And That's Why We Drink - E268 A Sea Shanty for Christine and Paranormal FaceTime

Episode Date: March 27, 2022

It's episode 268 and Em's been practicing their sea shanties for Christine! This week Em takes us to Guthrie, Oklahoma for the story of the Stone Lion Inn. We learn the importance of FaceTime in ghost... hunts and Christine relives a very specific experience with a steakhouse on a road trip through Oklahoma. Then we take a turn and head to Hungary for the true crime tale of the Angel Makers of Nagyrév. And can any Oklahomans out there explain Saltine cracker bread baskets for us? And that's why we drink!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 oh christine oh christine hi em when i say oh christine oh christine i wish i had like i could do it in a rhythm like a sea shanty i feel like you deserve one you know oh okay never mind christine is a lady okay no it's not gonna work and that was really good okay have you been practicing uh obviously not but i can't wait until one day i can sing a sea shanty to you all about you and or maybe i can plagiarize it and just sing a sea shanty to you plagiarize it great thank you I'm honored it's for you it's for you I'm so honored anyway I miss sea shanty inspiration how are you oh wait now do you hear me I'm confused by my microphone can you hear me we we can hear you every time okay because I keep hitting buttons. Oops. Just stop. I can't. I can't.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Oh, Christine loves buttons and she just keeps pressing them all the time. Z Shanty. Okay. Em, have you been practicing? I've been practicing my freestyle. Freestyle. Oh, welcome to and that's why we drink. Em, I hesitate to ask, why do you drink this week?
Starting point is 00:01:30 Hmm. um um i hesitate to ask why do you drink this week well i'm going through it with we haven't really talked about this too much on the show and we're both on a time crunch today so we probably should so what a good time to start yep well just very quickly i'm i am as much as i as much i I am, as much as I, as much, I am unwell, as much as I enjoy propranolol, I'm going to a few doctors and trying to get on different medication and they put me on a different one for a while and it is not working. And so now I have to, to a point where I have joined my doctor's concierge team, which... What does that mean? What is...
Starting point is 00:02:07 What, you joined a doctor team? Are you... What does that mean? I... I'm a doctor, actually. Yeah, I was like, I hesitate to believe anything that you're saying right now, but okay. It could be a total ripoff, but so far I've only seen benefits to it where my personal doctor has like a concierge where basically if you pay
Starting point is 00:02:27 an additional fee on top of health insurance yikes uh you have 24 hour access to him uh i know kind of la bullshit is that it works it works really well though because i've been able to text him and call him as i'm testing out this new medication and I don't have to wait for like an appointment where I only get him for 15 minutes he talked to me on the phone for like a half an hour just because I was a part of this I mean it's working so whatever I'm cool with it it's just like some Kaiser Permanente thing or something no okay wow I've never heard of such a thing it's like through his own practice and it's only only here's the thing though. It's supposed to start in like July and only a limited amount of patients are going to
Starting point is 00:03:11 be able to have access to it. And then he's just going to like drop the practice he's working with and like, or he's going to drop the hospital or however, I don't know how it works, but basically he wants to be able to give. He's starting his own practice. It sounds like that to me. So are you like outing him now? Because he's like, this is, I'm leaving. however i don't know how it works but basically he wants to be able to give practice it sounds like that to me so are you like outing him now because he's like this is i'm no because he does no no no i don't think so also i haven't said his name but uh it's dr shem it's actually dr
Starting point is 00:03:37 schultz i'm my own doctor all along you created your own special concierge access to yourself right but so uh i the way he was explaining it to me was like he really wanted to be able to give really individualized care to a certain amount of people versus having a bunch of patients that he can't really help because he only gets so much time with them. So that is what you need right now because you're trying all these different – are we saying what it's for or not really? Am I? I have some sort of blood pressure situation going on here and so it's like where i've gone to a few doctors now and they've all been like huh i don't know that's fun so uh so this doctor's been super helpful and i think we might be going back on propranolol while i'm on tour because at least we know that that works. Right, right, right.
Starting point is 00:04:26 But so I'm kind of in a weird headspace today because I'm in between medications. And, like, I'm trying to get that one out of my system so I can get back on one I like. So anyway, that's why I drink because. Well, that's a good reason. My body's a little topsy-turvy today. But my doctor hopefully will figure it out. He seems to really love a challenge. Well, listen, sometimes that's what you need in a doctor, you know?
Starting point is 00:04:50 I don't know if you heard me, but that program, that concierge program, isn't supposed to start until like July. Yeah. And I am officially patient number one because he— I like to call you patient zero, but yeah. He was like, this is something I would like to immediately put you into the program so you can call me whenever you need. And I was like, oh, all right. Ooh, ooh la la.
Starting point is 00:05:13 That's silly. That's a silly feeling. And so currently I have him all to myself, which is very nice. And I'm going to miss it when he's got more patients. Meanwhile, Blaze's patients sometimes call him at like 9 p.m. And I'm like, and he like goes and like helps them. I'm like, you should be charging these people and up charged. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:30 What's that about? So he said that there's a few other people who've already made the cut or about to make the cut because he's he wants to give them some extra time, too. But yeah, no, I'm really liking it. He's very on top of it. So anyway, nothing to worry about just yet but i am not loving the the mystery here so yeah health mysteries are not really fun mysteries we don't like those kind of mysteries on this show no how why do you drink christine well um well i'm worried about you but that that's not news to any of us.
Starting point is 00:06:05 But you'll be okay. We'll take care of you. If I become a ghost, just know that it was meant to be. Oh, my God. That's like such a guilt to you parent thing. Like, it was just meant to be if I become a ghost. One day when I'm dead, you'll really miss me. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Then you'll know. Then you'll know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. miss me don't worry then you'll know then you'll know um well um i drink because um i've finally succumbed to the lifestyle of napping i was gonna say okay and i really truly my whole life wished i were a person who could nap i never have been able to and my mother always said one day if you have children you'll just have to figure it out and you'll learn it out of force and it's true she was right i feel like you are saying a good thing but mean a bad thing i'm assuming that no no it's good i'm very pleased i just i'm like how did it
Starting point is 00:07:00 take me till i was in my 30s to like learn how to take a nap? I don't know. To get on the winning team. I'm finally on the right side of history here. Welcome. I have been. Thank you. You have now joined the ranks, but I got to be honest. I've got some.
Starting point is 00:07:16 I've climbed the ladder since. Oh, you're at the top. A little higher up. Tippy top. Tip, tip, tippy top. I can't wait to teach you the ways of the nap. It's going to. Oh, my God. I can't. I'm you the ways of the nap it's gonna oh my god I can't I'm gonna text you my tips later can you please because honestly like now when the baby because
Starting point is 00:07:30 they're always like sleep when the baby sleeps and I'm like I'm not gonna be able to do that because I don't know how to nap today she and I took an hour and 45 minute nap together and it was just the best like she's in her little nappy thing over there I'm just asleep on the couch just passed out it was the and then I I mean I was the best it was the best so over there. I'm just asleep on the couch. Just passed out. It was the, and then I, I mean, I was the best. It was the best. So anyway, I'm, I'm learning. Love it. Good. I, I have always loved one day. We're going to get you to, to my level, which is you're in the middle of a conversation with a group of people and you go, I'm going to fall asleep now. And you just roll over. That's the dream. I'm working toward it. I'll build build up toward it i remember doing that at your house
Starting point is 00:08:06 with eva and she was just sitting there the two of you were both there just talking away and i was like okay good night and i just well i actually left remember i came home and you were asleep because i went to a doctor's appointment and i came home and eva's like i'm snapping and i was like what the fuck to be fair i can sleep anything. So don't let that deter you from being loud. That's. Oh, God. I didn't. We're okay.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Don't worry. Anyway. Anyway, I'm very happy for you. Thank you. I'm so excited that you are. I'm going to have to get you a little t-shirt or something or a trophy. A trophy would be great. See, I feel like more human.
Starting point is 00:08:39 The golden pillow. The golden pillow. It's very comfortable to sleep on. Yeah. It's a metal trophy pillow. Yeah, so I feel a lot better. I napped for almost two hours today, and I feel great. So I'm ready to rock and roll, as they say. Hey, I mean, you do whatever you need to do, and I'm going to be happy for you the whole way through.
Starting point is 00:09:01 But if it includes a nap, I'm going to be extra proud. Thank you so much so here's a a quickie um i have been i've been telling y'all i was gonna do a ghost story this week um and this is a pretty good one and but the thing is i've never heard of it before i was uh watching ghost adventures and i was like i've never heard of this place and it ended up being a really good episode and so um i ended up looking up the history i found some little blurbs about ghost activity there but most of the ghost stuff came from GA. Good old GA. So I, sorry that I couldn't find too many more sources about the ghosts,
Starting point is 00:09:54 but ZB really turned it into an art over here with us. So here is the Stone Lion Inn in Guthrie, Oklahoma. Ooh. Ooh la la. Guthrie, Oklahoma. I don la Guthrie Oklahoma the one and only allegedly Guthrie is the most haunted part of Oklahoma but I don't know anything about Oklahoma I feel like any town could say that and I'd be like alright anything called Guthrie
Starting point is 00:10:19 I feel like you could see like that's the most haunted part I feel like Guthrie sounds like an old western it absolutely does i don't think i've i've been to oklahoma for one day of my life and they have like a river tour or something a boat tour what were you doing there just driving through just just passing through old guthrie you know you know on my on my one horse ride through town you know well my brother and I've talked about this on beachy sandy but we went to Oklahoma we were driving through as well probably on the same route you were and um we had uh my blaze had this website he really likes
Starting point is 00:10:58 called tv food maps have you heard I love tv food maps that was was what I did. Shut up, Christine. I use TV food maps on my road trip that took me through Oklahoma. Well, did you go to the steakhouse in, it was either in Tulsa? I think it was in, I don't know. Was it once on Man Vs. Food as the 72-ounce steak challenge? It was on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives. Ah, we did Man Vs. Food. So probably count yourself, consider yourself lucky. Because we thought, oh, this has been on Triple D.
Starting point is 00:11:30 We should check it out. But it's like a steakhouse. Supposedly the best in town. Like George Bush ate here. Whatever. So we're like, let's go to the steakhouse. But we're driving through. And we're like, oh, we should change into something nicer.
Starting point is 00:11:43 I'm in leggings. And I'm like, I'll put on pants and like a nicer blouse or something um because we felt like we'd be underdressed well we walk into the steakhouse and uh the first thing we see is a family in all matching mini mouse pajamas um getting their table and we're like oh okay so now we're the weirdos who are overdressed for the steakhouse i mean it was an oklahoma steakhouse from diners drive-ins and dives the diners you don't wear fancy clothes drive-ins you don't wear fancy clothes and dives you don't wear fancy listen to me steakhouse what do you think it was like a nobu or something in my mind a steakhouse you don't wear sweat
Starting point is 00:12:24 sweats into i don't know you don't wear sweats into. I don't know. You don't wear pajamas. You don't go to like Texas Roadhouse, which is a steakhouse. Outback. You could wear whatever you want at an Outback. Yeah, but that's a chain. It's not one of the best in the state where the president ate.
Starting point is 00:12:36 Okay. I don't think the president wore as many mouse pajamas there. Okay, but to be fair, all the way down to last night, one of my places to go in los angeles is roscoe's chicken and waffles which is one of obama's favorite places so yes but obama's cool and hip okay george bush wasn't like going to like okay anyway let's get back i'm with you i'm with you i'm just being a i'm just being a jerk but i see where you're going everyone's like in pajamas and we're like oh shit we clearly are we didn't get the memo. We're overdressed. We're the weirdos from out of town. I'm not judging.
Starting point is 00:13:06 I'm just saying like clearly we missed the mark. Out of place. Out of place. Out of place. Correct. So we sit down and we're like, and this is before I was vegetarian, before Alexander was vegan.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And we're like, okay, let's just get like whatever they recommend. And she comes over and she's like, would you like a basket of rolls for the table? And we're like, of course. Yeah, that'd be great. This woman comes back with a basket. She sets it down and it's full of wrapped saltine crackers.
Starting point is 00:13:35 What in the world? To this very day, we still sit here and go, did we? Like, are we missing something? What a weird glitch in the matrix maybe in oklahoma rolls but see we've tried we've looked it up it's not a thing we've looked we've asked people in our audience we've we've tried to solve this mystery and are basically now we just think that she was just playing a dumb prank on us and it's it's lasted in our brains for many years her prank worked i don't know but so we were like so confused and
Starting point is 00:14:06 she gave us a weird weird that feels like you accidentally like glitched right it feels like a black-eyed kid was your waitress and i'm like if this is the best yeah would you like some uh ketchup on your apple individually wrapped saltine rolls here's your rolls anyway that's that's my story about oklahoma that's the one time i went to oklahoma it's my memory of oklahoma and it was a very weird experience so uh that's all i've got well i was i was specifically on on a man versus food mission at the time and i don't remember if the if oklahoma was the place with the 72 on stake or something but i remember our whole trip was pretty dedicated to TV food maps. That's what we did.
Starting point is 00:14:49 So fun. Anyway, free shout out TV food maps. I hope everyone needs to see them. They deserve it. It's a fun website. It's very fun. Okay. So anyway, back to Guthrie on the first bullet.
Starting point is 00:14:59 Allegedly the most haunted place of Oklahoma. And the Stone Lane Inn is part of the National Register of Historic Places. Cool. So in 1907, the house was built for the... They kept saying, ZB kept saying Hooten, but it's spelt like Hoften. So I would say Hoften or Houghton. I would not assume Hooten immediately. H-O-U-G-H?-g-h i could see it being hooten
Starting point is 00:15:28 okay so according to zb this house was built for the hooten family um the uh the family fred hooten founded the cotton oil company and he opened oklahoma's first car dealership oh whoa and so when he moved in at the time every source was so wishy-washy on this answer so i'm not sure if i'm doing this right but when he moved in he had already five to six kids with his wife but eventually while they lived in the house they had up to 12. whoa so the house had four floors it had 8 000 square feet oh my god it was at the time the most expensive house in guthrie at 12 000 or 350 000 today holy shit it had a ballroom a playroom a library sitting rooms three grand fireplaces and it had a coachman and a maid. One maid for that entire fucking place? 8,000 square feet and 12 children?
Starting point is 00:16:28 She was never tired. She never got to take a fucking break. She was always tired. Yeah, she was always tired. You're right. The coachman was just sitting out there with his horses being like, that poor woman.
Starting point is 00:16:37 That poor woman. I'm not going to help her, but that poor woman. No one asked me for a ride on my horses. Otherwise, I'm good. So while living there there three of the hooten family members died in the house including one of the children oh so some sources say uh her name is either irene but some people also say augusta so i don't know if one was a nickname or
Starting point is 00:16:59 something okay um but she allegedly died around seven or eight because she had whooping cough and the maid gave her too much medication which at the time would have had some sort of codeine or oh no so it was it was just a lot of medicine she ended up passing away this also could just be a rumor for the ghosts um because there is no documentation that shows this to be true some census records even say that augusta or whatever her name was lived until she got married and moved out um so the rumor could have not been true it could have been about a different daughter that we don't know about irene could have could have been about irene imagine if they hated each other and everyone just clumping them together for the same difference.
Starting point is 00:17:47 It's like, we're different. Um, so the rumor could have started later or this could be real. We don't really know. In the 1920s, um, the family needed some money.
Starting point is 00:18:00 I guess things weren't going well for them. So they left the house for a few years and leased it out and they leased it to Smith's Funeral Home. Oh, that's nice. And the house became a mortuary. I swear every time I see like a beautiful house like here in Northern Kentucky too, like there's just old, gorgeous, big mansions. And I'm like, what a beautiful house. It's always inevitably a funeral home or mortuary. It just always is. It's like they're just... Something spooky is going on there. They're meant to be just these stately, beautiful buildings and just add such a creep factor. Or it's always like a boarding house and then a bunch of family stories happen there and it gets confusing quickly.
Starting point is 00:18:38 Yikes. So I feel like it's always either haunted because several families were there and one of them was always... Absolutely. Has a shady checkered past. they're always taking like codeine medicine you know right yeah or then and then there's always there's a mortuary about so in the 1950s a new family moved in and bought the house and they lived there for like 30 years and then in 1986 the house got passed on to another family called the Lukers. Okay. And the Lukers bought it for $90,000. And they restored it back to how it originally looked and converted it into Oklahoma's first bed and breakfast.
Starting point is 00:19:15 Aha. Okay. Mortuary turned. This fits. B&B. So, fun fact, by the way, when Betty Luker, the woman who bought the house, when she moved in, all the furniture from the previous families had been taken out except for one white table in the foyer. Yikes.
Starting point is 00:19:36 And she ended up finding out it was one of the original embalming tables from when it was a mortuary, and they were using it in their hallway. I was about to say, what a beautiful place to eat breakfast in the morning for all our guests literally bodies or something used to be on that table and now she holds drinks on it excellent yes drink up so during the this renovation um when she came in she wanted to renovate for the airbnb nope just the plane bnb i do that all the time it's bad so frustrating so during this renovation uh that was when the first real signs of activity showed up so workers kept losing their tools per usual that seems to always be the thing with construction workers and ghosts they would hear footsteps they'd hear door slamming etc and the staff also started catching activity once there was once it was a fully ran
Starting point is 00:20:31 b&b they were seeing orbs they were hearing sounds of music they were smelling pipes in the hallway like cigar smoking pipes tobacco pipes they even saw a man smoking with a black hat sometimes. People also would see children jumping on the bed when there were no children. Yikes. That's fun, though. At least now they have all these beds to jump on for the ghost children. Guests say that they feel someone tucking them in. The poor maid.
Starting point is 00:21:07 The poor maid. she's still working people have also gotten locked in rooms especially in the laundry room in the basement firm pass it's always the basement why i imagine the basement was also where they did all the embalming crap well i was gonna say that yeah a funeral home, that's probably where all sorts of yucky shit happened. No. Sorry, I was yawning, everyone, but no. One, in case anyone was wondering about my very delayed response. I was just boring, really boring, and Em had to yawn about it. One of the Luker kids, the family that lived there in the 80s,
Starting point is 00:21:42 one of the boys always cleaned up his toys in the playroom and at night he would hear little footsteps walk through the hallway walk to the door of the playroom and then the sound of the door opening by itself and every morning when he would wake up all of the toys were strewn all over the floor
Starting point is 00:22:00 that's traumatizing I would be so frustrated and terrified I'd be scared i'd also be mad because now my mom thinks i'm a i know like you're frustrated but then also it's like but i don't want to mess with it hopefully maybe he was just making up the story and he was actually messy that's what i'm thinking that i'm hoping it was a ghost that would be i i hope so too i'm hoping because then that means there was no ghost but if it was real i if it was real, I feel real bad for this kid. Me too.
Starting point is 00:22:27 So one guest actually was having trouble turning on their fan in their room, and they felt someone climb onto the bed with them and fix the fan for them. Step aside. It's like, I've got it. I've done this a million times. Oh, God. People also hear voices of spirits calling them by name and even saying, get out. There's also later when there's investigations being done, a lot of EVPs in this house.
Starting point is 00:22:54 That's pretty common. And others have reported waking up in the middle of the night to a little kid's hand tugging their feet. And they think that's Irene or Augusta. People also wake up in the middle of the night to a little a set of little hands patting them on the face that's funny it's almost like a little kid trying to say like wake up and like slapping you around wake up yeah exactly that's awful because i wonder if you can hear the smacks when you wake up. Yeah, or do you just feel it? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:26 I don't know which I hate more. There are some spirits heard laughing. There are some spirits heard screaming. And another rolls a wooden ball down the hallway floors. Mm-mm. No thanks. There's a housekeeper here named Michelle, and she's worked there forever.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And she has a daughter who started freaking her out There's a housekeeper here named Michelle, and she's worked there forever. And she has a daughter who started freaking her out because the daughter loved going to work with her and going upstairs because, quote, that was where the girl with her plays. Apparently that little girl only plays upstairs. And so Michelle's daughter would go upstairs to play with her every day. No. and so Michelle's daughter would go upstairs to play with her every day. The guests have also gotten spirits and pictures, including a couple that got the man in the hat floating between them. In between them, photo bombing, okay.
Starting point is 00:24:13 It's true. Just like, what, bunny ears? I don't know. The activity was so bad eventually that Becky Luker started calling the cops thinking that someone had broken in and even tried selling the house but couldn't. I think the realtor was like, you literally just bought this house.
Starting point is 00:24:30 Come on. Like, you can't do that yet. When Becky first got the place, she decided that she was going to keep things interesting in old Guthrie, Oklahoma. Uh-oh. And because they needed more PR or people to know about the B&B, she decided that not only was it going to be a B&B, not only was it going to be a B&B, but she started hosting murder mysteries here.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Well, well, well. What an interesting twist. Old Becky, the business bitch. She knows what she's doing. She knows what she's doing. So every Friday and Saturday, Friday through Saturday, because it's an overnight murder mystery. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:25:19 Oh, my God. She's been doing it for over 30 years, and the murder mysteries are overnight with a stay up to 40 guests holy crap they can all stay at the the bmbs they dress up their email like their character lists before they ever get there god it is like a full-blown participation award where like you have to commit you're not going there to watch the show i've always wanted to do i've never been to a murder mystery party i've always wanted to unless i was playing a character that is silent because they have anxiety and when performing i wouldn't want to do it that would other than that i don't want to be a part of it
Starting point is 00:25:58 really i feel like it would be really fun like with friends i mean obviously not like with randos i would want to do like like my brother's friends host it sometimes and they all get like a little character and come over and have drinks and like play i don't know maybe it would i would really have to know the energy going in i think i think maybe it'd be fine if it were like just you and me because then we could like talk trash about our characters and stuff like that well yeah but i feel like if this if this situation where there's 40 people and i'm expected to play well i've never heard of such a thing with 40 people that's insane i'm talking with like eight to ten people like i'm like having palpitations just thinking about it oh my god
Starting point is 00:26:37 so and also overnight you don't get to go home after yeah what's that about i've never heard of that either happening it just keeps going people sleep or do they not sleep and apparently she does it every weekend for like 30 years it must be pretty good if like up to 40 people are coming every weekend is it do they sleep like or is it just like it goes all night they sleep at the b&b and then i think they wake up and have breakfast together all 40 of them sleep at the b&b is it that big i don't know i think she's got a few places and like some people get kind of moved to like the sister b&b i don't know okay well anyway i'll look it up later i'm curious so it includes a cocktail party in the beginning okay i'm in and it includes a seven course meal oh well i'm doubling i'm in yeah and then breakfast the next morning okay i love it so uh
Starting point is 00:27:28 that's enough to really sucker me in until i realize i have to perform for an entire night you're not performing you're just put for the in my head in this do i doesn't have social anxiety you're having a lot more anxiety about this than i am what do i mean i feel like you have forgotten all about my obscene stage fright for no reason it's a stage fright like you're not on a stage it's performance anxiety but like you don't have that when you're just like talking to strangers right no because i'm not playing a role i'm not expected to play a role but you are though in a way oh hang on a second we'll talk about this later okay so here's the here's the kookiest part of it all okay this may maybe they don't do this anymore after it has been publicized so much i don't know if she's gotten any backlash for this but uh originally at the murder mystery part of the show is going to the nearby cemetery and seeing the grave of Elmer McCurdy.
Starting point is 00:28:31 Oh. Do you know who Elmer McCurdy is? So before I get into Elmer's story, during this part at the grave of Elmer McCurdy, which is a real grave, everyone, of their contribution their performance in this murder mystery everyone is acting out together a ritual near elmer's grave oh and it actually got becky accused of devil worshiping in the newspaper okay in the 80s so she was like accused of witchcraft got it okay so uh why elmer so the only reason she picked elmer's grave is because she loves the story of what happened to elmer and she thought it was a fun idea when writing the script for her murder mystery okay so the very short version which by the way if you want to, I'm sure there's like pages about this guy because it sounds like he was a doozy.
Starting point is 00:29:28 But the very short version is that he was a train robber back in the day. And on his last robbery, he tried to steal like $400,000, but he only got away with $45. Close. He only got $45 and apparently some whiskey and that was okay as far as he made it gotta take what you can get he ended up getting chased down and he got shot once and immediately died oh no he was taken to the coroner and i don't know what was going on with the coroner but he uh was doused with arsenic which i don't know if that's part of the embalming process or not but he got doused with arsenic way too much like a like a far more than a body is supposed to
Starting point is 00:30:13 be given and he accidentally turned into a mummy i'm sorry i'm laughing because i'm so baffled uh i don't know i didn't even know arsenic was part of that procedure but apparently what ended up happening is he like fully he became lemon he petrified oh well so that it is like how we do rituals with lemon with lemon yeah yeah okay but so his body was completely solid mummified okay elmer was never claimed by a family member and the coroner didn't know what to do kind of thank god like no one came to pick him up to be like how awkward what the fuck happened to my family member yeah and also like if it were that much arsenic and it's not supposed to happen did like the coroner like
Starting point is 00:31:01 drop a bucket of arsenic on him and then like have to like i i imagine it's the same it was the same idea of like if you pour water on your phone or something you're like oh no no no no no and like try to like drip it off so what he did was he dumped him in a bucket of rice afterward and it didn't really do the trick right like that's that's what it sounds like in this story like how i think it was like i saw like 200 times the amount of what you're supposed to wait what okay so it feels like this guy was submerged okay so basically arsenic and old graves so they they did this as part of the embalming process and what i imagine is yeah that he's supposed to use some arsenic and probably accidentally like yeah like, like literally the whole bucket might have fallen on top of like actually either dropped it or so.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I actually just downloaded something called arsenic, arsenic fact sheet. I think you wrote that and you're finding it in your downloads. Oh, that's what it is. Or something. oh that's what it is or something and and the actual oh my god it's literally called arsenic fact sheet uh and the the download name is called grave mistake packet oh my god pdf throw throw us throw us an ff throw us a fun fact here oh okay grave mistake get it um okay let's see if i can find something uh in the u.s the widespread use of arsenic in embalming fluids began in the Civil War period to enable the bodies of dead to be returned home. So that's interesting. It was to preserve them.
Starting point is 00:32:36 So, yeah, he probably just way overdid it. It really felt like he dumped a bucket on him by accident and, like, freaked out and didn't know what to do. Interesting. It really felt like he dumped a bucket on him by accident and like freaked out and didn't know what to do. And also it says six patents were issued between 1856 and 73 for fluids that contained arsenic from as little as four ounces to as much as 12 pounds of arsenic per body. Individual embalmers could also create their own formulas by going to the local pharmacy to get the necessary quantities of arsenic. So maybe he just didn't know what he was doing with the formula. You know, the real trick in this sleight of hand thing that's going on here is you're reading the fact sheet completely unaware that this was like a Trojan horse virus. And as you're reading these fun facts, your computer is just shutting down before your very eyes.
Starting point is 00:33:21 It's like grave mistake. We put it right in the name. It's just giving you something to do so you don't notice. shutting down before your very eyes it's like grave mistake we put it right in the name it's just giving you something to do so you don't notice this is amazing this whole fact sheet by the way if anyone wants to read it is about using arsenic for embalming um and so wild if anyone wants it it's a uh this is a weird name don't ask me why if you want this trojan horse virus you can go to it's not a virus project wet sorry dot so it's a government georgia oh like the like the like the state not the person not the person i heard wet georgia and i was like oh okay oh not that it felt like you went to and got a virus.
Starting point is 00:34:07 Don't go to that. And now there's an arsenic fact sheet. Arsenic fact sheet. And that's where you'll find it. Okay. Got it, got it, got it. So anyway, this horrible thing happens to Elmer's body and the coroner, I don't know,
Starting point is 00:34:23 doesn't know what to do with it. Maybe that's just his own formula he's like i developed a new embalming formula i go to the pharmacy i found out in 24 hours or less you have a mummy that's what how fun is that so elmer was never claimed and the coroner didn't know what to do with him so here's where it gets shitty he stood elmer up in the back like a mannequin and charged people to see it. For God's sake. I can't believe they used to be able to do shit like that. For a nickel.
Starting point is 00:34:49 Oh. That's bad. So over time, this became like a thing. And I think one story I heard, I did not keep this in my notes, so I really hope it's true because I don't have the source written down. But I'm pretty sure. It's Right.
Starting point is 00:35:07 So wet Georgia walks in and she says. No. So basically this, these two guys, I think they came into the funeral parlor and pretended that they were his brothers. And they wanted to claim his body. And so when they took his body, they ended up actually being like directors of a carnival or a sideshow i knew it they stole it they stole the body and then i don't know if that was the origin to how this happens but elmer for 65 years passes between sideshow to sideshow to sideshow where have i heard this i don't. Because I was about to tell you,
Starting point is 00:35:45 oh, there's this some guy who got mummified and was like in all these different carnivals and stuff. You know what? I think it must have been on lore. Sorry, I'm always mentioning that, but I think that's must have been where I heard it. But that is, that's wild because I've heard about that,
Starting point is 00:35:59 but I didn't know that was at all connected to this town or anything. Oh, Guthrie. So here's the crazy part is that because i guess whoever got the body originally from the funeral home put it in their carnival then they sold it to a different guy for their side show sold to a different guy for a wax museum sold to a different guy for an amusement park eventually the story got hidden that it was a real body so all of these people are buying it as an attraction
Starting point is 00:36:26 piece for their show thinking it's a wax well yeah they're like it's a wax museum you don't think it's a real person they thought it was like it had its own like it was a fame a particularly famous dummy prop that had its own name to it and so it was despite no one knowing it was a real body it was known as the bandit who wouldn't give up or the mystery man of many aliases or the oklahoma outlaw or the embalmed bandit literally called the embalmed bandit or the outlaw who could never be captured alive okay none of those really none of them they don't they don't they're not yeah they're not jazzy enough yeah they don't roll off the tongue no they don't really and that's probably why there's seven fucking names the oklahoma outlaw i'm into that that one works that one does work
Starting point is 00:37:16 i hope i hope they heard that one they're like but it doesn't get across like the point of it right like i like you got to keep something about embalming or a body or whatever i mean the the bony bandit whoa see they just needed me for five seconds so uh in 1976 it took that fucking long folks wow for him to get uh figured out elmer was being used as a wax dummy hanging from the rafters of an amusement park arcade called the pike in long beach which is so weird because literally this weekend actually for three days because i went back again on monday i was at the pike in long beach what it was so weird and now i'm reading this and then i did this story last night and i was like this is fucking crazy did you see elmer no but apparently anyone who was there in 1976 did the oklahoma outlaw the bony bandit the bony band he was used as a wax dummy hanging from the rafters it's like i don't know if he
Starting point is 00:38:17 was supposed to look like a toy you can win or something i don't know but on this day i don't know you know you this day, I don't know. You know how like at arcades they have like stuffed animals hanging from the walls and stuff? But I'm assuming it was like at a ride or something. Like a roller coaster. I don't know. All I know about the Pike and Long Beach is what I learned literally this weekend, which is that a lot of Long Beach used to actually be a whole amusement park. And so now if you go there, there's a bunch of little homages to like roller coasters and stuff. And it made no sense until Allison and I found like a sign that described what was going
Starting point is 00:38:53 on. That was like, this is what's happening here. Don't worry about it. So it must have been at some sort of attraction. So on this day in 1976, the show The Six Million Dollar Man was filming an episode here, and one of the prop guys moved Elmer so he'd be out of the camera's shot. And when he picked up the dummy, his arm broke off. And inside, where there should have been nuts and screws to hold the dummy arm together, there was muscle and bone. Oh my god. Can you imagine being that prop guy, realizing you're holding an embalmed body bone oh my god can you imagine being that prop guy realizing you're
Starting point is 00:39:25 holding in a bombed body my god and so anyway obviously investigators immediately came in and they were able to determine it was the body of elmer which if you're interested in the science of that or the specifics of that wikipedia shockingly had good information wet georgia i already gave you the link right right right combine wet georgia with wikipedia and you'll get something real interesting something good will happen to you in seven days you have to forward it to 55 people first just ask zoltar at the pike in long beach um so elmer was identified and brought back to Guthrie and the town held a funeral for him 66 years later. Wow. They buried him in Summit Cemetery, but for good measure, they covered his grave with concrete.
Starting point is 00:40:15 Just don't take him anymore. Just in case. He's had enough of an adventure. I like, that's actually a much nicer thing. I thought of it as like a fucking zombie or vampire fear of like i assumed it was like this guy's like a legend and people are gonna try and steal his body again for carnival purposes that has to be it i was just nervous that they were turning this into an even scarier story he deserves to he has like a real bone to pick get it oh yikes bone to pick okay i'll see myself out fun fact this is also
Starting point is 00:40:48 super eerie a musical has been created about elmer called dead outlaw like a like a new york city musical um it's called dead outlaw and it premieres in five days no it doesn't is that not the craziest thing are you kidding me right now i had to like i thought i was losing my mind i was like i thought In five days. No, it doesn't. Is that not the craziest thing? Are you kidding me right now? I had to like, I thought I was losing my mind. I was like, I thought I was having tunnel vision or I was sleepy or something and not paying attention to the words. What's it called? It's called Dead Outlaw and it premieres in New York City at 54 Below, which I think is like a cabaret place.
Starting point is 00:41:22 Oh my God. Yeah, and it said March 14th 2022 that's crazy so there is it so anyway all of that to say becky luker bought this house as a turn it into a bed and breakfast started doing these murder mysteries and it was all wrapped around the story of Elmer. That's crazy. I understand why, partly. I mean, it was in bad taste, but she definitely used his story as part of the murder mystery because it was probably one of the most interesting things
Starting point is 00:41:53 to happen out of Guthrie as far as local history. So Becky interacting with this grave with up to 40 people every week doing a faux ritual over his grave could have stirred up energy from Elmer's spirit, causing even more of the activity in the bed and breakfast. Uh-huh. And because of this, Becky invites none other than Mr. ZB to investigate. Oh, come on in, bud. So if you wanted to see this for yourself, it is season 17, episode one. none other than Mr. ZB to investigate. Oh, come on in, bud. So if you wanted to see this for yourself,
Starting point is 00:42:29 it is season 17, episode one. It's a goodie, folks. I'm going to watch it later. I actually implore you, sweet Christine, to go log on to Discovery Plus and open it up because in a second I'm going to give you a time code. Really? Okay. I already got Discovery Plus open because I up because in a second I'm going to give you a time code. Really? Okay. I already got Discovery Plus open because I've been watching Kindred Spirits.
Starting point is 00:42:49 Also, thank you for keeping me on your Discovery Plus account because that made this very useful. Oh, you're so welcome. But I always get confused which profile is which. You're Poo Poo Head and I'm Pee Pee Face, I think. No, you're so one of them is Lemon Sucks. And I am so confused because I thought you made that me. that's you you changed your own name to that that actually is very tricky i don't know and there's an alien you're the alien photo and i'm the tiger it's very confusing and i'm pp head or something i watched it on the alien face account okay yeah that's the right one
Starting point is 00:43:22 is that pp face or is that lemon sucks that's lemon sucks okay that was poopoo head for a little bit i think i think that's what i made it poop head or something yeah originally um wow we're professionals okay i have ghosts oh no that's not that's ghost hunters sorry blasphemy um and this is uh uh what's the name of it? 17-1. 17-1. Cool. I type in Ghost Adventures. It's like 17 series. I know.
Starting point is 00:43:50 I know. Holy crap. That man is just nothing but money these days. He is all over the place. Can you imagine having 20 TV shows and other people can't have like half of one? It's crazy. You can't even have one. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:01 17. Oh, there it is. Stone Lion in the first one. It should be on recently viewed okay i should just log into your profile what am i doing okay i'm in mine now and i'm in i see his beanie i'm on timestamp zero zero zero zero uh and you're you're not gonna need it for you're not gonna need it for a little bit because it's gonna be all the way at the end but it's it's going to be all the way at the end, but it's, it's, it's worth it. So, uh, so ZB, he thinks that Elmer and Becky, the owner of this airplane B and B, uh, he thinks that they might have some sort of attachment since they're seeing each other or in each
Starting point is 00:44:38 other's vicinity every week doing a spiritual thing, whether or not Becky's doing it on purpose is inadvertently getting more stronger and stronger with this body and because uh here's a creepy thing apparently off camera becky allegedly told zach that when she dies she plans to be buried next to elmer's plot oh dear so i think that was when zb was like okay there's something going on here you have something happening so he's talking to the staff. He talks to the housekeeper named Michelle, the one whose daughter has played with something upstairs.
Starting point is 00:45:10 And Michelle says that she hears whispering and knocks on the door. And there has been a time where she was lying down on one of the beds and felt someone get into bed with her. And she was totally freaked out because she knew she was in the room alone. And she just like willed herself asleep. She was like, I want out of this situation. I would like to be unconscious now. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:30 So she fell asleep. And when she woke up, she was in the basement. Nope. What? And not only that, but she saw a bucket on the floor and water was pouring out of the bucket on the floor. What? And I don't know what the fuck that means, but it's what happened. Are we sure it wasn't arsenic in the bucket on the floor and i don't know what the fuck that means but it's what happened
Starting point is 00:45:45 are we sure it wasn't arsenic in the bucket oh does it look like water i don't know should i go back to no no no no no please god anything but okay so um zach's idea of what was going on there was to me your favorite facebook group oh that's uh are you a yoga teacher uh because wow what a stretch yeah uh because he was saying that because water in the bucket is reflective the spirit might have been trying to tell her to scry because scrying requires reflective surfaces. All right. He's already giving me a headache. I don't. That seems a little silly.
Starting point is 00:46:31 That one I didn't know. I understand too much. I like my arsenic theory better already. Me too. Even if arsenic's powder, I believe you more. I don't think arsenic is powder. Is it? Check the fact sheet.
Starting point is 00:46:42 Oh, my. Yay. It's either a solid liquid or gas that i know this has been uh this has been science class with two real knuckleheads with peepee head and poopoo face i always pictured arsenic as like a in a bottle like but i bottle, but I guess I think it's a powder. I guess I'm dumb. Finally, we've said it. Finally, I admit it.
Starting point is 00:47:11 268 or so episodes in. Oh, wait, the poison was usually administered as a liquid. The powder was mixed with water, but it's a powder that's mixed with water, and that's how you administer it. Oh, so it was a Venn diagram of our theories. So we're both extremely intelligent. So it's a little syru venn diagram of our theories so we're both extremely intelligent so it's a little syrupy is what i'm hearing it's a little syrupy and it's we're the smartest people
Starting point is 00:47:30 oh wait okay here's a hazardous substance fun fact oh wait it says fact sheet it doesn't say it ought to it ought to say fact fun fact and that's from so there's all sorts of governments telling me about arsenic so if you're interested every state seems to have an opinion all right hey we can collect all 50 of them and frame them and make some weird art or something so uh yeah so homegirl woke up in the basement with this weird bucket of water pouring water out of itself and zach asks her to go back up into that room by herself with a digital recorder if she is cool with it and just do like her own evp session because she thinks this thing is clearly connected to you or has interacted with you or is trying to
Starting point is 00:48:16 give you a sign you something trying to tell you something so michelle goes up there and asks a bunch of questions and the one that they really focus on is when she says, can you tell me the purpose of the dream I had? Because half the time she was saying this bucket basement thing was a dream, but it also sounded like it really happened. So I don't know which one it is, but I'm going to run with dream if that's how she's asking the question. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:38 Um, can you tell me the purpose of the dream I had? And the EVP doesn't make a lot of sense but the voice was very clear and said fuck him fuck her whoa uh there was a weird moment in the show where like zach was like i think trying to be more of an an interrogator than he is supposed to be because he kept i'm just i took a picture i'll send you i'll send you the picture of an interrogator he was like he kept being like is this your voice and she's like no like it doesn't even sound like me and he was like but is this your voice like did you ask did you say that like did you ask the question and then did you give an answer was trying to very
Starting point is 00:49:20 intensely allude to the fact that like this was not her voice but kept like weirdly gaslighting her yeah i was gonna say i feel like that's not the way to do it bud here look at this look at the picture of this fucking man send this is what his face looked like for i'm not kidding like a full two minutes while he was asking her are you sure he has a beanie he has his famous beanie on and his famous glasses and he his eyebrows are furrowed he he's looking at her like she's an idiot leave her alone like like the either the biggest criminal or like she is he's looking like she's 100% lying to him but also he's looking like he's never been so confused about anything in his whole life. Like he looks like he just lost the ability to speak English and he just can't understand.
Starting point is 00:50:12 If you were to go watch the episode, I'm not kidding. Like for a weird amount of time, he's looking at her like that on camera. Oh my gosh. And he keeps being like, but is that your voice? And she keeps looking at him like, no, no. She keeps glancing at the camera like, am I missing something? God. Somebody help me out here.
Starting point is 00:50:28 I wasn't even on camera. I was like, am I missing something? So anyway, basically the next half of this is they go to Elmer's grave because they're like, let's investigate around his gravesite, see if we can catch anything from Elmer. Sure. But it was apparently a very windy windy windy night and so they took a pop-up tent like without the ground like without the flooring in it and like threw it over the grave okay so that way the grave was fully surrounded by a tent so imagine you're sitting in a tent with a fucking grave you're just like on top of a body yes and so uh
Starting point is 00:51:06 i guess it was so that they could get like they could actually hear audio or whatever from the wind and so i just thought it looked so silly it is very silly they were trying to make this sound like such a like alpha ghost hunter move where they're like we are creating an electromagnetic portal and we are using interest sound to channel him out of his grave oh my god literally homeboy went on zoom and he he or facetime or whatever it was like back in the dizzay but he uh was at the grave site and he was like video calling the other guys that were still at the inn that's what happened okay um he facetimed his friends from inside okay check out this crazy grave next to me oh my god okay at one point so he was using infrasound
Starting point is 00:52:01 because he thought the vibrations would like rattle the great rattle his spirit awake or something really dramatic leave the guy alone um but they were like they were shouting at the grave of course and they were saying like elmer travel to the inn and answer these questions and i don't i maybe they were doing something and i was just unaware of the science to it but it really looked like they were just saying like elmer talk to my friends on facetime um that's what it looked like i feel like there was there need to be some more basic explanation for me to get it so okay the crew at the inn or it would think it was aaron and one of the other guys billy or something they uh use a paranormal puck which is basically
Starting point is 00:52:45 an obvious three, which we've talked about before, where you can ask it questions and the words will pop up on the screen. Right. A paranormal puck is like a Bluetooth device connected to your phone. Okay. So I think one of them had the paranormal puck and one of them was using their phone or something to see the answers on the other end. I think that's
Starting point is 00:53:05 how it was how we were doing things okay um and it's like a spirit box right it's basically a spirit box except it's like an app it was like a high-tech spirit high-tech it look if you saw a picture of it it does not look very high-tech it's like a yellow screen with words um but so you could like type the question in instead of the spirit box instead of the spirit box where you're shouting and there's this really loud sound and then it talks to you in real time but you have to guess what it said and you can't save the recording at all the app is literally you type the question or you can say it at the same time apparently they can still hear you but the answer will show up on your phone got it um so which is super creepy i have used a paranormal puck and it is spooky ooky
Starting point is 00:53:51 really um yeah so they're using the paranormal puck and they call it a puck because it looks like a hockey puck right um and they start talking to elmer and on both sides so at the gravesite and in the end, they're both asking questions just to see what shows up on the phone. And they ask, uh, on your, they ask who,
Starting point is 00:54:12 who shot you. And the paranormal puck says, hang instead of shot. Oh, and the guy starts saying, wait, wasn't he hung somewhere? Wasn't that a big deal when he was hung up? And like, that's when his arm fell off. And the paranormal puck saying, wait, wasn't he hung somewhere? Wasn't that a big deal when he was hung up?
Starting point is 00:54:25 And like, that's when his arm fell off. And the paranormal puck said, yes. Oh, so he was hanging at a carnival. Yes. Got it. So then the puck on its own said homicide, which he was shot. So then Aaron turns on the spirit box, like the old school one. And immediately a man's voice comes through and says,
Starting point is 00:54:50 hang again. Oh my God. Then they start asking who talks to your spirit at the grave site. And the paranormal puck said empath. Ooh. And then they said, what are you doing right now? And the paranormal puck said phone,
Starting point is 00:55:05 like talking through the phone. I know every moment I was like, ooh. And then Aaron said, what are you wearing right now? Right. They asked again, how did you die? Because it was unclear because they were like, when were you shot? And it said, hang. Right.
Starting point is 00:55:21 So then they said, how did you die? And the puck said hang and so aaron is like shouting at the video conferencing with sounds about right zach and he was like maybe the spirit feels like it didn't die when it was shot maybe he feels like he died when he was hanging and his arm fell off or something like i don't know okay like he was maybe, like, his spirit was with the body the whole time until that moment. And that's the death to him or whatever. Okay. So then he was saying, like, are we even getting any of this right?
Starting point is 00:55:53 And the puck said all. Whoa. Like, you're getting all of it right. Okay. Oh, okay. Creepy. So the crew gets back to the inn and they're debriefing a while they're debriefing a door upstairs opens on camera very intentionally like not a little not a little creak and not a
Starting point is 00:56:15 it could have swung open it was like out of a horror movie and like kept going yuck yuck yuck in mind, I'm watching this at 3am. So I felt real good. Um, no, immediately they start hearing sounds around them when they get to the end. And of course ZB tells Aaron to go up to the attic and then Billy to
Starting point is 00:56:34 go into the basement by themselves. Then of course, ZB chooses the safest floor where he lays on the bed instead of, I don't know, like asking questions or anything he's just chillaxing and he asks the ghost of the little girl that runs around he because she likes to grab people's feet and slap them in the face uh when they're laying in bed he said quote irene i heard you like to tickle toes do you want to tickle my big old long toes i why would you tell me that
Starting point is 00:57:06 why would you ruin my perfectly good day he then hears footsteps right outside the room that he's in and then very creepily he hears this huge bang and he goes outside and checks in the hallway and the whole camera with the tripod is knocked over in the hallway and the camera and the camera batteries are totally drained even though they're brand new that's pretty weird aaron is sitting upstairs where michelle had this like bucket dream thing yeah and he feels someone literally stick a finger down his butt crack oh okay he said it feels like when your plumber's crack is showing and someone would try to like like i don't know whatever the the alpha locker room not at all gay thing is to touch each other's butt cracks no homo no homo except my fingers in your butt huh um it's like you're the gay one
Starting point is 00:58:02 even though i wanted to do this okay anyway anyway i guess so uh i could get really into that so we can have that we'll save that for the after after dark special we do after dark in the butt crack yeah yeah uh so aaron feels something touch him in in the tush and he said it felt like something like a like a like a kid would do or something to be funny. And Aaron then said, did you touch me a second ago? And the spirit box says, the kid. And then he heard. It's like the kid did it, not me.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Yeah, right. And then on the spirit box, they hear a kid's voice talking. Oh. Then in a real breaking the fourth wall moment the spirit box on its own very clearly says ghost hunting oh my god that's pretty weird that's pretty weird which also means that they know what ghosts are and that they're them and that we're trying to communicate with them yeah well they they knew what a phone was which is like pretty wild so right like elmer from 1910 knew what a phone was so uh it says ghost hunting and then all of a sudden i've never
Starting point is 00:59:14 heard this sound come out of a spirit box but the spirit box on its own changes to this weird ass frequency or something where it sounds like a monster is snarling oh gross it's so fucking creepy it sounded like a warthog orling oh gross it's so fucking creepy it sounded like a warthog or something it was crazy it really freaked me out at three in the morning i was like fuck this this is so creepy um all of them sit down to review aaron's spirit box session because he like runs down he's like you gotta check this out and zach's like you gotta check this out the tripod fell over i have long toes so then they go i have long toes and so they go out uh they go into a room they're all about to review the spirit box session and the
Starting point is 00:59:51 door outside opens all by itself just like earlier and then they tell the spirit to close the door since the spirit opened it so they the time code if you're listening and you want to watch this episode or at least this clip, it is 3730 to 3850. And again, it's season 17, episode one, The Stone Lion Inn of Ghost Adventures. And it's on Discovery Plus. So Christine, if you want to go to 3730, and I don't care that it's going to take over a minute for you to watch. We can edit that out. But I do want your real reaction. So 3730 and then basically to 39 minutes.
Starting point is 01:00:33 Okay. Holy shit. Holy shit. Did you watch the whole thing? I did. Is that not fucking bonkers? I jumped out of my skin. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:48 Oh, wow. I watched it at 3 a.m. by myself. I was already freaked out. I would have lost my mind. So tell the crowd. Yeah. So basically you see them talking to what talking in what Zach calls nerve center, which I guess is where they have all their like equipment, their meeting spot,
Starting point is 01:01:06 like the nerve center of their whole expedition. And they're all kind of gathered around the monitor. And to the right, there's this door. And all of a sudden, while they're talking about something else, the door just like creaks open and you see it on camera. From both sides,
Starting point is 01:01:20 from both, you can see the door from one side of the room and the other side of the room and it opens and no one's pushing on it or anything. Oh, can you see the other side of the door? Sorry, you can see that probably before the clip that I showed you, but they give you both vantage points. Good, because my only thought was like somebody could be back there opening and closing it. No, they had a camera pointing on the door on the other side of the door, too. So you could see it.
Starting point is 01:01:42 Okay, that's good. No one did it. It was by itself. on the other side of the door too so you can okay that's good no one did it it was okay good because that's the only thing where i'm like that's the only argument a skeptic could have is like somebody could clearly be back there but if there's a camera on it yeah so the door like just like rip very intentionally opens and they're all kind of like oh what the fuck and uh zach says uh sternly please close that door if you open that door please close that door and of course there's this building instrumental music and we wait and we wait and then like literally just fucking slams
Starting point is 01:02:13 shut slam i mean i jumped out of my skin that was it was fucking scary i would say that's the most telling evidence i've ever seen from ghost adventures i agree that was so very telling and if you're if you're, if you're, if it's true, like you said that there's nobody on the other side, like that is fucking freaky because it's one thing to open a door with like wind or whatever, but to like have it just like on command, slam back shut.
Starting point is 01:02:37 DB, I don't know if you heard that, but I applauded you from over here. Well done. And ZB also said, there are no words to express what we have just witnessed and then he immediately uses words to express what he just witnessed which i believe he said intelligent poltergeist activity so uh i feel like you don't need to watch the episode anymore
Starting point is 01:02:57 guys that that was certainly the i'm telling you you should still go watch it because like even even the sound of like this the spirit box freaking out it was it's so creepy so that slam happens uh and as they all get up to check the door which is the part where i did not have you keep going yeah they all get up to check the door and as they're on one side of the door the spirit box on the other side of the room turns on by itself and starts doing the same snarling no and then zb shouts why did you slam the door and the spirit box that happens to be on now said because i had to oh oh because you told me to yeah right like you because you told what a dumb question and
Starting point is 01:03:40 then just to end things on a perfectly zb way, they tried an experiment where they were going to leave some toys and balls out on the stairs for the kids. And ZB asks the spirit, can you play with my balls? And stop. Why is he being such a creep to these children? Like, stop. Also, they don't get any footage or anything, but what a way to end the episode. And that is the stone lion in and i'm sorry for uh if you're zb please don't sue me for telling the whole episode in this in my episode but i am telling everybody please go watch it it was one of the creepiest episodes there yeah yeah
Starting point is 01:04:14 yeah you don't get the full i mean that i don't think i've ever really jumped so much from a zb from a ghost adventures episode except the quarantine ones that we watched right also um they're so i feel like a bad researcher because usually i try to get as i try to find everything i can but apparently there was an episode of ghost hunters where they also went and it seems like they saw or experienced all pretty much the same stuff with like shadows really well guess what that's also on discovery plus so just the only difference is they got a recording during EVP session of a ghost that said, can you find me? Oh, yuck. And I hate it.
Starting point is 01:04:52 But other than that, that is the Stone Lion Inn. That is wonderful and creepy. And next time we're driving through Oklahoma for our steakhouse experience, we should stop there. And we should ask Becky what arsenic is made of we should also ask her what what we should quiz her what's a what's a bread roll show me a picture of a bread that's i bet she serves those during her seven course meal because honestly if it's a saltine i'm gonna have to never go to oklahoma again and if you're from oklahoma can you tell me what the hell is going on over there right I'm confused okay so we are as we said on a kind of a time crunch so I'm gonna try to cover this in the
Starting point is 01:05:34 next 40 minutes I think I could do that um so this is it's not a super long story but it's the angel makers which is already kind of creepy the angel makers what the hell is that the angel makers of now this is where oh angel makers like it made it made dead people because they killed them and they became correct okay uh and now that this is it takes place in hungary and i want to be clear that i've looked up several so what i do when i'm trying to find a pronunciation is i watch youtube videos of people discussing it to hear how it's pronounced. I heard three different versions of people saying this. So gosh, okay. I'm going to say Nagyariv, I think is the most close. It's in Hungary. It's a town in Hungary. So I'm going
Starting point is 01:06:21 to say Nagyariv. I'm not sure if that's how you say it nagy rav nagy riv i don't know okay um someone said nagyriv and i was like that can't be it uh so we're gonna go with nagariv so november 24th 1929 in nagariv hungary a farming town 60 miles south southeast of budapest the capital 80 women were. And for a small town of around 800 people, that means 10% of their population had been arrested on this day. Oh my God. Yes. So very big day in town. Talk about local drama. Right? 10. Oh my God. So, okay. I'll wait for you to keep going.
Starting point is 01:07:03 So 80 women out of a town of 800 were arrested. November 24th, 1929. This plunged the town into suspicion, mayhem, and worry. What the fuck was going on? Yeah. Along with arresting this group, the police exhumed more than 100 bodies
Starting point is 01:07:20 all containing traces of... Arsenic! Arsenic. Our our favorite powder liquid our favorite gas our favorite mysterious substance that nobody knows um so out of the 80 women all of whom were widows just side note okay five were hanged and ten went to jail for life. Whoa. I feel like I don't even have... Okay, I have questions, but I feel like I don't even know where to start with them yet. Okay.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Excellent. So 85 were arrested and then... 80 were arrested. And then 10 were put in jail for life? Yes. And five were hanged. And five were hanged and all crap and all were widows sounds like a weird riddle if it does sound like a weird i'm like what i feel like i'm
Starting point is 01:08:15 trying to answer a question for a troll under a bridge i was about to say this is your troll hole this is my troll hole i know i obviously and then they're the answer is angel makers or something. So yeah, gross. So whatever this operation was, had first been drawn to the police's attention in October by an anonymous letter sent to the police chief. In the letter, the writer had tipped the police off about a series of uncanny deaths all of seemingly healthy married men so according to a blog called unknown misandry the inspector enlisted his two most trusted detectives bartok and friska to check what was happening the chief was said to have told bartok and friska his like right-hand men this is probably written by a practical joker but you'd better check on it
Starting point is 01:09:07 it sounds like it yeah so they're like that's a little strange but maybe we should just go see what's going on in this small town just for fun so the first place they stopped was a local inn and they found four local men who they sat down with and uh kind of quizzed them bought them some wine which is lovely and quiz them on on what they knew like what what do you think is going on in town and the four men didn't uh want to say too much they were like a little freaked out they were on edge and they were like you should go talk to the clergyman he knows the answers the fact that well sir you knew the answer is for you to say oh go talk to this exact person who has the answers you were in on this for a minute at least
Starting point is 01:09:52 you know what's going on so when they found the man the locals had described the clergyman and explained the letters they received the clergyman pulled police into a study where he said, gentlemen, you have come none too soon. Here we live in the constant shadow of death. And I'm going to read you the whole thing that he said. It's quite long, but it's powerful. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:19 For no apparent reason, healthy and robust men suddenly sicken and die. This spring, when Frau Sabo's old father died, it was rumored that she and Susie Ola had poisoned him. I called on Frau Sabo and questioned her. Of course, she denied the rumor, but before I left, she gave me a cup of tea. Within an hour, I was violently ill. A medical friend who was staying with me believed she had poisoned me. You see, gentlemen, in these villages, we have neither doctor nor policeman. All death certificates are signed by our coroner, who happens to be Susie Ola's son-in-law. Susie Ola is a formidable opponent, gentlemen, and if she discovers the
Starting point is 01:10:56 reason for your visit, you will be dead men. The superstitious peasants are terrified of her. They believe she has supernatural powers, and as her official capacity as nurse and midwife gives her access to every family she dominates the entire district holy shit i believe that these murders were originally caused by the grinding poverty of our unfortunate peasantry the aged the crippled the unwanted children have sometimes proved too heavy a burden for our poor then there were men who drank and beat their wives these men have gradually disappeared and in their place the women under suzy ola have gained the upper hand these villages gentlemen are utterly dominated by women and the men are all afraid for their lives whoa okay but also happy international women's day i know good timing only because i loved hearing that men were terrified for their lives of women, for example.
Starting point is 01:11:47 I know. It's just sort of like a, oh, how the turntables. Oh, how the turntables. So interesting that, so was it, is it that they're, hmm. So I know Susie's like the main culprit and her son-in-law is probably like getting away with it or not saying anything but it's also weird that there's like at least 14 other widows out there or is this part of like 80 remember oh 80 widows was there but but at least 15 of them were found guilty right so so was there like a was there like a murder pact going on or was it perhaps
Starting point is 01:12:27 okay i don't know why i was just the drama okay it's drama like talk about doing like a tlc spell well actually no you'd probably be in big danger if you if you went right with a camera crew but oh man it would be interesting if vice could do a piece on this place you had me for a second because when you said when you started talking about how uh it was the clergy i was like were they widows or were they nuns was there a bunch of killer nuns out there it like really threw me for a second but i'm i'm still on board i'm still no and so so back back to the bar those four guys who were like we don't want to talk about it it's not because they were involved it's because they were terrified it makes total sense. You go talk to that guy. He'll tell you what's going on. We don't want to say anything. Interesting. Okay. Wow. I've never
Starting point is 01:13:14 known. Wild, right? What a wild. Okay. Yes. It's pretty wild. So what the clergyman had spoken was the truth. Susie Ola had been recruited by a woman called susanna fazekas so there's susie and susanna just to clarify yeah and uh so susanna had uh recruited susie to be her clerk and side woman within this scheme she was perpetrating so flashback it had all begun in 1911 when Susanna Fazekas, a trained midwife, first moved to Nagyariv. And according to your father's favorite TV channel, Sippy, Hungary of the 1910s was a place of political upheaval, crushing poverty and no options for women. And here are some reasonings for why. Hungary would be hugely affected by World War I, where approximately 9 million Austro-Hungarian Empire men were drafted. The 1910s was a time rife with arranged marriages, where teenage girls often got paired with older men that their family chose for them.
Starting point is 01:14:21 Obviously, these girls didn't have a say in these arrangements. Divorce was not legal. Relationships were particularly challenging, even more so than usual, because the men were constantly in fear they'd be sent off to war. I mean, this is starting to sound very chillingly familiar to current scenarios over there. Hopefully not all the other shit, but, you know, being sent to war business uh and women were there to deal with their husband's fear uh in an often loveless marriage so they're already in a rough situation oftentimes it's a much younger not even necessarily a woman but a girl with an older
Starting point is 01:14:58 you know husband that they didn't necessarily even choose for themselves who's now in this like turmoil over possibly being sent away to war it's just a lot um and nagri was also a prison camp for prisoners of war who became um then ingrained into village life so much so that when the husbands were eventually recruited for battle it was not uncommon for women to have affairs with the prisoners that were kind of being brought into this village and living life there. So according to Siffy, some women had three or four different men on the go just as part of their lives.
Starting point is 01:15:38 So unsurprisingly, since this is the early 1900s, this resulted in plenty of unwanted pregnancies. Since this is the early 1900s, this resulted in plenty of unwanted pregnancies. And this is where Susanna Fazekas originally came into play. Okay. So between the years of 1911 to 1921, midwife Susanna was arrested approximately 10 times for performing abortions, which were, of course, illegal. She was acquitted each time. And then as the war came to an end, a lot of the husbands returned home now, understandably with severe PTSD,
Starting point is 01:16:15 something that wasn't understood at the time. And many of the wives who didn't really like their husbands in the first place were now overloaded by being, again, trapped in this marriage. Caregivers. With husbands who were now now emotionally physically traumatized and often you know really not equipped to be back in normal day-to-day life so this is just like a a lot that they're being overburdened with um so understandably a lot of women wanted out and so they went to the person who had supported them so well during the war susanna they asked for advice how to cope and susanna said i have an idea oh okay i have arsenic i was gonna say drink some tea drink some tea so women would leave susanna's house with a vial of arsenic okay so this is where i'm getting this from the liquid
Starting point is 01:17:03 thing basically it would be administered as a liquid so that's why in my head it's a liquid but i guess you create it with powder okay i mean i hate maybe you make it a bunch of different ways i don't know who knows so women so very interestingly they would leave uh suzanna's house with a vial of arsenic, and she had made the vial of arsenic by boiling flypaper and then extracting the poisonous residue. Because I guess flypaper was being made with arsenic to kill the flies, but so she would boil it and then scrape off the poison and put it in a vial. Oh. Weird. I mean, evil, but genius.
Starting point is 01:17:43 It's quite ingenious yeah like what a what a like i wouldn't even think to do something like that oh absolutely i mean i obviously i'm not a killer but like i guess it's a modern equivalent of like rat poison like trying to poison someone for rat poison you know oh okay that makes sense too but who knows so as arsenic poisoning has similar symptoms to someone suffering from cholera which is vomiting stomach pain diarrhea and skin discoloration and world war one happened to coincide with a worldwide cholera pandemic it seemed like a perfect solution to just kind of sneak in a few more deaths right this way so susanna would ensure her clients that arsenic wouldn't be traced on the victim's body.
Starting point is 01:18:25 And she recruited a woman called Susie Ola, who, along with her son-in-law, was in charge of filing death certificates. So these three were able to not only pull off these murders, but then also be able to cover it up by forging these death certificates to say something different. And so nobody would know what the real cause of death was. So the reason Susanna went and recruited Susie was because Susie was one of Susanna's first clients. So at 18, Susie had murdered her husband by stewing the flypaper herself, which she then put in her husband's dinner. And according to that blog I mentioned earlier, Unknown Misandry, Susie and Susanna's business worked the following way. Women would express an interest in killing their husband
Starting point is 01:19:15 and then would pay money to Susie and Susanna. And then according to- Crazy that, sorry, it sounds like so far like 10% of people are expressing that they want to kill their husband right i don't know if we're extrapolating that for the future like like just 10 percent of people want to kill their husbands well that's in this very i mean you know with all the the bullets up here of you know being in forced marriages being oh right being in like a war-torn war-torn situation
Starting point is 01:19:47 you're giving me all the right points i just immediately chose to block all that out and i was like 10 of people want to kill their husbands what's going on no and i mean i don't think so maybe that's why it blew my mind a little bit but you are totally right there was a lot of other circumstances yeah there were other things that were kind of contributing to this. So the women would express an interest in killing their husband, which they'd accept in exchange for money. And then according to Murderpedia, she would accept money in three equal payments. One hundred, I think it's pronounced penges or penges, which is about twenty dollars down. Another twenty dollars after the funeral and a third payment when the estate was settled.
Starting point is 01:20:26 But Susie didn't always murder for money. There was her second husband, for example. He was this kind of handsome Don Juan type who liked to get involved with the younger women of the village. And Susie kind of dealt with it for a while. And then one day she had enough and she slipped him a dose of medicine that uh according to murderpedia effectively removed such ideas and all other ideas from his mind forever which is the lovely way of saying
Starting point is 01:20:57 killed him wow that's like in a cell block tango when they're like we had artistic license artistic differences and then uh yeah he ran into my knife seven times it's like he he saw himself as alive i saw him as dead but whatever exactly so however suzanna never really wanted money to be the real issue so if the women couldn't afford the full amount she would adjust the price for them how gracious uh she wanted to encourage this as much as she could. She even told one woman, like, why even put up with them about men? She was just like, hey, you want to do this? Come on, let's do it.
Starting point is 01:21:34 You don't have the money? That's fine. Don't worry about it. And, like, to an extent, it's like, of course, if these men are abusing you and, you know, whatever, I understand. Let's just say things get out of hand very quickly so it's sort of like i understand the noble you know like saving these women from an unfortunate circumstance and um self-defense but things get out of hand very quickly which is why i'm kind of uh hesitant to be like yeah girl power you know yeah mass murder yeah exactly precisely yeah so uh there
Starting point is 01:22:08 were an estimated 45 to 50 murders over the 18 years uh that susanna lived there wait how many 45 to 50 and again this is a town of 800 people yeah it sounds like i mean whoa i can't imagine like that's such a i mean there's nothing else you're talking about with your neighbors like you're just like no like what's going on and you're not even talking about it because you're terrified you're like i don't even want to say it i'm so freaked out yeah oh my god the trauma for the whole town the whole town and the the the town actually earned the nickname the murder District for very obvious reasons. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:48 So apparently, because this is becoming such a widespread thing, there were a set of unspoken rules among the named Angel Makers of Nagarev. According to a Medium article by Ash Woods woods only married women may join their ranks so only if you're a married woman may you join the angel makers angel makers cannot aid single women to poison off their lovers angel angel makers can't help a husband get rid of an unwanted wife it was forbidden to poison women or children okay Spinsters and women in happy marriages with no need of husband-killing services were not to be told about the syndicate's grim activities. Oh. So very strict rules here. Yeah, like fight club code.
Starting point is 01:23:36 Like fight club code. Except that the rules kind of went out the window eventually. Oh, no. That means women and children and lovers and... god okay not lovers not the lovers so locals uh so the service grew and grew more women found out about this very easy situation they could just have their quote unquote marital issues solved right at their fingertips. But locals weren't stupid, even though this was supposed to be like a secret thing. They sort of caught on to what was happening, and it became an unspoken rule among men to be wary of marriage
Starting point is 01:24:13 because a lot of husbands were dying. With there being more and more primary sources of how simple and effective of a solution this was, Susanna and Suszy began encouraging more women to secretly murder their husbands and not just their husbands so one woman who's referenced as palinka in the medium article only wanted to poison her husband at first but it worked so well that she went on to send her parents her two brothers her sister-in-law and her aunt to their graves as well um and she did this so she could claim a house and two and a half acres of land all for herself palinka committed the murders with a flare she would feed her victim a small dose of poison
Starting point is 01:24:56 just enough to give them cramps then she would say oh let me cure the ailment i have this medicine and she would dash off the town and return with an expensive bottle of medicine, dole out generous spoonfuls of said medicine to the victim until they expired. And of course the contents of the medicine bottle had been replaced with this flypaper arsenic water situation. Okay.
Starting point is 01:25:19 So thanks to this medium article, which is really well done by Ashwoods. Here are some of the other angels, as they were called, and what their situations were. So there was Marie Cardos who killed her husband, her lover, and her sickly 23-year-old son. As a last motherly gesture to her son, she moved his bed outside the house on one warm autumn day and fed him the poison soup herself. She said, I gave him some more poison, she recalled in court. Holy shit. Yeah, it's very dark. gasped and was dead holy shit yeah this is very dark uh then there's maria varga 41 who murdered her husband a blind war hero that's the same person her husband a blind war hero when he raged about her having sex with her young lover repeatedly in their home he died in agony within
Starting point is 01:26:19 24 hours of consuming the poison but five years later when she grew tired of her young lover she poisoned him as well oh my god so she was the young lover but it really it is just rampant just it's rampant indeed wow there's lydia sari who poisoned both her elderly parents neighbors later testified that they heard her father cry out to his dying wife may the devil take lydia she had brewed us tea which had killed us um so i don't know part of me likes to think that's kind of just a nosy neighbor kind of exaggerating because that seems like a wild thing to hear through all the walls and then not do anything about it's your facebook group again it's like it's like oh what i feel like like lydia or whatever her name was who killed her parents could have been like,
Starting point is 01:27:05 whoa, that's a stretch. Like, no way. Whoa, whoa, whoa. In court. Like, excuse me. It's like, you may be spot on, but I think that was also a stretch. It may be precisely what my dying father yelled out. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:27:17 Objection. Yeah. Are you a yoga teacher? Yep. So then there's Balint Sordas, the second in command of the angel makers and she fed a deadly dose to a few of her children because they were too many mouths to feed oh no so just that it's just becoming any inconvenience it's rampant it's like when people just don't know what else to do or where else to turn um and then rosalie sebastian and rose Hoiba murdered their husbands because the men bored them.
Starting point is 01:27:47 So, yeah. That one I understand. And then the last one is Maria Sendi, who poisoned her husband because he always had his way, quote unquote. I don't know what that means. That could mean the worst of what that could mean or that could just mean like oh he always wanted things his way it could mean either one i don't know but but yikes yeah so fast forward to 1929 again and the police are finally hearing about all this and they're getting this information from the priest and they decide it's their mission to make as we've all wanted for so long make nagariv safe for men again right we've always
Starting point is 01:28:27 wanted let's make finally safe for men let's protect the men finally like since when since when is there anyone doing that for women but whatever okay uh hey you know what i i'm on it this time around i feel like that poor town needs the help for once yeah let's we got to save them we got to help them out yeah so with the heavy police presence around uh nagarive who are questioning women at every possibility uh one woman called mrs sabo admitted to poisoning her husband and brother and revealed that suzanna and suzy were the ringleader so she just like outed them right away all three women were taken into custody to be questioned but mrs sabo claimed that the police had bullied her into confessing and retracted what she had said uh and suzanna
Starting point is 01:29:12 and suzy proclaimed their innocence and fortunately when the police went to search their houses they couldn't find anything incriminating so they had to release them but suzy was a bit nervous that the police were clearly on to them so she started going from house to house of her fellow angels to warn them about this investigation and say don't say anything to the police but unfortunately for her the police were watching her do this and were like okay so another one lives at 102 blank street uh and so they she basically led them to all of the different angel makers oh silly suzy silly suzy by mistake uh so police noted the addresses and names of every house she visited um and then ballant sortis who i mentioned earlier went to budapest to ask a chemist if hypothetically you poison someone with fully hypothetical arsenic it can't
Starting point is 01:30:10 be traced right that's what susanna said and the chemist was like of course it can arsenic actually can be traced in a victim's hair and nails for a very long time after the person has died oh my god can you imagine the heart dropping from that heart sinking like should we get a second opinion yeah it's true uh it's too late girl you just poisoned a whole town girl you're gonna be caught so this news sent the angels into a full-on panic because this whole time susanna was telling them you can't trace it there's no way anyone can find out or accuse you you know or i mean they can accuse you but they can't uh charge or convict you there's no proof right uh and that was not true so the police uh so the the police were like I know what
Starting point is 01:30:59 we'll do we'll exhume the bodies to of the victims to make sure and check but interestingly um they got to dig up all of the bodies so they got there to exhume the bodies to check for arsenic right well they were surprised to see a group of women were already at the graveyard i was gonna say did they did they all find the bodies before the cops did no so yeah you think oh they're already taking the bodies out no no they're not taking out the bodies they are moving tombstones around oh my god switching the names honestly that's such an easier fix i would be the dumbass with a spoon trying to dig the grave and the smart person is like just switch around the gravestones. There's someone being like, work smarter, not harder. Honestly, right?
Starting point is 01:31:48 Like that's, it's pretty fucking, I mean, it's fucked up, but it's genius. So yeah, they're basically moving the headstones around so that they didn't coincide with the correct body. But unfortunately for them, the police show up right when this is happening and blow their whistles in the dead of night. And the whole town wakes up. They're like, stop in your tracks. And they were all arrested, everybody there. A total of 50 buried bodies were inspected. They actually turned the cemetery into a morgue.
Starting point is 01:32:18 I'm picturing, like, Zach Bagans' tent from REI. They're just like a giant tent from rei putting over putting over the whole graveyard um and local doctors and lab assistants were there to investigate the corpses um and it turns out 46 of the 50 bodies tested positive for arsenic so oh my god all of them what year was this again? Sorry. This was 1926, 1929. Wow. I'm sorry. Wow. Yeah. And this had been going on for a while. So let's see. So from, so among the bodies from, it was everything from older men to young women to children. So their rules had gone out the window they're like rules of only men
Starting point is 01:33:05 only for women who are trapped in these marriages like the initial kind of noble plan of this angel maker group had gone out the window now there were children now there were women all sorts of people had been poisoned um so with all this evidence this is when we get back to the beginning of 80 widows being arrested and the ogden examiner reported that with this evidence, this is when we get back to the beginning of 80 widows being arrested. And the Ogden Examiner reported that with this evidence, they first went to the home of Susanna, who had not been at the cemetery. She saw them come into her house. She looked wildly around for a chance to escape. And there was none. But on the table, there was a bottle containing her famous arsenic solution.
Starting point is 01:33:44 Chug, chic solution chug chug chug so and this was intended for another unwanted husband that she was going to give it away later that day but the woman uh seized it poured it down her throat and began screaming her death was as agonizing as those of her victims and then the authorities checked up on additional rumors on records that uh were kept in susan uh susanna's room and within a short time 100 widows were arrested because she had records of all the people who had been her customers oh my god and they were all charged with murdering their husbands and some of them were even accused of poisoning their fathers and brothers and other family members um the trial was bonkers it was revealed that though 40 corpses were exhumed with arsenic it was believed the angel makers were responsible
Starting point is 01:34:35 for between 100 to 300 deaths but it couldn't be proven how many god and in a town of 800 people yeah but i assume some of those were probably, because I know that they were mentioning like, oh, she wanted a sister-in-law. But yes, it is a very small town. So presumably most of these people are from this town itself. So like about 200 of 800 people? Are just being murdered mysteriously. Wow. How is this not a more famous case?
Starting point is 01:35:03 That's what I'm wondering. I don't have any idea. murdered are you this really sounds like a wild movie or something you could make you know how like i want to know the science of like how did the economy tank like what happened like where did everything really wild i have no idea and i i want yeah i wonder i know there is a documentary called the angel makers and I haven't gotten to watch it yet. So I'll watch it and see. I would love to know more about like what happened to the town itself when a quarter of its people were missing. Yeah. And you know, what's interesting is like, you know, they said that the quote unquote peasants of the town thought she had like sorcery, like magic powers, which.
Starting point is 01:35:43 Well, sure. Would explain why you wouldn't know what else to do. Like, if you don't know she has arsenic from flypaper, you just think she's killing people magically. Like, you're not about to mess with that. Like, you don't want to get in her way. Scary. So yeah, the judge asked Rose Gleba, one of the widows, whether she knew the Ten Commandments. this is classic courtroom scenario i guess uh to which she responded that she didn't the judge then said do you know the commandment thou shalt not kill to which rose responded i never heard of it news to me
Starting point is 01:36:18 oh really well if i'd have known um also women who were called to testify against Susie seemed genuinely terrified of her. They said to the jury her eyes glowed ruby red at night and that she kept poisonous snakes and lizards that she trained to climb into the beds of those who might betray her.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Everyone's terrified of this woman, thinking she has powers. She clearly runs this whole town. Everyone knew that she was doing it right yeah they all knew she was kind of the head honcho um i wonder if the guy i wonder if the guy who was selling flypaper knew how like how locked in his job was like he wasn't getting killed oh yeah they need him unless they want to get rid of the middleman and get their own flypaper i don't know. I don't know.
Starting point is 01:37:05 I don't know. He's a cog in this machine. You would think he would have gone to the police and been like, okay, but she's getting stacks of flypaper. What's going on? What's going on? You'd think, except then he's probably a millionaire because he's selling so much goddamn flypaper. Right. He was like, you help me, I help you.
Starting point is 01:37:23 I'm making bank over here. Yeah. so much goddamn fly paper right he was like you help me i help you i'm making bank over here yeah uh so on top of all this lydia ola who's suzy's sister at one point cried out we are not assassins we did not stab our husbands we did not hang them or drown them either they died from poison and this was a pleasant death for them whoa which like obviously it wasn't true not true all right they were all like screaming in agony yeah exactly susanna literally experienced it herself this is not a pleasant death also you can't be like we're not a murderer we killed him really nicely it's like that right okay works bud um sorry i was also going to say no i i'm just jumping in too many times sorry no no that's the point i was gonna
Starting point is 01:38:06 say too going back to like i wonder like what happened to the economy but also when like if this is in the 20s like this was a time when like women weren't working or couldn't have their own bank accounts or like like how were they surviving once the guy was dead i mean i think it's just a yeah i don't know i mean i think it's just a very impoverished town to begin with, too. So I don't know. I know that one of the reasons that this happened was because there was so much poverty and people were unable to care for their large numbers of children and people were having unwanted pregnancies. I honestly, I don't know. That's a good question. I should still watch that documentary. I've not watched it yet. I gotta watch it, too. That's a good question. I should still watch that documentary. I've not watched it yet. I should watch it. I've got to watch it too. I've got so many questions. We've got to get on that Discovery Plus.
Starting point is 01:38:48 I don't think it's on there, but I'll find out. Okay. So in total, eight of the Angel Makers were given the death penalty, 12 were sentenced to prison, and seven received life sentences at the end of all of it. A woman called Maria Gania spoke to the BBC in 2004. at the end of all of it, a woman called Maria Gagne spoke to the BBC in 2004. She was a child when the Angel Makers were operating in Nagareeve. So she was alive during this time and actually remembered it. Wow. And so Maria told the BBC in 2004, she was now 83 years old, but she told them,
Starting point is 01:39:22 rather bemused, that the men's behavior toward women and toward their wives improved markedly after the spate of poisonings well i should hope so that's the end of the story of the angel makers of nagarif oh my god what a i mean first of all horrific story but also like so mind blowing. I feel like that's wild. I feel like it's like an onion article. Like it doesn't even seem real. Right. I'm going to text you a picture of some of the women that were involved in this just to kind of see like this is how long ago it was.
Starting point is 01:39:59 Oh, look at them. They're not fucking around. They look... Who is the homeboy to the left? Oh, I didn't even see him. They are pretty scary looking. They are not screwing around. I also just as like an American who's been socialized that smiling is everything.
Starting point is 01:40:21 Anytime someone's just simply not smiling, I get scared of them. But you know what? They do also look like they mean business and that's terrifying oh yes oh yes um there's some wild photos in here that i think we should share on the instagram because there's uh a a there are photos of them digging up the graves there's photos of the women on trial um just some fascinating stuff so clearly this was a media spectacle back then even if we don't know much about it today so oh my god wow i'm so i think that's one of my favorite stories you've covered really yeah it's just it's so it's like one big it's not so fun fact like it was just like right it's like one of those things you see uh on an instagram post and you're like uh i don't know if i trust that like a wtf fact or something
Starting point is 01:41:11 you know that you're like it feels like a like a a very quick blurb of a facebook meme i'd find from my uncle's facebook or something and then you're like you should really check your sources before you just post it it feels it feels just so like it's not it's not your everyday murder i guess but like i don't want to like you know glamorize it as something you know different in a good way but it's just like it's so it was an original piece it is and it's pretty wild like you said that we just don't know about it you know i feel like everyone should know about it oh my god i can't wait to go what's the documentary called again on discovery it's called the angel makers i believe let me make sure i think it's on netflix or maybe it's not that blows my mind i feel like i i'm
Starting point is 01:41:58 gonna be thinking about it all day it's fascinating um yeah so it's a apparently a short documentary. I don't know where to watch it, but I feel like I really think I'm going to like hyper fixing on this one, Christine. Okay. Kind of a compliment in a way. Like, I really want to know, like, how did the whole town survive after something like that? Or like, where did they end up? What happened?
Starting point is 01:42:21 Yeah. I'm curious, too. My gosh. And also, like, let's not like skirt over like how fucking traumatized the men must be in that town like the ones that survived like yeah can you imagine like it feels like i mean just at every moment it's like i i could be next it's and you don't know like where it's coming from or how people are dying because you don't know about that i mean it must be scary and then when and
Starting point is 01:42:45 then when kids also started dying too and everything then it was like no one's fucking safe you know it's like one thing to have like the abusive men being killed off which you know is its own story but yeah when it's like oh no anybody anybody can be fair game is like oh yeah Oh, yeah. Yeah. So. God. Anyway. What a very interesting story, Christine. Oh, indeed. But that's all I got for you today. I also appreciate that you had, in your little audience over there, you had Krampus and Squidward. I do. I made sure they were propped up for today.
Starting point is 01:43:22 I think the last couple episodes you've been recording at your desk instead of your chair i haven't gotten a good close-up of them in a while i thought i think you mean my fainting couch i'm back in my fainting couch is what it is finally finally well thank you for that story we are when does this come out it's probably not for a while i don't know a couple weeks we're trying to record ahead for our tour so i think a couple weeks all right well i'll see you in a couple weeks folks i don't know where we'll be or what you're doing or what i'm doing but oh did oh no you just text eva says march 27th this comes out all righty march 27th oh it will have just been eva's birthday a while ago oh it will have just been eva's birthday a while ago. Oh, it will have just been Eva's birthday. A while ago, now that I'm realizing it.
Starting point is 01:44:08 So happy belated to Eva. And what else is going on March 27th? I haven't done this in real life, Christine, but by the time this comes out, I probably have. March 27th is very close to our show in Canada. It's only a month away, which means I'm now probably in the planning stage of what I'm going to be doing in Canada. Oh, gosh. Talk about hyper fixating.
Starting point is 01:44:30 It's going to take a whole month, my friend. Oh, boy. Anyway, I will see you in Canada in a month, everybody. And that's it for me. Can't wait. And that's why we drink.

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