And That's Why We Drink - E227 The Ghouls Next Door and the Criminal Pickle Barrel

Episode Date: June 13, 2021

What's your go-to ghost move? Ours is just draining everybody dry of their food and drink... Welcome to episode 227, where Em takes us all the way back to, first 2019 and then to year 5, for a good ol...d fashion western saloon haunting, Miss Molly's Hotel in Dallas. Then Christine covers the heartbreaking and creepy disappearance of Kayla Berg. We also cover bladder anxiety, cake babies, and the existential Meighan... and that's why we drink! If you have any information regarding Kayla Berg's case, please contact the Antigo Police Department at 715-627-6411Be sure to vote for our pal Classic Kevin in the British Podcast Awards: consider supporting the companies that support us! Use code DRINK for $10 off your first FabFitFun box when you go to!Right now, you can go to​DRINK​ and use ​DRINK​, for 20% off your first box! Stay cool, calm, and collected during the summer heat! Go to and enter code DRINK to get $25 off your first box!Stay fresh, stay clean with Native by going to, or use promo code drink at checkout, and get 25% off your first order! This podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp and And That’s Why We Drinklisteners get 10% off their first month at Greens has got you for year-round immune support by offering a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D AND 5 free travel packs with your first purchase. Just go to

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay ready set this meeting it's being recorded i braced i still have chills and also now I have like anxiety like in my bladder and now like I have to pee knowing that I can't for the next two hours. I'm not going to but like I just know that I have the fear. Oh my god oh I know you. And not at all for us. Not at all. It's a really selfless act, actually. It is our birthday month, to be clear, but it's about you, says the Gemini. Yeah, we have to work on our birthday month. That's ridiculous. How was your official birthday? What did you do on your big day? We FaceTimedetimed on the day but we never really it was great thank you so much for asking my dad made this beautiful collage for my 30th of all these like childhood memories i
Starting point is 00:01:15 posted a photo of it on instagram but it had like and then he put all these he thinks he's funny he put all these like captions underneath that were just kind of like calling me out for things like he found a report card from seventh grade and like highlighted all the things that say like disruptive in class like never stops talking um so just really it was really sweet but my mom had a little barbecue and blaze brought me bagel i mean it was just like a very relaxing and food focus since i couldn't drink today how about you uh it's good. I'm in the middle of a month long upward spiral of Allison surprising me every weekend. Oh, my God. So she knows me well.
Starting point is 00:01:54 She's doing an excellent job. Tomorrow, apparently, there is a half surprise party where, like, I know that there's a party, but I'm not allowed to know, like, what's happening at the party, which makes it more scary to me. That's honestly really daunting. Yeah. If I heard it was a surprise party, I'd be like, Oh, it's just people that I know coming together. But apparently there's like a thing that like, I can't know about. And that's terrifying. But she started out very strong on my actual birthday. Someone who is not me who is allison found out that there is a carlos bakery in los angeles my god and homegirl didn't tell me she just drove me all the way to santa monica and
Starting point is 00:02:33 i was like what on earth are we doing out here do a little walk walk walk and all of a sudden i'm in front of hoboken baby and uh we got a cake it is this is from the cake boss because like i wouldn't know what emma's talking about if i hadn't seen the pictures this is from the show the cake boss to be clear if you are a new listener then you missed me there was a huge part of my quarantine where i was obsessed with the boss all over again but anyway so we i had my i had my first ever carlos bakery cake it was superhero themed it uh you could put whatever you wanted on it and alice and asked them to write on the cake that's hoboken baby that's so cute and uh anyway i wanted to remind you you already know because i showed to you on facetime but i want everyone else to know that while i was there i couldn't avoid getting some merch and look what i found
Starting point is 00:03:18 a little onesie and it says fresh out of the oven oh my god it's so cute i like cried when em showed me you're gonna have a little cake baby oh my god well fittingly enough i wanted to update you i finally figured out how to figure out the 90s um size and i i told you but this week uh the baby's the size of a furby so that's horrible i thought you liked furbies that's why i sent it to you i i like how fucking creepy they are so like okay i like how creepy your baby is too but i you know well i'm so annoyed because the week that it was a couple weeks ago and it was the size of a beanie baby and i couldn't and i feel like that was such a like good uh a little a good reference but um now it's a furby so it really went from uh 100 to 0 very quickly who
Starting point is 00:04:07 knows 100 to 0 but um i also want to say thank you real quick because i some people have sent some really really kind gifts and i don't have everything written down but people have sent like like i got a bunch of like lemon obviously lemon onesies and like little lemon stuff for the nursery and someone even made a quilt um and then one group of listeners oh my god i have to will they dm me i forget who sent it but it's like this uh anthology of like children's books but they're all written about cryptids oh wow i meant to bring it upstairs to show you where's my copy that sounds like something i'd read also i'm gonna read them to you because they're so cute it's like good night Krampus and like I just it's the coolest thing ever oh were they a book of five
Starting point is 00:04:50 yes I I own that for myself oh you own it okay forget it I own that for myself well I don't remember who sent it shoot I have the card somewhere but um I've just been like so overwhelmed with um kindness so thank you, everybody. Thank you also for me to whoever gave you that because I literally purchased it like a year ago thinking, oh, one day when Christine's pregnant, I will mail this to her. And then I got attached to them and I didn't want to give them to you. Okay. I was like, that's an odd. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:20 No, are you kidding me? I don't read anything but picture books. No, they're so cute. It made total sense. They're so cute. And it's like in this little anthology box it's adorable um so i also we have a couple things to say here which is that our bff ck i just sometimes i just reminisce on the early days when he touched that haunted chair thank god he's still you know fine you know also just an og listener has he's been around since truly i think episode one like so long ago and is a podcaster in his own right with like arguably
Starting point is 00:05:52 the greatest podcasting voice ever um and reads our patreon stories so just just a gem and a half um so we want him to win a bbc podcast award it's's the British Podcasting Awards. And we're going to put the link in the show notes of this episode. And I think the link can be found probably on our Facebook and elsewhere on social media, but definitely in the show notes of the episode. Because or if you just Google, I guess, British Podcasting Awards, vote for Mirths and Monsters, because it's a great, great program. And it's so well produced. And it's just so soothing to listen to. I love it. It's spelled mirths, M-I-R-T-H-S, Mirths and Monsters. So give it, go give it a vote. I already did. So I can't do it again, apparently. So you guys go do it, please, on our behalf. I also wanted to give a shameless plug that I was recently on
Starting point is 00:06:43 the Zane Lamprey show show which is a podcast it was the first podcast i've done in person since quarantine oh how weird oh my gosh it was very odd although the experience the podcast itself was lovely i got to talk about ghosts the whole time zane is actually a like a travel and drinks host on nat geo and the travel channel and uh seems like a pretty down-to-earth person uh apparently there he's about to do a um a comedy tour at a bunch of breweries throughout uh the country he's been to like 70 different countries I I mean he's a very interesting very interesting fella um but wanted to give him a shout out he also taught me some fun facts about um one of the back to the future actresses recently so hey we got along very well what's the show called again
Starting point is 00:07:29 the zine lamp show okay so i have to listen to that i miss beer so much you guys um uh i also like i know it just sounds like we're just like rattling stuff off but it is important this is about our tour okay remember how there's a word called tour and we used to do it um because i do vaguely very very vaguely all alone in the so alone so many memories and so alone it almost gives new meaning to that scrapbook that i made you that one year uh where it's just like who knew that that scrapbook would just encapsulate like the only travel we would do for years. You know what? You scrapbooked all of our memories into one book.
Starting point is 00:08:08 So well done. I still find like I moved across the country and I still find like glitter and stuff everywhere from that stupid scrapbook. Anyway, so we have a slight update, which I guess most people know by now, but we haven't't been able to fully announce yet which is that pretty much all our tour date not pretty much all our tour dates are being moved to 2022 officially we were really trying to keep some in this year to uh to keep it kind of close but it just wasn't going to happen with full capacity we want to make sure everybody who has a ticket is able to see the show we didn't want to like kick out half feet like there was just no good way to make it half capacity it's been real tricky trying to get back and forth with venues and so many different venues had different protocols, but then they were all trying to come
Starting point is 00:08:52 to terms with one protocol, but it's just been really tricky to figure out states and like even Canada. I mean, everyone has some different Yeah, rule. So we just decided let's we're just gonna hold off until we know everybody who has a ticket can come all at once without being in fear about, you know, where they can sit or, you know, anything like that. And by that time, the spawn will be born because honestly, like then I threw a wrench in the rest of 2021 because like October on, who the hell knows? Like there's a child. I'm going to be in a city near you and Christine Mayer may not be there with a baby on her head. Yeah. So that's that and also i know we haven't recorded our birthday gift has your box arrived yet it's supposed to arrive this morning oh okay it might have and i just didn't see it okay i think it arrived today so we're gonna do a gift exchange um which i'm really
Starting point is 00:09:39 excited about and i think we'll probably update you on what happened next week but um if you want to watch the gift exchange we'll put that on patreon perfect whoo should we say anything about like uh I guess well I'm I've already said it out loud say it uh so if you have a ticket and let's say during covid there were some circumstances in which you moved home which a lot of people did and you're wondering can i refund my ticket or anything or you just don't like us anymore maybe you just don't fucking like us that's fine who knows it's possible um then the you should be able to refund it through the venue correct yes so you uh all tickets can be transferred so if you have a ticket you are able to come see
Starting point is 00:10:21 the show you don't need to like buy a new one or anything but if you are not able to make it or you simply don't want to, which don't tell us that, that makes me really sad. But if you don't want to come, you can get a refund and that should go through your venue. If you have problems, it lets you know, but it should go directly through the venue or wherever you bought the ticket, basically. And if you're one of those heroes who has stuck it out literally for two years to see us live,, I can't wait to go crowd surfing or something. Oh my God, we're gonna love you guys more than anybody. Like, we're gonna love you so much. It's gonna be out of sight.
Starting point is 00:10:52 We'll have to do one of our like old school, like get kicked out of Yardhouse because too many people are all in one space situation. Good times. We used to literally get kicked out of places because we'd be like, who wants to go drink? And then just drag the entire audience along. What were we thinking? Good times i miss those days anyway if you have um if you have any questions
Starting point is 00:11:11 you should be able to just reach out to the venue but we if you ever did get a ticket we really want you to be there and if for some reason someone has to exchange their ticket and now there's an availability and you want to come to our show please do we want you there there should be new tickets up when people hopefully uh not hopefully but you know if people are returning their tickets or whatever hopefully there will be some for people who weren't able to get one originally so perfect oh my gosh it's just i cannot wait i cannot wait to see everybody i can't wait to go back on tour which is if you told me i felt that way in 2019 i would have been like that's not true but no i can't wait to go back i'm already planning like to bring my mom or blaze or somebody to take the baby with us because i'm
Starting point is 00:11:51 i think i'm gonna be just have i have separation anxiety about my dog so i don't think i'm gonna cope well i am nervous about you becoming like one of those moms which like i you have every right to be because it's literally your one of those the ones that get like who can't remove themselves from their baby well i mean it's hard at the first few months you're breastfeeding what am i gonna do walk around like mailing you know also like it is your uh your job as a mother to keep it alive you know yeah i feel like i feel like the first few months are gonna be rough but but you know what baby might have to come because I don't know how else. I mean, it might be easier.
Starting point is 00:12:26 At some point, I am excited for when you're over it and you just keep handing the baby to me. And you're like, okay, you can get attached to someone else now. As if I'm the one who's going to get unattached from something. I don't think that's going to happen. As we learned through the Hercene Shifter. Yeah. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Everyone loved that episode, by the way. You did a great job. Thank you for figuring it out eventually. Everyone keeps commenting, that's the greatest half episode of In That Toy Drink ever. And I was like, ow. To be fair, yours half was like a real bummer. It was a bummer and a half. Yep.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Okay. So my story this week is actually oh i'm drinking sun kissed sorry oh i feel like people are gonna see it on youtube and and i just want to say i'm drinking this week sun kiss because i obviously can't drink drink love a good orange soda me too um so speaking of live shows these are actually notes from a live show back in 2019 i think this was one of our first shows we did uh in our 2019 tour back when bright-eyed and bushy-tailed um this is one of our dallas shows and uh this is the story of miss molly's hotel in fort worth okay i'm excited i was reading through the notes last night and i was like damn like did did i ever cover this for other people and i
Starting point is 00:13:53 checked on our website which shout out if you go on our website and click on the listen tab you can see a list of every single episode we've covered so you can see all the topics i think didn't you do that sure did um it didn't it wasn't on there so i was like damn i guess i'm gonna cover it today so uh this is a story of miss molly's hotel in fort worth so sweet in historical fort worth uh it's apparently this story is just west of the fort worth stockyards which if you are from that area i'm sure you know what i'm talking about i'm sure people at the audience screamed uh so this is the oldest bed and breakfast in fort worth although laws have changed in texas about serving food so now they're only a hotel so they're a bed and breakfast minus the breakfast oh um sad just a bed but here's the fun part about it you know i love a good theme and uh the hotel only has
Starting point is 00:14:48 seven rooms it has actually nine rooms but seven of them uh have all different themes i was very excited because i was hoping for like an irrigation theme a la dwight shrewd yeah um but uh anyway so these are the other two by the way are a private resident a private residence for the innkeeper okay um but the themed rooms tell me which ones uh strikes your fancy oh i'm so excited cowboys that's it the cowboys you know how i feel about haunted cowboys cowboy ghosts it's like my weird obsession we'll get ready for cowboy ghosts in this one uh okay cowboys miss josie's miss amelia's cattleman rodeo oh gunslinger and railroader listen I'm sticking with cowboys I want it done man I love my cowboy room I want to stay there I I I think I would go with maybe gunslinger like just
Starting point is 00:15:45 because i like to think there's a bunch of like nerf targets on the walls or something like i just feel like a ghost with a gun sounds like a lot for me emotionally and spiritually you know a human with a gun sounds like a lot of emotionally precisely but i'm assuming that if the ghosts are related to the theme at all uh if a gun were to ever get pointed and shot at me, I would hope it was a ghost gun. So the two most haunted rooms, do you want to guess which two are the most haunted? One of the Miss Somethings or others. There's always a lady ghost. Miss Rosie or something.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Josie, Miss Josie. Miss Josie. Okay. And? And Cattleman. That's the only one i remember okay you were right about cattleman and the other one is the cowboy room oh hell yeah i knew it so christine is on board okay so fun fact if we ever go back to dallas you can catch us in the cowboy room or do we already i don know. I'm just saying in the future, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Did we do our Dallas show in 2020 or is it rescheduled? Oh, I don't remember.
Starting point is 00:16:52 I don't either. None of it seems real anymore. No, I think we went because we went to Houston, right? Oh, I guess maybe Texas was like our earliest show. I don't remember anymore. Listen, y'all. Listen, y'all. See, here I am.
Starting point is 00:17:04 It's been a while. It's been a while. Yeah, we went to Bucky's to bucky's homie we definitely went yeah then you're right we did because we uh i think yeah you're completely right bucky's is like our favorite stop on the whole tour eva says we went to texas and early i think she said early 2021 but i think she meant early 2020 the years all blend together but that's okay but thank you eva for being on top of it thank you but but she says she can't remember if dallas was one of them because i think we even had to okay it doesn't matter but if we i assume someday we'll be back in dallas whether we've been or not so perfect and you can catch us at the cowboy room at miss molly's hotel yeah uh so the this is the history of fort worth and how this even became to be a place that needed a haunted hotel.
Starting point is 00:17:47 So the cattlemen had apparently left at one point during like early on in the 1900s or 1800s. They left and therefore all the cows started kind of roaming the area. They were able to do whatever they wanted. No one was like telling them what's what. No more chaperones. No more chaperones. It was like the Duggars gone crazy. And some apparently referred to this area as a cow's paradise because it was just like cows just doing whatever they want my mom keeps calling me an old cow so maybe this is
Starting point is 00:18:16 just the place for me it's probably it's kind of rude but anyway maybe because you're moody no i am that certainly. So the cow. So then eventually, I think people found out that the cows are having too much fun. And all of a sudden, cowboys came into the area and began rounding them up and selling them for $50 a pop. I don't know if this inflation is correct now. But I mean, I don't think much has changed in a year. But from what I put down last time I saw these notes in 1880, so around this time, selling a cow for $50 was the equivalent to selling a cow for almost like 1500 bucks today.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Oh, so big, big buckaroos. Fort Worth's livestock industry because of this became super successful because there were so many cows to sell. industry because of this became super successful because there were so many cows to sell. And when Fort Worth started really booming in the livestock industry, they also built a railroad so that even more people could come into town. And by 1900, Fort Worth had gotten real busy. It had 37 saloons. It had 17 blacksmith shops, 24 wagon yards, six high dealers dealers seven barbers stockyards livestock businesses and even a rodeo stadium wow so it was going pretty cool pretty cool over there um by 1910 for obvious reasons they were now in need for lodging in the area especially because more wealthy cattlemen were coming in and so the boarding house that later becomes Miss Molly's,
Starting point is 00:19:46 the boarding house was built in 1910. It was called the Palace Rooms. And it was a very swanky hotel that was mainly meant for wealthy cattlemen, businessmen in Fort Worth. But during the Prohibition, the Palace Rooms, they ended up getting sold and they became the Oasis. And the Oasis went from a swanky hotel to a brothel. So upgrade or downgrade depending on who you are.
Starting point is 00:20:16 It was also a speakeasy because prohibition, obviously. Aha, upgrade, upgrade. Upgrade all of a sudden. Yep, yep, yep. upgrade upgrade all of a sudden yep yep yep um so by the 1940s uh during its time in full swing as a speakeasy more guests were coming in than just the wealthy and that was when it officially became like a full bordello service because so many people were using it as a speakeasy they're like oh all these men are here let's up the ante and so it was eventually renamed to the gayette hotel which um it was still a brothel by the way oh sorry the oasis i think was a boarding house then when it became the gayette
Starting point is 00:20:55 it was the brothel okay also i i don't think the camera was on but you just climbed behind me um here he is and he got a haircut this week so I just want to show him he's so handsome he's just that's exactly why he was like I'm not gonna say people have to look at my new cut but also maybe have the camera pointed at me I don't know but also I'm just gonna happen to saunter into frame and I'll also hide behind the chairs if like I don't want to be seen but he's so weird he likes corners he's such a cutie pie okay well okay so sex work so all right back to it so later when sex uh when uh when sexist lol later when texas made sorry wow sexist i'm sure we're not the first people to say that but i like
Starting point is 00:21:42 that a lot later when texas made sex work illegal, the Gayette Hotel was then sold and renovated. So now it has been the Palace Rooms, which was a swanky hotel. The Oasis was a boarding house and speakeasy, which then kind of over time turned into the Gayette Hotel, which was a brothel. And now it's been sold and renovated. In 1989, it became Fort Worth's Star Cafe on the ground floor. And on the top floor was Miss Molly's Abandoned Breakfast. Uh-huh. So I have a whole category called deaths, but there's like only one bullet.
Starting point is 00:22:17 So I don't know what I was thinking. You always go at the show, you always used to go, what did you say? You said, what if I'm'm like the pregnancy brain is a real thing and i keep forgetting words let's just pretend i said something hysterical it was so funny that i can't remember it it break it broke my brain thank you you always say like and now to the deaths and then everyone would cheer and just like the renaissance or something okay so uh so the here are the deaths that basically it was cowboys sex workers which neither of those are shocking but also apparently a lot of sex workers because there was no contraception oh no i know where this is going babies and then they
Starting point is 00:23:00 the dads would run off and so the sex workers were forced to take care of the kids as single parents. And kids were also living in this brothel while their moms were working. Yeah. So at least that's my understanding of it. So although there were cowboys and sex workers who died, a lot of sex workers' children apparently also died here. I don't know the number, but enough to make it on the list. So some of the reasons uh for death were it was mainly illness so there was smallpox typhoid measles polio diphtheria
Starting point is 00:23:34 whooping cough all the things that oregon trail would tell you about cholera cholera and then falling off what are those things falling off a? Those things when they're trying to cross the river, you're fording the river. Oh, a covered wagon? Is that what it is? I don't know. Yeah. Sure. I'm sure if you fell off one, you could die.
Starting point is 00:23:55 I don't think we're off there. I think that's probably a way that somebody died. Yeah. And then also, I'm assuming there's a whole gunslinger room. So I'm guessing a cowboy at some point was probably shot or something. Yeah, guns were involved, it sounds like. I think it's a safe bet to guess that. And also, I think a lot of sex workers were said to, at least some of them were said to have died by suicide.
Starting point is 00:24:19 So on to the ghosts. That was the whole bullet. There you go. So the rest of it is just ghosts. Good for us. Woo-hoo! So I miss people cheering. I know.
Starting point is 00:24:31 That was always nice. Don't I fill in for it? Is that not good enough? It's reminding me of yesteryear. So there were full-bodied apparitions that apparently could intelligently communicate with guests, with guests and probably other ghosts. Electronics would die while on a full charge. Some would wake up to apparitions sitting on the edge of their bed. I imagine also a lot of them were men waking up to women sitting on their bed
Starting point is 00:24:58 since they were residual hauntings of a brothel. And they're like, well, you're in my room. I assume you're here for one thing quote a good time a good time so uh in the hall and the bathrooms people have smelled perfume also their items regularly disappear and then reappear in odd places so like you can leave like your i don't know keys by your nightstand and then you'll wake up and they're like, behind the toilet or something. So just things that make no sense. I love those, though. Those are, you know, everyone probably knows this, because I say it every time, but I just love like disappearing and moving objects. It like
Starting point is 00:25:34 creeps me out. You love it until it's your object. And also your object is like your baby or something. So get ready. Okay, well, my object. All right, right when i say object i mostly mean like not if something happens to me uh in like upcoming years i will hide the toilet i will be leaving your baby behind the toilet just to see what happens so just get ready for it um so speaking of toilets the toilets also flush themselves and the sinks will fill themselves up until they're like almost overflowing oh geez no one even on, no one even pulled the handle. That's weird. Lights will turn themselves on and off.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Doors will lock and unlock. Or they'll open, they'll do that thing where it's like when you're walking down the street and you almost bump into someone and you do the dance. It's like the door version of that where like you lock it as it's unlocking and then you unlock it as it's locking and then you end up oh that's so annoying stuck in this door dance oh no yeah i can't imagine like what if you're like rushing out like you have to go somewhere and like you just keep getting locked well the second that happens i am rushing out because i don't want to be a part of this anymore so you don't even need the lock you would just run through the door goodbye here's a shape a whole shape like me
Starting point is 00:26:45 so one spirit apparently leaves coins all over rooms that were just cleaned by staff so tips it makes me wonder if the coins have like years on them like are they current coins or are they from like the 1800s you know what i mean wait oh i just got what is like are they taking it from people or are they like their coins from back in the day yeah i didn't even think about that oh okay if you happen to be someone who's been there and like found a penny check it real quick check the text a year yeah it'll say year five i don't know it'll say probably 2015 and yeah it's not going to be as impressive um so a lot of the spirits here like i said earlier are former working girls uh from when the hotel is a bordello and men have often said that they feel themselves getting
Starting point is 00:27:37 grabbed their hair being stroked they feel their arm being pet or their back being rubbed um they feel themselves being held at night sometimes whoa which is interesting because now it tells me that cowboys in the 1880s who were all rough and tough were the baby spoon they like to be held yeah and also some have said that they've even felt their their cheeks being kissed and heard a woman giggling next to their bed oh my goodness that's which like yeah like i feel like half of this is supposed to sound real fun and real awesome. But like all of it just terrifies me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:08 It's also like polter groping. Like you didn't ask to be held or, you know, it's like too much. Yeah, exactly. Exactly. One of the bathrooms apparently is haunted because allegedly a woman was found dead in there. I think she was stabbed to death. Oh, geez. allegedly a woman was found dead in there i think she was stabbed to death oh geez i don't i don't
Starting point is 00:28:26 know where i didn't hear about that in the deaths column of one whole bullet so i don't know apparently a woman may or may not have been stabbed to death in the bathroom also uh lamps will unplug themselves and covers will get yanked off of you which that has always terrified me the concept of like i'm like i'd i'm i'm now bed naked exposed yes bed naked with my sleep skin the worst kind of naked i'm just greasy and vulnerable so people also see children in their rooms so i think that's where they think that maybe they were the sex workers kids they often think that they're oh people that are in the hotel often think that they're just kids that belong to another family in the hotel wearing like a weird hat an old-timey hat and overall and dungarees playing a hoop and stick and talking about gun slinging at the rodeo
Starting point is 00:29:22 they're like why does my penny say the year five? So apparently people think that those kids are lost, but then they'll go to the front desk and they'll be like, oh, no, that's just those are just the kids. Yeah, the kids. The kids, you know them well. People also see a cowboy walking through the halls and standing in the bathroom. I'm in love with him already. His name is Cowake yes it is not cowboy jacob he's a casual casual guy of course he is um also hysterical that there was someone named jake in the 1800s to me i know there were jacobs but the fact that someone actually had a nickname like jake it's just like i never
Starting point is 00:30:02 you don't think about it and so it is weird to me i guess yeah i guess i don't know i would jake feels like callie surfer boy to me i mean i feel like if it were like brandon i'd be like what but jake strikes me as less weird i guess yeah like trevor it's like trevor like wait a minute bryson yeah there's a lot of names that just like wouldn't quite fit jayden jayden the cowboy yep okay okay so uh yes cowboy jake i and apparently he's also known to walk through the halls and then like walk into a room and slam the door and then lock himself in there sure just want some peace and quiet that's jake who doesn't also there are psychics priests and investigators who have all
Starting point is 00:30:50 gone through to check out the place and there has been a lot of uh evidence collected over time including evps which i will get to some of those they're super cool and statements from investigators are i don't know if they still are, but they were displayed in the lobby. So I guess you could also like see the ghost stories for yourself. There is apparently a Bible in each room, allegedly also in every bathroom for protection. Well, it's just because it kept hiding behind the toilet and they were like, we might as well put one in each because it's going to keep moving. At this point, we have no idea. You should get like a waterproof one where all the pages are laminated and like shove it into toilet the the thing in
Starting point is 00:31:29 the back yeah and of course miss molly's has been on ghost lab and ghost adventures uh mr bagel bites has been there hey yo here's the coolest thing i've ever heard of you ready oh my god wait hold on buckle up am i ready yes i got my son kissed i'm ready uh and again this was a year ago so i don't know i should have updated my information but i just ran with the notes but apparently at least at the time of this miss at the least of the time of that i last reported miss molly's has a deal with texas christian university and it's apparently ironically texas christian university has a class called paranormal activity where they have a deal with miss molly's hotel where students can go make regular visits and i guess investigate how cool is that so like i don't know
Starting point is 00:32:18 if this student like got the equipment from class or owned their own equipment or whatever but so one of the students went to the hotel and was i think staying the night and had brought like a spirit box where it like will shout words at you yeah we know that all too well we know it well new orleans trip and she was sitting there reading a book and i guess nothing was going on the spirit box was completely silent and once she flipped to a certain page on the book the spirit box said the word sentence and then the next sentence that she read in the book was quote i hope that my presence does not frighten you what the fuck book was she reading also how was the ghost like keeping perfect eye line with where she was reading it's
Starting point is 00:33:06 weird i wonder if it's like telepathy like they can like i get your her reading i don't know that makes it even creepier because it means it's way creepy it's not only like the alien fear of like when i'm thinking of them i'm giving them energy and they know i'm thinking of them but in this world it's like even when you're not aware of it or thinking about them they're still in your head oh my gosh oh no no for it to know exactly where you were reading no it's not good for me i would have started reading the bible next and just silently well i was gonna say it sounds like the bible my present i hope my presence well maybe it doesn't sound like the bible i would like to know what the book was and also at least like this spirit seemed
Starting point is 00:33:48 friendly it literally said i hope i don't scare you that's true which in turn probably scared the absolute bonkers out of it yeah well because i think what if it what if the spirit box said sentence and then the next sentence was like i hate you like you will die tonight i hate you wow so uh there is one uh investigative team that came in 2008 and they had a lot of experiences they are called the texas paranormal advanced Team, and they call themselves TECSPART, Part for Paranormal Advanced Research Team. So TECSPART, they actually have really well done, really well kept reports of their investigation on their website.
Starting point is 00:34:34 So go check that out if you are interested. And this is just a sampling of what they, what they, and then I think, as it goes, I think this is just Altec's part. So they saw shadows moving around. They heard certain EVPs, and one investigator actually felt like a spirit had, he had walked through it. Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:34:56 Which I don't know what that feeling is, but I imagine it's very specific. When asked who was the president this is super cool they were saying oh who's the president just get a gauge of like how old they think they are or what year it is uh an evp an evp caught the a woman saying grant whoa and investigators also reported that some of the women thought that it was the 1940s but some of them were aware enough to know that it was 2008. So that makes me wonder like how, what defines, like what, I have no idea how you either stay stuck in the past or you are aware. Some of the spirits also knew that they were dead and some thought they were alive.
Starting point is 00:35:43 So maybe if you think you're alive, you think it's the 1940s. And if you're dead, you're aware that you're just watching time pass by. Like you're staying in the present and interacting. Yeah. I imagine if you're interacting with people intelligently, you'd have to have some inkling that they're not like the people you knew in the 1940s. Like I would think so anyway. But also if a lot of the people died around the same time i wonder like did some people were they were is someone who's still thinks it's the 1940s
Starting point is 00:36:14 were they best friends with someone who has kind of moved on in 2008 and are they friends or does the 2008 plane yeah and because the 2008 people seem to be more aware do you think they see the 1940s ghost but the 1940s goes look we could get real high and real into a spiral with this wow there are a lot of thoughts here a lot of a lot and none at the same time a lot and like negative a lot yeah so investigators investigators also reported hearing a woman or a child but like a more high-pitched voice talking also heard them laughing they also heard the sounds of dishes clinking or glasses maybe cheersing and they heard poker chips being thrown around in a card game that's kind of cool yeah they also said that a lot of the men or all the
Starting point is 00:37:02 men in the team at different times were touched by hands they felt either their leg getting pet or their arm or their hair and they also reported hearing loud talking and walking around and shutting doors as if they had just like kind of walked into someone doing their thing around the hotel there are apparently cold spots there's apparently orbs um different alarms and sensors were going off yeah when they shouldn't have been and they had made contact with allegedly six different spirits all of them were intelligent because they were able to respond to yes no questions through an emf detector all of the women were between 27 and 44 again some knew they were
Starting point is 00:37:43 dead some knew they were alive or knew they were alive or thought they were alive or thought they were alive yeah sorry uh they knew they were alive and we didn't we were like what's going on wait a second uh and two of them this is really sad but they brought up their kids and said they missed them oh oh no many of them did not know how they died but apparently this team also brought in a medium who was able to help them cross over i was gonna ask about that okay good i feel like you kind of have to if you plan on yeah you have like a responsibility at that point i would think especially if you find out that they think they're alive and it's like oh like this is not my forte like i'm saying like
Starting point is 00:38:22 i miss my kids and stuff it's like like, all right, do something about it. Yeah, yeah. So when talking with the spirits, apparently some of the crew felt pain in their head. Oh, no, this is the medium. Sorry. The medium felt pain in their head, their shoulder blade, and the left side of their body, and also their lungs. So we don't know if that was one person's really horrible way out of this world or if they were feeling multiple spirits and how they all died right so a statement from text part after their investigation
Starting point is 00:38:51 was quote it is highly unusual for all investigators of a team to have experiences to have experiences during an investigation this was exciting and fascinating and all methods possible were employed to debunk such activities, yet none could be debunked. All text part members agreed that Miss Molly's is haunted and we highly recommend Miss Molly's to other guests and groups. So. Cool. They are on board. They're like, this place is haunted.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Check it out. So here's my favorite part. And I suggest I suggest that you go watch some of the YouTube clips if this is your thing. But and I think I remember having an actual phone call with this person, too. I'm pretty sure I remember calling the hotel and I remember hearing a woman with like like a twang in her voice. It sounded familiar to the person i checked on youtube earlier she was fun i remember like hearing videos of her and that was why i called because i was like i don't want to just go off of quotes from online i don't understand how you could do that
Starting point is 00:39:56 i want to hear this i'm having like a panic attack just thinking about this but okay i remember call i i'm pretty sure i called her i would bet money i called her um if you were at the delish show and you remember please let me know but so the general manager slash the former innkeeper her name is miss paula and she has a lot to say about the ghost like it is she's not even trying to keep it quiet miss paula's like this place is bananas haunted she this is a quote from her a lot of these are just quotes and i i'm sorry i don't know if these were from my phone call with her or youtube you didn't write down like i called her in the notes i guess you would have remembered at the time i think i remembered at the time and thought i'm never gonna use these notes again
Starting point is 00:40:41 well you're also saying a year ago but it would have been two years ago right because it would have been 2019 oh my gosh that's a long time at least for my memory i feel i'm pretty sure i called her it feels right as i say that so she so she ended up quitting her job as the innkeeper although she still comes in every now and then to train new employees which by the way she said that there is a high turnover rate because the employees, quote, can't handle the ghosts. So she's like not hiding this. She about leaving. She said, quote, I was glad to leave after living with them. I was glad to take a break from feeling crazy.
Starting point is 00:41:16 They were mostly annoying and not harmful. I would even I would get everything clean and they would come back and it's dirty. get everything clean and they would come back and it's dirty when your main job as an innkeeper is to keep things clean and you got a hotel full of ghosts that like to untidy things let's just say a lot of times it led to me shouting in empty rooms yeah i would go crazy yeah i'd be like you've got to be kidding me this is so obnoxious she says that she heard voices and footsteps and like kind of all the traditional things of like bathroom water running, lights going on and off. Bible in the toilet. Bible in the toilet. All the classics.
Starting point is 00:41:46 You know how it goes. And she called these spirits her resident cowboys. Oh! Which is precious. Yeah. But apparently she called them her resident cowboys because one thing I feel like we've talked about before, but I always forget and then my mind's blown
Starting point is 00:42:04 when we talk about it again, is that the resident cowboys she referred to as the ghosts that were there permanently. But one of the things that she learned about a haunted hotel was every family that comes in brings their own spirits. And so she was constantly having to adjust to whatever spirit was there for those few days. having to adjust to whatever spirit was there for those few days and i would imagine if it's already a haunted place that if you're bringing new spirits it's like more likely to keep them or keep the energy there wow how spooky so this was a quote about her biggest quote biggest issue there isn't really an issue with the resident cowboys but more with the guests bringing their spirits from home and never being able to keep up with the pranks you'll finally get used to one ghost that turns lights on and off and then another one comes in for a weekend that moves stuff off the shelves oh my god it's like living in like i imagine a chaotic
Starting point is 00:42:54 a more chaotic like willy wonka's factory like with a bunch of toddlers or something just something's always there's always a different fire to put out and you can just never adjust and sometimes a real fire to put out i you can just never adjust and sometimes a real fire to put out i imagine maybe for all you know but yeah i can't imagine being like oh finally like this ghost i know their likes and their dislikes and then there's a whole other one that walks in and it's like my turn you know if you had to be a ghost like what what is your go-to move i just feel like it would have to be a bar thing. You know how sometimes you tell stories about haunted bars and it's like the booze goes missing or like the glasses.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Yeah. Move around. Like I think I would just and I wouldn't even do it on purpose. I think I would just kind of gravitate toward that. I think food for me would just always go missing. Yeah. I feel like you and I would literally just drain everybody dry of food and drink but then just eat and drink but then i think of like casper when his uncle's like eating all those sweets and just like going through them and it's
Starting point is 00:43:54 like what it sounds would i even have an appetite you know maybe i would probably be nosy as hell i'd probably just like walk around and like spy on everybody that's right without question without you and i would just gossip about everybody in the hotel all day long you know it'd be fun maybe we would leave notes for the people being talked about to like stir up shit yes like wait we would be the pot stirrer yes we'd be the directors of this whole like our own reality show i'd be like oh you're gonna like talk shit about stacy well Gus is about to find out all of it. That's Stacey. And then I would just like wait for it to explode.
Starting point is 00:44:28 Hey, Miss Stacey, guess what? What is wrong with us? Or I'm like not even realizing how fucked up it sounds until you put a pause on that. I feel like we I feel like I'd be like, oh, my gosh, I saw that guy checking out that guy or they're checking each other out. We should. Oh, yeah. We should nudge them together and see if we can create a love connection maker oh my god it would be so fun or if we caught somebody cheating we would like we would like i don't know do something put their bible in the
Starting point is 00:44:54 toilet wait a minute tm tm tm tm what if we called ourselves karma control karma karma control and we would just be the ghosts were like oh they're doing something sweet let's get something nice happening for them oh this person this person doesn't deserve the guy hitting on her let's make her like let's let's give him up like someone sweeter yeah like let's yeah whatever well we'll arrange it
Starting point is 00:45:18 so all the good people get good stuff and all the not oh my god I'm so excited about this and we'll be like what's karma control it's got to be something a little spooky in there we'll figure it out we'll shop it yeah yeah yeah yeah because tm tm tm to whatever we come up with um you've got so fun the karma reality the karma creeps wait a minute karmic creeps karma creeps we'll figure it out we'll figure it out um so anyway they're so miss paula also says that the same thing has happened to her with that door dance where like they're apparently it's like their favorite thing to do with her is like
Starting point is 00:45:55 fuck with her in terms of like locking her in then unlocking her or locking her in until she like calls for help and a maintenance worker comes and then the door is unlocked like that's so annoying nobody told her about the ghosts when she first got the job and she thinks it's probably on purpose when she first got the job she said she'd see a lot of things and didn't know what was what and now she is very aware that like even new employees are probably always feeling that way although she's very open about the ghosts so i i guess her training would yeah she would bring it up like first thing she'd be like are you cool with haunted places yes or no no get out
Starting point is 00:46:30 get out you're not hired so cowboy jake miss paula's uh first encounter with the ghost was in the railroad room and apparently uh cowboy jake who i've said earlier is a regular spirit that people see but he doesn't talk to anybody he just kind of walks around closes doors behind him he was he by the way also he's also seen all over town like up and down the streets outside of the hotel and he's seen gosh like still seen like drinking at other bars see that's I like Jay I think I would probably try to date Jake I think you and Jake would actually be like in love probably I mean I would probably try to date Jake. I think you and Jake would actually be like in love. Probably.
Starting point is 00:47:07 I mean, I would probably be in love with him. I can't say the same for him because I feel like you and I would be a lot to handle. But I think Cowboy Jake during like the prohibition would be a lot to handle. To be fair. Maybe we met each other's match. No, but he apparently like if you don't uh the time to go book a spot in the hotel you still might see him on the street i guess but he was seen walking through the hall and he uh walked through the door closed the door and she knocked on the door and said hello
Starting point is 00:47:37 uh and the door opened and nobody was there even though she had just watched someone walk in do you think he was there and he was just invisible that would scare me if it were like are you there and you just i just can't see you or like did you vanish why did you say that because now absolutely that's how that i'm trying to get in jake's mind you see and jake sounds like a guy who likes to fuck around yeah exactly he wants you to be on edge also like for the door to open by itself and like i mean he was there enough to open the door and show you he wasn't there he knows you're there maybe he was hiding that's vomitous see ya a few days yeah see ya jake a few days later he uh or miss paula saw the same guy walking down towards the same door.
Starting point is 00:48:27 And she, like, screamed hey at him and he ignored her. Oh, I did call her or something because I remember her. Wasn't this like a line that she said and the whole crowd went crazy where it was like, she said, like, you can love me or hate me, but you better not ignore me or something. I 100% remember that and you kept calling her miss paula or whatever and you were like yeah you uh yes i think that's exactly what it was she saw the guy walking away and when she screamed hey and he ignored her i'm pretty sure maybe this was on on the phone call or on youtube i remember hearing it somewhere and she was like love me or hate me but you better not ignore me and then people went fucking wild and dallas y'all were drinking miss paula if you're listening to this i really hope i did get a phone call with you because gosh what a
Starting point is 00:49:15 fun time and so anyway like immediately there she won everyone's hearts over because she's uh a bad bitch yeah she is and she apparently saw the spirit a few more times and eventually miss paula went into the lobby and shouted quote all right buckos here's the deal i don't want to see you you're not allowed in my room and don't you dare touch me like okay respecting boundaries like what's going on here um so she like laid down the groundwork and i guess uh for the most part they always respected that at least the resident ghosts did or the resident cowboys and if every now and then they would start getting like kind of cocky and like try to like pull pranks on her and like mess with her room even though she said no and she would yell at them and go you know the
Starting point is 00:50:01 this is a quote you know the rules get yourself of here. You've got eight rooms out there to play in and this ain't one of them. Miss Paula. And then they would calm down again. Gosh, what a gem. So she said things get moved around all the time. And in Miss Amelia's room, which apparently is the spirit of a little girl there who was born to one of the sex workers. She is seen and heard by the guests
Starting point is 00:50:25 apparently her mom was a dancer but you can hear the little girl in an evp say i hate dancing oh honey also like love that she's a rebel against like her mom's interest it's like we're all the same person just living in different times just living sometimes in the 1940s sometimes not uh there's also a little boy named bobby who miss paula says terrorizes women because he likes to pull their hair and move the shower curtain not cute bud uh another kid will whistle at you when you're in the bathroom okay now that feels hooligans that is some tomfoolery. I feel really vulnerable right now. I'm on the toilet. Do you mind?
Starting point is 00:51:08 Karma control is gonna put you in line, little ones. Apparently, Miss Paula, she walked past a mirror and said, I'm getting old, and then heard a child laugh at her. Oh, no, he didn't do that. They are a sassy bunch over there. Yes, they are. So Miss Josie's room is named after miss josie who's the last madam when it was a bordello and people have reported waking up to
Starting point is 00:51:31 seeing her on the bed watching them sleep cool cool cool cool cool i simply just can't do it bestie as they say as they as the youth say as they say hey bestie hey girly pop i would just pass away when m texted me the other day a girly pop i don't have time for this or something i was like what is happening in my life that you just i saw one person so at some point in the comments on tiktok call someone a girly pop and i was like that is the funniest thing i've ever seen you literally sent it to me immediately and it actually was fitting i think i sent you something like really obnoxious. And I was like, that's actually the only appropriate response. So good job. the closet door or like come through the room then leave the room but no matter what it's a person going through walls and miss paula has quit officially as the innkeeper and when she was moving her stuff out she saw a bunch of shoe boxes fly off of one of the shelves and she said
Starting point is 00:52:35 quote that was the last time they tried me and she still does reservations and helps train new people but like i said there's a high turnover because of the ghosts. And she was quoted saying, we're not doing any tours right now. We have a new. Oh, I don't know if this is if this is if this still lands or still tracks. But at the time, as Paul said, we're not doing any tours right now. We have a new innkeeper and we're trying to break her in slowly before she realizes that ghosts are a big part of her job. Oh, my god. And then she said, you can believe in ghosts or not believe in ghosts,
Starting point is 00:53:09 but if you stay with us, you will believe in them by the time you leave. And that is the story of Miss Molly's Hotel. I love it. I wonder. Shout out to Miss Paula. Wow. Shout out to Dallas. Shout out to Miss Paula.
Starting point is 00:53:23 Shout out to the Karma crew or whatever we're called we'll figure it out i feel like we could do something about big brother real world oh can you imagine one day when they figure out how to like actually get ghosts on tv and you can just have reality shows where it's human versus ghosts but it's not like ghouls next door stop it who are you who are you and what have you done with my best friend because that was fucking genius i need a life um okay let's see i have a tale for you okay this one is spooky we're doing a spooky episode today i'm very excited about that i'm i don't know how you're gonna fit spooky into true crime but let's go oh well prepare yourself okay this is the story
Starting point is 00:54:12 of kayla berg okay so we're going back to 2016 here okay let me get comfortable actually that's impossible but yeah i was gonna say when was the last time you felt comfortable oh i remember it was at age 16 when i didn't hurt also for the folks like me who don't know what it feels like can you describe a kick from the inside it's freaky and it just started happening like this week or last week and it feels kind of like someone is poking you. I mean, it feels kind of like someone's like, I know it's freaky. I just poke them back. I do poke them back. I got an ultrasound yesterday and the poor ultrasound tech was like trying to get a scan of the brain to make sure like everything was, you know, in order.
Starting point is 00:55:00 And the baby like head butted the thing. The brain was being scanned and then it was just like this big movement and the tech was like oh the baby does not like the ultrasound okay but the okay but your kid sounds like an asshole let's yeah yeah i mean easily irritated is the way that i kind of took is what i I took from it. Huh. Really not into it. Not into being like prodded and investigated. Which you know fair. I mean I'm really concerned about these feet.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Because. Also hang on a second. We never talked about this. So the. Was the first kick like an emotional thing for you? Like did you cry? Well no I didn't cry. I don't. Now that I'm on antidepressants I don't cry all that often anymore okay congratulations to me yay um but I did the first time I felt it was on Mother's Day so that was kind of cool oh that's
Starting point is 00:55:57 precious but then I didn't happen again for a long time because at first you're not sure what it is it feels almost like was that like my stomach rumbling like it's hard to tell so i think interesting i'm glad that i'm glad that the answer was you didn't cry because and maybe antidepressants were the reason but i feel like that's a more i don't know i feel like a lot of the experiences when you see it on tv or you see your friends go through it it's like this big emotional wave and i was always like i don't think i'll have that so it's nice to know that like it's more normal that like oh yeah i just that's just the next part it's definitely cool well i think it was a huge relief because after like several miscarriages it's almost like okay it's still in there and it's moving so it's alive like literally literally kicking like we're good yeah so i think it's
Starting point is 00:56:43 more of just like a oh thank god feeling yeah at least for me i don't know i can't speak for anybody else but imagine if your baby learned how to tickle you from the inside stop doing that and keeps coming up with these horrid horrid ideas of what happens and i'm like don't say that what if the baby found your belly button and poked it so it was inside out now? I'm going to horrify you back. If you're going to play this game, I can win it, okay? Because I'm actually experiencing it. I can come up with all sorts of freaky stuff.
Starting point is 00:57:15 You've got a little alien in your baby. Okay. Belly buttons and otherwise. Okay. Tell me your story. I'm sorry. Kayla Berg, let's go. Okay. So 2016, October 8th, an old video resurfaces on youtube the video had originally
Starting point is 00:57:28 been posted in 2009 and it was called i want to know if you remember this it was called hi walter i got a new gf new girlfriend i got a new girlfriend today hi walter it's me patrick do you remember this video whoa i think you just unlocked something in my head when i saw the thumbnail i was like oh shit hang on let me see let me make sure i'm doing i'm okay but don't read anything i'm not going to i won't i promise oh i literally typed in hi w and it's i got a new girlfriend wow okay so everyone's having the moment with us i think oh yes okay i i just saw the the icon and i'm done do you remember what it is uh no i actually
Starting point is 00:58:07 don't remember but i remember the icon but i don't remember the video okay oh well here you go because let's go boy oh boy okay we'll post a photo of the thumbnail on instagram in the video you can see a man talking to camera and he's speaking about how he got a new girlfriend. He says, Hi, Walter. I was at the mall today and guess what happened? I met the most wonderful girl. We went shopping at JCPenney's and she tried on a lot of clothes and she ended up buying a whole lot of them. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:58:36 And then we decided to go and take a look at some of the jewelry at Kay Jewelers. She picked out this most awesome necklace, the most amazing necklace I've ever seen. And I know she wanted me to buy it for her because she kept on giving me the look. You know the look. And then we got kind of tired at the mall and I brought her back to my place. And I know she hates cameras, Walter, but I'm going to show you anyway. Are you ready? The guy then walks to what seems to be a locked bathroom in his basement and opens the door to reveal a woman on the floor tied up and screaming.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Wait, okay. i didn't remember i remembered the thumbnail did not remember any of the video until you just said a woman in the closet scream yeah that part i remembered i didn't remember anything about jc pennies and and k jewelers but i remember the wait that wasn't that wasn't fake okay let me just tell the story so he opens the bathroom door and there's a woman tied up on the floor screaming and again this video had been released originally in 2009 and he hadn't picked up like any traction until now 2016 oh my god so as this video hits the main page of youtube starts getting traction uh one person in particular caught onto this video and sent it on to a family friend the berg family oh my god who sent it immediately to the antigo wisconsin police
Starting point is 00:59:52 and that is because kayla berg a young teenager who'd been missing since 2009 by the way the video that or the year that this video was released yeah had a striking resemblance to the girl in the video and when this family friend watched the video he was horrified he thought it looked and sounded exactly like kayla and he said from what i can see the sound of her struggling i've listened to it a million times and it sounds like her voice oh my god so this video was forwarded to kayla's mom hope who also thought the girl looked a lot like her own daughter and so the antigo police posted it on social media it quickly received national attention and brought this case back up that was like seven years old at this point wow so as for kayla being missing kayla berg she was last
Starting point is 01:00:34 seen august 11 2009 by her friend 24 year old kevin j kilcheski and it was only weeks before her 16th birthday uh he kevin was a longtime longtime friend of Kayla's brother, Jimmy, and was someone she'd known since childhood. And from what we know, Kayla and Kevin had been driving around their hometown of Antigua, Wisconsin, smoking pot. Sometime between 9 and 11 p.m., Kilcheski dropped Kayla off at her boyfriend slash romantic interest house. It's not clear whether they were dating or just like into each other. But his name's Miguel. And so Kevin drops Kayla off at Miguel's house in Wausau, Wisconsin, which is about 40 minutes away from Antigua. So Kevin remembered that the house, which was sitting right across the street from a place called the Colonial Manor Nursing Home, looked
Starting point is 01:01:21 really ominous. It had all the lights off and just looked very creepy but kevin dropped her off there and she allegedly hopped out of the car and went into the house up until potentially now this youtube video in 2016 she would never be seen again so kayla was born kayla mayberg on august 29th 1993 and though her parents split when she was really young she was extremely close to her family. Her father was diagnosed with cancer when she was pretty young. And so she was very, very close to him and her mother. She was big into gymnastics and she was on the high school gymnastics team and was about to start her junior year. Her parents, Hope Springer and James
Starting point is 01:02:02 Spanbauer said she was not the type to run away from home. And they pretty much always at this point kind of knew like they would have heard from her at this point. She wouldn't have just vanished. Right. So. Sorry. So the Kevin dropped Kayla off at this house. And I'm assuming at some point like this house gets investigated.
Starting point is 01:02:22 Because. Okay. Okay. Yes. Yes. Yes. So at this point, his story is he dropped her off at this house. And then later, yeah, they do go further and delve into, like, the timeline and everything. But that's his version of events.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Okay. So her parents said she'd never run away. She didn't have her own cell phone or computer. And she wasn't the type of teenager who used the Internet very much. Cannot relate to that one bit. 0%. 0%. Unfortunately, because I was able to see this fucking video. True.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yeah, yeah. So on an episode of Disappeared kayla's friends did say that they what they did enjoy doing instead of being on the internet was hanging out with their older male friends because their idea of fun was going to house parties of older people i was literally at home like adding skulls to my myspace page at age 16 and she was going to house parties so i guess i i get the house parties thing yeah you were cooler than i was i was just on myspace and like stalking people who were at parties and therefore not and just uh like prank calling people like living the dream man living the dream we all had different dreams you were living yours i was living mine listen i got i figured out how to code some pink skulls under my myspace i was perfectly brava thank you um so they would go to house parties hang out with older
Starting point is 01:03:52 boys and uh there's a blog called stories of the unsolved and it elaborates on this saying that it was in 2007 that her friend megan introduced her to the party scene in wassau wisconsin and the parties became the highlight of Kayla and her friend's weekends. But the girls often lied to their parents because there was a lot of underage drinking. And they would say, you know, classic, oh, I'm at her. I'm at Megan's house. Megan said, I'm at Kayla's house. Right.
Starting point is 01:04:16 Yada, yada. So although Kayla had grown up in Antigua, she had recently left two months ago with her mother, Hope, and moved to Texas. Her mom wanted to start a new, just start fresh. So she took Kayla with her and they moved to Texas. But pretty quickly, they got really homesick and they did not like it there. Sorry, Dallas, I know we just gave you a big shout out. There's one person out there who's not a fan. They just missed Wisconsin. What can you you say so they didn't love it there and kayla's new high school didn't have a gymnastics team which was really important to her
Starting point is 01:04:51 so kayla was not happy and then apparently kayla's father also his uh cancer took a bad turn right at this point as well and so she just up and moved back to Antigua and Hope her mom went with her so they both kind of gave up on the Texas dream and went back back home cool so that was August of 2009 so having moved back to Antigua Kayla was staying with her dad at her grandparents house while Hope was crashing with some friends trying to find a new job and a new house because she had expected Texas to work out and was back now. So according to, have you heard of Danelle Hallen? I think it's pronounced Danelle Hallen.
Starting point is 01:05:33 So she's a true crime YouTuber that I really like. Excuse me. And she covered the story and gave some details. She said there wasn't much space at Kayla's grandparents' house. And so Kayla was basically sleeping on a cot in the hallway. So they were all kind of like crashing where they could find a place to sleep. Got it. So because of this arrangement, it's kind of understandable.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Kayla started sleeping over at friends' houses. And especially with their habit of going to parties and stuff, she just kind of started bouncing around and staying over with friends. Okay. Whenever possible, which, you know, makes sense. So one of the first kind of suspicious elements of the case is that kayla wasn't reported missing until august 16th which was six days after she had gone missing whoa yeah and six days is a long time a long time i think for like a 15 year old i guess if like you're just like your parents know you as like the kid that's like sleeping over
Starting point is 01:06:23 at a lot of places like yeah it's not that shocking that's it yeah and that's exactly what kind of ended up being the case is that they just sort of were worried somewhere assumed she was okay and the friends i'll get more into detail about it but it's exactly that that like she they were used to not seeing her for days at a time and she didn't have a cell phone so it you know whoa okay yeah she didn't have a cell phone or internet or use the internet so the the self i think because my mom was kind of the same or like she wouldn't see me sometimes and she'd be like well you know there was someone like if there was if something was wrong we would have heard something yeah but i always had a phone just in case the phone thing is that's yeah steep to just like not even be able to have to contact your kid wow yeah the phone thing would be hard if you were if you had i would imagine if you were bouncing around to not have that
Starting point is 01:07:14 constant access but she did have friends with a phone but yeah i think that would kind of definitely add confusion to the whole thing yeah or maybe like the parents since they like grew up also in an era where there was no phone it it was just like, whatever, like, yeah, like, we don't know any better. Small town, you know, it's like, well, she's just sort of friends. Exactly. So according to the Charlie Project, the parents had a fairly open living arrangement for her and her older brother, Jimmy, who had just graduated from school, and they often traveled back and forth by themselves between one parent's house and another and then the grandparents house. So it all makes sense.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Six days is a long time. I have to say, like, I feel like it's just it's I get it. I get both sides of the story, basically, is what I'm trying to say. I do, too. I get it. So Hope remembers that on Tuesday, August 11th, Kayla had called her up to say that she'd be spending the day at her friend Natasha's and that they were going to hang out. And that did happen. Kayla and Natasha spent the day moving between Natasha's house and the park until 5 p.m. when Natasha had to head off to work. So instead of leaving with Natasha, Kayla hung around because Natasha's brother Jimmy and Kevin, the one who ended up driving her around smoking pot with her later, were hanging out. And so she hung out with
Starting point is 01:08:24 those two guys. And it was at this point that Kayla and Kevin arranged to hang out later that evening. So Kayla heads back to her dad's and around 8.45 p.m. Kevin picks her up. Okay. The following morning, James Spanbauer, Kayla's dad, notices that his daughter didn't come home that night. He calls up Kevin and kevin says oh yeah well i we hung out we drove around and i took her to miguel's house the the sure boyfriend or love interest yeah the abandoned house or the creepy house after they had hung out all evening so he's like that's where
Starting point is 01:08:57 i left her so the dad waits a day thinking like well she's probably hanging out with that guy or with her mom or whatever there's still no sign of Kayla so he contacts Kayla's mom Hope and then Hope is like I also haven't heard from her so Hope calls up a few of Kayla's friends including Natasha and interestingly enough a couple of days prior to this on August 9th something sort of similar had happened with Kayla because she and a few friends had gone to a party and each of them kind of told each other's parents or told their own parents that they were at each other's houses and so kayla's mom was like well maybe she's pulling another one of these like right oh i'm over here i'm a dad like it had
Starting point is 01:09:34 just happened similarly so yes almost took away the sense of urgency exactly exactly this wasn't the first time she had been away and kind of lied about where she was. So because Kayla and most of her friends didn't have cell phones, only one of them did. When Kayla's mom tried to get in touch with the house that Kayla said she was staying at, both parents kind of realized suddenly that neither of them knew where their daughters were. Shit. Alarming. And all the parents became worried. They immediately went to report them all missing. worried they immediately went to report them all missing and at the police station the group of parents finally got a call from one from the one kid who did have a phone who says we're all safe they messed up we're sorry so that had just happened and so this is why Kayla's parents are a little bit like well maybe that she's just pulling one of these teenage things again where
Starting point is 01:10:21 she's not telling us the truth so they're hesitant to report her missing thinking like she's probably okay but kayla's friend beth got in touch with the parents pretty soon saying she had seen kayla on the evening of the 11th uh when kayla and kevin had stopped by the mcdonald's where she worked this is a friend beth kevin stayed in the car and kayla went inside and told beth that kevin had gotten her a coming home present and they were going to smoke weed and drive around. Okay. So she said, Beth, I'll call you later. Evidently, she never did. Not a single person they quickly realized knew where she was, except that she had last been seen with Kevin. Oh my God. I can't even imagine the panic. No, must be out of this world. As said earlier, it was only on August 17th she was officially reported missing. And Kayla's parents have received a lot of flack, a lot of criticism on social media, on comments for what seems kind of like what people have called reckless parenting.
Starting point is 01:11:17 But again, like, we've talked about this. I mean, they've been hearing so many different strands of information from different friends. She had just kind of pulled something similar a few days ago yeah it's like i like and this sounds maybe this like isn't the right phrase anymore but it reminds me of like the boy who cried wolf and that like you know if this if something so similar is happening very often then like there's just not the the same the urgency like you said there's not the same and then eventually and then all of a sudden that person's missing and i imagine there's that like initial guilt of like how could i have not known but also realistically like you had a kid who was sneaking out a lot not we're not victim blaming here i'm just saying like they had they had
Starting point is 01:12:00 reason to think like nothing was different than normal yeah yeah and um there were like three houses so there were the grandparents the dad and the mom could have been you know at any of their houses a lot of friends a boyfriend or yeah could have been hooking up with someone that like we didn't know about could have been smoking weed with someone and everyone was keeping it hush-hush you know yeah it just seemed like there were a lot of different possibilities and they were hearing from different friends saying oh yeah, yeah, I saw her. She was hanging out, whatever. So they just kind of assumed she was okay. Again, also, her dad was really sick with cancer at this point. Like, I'm sure. There was distractions. blame around i don't feel right criticizing anybody that i can't imagine being in their position sure so you know also not victim blaming kayla either we're not saying that's you know
Starting point is 01:12:50 because she was always out not telling you what was going on it's her fault that's not what we're saying no no no i did the same shit when i was a kid so yeah i mean i just played on my space but you know you never i i snuck around like i mean like i wasn't i you know maybe not to the same degree but like there were days where my mom didn't know where i was or i said i was somewhere else you know so yeah i get both i probably did that too yeah um so kayla's brother jimmy had said that kayla was staying so that's the other thing is that kayla's brother jimmy had told his parents that oh no okay, I'm pretty sure Kayla's just staying with a different friend that you haven't talked to. And so the parents were relieved briefly.
Starting point is 01:13:29 But then Jimmy found out this was just a rumor and it wasn't even true. So, you know, things were confusing. And yes, six days, long time. Looking back, hindsight is 20-20. So just a few days after the missing persons report was filed, the police changed Kayla's case to an endangered missing child's case. And this was in all the local newspapers and media. And, you know, a lot of tips came rolling in. All were dead ends, unfortunately. On August 26th, the police received a tip that Kayla had been spotted at a nearby Walmart and then leaving in a truck. So they got the surveillance footage.
Starting point is 01:14:04 And there was a young woman who resembled Kayla. But when her mom watched it, she said, that's not my daughter. So unfortunately, that was another dead end. And as reported by the Charlie Project, the police had thought that her friends appeared evasive as if they were trying to conceal her whereabouts. So at first, police just thought she had run away and that the friends were covering for her. However, as weeks passed with nobody having heard from Kayla, police just thought she had run away and that the friends were covering for her. However, as weeks passed with nobody having heard from Kayla, police started to take it a little more seriously as not just a runaway case. And they obviously at this point are like, well, Kevin's the last one to be seen with her. We should probably chat with him.
Starting point is 01:14:39 Yeah. At that point, you got no one else. But start backtracking, you know? Yeah. Start backtracking to the last person I've seen her alive. And in his interview, Kevin went through that night from his point of view. He had simply dropped Kayla off at this dark, creepy house, which Kayla said was that of her romantic interest, Miguel. And Kevin confidently asserted he had dropped Kayla off at 1030 and then headed back to his parents. But guess what? Uh-oh. then headed back to his parents but guess what oh soon discovered that this house where kevin had dropped kill off had been condemned a month earlier and it is where miguel used to live oh but no longer live kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin kevin so uh top of that according
Starting point is 01:15:21 to kayla's friends uh via the trace podcast, which is a great show, by the way, her friends told police Kayla knew full well Miguel didn't live there anymore. Ew. That makes it so much more creepy. Yeah. I have goose cam from my own story. So, does that mean she was drugged or something? Question mark, question mark. Yeah. she was drugged or something or like a question mark question mark yeah i mean for her if she knew if he said like oh we're going to miguel's and she knew better like then like so why was she
Starting point is 01:15:52 still like playing the game like what was actually there or maybe he told her in confidence a different story about like oh miguel used to live here but i'm watching the place or or maybe he's lying and said i dropped her her off at Miguel's house and police said, oh, where? And he points at that house and they say Miguel doesn't live there anymore. Or maybe none of it's fucking true. You're completely right.
Starting point is 01:16:12 You didn't know that, but Kayla did. Well, we don't know. The way it was in my head was that Kayla knew that Miguel didn't live there, but Kevin and she still went with Kevin anyway. And then Kevin like trapped her down there or something anyway it doesn't matter uh yeah we don't know it's not how it went
Starting point is 01:16:30 but I all of them terrible situations all bad right all very bad the fact that the house was condemned and nobody lived there and Kayla knew it makes it just so much creepier like you said um so okay so now it's like really where the fuck is yeah where the fuck is she because now it's like why would she go to this house if she was on her way to see this guy she liked well not to see miguel because miguel denied having seen her at all on the day or night of the disappearance and said the last time he had actually seen her was at a party a week ago uh miguel himself he was four years older than kayla they had been boyfriend and girlfriend uh but kayla's parents weren't happy about the age difference and told her to end things so basically
Starting point is 01:17:10 it's unclear whether they were like together together or just like hooking up or just like she was still into him who knows but that's why i'm kind of being vague on the language of got it romantic interest got it um but they had dated at one point in time so miguel's family had moved out of this house that kevin allegedly dropped her off at over a month ago and danelle hallen i think it's hallen the true crime youtuber says kayla had been at miguel's new house the week before like at the new house so there's no reason why she would have told kevin drop me off at this old abandoned house yeah she knew knew that he wasn't there. She knew where his new house was on top of everything else.
Starting point is 01:17:51 So, sketchy. Now, if you kind of look back and analyze what Kevin has told police, he's this 24-year-old. He dropped off a 15-year-old at a house, which he acknowledged looked creepy and empty and all the lights were off. Furthermore, he told police that he never checked to see. He didn't see her go inside. He never saw whether she got in safely. He just left. So sketchy.
Starting point is 01:18:16 When Kayla's family hears about this, they're kind of like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, record scratch. Because they said knowing Kaylala according to trace evidence she was absolutely terrified of the dark and she said she would have never ever ever ever gone into an abandoned or creepy house by herself if i were any reason if i were kayla's parents and i knew where kevin lived i think i would have lost my mind and probably impulsively just like killed Kevin. Oh, yeah. Without question. I mean, where the fuck is she? This man, something is up. Something is up. He knows something. He knows something because they were like, there is no way she would have done this like bullshit, like we're calling total bullshit. So Kayla's friends told police that if
Starting point is 01:19:01 Kayla were ever going to see Miguel, he would typically come pick her up. Kevin had never dropped her off before at his house. Like, this is just a weird story that Kevin has. But, of course, authorities have to check in on Miguel because obviously. And so his phone record showed that he hadn't gotten in contact with Kayla or Kevin that day. They searched the house that that he used to live in, this abandoned house, and they searched Miguel's new home. But they found absolutely nothing that could have led them to believe kayla was ever there uh the day she disappeared wow they also looked into kevin's cell phone records and confirmed that kayla had made two calls to kevin from her grandparents house on the day of her disappearance around 2 a.m his phone was switched oh okay okay okay so at this point kevin is like real sus he is like in trouble in trouble uh at
Starting point is 01:19:51 least with me at least with the distant person that is me at least with our podcast he is in a real pickle he's in a pickle indeed uh he unfortunately was able to provide an alibi because according to stories of the unsolved, that blog, he repeatedly told police he went straight home to Deerbrook, Wisconsin after dropping her off. And this alibi was verified by his mother who saw him around midnight that night. But listen, I watch a lot of SVU lately and a mother's alibi. Wishy-washy at best. At best. Because she's going to say, I saw you. If you're like, Mom, I'm at best at best because she's gonna say i saw you if you're like mom i'm
Starting point is 01:20:27 under investigation yeah it's bias are you kidding me like most moms are gonna be like i would rather protect you without even fully knowing the story yeah they're gonna protect the shit out of their kid of course and that's we've seen that before time and time again so that was his only alibi was that his mom said she saw him at midnight. So. Okay. Question mark, question mark. So clearly aware the authorities are suspicious about his involvement. Kevin hires a lawyer. Miguel isn't fully off the hook either. It was quickly discovered that he actually had a second phone that he hadn't told police about.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. No, no. This is Miguel. Oh, Miguel, Miguel, Miguel. Yeah. Oh, Miguel. Kevin no no this is Miguel oh Miguel Miguel Miguel yeah oh he seemed like so off the hook and then they find out he has the second creepy phone you know I was literally gonna say too like can you imagine being Miguel and finding out that you were almost framed for something and yes
Starting point is 01:21:17 how scary never mind now now the there's the plot thickens the plot thickens but also can you imagine if you had a second phone for like totally unrelated reasons and you were like well shit do i tell them is that skeptic does that make me look more right like what if it's just like for work or something and yeah it seems but so of course it's so much worse that he didn't turn it in and then they discovered it uh yeah miguel you're you're also in a pickle also join the pickle jar kevin's over here get the barrel of pickles just a barrel of pickles over here everyone's brining and you're now brining too so now that's a vlasic stop it stop it so uh so they're both pickling away and it turns out he has a second phone.
Starting point is 01:22:06 So they scan this phone, discover that it had pinged off a tower about 40 miles north of Wausau and had made two calls on the night of Kayla's disappearance. The calls were extremely short and police speculated they didn't last enough for anyone to have a conversation. But apart from those two calls, there didn't seem to be like any use on this phone, like barely ever used. So even though like it can't be proven that these calls went anywhere important, it is weird that they were used that night that she disappeared. Oh, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:22:34 Like that's still strange. That's sus, fam. That's sus. No cap. Oh, my God. Stop trying to be a teen. It's embarrassing. I'm just letting them know how it sounds to my ears.
Starting point is 01:22:47 Well, thank you for illuminating us. You're welcome. So with Miguel and Kevin as two key suspects within the disappearance of Kayla Berg, police decide to search both of their cars. They use luminol and there was blood detected in both cars. Unfortunately, they weren't able to confirm where the blood had come from or whether it was kayla's oh honestly i bet you if you search my car there's probably some weird shit in there that i don't know where it came from so if you told me there was blood that wasn't
Starting point is 01:23:16 yours in your car i'd be like okay yep that's that tracks that sounds about right um so i don't think that's the most like damning evidence especially because it was found in both their cars uh seven weeks after kayla went missing police searched an area near the vacant house where kevin said he dropped kayla off they took a cadaver dog which i'm always like yes bring the dogs they always know more than we do always do always so they brought the dog and the dog identified a pond nearby so a team was brought in to investigate they didn't find anything. In December of 09, police got in touch with Officer Carmen Corcoran to conduct some sniff searches with some other dogs.
Starting point is 01:23:53 Bring in the dogs on some of the cars. So they were trained to look only for signs of human decomp. So they lined up 10 cars and Kevin and Miguel. It's like a lineup like Kevinvin and me like a doggy lineup it's so sweet well a car lineup well but for the dogs to smell though right yes yes yes a lineup for the doggies yeah so uh they lined up like 10 different cars and kevin and miguel's cars are like mixed in there somewhere and the dogs conducted a sniff search they landed on one car would you like to guess which car it was either miguel or kevin's which one uh let's go with miguel kevin damn all right well second
Starting point is 01:24:35 place second place it wasn't all the eight strangers that they landed on good job can all of those uh cars actually have uh like rodeo themes like miss molly's hotel it's a cowboy car yeah oh my god so kevin kevin kevin's the one his car was uh sniffed out as having some sort of cadaver scent some sort of dead body scent on it and i was the only one if that's not enough other locations were searched with cadaver dogs and the cadaver dogs pointed out kevin's parents home and the potato farm where he worked so those were the other two locations that the cadaver dogs detected this scent worth am i about to find out that this body is in buried in a potato farm for fertilizer for potatoes
Starting point is 01:25:22 well since it's an unsolved case i uh unfortunately you're not about to find that out but oh okay it just it feels a little too on the nose i was like am i about to find out that someone's body became potato fertilizer it's possible but i'm totally don't know but so they found this scent on kevin's work kevin's parents house and his work and his car so basically like outrageous odds that this would happen without any sort of reason like this wasn't just an accident that these dogs smelled dead body on all three of his I don't mean to be making assumptions here but I have a hunch and my hunch is no you have a hunch we have a hunch that the dog's hunch is on to something. I'm going to trust the dogs to be clear. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:26:17 So even though this is like all very, very, very damning, according to a blog called It's Crime O'Clock Somewhere, which is made by this woman named Kylie. It's great. Police did not have enough information to prove that it had anything to do with kayla so they basically just had this circumstantial like well his house does smell like a dead body but so does megan's locker i guess so we can't prove not what i saw coming but you know what i liked it anyway but there is a friend named megan in here i don't mean that megan i mean the ethereal Megan that we discussed on a high. Yeah. The Megan who smells like a dead fucking body, but like existential Megan, the elusive Megan spelt with three eyes somewhere in her name. So many ages.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Yeah, exactly. So there was not enough evidence to put Kevin on trial, but in October of 09, he was arrested and charged with second degree reckless endangerment, which was a felony related to having smoked pot with her on the night that she disappeared so this was their attempt at kind of getting him on something different but unfortunately was dismissed in 2011 and kevin
Starting point is 01:27:15 hasn't been charged or named as a suspect in her actual disappearance and he is no longer cooperating with the investigation according to the charlie project is this the end of the fucking story almost oh my god okay so as reddit user lee run six puts it if he has a lawyer there's no reason for him to be uncooperative with police since he was the last person to see her alive and was alone with her in his car for a few hours before he dropped her off and she was never seen again he should want to help out if he's innocent and his lawyer would be present to protect him from accusatory questioning. When you're the last person to see someone define their when you're the last person to see someone define their disappearance and you're uncooperative, that's because he's guilty and his lawyer knows it. Dun, dun, dun. So this is just a Reddit user.
Starting point is 01:27:59 But I thought it made a good point that. Yeah, I think so. If you're uncooperative about your good friend going missing, it just never sits well with me. Sorry. It's not a good look. That's for sure. At the end of the no matter what the truth is, it's not a good look. And I get obviously get a lawyer.
Starting point is 01:28:16 If you're being accused of something, get a lawyer. I get it. You know, I would do the same. But it's just I don't trust Kevin one bit. Yeah, I don't trust him. So it's just I don't trust Kevin one bit. Yeah. I don't trust him. So we fast forward seven years and this YouTube video. Remember?
Starting point is 01:28:29 Hi, Walter. I got a new girlfriend today. Yeah. Yeah. So in the meantime, in these years and years, nothing has really progressed in figuring out what happened to Kayla. So unfortunately, in 2014, Kayla's dad had passed away from cancer. And in 2016, suddenly this shocking video comes back, it resurfaces, and even her mom goes, that kind of looks like my daughter. So everyone's thinking, you know, could it be her? with stories theories suspects questions like people saying look in the reflection of the glasses like i think there's somebody there like just trying to find any clue in this video that
Starting point is 01:29:09 they can yeah um and though it is shocking and revolting it kind of brought like a sense of hope to people who were like well maybe we can finally have a new lead on this or at least an answer like at least closure something closure exactly so unfortunately this hope was squashed when it was discovered that the video was a hoax oh my god christine she no i'm so sorry i mean sorry yay but also not i know i remember i don't even know how to feel i know and it's so icky because like and that it was made by actors it was not meant to look like i mean this was back in 2009 like when they had made it and it was made by actors um who like profusely apologized if they said it's a joke i don't think it's a funny joke to have a woman tied up in your bathroom as you know whatever but
Starting point is 01:30:00 and also like i like i would go even further like down a notch to apologize so like wow you finally like had probably started having some semblance of normalcy again and then to have not only hope that maybe your daughter or your friends alive but also now the last image you have of her you associate with someone being tortured you know and it's like just like an even worse way to seven years later yeah it was almost like affirming whatever your worst fear was all those years ago yeah and so it's it's almost like just mixed feelings of like okay that was a dead end but also like yeah thankfully it wasn't real yeah but also like now i still have something actualized in my head and
Starting point is 01:30:41 it's yes exactly and so they did profusely apologize i mean it wasn't their fault they didn't do it on purpose was not but it's also like i mean i could say it's in poor taste but like i've we've had youtube since we were like 12 like i know that youtube is in there's plenty of poor taste youtube videos and i don't think there's any one of us in our generation who like has made some video that they don't regret like in some way so that's probably true we're just lucky we didn't have tiktok to immediately upload it that's very true yeah so to this day the case remains unsolved kayla berg remains unfound and her friends and family remains marina utterly heartbroken in regards to lays with kevin
Starting point is 01:31:23 uh stories of the unsolved noted that he refused to take a polygraph test offered by the fbi and instead later took one from a private firm which he claims he passed but they've never publicly released that so like fuck off i don't trust that for a second i don't want to like you know decide for i don't want to decide who's guilty and who's not because i don't know but also like nothing sounds like he's in nothing feels that he's innocent to me personally no exactly and honestly you don't have to drag someone's name through i'm not going to make the call but reddit has certainly made the call reddit believes that had something to do with it then again as if you guys watch the cecil hotel
Starting point is 01:32:03 documentary you can see that people can band together against somebody who's innocent as well so i'm not here to say we should all go out with pitchforks after this guy but uh it is it is shady and and the theory my radar on on your story yeah precisely and i will say too that the uh the the cover-up story that they think he used is that he gave Kayla's boyfriend's address as where he dropped her off not knowing that her boyfriend had moved so basically he was like oh yeah I dropped her off her boyfriend's you know that house on this street and then he found himself a pot you know in a big pickle barrel right a big pickle barrel yeah yeah so every year family and friends gather to release balloons in tribute to her. If you do have any information regarding the case, you can contact the Antigua police at 715-627-6411.
Starting point is 01:32:52 As a brief description, Kayla would be 27. She's a Caucasian female, brown hair, brown eyes, has a scar on her right shin and small pox scars on her right cheek and the right side of her nose. She has abdominal scars from laparoscopic surgery and her appendix has been removed if you happen to check that i don't know if you happen to look through her organs organs yeah her navel is pierced and her ears are double pierced and her nickname is kk so that's the story of kayla berg you can google her or we'll probably put on instagram a photo of her um if you have any information so that's the story of kayla berg and the poor actors that got caught up in something seven years later that they probably forgot they even posted oh my god yeah i can't imagine oh wow just sounds like every single
Starting point is 01:33:34 person involved in this had some sort of bad luck just wild except if kevin is guilty and got away with it sounds like he got some good luck. He only has Reddit and us after him, which means nothing in the grand scheme of things for him. Wow. That was a good one. You're right. I like the spookiness. He found a way to do a little unsolved mystery mixed with like some like urban lore, like internet creepiness. Yeah, no, I love a good urban lore.
Starting point is 01:33:58 Wow. Very, very, very nicely done. After that nightmare fuel from last week. After the rough times that i brought to our birthday table yes i appreciate that there's a balance a harmony now yeah yeah everything's back to normal um well thank you so much uh to everyone who's listening we next week uh it's going to be fun the next episode you hear from us is going to be one of two episodes we're recording the same day so uh good luck uh to you and to us where we used to record multiple episodes in advance and we haven't done it
Starting point is 01:34:32 a while but i remember being very sleepy afterwards so good luck we got postmates we always allow ourselves postmates on the days we record so very true well i going to go with our Postmates now, actually. Yay, me too. And that's why we are fresh out of the oven. Oh, look at that. Now that's Hoboken style, baby. Now that's Hoboken, baby. Drink.

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