And That's Why We Drink - E243 A Baker's Dozen No One Invited to the Party and a Bad Donut

Episode Date: October 3, 2021

Can you pronounce the word for the fear of Friday the 13th? We're not sure we can but we've got some great fun facts for you! This week, to usher in the Halloween season, Em's covering the history of ...the superstitions behind Friday the 13th. Then Christine brings us the second part in her two part series on Laci and Scott Peterson. And Em might have some not-so-savory things they're giving Christine in their will... and that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 okay hello the universe really didn't want that in the airwaves but m just said that they're creating a will and that i'm in the will you and i need it on record and then we realized we were recording and now i'm so angry you are in the will i i did say you better count your stars because you might be getting just my teeth or something i don't want that that's what i want on record i don't want that i don't care i want maybe it's the thing that would matter most to me to give you what do you think your teeth i don't you don't know what my thoughts are or my my intention I actually know a hundred percent your thoughts like 99% of the time so I think odds are I will say in like in a in a pinch just let's put this on record for
Starting point is 00:01:00 for real times if something would happen everyone that's important in my life or like a regular player in my life, I would like each of you to take one of my hats. I thought you were going to say one of your teeth. I was like, we're not doing this teeth thing. And also a fingernail. Ew, stop it. Only the top 10. It's like MySpace.
Starting point is 00:01:19 Oh. So Tom from MySpace gets one of your fingernails. Lucky him. If he wants wants it he could have he's definitely a dead ringer for you know a best friend so well uh thank you for that i guess you're welcome so which of my fingernails is gonna be maybe the middle finger you know it's definitely gonna be the i just take the whole finger i'm gonna tell you the funeral director that'd be fine i'm telling you i'm telling you from beyond the grave if you took my whole finger that'd be fine okay great anyway i'm telling you we needed this on record okay so i'm glad i finally hit record how are you christine besides about to be so rich with
Starting point is 00:01:54 fingernails um i'm great i'm like i mean by the time this comes out this is like weeks in advance now we're for the first time, probably ever. We're like very much ahead of the game recording wise. And I'm sure that was the end of that high ride. It was good while it lasted. But yeah. So when this comes out, because the episode that just came out, I guess I was saying the baby is sideways and I'm now getting all these great tips and tricks, but like the baby's already flipped. So I'm sort of like, oh, sorry, everybody update. That's fun. One day in
Starting point is 00:02:28 like, I don't know, a month or two, I'll be hearing like what other weird things people have given people from beyond the grave. And that's right. Somebody's going to be writing about your fingernails and you're going to be like, what is going on? Yeah. We have a short memory span. Um, but yeah. So, I mean, when this comes out hopefully i don't know because i'm gonna be just i'm i'm i'm kind of being impatient i'm i'm over it i'm 30 i'll be 37 weeks this week and i'm oh my gosh i'm kind of i'm over it you know is there a chance that you won't even be 37 weeks pregnant you'll just be a mom um i doubt it because that's in like 24 or 48 hours that'll be 30 some weeks oh okay so like fingers crossed no because i need you to record right now yeah
Starting point is 00:03:11 because like right now we have other things to do we've already done the thing where you have contractions during the show and like now it's old you know for a little bit yeah um not for me maybe right um but did you did you did they go away by the way like what's the update on no they just keep happening and the doctor's just like well uh you're like fine you're not having a baby yet your body's just like practicing and i'm like well wow good for me you're gonna have so much practice that baby's gonna just drop out of you. I hope so. That's the dream. I'm like, with all this practice, it better be fucking prepared. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:03:50 Wow. So you've just been having contractions for like two weeks? Yeah, it's fine because I can sleep. Like when I go to sleep, that's like fine. But it's just during the day. It's like all day long. I keep getting, I mean, they've been checking me. They're like, we don't know why that's happening.
Starting point is 00:04:03 So that's really reassuring. We're going to realize that this is actually just like some weird excuse to not talk to me when you try it after the baby's born. You're like, oh, these contractions. Oh, not another one. And I'll be like, girl, it's too late. But it's so effective while it does last for me. This is like a dream scenario. But anyway, so I guess when this comes out, I mean, I mean i might i don't know i wrote it all down on a calendar obviously i
Starting point is 00:04:29 already forget but i think by the time this comes out like maybe we'll presumably be here so oh my god exciting check my instagram i guess if you're curious i have a hunch the world will know the world might know or at least like someone will hear me shouting from ohio and be like oh when it happens can you make an announcement on instagram with a picture of like a stork with geo's head on it like something that's a request for the listeners i think um i don't know if i'll be in like a photoshopping mood but maybe you never know i'll you tell me when the baby's here and i will have an invitation or a an announcement prepared you'll have like a fiverr account or whatever that website is where you can
Starting point is 00:05:10 like pay somebody five bucks and just when i when i was doing marvel monday i had to put my face on every marvel movie poster so how did you do that i always wondered literally i just drew my face oh you did that just like yourself yeah that was pretty impressive i was like wow every week m has a new little poster of themselves it was pretty great i like to be i like i like the validation on the and that's why drink account i was like who is making these but it was you all along good for you wow yeah so you make the stork is what you're saying i'll do it you tell me when it's it'll be done oh i'll tell you you'll hear when don't worry about that one. We'll hear your, we'll hear your labor screams from across the country. You might. How are you, Em? You look great in your nineties, uh, teen, teen character hat.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Um, yes, this is me living out my youth. It feels good. And I got this hat at spirit Halloween. So if you would like to get one yourself run on over to the 90s teen character costume i love that that exists i saw it i saw this hat from across the way and i was like you're coming home with me like this is not a temporary costume my friend this is officially in the main stockpile little did they know they were creating an outfit, not a costume. I know. I don't even care if I look a little silly. It just feels right.
Starting point is 00:06:28 No, it doesn't. It looks really good. I mean, I think I'm supposed to be offended because it's like probably Gen Z is creating like, oh, look, 90s teen character. And I'm like, oh, wow,
Starting point is 00:06:38 that's just like our existence. But it's still really fun. I like it. It's got a tinge of eighties to it. It's definitely on the cusp of eighties. I'm not against it, but it doesn't totally feel nineties. And the cartoon character or the costume character did state it was a
Starting point is 00:06:54 nineties character. So yeah, it does feel like it came. It's like a cartoon that came out on the cusp of like eighties, nineties. This feels like a 91. This feels like, it feels like a 91.
Starting point is 00:07:04 That's okay. That's what the best things come from so okay well thank you that's nice of you to say about yourself so um yeah oh one day your little baby will say that about 2021 when someone's trying to wear a costume from the 20s yeah but nobody's oh the 20s but nobody's gonna to say, yes, great things happened in 2021. Your baby can say, I'm the only good thing to come out of. That's true. Tough bar to match.
Starting point is 00:07:35 Like Em's cool hat and the baby. That's about the only positives I've seen on the horizon for my own life. Your hat and my baby. To answer your question i'm good but i'm jet setting again i did not i cannot with you i cannot keep up i can't keep up either i was confused about dates i didn't realize i was allison's cousin's getting married and so i'm leaving but i thought it was happening not this month away ands away. And then Allison was like, oh, are you ready for Wednesday?
Starting point is 00:08:09 And I went. Are you packed for Wednesday? That's the most terrifying sentence if you're not going anywhere in your own head. And I went, well, that's Wednesday. Oh, I bet she loved that, by the way. Well, so Wednesdays right now, there's a Marvel TV show that comes out every Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:08:24 So I thought she was saying like, you're're ready to, like, I don't know. She said something like, oh, you're ready for Wednesday. And then I was like, oh, what's Wednesday? And she's like, you haven't packed or some combination of that. But I definitely thought it was a completely different direction than where she went. So anyway, I'm leaving again. Oh, my God. But I'll be back.
Starting point is 00:08:43 This one's a short one. Can you imagine if Mothman was still on and M was just like, actually, I'm just busy. Oh, my God. But I'll be back. This one's a short one. Can you imagine if my fan was still on and M was just like, actually, I'm just busy. You have to know. I will. I do know. Like that week. I well, hang on. I don't know anymore.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I'll find out when we get there. I'll find out. I know about my schedule two weeks from now. I'm like, no, you don't. Nobody believes you anymore. No. The hope is that I'm just I'm just having a good time. You're in that hat.
Starting point is 00:09:08 I can't really be mad at you or feel like any sort of, I just feel like you're going to be living the dream. I'll just wear this hat anytime I'm confused. So at least I look cute doing it. People are, you can do this little like, who, me? And nobody can be mad. Real quick note before we start the episode. I meant to mention this earlier.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I totally forgot. I was just going to say the reason I drink this week is because I kind of let it slip to end that Blaze's whole plan for the baby was to dress the baby as M for Halloween. And I'm so mad that I let it slip. But now I just, I need the world to know because now I'm fully invested
Starting point is 00:09:45 you know I honestly might actually I don't even know where I'm gonna be next week like I could forget very easily about this um but I I am very excited if it does happen I just like I kind of mentioned it on the fly because Blaze keeps every time I'm like what should that be I'm like I'm shopping for like a little baby lamb or a lion costume and I'm like what should the baby be and Blaze every time is like Funko Lamb and I'm like oh my god okay Blaze is fully on board with it's his plan um so just a warning for everybody um I'm gonna let Baby's First Halloween be all about me that sounds great I mean nobody's surprised not one person super duper fun and also the fun part is i have no idea what that means i don't need dressing
Starting point is 00:10:32 because it's like am i gonna be in like a superhero suit am i gonna be in this fucking hat am i gonna be in my pajamas like going is with this hat i don't know the possibilities are endless because really you could dress that baby up however you want and i would probably dress that way also you'd be like yeah that looks like me yeah yeah the baby's gonna come out of me and you're gonna be like oh it looks just like me i guarantee christine oh look what we did together it's really cremated isn't it it's cremated with teeth oh my gosh as long as the baby doesn't have teeth, I will love the baby. I will take on the role of secondary parent wherever I need to. That's the only caveat in your will that you're creating.
Starting point is 00:11:17 Baby cannot have little chompers until it's supposed to. So anyway, here is the story of the week. And I feel like I'm gonna regret this speaking of halloween because i feel like it is a perfect halloween story um so if i don't find something better on halloween i am gonna feel bad about using this topic now um we'll find something halloweeny we'll find something i we could always tell the very scary story of you know why there's two m's in the room one's so tiny and it also came out of christine has teeth a horror story waiting to be written um okay so this is the non-story slash list of information a historical account of Friday the 13th.
Starting point is 00:12:06 That's a good one. I know what it is. I mean, I would say, I know you said this is a Halloween story. I feel like this would be a Friday the 13th story, but I guess we don't even release on Friday. So that wouldn't even make sense. And we're recording on a Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:12:20 So it's a... Just go with it, folks. Just roll with it. I did actually check to see when this would come out and it does not come out on a 13th. Like fully doesn't. I also just checked. Oh, well. Yeah. Oh, well, I tried, except I didn't until it was too late.
Starting point is 00:12:34 So, okay. Here is the things you didn't know you needed to know. I'm very excited. This sounds like a fun fact episode, which I can't wait. And you know what? You just nailed it on the head christine i i love doing notes on things that are just fun facts because even if someone doesn't care about scary stories but now you've gotten dragged into listening to this podcast episode on like a road trip or something hi hi by the way i'm nice to meet you hey i'm christine my baby has teeth what was great to meet you tbd on the teeth
Starting point is 00:13:06 but uh i like they're now gonna walk away and be like oh i you know i'm not a podcast lover but i did learn something here today so i really hate that podcast but guess what i know about friday there have been times i'm sitting in a car with like like i'm not in charge of the aux cord and i i get stuck listening to a podcast that I usually wouldn't listen to, but I learned something. I'm like, oh, that's so fun. So hopefully this is that for you. And also maybe if you just listen to our podcast, you have fun. Please don't leave. Okay. So, um, Friday the 13th. So let me list a few Friday the 13th disasters while we're here. Let's just just start start on a high or low yeah start
Starting point is 00:13:49 strong somewhere so i did not write down the years just because i didn't it's a lot of numbers didn't want to confuse anyone so here's just a random list of friday the 13th that have happened throughout the years okay so there was a russian plane crash in mosc Moscow that killed 174 people. Oh, shit. There was a blizzard in Buffalo where 400,000 people lost power. Yikes. There was the German bombing of Buckingham Palace. Oh, boy. A storm in Bangladesh that killed over 300,000 people.
Starting point is 00:14:20 There was an Air Force plane that crashed into the Andes, and then rumor has it those the survivors had to resort to cannibalism oh yeah i know that story okay and then you've covered this person but i don't know how to pronounce the last name the murder of kitty genovese oh genovese okay genovese yeah yeah yeah who is the reason the reason for the psychological bystander effect. We did talk about. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That was a few months ago.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Yeah, yeah. A cruise ship crashed in Italy and killed a bunch of people. A personal favorite is the one we have recently lived through, which is March, Friday the 13th, 2020, which is when the COVID stay at home. I don't remember what happened. Don't remind me. Don't worry. Every time I think of Friday the 13th now, it has been ruined by.
Starting point is 00:15:09 That was on Friday the 13th. I don't think I knew that. Oh, it was like the first fun fact. I think we talked about, I think we did talk about it because we were still trying. We were still trying to figure out if we were going to go to our Seattle show.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Oh, bless our hearts. And then it happened and everyone was like oh friday the 13th that's how you know it's not good so wow okay i clearly missed that well now i'm parent i'm pretty sure i've been thinking it for literally years i don't have any doubt about it i just can't believe i like forgot that fact i feel like that's um uh march 13th i just want to double check because now i'm so paranoid yeah i was right at 13th okay i believe you i'm sure you're right i was doubting myself when i don't
Starting point is 00:15:49 let me instill doubt in you amethy too late so speaking of doubt let's talk about fear so uh the fear of the number 13 and the fear of friday the 13th uh Trick the... No. Is that right? No. Trick something. Mm-hmm. Well, it's a long one, so I don't expect you to know this one off the top of your head. So,
Starting point is 00:16:12 25% of the United States considers itself superstitious. Michael Scott considers himself littlestitious, which is you and me. I am a littlestitious. And 10% of the United States we fear the number 13 which is
Starting point is 00:16:28 called triska triskaidicophobia wow that sounds right triska diakophob trisk triska triska diakophobia yeah something like that i don't know. Triskaidekaphobia. Triskaidekaphobia. Meanwhile, an even worse pronunciation, get ready for it, is specifically a subcategorization of Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th. Oh, there's a subcategory. There's a subcategory and two horrible ways of pronouncing it. Or two different words that are horrible to pronounce triska deka phobia sorry i just want to say it okay now try to pronounce
Starting point is 00:17:11 these okay the fear of friday the 13th is paris skiva deka tria phobia which is also called sometimes frigga triska deca phobia okay let's see oh my fucking god that's it looks like it i mean it doesn't it looks like a german word uh i mean it's a bunch of latin i'm sure i don't know it's actually greek it's what the internet tells me so triska decaaphobia is fear of 13 and paris pariskevidekatriophobia is the fear of friday the 13th and it can also very specific if you and you can also another version of it or another word for it is the frigatriskaidekaphobia i like that one frigatriskaidekaphobia you will find out soon enough why it's called that.
Starting point is 00:18:06 So. I kind of maybe did because the internet says, sorry. Wipe your little brain clean. It's not hard to do these days. It's gone. It's empty. It's like one of those old CDs where it's rewritable, you know? Oh, I was thinking one of those That was
Starting point is 00:18:21 a pretty exclusive joke to only a certain group of people. To 90s characters specifically. 90s teen characters. Rewritable floppy disks. Okay. So Friday the 13th is the most consistently feared day. And on average, around 17 to 21 million people in the United States are at least some level of nervous about Friday the 13th.
Starting point is 00:18:44 Wow. people in the United States are at least some level of nervous about Friday the 13th. Some people are really nervous about it and have a true, true fear and will refuse to drive anywhere, fly anywhere, get married, invest, make big payments. I refuse to get married today. That's my commitment. Well, you know what? Okay. So our personal, in my family, our personal day that we don't like is June 30th.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Oh. So my great grandpa. Since the end of your birthday month? You know what? It's the end of both our birthday months, so I don't like it either, to be fair. Officially, yeah, actually. I didn't even put that together, but that's another reason. No, one of my ancestors died on June 30th, and so it became a thing where it's like, Oh, June 30th is an unlucky day.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Oh my gosh. And so we just like, it just became a thing where we don't like June 30th. And we all are. My grandpa even always told my mom, like, don't ever do make any big decisions on June 30th. Just don't do it. Well, I'm sorry if that's your birthday. It's my mom decided to go get married on that day.
Starting point is 00:19:42 Oh, that didn't wait. Which, which marriage? The current one oh good okay i thought like one of the past ones and i was like well she proved that correct but i guess this one's going strong i feel like it would have made more sense if she had a bad marriage that married on june 30th this one i feel like she's testing the waters but maybe she broke maybe she broke the curse question mark we'll find out in due time but she got married on our version of friday the 13th so i was like that's really silly if her grandfather said don't make any big
Starting point is 00:20:12 decisions that day and she said i know what i'll do and she went okay papa like see you see on the other side like grandpapa all is well wow anyway uh I still am nervous for her because I heard my whole life. Don't mess around with June 30th. And she's like, so we're getting married on June 30th. And I went, are you forgetting a big part of that sentence? Seems like maybe. Yes, she is. So, yeah, some people don't get married on Friday the 13th.
Starting point is 00:20:39 They don't leave the house. A lot of people have like a specified agoraphobia for that day only wow um and so uh according to what was the company name you have a friend here by the way giovanni he was on the balcony all day and he finally came inside does he feel a little warm he feels a little sunny oh oh and he smells like the sun trying okay he smells like dog breath look same thing to me okay so uh an estimated because so many people don't go outside or don't go outside won't leave the house won't go to their job some people literally won't go to their job some people won't even if they're afraid to fly on friday the 13th people won't buy flights on friday the 13th
Starting point is 00:21:29 people won't invest in the stock market so apparently every friday the 13th an estimated 800 to 900 million dollars is lost in business around the country because of friday the 13th oh my god i always wondered if that if it affected. But I didn't think it actually would that strongly. Wow. So in a very, I think a very old article, because it wasn't called United Airlines. It was called Continental Airlines. But they and Delta both said that they had not lost any money during Friday the 13th so that like prices never dropped on that day but also it could have if that article is old or if that information is
Starting point is 00:22:13 old it would make sense because Friday the 13th wasn't as popularized as it is today really so we will I got a whole timeline for you okay um so we'll get there but it would make sense if that information is outdated because it was before friday the 13th was like a big scary thing okay so um some studies actually find that although you would think friday the 13th is the worst day to like go for a drive or anything uh apparently some studies have found that friday the 13th is one of the safest times to drive because everyone is so extra cautious and some people aren't even on the road. I was going to say, well, then there's so many fewer drivers.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Like, yeah. Wow. And Dutch insurers, so in the Netherlands, insurers have reported less accidents on Friday the 13th compared to other Fridays. You're kidding me. That's wild. The average number is about 7,800 car accident reports per Friday. And on Friday the 13th, it's like 300 less.
Starting point is 00:23:12 So it's a small difference, but it's still a difference. And the fact that it's even statistically relevant enough to track it, that's crazy. Since 1995 in Finland, they have held an annual national accident day where they raise awareness about safe driving and they always do it on a friday the 13th interesting i wonder if that's like because subconsciously people are already like more on edge they're like okay i will take all the tips i can get yeah yeah um and then in the an interesting side note is that the British Medical Journal in 1993 said that people actually, although the car accidents are less likely to happen on Friday the 13th, there is a peak or a rise in people making hospital visits that day compared to other Fridays. I wonder why that is. I wonder what people are doing besides driving that causes a spike. That causes a spike in a hospital.
Starting point is 00:24:12 I wonder if people are like more paranoid, like, Oh my gosh, I have a boil on my arm. What if it's cancerous? I don't know. Or if yeah, people are just like,
Starting point is 00:24:21 I have a Friday off. I'm going to build a deck. Or maybe if you're like afraid to leave your house, maybe it's more like household injuries. Right. Like building a deck. Like building a deck. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:31 Or like, I don't know. So anyway, that's just a fun note that cars are safer or driving is apparently statistically safer. So don't stay inside. There's still a spike. So now there's still another fear you have. Okay, great. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:44 So people, which this, I feel like is common information. I feel like it's common information, but maybe that's, it's just me being odd. But people are so freaked out by the number 13 in general that a lot of corporations will avoid using 13 at all costs, including hotels, won't have hotel, the whole floor, hotels and buildings. Skip it. They skip it. If you ever notice at a hotel, there's a 12th floor and they check the elevator yep but not a 13th floor or sometimes airports um they won't have like gate 13 so they won't have that's interesting or they won't have 13 as the aisle number it'll just go from 12 to 14 on airplanes apparently so and then some streets won't even have like a 13th avenue if they're numbered streets oh sure sure which i never i
Starting point is 00:25:32 actually didn't know that one i think that one i've heard i didn't know about the airports so that makes sense yeah so they'll do whatever they can to avoid 13 in fact there was this really cool study in 2015 um apparently like over 80 percent of the united states uh their high rises don't have a 13th floor fun fact 80 percent over 80 percent of u.s high rises don't have a 13th holy shit and in 2015 the atlantic uh reported on a study of condos just in Manhattan, uh, in New York. So of the 629 buildings that were condos in Manhattan with floors that were, that had 13 or more floors. So out of all the, out of all the condos that had at least 13 floors, only 55 of 629 actually labeled their 13th floor as the 13th floor. My God. Which makes 9% of condos in Manhattan that have a 13th floor.
Starting point is 00:26:30 9%? Okay. You know what? And you're making a good point too, saying like they didn't label, because they technically have a 13th floor. They just don't call it that. Yeah. They just call it the 14th floor.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Yeah. So if you're on the 14th floor in Manhattan, chances are you're on the 13th floor. Yeah, like odds are in any high rise apparently are 80% of them. Wow. That's wild. Yeah. So 80% in all, at least, or no, it was in all of the US, over 80% of high rises have that. But in Manhattan specifically, 91% have.
Starting point is 00:27:04 That's bananas. Yeah. Rises have that but in Manhattan specifically 91% have bananas yeah so um there are also famous people who were scared of the number 13 specifically I threw this one in because it was so ironic Stephen King is scared of 13 apparently literally will not even watch channel 13 or any channels or any channel divisible by 13 Steveve wow didn't know that about you you should write a book steve about your own fear i'm sure he probably did or is there i don't know maybe not is there a book about 13 i don't know maybe maybe that was too far like he's like i'll write about like killer dogs and cars but 13 is too everything to avoid 13 i wonder if like what if his 13th page is the craziest or like he skips the chapter 13 so he he did say or apparently this is i mean alleged but
Starting point is 00:27:53 um in this article it said that he won't even like if he ever needs to take a break or like go to the bathroom in the middle of reading he'll never stop on a page divisible by 13. okay that's interesting well you know growing up channel 26 was cartoon network at my house so like i would have been really bummed out i also watch johnny bravo would have been so bummed um apparently oh jinx oh apparently last year stephen king um teased his fans with a potential Friday the 13th novel idea. Fun. I wonder if he would be afraid to write it, though.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Like, it would be unlucky. Well, it seems like he announced it in 2020, so it's sort of like he's giving up all caution at that point. I mean, quarantine really made him just crack, apparently. But yeah, he'll even avoid the 13th step which fun fact in most modern homes the staircase has 13 steps really so if he's avoiding he's doing that he never goes the 13th step oh he probably just jumps the last step i guess oh okay 13 and then okay got you yeah i i only i didn't find that i didn't look that up on here but my my stepmom used to work in a construction company just like just so you know on average i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:29:13 go count all my stairs yeah i there have been a few times i what's interesting is every time i go upstairs i count the steps in my head and anytime there isn't a staircase that adds up to 13, I remember that staircase. I'm like, you're like, this is a special staircase. I'm like, someone needed a higher ceiling downstairs or something for you to need that extra step.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Um, someone else who's scared of the number 13. Uh, we don't know him today. And unless maybe you have a really niche interest is this famous Austrian composer named Arnold Schoenberg. But what's interesting about him is he was terrified of the number 13 his whole life. He apparently he wouldn't even number the 13th measure in his music. He would call it 12A.
Starting point is 00:29:57 His big fear was that one day he would die on a number on a year that was divisible by 13 because he was so scared of 13 he so whenever that year would show up he'd go i might die this year i might die this year i might die this year so it's just a whole that must be really fun for his family like this might be the last time you see me you can guilt somebody like imagine if he were around for the year 2013 he would have been a mess like you just because of 13 um and so when he turned 76 he finally felt safe because i guess that year wasn't a 13 um and then his friend said oh well 76 like 7 plus 6 is 13 so that's a pretty unlucky friend he died that year and he died on friday the 13th no he didn't you know what i have
Starting point is 00:30:42 you know who did not not to totally go... Let's do it. Whatever. But Lore did a podcast about this guy, about Friday the 13th and this guy. And it was very fascinating, but I had forgotten about when he died. Was it the composer, this guy? Yeah. Oh, I had no idea.
Starting point is 00:31:01 Aaron Mankey did a whole Friday the 13th episode. And this guy was like one of the storylines. Geez, I feel like I'm really like only giving you like a one bullet of the whole episode. No, no, no. His episodes were shorter anyway. But I just, I thought that sounded familiar. But I remember now it was the, because I think he, there was like a symphony number 13 and he like wouldn't do it or something. Oh, wow.
Starting point is 00:31:22 He refused to write the 13th symphony or something. Geez, now I feel bad I did not. No, no, no. This was ages ago. It was like years ago do it or something. Oh, wow. He refused to write the 13th symphony or something. Geez, now I feel bad I did not. No, no, no. This was ages ago. It was like years ago that I heard it. But it just sounded familiar. But yeah, that friend is an asshole. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Well, you know, actually. It's like, oh, really? Did you have to mansplain that? Like he could have had at least a peaceful last year of his life. Right. Well, sorry about that. Anyway, so the science behind superstitions in general because i wanted to throw that in of like why are people scared of 13 right um
Starting point is 00:31:52 according to science superstitions are most likely just trying to trick you into thinking you have control of an outcome so i mean it's interesting. It makes sense. Basic anxiety prevention. Sure. But then it ends up causing anxiety. It's sort of anxiety taking over your brain. Yeah. But it can be a placebo. Like if you, there was one study where half the people had to take a memory test with their Lucky Charm and the other half had to take a memory test, but their Lucky Charm got taken away from them.
Starting point is 00:32:25 Not nice. It was just the placebo effect of people with their lucky charm did better. Or the lucky charm actually works. Just saying. Or, or you're right. You know, just saying.
Starting point is 00:32:36 So even though we are, our big day is Friday the 13th. There are other places that have, um, well-known unlucky days. So in Southeast Asia, uh, East Asia, Southeast Asia, their big number that they're terrified of is four instead of 13. Because apparently in Chinese or Chinese adjacent languages,
Starting point is 00:32:57 four sounds like the word death. Right. In Japan, it's basically the same thing for the word nine. It sounds a lot like torture or suffering. Oh, God. So they're just as, if not more, nervous around the number four as we are 13. Wait, my lucky numbers are four and nine, so good job. Death and torture, Christine.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Wait a second. Also, that adds up to 13, just saying. Christine. I'm sorry. 49 was always my lucky number walking chaos that is well yeah wow okay well hmm let me just stay on your good side then um your baby can have as many teeth out of your will right now i don't want it um okay so hmm how where did we go from here sorry four and nine torture death yeah got it got it well so they're just as weird about those numbers
Starting point is 00:33:51 as we are about 13 like um a lot in southeast asia they won't have like a fourth floor or things like that so that's harder because it's probably more common probably more common fourth and 13 yeah um so also in hispanic culture as well as greek culture interesting um their day is not friday the 13th but tuesday the 13th oh no i know a whole nother day of the week to add oh geez so apparently in at least in greece the reason that tuesday the 13th is the unlucky day is because tuesday is dominated by the god of war um so depending if it could be aries or in like roman mythology it would be mars but which by the way tuesday is named after mars right i thought it was miracle i thought it was that's wednesday oh tuesday is mars because like in certain languages like like in french it
Starting point is 00:34:46 would be martis yeah yeah yeah yeah that's true so it's named after the named after the god of war yeah interesting so i think they just assume chaos is on tuesdays so you would you'd be walking down the street i love tuesdays so today's tuesday yay uh so uh fun fact, the fall of Constantinople happened on Tuesday. Apparently there was an earlier fall of Constantinople in the year 1204, which was also on a Tuesday. In Italy, fun fact, it's not Friday the 13th, but Friday the 17th. Oh, my God. If you're in any of these places and then you move to
Starting point is 00:35:25 another one you're like having to add all these different holidays if you're like maybe spend your friday the 17th like in the u.s but your friday the 13th's in greece or italy i mean right that's true it's just an excuse to travel by summer yeah summer in a different just hop around so you're never in the right the wrong day in the wrong place i like that so uh the reason that 17 is an unlucky number for italy instead of 13 is because 17 in roman numerals is xvii and if you rearrange it it becomes vixi which apparently vixi or vixi? Vixie! Hey! Apparently that is translated to basically like some sort of death omen in Italian.
Starting point is 00:36:10 Oh my god! It ends up translating to I have lived or my life is over. Some sort of like, I'm no longer living. Well that is quite a formula to have to get to that. But wow.
Starting point is 00:36:29 So if you rearrange the numbers for 17, it ends up spelling out this omen. And therefore, they don't like the 17th. Which, fun fact, in the year 2000, there was this straight-to-video movie in the US. And it was a parody horror movie. You know, like scary movie and scary movie too and so they had another one where it was like uh instead of scream i know what you did last summer it was called uh shriek if you know what i did last friday the 13th so it was my god what a combo i think it was supposed to be combining scream i know what you did last summer and the jason vorys friday the 13th movies um and so shriek if you know what i did last friday the 13th but when that movie which went straight to video by the way which is why
Starting point is 00:37:16 i've never seen it apparently pulio was in it well that's the perfect reason to see it now i think that we'd probably have a blast watching that well when it got uh translated for italian audiences it got renamed instead of do you know what i did last friday the 13th to shriek do you have something to do on friday the 17th yes uh it's watch this movie i guess guess. This is my new plan. Wow. What a translation. I love that. Whoever did that was like, this will do.
Starting point is 00:37:50 This is so fun. So do you have something to do on Friday the 17th? Apparently die, I guess, is like the premise of the movie. It's the last day of my life, I guess. So interesting also about Italy is that 13 is actually considered a lucky number there. Okay. About perspective. Apparently they, like, they're, how, if something, if we're winning something, like, if we say jackpot, it translates for them, jackpot translates into fare tradisi, which means making 13.
Starting point is 00:38:23 Okay. So it's, I don't know if i pronounce that right it's a baker's dozen look i love the number 13 that's it sounds like an extra snack time to me um but so yeah for them 13 is like affiliated with like winning and good fortune so also um ancient egyptians thought 13 was lucky um and but so even though the like Italy specifically, and I'm sure some other areas in the world, if they didn't have any bad blood with 13, apparently we as a nation have popularized it so much that the superstition of 13 and Friday the 13th is now spreading into other areas. Oh, of course. And 13 is now becoming an unlucky number in areas like Italy. So sorry to do that to you. We've done worse.
Starting point is 00:39:09 We need to spread some more lucky numbers then. I know. Jeez. We have enough unlucky shit. We should love 17. Let's make that a thing. I like it. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:39:19 So another fun fact. If you are someone who cares about Tuesday the 13th like you are in Greek culture or Spanish speaking areas if you want to look out for Tuesday the 13th you can spot a Tuesday the 13th when that month begins on a Thursday.
Starting point is 00:39:38 That's so smart Em. So if the first of the month is on a Thursday you know you got yourself a Tuesday the 13th. You better stay inside. You better put your work plans in now. Put your schedule in. And if you're in Italy and you want to know how to spot a Friday the 17th, if the month starts on a Wednesday, that's how you know that you got a Friday the 17th coming. Okay, so if a month starts on a Wednesday or Thursday, we're already screwed.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Basically. Hump day. That means you got a Friday the 17th coming. So what about the 13th friday the 13th i was gonna ask you do you know what day of the month it absolutely not oh really okay so this was a um this was actually a fun fact i've known in since middle school because i used to brag about it no i never even thought that i like it never even occurred to me you could calculate that i was that i was that annoying kid where i thought i had a fun fact and i would just scream it at
Starting point is 00:40:27 people so uh anyway you would have impressed me so for what it's worth probably not much i would have impressed you the first time and then you would have heard me tell 10 more people and you would have been like oh my god give it up not this again um so if you're looking to spot a friday the 13th the month has to start on a Sunday. Okay. Interesting. Which makes sense because it would just be like one whole week plus six days. Okay.
Starting point is 00:40:55 13 days. Yeah. All right. So Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday. So you're already like, we're already almost halfway through. We might as well just pick four other dates that always align with the other days of the calendar just fridays i guess are trouble but uh so why do we hate slash fear 13 what does 13 mean no so uh i looked into the numerology of 13 okay just to see if if that direction gave me any more answers.
Starting point is 00:41:28 And it actually gave me a lot more questions because 13 sounds like a pretty dope number. That's what I thought. I feel like I've heard that, that it's actually like a positive thing in numerology. Yeah, I was expecting it to be all about like turmoil, but it was actually like really solid. The power. like really solid the taller so yeah so 13 is here just here's a couple words or phrases that have 13 uh associated with it okay focus pragmatism pragmatism is that the right word did i spell that right pragmatism i don't know pragmatism yeah um i don't know which that was just like me with my
Starting point is 00:42:05 fucking excellent tante i've been waiting all episode for time to bring that up so i'm glad that you did i told i leaked to christine that i really struggle with saying the word excellent while in in spanish like how if you say the word excellent in spanish it would be right sure i can't say it and every time i think it which is often i think ah excellentante it never gets old i don't know what's wrong with me but i think it all the time like if i like when i get out of my when i get out of my car and i lock the door in my head i'm like all right like excellent i locked the door like we were like toward an ad and i'm just like stumbled like visibly but i didn't know why i was like oh my audio my software is already like set up oh excellent and then in my head i was like i know that's not the right word but i can't unsay it
Starting point is 00:43:00 it's the only way i know how and then i can't even if i think about the word for too long i can't even pronounce it the right way i have no idea how how do you say your thing but my thing oh excelente yeah unless unless i was repeating you immediately after my brain just forget just doesn't it it adds a few letters for fun excellent tante i don't i don't get it. Exletante. It just sounds so funny. Oh my god. It sounds like a catchphrase from some like 90s sitcom. Like you just. Exletante dude. It surfs up.
Starting point is 00:43:36 It's Exletante today. I mean it literally sounds like that. I don't know what the deal is. Whenever I'm like cleaning my room and then I'm done. Or like if I like, like last night I made a really good grilled cheese. And after I ate it, I went, wow, that was pretty excellent. That deserves an excellent time for what it's worth. I don't know what's wrong with me.
Starting point is 00:43:55 I mean, I just love that. Like in a couple of weeks ago, I talked about zip timber and people, somebody tweeted at me this tweet that was like, I don't know if you saw it, but it said like, before you like pro tip, before you you start a podcast ask your friends if you say any words weird and someone was like christine you should have done this and i was like that sounds like a bad podcast tip though because half the reason our podcast does so well is because we laugh at each other about shit like excellent tante like half as hardly if i asked you early on how to say that word i would you would never have this conversation.
Starting point is 00:44:26 I would have said, yeah, you're saying it right. And then made you say it on air. Okay. You're right. That was actually solid advice from, from whoever suggested that. Okay. Anyway, I love excellent Tate. I like, I, I don't, I'm not a Spanish speaker, so I feel like maybe I don't have the right to say I love it, but I do love it for what it's. If you're a Spanish speaker and it's just makes you feel so bad, I am really sorry. I really, my brain just wrote it that way and just put a stamp of permanence on there. The groove
Starting point is 00:44:51 is just like in the brain track. You can't get rid of it. I can't, I try, I really do try and every time what comes out, like if I'm trying to say it the right way, I go excellent excellentante. No, I can't do that. I can't get it.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I love this little tidbit. I see, I never knew. I love that we're still learning things about each other, you know, September and excellentante. That's part of the adventure, you and me. It is. So, okay, the numerology of 13. It's focus.
Starting point is 00:45:20 Pragmatism. Pragmatism. Thank you. Focus, pragmatism. Thank you. Apparently, independence, being creative, and building a secure and stable foundation. Okay. That sounds pretty solid.
Starting point is 00:45:33 Like things that I don't really associate with, but things that are good. Like I wish I were more of like a Capricorn or Virgo or somebody who... Apparently, it all... So here, again, this someone who very learned a very like quick shorthand of numerology this is not if i ever cover numerology this is not the episode so please don't if i butcher it i promise i will learn more before i actually discuss it one day but apparently
Starting point is 00:46:00 the number 13 there's five um there's five numbers that are important to you when you are looking at numerology. There's other numbers too, but there's like a five core numbers. Apparently, the most basic construction of 13 would be 13 is made up of its individual digits and its combination number. So 13 would be made up of 1 and 3 for 13 and 1 plus 3, which is 4. Sure. So whatever those numbers, whatever they represent, like their meaning behind those numbers those are the main things that make up what 13 means got it so it's like four digits that you can associate with like yeah okay and so the combination number which would be four because one plus three is four sure that holds the most weight so when you're if you were in a kitchen, a potions lab, and you're building 13, you would use mainly 4 as the ingredient and like a dash of 1 and a dash of 3, which were its individual digits.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Oh, okay. That's interesting. Does that make sense? Yes. So 4 is considered the foundation number because it's the combination of the individual digits. Oh, cool. And the foundation number is the one that like has most of its essence built into this number so four means apparently mindfulness um being strategic and diligence
Starting point is 00:47:35 so that's mainly what 13 is about but also it's got a little dash of the meaning of one which is independence and exploration and a little dash of three which of one which is independence and exploration and a little dash of three which means creative self-expression and charisma oh yeah so lovely ultimately uh this means that 13's quote fundamental meaning all of 13 when you combine it and you like it pops out of the oven. This is what you've got. 13 is a problem solver, is diligent, and is all about certainty. Okay, very interesting. I looked us up, Christine. Did you?
Starting point is 00:48:16 Okay, wow, now I'm excited. So I didn't, I, it was very long. It was going to be a lot to try to get through that. So I just, I'm giving you your numbers, and then that way you can look this up for yourself later. Oh, fantastic. it was very long it was gonna it was gonna be a lot to try to get through that so i just i'm giving you your numbers and that way you can look this up for yourself later and also if you are someone out there who is much more uh expertise at numerology um you can if you want to help us figure out what these mean um if you want me so i looked up what our five core digits are you and i share two of the same five core digits which might be might be why we're so compatible
Starting point is 00:48:53 so uh the five core numbers there's the life path number okay i've heard of that the heart's desire number the expression number and then the birthday number and the personality number oh my god i want to know my personality number it's probably like zero so we share a life path number and a heart's desire number we do which if we share the same heart's desire that's so sweet that's so really important so the life path number apparently is the most crucial number okay and we do share that one so our number if you are a numerologist please write these down our our life path number is three really interesting which it i in a very quick glance at what three means it means we've got spunkiness and we're fun uh and then our hearts desire we both share this number which is eight interesting i wouldn't have
Starting point is 00:49:55 guessed those numbers um we differ on our expression birthday and personality ones um i think birthday is literally just like the date you were born because you got four and i got three that would make sense so there you have that um our personality ones if any if based on your thinking of what a personality number would be you scored much higher than i did because i my personality is apparently a two and your personality is a five. Okay. Well, two is your lucky number or 22 is your lucky number. So yeah, so I'm fine with that. And then the last one is our expression number, which yours is a four and mine's a one. Interesting.
Starting point is 00:50:36 Okay. Wow. I wish I knew what this meant, but wow, this sounds cool. Okay. I'm going to have to do this. It would have taken literally all day. So nobody's, it's not relative to other people necessarily, but wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:47 If you're into numerology, I'm at least giving you like the, the, the fast bullets. So you can do whatever you want with that. I would love to learn more. You should cover that someday. Okay. Uh, good to know. I will maybe do a whole thing on our numerology charts one day. I would love that so uh as i'm looking at
Starting point is 00:51:06 the numerology of 13 i also a lot of articles about uh how unlucky 13 is mentioned the importance of the number 12 coming before it really yes so apparently 12 in mathematics is like a perfect number right okay i feel like i've heard that like a super duper like cannot get better is the golden child of numbers okay yeah uh-huh and so i'm already like bitter toward it like real now i'm like ew that guy like got a full ride scholarship he didn't deserve um percent so uh even ancient like sumer, they developed their whole number system around the number 12. Really? I mean, I guess it makes sense.
Starting point is 00:51:48 Like 12. Okay. Sorry. No, no. Go for it. What were you going to say? Just like 12 months. I feel like that's a very buildable number.
Starting point is 00:51:55 12 months in a year. Two sets of 12 hours in the day. 12 zodiacs. There's 12 gods of Olympus. There's 12 tribes of Israel. There's 12, even 12 daysiacs. There's 12 gods of Olympus. There's 12 tribes of Israel. There's 12, even 12 days of Christmas. There's the 12 hostels. There's a dozen roses.
Starting point is 00:52:13 360 degrees, which is a circle, divides perfectly into 12. Oh my gosh. So it just works out very well. It's a very harmonious number. Okay, I love that for the 12. Good job, 12. And then in comes stumbling 13 it's just like throwing everything acres dozen it's like baker's extra donut but okay i did i
Starting point is 00:52:34 mean m did m ruined it everything everything so everything christine excellent tante good job excellent potty so um yeah 13 just kind of shows up and is like overshadowed by 12 and so a lot of people think that maybe our subconscious just doesn't like 13 because it throws everything off kind of sad it's like the like the the black sheep yeah like it it's just like causing discord and it didn't even mean to so oops um it's the christina numbers if you will well i mean we've already kind of determined that earlier when walking chaos so here is the i think the rest of my notes are just the timeline of how 13 got to be to get i am so personality i have this personality oh this is a yeah use all this and then we can write like a Tinder profile for it at the end of what makes it attractive.
Starting point is 00:53:29 So the rumored original reason for 13 being so unlucky is because it dates all the way back to one of the oldest legal documents to exist. Like what? To exist anywhere. It is called the code of hemorabi or hemorabi sure sure sure and in it the there was a apparently a list of laws and the 13th law didn't get written down in the code so people think that might be the original time that 13 was excluded from something because ouch in one of the original legal documents like in the world they intentionally quote didn't include the 13th law and as do we know what the law is or is it because it wasn't
Starting point is 00:54:20 written down we don't know it i think we don't know what it is because the law wasn't so sneaky and but you know what apparently it wasn't as intentional as people think it is that's why i said the rumored origin it wasn't it was apparently literally just a typo like they just fucking forgot to write it down for 13 so 13 from literally the oldest documents on earth as like has had a rough go um and apparently also at that time when they were writing the code or writing the list of laws that wasn't even like expected or part of the like the system of how it had to be written in so it's not like oh you have to write in the laws and list them out it was just like how someone chose to do it and happened to forget 13 it was just someone really sloppy writing it out good plan got distracted so here are the more um official origins to 13 i say official even though they're
Starting point is 00:55:14 both both based in some version of mythology basically it was either norse mythology christian influences or a combo of the two um but i tried to timeline it out and it sounds like norse mythology was probably the most likely official place that this came from okay so in norse mythology which is fun by the way because i get to talk about thor's family you know yes you do and you it feels like it's right on brand for you very on brand i got i get to talk about loki and jesus all at the same time wow so your perfect duo definitely like polar opposites in my opinion so it is fun um so there were in norse mythology there were there's a story of 12 gods who threw a party together uh dinner party and loki who is the uh god of mischief the trickster God he and Thor's brother
Starting point is 00:56:06 By the way He is not invited to this party But he arrives anyway so He becomes the 13th attendee At this party And since 12 was already such A perfect number or seen as a perfect Number 12 people being
Starting point is 00:56:22 Invited was almost like the perfect amount of people At this dinner and then Loki showing up upsets the balance a perfect number 12 people being invited was almost like the perfect amount of people at this dinner and then loki showing up upsets the balance of even oh my goodness the 12 the 12 gods showing up interesting so during this dinner party loki tricks one of the gods into killing his brother oh that's fun what a fun prank what a what a silly little thing to do silly little prank well so it was because uh just to give more insight real quick one of the gods was like could not die was impenetrable but apparently his like kryptonite was mistletoe and same so is santa um and so uh anyway loki learned that his kryptonite was mistletoe and created a weapon out of mistletoe and then convinced his brother like hey go stab him because their thing
Starting point is 00:57:15 their favorite thing was like always trying to like like punch me and nothing yeah yeah like shoot arrows at me nothing's gonna happen and then loki gave uh the brother an arrow with mistletoe on the tip of it too far and said yeah try to shoot your brother ha ha ha and then he went okay i do this all the time and then he ends up dying buddy oh no so uh this is an awkward dinner party true like what did you think was gonna happen loki like i'm just thinking of tom hiddleston and awkward silence at a at a gala like that's all i can imagine right now but the only one laughing in the corner so uh yeah so apparently this brought like evil or darkness to
Starting point is 00:57:58 the world and uh after this story of loki this is this this was like where the trope of the evil 13th member started spreading around the world. It's pretty evil. Like that one was pretty intentionally not very nice, in my opinion. Yeah, exactly. So it became this well-known trope of like, oh, it even became and still is if you're like talking like serious etiquette like super strict etiquette uh there is still the rule of like you should never have 13 people come to a dinner party or like you should never have a party with just 13 people so fun fact if you are friends with a superstitious person and you're the 13th person getting invited bring an extra bring a plus one bring a plus one bring
Starting point is 00:58:42 a plus one um but yeah i remember. But yeah, I remember my grandma. Or just stay home. That's my advice. Right, yeah. Maybe invite 13 introverts and no one will show up. There you go. Then you have a solo party. My favorite.
Starting point is 00:58:53 I remember my grandma, she was like a stickler for like social etiquette. Yeah. And she always told me like never have a party and only have 13 people there. Interesting. My stepmom is very intense about the number 13. Like, and little things, like, at dinner parties, she would, if somebody spilled salt, she would, like, make you throw it over your left shoulder. And, like, it wasn't a joke. Like, it was very serious, and she would not continue the event until you had done that.
Starting point is 00:59:20 You had to set the salt down before you picked it up. Like, so many little things. What's the superstition for, like, smashing glass at a wedding like what's that about well that one is family tradition and if you're asking uh family tradition that nobody else seems to have known about so you know for what it's honestly if she said it was for good luck i'd just believe her i'd be like okay that is what she said and she did once throw someone's waterford crystal champagne glass at a fireplace at a new year's party and said it's for good luck then my dad had to replace the whole like
Starting point is 00:59:49 six glass six flute set so he didn't find it very lucky but you know they got a whole new set of waterford crystal out of it so oh my god it's lucky now you tell me so uh but yeah so i mean that goes all the way back to literally loki so there you have it i would never have known that yeah and even though now 13 was like kind of at the very beginning getting it getting a bad taste of being unlucky friday still wasn't seen as unlucky true the friday i hadn't even yeah thought of in fact, Friday, everyone loved Friday. I love Friday to this day. I also love Friday. Rebecca Black loves Friday. She certainly does.
Starting point is 01:00:30 Actually, she probably fucking hates Friday. You know what? You're probably right. She probably hates it more than anybody. So, anyway, if Fridays were super loved during this time. In fact, Loki's mom slash Odin's wife is the goddess of.
Starting point is 01:00:48 So her name is Freya, which is also sometimes translated to Frigga. And Fridays are named after her. So like that's her day. Her day. And people fucking love Friday. It's a good casual Friday. We all love a casual Friday. Because people loved her
Starting point is 01:01:05 people loved loki's mom oh um and so uh i actually don't know i'm pretty sure which she was loki's mom i'm thinking mcu i know she was odin's wife that's for damn sure i mean like frig like you can't dislike somebody with that name she uh she's the goddess of love, fertility, marriage, and motherhood. Whoa. And so she's like all about like being a mom, loving on family, loving on love. Loving on love. And Fridays were associated after that because they were named after her. Fridays were associated with like femininity.
Starting point is 01:01:44 They were like the day to celebrate women. Love that. And so even all the way into pagan times, people apparently would celebrate women on Fridays. Plus in the pagan era, the number 13 represented women because of the 13 lunar phases. Okay. So now we're getting somewhere here.
Starting point is 01:02:04 AKA the cycles cycles the menstrual cycles so i'm i'm getting it love it so between friday being about femininity 13 being about femininity uh one could assume we hate it one could assume that friday the 13s during the pagan era were just like a big old woman's appreciation sounds like a fucking great holiday to me it sounds like a fucking party so if you're out there listening and you hate the patriarchy yes maybe make friday the 13th we could put a new spin on it you and me all together and have a big old uh a woman's celebration day every friday starts on a sunday coming up because i'm ready to party i will tell you because i have that written down don't you worry uh and so basically
Starting point is 01:02:44 now we've learned that from norse mythology all the way down to the pagan era, people fucking love Fridays. And at least in paganism, 13 is considered lucky despite the stories from Norse mythology. Love that. And both represent women. So who would come in and stomp on good things about women? Maybe a patriarchal religion called Christianity. No. Which started gaining momentum around the Middle Ages.
Starting point is 01:03:08 They would never. So in the Bible, during the Last Supper, it basically reestablishes old beliefs of 13 from Norse mythology with the evil guest. Because Judas was the 13th guest to the Last Supper who betrayed Jesus. And the next day's crucifixion was on a Friday. That's it. Good Friday. Not so good anymore. So now you've got this new religion that is booming that is saying,
Starting point is 01:03:36 oh, Fridays on 13 are actually bad. Everyone just wants to have a good time and they got come in and ruin it. According to the Bible, i i did not read the bible for this to be clear i'm going off of sources that tell me the bible says this but on fridays in the bible these things also happened eve gave adam the apple cain killed abel the great flood for noah's ark came in. Oh, no. And the Temple of Solomon collapsed all on Fridays. Whoopsies. Oopsie daisies.
Starting point is 01:04:08 And Judas was the 13th guest. Oh, no. So while paganism is like glorifying 13 for women and glorifying the goddess of love and fertility and sex and all the things that Christiansians don't you know like super duper fundamentalist christians would say like maybe you shouldn't worship those things right um christians came in and said no all of this is sinful and also you're pagans so let's just like also start branding you as fucking witches so so uh so christmas is ours now oh you're right yeah yeah this is birthday now but halloween no one should be fucking touching that halloween that's why we took that back yeah but basically
Starting point is 01:04:52 this is where the origin of 13's bad representation seems to have started and it's also how friday the 13th started growing a bad rep because all those bad things happen on friday it's just a combo of friday and 13 yeah yeah so naturally when pagans love it it will one day be just like poo-pooed on by like the patriarchy which by the way makes friday the 13th sexist let's just be clear that's exactly what i was thinking because i was like well if we're gonna rebrand ourselves like if if you're gonna be one of those people who's in a road trip right now and you are getting some sort of fun fact out of this, let your takeaway be that Friday the 13th is sexist. It's actually a really great day if we're trying to be more equal and loving toward everyone. So here are the dates where Friday the 13th just became more and more established as an unlucky time. So in 1307, excuse me, I burped.
Starting point is 01:05:51 In 1307, on an actual Friday the 13th, by the way, King Philip IV ordered his men to arrest and imprison the Knights Templar. Oh. Who also ends up later, many of them ended up being executed. Knights Templar. Oh, also ends up later. Many of them ended up being executed. So this became, this is not true,
Starting point is 01:06:09 but we can think that a Vinci code, um, which, uh, apparently it, it really got this rumor going that Friday the 13th became a thing because of this 1307 Knights of Templar raid. Because of the Da Vinci code in 2003 we think that that's
Starting point is 01:06:26 where friday the 13th came from not true here to squash the record but it did happen to happen on a friday the 13th and a lot of those people did get arrested and were later killed but i think in the da vinci code it says something like on a friday the 13th everyone was murdered which like is not true i definitely read that book but it's been a long time well fun fact it did like on a Friday the 13th everyone was murdered which like is not true. I definitely read that book but it's been a long time. Well fun fact it did happen on a Friday the 13th that people got arrested but it's not as bad as I guess the Da Vinci Code made it out to be.
Starting point is 01:06:55 Nor was that nor was that the first like bad Friday the 13th and where all the origins come from. It like completely negates Loki let's put it that way. So then in the 1390s Geoffrey Chaucer wrote the Canterbury Tales.
Starting point is 01:07:09 And there mentions that Friday is quote a day of misfortune. So it's just perpetuating that Friday is not a good time. At the same time that the Canterbury Tales came out, a bunch of prominent figures actually started like dismissing Fridays and saying they didn't like fridays but they would never say why and chaucer
Starting point is 01:07:29 probably influenced them i'm guessing um but the interesting thing is chaucer as a or chaucer chaucer um uh apparently in his writing he was known for like mocking and like sarcasm so when he called friday a day of misfortune he could have literally just been like trolling people like satirical yeah and he ended up convincing people that friday was a bad day it's a lot of power these folks wield i know so now we're really time traveling all the way to 1592 okay and there's a playwright who wrote the idiom friday face in his story implying that someone looked upset and quote gloomy oh interesting so apparently if you've got a friday face you look gloomy so i
Starting point is 01:08:12 don't know what happened in between the 1390s and the 1590s for friday to like get this rep but i love a good friday face my friday happy friday face i'm i am gloomy on Fridays, but it's because I'm ready to take a big nap. Right, right. In the 1630s, a playwright named William Rowley also wrote, quote, a plague of Friday mornings, the most unfortunate day in the whole week. So, like, I would argue by, like, 1600, Fridays are known as unlucky for sure. Yeah, I mean, and they're pushing this agenda real hard, especially because nowadays, like everyone loves Friday,
Starting point is 01:08:47 even though we don't like Friday the 13th, I feel like Fridays in general are very positive day. So there's so much agenda they're pushing. Like it didn't, well, you could really blame the industrial industrialization. Industrialism. That's a fair point.
Starting point is 01:08:59 I guess we didn't have the five day work week back then. Yeah. So that was when we really liked Friday. But up until then, up until then,iday was apparently a bad day another day in the eight in the 1650s uh another uh poet wrote quote now friday came you old wives say of all the weeks the unluckiest day you old wives don't put it on us old wives okay us old 18 year olds yeah so in 1869 there was a biography about a composer named Gio Wachino Rossini and apparently he also thought Fridays were he thought Fridays were unlucky he thought the number 13 was unlucky and he died on a Friday
Starting point is 01:09:43 the 13th oh i wonder if that's the one of the composers was in that episode i don't know which one maybe it was this one i didn't know how many composers were fucking two two at least sort of died on friday the 13th in the 1880s this is where uh it becomes like i guess super popular uh up until then by the way that's the 1300s through the 1800s and already there's a few mentions of friday being unlucky and i'm sure i did as much research as i could but like i for all i know like there's like some big thing i'm fucking missing but that looks like in the last 500 years people are aware that like friday is not a lucky time right and by the 1880s this guy named captain william fowler who was this big famous soldier he like knew people that were higher up and all that he felt like 13 what had a bad stigma to it and he realized
Starting point is 01:10:32 that 13 was weirdly found often in his life um so he decided that he was going to create a society meant to debunk the stigma of 13 oh okay which by the way means by the 1880s 13 was that unlucky that someone wanted to create a society about this an organization wild so the organization was called the 13 club and it was allegedly held in room 13 of the knickerbocker cottage of course and he held his first meeting on a 13th date. And the rumor is they ate a 13 meal course, which like, hello, I would love to be invited. Wow. I'm on board for that part.
Starting point is 01:11:16 Their inaugural meeting was on a Friday, the 13th at 8, 13 PM. And, uh, one big superstition again at the time was that if there were 13 guests in a room something bad would happen or even one of them might die so to prove it wrong the whole point of the 13 club was for on the 13th every month 13 people 13 members of this group would dine together and uh i guess prove that none of them died um they even had to like how impressive they even had to walk under like ladders and shit to get into the building they were like just defying all superstitions breaking mirrors and shit um and several members of the 13 club by the way were presidents so there was arthur president arthur president cleveland benjamin harris teddy roosevelt
Starting point is 01:12:02 um one person who was definitely not invited was fdr because he hated friday the 13th and he hated fridays and he hated 13s so okay he had them individually he had them combined uh but yeah so the 13 club was like well known i love the 13 club uh there was another author in the 1880s who called friday quote a day when misfortune is aptest to fall uh-oh uh and in the 1890s the dictionary of phrase and fable wrote but once on a friday tis ever they say a day when misfortune oh is aptest to fall so there you go so fucking right there uh and then in 1907 this this is where Friday the 13th officially became a thing. So Friday the 13th, although it had been heard of, it was mainly 13 being a bad day.
Starting point is 01:12:55 Christians maybe not liking Fridays, but they were never totally together as Friday the 13th is bad. Okay. That happened at the turn of the century at 1907. Okay. So fun fact for all the people who got dragged into this episode, Friday the 13th became a thing in 1907 because there was a book called Friday the 13th written by Thomas William Lawson about a broker, a stockbroker who used Friday the 13th and its superstition of being unlucky
Starting point is 01:13:24 to infiltrate the stock market. Oh. I know. Not what you thought. No. But I guess now you even said that businesses lose money on Friday the 13th. I guess since 1907, if you looked at any Friday the 13th, maybe stock markets are nervous that that story will come true.
Starting point is 01:13:41 Interesting. So it's likely that this was the first time that Friday and 13 were combined together to both be a negative superstition. Because once that book came out, that was 1907. But a year later in 1908, the New York Times cited Friday the 13th as an unlucky day. And it was the first time it was mentioned in the press as an unlucky day. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:04 And it happened a year after this book came out. So we're guessing that's where New York Times got its information from. But the article that they wrote about for Friday the 13th was that a senator in town had fearlessly introduced 13 bills into the Senate on Friday the 13th. Le gasp. Le gasp. 13 bills into the senate on friday the 13th legasp legasp uh apparently the the mention itself is quote friday the 13th holds no terrors for senator owen so what a brave man what a brave man so it's definitely implied there and after that the new york times i guess is the first ones to really spread it and we all ran with it and then we all ran with it. And then we all ran with it.
Starting point is 01:14:45 And from 1908, when that article came out, I guess it just kind of grew on its own. And it officially solidified in only the 1980s. Really? Do you know why? The movie. The movie. So officially Friday the 13th. What are you doing on September?
Starting point is 01:15:05 Or wait, what are you doing on the 17th? You want to go on a date friday the 17th or something so you want to record that day or are you out of town that's my question um so officially it became a bad day of friday the 13th when in the 1980s the horror franchise friday the 13th came i mean it makes sense that's pretty pretty out the pretty strong messaging and call back to earlier when um continental airlines said that they never experienced a price a price drop in flights maybe that was like not that was maybe that was before the movie came out i see what you're saying yeah yeah yeah so um so anyway since the 1980s is when friday 13th really really really became an unlucky day for us so it's only been around for like what 40 years this yeah that's not very long not that bad it makes sense that it's like if 1908 was when the new york times started propagating this then
Starting point is 01:15:58 that's why all the buildings started like because all the old skyscrapers that are like 100 years old it makes sense that they would have yeah been part of that phase also if you could just go in and just change the plaque from 13 to 14 okay fair point older buildings like you wouldn't even know so stupid i'm like oh well you can't yeah it's just totally no no i still i i was on board with you i was like maybe they would if they really wanted to or they were superstitious they could go like change a button or something but who knows i could change the elevator yeah so um i have uh five points left so sorry i know this is really long but friday 13th is my personality number by the way okay right in case anyone's wondering uh that would be five so uh so the solar so the calendar that we use where it's 30 days or 31 days, that is the Gregorian solar cycle. And one whole cycle is 400 years.
Starting point is 01:16:53 Oh, wowza. Which is, it's exactly 20,871 weeks. Jeez, okay. And apparently, if you use that system of those 400 years, it is a template and you can see the pattern for every Friday the 13th. So you can always predict when one's going to show up. So these are just fun facts that I'm throwing at you now. No more history. But I did want to mention this calendar. Fun fact number one, there is at least one Friday the 13th in every calendar year. Okay.
Starting point is 01:17:26 And one happens on average every 212 days. Oh, I didn't know that. And fun fact, there can never be more than three Friday the 13th in one year. Wow. Three in a year seems like a lot. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Okay. Also, the shortest gap between two Friday the 13th, if you look at a calendar, the shortest amount of time between one Friday the 13th and another is actually one month. But the longest
Starting point is 01:17:59 gap can be up to 14 months. Wow. Which has only happened a handful of times. So there's like two exceptions, I think that caused that in a calendar. But every 14 month period, you can at least guarantee one Friday the 13th will be there. One month apart, that must be a rough time for people who are really superstitious. A bad 30 days. Yeah. So this uh that friday the 13th they happen um on average because it can happen at least once every calendar year the average is it happens 1.7 times each year so okay i consider that one or two times yeah i would agree with that but if you add all those up then if every friday if there's 1.7 friday the 13th every year that means since the year one there have been 3 477 friday the 13th oh my gosh
Starting point is 01:18:56 um wikipedia actually has a chart of all the friday the 13th so uh since the year 2000 there have been 39 which doesn't seem like a lot no it doesn't the last one was this most recent month in august wait really oh yeah my mom kept saying she was traveling to germany that day and i was like i'm not superstitious but maybe but you're mentioning it a lot um yeah the next friday the 13th will be in May. Next May. May. Okay. So we don't have any left this year. Nope.
Starting point is 01:19:28 How many were there in 2020? Because clearly. I think there was two. I think there was two. The March one really set us off there for a bad start. I remember TikTok saying something about like, oh, the last time there was a Friday the 13th. We all know what happened. Uh-huh.
Starting point is 01:19:42 So I think it was like there was definitely i think there was two in 2020 okay um yeah the last one was this august the next one will be next may and uh a lot of people specifically care about friday the 13th in october because they're it's spooky season sure pre-halloween i just wanted to say a fun fact about october friday the 13th in the entire 20th century there have been there were 14 in all of the 20th century there were only 14 october friday the 13th wow and in all of the 21st century including like what we have not yet lived all of the the yeah all of the 21st century there will also only be 14 well that's a bummer because i got married october 13th and i keep waiting for friday the 13th to be my anniversary there's only going to be 14 october friday 13th in the entire 21st century it's a
Starting point is 01:20:37 women's celebration day so far there have only been three in this century so there's going to be another 11 coming up but the next one christine is in 2023 oh hell yeah party time so october friday the 13th 2023 i think might be one of the only ones you get to see for a while and that's if uh if my if my baby reaches the due date and i end up getting induced that would be right around right around that time no it's 2023 homie no i know but like the 13th would be the birthday so maybe we can aim for that and then oh yeah okay so hold it in hold it in for actually forget it it's not worth it um so uh one last and that's why we drink fun fact, is that people, these are people with 13 letters in their name. Oh. Charles Manson. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 01:21:33 Jeffrey Dahmer. Oh, shit. Ted Bundy. Theodore Bundy. Apparently Albert DeSalvo, who I don't think we've covered. I have not. Jack the Ripper. Adolphus Hitler.
Starting point is 01:21:46 Fuck me. That's terrible. But the last thing I will say is there is one celebrity out there who is very pro 13. Do you know who this is? No. Taylor Swift. Oh. Fucking loves 13.
Starting point is 01:22:04 Yep. Yep. This is a quote from Taylorlor swift i was born on the 13th i turned 13 on friday the 13th my first album went golden 13 weeks my first number one song had a 13 second intro every time i've won an award i've been seated in either the 13th seat or 13th section or row m which is the 13th letter basically whenever a 13 comes up in my life it's a good thing girl yes own it and that's all of friday the 13th i love that and that was one of the funnest things i've ever heard you cover that was the shortest amount of notes and yet i feel like i talked for fucking ever what happened there probably me happened and i apologize but wow what a fucking roller coaster i i tried my best i did i did as much research as my brain i thought i had some
Starting point is 01:22:53 fun facts in my head and i clearly i didn't know like 99 of that so i learned a lot yay wow m that was fun i feel like i need to call my stepmom because she's one of those people who does not leave the house on friday like she takes it very seriously call my stepmom because she's one of those people who does not leave the house on Friday. Like, she takes it very seriously. Oh, we'll see if she's had any hospital visits anyway because she didn't drive around. I will. And also, she doesn't come to my house now because I have a black cat. Oh, hey, that's one way to keep superstitious people away, I guess.
Starting point is 01:23:17 Like, growing up at my mom's house, we had black cats and she wouldn't drive up the driveway. She would make us walk up. Which is wild because just personal preference, but black cats are my fucking favorite black cats i mean i literally set out to get one last halloween because little moonshine entered my life sweet so sweet i had a black cat growing up so i just have a personal personal love for him eva has a black cat i'm black i love black cats also i to be fair i met Moonshine, so I can't say anything yet. But Eva's cat, Shadow, I have a really warm spot for. I love Shadow.
Starting point is 01:23:50 Last time I saw Shadow, what did I bring to eat? Oh, I had a tiramisu. And I did a little dunk of the finger and I just whooped him around the little nose. And we had some tiramisu together. I really love Shadow. Shadow, what a sweetheart. I had a black cat named Shadow shadow growing up that's the one my stepmom refused to drive past so we gotta oh god send us up the driveway like walk all the way up whatever all right i had a black cat named rocky but he was a uh he acted a lot like a dog which is why i think i vibed
Starting point is 01:24:22 that's why mooney does that too yeah yeah anyway there you have it we love black cats in this place we do um i love when i got a black cat and everyone sent pictures of their black cats and i was like oh there's so many aren't black cats do they have the same issue as like black labs where like they don't get adopted very often that i've heard that i googled that when i was adopting mooney and i've heard that especially because it was halloween time and i heard that people kind of avoid black cats around that time which makes me sad that's sad i know i know what's that about people do that with black labs i think so i thought it was just black cats but maybe it's just black cats i don't know it feels like there's some underlying issues there sounds like i always thought it was black cats i don't know it feels like there's some underlying issues there sounds like i always
Starting point is 01:25:07 thought it was black cats because of the bad luck thing but oh i'm pretty sure black labs also get it because they like literally because they don't photograph well or something like in like instagram people well because everyone called mooney a void cat because like black cats they call void cats because they're hard to but his eyes are so gigantic that like he just looks like a big gigantic weirdo let me see black labs uh i don't know how you type this in adoption stigma i don't know yep why black dogs are less likely to be adopted what black dog syndrome are people racist against black pets what's wrong with people puppy prejudice are black animals like this stop listen black lives matter black cats matter black labs matter black labs it all matters it all fucking matters so anyway i can't
Starting point is 01:26:01 believe that anyway and i'm i'm sure that also uh attributes to like any other animal with black fur so whatever that's not good go adopt a black animal please thank you very much prepared to take care of an animal don't just adopt one for fun hello everybody uh p break is over and i'm doing part two of scott and lacey peterson right okay wait hold on where were we i don't i thank god i marked it because i was like i would never have remembered where i was i feel like it was all just a big blur um yeah so the last thing apparently that we talked about was that um the police told lacey's family do you remember the story yes yes i don't want to just like dump it on you no no no my refresher we're in the clear we probably should have done this
Starting point is 01:26:54 closer to the last one but oh well we didn't plan i didn't plan for a part two but um so basically they had the photo of amber fry who was the the the quote unquote mistress, the other woman in the in the case who came forward. And the National Enquirer had a photo they were going to print. And so the police were like, shit, we got to tell Lacey's family before they find out from the media. So they told Lacey's family and Sharon, Lacey's mom, put her head in her hands and said, why did he have to kill her? Yes. And so now everybody's turned on Scott um got it so all the volunteers wow what a good way what I know it was like a an organic uh prompt to an impromptu like ending the story there but like what a cliffhanger it was really like I I hit that bullet and went wow well I mean I have like exactly halfway through
Starting point is 01:27:43 the story so god okay well i'm ready let's go okay and there's still so much more to happen so basically if you have not listened to the last episode i would do that because there's a lot that went on before now there's a lot going on a lot happening here a lot going on um so now uh this story became a more kind of scandalous, sexy story for the media. It was already pretty wild with like girl next door disappears on Christmas Eve and she's pregnant and it was already a really scandalous story. But now the husband who's been suspicious all along is like even more like he's now obviously the bad guy.
Starting point is 01:28:22 Cause he had no fear. Like whether he killed her or not, he's very easy to paint as he's like definitely the bad guy because he had no fear like whether he killed her or not he's very easy to paint as he's like definitely a prime suspect now if he never was before yes and especially the media was able to like easily roast this guy sure um and so it was kind of sad i was watching the documentary and this poor amber woman they got all these like photos of her like leaked people leaked photos of her like half nude and you know like her own private photos people were leaking all over the media and like she did the right thing coming forward and saying like you know she could have just stayed in the background and not said anything
Starting point is 01:28:55 she really could have especially i mean i know uh if i were put in that situation which like oh my god i hope never but like i would be i would be afraid of like i'm literally dating a potential murderer like the last thing i want to do is put my name in the ringer or like even for the press to like write me in a in a bad light yeah yeah i would be so i'd be so nervous and there were it was terrible people the articles were saying things like she's uglier than me why like he had such a beautiful wife like she's so like it was oh my god bad oh my god at least at least once she regretted that i bet i bet it was awful yeah because because even when she did the press conference like she talks about it now and
Starting point is 01:29:39 she says like she was having a full-on legitimate panic attack on the way up before the press even knew who she was and in the actual press uh conference you can see like she's like shaking i mean she can barely like speak it's terrifying um god to be like one day just at home on christmas and then the next day you're like addressing the international news um so anyway that's where we are scandalous story um now everybody's wondering well has scott this whole time been suspicious because he killed lacy or has he been suspicious and shady because he was having an affair and was trying to hide his girl so maybe he maybe he really didn't kill her maybe he just had something else that he was freaking out about hiding and my question is well maybe both i don't know just a thought you could be doing both uh it's like that what's that tostitos little girl yeah
Starting point is 01:30:30 yeah the the tortillas right or what is something all i know is every time i'm stuck between two good options i go por que no los dos excellent excellent what an excellent idea i just love that you live in la of all places and your head goes excellent all day long you know i it's gross it really is also like why on earth do i think i have the right to say por que no los dos to myself every time i think ice cream or chocolate and then i like can't even say the word excellentante. So stupid. I love it. Okay. So on January 25th, the day after Amber's press conference, Scott called Amber and her phone was being tapped, but he didn't know this.
Starting point is 01:31:17 Right, right. And he calls her. And so there's a recording of this. And he says to her, I was really proud of you when you did that. You have an amazing character. I pulled it. I know. It's so icky isn't it it just it's like nobody needs you to be like so slimy it's so slimy he says i pulled over and threw up when you cried i was listening on the radio and i like how he was like i threw up when you cried probably because like you were throwing up out of nerves that you just got fucking busted shit yeah exactly i'd throw up too if my entire like persona had just been wrecked and a murder trial something you've been hiding this whole time yeah
Starting point is 01:31:55 and so he told amber that because of her bravery which i don't know emma and i have a pet peeve about people calling us brave when we're i hate hate it. I hate it. When you're cornered into something and then you're called brave. It's like, well, whatever. It's just like. You're so brave for speaking out. It's like I. First of all, whether or not I feel obligated to do like I like it's not brave. It's just.
Starting point is 01:32:18 It can be a very condescending term, I think. I think I think we're both just used to like. Shitty, shitty men telling us like oh wow like that's so brave of you like when I like oh my god I don't even think I told you this when I went home recently I told someone what my pronouns were and they're like that's so brave of you to tell me and I was like are you fucking kidding me like I have to tell you or else you will misgender me yeah and then wow guess what? They did misgender me. So, Kel's a priest.
Starting point is 01:32:46 But, you know, it's like, oh, well, my bravery. Like, I would want them to properly gender me just so I can be like, that's so brave of you to actually use pronouns properly. Right, exactly. It's like you can't flip that on its head. Yeah. I hate that. So, he goes, because of your bravery, I'm going to speak to the press finally. So, he says Amber inspired him out of her bravery
Starting point is 01:33:05 for him to go forward not because now again he's cornered uh because she's now aired his quote-unquote dirty laundry right right and by the way like i don't i hope that our like tangent like we're not discrediting that she actually is brave as shit no no not at all but it's just like his gross use of the word bravery yeah it's like this isn't about you guy i mean it is in a twisted way but it's because you fucked up like the reason this is even happening is because you put her in this position yes so to call her brave for coming forward it's like you literally lied to her and told her you didn't have a wife she's not she's in this position because of you just before anyone thinks that we actually like
Starting point is 01:33:44 don't think she's like no no no no no absolutely not and like there's definitely a nuance of the word brave i'm saying you know it's obviously in the right context it's totally different but yeah i think in this context of scott being like you're so brave it's like you literally created this whole fucking mess you know this is your fault this is your fault. This is your fault. Like, fuck off. Anyway, this just pisses me off. So he says, I'm going to talk to the media now because of your bravery. And his lawyer is like, don't do that, idiot. Don't. His lawyer literally says, you are going to be eaten alive.
Starting point is 01:34:18 But Scott says, no, I'm going on Good Morning America with Diane Sawyer. Oh, right. Okay. I'm sure. Okay. Well, good. Okay. I'm sure. Okay. Well, good luck. Good luck. So brave of you.
Starting point is 01:34:30 So late January 2003, Scott did a Good Morning America interview with Diane Sawyer. Did not go well. No? Understatement of the century. Yep. Surprise, surprise. Kel's surprise, as we say. Kel's surprise.
Starting point is 01:34:43 For starters, he outright lied to diane sawyer and he told her that he had told police about his affair the day lacy went missing which is like oh no no but so you're gonna i'm like you don't just go up to diane sawyer prepared to defend yourself by lying when she has facts by making up a fully factual thing that's art and so of course he's like yes they knew already which now you look even more guilty because you're clearly bullshitting so he says oh yeah yeah the police knew from day one and this was a flat out lie because when albercini asked how their marriage was he said it was absolutely fine they had no issues whatsoever he and lacy then he told diane sawyer that lacy also knew about his affair with amber and when she was like oh so you told her and he was like yeah we talked about it right before
Starting point is 01:35:35 christmas and she said well how did it go and he said oh she was fine with it she said you do you baby bullshit she's eight months pregnant and she's like oh yeah that's fine you know what are you talking about also if it was fine like you would have actually fucking mentioned it before like yep exactly if this was an open and you wouldn't have had to lie to your girlfriend that you didn't even have a wife to begin with i mean all of this is so shady i have a hunch when he got called out uh he then like thought later he's like wow diane so you're such a bitch like oh absolutely okay i was trying to be brave and then she ruined everything she didn't even tell me i was being brave for doing this so like she's like a double bitch like you
Starting point is 01:36:15 know yeah absolutely um i'll tell you scott you're being brave um does that make you feel better maybe so he tells diane saw Lacey knew all about it. She was okay with it. And she was like, okay, so what happened when he told her? And he said, oh, there was no arguing at all. And it's like, that doesn't seem very likely. It's possible. It's not very likely.
Starting point is 01:36:36 Especially the people who knew Lacey were like, oh, hell no. She wouldn't have been fine with that. Yeah. I feel like let's trust the testimony of others right now, Scott. Yeah. Of like the average eight-month pregnant person in a monogamous relationship probably wouldn't be super chill on like the week before christmas about this so uh then diane sawyer responds and she says do you really expect us to believe that an eight month pregnant woman would
Starting point is 01:36:59 be fine with this um and he's like yep that's all that happened and apparently most damningly of all which got blasted all over the news is that in the interview scott referred to his missing wife in the past tense saying lacy was amazing and oh that like like she basically saying confirming she's dead in in in a lot of people's minds it was like why are you saying was do you know something we don't know uh-huh right and you know you can play that both ways of like well maybe he's just speak coping that way you know who knows but it didn't look good i'll put it that way and especially because when he said it at least from what i gathered the way he said it made it even sketchier because he said she was amazing uh is amazing and it was like the way he said it made it even sketchier because he said she was amazing is amazing and it was like the way he corrected himself was like oh that's not a cute look that's what i thought it was like
Starting point is 01:37:49 it wasn't just like natural it was like he said it and then like rewound himself and it just seemed fishier that way i think combine that with what we learned last week where he like she has just gone missing and he's fucking obsessed with these ribs and he's like go check out these barbecue like he's like you see it is he is having the time of his life he seems like he's doing like totally fine and now he's using her name in the past tense and he's like pasquale and i are at the eiffel tower and it's like no you're at your wife's candlelight vigil i was gonna say full-blown fucking lying and like even if i mean granted i would not know because i haven't cheated but like i would imagine if i cheated and the person that i was married to and and was pregnant
Starting point is 01:38:34 was dead and i was at a vigil i don't think i could contain the lie anymore and if my mistress called i'd be like look really awkward but i'm at my wife's fucking vigil right now like i wouldn't even be able to keep it up let alone let alone happily lie about like i think that's what was like i'm at the eiffel tower what are you talking about pasqual like a made-up fucking person clearly throwing in that shit crazy clearly adding detail where it is not needed exactly and and and it was so startling to like lacy's family who's over there putting every ounce of energy into trying to find lacy and then this guy's like pretending to be at the eiffel tower during the vigil refuses to speak it just all is such a
Starting point is 01:39:17 whirlwind of bad and it's it's one of those things we're like i don't know if he killed her i don't know i really don't none of us do but he's not a great guy like he's a shitty guy sorry like whether he did it or not he's a shitty guy for all of the above that's happening right yeah in terms of your average boyfriend he's not a winner he's not a great husband i gotta say like i wouldn't be thrilled um and so you know i mean even the way he's treating the family and just like dissing them to like be with his call his girlfriend during the video. It's just all really shady behavior. And whether he did it or not, again, it doesn't matter at this point because he's just a shitty guy.
Starting point is 01:39:56 Sorry. And and he's blatantly lying left and right without a thought, like without without even. lying left and right without a thought like without without even and also blatantly lying like at a time where like if you're innocent oh my god you better be singing the truth like you're literally you got on diane sawyer and like you're gonna not tell the truth just lie what do you think's gonna happen that sounds like the the exact time to tell the truth and like you're just actively not doing it so 100 and so it it made him look so guilty and you can see why like i can see why um again whether the facts end up supporting that or not aside like he's making himself look really bad and that's on him i'm just saying in my humble opinion so maybe not so humble right now during my segment but sometimes humble opinion. So maybe not so humble right now during my segment, but sometimes humble opinion.
Starting point is 01:40:48 I am HO. I am HO. Okay. Okay. So he says Lacey was amazing. I mean, is amazing. And it was like, ooh, way to draw attention to that. So not a great day for Scott.
Starting point is 01:41:01 With the media already giving him a guilty verdict, he needed someone who was going to help really discover what happened to his wife. So he hires his own private investigator. So Gary Ermoian is a private investigator who was going to do his own research into what happened to Lacey. And in Ermoian's investigation, he spoke to the many neighbors who claim they saw Lacey walking the golden retriever on Loma the day of her disappearance. And one even commented, she looked too pregnant to be out in the cold. So now he's interviewing all the people who said, no,
Starting point is 01:41:33 we saw her walking the dog because remember that got like dismissed by the police, but it was also like, but if that is true, then like, that's a huge issue in the case against Scott. So he starts interviewing all the people who say they saw her. And he interviewed all of them.
Starting point is 01:41:53 And he pinned the location and timings of their sightings. And when he mapped out all these sightings, both Lacey's geography and the timings of the sightings hypothetically checked out completely with everybody's statements. So interviewing all these different people and mapping it out it all fits okay like if it's true okay so diana campos who was smoking on a hospital balcony located on the side of the park where lacy was thought to have been saw someone matching lacy's description walking the golden retriever, Mackenzie, and she remembers two men were following who she thought was Lacey. And the dog barked at the men and she remembers the men yelling, shut that fucking dog up at the woman. So this could be, if it were,
Starting point is 01:42:39 if this all matches up, it could be the two, two of the people who were robbing the house. If she had confronted them, you remember the people who were robbing the house. If she had confronted them, you remember the people who robbed the house across the street. Yeah. And all of our friends even said that she would have gotten in the way. Yes,
Starting point is 01:42:53 exactly. And if that is when that robbery occurred, maybe that's who was following her and saying like, shut up your dog. Right. And if somebody was following her, then obviously that's another huge break in the case that points blame away from Scott. So he collected the private investigator, collect all this information.
Starting point is 01:43:11 But he thought it was really strange that the police had never spoken to any of these witnesses. Yeah, that's interesting. It's not good. It doesn't feel like protocol either. It's like if they existed they would have been spoken to you'd think so and so they interview a few of these witnesses who say like we reached out to the police and said we saw her nobody ever contacted us nobody ever talked to us so it's not a good look because it's sort of like the police had their eye on scott and said
Starting point is 01:43:41 nothing else matters and it's sort of like you should have checked that out in my opinion yeah in my extremely humble opinion i think you should have checked that out but that's just me um so it's a little bit like fishy you know even if you're blaming scott you should have followed up on these people who said i saw her walking down the street that day right i'm a big proponent for like even if we like think we know what's going on like dot your t's cross your eyes completely you know dot your eyes no i like your version better okay sure you and i are the kind of people who cross our eyes and we don't get confused but i certainly yeah okay you know what you're right okay stupid sorry i mean excellent so the pi gets all this information and it all maps out properly and he's like that's really
Starting point is 01:44:35 weird that no but no police ever talked to these people yes i agree it's very weird um which is x this part's extra sad her due date comes and goes. She's still not found. And that always is heartbreaking when pregnant people are missing and it's like the due date comes. It's like you know the baby is wherever or whatever is going on. The baby is or was supposed to be here. Yes. When the due date passes and you're like, you know, you don't hear anything. It's like that just there's just an extra level of like tragedy to that yeah yeah um so due date comes and goes which is early february she has not been found
Starting point is 01:45:10 um in terms of the media storm the case goes quiet again for a couple weeks until april 14th so on april 13th this is where we get another big uh break in the case, locals along the San Francisco Bay had found two mutilated, decomposed bodies washed ashore. One was what seemed to be an adult woman's torso with no head or no limbs. Oh my God. And another was an infant. Oh God. I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. I like, oh, I know. So Scott's whereabouts were not known when the bodies were discovered. He'd actually been like MIA for weeks. Um, he'd been in San Diego with his family to avoid like the news trucks capturing his every moment. And on April 18th, um, so this is a few days after the bodies were found, Scott was driving down the highway
Starting point is 01:46:03 and he called his brother to say he was being followed by the media. So he starts driving erratically. He's trying to get rid of them. What he didn't know is that he was actually being followed by police. And so he's like, these bozos are following me. No, they're unmarked cop cars. So he gets followed by police all the way to the golf course where he's going golfing. And they pull into the parking lot and they find him.
Starting point is 01:46:31 Fun fact, Scott has completely changed his appearance. Okay, that's worth noting. Very worth noting. He was carrying over $10,000 in cash, camping gear, his brother's ID card, and four cell phones. Okay. Well, like, that is absolutely fishy. Okay. Yeah. And the thing is, if you hear his family talk about it, they're like, no, no, like, everything can be explained. And it's like, technically, I guess, like, the skeptics who are like, no, he's not guilty. Point out that like.
Starting point is 01:47:08 I'm sorry, the skeptics who say, OK, so Scott's family or proponents of Scott, I should say, say like, oh, don't worry, like there's an explanation for everything. He has his brother's ID because he wanted a discount at the golf course and the ten thousand dollars they said was because um a family member accidentally got out cash instead of okay yeah like you can't even you can't even finish the sentence like yeah it just doesn't sound okay it seems like a lot and like he changed his appearance to avoid the media and it's like i guess all of those things individually make some sense but like it's together is one crazy day like whoops alexander's no good very bad day or whatever that fucking book was we were little scott's very very very bad day um yikes because like why are you have four cell phones and they were like well he had one from
Starting point is 01:47:58 this and one and it's like yeah okay they accidentally had ten thousand dollars in cash he just happened to have camping gear he just happened to want to go golf it's just all very bad look once again um and people who were like yeah he fucking did it are quick to point out that san diego is very close to the mexican border and potentially he was driving down there with a new appearance to kind of get away from everything so it's like two two sides here that are arguing yep um i find it to be fishy as fuck but you know that's just me i'm with you christine you know what in our extremely non-humble opinions it's fishy as fuck okay everybody oh boy um so people think he was planning to run so while he was being
Starting point is 01:48:47 arrested and heading back to mid because again they just found the bodies a few days ago too and part of me is like you're going golfing they just found your dead son in the water whatever i mean and then again i mean i yeah i know i know it's we talked about last time of like people people grieve differently I just it feels it feels odd it just I if the person that I was married to and my baby whether or not even love the person anymore but my baby yeah were found dead in a river dismembered i could not just go to the golf course i can't imagine dying my hair and going golfing and being like oh come on it's just normal day in my life i don't know feels weird it does i agree i agree and again this is all circumstantial but you know that's what we have to go on so while scott was being arrested and heading back to Modesto, DNA tests confirmed that the bodies were, in fact, those of Lacey and baby Connor.
Starting point is 01:49:50 And according to Doug Maynor, who was in the car with Scott when they told him about the bodies, he didn't really react. And he claims that it was because he was with the police and he didn't want to cry or show emotion in front of the police. But, like, learning your family has been found murdered is a hard you're allowed to cry like yeah no one's gonna be like like we're not we're not calling you a baby right yeah it seemed like a weird excuse like well i didn't want to show emotion in front of them and it's like well it's like well it's weird that you're not showing emotion it's also weird that you're right exactly it's really weird that you're telling the cops to come over and look at your barbecue plate or play golf but like you won't cry yeah yep yep yep and it's it's just doesn't feel good to me i don't know and i get the catch-22 of like oh you cry you're faking it you don't cry you're not emotional enough. Like, I get that, Catch-22, I do.
Starting point is 01:50:48 But to be like, no, I didn't want to show them emotion intentionally, so I pretended like I didn't care or whatever. It's just a weird angle to me. I don't know. So when the car arrived at the jail, a mob, not surprisingly, was waiting for Scott, and they all had signs that read murderer and things like that. Yeah, people were pissed uh locals were who had originally been there to help him and find lacy and you know all these volunteers
Starting point is 01:51:12 had now officially turned on him first there was the affair and now there's the bodies sure so meanwhile uh the peterson house itself was being surrounded by flowers from well-wishers. And Scott was arraigned on April 21st, 2003. He was charged with two counts of premeditated murder and he pleaded not guilty. Oh, well, I'm kind of not surprised. Well, yeah. Good point. Not a shocker.
Starting point is 01:51:39 So May 2nd, 2003, the Peterson family hired celebrity lawyer Mark mark garagos and he is like a name that you hear all throughout these any of these documentaries mark garagos as their attorney and it it uh cost them a million dollars flat whoa and the reason that sc Scott's family hired Mark Geragos is because he was a celebrity lawyer who had been on Larry King every night defending Scott. Oh, like on his own without them even having seen him yet. Correct. So Nancy Grace was on Larry King going like this asshole deserves to burn, basically. And Mark Geragos was saying, well, let's think about devil's advocate sort of so uh scott's dad saw this and said like i want to hire that guy to be his lawyer because he already is defending him on air right we don't have to convince him of anything yeah he's not gonna be he has the passion that we we really need correct he's
Starting point is 01:52:42 already on the right quote unquote right side exactly so they hire him for a million bucks um and he is pretty famous he's already really good at weathering like a media shit show um he has worked with winona rider robert downey jr and chris brown like wow chris brown lawyer i mean i guess yeah good guy to get on your side if you're looking guilty uh media is what i have to say uh-huh so he is now the lawyer and his whole mission is to argue against the prosecution's theory that scott had killed lacy the night of december 23rd and then the following morning attached eight pound weights to each of her limbs and dumped her body into the san francisco bay this is the prosecution's plan of action theory and he has to fight this so uh private detective or moyan the pi who had interviewed all those neighbors thought garagos would have more than a good enough chance to defend scott because people at the marina had seen scott that day
Starting point is 01:53:42 and nobody reported seeing him with a body or a big object or anything like that okay and they were like you know what this might not be as hard as we think because it would have been nearly impossible for him to hide a big object in his boat without anybody seeing because he had been spotted by so many people and witnesses at the dock so now they're thinking great we have a celebrity lawyer we have this pi we've gathered all this information we have witnesses who've seen him and who saw lacy walking the dog and they think like you know what maybe we have a chance here after all so two days later on may 4th, which was Lacey's birthday. Oh, so she and I have the same birth number.
Starting point is 01:54:27 Oh, fun. Is that what it's called? Yeah, birthday number, I think. Birthday number. So on her birthday, they held a memorial service for her and Connor. The whole community came together to remember her. And the Petersons did not attend out of respect for Lacey's family, which I do understand because it probably would have been a circus if they had shown up.
Starting point is 01:54:52 And they instead had their own 20-minute memorial in jail with Scott. Wow. Okay. On November 18th of 2003, Scott was ordered to stand trial. And according to following 11 days of testimony from investigators family members and neighbors in a preliminary hearing the judge determined that prosecutors had shown probable cause and that scott would have to stand trial for the double homicide charges so they presented a strong enough case that the judge said, like, yep, this guy's got to prove that he didn't murder his wife and child. Okay.
Starting point is 01:55:29 Interestingly, 50% of the potential jury members admitted in a questionnaire that they thought Scott was guilty before even joining the jury. And that was a big problem because you can't really be impartial. You can't be biased. Yeah, exactly. If you already think that he did it. And so Scott Peterson's trial officially began on June 1st, 2004. And by this point, this case was so massive, everyone knew who he was. And although there were seats in the courtroom for the press, they did not allow cameras inside.
Starting point is 01:56:02 But every reporter was standing outside. They had reporters inside. allow cameras inside um but every reporter was standing outside they had like full you know head reporters inside like nancy grace was inside and she would like report back on like what was happening so that people had like a blow by blow of what was going on did we ever hear i know this is kind of far back but you're bringing up nancy grace so i'm thinking of diane sawyer again but did we ever did she ever come back into the picture or was that just a one-time thing um it was just that one interview that like really blew his plan like he okay so it wasn't like she was as involved as Nancy Grace got I think Nancy Grace was more thoroughly like long-term involved from day one yeah um so the Diane Sawire thing was like a big monumental moment but i don't think it was um
Starting point is 01:56:46 like a longer lasting thing than that gotcha um so in his opening statements the prosecution rick distasso rick distasso uh presented the theory that scott had murdered lacy the night of the 23rd and then put weights on her body and dumped her out of his boat the next day. So the crux of the prosecution's case was that Scott Peterson did not want to be a father and wanted the freedom to date other people, aka Amber Fry, and that instead of divorce, he chose murder. So that was their motive that they were presenting against Scott. Sure. And on June 2nd, we heard the defense's opening statements. And this is where shit gets a little wild. So it hasn't gotten wild yet. No, not quite. Okay, what is about to happen then? So Mark Garagos, the celebrity lawyer, you know, Chris Brown and
Starting point is 01:57:42 Winona Ryder, etc. he shows up and he says you're not gonna like my guy aka scott peterson but you're gonna see he's not a murderer so his angle is yeah he's a shithead he is garbage but like he's innocent but he's like not a murderer garbage right so everyone can relax it's not that bad it's not that bad so that's his angle which you know is probably the best way to go at this point because nobody fucking likes him right so everyone can relax it's not that bad it's not that bad so that's his angle which you know is probably the best way to go at this point because nobody fucking likes him right so it's like yeah i guess that's the angle you have to take and now do you remember when i said that when they woke up on christmas eve they were watching lacy's favorite program oh yes christine Yes, Christine, the meringue. Big Martha. Big Martha and her meringue. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:58:26 Okay, so the meringue. It's back because the prosecution had said this is a lie, like blah, blah, blah. During Mark Garagos' opening statement, he literally plays the episode that aired that morning in which Martha Stewart is making meringue. And this is bad because the prosecution has already said he was lying. He made up a story about Martha Stewart and meringue. There was no meringue. They didn't watch the tape like they had access to what episode aired that day. And I guess the police officer who went back and checked kind of skimmed the episode and didn't
Starting point is 01:59:05 catch that they talked about meringue and he said oh he fully made it up so the rnd was not well done the rd was fell through the cracks and so he was like no no there was no talk of meringue on that episode and then mark ergos is like oh really let's watch it and they played like her talking about meringue and they were like well so that's not a good look because the prosecution said oh he made that up we checked no he was telling the truth uh he watched some sort of martha stewart that day about meringue so it's not a good look because shit it's just could we have also though if i would have looked at every tv guide that day and been like maybe there was a quick summary and i would have looked at every tv guide that day and been
Starting point is 01:59:45 like maybe there was a quick summary and he knew to just check the tv guide of what was playing that day so it looked like he was home it's possible it's possible like martha has fun with meringue you know like could have like remember tv guys we should check what the tv guide literally said i'm curious december that could he could have used that and we could be reopening the case with our new info so i gotta say too that apparently the day before they were also talking about meringue on an episode i guess they talk about meringue a lot so my other thought is maybe it was the day before and he got lucky that they talked about it two years in a row but i don't know that it's pretty spot on that he says oh oh, yeah, we watched it that morning.
Starting point is 02:00:25 They talked about meringue and they literally did. So, yeah. And the fact that he was interviewed about that, like, right after she was reported missing, like, he would have had to do a lot of preparation. Right. To, like, go to the TV guide and plan this. So it's possible. You're right. It's possible.
Starting point is 02:00:46 this so it's possible you're right it's possible um like if i were gonna murder someone back when the tv guide was hip and happening i would have at least checked you know just like had an alibi check on what martha's making that day what what's martha up to martha what do i do with meringue i still don't know i still yeah that the real question in court should have been like what did you learn about meringue that yeah what what and you would have been like, what did you learn about meringue that day? Yeah, what? And he would have been like, I learned that it's boring. I learned that I so don't care. But apparently it's very important to this case all of a sudden. Oh, how terrible, though, to like, whatever.
Starting point is 02:01:18 I don't know. This is just getting existential in my head of like, you're just watching Martha Stewart make meringue. And then all of a sudden it's brought up like years later in your court case anyway okay so he says so the prosecution is like no he fully made that up and then mark ergos is like interesting because like they did talk about meringue dun dun dun so bad look police who did not do their research yeah and also a blow to their credibility right like oh for sure we checked he made it up and it's like you didn't check very clearly it definitely makes the whole case like it should get thrown out the window of like if you didn't
Starting point is 02:01:53 check this like how do we know you got it right then it's like well what right what else did you not properly r and d um so not a good look and uh garagos also lifted a huge file of evidence that had been cleared by the police. His point was to show the jury that nothing had been found at the alleged crime scene. So there was there were a lot of rumors that like when police arrived at his house, they could smell bleach and he had just like clean the floors. It was all made. None of that was in any of the police reports. So even though the media was going on, like, yes, apparently he had just like cleaned the floors it was all made none of that was in any of the police reports so even though the media was going on like yes apparently he had just it was all rumors there was no evidence whatsoever that they had found at his actual house on the 24th so the defense then presented the information that on the morning of the 24th now this is another big blow to the prosecution shit what is going on over there i know a computer
Starting point is 02:02:46 analyst reported that someone had been on the peterson home computer on the morning of december 24th looking at women's clothing as well as umbrella stands that had sunflower patterns on them and lacy was a huge like she loved sunflowers she had a sunflower tattoo she was like all about sunflowers and so they proved that on. She was like all about sunflowers. And so they proved that on the morning of the 24th, someone was on the computer at home looking up like sunflower accessories for the house and women's clothing. Although we could,
Starting point is 02:03:18 we could pretend he was pretending to be her, right? That's what I thought. And then they made the really good point of if he had done that wouldn't he have pointed them to the computer and said like look she was like this is probably a lot to explain but if if he had been the one who planted that like searching for women's clothing and searching to pretend it was her wouldn't he have pointed them that way wouldn't they wouldn't he have pointed the investigators that way i guess so but like nobody he didn't know so like he couldn't have thought if he were doing that with the thought
Starting point is 02:03:51 that like they would check the computers when he had said like oh haven't you checked the computer check the computer or like yes she was on the computer you can check you know or right like i saw her on the internet but like he didn't apparently know and so he didn't even know to be like check her web history um and so this wasn't even brought up for years you know until this actual case until the prosecution hired this computer analyst to check so i was like that's a fair point i feel like if he had planted that he would have at least told somebody to check it you know what i mean yeah yeah no that makes total sense so i don't know i'm stuck on that one but part of me thinks what if what if he was i really thought this was gonna be like i really thought this was gonna be like such like a clean cut i know it's so frustrating
Starting point is 02:04:39 i was so afraid to just i mean i mean i still have my opinion that I don't think my, I don't think my first gut instinct is wrong, but he is making it messier. It's definitely not as clean cut as I guess we were led to believe. And the documentaries are very nuanced, I would say. So some of them are very much like, well, he obviously fucking did it. The end. And then the one I this one that I watched, the six part one is more like, well, let's look into all the things that the police did wrong and things that could have, you know. And so I'm like that threw a wrench into my plan. My plans.
Starting point is 02:05:21 My plans. So it's a little bit confusing. So she loves sunflowers they're like well somebody on the 24th was looking up sunflowers and he was at the marina so who was it i don't know um let's see the prosecution also claimed that you know this was a part of the cover-up and he had done this on purpose to cover up her murder but then uh why would he have not said anything why wouldn't he have pointed them to the computer um and so garagos asked how scott could have uh thought how people could think he had murdered her bring her body into the car in broad daylight check into the marina which he had a receipt for and have enough time to clean
Starting point is 02:06:05 up the crime scene and dump the body with no one's seeing sure fair it's possible but it's tough okay um and everything that the prosecution basically brought up the defense was like bang bang boom we have a counter to that got it got it got it so the defense was like kicking ass in other words uh and it's not a good look again for the millionth time and in a huge turning point this is when the prosecution takes back the power here when oh amanda fry takes the stand uh-huh okay got it so according to cbs on august 10th 2004 in what many considered a major turning point for the trial amber fry took the stand for the first time to tell the jury about her relationship with scott peterson a secretly married man and about all the lies he told her
Starting point is 02:06:57 she painted a picture of a dishonest man who could tell falsehoods with ease hurting his credibility jurors so she's basically like a character witness to say like right he's a shithead uh i mean she's doing it flawlessly she's doing a great job she's so brave uh jurors heard jurors heard the lies for themselves in the recorded phone calls that they had um so that really really really his credibility. And with all of these fucking lies about Europe, you can, they literally just got to hear him say, oh, I'm now I'm in Spain. Now I'm in France. And it's like, there's photos.
Starting point is 02:07:32 Now I'm in your underpants. There's photos of him at the vigil and the jury's hearing him blab on about the Eiffel Tower. So like, it's just that they got a, a good serving of like scott's a shithead um and he was exposed to be like the cheater that he was and in so many people's minds this uh man was guilty and remember he told amber i lost my wife and this will be my first christmas without her and then two weeks later she vanishes it's just a weird coincidence. I'm sorry. You know, it's a lot of weird coincidences that have no explanation.
Starting point is 02:08:10 And then throw in, like, the $10,000 and his appearance changing. And then also, like, he's on Diane Sawyer and he's just fucking lying. He's, like, the unluckiest man in the world, if this is all true. He's the walking number 13. Yeah, he is the baker's dozen nobody invited to the party. He is the baker's dozen that nobody wanted at the pastry shop.
Starting point is 02:08:31 That's right. That's how you gotta finish that one. It's hard to believe that you would not want that 13th donut, but what if I told you it fell on the floor? But this one has jelly in it, you know? And it was filled with jelly. We'd be the worst fucking lawyers but what if we were character witnesses we'd be like he was a bad donut like he had dirt on him and i know what you're thinking there's no such thing as a bad donut but you would be wrong but this one was a day old so you tell me it was
Starting point is 02:09:02 pretty old and it hit the floor. Sorry. That's the case. I don't make the rules. I just couldn't do it. It's the truth. Your honor. It was soggy. It was like sitting for too long and it melted. Yeah.
Starting point is 02:09:14 It got a little like stale. Not good. So. Yeah. On that note, despite how well the defense had like defended him up until this point, after 19 weeks where we heard from 174 witnesses. By the way, Scott didn't take the stand, which they think hurt him because. Oh, OK.
Starting point is 02:09:33 Even though he took the stand in Diane Sawyer's world like and it didn't go well. If he had taken this in court, at least his lawyer could have led him into better answers or made he could have he could have said something that would have made him look better yeah because like he was being painted by all these people as like the shitty cheater maybe he could have gone up and said like defended himself in some way but he didn't go up at all um and after seven days of deliberation which also in the uh documentary you can see they had to replace two jurors for like not behaving properly like one of them started talking to Lacey's family before the trial and another one was like gossiping outside like there's just a lot of drama with the jury to begin with so they
Starting point is 02:10:18 replaced two jurors so after seven days of jury deliberation Scott Peterson was convicted of the first degree murder of Lacey Peterson and the second degree murder of Connor Peterson, his son. Wow. On November 12, 2004. So he was found guilty of both. And this was surprising to some people because it was sort of like circumstantial. It's all circumstantial, but like there's no actual proof that he murdered her. I mean, maybe there is but
Starting point is 02:10:46 it's all kind of there's a lot of evidence pointing towards it but no final anything not necessarily anything like super concrete but they vote they the jury came back said he is guilty of both murders and the jury then recommended that scott be sentenced to death and one of the jurors said that was his regret that like he still felt like Scott was guilty but he did regret saying voting for for death penalty and he said if he did it again he would vote uh for life in prison so in March 2005 the judge agreed and although he still maintains his innocence, Scott currently resides in San Quentin State Prison. According to the Modesto Bee, two appeals were filed, one in 2012 and one in 2015, and he's also asked for a new trial. But the California attorney general rebuked the request in a 150-page document and said there is overwhelming evidence for Scott Peterson's guilt. So he is not getting a new trial.
Starting point is 02:11:47 One of Scott's defense attorneys, Pat Harris, claimed that the outcome was outrageous because the prosecution couldn't tell you when the murder happened. They couldn't tell you where it happened. They couldn't tell you how it happened. The only thing they could do was just say Scott Peterson's a bad person. So as ABC News reported on August 24th, 2020, so like almost about a year ago, exactly, almost two decades after his conviction, the California Supreme Court upheld Peterson's guilty verdict, but overturned the death penalty sentence and determined that because of the way they had to dismiss these jurors and all this business,
Starting point is 02:12:25 and because the juror questionnaire did not ask their views about the death penalty before they joined, that the death penalty was out of the question, basically off the table. So they scrapped the death penalty, said life in prison, and kept it at that.
Starting point is 02:12:43 So almost two decades after the disappearance and murder of his wife lacey peterson and their unborn child connor scott peterson says he's still seeking justice and that his first trial was unfair uh to this day in the documentary you can see scott peterson's sister-in-law janie uh maintain what she calls her war room of evidence where she's still trying to like exonerate him and she has people fly in that she's met online who like help build like they're trying to build a case to like get him out of prison like one of those big walls they literally have the wall with all these pins about like where lacy was spotted by witnesses and, you know, all this. So they're trying to exonerate him. And listen, I say give it a shot if you can. Great.
Starting point is 02:13:31 Wow. You know, I don't know at this point. I don't know. I don't know. I know he's a shitty husband and not a great guy, but I don't know. I don't know if he killed her. I don't know. Yeah, that's at the very least that we can say
Starting point is 02:13:45 that he was not like 10 out of 10 on values yes i would say i don't love the guy i gotta say yeah i don't love him not a huge fan but there's a lot of i would say there's enough doubt at least in my mind which is all you need to to you know like you just need one teeny little iota of doubt and that should be enough legally you know to not send you to the death penalty but oh yeah who knows i mean i'm so thrown because i always was like oh he fucking did it obviously but then i'm like well they really got to interview these people who said they saw her and if the burglary literally happened that day like that's really fishy and or like the cops not looking at the video of the. Yeah, it's kind of like, oh, you're not making this easy for us.
Starting point is 02:14:31 It's like I do understand why he would want a fair trial. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And why his family would be like, yo, you're missing all these pieces. So I get it. And like, you know, he's a shithead. So I like it's hard. I don't know. It's a shithead so I like it's hard I don't know it's a very it's really confusing for my brain I guess um but oh the other thing too is like when this was really sad but they talk about like when they found Connor's body and like how they believe that
Starting point is 02:14:58 happened with like because you know it was her torso that was found and they had like experts come in and like doctors say like whether Connor would have been born before he was found or whether he would have, whether he, like, was still in her body when she was dumped. I mean, it's all just, like, so dark and horrible. And even, like, none of that can be really proven like his gestational age has been like debated like whether he was you know eight months or whether he was older and it's just like oh it's just so fucking sad and so and even where the bodies were found like now his sister-in-law is saying well he couldn't have dumped her where they say he did because the body wouldn't have washed that way there's just a lot of stuff that gets discussed in this six-part series that
Starting point is 02:15:50 if you're if you want more info i would recommend watching it um so is that what you were saying the the documentary was like a little quote controversial because it was more biased it was but like also it sounds like it was trying to do a fair trial that never actually happened that's kind of where my brain goes is like yeah i get why people call it biased but also like it's important to know these things that like they didn't check this out and they didn't interview these people like i'm glad i know this now you know so i yeah that's exactly where my brain was um gotcha so janie his sister-in-law has this war room of evidence um from an interview with uh jonathan vigliotti she claims she can prove scott's
Starting point is 02:16:33 innocence she claims witnesses saw lacy walking in the neighborhood near the peterson home after the time scott said he left for his fishing trip and if that's true scott could not have killed lacy scott peterson's attorney explains there's been a lot of criticism because we didn't call some witnesses who saw Lacey that day. That's the other thing. The prosecution also got in trouble, or not the prosecution, the defense also got in trouble because they kept saying, oh, we have all these people who saw Lacey that day, but they didn't call any of them to the stand. Oh, really? Yeah. So it's sort of like if you had all these people who could have said like i saw her like why didn't you call them but i wasn't why weren't they why didn't they get to share what
Starting point is 02:17:09 happened yeah exactly and so his argument is that a number of the witnesses who saw her didn't have great memories or were contradicting each other and so they they were scared if they brought that to the table the prosecution would like destroy that and say like you know now you have nothing i don't know so it's i think people were disappointed they didn't get that that angle of it because that could have been a really big deal if they had witnesses who saw her oh yeah a thousand percent so retired detective john bueller says there are no witnesses who saw lacy alive that morning he says there were other young women in the neighborhood who were pregnant and looked similar to Lacey and it could have been easy for them to mistake her mistake one of them for being Lacey. So that's one of the arguments.
Starting point is 02:17:52 And it's it's just tough. I don't know. So I say watch the documentary series kind of read up on your own and, you know, let me know what you think. I'm very curious because I feel like I always had it in my head like oh he for sure fucking did it and i think there's enough reasonable doubt to get in my head if that makes sure no that makes total sense where i wouldn't be sure what to vote for if i were a juror i'd be a little bit hesitant at the very least so yeah definitely yeah so that's that um this is a long episode. I apologize, everybody.
Starting point is 02:18:32 But that is part two of and the final part of my Lacey and Scott Peterson coverage. Wow. Good job. Wow. Thank you so much. This was a wild ride of an episode today. What day does this come out? Oh, my gosh. A while from now, I think like four weeks from now or something.
Starting point is 02:18:49 Hmm. I'm trying to think where I would be in four weeks but i why would i even do that to myself i don't know the answer it'll be i think october or at least the end of september i think it'll be at least in october hmm that means i'm i'm in the thick of it right now trying to figure out alison's birthday oh oh hmm i don't know what i'll be doing but i'm sure it will be maniacal maniacal indeed it'll be excellent don't say so uh do you have any fun October 3rd yeah so October 3rd oh my god is it it's not a Wednesday though because no it's a Sunday i know well i was thinking it's October 3rd October 3rd we should have worn pink today since it'll come out on October 3rd oh well
Starting point is 02:19:29 okay well I have a little thank you Eva by the way for texting us did she also write circumstantial in the chat because she's gonna kill me if she did and I didn't see it no she didn't okay so do you want to know at that point if I'm still pregnant yikes how big the
Starting point is 02:19:46 baby will be yes um okay week 40 would be rocky's boxing gloves oh or i like how by week 40 it's not just like it's the size of a baby like it's a baby size one of my apps is like it's the size of a baby lamb and i'm like well also a baby human right and then uh according to 80s and 90s nostalgia a build-a-bear fun i like that and i'm just so nervous i won't mention it next week and i'll forget but just heads up next week when we record the next episode uh it'll be kermit the Frog. So that's how far we are into this nightmare. Into this. Wait, hang on. Kermit the Frog is supposed to be smaller than a Build-A-Bear?
Starting point is 02:20:33 No, bigger. 41 will be next week. Sorry. I mean, next week. How many weeks does it show you? 42. Oh. Because 42 is usually when you're induced if you you haven't given birth yet so kermit the
Starting point is 02:20:46 frog is the penultimate size of your baby correct correct correct correct what's the final one a baby so the final one is a cabbage patch kid stall um and then according to movie and tv props so the week of uh the the week of kermit is Michael Jordan's basketball in Space Jam. Oh. Which I guess is just a basketball, I would imagine. Sounds what that sounds like, yeah. Same like the volleyball from Castaway, like just a volleyball, I guess. The spaghetti from Lady and the Tramp is spaghetti?
Starting point is 02:21:17 Yeah. Well, interestingly, week 42 would be pizza from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. So like a 22-inch pie which girl feels pretty damn big so oh wow okay fun i got a lot happening over here it's a lot of sizes growing it can make your body stop it that's not cool i'm trying oh well um that means we've only got like two weeks left of you telling me sizes of your baby i know and. And eventually I'll be like, and then later I'll be like, Christine, what's the size of your baby? And you can just like Lion King, hold the baby up and be like, it's this size today. It's bigger than moonshine already.
Starting point is 02:21:57 Well, very exciting stuff. And yeah, I am excited to, it's Tuesday. So I'm going to go do Tea time tuesdays have fun i'm gonna watch tea i love tea time tuesday shout out by the way to tea time tuesday if you are not a member of patreon you should and then every tuesday uh i dish some hot gossip uh yes well i dish what everyone that is a patreon anonymous gossip me. Anonymous gossip. Yeah. Anonymous dirt on your bosses and your ex-husbands. And it always comes with a blurry selfie of Em's reaction.
Starting point is 02:22:30 Sometimes I can't handle the, I can't take the heat. I gotta get out of the kitchen. It's great stuff. I watch it every Tuesday. It's a fun time. Join me. And that's why we drink.

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