All Fantasy Everything - Pies (Auction w/ Katie Nolan)

Episode Date: November 28, 2024

The leaves are falling. The smell of pumpkin spice latte is in the air. It's pies season, and we're auction-drafting them.Guest:Katie Nolan (IG @natiekolan, X @katienolan)Support th...e show!Join the All Fantasy Everything Patreon for ad-free episodes, mailbags, and video pre-rolls.Advertise on AFE!Advertise on All Fantasy Everything via the Good Vibes Gang on social media:Ian Karmel (X @IanKarmel, IG @IanKarmel)Sean Jordan (X @SeanSJordan, IG @SeancougarmelonJordan)David Gborie (IG @Coolguyjokes87)Isaac K. Lee (X @IsaacKLee, IG @IsaacKLee)See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HeadGum Podcast. time only. This is all fantasy everything, the podcast where we fantasy draft anything and everything from the world of pop culture. On today's episode, the ultimate, not the penultimate, the ultimate episode of November 2024, we are drafting pies with our wonderful guest, our dear friend, our compatriot, our bosom companion. Excuse?
Starting point is 00:01:06 Bosom companion? Okay, I'll allow it. I don't love it. It's like an old, it's like an old term for a best friend. It's an old Tom Hanks movie. It's an old term for a breast friend. Yes. Come on.
Starting point is 00:01:17 Was Tom Hanks in that movie? Made it weird. Breast friends? You made it weird with P. Holm, Sean Jordan. Oh, damn. We're working on it. I just love Thai food. Laser!
Starting point is 00:01:27 You made it whiter. It's Katie Nolan. That was a crazy joke. Absolutely brutal. Stretch of words to proceed my hello. You made it whiter with Katie Nolan. Whiter or whiter? Whiter, whiter. You you saying there? Whiter.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Whiter. You're gonna talk about the Boston Bruins? God, they suck. Oh my God, they suck ass. They suck so much ass. We're drafting pies. This is all fantasy, everything. I said that?
Starting point is 00:02:00 Yeah. You're welcome to it. We're fantasy-wrapped the whole world? Anything and everything from pop culture? I think I said it. Yeah. We got it. We are We're giddy today. Everyone is all punch drunk from holiday. It's it's a holiday. It is literally the day Literally the day before
Starting point is 00:02:18 the day before Thanksgiving And I was about to tell a story that I said could not be on the podcast and then I decided I would share this on the podcast There is a so Dana she can't travel so I can't travel so we're hosting a little Thanksgiving at our house Isaac's coming to our Thanksgiving It's gonna be real fun that Zach Harper one of Dana's friends it's gonna be a good time. It's gonna be real fun. I love that. Zach Harper, one of Dana's friends, it's gonna be great. I love that. Yeah. And I got a turkey.
Starting point is 00:02:49 And there's a butcher near our house called McCall's, which if anyone lives in and around the Los Angeles area, it is a very bougie butcher shop. You know one of those? It's like, it's a butcher shop. It's also, you can get like a $14 hand rolled pasta, you know, that's like refrigerated, because it's like one of those kind of places.
Starting point is 00:03:12 And I put it in order. Sorry, go ahead. I don't wanna talk about geography, because I know now that you don't wanna out where people live. I don't, I mean, I live in Atwater Village. I was gonna say, is it on that little strip there? It's on that little strip. It's on Glendale. It's recently moved to my neighborhood. It's great. I love it. They make sandwiches
Starting point is 00:03:32 It's fantastic. We pre-ordered our turkey from there because they were really pushing this pre-order a turkey thing Oh, yeah, oh no It's it's we, we got the turkey. I went yesterday. Okay. To pick up the turkey and it's this, let me see if I can find the exact kind of turkey because it's like. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:03:54 A bougie turkey, but it was the only option they had. I was like, let me get. You were like, I want one of those wild turkeys. Let me get a bottle of, I'm going to need a bottle of wild turkey after this. You got one of those prison turkeys. Let me get that, of, I'm gonna need a bottle of wild turkey after this. You got one of those prison turkeys. Let me get that, you know, I got the smallest one. It was the one with the most dark meat. I thought it was like pretty reasonable.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Let's go ladies. Put in the pre-order. I went in yesterday to get it. Picked up my turkey, pretty regular sized turkey, not gigantic, not tiny, nothing like that. They rang me up. I got the turkey and I got two things of cheese to make a little cheese board.
Starting point is 00:04:26 Each of them $8. You bad bitch. Each of them $8, you said? Each of the little cheeses $8. I feel like a price is coming, so I'm trying to keep track of. Yeah, it's good. They rang me up.
Starting point is 00:04:38 They rang me up, and here I was, having pre-ordered the turkey, also standing in my neighborhood butcher shop, a place I need to return to. $190. Absolutely not. $190. Absolutely not.
Starting point is 00:04:55 You say God bless. For a turkey. God bless, no, no. And you said, whoa, thank you, and then you left, right? I paid. John Hammond walked out with a turkey seconds before I walked in. Oh my God. God damn it.
Starting point is 00:05:08 More like John Turkey. John Turkey walked out with a ham. Oh, excuse me. That's, that's, that's, that's asshole. $190. That's crazy. Okay, so it's never been frozen. It's from like North Carolina.
Starting point is 00:05:21 Never? It's like never, like never been frozen. It's just been chilled. It's from like North Carolina. Never? It's like never, like never been frozen. It's just been chilled. It's from North Carolina. It's like a, it's some special farm where it's only eating vegetables and like all this stuff. It only watches, it grew up only watching A24 films. It's only seen, it's only seen A24 movies.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It went to chow, like it's a very, it's a very good turkey. But a hundred, which means the turkey was basically $170. That's, and what, I'm sorry, I don't cook. What's a turkey going for? My shit was 13 bucks at Costco. Yeah, like 19. I told my mom, because I had to,
Starting point is 00:06:00 and she's like, I've never paid for a turkey, because most grocery stores, if you pay $100, will throw in a turkey That's it That's that's the great mom wisdom that you need. Yeah, that's the recipes we need to pass down So Isaac it's a $170 turkey will be eating enjoy every bite I will I will I'm gonna make like turkey Eek have you Have you gone alternate routes via spatchcocking and or frying?
Starting point is 00:06:29 I don't cook. I would love to cook. But have you had them? I've had them, I've had one deep fried. I liked that one the most. That is unsurprising to me. It's just never, it ain't moist enough, boys. The spatchcock, that's the point of the spatchcock.
Starting point is 00:06:44 Okay. Not a spatchcock. Keeps the point of the spatchcock. Okay. Not a spatchcock. Keeps it moist. A spatchcock keeps it wet, you're saying? The spatchcock keeps it wet. Great, that's good. I can remember that. Now that's the kind of logic I'm not gonna forget.
Starting point is 00:06:56 You know the most moist bird? The duck. Oh yeah, I know you love duck, Isaac. And then sometimes that's a little too moist for me. You love a duck. Yeah, ducks do get moist. I feel like I'm swimming with it. I don't know, I don you love duck, Isaac. And then sometimes that's a little too moist for me. You love a duck. Yeah, ducks do get moist. I feel like I'm swimming with it. I don't know, I don't need that.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I don't need the meat to be slippy, you know? I just like, I want it to not. I like a duck in a very specific context, which is with the duck sauce, with the little pancakes. Which is eating breadcrumbs off the sidewalk. Yeah, which is. Family trying to cross the street. Befriending a cat and in a YouTube video.
Starting point is 00:07:25 Sitting on its head in a very funny way. I am with Isaac. I love a duck. I wish it overtook the chicken. Yeah. That's interesting. I like dark meat. Whoa.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Duck over chicken? Duck's all dark. You're going to like triple Ds. Popeyes and getting a duck sandwich? That's my diners drive-ins and dives. Duck's all dark. Dark ducks for David? Dark ducks for David. It's just me dye with my hair dyed blonde
Starting point is 00:07:52 and some San Francisco eatery. And when the duck's hanging and I'm like, this is wild! I got a bunch of bracelets. I would love for you to just for like one season dress like Guy Fieri and see how your life changes. I could do that just for that season. Just to know.
Starting point is 00:08:16 I'll throw in on a bowling shirt. I got you covered. I think a lot of people would sponsor this. Yeah, get some of those sunglasses behind my head. Got to. I got a spiked necklace. You can borrow There we go. You have to pierce those ears, bud. No, I can't do it There was a beautiful wilt in your voice when you said that
Starting point is 00:08:33 Got to pierce those ears. Hey, I was trying to talk him into it. Yeah, where's the easiest duck I can get? That's what I was asking like you can get you know what I mean? I can get chicken anywhere like the greengrocer and get a duck. Really? Yeah, you can get it. A lot of times they have that weird larange packet in it too. Like in the, if you get the one in the basket. What is it? That's just sauce? Orange.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Larrange? Yeah, it's a fruit. French. Are you familiar with fruit? Barely. I've had scurvy every year. I only had duck the one time, we mixed it with the rice and bean, I've talked about four, but wherever,
Starting point is 00:09:08 fancy restaurant. Oh dude. Major Domo or something. Major Domo. Yeah, that's the only time I've ever had duck. Did you abandon the mustache or are you still going with the mustache, it's hard to tell. It's still there, I didn't shave the,
Starting point is 00:09:17 I almost did it today, but the boss hates it. So we're gonna crossroads, so I don't know if I wanna be bummed all day tomorrow. Yeah, the rat's dead, David. I disposed of the body. I made Laura do it. Go see what you did. I go, this is your fault that that rat's dead.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Damn. Not on me. Very brief introductions. Sean Jordan's here. Sean Cougar, Mel and Jordan on Instagram. Yeah. Girl tabs available everywhere. Happy Thanksgiving.
Starting point is 00:09:47 I am so grateful to know and be friends with all of you. I really am. This comes out on Thanksgiving. Obviously it's a Thursday, but just be cool. Have a good day. Tell people you love them. If there's someone you haven't texted in a long time or someone you've been thinking about calling,
Starting point is 00:10:03 call them today. Do that. And don't think about how I said it was nice and you should do it, like do it. You trust me, you'll wanna do it. It is nice, but you know what I mean, I'm just, be thankful, try to be happy and focus on all the good stuff.
Starting point is 00:10:14 And if you're rolling solo, do something nice for yourself. Absolutely. Jack off standing up. Go get a cupcake. No, no, I'm hesitating to ask a follow-up. I don't know, just like throwing a curve ball for yourself. It's not nice. It's not nice. No, I'm hesitating to ask a follow-up. It's not nice. It's not nice.
Starting point is 00:10:27 It's not nice. My knees can't get weak without danger. What's the point? Everybody's locked in their houses. What are we doing? Nobody's going to see you. My knees can't get weak without danger. You're doing it when you have to.
Starting point is 00:10:37 When you're standing up, it's because you have to, and that's unfortunate. No, no, throw yourself. No. Make today different. That's what we do with Passover. Why is today not like any other day, you know? For us, it's reclining on a pillow. Did you just equate jacking off standing up to Passover?
Starting point is 00:10:51 Yeah. You are truly your ancestors' wildest dreams. You know, order some delicious food, jack off standing up, whatever, whatever. Whatever it is. But you keep saying that one sound up Could be anything You know could be anything watch singing in the rain jack off standing up
Starting point is 00:11:23 John do you have anywhere you would like to direct people towards? Doing a holiday show at Helium December 22nd. And yeah, that's about it. Join the Patreon, it's a blast over there. We're having a lot of fun. We just auction drafted, which is Germaine, because we're gonna auction draft today on the main, we're auctioning on main, but we just auction drafted
Starting point is 00:11:41 Denzel Washington movies. Ooh. It got hot. It got hot. Hot J Israel Esquire is what it got. It, you keep adding that. Adding, I almost watched it last night and I was like I don't wanna burn my night. I think that's similar to Jack Igov standing up.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Watch Roman J. Israel Esquire, Jack Igov standing up. No, no. You're not burning your night, Colin Farrell's in it. He's in a lot of shit. Two, it's a good movie. It's an okay movie. I've never even heard what movie is it. You've said the name of it already. Roman J Israel Esquire. That's what it's called.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Ian was caping for it the other day. It's an okay movie. The cape got smaller and smaller as the podcast went on. He was napkinning for it yesterday. What year did that come from? I want to say 2019. It was napkinning for it yesterday. What year did that come? I wanna say 2019? It was pretty recent.
Starting point is 00:12:28 That wasn't a good year for film, was it? Yeah, it was a swing and a miss. 2017. A rare. I don't remember it at all. A swing and a miss. 2017. It was before Fences or after?
Starting point is 00:12:38 Before, I wanna say. Google Roman J. Israel Esquire. Did you say you tried to light on film? Yes, it's just my eras. I'm going through my errors. My Denzel errors. Let me see, Godfather came out before fences, I know that. I almost guarantee that you'll love it, Sean.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Oh, just Sean. And Katie and David and I. You know me so well that you should be able to guarantee it if I would really like it. I can almost guarantee you'll love it. That means it's bad, I think. Is there blood in there? How was it last night when you went back?
Starting point is 00:13:04 Pretty good. Pretty good! Pretty good! You were really wanting it to be though. Was it better or worse than jacking off standing up? It was worse than jacking off standing up. Well, I think folks, we all have our answer here. Low bar for me. David Boris.
Starting point is 00:13:20 It's difficult for a woman. Sorry, let's move on from it. David Boris, Coolguyjokes87 on Instagram, jacking off, standing up in his bathroom. God, that's not funny. Not in the shower? You're not in the shower. Just in next to it.
Starting point is 00:13:37 It sounded like. Nobody's like driving home with their kid in the car. I apologize if you are. I just brushed my teeth, I got a couple minutes. Well, you did over the toilet, right? You're aiming over the car. I apologize if you are. I just brushed my teeth. I got a couple minutes. We did over the toilet, right? You're aiming over the toilet. I hope to show you.
Starting point is 00:13:49 No! You can do it on your tippy toes. You can do it in the sink. No! Tippy toes? You don't just let it go. What? Guys, I think we should move on.
Starting point is 00:13:57 Okay, sorry. That's fair. That's totally reasonable. That's crazy. I apologize. If I may. I'm sorry. As much as I've got a lot of questions, I do think we should move on from it.
Starting point is 00:14:06 We've got a lot of pie content to get to. Pie filling. David? Okay. Sorry, I had a dirty thought. How could you not? With what we were just talking about. You said pie.
Starting point is 00:14:19 Oh, dirty pie, dirty pie. Isaac's talking about a dirty pie. All right, go ahead. Oh, I don't like that. That's the worst. That was the worst part of the entire experience. That. God damn. Oh, I don't like that. That's the worst. That was the worst part of the entire experience.
Starting point is 00:14:26 That was really bad. I think I have to go. I think I have to go. We should all, we should all go. Have yourself a dirty pie. No! Stop, stop, stop. My father is upstairs.
Starting point is 00:14:38 He's upstairs. I'm gonna stop. I'll stop. I'm gonna say it again before we're done. God listens to every podcast, Sean. Yeah, she probably does, you're right. Nice, nice. She answers my questions. If God is a woman, he for sure doesn't listen to my podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Are you? You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so.
Starting point is 00:15:01 You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. You're so. I'm crazy if she took a couple hours every week because I have check in on the boys. See if I was in the game. Is this the noble blood? She probably does. David, where can people see you?
Starting point is 00:15:13 December 6th and 7th, you can see me at Cap City Comedy Club in Austin, Texas. The set is after New Orleans, we're feeling pretty strong. How fun is that sports drink? It's crazy. It was like, it might've been the best weekend I had all year and I was only there for two days. It's such a blast. It was so much fun.
Starting point is 00:15:33 It was, the shows, the shows, Friday night was just about as good as standup gets in my opinion. So yeah, I really, really had a great time. That's fun. He's doing it right over there. Katie Nolan is here. I am.
Starting point is 00:15:48 Add Katie Nolan on Twitter at natey colon on Instagram. That's right. Just flip those letters. That's it. Podcast coming soon. Any further information? I think I can say January. I think I can say January.
Starting point is 00:16:00 Q1 soft launch. Q1 hard launch. Sometime in January, you know, when everybody's starting something new, we'll be there. The last podcast to debut, I hope. This is it. They're closing the door after this.
Starting point is 00:16:17 They told me they're at CAP. So here we go. We'll see how that goes. Seats taken. You can say it with me if you want. Look how that worked out. Mm-hmm. Oh, oh!
Starting point is 00:16:32 And then what happened? Yeah. It's an anonymous. At the very end, in the middle, it was a very tough relationship. And I'd go so far as to say, I don't think Jenny prioritized that man. I don't think so either.
Starting point is 00:16:45 There are some hot takes to be had on Jenny. Yeah. Yeah, really took advantage of old Forrest Gump. Her life wasn't easy either. No. That's a good point. No, so tough. She didn't have it easy, her life and life at Jenny. It was so, so tough, yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Probably inspired the naked guitar guy in Times Square, I thought. Do you think about that? Is he still doing that or COVID clear that out? That dude did not have any sort of response to COVID, I don't think. The next day was the next day. It was just a Thursday.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Where is everybody? Just keep it pushing. My name is Ian Carmel, at Ian Carmel on Twitter, Blue Sky as well, Instagram. I K Kooled you on YouTube. My special Comfort Beyond God's foresight on 800 pound gorilla will be coming out, hold on.
Starting point is 00:17:43 Got a day, got a day. It's the end of January. It was texted to me at some point. And now I can't, January 31st! The very end of January. We're looking at January 31st. I've watched it, it looks great. It's very funny.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I'm very excited about it. It's pretty cool. That's sick, man. Sick and twisted. Filmed live at Revolution Hall in Portland, Oregon. Some special Portland Easter eggs and that's special. I think you'll enjoy it. It was a blast.
Starting point is 00:18:12 I watched it, it was great. Follow me on IKCooledYou on YouTube. I can't change it. I tried, I can't change it. That's what the IK stands for. I can't. I can. CooledYou. But we are gathered here today not to talk about my forthcoming special, Comfort Beyond God's Foresight, available January 31st, but to auction draft pies.
Starting point is 00:18:38 It's Thanksgiving. I paid $170 for a turkey. It's time to talk pies. That's fucking crazy. Jesus. I don't know how much. Yeah, that's so buck. I's time to talk pies. That's fucking crazy. Jesus. I don't know how much, yeah, that's so buck. I'm gonna make soup out of the bones.
Starting point is 00:18:50 How long did it take you? You almost metal. $150 value. Yeah. How long were you, they said the total. Yeah. How long until you were out of the store? So, pretty quick.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Okay, did you think about saying anything? Like, really? $170? No, because it's like my neighborhood. I want like... That's what sucks. Everybody there thinks I'm cool. Also, what are you going to talk them down? I mean, what are the options, you know? I'm IK Cool Jew. I can't talk them down.
Starting point is 00:19:20 I have no options. I have no outs. John Ham just walked out with a turkey. I want them to think I'm on that same level, you know? I'm on that ham level. I think you don't even blink at this amount that's facing you. I acted like that was the normalest amount. Like I was like, oh. Oh, of course. Only $170.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Only $170. Cheaper, cheaper this week. That's the black part of that, really. Second part of that is, I don't know how much a turkey costs. I don't know. Yeah, that's fair. But you know it's not, you're not like What's Your Face in Arrested Development. No. He's like, it's a costs. Yeah, that's fair, but you know it's not, you're not like What's Your Face or As to Development.
Starting point is 00:19:46 No. It's a banana. I knew that was high. I just didn't know by how much. Because I bought primarily, you're like prime rib, that's expensive. Maybe that's what turkeys, maybe turkey's like an expensive bird. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:19:58 Famously no. No. I love it. I will report back to everyone on how it tastes. I'm excited. I bet it'll be good. It better fucking be good. Yeah, it'll be good. I bet it's gonna taste like turkey.
Starting point is 00:20:11 I bet it. Which is good. I enjoy turkey. But I bet it tastes like turkey. Isaac, at least Isaac will be there to help me. It's good enough. No matter what, I will have a good reaction to it because I'm eating for free. You're gourmanding your own right now and I would like your honest opinion. I would, yeah. I can give an actual gastronomic analysis if you'd like. That's what I would like.
Starting point is 00:20:30 On a podcast, if you could. Just making a request for the rest of us who after today aren't on this podcast anymore. If you could put it in there. Your PR team hit us up. Yeah, your PR team really wants you to get on. Oh wait, did they really? No. Oh, because did they really? No. Oh, because you were on a list. I put you guys on a list. The Katie Noel Street team.
Starting point is 00:20:49 Yeah. I was like, these are the podcasts I could do appearances on. If you've never listened to an auction draft before, here's how it works. Sean, David, Katie, and I will each have a $100 pool from which to draft. We'll take turns introducing some, yes, David?
Starting point is 00:21:04 Do I get $107? Because you had the most money left over from Denzel Draft. We'll take turns introducing some, yes, David? Do I get $107? Because you had the most money left over from Denzel? Yes. I don't think we carry it over into the main feed. We didn't last time. I don't think we did last time. We didn't last time? No, on the Patreon you will.
Starting point is 00:21:16 Yeah, $100 each. We will take turns putting- You took that well, David, if I may say. You took that really well. Yeah. I am pretty good with money on these things, so I'm not that worried. Yeah, I almost definitely end up with the most money on this. Huh.
Starting point is 00:21:33 We take turns putting something up for the bidding, and then everyone can bid on it. Nobody gets it right away. So if we were fantasy drafting sandwiches and I said, Ruben, $1, everyone would have an opportunity to bid me up on that. To make it even harder, we're going to be introducing five categories that we have to fill with these draft picks for these pies, and the categories are as follows. Fruit, savory,
Starting point is 00:22:02 mousse-based. Now if you don't really understand what that means, it will become very clear as we're drafting what a moose is. Cream pies, right, basically? Yeah. Chill out. Quit naming dicks. Guys.
Starting point is 00:22:15 We know the, you understand what don't. What did you expect me to do? I'm Mr. Cream Pie. You know I love that joke. I'm trying to handle business right now. We're setting the table. Yes. You're Mr. Cream Pie. You know I love that joke. I'm trying to handle business right now We're setting the table. Yes, you're Mr. Cream Pie. He's all right This big jacket with the pool ball number with Mr. Cream Pie. You got the con? Mr. Cream Pie 69. That's actually my YouTube channel.
Starting point is 00:22:54 Maybe if you finally set that wedding date, you get a chance to see the jacket. He shows up in the pool queue. Fruit. If she, God, was listening to this podcast, she has left now. She has left the building. She has a sense of humor, she's in.
Starting point is 00:23:10 She's out. Fruit pie, mousse pie, savory pie, is this a pie? And that's where some debate will be happening. And then wild card, where we can put absolutely any kind of pie. Those are the categories. That basically is saying we couldn't think of what that last category was supposed to be,
Starting point is 00:23:27 and so anything else just goes in here if we stumble into it. All right, fucking pop-up video. Yeah, let them know everything that happens. Or maybe you win an auction. Maybe you win one you didn't think, and you got a, yeah, there's a lot of stuff. When I was making my list, I spelled moose like the animal. Add a bit.
Starting point is 00:23:42 That's fair. I didn't know. Thank you for disclosing. I like it. And nothing's off limits. Why does it smell like turkey in here $7 bonus? How'd you guys decide that number? No, this wasn't me I think this is Mars All right, that means that's I actually trust it All right, that means that's actually trust it Yeah, that's right Doesn't get you a ton of extra legroom honestly that seven bucks it gives you
Starting point is 00:24:15 A ton of extra I got a one you're so you're fast and loose in here. I had a one time I spend the money I spend real money. So I'll definitely spend some fake money I'm Sean knows what he likes. He knows what he likes and what he needs on that board He's a man of case. I'm so screwed. This is gonna go so poorly for me. No, it's gonna be awesome. It's gonna be awesome. Is it well? This is not what I felt was happening today.
Starting point is 00:24:29 I would have prepared differently. Me either. It's better if you don't prepare. I don't have paper. It's too many pies. It's too many pies if we were just. All right. We're gonna find out exactly how it goes
Starting point is 00:24:40 right after we take this short break. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Now it is gratitude month. That's kind of how we've been theming it. And it's, you know, holidays are coming up. Why not just be stoked on people? And just off top this month, I'm going to go ahead and thank Chris Sharpentier. You know him from being on the show.
Starting point is 00:24:58 He just got married. He's fantastic. He's always in a good mood. I love him to pieces. And it's just it's fun to think about somebody that you don't, you know, that you don't give enough credit, you know, if it's all about gratitude, someone else who deserves a little gratitude, right? You know what I want you to do? I want you to walk over. I want you to look in the mirror. I want you to look at yourself. That's who deserves a little gratitude. You do. You're living life. It's hard. It's tough. It's tough to remind yourself that,
Starting point is 00:25:22 you know, to do the best you can, just try to be the best person you can be. It's a crazy time right now. And this is just a reminder to send some thanks to the people in your life, anybody, anyone you can think of, send a random text, thank them today. And but you know, work on yourself. It's not always the easiest thing to do. And that's where you can benefit from something like therapy. If you've tried therapy in the past, then I'm sure that you're aware it does benefit. If you haven't tried it, if you're thinking about it, give better help. A try. It's so easy. It's right there for you.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And it's nice to have another set of ears. There's a reason that we say it every week. You got to bounce things off someone. You're feeling frustrated. You go talk to someone about it. That's just how being a human works. And it does help. I was a natural helper in middle school. I know this.
Starting point is 00:26:05 It's good to talk to someone. And it's also helpful for learning all of those skills that I feel like nobody had a name for when I was a kid. Like, you know, boundaries, coping skills, and just mental health in general. You gotta do you, you know what I mean? And if you're thinking, like I said, if you're thinking about starting it,
Starting point is 00:26:20 you better help it try. Get in there, get your hands wet, get your feet dirty, however you say it. How do you say it? I digress. It's all online. It in there, get your hands wet, get your feet dirty, however you say it, how do you say it? I digress. It's all online. It's convenient, flexible, they work with your schedule. We all have different schedules,
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Starting point is 00:26:46 to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P dot com slash All Fantasy. And we're back, welcome back to All Fantasy Everything. We are auction drafting pies. Happy Thanksgiving or the day after Thanksgiving or the day after that or sometime in June, three years from now, whenever you happen to be listening to this. I'm at the top of the list so I
Starting point is 00:27:10 will be introducing the first pie for bidding I'm nervous okay and does this I'm sorry not to does this snake no no no I'm gonna go down that list and we're gonna keep introducing I had a pretty bitchin' serpentine explanation too. Yeah, I definitely had a bitchin' Camaro. Save it for next week. In the category, in the category, I'm gonna say fruit, although this might be moose.
Starting point is 00:27:37 Now you tell me. I'm introducing key lime pie. So okay, so I was worried about that. I think it's moose. That could be both. It's moosey fruit. It's moosey fruit. So which one, which category do we feel has been oriented? I think you can go both. I think fruit, moose, or wild card. It's like they play, it's like a running back receiver you kind of get to pick. You're a hybrid, you're an H-Py. Are we doing the dollar thing? We also introduced if you want to move a pie a category, you have to pay a dollar to do so.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Like after you've already got it? After you've already placed it. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Like if you decide you want a different moose, you pay a dollar to move key lime over fruit, then you get mooses open. You get it. That's smart. Okay. I'm going to draft key lime into moose right now. Okay. I'm going to draft it into moose right now.
Starting point is 00:28:24 You don't have to call it until you get it. Oh that's true, if I win it. Yeah, so it's just key lime. You win it. That was both foreboding and correct. My initial bid is $5 for the key lime pie. I'm not, you can't, six. It's a beautiful graham cracker crust,
Starting point is 00:28:39 it's a delicious tangy key lime flavor. When it's fresh. A little dollop of whipped cream on there. It's unparalleled. It's unparalleled. It's unparalleled. I want nine, give me nine. Will we just go like that? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:49 For sure, $10. $10 for the key lime pie. Oh, you guys are already on a. It's one of the greatest American inventions, I think. It's one of the greatest. It's a delicious pie. I had my first key lime pie in the Florida Keys. $12. Whoa. Wow.
Starting point is 00:29:02 You bougie bitch. Did you perfect your chemistry? Just because you said it like that, Whoa. Wow. You bougie bitch. Did you perfect your chemistry? Just because you said it like that, 13. Wow. I do, I am a little bit bougie. I'll admit that to myself. Oh, Mr. $170 Turkey, we know. Listen, listen. I was under strict instructions from the old wife
Starting point is 00:29:18 to go pre-order that, and I always also very in on it. She is bougie. Bougie enough, but the Florida Keys are not bougie. Nothing bougie about the Florida Keys. No, bloodline, baby. Yeah, yeah. $14 for the key lime pie. I don't love pie.
Starting point is 00:29:33 I mean, you say you love it so much, you're going up a dollar at a time is kind of wild. $15. Because like, if you think about the budget and you were to break it down evenly, you would say that you could spend 20 on a pie, each pie. Well, put me in a position to spend that are, and the fact that you're gonna, if you were to get, walk out of here with key lime pie at 14,
Starting point is 00:29:50 it'd be disgusting and unfair. Cause it's an elite pie. He's not a big quick math guy. So he wouldn't get to get to that $20 a category thing for a while. So thank you for breaking that down. I'm still not sure actually of the math on that. And if someone could check it for me.
Starting point is 00:30:04 It is right. $16 for the key lime pie. Delicious. A dollar again. A dollar again this guy who claims he wants it. You can't hurt my feelings, that's what I'll say, even though you easily could. You're a treasured friend and someone whose opinion I respect.
Starting point is 00:30:16 But you can't hurt my feelings here. I don't love sweet pie, so... God damn it, Sean! What the hell? This is gonna be the strongest day. God damn it, Sean. How is this possible? God damn it. You guys all know this.
Starting point is 00:30:31 You don't like wet stuff, you don't like dry stuff. He does like wet stuff. No pie is wet stuff, yeah, pie's wet stuff. Pies are wet, mousse pies are less wet. Yeah, I know, you know I don't notoriously love like a sweet treat. Oh god, we're so screwed, The market is so wrong on this. Yeah 17 key Limes one of the ones I like do you like a pie? I do. Yeah, I do cuz it's real tart. Mm-hmm. Yeah
Starting point is 00:30:55 $18 for the key lime pie. Should I bring one tomorrow? Ian? I live right next to house of pies I can go get a pie. No, no, no Dana Dana wants to bake don't mess up the vibe All right, Dana's making two other pies that I do believe will be mentioned during this draft. I feel like Keelan Pie could mess up the vibe, too. You didn't know you weren't ready for people. Keelan Pie is a vibe in and of itself. Then I gotta start playing Jimmy Buffet music. But it's just like, not everybody was supposed
Starting point is 00:31:17 to be wearing sandals at this party. You know what I'm saying? Like, it's cool. I think it's cool. I'm glad you're here, but like nobody else is. I don't like you less as a person. It's just in this context. This is my son's christening. Ford shorts were a weird piece.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yeah. 19. Let's get him up to 20. Let's get it up. Let's get him up to 20? I figured you'd say 20. If not, I'll take it down for 19. That'd be great. Well, let me think about it here. Let me think about it. No, Isaac, I get it for 19. Let's keep him up to 20. I figured you'd say 20 if not, I'll take it out for 19. That'd be great Well, let me think about it here. Let me think about it. No Isaac. I get it for 19. Let's keep it pushing
Starting point is 00:31:48 I don't think this is a race. It's a great pie It's one of the few a lot of the other tart pies Don't even lead with their tartness. They're sort of rounded off by other things in there key lime is just like it's tart It's not afraid to tell it's like it's not afraid. You what? Key lime pie is not afraid to tell it how it is. That's exactly right. $20. I think I'd get it for $20. Do I get key lime pie going once? 21. 21. 21. 21. 21. I like it. I believe you like it. I like it. I spent $40 once in one of these things on one pick
Starting point is 00:32:26 for a, it was a football player, but you know. Who was it? I don't, I think it might've been Peyton Manning. I think it was the year, remember the first game of the season, he had like six passing touchdowns. And it was like, okay, this was good. This was money well spent.
Starting point is 00:32:38 He's on pace. But it also might've been Brandon Marshall. He's on pace for 90 touchdowns. I spent a lot of time. I spent, in the auction draft, I spent, what, 80 bucks on hot sauce? Or 70 might have been brand-imersal. He's on pace for 90 touchdowns. I spent a lot for him. I spent, in the auction draft, I spent, what, 80 bucks on hot sauce? Or 70, something like that.
Starting point is 00:32:49 Oh my God, that's wild. Clyde Drexler, 22. And I can't go a dollar higher than that. You can have it for that. We got you up there. Wow. What do you mean, we got you up there? You don't want key lime pie?
Starting point is 00:32:59 I'm sorry, I got you up there. I was just saying what I wanted. You're the one spending 22 bucks on it. You didn't get me up anywhere. I had a limit in my head for key lime pie. I don't even like key lime pie that much. You'll notice I was famously pretty silent for that whole thing.
Starting point is 00:33:12 Just wanted to make sure you didn't get away with getting it for $12, be insane. I got that fancy butcher DMing me telling me how to giddy and to spend money. So I think I'm gonna be all right. I'm gonna be all right. Well, key lime pie to me for $22 $22 is currently in the field of moose. Where I would like to be. David,
Starting point is 00:33:32 It is time for you to introduce a pie for the bidding. I'm gonna go is this a pie? I'm doing a deep dish pizza. I'd say it's I actually think of it more as a pie than a pizza pie. I think so too. But I think you could have gotten away with just saying pizza pie, if the, in this, is this a pie? I think that one pretty solidly is the pie-est pizza,
Starting point is 00:33:56 if I may. I feel like that goes in, that can go into savory. Am I crazy? That's what I think too. That's a good question. Could deep dish, I think deep dish pizza lives more in is this a pie than in savory. I think if you had brought up a regular pizza pie,
Starting point is 00:34:09 I think that would be the is this a pie debate. Because there's no, like there's crust, but it's not like deep. You're not like kind of getting any filling, whereas a deep dish pizza does have... Cut into a pie. A pie is a baked dish, check, which is usually made of a pastry dough check
Starting point is 00:34:27 That contains a filling of various sweet or saving ingredients check contains and filling sweet deep dish pizza. Yes Listen, I'll take you down for savory to I think you go to savor. I think you're Going savory, but does it have to have something? No, it doesn't have to have a crust on top because key lime shouldn't have a crust on No, so yeah, anyway Open it up. Let something no it doesn't have to have a crust on top because key lime shouldn't have a crust on No, so yeah, anyway Open it up. Open it up Dave. I'm gonna start at $4 15 My god $15 I've had deep- dish pizza twice. It's a lot. I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:06 So am I, baby. It's a lot. I like it. I love a doughy pizza. It's the perfect... For some reason, when I'm having a really bad day and I'm like, fuck it. I get to have whatever I want because I deserve it. I'll always want a really good... I'm thinking of a Sicilian pizza, but it's got that same thing to it sometimes, a deep dish,
Starting point is 00:35:27 with like a gooey crust that's thick and fluffy, but crunchy on the bottom. I love that. I love when it feels like it's like they cooked it, like they pulled it out of the oven. If they, any sooner it would not have been bread. Yes. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 Mm-hmm. We can't, this is pizza. There's no pizza, there's no other like, oh, I'm just picking pizza. Um. I think there is,. There's no other like, oh, I'm just picking pizza. I think there is, because I think pizza goes in, is this a pie? Because the words and the definition that Ian read was like, contains a filling.
Starting point is 00:35:55 And I don't think that a pizza pie contains a filling. I think this is a genre of pizza. Yeah. Sure, but you specifically said deep dish pizza. Right. And we're putting it in savory pie. I think is this a pie is for the exact things that like it's called a pizza pie.
Starting point is 00:36:14 Let's talk about it. Is this a pie? Who calls it that? I went to Italy, nobody said it once. It's a pizza pie. You weren't in the process. Pizza pie. $17. I know people say get It's a pizza pie. You weren't in the prices. $17.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I know people say get a pie. $18. I wanna be clear, it's not that I don't enjoy deep dish pizza. It's just it's already gotten a little too rich for my blood. Yeah, sometimes I don't like deep dish pizza though. Sometimes I don't do the crust correctly and I feel like I got a soupy mess on my hands.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, okay, I'm just giving my opinion. I've never done a soupy mess on my hands. Yeah, that's fine. Yeah, okay. I'm just giving my opinion. I've never done a deep dish pizza on my own. I've ordered them and they're always great. Well, you can't eat a deep dish pizza. Nobody can eat a deep dish pizza on their own. Oh, I thought what Katie said like made one is what I'm saying. Like whenever you make it.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Is that what you were implying, Katie? I don't even think I understand what you're asking. So, I don't know. $19. I don't think Katie's cooking a deep dish pizza. I don't think you're allowed legally to cook a deep dish pizza in your own home. No, no, not in New York.
Starting point is 00:37:09 No. No. I can do it here. By the way, I'm looking up the definition of pie and the thing is, it does have to be a pastry dough, which is not- Ian already did this, Isaac. Ian already did this, right in front of our faces.
Starting point is 00:37:23 He never listens to me. What's going on? He hasn't since I agreed to marry him. What's going on here? Breads are thus excluded from the pastry category, says Wikipedia. What were you doing when Ian defined this a minute ago? Who are you?
Starting point is 00:37:34 I think for that sake alone, it gets to be, is this a pie then? Yeah, it belongs in is this a pie. I'm saying it probably doesn't belong in this favor. Let me go ahead and just say, I'll follow whatever you guys say. It's a bread, it belongs and is this the pie I'm saying it probably doesn't Let me go ahead and just say well I say it's a bread bread. It's a bread dough. What's the bread dough in a pastry dough pastry dough is crumbly Yeah, it's like flaky. It's flaky and crumbly. Okay. Okay. Like a pie crust. All right, it goes into is this pie? Yeah
Starting point is 00:38:01 Nineteen dollars is where the bidding stands on the deep-dish pizza. Yeah, that's me, right? Yeah. No you it's not you get it up You're a kid. I'm 19. Yeah, I was just joking a little too late. Then I said it anyway So Sean takes down the deep-dish pizza for 19. No, he doesn't You gotta say it into the microphone Yes, you're coming in pretty yeah I've been, yes. I said 19 too. You're coming in pretty low so I can't. Sean knew it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:30 All right, take it. Now there's a tension. Now there's a tension in the draft. There it is. Damn it. Are David and Isaac gonna fight? I think so. For a deep dish pizza.
Starting point is 00:38:38 No, we love each other. No, this is a Sean issue. This is a Sean issue. Yeah, you can take it. All right, $80. $80, deep dish pizza goes into Is This you can take it. All right, $80. $80, deep dish pizza goes into is this pie for David Bowie. Sean Jordan, so far, the bidders have gotten their picks.
Starting point is 00:38:53 I know, I'm trying. All right, let's go savory. Savor pie. Of course. Tell me if it works. I'm gonna go quiche. That going to savory pie? Yeah, oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:02 Yes, of course. $15. Just making sure. 20 bucks. It's interesting because there are different kinds of, I just want to bring this up. 20 bucks we're at right now. David went nuts. Wow. In two bits.
Starting point is 00:39:12 No, you was trying to play like that. Sorry, Ian, I didn't mean to step on you. I just wanted to make sure you saw right. $20. Is that not how we were playing? That's how I'm playing. There's different kinds of quiches. $22.
Starting point is 00:39:23 Quiche Lorraine. There's expensive ones, like for $23. There's different kinds of quiches. $22. Quiche Lorraine. There's expensive ones, like for $23. There's quiche Lorraine, there's like a smoked salmon quiche, but I think you do get all the quiches. I think that's fair. Yes, of course.
Starting point is 00:39:33 I think that's fair. Ian just wanted to let us know he knew the names. Quiche Lorraine. 25. You're the one who said quiche Lorraine, Katie, no one. I remember old quiche Lorraine. They don't make Lorraines anymore, like as people. When's the last time you met a Lorraine? That name is due a comeback. I went to high school with a Lorraine. I went to high school with a Lorraine. They don't make Lorraines anymore, like as people. When's the last time you met a Lorraine?
Starting point is 00:39:45 That name is due a comeback. I went to high school with a Lorraine. I went to high school with a Lorraine. Oh, interesting. But she went by Lori. Oh, shit. By Lori. That makes sense.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Lorraine Dowdy. 25 we got to, I'm throwing up. I know, it's a bummer, because we're gonna, it's gonna go to 30 real quick, 30. I mean, Kish is tasty, but it's, oh my God, guys. What? Kish is tasty, but it's, oh my God, guys. What? Quiche is tasty, but it's also like, um. It's good. It also is a thing that like corporate lunches and stuff
Starting point is 00:40:11 feel like they can get away with giving you, and it's too many unknowns. I feel like I have it many more than I have it maxi. Sue Carmel makes, oh yeah, I have more max quiches than minis, Sue Carmel makes a great quiche. So you're saying like a personal versus a sliced into type of a deal? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I'm a slice. A personal I'd be into for sure. Yeah. You get both. Sue makes amazing quiches. Laura makes quiche all the time. It reminds me of holidays now, because Laura always makes them before,
Starting point is 00:40:39 like we'll have quiche tomorrow, we'll have it on Christmas. Yeah, they're fantastic. Nothing bad to say but a quiche. It's a tasty egg pie, the bidding at $30 for Sean Jordan. Is that right? Mm-hmm. 30, damn dude.
Starting point is 00:40:53 We got, that was a quick one. I have to get involved for Sue Carmel's honor, $31. Okay, 32. I was gonna save you the trouble and just say 32 right off the gate, but I figured I'd let you have a little fun. I can bid more than 32 you can but then All right, I'm just saying what I can I can't do and I'm letting you
Starting point is 00:41:11 You might get it. I mean, maybe you want maybe you want it that bad. Who's to say? Well, you don't even like fruit pies. So you better hope you get it. There's other savory pies 33 33 dollars for the quiche 35 That'll be the end of it. You can push them to 40 I bet you can push like I can't push them to 40 Think I would feel comfortable with it at $37 okay. Oh wow Ian went up two at a time We did this last time. Here's what I'll say. I will not go higher than my next bit So if you bet me you will be taking it great, you've been a man of your word so far. He's gonna pay 50 bucks for this fucking thing.
Starting point is 00:41:48 Yeah. 40 dollars. 41. You gotta take it. There you go. Take it down. Wow. I got key lime and quiche. Yeah, you are doing well.
Starting point is 00:41:57 You are doing well. You're probably in everybody's face. I'm good. You're just in the middle of a round. He's got a shortstop and a first baseman. Yeah. If I can get one starting pitcher, we're all serious. And I'm gonna get him on deferred payment too, like the Dodgers, we're good.
Starting point is 00:42:11 Starting to understand front office management more now. All those dudes that played AAU done in Boca Raton. Ugh. If there was a restaurant near my house that opened called Key Lime and Quish, they would end up naming a booth after me, my friends. I don't know, citrus with the egg sort of makes me go. Not at the same time.
Starting point is 00:42:32 Not at the same time. You have a cup of coffee in between. You wanna be able to get the surf the turf, but go ahead. All right, Key Lime & Kish, feeling good. Got $37. Feeling broke. Great. Katie Nolan, time for you to introduce the pie for the bidding.
Starting point is 00:42:45 I love spending money, I wanna spend some. Here we go. I am going to introduce in the wild card, I guess, category is crack pie. Oh shit! I really thought I could sneak that in later. What is that? Do I have to set the number?
Starting point is 00:43:06 Yes. That we're starting at? Yeah. I'm gonna put it at $5. Crack pie is, I wanna get the actual description. It's just something I've eaten. It's never something I've made. It's from Milk Bar.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Yeah, but it's like also people's parents have started doing this as well and I'm a big fan. That's not that shit you used to get for us. Is it, Ian, when you were feeling nuts? No, that's, it's now called the Milk Bar Pie, formerly known as the Crack Pie. No, I used to get that, that was a different pie from Mac.
Starting point is 00:43:38 Here, I'll read to you what it is. Oh wow, they really just get into the name before they get into what it is. Tell me what it is. Regular making desserts from whatever was left from the previous night's service while missing ingredients one morning. Came across recipe for chess pie. God, just tell me what's in it.
Starting point is 00:43:57 She substituted heavy cream for buttermilk to get a gooier consistency. Corn powder and milk powder. It's basically like the goo, it's like the goo in pecan pie without the, I'm sorry, I'm saying other things, but I feel like that's what it is. It's like sugary, gooey. It's kind of a corn pie.
Starting point is 00:44:15 It's like a sugary, gooey, corn chest pie. I've had this before. It's amazing. What are you starting it at? Five. Seven. Eight. Oh, and it's a, what else could it go in besides wild card?
Starting point is 00:44:29 Moose? I don't think it could go in moose. I think this has to go wild card. Okay. It's not like a cream in the middle. Interesting. Okay. Can I tell you what it is?
Starting point is 00:44:39 I finally found it. What? Officially. It's oatmeal cookie crust with an ooey gooey crushed up oatmeal mixed with butter and brown sugar filling. It's so good. So it's just like a gooey sugary,
Starting point is 00:44:54 oaty, like crunchy. It's awesome. And what is it at right now? $8. I'm gonna make it 10. Like a fool. I thought I could get this for like a dollar later on. No, you're foolish. Like like a fool. I thought I could get this for like a dollar later on
Starting point is 00:45:07 Like a damn fool 11 It's one of the best things I've ever eaten in my life. I know it's really good. So I'm gonna go 14 Like gold belly and stuff like that if you don't live in like New York or LA where they have the milk bars or Vegas and it's Worth an order in my humble opinion now called the milk bars or Vegas. And it's worth an order, in my humble opinion. Now called the Milk Bar Pie. What's Gold Belly? It's like a thing that you can order from like signature restaurants around the country. There's probably a couple of other.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Oh, and they'll ship it to you? Yeah. Like, Pramany's. If you don't ever get out there, here's where the, I mean, I'm assuming that's the kind of place, but I don't know if Pramany's is actually. It got really popular during the pandemic because people were trying to eat gourmet food. Interesting. Can't travel.
Starting point is 00:45:47 You get like New York bagel. You can get a Lou Malnati Chicago deep dish pizza. Mailed to you like with like overnight... My dog is howling upstairs. Not even the best double D I got in Chicago. She wants that crack pie. I mean, geez Louise. I think that I think it sat there long enough.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I think I get that now. Yeah, I think 14. 14 I think it sat there long enough. I think I get that now. Right? 14. 14, I think. 14 on crack? 15, $15 on crack. Come on, Ian. That's 16. We don't have a lot of time limits on this one, unfortunately. If I, I mean, if I ran out my lineup with a crack pie,
Starting point is 00:46:18 $17, I don't really need a lot of money for anything else. You've got a lot of money. So I'm gonna make it 20. You'll be calling the game. I'll make it 20 and we're gonna leave it there. That's hard. That is the amount of money where I probably have to leave it there.
Starting point is 00:46:30 Considering your remaining dollar figure. Yeah, I got $37 left, but I'm gonna bid 21 because I don't have $23 left. That a boy. He can go up to 35 if he did not think you'd do that 21 20 Part of me wonders if any pies came out if I would have been the same way Personal attachment to a lot of I can't thank you enough for less than 40, my friend. I'm sorry. I didn't even use to say you have a personal attachment to a lot of pies.
Starting point is 00:47:07 You're like, you got keys for your mom? Where'd they get them? My second book is gonna be called 14 Pies. It's gonna have me on the cover with really soft lighting. Can I ask a question? Yeah. Can your wild card be a, let's say you already have a fruit pie and then there's another
Starting point is 00:47:27 fruit pie you want, can you put that in wild card? Yeah, absolutely. Anything goes in wild card. Okay, okay. Because I'm trying to think of how much I need this in my line up by looking at the other. I'm going to go 22. See, I started getting attached to the idea of having the crack pie in my line up.
Starting point is 00:47:44 I know, I felt that. I will say I've done crack famously on this podcast. That's right. And I've eaten this crack pie. Not on the podcast. No, you do it on the podcast, guys. We didn't do crack. I just want to smoke crack for this episode. Didn't smoke crack on the podcast.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Not for lack of trying. And I've had this crack pie. Crack pie is better. Yeah. Come on. 23. Okay, well I kind of knew that was going to be the case. Yeah, crack ain't that great. Ian, I want to almost let you do this.'s better. Yeah, come on. 23.
Starting point is 00:48:05 23. I knew that was gonna be the case. Yeah, crack can't be that great. Ian, I wanna almost let you do this just to watch how this goes for you. Martell Webster. You think I can't wriggle out of this one? You can wriggle out of this one.
Starting point is 00:48:16 But I mean, I don't have any pies yet and I don't know a lot of pies because I didn't make a list because I was gonna just wing this one. Because it's a holiday. This is actually a better draft for not having a list. I know, but it also is helping me. I never had the moment of like brainstorm every pie I know.
Starting point is 00:48:34 And I'm just worried that it's gonna get thin for me quick. And crack pie felt like a really nice, I live like blocks from one of these. So this is like a home pick. Get yourself some cereal milk ice cream and some crack pie, come on. You got a hundred bucks sitting there. I mean, you know what's up.
Starting point is 00:48:50 I only got 37, you're getting pushed around by me. It's pretty embarrassing, honestly. All right, it's just a lot. You thought you were gonna get this in a late round for like a dollar. I did, and here I stand, $23 crack pie in my hand. More than key lime, and here I stand, $23 crack pie in my hand. There's more than key lime, and you really put in the best pie out first.
Starting point is 00:49:10 The market, let the market do that. Market's wild. Yeah. You don't want it. There's other pies. I'll go 24. Ian, you can't, you can't, that's it. That is deep.
Starting point is 00:49:26 I got about $6 to spend on other pies. That's deep. That's deep. That is buck, dude. You're gonna, you're doing it. Is this what you feel like when you watch me do it most of the time? It's a lot faster when you do it though.
Starting point is 00:49:40 25, 25. And that's honestly it. Take it. That's crazy, whoa. That's your pie, dude. If I had even had a bite of one of these, I'd have been bidding on it, but I just feel like I should have had a bite.
Starting point is 00:49:52 Sounds amazing. Yeah, that's fine. That makes sense to me. Whoa. Sean, doing that, that's a smart move. Feels weird. Out of body, saying that to you. I'll bring it up though.
Starting point is 00:50:01 What, that it's smart? I've done some smart stuff. Max is cool. And just like that, it's my turn to introduce a pie. Pecan, $11. P and 12. That was here. I didn't even have a spot for it.
Starting point is 00:50:19 And I spent an amount of money where I couldn't move anything. You didn't have a spot for it. That's so goddamn funny. Where would this be going in? I don't know. I'm out. I'm out of the bidding.
Starting point is 00:50:31 It could go moose or savory, couldn't it? Am I crazy? No, it's a wildcard pie. I don't think savory. It's certainly sweet. It is certainly, certainly sweet. Yeah, it's a wildcard pie. All right.
Starting point is 00:50:39 I mean, it's so closely related, I feel, to crack pie. Unless I'm an idiot about what's inside of a pecan pie. Other than the obvious. Yes, thank you so much. They're just on the top though, right? I don't know too much about pies. Is it filled with pecans? No.
Starting point is 00:50:57 What's the filling? Some of them, it kinda depends on the pecan pie. Yeah, it depends on the ratio, but there's kind of like a gelatinous type filling underneath. Well, moussey, right? Isn't it moussy? No. No. Well, moussy. My favorite rapper.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Pecan pie is a pie of pecan nuts mixed with a filling of eggs, butter, and sugar, typically corn syrup. Variations may include white or brown sugar, cane syrup, sugar syrup, molasses, maple syrup, or honey. Most common, most pecan pie recipes include salt and vanilla as flavorings. Pecan pie may be served with whipped cream, vanilla ice cream, or hard sauce, pardon? What the fuck is hard sauce? Hard sauce. You gotta go to prison first.
Starting point is 00:51:32 For everybody spending Thanksgiving alone. Love that hard sauce. Yeah, this is a lot of, it's basically the gooey stuff from crack pie, kind of. With nuts on top. Is David gonna get pecan pie for $12? That's insane. I was never gonna jump at it.
Starting point is 00:51:49 You don't like pecan pie? I'll go 15. 16. All right, that's silly, so I'm not gonna do that. I'm not gonna have any pies. There's a lot of pies left, but I feel naked. It's not bad for me. I do feel naked over here.
Starting point is 00:52:01 David, you're lucky I leveraged myself early. That was crazy. I can't believe I got. David you're lucky. I leveraged myself early. That was crazy That's that is that is that is the pic that's upsetting Sean and Katie even like that's a crazy value same For Pete right in the South pecan pie. It might be the best pie By and key lime. It's, I've never. Ha ha ha. I've never had it bad.
Starting point is 00:52:31 We're through five picks. Okay. And we, only Ian and David have spent any money. That's right. I wanted to, I still want to. Well, it's time for David to introduce a pie for the bidding after he just stole pecan. Yeah, he did.
Starting point is 00:52:46 That was crazy. Okay, I think... Okay. For savory... Actually, no, fucking apple pie. Let's start at five bucks. Six. Eleven.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Thirteen. Hmm. Let's start at five bucks. Six. Ha ha ha, is it me and you 30? For what? Why what are you what are you doing? It's apple pie. It's when you think of pie. It's apple pie. That's what you think I mean, it's I don't telling you for real. I don't like it with the lattice on top You one of those guys? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I can't do that at all. That seems insane to me.
Starting point is 00:53:50 I don't prefer it, but I eat cheese on an apple pie. I never had it. Cheese and apple is a classic flavor. What do you do with the cheese? You just put. You're supposed to melt it on it. You put like a cheese. I thought it was like American, right?
Starting point is 00:53:59 They put American on it. Like a slice of cheese on there. No, no, I can't do that. Did you guys ever have like cheese and apple slices? That's great. That's a great game, buddy. Or like a blintz, a cheese on there. No, no I can't do that. Did you guys ever have cheese and apple slices? That's great, that's a great game. Or like a blintz, a cheese and apple blintz. Oh I love a blintz. I don't mix them.
Starting point is 00:54:10 32, I don't know if you heard that, that I said 32. I mean yeah, I like, exactly how you described it. You guys hate on apple pie, apple pie is delicious. I like apple pie, I don't have to buy it. I like cinnamon and apple. I needed you guys to spend some money so I could start doing the things I wanna do.
Starting point is 00:54:23 $12. There, I've made my money. I like it with the little cinnamon in there. Yes, apple cinnamon is an underrated flavor. I feel like people write it off as like not, yeah. It's an underrated flavor. You think it's rated highly? I think people rate it very highly.
Starting point is 00:54:36 No, not from like other things. I don't think there's a lot of like apple cinnamon flavored like things that get, you know, if something's like chocolate flavored or something's like, you know, vanilla flavored. I feel like apple cinnamon, yeah. I feel like people don't love it as much as I do. I fuck with apple cinnamon heavily.
Starting point is 00:54:54 I like it with, especially if you get it with a little streusel on top, they do that kind of an apple pie. There are apple pie Oreos, I take it back, but. 35, of course there are. 35. Well, toaster strudel, apple pie toaster strudel. Apple pie is the best way to get it all. Apple pie toaster strudel?
Starting point is 00:55:06 Yeah. 36. Holy cow. Can't go higher than quiche. 40 bucks, let's see. Can't go higher than quiche. 40 bucks, let's see. Let's see what you're doing here.
Starting point is 00:55:15 Let's see what you're doing. What the fuck am I doing? You go 40 bucks, let's see, and then you thought about it. Crack pie at 25 is looking pretty good right now. Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I love that happen.
Starting point is 00:55:29 I wanted to see how that would make your, it was more interesting content wise for me to watch. You didn't let anything happen. I didn't bid on it. Unless you bid me up to 36 on it. That's the only time somebody lets something happen. Don't let him do this to you, Katie. Outbid me on Apple pie, see what time it is.
Starting point is 00:55:45 See where I go. I'm going 41. 42. Sean's getting into head games now. Head game Sean. Used to be my domain. You're still up there, bud. Don't worry about it.
Starting point is 00:56:00 I don't have enough money to play head games. No, no, no, you gotta play foot games. Yeah. I don't have enough money to play head games 42 42 for a good draft. This is so high. Yeah, I'll go 43 Wow Take it. I know Great. Well, this is crazy. Put it in my wild card Okay What are you saving money for Sean? Well, if you put it in your wild card though, just so you are you saving money for, Sean? Well if you put it in your wild card though,
Starting point is 00:56:26 just so you know, you do have to pay a dollar if you switch it to fruit later. Okay, wait, no, put it in my... Put it in my wild card. Put it in my wild card. Because I don't want to have to spend the dollar to move it over to wild card. It's bad news for me that you put it in your wild card.
Starting point is 00:56:38 Because it makes it even harder for me to get a fruit pie now. That is true. That's a tough... That is a tough... That is a... You got a tough beat over there. I guess no harder than if she had put it in fruit because then Wild Card would have, okay. Alright, alright. Here we go. Now, Sean. It's my turn. It's Sean. Oh no, it's Sean. Oh Sean? Yeah. Yeah, it's me. David is from Staffel? David nominated. I introduced Staffel. Oh, very nice. I didn't want it for five. So, I'm gonna say cheesecake. No, I don't think that's pie.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I think it's a pie. It's got a crust and a filling. Is that, is this a pie? It sure does. It has cake in the name. What do you mean? Of course it does. Define a pie again real quick. If you want to go through the motions again, because it is a pie. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:57:22 There's no cake in it. By definition, there's no cake in it. You don't bake it. All right, there's a, okay, okay, there's an article here, sorry cheesecake is not a cake from Eater. Right. So this could go.
Starting point is 00:57:33 But cheese pie sounds yucky. They just did that so you knew what it was. Oh, it's a hybrid. It's made out of pie crust, huh? Well, have you done that? All right, let's fucking roll it then, Sean. I apologize. Hold on, hold on.
Starting point is 00:57:43 What did you think it was made out of? I feel like I'm insane here. Isaac. Me too. Notorious Foodie. Yeah, some sort of pastry. I just didn't know it was literally pie crust that was crumbled up.
Starting point is 00:57:51 Yeah, you never made a cheesecake? Little crumbly shit in the bottom. No, I've never made a cheesecake. Or like a graham cracker crust. My question was, could it go in mousse or is that not? No. Is it not? I think it's an is this a pie situation.
Starting point is 00:58:01 Is it too thick? Could it? I think it's is this a pie. Well mousse feels like you don't have to like, it feels, cheesecake feels thick. You can get a moussey pie, a cheesecake, but it's not cheesecake, not all cheesecake is moussey. I think it's Is This A Pie.
Starting point is 00:58:16 So it goes Is This A Pie. I'm gonna say $5. $7. Sounds like. Ha ha ha. $15. 12. $7. $7. Sounds like it. $15. $12. $40.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Okay, $12. Wait, did you actually just say $40? $40. What? You're sick. We were at $15. He didn't even go with that. There's no way to run a drive.
Starting point is 00:58:40 He got $40. Go ahead. Do you have an appointment at 1 o'clock? Yeah, what's happening here? No. I'm sick Go ahead, John. Do you have an appointment at one o'clock? Yeah, what's happening here? I'm sick of not getting stuff. It's nuts. I want it.
Starting point is 00:58:52 I picked it. I will be having it. That's for number one. You guys went and got cheesecake when we were in New York, right? We all went to June. Yeah, we all went to June. It was tasty.
Starting point is 00:59:02 David and I went both. We went the time before that, too. I didn't even, yeah, that place. We always go to Juni's. This draft is a mess. We stayed at that hotel over by there. Yeah. This draft is nuts.
Starting point is 00:59:12 I didn't like cheesecake until. I feel really, really good about that. You should feel good, David. You've done fantastically. I feel good. You've done fantastically. I feel really good. I feel like the best.
Starting point is 00:59:21 It is funny that we're drafting pies and Keesh and Cheesecake are up there with the most money that had been spent in the pie draft Yeah, she's cake to be fair to have to be that much money Fucking sure didn't Call down the hand Pies lot of what we know what we've learned is the the afe Pals like egg pie
Starting point is 00:59:45 You learned the AFV pals like egg pie between cheesecake and quiche. Oh, that's so funny. So 40, does anyone else want to bet on the cheesecake? No! It sits at $40. What's your favorite cheesecake you've ever had, John? Strawberry cheesecake, just regular, I mean, Cheesecake Factory is dank,
Starting point is 00:59:59 but just regular old strawberry cheesecake. Cheesecake Factory does have some hits. The Tuxedo, the chocolate Tuxedo cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory. I don't really know what it is. The Tuxedo, the chocolate tuxedo cheesecake at Cheesecake Factory. I don't really know what it is. I think it's a combination of mousse and cheesecake and it's so good. It's insane how good they are.
Starting point is 01:00:12 I like a fruity cheesecake because I like to get a little health in there too. So I can have a little fruit. We know that about you famously. Very little. Have a little fruit. You're like, this is one of my only opportunities to eat fruit is on a cheesecake.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Hey, can you take that fruit and saute it in sugar? Yeah, and make, really dumb it down for me. Rather than on a dense cheesy cake. Dumb it down. If you get, if I get like a, you know, like a chocolate cheesecake or something, it gets too rich. So I like the, yeah, like a strawberry, lighter or something. Too rich, not like you, Ian, with $12.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Ooh, for no reason she said that to you. For no reason. I'm not rich. I just spent $170 on a truck. He's surrounded by cars. No, you're a fool. So it is for Katie to do the bidding. Sean got his first.
Starting point is 01:00:58 Blueberry, $6. Seven. Wow. Eight. Ten. Nine. Nine. It's a classic pie. It's a classic pie. 12. Eight. Ten. Nine.
Starting point is 01:01:05 Nine. Ten. It's a classic pie. 12. 17. This is a classic summer pie. It's great. It's a very good pie.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Well, this is what we talked about eating in the bathtub, right? Did you ever do that, by the way? Did you get your blueberry pie and ice cream? I did. I couldn't do it that night because we were too late. I guess when this place runs out of pie, it just, they do the smart thing
Starting point is 01:01:25 and they don't make more pie. And so when we went to order, they were open, but they're like, we are out of pie. Heartbreaking. And so I had to wait another day, but I did it. And it was amazing. Amazing. Dan was like, this is the best thing I've ever eaten
Starting point is 01:01:38 in my life. I was like, I know, it's amazing. But not in the tub, right? Yeah, not in the tub. No, bathtub. Ice cream, blueberry pie bathtub. Dan took a shower with it, but not in the tub, right? Yeah, in the tub. No, not in the tub. Ice cream, blueberry pie, bathtub. Dan took a shower with it, but not in the tub. Ha ha.
Starting point is 01:01:49 Shower pie is diabolical. Holding it up. $18? 20. 22. 25. All right, you can take it. Thank you.
Starting point is 01:02:04 Put that in my fruit. Thank you. All right. All right, you can take it. Thank you. Put that in my fruit. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Great pick. Thank you. It is.
Starting point is 01:02:11 My favorite pie of all pies. I feel like I can't say that until the bidding's over. You really can. It's my favorite pie of all time. It's great with whipped cream. I love blueberry pie. It's so good. You can't have opinions until we're done.
Starting point is 01:02:21 It's the tough thing about these. And if you get the ones, like the main blueberry ones, that have the tiny little bloop. Oh my God, so good. They're a little more tart when they're that small too. So good. I like that. Ugh.
Starting point is 01:02:32 I share my opinions mid-auction, dude. I don't care. I don't give a rip, bro. Yeah, clearly. Can't give much with 12 bucks over there. One rip. I can give 12 bucks. I got three pies, dude.
Starting point is 01:02:43 Each of them better than yours. So true. Stop. You two have a cheesecake. I forgot three pies dude each of them better than yours so true Do I need to hear one of them is more expensive than yours better we could define pie again real quick I'm pretty sure I got a pie All right. All right. All right. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:08 Under the category of... Oh shit, never mind. Under... Under the category of fruit. Uh-huh. For one dollar. Okay. A peach pie. Oh, that's a good one.
Starting point is 01:03:28 I was thinking about it. Delicious peach pie. Great summertime pie. Oh man. He doesn't want it. You don't want it. Thick crust. Roman J Israel pie.
Starting point is 01:03:39 Is this wrong? I do love it in a cobbler. I was wondering about... Great in a cobbler. I think it kind of covers. What's a cobbler? It's kind of the same thing. it in a cobbler. I was wondering about... Gray in a cobbler? I think it kind of covers... What's a cobbler? It's kind of the same thing. It's a crumbler? Is a cobbler a crumbler?
Starting point is 01:03:50 No, those are different, aren't they? Cobbler's got a top, not a bottom. Oh. It doesn't say it has to have a bottom, though. It just has to have pie crust. It doesn't need a... Right? It doesn't say where it has to go.
Starting point is 01:04:02 You can Donald Duck it. There's a baker who listens to us who's about to crash their fucking. Yeah. It would be frustrating. I swear to God we got into this once. Okay, a crumble is a loose crumbly topping made with flour, butter, and sugar.
Starting point is 01:04:16 A cobbler is topped with a thicker biscuit-like dough. Oh. And then a pie is a fully enclosed dessert. Okay, that's according to that one person, because I don't know, they're not always fully enclosed. No, yeah. Well, they're mostly not fully enclosed, right? Yeah, a lot of them. Well, some are, some aren't. Some are, but I mean mostly pie are.
Starting point is 01:04:34 I like them fully. I like them fully. Pie, gooey stuff inside, baked crust on bottom or all around. Cobbler, gooey stuff inside, baked crust only on top. Crumble, gooey stuff inside, crumbly baked crust on top. Yeah, I like it when my pie has a roof and a ceiling. I do like that. Crumble and cobbler are pretty easy. That is kind of dank.
Starting point is 01:04:53 I mean, they can all be, they're interchangeable. Like a crumble can easily become a pie, right? You just gotta make a pie crust. Well, in this day and age. If you do the work. If you do the work. If you do the work. If you do the work.
Starting point is 01:05:02 If you do the work. If you do the work. If you do the work. If you do the work. If you do the work. I don't want you to take peach pie for one, but I also don't want it. I just, yeah. I love the peach pie. That's how, that's the hardest part about this for me is when you want to bid someone up and then you're like, I don't want it. Yeah, but I just don't want to end up with it because I already got my wild card full.
Starting point is 01:05:20 Well, great. I really want it. Sean, you gonna let him do that to you? Is it on prime for a couple days? No matter what I lose, because if I start bidding on it, you're gonna be like, what do you love about it? And if I don't, you're gonna be like,
Starting point is 01:05:31 I let him have it because I have the most money. What are you, now you're criticizing me for fundamentally existing right now is what it feels like. Don't let him get in your kitchen, man. I'm gonna play my game. Raise him up. There we go.
Starting point is 01:05:41 You idiot. You fucking dummy. Six, you know what? Six dollars, talk to me like that. Oh no, no, no. Oh no, I really didn't want it. Well shit. Oh no, I can't have it now.
Starting point is 01:06:00 I still can have it, but it's a little. You can, I think you can. Really painting myself into a corner. Yeah, you did that early, but you got a lot of pie. And if you do this, if you spend seven have it, but it's a little... You can. I think you can. I'm really painting myself into a corner. Yeah, you did that early, but you got a lot of pie. And if you do this, if you spend seven on it, now you'll be, you only have one left, and it's in the category that's like, not really. So I think you'll be okay.
Starting point is 01:06:15 Isaac, I'm gonna put it in savory because I like meat peaches, so. Oh, what a weird word. Meat peaches. I just wanted to say meat, I wanted to say meat-peaches. Meat-peaches is a weird combination of words. What do you get, if you do a thousand burpees a day, you get meat-peaches.
Starting point is 01:06:31 Oh my God. Oh my God. God. Do you, well, I'm not trying to, I'm not doing whatever you were accusing me of doing. Do you like peach pie? It sounds like you're about to do it. It doesn't matter.
Starting point is 01:06:45 I bid $6. Smoking like a true businessman. Do you like it? The only thing I like is the $6 that I bid on it. Do you actually like peach pie? I don't like any fruit pie for real. So there's ones that I like more than others, but I don't like any.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Don't say things. So when I eat a pie, I don't like chunks. So a fruit chunk, I don't like any chunks. These are so specific takes. I know, it's weird. I like it to be wet, but never dry, but never wet. If there was a peach flavored. Shawn likes pies like a riddle.
Starting point is 01:07:23 What's red and white and never, never what? If you made a peach pie with no peach chunks in it, just everything else was the same, I'd love it. Chunks, it's slices. I don't like them, or slices, I don't like them. But I like them if they're not pie-ed, so. You don't like organic food, is that what it is? You want stuff to be processed?
Starting point is 01:07:45 I mean, that's a bummer when you say it like that. Yeah, isn't it? I'm sure that's what I'm saying. But like if you did everything. What about like canned peaches? Like peaches from the can. I mean, that's what I grew up in apartments. That's all we had.
Starting point is 01:07:58 Those were my fruits when I was a kid. But in the syrups, that's what I'm saying. You like that. Yeah, I do. That's basically what they're doing in the pie. It's slipping around in that in the pie, isn't it? It's not a taste thing. Oftentimes people make it with that.
Starting point is 01:08:11 It's not a taste thing. I don't like the chunks. Like in my... Take it home, take it home. It's not a chunk, bro. What are we? Like I like sour cream and onion flavor or tomato flavor, but I don't like eating it.
Starting point is 01:08:22 I don't like a bite of tomato. This is making me sad. Is he getting a peach pie? I get that for sure. I get that one for sure. The dog is howling upstairs. Is something happening? You're being robbed.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Ooh, I think she's about to get in trouble. I think she's coming downstairs. I think she's coming down to her crate. I think she's in big trouble. I think we're about to get a Dan sighting here. My dog's in trouble. I saw a tail. Come on in, guys.
Starting point is 01:08:45 What happened up there? What happened? Oh, no. And she doesn't like him. Oh, no, we're going to lose the internet if she touches that cord. You're 56K. Can you guys still hear me?
Starting point is 01:08:57 Yeah, we got you. Is she going to cut the hard line? Oh, boy. It might happen. Yeah, she was over-saturing. I'm so sorry. I was like, she's howling. I think we're going to see Dan in a sec. Hey, happen. Yeah, she was over-saturing. I'm so sorry. I was like, she's howling. I think we're gonna see Dan in a sec.
Starting point is 01:09:07 Hey guys. Hey, son. Hey, dad. What's up, playboy? My draft for Thanksgiving is stuffing. What this is? Stuffing pie. You said you were gonna tell me about the pie
Starting point is 01:09:16 we had the other day. Remember? Holy shit. Blueberry pie, vanilla ice cream. Katie does some sort of witchcraft on it. Greatest. I ate it out of a coffee mug. It was the greatest dessert of my life. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:09:31 I truly mean that. Thank you so much. What was the witchcraft? I just put the pie in the microwave once it was in the mug and then I took it out of the microwave and put the cold ice cream on top of it. Holy shit. And so it like met each other in the middle, the ice cream cooled down the pie, the pie melted a little bit of the ice cream,
Starting point is 01:09:49 it was perfect, it was absolutely perfect. That's a four dimensional pie because you're also enjoying it in time. With a, and with a handle, and I could, you can hold it and sit on the, on the couch and eat it, it was incredible. Love all that. 26 for blueberry.
Starting point is 01:10:03 Whoa. Nice. Put it back on the board. Yeah, bring it back up. It was incredible. Love all that. 26 for blueberry. Whoa. You know what I'm saying? Oh. Put it back on the board. Yeah, bring it back up. Sean gets peach pie for $6. It's a good pie, Sean. I tried to help you, Sean.
Starting point is 01:10:13 I thought we could get Ian up there to seven, but. I needed one. I mean, yeah, I had to, you know, now that the cat's out of the bag, you know, I just don't like the chunks of stuff in pie. It's a good pie. That's fine. It's a good representation. It's a good representation on your board.
Starting point is 01:10:27 They're not chunks, they're like full, you can tell that it was a peach. It's a slice. It's the pieces of fruit in the pie. Pieces still isn't satisfying me, but it's fine. We'll move on. David, time for you to bid. Put something up for the bidding round.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Okay. Now the baby's crying, Jesus Christ, everything's going wrong out here, sorry. I'm taking French silk pie. Okay. Okay, and I need to know the difference between that and the difference. That's mousse to me.
Starting point is 01:10:55 That's a mousse. No, no, no, I'm trying to figure out what is, can you describe a French silk to me? I'm not familiar, I think. It's like Oreo, it's like Oreo crust and then like a chocolate mousse and then a whipped cream on top. It's pretty loosely what it's called. crust and then like a chocolate mousse and then a whipped cream on top It's pretty loosely. If I need to know the difference between this and a different pie
Starting point is 01:11:10 Can I say the name of the different pie I need to differentiate it from? Sure sure sure. Mississippi mud pie That's diarrhea So the difference That's a funny thing we call liquid poops So that's where the difference comes in. No crust. The Mississippi mud pie is a chocolate-based dessert pie.
Starting point is 01:11:31 Ian got so serious so quick. Actually, it's a chocolate-based dessert pie. Gooey chocolate sauce, brownie, and chocolate custard on top of a crumbly chocolate crust. Or as a French silk pie, Oreo crust, rich in cream and chocolate filling, and it's topped with homemade whipped cream. These are the same pie. They're cream. These are the same pie.
Starting point is 01:11:45 They're not? These are the same pie. I heard you say brownie in the Mississippi mud pie. And I think that's the difference, is in the French silk, you're just getting an Oreo crust. But this is like the difference between like an apple pie and an apple cinnamon pie. I've also had French silk without Oreo crust,
Starting point is 01:12:00 to be fair. That's just too good. I think it's a texture thing. I think that the texture of a Mississippi mud pie is different than the texture of a French silk. I think for the purposes of this draft, I think this is the same pie. Damn it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:13 We call it a chocolate and whipped cream pie. Well, you're welcome to play, Katie. Let's have fun. Yeah, I know, you're right. Yeah, I know, that's fair. We gotta keep it competitive here. Yeah, $5 is where I'll start I'll do ten It's a delicious pie 11. I got it. I can't be in there. I can't even be
Starting point is 01:12:41 Economically forbidden from doing it I could do ten. No, we're gonna put it something. Unless I did like this in this pie. No, you can do 11. I could do 10. No, where would you put it? Because I would have to move something. Yeah, you would have to move something. Oh, that's right, that's right, that's right. I would have to move Keelan to fruit. Good budgeting, good budgeting. That's right.
Starting point is 01:12:53 I gotta say another pie name. Is this a chocolate mousse pie? Yes. Yeah, okay, I mean that's all it is. This is chocolate mousse pie. That's exactly what this is. This is chocolate mousse pie. Sean, this is where you're gonna,
Starting point is 01:13:01 this is where you should, I'm shocked to not hear you spending your $50. This is right up your alley in terms of pie. You don't wanna toss some shekels on this one. This is like a pie that comes in a cardboard thing that you get from a Burger King. Like this is that pie, we're bidding on that pie right now. I just had to clarify, but keep your ears open, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:16 So I think we're kind of saying like all the chocolate pies are this. Chocolate pie, let's say it's a chocolate mousse pie. Yeah, okay. I'll go 12. And don't come for us in the comments because it's not technically mousse. Yeah, it's just, you gotta do what you gotta do, you know?
Starting point is 01:13:31 Otherwise the draft doesn't work. We're making it work. It's a podcast more than it's a draft, okay? Yes, thank you. Let's be honest here. Listen to the lady. 15. Also thank you for listening, we really appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:13:43 Great, we love you so much. It's crazy that David has the same amount of pies as me and so much more money than I have. It's crazy. Yeah, but you got blueberry and apple, Katie, come on. I do, I do. I zoom out and I like the way it looks. You got two big hits. 16.
Starting point is 01:13:57 Pee-can for 16 was such a coup. It was crazy. I know, it was crazy. It just came at the wrong time. He did it right after crack, it was smart. That's because Katie bid me up on crack pie. I should've gotten it also still got it, you know 20 bucks tasty times over in Carmel town That's how you got the first one. That really got me.
Starting point is 01:14:22 That really got me. Oh man. Who's at 20? Sean's at 20? Yeah. How much money do you have? $54. I'll light it on fire.
Starting point is 01:14:35 No, I know it. This is a great pie. I can't believe this is going for 20. I really should have. It's not going yet. I don't think it's going yet. 22. Well, it's just crazy because like,
Starting point is 01:14:49 Keesh was $30 in three seconds, and now all of a sudden people are very measured. Now that Carmel's been elbowed out of the game. David was testing me with Keesh. All right, 20. And let's go, and let's leave it at that, and then move on. He said 22. I'm sorry for doing a joke.
Starting point is 01:15:05 $25. Oh, you're doing, oh. I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. Sorry for trying to be funny in this, in such a tense situation. Isaac's coming for you. I thought jokes were supposed to be funny. Also, I think we need to highlight the fact
Starting point is 01:15:16 that Katie made a President of the United States of America reference. Yeah. Oh, did you? I'm sorry. It just come from a man. They were put, wait, from a can. They were put there by a man. In a factory downtown. Yeah, it's all right. It's all right, that's okay. They were put, wait, from a can, they were put there by a man in a factory downtown.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Yeah. That's it. If I had my little way. Now we're gonna do the whole song. I don't know the whole song, I only know the part that I was about to finish. Little peaches, little boy. Who's 25 bucks?
Starting point is 01:15:40 In the shade. Sean. Yeah, 25. Okay. Going once, going twice. Chocolate mousse pie, to be specific. 25 bucks, dude, that's a good deal. 25 dollars, damn. That's your best pick of the year.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Not bad. That's your best guess. Not bad deal. Notoriously, I've said it on this podcast a lot. I don't even like chocolate very much. Come on, baby. Yeah, that's true. I know.
Starting point is 01:16:03 French soap chocolate, that looks ugly. David's doing something over here. Give her the French soap. Just write chocolate baby. Yeah, that's true. I know. French soap chocolate, that looks ugly. Make that different. David's doing something over here. Give her the French soap. Just write chocolate and noose. He sounds like he's snitching on me. I don't know what David's doing.
Starting point is 01:16:11 David's doing something over here. I don't know what he's doing, but he's doing something. Hey, Lauren, David's doing something. Uh-uh. Lauren just got home. I'll tell her. Thank you, Isaac. I didn't mean to bark that.
Starting point is 01:16:19 No, please. It was driving me nuts the way that looked. I appreciate the feedback. Sean, time for mean to bark that. No, please. It was driving me nuts the way that looked. I appreciate the feedback. Sean, time for you to introduce something for the bidding. Certainly he doesn't have $54 left.
Starting point is 01:16:33 What's 54 minus 25? What's the math he's helping? 29. 29. 29. 29. 29. How many times I got this?
Starting point is 01:16:42 Math, bro. Can we actually, Ian, can we take a break before we go to the next? Oh yeah, you know what, let me fill in everybody on what we've got going on. I have $12 left, and I have in moose, key lime pie, in savory, quiche, and in wild card, crack pie from Milk Bar. David has $64 left, and he has in deep dish,
Starting point is 01:17:01 or he has in is this pie, deep dish, and in wild card, pea can. Sean has $29 left, in, or he has in Is This Pie, Deep Dish, and in Wild Card, Pecan. Sean has $29 left. In Fruit, he has Peach. In Moose, he has Chocolate Moose. And in Is This Pie, he has Cheesecake. Katie has $32 left, and in Fruit, she has Blueberry. In Wild Card, she has Apple.
Starting point is 01:17:20 Two big hitters, though. We'll be right back with the rest of this draft. And we're back, welcome back to All Fans and Say Everything already in progress. We are auction drafting pies. Yeah. It is time for Sean to put a pie up for the bidding. I'm gonna go savory, I'm going very specific here.
Starting point is 01:17:37 I'm going a banquet microwave pot pie. Ooh, that's top tier. So you can just take pot pies, dude. That's too specific. You just. I know. So chicken pot pie, I think is what they call that. I hear ya. I.
Starting point is 01:17:48 I think chicken pot pie is what you're talking about, correct? If I get it, I want it to say banquet on my list, but yes, chicken pot pie. Those ones are so good. You get that as well, but it's chicken pot pies. They are so, anyway. Thanks, that's good, Isaac, that's good, that's helpful. I appreciate it.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Five dollars. Five dollars. Six dollars. Seven dollars. Nine dollars. You prefer the banquet over like the actual homemade... The good stuff? He does, and he's allowed to, but to be clear, that is not what is being option drafted. Like, it isn't, we're doing all of them.
Starting point is 01:18:26 It's like a nice banquet, like in the oven though. Now I'll do them in the oven, now that I got a house. Don't you have to do them in the oven? No, you can microwave them. You serious? You can microwave them. No, there are pipelines that you have to do in the oven. The Marie Callenders are the ones you can do in the microwave. Yeah, some of them are like, they're the tin bottom.
Starting point is 01:18:42 There's ones that you like can't do in the microwave. Yeah, well, the banquet ones, they used to be like that. They used to have the like the tin, but I feel like people just did it enough and screwed it up. So now they put them in like this cardboard thing or anyway. Those banquet Popeyes are fire. They're really good. That was like, they're still, they're like two for a dollar,
Starting point is 01:19:01 but that was a big, you know, I'm broke two of these. They make dinner and they're great. for a dollar, but that was a big, you know, I'm broke, two of these, they make dinner, and they're great. Hot sauce all over them. $15. 15. 15. I'll go 16. $17.
Starting point is 01:19:19 Yeah, you have the money. You're going head to head with New England for pot pies right now, Sean. That's tough, that's tough. But she has, I mean, technically, you could outbid me and still fill your board. Yeah, but I've got three spaces and you've only got two and you've got like two less dollars,
Starting point is 01:19:33 three less dollars than me. Yeah, but I mean, even if you bid up to 30 on this, you still got two bucks left for your other two categories. Sure. You'd get hosed on those, but yeah. But you then have blueberry, apple, and pot pie. Powerful trio. That is.
Starting point is 01:19:48 It is a very good trio. I'm also struggling to think of- That's a band right there. Okay. What number are we at? Oh, sorry, it says it right there. Also David could get it too, but his silence is deafening. So again.
Starting point is 01:20:01 He's doing something. He told me about what I was doing. 18. 20. 21. Ooh, this is exciting. Yeah, this is real tense. I don't sit the way I'm sitting,
Starting point is 01:20:18 everyone we were talking about. You're locked in, dude, you want what the kids say? I'm built different, bro, I'm random. You're built different, you're locked in, dude, you're what the kids say. I'm built different, bro, I'm random. You're built different, you're locked in. And are you going to eat and leave no crumbs, I fear? We're about to find out. Yeah, I will literally spend what I gotta spend.
Starting point is 01:20:35 Literally. 23. What did they change the definition to, 25? What did the definition used to be? You can have it. All right. 25. For something to be literally, it is exact in nature, right?
Starting point is 01:20:45 And then rather than representative. Wow, has it gotten her? Yeah. Pot pie with a 25. The listeners don't even know what I did, so they're assuming the worst about me. What did you do? He made his news not tasteful anymore.
Starting point is 01:20:57 Can you make sure the show has four dollars left? Can you make sure you make it so the show has four dollars? Yes, I will. Four dollars left. See, and you said you're not good at math. What are you talking about? Yeah, you got good at math. What are you talking about? Yeah, you got that spite math.
Starting point is 01:21:11 Spite club over here. Spite for Katie to introduce a pie. Okay. Four dollars. I can bid on anything. I'm going to introduce. Mm, this is tough. There's a big one still sitting out anything. I'm going to introduce, this is tough, there's a big one still sitting out there that I'm- I think there's a few big dogs out.
Starting point is 01:21:30 There are a few big hitters. Yeah, there's some hitters for sure. Yeah, there's some honkeroo's. Some bobo's out there, bro. This is where a list would really be with me. I do not want to have missed. You can just Google pep supine and get a pretty good list in front of you.
Starting point is 01:21:43 No, we're here, we got it. I mean, we're already, it's already like the second hour of this podcast. No it ain't. Hour and 28. No, we're still well within. We're well, we're early. These always, these tend to go shorter,
Starting point is 01:21:54 even though it feels like they're not going to, but the money goes away and then, you know, so does the fighting. All right, I'm gonna go. Be less interested. Let me get back to my list here. You can't get like a slice of pot pie, right? Cause it's so soupy inside. Yeah, no, dude.
Starting point is 01:22:15 But there's a restaurant near me that does a chicken pot pie soup and then they top it with a cracker of crust. It's so good. That sounds crust. It's so good. That sounds great. I actually like it more than the pie. What can we do? Is there a thickening agent?
Starting point is 01:22:30 Like if you added enough flour. In the new Mission Impossible, there's a thickening agent. And if you're gluten-free, I think you can do like a cornstarch thing. But I'm like, could we get to a place on earth where the chicken pot pie could have slices, where it's like a thick enough chicken pot situation. I wouldn't want to live in that world.
Starting point is 01:22:49 Wouldn't want to live in that world. Our cat, I was getting our cat their wet food last night and it was like congealed to where the juice stuff was like standing up. And it made me think, it did make me think, because I was thinking about pies. What about that? That same thing. Cut out a chunk of chicken pot pie.
Starting point is 01:23:03 I bet if you put it in the freezer. I think what you could do is you could freeze it and then sell it so that it thaws as you take it home or whatever. Oh, that's cool. But it's thick. But then it spills out everywhere. I'm gonna get to work on this.
Starting point is 01:23:13 Yeah, but maybe you're putting it in a specific pie shape. I'm gonna get to work on this. And play the game where you're like, eat it with your hands before it melts all over you kind of thing. That's not what I'm gonna get to work on. But you can get to work on that.
Starting point is 01:23:24 I will. Freeze a chicken pot pie for me, I'll do that. Bury my face in it. There are kind of versions of this, actually, that I won't mention yet. Is this a pie? I'm drafting, or I'm nominating, sorry, whoopee pies. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:40 And I'm a whoopee pie. Well, and pies. Yeah, that's how you spell it, right, put a question mark there. Yeah, that's how you spell it. Why you put a question mark there? I put the question mark again. I didn't know how to spell Whoopie. You have to write Whoopie Pie.
Starting point is 01:23:49 You have to write pie. Why'd you just write Whoopie? It's not sex. It's a Whoopie Pie. It's not an EGOT winner. Whoopie. Goldberg. Whoopie Pie is like too cakey.
Starting point is 01:24:00 It's like a ho-ho? Cakey, cakey. What's the like little daddy version? I like Hostess. It's like a, it's not hostess, but it's like two chocolate hamburger buns. Cakey things with the cream in the middle. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yes. Like a big old puffy Oreo.
Starting point is 01:24:15 It's named pie and that's the only reason it's here, so that's why I'm putting it in, is this a pie? Perfect. And I'm going to say that it's $10. $4. Katie, you made up a lot of great ground with that. I do think it has to. Thank you, David.
Starting point is 01:24:36 Okay, no. Because, oh, Ian needs an Is This A Pie, too. Yes, but. Ian's got some Is This A Pies up his sleeve. Yes. Ian doesn't need it. Ian's got it. Ian does. The only thing Ian needs is an internet connection
Starting point is 01:24:50 and a microphone. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I had a great whoopie pie in Philadelphia, of all places, in God's green earth just two weeks ago. I had one in New Hampshire.
Starting point is 01:25:01 Yeah, New Hampshire. Where's the whoopie Pie from? A good question. Well, when a mom loves a dad. Nashua. Yeah. That's, did you say Nashua? That's where I had it.
Starting point is 01:25:15 Yeah. No, next to Nashua. It's where Greggy's wedding was. Oh, it's considered a New England classic and a Pennsylvania Amish tradition. Look at that. Yeah. It's the state tree.
Starting point is 01:25:24 Pennsylvania really jumps between the, they're like, oh, we're tri-state. Oh, we're like New England-ish. Yeah, they move all over the place. Whatever benefits them at the time. It is the state treat of Maine, not to be confused with the blueberry pie, which is the state dessert.
Starting point is 01:25:38 So they have an official treat and an official dessert. Who let them do that? It's my kind of place. Wow. And it is reflected in their dentistry. That's right. Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, and Virginia all consider themselves
Starting point is 01:25:52 the birthplace of the Whoopie Pie. Wow, it's contested. Fight about it. Wow. Come to blows. I think I'm getting it for 10 bucks. The Berwick Cake Company, Roxbury, Mass. Selling them as early as 1920
Starting point is 01:26:05 All right, I'm gonna lower on that, but we'll take that Ten dollars Katie Nolan who now has $22 left. I have $12 left and it's time for me to introduce a pie for the bidding Strawberry rhubarb pie I I thought this was gonna go way late Strawberry rhubarb pie. I thought this was gonna go way late. Something about the texture of rhubarb bums me out. It's a chunky pie. It's like celery pie. Oh, it's a chunky pie.
Starting point is 01:26:33 You talked to me about rhubarb. Rhubarb is a tart, very slightly sweet, but mostly tart celery stockish dish, which on its own is no fun. But when cooked down and combined with strawberry in a pie, provides one of the most exciting and I would say bombastic flavor combinations you could ever hope for in a pie.
Starting point is 01:26:58 Can I give you a compliment real quick? Yeah. Until you said um, I thought you were reading that off of like a cooking website. That was very good. Good job. Oh, well thank you. Thank you very much. I don you were reading that off of like a cooking website. That was very good. Good job. Oh, well thank you. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:27:08 I think I can get it. It's a delicious delicious pie. I've only ever had rhubarb pie itself and I only ever had it when I was a kid and I might not have got it, but I remember being like, this is ass. No wonder somebody gave us a whole one. Rhubarb on its own.
Starting point is 01:27:22 I'm not a fan, if this was just rhubarb pie, I wouldn't be interested. The strawberry rhubarb together. Like can you eat rhubarb on its own. I'm not a fan, if this was just rhubarb pie, I wouldn't be interested. The strawberry rhubarb together. Like can you eat rhubarb or rhubarb raw? You can't just take a bite. Nobody does that. You can, but. You wouldn't want to.
Starting point is 01:27:32 Why would you? It's like a potato, you're gonna eat a raw potato? Okay, so it's not like celery where you can just eat it if you feel like it, you just wouldn't be doing that. I've never seen someone do it, I've never heard of it. Okay, and you cook it and the sweetness comes out in that. It's almost exclusively used in pies. I don't even know what else people do. I've never heard of it. Okay. And you cook it and the sweetness comes out in that. Yeah. It's almost exclusively used in pies.
Starting point is 01:27:46 I don't even know what else people do. I've only ever heard it in this context. A strawberry rhubarb pie specifically. Could you defend yourself with rhubarb? Could it be used that way? You certainly could. Because they're long and spindly. You could almost use them like nunchucks.
Starting point is 01:27:59 I would have a harder time. I gotta send you guys... Well, never mind. There's a... Are you making more video? No, no Are you leaking the only fans cut? No, no No, somebody sent me a DM though and they said and all I'm gonna say is fire nunchucks. Oh
Starting point is 01:28:20 Sean, don't you do it? They told me they me what, to wear? They told me who to have around? What, to wear? Who to have around? What, what are Hells Angels? What do you mean, who to have around? Anyone who's ever looked down on me. No, I'm gonna- The world record people that stands there
Starting point is 01:28:37 and certifies that you did the thing? Gotta have one of them around. I'm going to pursue it, so, you know. Oh my God. Just be careful, please. I am going to text your wife. Is there any such embarrassing way to have to tell people that you died? I thought I'd talk to pursue it, so you know. Oh my God. Just be careful please. I am going to text your wife. Please. Is there such an embarrassing way
Starting point is 01:28:46 to have to tell people that you died? I thought I'd talk to you about that. You have a daughter. Huh? You have a daughter. And how does she have a daughter who respects him? I wanted to know a protector. This is how I'm gonna show her.
Starting point is 01:28:59 Wait, you're doing this as weaponry. The fire's gonna go out the second it swaps somebody. What do you mean? Swaps? Well, I better, the penguin better not come up with two-faced. Swap, swap, swap, swap, swap. Yeah, but he said it like he was using it to keep her safe. And if my dad came out to defend my honor
Starting point is 01:29:15 and lit a pair of nunchucks on fire. We live in a cul-de-sac, so I'm gonna go to the end of it, obviously, stand in the middle, and then present myself to the neighbors. We live in a cul-de-sac, gentlemen. We can't be doing that. This living a cul-de-sac, gentlemen. We can't be doing that. We live in a cul-de-sac. This is our cul-de-sac.
Starting point is 01:29:28 One dollar strawberry rhubarb pie to Ian Carmel for one dollar. All right. Put it under fruit. Let's forget about this part of a day. It's not fair. You guys just did an auction draft. You remember how these go. I've blown this draft so hard.
Starting point is 01:29:39 No, you haven't. First of all, you're not done. Whoopie pie for $10 was very stupid. I should have just said like three. Most of you wouldn't have been able to out-mix it anyway. You should have opened with a dollar. You should have always opened with a dollar. I know, but I wanted you to know that I was taking it
Starting point is 01:29:52 and I wanted it and I got it. The only thing I would do with a peach pie is feed it to the garbage. So you don't have to worry about your list. It's a fun thing. Okay, fair. Peach pie, you know the chunks in there. That's the thing, we have to film ourselves
Starting point is 01:30:03 eating all of these when it's over. Sure, I can handle that. Everybody has to eat their whole list. Threaten me with a good time. Yeah, you could probably just catch me on a Saturday and I'll eat three out of four of these. Amazing, I got the fruit pie, my favorite fruit pie for a dollar. I had a strawberry rhubarb pie.
Starting point is 01:30:18 I was working on this thing. Did I tell you this last time, the Al Michael story? Yes. Yeah, it was a strawberry rhubarb pie. It was amazing. Interesting. It was so fucking good. I was working on this thing. Did I tell you this last time, the Al Michael story? Yes. Yeah, it was a strawberry rhubarb pie. It was amazing. Oh, interesting. Yeah, it was so fucking good.
Starting point is 01:30:30 Very fun. Hi, Eddie. Time for David to introduce a pie for the pinning. David has only two pies and $64 left. The rest of us have 37 collectively. For savory, I'm introducing a Jamaican beef patty. Mmm. For a dollar.
Starting point is 01:30:50 What is this pie? I kind of think you, I think that fits under... That's a meat pie. Oh, okay. That's a meat pie. It's like, that's what it's known as. Oh, I guess a hand pie though. It's a meat pie, but we're all saying pie.
Starting point is 01:31:01 Yeah. Or if it's under people, because that sounds like a hot dude. Okay. I think it can go under is this pie too. Yeah. Hand pies. I got is this pie though. Why, because you want it?
Starting point is 01:31:17 Yeah. To introduce an element of competition here. Why, because you want it? I mean, yeah, sure. Let it go under there. We could all bid all we got and David would still get the next three picks. Well, $2. $5. $6.
Starting point is 01:31:33 $10. All right. Well. $11. $12. All right. You had to push it and I appreciate that. I love a Jamaican beef patty.
Starting point is 01:31:43 It's so good. I even like the frozen ones. They are good. I need a Jamaican beef patty. It's so good. I even like the frozen ones. I need a savory pie. I had one in Toronto two times ago. 13. Oh! Oh, hey, whoa, whoa. Okay.
Starting point is 01:31:53 Okay, 15. 15 he says. Yeah, you can, yeah. Yeah, fine. Can you hear my cat? No, but- Is she purring? Yeah. So I was listening to the episode, the other one of them,
Starting point is 01:32:11 and you can hear, we couldn't hear, I forget which cat it was, but they were meowing and we couldn't hear it, but then you hear it perfectly in the episode. No, it was actually one of you guys. Long way me saying microphones do their job. It's one of you, it was one of you guys meowing. I was very disappointed because I thought it was a cat.
Starting point is 01:32:26 If it sounded just like a cat, it was probably me. Uncanny impression of a cat. I think it was you. I think it was you, Katie. I was joking. I don't know. I don't remember doing that. Meow.
Starting point is 01:32:35 Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. She's doing leg bars. Oh, she's right. I can't wait to hear you listen back. I'm really happy with how this is going guys It seems like it's a good one. I'm gonna do with all that money you die with Sean it's time for you to introduce a pie.
Starting point is 01:33:06 You have one spot left, wild card. Can I take the Bobby Hill handheld fruit pie? I'm sorry. That's, yeah. No, I'm wondering. You just pick one of the fruit pies. Well, okay, like. I think it could go wild card though.
Starting point is 01:33:21 You can't specify fruit though, don't you? Well, it's interesting because like those are like. Because otherwise you're getting like a handheld apple pie and I have that already. Yeah, you can You can't, you can't fruit though, don't you? Well, it's interesting because like those are like. Otherwise you're getting like a handheld apple pie and I have that already. Yeah, you can't do it, you can't do it. So it's like, it's kind of a pop out. Well can you just pick a flavor? Yeah, yeah, if you pick that's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:33:32 Can you just pick like a cherry one or something? Yes, I, you could say that. But then you get, but then we're bidding on cherry pies. Well, hold on. What I was going. But you can put it in wild card. Oh, sorry, go ahead Sean. I can.
Starting point is 01:33:41 You're a grown up, you can do that. What I was going to do is the, so the handheld Bobby Hill ones, but they make the chocolate ones. Those are the ones that I like or they make bavarian cream It's a chocolate mousse bavarian cream is in okay, so chocolate mousse is out So they have you already have chocolate mousse pie so you get that sure I hear you so they have the handheld ones and they had they're like a Chocolate pie crust for the Bavarian cream ones.
Starting point is 01:34:05 And then it's Bavarian cream in the middle. So they're the only ones with like a dark crust. All the fruit ones and the chocolate ones. Bavarian cream pie. Oh, is that what I'm picking? Well, okay, sure. Bavarian cream pie. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:16 You know what's funny? I never even thought that that's a pie. I always thought it was just a handheld thing, but I could get a Bavarian cream pie, couldn't I? Indeed you could. Man, I wonder if I got time to go find one today. I think you do. That sounds like a fun little contribution to tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:34:28 Yeah. Oh man, yeah, Bavarian cream pie, I've never had it. Other than in those things, but it is fantastic. So a gentleman's $4. Oh, you're starting at your max. Oh yeah, what's the point? What's the point? I've already lost the money, Beth.
Starting point is 01:34:44 See, this also falls on your mousse. Yeah. That is the point? What's the point? I've already lost this falls under moose Yeah Right, wait a very cream is I tuned out because I was looking something else Sean don't think I don't want to do this to you do it very in I want to see what his next move is It's pretty good, it's a really good pie Is that where you were going with it? How you It's like the pie you smush into somebody's face when they tell a joke or whatever. Well, that is a-
Starting point is 01:35:08 That's like a whipped cream pie. A Bavarian cream is like- It's like the signature of Boston, right? Yes. It is. But a Boston cream pie is like a cake. Chocolate has chocolate on it, and it's a cake, yeah. Yeah, but if this, so if you took the cream part out, that's what this would be, it feels like. You look at these pictures of Bavarian cream pie,
Starting point is 01:35:26 that's a good looking pie. It's amazing. Yeah, I don't know. I feel kind of bad, because I know that you need it and want it so bad, but like I also have a moose space, and I'm going to bet, I'm going to bid five bucks on that. Five bucks on the moose space.
Starting point is 01:35:38 Sean's out of the Bavarian cream bidding. Yeah, I've lived life. Oh, no regrets. Wow. I've been through some hardships, I've lived life. No regrets. Wow. I've been through some hardships. I can handle this one. Five dollars. David, you want in?
Starting point is 01:35:54 David, loan me 10 bucks. I don't really want in that bad. All right. Okay, then give me $10. We've never done that, have we? Have we ever kibitzed where anybody actually gave anyone money in here? Yeah, we did once. You go, yeah.
Starting point is 01:36:09 That's the Denver Live auction, right? No? Oh, well that was real money. Somebody came on stage and gave me 20 bucks that Adam took. I think Bavarian Cream goes to Katie Nolan for five dollars. Sorry, John. I feel kind of bad about that. What are we doing? That pie wasn't even on my radar at all. And I just took it and that feels mean. Well now it's in your fridge.
Starting point is 01:36:34 But what else? It'll be in your belly soon. Katie, you have the savory spot open. You have $17 and it's your time to introduce a pie for the bidding. Okay, we argued that a pizza pie does not count as a savory pie, correct? It would not. I think we did.
Starting point is 01:36:49 It would go into the pie. So I'm gonna take Shepherd's pie for a dollar. Okay. Yeah. Cause it's all about how much money you have at the end, right? Four dollars. That was my next.
Starting point is 01:37:02 Five dollars. Shepherd's pie. Yeah. Oh, you want me to read to you? Does it have a pie crust? I don't think it does. Yes. No it doesn't. What? What's the crust? It's just, it's a more...
Starting point is 01:37:16 It's a casserole. What's happening here? It doesn't have a... It doesn't have a... crust underneath it. So this would fall under, is it pie? And right now I have, there would be pie. There would be pie there.
Starting point is 01:37:33 This is it pie. So Shepherd's pie can only go under, is this pie? Really? Or wild card. Are you just targeting this because you have, is this a pie open? No, I don't want Shepherd's pie. Shepherd's pie rules. Well, I do't want Shepherd's pie Shepherd's pie. Well, I do I like it. It's good by
Starting point is 01:37:48 Covers all four of the topics so you could technically have two is this a pies? Yes, but I have to move Apple to I can't I didn't want to hurt you so bad An actual pie. All right. I Really think it's good. It's not a savory pie. All right. I really think it should. If it's not a savory pie, then I can't have it. Really wish we would have mentioned this before we had begun the bidding and accepted these. This is a lot of fun.
Starting point is 01:38:12 But I can no longer have it. So that means now Sean is just default gonna get it. I don't get it. I have my own desires, which includes. It's unfair. I agree with what Ian's saying. First of all, it's off the board right now. I agree loosely with what Ian's saying, with a all, it's off the board right now. I agree loosely with what Ian's saying,
Starting point is 01:38:26 with a wild card, everybody else has an actual pie in there. She put a pie in there. She put an actual pie in there. I won't take the not a pie. No, no, that's not, I don't want it to be discarded on that grounds. My grounds were that if it's not the thing I said I nominated it in,
Starting point is 01:38:39 that I would be able to rescind and nominate something else. But then I'm like, that's not, but that's not how it works. That's not how it works. In auction draft, you introduce a pick and then if other people bid on that pick, it goes how it goes. And so I think $4 Shepherd's Pie,
Starting point is 01:38:53 I think what I'm saying is I think Sean gets it. I think no, I think Wild Card has to be a traditional pie. It has to be a traditional pie. I think we have to see. Why? It covers all the categories. Because otherwise it's too, you could put it, like, let's stick with the pie, let's cover the pies comprehensively.
Starting point is 01:39:07 We have our whole fun category. I just want the record to reflect that I don't agree with that. Noted him. And so now, who's gonna get it? Noted. Ian, just know you've been heard. Ian, to nominate a new, I just scoured the internet
Starting point is 01:39:19 and it seems like the consensus is that Shepherd's Pie is not a pie. No. Wow, this is going crazy. Oh, so good. It feels insane. That informed my bidding on the beef patty. I could get it.
Starting point is 01:39:33 Okay. I feel like you guys are gonna have another conversation. Yeah, I mean, there's a lot left on here. So I'm good here. There's some good savory pies. Are there? Oh yeah. Do you want me to DM you? No, no, no.
Starting point is 01:39:50 Don't you do it. Yeah, I think you should. I think you should. The guys are discouraging me. I think you should do that. And I work for them. I think, wow. Wow.
Starting point is 01:39:59 You work with us. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good. Took you a while to make that correction. You let it sit there for a few seconds, but, yeah. Mmm. Good. Took you a while to make that correction. You let it sit there for a few seconds, but you know. Well, now this is just going to be bad audio, because now I have to... What did I say at the beginning of this?
Starting point is 01:40:16 That I didn't think I had a lot of savory pies? You guys were like, there's so many types of savory pies! And now you all have a savory pie, and you're like, there's a lot of savory pies left. Nobody's helping me. I don't know, I can't think of any more savory pies. Spanakopita is a pie? Yeah, that's a pie. I think that's a savory pie.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Then there it is, spanakopita. You're just saying that because you feel bad for him. I don't know what that is. I don't even know what it is. What is a spanakopita? It's a Greek spinach cheese. How do you spell that? Just spana, like it sounds. S-P it sounds SPA in it. It's puff pastry. Oh
Starting point is 01:40:50 I've had this before that's a lot of Coppola. Oh, yeah, that's that's a pie for sure. Yeah, that counts Yeah, that's the same. Oh, that is good. Yeah Delicious. I'm nominating span a Coppola great for It doesn't matter. Yeah, seven for five dollars. Or is it a pie? Six dollars. No, it is a pie. No, it's a pie. What is that? Is this pie? It's definitely a pie so you can't have it. He turned his charm on to try to five-hole you with it. So no. I'm just saying, is this a pie? I think it fits my category. I think it fits savory as well, but much like the Jamaican Beef Patty. Is it a pie?
Starting point is 01:41:27 No, it's a pie. Seven dollars. You can't. You got it up to six. But you can't pay for it. He can. He's got eleven bucks. Sean's gone forward. He only has room in is this a pie? And is it?
Starting point is 01:41:41 Yes. Don't let him do it. Don't let them do it. Is this a pie? I think you can put it in Is this a pie? I don't think you can. Can you put apple in Is this a pie? No, but that's such a traditional pie. Spanakopita. Weirdly enough, I would say
Starting point is 01:41:58 I think it's fair to do Is this a pie? Okay. If somebody was saying I'm bringing a pie over and they show up with a Spanacopla, you're gonna be like, follow-up question. That was the most fuck you move ever. Katie was just like, I'll just outbid you. I'll just use more money.
Starting point is 01:42:13 You pie-faced him, as it were. Yeah. I didn't want it. Spanacopla, shut up. Spanacopla, $12. Shut up. And I'm done. And I'm done with five to spare. Who wants it?
Starting point is 01:42:25 Say the nicest thing about me. You can have my $5. Oh, Katie, you're dope. Can I have it? That's the nicest thing? That's the nicest thing. As it comes. Hey buddy, you can have it.
Starting point is 01:42:33 You can have it all. Dana says spanacobit is definitely a pie, but the bidding's over. My own wife has no idea. Dana, I knew I was team Dana. I love her so pregnant being like, yeah, it's a pie. Shut up. Have it work. Will you be quiet in there?
Starting point is 01:42:53 Under the category of is this a pie? The only category I have left. The Calzone. Katie hates it. Expand Katie. No. Expand, Katie. No, because listen, it is, if we're saying it's, I feel like Isaac said before that it has to be a pie crust or a pastry crust and pizza crust doesn't count. Doesn't.
Starting point is 01:43:16 But I will also say that I understand now why you were writing for those handheld pies because you were like, oh, this is gonna set me up for my Is This a Pie? And it is, he's putting it in the question, is this a pie? But I wasn't allowed to put pizza in Is This a Pie? And this is basically a closed pizza.
Starting point is 01:43:36 So you are saying that I, you outmaneuvered me, and that's probably true. And please don't let him get this for a dollar. Nobody can. Sean, take my five and put up a good fight. I know Sean loves the calzone. Also, this isn't fair to Sean, because now we've told him that is this a pie? Can't be his wild card.
Starting point is 01:43:54 I know, but four anyways. So now he's really backed into a corner. We can litigate that if he wants to, if he wants to, but four. David's just gonna get to name the fruit and mousse pie that he wants. This is not. He was doing something. All right, take it down. Put calzone in wild. David's just gonna get to name the fruit and mousse pie that he wants. This is not broken.
Starting point is 01:44:06 He was doing something. All right, take it down. This system is fundamentally broken. Put Calzone in a wild card. Calzone? No, it shouldn't. Could that go into wild card? No.
Starting point is 01:44:14 I don't think so. Because only based on what you guys argued before that I went on record as saying I disagree with, I do think a Calzone should be allowed to be in a wild card because wild card is even crazier is this a pie? No, no, I have any you know what I can rescind calzone Quickly Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on. If I may, if I may adjudicate this really quickly. 2016, I started this podcast alone in an office at CBS. Take it off the board and put potsticker in its place. One dollar.
Starting point is 01:44:54 What? Potstickers! Potstickers! This is not... It's a pie! One dollar for potstickers! That's odd of you. No, no, no, no. I have only twice, two other times in this podcast history have I exercise
Starting point is 01:45:20 It does It does. That's why I'm saying we can't get the- It falls under Is This A Pie? because it is an enclosure. It's an enclosure, but it is not a crust. It's not a pie crust. I gave myself a cramp yelling about- That is- That's- As a man new to his forties. But I don't think hot stickers can count as Is This A Pie?
Starting point is 01:45:42 It's enclosed dough. Let's maintain some sense of order here. It's enclosed dough. I mean it seems close to a patty, beef patty to me. It's enclosed dough potstickers for a dollar. I think they're too small. It's enclosed dough. I think they're too small.
Starting point is 01:45:56 I think so too. Where's Dana? Is she still around? Hold on. Baby? Is a potsticker a pie is the question. Is this pie? She's just packing.
Starting point is 01:46:04 She's packing a suitcase. And already in it is deep dish, cheesecake, and the whoopee pie. Can I take pot stickers? No. Can I take Calzone? Yeah. She said no.
Starting point is 01:46:16 She says no on pot stickers. Calzone, one dollar. Great. Yes. That was tight. That was tight. The true Supreme Court justice of this podcast is Dana Schwartz. Oh man.
Starting point is 01:46:32 Alright, I think you get tells now. Yeah, you get it. That's fine. You ended with more money. I gotta live here, you see. It's pretty fun. Alright. Great. All part of my plan. Okay, David, time to just name the pies you want. I sent a couple savory pies to Katie.
Starting point is 01:46:48 Where? When? In the chat. Oh, I didn't look at the chat. I haven't looked at the chat. I got too many windows going. I sent you one other one. I have this full screen so I can't see the chat.
Starting point is 01:46:57 You guys are insider trading on the chat? She didn't have any savory pies. You don't have any. You can't even draft a savory pie. You did that at 4.06 though. I feel like I had already finished by then. No you hadn't. Pretty disagree.
Starting point is 01:47:11 David. My DMs remain empty. I'm gonna get to nominate the last, David's gonna have to pick. No, no, you can't nominate once your board's complete. This is broken. This is broken, because now David just gets to hold onto his picks
Starting point is 01:47:23 and at the end he's gonna just say for a dollar. Sean can get in. That's right. Sean can bid up to $ end he's gonna just say, for a dollar, it's broken. Sean can bid up to $4 for anything. I will, and I will. But I'm saying once David names what he has now, yeah, he's gonna just get to name, if it were like, oh he, because I nominated something that I needed,
Starting point is 01:47:36 because I didn't want to have to wait for it to, you know what I'm saying? So he has to nominate something that he needs. But David loves doing that. Yeah, whatever. He was painting the picture, man. I was throwing out stuff I didn't want. I'm a big rules guy.
Starting point is 01:47:50 Crazy today. Yeah, that's all right. What was the thing you didn't want the most that you put out there? Chocolate mousse. Oh, really? Well, I'm glad I got it. Well, peach pie.
Starting point is 01:47:59 I put out peach pie. Yeah, what else did I put out that I didn't? You put out apple, I think. Apple I didn't care about at all. I just knew it was gonna run up. That's nuts. I kinda knew, I pretty much got exactly what I wanted. I'm kinda in the neighborhood too.
Starting point is 01:48:14 I got three of the, I got four of my, and then Calzone just came to me in a fever dream. I don't care for a peach pie, but the rest I absolutely love. Potsdicker came to you in a nightmare Yeah, yeah, you guys know I'm from the Pacific Northwest this is a staple up there nobody can complain Blackberry pie delicious for so good No, Sean Five dollars. I had to. I had to.
Starting point is 01:48:45 Oh, and look at that. You understand I had to. Strong arm of capital. Yeah, I get it. I get it. I get it. I get it. No, I love- And now David's down to 44 dollars for his last pie that he's gonna get to name and doesn't need to spend a single dollar on because everybody- And I wanted it. And I wanted it the last one.
Starting point is 01:49:01 I'm going first though. Yeah, of course. And that's gonna change what the outcome of what I said. Yes, of course. Sean under wildcard. Anything Sean says, David can just buy. The pie whose day it is today has not been mentioned. No. And I kind of think it might not.
Starting point is 01:49:16 I could do it some, I could pay some homage to it. You could do it in a wildcard. Pumpkin pie for a dollar. There it is. Yeah. I love pumpkin pie. I can't believe pumpkin pie made it that far. I'm up and down. Two dollars. Yeah, that's crazy. That was gonna be my mo pumpkin pie. I can't believe pumpkin pie made it that far. I'm up and down. Yeah, that's crazy.
Starting point is 01:49:25 That was gonna be my mousse pie. Three dollars. Okay, you would mousse something? You would mousse something there? It's a mousse. You can mousse it. Oh, I was just talking to myself about where I, cause I had my eyes on pumpkin for a while
Starting point is 01:49:36 and then I lost it and I'm like, oh, it's cause I randomly went for Bavarian cream at $5. That's where I lost my chance for the pumpkin. I'd say a pumpkin pie is the thickest consistency of mousse, maybe. That you can count. Yeah, I'll buy that. As it goes in the mousse, I can just bite.
Starting point is 01:49:50 I'd say that's bull. Yeah. Well, there's a... That was a mousse joke. Mousse joke up top. It's a bull mousse. It's a bull mousse. It's a good one.
Starting point is 01:49:59 That was for my edible friends. I totally liked it. This is my least favorite pie, by the way. Really? What about a poop and pee? You've never had a poop and pee and poop? What about a poop and piss pie? You could have a blood and vomit pie tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:50:17 I'm not a big gourd guy. I don't like gourd. I think it's just when it's seasoned right. I think a lot of times they were also quick to the poop thing But what about you don't like a fart pie? Yeah fart fart and burp pie Okay, I'm getting it three dollars. Where are we going with this nice child support pie? Do you take it? I get it. No, I don't want it. Yeah, you don't want a pumpkin pie? No. For four dollars you don't want pumpkin pie. This doesn't, hello, this format doesn't make any fucking sense. In an auction draft if you could get pumpkin pie for four dollars you would take it.
Starting point is 01:50:52 You should have bid for it earlier. This is a sham. This is a sham. Go ahead David, what pie would you like sweetheart? Lemon meringue for a dollar. You want a lemon meringue for a dollar? Have at it. Oh, I like peanut butter pie.
Starting point is 01:51:00 Yeah, that's a good one. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it. I like it David, what pie would you like, sweetheart? Lemon meringue for a dollar? You want a lemon meringue for a dollar? Have at it. Oh, I like peanut butter pie. Yeah, that's a good one.
Starting point is 01:51:11 I hate it here. Oh. Isaac, do you have a pie? Lemon meringue, I can't believe it didn't go. That's one of my favorite pies, actually. I prefer my tartness in a key lime format, but it's rounded the tartness Yeah, but in lieu of a key lime, I would go lemon meringue. I think I like a coconut cream, too I'm gonna cream banana cream boy. Oh boy, but we didn't take any of those. Here's what we did take Ian Carmel
Starting point is 01:51:37 Has ten dollars left David has forty three dollars left Sean has one dollar left. Katie has five dollars left. Under fruit pie, I got strawberry rhubarb for a dollar. David got blackberry for five dollars. Shawn got his favorite, chunky peach pie for six dollars. Can't get enough of it. And Katie got a blueberry pie, her favorite, for 25 dollars. Sounds crazy, but keep listening. Under mousse, I got key lime for 22 dollars. David got peanut butter for one25. Sounds crazy, but keep listening. Under mousse, I got key lime for $22. David got peanut butter for $1.
Starting point is 01:52:09 Sean got chocolate mousse for $25. And Katie got Bavarian cream for $5. And what is that again? Dang. It looks good. Sure. It looks good. I'll try and get back to you.
Starting point is 01:52:21 Under savory, I got quiche for $41 early. It was one of the early Crazy I didn't know I was kissing everybody. If you hear this just know that I wrote for you in that in the Christmas quiches Jamaican don't hear this. What's up? Are you mad at us? Yeah, why'd you stop listening? Come on? David you got Jamaican patty for 15 Why'd you stop listening? Come on. David, you got Jamaican Patty for 15. Sean, you got pot pie. And you would like to specify that when you say pot pie,
Starting point is 01:52:49 you mean the banquet ones. I mean the banquet. Though you get them all for $25. Mama coming home. Kade, you got spanakopita for $12. Oh, the other one, I DM'd you calzone and also baked brie. Yeah, I saw that. I don't think I'd fuck with that.
Starting point is 01:53:04 I don't know. Baked brie's so good. Yeah, I do that. I don't think I'd fuck with that. Oh, Baked Bree. I don't know. Baked Bree is so good. I don't think that's for me. Yeah, I do love Baked Bree. Is this a pie? I got Calzone slash Potstickers for $1. David, you got Deep Dish Pizza for $20. Sean, you got Cheesecake for $40.
Starting point is 01:53:19 And Katie, you got the Whoopie Pie for $10. Under Wildcard, I got Milk Bar's Crack Pie for $25, even though Katie introduced it and really wanted it. But I got it. So bad. Damn. David, you got Pecan for $16. Steel.
Starting point is 01:53:36 The steel of the draft. Sean, you got Pumpkin for three, one of the other steels of the draft. Yes. For sure. And Katie, Speaking of steals. You got good old fashioned American apple pie for $43. And I would have paid 45.
Starting point is 01:53:51 I could have paid 48. It's a delicious pie. We left some pies on the board, but I mean not a ton of them, I guess. I really came, I did what I came to do. What are the other savory pies? You could say an empanada? That's what I...
Starting point is 01:54:07 No you couldn't. You fucking couldn't. I think empanada's like the same thing as a meat pie. Also once the Jamaican patty came in, I know they're not the same thing, but that feels too much like a... Empanada? Yeah, they're kind of similar.
Starting point is 01:54:18 That's fair, that's fair. They're hand pies. Pasties are the same way, but like the Welsh version. I guess I didn't think that... What, the things you stick on your nipple at the strip club? Pasties? Those are pasties, Katie Nolan.
Starting point is 01:54:29 Pasties? Pasties. Big tassels. Pasties. It's a Welsh. Pasties. Pasties. Yeah, like meat pie.
Starting point is 01:54:37 Nobody went and got the meat pie that they love over in England, and that's because I don't like that. But I assume one of you guys would've. Well, pot pie kind of covers that. Not really. A curry pie? Oh, curry pie, yeah. What's the Indian dumpling that does that?
Starting point is 01:54:51 Why are you always going for dumplings? Dumplings are pie. No, but the one, this is more of a pie than a dumpling. What's the, can you get it with the? Samosa? Yeah, samosa. Samosa's a good one. Yeah, samosas are so good.
Starting point is 01:55:03 I don't think that's pie, dude. They're pie-esque, all of them are like. I guess, it just feels like we're getting too far away from God. Straying from the light, I feel like. Well, we drafted a lot of great. And there's so many good pies. Yeah, we got some great pies on here, though.
Starting point is 01:55:16 Yeah, we got some really good pies. Can't believe we got strawberry rhubarb for a dollar. We wanna hear from you. All Fantasy Pod on Twitter, Shout out to everyone on the AFE Patreon, where if you like this auction draft, you can get all sorts of other auction drafts.
Starting point is 01:55:31 Like I said, we just did Denzel Washington movies. Everybody check out Roman J. Israel Esquire. Maybe that works. Finn, it's on prime for like two more days. Tomorrow night or tonight when your family's trying to decide what should we all sit down and watch together, make sure that it's, what's it called? Roman J. Israel Esquire.
Starting point is 01:55:47 Turn off the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Turn off that football game and watch Roman J. Israel Esquire on Amazon Prime available right now. Colin Farrell, Denzel Washington. Ow. Sorry. I hit my knee.
Starting point is 01:56:02 Think about how excited she is to watch it. Ow, it hurts. But what else? We auction drafted colors a few days ago. That was a great one. Or a few weeks ago. That was a good one. There's some really silly ones on there. I think you'll enjoy them.
Starting point is 01:56:14 Also, mailbag episodes, bonus content, video footage, all sorts of stuff on there. Bon Con. Spon Con? No, Bon Con. You should call bonus content Bon Con. Would that be okay? BonCon. You should call bonus content BonCon. Would that be okay? BonCon. Look, Kate Vember, No-ol-vem-ber is over. And so I was just getting in my last...
Starting point is 01:56:32 I was just shooting my gun up into the sky with BonCon. In honor of November, you would like us to call the Patreon stuff BonCon? I think so. I think that'd be kind of fun. Isn't Bonchon something? Yeah, it's a chicken place. Yeah, it's a chicken place. I like it. Me too. They used to have one across the street from the White Horse Tavern where I bartended.
Starting point is 01:56:48 That's cool. All right, we'll call it Boncon. We'll call it Boncon in honor of November. I don't know, you can bail after like two weeks, it's fine. I like it. Thank you for joining us for this one. Thank you for having me. You're welcome.
Starting point is 01:56:59 It's such a joy and a treat. Thank you to the all family, everything for, you know, everything. We love you so much. And I'm thankful, I'm just so thankful to be a part of this, to be here with you guys. This just means a lot. I love you so much. Thank you for having me. We love you. We'll have you back in just a month or so
Starting point is 01:57:15 to talk about the new podcast. Oh, that's right. That's right. In January, when it comes out. New podcast, January. Right before Ian's special, which comes out right at the end of January. January 31st. January 31st. January 31st. IK Cool Jew. IK Cool Jew on YouTube.
Starting point is 01:57:27 Shout out to Super Producer Isaac on the ones and twos. Mega producer, ultra producer, the best producer in the game. The $170 turkey of producers. No, he's rated appropriately. Here's Hope. My pricing is very reasonable. Yeah. No, he's rated appropriately. Here's Hope. My pricing is very reasonable. If anyone's looking for a podcast producer, I'm available. The free turkey that comes with a hundred dollars of groceries of producers.
Starting point is 01:57:54 Shout out to Sanece 2 Carmel, who never paid for a turkey in her life. Shout out to Frankie Ocean. Shout out to Sid the Dude. Shout out to Haji Beats. And more important than all of that, tune in again next week to another brand new episode of All Fantasy Everything. Shacklackity. ["Fantasy Everything Theme Song"] That was a HeadGum Podcast. Hey, everyone. I'm Dan Locata.
Starting point is 01:58:33 And I'm Nick Nani. And we are the hosts of Chicken Padme John now on HeadGum. It's the very first podcast for and about Italian Americans. That's right. But if you're not Italian American, you can listen to, I guess. I suppose we can let you in, cut you a deal. We're talking about all sorts of crazy topics on this.
Starting point is 01:58:54 Who's a better cook, nonna or mama? Ooh, who you got in that fight, nonna or mama? I mean, I can't say bad about nonna or else she'd smack me across head. We got some great guests on the show. We got Wayne Diamond. We got Edie Modica We got Mike Hanford and our wife several So subscribe to chicken parmesan on Spotify Apple podcast pocket cast or wherever you get your podcast New episodes drop every Thursday

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