American Presidents: Totalus Rankium - CoronaUpdate

Episode Date: March 21, 2020

Just a little update to let you all know how we are and what our plans are. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome to Totalus Rankium, this week, Corona Update. Hello and welcome to Totalus Rankium. I am Jamie. And I am Rob. And here we are, probably sounding really dodgy. And I can't see you, Jamie. I can't see you. I know you're somewhere. Yeah, we're going remote. We're doing a video, not a video call either, because we couldn't get the video to work. So, yeah, we can only hear each other. Yeah, but it feels like you're hearing my ear, so it's quite nice. I like it. That's good.
Starting point is 00:00:53 It's technology. Yeah, we're just going to do this quick small update episode. We're not reviewing ranking or anything today. This is just an update on how we're doing and our possible future plans. And also hearing from you guys as well to hear what you guys are going through. Yeah. I think we just start off with Rob, how are you? I'm getting there. I am. Yeah. Yeah. About two weeks ago, I coughed a bit and someone went hey you've got coronavirus and I went haha because like no no one had it I think nationally is about six or seven people
Starting point is 00:01:31 according to the records had it two weeks ago yeah yeah I've almost certainly had it though because that cough got a lot worse lots of aches and pains uh headaches uh high fever and uh yeah two weeks of feeling quite ill yeah because i remember you're quite not feeling great i know you're off school but i didn't it didn't quite click in my head what it could perhaps have been i was quite surprised when you when you said and i started disinfecting your chair yeah no for the first like four or five days i was just like no it's just it's just a cold it's just something else yeah it's uh really kicked in about day day eight and nine though it was about then i went oh no i'm showing all the symptoms now so did it just fit so initially did it just feel like a cold that just got a lot worse
Starting point is 00:02:22 yeah yeah first three or four days it really wasn't that bad at all uh then the fever kicked in yeah and then the cough got worse yeah so and then between about day day six and day 11 they were the worst um i'm now on day 15 today um i'm still quite light-headed but apart from that I'm pretty much back to myself I did the washing up and everything today it was very exciting that was exciting I've not had a single drink
Starting point is 00:02:56 for two weeks, Jamie not a single whiskey I'm drinking on your behalf I'm glad I've even bought a bottle of Ardbeg how about you, how have you been for the last two weeks? absolutely fine Well, I'm drinking on your behalf. Good. I'm glad. I've even bought a bottle of Ardbeg just to, you know. That sounds good. How about you?
Starting point is 00:03:06 How have you been for the last two weeks? Absolutely fine. Generally not a problem. It's only just random paranoia if I have to clear my throat. Just, oh my goodness, have I got something? Yeah. But other than that, genuinely quite fine. Good.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Good. Glad to hear it. I can't complain. I can't complain. Oh't complain oh you see i'm sitting pretty now i've had it yeah yeah just write it out and hope the toilet paper doesn't run out i've i've i've done my stint with the actual virus so that's all good that's true actually yeah that's a really good point yeah yeah well i'd say you're going to celebrate in the pub but nope no no that they're closed, aren't they? Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:03:45 Well, we're doing okay. We hope that you guys listening are doing okay. We figured we should probably at least release something to explain what it is that we're planning to do, but we don't fully know yet, do we? No, not at all. We're sort of living in a bubble. Yeah, I still won't be well enough to go out and record things for another week, I'm guessing.
Starting point is 00:04:10 So there definitely won't be an episode within the next seven days. But after that, we're hoping we're going to get some things on track. I've got the Romanos three notes in the bag. I mean, that one's ready to go. I literally typed those up the day after I started showing symptoms, thinking that it was just a cold. See, I really wasn't
Starting point is 00:04:36 feeling that bad to begin with. Yeah, so we got one episode ready to record, but after that, it all depends on how locked down we get, how our health is. We are either going to be able to record as normal after that, or, other end of the spectrum,
Starting point is 00:04:54 we might have to do some remote things a bit like this. That'd be really weird, though. Yeah. We'll have to see you. Because that's a bit weird, and I genuinely don't think we'd be able to record an episode to the same qualities, certainly sound quality.
Starting point is 00:05:08 And it just wouldn't quite be the same because we can't see each other. So we're thinking maybe if we do end up having to do episodes like this, what we'll do is we'll do a few special episodes and then wait to get the main narrative back up and running when we can actually record in person again. Yeah, that'd be a good idea, I think. So if you've got ideas for special episodes you guys would like to hear,
Starting point is 00:05:30 I mean, these would be special episodes available to all, all Americans and Romans. But I mean, whatever you want, really. Yeah, just pitch something, we'll do it. Yeah, I mean, I've got nothing else to do. Yeah, the schools have shut down. Yeah, yeah, that's true. I'm off work the next 12 weeks so please please give me something to do yeah so
Starting point is 00:05:51 I mean to be honest this possibly is the perfect time for the Star Trek miniseries Jeremy oh oh yeah so I mean oh yes you could educate me on all the Star Trek actors. From Archer all the way to
Starting point is 00:06:08 whoever. Yes. Yeah. So who knows? I mean, we could be doing anything. We just want to let you, the listener, know that we are going to be doing something. So if you've been missing the show, don't worry. We'll do something something. So if you've been missing the show, don't worry. We'll do something soon.
Starting point is 00:06:26 And if that's not enough, then just go back and listen to them all again. We've got 130 episodes. Join the Senate if you've not. In fact, Rob, let's recommend a good Roman episode we think people should listen to and maybe a good American episode. Oh, yeah, if they're only listening to the other feed, that's a good idea. Okay. If you are an American
Starting point is 00:06:46 listener and you're looking for a good Roman episode, I think the first episode that people started really saying this is good was the Julianus, Didius Julianus episode. Yes, it's so ridiculous. Yeah, so
Starting point is 00:07:02 that's all about an emperor who tried to sell the Roman empire um and then realized that there were a lot of angry people with him so he tried to get out of it and hilarity ensued yes it did what about you any recommendations for right i would well i he's got a big place in my heart probably recommend caligula i think that's a good episode very brutal early early days very early days very rough around the edges about them yeah there's barely a Jeff back then I don't think there was a Jeff back then oh no more recent um uh Maurice apparently went down quite well I hear he did very well yeah our first. Who, by the way, is in no way French, but Jamie got carried away. Justinian.
Starting point is 00:07:48 Yep. It's got a whole bit about the plague at the start. Oh, yeah, very apt. Yeah, very apt. See, it could be worse. And no-nos. Oh, yeah, yeah, Justinian, two no-nos. Yeah, that was a good one.
Starting point is 00:07:59 So, yeah, check some of those out. And if you're a Roman listener and not an American listener, go and check out Haze. Oh, yeah. Haze part one and part two, because no one's ever heard of Haze before, but you know what? He was a good egg, was Haze.
Starting point is 00:08:14 He was a very good egg. What was the next, oh, what was the one that got shot and he's tortured by all the doctors? I enjoyed that episode. Oh, Grant, yeah. Grant, yeah. Yeah, Grant part two, but i mean you're gonna want to listen to both parts uh but it's grant part two mostly we talk about how he was shot and uh he's
Starting point is 00:08:32 in a lot of pain he is in a lot of pain yeah so yeah check those out um and whilst you're listening to our back catalogue which i'm sure you're all rushing off to do now uh we'll we'll get our heads around what it is we're going to be doing uh but we will let you know i mean in a way this was a test run just can we actually record from our houses so depending on how well this goes that might help us decide and and don't forget listen as well you know underneath this leave a message to tell us how you're doing, tell us what you're up to, and tell us if you've hoarded loads of provisions, if you have.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Shame on you. And if you haven't, well done. Yeah. How many toilet rolls do you have left? Do I? Oh, about six. Six. I think I'm beating you.
Starting point is 00:09:18 I think I'm on eight. Eight. That's pretty good. Yeah. You can urinate and defecate comfortably. Well done. For a couple more weeks or so. And hopefully it will calm down by then.
Starting point is 00:09:32 Right. I suppose that's probably all we need to say, really. Yeah. We really hope that all you guys are safe out there. And protected. Remember, just keep washing your hands with soap. Just do the obvious things. Listen to what people are telling you.
Starting point is 00:09:50 Accept what Donald Trump posted this afternoon don't do that because it causes heart problems what what did he i've not even seen that yet oh he uh tweeted out but a load of doctors just said no don't do that it's a hydrochloroquine and azithromycin, it's a dangerous and don't do it, basically. It's not the best thing to do. Just keep washing your hands and get some paracetamol just in case, and you'll be fine. My favourite so far has got to be the fact that he just, off the top of his head, said that some anti-malaria drug would work. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:10:24 And everyone around him had to go, no. It didn't work that way. No, that doesn't. No. He's going to make a fantastic episode. Seriously. There was already too much and now this. I was already going, how am I fitting this into two episodes?
Starting point is 00:10:42 And now I can't just brush over this. This is, this is quite big. This is, that's at least half an hour. Oh, seriously. Far too much has happened in the last four years.
Starting point is 00:10:56 Yes, it has. It really, really has. Yeah. Anyway. Right. Well,
Starting point is 00:11:02 thank you for, for listening to our update and just, just ramble on for 10-15 minutes um i suppose all we need to say is um goodbye

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