutes, I know that. So getting up to out to do 15 minutes, and then I just need to get to an hour after that, and then I'm halfway there. And once I'm halfway there, then it's easier, but like those long flights, I cannot do them sober
Starting point is 00:14:19 because I just go, I'm just sitting here losing my fucking mind. This flight I took off, I listened to a history podcast, fell asleep and woke up with 30 minutes of land and I was like, oh thank God, thank you God. Maybe you're sleeping better though. I'm not, I'm so, dude. Oh, hey, we better.
Starting point is 00:14:35 Can I tell you my favorite thing about my whoop? Yeah, sure. Is the fucking battery. Yeah, the way it slides on. Yeah, you never have to take off your fucking whoop to charge it. No. That's my favorite thing about this fucking thing. And more things should have that.
Starting point is 00:14:46 I had a watch, I had a Garmin watch, and I'd have to take it off and plug it up. Then you wouldn't have your watch on my slouch. It is brilliantly, you don't have to take it off. The thing about, so I think I told you before I'm so focused on sleep. It's like the thing that I think about. And it's harder to do because of my schedule.
Starting point is 00:15:05 I tore like a fucking psych. Are you on a bus every day? Um, a lot of, I mean, the bus, you know, we fly, bus picks us up, go like maybe city, city, city bus, then maybe that's a long drive and I'll fly to the next city and then bus meets it. So like it's bus hotels, planes, which is a recovery like when you sleep on the bus. Oh, it's, I mean, I sleep like a absolute shit on the bus. But my recovery is non-existent on the bus. Well, last night, I, first night I got good sleep in a while
Starting point is 00:15:34 and my recovery was terrible. I got eight and a half hours of sleep, it's mostly if I've had in a while. In a, in a plane, in a, in a, in a, in a, in a home home, yeah. Okay. But the recovery was like 50%. So like, whoop measures your heart rate, your breathing rate.
Starting point is 00:15:51 Oh, my heart rate's fucking through the roof. Keep going. I want to talk to you about my fucking health. Well, I just, I was like, I was like, what the fuck? Because I pulled it up. It's the first thing I look at. I wake up and I'm always like, how did I sleep, you know?
Starting point is 00:16:04 Yeah. And I'm like, it's the first thing I look at. It's up and I'm always like, how did I sleep, you know? Yeah. And I'm like, it's the first thing I look at. It's like, I can wake up feeling amazing, but if my whoop tells me I'm not amazing, I go. Eight and a half hours of sleep. That's great. Recovery, 46%. And I'm like, wait, why is it like that?
Starting point is 00:16:17 And I think it's that I didn't get good, deep sleep. So wait, let me see, let me see. My hair is, my efficiency was low. It measures your like wake events, your efficiency and your respiratory rate and my efficiency was low, which means I think that I didn't sleep enough in the deep zone because you have a wake, light, deep, and REM. My REM was fine, but my deep wasn't there. And that's pretty, I guess a lot of
Starting point is 00:16:44 your restorative takes place in deep sleep. So then, and I'm feeling it today, I'm like, fuck, you know, it's like last night I had to get that workout in, I was so glad, damn. I have a cover he's 9%. 9? Let me see.
Starting point is 00:16:57 9% 9? Yeah, but that's because. You have a slept? No, no, it's because I wish we've had a bus tour bus setting on this. Wait, you didn't sleep at all? No, I fell asleep, but we drove.
Starting point is 00:17:11 So when you drive in the bus, I don't think it says you're asleep. I think your arms moving, it's never set up slept. Like my last... Yeah, this says your wake events were high. Yeah, I think it's because the bus is moving. But it also says you slept an hour and 20 minutes and that's it.
Starting point is 00:17:27 That was a plane flight. That's all you've slept. That's all I've slept. Technically. Well, what's not? No, no, I mean, when I got into my bunk last night, I fucked around on my phone. And then we drove, we had to drive to the airport.
Starting point is 00:17:40 How long was the drive? Two and a half hours. So I slept then a little bit, but that doesn't count any of that. And then the flight was this morning? Flight was this morning. At aware? Charlotte?
Starting point is 00:17:51 Charlotte, and so, so that technically is from the plane, I think. It says, yeah, it says 10.30, 9 a.m. to 10.30, so it was on the fucking flight. Jesus Christ. But yeah, and so, but I wish, but on the tour bus, my recovery shit, I can't wait to go to sleep tonight. Actually tonight, I said to myself,
Starting point is 00:18:10 I'm gonna get to bed early. I'm gonna, it's funny, I really. Let's go do it, do it, do it. I mean, listen to Huberman a lot. He's great. The one thing he talks about is how important sleep is, especially for like cognitive like dimensions, shit, by the way, Huberman's like, that's not what I said, Bert. Yeah, but yeah like, cognitive like, dimension shit.
Starting point is 00:18:25 By the way, he was like, that's not when I said birth. Yeah, well yeah. I listened to all I sleep. So, but I, my resting heart rate has dropped from when I'm partying around 72 is like, my walk around heart rate. My heart, walk around heart rate right now is 55. So it dropped significantly. Dude, my blood pressure is...
Starting point is 00:18:49 So wait, aren't you thrilled with that? Yeah, I, I, I, I, I, I, How is your eating been? I have not paid attention to it, meaning I just, I'm kind of doing, it's, it's weird. I feel like it's the only treat I get. Right, right. So that's what happens.
Starting point is 00:19:04 That's what happens a lot of people who really like to consume one, like a big drinker, smoke, and then they quit, then they're like, well, then I'm gonna indulge in this other thing. Yeah. So that's normal. I've been, I eat okay. And then I changed.
Starting point is 00:19:22 I haven't weighed myself. I think probably the same. I think it's probably dropped a little bit. I mean, my workout is less calories coming in for sure. I'm 100% less calories. And I'm working out like crazy. But I'm working out after my shows. A lot of times I can nuts.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So that you be a done a show and then or we'll do workout right before the show. That's what I like. That I like. I love working out right before the show is good. I'm traveling with Lacey, my trainer. It's a game changer. Yo, and so we do protein shakes like I love working all right before pre-show is good. I'm traveling with Lacey my trainer It's a game changer. Yo, and so we do protein shakes. I love a protein shake god damn it. That's a treat Yeah
Starting point is 00:19:52 and then And then but my recovery is for shit I can't wait to sleep in a bed tonight and get good recovery and do it man try to get some real sleep tonight I hate when people try to tell me well, you know gotta give it some time. I go, go fuck yourself. I've been, I've quit drinking before. I've quit drinking a ton in my life and it never fucking takes nine days to get recover. Don't you gotta remember, you're a hard part,
Starting point is 00:20:14 I go, don't fucking talk to me like you're a doctor. You don't have to fuck you talking about. Yeah. Just shut the fuck up. I can't stand. I can't stand. By the way, I have so less patience with people. I have such a least bit, like I'm picking apart people. This is the kind of red I want to hang out with being a parent could be scary
Starting point is 00:20:29 You don't have to tell me that I've been a parent for 18 years now Back in the day checking for monsters under your kids bed reaching inside their pants pockets The indescribable pain of stepping on a Lego with bare feet one thing that doesn't have to be scary, getting life insurance. One of the most important things we can do as a parent is protect our children and life insurance is just one of the many ways we can do so. Fabric by Gerber Life was designed by parents, for parents to help you get a high quality, surprisingly affordable term life insurance policy in less than 10 minutes. Fabrics, new lower prices mean significant savings over other providers with quality policies like a million dollars in coverage for less
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Starting point is 00:21:52 I want to see birth be like go fuck yourself. Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God. This is the one I wanted to tell you. One time I was on a plane. I was in first class and it was like a massive like a like a triple seven where the first class is like there's a row, a center row of doubles and then another row. And I was sitting in my seat in this aisle seat
Starting point is 00:22:14 on the right side and a couple walked over and I was like looking down and then she goes, excuse me and I go, no. And she goes, you haven't even heard what I had to say. And I go, okay, she goes, would you move, see, I go, no. I want to do that so bad. I want to do that so bad. And then they were like, okay, and then the guy sat down
Starting point is 00:22:37 and I was like, fucking, learn how to book flights, okay? I told you about the time that they, one time they were like, we're looking for someone who's willing to trade seats with a person sitting in the bulkhead. Is anyone willing to sit with someone in the bulkhead? And no one was, when I was younger, I was flying from New York Tampa and they're like, we will give you free drinks and I went,
Starting point is 00:23:00 oh, they go, not you, not you. You seem to be excited, sir. Have you seen that AI art that like it's been posted? Alan Iverson? Alan Iverson art. AI, is that also artificial intelligence? Yes, yes, yes, it's interesting that the two have the same initials. But it's like, you know, yes, yes. That's interesting that the two have the same initials. But it's weird, it looks like who you,
Starting point is 00:23:30 the person it's supposed to be. What's this all about? I'll pull it up. Well, I'm gonna show you. So it's auto-generated and it's just by keywords. And what it looks like is you know it's supposed to, it's the person, but it's all a little off. But if you type my name in, you're like, right?
Starting point is 00:23:48 You're like, what is this? That's Tom Sagerra, auto-generated. That's old Tom Sagerra. But still, it's like, it's weird, right? You're like, okay, but it's like a couple of degrees off. Wait, I'm so confused what this is. It's artificial intelligence generated art just by keywords.
Starting point is 00:24:06 Okay. And then you're like, huh, that's a, that's so, it's, why does it say Tom, so does it? Because like it makes it like, it kind of, everything is like a degree off. Like it doesn't do exactly what you say, right?
Starting point is 00:24:21 So, that's supposed to be me. Yeah. That's great. Right? Like it's you're like, oh that's kind of, you know what it feels like? It feels like when fans give you the like I spent three days drawing you and you're like, you're so talented.
Starting point is 00:24:35 Thank you so very much. And you're like, that's so nice to you. Someone did it. Someone did it. This is a picture of Pr that's so nice to you. Someone did it. Someone did it. This is a picture of a prison lock and gave it to us. And Lee and I go, I can't hang this up. She goes, this makes me not like the dog. Dude, I got tagged in one that was so bad.
Starting point is 00:24:59 And most of them are, I mean, some people are legitimately very good at it. And they just, and I looked at them like what is this and then the people were like man Like great work telling him and he's like yeah, I think I'm gonna actually have this one go to the next level I was like I don't want to see the next level. Oh my god I don't think you would know. No, it's good. It's gonna make them feel way too bad. Don't do it. Don't do it It's too bad. We'll stick with this So that is do I what can they do that. It's too bad. We'll stick with this. So that is
Starting point is 00:25:26 what can they do that for me? Oh, I did. I got computer generator. Yeah. Oh, this is going to be complimentary. Wait, I want to show you. I was like, man, I look like shit in these. So I decided to type in my name and then add bodybuilder. Oh. and then I got that. That looks like me. I was like, this is fucking weird. It's so, it's so funny. It doesn't look, it just looks off. Like, it looks like you but off. It all looks off. It all is like exactly. Like, it's, that's you. Yes, supposed to be. Is that when you were posting a dunk in the other day? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I was trying to figure out what the fuck that was. And then it gave me that one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:06 I was like, all right. That one's a little bit better. Fuck yeah. And then I typed in more like keywords and it finally gave me that. I was like, all right, that's. So what are the keywords, jeans? Oh, wait, this is another one where,
Starting point is 00:26:18 when I typed in bodybuilder, I got this back first. I was like, what the fuck? That actually looks like you though. I know. I know. It does. And then I typed in male model and I got that. Jesus. So then yours, yours are, um, this is just typing in your name too. So I want to make sure you, because the thing is you're going to be like, oh, that is me, but it just feels, it feels off. That's the main thing is it. It all feels a little bit off. Hold on. Let me find the first one that I wanted to show you. Like, okay, this
Starting point is 00:26:59 you're like, okay, I guess that is Bert, right? Oh, yeah, but like uncomfortable. You're like, that makes me feel uncomfortable. That's the guy I don't like. Like, if I meet that guy and he goes, hey, we look alike, how you gonna know we know? Yeah, exactly. Apparently, this is every single person I meet in the airport who's like, hey man, they say we're twins and I go,
Starting point is 00:27:18 ugh, yeah. By the way, for your name, you don't have to type in shirtless for it to appear shirtless. Because AI takes in like who, you know, who the person, I guess every, you know, all the intelligence about you that exists. It also does this weird thing with your mouth.
Starting point is 00:27:40 Your mouth is weird in almost every one of these. Really? Yes. And Duncan told me this, because Duncan's the one to introduce me to this. Of course. He goes, if you're fat, it's a good way to know if you're fat, because if you're fat,
Starting point is 00:27:52 it makes you fatter. And if you're thin, it makes you emaciated. Like the AI naturally does that. I can't wait to see how fat I am. Well, it gets worse. Like there's one. But like that's still like. My teeth, I don't like my teeth. This is you, I think this is you
Starting point is 00:28:11 if you were in the 1960s, right? I don't like my teeth. Why do they do this with my teeth? I don't know. Those are the teeth I don't like on people. Then it made you hanging out with you. I like the one on the other one I like. And it gave you the hat.
Starting point is 00:28:27 You wear a hat a lot. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It just automatically gave you the hat. I like my hairline in that. Yeah, that's a good hairline. I don't know about those folds under my tits. Okay. Yeah, that's weird.
Starting point is 00:28:43 It's not too far off. That's, I don't like the John the teeth and the lips. Like it looks like. I know. Motherfucker. I don't know what's going on. It kinda looks like me. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:28:57 It's like, type in Leanne. I don't know if you really am looks like. Well, these I already had these saved already. Do you generally, I could do her Let's see if it's hotter than she is hold on He's I want to get you to some good ones here. What's that? Look in the face space. Oh.
Starting point is 00:29:21 Oh. Uh, the, I hate those fucking teeth. I know. You know, that's what I see myself as. That's why you hate it. Yeah. Did I go, oh, this is a, yeah, these are all get, they get weirder though.
Starting point is 00:29:37 Like the AI thing makes everything a little bit strange. I'm going to be the last guy to realize the dangers of AI. I know. Because I don't really understand this at all. Do I have a second row of teeth underneath my teeth? Am I like a shark? Oh, fuck. God, this made me laugh.
Starting point is 00:29:59 So, oh, there's some weird ones here. Well, I like that one. You do? I could go for an ice cream cone. Ice cream would be nice. I could look at my cock. I know. It's not bad.
Starting point is 00:30:11 That's not a bad cock. Not at all. That's a bad cock. That looks like an AI cock where they just went in, we'll make one real quick. Yeah, it does that a lot. Who's that? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:30:23 And what are we sucking on? I don't know. Who is that? I don't know. And what are we sucking on? I don't know. Who is that? I don't know. She looks kind of fucking hot. Yeah. She's cool. It's the fucking teeth that are making me creeped out.
Starting point is 00:30:36 It's the teeth in the eyes. They make me look like the guy that goes, hey guys. Are we gonna ride in the back of the truck or the front of the truck today? But also, I think AI picks up on the fact that you've done a million pictures like this. Right? And that's why it's doing that.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Oh, yeah. So AI goes through all the pictures you have in your hands. I think it's like, it's all the information, like it's things you can't digital content, keywords, things as such. It's like, you know, it's gathering all the information. Okay. So then for now on, if when people type my name in, just type in blackface, so that all my AIs come up.
Starting point is 00:31:12 That was weird as shit. God dammit. I know. I think it's two years. What, is that me having sex with me? I think so. I've done that before. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:31:26 Hahaha. Hahaha. Hahaha. Oh Jesus. I don't know who that is. There's a girl there though. That's why I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Oh that's me and you. Docking me. Yeah. That's me. Fucking a flashlight with me. I think so. That's kind of cool. It's kind of cool. I wouldn't mind that as it in my so. That's kind of cool. It's kind of cool.
Starting point is 00:31:45 I wouldn't mind that as it in my house. That one's disturbing. Oh, that's disturbing. Yeah. I don't know what that is. That's so fucking bizarre that this is what AI does. Yeah. That's a cool looking dick. Hahaha.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Why is it making my dick look like it's been hurt? Why are you turning into Ari in this one? I don't know. How about that picture of Ari naked, that video of Ari naked the other day? What picture? The video he sent of him doing push ups, set up, and then running up his stairs.
Starting point is 00:32:16 I didn't see it. What is bad? No, his body is, he needs these push ups. Really? Yeah. How are you doing on your push-ups? Pretty good. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:32:29 I do sets of 20. So I did sets of 20 and then by day three or four, I was doing 2020, 10 and then 10s. Does that make sense? Like, I dropped. Well, so mine dropped for like three days, and then I got, I was able to do the last two back-to-back days, sets of 20.
Starting point is 00:32:51 But I also, you know, another thing that was weird? Yesterday, and I was exhausted. I was working out with a weight vest on, and so I was like, I was doing these jogs, and then I go to my kettlebells and do goblet squats, then jog back with the vest on, and then I take the my kettlebells and do goblet squats, then jog back with the vest on, and then I take the vest off and drop down to do pushups, and the pushups felt so much easier
Starting point is 00:33:11 after dropping that weight off. That was kind of interesting, I... I have to start as a warm up, that don't even count. I have to do 10 on my knees to loosen up my chest. That makes sense. I have to do 10 on my knees to loosen up my chest. That makes sense. I do 10 on my knees and then I'll do, the yesterday I had to do 20 pushups to get warm to do 20 pushups.
Starting point is 00:33:31 Like I had to like do five, then like real slow another five and then all of a sudden once I get warm, I'm fine. But it's really interesting because I noticed the difference in how I feel. Like I notice like my arms feel, like little things like pull my bag out today. My arm felt strong, my shoulders feel strong.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Yeah. You're gonna feel incredible, dude. I love the, I'm loving a hundred push ups a day. I love that. I love that. Never done anything remotely close to that. No, I never done push ups three days in a row. Oh yeah, me either. And this
Starting point is 00:34:05 is right now. And I was doing push ups before this. You were? Yeah, yeah. Because we were just fucking out not every day, but but but a month before this, we were like, we should do. I think we talked about doing a hundred and I was like, we should do, I should get ready for a hundred because I don't think I'm going to be able to go right into a hundred. I didn't think. I mean, you should definitely take care of yourself, like that warm up thing's a good idea. You bomb, you look at, you know, it's funny. You know, if you don't know Joe,
Starting point is 00:34:36 everything Joe says sounds like the gospel. But when you know Joe, you have to realize, so it's part of the reason when Joe said all this shitty set about, you know, Ivermectin and fucking horse tranquilizers or one of those all the stuff he was taking. And everyone got really upset. And guys like me and you were like, he's Joe. Like, why the fuck you listening to Joe?
Starting point is 00:34:57 Like he's, he's Joe. So like, cause we have been listening to Joe forever and you gotta kinda, you gotta kinda sift through Joe's enthusiasm about something, off of something he just discovered, off of something he read. And then, and so, so but when the fact that he will be doing things
Starting point is 00:35:14 that you don't do, that no one does, that no one does. And he's the one that you just gotta go like, okay, I guess I just get an arena of some cells. Yeah. And so, but it's funny, he said something that I've never really, I've never really put a lot of weight into and now I do. And that is, if you are not lifting weights into your 50s,
Starting point is 00:35:34 you are turning into an old man. It's a great point. It is a great point. We have. You need, you need weight resistance. Everybody goes, I'm getting older, I'll stop, and that's literally the opposite of what you should start. You got to have weight resistance.
Starting point is 00:35:50 And it has, you know, it affects your structural, your skeletal structure, your bone density, your muscles, you see people that really work out, like lift, as they get older, and you see people that really work out, like lift. Yeah. As they get older and you see them, like move around differently, they stand up straighter, they're fucking, they have longer, and then you see these fucking absolute zilches, these losers fucking bent over, it's because they never picked up a weight.
Starting point is 00:36:18 Like if you want to be that person, don't lift weights. John Mann's, my cameraman is 56, and we're doing the workout the other day, and he has a hard time getting, he has a hard time with his shoulders, and he's like, and they're like 20s. And he's just like, I can't get it all the way to the top. Yeah, and I stopped him and I was like,
Starting point is 00:36:38 hey man, you should focus on that, because that doesn't get. And start lower, start, don't feel like you have to go heavy. You have to go heavy. You can start, every once ego gets in the way. Yeah. And they go like, oh, it's got to be this way, or I don't live. Start with fucking fives, if you have to.
Starting point is 00:36:54 But you, but that is like, I've kind of paid it no mind, because I actually, because you sometimes go say something, and I'll write a joke to do the opposite, see if I can come up with material. Oh my God, and also, that's all right, I'll cut you up. But Dr. Rhonda Patrick, so she's been participating in fucking law. She's awesome. She tags us, if you wanna see the way weightlifting affects your brain and your body, like go to her page,
Starting point is 00:37:21 you don't have to listen to us. This is a real, like, it's at found my fitness. And she's a PhD in what biomedical science. And then she breaks down in her stories. And in her reals, I think every day of like how it affects your body, your genetics, and aging, all this shit. And your brain. And your brain, it's like, if you have doubts
Starting point is 00:37:43 about actual strenuous workouts, follow what she says and maybe dispute her. Exercise changes your genes and your kids can inherit those. I mean, this is, I'm not, look, I've always thought, I don't know if this fucking sober October's breaking me and I'm, I'm a, maybe it's not breaking you, it's making you like actually,
Starting point is 00:38:06 you know what it is. I just figured it out. You're realizing like you're facing some things? I don't hate Joe this year. How you don't hate Joe this year. Every so-so, brocteau, I've hated Joe. Like, I've always been in competition with him. So I'm fighting whatever he's pushing. So like, and like he said, he said the other day within the podcast, he gets, I spend 80% of the time thinking about destroying Bert the podcast, he's, I spent 80% of the time thinking about destroying birth. Yeah. And I think I spend 100% of time protecting birth
Starting point is 00:38:31 and thinking, how do I destroy Joe? Yeah. And I've never been open to anything he said ever. Even with drinking, I was like, yeah, this is a little profound. Even with drinking, Tom. Mm-hmm. He was like, I was like, yeah, I'll stop for a month, exactly a month, and I'll go exactly back how I was.
Starting point is 00:38:52 That's why my brain was like proving it to him. Yeah, I did it. Now I'm back. What are you gonna do? And he'd be like, I don't, I really don't think he ever doesn't ever say anything out of love, but he'd be like, hey man, you gotta, you know, you gotta pull back your drinking, you gotta pull back, and I was like, no, no, no pull back your drinking, you gotta pull back. And I was like, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:39:06 I can go as hard as I want, and I'll stop, and I'll go right back. And I think this is the first time that we're doing this as adults, as it all being. And also it's not like me and you don't need to do Sobra October anymore. Like when we first started doing Sobra October, it was a big thing, joy, the biggest podcast in the world.
Starting point is 00:39:23 We were moving, trying to sell tickets to theaters, and now we're both doing bigger venues, and Sobro October is by 100% choice. It's not by like, yeah, this would be, it's a great way to get attention to our pages, we're on the biggest podcast, we go on there twice. It really is 100% by choice, and I think I'm allowing it to be,
Starting point is 00:39:43 I'm allowing to, I'm into the huge be, like, I'm allowing to, I'm into the huge pros and cons of, of like, things that are better about my life. As during sobriety. Don't sobriety. And it's like, there are 25 things that are better about my life without question.
Starting point is 00:39:58 Better than my life. But I'm not chasing alcohol. I'm always chasing alcohol. I'm always running after alcohol like going like Where are we gonna get should we get a bottle of wine? These get two bottles of wine. Let's make sure we have enough bottle of wine So that if he's not here, we're not waiting for him You know, we're like going to a premiere and they go hey, they're opening up booze
Starting point is 00:40:18 I go well, let me get four titos and sodas so I can drink throughout the whole movie You know, we're like stuff like that like you see me at those movies when we rent the movie theaters out here. And I go grab me too, because I don't ever wanna, like it's chasing alcohol because I don't wanna be without, I wanna have a drink. And like being on a plane, I micromanage the amount of alcohol
Starting point is 00:40:38 I bring on a plane personally, like those little baby bottles of Jack, I have a little grower that I bring. I make sure, like I plan things out. There's so much attention into making sure I can have a drink I want one. That all of a sudden, all that is fucking just gone, and it frees up so much space on my head where I go,
Starting point is 00:40:58 I just know I can't do it. Now here's a question. That's kind of nice freeing, right? I mean, it's insane. It's insane, how much? Deliberating feeling. The only problem is it's like, I'm losing a little bit of the sparkle.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Like this, the sparkle. You're not, dude. That's in your head. I think I gotta find it. Yeah, that's in your head. It's in your head that you think that, because I think people that are not you see it, they go, you can see that you think that, and I think people that are not you, see it. They go, you can see that you think
Starting point is 00:41:27 that without the party aspect that your spark has gone, the spark is you, you're the spark. Nobody, but I mean, for me, it's like the feeling of like, yeah, but you can, my heart's skipping a beat. You can find that without it, you can. I'm curious to see how I behave when the month's up. It's my birthday.
Starting point is 00:41:48 So here's the thing. So I go, I turn 50 and I've got a line on something for you. Really? And by the way, we should talk about the fact that we discussed not escalating these things even more. Yes, yes, yes. So it gives me so much anxiety. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:05 And I think it's a tab that I want to, I want to point out. So it is a reduction in value. It's still expensive. Yeah, oh, yeah. And what I did was I got you more than one thing. And they're not cheap by any means. One of them is black market, okay? Oh, please tell me you got to earn me a rangatang.
Starting point is 00:42:31 No, but this is gonna fucking, I, don't even guess. I'm gonna give you is that it is not easy to get a hold of and I had to go to undesirable types to get it. Oh. Oh. And the purchase was made in cash. By the way, by the way, I'm just going to point this out.
Starting point is 00:42:55 The list I sent you, one of them was a Russian bride. Well, if we did that. Bring her in the bedroom, Liam. We would take them to the doctor. Here's the thing. I was thinking, for my birthday, I turned 50, right? Do,
Starting point is 00:43:11 what the way I'd normally sell a birthday is to get fucking black out drunk. And then I wake up the next day and I'm miserable. Am I gonna drink on my birthday? Like, what would you do if it was your birthday? Like, 50th birthday, big party, your parents are coming in your your sisters are there You got a bunch of friends you go you guys go to like these these beach houses in in Newport Sure and and and everyone's like and
Starting point is 00:43:37 And so so my birthday is on like on the third. Yeah, we I think we go down we drive down The on the second and so like we go down, we drive down the second. And so we get there and we're like, hey, who wants a bottle, who wants a spritz? All my brain goes, I love spritz. Watch your sunset with a cigar and a spritz. But then that turns into a few more spritz. Or do I just go, no, not for me, guys. Well, I mean, that seems crazy that people do that.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Yeah, yeah, I mean, I guess everybody has a different relationship with it. So, for me, having a drink or two, just is like, I don't know, most times I just, that's what's normal and I feel fine. But do you not feel buzz? Depends on the drink and what I've eaten, like, if I'm hungry, if I've eaten, sometimes I have a drink and I feel absolutely nothing. Yeah. Sometimes I have a drink and I'm like, holy shit,
Starting point is 00:44:28 what was in this? Like I'm fucking loopy. And then you want another one? Well, just again, it depends on the night, you know. So then, and you're still, I also, we haven't talked. I also don't drink about, I don't drink ever in the morning in midday.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Never would. Never. But zero interest. It's not even like I'm trying to make a statement. I'm just zero interest. It's like all my drinking happens like after 8 p.m. always. Okay, I think that might be my new rule.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Am I start drinking? Because the one thing, planes is what fucks me up the most when drinking in the days. I think that you almost have to like, make that separation happen. But yeah, I know what you're gonna ask about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:13 So are you going through something? Well, I mean life, you know. But like I feel like, can I tell you, when I found out you did Iowa, I felt like I had not been a good friend to you. Really? Yeah, I feel like I'm not asking you what goes on with you. I found out you did Iowa, I felt like I had nothing a good friend to you. Really? Yeah, I felt like I'm not asking you what goes on with you. I fire host people and I tell them what's going on with me
Starting point is 00:45:30 and then I deal with me and then I just walk away and I go, that was a good conversation. Yeah. Dude, that's this podcast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:41 Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Now, it wasn't a here's the thing, I had heard from friends about this. It's not go to Latin America and sit in the hug. But you could have done very easily. Which I could, I just call a cousin to do that. But this person was like, no, this is somebody here in the States and they'll travel and they go, it's in a mate.
Starting point is 00:46:07 There's two friends told me about it and they're like, it's such an incredible experience. We should talk about what we're talking about. So at the very end of the Rogan podcast, what we were doing so October, Tom just very casually let out, oh, I did Iowaska. And I was like, and Iowaska is something that it seems, if you don't know, it's a plant in South America. Yeah. But, yes. And I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:46:25 and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:46:31 and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:46:36 and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like,
Starting point is 00:46:41 and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I was like, and I should be, and there's accuracy of what you're saying. What I will say is that my friends had told me
Starting point is 00:46:47 they're like, this is such an awesome experience. And I was like, oh, is it like the traditional drink the tea, vomit, diarrhea, but, you know, and then, and they were like, no, this is different than that. This is a shaman who has all different types of medicinal things. And you don't have to get involved with the ayahuasca aspect, but the ayahuasca you get here is like, it's, there's a reduction in it. You don't do a T.
Starting point is 00:47:11 It's cooked into a chocolate. And there also is, what is it? I always forget how to say it. Is it silocybin? Silocybin. Silocybin. Silocybin and ayahuasca also separate from some of the other options. And they talk to the person and then with the person, they go, what are you looking for? What is your intent? What is your motivation for doing this? And so what did you say? Can you talk about that? Well, then they also read kind of like, are you like full of anxiety going to, I wasn't
Starting point is 00:47:43 full of anxiety going to, I wasn't full of anxiety, but what I definitely said was that I was like, you know, my only experience of anything even in this realm, which people would say, well, that's not in this realm, and I understand that would be like sometimes I've had edibles that are so powerful, you have like, you know, maybe some profound or feeling profound thoughts, but also a company with like anxiety and paranoia and I go I really am not Looking for that experience like that and they know I know it is I'm not and they go that you'll have none of that like none And I almost I was like okay and they were right. I had no No anxiety whatsoever walk how how much can you walk me through this experience?
Starting point is 00:48:27 A somewhat. Why? Because is it, because the guy gets in trouble if anyone finds out who he is? No, no, no, no. I can, I would keep some of the, you know, details private,
Starting point is 00:48:38 because I would want them to be. Like what? Like what I was thinking. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't need to know what you were thinking about. Oh, I mean, I could tell you exactly what I did. So you have options.
Starting point is 00:48:47 Can you tell me who introduced you to the guy? Off mic, I will. Cause I don't know if they went. Yeah. I do. I think so. Comic. No.
Starting point is 00:48:55 Um, I, uh, I just fucking read his name down so I can see it. Cause it helps the story for me. Um, okay. Just give me initials. Initials? Yeah, just give me something so I... But don't say the initials.
Starting point is 00:49:10 I won't say the initials. It's hard. Two people. Oh. Okay, that's what you get. So I shouldn't have said initials. I shouldn't have said names. Um, but anyway, I But anyway, I ended up,
Starting point is 00:49:27 let me tell you, I'm gonna tell you. I'll tell you, I ended up, so you have an option. You can go do like a group setting. So you get to scan online or you call them on the phone? I was introduced on the phone. Okay, so you call them up, he's like, you talk Spanish, I was introduced to the person, via text, then he called me.
Starting point is 00:49:47 He's like, and he was like, he just talked to me about, you know, what they do, and this was still, like it was a long conversation and basically said how he got into it, explained the whole thing, and I was like, okay, I'm very interested. And then like we talked about,
Starting point is 00:50:02 my schedule has been daunting, dude. My schedule has been daunting for a while. Like, you know, this is like month, 14 of this tour and it's still going hard. And it's like we've been doing this. We do this podcast, your mom's house, you know, I've got other things going. I had the book come out.
Starting point is 00:50:21 I have another project. We have a project. Traveling, I'm doing fucking eight nine shows a week sometimes and it's been crazy, right? So I was like, I just, I tried to pry, I really want to do this and I found a date, but I could do it. I literally flew home one day, the next day I went and I said I wanted a private, I got to want to be there with fucking six people. No, but you have an egg or something. I'm seeing God, man. I don't want to fuck all with fucking six people. No, but you're hamming aggers. Yeah, I'm seeing God, man.
Starting point is 00:50:45 I don't want to fuck all. You can curate. You could, I could be like, hey, I want to do a burt and we could go do it together. You can say I want to do it, Leanne. And you could have it just you and Leanne. But I told him I wanted a private, like alone. Not even push.
Starting point is 00:51:00 No, just alone, yeah. Did you tell her about that you were doing the thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And she was like, she was excited for yeah, she was like she was you do it She was excited for me, but she did not want to do it. She does want to do it after I got back She was like I want to do it. I told her all about it. So I ended up going To a place I booked a place like a actual
Starting point is 00:51:20 Place to have the like it take place at And then they showed it Austin. at. And then they showed up. They were at Austin. Yeah, okay. They showed up and we just sat around, you know, we got nude, we, I'm just kidding. So, Jesus Christ. No, we just had a good conversation.
Starting point is 00:51:37 They were super nice people. Yeah. And more than one. Yeah. And like, do they take your blood price around stuff? No, they kind of ask general questions. And I think they also are getting like a read on the person like to see.
Starting point is 00:51:49 And then when we talked about, you know, what I was excited about doing it for, and they're like, okay, and they kind of just, they opened this case, and they just were like, looking through these labeled things, and they were like, and then they just gave you a little, we did a little meditation first. I took one and then a 30 minutes later, I started to feel like a little something happening and they're like, why don't you go lay down and they started this
Starting point is 00:52:15 playlist. So there's this musical playlist. Like like, like, like, kind of change it. Yeah, kind of, yeah. And it morphed into other stuff, but it started that way. And then I came out, talked to them some more. Are you still tripping? Well, it's starting to, to go up, like it's starting to. So they, they go, and I haven't taken that chocolate yet. This is something else. Oh, you're taking, you just doing the introductory course.
Starting point is 00:52:41 The introductory, yeah. So then about an hour later, I feel it more throughout the whole body. Good. Good. I feel good. Very warm, very peaceful. And then, starts to get darker because it started at like, we met up at 4 p.m.
Starting point is 00:52:56 So this is now, let's say, you know what I'm saying? I light in the morning. That was it. Sorry. You didn't want to throw anything up. Yeah, and I didn't also didn't want to minimize the effect of what I was taking. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:09 And then by 8 p.m., I was like, whoa, I was rolling. And then, yeah, and then I went and I saw them in the other room. I told them. And then I got another dose of what it was originally given to me. And then I went back in that what it was originally given to me. And then I went back in that room and by this time he had set up one of those just like little cheap light show things on the ceiling.
Starting point is 00:53:32 So like the room's dark, but you're seeing like a light, you know what I mean? It's like a $400 thing that like projects light and changes patterns. And I was pretty lost in that and enjoying the music and everything. Enjoying it. Well, your thoughts start just streaming out to you. Did you cry at all? A little bit, but it was more about like, it was like I was accessing all these thoughts
Starting point is 00:53:57 in a very clear way, but they weren't accompanied with that panic that I hate. You know, the panic, like that weed panic, because I don't know how to describe it. But so I ended up just really enjoying that. And then I went back out there a couple hours later and they brought up the chocolate that had the... Or a wasca?
Starting point is 00:54:22 Yeah. And so hold on, so this has been, you've been tripping now for like four fucking hours? Yeah. And... So hold on, so this has been, you've been tripping now for like four fucking hours. Yeah. And you've had fucking, and you still haven't done the eye waska yet? Right, and then I go, let's fucking dial it up, you know?
Starting point is 00:54:34 And so, then I ate that, and then I only, I went to bed around three, but like, at one, I go outside, and I'm on these grounds, I don't know, these private grounds, manicured, and I go for a walk, and I'm not exaggerating. I walk on this path, and I see a fox, and I'm like, no fucking shit. And then I get closer, and I realize it's not a fox, it's like, no fucking shit. And then I get closer and I realize it's not a fox,
Starting point is 00:55:05 it's like a little bobcat, right? But I'm like, I'm just kind of like zoned in and I go, this would be a crazy way to die right now, you know? Like, like, like, tripping on this path at like one 30 in the morning looking at this cat. And he, but it was a little one. And the guys still in the room? No, no, they're gone. They left. They left. How hard were you tripping at one? It was coming down enough to be like, I'm in the room? No, no, they're gone, they're left. They're left, they're left. How hard were you tripping at one? It was coming down. Enough to be like, I'm good. I'm gonna go for a walk.
Starting point is 00:55:30 Yeah, yeah. Before like at 11.30, I was like, I can barely stand. For real? Yeah. How intense is the trip in 11.30? Well, it's just that I was like, when I stood up to go pee, I was like, woo! And I had to like, you know, kind of get my bearings
Starting point is 00:55:43 and like hold on to you. And I was like, man, I just, you knew like, I'm not good to drive, I'm not good to like, woo! And I had to like, you know, kind of get my bearings and like hold on to see it. I was like, man, I just, you knew like, I'm not good to drive, I'm not good to like, go out, but I'm alone and I'm not. No, not to. No, no, no, no, that's what I need. No, I'm just, I had a couple grapes.
Starting point is 00:55:56 And they tasted amazing. Then I just, I went for that walk and then I laid down. The funny thing is I laid down and I, I put a sleep mask on. I was like, it's time to like dial this down. Sleep mask on. I go and I hear like some ambient noise and then I was like, no, it's still going. I took it off.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I was like, I'm a fit. And I don't even know what time I, I probably slept a couple hours that night. Really? And then you, how'd you feel the next day? Okay. I mean, tired. You know, I was tired. Any residual effects? I just, you know, I had made a lot of notes. So it was really, yeah, you could access your notes. I work on your hour at all. No, I did nothing. It's so nice to have a break from even thinking about comedy,
Starting point is 00:56:45 you know, like that. Just made notes about like mental notes about what you're going through. Yeah, life stuff, yeah, yeah. And then I just even recorded my voice a few times, you know, and played it back. And I was like, oh yeah, it brought me back to that moment. Really?
Starting point is 00:56:58 Yeah. And no panic the whole time, just fun. Not zero. But have you, are you a hallucinatory guy? Like, did you like hallucinogens growing up? I didn't do any. What? Never did it.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Really? So this is the first time you hallucinate and you enjoyed it. Oh yeah, I set up another one already. Are you serious? Yeah. But for what? Like, it's like therapy, right?
Starting point is 00:57:22 Yeah, it's an enjoyable experience though. I mean mine was. So the first thing I thought, I saw them the next morning, they came back to check on me integration stuff and then I was like, hey, I got to get people I know involved. Really? Yeah. I was like, I can already think of, because you can curate a group of friends. I want it burdened Bert and I have like you for,
Starting point is 00:57:47 like you can do that. And I was like, you know, you start thinking about people who would love it. Like I, um, I'd like to be able to like show it. I'd be like, look at that one.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Yeah, that's a good one. That looks just like me. I feel like I'm losing things. See, I'm afraid I'd see that in my fucking hallucination. Yeah. And then I'd be having a shit show experience. Yeah. I wonder if Liam would be into that.
Starting point is 00:58:09 That would be so. I think you might enjoy it, man. But I don't know what I need to work on. Well, I mean, seems like you had this great insight about yourself. How would you not go into it with that? I don't know. You know what I mean? Like that thing that you just said about what you realize about alcohol and like, you know,
Starting point is 00:58:37 just like the reality of it. Yeah. Exploring that, wouldn't that be a no? Yeah. Why do you even reluctantly say yeah? I don't know. I'm already nervous about. I was lowering that, wouldn't that be a... Yeah. No? Yeah. Why do you even reluctantly say yeah? I don't know. I'm already nervous about, like when you said,
Starting point is 00:58:50 I hadn't even taken the ayahuasca yet, I got panic. I got panic and I went, I'm good. I had good four hours, I'm good, I'm out. I didn't get hurt. And none of it got to a level of like, what the fuck is, no, really? No, no, no, no, no, not like that at all. It all was very warm feeling.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Shit. I think you would like it. Well, how does this person, how do they get, how do they concoct their cocktails? Don't know. Were they white? They were where they got them from someone not white. What? They told me, yeah.
Starting point is 00:59:21 They told you where they got them. Somebody from the fucking Motherland. For real? Yeah told me. Yeah. They told you where they got them? Somebody from the fucking Motherland. For real? Yeah. Shit. Do you ever see Chelsea Handler do it? No. Oh, she just crying.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Like she did it in the jungle where you throw up and stuff. Yeah. I wouldn't want to do that. Too much spider stuff. I don't even know either because I also have had this experience where I'm like, oh, it's a fucking amazing experience. Right. Which would be really awesome.
Starting point is 00:59:44 That I didn't have anything like that. So why would I? No, I'm good. They say you're supposed to do it if you know you're dying. Really? If you know you're dying. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:59:54 I don't know. Because I guess like, there was that, remember that lady that Rogan used to have on who was really beautiful? She was a CNN reporter and then she became a psychedelic journalist. Do you know what I'm talking about in the dog? She's gorgeous.
Starting point is 01:00:09 Are you excited or something? No. No, no. CNN reporter became psychedelic. Therapist, journalist. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, see what it, see what comes up. Yeah, Amber Lion yeah, yeah, see what it see what comes up. Yeah, Amber lion Amber lion. Pope picture. She did like, she got really into it. I guess she, um,
Starting point is 01:00:33 I don't know my podcast. You had her on their podcast. Yeah, she's beautiful. And she would do like, I think her dude was into Psychedelics pretty aggressively. And she would, Dude was into psychedelics pretty aggressively and she would, they have like poisonous frogs, liquor, and like she would do everything. And then she said she had panic about, she had panic about,
Starting point is 01:00:57 maybe that wasn't what it was. I'm not a good listener. Well, she doing now, See what she's doing now? She had like burns all down her arm and she was like, oh yeah, we did these things and it was really crazy. She's done for her work, reporting human right abuses against pro-democracy protests in Bahrain and police brutality against protesters in the United States.
Starting point is 01:01:21 That's a bizarre fucking photo she uses for her profile. Amber Lyon was more in Denver. I keep going career Okay, go back to go down more. Sorry Go more more more Arab Spring got it and I'm I think it's pulled. I think they took all the I think she's a real person Yeah, I would go okay advocacy of I think she's a real person. There, Avaco, okay. Avaco see, in early 2014, Lionel Lawson, advocacy site called Reset.me, a group of the four of the emotional healing benefits
Starting point is 01:01:51 of certain psychedelic drugs based on her own experience with them and on her research into the history of their use, but that doesn't really give, that's. She did everything. That's a while ago now. She did everything. Yeah, she had her on my podcast
Starting point is 01:02:01 because I was like, I think at the time, I was trying to figure things out and I thought I was just, I'm a terrible fear of death. And so I think that's, do you really? Oh, I mean, that's all I think about. Death? All I think about. Is dying.
Starting point is 01:02:15 All I think and death and death and death. Death and dying and other people dying and, Oh. Like right now, like there's, you know, there's a big fucking thing of fentanyl and drugs. Yeah. And George, George goes to college college and I text her all the time. Please don't do any designer drugs. Just smoke weed, drink, have fun.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Do what you got to do, but do not take a pill. Someone gives you. Do not. I text her all the time. My life will suck if anything happens to you. I need you to stay safe. And what does she say? She's like, of course, dad, whatever.
Starting point is 01:02:43 But you know, it's like the kids at age, look, my dad could attack me the same thing, and I'm like, yeah, sure, whatever. But then all of a sudden, you're at beach week, and everyone's fucking pass around pills, and you're like, well, these guys aren't going to die, you know? That's what your brain works when you're a kid. And so I just... You know what, how's your good teller? Honestly, like if somebody pulls out a pill or powder,
Starting point is 01:03:05 be like, you do it first. Yeah. That's what those people, like seriously, and you see somebody snort something, be like, and then if they die, you know, don't do it. Yeah, you know, you should tell her that. Yeah. The texture's right now.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Uncle Tom has great advice. If someone offers you drugs, make them do it first in front of you and wait to see if they die. If they don't die, still don't do it. Hahaha. Perfect. Yeah, I get nervous for all that.
Starting point is 01:03:42 I get fucking terrified for all of that. Like, it's this whole time, I've been checking my phone for my dad's and surgery, and I'm just like, looking at my phone, going like, because then you go, oh, fuck. This is how morbid my brain is. Yeah. I said, because he was supposed to be in surgery
Starting point is 01:03:56 while I was flying. So I said, so if I land and he's dead, what do I do? I was like, do I, do I drink? I guess I drink. I mean, probably. Do I get on a plane or do I fly to LA was like, do I, do I drink? I guess I drink. I mean, probably. Do I get on a plane or I fly to LA or I fly to Tampa? Or do I just do the podcast? I should probably do the podcast. Those get good numbers. So I'll talk to Tom about it and I'll just cry. And then that'll be, and everyone can relate to that. And I was like, and that's probably my
Starting point is 01:04:18 place I'd want to be like, I'd want to be with you, probably if I was going through that, you'd recently gone through that. Yeah. And I was like, okay, and this is the thoughts I had like laying in my bun class, like going like, I hope he doesn't die. Like I know he's gonna die one day. And then also on stage last night, and I was like, I should not be on stage. I should be on the phone talking to him right now.
Starting point is 01:04:36 Like what if something happens? He's not even fucking worried. He's like, buddy, it's a catheter, you know? But you could tell he's worried? Yeah, yeah, yeah. You could tell he's worried? I could tell when my dad was too. He would be like, I don't feel good. And you're can tell he's worried. You can tell he's worried. I could tell when my dad was too.
Starting point is 01:04:45 He would be like, oh, I feel good. And you're like, he's worried. You could see, you know that your father's so well and the layers and like how, like you could just see, it's like body language, eye movement, intonations, and you're like, oh, you could tell when they're actually worried. My sister said, my sister called him.
Starting point is 01:05:04 This is probably whatever I don't care. My sister called him, and Coddy and my dad have a really tight connection, like really tight. And I talked to him after, and I could tell something was going on with him. When he found out he had had the procedure, I could tell something's going on with him, and I called my sister, I go,
Starting point is 01:05:23 you know, what's going on? I told his daughter, dad, what's going on? I told her to talk to dad. What's going on? And she was like, oh, did, was, did you guys end up crying? And I went, no, she goes, well, it's better than our conversation. And I was like, oh, fuck, so then I did a group call. And then with, for one, we, for a weird reason, our dynamic as a group always ends up busting balls. Yeah. And it always ends up laughing. And then we all laughed and joked about the procedure and then got off the phone and my sister's like,
Starting point is 01:05:49 I should have talked to you in the first place. But I'm so the whole time I'm like looking at... George the road. That sounds like an Ila idea. But yeah, but it's crazy, because you know that everyone dies and that's what sucks. I wish you got to pick when you died. Would you want to die before everyone or after everyone? Well, you have to watch everyone die, but you get to live longer. Live longer, which is pretty fun. It's awesome.
Starting point is 01:06:25 It depends on how you're living. Are you living well? Healthy? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah, keep it going. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I'd love to bury, you know,
Starting point is 01:06:35 a number of people. I'm gonna be great. I think it's this big of... Yeah. Oh, I have my list ready. I'd be like, then please. You guys are going out first. God, if I was in charge.
Starting point is 01:06:53 I bet there's dudes watching it take the way too. If there was a... I have such fucking morbid thoughts like where I go, there's gotta be dudes whose wives died. This is so horrible. I can't even say it. I like, I think like, where they were.
Starting point is 01:07:17 Like if Leanne's gonna die in the next 10 years, I wanted to die now, while I'm still young, you know? Like, I don't want wanna fucking be 60 or she dies and then I can't get hot pussy. Like I want, I want, like get it over with. I mean, it's gonna happen in the 10 years. It's gonna hurt no matter what. It's gonna suck.
Starting point is 01:07:32 We're not gonna get to spend the already lives into 80. Yeah, I bet she feels the same way about me. Like just have it happen. Just get it over with. What kind of guy do you think she'd go? It would be the opposite type of guy. Oh, he would be super different. I bet she dated 70 year old dude.
Starting point is 01:07:47 70? Yeah. Somebody likes to sit on a porch and read a book. Read a book. I just want, I can have a nice cup of tea. You want a cup of tea? And he'd be like, I love a cup of tea. Do you have chamomile?
Starting point is 01:08:00 Oh. You think that's the she'd go for? Yeah, she boring as far. Well, she had a long ride with the opposite type. She had a good ride with the fucking fun. And she has no interest in fun. Yeah. She said to you the day,
Starting point is 01:08:17 I maybe I'll use this my special. And I'm gonna say it. We got naked and got in the hot tub the other night. It was random as fuck. And I was like, what is happening to you? And I was just like, I don't know. Girls are almost out of the house. It's gonna be our life and I was like, fucking in a hot tub.
Starting point is 01:08:33 I can do this. I thought we were gonna be sitting playing fucking catch-cradles. Just okay, your turn. One-watch, steel magnolia is a game. Do you? Do you? It's good. If you watch it the second time, sis is really funny. Oh boy. I hate that I love her.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Like, I hate that I love her. Like, I hate that I... I hate that she's got my number and she makes me fucking laugh. Yeah. You know, I wish I was just... I wish I was like... I wish I was like, I wish I was like those guys who just don't give a fuck
Starting point is 01:09:07 and just, they just cheat and they're, then they feel fulfilled, I guess. But I can't do that. You just thought, you talk about this so much, I think you should do this on your Iowaska trip. Yeah. Yeah. Oh my God.
Starting point is 01:09:19 How great would it be if Iowaska took Iowaska with Leana and we both look 25? Yeah. And just fucking railed all night. And they're like, what, Iawaska would you like? I go, can we get the younger one? Can we get the Botox Iawaska? And then we both take it, we look fucking hot,
Starting point is 01:09:32 we just rail all night long. Oh, I would though Iawaska were my dick looks bigger. Have you worked out yet today? No, yeah, no. Have you? No, I'm gonna work out. Yeah, I'm gonna work out later today. You're with the trainer by yourself. By myself today. I'm gonna work out over it on it.
Starting point is 01:09:54 Nice. With Lacey. I stay right by on it. All right. It's great to see you. It's great to see you. Let's keep this sobriety and insight and everything going. It's a good podcast, man. It's a little deep.
Starting point is 01:10:06 It was deep. I liked it though. It was fun. I bet there's people that are, I bet you're gonna get hit up by a lot of people going, hey, can I get your eye a wasker guy? And guess what? No. I wonder if there's anyone, I wonder if there's anyone that listen to this and goes, holy shit, that's what I do when I drink. What have I become up? What have I become at alcoholic shaman? There's anyone that listen to this and goes, holy shit, that's what I do when I drink.
Starting point is 01:10:25 What have I become a alcoholic shaman? And I lead this movement. You know what I wanted to do? I wanted to bring a fucking doctor to my shows and do blood pressure readings to my audience members and have them prescribe medication for high blood pressure. Has your heart rate ever spiked during the show? And it worked registers on your whoop.
Starting point is 01:10:52 Dude, I've done a couple shows where I didn't think anything of it like during, I wasn't like, oh man, I was fired, but I get off. And maybe it's because my resting heart rate is so low. You have a really like 44 or something? Yeah, yeah. I mean, if you really like, if you have and you go sit on that chair, you know,
Starting point is 01:11:09 no caffeine, like just wait, it'll go down to like 36, 37. What's your resting heart rate right now? Right now it's probably, I'm drinking coffee and we're at talk, so it's not gonna be that low. My resting heart rate is, I love this, I do this all the time. Start activity, 65. That's pretty low for drinking coffee and talking. Yeah, mine's probably higher. Yeah, 70.
Starting point is 01:11:34 But What was I saying to you? Oh, yeah, you're already big spikes. Also, I hope my Boopin is like we know as an activity if you're like 66 minutes, and it's like, as I'm on stage. Really? Yeah, it'll track like it was like a real fitness. I'm like, holy shit. You know, you really fucked me up with what I'm wearing on stage for my special, right?
Starting point is 01:11:57 How did I fuck you? Cause I'm now like obsessing about it. What do you mean, you always wear nothing? I know, I know, but I feel like jeans aren't enough. Oh, I feel like I've worn jeans for every special. And I feel like it's almost like, hmm, hmm, you should change the pants. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:14 But I don't want them to be distracting. Yeah, but you can, they don't have to be. But I think it's a good thing to make a different, it's like a different color choice. Yeah, I need to look at a budget of our pants. Where are you shooting at? Oh, maha. Oh, maha. Yeah, I need to look at a bunch of different pants. Where are you shooting yet? Omaha?
Starting point is 01:12:26 Omaha, Omaha. I think we're gonna open up some seats. Nice. Yeah, because we took a bunch out for kills for cameras. So we fly there tomorrow, not tomorrow the day after tomorrow. We fly there to go check to see, you know what I'm doing? Have you done Alaska yet? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:43 Where did you do? I don't remember the name. Did you do just a theater or the arena? Couple of theaters, really? Yeah. I'm just, have you done Alaska yet? Yeah, where did you do? I don't remember the name. Did you do just a theater or the arena? Couple theaters, really? Yeah. I'm doing Alaska in December. I'm just gonna go fucking snowboarding for three weeks. That's the other thing is I go three weeks. For three weeks, three days, three days.
Starting point is 01:12:54 That's the other thing is I go, I do that so much where I say things and I don't know what I say. And then people, that's the narrative they hear and they're like, no, Bert went to Alaska for three weeks. And I go, no, it's three days. And they're like, you told me three weeks. I'll go. I don't think like, that's a very burnt thing.
Starting point is 01:13:06 But I forgot what I was going to say. Oh, that's a part about drinking where I go, I want to be healthy when I'm in Alaska to go snowboarding. Like, I want to maintain this like heart rate thing. It shows they were fantastic, by the way. Really? Yes. They like it.
Starting point is 01:13:22 Yeah. Fucking savages, right? They were great. They were great. And they say anything. Oh, they were great. They were really great. I think they, it is one of, you know, you really have to make an effort to go there and I think people they're recognized.
Starting point is 01:13:32 They know that. They're like, you know, we don't get, not everybody puts Anchorage on their list. I was thinking about doing Antarctica. Ant-artica, is this doing it for some researchers? No, yeah, but there's, it's, I don't know if they get my comedy because the type of person that goes to Antarctica to live.
Starting point is 01:13:49 Who lives there, isn't it just three? 5,000 people. I was like, I gotta be able to move 2,000 tickets, right? Well, it will be your first shirt on show. No. Oh, I didn't even think about that. Antarctica has 5,000 people that live there. It has no permanent population.
Starting point is 01:14:06 There's a bit of science. That's what I'm saying, they're researchers. I'll just be like, you guys, are you guys up with heat shock proteins? And they'll be like, yeah! Do you know that aging changes the genetics of your child? If you work out, you can fix that. Who's up with microscopes?
Starting point is 01:14:24 You don't need a microscope to see this dick. Yeah, there you go. Yeah. Yeah, that's just good. Yeah, I was thinking about doing an Antarctica. It's a flight, it's a three hour flight from South Africa, they say. From South Africa?
Starting point is 01:14:37 Maybe I could be wrong. Okay. It's getting... My reading comprehension is shit. Getting a real bird territory here. All right, that is a sign to wrap it up. Alright, alright, let me do. Bye.
Starting point is 01:14:48 Bird time, time and bird. One goes top and swath the other, where's the shirt? Tom tells stories and birds the machine. There's not a chance in hell that they'll keep the clean. Here's what we call, two bears one cake. No scripts, a bit of booze, amateur, Here's what we call, two bears one cave. No scripts to beat a booze amateur, Fatology, dirty jokes, ranchy humor, no apologies.

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